#which are bigger than me and let me just say i aint going to sit back and let u plant evidence on me
mightywhite · 6 months
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luffyvace · 6 months
HIIII hru !!! may i please ask for some feitan fluffs hcs 😩 i love this tiny man with all my soul
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(omg this reminds me i’m supposed to be doing the whole troupe and chuuya x male reader- i’m so all over the place but the point is another dabble of feitan hcs will be here in the future! 😋)
also ooc/fanon him since this is fluff :)
tw: death…and torture (i use “unalive” instead of d!e/k!ll)
alrighty so you said fluff headcanons and it’s highly likely you’ll get fluffy feitan if you’ve known each other for a long time (since meteor)
i’m going to dabble in reader that is both in and outside of the troupe because i can :)
so for reader that’s in the troupe first of all no pda
hardly any weakness was displayed besides sadness/anger or mourning (and some funny moments)
theres no need for cuddles during business
unless your like uvo and simply don’t care
then it annoys the crap out of him <3
it’s not like he doesn’t want your affection—just not in public
will cuddle you in private tho
y’all usually sit there in silence or read together
he can be a little spoon or big spoon it doesn’t bother him
he tries his best but he’s never let anyone else so close to him before
if you introduce something to him and he likes it he’ll do it back
because why would you do it to him if you wouldn’t want it done to you right?
im gonna assume you have either a apartment which you unalived the owner of or y’all live in meteor still
he’ll let you choose really he doesn’t care where you stay
he’d even unalive a high status person to steal their mansion if that’s what you want
your obviously strong and have some sort of nen if your in the troupe so he doesn’t bother worrying
although if your like kortopi he’ll stay vigilant for you
even though you can use nen to defend yourself as well
btw if your not a pda person the troupe is grateful
aint no body wanna see allat-
he doesn’t know how to cook or clean and since your both from meteor so i hope you learn or already know how
otherwise y’all eat what y’all can when y’all can
whether you steal a five star gourmet meal or just wait for the next opportunity like a vending machine
i don’t advise you ask for a pet by the way
he’ll tortu£ it and i’m not talking about strapping it down or anything
just purely scarring them 😭
if you be firm about him stopping he will
unless it’s a big scary dog or smth
then he’s more likely to take em under his wing and train them to be vicious
will scare people with said animal
for stay at home reader…. (most of these also apply for troupe reader<3)
i say stay at home bc with his portion of money you could buy anything you want
if you tell him what you want u can get it for free cuz he steals it
if you want to take a bath together it would take more than a god to convince him
seriously he sees no reason in it
once you do tho
at first he is on one end of the tub and your on the other
as time goes on he’ll let you lean back into his chest as he scrubs your hair
he lets you play in his hair
don’t tell ANYONE
he don’t like vulnerability so if you tell someone he won’t do it for like 2 weeks
you think he’s never gonna do it again until you crawl into his lap while he’s reading on the bed and ask really sweetly
he’s all yours after that
and yes he lets you play with it :)
you get to put it into all types of styles!!
especially since it’s a decent length!
not really interested in playing in your hair
he tries but the rubber band always ends up tangled in your hair
if you kiss him goodnight he will start to initiate it as well
thats one thing he will forever reciprocate
loves your humor
no matter the type
but he especially loves when you laugh at his dark jokes
youve seen him smile before 💖
warms your heart knowing no one else gets this side of him
not judgmental of your looks for obvious reasons
yall got bigger problems
dismisses anytime you degrade yourself
he be speaking facts
”the way your hair looks gonna unalive you?”
”your pimples will st^b you while sleeping?”
no? you goofy goober so why does it matter
don’t argue him on this
genuinely doesn’t like the idea of you being hurt
by him or someone else
dont expect anyone who does harm to you to see the tomorrow sun
even if you plead for them don’t waste your breath pleading you need to be saying goodbye
real loyal partner
as loyal to you as he is the troupe
you and the troupe are his forever commitments
no matter what he could never stop loving you
you guys practically never argue
hes not necessarily hotheaded but will say what’s on his mind and if someone disagrees he does it anyway
thing is he compensates with you💗
if he knows your nitpicking he ignores it but if it’s genuinely something you don’t like he won’t fight it
also he cleans up well if you don’t like to see blood/gore in your place after he’s done t•rturing someone
he respects and listens to your opinions and feelings
would love if your a sadistic person as well but he understands if your not
also if your not in the troupe he teaches you nen
only the troupe knows your together and where you stay for your safety
your safety is definitely on his priority list
truly cares about and loves you
enjoy!!!! i’ll prob come back and read my own hcs bc I LOVE HIM
thank you for this request i loved writing every letter of it♡
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whatsnothappening · 1 year
I was asked to be his valentine today
As ive said before, i am married. I love this man with all of my heart. We are very newly married but i feel like i have been married to him for years. Now we are just legal. (said that already i know lol) But today he asked me to be his valentine. Something so simple, and it gave me butterflies. I had been joking with him the past couple of days about him asking me, it was an honest joke. I had been seeing on tik tok, facebook etc. of all these girls saying that if their husbands dont ask them to be their valentine then they're not even married lol. But he made sure to ask me, to me i feel that is so sweet. Even with something so simple he made sure to make it happen for me. He knows i dont really care for these hallmark holidays. They're just created and made a big deal for money. We can make any day of the year our valentines day. Valentines day is just the one day of the year where couples are pressured into buying the other something when they need nothing, flowers are brought home to die, disgusting valentines day chocolates are bought to be thrown away and its a day for people who are lonely and single to wonder why they dont have a special someone. (you dont need one, girl/boy live you're life and love your self.. valentines day aint shit.)  I cant stand it. But now i sit here, a hypocrite because i am excited that i was asked to be his valentine. Something that he probably thought i was kidding but wasn't sure and wanted to make sure he was doing right by me and asked me. I find it extremely sweet and it just makes me fall in love with him even more. I am currently in the mindset where i am just at a understanding that not every relationship is perfect and never will be. Everyone will have their ups and downs. I just hate our current negative. This is so uncomfortable to say, but i need his physical touch. I need the warmth of his hands on me. I need him. We havent been able to be intimate in so long because he blames it on his testosterone. Which could be true... but, there is a very big back story to this (i am already preparing myself for the rambling im about to do to try and explain this story) that leads me to believe that it isn't entirely the testosterone. Now, he has been told by doctors that it could be the fact that he is over weight. but we both are.... So why is it that i can beg for him and he never is in the mood. So let me go back a few years. Even before we even got engaged. We have been dealing with this for a long long while. Before our relationship lacked lust we were constantly in each others pants. There was a time together that we weren't at least feeling each other up. I could not keep my hands off of him and he couldn't me. Until all of a sudden it stopped. i mean it just stopped. It wasn't like how you see in movies or dramatic shows where you see random pans of the guy making a move and the girl pretends she's tired/ has her period/ has a head ache. Or where the husband just explains he cant because hes too tired but secretly he has had someone on the side and he literally is drained out. (which i hate that they always play that way, because that could go either way... girls are players too.... aside from the period part.. men cant fake that lol) Now, i am not in any means accusing him of cheating. we have been dealing with this issue for years. i would not have married a man i suspect of cheating. Believe me or not, im sure i sound like every other girl... but the man would never. i know he is in it for the long haul. I think the problem is me. and it isn't that i dont want him. i fucking want him, everyday like i have every day since ive met him. i am absolutely infatuated with the man. but i am not what i was when he first met me. I was thin, i was in shape. I was flexible. now my face is unrecognizable, my body is bigger than it ever was before. i am not desirable anymore. i am not what he finds attractive today. he tells me im beautiful every time i cry to him on why he wont touch me or make love to me anymore. and he tells me how sorry he is. he tells me he will go to the doctor. he promises me that he still loves me and wants me everyday but his body wont let him. he says he tries to get himself in the mood because his mind wants it but his body wont...get up and go. So, if his doctors has told him that considering he is over weight.. and that he has never been able to grow facial hair or whatever else they've told him i would say okay, yes this hurts but it is his testosterone. it has to be. Well my issue is... when his body does work is when we are with other people... we are open. i trust him. i know that even if he is with another women he will come back with me. now we never go off on our own with other people. we just like group activities. at first i wasn't about it because i had never tried anything like that before. i had always thought about it. but i always thought my first time would be with friends or randoms from a bar or whatever. not with the man im going to marry, but i honestly am happy that it went this way because we have been safe about it and he keeps me feeling comfortable and confident during everything. if i still was in shape i dont think i would have much issues with confidence, but with the body i have now...im not used to her. i dont want to be, im trying to get back to being comfortable and healthy but thats a whole other story. so back to when we first started talking about it, i enjoyed talking about it. a lot. it was so fucking hot. it was like we were back to the beginning everything was so fucking fresh and exciting. i loved talking about it. then it fucking lit his flame again. i was full again. i had no issues. everything was perfect again, until i realized that every time we were making love the main topic was having a threesome or having an orgy. He would start everything off with that. He would bring up a scenario and pick my brain about it and then start telling me how sexy he thinks it would be to watch me doing whatever we were talking about with another girl.... i started to freak out, i was panicking. Sex with him started to become empty, i was just going through the motions for a while. until i broke. i told him that we needed to break up because i couldn't offer him what he truly wanted and that i would never make him happy. he was extremely quick to shut that down. he said that a threesome or anything like that meant nothing to him if it meant losing me and that he never wanted to talk about it again. the first time that happened i think we had sex just a few times after that and then we were back to nothing. going to bed sometimes giving a peck and saying goodnight. i dont remember how it was brought up again but it was and i told him i needed time to think about it, we talked about it and went through the motions again and i chickened out. because it felt like the first time. we went back and forth with this for a while. well i think i started to tell myself that i was being ridiculous and that i needed to get out of my head and realize that we both are kinky and we just like sex and obviously something so new would get anyone excited. so i agreed to it. the first time was absolutely horrible. the people that we did it with where absolutely fucking psychotic. needless to say we no longer talk to them. they tried making it seem like we were in a relationship. the next couple of times where amazing. well we stopped doing them because well... life happened and we just had to buckle down and we were trying to plan our wedding. oh yea btw somewhere in this time frame we got engaged. well, i have noticed that ever since we stopped with the group shit we are back to this roommate shit. i mean thats how i feel. i just have a roommate that i now share a bank account with? i mean... am i an idiot for marrying a guy that doesn't want me? i kept saying its a coincidence that his dick just works only when we are talking about sex and having group sex but if he doesn't want me then why would he marry me? why would he even ask me? because we were having these issues before he even proposed.. So what is all of this for. its not a fucking coincidence. im sorry, but it isn't. he no longer is attracted to me. i dont know if he just doesn't realize it or if he is afraid to admit it. but i know thats what it is. i just dont know how to fix it. because the thing is... i am back in the gym i am trying to watch my portion control and just make smarter and healthier choices but it is so annoying because i want to make sure i am doing this for myself and not so he will fuck me.... i want to be happy, i want to be healthy, i want to feel good. i am not going to the gym just so i can get some fucking dick from my husband. i mean god damnitl... who knows if i will even get dick if i lose all this weight (wait not if WHEN i lose all this fuckin weight) because when i do i am probably going to have saggy deflated tits and loose skin everywhere... hed probably prefer me fat. god, imagine if i was going through this after having a child with him. would this make me resent my child? i mean this shit genuinely scares me. it makes your head go through dark shit. do i just confront him and tell him that he needs to really think about it and own up to the shit? or am i just putting thoughts into his head? I literally have no clue... i think my issue with thinking this way is that we have been dealing with this for so fucking long and he has promised to go to the doctor for it but he has yet to do it. and im tired of hearing fucking excuses... it has been years that we have been dealing with this. enough is enough. i guess i can tell him and be honest and explain to him what has been going through my head and tell him that if he doesn't buck up and go to the doctor and i dont see some fucking results then that proves me right. because if it genuinely was his body and he is as broken as he says he is then why the fuck hasn't he taken care of it yet. i mean jesus christ.... anytime he does joke around and get the tiniest bit touchy i am uncomfortable and literally have to tell him to stop because its not normal to me. i havent had his normally constant handsy shit so now im just.... not used to it. what? am i supposed to just be ready to spread my legs when ever hes horny? and thats another thing... he told me “you have to keep in mind, if i ever get touchy dont think that means i automatically want to have sex. im just messing around” WELL, we havent fucked in god knows how long so my bad for hoping that you man handling my tits OUT OF FUCKING NO WHERE makes me hope and prey that i might feel physically connected to you finally.... i hate this... i just want to get back to normal. we have other negatives too... those are soo fucking minor, like the most microscopic little disagreements.... why cant those be our big issues. i feel like i am just married to a friend. not a lover, not a husband. what did i do wrong? he gained weight too! its not just me... i still love him and want him with every inch hes gained. i still think he just as handsome if anything more handsome than ever because we watched each other mature and find our selves over the years. why is it like this? i think i need to just talk to him. he needs to understand that this shit needs to stop and change before this shit goes south. im sorry but i cant handle this for much longer. having sex with him isnt just sex. i feel connected... i feel safe... i feel loved. i miss that so much...
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misora-msby · 4 years
embarrassing moments with inarizaki
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inarizaki always looks so cool but you know they’re actually dorks and i am here to provide you the content to show theyre clowns. enjoy the headcanons :)
Kita Shinsuke
firstly. kita shinsuke being embarrased? making a mistake? unheard of.
he’s a perfect man and we all know it.
you two were having a nice dinner out together. 
it was a pretty fancy place so you decided to dress in a different style today
but you were beginning to wonder if kita liked it or not because he seemed to keep looking past your shoulder instead of at you
he was an observant guy so you were wondering if something had happened behind you
but you couldn’t hear anything weird so you assumed not
you decided to just stay quiet about it at first but now it was beginning to become annoying! 
why wasn’t he looking you in the eye to speak?
midway through your dinner, kita finally spoke up tho
“y/n, your shirt is slipping... yer bra’s showing.”
right. you were wearing your off-shoulder top.
“o-oh. shin, it’s that kind of shirt, you know?” you had to explain your outfit to ur bf with a pink face.
“oh... that so... well it’s cold these days so if yer feelin’ cold lemme know. i’ll give ya my jacket.”
Ojiro Aran
another man with next to no flaws.
but nature says everyone has to make some mistake.
so it was a regular school day, our aran has just come to class from morning practice and there’s still some time left until class starts.
all the girls in class are gathered around a table
he’s not sure why, it’s probably watching an idol video
but ur man wants to be a little romantic!!
plus he just showered so he smells Great uwu
he goes over and hugs you from behind, placing his chin on ur head.
“hey, bb whatcha ya doin”
all the girls gasp.
he doesn’t get whats wrong, it’s not like it’s a secret y’all are dating
pda to this level aint bad either
especially compared to his teammate miya atsumu
“ojiro aran.”
why is your voice behind him
he looks down and nearly faints when he sees he hugged the wrong girl.
to be fair she looked a lot like you from behind, just maybe 1cm shorter.
“i’m so sorry!” he keeps apologising to literally everyone and all the class is giggling bc they never seen their school’s ace so red before.
“didn’t think i’d come back from the toilet and see my bf cheatin”
hes so funny i swear
the volleyball team hears of it and it gets even better 
Miya Atsumu
it’s not a secret that miya atsumu, setter of the inarizaki volleyball team and invited to national youth training camp, had a gf
he was very much in love with u 
the whole class knew it because he’d show it off whenever he could too
so here comes valentines day
last year he received like... 50 different gifts from girls and guys aiming to win his love.
you didnt even give him one lmAOOOOO 
but this year, he had been not so subtly trying to hint that “i better not receive any chocolates this year when i’ve got a gf!”
he reaches school and plops into his seat.
there’s an anonymous box of chocolates with “please accept my love, miya-kun! <3″ on it
“the hell’s this?!”
“oh? chocolates?” - osamu who just popped his head into the class to shove into his twin’s face how much chocolate he got.
especially since the blond was off limits, the grey-haired twin had a bigger following now.
“do they not know i have a girlfriend...”
“well, ya might as well eat it. ya dont know who to return it to.”
“that’s like receivin’ their love!”
“no it ain’t. it’s just food.”
atsumu couldn’t argue with that and popped a piece in.
it was very delicious. the chocolate practically melted on his tongue and was the perfect sweetness and was filled with a delicious ganache too.
it was perfect
but he couldn’t accept this!
“it ain’t even good. too sweet and the filling’s sticky.”
“ah. really? is that what you think, tsumu?” you ask from the door where you had been watching the exchange take place.
“y/n! look at this! some weirdo gave me some choco and like... samu said to test it but i’ll toss it out, promise.”
“tsumu, i made that... i wrote it anonymously because i thought you’d know it was me and i wanted to tease you a little.”
osamu: “yeah actually i went over to her place to teach her how to make it.”
atsumu: “you said you went to suna’s place?!”
osamu: “i went there later but i first went to help her.”
you: “anyways if it’s not good i don’t mind if you toss it out...”
you: “you just said-”
“you’re always so honest though... are you sure?” you were having your fun teasing him now.
he still cringes at the memory 4 years into ur marriage
Miya Osamu
osamu would DEFINITELY make home made dinner dates a regular thing.
this alone shows he’s the better twin - miya atsumu stan
he loves cooking and eating with you so sometimes when he’s got a day off you guys’ll set aside the afternoon to make a real nice dinner
imagine candlelit dinner with miya dorito body osamu in a suit
of course some fun stuff happens after too ;)))
and today’s your third anniversary!!
so osamu adds lots of ‘natural aphrodisiacs’ to the meal
i’m talkin
garlic bread and soup for an appetiser, a nice juicy steak with garlic and red wine sauce for the main, and chocolate coated strawberries for dessert
mm yummy
you two cleaned your plates completely (it was very delicious) and as you were washing the dishes, osamu comes up behind and wraps his arms around your waist
“yes, ‘samu?” 
“i’ve already prepared us a nice bath with yer favourite scents.” he’s got his head resting on ur chin
“really? thank you~ i’ll be there in a bit”
but he doesn’t let go of you while you’re still scrubbing at the baking sheets.
“osamu, you can let go for now.”
“don’t feel like it.”
“i gotta wash the dishes since you did most of the cooking.”
“mmm, i’ll do it if ya gimme a kiss.”
you roll ur eyes bc what a cutie 
u turn ur head to give him a kiss but suddenly he 
he burps
that garlicy wine smell is just kinda there
“ew! ‘samu!!”
his face is real red but he’s also trying not to laugh because he’s still a dude and this is absolutely hilarious to him
“want another?” he starts teasing
“i’m not getting in the bath with you.”
“wait wait wait i’m sorry, i’ll go brush my teeth and give you a proper kiss”
Suna Rintarou
you two were taking the train home today
it was quite late due to practice going a little longer than usual, so he insisted he walked you back home today.
sunarin can be a good boyf sometimes ok
it was getting a little crowded on the train tho, since people were heading home or going out for dinner
luckily you had already grabbed seats so you were quite comfortable sitting side by side. 
you and suna have the type of relationship were you dont have to talk all the time
silence is v comfy.
he’s just scrolling through twitter on his phone while you’re looking around the car, lost in ur thoughts
suddenly you notice an old lady standing a little bit away from you and you stand up
“baa-san, please take my seat.” you whisper in the crowded carriage
“oh how kind of you. thank you, dearie.” she smiles and takes your seat while you stand in front of her and suna instead.
suna doesn’t realise this exchange has happened tho
(he’s on his phone as usual)
probably starting some fights on twitter
he decides to try to be a little romantic and pretends to stretch his arm around (who he thought was) you.
why is your voice right in front of him?
“young man, i appreciate it but i’m married.”
suna jumps as he sees someone he did not recognise next to him.
he looks up and notices you had moved.
you’re giggling
the granny’s giggling
atsumu and osamu sitting opposite on the carriage look like they’re going to cry because they’re trying not to laugh
“i was just stretching. really.” he mumbles and crosses his arms, face red as a tomato
he’s so embarrassed.
Ginjima Hitoshi
sometimes the inarizaki vbc would go for an after practice snack at the nearby family mart
they were really hungry after an intense preparation for nationals which was in two weeks so kita insisted they all get something to fill them up on the way home
but lucky lucky ginjima hhehe
you (his classmate who he had a crush on) were working at the cash register today.
“welcome!” you greet everyone as they enter
he cant help but stiffen up a bit 
why are u so cute and cheery today
the 2nd years already know what to do.
“heyy, i think last week i bought ya that ramen right? ya owe me my konbini snacks today!” - atsumu
“yeah. you lost a bet to me last week so u gotta pay up. a pack of jelly fruit sticks please.” - suna
“forgot my money today, mind payin’ for my snacks too?” - osamu
“like hell i’m paying for all of you. especially you, osamu. you eat too much all the time.” 
aran’s noticed what’s going on,
“hey, if it’s just for today you can do it right? if ‘samu don’t pay ya back tomorrow i’ll nag him ‘til he does.” 
“fine...” his basket is full when he goes to the counter.
he’s trying his best not to have a red face while watching u scan the items, ur hair swaying slightly as u look back and forth between the objects and the screen.
“alright. 4,890 yen please!” GOD he hated how expensive it was, that’s almost all his weekly allowance but bc it’s u and ur voice saying it it’s kinda ok
“mm, ok.” he still has his eyes on you while he takes out his wallet and puts it on the counter.
his wallet, not the money
“...” “...”
“excuse me, sir. this is...”
he almost slaps his face wtf he’s so embarrassed.
“s-sorry. just a little absent minded after practice.” he starts pulling out his cash.
“it’s fine! i know how hard you guys practice!” you smile while performing the rest of the transaction and pass him his big bag of goods. “good luck for nationals, ginjima-kun!”
he almost runs out of the store and is about to fight the rest of the 2nd years for watching and (suna) recording
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ickymichi · 3 years
<3 includes: oikawa toru, iwaizumi hajime, hanamaki takahiro, matsukawa issei.
<3 warnings: nsfw, a lot of dick talk,pube talk 😭i’m already laughing, describing peens, me being hrnknee for seijoh nothing new, me not being able to be serious
<3 things to know: as always, set in the timeskip! minors pls dni!
<3 a/n: ...i thought of this at 4:38am don’t say anything.this is just me being silly yuh. but, hope you enjoy my dears! reblogs are greatly appreciated <3
© all contents belongs to k1ttykawa 2021. please do not repost/modify on this or any other platform.
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♡ it’s gonna be hard for me to keep serious but i’ll try 😭
♡ anyway staring off with resident pretty boy which means, pretty boy pretty dick.
♡ definitely has more length then girth but he not a noodle. yk?
♡ got a slight curve to the right. definitely knows how to use his dick to get you wanting more.
♡ is circumcised.
♡ keeps is hair tidy and neat by trimming. went the full monty bald once and never again.
♡ over all yeah pretty dick to look at, wouldn’t mind having it down my throat. probably bout 6 inches ish.
♡ hehehe girthy dick for a girthy man.
♡ pls have you seen iwaizumi hajime(27) athletic trainer? mf got a whole third leg‼️
♡ but yeah definitely more girth than length this time.
♡ no curve 😐just standing up straight. but shit down matter mf still rocks your shit every time
♡ is circumcised
♡ definitely used to go a while without shaving or trimming but now he just had a change of mind and does it way more often.
♡ but yaah vv nice dique love it. i’d say neeeearly 6 just tethering on the edge with a nice girth. isn’t too happy bout ‘kawa being bigger.
♡ okay i know in all my hcs i always slander my mans but not today! only a little
♡ but makki is MY resident pretty boy so he also part of the pretty dick squad.
♡ definitely like oikawa, longer than thicker. hehe skinny dick
♡ curves to the left. he always thought his dick was broken till the boys told him it was normal
♡ his body hair is really fair everywhere so you can barely see it. but still trims it cause you don’t want a mouth full of pubes when you giving the good gawk gawk
♡ i definitely wouldn’t mind being face to face and choking on hiro’s dick any time of the week. maybe around 6 1/2 inches. definitely extremely happy to even be a little bigger than toru.
♡ i’m going off for my hubby.
♡ i just need to let this known before we begin. when they graduated they had a boys night to celebrate before oikawa and iwa left. this resulted in them all getting drunk and going into a room in pairs and flashing each other their dicks. makki went in with issei n he doesn’t know what he was expecting but it definitely wasn’t the fucking monster hanging between mfs legs. came out of the room with a shocked expression and told the others to ‘see for yourselves”. everyone had the same shocked expression that night
♡ but yes. biggest dick out of the four, out of all hq if i dare
♡ but doesn’t show off or be like yeah i’m hanging fuk you. is definitely quiet about it.
♡ which is why you were fucking speechless when he pulled it out for your guys first time. you literally are sitting there like 😟 and mf just like ...suprise ig.
♡ like you can tell he packing it with the undeniable bulge in every pair of trousers he wears.
♡ plsss mf wears sweatpants no boxers round the house just to get a reaction out of you.
♡ shit back to dique talk. yeah he’s hanging, got a third leg, huge balls blah blah stuff we been knew.
♡ but js mf definitely grows hair so fucking quick leaving him to have to trim at least twice a week.
♡ never went bald and never will. but never going back to a full bush. for your sake.
♡ doesn’t matter if mf doesn’t know how to use his dick.he does you still getting left unconscious.
♡ definitely had an incident where a chick nearly vommed on his dick if she didn’t pull off and run to the toilet.
♡ but overall, seggsy big man, seggsy big coque. 13 9 -10 inches and a girth to where your fingers aint meeting.
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wiypt-writes · 3 years
Riding On
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Ch 6: It’s A Nice Day For A White Wedding
Summary: It’s Jake’s wedding day and poor Fliss appears to be the only sober one in the Circle Of Truth…and then that all important question is answered. Is Baby Adler Pink or Blue? (Place your bets, please!)
Warnings: Bad Language words. SMUT (NSFW NO UNDER 18s!!) Also some pretty heavy anti-Trump ranting so if this offends anyone, sorry (but also not sorry… I think the guy is as much of a buffoon as Boris fcking Johnson)
Pairing: Frank Adler x Fliss Gallagher
A/N: Just so you know, I couldn’t decide whether to give them a boy or a girl…so I literally wrote both down on a piece of paper and picked. 
Disclaimer: This is a pure work of fiction and classified as 18+. Please respect this and do not read if you are underage. I do not own any characters in this series bar Fliss Gallagher and the other OCs. By reading beyond this point you understand and accept the terms of this disclaimer
Riding On Masterlist // Main Masterlist
Chapter 5 And I would answer all your wishes, if you asked me to. But if you deny me one of your kisses, don’t know what I’d do. So hold me close and say three words like you used to do. Dancing on the kitchen tiles, yes you make my life worthwhile, so I told you with a smile, it’s all about you.
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 Bonnie and Fliss stood in the small room at the side, the crowd of people milling around between there and the outside patio area whilst the main room was set up for the party following the conclusion of the sit down reception.
"It was a nice meal." Bonnie smiled.
"Yeah, really thoughtful of them to have the non-alcoholic wine available" Fliss smiled. “Felt nice to taste something that made me feel like an adult again.”
She looked around and her gaze settled on Frank who was leaning against the bar, his red tie long discarded, collar of his dress shirt undone. He caught her eye, flashed her a smile and then turned back to Greg continuing their conversation.
"He hasn't taken his eyes off you all day." Bonnie smiled as Fliss turned back to her. "It's cute"
Fliss smiled "You know he got me flowers yesterday. When I got back from work he had already left to come up here and when I called him to ask what they occasion was he said he just felt like it." She paused "I get the feeling he is still trying to make up for Vegas but he doesn't need to. We're good."
Bonnie grinned. "Did he tell you what he actually said to the girl?"
"I don't think he remembers" Fliss shook her head.
"Si does. Apparently he said, and I quote 'why the fuck would I want a Big Mac when I got a prime fillet steak waiting for me at home?’ “
Fliss blinked, and then let out a huge snort of laughter which attracted the attention of a few people around them. 
"How fucking rude" 
"She deserved it by refusing to back off the first time. Ho." Bonnie shrugged. 
"I don't mean that I mean him likening me to a piece of meat. Mind you, quite apt really..." she shrugged 
"How so?"
"He is constantly fucking horny." Fliss dropped her voice "Not that I particularly mind but the last week or so he's been really, really bad. Take Thursday for example. I woke up to him poking me in the back so he got a blowjob before we got up, then he fucked me on the couch that evening when Mary had gone to bed and then when I woke up to go to the loo at 2 am we did it again."
Bonnie sniggered "Maybe you're giving off some kind of sex pheromone because you’re pregnant."
"I know you're joking but..." Fliss shrugged "He’s always had a high sex drive but since I started really showing he has gotten so much worse. I think he has some kind of breeding kink."
"Must be so hard being you..." Bonnie said sarcastically "Nice man that buys you flowers and can't keep his hands off you...”
"He is the one finding it hard not me" Fliss grinned and at that Bonnie tipped her head back laughing.
Frank heard his girl’s laughter from where he was stood and watched as she tipped her head back, attracting the attention of a few of the guests with her loud cackles. His eyes scanned down her frame and back up again, lingering slightly on the gentle curve of her bump just visible under her dress as it hung over her lower body. Her hair was pulled back into an elegant knot at the base of her neck, a few strands hanging loose around her face and her eyes were lidded with a light dusting of rose gold powder, making her brown irises pop even more. The necklace he had bought her a while back hung around her neck, settling just above her cleavage which looked fucking amazing in that dress. 
The moment he had seen her earlier when she had arrived with Bonnie he’d felt the all too familiar stirring in his pants that he seemed to get every time he looked at her recently. His mouth had gone dry and he’d been totally ogling her, enough to cause Greg to slap him on his shoulder and tell him, jokingly, to stop being a pervert. 
