#which in the past ? yes I can definitely see her doing something like that
defmaybe · 2 days
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aespa’s Yoo Jimin/Karina x Male Reader
Prequel to Not Shy
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A/N: Kind of extension to Not Shy! Also, this is my last sprint before the midterms lol, I’ll be back after that and try to write something good. Kinda rough bc there’s no beta-reading lol. Thanks for reading as always!!!
“You? A student council member?”
“It’s just the treasurer!”
It’s the easiest position, according to your seniors, which seems to be much, much more credible sources than Kai, the friend you got caught in a debate with.
“Just the treasurer. Mate, have you seen the lads from last year? I swear that one of them almost died.”
“I have to build my portfolio, man. You even have your dance club!” You retort, trying to grasp on something.
“Well, it’s because I like to dance.” Kai says in a mocking tone. He doesn't mean to be condescending, of course. He’s your best friend, after all. “Do you like to work with Excel?”
“I mean–”
“Board games? No, too nerdy. Cheerleader? No, too demanding. And then you fucking jumped onto the student council? I swear, man, you definitely have some kind of death wish,” he says.
You sigh, surrendering to his points. Still, you're too deep in the application process to turn back now. You look back at your phone, seeing all the completed questions in the form.
“I’m not leaving you behind, still,” Kai says, patting your back. “I’ll give you caffeine when you need it.”
Do you think you’re qualified to be a student council member?
“I’m sending it now.”
“Good luck.”
Thank you for your submission. We will announce our selection by May 1st.
Maybe it was how the last year’s council members turned out to be. You were the only one who applied for the treasurer's position. Hell, even the other ones aren’t any more popular either. There was no one in the head of first aid, and they had to roll out another round of applications for that.
The fresh faces of the new student council members are all standing inside this meeting room—so determined, so passionate. Their chatters fill the room up with life.
You glance around the room. You’re familiar with some of them, walk-pasts in the hallways, sitting-fars in the classes, until one woman catches your eye.
Yoo Jimin, you’ve heard that she beat the second place applicant for president by quite a margin. Her confidence is probably what makes her so alluring to the students. Also, her face, fuck, her face, she’s the fucking epitome of perfection.
Maybe it’s the way you stare at her for just a little too long; she starts to walk towards you, and that’s when you fell into her trap for the first time.
She stops just a step away, offering you a handshake—firm, assured.
“Yoo Jimin,” she declares—stern, expressionless.
“Pleasure to meet you, Jimin.” You accept her grip, lips curling inward, letting out a minuscule smile—relaxed, reserved.
“We’ll be working together for the next year. I’m looking forward to it.” She keeps it professional in the expression she makes. There’s nothing to be made of it, except for the fact that she’s very reticent with her face.
You force out another small smile. “I’m also looking forward to it, Jimin.”
“Areas! I need two tables and four chairs. Parcels, get your equipment ready.”
The first meeting between the freshmen and their seniors is always the hardest to perfect. There’s the idea that the first impression defines the future of the relationship between the two. So, here you are, in your faculty’s First Meet event. You’re lucky that they let you use the air conditioners on the d-day. Those fucking run-throughs got you all melted.
You have little work to do today, having managed the proposals and preparing to do the post-production stuff. So, you’re at the core team’s table, playing whatever your old laptop can handle, until—
“Are you free?”
You look up from your screen to see the angelic figure that is Yoo Jimin standing in front of you, towering you with ease with you sitting in your seat.
“Uh–,” you can only let out a hesitation.
“I guess you’re—” she bends over the desk to see the gaming screen, before letting out a small laugh. “—free?”
“Y–Yes, Jimin.” A slight view of her cleavage can be seen with her posture, and you have to do your best to find something else to look at.
“Good. Can you help us carry a few tables?”
You look at your frail arms—should’ve done some more work at the gym. “If you want me to tear my biceps.”
Jimin chuckles, before closing on your ear, left hand pressing on your right thigh, “Don’t worry that you wouldn’t be able to jerk off, treasurer. I can do it for you.”
You freeze, not believing the words coming out of her mouth. Did she just say that? Such lewd words?
Jimin, sensing your tensed up body, pulls back from you and laughs. “Oh my god, look at you. I was just fucking with you!”
“Good grief, Jimin. You could’ve killed me,” you huff.
She shoots back a beam. “Come on, let’s get to work.”
The clicking sound of your keyboard and the scratches of the bills you’re arranging permeates the room this evening. Jimin is sitting on the other side of the trash-ridden table—stationeries, snack wraps—eyes unfocused as she swipes one short video after another. Her thoughts seem to be elsewhere now. Dinner? Bed? Someone? You’ll never know.
“Fucking hell, this bitch again,” she mutters under her breath, which you catch. You look up from the budget plan you’re working on, meeting her eyes.
