#which i will admit will likely be a lot easier when im just editing earlier things rather than writing a whole new chapter
evienyx · 2 years
I kinda forgot how you came up with fractures, i know for a fact that you said it started as an au of another fic but I want to know it's origins
I mean, I started writing Fractures back in summer of 2019 (which is insane, let me say), when I was 14.
It is now 2023, I have just turned 18, I've gone through an entire pandemic and started college, and have written over 270,000 more words for this story.
It's kinda hard to remember where it initially came from, and the best thing I have to really go off of is the author's note on Chapter 1 and notes that I wrote for myself when I first started this story.
So, from what I can gather from those and what little I remember:
Most of the idea for Fractures came from the idea I had about what ATLA would be like if Zuko hadn't been there in the first place, but had been off doing something else. The first big problem that came up for me was the fact that Aang would still need a firebending teacher, and if Zuko wasn't there, Iroh was likely off with him, and therefore not available.
So, I started trying to figure out what I could do to separate Zuko from Iroh for pretty much the entire length of the show without making it too weird. From there, I realized the easiest thing would be if Zuko had never been sent to capture Aang in the first place. I decided that the easiest thing would be to simply throw Zuko into prison since the Agni Kai, make sure that Iroh hadn't been there at the Agni Kai, and go from there.
At that point, my interest had shifted from how the Gaang's adventures changed to instead being solely Zuko-focused. I wrote and published a one-shot of the start of the AU I'd made, but I kinda left it at that. There were people who commented wanting more, but I didn't really believe in my abilities to actually write a story of a larger scale. I also didn't know if there was any interest left in ATLA in the middle of 2019. The idea of writing it interested me, but if I was going to do that, I was going to go all in on it, and I didn't know how I felt about that.
The thing that really tipped it for me, if I'm being honest, was reading Towards the Sun by @muffinlance. Seeing an ATLA author succeeding and holding an audience, specifically in the times before the ATLA Renaissance because of Netflix, inspired me a shocking amount. It was the kinda thought of "well, if Muffin can do it, then so can I!" Which, to be fair, totally ignored the fact that she was a fully grown adult at the time, while I, 3.5 years later, have just now reached 'adult' status.
Still, it was enough for me, and so I wrote the next chapter in one night, published it, and we were off.
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“who are you?”
prompt: “who are you?”
whumpee: nick burkhardt
fandom: grimm
hi im back on my grimm bullshit this time with some torture! sorry for posting this so late in the day i was out and didn’t have enough time before to post. i edited beforehand but there is a chance some stuff might be weird idk and i am too tired to bother looking it over again.
His hands are tied up behind him, so tightly that they’re starting to go numb. His legs are tied up, too, but separately, each to the one of the legs of a chair. There is a thick blindfold covering his eyes, again tied far too tightly for him to have any hope of getting it off (he’d tried. Several times. But nothing had happened). 
Nobody’s here. He supposes they must be coming, though. People don’t generally get tied to chairs and blindfolded for no reason. 
He wishes he knew where he was. Who had taken him. He’d been exploring an old house, off the record, for reasons barely tangential to the actual case he was working. As far as he’d known, it didn’t belong to anyone, and no one in particular was using it, so he’d thought it’d be safe. 
He supposes it could still be. Just because being in that house is the last thing he remembers doesn’t exactly mean that it’s the last place he’d been. Whoever has him could have grabbed him from anywhere. Which is decidedly not a comforting thought. 
Finally, he hears a door open and close. He figures whoever it is isn’t going to be anyone pleasant, but at the very least they’re a sign that something is happening. Maybe they’ll tell him what’s going on.
He hears the person approach, heavy, even footfalls and steady breathing. Someone well acquainted with people tied to chairs, presumably. They say nothing. Just stand in front of him. Nick pictures eyes scrutinizing him, calculating. He wonders whether it isn’t better that he can’t see.
“Who are you?” he asks, after he becomes sure that several minutes have passed. The person still has said nothing, hasn’t moved. It’s a little creepy and entirely too suspenseful. If they’re going to do something to him (which they have to, he figures), the least they can do is get on with it. 
In answer to his question, he hears something slosh, and scarcely has time to wonder what it is before freezing-cold water is poured onto his head. He coughs, sure for a second that they’re going to waterboard him, but nothing else touches his face. He shivers. 
“What the hell was that for?”
No answer. 
He sits there, dripping, trying to figure out what the game is here. He has to admit, pouring water on someone doesn’t sound like the most effective torture technique out there. He’s cold, sure, but that’s it. There must be something worse coming, he thinks. 
And there is. 
At first, it doesn’t seem so bad. He feels metal prongs poke into his neck, and then a jolt of electricity that moves his whole body. This happens a few times. It’s fairly exhausting, but not extremely painful, though being wet definitely isn’t doing him any favors. 
Eventually, the shocks stop coming, leaving him shaking, whether from the electricity or from the water, he doesn’t know. Presumably both. 
“Wh-who are you?” he asks again, through chattering teeth. If he just knows who they are, maybe he can reason with them, tell them what they want to hear…
No answer. “What do you want?” he tries. Still, nothing. 