Frank hadn't replied. He’d waited long enough to allow himself to open up to someone so they could see the entire shit show he was. He was happy, more than happy in fact. So as for being a pervert where Fliss was concerned? Well, he had no intentions of stopping at all. 
As he watched her now, aware he was once more staring at her, she tucked a piece of hair behind her ear and her hand went to her silver daisy pendant, gently twirling the silver chain in her fingers before she let go, pressing her hand over the pendant in the curve just above her breasts and that was it, he was done.
He wanted her, now.
Necking the short that Greg had passed him he patted his friend on his shoulder and told him he would be back shortly before striding over the room towards the two women. As he made his way over, dodging round a few people, he saw Fliss reached out and snatch Bonnie’s beer, taking a mouthful, letting out a groan of satisfaction. Bonnie’s eyes flew to him as he approached and he put a finger over his lips, telling her to be quiet.
“Pretty sure you ain’t supposed to have that…” Bonnie chastised, her eyes flicking back to Fliss as she took the bottle back.
“One mouthful won’t hurt.” Fliss replied, her shoulders rising in a shrug. “I always take a swig of Frank’s before I hand it to him…just don’t tell him.”
“Too late.” He leaned down and said in her ear, causing her to shriek slightly and jump as his hands settled on her hips, beard tickling her cheek and neck.
“Fuck! Fran, what you trying to do, send me into early labour?” she tilted her head to look over her shoulder at him before she glared at Bonnie “You could have warned me.”
Bonnie shrugged and grinned as she walked off. Fliss wrinkled her nose and turned in Frank’s arms, looking up at him sheepishly
“That was naughty.” he teased and she grinned a little.
“It was one mouthful…”
“I’m only teasing.” He smiled, dropping his mouth to hers in a sweet kiss and she sighed. He tasted of scotch and the cheesecake that they’d had for desert. “I told you before, one glass or one bottle won’t hurt if you want one.” “No, I don’t.” She shrugged “Just wanted a little taste that’s all.”
“Yeah well, now I want a taste of something.” “What are you talking about?”
“I want you.” He said, his mouth by her ear and he felt her still slightly, her breath hitching and he grinned, planting a soft kiss to the crook of her shoulder. He knew the effect those words had on her, being wanted as opposed to needed, it was a subtle difference, but one he knew meant something to her, and him for that matter.
“What, now?” She looked at him as he pulled away, glancing around the room before he looked back down at her.
“Right now.” He nodded.
“Are you serious?”
“Deadly.” He looked at her, “What’s the Ladies bathroom like?”
“You wanna do me in the ladies.” She deadpanned as he tugged her hand and pulled her away from the crowded foyer towards the bathroom.
“Yup.” He checked around once more to see if anyone was watching, before he opened the door and nudged her back gently with his hand so she entered the room in front of him.
“Wow, romantic, Frank.” Fliss said sarcastically as she arched an eyebrow, turning to face him.
“I’m being spontaneous.” His eyebrow arched as he backed into the cubicle, pulling her with him, reaching round to lock the stall door.
“There’s nothing spontaneous about you wanting to jump my bones” She looked up at him as her purse clattered to the floor, “You’re constantly after a bit at the moment.”
“Can you blame me Sweetheart?” he whined, looking down at her, his eye-line trained on her cleavage “You turn up…looking like that…been killing me sat next to you all afternoon. Frankie has needs.”
“My face is up here jackass!”
“I know.” he said, his gaze not moving “I was talking to Ben and Jerry.”
“Ben and Jerry.” Fliss scoffed “You named my boobs?”
“Only since they got bigger.” he grinned as his eyes moved back to hers
“Why Ben and Jerry?” she asked as his hands gripped at her hips.
“Because they’re delicious and soft like ice cream.”
Fliss snorted and he grinned at her, his eyes glazed slightly.
“You’re drunk” she stated.
“Nah ah, it’s hormones.” he said seriously.
“No.” Fliss laughed “I’m pretty sure you’re drunk. I saw you, Simon and Greg before, all necking from the hipflasks you each have in your pocket whilst they were taking the photos.” “Yeah, but.” Frank shook his head “I aint that drunk. Scouts honour.” “Like you were ever in the scouts.” she laughed, her hand brushing through his hair.
“Actually I was, you can ask the mothership.” he assured her “They kicked me out after 5 months thought. I made rude words out of a load of string that we were supposed to be using to mark out a flower bed at the old people’s home.”
Fliss let out a groan “Bean is gonna be a monster.”
“No they won’t” he shook his head “Gonna be sweet…” he placed a kiss to her lips. “…and gentle, just like their mamma bear.”
His hand moved to cup her cheek, fingers grazing her neck as he pressed his mouth to hers. The kiss quickly became heated and Frank pressed up against her, the door to the cubicle rattling slightly, neither of them paying it much attention. His other hand grabbed a fist full of her dress, and he was just hoisting the tulle layers up when the noise of voices hit their ear as the door to the bathroom opened. They both stopped dead, and Fliss bit her lip to stop herself from laughing as Frank grinned down at her, his finger flying to his lips as his shoulders shook with his silent sniggers. A few doors down the cubicle door opened and they waited for whoever it was to finish. Eventually the toilet flushed and the door unlocked, before the tap began to run.
“I’d hurry up you guys…” Bonnie spoke, amusement in her tone as Frank and Fliss looked at each other, “You’ve been gone 10 minutes already.” At that Fliss burst out giggling as Frank snorted and his face dropped to Fliss shoulder where he pressed a kiss to her skin, his lips sliding up to her neck, gently nipping beneath her ear, his hands fondling her breasts over her dress. She gave a low groan and he smirked against her skin.
“Still don’t wanna?” he teased and she shook her head.
“Fine, just…get on with it then you twat.” she mumbled into his ear and he looked at her, grinning.
“I love it when you swear in British baby.”
“I can talk dirty in British too…” she quipped.
Frank gave a groan, slanting his mouth on hers as he pulled her with him, her fingers undoing his belt and trousers, pushing them down with his boxers over his hips, before he sat down on the closed toilet, taking himself in his hand and pumping himself a few times until he was rock hard as she leaned down, kissing him.
“Turn round…” he said against her mouth and she did as she was told. His hands bunched her skirt up to her hips and she reached down to move it of the way as he grabbed her hips and pulled her down, shifting her underwear to one side. In a fluid moment she sank down onto him, both of them letting out soft moans as Frank’s arm circled her waist protectively around her bump as she tipped her head back against his shoulders, his hips moving upwards.
She ground down on him, rotating her hips and he let her set the pace, more than happy to simply sit there, holding her, trailing sloppy kisses over the exposed skin on her back. The hand that wasn’t round her waist moved up to the front of her dress, slipping inside the low plunge neck line to her bra-les breast, rolling her nipple softly causing her to shudder and push down on him further.
“Fuck, Lissy…” he groaned, his forehead pressing on her shoulder “Feel so good baby girl..”
Her response was a low pant of his name as her hips moved faster, snapping back and forth as she pushed down even further, seeking out the friction she desperately needed. Her head tilted and he caught her mouth in a sloppy kiss, swallowing another moan as she pushed down further, his hands pulling her onto his lap as he fucked up into her over and over.
It was dirty, quick and in his many times with women he wasn’t quite sure he’d fucked anyone in a bathroom before, certainly an alley way or two, a dark corner of parking lot too, but it didn’t matter either way as he was damned sure it wouldn’t have been as good as this, the woman who was carrying his baby, the woman he loved with all his heart bouncing on his lap as they both raced to their ends. As Fliss tightened down, her head rolling back, she parted her lips and let out a low keen as Frank’s hand gently moved upwards, his fingers caressing the font of her throat as he held her against him, turning her head towards his so he could catch her mouth in a filthy kiss as he pushed up for a final time and came with a grunt. They both sat still for a while before he gave a little hum as Fliss chuckled as his hands wrapped around her, resting on her bump.
“You’re a bad man.” she mumbled and he grinned, giving her a quick kiss.
“Yeah but I’m your bad man.”
With a snort Fliss stood up and Frank rearranged himself, standing up and pulling up his pants. With another soft kiss Fliss told him to go out ahead of her whilst he sorted herself out so as not to attract too much attention to where they had been, even though she was pretty sure Bonnie had already told their friends.
Telling her he would meet her at the bar, with a final peck to her lips Frank headed out of the cubicle. He quickly checked his appearance in the mirror and once he’d straightened his suit and smoothed his hair down slightly he pulled the door open to be met with a round of applause as Simon and Greg stood by the pillar outside the bathroom, both grinning as they clapped.
Frank grinned as simply took a bow before the three of them laughed and Greg slapped him on the back as the three of them headed to the bar.
***** “Welcome to the dance floor….” The DJ’s voice rang out over the room “The new Mr and Mrs Neill…”
Jake swept Lisa out onto the floor and Fliss smiled, watching a the woman’s dress billowed out behind her and he took her into a hold as the opening bars to Signed, Sealed Delivered by Stevie Wonder rang out. Jake began to twirl Lisa around, the pair of them laughing a various people took photos, recording. Frank dropped a kiss to the side of Fliss’ temple and she smiled as his fingers curled around her hip.
“They look so happy.” Fliss smiled.
“Yeah.” Frank nodded “Good job really, seeing as they just got married.”
Fliss smiled and then there were some giggles as Jake and Lisa’s young girls ran onto the dancefloor to join their parents, which gave the couple the signal to wave everyone else in to join them.
“Shall we?” Frank asked, turning to face Fliss and she grinned.
“Lead the way Sailor.”
They stepped out onto the dancefloor where Frank gently took her left hand in his right, his other hand curling round her back, fingers splaying at the bottom of her spint.
“Can’t pull you quite as close as I’d like.” he quipped glancing down and Fliss shook her head as she looked at him, a soft smile spread across his face “You’re beautiful.” “You’re not so bad yourself, handsome.” she smiled as he twirled her around the floor, his movements upbeat in time with the song. He was actually a pretty good dancer, which Fliss knew already from the various times they’d been out, but it never failed to make her smile the way he could move so gracefully for such a tall, broad shouldered man. When she had passed comment on it once he had grinned and informed he that it was ‘all in the hips’, hips that were now easily snaking side to side as he moved in time with the music, stepping back from her a little, his hands taking hers. Fliss laughed, simply dancing along with him and eventually the music changed into another upbeat song. The pair of them stayed were they were, dancing with their friends and enjoying themselves until after about 20 minutes or so Fliss declared she was out, and needed the bathroom again before she was going to sit down.
“To pee this time, right?” Bonnie called after her. Fliss didn’t even look back, simply raised her finger up over her shoulder as she left the dancefloor.
Once she had washed her hands she touched up her make-up, glancing at her cheeks which were quite flushed from the heat and the dancing, before she headed out. Frank was waiting for her by the door.
“People will talk, you hanging around outside the Ladies.” she grinned.
“Only one lady for me.” he winked back and she shook her head.
“Smooth.” “I try.” he grinned, kissing her cheek “Wanna get a drink?”
“Yeah.” she smiled, slipping her hand in his as he led her over to the bar.
Frank ordered himself a beer, deciding he needed to take a break from the hard-stuff and Fliss a water. As she took it from him with a thanks she glanced around watching everyone dancing and milling around, cocking her head to one side, a thoughtful look on her face.
“Penny for em.” Frank said and she turned to look at him smiling.
“Nothing of interest really.” she mused “Just thinking about all this. It’s been a nice day and a lovely ceremony and clearly what Lisa and Jake wanted but…” “Not what you want.” Frank smiled “Yeah, I know.” “But what about you?” she asked, looking at him. “I know we joke about how I’ve been there and done it but…” “Liss.” he cut her off, his hand curling round her hip. “Do you really think that all this showy shit is my style?”
“No, not really.”
“Exactly.” he smiled at her “I told you, I’d be happy to run away, me, you and Mary and do it with just the 3 of us there. But I’d probably get lynched by your mom and dad so…” He pulled her into his side closer, dropping a kiss to his head “It can be whatever we want it to be.”
That word hit her hard, because her last wedding had been all about how her stupid bastard of a husband wanted to show the world how rich and special he was. There wasn’t a thing about that day she had chosen for herself, including her dress and her bridesmaids. She looked up at Frank, her eyes clouding slightly and he chuckled, shaking his head at her sudden emotion.
“Come on, let’s go sit down.” he smirked, nodding to a table at the side of the room where Simon was just taking a seat. Fliss nodded and allowed him to lead her over.
As is usually the case with weddings, people flit around all over the place. Fliss found herself dancing again with Bonnie, then talking to a few of Jake’s old school friends, then to some of Lisa’s friends, one of whom had her own horse so they got caught up in a lengthy chat about show-jumping and before long she realised she’d been away from Frank for well over an hour without realising. She finished up the conversation and headed back to where he was sat at a table, animatedly discussing something with a white haired gentleman, Bonnie watching him with a slightly amused expression.
"The guy is a fahking melt..." Fliss heard Frank groan as he leaned back in his chair, shaking his head.
"Who is he talking about?" Fliss asked as she sat down next to Bonnie.
"Trump" Bonnie replied, grinning.
"Oh this should be fun..." Fliss smirked, and Bonnie nodded.
"The guy he is talking to is apparently a big fan..." she turned to face Fliss, "But he's yet to give any kind of pro- Trump argument which Frank deems worthy of consideration. Oh, and Frank is getting more Boston with every sentence.”
“Yeah he does that.” Fliss she said, fondly turning her attention to Frank who shook his head and wrinkled his nose.
"You're being disrespectful." The man who Frank was talking to shook his head "He's our president."
Frank scoffed "Disrespectful? Not really, I just find it beyond comprehension that this country elected such a damaged, sociopathic narcissist."
"Say what you mean Frank." Bonnie nodded sagely and Fliss bit her lip to stop herself from laughing. Frank was in full flow, however, and fuelled by the amount of alcohol in his system he wasn't about to stop any time soon.
"John Oliver hit the nail on the head." he continued, necking the last of his beer. "Trump could be drowning in the damned ocean and he'd there, waving the lifeboats away screaming 'get out of here, I'm very buoyant, I'm the most buoyant. Everybody talks about my buoyancy... I'm a tremendous floater' ...fahkin jack-ass."
"Who got Frankie boy talking about Trump?" Simon asked, placing the tray of drinks down and handing them out. Fliss took her Sprite with a thanks as he slid a short tumbler of scotch over the white table cloth to Frank, before flopping down on the other side of Bonnie, dropping a kiss to her cheek. Bonnie nodded to the gentleman who was now saying something back, to which Frank let out a lout guffaw of laughter as Greg settled into a seat a few down from Fliss.
Simon grinned "Come on Jack!" he spoke and the man turned to face him "It's a wedding, no politics."
"I only stated I happened to agree with his policy of putting American's first..." the man held his hands up.
"And I only pointed out that his misguided beliefs that migrants are to blame for all of America's ills are exactly that, misguided." Frank shrugged, shooting a wink at Fliss as he reached for the glass of amber liquid in front of him. "People should look closer to home...at the people who run the damnedcountry, not everyone in it merely tryin'a make a living..."
"His policies made sense when I read them..." the man called Jack shrugged. “Well thought out, articulate…” At that Frank leaned back, shaking his head, an unbelieving smile on his face as he gave a groan “Articulate…come on…”
"You kniow..." Bonnie leaned forward "A random monkey hitting keys for an infinite amount of time will eventually come up with the works of Shakespeare" she swallowed the rest of her drink. "All Trump really needs to be considered one of the greatest Presidents of all times is an infinite amount of time and a monkey that can type."
At that Frank snorted into his glass and reached over the table, holding his hand up. Grinning Bonnie hi-fived him and Simon, Greg and Fliss exchanged a glance, before Fliss leaned forward.
"You know how they measure horses in hands." she said and Frank turned his attention to his girl, his eyes shining "well he must have the biggest horses on the planet." she said, making a claw like gesture with her right hand and Frank let out another loud bellow of laughter, his hand flying to his stomach.
"And why are his eye sockets always white?" Greg asked, looking into his glass like it held the answer before he glanced round at them all. "Like, you think someone would tell him to use the sunbed without the goggles every once in a while..."
At that Jack shook his head and stood up, walking away.
"Something we said?" Bonnie asked, innocently as Simon leaned back in his chair and spoke, his talent for impressions ringing out across the table as he imitated the President's voice perfectly "I'm going to build a wall, and it will be the greatest wall ever known to man, even better than China's...my time as President will go down in history as being part of America's dumbass years, the most dumbass years ever..."
As the 5 of them laughed, Jake plopped down at the table, pointing at Simon, then Frank then Greg.
"No politics at my wedding, bitches."
"We're not talking politics..." Frank hiccupped slightly "We were just roasting the cheeto skinned, toupee wearing prick."
"His dad should have definitely wiped him on a curtain." Greg nodded, causing everyone at the table to laugh once more.
"All that sperm and he got there the quickest." Simon sighed "Makes me wanna cry."
"You know what is gonna make you cry?" Jake looked at him "My foot up your ass. Come on guys, this is my fucking wedding. Let’s go do shots and rip up the dancefloor!"
"Oooh...shots..." Bonnie nodded, standing up.
"What happened to taking it easy in solidarity?" Fliss narrowed her eyes at her, patting her bump.
"I'm weak." Bonnie shrugged as Simon tugged her to the bar, Greg rising to follow them.
"Frank?" Jake asked
"I'll pass." he smiled
"I could get em to make you an apple juice shooter?" Jake offered as he patted Fliss' shoulder. She flipped him the bird as he walked off, chuckling to himself.
Frank pause for a moment, taking in his girl's slightly flushed cheeks before he stood up, grabbing his glass which contained what was left of his short, and rounded the table to sit next to her.
"C'mere..." he said, patting his knee. She stood up and settled on his lap, his arm curling round her waist, fingers brushing the side of her bump "You ok?"
"Yeah." she smiled "Which is more than you're gonna be in the morning."
"I'll live" he smirked, necking the rest of his liquor. "No one has ever died from a hangover Sweetheart."
"There's time." she smiled and he grinned up at her, placing his glass on the table. 
"How's Bean?"
"Cooking." she grinned
"And Momma bear?"
"You asked me that a few seconds ago."
"And I'm asking again."
"In that case I'm still fine." she grinned leaning down to give him a peck. Frank smiled at her as she leaned back, his hand brushing her hip as he looked around the room.
"I wanna get married." he said, looking back to Fliss.
"We are."
"No, I mean like actually do it." he smiled "I wanna set a date."
"Don't you think we have enough to organise?" Fliss chuckled "Finding a house seeing as you're so adamant you want to move before Bean arrives..."
"They need a nursery." he pouted and Fliss smiled, running her hands through his hair. 
"So you tell me." she replied "And then there's actually a small matter of me giving birth..."
"Piece of cake..."
"Oh really?" she looked at him "How about you squeeze a bowling bowl out of your vagina and then tell me it's easy..."
Frank laughed and grinned up at her "You'll be amazing...you always are." he placed a kiss to her bare shoulder. "But seriously...don't you wanna marry me?" he pouted.
"No, I just took this ring because it was shiny." Fliss rolled her eyes at him "Of course I do."
"Well...couldn't we just like pick a month...so...I have some kind of marker in the sand?"
Fliss looked at him as he turned his puppy dog eyes on her and she shook her head, giving a soft huff
"You're such a soft bastard when you're drunk."
He shrugged "I can't help it. You make me feel things."
"And I don't when you're sober?" she teased.
"Shut up." he looked at her and she grinned, running her hand through the whiskers on his face. His beard was now actually pretty impressive as he'd let it grow out properly, it was way beyond the untidy, short stubble it had been when she'd first met him. But then again he was also quite far removed from that fly-by-the-seat-of-your-pants, lost and damaged man he had been. He'd grown, a lot. And so had she. He knew it, she knew it...and the fact they had done it together made it all the more meaningful and special.
"September." Fliss smiled "Next year. Bean will be 1 by then and things will have settled. Think you can wait that long?"
Frank beamed at her "Yeah? You mean it?"
She nodded.
"Then September 2020 it is." his lips stayed curled up at the side as she dipped her head again and pressed her mouth to his. She pulled back, and found herself mimicking the infectious smile on his face. "I can't wait to make you Mrs Adler." he whispered.
"Who says I'm changing my name?" She teased and he frowned a moment before he shrugged.
"I just assumed..."he began to back track "I mean if you don't want..."
"Frankie..." Fliss cut him off, her hands cupping his face "I'm joking. I can't wait to have the same surname as you, Mary and our little one."
"God I fahkin love you..." he spluttered and she laughed, leaning back a little bit. At that point the opening bars to Hungry Like The Wolf hit their ears and Fliss heard Bonnie shriek her name. 
"Miami BITCHES, HOLLERRRR!" Simon yelled as he leaned on the back of Frank's chair.
"Shall we?" Fliss asked, standing up. Frank grinned, took her hand and allowed her to pull him onto the dancefloor. As she began to dance and laugh with Bonnie his hand fell to her hips, pulling her back against him, just like he had done all those months ago in Miami, before everything had taken such a huge change in direction. A dramatic change, but a change he was loving day by day. As he felt her push back slightly against his groin he gave a low groan and bent over.
“Stop it or I’ll be dragging you off to the bathroom again.”
She tilted her head, looked at him all doe eyed and innocent and he shook his head, arching and eyebrow.
“Ok, ok, I’m sorry.” she spluttered and he rolled his eyes before she turned round to carry on dancing, this time behaving herself.
As it was getting later into the evening, after a few more 80s hits the music took a turn and dimmed into something softer, and Fliss cocked her head to the side as Frank reached out to her, pulling her to him.
“What is this?” she asked.
“It’s called God Gave Me You.” Frank said, his fingers curing around hers “By Blake Shelton. He’s a Country singer.”
“Ohh, the dude that’s with Gwen Stefani.” Fliss nodded.
“Yeah, I heard it for the first time in ages in the truck the other day.” Frank said “When we went to Tampa.”
“I thought it sounded familiar.”
He smiled, refraining from telling her he’d been playing it on a damned loop for days since because every time he heard it, it simply reminded him of her.
As he steered her around, he became lost in the lyrics, not really paying attention to anything but realising how much they stuck home, how they were true to what he felt about Fliss. How he had been a mess until she’d appeared and given him everything he didn’t even realise he needed and more. How she had fit so perfectly into his and Mary’s life. How she was now carrying his child. How he would always love her…
He felt her squeeze his hand and he looked down and she was grinning at him.
“You’re singing.”
“Am I?” he asked, giving a soft chuckle “Sorry, I didn’t realise…”
“Don’t worry about it, no one else heard. Besides you have a good voice, not like mine.”
“Well, I wasn’t gonna say anything but the other day when you were singing in the shower Mary thought Fred was stuck somewhere and crying to get out.” Fliss laughed and shook her head “Yeah it isn’t one of my talents. I’ll leave it to you.”
He smiled and gave her a soft kiss.
“You singing it to me or Bean?” Fliss asked, smiling at him as he twirled them round slightly.
“Without you there would be no Bean.” He shrugged simply and at his words he saw her eyes misting over.
“Frankie…” she muttered and he chuckled slightly, his hands cupping her face.
“Baby, what’s…”
“That’s so sweet and…” she spluttered shaking her head “Fucking hormones”
He laughed and pulled her closer, still swaying to the music and she let out a sight. Frank felt her sagging a little in his arms and then it struck him. It was almost midnight. She had been up since 8, they’d been out at this wedding one way or another for almost 12 hours now and she was 5 months pregnant.
“You tired honey?” he asked and she shook her head where it was pressed against his chest. “Liar.” he kissed her head softly.
“Ok maybe a little.” she looked up at him
“Wanna go?”
“It’s still early.” she looked at him. “I don’t mind if you want to stay, I can go and-“
“Absolutely not.” he shook his head “It’s half 11 now and I’ve drunk more than enough…Jake and Lisa won’t mind.”
“You sure?”
“Course. I’ll go get call us a cab.”
When he came back Fliss was at the table gathering her purse and his jacket. They made their rounds, said good bye to their friends and Frank led his girl out into the starry sky hand in hand.
All things considered, on the Sunday morning Frank woke fairly clear headed, which Fliss pointed out shouldn’t have happened with how much he had drunk. They had a lazy morning before they headed home to pick Mary up, who was full of beans about how Steve had taken her out playing mini-golf the previous afternoon. They stayed for dinner at Bill and Verity’s before they made their way home along with the 4-legged fur babies and it wasn’t long before all 3 of them crashed out, the exertion of the weekend catching up on them all.
Monday and Tuesday seemed to drag by for Frank, and there was a reason. On Wednesday they finally got to find out what Bean was. Their scan was in the afternoon and Mary once again wanted to come, especially as she knew she would find out whether it was gonna be a girl or a boy that joined their little family in roughly 19 weeks or so time. Once more she was ignored and packed off to school with a frown on her face.
Frank was like a coiled spring all morning. The guys at work teased him relentlessly about how he was bounding around the place like Tigger on cocaine but he didn’t care. He was beyond excited to find out whether they were going to have a son or daughter. At exactly 12 he finished work and headed home. Fliss was already waiting for him having changed and showered and chatting excitedly they hopped in his truck and headed to the hospital. They were early so went to grab a drink at the coffee shop- Fliss having been told to drink plenty of water as it would help with the scan, and then when they had 15 minutes to their appointment they headed up.
“Miss Gallagher, Mr Adler.” Dr Kent smiled at them as they walked in “Nice to see you again.”
They both greeted her and Fliss settled on the bed, getting herself comfortable as Frank slid into the chair by her side. After answering the questions the Doctor asked her about how she was feeling, whether she was worried about anything, all the time Frank trying to pay attention but his mind was on one thing and one thing only. Seeing his baby again.
And when that time finally came, his heart skipped a beat. On the 3D scan there was so much more detail to take in this time. He could make out the little nose, the ears, eyelashes…fucking eyelashes. A tiny hand curled by its face which twitched as their baby move slightly.
“It says here that you want to know what it is…” Doctor said, looking at them both “Is that still the case.”
“Yeah…” Frank said, at the same time Fliss spluttered.
“No, I mean yes… “
Frank frowned “Liss? I thought…” “Could you write it down for us?” Fliss cut him off, smiling at the doctor.
“Ahh you doing a gender reveal?” The woman nodded, and Frank’s frown grew deeper. They hadn’t discussed that.” Not a problem…”
The doctor looked at the screen and Frank glanced at Fliss questioningly but she softly shook her head at him and squeezed his hand, telling him silently to trust her. The Doctor smiled, and headed off to write the results down and a soon as she had left the room, Frank turned to Fliss
“What are you doing?”
“I just had a thought…” Fliss took a deep breath “that if we do it this way, you know get it written down to open later, then Mary can be there with us when we find out.”
And once again, just like that, her fucking thoughtfulness knocked him sideways. He blinked and shook his head, smiling as he brought his eyes back up to meet hers “You’re fucking amazing you know that?” Of course the only thing wrong with her plan was that they now had to wait another 3 hours for Mary to come home.
Frank collected her from the bus stop and as usual was greeted by the grumblings that she was perfectly capable of walking home across the little park on her own, to which he shot back his usual I don’t care response. She walked into the apartment with her usual swagger, tossing her bag over the back of the sofa before she wandered into the kitchen where Fliss was stood chopping up salad for dinner
“So.”  she said, dramatically “You gonna tell me then or what?”
Frank looked at Fliss who smiled before he spoke “Actually, you’re gonna tell us.”
“What?” she looked at him
“You’re gonna tell us what it is.” he repeated.
“Like how?” she rolled her eyes “I wasn’t even there.”
“We got the Doctor to write it down.” Fliss explained, “And seal it in an envelope.” Mary’s eyes widened “You mean…you guys don’t know?” Frank shook his head “Fliss thought it would be nice for all 3 of us to find out together.”
She looked at him, then to Fliss, her blue eyes filling with tears a she ran to Frank, her arms circling his waist.
“Hey…” he chuckled, crouching down and looking her in the face, his hand brushing her hair back slightly as she sniffed and gave a watery laugh “We good?”
She nodded and smiled “Where is it? The envelope I mean.”
“On the coffee table.”  he said, kissing her forehead.
“Can we do it now?”
“I hope so.” Frank said, looking up at Fliss “Been waiting all damned afternoon.”
“Oh hush.” Fliss replied as he stood up, Mary in his arms.
“You know you’re getting kinda big now Stack.” he grunted a little as he shifted her onto his hip.
“You’re still bigger.” she said as he dropped her down onto the floor in the living room.  She looked at the envelope and when Fliss nodded at her she picked it up.
“You know…” she mused, looking at Frank “If I open this that technically means that I was the first person to know. Well, other than the doctor…but they don’t count.” Frank looked at Fliss as his arm slid round her waist. “Yeah..” he turned back to Mary “Pretty cool, huh?” She grinned at him and took a deep breath “Ok…here goes….”
Frank felt his heart suddenly become quicker in his chest as he watched Mary pull open the envelope and look at the small slip of paper inside. She read the words, looked at them both, her eyes shining.
“Wow…” she breathed out.
“You’re killing us Stack!” Frank spluttered “What the hell is it?”
“It’s a boy!”
There was a pause and Frank blinked. “What?” he breathed out and looked at Mary “Are you sure?”
“I can read, Frank?” she narrowed her eyes at him, handing him the piece of paper. With a shaking hand he took ait and looked down at the words the doctor had written on them. As he read them, “Congratulations, it’s a Boy!” they suddenly registered in his brain and he looked at Fliss who had tears in her eyes. His own eyes misted over and a huge grin spread across his face.
“Lissy, it’s a boy!”
She gave a laugh as his arms wrapped around her and he kissed the side of her head.
“Happy Sailor?” she asked.
