#which i dont hence you got deleted
jmdbjk · 1 year
JK Welive #1-2 & JK/Tae IG live
People sure have their panties in a knot over Jimin and Jungkook and Tae and shipping and JK's live, and Bam, and a J tattooed on a finger and just... damn people. You act like your life depends on this shit. 
To keep track of what we’re talking about let’s organize it like this: JK welive #1, JK/Tae IG live, JK welive #2, JM welive, JK welive #3, JK welive #4 (taken down, yet to see if it will be put back up). That’s a lot of maknae line to unpack. 
But bottomline: Jungkook is mostly at home nesting with Bam. Leave him alone. Y’all keep making me say that. INTROVERTS UNITE!
Boy arrived for Welive #1 wired and ready to defy the employee manual that says no live broadcasts without permission. 
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Jungkook was a little solemn when someone asked about Jin in the comments. “Jin is doing ok.” and “Jin sometimes sends us a message in group chat.” JK didn’t seem like he wanted to elaborate on it.
He wonders why he thinks of Army when he’s drinking... man is crying in his beer over us!
Within 20 minutes he was all wound down. His sweet eyelids started getting droopy while he read Army comments. 
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Then he got second wind and started searching for something to sing for us... finds Vibe, drools over Jimin for a sec, gives Taeyang some badass love, starts to sing the song before he even gets the lyrics up on the screen... knows the choreo of course... 
Rumor confirmed: Bam is the luckiest dog in the universe. Jeon Jungkook wipes his butt after he poops. Who else in this world can say that? Who?
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Besides the Bam butt wiping TMI, Jungkook also said he emptied his freezer so he could keep his (8) frozen beer mugs in there ready for action. And also (10) smaller glasses... maybe pilsner glasses? 400ml is not a small glass. 18 large servings of adult beverages. Priorities.
TMI: JK sings while he pees.
Kookie philosophy: if a rock doesn’t get rained on, it will crack and break. So another round of beers please. Gotta stay hydrated according to Kookie.
He attributes his being able to sit in the dark in his house with Bam and drink beer and literally breathe, to Army. Thanks to Army. You are welcome, baby!
Jungkook also says if you don’t have these three things, get out of here:
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Gotta admit, I was stressing for a minute over the remark that he’s stopped working on his album... but Jungkookie says he’s kind of into this living like a rock for now. He’s not feeling pressured or overly anxious to be working or trying to make himself work. How he said what he said implies maybe he is really relishing this “doing what he wants at age 25...” Good for him. He deserves to slack for a while. 
At about 1 hour and 13 minutes in he pulls J-Hope’s “More” up on the noraebang screen and begins to rock out. I LOVED THAT!   Then he realized Namjoon was in the comments and thanked him for being his savior. And y’all didn’t tell me he sang Daechwita!!!! ONE OF MY FAVORITES!!!! Even though he substituted Suchwita in the lyrics hahahahahaha. He also praised Taehyung on changing up his singing style as it became sweeter. Good job! AWWWW.
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And he got me laughing out loud when someone commented for him to stop drinking, it’s not healthy... he says, if his body stays healthy it wonders what it’s supposed to do and it stops doing its job so he introduces unhealthy components (like beer) for it to wake up and fight inside and that’s how he’ll become healthy... HAHAHAHAHAHAA, oh Kookie. Don’t tell people that! they will believe it! Armys are gullible! 
What he really meant with that explanation is: “don’t lecture me.”
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Bless his neighbors... who surely can hear him singing through the walls at 4:00 a.m. ...
Jungkook gave us the long awaited tattoo explanations. Honestly, does anyone think NO ONE has EVER asked him what the tattoos mean? Do you think he’s NEVER had to explain to anyone? EVER? What exactly would anyone expect him to say about certain ones? He also didn’t speak about covering the tiger with the black sun... he says when he first got them, he didn’t put much thought into it so maybe the tiger was one of those things and he covered it up with something that had more meaning. An eclipsed sun. And he got the eye because he wanted to be mindful of his actions because he’s always being watched... he says this right after saying he got tattoos thoughtlessly, LOL! He doesn’t like the moon on his shoulder and intends to get it covered someday. It’s okay, the sun is eclipsing because of the moon inside his elbow. 
I’m sad to hear he had a bad tattoo experience here in the States.
ALL of the complex tattoo meanings that have been floating around have ALWAYS been fan speculation. 
And, Tattoo Proof Anon, I deleted your ask because nothing has been debunked. Don’t you have a life or something you should be paying attention to instead of parking on blogs waiting for your “gotcha” moment that’s never gonna arrive?
A nod to Polyc’s incredible talent:
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HAHAHAHAHAHA Tae comes into the comments and JK is like, “hold on Taehyung, I’m talking about something sincere...” Bro don’t interrupt me, I’m talking to Army about something serious.
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Switch to Instagram...
Then, for the first time in the history of Bangtan, two members do a simultaneous Instagram Live... 
The IG live... was short... JK seems tentative about doing the live in Instagram... man was all “don’t tell me what to do” while on Weverse but  Instagram has him questioning his morals. Tae smiles big when he sees Bam, apparently having not seen him in a while. Tae makes a little snarky “if it makes money comment” about it and then after playing with the Instagram filters and remarking that Weverse needs to make a zoom feature so they can all be on at the same time because two is not enough, Tae said “I gotta sleep, peace out.” Later, bro.
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Back to Weverse...
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Welive #2: Jungkook mentions he is going to detox for five days... and then eat something yummy. That lasted less than 24 hours as we’ll see in his #3 Welive.
He mostly is singing his heart out in between telling Armys not to lecture him.
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Y’all didnt tell me he (half) sang Despacito!
Someone already put a clip of his Welive he just did singing Dreamers on YouTube:
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I thought for sure he passed out on us.
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And he finally calls it a night after the sun rises... sweet (stubborn) thing.
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I’m choosing (right now) not to be concerned with Jungkook’s stoppage on working. However, I reserve the right to change my mind should more information become available.
JM’s Welive, JK #3 Welive and #4 (if they put it back up), to come after the Weverse translations are provided. 
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starrgirlella · 6 months
Lurking for love? More like lurking for LORE
Hi everyone! Just two days ago, I made some interesting discoveries about LFL by just digging around the website
I'm not sure if anyone else found this out so that's why I'm going to be sharing what I found because it's very interesting
This post is going to be pretty long lol and full of my rambling. If you're interested, please take a read! Do note that English isn't my first language so I may express myself a bit weird 😭
Also IK the screenshots are pretty shitty but I'm lazy oops
To start, I have a habit of checking the sinistershrike website along with the LFL itch.io game page. Why? Well I just like looking if there are any new updates (and its my hyperfixtation so I'm constantly looking for new content)-
And I noticed that on the sinistershrike website there was a new update which some of you may or may not saw.
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In summary, the game is getting custom music, prounouns are getting removed so MC is going to be gender neutral and getting called only by their name and most interesting of all: a new main character is getting added, and they're going to be dateable!
Pretty interesting, right? I immediately got curious on who that character might be since they're going to cause drama and more mysteries.
But wait! I'm still not done, hehe
Afterwards, I was just randomly looking at Jacob Alden pics thru google. Again, why? Well, I don't know either lol. It's just a habit that I do when I'm bored and sometimes when I'm lucky, I come across new things.
And this time I was lucky!
So I scrolled down to the end of the results and I saw this post which caught my eye:
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What's so interesting about it? Well the fact that the creators website is linked to it. Curious, I clicked on the link and was suprised at what I saw.
(Mind you I still dont know if I'm an idiot just finding this out or not...)
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Basically, it's a site containing all info about Jacob! I got really excited when I saw it bc I LOVE learning all the facts about my favourite characters and finding new official content!
When I finished looking through it I noticed two things:
1. The website adress (is that what it's called? Im sorry english isn't my first language)
So when you look at the website adress you can notice how it's linked (basically an extension) to the creators webiste which is: sinistershrike.neocities.org
The thing is; you can't open Jacobs page on the creators site. Like yes, there is a tab which says CHARACTERS but if you click on it you'll get nothing but a scary looking Jacob. Which means to get to this page you have to type the adress in yourself.
So I'm assuming the creator is purposefully hiding this Jacob page (maybe because he wants to finish pages for all characters and more)
And here's the link if you want to take a look for yourself:
2. At the end of the page, you have links to other characters made by the creator.
Not just lurking for love, but other ocs made by him!
Though, if you click on them, you'll get nothing. Maybe they're still being made? I'm not sure.
Now, when you look at the characters for LFL, it's very interesting because we now have info on Sarah's last name AND... an unknown character? Noah Vega.
At first, I was stunned. Who could this character be? Then I went back to the creators website and remembered the mention of a new character, can you see where I'm going?
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Noah Vega must be the new character! He was never mentioned before; neither in the game nor in the creators deleted blogs.
And pretty quickly I found proof which helped my theory (I SOUND SO DUMB OMG)
Now going back to the website adress thing.