Someone punches him in the stomach, which is...unexpected. They hit him a few more times before stopping abruptly, like they’ve changed their mind. 
Which he supposes they have. He’s hit again, across the chest, but definitely not with a fist. It feels...like some kind of pipe, maybe? Definitely metal. It makes a sort of hollow clanging sound every time it hits him. He tries to think of other things about the pipe. Maybe it was from a plumbing system, or maybe left over at a build site...anything to distract himself from how it feels slamming into his torso, over and over, each time causing him to lose his breath, barely able to catch it before the next hit is coming. It’s a dull kind of pain, but it hurts more than the shocks had, and he can’t stop himself from making occasional noises of pain. He’d ask them to stop, too, if he had the breath to do it. 
Like they’ve read his thoughts, the beating stops. It takes a moment for that to sink in, as his body feels so raw with the pain that for all he can tell they may very well still be hitting him. But it must stop, because he hears the pipe clatter to the floor. 
Everything just aches. He tries to take a deep breath, feeling it catch in his throat with a kind of choking sound. It hurts. His whole torso throbs in time with his heartbeat. 
“What…” he tries to ask, but the person slaps him across the face, sharp in contrast to the pain in his torso, and he feels tears well unbidden in his eyes. Shutting up, he thinks. I got it. 
The water comes back, for a split second welcome against the burning in his face and the aching in his torso. Then it’s just cold. He shivers, feeling the movement interact unpleasantly with his injuries. 
Then they stab him. He doesn’t even feel it at first. Not until the warmth of his blood becomes noticeable against his cold skin. Then he feels it. Shallow and thin, but definitely a stab, into his right shoulder. It burns.
Evidently, the knife is not done being used with just the one stab. Nick feels it trace a slow pattern across his face, and then cut a thin line from the corner of his right eye down to the middle of his cheek. It’s actually not that painful. 
And then the knife is back, tearing cuts through his shirt until he’s sure the fabric must have turned red. Each cut on its own doesn’t hurt too much, but all together they do. Several of them are right across the area on his torso where they’d beaten him with the pipe. These ones present an especially intense pain that makes him wish that they’d knock him over the head just a little bit too hard. Unconsciousness is sounding really good about now…
Another round of water is dumped over his head, stinging unpleasantly on his new cuts. Then they punch him in the jaw, and then again on either side of his face, sending his head from one direction to the other entirely too quickly. They finish off the punches with a powerful one to his already battered and cut torso, which makes him scream for the first and only time. He takes a shuddering breath that turns into something like a sob, and can’t stop himself from muttering, “please...stop.”
They...listen? He feels his legs get untied, though he’s in too much pain to use them to kick out at his captor. Then he’s being lifted, his arms never getting untied, just moved upwards until they clear the back of the chair. He feels his body get thrown over someone’s shoulder with a jolting pain that makes all of his injuries hurt at once, and then something is held over his mouth and nose and he doesn’t try to fight it at all, just breathes in as deeply as he can and willingly falls into unconsciousness. 
He wakes up confused, shivering, cold, aching, still tied up, still blindfolded, lying on something that feels like dirt. He focuses his ears above the blood pounding in his head and hears a bird caw, hears distant cars. He’s outside. He’s free. 
The ropes around his wrists are looser now, and he manages to wriggle his hands free, feeling his wrists grow slick with blood. 
As soon as he gets a hand free, he’s reaching up to tear off the blindfold, noting with discomfort the pulling feeling on every single injury on his torso. It comes away, and...he still can’t see. Because it’s night, he reminds himself, blinking hard. A few stars twinkle in the sky, and faint moonlight comes through a cloud. He turns his gaze to his surroundings as he unties his ankles. 
He’s on a dirt path, surrounded by trees. They grow denser to his right and seem to disappear to his left. He hopes that means there’s a road, rather than some kind of cliff. 
He slowly gets to his feet, legs shaking underneath his weight. His body aches, and it feels like the hardest task in the world to just take a step, but once he starts walking it gets a little easier. He curls an arm protectively around his torso and starts off at a slow limp for the edge of the trees. 
A road. He’s never felt luckier in his entire life. It’s a fairly small road, with no cars on it and no lights on in any of its buildings, but it’s a road, and that means people, somewhere. People that can hopefully help him.
He looks around, squinting in the darkness, shivering in the cool nighttime air. There are no visible landmarks, just vague shapes that might be buildings or might be nothing at all. He wishes that the clouds would uncover the moon. 
Which they do, after a time. The moonlight reveals nothing but an empty stretch of road and a solitary billboard. Great, he thinks, and then he looks at the billboard again and realizes that he knows it - he’d driven past it earlier, on his way to the house he’d been exploring. It can’t be far, then. He doesn’t know whether he should really go back there, but it’s the only familiar thing he can think of, and familiarity sounds pretty damn good, so he sets off. 
At some point, he passes the billboard. The moon disappears back behind the clouds, and when he turns around he can’t see the billboard at all. He wonders for a horrible second whether or not he’s delirious and imagining things, and then he sees lights up ahead. He goes towards them instinctively, not particularly caring who they might belong to. He’s nearly gotten close enough to make out distinct figures when he hears footsteps behind him, and the sound of a gun clicking. 