“I can’t…wow!” he chuckled, sniffing slightly, unable to form any other words. He moved one of his arms and signalled for Mary to join them and she rushed forwards, her arms wrapping around his waist as he dropped his hand to her back, gently rubbing between her shoulder blades.
A boy. A little boy.
Although he truly would have been happy either way, as long as their baby was healthy, he’d secretly always hoped the colour would be blue. They had Mary already, and from a selfish point of view had wanted a boy to even the numbers out. Not to mention the fact he was already envisaging matching baseball caps, sneakers, sailing days, basketball, football…
He looked at Fliss who gave him a smile and his face split into an even wider grin and he leaned over to give her a kiss before his hand dropped to the side of her bump, gently skating the place where his son was growing.
***** Frank wanted to shout their news from the roof tops. But Fliss forbid him from telling anyone until they told the family first. As Evelyn would be here for the weekend they decided to have a BBQ on the Saturday evening, and share their news then. And Mary and Fliss came up with the perfect way to do it.
Evelyn arrived in town on the Friday afternoon and due to her new found ‘friendship’ (if you could call it that) with Fliss’ parents since that fateful thanksgiving in Boston, she was staying with them. Her first comment upon seeing them all was how much Fliss had bloomed since her last visit a few months ago. Fliss had grinned and commented that she felt like a hippo to which Evelyn had snorted and told her to stop being ridiculous. The 4 of them went for dinner that evening to the Italian in town that Mary liked and on the Saturday Bill dropped her at the stables to see Mary ride. Mary had now moved on from the cross poles to a foot high straight upright jump, and she was easily taking it all in her stride. Frank had long since given up trying to talk her out of it. She enjoyed it, and it was hard to deny she was pretty good at it too. Saturday afternoon they all went back to the apartment where Evelyn, Fliss and Mary whipped up some cupcake batter…something which floored Frank. He couldn’t remember his mother baking, ever. Once the cakes were cooked however, Evelyn was unceremoniously barred from the kitchen whilst Fliss and Mary put the final touches to their Gender Reveal plans. At one point Mary burst out of the kitchen telling Evelyn to look away, and as Frank looked up from where he and his mother had been glancing at a few realtor pages and properties in the local area, he could instantly see why. She had blue food colouring all over her face and hands.
Later that night Verity, Steve, Bill and Roberta joined them and after a few drinks Mary handed out the cupcakes.
“Now, you have to eat them at the same time.” she instructed “Because the colour in the middle will tell you if the baby is gonna be a boy or a girl.”
“Did you make these?” Steve looked at Fliss. She nodded.
“And no, there’s nothing special in them…” she told him and he smirked “Other than the buttercream.”
As everyone eagerly began to dig into their cakes, desperate to find out, Mary skipped over to where Frank and Fliss were stood at the side of the kitchen steps, standing in front Frank as his arm dropped looping around her chest, pulling her back towards him a little. “A boy?” Verity shrieked, the first to find her splodge of blue cream in the middle of her cake as she looked over at them all.
“Yeah!” Fliss smiled, Frank’s other arm tossed casually round her shoulder.
“God help ya’ll, a mini Frank!” Roberta quipped and he shot her a glare before the rest of the crowd of people erupted into cheers and laughter. There were a lot of hugs shared and then Mary stepped over to Bill and Steve, holding her hand out.
“Pay up, losers.”
“Yeah…Dad can you sub me?” Steve asked, “I left my wallet at home” “Course you did.” Bill grumbled as he reached into his pocket. Retrieving a twenty from his wallet he handed it to Mary.
“Erm…what are you doing?”  Frank asked, having watched the exchanged.
“Last week when you were at the wedding we were talking about it and I bet them it was a boy.” Mary shrugged “I had a hunch” “And now she has twenty bucks.” Bill grumbled as Fliss gave a loud laugh.
“No she doesn’t.” Frank put his hands on his hips “Give it back.”
“No way.” she pouted “I earned that.” “You’re 9.” Frank shot back “You know it’s illegal for 9 year olds to gamble, Mary.”
“What you gonna do Frank?” Fliss asked as Mary folded the money and sticking it in her pocket “Call the feds?”
Bill and Steve both sniggered as Frank looked at Fliss before he shook his head and turned back to Mary.
“How exactly were you gonna pay if you lost?” he folded his arms. “I was planning on winning it back by betting on the name.” she shrugged.
“Double or quits.” Steve nodded in agreement.
“Stop encouraging her.” Frank pointed at him.
“Relax…” Frank heard Evelyn chuckle a little and he turned to face her, where she was sat at the outside table with Verity and Roberta “You’re in dad mode already.” “I’ve been in dad mode for the last 8 and a half years.” he shot back before he felt his eyes widen slightly.
“I know…” his mother gave him a soft smile. “Believe me.”
Fliss hand tightened around his for a second and he looked down at her, giving her a quick peck.
“I’m gonna get another beer.” he said, suddenly needing the head space. “You want anything?” “No.” Fliss smiled at him as he walked off. 
Truth was he’d shocked himself a little. That was the first time he’d ever referred to his role with Mary as being a dad out loud to anyone but her or Fliss. Truth be told, he was a little worried about how she was going to react once Bean was born and how they were going to try to keep her feeling as included as they could, especially when he started talking and referring to him and Fliss as Mom and Dad, when Mary didn’t. He ran a hand over his face, opening the fridge. It was an unorthodox situation, but…well, he knew full well there were worse circumstances Mary could be in. 
“She wouldn’t mind you know.” a voice jerked him from his thoughts and Frank spun to face his mother
“Who?” he frowned. “Diane.” she reached past him for the bottle of wine in the fridge “Fliss told me that’s why you get so pissy about people referring to you as Mary’s father.” “I’m not pissy about it, I’m just not her father.”
“You are in every other way bar legally being labelled as so, Frank.” Evelyn poured herself a drink “And moreover, Diane’s memory isn’t going to suddenly fade away if you were.”
“What are you-“
She levelled him with a look and simply handed him the bottle back before she picked up her glass and headed off leaving him pondering her words. With a shake of his head, deciding that was a discussion for another day, he grabbed another bottle of beer and headed back outside.
“Hey Frank!” Roberta’s shout stopped him in his tracks as stood at the top of the steps and looked over at her. “You gonna cook anything on this BBQ or what? Been waiting so damned long my clothes are goin outta fashion.” “That’s assuming they were in fashion in the first place!” Mary grinned, skipping past Frank as he walked onto the lawn, tossing a ball for Fred as he scooted off after it, Thor following.
At that Steve snorted. Roberta looked at him
“Oh hark on the British boy in board shorts.”
Steve’s response was a cheeky wink “I have been reliably informed you like men in board shorts Roberta. Do I not meet your standards?” he gave a little twirl, his arms held out to his side, a grin on his face. “I’ve seen worse.” she mused, causing Steve and Bill to tip their heads back in almost identical roars of laugher. “You ever fancy yourself a sugar momma you know where to come lookin’ honey.”
“You know, if we’re discussing questionable clothing choices…” Fliss looked up, her eyes locking onto Frank’s before she glanced at Mary “I have something to say about someone’s shirts.”
Mary let out a lout hoot of laughter as did Roberta and Frank looked at Fliss as she grinned.
With a shake of his head and a soft snort of laughter as he looked around at his family, he headed to the BBQ.
**** Chapter 7
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Pink Chains Sequel
The oldest. Male, twin. Souta.(Means A sudden wind or sound)
The middle. Male. Twin. Kaito. (Means sea or ocean)
Youngest. Female. Kana. (Means powerful)
@galagcica @squeaky-ducky @kozushiki @haikyuu-but-low-iq @lunebabie @derpeedoo @kayisweird @zopzoop
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“We do now!!!!” You told him, rubbing your stomach
“Swee..sweetie are you serious?” He climbed over the desk grabbing you and pulling you between his legs.
“Yep!!! Surprise Kyo!!!”
He was a little shocked for a few minutes, you were telling him how excited you were but he could not register it. A kid, not one but three. Will they be like him? Scary? Will they think hes scary?!?
“Kyo?” You lightly tugged his shirt so he would look at you. “Kyo whats wrong?”
He squeezed you sighing deep. “Im nervous sweetie thats all.”
You laid your head on his chest. “Well.. i am too . But! I have you to help and you have me. Not to mention all your friends. “ you took his ring hand to hold it and nuzzled his sleeve. “I love you, we will be fine Kyo.”
Kyo took in a deep breath and kissed your head. “Yeah, we will. I love you so much sweetie.”
It was an interesting nine months for everyone. Kyo had gotten his friends together for beach volleyball one night , you were there too but you were sitting with a sundress on looking excited.
“Soo...” Iwaizumi said, rubbing his head. “Whats this about?”
Oikawa and Mattsun were stumped too, so was Yahaba. Bokuto was trying to piece it together as well.
You got up and turned to the side and Kyo put his hand on your stomach. “Well... lets just hope you can deal with more of me”
Safe to say Kyo got tackled into the sand by everyone.
Time Skip to the kids being 7.
💕Kyo and Reader still live in his home. Iwaizumi does too since he owns the basement half of the house.
💕Chicken Legs had trouble adjusting to the children but Readers cats have helped relax and calm him. He's not so shaky anymore.
💕King is the kids number one fan. He is always there to help them with a prank on their father or to help them up and down the stairs.
💕Rex gets brushed every five minutes and he *loves it*. Kana also likes putting ribbons on his tail.
💕Mango is carried around everywhere by Kaito because he is small and “fun to carry”
💕The twins get up to no good alot. Souta is like the wind, no one ever knows if he's gonna do something. Kaito is more calm, like the ocean . But just like his brother, he's right there to lend a hand in mischief
💕Kana is attached to Kyo and Readers hip nearly 24/7 because she is scared of everything. She was tiny at birth. A “runt of the litter” Kyo called it, which gave her the nickname “Kana Pup” by Kyo. Everything is bigger than her and she doesn't like it. She's scared of Oikawa and it makes him sad.
💕Kyo and Reader own a bigger building together that they turned into The Dog House. They sell apparel but with Readers designs now too. The kids hangout at the shop usually after school.
💕The building has an upper floor or office area where Reader works on new designs / manages the finances while Kyo works the floor.
💕Souta and Kaito spend their days greeting customers and telling them specials (as best they can) . If Kana is not with her mother she is with Kyo at the register coloring under the desk so no one can see her.
💕kyo does not know what to do about Kana, he's worried she won't have friends and isolate herself. Iwaizumi suggests a hobby or club for middle school and Oikawa suggests volleyball.
💕its at the beach Kana realizes how fun volleyball is. She even lets Oikawa show her how to play.
💕Mattsun still has his tattoo shop. Kyo now has a back piece too. It's three wolf pups .
💕Kana joins the volleyball club
💕the twins join an art club and it is very interesting to them . Souta & Kaito are naturals at coming up with designs
💕iwaizumi babysits when Kyo and reader need alone time at the house
💕every now and then Kyo will check in on his kids at night, he leans on the wall of the door just watching them sleep. It's been a few years since they were born and he's still dumbfounded he could make such blessings
💕Kanas first game is a little rocky, she's nervous about people watching her. That is until Bokuto yells for the stands ‘all eyes on you because you are the star of this court!!!’ . She pulls through and turns out she spikes just like her father. They win because of her. Reader cries tears of joy and the twins are going nuts , Kyo pulls reader close kissing her
💕The twins debut a simple design. It's a crow with its wings out with a chain collar on its neck. Their parents love it.
Time skip to HighSchool
💕The kids go to Karasuno
💕The twins are in a design/business club
💕Kana is the wing spiker of her team. She is tall like her father and brings her team to Nationals.
💕Mattsun has a pretty little happy girl come into his shop one day asking for a fluffy kitty tattoo . Mattsun thanks god this is happening and gets her number
💕Oikawa & Iwaizumi still work at the Dog House. Oikawa now has the same volleyball tattoo his friends have. Iwaizumi helps the twins bring their designs up to sell online
After High School.
💕Kana plays for the Black Jackals. The twins have a successful online business selling their designs on different things.
💕Kyo and Reader have expanded the Dog House and it has more locations now.
💕Every friday night they spend their time laying on Kyos car with music on watching the stars in their backyard.
The end 💕
Little bonus mini drabbles!!
“raaaa!!!!!” Yelled Kaito
“Aaaarrgg!!!!” Yelled Souta.
Kana had her ears covered and had Chicken Legs laying down next to her with his paw over his eyes. She was sitting on the floor coloring in her book when her siblings rushed down the stairs with toilet paper and heavy eye makeup on their face and body. King, Rex and Mango were close behind with equal amounts of toilet paper on them too. This was a regular saturday...
Iwaizumi was on the couch watching these terrors run around the house . He pat Kana on the head counting quietly. “And 5...4...3...2...1...” The garage door could be heard and the twins and dogs stopped. Heavy steps and giggling were getting closer.
“Yes Souta?”
“It appears we are going to die today”
“Yes i believe so.”
Kana peaked at Iwaizumi and he just gave her that smile that made her get red in the face. The door opened and you and Kyo saw your kids covered in toilet paper and makeup. The dogs too. Kyo rubbed between his eyes and you giggled going over to Kana who was holding her arms up to you.
“Yes Kaito?”
“It was nice knowing you.”
(Whenever Kyo asks Iwai why he allows this he just shrugs and says “hey they aint my kids 😋”)
Kyo had picked the kids up from school and went straight into work. No one minded that the kids were there, they behaved. Mostly.
“Welcome to The Dog House!!!” Yelled the twins“The finest dogs and the biggest house!!! At your service!!!!”
Youd never seen so many metal heads giggle and chuckle like little kids before. Kana though, was under the register coloring and leaning on her fathers leg. Kyo leaned on the register looking down at his daughter.
“Kana pup”
“Papa..?” She asked, looking up, brushing her hair from her face.
“Do you wanna greet customers with your brothers?
She shrugged pulling the book closer. “N-no..”
He rolled his shoulders looking back up to see his friends frowning at him.
“Maybe a club will help”
“Or volleyball!!!”
The twins were running around the beach with Mattsun chasing them , Kyo, Iwa, and Kawa were tossing the ball to each other. And you were sitting on a towel under an umbrella with Kana clinging to your arm. You had noticed she was fixed on what her father was doing and you signaled to get his attention and pointed at yoir daughter.
“Kana pup.” He said, catching the ball. “Cmere for a second.”
She shook her head and you rubbed her side.”just for a second baby.”
Kana gets up joining her father and he crouches down behind her. “Put your fists together , be still okay?”
“ dont.. wanna get hit..”
“You wont i promise.” He nodded to Iwaizumi and he lightly tossed the ball to Kana . “Now just move your wrist down. Then connect with the ball semding it up”
As soon as the ball hit her wrists she whined turning around to hug her father. “Kana, look.” He turned her head . The ball was in the air . “You did it.”
“I.. i hit it.”
“Maybe Oikawa can explain better.” He said, getting up and Oikawa crouched down next to her. Kana whined giving him a scared look and he just held his hands out to recieve the ball.
“Its easy, promise!” The ball bounced off his wrists.
After a few tries Kana got the positioning right and even asked Oikawa to help and show her more.
One night Mattsun is at his shop filling in his laptop with appointments, transactions, bills. Its late, maybe almost 10. He liked to stay open when he had late nights like this. No one ever came by but.. it made him hope someone would. Mattsun was covered head to toe in tattoos. The bell dinged and he looked up from his desk and fell forward.
It was a girl; pink shoes, dyed highlighted pink hair, a white belly top and shorts. “Hey Mr!!!! Can i get a tattoo please?! A fluffy kitty or kitten? Do you do those? “
Mattsun smiled up at his ceiling . “Whoevers watching , thank you.”
He looked back over at the huffy girl. “Yeah i can do that Kitty, let me get a sketch going and you can tell me what you think.” He said with a very big smile. “Whats your name?” He asked , going around his desk to his wheely chair .
“Y/n!! “ the girl skipped over sitting in the chair criss cross. “Can you do it here?” She pointed to her inner thigh .
Mattsun thanked whoever was watching over him again but in his head. “I sure can y/n. I sure can.”
“No no!! Kitty!! I like it.”
Mattsun had a silly grin on his face now. “Okay kitty”
Its late at night and the only one up is Kyo. He was leaning on the wall watching his kids, ‘how did i get here?’ He asked himself while eyeing his bruised knuckles. Slowly he looked up. “I love you guys so much...”
“And i love you.” He heard behind him. A giggle too.
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blackvelvetwriteson · 4 years
Hi, could I get a one shot fem! black reader x Kakashi, please? (can be nsfw or fluff, it's your choice)
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Hey there! Thank you for the request 🥺🥺 I had a bit of a roadblock with this one simply because I couldn’t think of a prompt, BUT I eventually thought ‘why not write about the holidays’ so I got into a groove with it! Once I got into it, it was a really fun write! I hope that this is what you expected and/or lives up to your expectations! 
                                            (  ~ Kakashi Hatake x Black Female                                                                   Reader Insert ~ )
GENRE: Fluffy Fluff!                                                                  
FANDOM: Naruto Shippuden
TRIGGER WARNINGS: There really are none for today, it’s pretty fluffy for today!
SUMMARY: Reader-Chan wants to celebrate the holiday season this year because she never got to, but she doesn’t necessarily know how to approach Kakashi about it since he never celebrates the holidays (or ever even heard of them for that matter.
(Headers are mine, but the art inside of them are not! Please don’t steal or repost without credit!)
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     For some reason, you were in an incredibly festive mood this time around. Maybe it was something about how the gilded sunlight made yours and Kakashi’s home feel more… Well, home-y. Maybe it was the remnants of your food that you’d made earlier for your lunch still lingering around the house, or the kids of the village running around outside of your windows, whether subliminally training or not undeterminable, reminding you of your youth. Time had gone by so fast, and already you’d been in Japan for about two years and a half. You already knew that, in general, the people of the area didn’t celebrate Halloween, and actually it was a week AFTER Halloween would’ve taken place in America, but something about today… Something about today made your festive bone quiver and you decided to do SOMETHING to celebrate. 
Since you’d picked up on the shinobi not celebrating American holidays like you were used to, you avoided asking Kakashi about it. Come to think of it, he never really did anything you were accustomed to besides the staring thing; and when you got together he tried to give you food related nicknames. You had to sit down and explain to him why it wasn’t okay and why it made you uncomfortable and then he thoroughly apologized and left it at that. He didn’t really have any nicknames for you, and from research you found that most women in Japan (and men) only go by their given names with -chan/san at the end which was cute, but if everyone had to call you that then it’d lose meaning and it wouldn’t be as cute.
Even still, though, you decided that today would be the day that you participated in the festivities of the holiday season that, in America, would be fast approaching. The only question for you was who you were going to dress up as and suddenly a thought formed in your head as you popped up from the couch and scurried to your guys’s room. You’d dress up as your hero, your boyfriend Hatake Kakashi! He wouldn’t expect it, you’d be able to see how everything fits, AND it’d be cute- at least you thought- and it’d give you something to do so that the crisp, perfect day didn’t go to waste.
You sifted through the closet with eager eyes as you hummed softly, some of your curls coming loose and falling down by your face, your dark brown beautiful eyes twinkling as you pulled out the parts to the outfit he wore from day to day, your eyebrows knitting a little as one corner of your lip lifted a little. “This man, so help me black Jesus,” you whisper softly noticing how much heftier your wardrobe was than his. He had the same outfit to go over about 5 or 5 times, black sweatpants, black shorts, and 3 different headbands all crushed, neatly, together on one side of the closet while your clothing took up the other half. You shook your head and closed the door with your hip once you were sure you had everything you needed for your little plan. You looked it over excitedly, your slender auburn fingers contrasting almost perfectly against the colors of his uniform. “Damn… I never noticed that till now,” you laugh softly as you remove your shirt and start to pull on articles of the outfit, trying to mimic exactly how you saw Kakashi wear his so you didn’t accidentally disrespect him. Of course he only had 2 masks and a shirt with a mask that you’d sewn onto it, and you decided not to mess with any of it. You didn’t want to hide your face at all whatsoever, especially behind masks that might’ve well have been your boyfriend’s comfort items. You had pretty much everything on, the worn out navy blue bringing everything together, the green brightening your pretty almost black eyes. You giggle softly as you look in the mirror and decide to do something with your hair before it dried completely- you’d taken a shower only 30 minutes prior and your hair was a little damp. You scurry off to the bathroom with the bandage and garter in one hand, your yellow hair pik in the other. You looked extremely excited, for once taking a moment to completely love and indulge in yourself. Being in an area where your existence was offensive to others to suddenly going to a place where absolutely nobody looked even close to you was an extreme shift, but Kakashi made it okay, literally brawling with anybody that so much as looked at you the wrong way. You had a small bit of tummy, but he loved that about you; and it’s not like it slowed you down any, made you unreliable, or made you any less attractive than you were. In fact, to some people it wasn’t even really noticeable unless you were wearing certain things. You also had to drop the American style and adopt the Japanese locale and honestly, while that was a HUGE shift, Kakashi helped with that too. Sometimes you’d get yourself in trouble with how you spoke though; that American lingo that’d been generationally passed down to you finding its way showing up and showing out, especially when someone wanted to make fun of your hair, or your physique and compare you to the other local girls, most noticeably Ten-Ten, Lady Tsunade, Sakura, and Hinata. They argued that the more pale girls were more attractive; because you could play in their hair and you wouldn’t have to worry about one slowing you down- at which remarks you stuck the shit talkers to a tree with your kunai for hours after you thoroughly cussed them out and ribbed them a little, telling Kakashi what’d happened so he could go cut them down. On the flip side, the kids absolutely adored you and loved when you were out so they could play tag or ask you unnecessary questions or get some treats from you.
You quick-washed your hair in the sink and started to blow-dry it deciding that you’d give yourself an at home blowout so that you could complete the look. Being the multitasker you were born into being, you found something to prop the blowdryer up while you piked your hair out quickly, smiling as you watched your hair fluff up, watching your coils straighten and then get bigger until it couldn’t anymore. Then it hit you; Kakashi hadn’t seen your hair blown out except once and that was while you were braiding it back and his eyes were fixated on your fingers as he wondered how a person could do that. At this point, your hair was halfway done, and while you let the tool dry your hair even more, you attempted to wrap the bandage around your thigh and it only BARELY made it, your thigh utterly choked in the process. You looked down at your leg and then pensively looked at the garter and decided that wouldn’t fit around your leg and you let out a frustrated sigh. “That man, is fine as fuck, but why he built like a bean pole,” you huff quietly as you let the bandage loose from trapping your thigh before your mind wandered to him. “…. Aight so maybe he got a LITTLE bit of muscle, but we aint talkin’ about that right now,” you laugh softly before looking at your phone seeing that he sent you a text signifying that he was on his way back from training for the day and that he was fine. You smiled cheerily at your text and tilted your head some at yourself, using your pik to fluff your hair out more before you scurried back to your guys’s room and snatched one of his spare headbands up, securing it quickly and tactfully. You looked at yourself in the mirror, your hands coming up and sliding into the arm holes of his navy green vest. You turned to one side, then to the next, then finally you looked at yourself from a front profile and your eyes glistened a little. “You’re… so heroic,” you mumbled under your breath before you heard some clatter coming from outside of the room.
“Oh right… You can do that,” you say as you open the door and watch him freeze completely in his spot, his eyes slowly raking over you from head to toe then back up again, his stoic expression unchanging from what you could tell. “H-Heyy… Honey,” you smile nervously as you wave with one of your gloved hands. He walked towards you and slipped one side of the headband over one of your eyes and then he stifled a soft grunt under his breath.
“It’s Kakashi. We’ve talked about this,” he said softly before he looked over his shoulders, his hands sliding in his pockets again as his back straightened out some. “….Why are you wearing my clothes,” he asked with a slight edge to his voice, meanwhile you were still frozen in place, your legs starting to quiver some. You didn’t know why he was being so cold to you and it made you just a little insecure. “Particularly… Those,” he said as he stared at the wall below the TV you both had, his legs crossed as he leaned back into the couch.
“Damn so you not gonna say ‘hi.’ Or ‘I missed you,’ or nothin’ like that hm? Well… My bad, I guess I’ll just go take it off,” you say softly, the spirit of the day becoming crushed. He mused softly and his head only tilted a small bit. He didn’t even look at you and you noticed this. The whole time you were here… The whole time you were together the only thing you wanted was his eyes on you and his praises. You were struggling and it was on you for the most part because you hadn’t reached out to him for help. He was a real big one for “say what you mean or need,” or something like that. You LOVED the idea behind the last stretch of the year; the days designated for giving thanks, hanging out with the ones you love, amazing food, and gifts, and movies, and music. All of it… But having come from where you had, you never really had good times or a good chance to make memories. Now that you were old enough to have someone of your own and actually be able to create memories, you wanted to… But instead you’d been trying to force it out of your life to make your man happy, however you weren’t having it anymore. You just didn’t know how to bring it up.
“Mm.. What’s-“
Before he could even finish speaking, you’d vanished back into your guys’s room and shut the door behind you. He sat back in the seat and he let out a low drawn out breath and then stood up. Within one second he vanished from the living room and appeared right in front of you with his arms crossed.
“I asked why you were wearing my clothes, not that you had to take them off,” he said as he looked blandly at your hurt expression. “And I was trying to ask what was up with you,” he said as he reached one hand out and gently tipped your head up, his free hand reaching for where your bangs covered your eye but then he stopped as he usually did and he tilted his head some. “May I?” He spoke from behind his mask. You push his hand out of the way and move your hair out of your face by yourself, your sharp eyes peering into his. This time his eyebrows rose a bit more noticeably and usual and he waited for you to talk so he could listen, his hands now in his pockets.
“Yknow… I’ve tried to work what is normal to me out of my system… And when I was younger, that would’ve been… Easier. But now, it’s not… Kakashi, when you don’t look at me it makes me feel undesirable… Because nobody else looks at me unless they’re making fun of how flat and wide my features are… or how damn burnt I look even though this is my natural skin tone! I just… Want you to call me your baby once in awhile damnit! I want to call you *mine* and not just… Ka-ka-shi. Everybody calls you that… And… I get jealous when I see the other people hanging out with you, the cooler people with the sharingan variants, or the cool eyes and the people with the slim builds, or the people with the advanced shinobi skills that are greater than mi-“ You hadn’t noticed that while you were talking, Kakashi pulled his mask down, then you were interrupted with a kiss. It was a soft, but soulful kiss; the kind where one of his gloved hands had you by the chin and the other by the back of your head. The kind where you could feel his body heat completely wrapping you up. The kind where you felt his trembling breath break his completely calm composure. Your hands were gently pressed against the back of his arms, one of your hands at his elbow as he pulled away and allowed his eyes to slowly open. His shadow was cast down onto you and you saw his eyes squint a little, his smile hidden by the mask he’d pulled back up after the kiss. On the other hand, your eyes were wide and your lips were barely parted, your eyes glistening as you looked over his mostly hidden smile. Your knees buckled under you and he helped make sure you didn’t fall, his chest pressed against yours.
“You done?” He asked as he helped you stand upright again. You were dazed just staring at your man and he smirked a little as he pulled his mask down again still standing close to you. “I see… You want everyone to know that you’re mine and vice versa? That’s it? That’s why you’re wearing my clothes today…? You want me to… Call you mine? Right?” He spoke quietly, he was ONLY talking to you, his deep voice getting a little more hoarse as he continued to drone on, his hands on your hips pulling you closer to him, his intense gaze still cast into your eyes. You swallow hard and nibble the inside of your cheek. “You want you to call you my baby? My beautiful, perfect baby girl? Hm? Is that why you’re acting out? Or… You want me to show you that I care more, right? Maybe… You want me to make dinner once? Or bring you flowers? Or watch you train? Or… Cheer you on? Right? Perhaps tease you a little… Or hold you this close all the time?”
You nod slowly and then look away already knowing what this was sort of leading up to but his slender fingers forced your gaze back on him.
“Look at me when I’m talking to you, baby,” he said softly as he tilted his head a little. “If you wanted that… Why didn’t you just say so? I can’t read minds… And I’m still relatively new to this whole… Romance scene,” he said softly as he gently stroked your cheek with his thumb. “You know this. I’m a little… Dense? I’m not sure if that’s the proper word. But…. You’re just… Ugh… I didn’t know that me hanging around people made you jealous- perhaps it’s in my best interest to just tell you how much you mean to me all of the time. You’d want that too, right? I know you would,” he said softly as his fingers gently trailed up your back. “Or… Maybe you want to have a little bit more sex? Is that apart of it?” The question made your eyes wide, skin burn with an invisible blush, and your jaw drop a little. He let out a hollow laugh in turn, gently pushing your jaw up to close your mouth with the tips of his fingers. “Baby steps. I got it. For now, let me just say this: You’re beautiful… All of your scars, curves, marks and all. Those coffee colored eyes of yours are so much more… Stupefying than any sharingan I have seen and will ever see…. The little spark they get when you’re determined, or that soft glisten when you get embarrassed,” he said as he looked over your whole face. “Your body… Your whole body… Is amazing… You don’t have to be slim to be an amazing shinobi; and so help me, my beautiful queen,” he says softly as he leans down so he’s eye level with you. “If you ever discredit yourself like that again, I’ll work you out so that you’re not able to move for the next week. You’re right on the fast track to be a fine shinobi- possibly even the greatest at that. Well… Not greater than me, but that’s another story and another conversation,” he said quietly as you were pushed back onto your bed while he stood over you. “Are those idiots getting into your head again?” His eyebrows furrowed a little as his hands slipped back into his pockets.