So I concluded that the Jacob website is hidden from the main website for an reason, hence you can only acess it by finding it yourself. I decided to mess around with the website adress a bit, to see if I could find any more extensions/links.
I started by putting different names in the adress. I tried out: Austin, Sarah, Cedric and Alfred but they didn't lead or anything.
The only name which lead to an extension was Noah. And holy shit-
I'm finding it hard to express how shocked I was at this discovery
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This is a pretty big lore drop imo! So his website shows a pinboard with various notes.
And with these notes we can conclude two things:
1. He has an gambling addiction
2. He is investigating Jacob
He definitely an detective trying to solve an old murder case involved with Jacob. Hence why the mention that the new character will add more drama and mystery to the game.
The three murdered highschoolers must be his old friends mentioned in the game: Steve, Monty and Kenny. Which he claims that they haven't talked since highschool. In reality, they were murdered by him for reasons that are unknown for now.
The website link:
And that's about it! I had fun digging around finding this new info and writing this post. I hope to see more of interesting secrets like this in the future because it's fun finding them!
I hope this post was of interest to you :)
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charbles · 7 months
Can you tell us more about your AU called the inbetween and is Betty okay?
Sorry this took so long, i had an original response but i passed out on my computer yesterday and deleted it! sincerely FUCK.
First off; I would like to give credit where its due, i make this au with my friends @artvid707 and @galacticaldisaster ! its a group effort and i implore them to correct me if i get anything wrong!
secondly! Im gonna post the characters i DO write for as well, since i dont have a bunch of characters in this au, its actually feasible this time!
-Betty Grof -prismo -Fern :] -Neddy -Elise -Golb -Jermaine -Shermy -Fionna
I'll just edit this post when i get more characters or something!
Now onto the actual au stuff :]] Im going to put this under a Read More, because i know for a fact that this is gonna be a long post! but hey, atleast theres art involved!
Im not gonna be going over everything, but i will go over the gist!
In general, the au is about a reality entity called the In-Between kidnapping people and storing them within itself, Nobody knows how to leave or what exactly it wants, but they all have a common goal of FINDING that exit.
The In-between regularly only has 3 characters active at a time, and swaps them out with eachother regularly AND randomly, the characters call this rotations, though it doesnt have a set order,
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i have rotation C :] these characters and their variants can swap out whenever
Now Variants are the same character from either A. a different time period or B. A different universe entirely! its important to pay attention to which these are; because some variants know more about their situation then others and some from the past have no idea what some from the future are even talking about, im going to use fern as an example here;
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theyre at different points in their lives and they all show up at the inbetween, hence the nicknames! No variants can meet each other, and no one in the same rotation can meet each other.
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betty's got a bit of a unique case going on... but i'm sure shes fine.
I wouldn't worry about it too much :]
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ariicandy · 17 hours
typing the beginning AGAIN. Time to yap abt my theories (WITHOUT deleting them. I had it worded so perfectly and now I feel like in forgetting important things 😭😭)
SO there's this character called the “Dreammaster” (assuming they're different from the “Watchmaker”), to which Acheron KNEW they were the Dreammaster. They claim to be able to control (more like the Oak Family are their “eyes, ears and mouth”) the “Oak Family Offspring” (is how they worded it). This proven by how the people are crowded around Acheron. If I remember right too, Robin and Sunday are from the Oak Family so have they been the Dreammasters “eyes, ears and mouth” but when? Is the Dreammaster with them 24/7??
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The Dreammaster also talks abt how they “exile evil from the haven in their head” (shown in screenshot) and I thought at first that they meant Acheron, because while she's not apart of the Oak Family, she's in the Penacony Dreamscape. She's asked (forced, and chose) to leave because she “knows too much” I think they said. Is the Penacony Dreamscape the Dreammasters head? But then, later on, the Pepeshi shown here is seen in the other Dreamscape we now know (it's a new one, can't remember what it's called)
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Before we meet the Pepeshi tho (he's talking with March), we meet Misha and Clockie again and it's said that “Death” (or “Sleepie” as Misha calls it) has “started ferrying people back and forth between the two Dreamscapes.” Why was the Pepeshi so stressed though? What happened?? Was he exiled from the Dreammasters head????
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I had ORIGINALLY thought that the Dreammaster “exiled” the people from his head via “Death” (kinda proven by the Pepeshi showing up in this Dreamscape where Robin and Firefly also showed up after “Death” got them), but Sleepie (“Death”) is depicted essentially as a dog Gallagher takes care of (surprise Gallagher mention!!) by Misha and isn't a threat, and it's well behaved but is just a bit aggressive. I'm still on the fence abt this idea bc of that, but it think it MIGHT be plausible (take all of the things I'm saying with a grain of salt I'm normally not very good with theories, hence why I never tell anyone 😭😭)
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I have a LOT more thoughts honestly but this is the biggest one as of now. If you're GENUINELY interested in more of my theory yapping Arii I'll keep talking abt this stuff with you <33 (just keep in mind that, again, my theories are almost never right 😭😭 and I feel like I had more thoughts to this but this is the whole gist of it.) This is definitely the longest ask I've ever written PLS. Ask me if you have any questions abt this tho and I'll answer my thoughts on them :33 I ALSO TRIED TO PROOFREAD BUT If THERE ARE ANY TYPOS I'M SORRY
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yb-cringe · 1 year
SO SO SO WHEN THE RIFT OPENED: REALITY KINDA BROKE (as it tends to do) AND THUS KINDA DUPLICATED. The hermits coming from their side to the empires side momentarily deleted that existence (hence the fact that multiple grumbots could exist at once, because they didn't) which also ties into why grumbot is talking about "there is no mumbo in this reality," ect.... this is why when the empires people went into the other side of the rift, the fact that there was still a duplicate of the empires side meant that the empires bit was somehow still existent, but the fact that there were two grumbots (despite one having been blown up, the fact that the rift was open while there WERE two grumbots) meant that the rift started closing bc it was like "nope fuck this this is too much interdimensional shit" and closed, and this is why when they returned to empires, everything was fucked up. shelby where the fUCK was that village you were at?? this is why the wanted posters are up- hold on i'm about to explain that bit. chromia is well, orange. would you take a wild guess about who did that. yeah. sO BASICALLY, because there were two timelines open on the empires side, but one timeline had nobody to keep it in check, so the other went out of whack, stuff leaking over- stuff being owen stILL not being a llama, word of that got to the academy (joey migHT've helped) and thus shubble is wanted. the moment that people came back over the alternate timeline was split (hence why there were no duplicates, ect), but some things remained, mostly from the people who would cause the most chaos (that being owen.) also this is why, as the portal was closing, sausage remembered everything- because the timelines snapped back. so yeah uh
sorry i've typed a fuck ton this has been filling my brain and leaking out my ears for the past two hours.
jesus christ i somehow understand this completely and dont understand it at all. but its fucking interestinf as hell— and all of them ARE saying that shit is Wack as hell. or most of them. Joel seems fine. No surprise there tho-
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goatlingsvent · 2 years
response of my spectrumling design
really weird the mods possibly deleted my response... which is not cool man... i dont like leaving people in the dark. i DO NOT i repeat DO NOT support AS
long story short since i do not have the energy to type it all out again; this design was before i was even 17 and the screenshot has been taken out of context considering it did not show the whole post, people were helping me with the design in the discord and someone suggested me putting the infinity symbol on the puzzle and nobody tried saying to change it to something completely different for almost 2 years. nobody reached out to me.
the goat is not an adult and is in fact a minor. if anything; still a kid. and i really dont know where you got the kidcore theme from.. i didnt make it for aesthetics (literally wth, is it the colors??? i am sorry but i dont understand that assumption.. ).. i wasnt trying to stereotype anything,,, im literally autistic myself, i dont understand why theres been a huge misunderstandding thinking i support autism speaks when i literally do not and i personally stated in the post to donate to a very completely different network. i planned to reddesign it even, but never got to it and thinking of a design put me in a huge artblock. i still want to redesign so it wouldnt be alignedd to AS anymore but i still havent thought of an design, hence why the post was deleted because it was old and i wanted to refreshen it up.
this is all worsening my anxiety and i just want to be left alone, dont just randomly assume things about people because they made something almost 2 years ago.. oh my god..
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incarnateirony · 3 months
Why don't you block her, delete the blog you dedicated to her, and then move on with your life? Lol
This isn't "dedicating my blog to her"
This is me dedicating my existence to erasing hers.
Figuring out the difference.
and you, people like you are the fucking problem I kept rolling over to this fucking monster to comply with
'oh just move on"
sorry yall believe in magic or not but right now we're in a timeline being bent so fucking hard her "holy water" turned acidic and she won't look at that, because there's millions of people involved in this at a subconscious level, also sorry. This shit isn't stopping until she dies or lets me go, and people whining on my fucking tumblr that I'm finally giving the princess her fucking attention she's been fucking ordering can go rot with her. I'm DONE being abused. I'm DONE watching her make my brother suffer. I'm DONE.