He raises trembling hands into the air, hoping he’s not about to get killed after all of this. 
“Who are you? Turn around slowly,” says a voice, and Nick knows that voice. He’s safe. 
Any adrenaline that might’ve been in his body leaves it all at once, and he collapses to the ground, which hurts quite a lot, but the relief of lying down more than makes up for it. 
Until he feels a gun press into his back. 
“Stop, stop,” he mutters, hoping he’ll be heard. “‘S me. ‘S Nick.”
He nods jerkily, face scraping against the asphalt. The gun leaves his back, and he feels himself get turned over, then finds himself looking directly into the face of his boss. He doesn’t think he’s ever been more grateful to see the man in his life.
Renard is still for a moment, kneeling in front of him on the ground, looking him up and down. 
Nick waits for him to finish doing...whatever the hell it is he’s doing and ask him what had happened. But the question never comes. Instead, Renard very gently helps him up into a sitting position. Then he pulls off his jacket, and Nick wonders what he’s doing, because it’s really cold out here, and if he had a jacket on right now, he wouldn’t take it off for the world. 
And then there is a jacket on him, Renard’s jacket, too big but incredibly warm and dry, and he burrows himself into it as much as he can, grabbing its edges and pulling it tighter around his body. 
“What’s happening?” he hears someone say from above him. He resolutely does not look up at them, in fact scrunching his eyes shut. He really doesn’t want to share anything with anyone at the moment.
“I found him,” Renard says, and Nick experiences a shocking array of emotions in a few seconds as he realizes that there’s people out here who were looking for him. “Or, he found me.”
There’s a bit of chatter that he doesn’t really focus on, and then Renard’s hand is on his shoulder, and he’s asking whether Nick wants to tell them about it.
He really doesn’t. He shakes his head, feeling slightly overwhelmed as everything that had happened to him starts to sink in. 
“Okay, that’s fine,” Renard says, which is definitely not what Nick is expecting him to say.
His next statement is not addressed at Nick. “Clear up,” he says, and Nick hears feet moving away. “Thank you all for your help, but Detective Griffin and I have it handled from here.”
Nick hears another pair of feet approach and opens his eyes, relieved when the only people he sees are his Captain and his best friend. 
“Hey,” Hank says, sounding concerned but not pitying. “How are you doing?”
Nick shrugs. “Cold,” he says. “Wet...achy. Pain.” Not the most coherent sentence he’s ever uttered, though he figures it gets his point across well enough.
“I bet,” Renard says, rather gently. “We’ll get you to the hospital, and they’ll fix all that for you.”
He nods. The hospital...actually sounds pretty good, for once. He feels someone pick him up, very gently, though it hurts like hell anyway. 
He finds himself in the backseat of Renard’s car, lying down with his head across Hank’s lap. He’s pretty good for a makeshift pillow, Nick decides, as Renards starts the car. 
A short drive later, he’s being picked up again, and he watches with unfocused eyes as various doctors hurry up to their little group. Someone comes up with a gurney, and then he’s being set down onto it, and then he’s moving and Renard and Hank aren’t there, which is a scarier feeling than he’d like to admit, but then something pokes into his arm and everything fades away.
He wakes up hurting less, feeling rather warm and very much dry. He feels a bandage on his face, another on his shoulder, something wrapped around his torso…
“You awake?”
He blinks his eyes open and looks around for a second, until he sees Hank. He gives him a tired smile, which Hank returns. 
“Feeling better?”
Nick nods. “Much,” he says. “Thanks.”
“No thanks for me?” comes a voice from his other side. 
Nick turns around carefully, eyes landing on Renard, standing next to the bed with what looks like two steaming hot cups of coffee in his hands. 
Renard must catch Nick’s eye, because he steps around the bed and hands one of the cups to Hank, pulling the other close to himself. “Sorry, no coffee for hospital patients,” he says, almost smiling. Nick gives him the same tired smile he’d given Hank. 
“How long until I’m not a hospital patient?”
Renard sighs. “A day at most. Nothing required stitches, but they’d like to keep you for observation for a while.”
Nick nods. “Thanks,” he says, figuring Renard will understand he doesn’t just mean thanks for the information.
Renard nods. There’s silence for a second.
He knows what’s coming. 
“I’ll file a report,” he assures his boss. “Just...not until I’m out of here.”
He’s immensely grateful that neither of them presses him to talk about it any further. He will talk about it, he knows, and it’ll be fine, but for the moment, everything’s a little too raw and he’s a little too tired to be able to do it.
His eyes slip closed, and he hears Renard leave. Hank doesn’t move, staying right where he is, and Nick knows this means he’s safe, so he gives in to sleep.
thanks so much for reading!! love u <3
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simplestoriestold · 5 years
Dont tell me how to celebrate my Christmas
Okay so. I have this “friend” who dont celebrate Christmas cuz shes a hindu so they have other celebrations and what not. But she still goes to Christmas parts whn invited. (Malaysian culture is celebrating everybody’s cultural festival no matter race, culture or whatever). This “friend” is also my partner on a journal article we’re working on.