Finally you were able to find your words again and you crossed your legs out of habit. “Y-Yeah… For… Like… The past 3 weeks they’ve been telling me that I’m too slow… Or I’m too… Wide… Or making fun of me and my eyes, or making fun of how dark I am… Or making fun of my hair! My damn hair! It hurts… A lot… And we’re together, but I don’t want to be known as that abnormal girl that calls on her boyfriend every time she needs saving. I got it… Aight? I can handle that… But… That’s why I need YOUR praises…. To validate me I guess… I already know I’m THAT… girl… But I want to hear it from you… I want you,” you mumbled softly. “And the reason I’m dressed up like this is because I’m dressed up for Halloween- In America it’s a day where people dress up and do their makeup and hair and have fun at parties or go trick or treating to get candy and stuff! I’ve always loved it despite not being able to… Participate much,” you say softly as you rub your arm. “I dunno, I guess I just wanted to celebrate the holiday season this year- even if we never do it again, I at least want one memory of a great holiday season with mine… With you,” you say softly. He listens to everything you say with an opaque grin on his face.
“If that’s what you wanted, then why didn’t you just say that?” He said softly as he climbed over you, his hips barely resting in your lap as your heart skipped a beat. He pushed you to lay down on the bed and his hands rested right by your head, your eyes peering up at him with a soft grin rested on your face.
“I-I d-didn’t w-want to get told no… I d-didn’t want to… Bother you with something that seemed so insignificant… I didn’t want you to think of me as weak,” you say softly as he gently kisses your neck. You shuddered a little and bit your lip as you tilt your head up some.
“Well now’s your hot seat,” he huffed quietly against your neck. “Tell me what you want, tell me everything you want, and I’ll do it until you tell me that you don’t want it anymore,” he said as he looked back into your eyes, your hands rested against his chest as you thought for a moment before speaking again. “W-Well… I want you to call me your baby and vice versa… Or come up with a nickname or something… I want you to watch me train and root for me, I want you to let everyone know who I belong to, but allow me to show who you belong to, too… I want you to tease me and hold me close… Everywhere… I want you to go on dates with me and do holiday stuff with me… I want you to make me feel wanted and loved… I just fucking want *you* Kakashi…” you say softly as you look up at him. Upon gazing, you notice that his expression had soften significantly, and the hold he had on you was more protective than ever. “A-And I guess more s-sex would be cool,” you say softly and he chuckles quietly in return. You reach one of your hands up and gently cup his face, your thumb gently caressing his cheek. “You know… You should smile more… You’re quite handsome when you do… Well I mean you’re fine as hell either way, but I like it when you smile… And laugh like that…” you say softly as he leans his head into your hand a little more. He kisses your clothed palm and smiles just for you and suddenly you took on a breathless expression, your eyes halfway open as he blushed a little and you just took this moment to adore him, everything about him. “That’s what you want from me? Okay,” he said softly before moving to pin your hand weakly to the bed above you, his eyes both gazing into yours- well as much as he could anyway seeing as your hair practically swallowed your face leaving your bottom half of your face exposed for him. You could see him just fine, he just couldn’t see you… And for the moment that was fine. His gentle lips pressed against yours from above and your eyes fluttered shut as usual when this happened. You felt a little touch starved because he didn’t like contact very much, but he was warming up to it a little more. You wrapped one of your arms around his waist and pulled him closer, and then the two of you melted into each other on the bed in a fit of grunts, deep, passionate, soft kisses, dulcet giggles coming from the both of you, his hand wandering up your waist up the natural curve of your body as yours tried to find where his clothing allowed you access to his skin. You found it, your warm fingers contrasting against his lukewarm skin. He jolted a little and let out a groan before looking at you again, nibbling your lip gently before he pulled away. “You’re amazing,” he whispered quietly and breathlessly against your lips as you tried to control your breathing again.
“Says one of the most notable and historic ninja warriors of all time,” you say with a soft chuckle, moving your hair out of your face so you could look at him and so he could look at you.
“You know… Paths like that carry plenty of… Skeletons in the closet, right?” He said softly as his gaze intensified only a little bit.
“Yeah, and? You still made it… Everyone looks up to you… You’ve killed people and seen plenty of your own killed… And people that couldn’t handle it… Y’know… But, Kakashi Hatake,” you say softly as you turn his head back towards you and your own expression hardens a little. “No matter what, I’ll still love you like the day that I met you… Just like that day you first came to protect.. Well the other person- after they were bullying me… After you checked to make sure I was okay… Baby I love you, and as long as you love me too, I’m gonna be on your side. I’m your woman- I’m your queen, right? A queen needs her partner in royalty, and this house is our kingdom. You’re my king, and unapologetically mine… And I’m the same for you,” you say quietly as you sit up and smile a little. “I know you haven’t been sleeping, Kashi,” you say softly as you gently kiss his lips. “I’m not a super heavy sleeper… You’re safe now, though,” you say softly as you run your fingers through his hair. “Let me go make dinner tonight and… C-Can I decorate?” You whispered softly, expecting a no as you turned and gently pushed him to make him lay on the bed and he chuckled softly, gently grabbing your hand.
“If decorations are what you want, then I don’t have a problem with it,” he said softly, kissing the back of your hand gently. Your skin burned with an invisible flush and you pulled the covers up on him, trying to make the room just a little more homey so that he could sleep better.
“I… Wow… Um… Okay,” you say softly, lighting a candle and setting it on the nightstand, standing in the doorway. “I d-don’t know if I said this already, but I’m gonna make a hot pot for dinner… And I’ll go see if there are any pumpkins in the area… I’ll make us some pumpkin bread and make some cookies for the kids,” you say with a beaming smile, looking at your sleepy man who was already cuddling a pillow on his way to sleep. He admired your soothing voice, able to relax for the first time in a long time, and how the golden sun gave you a gilded glow that made your skin twinkle and your eyes illuminate the room. He had never felt so lucky to have someone as good as you to him, and that was the last thing he saw- or thought- before he slipped off into dreamland and you disappeared behind the door to excitedly start dinner.
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kozutenshi · 3 years
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Sugawara cleared his throat as he sat in front of you. The library was peacefully quiet except for the occasional footsteps and the sound of the keys of the keyboard being pressed. Taking his notes out, he greeted a soft "good morning" to you as he smiled.
You smiled at him back and returned his greeting before focusing down on your own notes. At least, trying to.
His eyes scanned through his notes, if possible, all too graceful. The highlighted words caught your eyes, all uniform in a pastel green. His notes were organized, at least from what you see.
The best thing is, you need them.
"Your notes are pretty." He looked up to find you staring at his notes curiously, before handing one of his notebooks to you. "Don't kid me, y/n. You need notes on English, don't you?" You only chuckled at his implication, not even trying to deny it. "Thank you Koushi! I'll return it later?"
Your chuckle rang through his mind, a fond look making its way to his face before smiling brightly. "No problem n/n."
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— An Ilocano folk song written around the Spanish Period passed down orally through the different ages.
— The song is about a courtship tradition called harana, serenade in English. The courting man can go alone or with company to support him. He will have to not only court the partner they want but also the whole family.
— The song is sung by the man who is courting their beloved, telling the lady named Biday to look out from her window. The lady responds back, and the song is somewhat lika poetic, musical conversation.
— Though harana isn't popular nowadays, Manang Biday is still sung and learned by students along with other folk songs.
NOTE: Song featured is when you're ready by shawn mendes!
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"This is rather awkward."
Sugawara had his arms wrapped around you as his teammates gawked or stared blankly, dumbfounded at the sight of you. Though it may look like an innocent hug, it was surprising. Not only that, but, the fact that Sugawara had recovered over his daze faster than them, showing you off to them as his girlfriend.
Even your face warmed up as he met your eyes and felt his fingers intertwine with yours. Hinata jumped happily, Tsukishima wincing at the ray of sunshine's gesture.
Too bright for him.
Asahi and Daichi congratulated the two of you with soft smiles as Nishinoya dragged your boyfriend towards Tanaka and Hinata's direction.
"How did it happen, Y/N-senpai?" Yachi curiously asked you, a slight blush on her cheeks. Recalling what had happened, it made you chuckle in both happiness and embarrassment.
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Their footsteps were muffled by the grass as he finds himself in your front yard with his juniors. Shifting nervously he hummed to calm his nerves. "Alright. Let's do it."
"Maybe I had too many drinks, but that's just what i needed."
With Tsukishima on the guitar and Yamaguchi on the beats, Sugawara felt like all of their secret practices paid off as they played their instruments wonderfully.
Open the damned window, he thought as he sang.
"Don't know why i tried, cause aint nobody like you. Familiar disappointment every single time I do."
The song came to you muffled by your closed window, the chill seeping through the cracks slightly.
"Baby tell me when you're ready, I'm waiting."
You opened your window hurriedly as he smiled up at you, happy that you finally opened your window. Your family gathered in the living room as they hurriedly and giddily witnessed the man serenade you, his sweet smile enchanting them easily.
Whirling towards you, your friends who were over for a study session dragged you downstairs as they cheered at you, telling you to "go for it" and "approach him!" as they reacted to every slight movement as "cute!" or even, "ah, young love."
The man only smiled bigger as he sees you at the front door standing. The chill was starting to seep through your clothes but you didn't care. Your focus was only towards the man with his lovely voice, as if coaxing you to look at him with the lines on his mouth beautifully falling. His eyes never left yours, making your face warm up with the attention he's giving.
The evening complimented him, the soft lights making his gray hair shine metallically. His eyes looked even softer, even warmer. They reminded you of the warm summer's morning rays, something out of place but perfectly needed against the chill of the night. Everything about him made you swoon.
He looked perfect.
"And if I have to, I'll wait forever."
He started walking towards your direction, only to stop singing as he introduced himself to your family. This made them excited, all too happy even, as they encouraged him to finish the song.
"Yeah you know that we fit together," he sang as he took your hand. "I know your heart like the back of my hand."
Solely singing to you now, the acoustics accompanied the wispiness of his voice, creating an enchanting vibe. The man only squeezed your hand before kissing its knuckles as he finished the song.
"Even ten years from now, if you haven't found somebody I promise i'll be around. Tell me when you're ready, I'm waiting, I'm waiting."
He said his goodbyes as you tried to take in what he had done. A serenade in front of your family, not just small flirtations and random visits. Your mind was racing, trying to think of something to explain it, but the only thing on your mind was one valid reason:
He was serious.
"Chase him!" Your family insisted as they pushed you towards their retreating figures.
Sugawara only smiled at his juniors who looked at him curiously questions in their eyes.
"Why did you do it?" "Why didn't you wait for their answer?" "Don't you think it would be better if we stayed?" Their eyes seemed to say this questions, but the only thing he gave them is a 'thank you'. The juniors didn't question their senior, opting to find their way to their own houses as they bid their goodbyes at the fork on the road.
"Koushi!" Your voice made his eyes widen, the duo that was with him stopping at a good distance to watch the scene. You caught sight of his gray turned silver hair under the streetlight, the coldness of the wind making you regret not bringing a jacket in a hurry. You slowed down as you got closer to him before wordlessly pecking his cheek. Blush dusted his face, visible even in the dark. "Y/n-" you cut him off through leaning on his shoulder sheepishly, embarrassment flooding your senses.
Admitting feelings never really got easy.
"I like you too." Sugawara relaxed as he hears your words, releasing a breath of relief. "I like you too, Koushi," you repeated. Your heartbeat pounded fast as he puts a hand on your shoulder, detaching you from him. You were confused, before he pressed a kiss on your forehead, taking you in his arms properly.
Warmth flooded your veins, and you were right; he felt like a home in a summer morning. Comforting and cozy. His heart likewise was loud as you listened to its beats.
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"Then, we kind of just.. got together." Yachi's eyes, along with Noya, Hinata and Tanaka, sparkled in happiness. The two of you had told the same story, only in both your perspectives, but hearing the roar of the boys made you laugh as Sugawara sheepishly smiled at you.
Yachi strayed back to her duties as a club manager as you found yourself sitting with Sugawara on the floor. The two of you watched Tanaka approach Kiyoko saying, "If I serenade you, will you marry me?" which Kiyoko gave a firm no to. Sharing laughter, you leaned on Sugawara as he presses a small kiss on your temple, before helping Daichi put the team in order.
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TRAVELLERS: @akasuns @doodleniella @kenmaki @lyzzklm @mfcassandra @oikaw-ugh @seijohlogy @thesecondapplepienation
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wayward-mikaelson · 4 years
Ain’t My Fault
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Request By: @rileynicole1967​ 
Request: hi!! i was wondering if you could do a one shot for deanxreader based off the song “aint my fault” by Zara Larsson. maybe she could be singing it to him idk i’ll keep the specifics to you ;) do whatever your heart desires. maybe end it with implied smut or actual smut 😏 (it’s okay if you can’t or aren’t taking requests right now. but if you ever have time i’m sure you’ll have fun with it cause it’s such a fun/sexual song :)
Word Count: 2089
Pairing: Dean x Reader 
Characters: Dean and Reader
Summary: The Reader puts on a sexy show for Dean. But Dean is blindfolded.
Disclaimer: Language, Drinking, Mention of death, Angst, Blindfold, Sexual Choking, Hair pulling, A whole lot of touching and feeling, Implied Smut, 
A/N: This was AWESOME to write guys!! I listened to that song many time just to get the motel part perfect! 
A/N 2: Sorry this was supposed to be done yesterday but life kind of happened and took my 4 yr old on a much needed mommy/son outing for ice cream.
*18+ Content. Anyone that is younger than 18 will need to scroll right on. I don’t want to risk my account being thanosed
**Please DO NOT copy and paste my work WITHOUT my permission and WITHOUT giving me the proper credit. I work way too hard on my work to have to stolen. You may share the link to this post.
***This work is also posted on Instagram, Wattpad, and AO3. Please go show it some love over there.
****Follow my other accounts Instagram, Twitter, Wattpad, and AO3
*****DMs are OPEN for REQUESTS
Song Inspired by Zara Larsson’s Ain’t My Fault (Click HERE to listen)
Forever Tags: @donnaintx​ @myinconnelly1​ @magssteenkamp​ @elansaidaris​ @hobby27​ @440mxs-wife​
Dean/Jensen Tags: @akshi8278​ @squirrelnotsam​ @sandlee44​
My Masterlist
Shy’s Favorite Fic List
I sit in the bar and throw back another shot. My hunt didn't go as planned. Lost a friend and good hunter. Well, he wasn't that great of a hunter, but still. He didn't deserve to go out that way. May he rest in peace. Now to go back to Cheyenne, and tell his wife. I throw back another shot.
The door to bar opens and I feel the cool evening breeze. Out of habit, I look towards the door to see who is walking in. That's when I see him walk in. The red shirt he wears stands out more than anything in this bar. The way he runs his hands through his short hair makes me catch my breath. The way his body moves around, I instantly know he's a hunter. But not just any hunter, this is a Winchester.
He looks around the bar as if he's looking for someone. Even from across the bar, I can see his green eyes flutter this way and that. I have never seen green eyes like that. So bright and that they look almost fake. When he doesn't find or see what he's looking for he makes his way to the bar. He takes a seat a few seats away from me and orders a beer. He takes a couple glances around and those green eyes land on me. With a small smirk, he winks at me.
Quickly looking away, I order a few more rounds of shots. When the small drinks are placed in front of me, I shoot back the golden brown drink. I can still feel his eyes on me. A quick sideways glance, I see that he has turns part of his body towards me. I look away and shoot back that last three shots. I start to slip out of my chair and when I look up I see him standing right there. Beer bottle in hand.
How did he get here so fast? I wonder. I mean, I've heard stories about the Winchesters, so I'm not going to doubt anything at this point. "Sorry," I try to move pass him but his green eyes hold me there.
"Have we met?" His deep rough voice suddenly has my brain sending signal all the way down to my core. Fuck, the sound of his voice was almost better than the whiskey I just shot. I mean, this could be the alcohol talking too.
"I wouldn't forget you if we had." Did I really say that out loud? Yep, I'm an ass who will most likely regret this in the morning.
He chuckles which makes me wish I had my legs crossed. Fuck. I'm starting to feel the ache and pulling in between my legs. I knew I had to get out of here. Silent rule between us female hunters: Never sleep with a Winchester. If you do, don't get attached because those Winchester men are a love them in the moment kind of man. Then they are gone without a word the next morning.
"Good one," His smile lingers on his too perfect face. "I'm Dean Winchester." He stretches his free hand out.
"Figures. I've of heard of you," my hand, having a mind of its own, takes it and shakes it. "I'm YN YLN."
Dean Winchesters smile gets a bit bigger. He sits in the empty chair by him and without thinking, I do the same. I make sure I cross my legs too. "I've heard of you, too." Damn it, his voice really needs to stop doing that. I squeeze my legs tighter together. "Word on the street is that you're a badass hunter with a tongue who takes and gives no fucks."
"Is that what they're saying about me?" I chuckle and look down. "I get the job done. That's all."
For the next two hours we talk. We exchange some of our hunting stories. He has saved the world a several times and lives up to the stories I've heard from other hunters. As we talk, He drinks and I chug water and snack on some crappy bar fries. Before the clock hits ten, I get up out of my seat and tell him I gotta get back to my motel and get some sleep.
"Do you need a lift?" Deans voice, sexy as it is, is a bit slurry.
"No, It's just around the block," I say.
"Don't like it," He gets up and throws cash onto the bar counter. He takes keys out of his pocket and shakes them. "I'll take you back."
I smile and can't help but feel the tightness in my core. It's practically screaming right now. "I'm a big girl," I say remember that silent rule.
"I'm afraid I have to insist, sweetheart," He gently takes my arm and hooks it around his and walks me out. "You never know what sick bastard wants to get his hands on a beautiful thing like you. Hunter or not, you could get hurt."
So I let Dean Winchester take me back to my motel room.
Sitting in the parking lot in front of my room, we talk a little bit more. I haven't talked that much to just one person before. I have always kept talks with others short. I start to get out and Dean gets out with me.
"Don't say anything," He says walking around to my side. "Let me just make sure you make it inside alright."
I throw my hands up and let him walk me to the door. I repeat the silent rule in my head. Never sleep with a Winchester. Never sleep with a Winchester. Never sleep with a Winchester. I open my door and step inside, Dean watches my every move.
"Do you want to come in?" I catch myself asking.
"Sure," Dean follows me inside.
I don't know what the fuck I just did, but I am not backing out. My body seems to know what I what more than my brain. "I'm going to use the bathroom real quick." Before I close the door to the bathroom, I see Dean take a seat in the motel table chair and pull out his phone. I turn to the bathroom sink and splash my face and see the look in my own eyes. The lust. The hunger. The need.  I pull the hair band from my hair and shake it out.
"Here we go," I smile to myself. I instantly become a whole new person.
I make my way out of the bathroom. Dean is leaning back in the chair. "I hope you don't mind, but I raided your mini fridge." He points to a few empty mini bottles of alcohol.
"Oh that's fine," I walk over to my phone that's on the table and find the perfect song. Setting it down, I open up my bag and pull out the tie that I carry with me. "I hope you don't music."
"I love music," Dean says shifting in his seat. I can see a noticeable bulge forming tightly in his pants.
"Good," I turn towards Dean. "Just feel the music once the music starts." He eyes the tie in my hand. He smirks and raises an eyebrow. I bite my lip as I feel the wetness in my pants start to form. I take the tie and gently wrap it around his eyes and tie a knot so it's secure.
I press play on the phone and lean behind him. "Like I said, feel the music."
As the song starts, I slowly run my hands over his shoulders. Feeling the firm muscle under neath the layer of red. I suck in a soft breath. I lean behind him and press my lips to his neck and trail them to his ear. I feel the muscles tense and relax. I move to the other side and put my lips to his ear and whisper the lyrics to him.
"It ain't my fault you keep turning me on. It ain't my fault you got, got me so gone. It ain't my fault I'm not leavin' alone. It ain't my fault you keep turning me on." I slowly push away and notice a small little smile on his face. I walk around straddle his lap and start on the buttons of that red shirt. Figures, there's another layer under it.
I push this first layer down and when I do, Deans hands grab my hips. With one hand and take both of them and pin them down between our bodies. One of his fingers slips out and starts to firmly stroke the crotch of my jeans. I bite my lip and suck in a breath. Just the touch alone sends sparks throughout my body.
Taking my free hand, I grab the back of his head and grip the small hair. I feel his hands ball into fists. I press my forehead to his and he tries to bring his lips to mine. He can't due to my firm grip. "So if I put your hands where my eyes can't see. Then you're the one who's got a hold on me. No I, can't be responsible, responsible." I softly sing along to the song. I softly and quickly press my lips to his.
Dean's lips part and I feel the tip of his tongue on my lips. I push away and slid off his lap, making sure my hand brushed against his already hard erection. I make my way around the chair again and slowly slide my hands back down his chest. Sighing as I feel the muscles again. As the lyrics of the song start again It ain't my fault you came in looking like that. You just made me trip, fall, and land on your lap. Certain bad boy smooth, body hotter than a sauna. I don't mean to be rude, but I look so damn good on ya. I grip the bottom of his black t-shirt and pull it up over his head. Without the blindfold moving either.
Nothing prepared me for Deans hand to grip my neck gently but firmly from behind. Dean pulls my neck down and presses his lips to mine. He slips his tongue into my mouth and explores it. His tongue runs along my teeth and pushes my tongue aside. Trying to claim dominance.
I push away from him. His hand reluctantly pulls away from my neck and falls back to his lap. I walk around him and un do my pants and shimmy out of them. Dean tilts his to the side as he hears my pants hit the ground. I got back and sit on Deans lap but this time, my back is a hundred percent to him. I grab his hand and use them to run over my body. From my shirt covered breast to my naked thighs. My head rolls back and to the side as he take control of his hands back.
"Too much shirt," he whispers into my ear. He grabs the hem of my shirt and flawlessly takes it off. I hear the fabric fall floor and I bring a hand back to his face. As swiftly as he took my shirt off, he takes my bra off. Both his firm and calloused hands squeeze both my breast and pinches the sensitive nipple making them hard under his hands.  
My head falls back onto Deans shoulder. He takes hold of my neck again and kisses my neck and his free hand trails my body and slowly disappears under my lace panties. His finger slowly circle around my clit and that's all he does. I suck in a breath and bite my lip as my own arousal slowly turns into a climax.
Dean kisses my neck again as the lyrics of the song say So if I put your hands where my eyes can't see. Then you're the one who's got a hold on me. No I, can't be responsible, responsible. Then without warning, Dean pushes me off his lap. I turn to see him rip the tie of his face. Those gorgeous green eye were filled lust, hunger, desire, the whole bit.
He closes the gap between us and backs us to the bed where he pushes me down onto it. I lay on the bed and watch as he takes his pants off and slowly takes my panties off. He smiles at how wet they are. He sets them aside and settles himself between my legs. He takes my hands and pins them above my head.
"You're turn," he nips my ear and he slips inside me.
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Riding On  Ch 6: It’s A Nice Day For A White Wedding
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Summary: It’s Jake’s wedding day and poor Fliss appears to be the only sober one in the Circle Of Truth…and then that all important question is answered. Is Baby Adler Pink or Blue? (Place your bets, please!)
Warnings: Bad Language words. SMUT (NSFW NO UNDER 18s!!) Also some pretty heavy anti-Trump ranting so if this offends anyone, sorry (but also not sorry… I think the guy is as much of a buffoon as Boris fcking Johnson)
Pairing: Frank Adler x Fliss Gallagher
A/N: Just so you know, I couldn’t decide whether to give them a boy or a girl…so I literally wrote both down on a piece of paper and picked. Also, I have to thank @southerngrace here for her idea on just how to reveal the news to Mary and their Family. Chapter Song: It’s All About You by Mc Fly (this one has ALWAYS screamed Friss at me, I’m not afraid to say it!)
Riding On Masterlist //  WIYPT Masterlist
And I would answer all your wishes, if you asked me to. But if you deny me one of your kisses, don’t know what I’d do. So hold me close and say three words like you used to do. Dancing on the kitchen tiles, yes you make my life worthwhile, so I told you with a smile, it’s all about you.
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Bonnie and Fliss stood in the small room at the side, the crowd of people milling around between there and the outside patio area whilst the main room was set up for the party following the conclusion of the sit down reception.
"It was a nice meal." Bonnie smiled.
"Yeah, really thoughtful of them to have the non-alcoholic wine available" Fliss smiled. “Felt nice to taste something that made me feel like an adult again.”
She looked around and her gaze settled on Frank who was leaning against the bar, his red tie long discarded, collar of his dress shirt undone. He caught her eye, flashed her a smile and then turned back to Greg continuing their conversation.
"He hasn't taken his eyes off you all day." Bonnie smiled as Fliss turned back to her. "It's cute"
Fliss smiled "You know he got me flowers yesterday. When I got back from work he had already left to come up here and when I called him to ask what they occasion was he said he just felt like it." She paused "I get the feeling he is still trying to make up for Vegas but he doesn't need to. We're good."
Bonnie grinned. "Did he tell you what he actually said to the girl?"
"I don't think he remembers" Fliss shook her head.
"Si does. Apparently he said, and I quote 'why the fuck would I want a Big Mac when I got a prime fillet steak waiting for me at home?’ “
Fliss blinked, and then let out a huge snort of laughter which attracted the attention of a few people around them.
"How fucking rude"
"She deserved it by refusing to back off the first time. Ho." Bonnie shrugged.
"I don't mean that I mean him likening me to a piece of meat. Mind you, quite apt really..." she shrugged
"How so?"
"He is constantly fucking horny." Fliss dropped her voice "Not that I particularly mind but the last week or so he's been really, really bad. Take Thursday for example. I woke up to him poking me in the back so he got a blowjob before we got up, then he fucked me on the couch that evening when Mary had gone to bed and then when I woke up to go to the loo at 2 am we did it again."
Bonnie sniggered "Maybe you're giving off some kind of sex pheromone because you’re pregnant."
"I know you're joking but..." Fliss shrugged "He’s always had a high sex drive but since I started really showing he has gotten so much worse. I think he has some kind of breeding kink."
"Must be so hard being you..." Bonnie said sarcastically "Nice man that buys you flowers and can't keep his hands off you...”
"He is the one finding it hard not me" Fliss grinned and at that Bonnie tipped her head back laughing.
Frank heard his girl’s laughter from where he was stood and watched as she tipped her head back, attracting the attention of a few of the guests with her loud cackles. His eyes scanned down her frame and back up again, lingering slightly on the gentle curve of her bump just visible under her dress as it hung over her lower body. Her hair was pulled back into an elegant knot at the base of her neck, a few strands hanging loose around her face and her eyes were lidded with a light dusting of rose gold powder, making her brown irises pop even more. The necklace he had bought her a while back hung around her neck, settling just above her cleavage which looked fucking amazing in that dress.
The moment he had seen her earlier when she had arrived with Bonnie he’d felt the all too familiar stirring in his pants that he seemed to get every time he looked at her recently. His mouth had gone dry and he’d been totally ogling her, enough to cause Greg to slap him on his shoulder and tell him, jokingly, to stop being a pervert.
Frank hadn't replied. He’d waited long enough to allow himself to open up to someone so they could see the entire shit show he was. He was happy, more than happy in fact. So as for being a pervert where Fliss was concerned? Well, he had no intentions of stopping at all.
As he watched her now, aware he was once more staring at her, she tucked a piece of hair behind her ear and her hand went to her silver daisy pendant, gently twirling the silver chain in her fingers before she let go, pressing her hand over the pendant in the curve just above her breasts and that was it, he was done.
He wanted her, now.
Necking the short that Greg had passed him he patted his friend on his shoulder and told him he would be back shortly before striding over the room towards the two women. As he made his way over, dodging round a few people, he saw Fliss reached out and snatch Bonnie’s beer, taking a mouthful, letting out a groan of satisfaction. Bonnie’s eyes flew to him as he approached and he put a finger over his lips, telling her to be quiet.
“Pretty sure you ain’t supposed to have that…” Bonnie chastised, her eyes flicking back to Fliss as she took the bottle back.
“One mouthful won’t hurt.” Fliss replied, her shoulders rising in a shrug. “I always take a swig of Frank’s before I hand it to him…just don’t tell him.”
“Too late.” he leaned down and said in her ear, causing her to shriek slightly and jump as his hands settled on her hips, beard tickling her cheek and neck.
“Fuck! Fran, what you trying to do, send me into early labour?” she tilted her head to look over her shoulder at him before she glared at Bonnie “You could have warned me.”
Bonnie shrugged and grinned as she walked off. Fliss wrinkled her nose and turned in Frank’s arms, looking up at him sheepishly
“That was naughty.” he teased and she grinned a little.
“It was one mouthful…”
“I’m only teasing.” he smiled, dropping his mouth to hers in a sweet kiss and she sighed. He tasted of scotch and the cheesecake that they’d had for desert. “I told you before, one glass or one bottle won’t hurt if you want one.” “No, I don’t.” she shrugged “Just wanted a little taste that’s all.”
“Yeah well, now I want a taste of something.” “What are you talking about?”
“I want you.” he said, his mouth by her ear and he felt her still slightly, her breath hitching and he grinned, planting a soft kiss to the crook of her shoulder. He knew the effect those words had on her, being wanted as opposed to needed, it was a subtle difference, but one he knew meant something to her, and him for that matter.
“What, now?” she looked at him as he pulled away, glancing around the room before he looked back down at her.
“Right now.” he nodded.
“You’re serious.”
“Deadly.” he looked at her, “What’s the Ladies bathroom like?”
“You wanna do me in the ladies?” she deadpanned as he tugged her hand and pulled her away from the crowded foyer towards the bathroom.
“Yup.” he said, checking around once more to see if anyone was watching, before he opened the door and nudged her back gently with his hand so she entered the room in front of him.
