#which i plan to do once i finish and post the notebook theory today or tomorrow
oh-katsuki · 1 year
being a writer and putting my work on the internet can be a little hard (rly hard), especially when i don't post fic often or frequently or spend a lot of time on one fic in particular.
like as a writer, i know i have a lot to work on. i constantly see things that need improvement or change. lots of fundamental parts of my stories are full of things or centered around things that i'd like to improve on. and i recognize that. i always have room to grow and get better.
it's tough though because being able to see and be critical of what i'm lacking as an artist makes it really hard to post a story or fic with confidence. even a finished story has things i'd like to change or improve on, though most of the changes are entirely structural or habitual, which are really hard to correct without rewriting the fic entirely. for example, as i was beta reading the notebook theory, i realized that a lot of my long fics follow the same story structure with little variation (specifically when it comes to smut). i tend to write within the same confines of storytelling with a shift in plot, motivations, themes, and characters. outside of that though, i've realized that a lot of things that i write are, more or less, very similar.
this could be because i have not been very into writing smut in the first place recently so the insertion of the scene feels unnatural and repetitive, or because i have written within the same genre of pining romance for about a year and a half now, or it could be something entirely different. it's probably a plethora of short comings that i have as a writer that i need to address one by one.
anyway, all of this to say that knowing those things and being in a stage of my writing journey where the places i need to improve are GLARINGLY obvious, makes it super hard to feel secure posting. i'm having trouble feeling proud of what i write. being honest, it feels like my stories and fics go absolutely nowhere and say absolutely nothing, though i hope that they don't come across that way to others who read them.
i'm having trouble seeing the value in my work because of it, which is a really tough pill to swallow. that sucks too because i write what i do for myself and not being able to see the value in it makes me really frustrated. i guess the best way to describe it is that even after finishing a long fic, i feel very stuck. frankly, i've been feeling this way since i started writing the inbetween, but i think i've only just put my finger on the reason. i think im frustrated with my writing style and the types of stories that i tell, which is difficult because i really like the genre i write in. they feel very stale to me and i'm having trouble viewing myself as a good writer, within or outside of that genre. it's not that i have to be good, but i want to be and i want to continue improving, i just feel like i've hit a ceiling that i can't move beyond.
and all that makes it a little scary to post something or to start something. i'm kind of sitting here now, adding the final touches to the notebook theory, and wondering if it's even worth posting. which i know is stupid because i worked hard on it and it doesn't have to be perfect. idk i guess lately all of the things i write have this perpetual feeling of incompletion that i can't seem to get rid of no matter what i change, rewrite, or edit.
anyway, that's all. these are just some thoughts i've been having.
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em0avacado · 4 years
The Beehive bookstore - Angel Reyes x OC (part one)
A/N : Hey! I know I kinda dipped for a little bit but, the holidays were jam packed and I hope you all had a good one. I’m gonna try to make a little series, I don’t have the whole thing planned out yet but I wanted to get to writing and posting anyways. So. here we are. Side note. Thank you for all the positivity i’ve gotten from y’all, your’re all fuckin’ great.
word count : 2.1K
trigger warnings : gun violence, mentions of blood, cursing? i think that’s it tho.
tag list :
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“What do you think of cocaine?” the question ran ridiculously loud in Eldrids ears, one that raised both concern and curiosity. Shutting the book with nimble fingers trailing over the inked pages, she furrowed together her dark brows as her gaze shifted to one of the other employees at the book store she managed.
It was a cute little shop, shelves lined every wall, even made little path ways between genres, easily explorable. A quaint shop tucked away in the nooks and crannies of Santo Padre. Easily accessible, if you knew where to look. An empty cart that was usually used to haul the new arrivals into place, but all that was done. There had been one customer in the last few hours, so it was really only Eldrid and one other employee, Asher. There wasn’t anything to do, so her nose was buried deep in another world.
“I beg your pardon?” she asked, her brows furrowed so deep it left faint marks in her forehead. Pushing her glasses up further the bridge of her nose, she set her book down in front of her, on the smoothly finished wooden counter where the cash register sat on.
Ashers eyes blew wide, scrambling quickly and putting his hands out in front of him. “woah, I meant - not like. I’m not asking if you want any or know where to get any.” he said, defensively. His hands kept up in the same stance. “I just meant that, well, what if our shop is a front for something... bigger?” he suggested, raising both brows. Eldrid shook her head at that, Asher always had some sort of conspiracy theory going, always believed aliens would take over one day, perhaps robots, thinks the world is gonna end up like some sort of real life version of the movie ‘Wall-E’. Some of the things this kid would come up wiyh were very out of the ordinary. He hadn’t been working at the shop for too long, a few months tops, he had gotten into college during those months but kept up his work there. A lot of the time he was able to study during his shift, and was paid the hours he was there. A sweet kid, looked rougher around the edges than he really was.
“I think that maybe you should get back to your studies.” she said with a soft laugh, watching as Asher, once again, protested, but shook his head instead. He set his notebook down.
“No, no. Listen, Eldrid. Look at it this way, in the nineteen eighties, about. The Orejuela brothers would run legitimate businesses, small, unexpected ones, as a front and to launder money they made while they ran drugs for the big bucks” he rambled on, earning another shake of the head from his manager. “c’mon you’ve never heard of the Cali Cartel? You have to have heard of them. The biggest, and one of the longest running cartels in the history of cartels!” he spoke with passion, an undeniable one, and he looked at her with his big green eyes, his hands out stretched.
Eldrid was about to respond, of course she knew what he was talking about, but she was interrupted, by him, and further utters of conspiracy. “How do you think we’re still paid, very well, hourly and over time, we get bonuses all the time, and there’s hardly anyone ever in here!”
She snapped her wandering gaze over at Asher again, having drifted to surveillance the shop shortly when the front door jingle, signalling someone entering. “not another word about it, Asher. Study.” she demanded, before turning her attention away from a quietly muttering punk at one of her tables.
“Good evening Mr. Reyes.” she hummed a soft greeting, seeing the grey haired man walk into the shop, followed by his youngest son, the only, of which, she’d met. Despite him only coming in as of recently, she knew him well, theyd chatter as he looked for books, she knew he preferred older pieces of literature and she’d started occasionally setting ones she believed they’d both enjoy, to the side. “and Mr. Reyes.” greeting him in the same polite manner as she did the older gentleman. Their town was small, and she heard whispers on the street, more so from people who took the shop as a quiet place to gossip. She knew Ezekiel had come out of prison not too long ago, yet he seemed fairly well put together.
The soft, kind smile never left the woman’s face.
“Hello, Eldrid. good to see you again, sorry for dropping in so late, Ez wanted to tag along again today.” the older one of the two apologized as she dove down, setting a stack of books on the counter before waving them both over.