There is, in fact, a god out there even begging her to do the same, because of what and how he is, and he's stuck in the middle of her horse shit getting all fucked up too, because he's dissonance and spirit, and she's getting him and her both stuck in shadow loops and she still won't give a shit.
This bitch sees me astrally insult her through time like twice and gets all fucked up on it.
You think THIS is tributing MY life to her? She has MY shit signed on her blog, her business. Her whole life. Hence being able to start magically destroying her from the inside out like has been happening. This has been 3 weeks of me giving her treatment back to her. Multiply that over fifty. Cuz she's been doing it to me for three YEARS
Bitch has every generation of the great magicians of the past screaming to leave everybody the fuck alone at a soul level to the point everyone around me is getting vibed off the planet too and she still won't fucking care. She has literally been dragged through time, had her altar turned to acid, her spider's dead, all kinds of shit is just telling her to let go, I've mentally rewired her so hard she even sees and hears what I want her to and keeps accidentally confirming it, but just because I've had the audacity of leaving her a few personality markers without complete psychic collapse from her yet, she is STILL clinging to my fucking dick. Because the rot, infestation and obsession is that deep. Even when things start melting or dying, and even when she knows she's been mistaken, and even when she's starting to fall under direct compulsion and command, she literally cannot bring herself to let go of the illusion of me.
And that. is why. she and hers. have stalked me. for three. YEARS. She's chasing what she thinks she's after, cuz he aint with her the way she wants. Her own shit ironically prevents it, and he's tried to reason with her to fix it, and she won't listen to him either. She's basically torturing the god she claims to follow, thinking of me instead, to the point I threw up from the emotions of a bajillion people from HIM having a breakdown the other night, and no, those weren't mine, that's not my upset. I'm just furious and want to skin her until she stops making noise. He's the one trying to care, but she doesnt.
She has literally sacrificed her identity and soul to her obsession, and that's why we're literally rewiring her internally. If I have to build a whole other fucking person to walk out of here, I will, because otherwise the options are very fatal, and those are also on the table.
No seriously I deadass said I don't care if I walk out of this with zero followers, because digital life is digital life and I have the skills to rebuild. I don't fucking care. My real life, my business, my identity, my quarter century dedication to a god she's roleplaying to replace communion with and totally fucking up people's not just immortal paths but generational ones, these things are more important than if pussystieluwu dot tumblr dot com is bothered.
No seriously this bitch has made me bend the timeline SO HARD that I am *literally insulting her ten years ago* but she's too dense to realize I'm calling her fat, and stupid, even then, but that must be what hermes looks like yup I fucking CANT, I am DONE.
My ass DOES look better in this dress. And the thousands of dresses all subtweeting her and her cat hilarity. cuz she can't replicate what I can do, all she can do is suddenly pretend to ignore it and hope I give up when people like YOU whine at me enough, and I'm not, I'm not stopping it. All she has to do is remove her fucking altar and temple to me from her life and all the false teaching bs she's doing, she literally just has to remove her fraud bullshit, and she won't. Again, she can't, she's psychologically dependent on the ghost of me she built into her whole life and even groomed her fucking spouse into, so now if she lets go her EVERYTHING is fucked, so this obsessed spiral of hers continues, and I'm breaking the fucking loop even if it means breaking HER.
No literally even while I'm tearing her apart the god she pretends to adore kept trying to reason with her and even begged her by using the spirit of valentines day itself to break through the fucking distortions caused by this shit on an above-superbowl-level, and she still wouldn't listen. She won't listen to ANYONE but her own instinct to drive backwards, and when she drives backwards to ancient greece, gets confused that my messaging is still slapping her 2000 years ago too and ignores that
That's how fucking obsessed this nutbag is. I can literally drag her through time to talk to the ancients of the past she's disrupting with her shit and she still won't fucking let go or learn or read a book or ANYTHING. just garfield WONDER WHO THATS FOR meme. DUR WHY WHEN AARON SAY I PLAY DARK MAGICIAN HOUSE GET FULL OF RAGING SHADOWS FREAKING OUT MY PETS AND I GET DRAGGED TO GREECE. WHAT A NICE OLD HARD WORKING MAN BUT HE SEEMED INTIMIDATING, HE WAS TALKING TO ME ABOUT DOING THE FUCKING WORK, JUST LIKE AARON IS, WONDER WHAT THAT MEANS.
Eat shit, the original drums came out the other day and she still wouldn't listen to the beat and I'm pretty sure that was her last chance to hear from him before the full moon, the rest is her deciding how much she's willing to risk for the next however long.
Eat shit, we're on our own remix.
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eepiest-malkuth · 9 months
Hello Malkuth, i know this may seem completely random, and you dont have to answer this ask or delete it if you please, but before/if you do, please let me make myself clear. 1. When i asked to join the rp, it was because i was genuinely curious and wanted to see how things were going on with you and eve (not in a malicious way, it was also because i genuinely thought you forgot about us, and i just wanted to check on how you two were doing because it's been so long.) 2. i havent been trying to be malicious to you as much as the others. i'm usually a man of second chances, and despite everything that happened between us, i would still be glad to give you another chance because i genuinely think you've gotten better mentally.
you'll most likely be blocking my tumblr and banning me from fuck it we ball after you find this ask in your askbox, but i want you to know that im not here to insult you, judge you, or do anything negatively impactful to you, your server, or your friends.
(this was made because of one of your recent tumblr posts talking about me asking for an invite for the server, which, you told me the server name and i got curious.)
you're completely fine! I'm just been extremely paranoid after Ego tried to raid the server once (hence why the invite function is off for @/everyone) and the fact that London, Id, and Vyper all act as sort of a group? And they feel familiar, really familiar, which scares me a bit.
I've forgotten a lot tbh.
(but I remembered some recently due to certain circumstances.)
I won't block or ban you, why would I? I thank you for the second chance. I've gotten a lot better mentally since then, I think.
(Also, sorry about the post. I was just nervous and I felt the need to share with someone.)
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mysmegrace · 3 years
i recently installed mystic messenger again after like a month or more of not playing (was afraid of someone finding the game in my phone) , and it felt good to "see" the characters again , so can i please request headcanons of the rfa seeing mc after a long time ?
hello, that's completely understandable lol. i remember back in 2016 when i played it the first time around (i deleted it after the first bad ending and didn't play again until 2019 lol) and was worried people would look on my phone and see it. oh how times have changed lol. but of course!
RFA Seeing MC After a Long Time
yoosung kim:
you attended the rfa party during the last summer you had before going to college.
life was looking up for you.
you found an amazing boyfriend, started becoming independent, and got a good summer job.
things only got better when you found out you had gotten accepted to college.
only problem was that the college was in the US, and your friends and lover were in South Korea.
as much as you loved your new life here, you reminded yourself of your feelings before meeting the rfa.
how everything you created here would only be temporary.
but now, you didn’t want to stick to that anymore.
your life was going so well, and you knew yoosung wouldn’t be happy about you leaving to go across the globe.
however, it was too good of an opportunity to let it go.
this was what you were to planning to do for the last decade.
if you were to give up now, all your hard work would be for nothing.
you were incredibly conflicted, but eventually choose to follow your passion at college overseas.
and yoosung was frantic about it.
he wouldn’t be able to see you, protect you, help you, feed you, walk with you, the list went on.
however as he’s gotten more mature over the past few days, he knew he didn’t have the power to stop you, nor should he guilt you about it.
besides, he wanted you to pursue something you were passionate in and become successful.
some sacrifices would just have to be made.
that didn’t mean he would let you go either.
the two of you made a promise to call, facetime, and visit each other as often as possible.
you’d make it work.
so with much regret, you left to the states.
and when the holidays approached, you decided to bring yourself to him as a gift.
it had been months since he saw you at this point.
you both could enjoy the holidays together while relaxing.
it was a win win.
and what better way to carry out your surprise than by showing up to his front door at 10pm?
and that’s exactly what you did.
giving the door a good few knocks, you waited until you were greeted by yoosung standing in his unwashed pajamas, staring at you.
it took a few seconds for it to click who you are, yet once that processed, he was overcome with joy.
you thought it was adorable how his hands flew to his face as he began to pull you into a hug shortly after.
you were met with only parts of words as yoosung couldn’t explain his excitement fast enough.
and you were ecstatic as well.
you never realized how much you missed him until you were reunited with him again.
hence why after you two spent the holidays together, you found it incredibly difficult to leave again.
however with his encouragement, you went off to work your hardest so he could meet a successful you the next time you reunited.
hyun ryu / zen:
much like zen, you were an actor too.
you were a much lesser known actress, but you had began building connections.
and those connections all paid off when you were offered a new role in a movie that was predicted to be going big.
you couldn’t be more grateful.
yet as you began reading farther into the offer, your heart slowly sunk.
if you were to take the role, you would have to relocate to germany for the next 9 months.
you wanted this so bad, but you didn’t want to leave zen alone for 9 months.
he if could, he would join you in germany.
but he already had a role to work on in south korea.
as much as you wanted him to join you, you didn’t want him to give up his role he had been working so hard on for the past year.
you were conflicted, and knew it would be best to talk about it to zen.
not only to see what he thinks, but to ease your feelings.
and once you had the discuss about it with you, you came to a conclusion.
you would could, keeping in contact with him everyday.
though zen was heartbroken about it, he knew how much you wanted this and how much this would advance your career.
so with a heavy heart, he sent you off.
the moment you left on the plane, he was already longing for your reunion.