“Wow, romantic, Frank.” Fliss said sarcastically as she arched an eyebrow, turning to face him.
“I’m being spontaneous….” he said, backing into the cubicle and pulling her with him, reaching round to lock the stall door.
“There’s nothing spontaneous about you wanting to jump my bones” she looked up at him as her purse clattered to the floor, “You’re constantly after a bit at the moment.”
“Can you blame me Sweetheart?” he whined, looking down at her, his eye-line trained on her cleavage “You turn up…looking like that…been killing me sat next to you all afternoon. Frankie has needs.”
“My face is up here jackass!”
“I know.” he said, his gaze not moving “I was talking to Ben and Jerry.”
“Ben and Jerry.” Fliss scoffed “You named my boobs?”
“Only since they got bigger.” he grinned as his eyes moved back to hers
“Why Ben and Jerry?” she asked as his hands gripped at her hips.
“Because they’re delicious and soft like ice cream.”
Fliss snorted and he grinned at her, his eyes glazed slightly.
“You’re drunk” she stated.
“Nah ah, it’s hormones.” he said seriously.
“No.” Fliss laughed “I’m pretty sure you’re drunk. I saw you, Simon and Greg before, all necking from the hipflasks you each have in your pocket whilst they were taking the photos.” “Yeah, but.” Frank shook his head “I aint that drunk. Scouts honour.” “Like you were ever in the scouts.” she laughed, her hand brushing through his hair.
“Actually I was, you can ask the mothership.” he assured her “They kicked me out after 5 months thought. I made rude words out of a load of string that we were supposed to be using to mark out a flower bed at the old people’s home.”
Fliss let out a groan “Bean is gonna be a monster.”
“No they won’t” he shook his head “Gonna be sweet…” he placed a kiss to her lips. “…and gentle, just like their mamma bear.”
His hand moved to cup her cheek, fingers grazing her neck as he pressed his mouth to hers. The kiss quickly became heated and Frank pressed up against her, the door to the cubicle rattling slightly, neither of them paying it much attention. His other hand grabbed a fist full of her dress, and he was just hoisting the tulle layers up when the noise of voices hit their ear as the door to the bathroom opened. They both stopped dead, and Fliss bit her lip to stop herself from laughing as Frank grinned down at her, his finger flying to his lips as his shoulders shook with his silent sniggers. A few doors down the cubicle door opened and they waited for whoever it was to finish. Eventually the toilet flushed and the door unlocked, before the tap began to run.
“I’d hurry up you guys…” Bonnie spoke, amusement in her tone as Frank and Fliss looked at each other, “You’ve been gone 10 minutes already.” At that Fliss burst out giggling as Frank snorted and his face dropped to Fliss shoulder where he pressed a kiss to her skin, his lips sliding up to her neck, gently nipping beneath her ear, his hands fondling her breasts over her dress. She gave a low groan and he smirked against her skin.
“Still don’t wanna?” he teased and she shook her head.
“Fine, just…get on with it then you twat.” she mumbled into his ear and he looked at her, grinning.
“I love it when you swear in British baby.”
“I can talk dirty in British too…” she quipped.
Frank gave a groan, slanting his mouth on hers as he pulled her with him, her fingers undoing his belt and trousers, pushing them down with his boxers over his hips, before he sat down on the closed toilet, taking himself in his hand and pumping himself a few times until he was rock hard as she leaned down, kissing him.
“Turn round…” he said against her mouth and she did as she was told. His hands bunched her skirt up to her hips and she reached down to move it of the way as he grabbed her hips and pulled her down, shifting her underwear to one side. In a fluid moment she sank down onto him, both of them letting out soft moans as Frank’s arm circled her waist protectively around her bump as she tipped her head back against his shoulders, his hips moving upwards.
She ground down on him, rotating her hips and he let her set the pace, more than happy to simply sit there, holding her, trailing sloppy kisses over the exposed skin on her back. The hand that wasn’t round her waist moved up to the front of her dress, slipping inside the low plunge neck line to her bra-les breast, rolling her nipple softly causing her to shudder and push down on him further.
“Fuck, Lissy…” he groaned, his forehead pressing on her shoulder “Feel so good baby girl..”
Her response was a low pant of his name as her hips moved faster, snapping back and forth as she pushed down even further, seeking out the friction she desperately needed. Her head tilted and he caught her mouth in a sloppy kiss, swallowing another moan as she pushed down further, his hands pulling her onto his lap as he fucked up into her over and over.
It was dirty, quick and in his many times with women he wasn’t quite sure he’d fucked anyone in a bathroom before, certainly an alley way or two, a dark corner of parking lot too, but it didn’t matter either way as he was damned sure it wouldn’t have been as good as this, the woman who was carrying his baby, the woman he loved with all his heart bouncing on his lap as they both raced to their ends. As Fliss tightened down, her head rolling back, she parted her lips and let out a low keen as Frank’s hand gently moved upwards, his fingers caressing the font of her throat as he held her against him, turning her head towards his so he could catch her mouth in a filthy kiss as he pushed up for a final time and came with a grunt. They both sat still for a while before he gave a little hum as Fliss chuckled as his hands wrapped around her, resting on her bump.
“You’re a bad man.” she mumbled and he grinned, giving her a quick kiss.
“Yeah but I’m your bad man.”
With a snort Fliss stood up and Frank rearranged himself, standing up and pulling up his pants. With another soft kiss Fliss told him to go out ahead of her whilst he sorted herself out so as not to attract too much attention to where they had been, even though she was pretty sure Bonnie had already told their friends.
Telling her he would meet her at the bar, with a final peck to her lips Frank headed out of the cubicle. He quickly checked his appearance in the mirror and once he’d straightened his suit and smoothed his hair down slightly he pulled the door open to be met with a round of applause as Simon and Greg stood by the pillar outside the bathroom, both grinning as they clapped.
Frank grinned as simply took a bow before the three of them laughed and Greg slapped him on the back as the three of them headed to the bar.
***** “Welcome to the dance floor….” The DJ’s voice rang out over the room “The new Mr and Mrs Neill…”
Jake swept Lisa out onto the floor and Fliss smiled, watching a the woman’s dress billowed out behind her and he took her into a hold as the opening bars to Signed, Sealed Delivered by Stevie Wonder rang out. Jake began to twirl Lisa around, the pair of them laughing a various people took photos, recording. Frank dropped a kiss to the side of Fliss’ temple and she smiled as his fingers curled around her hip.
“They look so happy.” Fliss smiled.
“Yeah.” Frank nodded “Good job really, seeing as they just got married.”
Fliss smiled and then there were some giggles as Jake and Lisa’s young girls ran onto the dancefloor to join their parents, which gave the couple the signal to wave everyone else in to join them.
“Shall we?” Frank asked, turning to face Fliss and she grinned.
“Lead the way Sailor.”
They stepped out onto the dancefloor where Frank gently took her left hand in his right, his other hand curling round her back, fingers splaying at the bottom of her spint.
“Can’t pull you quite as close as I’d like.” he quipped glancing down and Fliss shook her head as she looked at him, a soft smile spread across his face “You’re beautiful.” “You’re not so bad yourself, handsome.” she smiled as he twirled her around the floor, his movements upbeat in time with the song. He was actually a pretty good dancer, which Fliss knew already from the various times they’d been out, but it never failed to make her smile the way he could move so gracefully for such a tall, broad shouldered man. When she had passed comment on it once he had grinned and informed he that it was ‘all in the hips’, hips that were now easily snaking side to side as he moved in time with the music, stepping back from her a little, his hands taking hers. Fliss laughed, simply dancing along with him and eventually the music changed into another upbeat song. The pair of them stayed were they were, dancing with their friends and enjoying themselves until after about 20 minutes or so Fliss declared she was out, and needed the bathroom again before she was going to sit down.
“To pee this time, right?” Bonnie called after her. Fliss didn’t even look back, simply raised her finger up over her shoulder as she left the dancefloor.
Once she had washed her hands she touched up her make-up, glancing at her cheeks which were quite flushed from the heat and the dancing, before she headed out. Frank was waiting for her by the door.
“People will talk, you hanging around outside the Ladies.” she grinned.
“Only one lady for me.” he winked back and she shook her head.
“Smooth.” “I try.” he grinned, kissing her cheek “Wanna get a drink?”
“Yeah.” she smiled, slipping her hand in his as he led her over to the bar.
Frank ordered himself a beer, deciding he needed to take a break from the hard-stuff and Fliss a water. As she took it from him with a thanks she glanced around watching everyone dancing and milling around, cocking her head to one side, a thoughtful look on her face.
“Penny for em.” Frank said and she turned to look at him smiling.
“Nothing of interest really.” she mused “Just thinking about all this. It’s been a nice day and a lovely ceremony and clearly what Lisa and Jake wanted but…” “Not what you want.” Frank smiled “Yeah, I know.” “But what about you?” she asked, looking at him. “I know we joke about how I’ve been there and done it but…” “Liss.” he cut her off, his hand curling round her hip. “Do you really think that all this showy shit is my style?”
“No, not really.”
“Exactly.” he smiled at her “I told you, I’d be happy to run away, me, you and Mary and do it with just the 3 of us there. But I’d probably get lynched by your mom and dad so…” He pulled her into his side closer, dropping a kiss to his head “It can be whatever we want it to be.”
That word hit her hard, because her last wedding had been all about how her stupid bastard of a husband wanted to show the world how rich and special he was. There wasn’t a thing about that day she had chosen for herself, including her dress and her bridesmaids. She looked up at Frank, her eyes clouding slightly and he chuckled, shaking his head at her sudden emotion.
“Come on, let’s go sit down.” he smirked, nodding to a table at the side of the room where Simon was just taking a seat. Fliss nodded and allowed him to lead her over.
As is usually the case with weddings, people flit around all over the place. Fliss found herself dancing again with Bonnie, then talking to a few of Jake’s old school friends, then to some of Lisa’s friends, one of whom had her own horse so they got caught up in a lengthy chat about show-jumping and before long she realised she’d been away from Frank for well over an hour without realising. She finished up the conversation and headed back to where he was sat at a table, animatedly discussing something with a white haired gentleman, Bonnie watching him with a slightly amused expression.
"The guy is a fahking melt..." Fliss heard Frank groan as he leaned back in his chair, shaking his head.
"Who is he talking about?" Fliss asked as she sat down next to Bonnie.
"Trump" Bonnie replied, grinning.
"Oh this should be fun..." Fliss smirked, and Bonnie nodded.
"The guy he is talking to is apparently a big fan..." she turned to face Fliss, "But he's yet to give any kind of pro- Trump argument which Frank deems worthy of consideration. Oh, and Frank is getting more Boston with every sentence.”
“Yeah he does that.” Fliss she said, fondly turning her attention to Frank who shook his head and wrinkled his nose.
"You're being disrespectful." The man who Frank was talking to shook his head "He's our president."
Frank scoffed "Disrespectful? Not really, I just find it beyond comprehension that this country elected such a damaged, sociopathic narcissist."
"Say what you mean Frank." Bonnie nodded sagely and Fliss bit her lip to stop herself from laughing. Frank was in full flow, however, and fuelled by the amount of alcohol in his system he wasn't about to stop any time soon.
"John Oliver hit the nail on the head." he continued, necking the last of his beer. "Trump could be drowning in the damned ocean and he'd there, waving the lifeboats away screaming 'get out of here, I'm very buoyant, I'm the most buoyant. Everybody talks about my buoyancy... I'm a tremendous floater' ...fahkin jack-ass."
"Who got Frankie boy talking about Trump?" Simon asked, placing the tray of drinks down and handing them out. Fliss took her Sprite with a thanks as he slid a short tumbler of scotch over the white table cloth to Frank, before flopping down on the other side of Bonnie, dropping a kiss to her cheek. Bonnie nodded to the gentleman who was now saying something back, to which Frank let out a lout guffaw of laughter as Greg settled into a seat a few down from Fliss.
Simon grinned "Come on Jack!" he spoke and the man turned to face him "It's a wedding, no politics."
"I only stated I happened to agree with his policy of putting American's first..." the man held his hands up.
"And I only pointed out that his misguided beliefs that migrants are to blame for all of America's ills are exactly that, misguided." Frank shrugged, shooting a wink at Fliss as he reached for the glass of amber liquid in front of him. "People should look closer to home...at the people who run the damnedcountry, not everyone in it merely tryin'a make a living..."
"His policies made sense when I read them..." the man called Jack shrugged. “Well thought out, articulate…” At that Frank leaned back, shaking his head, an unbelieving smile on his face as he gave a groan “Articulate…come on…”
"You kniow..." Bonnie leaned forward "A random monkey hitting keys for an infinite amount of time will eventually come up with the works of Shakespeare" she swallowed the rest of her drink. "All Trump really needs to be considered one of the greatest Presidents of all times is an infinite amount of time and a monkey that can type."
At that Frank snorted into his glass and reached over the table, holding his hand up. Grinning Bonnie hi-fived him and Simon, Greg and Fliss exchanged a glance, before Fliss leaned forward.
"You know how they measure horses in hands." she said and Frank turned his attention to his girl, his eyes shining "well he must have the biggest horses on the planet." she said, making a claw like gesture with her right hand and Frank let out another loud bellow of laughter, his hand flying to his stomach.
"And why are his eye sockets always white?" Greg asked, looking into his glass like it held the answer before he glanced round at them all. "Like, you think someone would tell him to use the sunbed without the goggles every once in a while..."
At that Jack shook his head and stood up, walking away.
"Something we said?" Bonnie asked, innocently as Simon leaned back in his chair and spoke, his talent for impressions ringing out across the table as he imitated the President's voice perfectly "I'm going to build a wall, and it will be the greatest wall ever known to man, even better than China's...my time as President will go down in history as being part of America's dumbass years, the most dumbass years ever..."
As the 5 of them laughed, Jake plopped down at the table, pointing at Simon, then Frank then Greg.
"No politics at my wedding, bitches."
"We're not talking politics..." Frank hiccupped slightly "We were just roasting the cheeto skinned, toupee wearing prick."
"His dad should have definitely wiped him on a curtain." Greg nodded, causing everyone at the table to laugh once more.
"All that sperm and he got there the quickest." Simon sighed "Makes me wanna cry."
"You know what is gonna make you cry?" Jake looked at him "My foot up your ass. Come on guys, this is my fucking wedding. Let’s go do shots and rip up the dancefloor!"
"Oooh...shots..." Bonnie nodded, standing up.
"What happened to taking it easy in solidarity?" Fliss narrowed her eyes at her, patting her bump.
"I'm weak." Bonnie shrugged as Simon tugged her to the bar, Greg rising to follow them.
"Frank?" Jake asked
"I'll pass." he smiled
"I could get em to make you an apple juice shooter?" Jake offered as he patted Fliss' shoulder. She flipped him the bird as he walked off, chuckling to himself.
Frank pause for a moment, taking in his girl's slightly flushed cheeks before he stood up, grabbing his glass which contained what was left of his short, and rounded the table to sit next to her.
"C'mere..." he said, patting his knee. She stood up and settled on his lap, his arm curling round her waist, fingers brushing the side of her bump "You ok?"
"Yeah." she smiled "Which is more than you're gonna be in the morning."
"I'll live" he smirked, necking the rest of his liquor. "No one has ever died from a hangover Sweetheart."
"There's time." she smiled and he grinned up at her, placing his glass on the table.
"How's Bean?"
"Cooking." she grinned
"And Momma bear?"
"You asked me that a few seconds ago."
"And I'm asking again."
"In that case I'm still fine." she grinned leaning down to give him a peck. Frank smiled at her as she leaned back, his hand brushing her hip as he looked around the room.
"I wanna get married." he said, looking back to Fliss.
"We are."
"No, I mean like actually do it." he smiled "I wanna set a date."
"Don't you think we have enough to organise?" Fliss chuckled "Finding a house seeing as you're so adamant you want to move before Bean arrives..."
"They need a nursery." he pouted and Fliss smiled, running her hands through his hair.
"So you tell me." she replied "And then there's actually a small matter of me giving birth..."
"Piece of cake..."
"Oh really?" she looked at him "How about you squeeze a bowling bowl out of your vagina and then tell me it's easy..."
Frank laughed and grinned up at her "You'll be amazing...you always are." he placed a kiss to her bare shoulder. "But seriously...don't you wanna marry me?" he pouted.
"No, I just took this ring because it was shiny." Fliss rolled her eyes at him "Of course I do."
"Well...couldn't we just like pick a month...so...I have some kind of marker in the sand?"
Fliss looked at him as he turned his puppy dog eyes on her and she shook her head, giving a soft huff
"You're such a soft bastard when you're drunk."
He shrugged "I can't help it. You make me feel things."
"And I don't when you're sober?" she teased.
"Shut up." he looked at her and she grinned, running her hand through the whiskers on his face. His beard was now actually pretty impressive as he'd let it grow out properly, it was way beyond the untidy, short stubble it had been when she'd first met him. But then again he was also quite far removed from that fly-by-the-seat-of-your-pants, lost and damaged man he had been. He'd grown, a lot. And so had she. He knew it, she knew it...and the fact they had done it together made it all the more meaningful and special.
"September." Fliss smiled "Next year. Bean will be 1 by then and things will have settled. Think you can wait that long?"
Frank beamed at her "Yeah? You mean it?"
She nodded.
"Then September 2020 it is." his lips stayed curled up at the side as she dipped her head again and pressed her mouth to his. She pulled back, and found herself mimicking the infectious smile on his face. "I can't wait to make you Mrs Adler." he whispered.
"Who says I'm changing my name?" She teased and he frowned a moment before he shrugged.
"I just assumed..."he began to back track "I mean if you don't want..."
"Frankie..." Fliss cut him off, her hands cupping his face "I'm joking. I can't wait to have the same surname as you, Mary and our little one."
"God I fahkin love you..." he spluttered and she laughed, leaning back a little bit. At that point the opening bars to Hungry Like The Wolf hit their ears and Fliss heard Bonnie shriek her name.
"Miami BITCHES, HOLLERRRR!" Simon yelled as he leaned on the back of Frank's chair.
"Shall we?" Fliss asked, standing up. Frank grinned, took her hand and allowed her to pull him onto the dancefloor. As she began to dance and laugh with Bonnie his hand fell to her hips, pulling her back against him, just like he had done all those months ago in Miami, before everything had taken such a huge change in direction. A dramatic change, but a change he was loving day by day. As he felt her push back slightly against his groin he gave a low groan and bent over.
“Stop it or I’ll be dragging you off to the bathroom again.”
She tilted her head, looked at him all doe eyed and innocent and he shook his head, arching and eyebrow.
“Ok, ok, I’m sorry.” she spluttered and he rolled his eyes before she turned round to carry on dancing, this time behaving herself.
As it was getting later into the evening, after a few more 80s hits the music took a turn and dimmed into something softer, and Fliss cocked her head to the side as Frank reached out to her, pulling her to him.
“What is this?” she asked.
“It’s called God Gave Me You.” Frank said, his fingers curing around hers “By Blake Shelton. He’s a Country singer.”
“Ohh, the dude that’s with Gwen Stefani.” Fliss nodded.
“Yeah, I heard it for the first time in ages in the truck the other day.” Frank said “When we went to Tampa.”
“I thought it sounded familiar.”
He smiled, refraining from telling her he’d been playing it on a damned loop for days since because every time he heard it, it simply reminded him of her.
As he steered her around, he became lost in the lyrics, not really paying attention to anything but realising how much they stuck home, how they were true to what he felt about Fliss. How he had been a mess until she’d appeared and given him everything he didn’t even realise he needed and more. How she had fit so perfectly into his and Mary’s life. How she was now carrying his child. How he would always love her…
He felt her squeeze his hand and he looked down and she was grinning at him.
“You’re singing.”
“Am I?” he asked, giving a soft chuckle “Sorry, I didn’t realise…”
“Don’t worry about it, no one else heard. Besides you have a good voice, not like mine.”
“Well, I wasn’t gonna say anything but the other day when you were singing in the shower Mary thought Fred was stuck somewhere and crying to get out.” Fliss laughed and shook her head “Yeah it isn’t one of my talents. I’ll leave it to you.”
He smiled and gave her a soft kiss.
“You singing it to me or Bean?” Fliss asked, smiling at him as he twirled them round slightly.
“Without you there would be no Bean.” He shrugged simply and at his words he saw her eyes misting over.
“Frankie…” she muttered and he chuckled slightly, his hands cupping her face.
“Baby, what’s…”
“That’s so sweet and…” she spluttered shaking her head “Fucking hormones”
He laughed and pulled her closer, still swaying to the music and she let out a sight. Frank felt her sagging a little in his arms and then it struck him. It was almost midnight. She had been up since 8, they’d been out at this wedding one way or another for almost 12 hours now and she was 5 months pregnant.
“You tired honey?” he asked and she shook her head where it was pressed against his chest. “Liar.” he kissed her head softly.
“Ok maybe a little.” she looked up at him
“Wanna go?”
“It’s still early.” she looked at him. “I don’t mind if you want to stay, I can go and-“
“Absolutely not.” he shook his head “It’s half 11 now and I’ve drunk more than enough…Jake and Lisa won’t mind.”
“You sure?”
“Course. I’ll go get call us a cab.”
When he came back Fliss was at the table gathering her purse and his jacket. They made their rounds, said good bye to their friends and Frank led his girl out into the starry sky hand in hand.
All things considered, on the Sunday morning Frank woke fairly clear headed, which Fliss pointed out shouldn’t have happened with how much he had drunk. They had a lazy morning before they headed home to pick Mary up, who was full of beans about how Steve had taken her out playing mini-golf the previous afternoon. They stayed for dinner at Bill and Verity’s before they made their way home along with the 4-legged fur babies and it wasn’t long before all 3 of them crashed out, the exertion of the weekend catching up on them all.
Monday and Tuesday seemed to drag by for Frank, and there was a reason. On Wednesday they finally got to find out what Bean was. Their scan was in the afternoon and Mary once again wanted to come, especially as she knew she would find out whether it was gonna be a girl or a boy that joined their little family in roughly 19 weeks or so time. Once more she was ignored and packed off to school with a frown on her face.
Frank was like a coiled spring all morning. The guys at work teased him relentlessly about how he was bounding around the place like Tigger on cocaine but he didn’t care. He was beyond excited to find out whether they were going to have a son or daughter. At exactly 12 he finished work and headed home. Fliss was already waiting for him having changed and showered and chatting excitedly they hopped in his truck and headed to the hospital. They were early so went to grab a drink at the coffee shop- Fliss having been told to drink plenty of water as it would help with the scan, and then when they had 15 minutes to their appointment they headed up.
“Miss Gallagher, Mr Adler.” Dr Kent smiled at them as they walked in “Nice to see you again.”
They both greeted her and Fliss settled on the bed, getting herself comfortable as Frank slid into the chair by her side. After answering the questions the Doctor asked her about how she was feeling, whether she was worried about anything, all the time Frank trying to pay attention but his mind was on one thing and one thing only. Seeing his baby again.
And when that time finally came, his heart skipped a beat. On the 3D scan there was so much more detail to take in this time. He could make out the little nose, the ears, eyelashes…fucking eyelashes. A tiny hand curled by its face which twitched as their baby move slightly.
“It says here that you want to know what it is…” Doctor said, looking at them both “Is that still the case.”
“Yeah…” Frank said, at the same time Fliss spluttered.
“No, I mean yes… “
Frank frowned “Liss? I thought…” “Could you write it down for us?” Fliss cut him off, smiling at the doctor.
“Ahh you doing a gender reveal?” The woman nodded, and Frank’s frown grew deeper. They hadn’t discussed that.” Not a problem…”
The doctor looked at the screen and Frank glanced at Fliss questioningly but she softly shook her head at him and squeezed his hand, telling him silently to trust her. The Doctor smiled, and headed off to write the results down and a soon as she had left the room, Frank turned to Fliss
“What are you doing?”
“I just had a thought…” Fliss took a deep breath “that if we do it this way, you know get it written down to open later, then Mary can be there with us when we find out.”
And once again, just like that, her fucking thoughtfulness knocked him sideways. He blinked and shook his head, smiling as he brought his eyes back up to meet hers “You’re fucking amazing you know that?” Of course the only thing wrong with her plan was that they now had to wait another 3 hours for Mary to come home.
Frank collected her from the bus stop and as usual was greeted by the grumblings that she was perfectly capable of walking home across the little park on her own, to which he shot back his usual I don’t care response. She walked into the apartment with her usual swagger, tossing her bag over the back of the sofa before she wandered into the kitchen where Fliss was stood chopping up salad for dinner
“So.”  she said, dramatically “You gonna tell me then or what?”
Frank looked at Fliss who smiled before he spoke “Actually, you’re gonna tell us.”
“What?” she looked at him
“You’re gonna tell us what it is.” he repeated.
“Like how?” she rolled her eyes “I wasn’t even there.”
“We got the Doctor to write it down.” Fliss explained, “And seal it in an envelope.” Mary’s eyes widened “You mean…you guys don’t know?” Frank shook his head “Fliss thought it would be nice for all 3 of us to find out together.”
She looked at him, then to Fliss, her blue eyes filling with tears a she ran to Frank, her arms circling his waist.
“Hey…” he chuckled, crouching down and looking her in the face, his hand brushing her hair back slightly as she sniffed and gave a watery laugh “We good?”
She nodded and smiled “Where is it? The envelope I mean.”
“On the coffee table.”  he said, kissing her forehead.
“Can we do it now?”
“I hope so.” Frank said, looking up at Fliss “Been waiting all damned afternoon.”
“Oh hush.” Fliss replied as he stood up, Mary in his arms.
“You know you’re getting kinda big now Stack.” he grunted a little as he shifted her onto his hip.
“You’re still bigger.” she said as he dropped her down onto the floor in the living room.  She looked at the envelope and when Fliss nodded at her she picked it up.
“You know…” she mused, looking at Frank “If I open this that technically means that I was the first person to know. Well, other than the doctor…but they don’t count.” Frank looked at Fliss as his arm slid round her waist. “Yeah..” he turned back to Mary “Pretty cool, huh?” She grinned at him and took a deep breath “Ok…here goes….”
Frank felt his heart suddenly become quicker in his chest as he watched Mary pull open the envelope and look at the small slip of paper inside. She read the words, looked at them both, her eyes shining.
“Wow…” she breathed out.
“You’re killing us Stack!” Frank spluttered “What the hell is it?”
“It’s a boy!”
There was a pause and Frank blinked. “What?” he breathed out and looked at Mary “Are you sure?”
“I can read, Frank?” she narrowed her eyes at him, handing him the piece of paper. With a shaking hand he took ait and looked down at the words the doctor had written on them. As he read them, “Congratulations, it’s a Boy!” they suddenly registered in his brain and he looked at Fliss who had tears in her eyes. His own eyes misted over and a huge grin spread across his face.
“Lissy, it’s a boy!”
She gave a laugh as his arms wrapped around her and he kissed the side of her head.
“Happy Sailor?” she asked.
“I can’t…wow!” he chuckled, sniffing slightly, unable to form any other words. He moved one of his arms and signalled for Mary to join them and she rushed forwards, her arms wrapping around his waist as he dropped his hand to her back, gently rubbing between her shoulder blades.
A boy. A little boy.
Although he truly would have been happy either way, as long as their baby was healthy, he’d secretly always hoped the colour would be blue. They had Mary already, and from a selfish point of view had wanted a boy to even the numbers out. Not to mention the fact he was already envisaging matching baseball caps, sneakers, sailing days, basketball, football…
He looked at Fliss who gave him a smile and his face split into an even wider grin and he leaned over to give her a kiss before his hand dropped to the side of her bump, gently skating the place where his son was growing.
***** Frank wanted to shout their news from the roof tops. But Fliss forbid him from telling anyone until they told the family first. As Evelyn would be here for the weekend they decided to have a BBQ on the Saturday evening, and share their news then. And Mary and Fliss came up with the perfect way to do it.
Evelyn arrived in town on the Friday afternoon and due to her new found ‘friendship’ (if you could call it that) with Fliss’ parents since that fateful thanksgiving in Boston, she was staying with them. Her first comment upon seeing them all was how much Fliss had bloomed since her last visit a few months ago. Fliss had grinned and commented that she felt like a hippo to which Evelyn had snorted and told her to stop being ridiculous. The 4 of them went for dinner that evening to the Italian in town that Mary liked and on the Saturday Bill dropped her at the stables to see Mary ride. Mary had now moved on from the cross poles to a foot high straight upright jump, and she was easily taking it all in her stride. Frank had long since given up trying to talk her out of it. She enjoyed it, and it was hard to deny she was pretty good at it too. Saturday afternoon they all went back to the apartment where Evelyn, Fliss and Mary whipped up some cupcake batter…something which floored Frank. He couldn’t remember his mother baking, ever. Once the cakes were cooked however, Evelyn was unceremoniously barred from the kitchen whilst Fliss and Mary put the final touches to their Gender Reveal plans. At one point Mary burst out of the kitchen telling Evelyn to look away, and as Frank looked up from where he and his mother had been glancing at a few realtor pages and properties in the local area, he could instantly see why. She had blue food colouring all over her face and hands.
Later that night Verity, Steve, Bill and Roberta joined them and after a few drinks Mary handed out the cupcakes.
“Now, you have to eat them at the same time.” she instructed “Because the colour in the middle will tell you if the baby is gonna be a boy or a girl.”
“Did you make these?” Steve looked at Fliss. She nodded.
“And no, there’s nothing special in them…” she told him and he smirked “Other than the buttercream.”
As everyone eagerly began to dig into their cakes, desperate to find out, Mary skipped over to where Frank and Fliss were stood at the side of the kitchen steps, standing in front Frank as his arm dropped looping around her chest, pulling her back towards him a little. “A boy?” Verity shrieked, the first to find her splodge of blue cream in the middle of her cake as she looked over at them all.