“no need to apologize, we’re still open for another...” she trailed off to check the watch that sat on her wrist, it’s leather bands hugging it well. “half an hour so do as you please, these are a few of the newest editions that caught my eye, i figured you’d both enjoy these so have a look.” she spoke, watching as both men began to look through the pile, talking amongst themselves while she busied herself with other things.
“Hey, Eldrid.” Ezekiel started, several books tucked beneath his arm. “do you think that, if I come back Monday, this one would still be around?” he asked, his index finger stuck to a book that sat on the counter.
Raising her brows only to furrow them, Eldrid looked at the man incredulously, but nodding her head. “considering we aren’t open weekends, and are about to close, on a Friday, yes. i believe so.” she informed him, a hint of sarcasm lacing her tone.
“perfect, so I’ll take these, and be back Monday.” he said, and she nodded, ringing both through and wishing them farewell before she started, alongside Asher, closing up shop for the weekend. With her bag strapped to her shoulders, she locked the back doors, and the front ones, as both left the building. Going home for the weekend.
Weekends aren’t usually a huge deal for Eldrid, the shop had become like a second home to her, and never felt a lot like work in the first place. When she was in her little apartment, it was all about self care, and laying back with her dog laying on the corner of the bed as she did whatever she wanted during her time away from work. She wasn’t big on going out, nor did she have all too many friends, she knew one would expect more from a woman in her mid twenties to be more active with going out, but she preferred to protect herself and her peace. The next Monday morning, bright and early, El strolled down the street that led to her cozy little book shop. There shouldn’t be too much restocking, she wasn’t expecting any arrivals this weekend, so unless the boss was in during those two days, there wouldn’t be too much to do. Unlocking the front, and letting herself in, Eldrid headed to the back to start a pot of coffee for when Asher, or whichever employee that was to help her today, came in within the next half an hour.
She was in the midst of setting her bag into the shelf when several loud crashes interrupted the silence, dropping the the floor when she head guns starting to penetrate the front windows, glass shattering as bullets littered every corner of the front of her shop. She hadn’t realized that she had gasped, and held her breath, panting, she cradled her hands around her head, staying pinned to the ground until there was nothing but silence. Her ears rang loud, as sobs racked her chest, heaving, her panic set in heavily. She didn’t dare move until quite a bit later, when she carefully stood to her feet with tear stained cheeks. Shaking, Eldrid grabbed her phone and called her boss.
After three rings, the man on the other end picked up with a casual “Hello?”
“Mr. Galindo, it’s Eldrid Orejuela. Y-“ she was bound to continue but he interrupted her with a gleeful “Good Morning” and “How are things at the shop?”
“that’s actually what I was - I was calling you about. I just got in, and while I was making coffee.. uh.. There was shooting, and the windows are broken. I’m- I’m so sorry the windows are broken I don’t know what happened.” she stuttered a few of her words, being still shaken up. She was met with silence, then Miguel spoke up.
“Are you hurt?” he asked.
“good. Have you called the police?”
“No. Did you want me to?”
“Please do so. I’ll be there shortly.”
After that, Eldrid hung up the phone to Mr. Galindo, and called the authorities, right after she hung up with them, filling them in, she dared to head into the front room. It was destroyed, bullets littered every shelf, lodged in many books, shards of glass laid in every corner. She placed a hand over her mouth, looking around, in complete shock. Her attention shot towards the door when the bell jingles, tears glazed over her eyes moments earlier. She didn’t recognize the man, but he wore the same vest that Ezekiel wore, though, he was taller, had more facial hair. He looked to her,she could’ve sworn that she saw a hint of concern in his eyes, but who wouldn’t.
“Um, I’m sorry, but we aren’t currently serving customers, there’s been... A minor set back.” she nodded, wiping her cheeks, and trying to sound professional despite the last few minutes.
“Clearly.” he spoke, in a ‘duh’ tone of voice. “are you alright? I saw vans speeding off while on my way in, figured I’d check if anyone was hurt.” he said.
“Thank you.” she said, feeling strangely drawn to him, the man was, a sight for sore eyes to say the least, his hands looked strong, his shirt hugging his biceps perfectly and the concern on his face.. Adorable, if he could be labeled as such. Eldrid tugged her cardigan tighter to her body, crossing her arms over her stomach. “I’ll be fine. Police is on their way.” she nodded.
Quickly approaching, the man caught her as her head felt heavy, then suddenly very light. On her way down, she had fallen into his arms, instead of on the shards on the ground. “maybe you should sit, did you get hit?” he asked, settling her on one of the chairs.
“no.” she muttered, rubbing her forehead, hissing at the pain that struck suddenly, very strongly. Pulling her hand back, she saw it had an all too familiar copper liquid staining her fingers. “I must’ve hit my head, when - when i was in the back I dove for cover and-“ she muttered, looking up at him when she heard the sound of police sirens echoing, hurting her throbbing head further. Seconds later, Miguel and Nestor walked past the threshold of the door quickly, looking for Eldrid.
“Eldrid!” Called out Nestor, someone who had been a friend to her for years, he alone, was the reason she had the job she adored, he’d set her up for it, suggesting the young woman to Miguel for the shop. He rushed to her side, kneeling in front of her carefully, he caressed her cheek, cradling her face in his hand. “are you okay? you’re bleeding.” he pointed oht, glancing up to the other man, his impression soured but returned to that same glance of worry when it shifted back to Eldrid.
“Paramedics are in the front, you’re getting checked out before anything else.” Miguel said, giving a nod to Nestor to take her out front. His eyes fixated on the man that had just had his hands on their Eldrid. She felt the tension, but couldn’t put her finger on it, with her head throbbing.
After a few minutes of getting poked and prodded, both with questions and medical supplies, she saw the man from a few minutes prior walk away from the scene.
“See ya around, Ellie.” he said as he walked passed her, she didn’t reply with much but a weak wave of her hand. Everything felt like a dream, it’d happened so fast, but also so slow. Nothing felt real. Did she really meet a man who saved her from further head injuries, and not get his name? Or did she imagine that? was her head really that out of place? Couldn’t be. Would she ever see this man again? Why was he there so early?
“It’s Eldrid!” She called after him, being met with only a chuckle.
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tirednotflirting · 4 years
and I'll make a cup of coffee, with the right amount of sugar (how you like it)
prompt: A sitting next to me in the library has been grinding on an assignment all day (like i’d have been in the library from 10-3 with breaks in between for classes but they’d been sitting there the whole time) and B would come in every few hours, put down food or coffee on their table, kiss the top of A’s head, and walk away without a word
meg: look at these prompts me: i want to? write these? meg: || totally not why i sent these ||
prompt adapted from this post.
this isn’t too long at all but if you wanna read on ao3, link is here
for @kaleidoscopeminds, the Hot Wine Mom of The Club <3
Luke is very stressed.
He has been stressed for the better part of the last two weeks. Classes were over and he’s only got one real final this semester and it’s in this Advanced Number Theory course he decided was a good idea to take. He was the only junior in the course and had just barely been scraping by and he needs a B on this exam if he wants to pass the class.