9 months never went by so slow.
when you were with him, there was never enough time to bask in each others love.
but without him, everyday had an extra 8 hours.
even though you were working 24/7, time stayed still for days on end.
yet when the production ended a month early, all your worries and stresses eased as you could finally reunite with your love in person.
without thinking, you packed all your stuff up once you got back to your trailer to get the next plane back to seoul.
you hadn’t even thought to tell zen until you boarded the plane.
too late now though, as you weren’t aloud your phone on the plane.
what an idiotic rule, you thought.
but perhaps it was better this way, as you could surprise zen with your return sooner than expected.
you gave into the tiredness that followed you around for the months prior, awakening to the speaker saying you’ve landed.
in your half awake state, you got off the plane and called for a cab.
it only took an hour to reach your destination, in which you got more sleep on the way there.
you thanked the driver before heading out, practically running to the front door.
you knocked, hoping to make zen believe you were only a door salesman or a mailman.
you heard some footsteps approaching behind the door in a hurried state, before the door opened and you were greeted with your future husband.
his expression changed in the speed of light once he quickly realized who you were.
you were met with a tight embrace, doubting if you could breath for a second.
zen pulled away not too long after, his excitement getting to him as he said “i didn’t think you were supposed to be home so soon!”
to that, you could only giggle as you admitted the reason behind your surprise.
zen was more than happy to see you home earlier than discussed before.
“this day is too important, we have to do something now!” zen said as he got dressed up to go out in the christmas weather.
with a small laugh, you agreed.
the rest of your day was spent going out to cafes and buying presents for the other rfa members.
and to your luck, the movie turned out a huge success.
not only in germany, but in korea as well.
things worked out for the best, you thought.
but one thing was for sure, you weren’t doing that again.
jaehee kang:
jaehee had brought up the idea of opening a cafe, to which you were 100% in on.
however, in korea you had to have a culinary certificate to own a cafe.
i dont know if thats legit or not i completely made that up
but if you had to get a certificate, you were going to get it in the best way you could.
and a college you had come across was perfect for that.
it was a good price and had a great reputation.
there was one problem however, and that was that it was located in france.
which was a 12 hour flight away from seoul.
you knew there was no opportunity like it, but you couldn’t stop yourself from being on the edge about it.
you didn’t want to leave your friends and family here for 2 years while you went off to another country on your own.
plus who knew if something would happen to you while you were aboard?
your concerns were slightly lessened after you brought up your worries to jaehee, and the encouragement she gave you was overwhelming.
she suggested for you to go for it and that she would hold everything down in seoul while helping the rfa in planning future parties.
on the upside, it would give her more time to save up more money for the opening just in cause it was needed.
with hesitation, you decided to go along with her words and study in france for some time.
you would miss each other, but you both knew it was what you two needed to ensure a sucessful future.
while you were aboard, jaehee would attend culinary classes in korea here and there.
you would keep in contact frequently, but never had the money to go back to seoul on holidays to reunite.
so once those two years had passed, you were out as fast as possible.
you loved france, but you loved your girlfriend more.
you hopped on the plane home, eager to see everyone again.
and once you arrived at the airport in seoul, the first thing you saw as you exited the plane was your girlfriend standing there, eyes focused on the doorway waiting for your arrival.
and once your eyes met, you were quick to run up to her while opening your arms to hug her strongly.
two years was such a long time to be apart, but all was well now.
shortly after, the two of you opened the cafe and were met with an incredible amount of support from the community and rfa.
now you were content to settle down in seoul with the love of your life.
jumin han:
you were very business driven, which jumin liked about you.
even having your own fashion company.
you were unlike many other women he had come across before in various ways.
but the downside to your business focused mind were your frequent business trips.
some would last a day while others would last a week.
though this recent one you were expected to take was unlike anything you had ever had to do before for work.
it suggested you stayed in china for a month as you worked out many business issues and proposals.
while your company had began trending recently, you had never expected this.
the first thing that came to your mind once reading the email was your husband.
you felt horrible when you had to leave him alone for a day, but a month?
you couldn’t even imagine how much that would hurt him.
however, this wasn’t something you could just refuse.
if you did, you weren’t sure if your company would continue standing.
and so later that night, you told jumin everything over wine.
how you didn’t want to but knew your company wouldn’t survive without it.
he didn’t know what to make of everything.
this came at the worst timing.
he needed to stay in korea for the time being for business, so he couldn’t join you in china either.
reluctantly, he supported you in your travels.
he understood your situation, but made you promise to call him every night.
which you had no problem with.
and so with a sad smile, you had left a few days later.
things were frustrating in beijing, but you at least had the comfort of your husbands voice to fall asleep to.
everyone at the office noticed jumins shift in mood as soon as your left.
yet without a voice of concern, things carried on as if nothing happened.
the day you were set to come back, jumin cancelled all plans to spend the day with you.
you needed to make up for the time the two of you lost, and you needed to rest in the comfort of your own home again.
thankfully, your company didn’t meet it’s downfall just yet.
in fact, it was now prospering.
saeyoung choi:
your day was going as it normally would.
well, as normal as a day with saeyoung can go.
yet it all changed when you got a call that your brother had gotten into a bad car accident, and the situation wasn’t looking good.
you didn’t know how to react, so many emotions and fears were overwhelming you.
you knew you were your brothers emergency contact, as he had no one else close to him in his life, so it was no question about why they called you while you were in seoul and he was in brazil.
but after learning about the situation, you quickly realized that you needed to get back to brazil as soon as possible.
they didn’t know how long he had left, and the remainder of his days would require for him to get help to do everyday things.
with your eyes barely spilling over, you told saeyoung everything.
you were met with a hug as he comforted you.
when you brought up the fact of needing to leave, he didn’t think twice before giving you his blessing (though he knew you didn’t need it).
it would be hard on him because he wouldn’t be able to join you as he was in an active mission, but he would keep in touch and make sure of your safety from countries away.
after all, he would do the same if saeran were in your brothers position.
the next day, you backed your flight to brazil, packing only what you needed.
your days in brazil passed in pain, as you watched your brother fight for his life daily.
until one day, his body gave up on him and he passed.
you were devastated.
you were on autopilot in public and breaking down in your hotel room when no one was around.
after attending your brothers funeral and a week of mourning, you began to book your ticket back to seoul.
yet in your state of heart ache, you didn’t realize the change in the countries health as the coronavirus started running through every town in the nation.
planes were unavailable and travel was banned.
now you were stuck here for the next 6 months, always hopping the next month would be better and you’d finally be able to go home.
saeyoung was on his toes all the time, not feeling the same without you.
and you missed him more and more as the days went on.
when the time finally came, you rushed to buy a ticket, though most people weren’t flying due to their fears surrounding the situation.
the plane was empty, allowing you to sneak your phone, sending a text to saeyoung.
“i’m on the plane home now” you typed.
saeyoung was overcome with joy to see your message.
though you had to isolate for 14 days, at least you were in the country and close to him.
once you got off the plane, went into isolation, and tested negative for covid, you ran to your shared home.
opening the door to be greeted with the same old smile that teased you every morning was a refreshing sight.
you ran up as he lifted you in a tight embrace, swaying you side to side in a wave of excitement.
after months of stress and anxiety, you could finally breath.
that realization alone was enough to make you burst out into tears of relief.
your feelings were contagious, as you saw saeyoungs eyes starting to water as well.
you were finally safe and sound in his protection, and that was all he could’ve asked for..