“Yeah!” Fliss smiled, Frank’s other arm tossed casually round her shoulder.
“God help ya’ll, a mini Frank!” Roberta quipped and he shot her a glare before the rest of the crowd of people erupted into cheers and laughter. There were a lot of hugs shared and then Mary stepped over to Bill and Steve, holding her hand out.
“Pay up, losers.”
“Yeah…Dad can you sub me?” Steve asked, “I left my wallet at home” “Course you did.” Bill grumbled as he reached into his pocket. Retrieving a twenty from his wallet he handed it to Mary.
“Erm…what are you doing?”  Frank asked, having watched the exchanged.
“Last week when you were at the wedding we were talking about it and I bet them it was a boy.” Mary shrugged “I had a hunch” “And now she has twenty bucks.” Bill grumbled as Fliss gave a loud laugh.
“No she doesn’t.” Frank put his hands on his hips “Give it back.”
“No way.” she pouted “I earned that.” “You’re 9.” Frank shot back “You know it’s illegal for 9 year olds to gamble, Mary.”
“What you gonna do Frank?” Fliss asked as Mary folded the money and sticking it in her pocket “Call the feds?”
Bill and Steve both sniggered as Frank looked at Fliss before he shook his head and turned back to Mary.
“How exactly were you gonna pay if you lost?” he folded his arms. “I was planning on winning it back by betting on the name.” she shrugged.
“Double or quits.” Steve nodded in agreement.
“Stop encouraging her.” Frank pointed at him.
“Relax…” Frank heard Evelyn chuckle a little and he turned to face her, where she was sat at the outside table with Verity and Roberta “You’re in dad mode already.” “I’ve been in dad mode for the last 8 and a half years.” he shot back before he felt his eyes widen slightly.
“I know…” his mother gave him a soft smile. “Believe me.”
Fliss hand tightened around his for a second and he looked down at her, giving her a quick peck.
“I’m gonna get another beer.” he said, suddenly needing the head space. “You want anything?” “No.” Fliss smiled at him as he walked off.
Truth was he’d shocked himself a little. That was the first time he’d ever referred to his role with Mary as being a dad out loud to anyone but her or Fliss. Truth be told, he was a little worried about how she was going to react once Bean was born and how they were going to try to keep her feeling as included as they could, especially when he started talking and referring to him and Fliss as Mom and Dad, when Mary didn’t. He ran a hand over his face, opening the fridge. It was an unorthodox situation, but…well, he knew full well there were worse circumstances Mary could be in.
“She wouldn’t mind you know.” a voice jerked him from his thoughts and Frank spun to face his mother
“Who?” he frowned. “Diane.” she reached past him for the bottle of wine in the fridge “Fliss told me that’s why you get so pissy about people referring to you as Mary’s father.” “I’m not pissy about it, I’m just not her father.”
“You are in every other way bar legally being labelled as so, Frank.” Evelyn poured herself a drink “And moreover, Diane’s memory isn’t going to suddenly fade away if you were.”
“What are you-“
She levelled him with a look and simply handed him the bottle back before she picked up her glass and headed off leaving him pondering her words. With a shake of his head, deciding that was a discussion for another day, he grabbed another bottle of beer and headed back outside.
“Hey Frank!” Roberta’s shout stopped him in his tracks as stood at the top of the steps and looked over at her. “You gonna cook anything on this BBQ or what? Been waiting so damned long my clothes are goin outta fashion.” “That’s assuming they were in fashion in the first place!” Mary grinned, skipping past Frank as he walked onto the lawn, tossing a ball for Fred as he scooted off after it, Thor following.
At that Steve snorted. Roberta looked at him
“Oh hark on the British boy in board shorts.”
Steve’s response was a cheeky wink “I have been reliably informed you like men in board shorts Roberta. Do I not meet your standards?” he gave a little twirl, his arms held out to his side, a grin on his face. “I’ve seen worse.” she mused, causing Steve and Bill to tip their heads back in almost identical roars of laugher. “You ever fancy yourself a sugar momma you know where to come lookin’ honey.”
“You know, if we’re discussing questionable clothing choices…” Fliss looked up, her eyes locking onto Frank’s before she glanced at Mary “I have something to say about someone’s shirts.”
Mary let out a lout hoot of laughter as did Roberta and Frank looked at Fliss as she grinned.
With a shake of his head and a soft snort of laughter as he looked around at his family, he headed to the BBQ.
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stripper-patrick · 5 years
Teach me📙 Fezco
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Song: Bad- Wale
Warnings: smut, public touching, choking, oral (m), public fingering
For: @planetblxckmarz
Relationship: Fezco x black plus sized reader
“Hey I brought food” I smile holding up the Chick-fil-A bag
“Thanks” me and Fez are cool I’m his tutor in math. He’s decided that he needs a balance between selling drugs and he picked going back to school which I think is good.
“You know damn well the only thing I wanna eat is you” he says
“I’m your tutor not your fuck buddy right now Fez”
“I like when you say my name mami” I roll my eyes and pull out the books.
“Let’s do this please”
“If I do this will you sit on my face?”
“Ain’t no ‘if I do this’ I’m good in math your the one that need the help” I say with a smile on my face
“By will you still-“ I hit him and he smiles “fine mami but after this I want that pretty pussy on my mouth” he’s not exactly the quietest at the moment but it’s better than him being loud.
“Come on”
“Y/N I swear I’m not high but I really don’t understand this shit” he sigh frustratedly
“Fez it’s ok the more we practice the more you’ll understand” I touch his thigh absentmindedly and he looks down then at me
I retract my hand and mumble and a small sorry before I go back to the book. Fez stares at me and looks at the book.
“Ok let’s try this again” I guide him through the expressions and I feel him guide his hand up my leg. I have on these short shorts and I know he’s gonna try something.
“I’m listening” I roll my eyes and keep teaching. His hand dips into the band of my shorts and past my underwear.
“Keep going baby girl”
“You need this- fuck” he squeezes my clit.
“You wanna take this to your room?” I ask
“That’s more like it”
We didn’t even eat our Chick-fil-A but he’s about to eat me like my name Chick-fil-A.
I pack up the stuff and he grabs it for me. We speed walk to his dorm and get in the elevator. It’s just us and he slides his hand up under my shorts fingering me. I throw my head back and the door dings. People walk in and I compose myself as he still tortures me.
I bite my lip and weighed slightly. He pumps faster. I look at the light beaming “7” Fez is on 10. He gets faster and I feel like you can hear my heart beating fast. I pull him closer to me feeling dizzy. I bury my head in his chest and squeeze on the bottom of his shirt. My legs quake and I gasp. Some eyes turn to us but revert back not noticing my orgasm is swallowing me whole.
The door dings on 10 and I push myself from him grabbing his hand. We leave and he slips his fingers into his mouth. We stop at his room. Fez wraps his hand around the back of my neck and places the card against the reader opening the door.
We walk in and see him roommate Austin.
“Hey do you want me to leave”
“If you don’t mind or you can stay but I can’t promise we’ll be quiet about it”
“I’ll leave” he winks and smiles waving at me “Hey Y/N”
“Hi Austin”
“Condoms are in my room in the top drawer if you need it” he says walking out
“He’s like a mom”
“Keep lookin this good I’ll make you one for real” I smile and Fez picks me up taking me to his room. Who would’ve thought his little ass was this strong.
“Ima tear that pussy up” he kisses my neck and I moan. I take off my shirt and shoes. Fez buries his head in my breasts biting and sucking on them. His favorite is the left because it’s bigger.
“Fez please fuck me”
“I will mama” he takes off his shirt and I undress the rest of myself. He grabs a condom pulling it on and jerking himself a few times. He’s rock solid and veins are popping out of his dick. Fez is definitely packing.
He lays over top of me stretching me out. I moan grabbing the sheets as some type of brace.
“I been waiting for yo ass all day mama” I grab his hand wrapping it around my throat. He isn’t rough today which is something I really need.
“Fez please go harder” I moan
“Nah” his answer is simple yet so condescending. He pushes his hips so deep yet so slow and I feel a mix of pleasure and aggravation. Any other day I’d want him to go slow and the day I want him to rearrange my guts he doesn’t.
I moan as he touched my clit flicking it back and forth. The pleasure gets to be too much for a second and I push myself up a bit
“You gon take these long slow strokes mama don’t run from me” he whispers tightening his grip around my neck. My eyes shut and my mouth opens for the very little air I’m receiving. Fez cuts that’s off with a powerful kiss.
“You like it like this?”
“Yes” he plays with my clit again and repositions himself so he’s pressing right against my g-spot with every single thrust.
I let out a super loud pornographic moan and he smiles. His hot breath is close against my ear.
“Are you close mama? You gon cum all over this dick I don’t care what you say”
His words are bringing me closer and closer. He grips my throat tighter cutting off all oxygen. I want to panic but that would make things bad. My orgasm feels different. Almost as if I can see it about to come into my body from the outside.
He finally goes faster and I clench. My eyes shut and as soon as I get that first taste of release he lets my throat go. I take a deep breath and scream arching my back. My body is quaking in ecstasy.
He smiles and pulls out. I rip off the condom and grab the base of his dick pushing it in my throat. I let the head rub against my throat letting Fez fuck my face.
“Gotdamn” I grab his balls juggling them around and he cums in my mouth.
I continue sucking watching his body shake until he forces me off.
I smile swallowing and he looks at me shaking his head with a smile.
“I aint know you were a squirter mama” he grabs my chin shaking it a little.
“Well now you know”
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Batman and the Wolf in Shining Armor || Ariana & Sammy/Ace
TIMING: Tonight, middle of the night PARTIES: @inspirationdivine​ & @letsbenditlikebennett​ SUMMARY: After looking for Ace/Sammy out in the woods for the past few nights, Ariana finally comes across him again. Wholesome times ensue. CONTENT: Sibling death mentions, 
The past couple of nights, Ariana had made her way to their spot in the woods, hoping to catch Ace. It’d been a while since she left her last note and she knew it left him a bit worried. Turned out, it was with good reason though not even skipping late night runs through the wood had done her any good. She swallowed back the lump that felt like lead in her throat and slid down the tree to sit on the ground as she waited. If he didn’t show up tonight, she was going to have to check that tunnel out again and try to find where he was. She intended to help him and make sure his situation was safe, as she had that looming feeling present that it wasn’t, but things had just spiraled so out of control. She would follow through for him though. Ace was kind, sweet, and funny-- whatever he was going through that limited how much he could share with her wasn’t deserved. Too many good people seemed to be getting the shit end of the stick and she wasn’t going to let that happen to Ace, too. The crunching of leaves beneath shoes shook her from her thoughts as her head whipped around to see the source. A tired, but relieved smile spread across her face as she jumped up to greet Ace. She immediately enveloped him in a hug and said, “I’m so glad you’re here. Been trying to catch you the last few nights.”
Sammy hadn’t been wandering so much lately. It hadn’t been easy to get out with Lydia having one kind of guest or another. Never reveal your presence to a guest. Well, this one apparently didn’t even sleep. Fuck, he’d thought, but tonight, he’d made it out. Even though he’d seen the eye in the sky, the moon didn’t look too shabby. He’d curled his hands into his pockets, and run. No scratch left on his skin anymore, the rambling excuses about dried clay had barely satiated Lydia, but she hadn’t questioned it too closely. He wandered into the woods, his chest tight, desperate to see Ariana again after the notes she’d left him. But the young wolf caught him by surprised when she jumped up from the tree, and when she hugged him he swung his wiry arms right around hers, effortlessly picking up her up in a bear hug. “Yeah, god, I missed you Ari. You scared the hell out of me.”
Ariana clung to him longer than she normally would have, taking in his earthy scent that always vaguely reminded her of clay and burying her head into his chest. With everything else that happened, it was such a huge relief to see him here alive despite the fact she’d failed to check up on him sooner. As she pulled away, she weakly explained, “Sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you.” She meant as much, though she wasn’t even sure how to explain what happened. It was terrible and there wasn’t really a way of making it sound less terrible, not that she thought Ace needed her to filter anything, it was just a lot to put on someone who clearly had their own problems. Not that he could talk about them which only furthered the sour feeling in her stomach so she tried to shake that away, though a trace of a grimace was left on her face. “A lot happened, but I’m mostly safe now. Or at least, there’s not anyone actively hunting for me anymore. Are you okay though? How have you been?”
“Woah, hey,” Sammy said, holding her even tighter as she pressed her face into his chest. He helped her tight, ad when she pulled away, he hated the feeling of letting her go. This werewolf had stolen a piece of his heart a long time ago. “Don’t apologise for that, Ari. Never.” He insisted firmly, squinting in the dark to her. “No one’s hunting you anymore? Ari, that’s fantastic! Agh, same as ever. New eye in the sky, same old Ace. It’s been a pretty quiet old time for me. Mainly I’ve been looking forward to all those prom photos you promised me.” 
Ariana let out a breath as she tried to keep herself from grimacing as he spoke. Ace meant well and really was just so sweet, there was literally no way he could have known that prom night had been the worst night of her life so far. If things hadn’t turned out so tragically wrong, she would have even found how eager he was to see photos from the evening endearing. Fuck. “Fantastic, right,” she started, voice not all that convincing as she pulled out her phone to show him some of the photos. She half wanted to just tell him what happened, but a bigger part of her just wanted to have a nice, light-hearted evening with the mysterious friend she’d made in the forest. She scrolled through a couple of the pictures, showing him as she went. Her purple hair had been done up in a bun and black headband that perfectly matched her long, black dress. She’d looked so… happy. Then she realized she went back too far when she came up on the ones of her and Celeste, quickly throwing the phone down and cringing as she heard the sound of her screen hitting the root of a tree. She hadn’t even realized her eyes were welling up as she shakily said, “Shit, I shouldn’t have--” Her gaze fell down to her unsteady hands, completely ignoring the fallen phone, and instantly felt bad for making him worry about her yet again.
It didn’t sound that fantastic when she said it like that. Sammy bit his doubt into his cheek, swinging himself around to peer over Ariana’s shoulder. “You’re right, that dress is amazing,” he commented idly, from what they’d talked about last time. But the more they flicked through a myriad of faces, the more stiff Ari became. The more uncomfortable. He flinched back, heart hammering, when she flung her phone to the ground. For a split second, he’d seen someone else’s rage. But this was Ari. She was… she was fine. “It’s okay. Ari, it’s okay.” His voice didn’t quite sound it. Sammy picked up the phone. The screen was cracked to hell, but the photo of Ariana next to that woman was still there, smiling up at him, like a dream team. It looked, well, normal. Not something that would make someone cry, unless… well, fuck, there were a lot of reasons someone would well up at the sight of an ugly photo. “Ariana, what’s up? What happened? You can tell me.”
All she had wanted was a nice normal night with Ace and here she was throwing her phone and crying over prom photos. Ariana should have known the photos would be a bad idea. There’d been a reason she hadn’t gone through them herself, but seeing the last photo she and Celeste would ever take together had brought on a new wave of grief that she hadn’t quite been ready to ride. Not now. Her breath was hitched in her throat and he seemed so concerned. He deserved an answer for the outburst that had clearly startled him. She tried to keep her breathing even and blink away the tears. “I’m sorry- I didn’t mean to-- Prom was-- Something bad happened,” she gasped for another breath as if would calm the erratic thudding of her heart in her chest, “I’m not being hunted anymore because they already--” Her voice cracked and she hadn’t realized her fists had been clenched in her lap. She stretched out her shaking hands, trying to force some of the tension out of her body. Trying to find the strength to say the words she hadn’t even wanted to believe. She took a deep breath in and out, forcing herself to say the rest, “Th-they shot me with some sort of weird dart outside the hotel and took me away to some warehouse. The photo was Celeste, my sis-- She’s dead. She died saving me.”
“Ari?” Sammy swallowed, hating how awkward his body felt as he reached for her, faltered. His happy go lucky facade failing him as tears sprung in her eyes. “Something- wha-” THe words kept catching, and none of it was sinking in. They’d already what? They’d already what?? And yet part of him knew. He remembered his first hunt. Thirteen, and only half way through had his parents realised as he crumpled under the weight of a newly risen spawn that he’d been faking all those super powers all along. His family, they weren’t like that, they didn’t just hunt for the sake of it, but when they hunted. Fuck. His body trembled. Shit. There were supposed to clever words springing to his head. Something kind and comforting that would make her laugh in a sad way and then the moment would be over. “Shit. Ari, that’s so shitty.”
“It is,” Ariana managed to choke out as she wiped the tears away from her eyes. When was this going to get easier? Saying the words out loud felt like pouring salt into a still open wound every single time and she hated it. Then here was Ace, normally so positive even throughout whatever his sketchy predicament was, looking so sad for her. So at a loss for how to help because really, there was no helping it. All there was to do was to go through it and feel the loss every time it crept up on her. She took another deep breath in and out, steadying herself again. “I’m--,” she started, but realized he wouldn’t expect her to apologize for this, “I just wanted a normal night together so I didn’t start with that. Well, normal for us.” She added the last part, realizing their meetings weren’t what most would classify as normal, but she always looked forward to them. Always felt a small surge of excitement whenever they actually made it to their spot on the same night.
That’s so shitty. Real man of words there, Sammy. This, as Lydia would say, was why he wasn’t with her for his skill with words. Here was what he could do, though, which wasn’t fucking much at all, considering all his money was stolen from Lydia’s wallet and he could only get out a few nights a month. He could be there for her, right now. “Yeah, well, normal for us aint all that normal. Especially right now. I mean, you saw the eye in the sky, right?” He cracked a wry smile, and then curled his arms round her, ever so carefully. “C’mon. You don’t have to be okay right now.”
Maybe he wasn’t the best with words, but Ariana found herself letting out a chuckle as Ace spoke. Even if there were still tears in her eyes, something about Ace just being Ace was comforting. There wasn’t anything anyone could really do to make things better. She didn’t need better though. She just needed reasons to get up every morning, no matter how big or small they were. Well, Ace was more of a reason to stay out later than she should at night, but still, it helped. “You’re not wrong. Fuck that eyeball sun. All I’m saying is the moon would never.” Her smile and voice were still a little shaky. How gently Ace put his arms around her was welcomed and she leaned into him, feeling her heartbeat slow as she relaxed a bit. “I know I don’t have to be. I’m just so sick of being sad, you know?”
“The moon better not!” Sammy replied, with something that might have been a grin in any other situation, but right now was closer to a grimace. He just squeezed her tighter, cradling her in his arms as they stood in those woods. Trees creaked and at times he thought the shadows had eyes, but holding her tight, there wasn’t much here of which he was frightened. “Yeah, I know, what that’s like. That just doesn’t get rid of the sad. You just get to have feelings next to the sad too.”
There was no escaping the constant ache Ariana felt these days, but in this moment it wasn’t front and center. The feeling of his arms squeezing her even tighter sent something akin to a flutter through her chest. Even with the constant hint of sadness in the background, it was a nice moment. She could relish in the comforting sounds of the woods humming around them and how familiar Ace’s scent was becoming. Even if it was only for a few minutes, she felt okay. “Feelings next to the sad, that can work. Or it’s working,” she mumbled, head still tucked into his arms before looking back up at him, tears mostly faded away, “I am happy to see you and know we’re both okay. I know you’re not able to talk about things and I have kind of a hunch on why, but I do worry about you, too.”
“Yeah, just feel all of it.” Sammy said, tucking his chin over his heads. He held her until she looked up at him, and shit, the heartbreak in her eyes almost knocked him out all by themselves. I’ve got you, he wanted to say, but like hell he did. Only out a few nights a month, missing her half the time. “Yeah. Please don’t do anything with that hunch. I’m safe. Well,” he huffed a laugh, “As safe as any scrawny guy like me wandering these kindsa woods at night before I find my protective wolf in shining armour. Do you have like, shit, pack? Is that the right word? Or people as a whole supporting you?”
There was concern still etched in her features as he told Ariana to not do anything with her suspicions. It was a little bit late for that, but she had every intention to make sure he was not only safe, but free to live his life as he pleased. She gave his arm a squeeze and agreed anyway. It was probably safer if he didn’t know she planned to help him. “If you say so. Please tell me if you do need help though. I pack quite the punch, but I’ve got a lot of contacts, too.” She wasn’t about to lose someone else she cared about if she could do anything to help it. She lightened the mood a little bit with an arched brow and a smirk as she retorted, “You’re not that scrawny. I do like the wolf in shining armor part though.” She intended to live up to it. “Oh, yeah, I have a pack now and a pretty big found family. Lots of wolves, a few witches, a selkie, a zombie, a banshee, and hey, even won over a werewolf hunter because I’m that adorable.”
Sammy didn’t point out that he wouldn’t be able to point out that he literally couldn’t tell her either way, but he didn’t need help. He only liked sneaking out at night, he’d never… leave Lydia, or betray her. “Thanks, Ari.” He gave her another squeeze. Looking down at himself, he snickered. “Uh, yeah, I am. Skin and bones.” He grinned at her. “I like the wolf in shining armor too.” He leant them against a nearby tree, arm slung over the tree. “You know, half that list could be made up and I wouldn’t be able to tell. I’m real glad you’ve got people looking out for you like that, in the day time.”
Ariana had her doubts that he’d be able to tell her if he needed her help, it didn’t matter too much. She was going to look out for him whether he knew it or not. “Anytime,” she reassured. Ace was a bit skinny and she had to chuckle a bit at his own observation. “Okay, maybe a little scrawny, but you’re still a cute forest Batman.” She nudged his arm jokingly, still grinning a bit. “Now I’m disappointed that I didn’t say I have a pet dragon or something. But yeah, I’m definitely safe-- and hey, I’ll know if I’m ever going to die soon because of the banshee. So looks like you’re stuck with me for a while, Ace.” She followed his lead, leaning into him and the tree and found herself feeling content that they’d get to spend this evening together. She’d missed all their late night chats and she had every intention of making sure nothing got in the way of them. For now, she’d enjoy the present moment in their spot under a sparkling night sky.
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smoljoelito · 5 years
best friends with CNCO
requested by/request: one of my mutuals requested this but I can’t remember which one for sure I forgot to screenshot I think it was @quierick​ or @cloudfiveclub​ OOF sorry
warnings: fluff and language
richard camacho
erick brian colón
chris velez
joel pimentel
zabdiel de jesús
tags: @quierick @mepuserojito @ericks-mala-actitud @woowoodaaboo @ella-se-vuelve-loca @joelsaww @honeyzhong @sarswilltakeyouout​ @pimentelssmile @whippedforcnco​ @notsoteenagegirl @richukisbb​ @besosdecnco @emsy55 @cloudfiveclub @erickspretend1​ @hardtoadore @pretendcnco (join my taglist)
♢ Richard
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Constantly making fun of you
Takes you grocery shopping
Makes sure you’re always feeling okay and checks in on you while on tour
Answers the phone like “Sup biiiiiitch!”
Aaliyah’s godmother
Shooting you with nerf guns
Receiving a punch in the gut every time he hits you in the head
Random wrestling matches on the floor
Him being shocked when you pin him down sometimes
Working out together
Starting kickboxing together
Likes to pick you up because you’re smol™
Gets mad when you tell him he’s also a shortie
Lots of swearing and dirty jokes from him
You’re pure so he gets slapped a lot
Protective like a brother oof you can’t have any boyfriend without his opinion
Asking you about songs he’s not sure about to make sure you like them
Helping him write music
Beatboxing while he raps has become a very popular thing with the fans on his Instagram story
Speaking Spanish with him but usually only when you’re mad/annoyed
Tries to dress you
You try to dress him
He has a key to your apartment so sometimes you’ll just come home and he’s chilling on the couch watching the soccer game
You’re like ? 
and he’s like hey how are you? Like it’s no big deal.
He tries to get you to be his wingman and get girls for him
Sometimes you actually do
He always points out girls in public
*eye roll*
If you point out a man it’s all “I will beat him if he steps even in your direction.”
Loving him unconditionally like family
♔ Erick
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So many bad jokes
But good thing you somehow find bad jokes funny
You too will just about be pissing your pants at how funny you think Erick’s bad jokes are
Because they are that bad
Super open about his feelings/emotions with you
Telling you everything
“Hey y/n! Last night at a club this girl grinded on me and she did a really good job!”
“Good morning, Y/N. I got really drunk last night and I just threw up, what’s good?”
Not being as protective
Actually tries to get you dates
“Hey Y/N, that guy is attractive!”
“Why don’t you go over there then?”
Lots of hitting when you’re annoyed
Lots of laughter
He steals your beanies and hats
You steal his hoodies
Sometimes you both dress each other
Making fun of him constantly
Getting protective when the other boys make fun of him
Only you’re allowed to make fun of him
Him making you laugh whenever need be
Lots of “checking up on you” texts
Practices singing in front of you
Always learns your favorite songs for when you have a bad day cause he’ll sing them and make you smile
Teaches you how to play guitar
Tries to teach you how to sing
Always his salsa buddy
Love him more than anyone else
☼ Chris
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He plays too much
Always making fun of you
like every opportunity that comes
Your comebacks are epic though, which he loves
Laughing so hard together that you almost throw up
Fave memory is when you made Chris laugh so hard he DID throw up
Protective over you only when the guy is bigger than him
Always cracking jokes together
All the guys love having you around cause you both literally light up the night with your smiles, jokes, and laughter
Chris buys you tickets to fly out to see him all the time
Steal his sunglasses and hats all the time
Acts like he cares but really doesn’t cause you wear them better than him
People ask if you’re married all the time
Going out to eat all the time to try new foods together
Chris singing to you when your sad which sometimes makes you cry harder cause it’s so pretty
Going clubbing all the time
Having flirting competitions with each other to make sure your game is as good as possible™
Playing pool with him
Making fun of him when he can’t get the 8 ball in
“You even have that bitch tattoed on your hand!”
Lots of swearing in Spanish
He also has a key to your house
but instead, you’ll come home and find him sitting on your kitchen counter eating a bag of chips
“You better put my favorite birthday cake Oreos down you little fucker.”
Sends you care boxes of different foods and items from really cool countries he goes too
Your fave: green tea Kit Kats from Japan
Somehow can find them in the US and gets them for you when you’re feeling down.
“Hey Y/N I wrote you a song, wanna hear it.”
*strums the guitar* “You’re a fucking bitch but I love youuuuu!”
A strong punch in the arm
*strums the guitar* “Now you see what I mean!”
(Courtesy of @erickspretend1) reenacting the “I love you biiiiitch, I aint ever gonna stop loving you biiiiitch” in public to make you embarrassed
Loving his dumbass too much
♡ Joel
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Color coordination in public
Dressing each other
Stealing his rings, hats, and any other accessories
Lots of dad jokes
Lots of smol giggles™
You're his personal photographer
Asks you to paint his nails sometimes
Lots of Disney movies
Always get each other tickets to plays for each other’s bday’s
Broadway & Disney carpool karaoke
Go to see Ed Sheeran and Shawn Mendes in concert with him
Sing there albums in the car
Always finding an excuse to sing
“Joel, sweetie, your famous. You don’t need to show off your voice anymore.”
Avocado everything
Calling him hoe-el when he pisses you off
Having to stop every time he sees a dog to pet it
“We should get a dog!”
“You’re gone touring for like 9 months of the year! I’ll have to take care of it!”
Texting you tea all the time
FaceTime’s right before concerts just to say a quick hello
Having the boys help you surprise him and fly out to see him in concert
Sees you in the front row and is like a deer in headlights
Dancing with him on stage to Pretend cause he taught you the choreography 
The fans adoring your relationship
Lots of ice cream, cuddles, and love
✰ Zabdiel
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A bit more of a quiet relationship
Calls you when he’s sad, anxious, or feeling off a lot
You always know the right thing to say to him and vice versa
Support each other immensely
Lots of late-night deep talks on FaceTime or like on a balcony if he’s home.
Lots of cuddling, especially when one of you isn’t happy
Uses you as a human sleeping bag and passes out on you all the time
“You’re so small!”
“You’re a tree! Tell me, is the air quality different up there? Maybe that’s why you say dumb shit cause you get light-headed.”
He’s chill, you’re not at all.
“Cálmete princesa!”
“It’s NOT that easy for me Zabdi!”
Using his height to your advantage and taking him grocery shopping.
“Could you get that please, Z?”
Helping you learn Spanish
Speaking/singing in Spanish to you when you’re anxious cause it calms you down for some reason
He sends coffee to your house sometimes when he’s on tour just the way you like it
Shows you pics of girls he thinks are cute all the time
Never lets you look at men
“You’re too good for him!”
“I just glanced at him! Do you know him?”
“No, but I am a man. His intentions are not good.”
Tries to hook you up with some of his friends.
Never works out.
Gives you hoodies before he leaves on tour
Buys you cute little things on tour and sends them to you
Surprises you at work sometimes when he gets a break from touring
Punching him in the arm after from making you cry in front of your coworkers
The boys fly you out sometimes when he’s having a rough week
Instantly his mood is back to normal
Lots of fluff, support, and love
309 notes · View notes
jawnjendes · 5 years
bonus: prettiest girl at the party | shawn mendes
university au, shawn x goth oc
AN: this aint the sequel yet, its just a little extra bit, a flashback if you will. and it includes a NAME REVEAL. oh and the end kind of hints to whats gonna be going on in “season 2″ of this fic :)
**let me know if u wanna be added to the taglist
“Those shoes remind me of the time we first met,” Shawn said, nodding down to the huge black platforms on my feet.
I was at least five inches taller in these fashionable death traps. My feet were aching and blistering whether I was sitting or standing because of the plastic material, but it was all for the look. Shawn may have been taller than me despite this, but I felt more powerful and confident. He had his eyes on me from the moment he saw me tonight, so damaging my feet may have been worth it. However, I was confused by his statement.