So on the day of the exam, he marches his way to campus at 9am to find his usual spot on the silent study floor where he has decided he will stay until the exam begins at 7pm. It might be a little overboard and Ashton’s concern with the plan was obvious from the way he pouted at Luke from the bed as he got ready to leave that morning (which Luke suspects was a strategy since on a normal day, if Luke saw Ashton pouting in bed, he would immediately toss his bag to the ground and crawl back under the covers to cuddle until he stopped). But Luke knows that if he had stayed back at their apartment to study instead, he would be distracted and barely touch more than one practice exam. 
So the quiet study floor, on the coldest day so far that winter, it is. 
He spends the first three hours pouring over his notes to decide what needs to go on the index card he’s being allowed to take into the exam. He adds sticky notes to the pages of the three different notebooks he’s filled for the course, using a color coded system to decide what is ‘Probably Maybe Important’ and ‘If You Don’t Spend At Least Half an Hour Staring At This One Page You Will Forget About This Thing’. It’s a very chaotic system and if he had the time, he would probably question how it’s worked for him so far during the last three years. But there is no time and he is very stressed and the library is cold, so he keeps up organizing.
It’s around noon when Luke jumps just slightly as a coffee cup from the shop near his apartment and a to go bowl appear in front of him. He doesn’t lift his face from the table but hears some rustling and then a plastic spoon is left on top of the bowl. A warm hand is placed against his shoulder and he can feel a kiss being placed against the top of his head. 
Ashton mumbles something soft against his hair, his hand squeezing Luke’s shoulder before heading off. For just a moment, Luke feels some of the tension in his back lift off, as though Ashton’s touch were able to pull some of that away. He turns just slightly, a small smile pulling at his lips, and watches Ashton head back in the direction of the elevators, likely heading to his job in the advising center.
Luke knows his stomach will start growling soon if he does not eat and he really likes to avoid being that guy so after taking a sip from the coffee (its one of those winter-y lattes he likes but Ashton hates), he opens up the little bowl. It’s one of those soups from the campus dining hall (the good one not the freshmen one). Luke giggles softly to himself as he tries to picture Ashton making his way around the part of campus he usually tends to avoid just to buy the soup he knows Luke likes. As he takes a bite, he can’t tell whether he feels more warm from the food and drink or the love from the boy who just brought him some study snacks without any prompting.
It’s around 3 when Luke starts actually shivering from how cold the library is.
He’s just taken a short walk around the floor (a girl from his stats class showed up nearby so she offered to watch his things), thinking it might help warm him up but if anything he was somehow colder than before. He could put his coat back on but then the sleeves would get in the way of his writing and basically, Luke is frustrated and cold and regretting ever making the choice to study this horrible subject.
He’s on question four on his third practice exam when he hears quiet footsteps approaching his corner spot. He lifts his eyes in a daze as the lights actually sting his eyes some after staring at paper and ink for so long. Once his vision clears up, he sees the gentle smile of his boyfriend, the Thermos designated specifically for his favorite herbal tea in his hand. 
Luke only blinks up at Ashton as he sets the tall blue container on the table since he’s not really sure what his voice would sound like after not speaking for the last six hours. Ashton pulls off his backpack and quietly unzips the main compartment and pulls his favorite, dark green sweater out. He places it in Luke’s lap and lets his hand drop to cup the blonde’s cheek for a moment. Luke can’t help the way he leans into the touch, Ashton’s warm and rough palm being an instant comfort. The hazel eyed boy’s smile grows some more and he leans down, pressing his lips to Luke’s forehead briefly. 
Then he steps back, zips the backpack up, and once again, heads off in the direction of the elevators. Luke takes a deep breath and sighs as he watches his boyfriend turn the corner. His brows rise in surprise when he hears the quiet cooing of the girl who had watched his things earlier. He turns to face her and finds her smiling, her hand against her heart. Luke feels himself blush, the intimacy of the silent exchange he had just had with Ashton being one that made him forget they had been in such a public setting. He smiles and shrugs, unsure of how to respond. 
He reaches for the sweater and pulls it over the longsleeve he had thrown on before leaving that morning. The sweater is thick and worn in, providing him an instant warmth that he knows will aid the rest of his studying. (Plus it doesn’t hurt that Ashton must have worn it recently, the collar smelling like a mix of his body wash and cologne.) Luke takes a quick sip from the tea (noting the honey that was added) and picks up his pen to keep going.
It’s 6pm and Luke feels okay. It’s not the best he’s ever felt about a final but it’s also not the worst, so he figures there’s a positive in there somewhere.
He likes to arrive at his exams about a half hour early and it doesn’t take too long to get to the math building, so he decides there’s time to do a few more problems. The floor he’s on is nearly deserted. It’s the last day of finals and his exam is during the last time block. He figures there’s probably only about four people left in the building. 
He’s checking the solution to the problem he’s just finished when he hears footsteps approaching once again. A coffee cup from the same shop as the one dropped off to him at noon appears in the corner of his eye and a warm hand cups the back of his neck before a pair of lips peck gently at top of his head. Luke lets his eyes close, a brief moment of calm before the storm it seems like as he feels Ashton’s hand gently run through the curls at the back of his head. He feels a chill when the hand drops and then the footsteps pick up to leave him in his cozy corner.
Ashton’s just turned the corner when Luke suddenly gets to his feet, abandoning his study materials to chase after his sweet boy. He runs in the direction of the elevators, his socked feet (he had kicked off his shoes around 2) oddly loud against the carpeted floor. He turns the corner and Ashton is still there, pulling a beanie over his head when Luke lands in front of him. He pulls Ashton toward him by the waist and bends his neck just slightly, letting their lips meet for just longer than a moment. The elevator ding breaks them apart and as the doors opens, Ashton steps back so his body keeps them from closing. Luke is certain the blush he can see on Ashton’s cheeks must match the one painting his own. “Thank you for today, I don’t know how I got so lucky with you.”
“Text me when you’re leaving campus afterwards so I can make you something warm to drink for when you get in, okay?” Ashton instructs with a gentle grin and Luke nods his understanding, his bottom lip pulling between his teeth. “And make sure to put your hat on when you’re walking back, I don’t want you to get a cold.”
“Love you, Ash.” Luke wonders if he looks as lovestruck as he sounds.
Ashton steps back into the elevator to allow the doors to close. “Love you too, Luke. You’re gonna kill it.”
(When Luke gets back from the exam, his smile is bright and his nose is red from running all the way home because he felt really really good about how he did and really really wanted to get home to tell Ashton all about it. He’s treated to cuddles on the couch and a movie after changing into sweats and a different one of Ashton’s sweaters. Luke spends the rest of the night with one hand holding a mug of hot chocolate and the other holding his love. Ashton let him pick the movie so Luke knows he should be paying attention, but his head is a mix of numbers and equations and the thoughts of how all he wants is to spend the rest of his life with someone who will bring him disgustingly sweet coffee and their sweater on a cold winter day.)