So i celebrate Christmas. I dont go to church, but my family and i still celebrate it nevertheless. The way we celebrate is that we get togther and spend time with each other and have lots of fun and everything. Its a lovely season, so we spend it doing things we love which is not the same as how “everybody else” does it.
So the point is, just cuz its Christmas, i got the excuse to not attend class because its my holiday and i get to see my family ( i live in campus) about once a month or every 2 months or so. And that is only the weekends. Since its christmas time, i wasnt on campus for about a week or so. So i got to skip some classes.
This “friend” of mine however thinks that she knows all about christmas just cuz she sees her other friends doing other christmasy things like going to church n having cake and parties and whatnot have the nerve to tell me that im not celebrating christmas and that i hv no right to skip class. She also complains that im not giving enough effort on the journal article and said that im only doing the “simpe stuff” and “pushing the hard work” on her. She also said that im the reason why she couldnt get her holiday earlier becuz i wasnt back in campus yet. So im the reason why she was stuck is a so called god forsaken hellhole.
Bitch please.
First of all, dont you dare say im not celebrating christmas. Bitch do u even know what christmas is? Every family has their own tradition into celebrating. Who are you to tell me how i wanna celebrate it? So what i dont go to church? So what im not having a party? U didnt even celebrated deepavali cuz ur uncle passes away, so? But u still went back right? U still had a get together right? Why cant i hv a get together with the people i love?
Number 2. This bitch goes back to her home EVERY WEEK. BITCH YOU SEE YOUR MOTHER EVERY WEEK. Dont you dare restrict me frm going home or say that i was the reason you cant hv ur “holiday” earlier. I get to see my own mother for once a year. Maybe twice if im lucky ( i study in another state) i got back home to my grandmother. Not my parents. Talking about parents, mine are divorce. You have a complete family that is happy staying togther. So what i wanna go back to my grandmother? I see her once a month. Why are u blaming me for something that you do everyweek anyway? My other friend did defend me saying “its Christmas, let her have her family time”. Bitch said “yeah, but i dont see her celebrating it by cutting cake with her family and shit” bitch please.
Num3. She complained about not being able to go home on a tuesday. A fucking tuesday which is barely anything into a week. And whats funny was, on the saturday before that i texted her about not being on campus till wednesday and she told me that i dont hv to come bck since we dont have class for the nxt 2 days and our supervisor wont be available anyway. As long my work is done shes fine. Told me to enjoy my Christmas and have fun. Why the fuch would you tell me that i dont have to come bck and then complain to others that im not coming back and blame me for not being able to go home yourself? SHE LITERARY LIVES ABOUT 30MIN DRIVE FROM CAMPUS. I need to take about 2 1/2 to head back to my grandmothers home. By PUBLIC TRANSPORT. She drives a car to her own home. Bitch what the fuck??
Num4, the part about the journal article. We barely get any shit done. Out of the 12 things we should do ( i made a list to mke things easier) so far we only covered 5. And out of the 5 i did 2. The 3 things that bitch done was 1/2 of something we did together, she only finalized it, a methodology which dont need much brain power and 1 problem statement which SHE COPY PASTED AND EDITED FROM MY OWN PEVIOUS WORK. She even had the nerve to say she did all that work sheself and that i pushed the hard things to her. Bitch i did literature review which consist of reading amples of other journal articles/thesis/case studies and citing quotes from em. A work that the bitch herswlf said she didnt want to do cuz “its too hard for me. I suck and literature reviews” bitch said the work was too hard for her. And when she was complaining, said i took the easy way out. What the fuck? The other thing i had to do was coming up with an introduction. I admit it dont take much brainpower but i still cited some stuff. A thing im sure bitch aint familiar with.
She complains everything to my other friends and not to my face. All barks but no bite. So i got all these information thru other friends of mine. Wanna know the best part? She claims to be my “BEST FRIEND” best friends dont complain shit. Crap even regular friends dont do this. Fun part, this isnt the first time shes complained about me. Like, im not even surprise that she did. I dont even mind if she complains about me as a person. I know im not best of person n im not perfect. But dont you dare tell me how i want to spend my christmas the “RIGHT WAY” bitch you dont know anything. Dont you dare come at me with that shit. I really hope whn im finish with this project im really finish with her. The only reason im still holding on and keeping up with whatever shit she throws at me is cuz shes my partner and i need to finish my project ASAP.
Stop living your high school fantasy world and smell the fucking coffee.
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riskeith · 4 years
you just responded and i nyoomed to answer. yes my days consist of waiting for you. yes i’m not ashamed to admit it. <3
that makes so much sense actually? like A Lot of sense. i don’t think you should feel bad about that at all i mean if you are comfortable with how you perceive them then by all means! haha! what’s fun about fanfics is that people can take one character and shape them in so many different ways. canon doesn’t anyways give us depth to characters yet writers do which 🙏🏽 godsent. but then again, it can feel weird if someone makes them behave like ~someone~ else haha. i remember it used to be a hot topic in voltron actually, where people would portray lance as a weak and emotional guy only even if he’s arguably the bravest and most bamf... people didn’t like that very much. do you know what i’m talking about?