01:51 AST - 09/01/21
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randombubblegum · 2 years
as much as i hate looking back and being like “omg awsten planned it the whole time” (bc tbh i am Tired of awsten and his schemes please just give me the product i’m gonna pay for) i do think the whole “deleting friendly reminder” thing was a total plan and he still has it somewhere. obviously bc he posted demos from it?? like it was never actually deleted. but with the theme of fandom being “the strangest dream of all” and middle/end of GH (idk where ice bath falls on the track list) being where he “wakes up” it would make sense that we’d revert back to friendly reminder era. not saying we’re getting those demos as real songs (altho i would love that) but just music like that you know? i also think it would be a way for awsten to crawl back to pop punk with his tail between his legs and play it off as “it was always the plan to do this obviously if fandom and GH were wild dreams they’re gonna sound crazy and different.” like i know and you know that’s not what happened, GH’s tik tok bait flopped, but i can see everyone on twitter being like “ommgggg GENIUS king shit he plans every move” yadda yadda. i kinda like the idea bc whatever it takes to get us back to old awsten, if we need to pretend the last two albums were fever dreams then fine.
this has just been my theory since the whole “GH was a nighttime album and parx5 is a day time album” and “ice bath being the wake up moment” but it’s a theory im clinging to out of pure hope lol
ya im totally in agreement with u here. although honestly i DO think he fully scrapped friendly reminder BECAUSE he released the demo versions yknow? like ya he definitely did not delete the album files, obvi. i think he said he deleted everything but the finished mastered tracks which presumably is what we got on the demo album. but i dont think hes ever gonna polish up the demo tracks weve had for 3 years at that point to release as “new songs” because even for him that would be desperate and pathetic…… which is like sad bc the demo songs are leagues better than anything on gh LMAO
i TOTALLY agree with you that i am sicklkk to bastard death of this “awsten had the WHOLE THING planned out years in advance!” like no. he did not. he does plan things and drop hints but theyre never as solid and concrete as people up his ass want to make them out to be LMAO like more often than not he just tailors stuff to reference things in the past and not the other way around, which is like fine, or else his “hints” are so vague and irrelevant as to be throwaways. like the phrase “next greatest hits” hidden in the fandom booklet…. that literally means nothing!!!!! and it could so easily be discarded and ignored to fade away forever if he decided g WASNT greatest hits lol
but anyway ya, u know and i know that gh flopped and his tiktok virality bait failed completely and he is SCRAMBLING to make up for it. hence crawling back to pop punk (and maybe hopeless records) w his tail between his legs…….. i can totally see him pulling something like that but honestly id be shocked if he ACTUALLY made reference to “we are doing friendly reminder again” bc that would fly in the face of his whole “NEVER GO BACK NOSTALGIA IS POISON FOR ART” uppity bullshit lol. and honestly with what weve heard of funeral grey it doesnt aound anything like friendly reminder (in a bad way…) so i dont have a ton of hope…… but i wish he would ☹️ regardless no matter what he does ppl are gonna look for ways to go “omgggg genius king of planning 🥺” even tho hes flying by the seat of his pants here
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colourful-void · 4 years
WE NEED TO TALK ABOUT THE LETTERS - a breakdown / theory post for the letters at the end of Enchanting Grom Fright
sO!!! Someone has been sending Luz’s mom letters, pretending to be Luz. Here’s what we can assume so far.
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A transcript of the main letter in focus:  “Hi, Mom! I am having a great time at camp. Today we learned what mortgages are! I can’t wait to get home and see you. Let’s do lots of fun mother/daughter activities forever and ever. Love, Your Daughter, LUS LUZ.”
There’s also two more letters that are partially obscured. The text I can make out reads as follows:
“Another beautiful day at camp-” before it gets cut off.
and the other said. “Today I made a friend! Friends are the best. He chased a lot of-” The text is cut off, but on the next frame, it appears to end with “birds.”
So, here’s what I can figure out from these letters and the scenes before.
Someone, not Luz, has been sending Luz’s mom letters, pretending to be her, at camp.
This person has sent multiple letters, at least three.
Luz’s mom believes these letters are coming from her.
Luz’s mom enjoys the letters, and keeps them on her bedside.
Luz has no idea the letters exist.
These’s letters are stilted and formal. There is no personality to them, and the tone is very formal.
The writing is neat and tidy, there are no errors except for one.
Whoever wrote these letters wrote Luz’s name wrong. They spelled it L-U-S instead of L-U-Z.
These letters are written in ink, not in pencil, marker, or anything a kid like Luz would use. They also can’t have been written on a computer.  (writing is black and smooth, so not a pencil or anything like that, and if this was written on a computer, the misspelling would’ve been deleted, not crossed out)
Luz’s mom is not concerned by the misspelling of Luz’s name.
One of the letters mentions wanting to do mother/daughter activities “forever and ever” which is a bit unsettling imo, especially if the person sending these isn’t Luz.
So who (or what) could be sending these letters? Here’s a couple theories me (and my sister) have thrown together.
A) my personal favourite, it’s the camp. They’re trying to cover themselves because they lost a kid. This explains why the writing is so like that (this camp is basically a brainwashing camp lets be real, so most people would write like that) and why they got Luz's name wrong at first. They would also try and appeal to Luz’s mom, hence the ‘forever and ever’ stuff.
B) it’s king and or eda. problem being a) I dont think they care about Luz’s mom and b) neither of them have a writing style like that, and they know Luz too well to get her name wrong. Not likely, but I figured I should mention it.
C) from my sister, what if there's a second Luz in the human world or like a clone or something. Because the magic is disrupted due to Luz being in the wrong universe, there’s a second Luz at camp. So like a clone of Luz in the Human world and real Luz in the magic world. Clone Luz is sending the letters, which would explain why they sound so formal.
D) my sister has a second theory that these letters are being send subconsciously by Luz because of Magic, twisting things that happened in the demon world to be things that make sense in the Human world. This would explain the letter that appears to be talking about making a friend who chases bird (king!) In that case, then ‘learning about mortgages’ would be Luz wanting to tell her mom about the magic she learned.
There’s also a possibly someone in the magic world (like the emperors coven) is sending them, though I don’t think that’s likely since I don’t think they care about Luz’s mom (or even know her)
That’s all I got for now, if you have theories lemme know!!
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worstloki · 4 years
okay so on the idea that the nine realms is the america of space:
- everyone knows what’s going on there all the time because word gets out on every major event but everyone outside the nine is just a spectator at this point so people be eyeing the crazy stuff going on there but everyone also just moves on with their day
- this results in midgard and asgard being the star attractions where midgard is like the generation of younger activists fighting the system but its also florida with a few people doing crazy things while meanwhile asgard is the governing political mess (re: the other realms are just chilling. maybe they’re michigan or minnesota or every state that just exists and doesn’t get much attention? jotunheim can totally be texas though because its got its own personality but also gets stereotyped.) 
- “so one of the weapon rich kids on Terra went through a life changing field trip and now he’s made himself a fully operational suit of armour and claims to be defending the planet” “with their noob tech? really?? they don’t even stand a chance against anything in the rest of their own galaxy--” “no no no he’s defending the planet and establishing peace... only within the populations on Terra” “aww that’s so cute” “i know!”
- space has all the gossip which means they know all the messed up stuff going on within the nine realms and everyone in space is kinda detached and not a part of it so its like a tragic-comedy reality show that people like to keep up with
- “so odin is pretending his new son is actually his firstborn now... and also banned talking about the whole history of being built on colonialism and also no one is ever allowed to mention his executioner daughter’’ “huh, weird”
- “odin totally stashed the tesseract on Terra to keep it safe” “why are you telling me this” “I was just thinking about how funny it’d be if those short-lived humans found it one day” “you’re not going to go find it for yourself? it’d sell for loads of credits...” “nah dude i’m not risking stepping into the pit of despair that is that dark dark section of the universe”
- “there are rumours he stole the jotunheim king's kid and is raising him as an asgardian” “does the kid know?” “the father sure doesn't he thinks the baby was killed” “no wonder laufeys been going a bit off the edge recently” “i’m feeling worse for the poor kid stuck with odin now”
- “hey so that Terra hero Quill was always going on about? he’s been found and recently unfrozen apparently” “dont lie to me - humans don’t live that long” “that’s just what I heard i swear”
- “odin used another realm as a time out dumping ground” “which one now?” “the second one, and midgard this time” “at least midgard isn’t filled with the souls of the dishonorable dead?” “well it was his favourite kid, so, ya know,” “ah yes, blatant nepotism, thou art a villain” 
-  “odin did--” “oh $#!^ what'd the old man do NOW” “well you know the stolen jotun kid? odin didn’t tell him he was a different species” “oh WOW that’s messed up” “oh yeah definitely. so anyways he tried to kill himsel-” “that place still has systematic racism in place and his other son has been pushing for violence since he was a kid so...  what’d the old fart THINK would happen?” “beats me”
-  everybody KNOWS what’s going on around there but no one wants to get stuck in that mess so they leave it alone and don't prod the nine realms with a ten foot pole if they can help it hence the negative connotations of midgard especially in gotg and captain marvel 
-  thanos can be colonial britain or something idk how history works but lets assume he thinks it’s prime time to go to planets and just kill some people and take their stuff for his own cause and also Sanctuary has 0 natural spices other than a pinch of salt okay