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thessalian · 3 years
Thess vs Main Questlines
Today’s adventures in what is, according to some of the documentation I keep tripping over, post-apocalyptic Witchitaw:
Morning was spent doing a lot of hunting up in the northern areas. So many Glinthawks. SO MANY FUCKING GLINTHAWKS.
In direct response to that? Got my first ‘frozen enemy’ kill. Hit a Glinthawk right in its Chillwater reservoir, froze it solid, and it dropped out of the sky. THUNK.
Mostly I was after the last couple of metal flowers I needed, and got another Banuk figurine. That and collecting campfires. I don’t bother overriding or riding anything; I just go to the nearest campfire, walk and hunt on the way. Which is why I’m swimming in shards now.
Took a break, and since we couldn’t do Deadlands tonight, I did the usual screen-share thing with @true0neutral for the evening, which got a lot more involved:
Finished up a quest that I’d been sitting on for awhile, mostly because wandering. I was at about double the level requirement, and in my stealth armour, so mostly it was shooting some very confused slavers who had no idea where the arrows were coming from. Even when they were looking right at me. That was fun.
Found another Thunderjaw. Actually got to scan it this time. Took out both its guns before it started looking in my direction, and it only did its laser vomit at me once before a couple of bandits or some shit got its attention and it turned its back on me. Shot the canister on its back and end of problem. It had already killed the bandits, though. More loot yay.
Significant wandering for more campfires and another mug. Tripped over a quarry that was having a Rockbreaker problem. I kind of killed it before I got a chance to scan it so I’ll have to find another one to add to the notebook. I’m assured there are more.
In the process of all this, I upgraded some of my weaponry, even though I only ever actually use the precision longbow. Fun conversation in which I had to flag up that yes, I did already have a ropecaster, but I just never used it. Might come in handy for Glinthawks, but generally I don’t bother. Then again, given that I now have two purple damage mods and a purple handling mod on my sharpshot bow, my play style means I hardly need anything else.
Took out a shellback convoy. That was fun. And lucrative.
Finally made it to Meridian! I remembered that the main questline exists! Apparently figured out the way into Olin’s secret room way faster than @true0neutral did when he got to that point. Which is funny because he’s generally the one looking for as much ‘up’ as possible. Met some lovely merchants who were much pleased with the fruits of my cliff-climbing, flower-picking, mug-collecting labours. The mug guy had some very interesting theories about what these ‘ancient vessels’ were once used for.
Diversity! I mean, skin colour is just a thing in post-apocalyptic Wichitaw and no one seems to give a shit one way or another, but it’s more than that. The mug-guy? I’m pretty well convinced that he’s aro-ace and has some pretty significant neurodivergence, with ‘ancient vessels’ as his special interest. Just basically, “I don’t want to get married! I don’t care about any of that! I just want to study this stuff!” And the metal flower guy? He talks about how he used to adventure to get the rare flowers himself but that his beloved got worried so he stopped. Never mentions the gender of his beloved, and the name given for said beloved was gender-neutral enough to let people draw their own conclusions. It was good. I enjoyed it. (Honestly, I figure that this guy’s beloved is gender-neutral and that’s why he never states a gender one way or the other.)
Also found more logs for the Focus. At least two of them were spam. I was terribly amused.
Had to stop mid-quest because tired. Checked the map to plan tomorrow’s run and discovered that it’s right near another quest I was prioritising ... and that the quarry that I told @true0neutral looked like “bad shit is going to happen here” is the place I have to try to find the traitorous asshole that got most of Aloy’s companions killed. Apparently either the landscape tells its story very well or I’m very good at reading narrative beats. I’d put money on ‘both’.
It feels like Sunday but it’s not Sunday. (Well. I mean. Technically it is now because it’s nearly 4am, but you know what I mean.) And even when it is Sunday? I’ll be able to enjoy it because it won’t be the end of my weekend. I love the Easter bank holiday...
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queen-of-hearts92 · 6 years
Revue Starlight 3: Venus Victrix
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Wow, Swan Lake is a little different than I remember.
For the previous episode go here!
To go to the start of these posts, go to the Prelude!
Sup y’all, welcome back to theater fight club with system breaking confused lesbians the show! This episode was fuckin SWEET. I’m so happy this is still going strong! So much went down this episode I got excited and posted a theory about the show, check it out if you wanna! I might repeat myself a bit here but I’ll try and keep it to new discussion points. Alrighty, let’s continue.
This post’s title is in latin and it means “Venus the Victorious”! You’ll see why I chose that in a bit! Anyways on with the show!
>The show is here! And it’s BIG AND LOUD!
The episode starts with showing a phrase that has been seen on the girl’s phones when Giraffe comes a calling. The phrase is, “And it shall be bestowed upon you, the Star which you have longed for.” which totally isn’t ominous at all. We then go to a flashback of the previous year’s production of Starlight, Maya and Claudine are the leads. We see them as the goddesses reaching for the star, which yes is the same pink star we’ve been seeing in the underground stage.
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*whispering* I’m onto you ya piece of shit star tiara, YOU CAN’T FOOL ME!
The setting of the play and other details are still unclear but we can see from the outfits it seems pretty greek/roman inspired. We see Maya and Claudine dancing and the two of them being separated (with Maya going up and Claudine going down) as it’s pointed out again that the story of the play Starlight doesn’t have a happy ending. “Their dream could never come true.” seems like the final line of the play before it ends (Maya’s character speaks this line). The girls take their bows and we go to the opening sequence.
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Sappho wrote this fucking play confirmed, thank u based Sappho.
After the opening we’re in the classroom, Nana offers Hikari banana muffins since Hikari said the previous day she didn’t like jiggly things. Before Hikari gives a response, Mahiru comes into class dragging a very sleepy Karen with her. Mahiru had a very hard time getting Karen to wake up all the way this morning, more than usual (Hikari leaves without them lol). Karen says she had a busy day the day before, Mahiru asks what she was doing but Junna walks in and says Karen should learn to wake up on her own since it’s inconvenient for Mahiru to be on wake up duty all the time. Mahiru says she doesn’t mind. Karen greets Junna calling her Jun-Jun, much to Mahiru’s alarm, and comments on Junna always being early. Junna scolds Karen for being the only one in their class who still comes late and called Karen by her first name which only alarms Mahiru more. They both say they’re exhausted “from yesterday” causing Kill Bill sirens to go off in Mahiru’s mind and Nana asks if something happened between Junna and Karen. Karen says it’s a secret and Junna says it’s none of anyone else’s business. Class then starts.
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I’m not gonna lie but this is the best damn screenshot I’ve taken so far.
We then find out Claudine wasn’t in class, much to the surprise of everyone in the room. The teacher hands out the Starlight script and the plans about the festival to the class. We find out that Nana is switching from taking part in the acting to working backstage for the festival, also to her classmate’s surprise. At lunch (Futaba, Kaoruko, Junna, Hikari, Karen, and Mahiru are there) Nana explains that while she liked being an actress she was curious about the inner workings of the theater and wanted to try that. Hikari takes Karen’s banana muffin and leaves, a paper airplane sails past.