“I’m pretty sure I didn’t wear these bricks to the coffee shop,” I replied.
“No, not that time,” he told me. “It was a little bit before that.”
It’s one thing to be caught in the middle of a walk of shame the morning after said shameful events. It was something else to be caught in this walk only fifteen minutes after the fact. Shawn had clearly lost track of time, checking his watch before fixing the collar of his shirt and ruffling his hair back into place. The elevator doors opened to the dorm lobby, and Brian was standing on the other side, probably waiting to go up.
At least it was Brian. He always knew that Shawn was either in class, at work, in the studio, or "visiting" a friend. He didn’t judge, unlike other friends. Camila always asked Shawn when he was going to tie himself down to a proper relationship. She knew what he really wanted deep down.
Shawn had bigger things to worry about at the moment.
“Just tell me it wasn’t who we’re about to go visit right now,” Brian said, stepping into the elevator next to his friend.
“Who? Camila?” Shawn asked, resisting the urge to laugh out loud. “No way!”
“We’re not going to Camila’s,” Brian reminded him. “We’re going to her friend’s dorm. She’s got a Switch and booze.”
The doors opened to the second floor of the building. Brian led the way to the right room, and just as the approached the door to B24, Camila turned the corner from the end of the corridor.
She smiled wide and greeted the two boys. “Hey! We’re right on time!” She was about to knock on the door, but Brian quickly grabbed her wrist to stop her.
“What’s your friend’s name again?”
“Her name is Stella Martinez. And don’t grab me,” Camila replied pointedly as she harshly pulled her arm away. Her brown eyes trailed over to Shawn. “You might wanna fix your shirt. The buttons are mixed up. And I hope that’s lipstick on your neck.”
Shawn’s cheeks flushed as his hand went up to the crook of his neck. Just as Camila had said, there was something there. He felt the slimey, glossy substance under his fingers and then rubbed it away. Looking down at his white shirt, he found that two of the buttons in the middle had gone missing. He totally did not know how that happened.
Finally, Camila knocked on the door, and answered the famous Stella Martinez. Although, she answered the door a little too fast, like she had been waiting on the other side. "Hi guys! I'm so glad you guys made it!" She hugged all three of them, despite never having met Brian and Shawn before.
Actually, Shawn knew her… barely. He met Stella through Camila only once, when she had crashed their chorus class and pretended to sing along with everyone else. All he remembered was that she could carry a tune.
The dorm looked and felt like an apartment, it was very big for only one person. Shawn himself didn’t live on campus, but he knew not all of the dorms were as spacious as this one. It was almost as big as his apartment, plenty of light would come in if it wasn’t for the thick curtains on the windows.
Stella happily invited Shawn, Brian, and Camila onto the couch and then she dashed into the kitchen, her light brown hair bouncing behind her.
“Is your place this cool?” Brian asked Camila. So he had been thinking about it too.
“Not even. I’m in the other college,” she said. “First years get jack shit. Stella's a second year with a fuck ton of credits, so she got priority in choosing classes and living space."
Stella returned from the kitchen holding four open Corona bottles. She placed them all on the coffee table and the other three reached for their own bottles. Stella sat down on the floor facing them.
“Oh, here,” Shawn said, immediately standing up and gesturing to his seat.
Normally, there was a minor “no, you’re the guest” debate, but Stella wasn’t one for that. She happily sat next to Camila, so Shawn sat on the floor leaning against the arm of the couch. He noticed a random object on the table, a black and teal something… like a Swiss army knife. Interesting choice for a centerpiece.
“So,” Brian spoke up after a while, “where’s the Switch?”
“Oh yeah!” Stella exclaimed, jumping to her feet. “I’ll be right back!”
The way she moved and carried herself was almost spastic. Stella was clearly very excited to have guests over, and what she lacked in height was made up for in her energy. Shawn had a feeling he would probably adore her by the end of the night.
He watched her go up to one of the bedroom doors, and that was when her energy faltered a little bit. She knocked almost timidly and then went inside the room.
“Does she have a roommate?” Shawn asked the other two. Surely he couldn’t have been the only one to notice the lack of other life in the vicinity.
“Yeah, she does,” Camila replied. “I don’t know her, though. She doesn’t leave her room that much, from what Stella tells me.”
Her words were immediately contradicted as a new girl came out of the room. She was holding a rectangular dock, 2 cords, and a grey Nintendo Switch. Stella followed after her, and the two separate energies became very apparent in the room, and it wasn’t just from their appearances.
Stella had a bounce in her step and a ghost of a smile permanently on her face. She was dressed for guests, in her red blouse and ripped blue jeans. Her hair was in a neat braid, and her perfume was strong, but also inviting. She was very easy to approach and get along with. You could tell you would end up being friends with her in just a few short minutes.
The roommate radiated something else. Not only was she in a torn and tattered Rise Against t-shirt and tiny black shorts, she also had the most neutral, borderline scowl on her face. She greeted the three guests on the couch with a nod of her head when Stella introduced them. She didn’t say anything more as she leaned down to plug the dock into the back of the TV, her long, dark hair covering her face. She looked like someone you did not want to cross. She could probably kill you with one glare, and it wasn’t just from the amount of eyeliner she had on.
Stella and her roommate were obviously very different. So guess which of the two girls Shawn felt inexplicable attraction to.
It was probably the legs. While this mysterious roommate wasn't the tallest person in the room (taller than Stella, at least), she had some killer legs coming out of those tight little shorts. Her olive skin almost glowed in that area. At least something on this girl was glowing. Shawn tore his eyes away from her body as she addressed the group.
“I’ve got three controllers total,” she said, her voice as neutral as her face was, “the joycons for the Switch.” She held up two small grey controllers, and one black gamepad. “And I have one pro controller. If anything messes up, let me know.”
She placed the controllers on the coffee table and simply turned on her heel to leave.
“You don’t wanna join us?” Stella asked her.
Yes, please join us. You’re kinda creepy looking but I need to talk to you.
“I’m still unpacking,” the roommate called over her shoulder.
Shawn was puzzled at that answer. He shared a look with Camila and Brian, who were just as bemused.
“It’s October,” Brian pointed out.
The roommate stopped at her doorway and turned back to him. "And what about it?"
Again, if looks could kill. She was definitely someone you don’t wanna mess with.
Shawn was mildly tempted, though. He watched her go into the room and shut the door non-too-gently. If this was a full blown party, Shawn would have been able to work up the courage to sneakily follow her and hit her up. He could have disappeared with the prettiest girl at the party and his friends would be none the wiser. But this was a much smaller setting, and it would be rude for him to ditch his friends for a stranger. Not to mention, this girl's energy and general presence made Shawn just a little nervous.
Instead, he watched the other three play against each other at Mario Kart. Stella practically screamed every time she was hit with a shell, while Brian cursed every time he lost to Camila. Shawn played a couple of rounds (finishing last), but he mainly nursed his beer, eyes flickering between the TV and the roommate's bedroom door. He really shouldn't have been so quick to take interest another girl, given where he was not that long ago. Was he really that desperate? Was he more of a horndog than he thought?
Between races, the group would hear tearing noises and cardboard shuffling around from the room. There was also faint rock music playing as well, but it wasn't anything Shawn recognized. If only the roommate would leave the room so he could ask her what she was listening to… and things like that. He couldn't though, he promised he would see that other girl again, even though Shawn was quickly losing his interest. Was it a dick move? Probably, but this was something he couldn’t really explain.
The second the roommate finally did emerge from her room, Shawn took another gulp from his beer and averted his eyes back to the screen. Way to show some interest.
"Stella, have you seen my knife?" she asked from the doorway.
Not surprising in the slightest. And they've all known her for about thirty minutes.
"No, what have you been using to open your boxes?" Stella asked.
"A pencil, and it sucks."
"You're using a-"
"Yes, you can stab with any item if you try hard enough!" the roommate said impatiently. "Now have you seen my pocket knife? It's black and teal?"
Shawn didn't know what possessed him to snatch up the item on the coffee table and hold it up to the roommate. But he did it, and he could only hope he didn't look crazy. "This one?"
Her dark eyes lit up as she took the item. "Thanks, dude." With a flick of her finger, she switched the blade open and swiftly went back to her room.
Was Shawn drunk or was that kinda hot?
Like magnets, Shawn and Brian turned to each other with similar looks on their faces. They both silently agreed, yes, this girl is probably definitely a badass and kinda hot. Did you see the legs on her? Shawn quirked his eyebrows and paid attention to the TV again, even though they were in between races.
"I know that look," Stella said, her bubbly tone turning for the first time that evening.
Talk about being a deer in headlights...
"What look?" Camila asked.
"You know, when we see a cute person and silently agree on how cute they are. And you silently decide which one of you is gonna make a move."
"Oh, that look." Camila smiled, glancing at the two blushing boys.
Shawn wanted to argue, but his mind was on a pair of beautiful legs and a sexy knife. This time, when the door opened again, his heart skipped a beat. What the hell is happening?
"Hey, Stella," the roommate said again. She was holding a pair of thick, platform ankle boots. "Do we have any shoe polish?"
The boots alone put Shawn's mind on overdrive. He had to have this girl. He had to see those legs with those boots. He took another hefty gulp of his beer and tried to settle his… everything. He was very much attracted to this girl, but it's not like he could perform again after doing so a couple of hours ago. That's what was so weird. Shawn was physically spent, but he still found himself eyeing someone new. He was insanely curious about this girl, and not just her legs. Why does she have boots like that? Why was she wearing such a beat up t-shirt? Why was she so late to unpack?
"I don't have any, I know that much," Stella told her, and back into the room she went.
"Is she seeing anybody?" Shawn asked, unable to control herself.
Stella raised her eyebrows, surprised. "She doesn't want me telling you her business."
"So that's a yes?"
"It means I'm not telling you her business."
"Oh, so I should ask her directly?"
"Can I talk to her?" Brian asked.
"No!" Stella snapped. She sighed and glanced at the bedroom door. Then she leaned in towards the group and spoke quietly. "She's going through something right now. If either of you try anything, she will bite your head off. Trust me, I've seen it happen."
Shawn chuckled, only taking this as a challenge. "A feisty one, eh? Nothing I can't handle."
Stella looked him dead in the eyes. "She has a pocket knife, and she's not afraid to use it."
It was silent apart from the game's music playing from the TV. Then, Camila spoke up.
"You two are some of the thirstiest people I've ever met. Just have fun with your friends and stop thinking about getting laid for a second!"  She lightly smacked Shawn on his shoulder. "You literally had a one night stand before you got here!" Then she turned to Stella. "And what kind of people do you room with? She's so unlike you! Like, I have so many questions."
So it wasn't only Shawn and Brian who were curious about this mystery girl.
"She is my friend," Stella firmly replied. "We have things in common that have nothing to do with how we dress ourselves. And again, she is not in a place for whatever Tweedledee and Tweedledum have in mind."
Her optimism and perkiness was long gone. She was completely serious and defensive, so Shawn let it go for now. Besides, it's not like he didn't have another option in the floor above. Although, that didn't seem so appealing anymore. He hadn't seen anything like this mysterious roommate, and he was interested in solving that mystery.
"What's her name, anyway? You gotta tell me that at least," he said to Stella.
"Ann. Annalise Flores."
Little did Shawn know, Annalise Flores would be the one to give him the air he breathes.
I chuckled, completely blown away by this little anecdote. "How do you remember this and I don't?"
Shawn shrugged, his eyes still on the road. "You were busy, and probably isolating yourself, so that's why you don't remember. No one has ever stood out to me so much in the span of five minutes the way you did. I knew that night wouldn't be the last time I saw you. And I was right."
My cheeks were burning, and I couldn't help but smile. "Well, Stella was right. I had just broken up with Luca at that time. The depression set me back a little bit, so that's why I was unpacking so late. And I didn't want anyone trying to pursue me. So I'm glad you didn't make your move that night."
It was a soft moment in the midst of the weird, awkward circumstances we had put ourselves into. Shawn knew how to bring light to times like these, and it reminded me of why I adored him so much.
taglist: @normalcyisoverrated-beyou @ilsolee @mendesromano @1-800-khalid-mendussy @kitykatnumber @strangerliaa @dylshoney @iloveshawnieboi @poppyshawn @shawnsunflower @shawnvvmendes @calyumthomas
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sirjustice160-blog · 4 years
Magafuli sending folks he wants to be kebis gay, u poor and stupid, u gays, have sent the same sirjustice200 tumblr a/c to every nation on either my Facebook mcsleepy nelson or Instagram as well                  
come to my presence with ya dire stupidity, if that money specified on sirjustice158 tumblr a/c is withdrawn by me cause at dat time i will be in a possession of a gun. New padlocks and keys hard to imitate so resort to the above check them below
Hamtuweza but its purely hunger
come to my presence with ya dire stupidity, if that money specified on sirjustice158 tumblr a/c is withdrawn by me cause at dat time i will be in a possession of a gun.
now talk, we still develop, u stupid and silly see my tumblr a/c sirjustice158 i have sent to every country 1 of the footballer in in national team either in Facebook or Instagram, check their walls. we still thevelop talking rudely, motherfucker
anything that makes u feel better increases longevity, like leaving some foods on the plate after eating, not eating like whole wheat products i.e chapati u have cooked discarding some in the dustbin, doggy and sit on an elevation (woman) type of sex as on bed facing each other but the irony is the missionary style, kinda, snatches some years off ya life span and many know not, this is done under sampling like Gallup opinion polls.
Following German Tricks that they are rich cause women take per-eminance more than men in-terms of economic building not knowing the truth hidden in the following tumblr a/c of this 1 of like getting money online. Friends they say such men country are good in combat not knowing now we got drones mounted with explosives and guns to do the same, i mean guard them so they are safe.
When u do like getting to a place daily or just sitting in ya own hse 4 decade without being bored, it means, kinda, u got no shame and of disturbance. People of sense can sit in a place 4 long, even in jobs.
A yellow imaginary ball flies as u see it in ya mind looking 4 a place to get to or enter as looking whereto heap indignities as you are new Christ if u show resilience in ya of opposing things or wanting things straight as helping people iit gets to ya making ya head big.
We have just known it, they r given weekly stipend of $10 if u r pro-kikuyu or blooded like luo and that’s why they got nothing to do saying they are guarding things so they got Russia blood as they have sent international students to investigate their to give them results its big land and of plenty, be ya self, make ya nation and stop playing others. The 2goinvoice name changed so though u can withdraw via M-pesa but not many times as the line ownership now is not more than 3 and they have changed the software being used to 1 which people know not including the name, so Safaricom withdraws from the office as much as they want to give these people this $ 10 and the covid apparatus huge sales, a small percentage also forms part of the weekly stipend still no shame disturbs ya with their kids and wanting ya food saying they r in bad shape thinking we know not of the above trickery of the day. What do they want from some1 even after being given the stipend,is what we wanna know b4 they are deemed useless to live and killed and that money they don’t want the people they disturb to get, only them alone dude- Nepotism of the highest caliber.
Songs should be placed on you-tube without the sound but just instrumental as another with the song but not the video placed, so to listen to both u open 2 tabs to start at the same time to get the music to make people discouraged and engage in other useful activities not just in cyber-nation and to protect copy rights even with videos.
Drinking barley changes ya mind, makes u have a strong sex appetite shortly after and draws women close to ya, if u partake such u risk going to hell fire as they send some1 to investigate the above if they see such occurrences thereby many r advised to take water guard drops cause as well it got the same feeling. Friends aint kidding as u disturb the hearts of many a woman with that feeling will be the  case that day or out of the above u enjoyed and never told ya friends on the same even on social media. Friends learn to share such with friends, might liberate them to liberate ya as well dude.
With ya eating less if u not taking u to break into peoples roadside business then where so we follow ya, and with kebi eating much b4 rushing to the cyber to write some of the content of this tumblr following that moves the world like innovation, then stop dude, we cant follow ya silly way dude, its to emulate kebis way cause with writing requires constant thinking which needs ample food. U sick and stupid, behaving as if wanting ya food or if u got even a left penny of cash in ya pocket which again if u spend, they start the below, kinda, they want to bite ya flesh, u glutton need to be eliminated of masai blood. U angry bustared dogs with no sense as have agreed to die so put on a no sense image to be forgiven at judgement they were insane, u aint insane but normal with all the buildings u build and the welded materials and winning cases at the ICC. Friends it will be more tolerable 4 sidion and tire than that city built on a hill at the judgement day, all most all inhabitants will find themselves in hell fire. Sycamore tree with Christ to bring reality home to ya, u wont get by dude.
The bible says all left when every nation has the capacity to build their own gadgets and make life necessities like soaps, toothpaste, salt or artificial food products, so they don’t import or export to burden the importing nation is just to eat but not 4 the lazy, meaning as much as u want. U want to reverse the bible 4 folks to eat less, who are u? A lazy braggart claiming he is u so he eats ya food without sense, that they r sending money to Build Tz they will benefit from shortly as oil will be discovers not knowing the alternator generator has overtaken the same. Where is the stone is the next question if u tolerate them, ugly people of no caliber. Stupid and insane, yet kebi is here with them. KB teachers then came to my presence if my coop bank Kenya or Equity got more than $10,000 and confirms secretly, at that time i will have a gun not now that it aint credited, i will shoot ya pussy or testis or the hell out of u, want from ya not minding of how they thwarted ya past ways, I am a bad man, get it period even with college lecturers. U got a gun so don’t twist it that i said now i wanna take ya life but in times futurity when my a/c is credited. U bastered, gay and foolish, cut throat dogs. Very stupid teaching things they know not and now wanting ya food, let the devil cheats ya to get into my premise at that time, sure, i will shoot the hell out of ya like Lord delamere confusion people with a monkey as the excuse 4 shooting and he gets by at court judgement time. They send even folks to want to fight with me out of blues as pulling my trouser down to get to my manhood, these are judgement parts and will be used against ya.
I cant leave ya my food daily or give ya a dime, a male with 2 legs still alive, then u pride ya self and u got no agenda where this character will end. Stop dude, look 4 feasible solutions. With tumblr a/c if u don’t follow any a/c like the horse in the link below then u cant shift the a/c to delete
Following u cant delete very many as they r following u daily even when what they want has been already made and it cant go that way as hay used to make gas and gadgets and fuels Russia where selling to them and they have known the same so will tantamount to war if they want to know much. They want people to fear them and live poor and even the foods they sell in Eu they have known how to make
Kebi saying with like a voice that mourned yesterday but now tired, Mochanda peana hiyo kitu, chini ya paja, kwenye surwali, wacha kukuwa ngumu, ambiye magdalin piya apeane hicho kitu. Wachakuwa mchoyo, haikulwi au ngoleka.
When no fuel or alternator generator has been made cheap, then stop telling 1 to still make it buy dude, as cheap as $ 50, then what do u want.
The starter comp like 4 kitchen in the link below can produce up-to 24-48 volts when rotated with 1.5 V motor with like 3 other gear to make it soft to rotate much bigger magnet to produce much power and take long as not to burden the circulation of current inside the motor wires to make the dry-cell weakens 1st
And the current should be much to be reduced to constant 12 volts to power the motor so even if the battery is like 30% to die still it produces 12 to make it overstay like even in a 12 hour journey b4 u replenish another 1 or changed the charged 1. The solar charger controller scc technology can help us with that and if 4 household take like 6, 48 such comps to give ya 300 Volts which again can have a scc that maintains the power like at 100-200 volts still being used by home or office appliances as that alternator generator that harbors the 6 comps can use 1 single dry-cell 4 like the whole day and friends this a new happiness altogether as a new happening or unbelievable twist upon which people are waiting to see as the doubting thomases as Bartholomew with Christ resurrection, saying “Unless he sees the marks is when he can believe that is that simple boy who has come up with the invention described above“ KEVIN Dawa rather Dawe of Minnesota.
The wet cell of already made E-vehicles or motorbikes as generators can be made using the technology above, where such are placed inside and still the legacy of the above innovation still lingers on. like in the link below makes still not branching to a near by gas station but to a chain-store or shop to buy another battery to replace the finished 1 with a new reality
When u said u want to delete the information on the following of sirjustice200 tumblr a/c and u have learnt u cant do the same better stop dude and move to ya own nation as previously thought. What do u want do and eating corpse as 1 of ya plans also blocked dude. Get to ya nation, wasting ya time, kinda bro, u will not win better quit early or now, if u cant separate them, leave them dude cause they want u not to join them cause u aint equals but of wired characters period dude, You stupid Mr Hindu or White male man.
Mochanda molo cha palo en-kende emathunde otiye kole mabel, kolo okomiya time as am wasting his time ka luonge, osungolena, anbe adwanyise ni kolo angithunde mochung ekola kaka mekego,okoblo kelo na sunga meke. Kebi was cought saying that late last night and infact he is in puberty with swollen nipple, that condition as signs 4 puberty 4 males or we know not maybe cancer.
Their is a new gimmick in them, want ya food like every hr from dusk untill dawn claiming they want folks to leave them, what is that u want folks to leave u alone so develop that bad character, nothing dude, want to hack a/c as above and kill the owner which has been blocked, then resort to advising ya women to leave ya thinking they will win u as gay, which if proves futile organize ya ambush liaising with even dignitaries and foreign embassies or bringing their kids next to ya claiming u have refused to feed them, yet still they are in pride and mark u the father to that kid aint dead or lame, still alive and gets to town very early in the morning, if u refuse the same they claim u r, kinda, beating kids in secrecy which they investigate not sending hooligans with even panga or rod to ambush ya like above, which if u ran away they get into ya house and still cause at that time ya door is opened, they time ya or send kids to ya house to ransack to later tell criminals of ya property b4 they still again which if u refuse the same they say the above on kids, Folks sickening and tiring. They don’t want ya to eat but with them eating claiming they r investigating ya if u love others food or glutton or of bad eye as if they are very important eyeing the same above which has been blocked dude. Finally they belittle ya but want ya food to the point of creating a fight, the masai character in them, investigating ya spending manner b4 again they bring their kids to ya or want ya food but still with pride Kenya is better than USA or on that road. Folks some people get to other nations cause they hate early morning argument or talks heading nowhere which is peculiar in Kenya, tires u and makes u hungry, eating much food which they hate and since they know side effect of morning arguments as eating much or needs food to send u again their kids and want ya food and give u names that u r masai blooded so u should accommodate them as u see things on ya eye so u r Hindu blooded so u should as well accommodate them which if u refuse they again resort to being gay on ya or to the vices explained above. Another bad trait is they think u want what they are up-to or want, which if u love is intense jealousy but don’t like they became futile with ya as starts investigating ya and giving ya names, like with women now its crystal clear they will never get as the a/c cant be hacked and deleted as make it theirs officially to get pride. Very very bed in deed, very very bad character indeed but happy are we, its long overdue.
What they had not known 4 many centuries kebi knew at 9 years of age, how to make machines, the Negro in slavery, pissing u off, kinda and he brought even more that could not be invented in-case he died. Even made ya to protest as wants good life and come back to Africa so to learn the same and go back. U hold grudges out of that 1, u stupid braggart Mr Negro.
When the Embassy liaises with criminals to thwart 1 ambition in another nation then they should close down altogether cause to deliver what they were mandated to deliver proves futile but rather engages in dubious dirty activities at 1st they claimed they were championing 4 as well as the University sending hooligans to do the same to returned foreign student in their nation even monitoring their eating habits then it calls 4 immediate resignation of every official in that campus to pave way 4 new who knows ya not but USA wrecked, as the Government even sponsors terrorism via internet money they have refused to eliminate. Kinda, Good Girl gone bad Gimmick.
solar power yacht in the link beside
Vomitting, tea sound as artificial tea has finished them, could have left u once u said Mr Hindu gets money off 2goinvoice- wacha, wide eye, wanatowa, casket the wsu and USA at large meaning. Now they want to put a price tag, that u can get out of the joining if u pay an extra amount cause they r poor and wants to reap huge, Mr Hindu. Wakatwe na panga or they could do the same to ya. Eying xmas as well with her accessories. The above photo is on Mcsleepy nelson Fb a/c like in the link below
They don’t want people to live good as accessories that makes life livable are now made in any nation shown in following tumblr a/c of this a/c, where they don’t want this as well, when cash placed online, they if u pay on credit daily, weekly or monthly u wont escape paying as it will be automated payment from ya phone provided ya phone got money, so out of this they fear their will be no bad debts out of escape or-else in prison or death, folks click the link below 4 more explanation https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9mQJaXwGPlg
Gino, that thing, hiyo kitu, they keep on saying as will uplift them or benefit from yet they know not the bulk of these writing are gotten from the net proved by the links displayed they claim they understand not or gotten from other people Fb sent to my a/c.
Kebi en kijana ma mande silwal, lando kuonde moko to ratenge other sides, to eye okwang, but periodically if he frawns or his manhood pissed off it erects looking upside the sky with round ball on top, kinda, warning women to try it.
You can as well apply the many sensor placed in the head of the sicks in developed nation as make them as sensors and place them per equal cm on the roof top in case 1 lands on top of ya roof it sounds the alarm system to ring like in the link below.
Duvet bag holder the transparent 1 they locate people who have bought such dovet and ask them 4 the same where they place duvet gotten from houses as most houses are left without the door closed and from nursing homes place them inside the bag and sell them as new and many people in USA knows how to make the same themselves even in Mexico and do the same b4 shipping them to other 3rd world nations.
Kebi was given chance by moch as we hear, the next day while brushing his teeth, do u know what he was telling mochnda as moch says secretly within herself, this 1 i will leave soon if not drunk. “Dawa moch, dawa ya nini, Colgate, wapi dawa, where is the toothbrush drug, medicine in a disgusted voice as if the owner of the house“ moch though he had slight headache or was a gimmick wanted not to get off her house.
wet cell will be eliminated completely together with the acid, sorry to those who works in those company as it will be replaced with like rechargeable phone/ camera batteries or just dry cells as the starter comp where the motor rotating the magnet to produce power can use 1.5 volts dry-cell, it means the above folks, where it can be placed inside household appliances to power them eliminating as well sockets and wires to those switches cutting revenue 4 firms involved in that category of production or eliminates wires to bulb if bulbs as well are made that way, the same way eliminate gas and cooking gas as gas is no 1 Forex exchange for middle east nations and Norway, as well destroying the economies of those nations. Christ with king of the jew to cement the truth. A new phenomenon, instead of getting to the gas station to fill ya car u branch to a shop or a chain-store not to buy gas but if u don’t use rechargeable cell, u buy a dry-cell to power ya machine like with motorbikes, lorries, buses, tractors, speed boats, yatch or airplane. Its like killing many not just 2 written in books with 1 stone as u can place 2 battery as 1 being used another charged b4 an automated exchange is done, mfalme wa ya whodi to bring reality of Christ made to dies not ya own thinking in another version as Worker and vineyard brings down the reality, yath are trees u can hang wind turbine or medication as chwa/okwaju, tamarind seed with treating Aids, Malaya i will be fucking giving them cash, so spare me of ya daughters and leave me all alone to do my thing, my 1-2 step slowly and softly as smoothly.
North Kenya was abysinia while part of North Tz was Italy, the owner will crush them to wretched end once they have know the machine making techniques which they migrated only cause they knew not at that time and Abysinia inhabitants were Chinese. Now u got the Sourer technology get to the planet u came from away from ours which u disturb us with creating havoc each day and night, get to ya own planet dude, Or what do u want with us dude, like luo to Pluto and kikuyou to Uranus and kisii likewise and many other similar character tribes i know not bro
If they used to telling people they drunk the blood of Christ and made others into meat when was still young at taking blood sample in hospital 4 diagnosis and when he died to make them sharp and still are locating him alive in other folks to do the same cheating other tribes to follow suit which blindly they want to engage in like with Killing kebi and doing the same.   Question arises and is, still Kebi is all alive like a dime yet they have made much tremendous developments in coming up with the very very machines u claimed or deluded people that if they drink his blood and some selected few will amount with wings like u. So its a pure lies, cause out of the following tumblr a/c of this even many African nations have made original gadgets without doing the same. Mr White-man my advice to ya, take your lies to ya self or will tantamount to acts of war, aint kidding dude. Now they have made sure they have blocked kebi ways as antagonize him with the locals so in times futurity not find a good place 4 burial as his corpse fears being exhumed with all the security measures he has explained explicitly laid down regarding exhumation of graves, u now want him to get to ya nation to do the same and eat him together with ya stupid Negros as now coming to Kenya is cumbersome out of all explanation that Kenya is not all that rich 4 u to come here cause u have learnt her tactics of wanting to make gadgets and artificial food as well as chemicals, disinfectants and gas to sell to ya even with Xmas lighting. So eating his corpse to facilitate the lie below only can easily happen in USA cause he is a stranger their and as usual no1 gives a hoot even of their own death or graves in the developed nations
Click the link below to get 100% software made in Benin 4 smartphone
Buy Negro made smartphone in the link below or whirlpool home appliances
Many such made drones like approaching bee or housefly in USA barracks fitted with guns and small detonators or grenade as bombs can finish the USA even in boot camps. Beatitude with Christ meaning and now made in Africa and the same African can make such anywhere. Even just a small made cylindrical plane controlled from the computer fitted with grenade launchers detonator at the mouth when directed to hit like a hard surface detonates and destroy the area and is dimmed a mini-missile and is now made right in Africa
The alternator generators eliminates as well the below completely                  
If the earth is 16 km or in some parts 10 km, then instead of cremation hurl people down that hole to the outer space with a drone taking down photos so its not waited upon with another radar controlled drone for the reasons explained below
Lake Victoria unless reduced, if u got that picture u see the fire en-kindled on it stops as well as lake Trukana were expanded, if u fish on that water u risk going to hell or bathe and if you place or take a voyage on it and that’s why the whites left cause many fell in fire, if u eat neem tree and u place the deceased in ya mind u see them whether waiting in a bench or already in fire of safe outside. Lest u repent fervently. Lake cant be that shallow but but deep like Tanganyika, even fish from those lake if u eat u risk the same, eat from fish-ponds.