-  ''i heard odin’s stolen kid, loki i think his name was? yeah I heard he finally got a ticket out of the nine realms'' ''good for him'' ''he landed with thanos though...'' ''well, $#!^”
- “Terra’s got a little band of protectors now” “yes I heard they took down Loki” “which would’ve been such a cool thing to watch honestly I mean a master of magic vs those cute little human beans” “nah he was totally faked it. I heard the guy didn’t even want to attack the place but thanos didn’t give him another out and wanted a native to speak for him.” “so he was playing thanos? oh boy that aint gonna end well” “but he also got the mind stone away from thanos so...” “the icon really just did that?? ayyy I stan 1 prince of asgard” 
- “so I heard Terra’s hero band really just broke up because of some signature dispute” “I thought they don’t have a centralised government system yet though?” “there’s some subgoverning system that’s got most of the planet agreeing” “thats wild” “yeah so anyways there are still 2 stones there but now there’s no team to keep them safe” “oh yikes do you think we should try and assist or something in case thanos sends a retrieval party or something?” “I mean we probably should but I’m not doing it” “can’t they send Cap Marvel in? she’s from Terra aint she?” “yeah they should send Danvers in”
- “I heard odin finally kicked the bucket” “about time” “yeah but also his actual firstborn the one he tried to delete is back now...” “oh darn is loki ok?” “yeah he’s been on sakaar for like a week now just chilling” “good for him” “yeah but hela is totally trying to reinstate all the colonial bull loki was getting rid of as king” “where’s thor at in all this” “i think he accused loki of killing odin right after odin tried to guilt trip him into accepting he was a good father” “oh ew” 
- “hey so they got rid of hela but asgard blew up-” “D:” “-and loki got to do it” “:D” “yeah i thought you’d like that... so do you think we should offer aid? they’re kinda in the way of thanos’ route to midgard” “they’re asgardians” “yeah but its not their fault they were living in asgard” “i’m not going anywhere near the nine realms thanks” “you’re right they’ll probably be fine anyways”
- “hey so... asgard was not fine” “oh no” “he’s heading to earth now for the other stones” “i’m not stepping foot anywhere near there, plus they’ve got their own protectors and all” “dude they broke up years ago remember the signing issues” “that’s still a thing?” “yeah dude it never ended” “wack”
- “i think thanos really is going to succeed and snap half the universe” “well if asgard needed support they could’ve just asked vanaheim or something” “asgard never admits to needing help we already know this” “maybe we should’ve told the other realms to help midgard jů̸̢̠̳͎̳̾̓̉͜st ̷͚͙̯̺̻̦̦̃̓̒̔͜i̴̺̼̗̞̘͖͉̙̾̆̋͂̀̚̚͠n ̷̜̮͚͖́̅̈̌̐͑͛͝ć̵̭͛͛̎͋̀à̷͚̬̩̾̒̅̿̄͆͋s̷̰̖̳̙̠͈̀͊̀ḙ̷͐͑̀̌̉...” “nah Migdard will be fine” “...” “john?” “...” “john?!” “...” “JOHN NOOO!!!” [five years later] “John! You’re back! Dude!! I missed you so much!!” “I told you we should’ve sent a letter or something” “john i love you but i still wouldn’t have risked sending a letter into the nine realms” “that’s fair” 
in conclusion space has all the gossip, and people know stuff is going down there but no one wants to interact with the h*ckhole that the nine realms are, so everyone does their best to just steer clear and keep their hoods on when in the neighborhood.
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a-dusty-emerald · 3 years
First of all, happy Ravenclaw day to all Ravenclaws and happy hogwarts pride day to all potterheads. Two days ago was my Hogwarts house's pride day, Slytherin. I started a HP marathon then, and I was deep into thoughts about my house. I know everyone says how slytherins are misunderstood and not the evil house, and I also know the stigma is still there: its just unfair. First, let's think how the Slytherin stigma existed only in Voldemort's era. Merlin himself, after all, was a slytherin.
Slytherins are cunning, loyal to their circle, smart and ambitious, their element is water, which shows their actions are dictated by their emotions. We can actually see that.
Snape was driven by his emotions, Draco's emotions were the ones that held him back from fully being a Death Eater-the mentality and all. Pansy seemed like an easily aggravated person. Slughorn still felt horrible about the fact that he unknowingly helped Tom Riddle, and he is definately on the good side. All Slytherins that were simply coexisting, were normal kids.
Kids that got booed at when they were 11 because a hat said they had ambition. Kids that lost previous friends and were then alone - with their other alone slytherin friends. How can they not stick together? How can some not grow to despise the others?
I love all houses, wholeheartedly. But admitedly, Dumbledor's treatment to Gryffindors is biased at its best. Harry killed a teacher (though I understand it was inevitable), he and his friends knocked out a troll, broke about ALL of the school rules, going through forbidden passages, and they get rewarded, finishing at 1st place for the House Cup that would have been won by Slytherins fair and square. Now I am not saying that this only happens towards Slytherins, Snape is hostile to Harry most of the times. It is just that the Slytherins always are the ones portrayed as evil and get the short end of the stick.
Now, Draco. Draco is the epitome of misunderstood, and I know some people who hate him - or have been all over dracotok and seen the obsession about him being seen as someone he is not - are rolling their eyes and scrolling now. I love Draco's complexity and character because it shows not everything is black and white. I hence get why many people are annoyed because he is being fetishised as a bad boy. Understandable, I'm with you. Draco is not a pure angel, that's for sure, its inaccurate when people portray him as a soft guy that is open about his feelings and that wouldn't harm a fly. He is not that. Period. However, he is also not pure evil, and it shows. He is a boy who had no choice, and for people who say he had one, I do not consider blackmail a choice, purely because I myself don't know what I would do if my choice of being on the good side of a war meant my family (and probably me as well) were to be killed. Call it cowardiness, I see it as being afraid to die, and that is not an unjustified fear, its trying to be a survivor. Draco lied to the Death Eaters faces knowing Harry was the dismorphed guy in the Manor, freed the Slytherins from the Dungeons (of course it was deleted :) ffs. ) and who can also forget the epic deleted scene of throwing Harry his wand. I understand they are deleted though, so I'll talk about his bad actions.
First, the bullying. He was a bully. We see the movie from Harry's perspective and knowledge mostly, and we see him bullying the trio. He and his crew wanted to be the schools "bad boys", doing whatever they wanted, always behind teachers eyes though. Draco was an exceptional student and always seeked extra credit, either by good means, like getting good grades, or by joining questionable squads (inqustorial) just to get on a teacher's good side. This and his bullying tantrums definately are a product of Lucius. I do not expect Lucius to be an understanding father when his son came back with a bad grade, and also its clear that the bullying stems from his father's ideas. Draco wasn't born knowing about muggleborns and calling them mudbloods.
We also see his reaction when he cursed Katie bell. This is not a reaction of an evil person. Its a reaction of a trapped person, forced to do something they really, really don't want to do. We also see this with Dumbledore. He never got the guts to kill him or anyone else, and when Dumbledore tried to calm him down, he said "You dont understand... I have to kill you... or he is going to kill me..." -and his family.
Snape is another grey character, not a dark wizard but cannot be considered on the good side because of the Dark Mark. He was a double agent, unable to show Harry his true feelings, but wanting to protect him nevertheless. He also took the unbreakable vow for protecting Draco, and seemed eager to help Narcissa even before Bellatrix suggested the vow. Lots of people say that its pathetic how he was obsessed with Lily so many years later, however he wasn't a guy that acted upon his wants. He was no stalker. He was just desperately in love with her, and hence wanted to keep Harry alive no matter the hatred he has for his father. Snape is not perfect, because he is human. He despised James, he felt negative feelings, but still, was on the light side (in secret). Basically he gave his life for not only Harry, but Draco as well. If loyalty and love are crimes, yes, he is a criminal. Lastly, lets not forget that behind Lucius's back, Narcissa Malfoy helps her son, and in the end lies to Voldemorts face, saving Harry, her family, and the future of Hogwarts.
All in all, sorry for the long post. I just felt I needed to share these thoughts because I feel like so many people still believe that being a Slytherin means being a Death Eater. Most Death Eaters shared a house with Slytherins because they were ambitious too. I would expect that Slytherins that had nothing to do with Death Eaters hated them even more than the other houses, since they were labeled as evil because of them. Harry potter fandoms do not need more hate: Your house does not dictate your moral compass.
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intoafandom · 3 years
Why I like Kevan Miller, Steven Kampfer, Trent Frederic, Torey Krug, Tuukka Rask etc and why I will continue to like them.
(Sorry this is soooo long but it’s the only way I can explain)
So last night I got an anon ask and the person was asking why I like Kevan Miller when he’s a republican and I mentioned how I would make a separate post explaining my reasoning better and now that I have the time and its no longer 3 am, now seems like a good time lol.
So I’m gunna give a backstory about the players above that I mentioned and why a lot of bruinsblr doesn’t like them (so people that may not be aware know the context of why people are upset/dont like them). Most of bruinsblr doesn’t like Miller or Kampfer because they’re republicans. Everyone on bruinsblr is allowed to dislike them if they choose to. I recognize I’m in the minority on this app when I say I like and support Kevan Miller and Steven Kampfer. People on here also don’t like Torey Krug for the same reason and because he follows/followed Trump’s twitter account (since trumps account got deleted, torey now follows the “trump archives” account). People on here don’t like Tuukka anymore because over the summer, during all the blm stuff in the bubble, Tuukka went on tv in the bubble for an interview with a hat that said “Boston police” on it (the interview also aired right after the Bruins Organization posted about how they stand against racism, so people ended up calling Tuukka a racist hypocrite.) Last night, people on here found out that Trent Frederic follows Trump supporters and republicans on social media, which is why he’s losing some fans on this app. There are probably more stories about other players that I’m not aware of as well but these will be the ones I’m focusing on for now.