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Hikari omg stop ignoring Karen, she’s so adorable. Don’t sleep on this gurl!
Mahiru comments that it would be a waste of Nana’s talents if she switched to backstage, then our favorite top dog comes in. Tendou Maya. Maya says that Nana can still put what she knows about performing to use in crafting a stage for others to perform on, the other actresses will be counting on her to create a stage to bring out their full potential. Nana thanks her and expresses she hopes that the show they create is as good as last year’s. She offers Maya a banana muffin which Maya accepts. Kaoruko makes a terrible pun on Nana’s nickname I much show it here:
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THIS SHIT IS BANANAS, B-A-N-A-N-A-S! Also Futaba looks like she’s heard this joke from her gf 300 times lol.
Anyways, Kaoruko gives a candy bribe to Nana so she’ll get the lead in the Starlight play. Nana can influence that or even chose the roles herself now after all. Futaba scolds Kaoruko for bribing Nana with candy before doing so herself, Junna points out the hypocrisy. A loop of the girlfriend’s giving Nana endless candy ensues. Maya looks off dramatically in the distance.
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Only Maya can look so damn dignified while holding a banana muffin.
The girls go back to class talking about auditions (as in actual ones) and Mahiru expresses once again she wants to be the fated couple with Karen. Claudine then comes in and startles Mahiru. Claudine’s reason for not being at morning classes is she was very exhausted and slept in. They tell Claudine about Nana changing over to back stage and Nana shows off her very huge collection of candy she got from Kaoruko and Futaba at lunch. Claudine also gives her candy as a bribe and Karen complains that Claudine was one of the leads last year so why bribe Nana. Claudine says alright then and goes to her seat. Maya says hello to Claudine and we see the paper airplane again, it just got very awkward. Futaba watches this unfold. 
The paper airplane hits a Venus de Milo statue and falls to the ground. We follow the girls going through voice lessons and classroom lessons. Mahiru has left this plane of existence and Kaoruko doodles her and Futaba’s names covered in hearts in her notebook. If it wasn’t obvious to you they’re a couple now, I dunno what to tell you. The girls have dance practice and then the school day is over.
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In this photo, we see Mahiru has ascended into the 20th dimension.
Mahiru wonders if Karen went home without her and we get a quick answer about where Karen went. She’s in a shed. Tied up and locked in there by Hikari. Wow. Karen is confused how the fuck this happened and why, she tries to get Hikari to talk to her and let her out but nope. Hikari locks Karen in there leaving her the banana muffin from earlier to eat. I’m sure this is fine.
We then go to Junna in her room reading a fuck ton of books about mythical animals, UFOs, and cryptids. And a book on giraffes. She’s trying to figure out what is up with Giraffe and what he is. Nana gives Junna tea and she’s working on a stage script. We see Nana has a lot of candy from her classmates, she popular.
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We go to Claudine still practicing dance in the practice room, she falls down. Futaba comes in and says the floor should be clean if she wants to keep dancing. Meanwhile Mahiru looks for Karen at the dorms, she checks the bathroom and Kaoruko is there taking a bath. Kaoruko invites Mahiru to bath with her cause her girlfriend isn’t there and she’s bored. Back at the practice room Futaba cleans the floor and asks Claudine if something was going on between her and Maya. Instead of responding, Claudine takes Futaba and starts waltzing(I think) with her. Futaba is startled at first but then she’s like “alright I’m game”. Claudine ends up telling her that she feels that even though she is very talented, Maya is more so and therefore beat her during the duel. The two finish waltz and Futaba offers Claudine some candy, Claudine thanks her in french. 
Back with Kaoruko and Mahiru, Kaoruko complains about Futaba not being there and teases Mahiru about her huge gay crush on Karen. Kaoruko comments that it’s been pretty odd lately, ever since Hikari came to town. Back with Claudine and Futaba, Claudine says she’s surprised that Futaba came here because she’s usually with her girlfriend all the time. Futaba answers with saying while Kaoruko is special to her and she wants to support and protect her, she has her own ambitions beyond just being in a supporting role too. Everyone’s cell phone rings, it’s audition duel time!
We are back with Hikari, according to her phone she has no one to fight today. Karen sneaks out of the window at the back of the shed and books it. Hikari sees her running off and looks very panicked. She frantically sprints after Karen, trying to stop her from going into the elevator therefore her duel. Karen says she has to go and she’ll be back when she wins, she goes down. Hikari is too late. Hikari expression becomes determined and she runs back to get a crowbar. 
We go to Maya in her room, she’s looking at the Starlight script by a photo of her and her classmates after they did the play the year prior. Seems like Maya is fond of this event too considering she kept the flower hairpin she wore during the show. Birds are seen in her room too btw. We zoom into Claudine in the photo and go to a flashback to the show again. Maya approaches Claudine, smiling at her, and holds out her hand. Claudine moves close to Maya’s face and whispers in her ear, “I haven’t lost”. We go back to Maya in the present, we see her phone with the notice for the duels. Maya flips her hair and it’s show time!
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And at this very moment, Tendou Maya realized she was gay.
After Karen transforms the curtains rise, Karen introduces herself and then Maya introduces herself while descending on the back of a swan prop. Karen isn’t intimidated by Maya being her opponent. Meanwhile Hikari is trying to break the elevator door down with a crowbar, she smashes a light on the elevator ceiling on accident and the doors open revealing stairs going down to the audition duels. Back on stage, Giraffe gives us the name of this fight. The Revue of Pride. The duel begins. 
The two girls clash for a bit before Maya locks swords with Karen and asks why she was here. Karen tells her she’s here to become a star with Hikari, who we see running down long ass stairs, judging by Maya’s expression she doesn’t seem to like what Karen has said. We then see briefly that at the same time this duel is happening, Futaba and Claudine are dueling. Maya recites lines from the Starlight play and says “It’s an exchange. ” She then shuts the lights off and asks Karen what she has offer in exchange for being a star. Maya activates her jewel, which is on the very bottom of the hilt of her sword, and the stage starts rearranging itself. Maya has control of the stage now. Maya is at the top of dove stairs and starts singing. Smoke and a golden dove spring up behind her lighting up the stage again. The revue resumes. The fight is intercut sometimes with Hikari running to stop the duel. Maya tells Karen that there can only be one top star, that’s what everyone is fighting and struggling for after all. We get a quick look at all the girl’s jewels that are on their weapons, we saw Futaba’s earlier.
Maya then, starts talking about Claudine. She says Claudine has offered and given up everything and that Claudine has the noble determination to challenge a star. The fight picks up again, they sword fight for awhile before Maya knocks Karen to the stairs which she turns into a slide and Karen slides down smack into a huge swan prop. Karen looks up towards Maya who is at the very top of the stairs and says she can’t even begin to reach her. Hikari bursts into the theater and she’s suddenly outside (trippy). We are shown it’s raining outside. Karen races up the stairs to clash with Maya. 