I’M SO EXCITED TO READ ALL OF THESE. thank you so much you just set my late night weekend plans 😏. and oh god esselle is the ao3 writer. i love their bnha fics so much. can’t wait to read their haikyuu stuff as well. kagehina too... 🥺 dude, i saw some oikage things last night and i have my eyes open.. 👁 i know you like them a lot so hm... i’ll definitely read that as well i love the summary already.
he’s puppy-like so would he like to play in the water? i want to say so, just bc i think it would be cute for him to splash around 🥺
just one?? wow now i get what you meant in your earlier messages, shskdhsk. all my current friends i’ve known since we were children, i don’t even know how to make new friends irl tbh.... AND SAME!!!! CHILDHOOD FRIENDS TO LOVERS GO BRR. and god the best thing is how things change but at the same time they don’t? like they start to notice little things and realize they’ve always liked them? or the ‘i thought best friends felt like this towards each other’.... aaaaaaaah. 🥺 but then again enemies to lovers.. the tension and the yearning? the moment everything just snaps? god i couldn’t pick my favorite i don’t think. i just love those two so much equally hahah.
if it’s cyberpunk vibes i will combust. i love those aesthetics so much.. (waiting for ps5 to restock so i can run around in night city in cyberpunk 2077 forever.) but yeah it makes sense for it to be themed like that but it’s so funny to think about transporting from the whispering woods to like... large billboards and grungy streets. AR 35?? oh that’s must earlier than i expected. so i take it the main story isn’t done yet?
how sexy, even though this blog is just our messenger app at this point snskdhkddhj.. once again, i’m sorry riskeith stans.. 🙏🏽
i wish i could get you all the cotton candy in the world. and wow kenma HAIR!! sounds so cute but wait oh my god,,, do you have short hair,....... 😳💗💓💕👁💘💝💓😭💗👀💖💓💘💝💞 do you? 😳💢 how was it shaving everything? must’ve been such a big decision!! 😳
ikr? like most of the fics i’ve read portrays them as a angst ship which i do love a lot but you’re right it’s funny bc in canon they’re just.. supportive idiots. i think it’s the oikawa fangirls thing and iwa being annoyed by it that people get hooked on. at least i think since it’s almost always there in the fics... :+ DO YOU LIKE IT? i’m so obsessed with it i saw a edit on ig with klance and that song earlier and it fits them so well too... 🥺 anyway back to iwaoi, i think i like writing from iwa’s pov actually? i haven’t tried writing much from oikawa’s yet but idk.,, iwa’s personality just speaks to me. also i like that oikawa’s personality is so complex to understand, it’s easier to spice up the angst that way. (I DON’T 🥺 it’s such a sad topic for me bc it’s my ultimate dream to drive but it costs soo much money to get it here and i’ve been too busy to invest... 😭 wbu?????) I KNOW MEMO AND OH MY GODNESS? i’m sure the fic is sooo good oh god.... the vibes. 😭 please tell me what it’s about. please. 🙇🏽‍♀️
OH it means that i’m just gonna reread your fics until you post something new... here i thought i was being clever and cute shshskdhdks
STOP YOU KEEP MAKING ME SO EXCITED aaaa ma’am please... think about my heart. 🥺
here’s a new topic to discuss; are you a coffee or tea person? (or neither.. please don’t say so)
kiss, m.a. 💘
i keep forgetting to check whether you’ve responded or not before shutting down my laptop and i’m left to answer on my phone 😭😭 and i too spend my days awaiting your responses <333 but i always forget to check after a period of time HFJSKFKSKCKNC i swear i’m checking like once every 5 min but the moment i forget you respond NCKSNDN
bro (do you mind being called stuff like that lol) writers give us everything canon is too cowardly to give.… truly blessed 🙏🙏 yeah i do!! there are a lot of complaints about mischaracterisation in hq fandom too actually… which i think is fair enough but at the end of the day just let these people have their fun you know.. it’s not harming anyone and if you don’t like it just don’t read! lol
i haven’t read much of esselle’s bnha actually (aside from tdbk) but i just know they’re absolutely amazing!!!!!! absolute legend i hope (i know you will tho hehe) you enjoy her kagehina toooo. and yes oikage!!!!!! omg pls 😭😭😭 i wish they were more popular aaaa
🥺🥺🥺 razor in one of those baby pools.. RAZOR WITH POOL FLOATIES!!! my goodness 😭😭😭😭
fjksnxksndm yeah but i think i might be an outlier in that… LOL oops. and you’re so right like they just grew up together and like grew in love it’s so natural and just comes to them like they were always supposed to be together and they are <333 bc soulmates <33333 BUT YEAHHH THE MOMENT EVERYTHING SNAPS YOU KNOW IT!!!!! god when person A SAVES person B even tho they’ve “hated” them the entire time...… but when they were faced with a tough circumstance they realised they couldn’t bear the thought of being without them 😩😩👌👌👌👌👌👌
omg ps5.… ngl i considered buying a ps console so i could play the last of us 2 chxjjskskxjxjs. have you seen all the cyberpunk memes tho? lolol. nah main story isn’t done!! i think the main story is supposed to develop all 7 worlds until we find our sibling so like.… it ain’t gonna be over for a LONGGGG time (lol omg could you imagine if mih*y* pulled a me and like 4 worlds in was just ‘ok soz i’m uninterested now you can imagine how the game would’ve gone’ HFJSJFKSKFKDJ)