I am NOT going to start talking about my political opinions or my position on social issues. My account is called IntoAFandom for a REASON. So I can escape the real world and go “into a fandom” and have some peace. That’s why i never reblog or like or post about any real world events or issues. I want my blog to be solely about things, fandoms, and people that I love and care about. I don’t wanna come on my blog and see how a bombing happened or if someone got shot or this president signed this executive order etc etc. i wanna come on my blog and fangirl about Bucky Barnes being a sweetheart with kids or how amazing Matt Grzelcyk is at “tight turns” etc etc. Hence the name “IntoAFandom.”
I’m getting a lot of questions as to why I still support these players and I’ll definitely answer those questions in this post. Just so my mutuals know where I stand on this.
Now obviously it would be super easy for me to just go “well the player is super nice so i dont care about their political views.” And while that’s partially true for me, its not the only reason. For me, the reason is much deeper than that. I’ve never mentioned or talked about or even said it out loud. I touched upon what I’m about to say in that anon ask I got last night, but I’m going to go into detail now. It’s kind of hard to explain and the only way I can describe it is to tell you about my hockey journey up until this point, and specifically the 2018-19 season.
So one day in April in 2018, I was on school vacation and I was very bored. There was literally nothing on tv. However, as I was scrolling through the channels, I saw that a bruins game was on. I had never really watched hockey before in my life and the only experience I could remember having with it was when my mom was obsessed with them in like 2013 and how she set up this whole contraption to try and watch a game when a snowstorm made us lose connection. So with nothing else on the tv, crippling boredom, and being a Massachusetts native, I put the game on. It was literally just starting and the national anthem was about to start. We were playing the leafs lmao and it was game five or six of the series probably. I cant really remember because I didn’t think I would care this much about hockey at the time of watching it. But what I do remember was how CREEPY Tuukka looked😂 He was just standing there alone with a huge spotlight on him, head down, wearing these huge pads and looking straight up terrifying. I literally started laughing because of how creepy he looked. And then he put his cool ass mask on and right there I knew he was my favorite player. And to this day he is still my favorite. Tuukka was the first hockey player I EVER knew and could remember by name. I gotta admit, at first I thought his name was “Tuuk Arask” because that’s what it sounded like whenever the announcers would say it, specifically Jack Edwards lol. But then I was like “wait is it Arask or Rask” and after looking at his jersey like 3 games later I finally realized it was actually Rask lol. And I was like “Tuukka Rask. So freaking creepy lol. He’s my favorite.” I also have to mention that I’ve always been a sucker for people that play positions that no one else wants to play. Like for example, when I first started watching football in like 2014, my first ever favorite player was Stephen Gostkowski because he was the kicker. He was super good and he was instantly my fav. That’s what Tuukka was like for me. This huge, tall ass, creepy ass, goalie who was playing super well. How could i NOT like him. I didn’t really bother to learn any other players on the bruins team since they got eliminated in the second round. I remember saying to my mom “I don’t want them to be out. I wanna learn more.” I wanted to know more about the game and 6 games, or however many it was, wasn’t enough. So for some reason, I followed them throughout the offseason and in late September/early October I started watching a ton of their older games on YouTube. Not super old obviously, but games from like 2013-2017 ish. Just whatever I could find. And it was so interesting. I tried to only watch games where they actually won so I wasn’t wasting my time lol, but not having to worry about the score helped me start learning the game and some of the rules, like what an icing was for example. So then preseason games started and I got more into it. And then the beginning of the 2018-19 season started. I still didn’t really know any players besides Tuukka, even though I was watching YouTube games. The YouTube ones were more for me to learn the game and the rules rather than players (however, looking back, I did notice that Kevan Miller was a freaking beast, but I just didn’t acknowledge who he actually was. I just saw a player going absolute sicko mode and being like YEEEEAAAAH). The second player I could actually remember by name was Danton Heinen. I noticed he was playing really well and I was like omg who is that and I learned his name and he became one of my favorites with Tuukka. Next was Anders Bjork. I remember I was texting my friends and was trying to make it seem like I wasn’t a complete amateur at hockey knowledge, so I was like “hey guys, Bjork is back in the line up😃” and so I always remembered his name. Next was Ryan Donato because he was literally AWAYS smiling. Every time he was on camera he was SMILING. I loved it so much he was like a little bean. And so he was one of my favorites and i had a top three with him, heino and tuuks.
Now I was watching games and slowly learning important names like Chara, Bergeron, Marchand etc but it wasn’t really on my radar to actually learn all the players because I hadn’t even done that with the patriots who I had been watching and loving for yeeeears. But that was until I decided to watch a behind the b episode. And I was HOOKED. I instantly began to love and care about every single player on the roster. This was in like February of 2019. And that’s when I started trying to name everyone on the team, including their numbers. I made it a mission. I remember writing out lists in math class because I was so bored and would rather try to memorize hockey players. And that’s when I found bruinsblr. It was march by the time I started to post hockey stuff. And i made an instagram account so I could started editing them. I’ve had this blog since 2014 and its seen many phases, but march of 2019 was when I changed it into a mainly bruins blog. And I remember not knowing what “bruins lb” was and i never wanted to tag it because I thought it was like a club or something that I would be intruding on😂 So I started posting and reblogging bruins stuff and posting sucky bruins edits on here and on my insta account. And I started watching every single behind the b episode from every season and I was literally obsessed with the team. And then Donato got traded and i was heartbroken cuz I loved him and I was like Coyle is gunna have to wow me to get me to like him and he DID and i LOVE HIM. But then I decided to have a top five instead of a top three. And it was Tuukka, Krug, DeBrusk, Pasta, and Marchy. They were the players I noticed the most. And Marchy started LICKING people how could i not choose him😂 So then the playoffs come and we beat the leafs in game 7 AGAIN (and I literally missed the first two periods because I was at my confirmation) But I finally understood all the memes about the leafs and I finally understood hockey and hockey culture by this point. I knew the rules, the players, the memes, literally everything. And then we make it to the finals and get lil nas x singing old town road before game 1 and we get JD wearing that stupid hat😂 and the two people from The Office (one of them wanted the bruins to win and the other wanted the blues) and it was all just amazing for me. Then we lost and i was devastated. And we had to see pictures of CMac sobbing on the ice and JD sitting alone in his stall crying and all of them were so sad and after that journey we just went through i was fvcking crying too. We didn’t win, but that 2018-19 season is SO special for me.
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The people on this roster (minus gemel smith and lee stempniak) are EXTREMELY special to me. They TAUGHT me hockey. They turned me on to an entirely new culture. I got to experience my first real bit of hockey. I got to experience EVERYTHING about hockey with them (besides the cup) in this ONE season of hockey. I saw the preseason games in china, the halloween visit to to the hospital, Chara bringing pies to the homeless, them buying toys for kids in the hospital at Christmas then visiting them, the new years game outside against the hawks, trade deadline crushing my heart, every round of the playoffs, players pushing through crazy injuries, loving players, despising other teams, all the memes, all the jokes, all the players. Everything. The 2018-19 season is SO incredibly special for me because it’s the first time I ever experienced real hockey and watched an entire season. The people on that roster mean so much to me because of that. Now take a look at the names on that roster. Rask. Krug. Miller. Kampfer. Frederic. They all helped me experience my first year of hockey. Freddy in his first freaking game, getting into a fight😂 Miller and Kampfer were BEASTS on the ice. Krug being a SPECTACULAR little defenseman, quarterbacking the pp and sticking up for himself and SLAMMING thomas. Tuukka Rask being the brick wall. There is no way that I could ever dislike the people on that roster unless the did something suuuuuper bad. I don’t know if you would call it hero worship or whatever, but those people on that roster are so fucking special to me. Even ones like JFK and Vaak and Colby that didn’t play that many games. They still made an impact for me as a hockey fan. THAT is the main reason why I will never stop liking and supporting tuuks, krugger, kampfs, millsy, or freddy. Everyone on that roster has a special place in my heart and I’m not going to let their political views change or tamper with the incredible experience they gave me during that 2018-19 season. I wont ever love another team as much as I loved that specific roster. And no one is going to change that for me. I dont care about their political views or whatever. For me, the experience and the feelings they gave me trump anything i may or may not disagree with. That roster is so special to me, I cant bring myself to dislike any of those people. I will always like those players, no matter how republican or democrat or whatever. Political views dont matter to me when it comes to those players.