We then are shown Claudine declaring she hasn’t lost and Maya declares “Even alone, I am a star!” They win their fights at the same time. Maya declares position zero, the curtain falls and a single spotlight shines on her. Karen has dropped to her knees on the stairs and Maya says, “Only one star can shine at the top.”
We go back to Claudine and Futaba’s duel, Claudine is the winner. However the two take the results very well, Claudine helps Futaba up. We hear Maya talking about how passionate Claudine is again before we go to the credits. 
After the credits we see the rankings board by Giraffe and find out where everyone is ranked, Karen is in 9th place. Then we get Hikari and Karen standing in the rain, Hikari has been crying. Karen, looking like she’s in shock, talks about her not being good enough to win or even compete in these wild auditions and says her head is spinning. Hikari slaps Karen in the face and calls her an idiot. We get this shot and the episode ends.
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I can’t believe Umi slapped Honoka...wait wrong show.
>Goddesses, lesbians, and stairs. Oh my!
-Something that took me back was the amount of goddess symbolism in this episode which lead me to realize that it had been there the whole time, this ep just made it more obvious. And the really interesting thing it’s two goddesses in particular that have their symbols everywhere, Aphrodite/Venus and Inanna (aka Istar). I talk about this extensively in the post I linked at top but I’ll put a shorter version here. These goddesses are very closely entwined with each other, Aphrodite/Venus is, a descendant of sorts, of Inanna. The funny thing about mythology, other cultures often take ideas or gods from older/different cultures and adapt them as their own. This is the most obvious with the Romans taking the Greek gods as their own. The Sumerian culture and Greek culture likely clashed thanks to trading and the Bronze Age. The two cultures met and exchanged ideas so incorporating the ideas into their mythology would easily occur. 
Aphrodite the love goddess is likely based off of Inanna the love goddess (and farther back the goddess Astarte), and even more so the planet Venus was thought to be ruled by Inanna. The two goddesses have shared symbols and domains. Doves are symbols of both goddesses and they are both love, sexuality, desire, and passion goddesses. And Inanna is a war and justice goddess, it turns out in some cultures Aphrodite/Venus was a war goddess too. Both goddesses also went to the underworld to rescue their loved ones, Inanna went to save her husband Dumuzid (aka Tammuz) while Aphrodite went to save her lover Adonis. It’s really cool, these goddesses could be very relevant to the show for sure.
--I’m also gonna add, while there are many myths about gods or humans going to the land of the dead to save someone they loved (ex: Orpheus and Eurydice, Izanagi and Izanami, Isis and Osiris), the myth of Aphrodite and Adonis is thought by modern scholars to be derived from Inanna and Dumuzid’s story specifically. That’s fascinating! Granted, many of these tales don’t have happy endings....Oh dear, have mercy Revue Starlight! ono
-Let’s take a look at Aphrodite/Venus, her symbols are mostly around Maya. Before her duel Maya is seen next to the Venus de Milo statue and reflecting its pose, we see several white birds in her room and on her desk. During the duel birds fucking popup everywhere, swans are a symbol of Aphrodite and Maya descends from the ceiling riding one, there is ancient art of Aphrodite doing just that. Maya chucks Karen into a huge swan at the bottom of the stairs, there's also a curled up swan right here before Maya opens up the stage. The smaller birds on the stairs and one as a gold statue could indicate two different bird symbols, either sparrows or doves. I’m leaning towards doves since we see white birds earlier in Maya’s room.
Aphrodite/Venus is also associated with water since she was born rising out of the sea, there is a fountain by the golden dove during the duel. Speaking of gold, Ode to Aphrodite is the only full poem that Sappho wrote that survives to this day. The word “Chryse” in Greek means golden and it’s used in the poem to describe the goddess. The dove on the stage is golden, also Sappho is a very famous lesbian and this show is gay so. Yes. Anyways. 
The planet Venus is a star in the sky, in fact it’s other name is the Morning Star. You might find that sounds familiar and know there's a being whose name in latin means just that, and that being is Lucifer the fallen angel. So you could say he is a fallen star. Oh...let’s hope that doesn’t mean anything bad will happen to Maya. *nervous laughter*
--Side note: Maya’s stage was greek/roman looking again. And had STAIRS. Apparently stairs are a staple in this type of theater lol.
-As for Inanna, her symbol seems to be around Karen. Inanna’s presence isn’t as overt as Aphrodite/Venus but the symbol that is here is one of her primary symbols, the Star of Inanna. Also known as the Star of Ishtar or the Star of Venus, any depictions of Inanna is accompanied by this eight pointed star. Where is the star you ask? It’s in the jewel on Karen’s sword! And no the circle isn’t a shine on it, it’s dark in this shot and I’ve checked other screenshots and the circle is still there. In the screenshot I linked I counted seven points on the star but I might have been unable to see the eighth one due to the angle, however even if there are only seven the symbol greatly resembles the star. 
Additionally, one of the most famous myths Inanna is in is her going to the underworld to rescue her husband. In the myth she has to strip off her clothing to get through the seven gates of the underworld (in Sumerian mythology the underworld is called Kur) but gains her clothes back when she leaves. Karen descended into an underground theater and falls below to rescue her love Hikari, and she also loses her clothes and gets new clothes. That’s about it for Inanna right now, let’s keep a lookout for lions too cause that is Inanna’s other primary symbol.
-Whoever designed the school campus really loves the Venus de Milo, it’s EVERYWHERE. This is really obvious in this episode, I counted a total of seven appearances. So Aphrodite has had quite a presence at the school since the start of this show. What it means is a little unclear for now, but the statue for sure ties into the presence of the goddess in this show.
-Ok so. I think I misjudged Maya, I guess I had Touga Kiryuu on the brain while seeing her. Before this episode we didn’t really spend time with her and saw her through the eyes of others, and the person she’s around the most is Claudine. She sees Maya as someone to beat therefore she would see anything Maya does as a challenge or Claudine thinks Maya is looking down on her and because we are following her POV we start to think the same. This is the power of perspective everyone! So this episode we get to see things from Maya’s perspective and we learn that she doesn’t look down on Claudine, quite the opposite in fact, she really respects her. And Maya has a hugeeee lesbian crush on her!
Like, I’m so mad at not noticing but I rewatched the previous episodes with this in mind and yeah. Yeah Maya is in love. It seems to me that how she smiles at Claudine is different than if she smiles at anyone else, when we saw them dancing in the previous two episodes her smiling comes across as smug on the first viewing but no, that’s not what’s happening. Maya just loves dancing with her that much. 