HAHAHAHHA it legitimately is. riskeith who??? more like marriage anon stan account. fjdkfnnd anyways to my other followers hope y’all are enjoying the show 🤪
i do have short hair rn!!! lowkey a bowl cut but i’m also trynna grow out a mullet djksndksnd. and having a shaved head was so nice.. i literally just couldn’t stop touching it after cjskckksnfks. and it wasn’t that big of a decision to me tbh i’m not that fussed about my hair like i know some other people are djskkd the biggest obstacle was getting my parents to agree 💀💀💀 (much like i am trying now..…) i used to have my hair long for ballet, but once i quit i just kept getting it cut shorter and shorter and then voila! shave. GJDJKSKDND
true.. jealous iwa.. i have that in one of my wips i believe FJSJJCKSKDK (it might even be in the memo fic?) AND UHHHH i didn’t love the song ;–; it’s just… slow HFKALDLAKDK and not the mood i was in when i heard it cjdkslxllskcjskcnkscnkzmxmcm omg no not klance 😭😭 they have a lot of angst too.. (i say, as if there isn’t a single klance fic of mine that doesn’t have angst JFJDJSKDJ) OMG YOU LIKE WRITING IWA POV TOO???? you 🤝 me iwa kin. i joke that it’s because i, much like him, am very much in love with oikawa. (aw no i’m so sorry for bringing it up 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 but i’m on my learner’s rn!) IVE POSTED THE OUTLINE ONCE (not a good sign… LMAO) https://kaheyama.tumblr.com/post/190015338287/yall-want-some-iwaoi-angst THERE!! also wait i just realised it has manga spoilers.… maybe don’t look fjdknfjd (you could stop after “pining iwaizumi hajime” but i don’t want to accidentally spoil you 😭😭)
JFKSKSLAKFKSKCJLSKD IM so sorry it WAS clever and cute my brain was just not big enough at the moment to understand 😭😭😭😭😭 but thank u as always i appreciate 💗💗💗💗💗💗💗 so honoured you would even think about going back to them lord knows i don’t KFKSJSKA
HEHEHE NO MERCY!!! but ok ok i shall lay low until the day comes 😋😋😋
tea!! simply bc i can’t sleep if i drink coffee fjskfjsj. but that’s been happening with tea too so i haven’t even had tea recently 😭😭😭😭😭 flavour wise i think i like coffee more but also you get so much more variety with tea? hm. HAHA. hbu??
hugssss, c.r. 💝
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minishawmd · 7 years
Jokes (Chrismd)
Requested?: Nope, Had an Idea Warnings?: None Pairing: Chris and Reader I have so many requests right now, and I'm sorry that this is not one. I hope that the next one that I post will be one of my requests. So if you requested one, don't worry I'm getting to it. I'm just having a hard time with writing right now. This is not my best work. But I kinda liked it. ___________________________________________________ Y/N POV Lately Chris hasn't been paying much attention to me. I mean he has, but it's been like quick kisses and cuddles at night. He's been busy with everywhere he been traveling. He's just got back from Barcelona, and he's been editing a video since. One of our favorite things to do, is to say stupid poems and puns to each other. Recently I have come up with a few that I am going to test out on him. I'm going to test the first one out tonight. As of right now, I am laying in bed, waiting for him to finish editing so he will come to bed. "Hey Chris." "Yes Y/N?" "Roses are red, Violets are blue. Guess what? My bed has room for two." I hear him let out a soft chuckle. "I think that bed has room for more than two," he says turning around in his chair "But if that is your way of trying to get me to come to bed. It worked." I smile as he gets up from his chair and joins me in bed. Wrapping his arms around me, I cuddle into him, resting my head on his chest. ~Few Days Later~ I've helped Chris film a video today, for his channel. Nothing to special, mainly him just trying to do different tricks and things. Although,  I swear that this boy is trying to kill me, with all his teasing and what not. By teasing I mean, he's been licking his lips every now and then. Also bee smirking over at me, when he does something on the first try. To be honest with everyone, Chris and I haven't done anything in probably almost two months. So you could say that I am a bit deprived, as is he, but neither of us will admit it. So this keeps going on. Finally after what feels like forever, he and I are packing up all of the equipment and heading off to his car, Upon arriving at his car, we put everything into the trunk of his car. I turn around when he places his hands on my hips. "Thank you for coming and helping me film today." "I'm always happy to help you. No matter what it is." I say, wrapping my arms around his neck "But I could have done without the teasing." "I have no idea what you are talking about." He whispers, leaning in and pressing his lips to mine. I quickly return the kiss, moving my lips with his. He gently leans me back against his car, the kiss now becoming a bit more passionate. When he moves his lips down to my neck, another thing to say to him, pops into my head. "Chris." I mumble He hums in response, still pressing light kisses to my neck. "Twinkle, twinkle little star, we can do it in the car." I can feel him then begin to laugh against my neck, at my words. "You completely just killed the mood." He says, pulling away from me. "Oops," I say shrugging my shoulders "I was just trying to tell you something." He shakes his head "You're so weird, but I love you for it." "Well I love you too." "Let's just get home." He then goes and gets in the car, I follow getting in on my side. Upon arriving home, Chris sits down at