Now besides all of that and the experience they gave me, I do believe that they’re still good people even tho they may be republican. I wanna start with Tuukka because it literally doesn’t make sense to me. Tuukka is not even AMERICAN. I dont think he cares that much about American politics since im pretty sure most his family lives in Finland. People got mad at him for wearing a Boston police hat. But I think those people are forgetting that Tuukka has been in boston for soooo long. There have probably been multiple occasions where the police had to help him or the team for some reason or another (they are technically famous after all). Tuukka wearing a hat that says Boston Police doesn’t make him a bad person. He was probably just showing support to the people that helped support HIM as well as his family and teammates. I follow Tuukka on insta and he literally NEVER posts anything political. Probably because NEVER actually posts ANYTHING at all lol. Tuukka had been my favorite from the start and theres almost nothing he could ever do that would make me dislike him.
As for the other 4, and any other players on the team that may be republican (honestly i bet most of them are because 1) most hockey players are and 2) a lot of the guys are christian/catholic and most christian/catholic people are republican as well) I choose to believe that political opinions dont make you a bad person. I like to believe that it depends on the circumstances for every individual. Now I’m not gay or black or anything. Im an 18 year old, straight white girl. So obviously i dont know what its really like for someone to hate or disagree with my race, sexuality, etc. I saw someone say (sorry I forget who it was) that they keep thinking “well what would that player say about me because im gay. What would they actually think about me. I cant support them.” And honestly that’s extremely valid. I never thought about it that way before. So if Kevan Miller for example was out here posting a bunch of homophobic stuff like “i hate gays” or “gays are all stupid” or anything like that, then yeah my opinions on him would probably change in some way. But I follow him on insta and i know the stuff he post about. I have NEVER seen him say anything like that. Ive never heard any bruin say anything like that. From what I’ve seen, they all seem like super nice, sweet, supportive people when they’re off the ice. (I think it’s also important to mention that I follow EVERYONE on the 2018-19 roster. I follow all of their instas. Most of them dont have twitter, but I follow all the ones that do. It’s part of the whole “that roster is incredibly special to me” thing). I choose to believe that following republicans or being one yourself doesn’t automatically make you a bad person, especially when you consider the different circumstances that every individual is under as humans. We all experience different things and that always plays a role in how you act or the opinions you have or the people you support. Someone’s political opinions have never stopped me from liking people. Ive clearly shown that I don’t mind republicans at all, but that doesn’t mean im going to dislike democrats either. Most of the actors/ singers that i like are democrats. And it just happens that most of the athletes i like are republicans. The political stuff doesn’t matter to me. I just dont want it being slapped in my face 24/7. I dont care if you’re a republican or democrat as long as you aren’t constantly talking to me about politics or social issues or trying to change my mind on stuff. Hopefully you can try to see my point of view on this and UNDERSTAND why I like them. Again, I’ve never told my hockey story to anyone so please don’t try and invalid my feelings about the season or the players.
Please, I beg, please don’t comment on this calling racist or something. Please dont try and change me mind. Please dont tell me i need to educate myself. I know WHY i like these players. I know where they stand politically and who they support. But these players are too special to ME for me to actually give a sht about if they like trump or not. Honestly tho, feel free to give your opinion (especially if you’re gay or black or anything) cuz i dont mind hearing other standpoints as long as you aren’t mean about it or try to change my mind. If i change my mind, which i probably wont, I want it to be on my own terms. Please remember that we ARE still a hockey family 💛🖤💛
(Also I’m NEVER talking about this again. If anyone ever asks or something like this comes up again im just gunna link/ reblog this post)
(Also, thank you to whoever made it this far and actually read all of that. ESPECIALLY if you’re someone that doesn’t agree with me. Its good to hear multiple standpoints on this stuff.)
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a-hundred-jewels · 4 years
Hey so it's late and I feel like ranting - might delete this later
anyway about fierrochase
TL;DW - Magnus can date Alex amd be straight. He doesn't have to be straight, but he still can be amd it doesn't make Alex's gender any less valid or vice versa.
So Fierrochase has been one of my otps for about as long as I've had otps that went beyond tomsalind and percabeth. Basically as long as I've truly been a fandom person, fierrochase has been important to me. Alex especially.
I started identifying as non-binary not very long ago and realizing that I wasn't cis truly sucked. Like a ton. Amd one of the only things that made me feel better was rereading Ship of the Dead. I'm old and mature enough to recognize that Rick Riordan has plenty of issues and that the majority of his characters who aren't white cishets are poorly written in some way, shape, or form (If you feel like debating me on that, I urge you not to-I have zero energy right now. Id recommend looking through the "rr crit" tag or something). Still, despite not really liking RR and sometimes getting annoyed at how Alex Fierro was writte, she provided comfort for me.
the actual reason I'm ranting right now is because of some things I keep seeing in fierrochase tags and stuff (sorry I didn't set that up very well did ?)
Let me premise this by saying I'm definirely not talking about the entire Magnus chase fandom and also that, despite how much I love Alex, I'm not really in the fandom aside from going through the tags every so often. but anyway:
so Alex is gender fluid, which is a non binary identity. she doesn't specifically call herself "non binary" as far as I remember (and that's fine!), but the identity of genderfluid is literally outside of the genderbinary, hence non binary. "Non binary" is not a third gender. nor is gender fluid. all non binary means is that a person's gender is not as simple as male or female. That's it. (theres a lot more to say on that subject but thats for another day).
anyway my point is that non binary people fit into all sexualities. I could be a lesbian woman and being with a non binary person (EVEN A AMAB NON BINARY PERSON) wouldn't make me less of a lesbian.
And, with regard to fierrochase, I keep seeing posts about how Magnus "hasn't been straight since Alex came along" (these could be old posts and for all I know nobody's making them anymore--again, I'm not really in the Magnus chase fandom) and the thing is,,, that's not true. Magnus could be as straight as a beanpole and loving Alex wouldn't change that a bit. He doesn't have to be bisexual or pansexual or gay (I haven't really seen anything about that last one but I'm including it anyway).
Thats not to say that there's anything wrong with head canoning magnus as bi or pan. if you opened up the sword of summer and and immediately got bisexual vibes from him and haven't looked back since, that's totally fine! The only thing that bothers me is when people look at fierrochase amd say "welp it looks like Magnus is leaving the heterosexual lifestyle behind now that Alex has arrived."
so give me Straight Magnus who loves his genderfluid s/o more than anything. give me magnus who wears a lil ally pin at pride and holds Alex's hand in the streets, whether she's female or he's male because Magnus being straight shouldn't have to change any of that.
or headcanon something completely different. I dont really care. This was just a rant about one particular thing that bothered me.
so congrats if you're still reading this word vomit. Thanks :)
TL;DW - Magnus can date Alex amd be straight. He doesn't have to be straight, but he still can be amd it doesn't make Alex's gender any less valid or vice versa.
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staysuki · 3 years
So I haven't read the Seungmin smau because I haven't had the best history with bullies and I had a really bad bad bad experience with someone like y/n in highschool and it really got to me at the time and it's still a slightly sensitive subject so I didn't wanna trigger any unpleasant memories so I just skipped over it, and the only reason I can read the yeji bully arc is because her type of bullying is very different from the type I've been through so it's not something I'm sensitive towards? Idk if it makes sense but it works for me so ╮(. ❛ ᴗ ❛.)╭
Anyways I read like a bit of it and it was scarily accurate to how my y/n tormented me, she also used to diminish my accomplishments, made me feel useless and made other people hate me but it was more complicated because she was also my best friend and she wanted me to have no friends besides her and I guess it worked for the 12 years I was friends with her :)
That entire ordeal screwed me up mentally and I find it difficult to make friends and socialize and I still haven't gotten over it (she somehow thinks that she was the victim? Never apologized for anything she did, which included hitting me when I spoke to other people) and so that's that
i’m sorry to hear that 😥 i’m glad you didn’t continue it, it’s def a touchy subject, even i myself had a hard time writing it but for me, writing is a way for me to cope and get some liberation from my personal experiences even though i really did not want to continue writing it. the reason i dragged my feet in writing that fic and wanting to delete it or discontinue it is because i backed myself into a writing wall 🥲 i did not mean for y/n to be a bully but ig one way or another it led there, and i was like… “i dont want things to go well for this person” because i hated her. i hated OOML y/n and i feel scummy giving her a half-assed redemption arc and that if i was in yuna’s shoes, i wouldn’t have forgiven her. if i was in seungmin’s shoes i wouldn’t even like this girl. if i was in han’s shoes, i’d cut her off immediately. but like, i’m glad some people liked it but it’ll forever be in my blacklist :,)
i’m glad you’re no longer in that situation. it’s def hard to pull ourselves out of such relationships. i’ve been able to confront such people in the past but the closure has never been enough, the trauma always stays there with you. been there done that -pitbull. hence why i made yeji to be more of the stereotypical mean girl high school movie cliché, it’s a bit leant towards exaggerated fiction— though ik some people like that still exist, it’s a smaller margin because i don’t think people go around saying stuff like “i’ll show you who’s the real boss queen of this place 😉😘”
also why am i just a parentheses addition 🤣🤣🤣. dont forget to take care of yourself!! :,)))
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