There is a part in episode two where while Claudine is practicing after school Maya turns the lights on in the practice room and walks away. At the time you think like Claudine and you think Maya is being condescending but looking back on it I think Maya was legit thinking she was being nice and helping her out. She knows Claudine practices a lot therefore will be there after dark so she turns on the lights for her so Claudine can still practice even if it does gets dark. Maya was thinking, “She’s so passionate to be practicing this late! I should turn the lights on so she doesn’t have to stop and do so!” *turns lights on* “Aw yes I helped her out, I’m so fucking good at this :D.” and Claudine was thinking “Well fuck you too bitch”. 
The moment in the flashback when Claudine whispers in Maya’s ear, the look on her face suggests she’s wondering if Claudine was going to kiss her and it’s quite a WHOA I’M GAY look too. During this episode’s duel she spent a good part of the fight telling Karen how great and passionate Claudine is, and it’s obvious she’s speaking about Claudine cause we cut to her several times during Maya’s speech. 
And we learn something interesting from this episode via a quick flashback to the end of Maya and Claudine’s duel. We see after Maya cuts off Claudine’s cape and Claudine starts to fall, Maya catches her. She does no such thing when she beats Karen this episode. As for how Claudine feels, I’m pretty sure she also likes Maya back but she hasn’t really realized that cause she’s too busy thinking “CHALLENGE ACCEPTED!” whenever Maya does anything. Also Claudine doesn’t want to be second best, she wants to be first hence she sees Maya as someone to overcome and hasn’t been able to look past that just yet.
This begs the question of why Maya still fights Claudine anyways? Well, the answer is because she wants to be Top Star and since there’s only one Top Star, she has to fight. I think Maya would rather have Claudine stand with her on the same level as her but, that’s not how the system works. The system says there can only be one and Maya likely believes that the system can’t be changed, that’s just how it is and there's nothing that can be done about it. So she’ll fight anyone she has to, even if it’s someone she loves. Besides I think that Maya doesn’t go easy on Claudine because she feels it would be an insult to her to not give Claudine her all. I was wrong in my episode 2 post, Maya didn’t take pleasure in beating Claudine. Instead she simply feels she did what she had to do to keep her high rank, no happiness here. It’s why she looks so serious after fighting Claudine, she did what she felt was needed and claims her place even if it came at the cost of taking down the girl she’s in love with.
I think even fighting Karen was something she rather not do, hell she mostly borrows lines from the Starlight play and then makes a speech about how great her crush is instead of personally insulting Karen like you’d normally see with characters like her. She doesn’t show her dislike of this system because, she’s a performer. She’ll play whatever part she needs to even if it means being an antagonist and you’d never be able to tell. When she wins, she casually takes position zero and says there's only one Top Star. No extra gloating or insults, Maya isn’t here to fuck around or be antagonistic after the show is over. 
Maya grew up in the world of the theater and she’s very used to this system, it’s normal for her hence she’d never have the thought to actually change it or even think it could be changed. Maya will end up being beaten last cause she embodies the ways of the system more than anyone, feeling she has to follow it and anyone who thinks like Karen just doesn’t understand this is just how it is. I’m excited to see how Karen changes her mind that’s for sure. I do have a feeling that Claudine will be a factor in her change for sure.
--Also, during the Starlight play we see in the flashback. When the characters that Maya and Claudine are playing are separated, Claudine is on a pillar going down while Maya is on the one going up. This is not only showing that fighting over Top Star is keeping them apart, it also shows if Maya does become Top Star alone they will never be on the same level with each other ever again. Maya goes to the top alone, lonely at the top.
-I’ve noticed the Top Star competition is awfully damaging to the girl’s relationships. It seems like Maya is kinda lonely at the top, being Top Star alienates your peers from you since they see you as above them. Maya is referred to by last name by several of the girls and even with the -sama suffix. Claudine is so consumed by her desire to be Top Star that she misinterprets Maya’s actions as a challenge all the time and it’s probably quite stressful feeling like you always have to one up someone every day. When Futaba and Kaoruko have to fight each other I imagine it might break them up. Mahiru’s fight, when it comes, will probably be filled with strife. This isn’t healthy, and if nothing is changed everyone will be forever fucked up from this experience. 
-Remember how I said I was worried there will be Yuri Bait in this show? Good news, there isn’t! I 100% think Futaba and Kaoruko are for sure canon dating. Much like Haruka and Michiru of Sailor Moon, it’s not commented on by the other girls really cause them dating is just a given. Everyone knows they are together and that’s just how it is. They are almost always together and in the prequel manga both of their chapters are titled like they are dating. The titles are “Our first time living together!” and “Our first fight!”, that is language used to describe romantic couples experiencing life together. This episode made it even more obvious with Futaba saying Kaoruko is special to her and how Kaoruko teases Mahiru about her crush on Karen. 
So yes, Mahiru is romantically interested in Karen and Karen just doesn’t notice. Maya has a huge lesbian crush on Claudine like I said above, I’m still baffled how I totally missed it cause during the everyday stuff Maya does not hide how much she likes her at all. Hell even during the duel she uses a big speech moment to praise Claudine omg. When dancing with Claudine, Maya’s smiling like this is the best thing in the world. I’m also mildly humored that Claudine is in such denial that she’s attracted to Maya it’s one of the reasons why she focuses solely on one upping her, “I’m NOT staring at her because I think she’s hot or anything I’m CLEARLY just analyzing her dance moves so I can beat her!”. Oh honey.
So, everyone is canon queer I’m very happy that is the case! And anyone who disagrees with that, I will throw a rainbow flag through the computer and it will smack ya in the face. Don’t be that asshole please and thank you. uwu
-Hikari is REALLY freaked out by something. I talked about it in my post I link at the top but basically Hikari’s behavior comes across as someone who desperate and fears something hence she’s trying to keep Karen away and finding out what it is, even jumping to extremes like locking Karen in a shed to do so. Very Homura Akemi. She knows something is wrong with these audition duels, and I look forward to learning what it is. But I’m also terrified to find out what it is, my poor girls. ono
-I know for sure now the jewels on the Stage Girl’s weapons control the stage, notably Karen hasn’t used hers to change the stage in anyway. Maya’s is at the bottom of her sword hilt, tried to see if I could see the symbol in it but no success. The jewel itself isn’t very visible often during the episode, and the others shine too bright to see anything inside them. You can see everyone but Claudine’s jewel in this episode. Futaba’s, Kaoruko’s, Mahiru’s, and Nana’s are the new ones to see in the show. I checked Claudine’s character art and yup you can see her jewel on the blade of her sword. Let’s hope they aren’t soul gems or something like that ahaha.
-The fantastical part of the show is seemingly kept separate from the normal everyday stuff. In fact, this is enforced since the girls are told they can’t speak about it. However the fantastical still lingers, you can see it in the tiara light following the girls literally everywhere. And yes we are supposed to take the stage fights as literal, it’s possible a dream world thing is going on when the duels occur but I strongly think that the girls are literally fighting under the school’s secret stage at night. The elevator existing, Hikari being able to speak to Giraffe during the day, Giraffe being mentioned by the girls are all examples of this being real. There's no evidence to suggest the audition duels are imagined besides them being weird so let’s drop the idea.