his desk, putting his memory card into his computer. Uploading all the footage from today. I lean down and rap my arms around his neck from behind. "You know, I didn't mean to kill the mood so much earlier." "Didn't kill it too much." He says "I'm still up for anything." I roll my eyes, standing up "You would be" "So I take it that you don't want to do anything?" "I never said that." I am now sitting down on his bed, taking off my shoes, as he turns around in his chair. He then gets up from his chair and joins me on the bed. "In that case." He mumbles, pressing his lips to mine, which I quickly return. Soon he is laying me back on the bed, with him gently laying on top of me. My hands go up to his neck, pulling him in closer to me. The kiss only getting more passionate as time goes on. Just as he is about to pull off my top, the sound of the front door being opened and closed travels its way into the room. Which causes Chris to pull away from me. "Looks like we may actually have to do it in the car." I say in a joking manner. "Shut up." He says, crawling off of me "What? I was just stating a fact." I say sitting up He looks over me "I hate you." "No, you love me." "Shut up Y/N." "Fine." I say holding my hands up "Just trying to make you laugh." "You're being so annoying today." I sigh, and fall back onto the bed. "But I love you." "You better." The rest of the night is filled with stupid phrases exchanged between the two of us. Some coming from Chris, some coming from me. That's just how typical nights go with the two of us. Something that I have come to love. Im happy that I found someone who has the same sense of humor that I do. It sure makes having a relationship a whole lot easier.
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heroheart · 7 years
im stressing and i look up to you a lot so i was just wondering: do you have any final exam tips? mine start on monday im dying
hey pal! first of all, good luck!!!! they’ll soon be over!!!! you’re at the last hurdle!!! just think about how free and relieved you’ll feel when you’ve finished!!! i have the worst revision habits but things i’ve found that have worked in the past… and it’s long but i really DO hope it’s helpful! if you need any help whatsoever, feel free to message again or IM me!
    the number 1 rule: 
                                        STAY. OFF. TUMBLR.
on the night before your actual exams, i find it’s always really important to have a decent night’s sleep. and truuuuust me i know the toss-up between ‘i don’t know enough so i can’t go to sleep right now’ and 'i need to rest so i can actually understand what i’m doing in the morning’. BUT i’ve always found (especially recently) if i don’t get a good 7 hours sleep before an exam, even reading the questions becomes harder (my last exam was a horror show to begin with because i didn’t understand the questions when i first read them. i was like what the fuck does that even mean… and that was after 4 hours sleep. i actually had to think about what it was even asking me, let alone whether i knew what i was talking about.). you may have studied for longer, but that doesn’t necessarily mean you’ll remember it, because learning is about consolidation as well, and giving your brain enough rest and SLEEP is really important for that. so! get seven hours at least please my lil cherub you need it. also remember to set alarms and discipline yourself enough to actually get up for them because!!!! remember you get so much time off afterwards so!!!
a hard™ part for me is always 'okay, i could study… or i could watch tv… or do this… or do something else…’ and you just need to remember that exams aren’t forever!!! you're so close to being done and afterwards, you can do all those things you said you wanted to do. SO sideline learning a new language or learning how to draw or catching up on that one tv show you really like, because afterwards, you have all the time in the world.
if you live by yourself, when you’re cooking, cook enough for 2+ meals. this means the next day, you don’t have to cook a meal from scratch and you can just micro it and it’s quick and easy and means mealtimes don’t have to take up like an entire hour’s chunk of time. (either that, or live off something easy for a while. i lived off omelettes, toast, cereal and fruit in my last week before my exams recently. you can make all of these eaaaasily and quickly. brain food is also important so!! don’t live off junk… hard, but try and get some nutrition.) i also did this for drinks and stuff. i drink a lot of tea (brit af 🇬🇧) and to stop me from making so many cups every like hour i’d just use a thermos and make like 3 at once fskjfsdh. also keeps it warm. HOWEVER, don’t study on an empty stomach because all you’ll think about is food lmao!!!!
if your exams are coming up soon, i wouldn’t recommend changing your revision/studying style. i also don’t recommend writing down schedules and making rotas even though the thought is great! really helpful! having an idea of what you want to get accomplished in the day makes it so much easier to complete because then you feel good at the end of it all, so that i do recommend. but writing it down and making a schedule takes up so much time (for me, anyway.) so if you do want a physical reminder of what you want to get done that day, i’d suggest making a to-do list. for example, mine was like '2x virology lectures, 1x drug transport’, not explicitly write ‘i’d spend an hour on this, then do that,’ etc.