Uhuru and Raila and other transfiguring people 4 u, a panga cut, many, awaits ya in podium as i hear just like with the news anchor approaching people from either in-front or behind like in the song below with hand hell BMI machine, it will not go 4 long dude, though u manipulated me, yours also long gone and dead, now u got it kenya poor and dignitaries got no cash so even forcing poor folks with positions, kinda, silly not as previously thought. White blood cell counter machine is another sure way as well and see how it works in the links below as well
Exhumation laws can be incorporated, in that the decease pays that amount to a certain company, either once or instruct the bank to pay monthly from his opened a/c, as this also opens employment, where like in every 5-10 years the grave is exhumed to ensure the grave safety and the explained below like casket taking or corpse and his attire aint done b4 again the grave sealed waiting again 4 the same period to do the same thing in-regards to how many years the deceased has placed his will where even wireless alarm systems and cameras fixed from below the grave but above the casket under bright lights illuminate the upper part of the grave to ensure no exhumation or if so rapid steps are taken to thwart the motives, bring shame and reality in the society of the explained above, the lights can be many depending on the bulb life span so if 1 burns up another is lit automatically or wirelessly as well can be placed on radar i.e in computers like in Skype 4 public or as in live you-tube
Mini-weight measuring machine even for scrap metal pickers or the vendors in the link below
Booster tall metallic poles if u leave all that large like in Australia or Beverly hills in Carli4nia then take like 500 watt wires with electricity that are invincible and cross on top in a linear way to thwart those using drones from another compound to settle on ya roof top or balcony at night when u know not to, kinda, rob or ambush ya.
Even on shoe u can make holes or on shirts, suits, jackets, trousers that u discard on the bottom tip parts, so not to fund illicit activities and make other dignitary stay in power out of that cause its crystal clear the money they r payed though huge, u owe it out b4 it gets in living in debts lest u resorts on other gimmicks like in the above. Like with shoes on the tongue like in the link below
Desist from buying meat products, go 4 the walking animal or bird as organize many people then u share but keeping in mind if u help in eating a walking animal which can be extinct soon, u can find ya self in hell. Even corpse can be cut into pieces and made into any meat sold in restaurants. Go 4 the 1 which 1 u know has taken blood sample i.e like from cattle neck or intestine of fish and gets into the room and makes b4 selling unto ya, even human plasma makes the same and u r qualified eating corpse or even sausages, the feces of the dead makes the same. Got and sheep parable to bring reality, the blood u see or ascertain as Malachi 4 comes handy to bring u reality dude, desist but its ya choice bro
Ice placed in dough gives u as well big planes, internet, decoder servers, computers, medical equipment as well as office appliances and military vehicles or glass bottles or vice versa or any product u see when u place such. Now i have given the police my Id b4 i replace another to give them cash they r tracing. Now find i who transfigures and withdraw that cash, stop disturbing me dude, u coasterians wanting free things on their side but on ya side cant help ya as runs away from ya, u got Jamaica blood and nice with prostitution if ya land is poor but if rich many will long to work 4 u and that’s the reverse dude. U white-man sympathizers to still oppress of ya color. And now he wants still say i wanna be a politician, u poor, want to bar me so i die here be buried in rural area where they can exhume my grave and eat me, u cannibals while in temperate lands can be buried next to the road in an expensive inside the city grave where such explained above are hard, that’s all dude, i know well ya plans. I will never or see me campaign but if u insist give me that position on a silver platter and u see as siren gas made this way dude, the next morning u will be all corpse so God place me in hell fire, cause i have warned ya prior and nothing can be more christian to cement my long term truth that i hate ya but rather tolarates ya, 4 how long will i say this absurdity. Must end dude!!!
In a big cylinder, u place hay inside with water or the dirty river water of Africa as River Nyando or Yala or Congo then seal it in an airtight manner then in the dark spit saliva many people on the big container sides and boom that gas formed whether methane or siren gas b4 transferring into other small containers. Christ with transfiguration to bring out reality like in the links below
Artificial fish is made with few or the fish intestine placed in ice flakes and many spit on the container that holds the above in the dark and boom the fish of ya type formed as much as with sugar and glucose. With detergents u place the detergent, chemicals, some few amount even with solid fat or applying oil using the same process as much as salt, it can as well be cold water same with finger lings, meat and most animal products as well as coin money and padlocks, bulbs or try with any product like in the above procedure. Even cereals and flour made that way, so they can bring about huge population, to make such and import and if u never know thats their supreme motive even with fuels made that way i.e ethanol, kerosene and car gas or cooking gas where such placed in big container or dirty flash sheet erosion water and the above gimmick done and boom ya gas type b4 transferred to tiny containers, even made with blood plasma of every animal as much as human mostly siren gas.
If truths wants to dawn about exhuming coffins, then lets us sample over 1000 graves in any part of the world mostly in cemetery and Africans buried in their rural homes, folks, i bet u will find the same and we can use, wireless camera to illuminate 4 folks to see the change in coffin or no coffin or parts of the corpse missing, so they know the same, so wanna bring violence so the truths sublime in war excuses as people exhumed the same 4 food as they are cannibal or sold the caskets cause at that time situations were hard. Inside the grave we can employ many lights that can be opened wirelessly in-case 1 burns to monitor the casket and those who can open to tamper with the same, it can harbor wireless camera with solar as described in other following tumblr a/c of this a/c period dude, to bring reality home.
Atuomo, owena, otuomokotugi, jowa said another passing by old woman. Ameachiwa wasee, anagong’a kungong’a
anyalo dhiye jela mang'eny donge,  owena anyono, steping on that thing like never b4
When u wear the covid mask to make ya ears kitten like, it makes u not feel all that food appetite u used to when they were straight, the indictment with those people with such earlobes as their rapid anger so white-men want to capitalized on that to make people intermarry with such to bring such kids not to enjoy the delicious foods around esp E-Africa.
With the toilet described below, u can employ the combined harvester mouth to grind the fecal matter b4 pumping it into the sewer system to even not heap but to pump even 4 one person immediately while its not hollow where u aim the feces to fall to the grinder but have an enclosure, either automatic when u sit or in a push pull manner not to allow smell from below into the room. Like in the link below dude, the header
The starter comps in the link below can be place 4 in a raw connected in a series connection to give 200 volts those of 48 volts while the (1) motor rotating the magnets on each either connected in parallel or series  or using a belt with 1 motor to rotate all the 3 other gears without a motor but with magnet on top of those other 3 gears, instead of heaping them (starter comp) above each other like described in the link below or u can use 4 such motors as the former. Just like in the diagram below on wood instead, u tell the devil just like with the alternator generator that was drawn in Kevinelson mondy Facebook a/c which many tried to make to bring confusion in town but now on shops as factory made as alternator generator or no fuel generator. History repeats itself dude and the same indictment we see has started falling on the above. Claimers to be of their tribe to benefit but luckily enough the comp is china made
The above can even use phone battery like in the links below or the photocopier belt system
The starter comp technology described above can be employed in stereos and TV that uses less than 40 volts, 1 such comp placed inside as inbuilt just as the TV with in-built decoder and with Gadgets that use more the 40 volts, i.e Fridges, blender, kettles, washing machine, oven, toasters, cookers can used the above that gives 200 volts, with iron box it will be big so can employ like 2 such above and used many watts small step up transformers, partially big than the normal iron box like in the link below
Ciara of USA, 50 cent, Knowles and like J-zay of yesterday we know and more are not those personalities rather others of same countenance or those who transforms as the drone they were using underneath as described above fell and no rescue to fall in land but just going down in the space, so they are long dead, if u wanna find out, this the answer those who transfigure into other Animals dont partake sour or bitter things and in-fact is more in African political figure and it should follow suit to avoid the former as u cant get a post if u fail to partake such described above to eradicate that shit once and for good with employing other feasible mechanisms such as Wireless BMI machines which are aim at ya the digits gotten
In-fact with explained in following tumblr a/c of this 1, as Lake Victoria was small and enlarged by making a big tunnel on its main draining to the sea rivers then on-top of the long tunnel, km and more heaped debris more than maybe even 100 meters 4 if the tunnel blocked the water dont over flow immediately but collects at the awasi border (Kendu bay homa bay road), the above was done and its crystal clear u see the lake drained its water in the Indian oceans and if u sturdy the East African Land topology, most likely the lake reached Nairobi, while the national park b4 the white relocated where animals gotten from Nyabondo plateau and transferred so in times futurity hamper the spread of the city 4 the better cause it was a lake land and could take ya to hell if u aint a fervent christian, so that will be their justification in time of judgement, has having an excuse, Jesus with Transfiguration another version to bring out reality. Friend get it straight like in the link below
Dont discard ya waste in plastic or metallic bottles or anything given to scrap dealership as u can combine such and sell and buy something meaningful 4 people in ya groups or society like motorbikes cause if u do the former u r promoting the bad character of wanting to eat in ya house trukana or Masai blooded who r now able even to bite and eat ya flesh in the midst of getting into ya conversation. Please thwart their motives dude.
Portacabin houses are now cheap, like 1 room goes 4 $200, so b4 the pursuit of processing ya green-card to avoid u being victimized u can buy such prior in rural America to go to instead of shelter or 1 house or school that increases the victimization index. In-fact should be placed in ya process ya green-card procedure with i.e like buying an E-Motorbike to aid u in ya movement in-case blocked. I went, i saw and i conquered the truths to tell ya, so a blessing in disguise. Once in a century appears 1 like Nelson but not always as mostly rarely. Not even ya education will help u at that time, in snow is cumbersome dude, lest u got the above or take a flight back home just like Kebi did homies.
Wasee pigeni rungu, hambiya watu waache kung’edhia, hata peeni kebi motisha apige rung’u, awache kung’edhia ng’edhia tu hapo nyumba, madem ni wengi mno, hata hawo wanajidai madignitary wapige rungu, message from Hamphrey Eteni OF meridian nursing home in Kansas friend with Mike of the same at Via Christi Hospital
If know nothing u need to eat much to make u much fat 4 people to avoid ya as destroy ya brain as well vice versa with investigated sharp people and 1 of the reasons people grows wild over u and some cases police arrest if u eat much yet sharp, they want not, disturbs peoples mind.
Starter comp 4 kitchen that gives 48 volts if u connect 4 in a series connection way gives ya 200 volts rotating the a long shaft inside them with 1.5 V drycell mounted on a slight gear like the toy car wheel system to rotate more fast as finding 2 of such gear where after connecting to rotate on the other end still u find the same connect vice versa on the same end leaving the gear to be rotated by the motor to rotate the shaft cause its soft on that end more than the end connected on the end rotated by that motor on its soft gear part, i mean the part that rotates the wheel, kinda, the shaft can all magnet like the rod inside the radio which wires rolls on, the turning of station part, without placing a step up transformers dude like in the links below, or 8, 24 such below or 16, such 12 volts, Generic 1Pcs Mini Micro Small 3-phase Wind Turbines Hand Alternator Generator 3V-24v 12v. Unless i see i when i can believed as forwarded to me in my Facebook a/c
Odila compounds in KSM migosi estate was where King Solomon house stood along time and besides the road at that time was where the lake started b4 River Nile was dug to shrink it as at that time it drains its water to red sea or Indian ocean in Somali, the mouth to the out let was at awasi border along kendu bay Homa bay road, they heap artificial made debris to make not the river flow again and if u pass their u see the land on this side hangs while the lake water kind wants to overcome the land and fall over but relatively far. They blocked it b4 leaving as it had much water falls that could generate electricity which could hamper they huge population motive as time gets by transport electricity below the earth crust to evade the sea to get big cash from the high population they are championing, even bringing people here from other spheres to facilitate the above truth. When the owner comes knows how to make military vehicles and what they don’t know, will cut ya into pieces, the Naphtali tribe, they feared war cause no point to fight yet they got no internet technology which the people they killed got, so had to relent but now they even know how to make home and office appliances that makes life movable. The Italians machines are the most sophisticated and durable, so imagine and that’s why the Guard tribe killed yesus thinking he will tell Italians the same and subdue them economically and in war dominance and get pride as Christ emanated from their tribe but don’t do that as they fear the explained above.
Buy America whirlpool, mabe or Mexican NAFTA home appliances bro in the link below, must stay ahead of competition to be good and accept reality, rather their goods wont be bought or discarded altogether if they join the bad like support America.
Artificial ground nuts, sunflower or sim sim used to make as well artificial oil is grinned not that much then much water added then many spit saliva in a big container in the dark and boom they are formed or a little oil on water in a container then the above done and boom the cooking oil. Christ with little kids to cement the truth.
Artificial made pineapple makes ya head shape cone shape 4 the better as the face shape of inverted cone piss many a woman or men but eat it ones and divorce its usage, cause much makes it more/much that way 4 kids to start their laughs or people thinks u r sick or malnourished.
Kebi saying where is that Mochanda and MAGDALENE who has refused to get into his love trap, playing not hard to get but rather star-bon, he has done all hairstyles but to no avail including changing attires, now he is signaling women around that his penis can be played with and looks up indirectly by wearing kiri kiri or akala with aerial like projections looking up to cement the truth of the above waiting finally 4 the 2 women say cause like he says he cant stand an erection thinking of them, warning them they can find themselves in hell out of that. Like in the link below
Dough in ice or cold water make Radios, Tv, home appliances as well as office or medical equipment or glass/plastic bottles or containers. Ice in dough or cold water or vice versa makes artificial tea if u spit saliva in the dark, tiles, tires, guns or any military vehicle or ammunition and even toys and many more gadgets u come to see after u partake neem leaves in ya meditation.
Daily wages is sweet than that saved in the bank if relatively easy to get and can take ya too hell if u do it daily as opposed to people who r looked at who got much cash and life in danger of being robed hence applies tight security measures.
Those who love like kids or rice or play love flat lands with flash like water on them not dry. Those who love snacks love flat dry lands and its known dat way bro. Those who love cold mountainous lands love corpse and if u like such lands investigators think u r 1 and many taken to prison out of this even when u select online. Those who love plain lands or champions in explaining things love lands which are flat but not all that dry like lands which has just experienced slight flash rainfall. Food lovers loves partially hill places not rolling while those who love themselves loves the later rolling lands and its true and ya character known that way while those who love women love lands with water bodies as cities next to or generally people loving people character. Living in big cities creates another character of instilling chauvinism or class in u as vice versa, lands with few people breed love and ya character pegged on the above underlying truths
Pit latrine which are clean with water beneath when u shit in them gives ya the calmness of mind as directs ya or open ya ways bro, serious and try dude and toilets where feces fall on water b4 flashing wobbles ya mind and makes ya less sane scenario with many whites yet they know not but instead give those using pit latrine names as much as with negro folks. It should be made dry where if u sit the shit fall directly into the below part which can be made like 2 meters b4 the fecal mater heap to add much water to pump it to the sewer line using a water pump to avoid the explained above with mind wobbling period dude like in the link below
Now their is affirmative action with the new E-bikes which don’t spoil unless wares out in wheels or break parts after long and eliminates completely fuel money the previous use giving ya like 200% profit of the money u made using the gas powered 1, so women not complain or wait on men no-more, as they can buy the same to save their money they used on the same as transport while carrying other women they found on roads like in the links below or just organized to take women in the morning to town and drop them from work in the evening or when call made like from airport or hotels, women now is the time to pro-act and stop waiting on men as E-motorbike profit is huge. Like in the link below
In the above link u take out the shit u don’t flash it out to the sewer line and its like the pit latrine gimmick above
Buy Zero USA made motorbikes in the link below
The know nothings wants u to join their bandwagon which if u refuse they say u hate not good looking people as u disrespect them, as talk much as them with their ears closed and mouth wide open, MR crocodile the Governor where is the utility of all ya Degree which theorem machine have u come up with to help masses or just talking in reproaches and planning hooliganism with hooligans, tell me dude, ya daughter in love with kebi wanna elope or what dude, talk Mr Governor or afraid wont get ya post again. They say Kenya good than USA without proper reasons b4 again saying they r Negros, if they get their they will send us much dollars, stop dude and figure out, they have not know yet how to make home appliances if we know a head of them will sell to them and be rich but now they have known the same as per the links below even with motorbikes. Stop Stop stop, accept u r defeated and lets move on
They still locate people houses to disrespect them and economy wont build that way on disrespect lines but stiff principles below which don’t select whether poor or rich and all ya dirty dubious ways explained below now blocked so source 4 others which r blocked as well. Google bro, now with cheap portacabin house like in Nigeria when other nations have learnt the same, placed in credit eliminate the vice u have heaped upon people 4 ages. Go to hell and die if u wanna dude!!! Locating folks with money to join them, bad character or if not so plan their downfall to start disrespecting them, or cut them in view of exhuming such people casket b4 they sell again even seats brought from Kansas should bore drilled holes as marks on the hind parts using a drill and with anything one left to thrift store or place outside their homes i.e plates that finds their way to Africa so we know they r from the USA to be made cheap or given as donation to thwart the old gimmicks of getting rich fast yet belittling the very people who are hardworking to buy the same. Kids get to the same rest rooms as parents and find feces particles of the later which breeds disrespect among families or people, houses ought to have different toilets to place a mark between parents,kids and visitors to avoid the above. Make ya toilet clean like 100% to avert the later.
Signs of a brighter day bro, we cant teach old Dogs new trick just let them lie as they know not of the below as a good turn deserves another period.
shampoo made out of grass grows ya bald so desist bro  ya information. Kenyan motorbikes in the link below  
The link below represent E-motorcycles which are Kenyan made called Fika, grab your today bro, now stop standing on the road to poke others or in a base to propel hooliganism lest arrest let the law be implemented as fast as the speed of sound period, thought it will never change, dude change will change ya if u don’t relent and obey, We arrived as tumefika not sluggards bro
https://www.google.com/search?q=small+solar+lighting+from+china+images&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwiQl_yGmZDpAhWK_IUKHeVLCJgQ2-cCegQIABAA&oq=small+solar+lighting+from+china+images&gs_lcp=CgNpbWcQA1C52gFYy4QCYI2MAmgAcAB4AIABnBGIAf80kgENMC4xLjUtMS41LjktMZgBAKABAaoBC2d3cy13aXotaW1n&sclient=img&ei=h8qqXtC3Mor5lwTll6HACQ&bih=910&biw=1280&client=firefox-b-dUnless i
see a generator that uses a 1.5 v dry cell to generate 240 volts is when i can believe to alludes of CHRIST 1 disciple called Bartolomeo or just illusions. Can even use the phone battery charging technology as u charge another to replace it cause charging 1 battery and using it at the same time without replacing it cause landslides and heavy downpour. Like in the link below or can be automated in that if the battery reaches a certain voltages it becomes the charged 1 while the was charged 1 now rotates the shaft to produce power and it goes on and on
Even electric bulbs and other accessories are made in euphorbia mixture with water where u place 1 sample of bulb and boom many are formed, torches as well and solar kits, even some phones.
Placing tea in dough and spit on the mixture gives even cooked chapati or raw, mandazi, other biscuits, cookies or cakes.
Put stains on shelter materials like clothing, nursing homes apparels like blankets, bed sheets, pillow or duvet that are permanent so if seen in the markets of other nation are barred from being bought as shame, kinda or make holes at the tip the around the hole sew it again to avoid over-tear to be a mark as above to discourage dubious ways of getting money leading to triumph belittling others for nothing who are industrious and yet know not of ya hidden dubious agendas. A people who are geared at forging the country ahead no-matter what as u joke and give in to play.
The plane in the link below can take to the sky up-to 5 years and used to transport the above using fissures on the earth crust to another nation as being controlled from the computer as a wire is rolled underground to emanate from these holes to make it not lose direction and fall or just a person b4 he hangs it on a hook after reaching the hole to the earth crust as the destination. It has a not 1 coil system to heat the siren gas cylinder but like 3 like the alternating press pen in that it rotates to change the coil if burns up as the wire that carries the same current to heat every coil has a red light to signal its working which if goes off means the coil aint working so u change another as switch a switch to rotate the 1 in use out as u remove it to allow another 1 works as much as having enough spares on the place to sail ya through
With tumblr a/c if the email is guessed and has more than 30 characters u cant get back and log in even if some1 gives ya the password period dude, get this straight, let it not be a debate bro lest wanna put up a fight even if u try to open that guessed like g mail a/c to send magic link to still get access to the same a/c u cant bro. Get it straight fellows and all my following tumblr a/c displayed in sirjustice104 r opened that way, so what u r saying u want to delete then take out a flight out the hood is a pure impossibility unless u attack the servers of tumblr company in Ny. Dude whats ya take or what u r up dude b4 u resort to wanting my food in a rich nation as u claim as rich people have developed another character away from the known behaving like poor people or b4 u look at my property to steal in open way or want to grab my manhood esp Mr Hindu doing roadside show businesses along the way. Accept defeat and lest move on, me i see thing in my eye like Robinson or Minaj booty in USA while me in Kenya but u, u only see 10 km radios, as u claim not me, if u were me u ought to see the same, fuck u Mr Hindu and stop ya sick open games and resort to hard works. In these day not even ya cash will aid ya period.
Even the photos of hairstyles and cuts of people when inserted on dough or used bottles, snow flakes or chaff make gadgets not necessarily cut heads that can be a target in political instigated even like demonstration, reason being the same above yet the normal people know not as u r targeted of hair-style to make with machines.
Any1 in life who has been a head of ya, manipulated ya in 1 way or another their is away u get him in life, just like in a movie some good get bullet shots to teach u the same that also u with another aint spared and how life is, even with America, Eu or Asia, most African nations have come up with machines ahead of them and are left in awe as long they used to say its the skin color that makes them think as opposed to Africans. Question fellows where is that gimmicks, even those ahead in class u get them as later in life ahead of them in cash and they get perplexed as they were tought aint right as not only school define life, so can advice others to take another course of life. Christ with prostitutes going to hell ahead of u. Folks some people r never judged after death cause their sins minimal and many wonder that judgement houses like in Minneapolis to small 4 50 million-people who die annually as per records.
The people who are not all that bad in life gets to the bottom cold floors of hell as described below in hot lands and vice versa in cold lands like the tundra, those bad get to the hottest floor bearing the above in mind, neither bad nor good gets in the middle and as well what was ya favorite city temp, so they fight the reverse to get where u did not want whether hot or cold.
Volt meter on planes need not capacitor or place 2 after and b4 the capacitor as placing 1 b4 only tells of power past SCC but the capacitor as well can burn and it doesn’t show that rather if u place them many even 5 in a parallel connection.
The police like, coast, Jamaica blooded men, find new excuse as argument cause u have thwarted their thinking, now where is ya mask which if covid is over we don’t know the new slogan they will put on their lips every-time and another is about the home appliances, guys who are making these things after u read my tumblr a/c, purely is me giving them the guiding-lines to make such but little did u know they start to quarrel with me again on something am championing to defeat Mr white man as buy from ya country and discard from nations that supports the derailment of the above but if they change still u can hang on their gadgets as excuse can be ya home made are detriment to the eye while their not that bad, so folks they build up animosity if i say the same that u ought to buy from ya nation on what i have help build. Bad character anyway as u have blocked them to kill ya and eat ya corps so they hold grudges upon ya. Its a new debate with ya all together.
Most never wants to love kids as situation aint still good and loop holes r going to be blocked, so have known the same, so by locating those who eat they send dem kids to ya and you knowing u don’t love them as it makes u feel bad as kinda, an umbrella opens up on ya mind and close the nerves of ya senses in ya brain to stop u from thinking, so many hate kids around them and many give them names yet they know not the above or just know to wanna spread the raising kid expenses to others or give ya names or maybe they teach ya of the same to look into how u can make people love simple life cause maybe they see u can do it and have not realized not. It goes this way in life, u cant expect me to accommodate others in my house yet me i was not accommodated rather was terrorized with my peers around me and chased by grown ups, scratch my back i scratch yours is the norm of the day, get it straight dude, never just give people names yet u don’t understand their past, its a spirit that needs to be eliminated with tricks to reverse the above.
Artificial foods Af just like Africa with mad, breed belittlement on you to people around you,kinda, it snatch out respect out of ya and many are sent to investigate as eating corpse described above as it will be part of judgement in life after death with like appendix, kinda,1 sees u like useless, weightless as flying to indicate the above, u wont deny in hell everything got side-effects even if eating in secrecy or corners.
Blessed are the comic, 4 they shall inherit the earth, without china i could be in bondage as Eu nations would not have made the same alternator generator to at-least calm the situation but Nigeria had made it, if at all they did not made it they could have helped liberate the situation. Planes should be made like comic plane to avert plane fall and they above employed as the running along the middle parachute or individual ones placed inside the plane 4 the same.
The starter comp 4 kitchen alternator resembling the motorbike 1 in the link bellow can be made big like of much wire and a big portion of magnet to instead of producing 24 volts as specified bellow produces 220 volts where it can overtate complete alternator generator for better/good as well in the link below as it will be small and can use like one 1.5 V dry-cell creating a new wonder or phenomena in the world of innovation without passing via an electric inverter. Make work easy, pro-act dude instead of reproaches
When made it will something like the describe gadget in the link below powering ya house or ya business premise, in fact its portable and can walk with it alongside ya and never feel the pinch
Africa is like the head of some1, so countries on the back of the head as west African states will have the day with speedboat or yacht transport via the sea to America as much as parcel delivery and on the nose as horn of Africa and North Africa nations bordering the sea after good roads developed as well as railway. With tumblr a/c if u follow no-1 u cant shift the a/c or if u use a browser like opera mini or chrome u cant do the above or when creating the a/c u used a pass-code more than 30 characters u can log in again even if u know the created password. And on Instagram or FB i just search the country name and find where to comments and follow them or send personal text b4 they react and u can check on my following how many nations i have done the same, in fact all nations of the world, so if u ambush me out of wanting that to be ya own u r on wrong side of history as they got the same and moreover i have searched under google to post to ya on my following tumblr a/c what they have made period dude. Dude what now do u want? Answer me homie!!!
shampoo made out of grass grows ya bald so desist bro  ya information. Kenyan motorbikes in the link below while 1 made out of Euphorbia after long protrudes ya 4head out as Malachi 4 cements the truth another version. They are gays so guides ya women to leave u hoping they will be yours in short time which they find not easy and that’s the gimmick, “we have been warned“ mostly dignitaries and lazy men in society. Resort to bar soap women with barnabas to guide ya!!
Siri Lanka speed boats r too expensive, this the quotation they tell me for their boats, compare with china made ones bro b4 selling to respect fellows
50-60 feet semi long line vessels $120000-150000
U can opt 4 the below machines in the link below
kebi could not stop saying moch nyimi long'o as he was giving it unto her
Houses are even made with cereal chaff or the remains of harvested cereals like with maize, millet etc, where foundation dug only they the above heaped even with garbage and u can fence to hold them in place, b4 in the dark many spit upon the above and boom the house of ya type u inserted many photos of gotten from the net formed even with city buildings, bridges and sky scrappers.
On the wireless alarm system to call ya phone after subscribing 4 unlimited with like cricket as explained in 1 of the following tumblr a/c of sirjustice200 u can use the radio call in the link below instead but 4 short distance if u leave by
For the 1.5 volts battery described above u can use these ones instead of phone battery if u like or wanna as u replace each after 1 finishes in power
some truths as well make money via blockchain like in the link below            
https://www.blockchain.com/ and remote controlled kid boat        
Eliminate paper money at-least coin which has the width testing machine where if old the bank takes to replace immediately not to stop the above. 2 protect the coin from cutting ya appendages insert on water from outside the building, it only does the above if u touch the money inside the building, money made out of feces of those who are HIV/aids positive. Click the link below 4 more, Anyway just a gimmick, can tell the devil to make of the same width and he makes, eliminate liquid cash period and place money online
Play the game in the below link to earn
Most English sweet message songs as well as swahili were King David and Plato made, they knew swahili,the Italians give people to redo them making u think 1 is wise, even ecclesiastic were platos things in the bible, he was made to kill himself to take the same as they did to give them respects which now can make Solomon lands in hell, in-fact if u eat neem leaves of see his head being elevated above and maybe 1 reason why they changed the bible to evade the above. In-fact the bed where King Solomon was made lies helpless along Kisumu kakamega road on a bed furniture shop. The Romanians and balkanized nations wants to tell u who Christ was cause they know the truth as they have eliminated fee of being victimized as they have learnt how to make military vehicles and other machines to suppress the G10 nation gimmicks. Still opposing then kill us b4 we kill u, king of the jew to cement the truth.
When u google the photos of ancient Europe scholars or leaders they direct ya to go slow, they will accept,kinda, the words echoes in ya mind giving ya hope to be of respect. They thought other nations will not learn automation so if u wanted to get to Russia think twice it got no resources rather made ones not as earlier thought. A mind changer bro!!!!
Even Cambodian girls got pointed breast at even after puberty and they hate joining things, if u got that trait then u got that blood of wanting no disturbance with shallow things, most biblical leaders like David and his son got that blood. Worker and vineyard parable to bring reality back home. Partially of big eyes like the Togolese or some Jamaicans as much as Eritrea and Kuwait.
Hindu can transfigure ya lips so eat fresh deep fried Nile perch or Ginger with skali ngulu to avert the changing process once u got the desired body part i.e teeth or lips, or drinking sewer water widens ya lips even in unnoticeable amounts
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