-I love how Junna was trying to figure out wtf Giraffe is, I’m glad cause if I was in her shoes I’d be doing the same thing. Look at Qilins Jun-Jun!
-Ah, the girls who dueled are tired the next morning again, especially those who lost. I still think there's something fishy with that!
-On the Starlight robes in the flashback there was a symbol and I couldn’t figure out what it was (if it was anything irl anyways). It looks like a combined sun and moon symbol but yeah I couldn’t find anything in real life that looked exactly like that.
-Now that I think about it, Karen hasn’t once asked Hikari if she is still chasing the same dream they had when they were five. Karen is, just assuming Hikari still wants that. They, really need to sit down and talk. How it is now is damaging their relationship man.
-The Starlight play, from what we know, reminds me of the story behind the Tanabata festival. Connection? Maybe.
-Interestingly, the fight between Futaba and Claudine happened on a very minimally decorated stage. Also their talk and dancing together was very cute I love it.
-Oh btw, here are the Stage Girl rankings we see this episode!
1: Maya
2: Claudine
3: Nana
4: Kaoruko
5: Futaba
6: Mahiru
7: Junna
8: Hikari
9: Karen
>Speculation and bananas
-Nana says she is going to switch to backstage cause she wants to give it a try, but is that all there is to it? I ask this cause Nana is in 3rd fucking place on the rankings board, that’s really fucking high. Why would she give that up? Well, understanding her personality and knowing how much she talks about the play they did last year, I think she doesn’t like being apart of the audition duels. She hates the system and fighting the classmates she cares about, so she is trying to leave. Why she talks about last year’s play is because back then they weren’t doing the audition duels. It was simpler, less competitive and no one was fighting. 
I think Nana really wants to go back to that time, so she is trying to pull out and put her life back to normal but. Will the Underground Stage let her go that easily? Will Nana not be tempted to go back anyways? I think, one way or another, Nana will be drawn back. This means that future episodes are not gonna be very fun for Nana, poor thing.
-Every episode that passes the more sad I feel for Mahiru, like gdi the fallout will be badddd. That episode is gonna hurt man.
-This episode we find out that the message Giraffe (or whoever) sends to the girls also tells you if you are dueling and who you are dueling, while Hikari is scrolling on her phone I spot this. It’s pretty hard to read but I am pretty sure it says Starlight Gatherers…..Uh. Ok, that can mean two things. One, gathering means that the messages gather the girls to announce duel things.
Or two, my theory about the girls being targeted for their radiance/starlight is fucking right. They are gathering girls to create starlight or the girls themselves are gathering this starlight without knowing it, like waiting for a flower to bloom. Whoever blooms first wins, and is picked and therefore screwed. Oh shit man.
>*Claps wildly over this show*
This episode was great and this anime is still going strong! I’ve seen the episode 4 preview and it looks like next episode might not have a duel in it, which is fine with me. A breather episode will be fun and we will get to hang out with the girls more! And, of course some nice build up to the next fight and foreshadowing can be done. We got three very wonderful fights so far, so no one be complaining about a breather episode. Be nice to the animators you guys, they obviously work very hard on this show. 
Also wow I have a new appreciation for Maya after this episode, good to know everyone is a useless lesbian and I love them.
See you on the stage for episode 4!
Also: This anime isn’t an idol show and people really need to stop saying that pass it on.
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ivorystudyblog-blog · 6 years
Hi gorgeous reader!
Study with Me: April 10th 2018
I started off my today by waking up at 10am and making myself breakfast. I always try to make sure I have breakfast because without it my focus will fall much faster than it should.
The first part of my inorganic chemistry homework was to go through the whole of chapter 4 in the CGP notebook and answer all exam questions. I started this yesterday, so this only took me about an hour to finish! All together it came to 6 sides of work.
Next I completed the second part of my inorganic chemistry homework. For anyone who doesn’t do chemistry at A-level in the UK, alongside the chemistry specification we have to complete a practical endorsement to show competency with chemicals and such. For the assessment I was writing up today, we had to identify 5 unknown compounds using a series of tests for ions and flame tests.
In the assessment I wrote down all my observations of each experiment and today and used those observations to work out what the test was meant to be and identify each compound. I used the CGP textbook to help me with this and eventually managed to work them all out!
I took a break from homework and moved to blogging. I took some time to make final edits to my blog post Ways to Study and finally posted that! Admittedly, I was (and still am) a little nervous about the feedback I will get, but I’m positive you will all be kind and constructive!
After I was sure it was all correctly published, I promoted the blog on my instagram.
I took a break for lunch and spent a bit of time going through other wordpress blogs and leaving comments for others. We are all here to share and network, after all!
Side note: if you would like me to check out your blog, link me your latest post in my comments and I will check it out and leave a like!
I went on my laptop after lunch to make a new set of Quizlet cards – a small set on AS Biology Chapter 1 section 2, nucleic acids! After I was happy with them I spent a little bit of time revising them using the test feature on Quizlet.
Most of my homework for the Easter holiday is already done, but I still have one piece left which is a Maths statistics and mechanics test – one of the subjects I struggle most with. Because I know I find it so hard, I took my time with the questions I did, going over the theory behind it, which meant I didn’t get as much done as I would have liked, but I was confident with the work I had done!
At 4:00 I was starting to get a tired and I could feel my focus slipping more and more, so I decided to give myself a (guilt free) rest from studying. My theory is that if you force yourself to continue working when you know you’re pushing yourself too far, then you will burn yourself done and end up being less productive than you would have been with a break!
I took time before dinner to go over my Quizlet Biology sets for chapter 1, which is mainly coming on well. Most of my revision for the next few weeks will be Biology based, as the only external AS exam I am doing is in Biology; the chemistry and maths tests I am sitting will be internally marked so are less important.
After eating I continued with my maths paper so that the whole of the statistics section was completed. Because I still wasn’t confident, I went through the relevant pages in my textbook to refresh myself, but I really need to make some notes on them (a task for another day!).
I wrapped up my study day by making more textbook notes on biological molecules. In all honesty, I’m worried that I’m behind on where I should be so that I can have the whole AS course covered by my exam, so I’ve planned to schedule more Biology sessions, particularly in my free periods once I’m back at school!
On that note, would you guys be interested in seeing a post on how to efficiently use your school free periods? I’ve gathered a few tips of my own (and had plenty of unproductive free periods too) that I feel could benefit others!
That was all for today’s study session! Personally I felt it was quite productive despite taking quite a long break in the middle, but it was also necessary otherwise I doubt I would have had the energy to come back and continue working after dinner.
What did you guys think of my first Study with Me? Leave your suggestions down below and let me know!
Study with Me: 10th April 2018 Hi gorgeous reader! Study with Me: April 10th 2018 I started off my today by waking up at 10am and making myself breakfast.
0 notes