you can’t study every hour of the day! you need to relax and chill for a bit! if all you’re doing is studying, i’d suggest getting up early, regimenting breaks into your schedule, and then you can finish a little earlier too. for example, i stick to working hours as much as possible. eat cereal, start at 9, break at 11 for 15 mins, lunch at 1, then work 2-5. then, depending on how close to exams i get, i take a break then, and then go back to it. then dinner, then back to it. ideally, i try not working beyond 9/10pm because by then i’m exhausted and saturated with information which needs to be consolidated (sleep!). however, to do this, avoid caffeine!!!!! wherever possible, anyway!! i try not drinking caffeine after around 4pm usually so i can literally sleep whenever lmao. this is the ideal! 
i’ve been taught that if you find yourself getting tired and it’s a reasonable time to go to sleep, go to sleep and set your alarm to wake up an hour earlier in the morning, because you’ll be WAY more productive in the morning after a sleep. i’ve been taught that you get twice the amount done if you do that instead of trying to power through it late at night. ALSO DON’T NAP!!! i know!! studying is soooo fucking dull and painfully tiring and that temptation’s always there but pls don’t you won’t sleep and it’ll put you off kilter!!
i tend to wake up early on the morning of exams. recently, i was waking up at 6 for 11 or 12o'clock exams. this let me do the last minute bits, maybe an hour of actual writing and drawing and attempting to learn, and the rest of that time was spent re-reading old notes that i’d made before it. don’t freak out! i know the 'i know nothing’ feeling before an exam, and i know how it feels to go into that exam hall thinking you don’t know anything, but buddy… your brain’s an amazing thing. seriously, it’s cool as shit. you’ll find that even if you think you don’t know something, it’ll come back to you. you know more than you think you know!!!!! even if you didn’t study it, if you were listening when it was first taught, i find certain words act as cues and if you remember where you were for when you were taught it, it comes back for me sometimes!!!this being said, don’t fret if you don’t know things. no one’s asking you to get 100% on your exams!! a lot of the time, they make it so you can’t… because they’re arrogant and too proud to admit that someone knows the entire syllabus. (that’s what they did for us. my first lecture was one of my lecturers standing in front of the entire year and saying 'no one’s ever scored 100% on our exams before so don’t expect it’.) it’s okay not to know everything!! schools, unis, whatever you’re studying for – they know what they’re doing. they pile an insane amount of stuff onto you and it’s stressful! exams are stressful! it’s true!!! no one’s asking you to score perfectly.what i’m also saying with this point is don’t over-saturate your brain the morning of the exam. think about it. your exam’s in two hours. all the REAL time you’ve had to get to grips with the information has gone. this is why i read over notes before the exam – because if i go back and start trying to learn something i don’t already know, i panic. at least reading notes feels productive and it’ll stay in your short-term memory. repetition is really good for moving chunks of information into different memory stores, and re-reading notes is that kind of thing.
don’t just try and learn things verbatim. you have to understand what you’re talking about, instead of just regurgitating facts. i can’t tell you how many times i was googling stuff like ‘define osteomalacia’ and simple science terms that i forgot and needed to know in order to understand what’s going on. it’s all about building blocks. remembering the basis means you can remember the more elevated stuff! this also gives it more meaning and we remember more things if they mean more to us. this is also why just making lists and writing things out doesn’t work.be creative! get colourful! studying is one of the only excuses i have to whip out my colouring pens so you bet your ass i colour that red blood cell in or whatever. go nuts, kids.
as unfortunate as this one sounds, it’s… important. do not attempt to listen to music at the same time. it doesn’t work. especially if you’re looking at complex stuff that you don’t quite understand yet. don’t try it. it subverts your concentration and makes everything SO much harder. (if you do need to listen to music because it’s too loud around you, i’d suggest instrumental music on a very low volume just to tune out other noises. music itself is a controlled noise so it can be helpful, but only at low volumes. i find that when i listen to music, i have it on like 1 or 2 on my phone’s volume and after the first couple of songs, i zone out and forget about it anyway.) silence is ideal! try and put yourself in a situation where you can get it!
another point to make is that we use contextual cues in order to remember things. unfortunately, this means staying out of bed. get up, sit at your desk, or a table, and work from there. it works so much better and you’re in a more work-related environment. your memory relies on contextual cues so if you study at a table, and you sit the exam at a table, there’s the possibility that you’ll remember more.
YOUR PHONE IS YOUR ENEMY. and so is tumblr, facebook, insta, twitter, or whatever else you use. STAY AWAY FROM THEM. they are the DEVIL and the biggest killers of productivity. turn your phone off, or hide it away from your desk, or at the very least, turn it upside down and put don’t disturb on. discipline yourself with your laptop so you won’t go on these sites. it’s really important, because you’ll lose your focus and forget where you were and then you won’t be able to get back into it as easily. if you’re on a roll, stay on a roll!!
                     most importantly, don’t panic!!!!!! easier said than done, i know. and i know how it feels to stress and i know how it affects everything, but it’s really important. just take a minute. breathe. then get back to it. good luck, friend!!!
edit: one last point to make is that self-care is really important. take time to shower. you'll feel better. get into comfy clothes. you'll feel better. you are allowed to take time for yourself.
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