“Sorry, Tinder stuff.”
You return her a tiny smile before going back to inputting the bills. Still, you can hear Jimin’s tossing and turning in her chair as she seems to type something into her phone, before smashing her thumb on the right side of its poor screen. You can’t help but let out a chuckle, one that she catches.
“Yeah, it’s pathetic, isn’t it?” Jimin rhetorizes, placing her phone on the table. “A student president that just can’t find any partner.”
You shrug, still typing, “Well, the work is gruelling.” And she chuckles at your statement.
“Yeah, I guess so. But it’s just, how to explain?” She furrows her eyebrows, tapping her chin to seek the right word in the air, before coming to an answer. “I just can’t find the right person, you know? Half of the line is gone once I show any bit of confidence, and the other half are, well, clingy ass bitches.”
You smile back at her, trying to give her some solace in solitude. “I’m sure you’ll find the right person soon, Jimin. You like–have the whole faculty in your hands.”
She gives you a weak smile. “You always have pleasant words for everyone, treasurer.”
You smile back before returning to your accounting work, unbeknownst to the light bulb brightening up inside her head.
“So, how’s your love life?” She asks, rising from the other side. She leans forward ever so slightly, hands supporting her frame on the white table, slightly revealing the valley of her breasts.
You break yourself from the laptop, once again, meeting her cleavage in your line of sight for a split second. It’s magnetic, but you’re able to resist it, for now.
“I mean… you don’t seem to be an awful choice for women, or men, judging from… how many months?”
“Four,” and you gulp.
“Yeah, four months with you, my treasurer. But I’ve never quite caught you being involved in anything,”—she stands up straight, before slowly striding towards your seat, hips swaying at each nifty step—“romantic.”
You clench your eyes ever so tightly at her alluring motion—the swaying hips, the crossing steps—as if there’s anything to examine but her burning lust. “Well, Jimin, I don’t think the passive mid-table guys get much,” you state.
“Is that so? Because you don’t seem to belong at the mid-table.” The distance between you two is shrinking, slowly. And with a few more small steps, you find her towering over you, chest basking in front of your face.
Jimin bends down slowly, revealing just a slight sight of her gorgeous cleavage. The poor crop top is struggling to hold her supple flesh within, even with the workshop shirt helping. You shift just slightly in your seat.
Your eyes are doing their best to resist the magnetic force, but her big brown eyes aren't a sanctuary, either.
“Thanks, miss president.”
Her Dior J’adore is enrapturing you.
“You know, I notice the perfume you wear every day, even if it’s just CK One.” She forces sultry into her perceptive words, and to say, it works. She drags her right middle finger along the length of your arm, lighting a fire in its trail.
You try to keep your composure; it works, for now. She doesn’t seem to notice the sweat hanging off your forehead yet.
“Or how you dress so damn well to class, even if it’s some fuckass subject,” Jimin continues, tracing her hands up to your forearm now.
Your breath hitches, and you can just connect the dots so easily.
“W–Why me, though, Jimin?”
“Oh, clever boy, I just need the real thing, that’s all,” she coos. Her digits are playing with the line of your collarbones now. 
“See, I’m just so fucking sick of my—well, what’s the word, devices. They’re pleasurable, sure, but unlike a real person, which in this case—is you—” Her hand grabs your chin from behind, and you can’t find any resistance. Her sonic reduces into a sensual whisper into your ear. “—they lack warmth.”
“S–So, do you want to have—”
“Sex? Yes, I want you inside me, baby. I want you body clashing against mine, while you moan my name like you’re some common whore.”
It’s haywire, your mind. You are lost in her—her voice, her face, her body, everything that’s about Jimin. Is she really inviting you to have sex with her? Is this interaction even real?
“So, what do you say, wanna go somewhere after this? Somewhere—small, somewhere—private.” Her voice dives into a whisper beside your ear, and you can feel a smile forming beside it. “I’m sure you can work on your bills—anywhere.”
You stare forward, trying to look unfazed to cover your crumbling composure.
“I–I can work on the bills anywhere, Jimin.” Your voice betrays you.
She gives a quiet laugh, “Good to know, treasurer,” before lightly grabbing your chin, with her index and middle finger resting on your lips. Are they seeking silence or entry?
Slowly, they push your upper lip ever so slightly, eliciting a whimper from you. Fuck, is she trying to—
“You know what to do, baby.”
You open your mouth for her—now courtesy of Yoo Jimin. You take in her fingers. They’re cold from the air conditioner. Bite. Lick. Swallow. You close your eyes while doing so, absorbing her taste with your tongue. You feel you’re under her control—so submissive. It’s ecstatic.
“God, do you like being called a whore? Because you’re acting like one right now,” Jimin asks.
You profusely nod at her statement, continuing to suck on her fingers.
“Then keep doing it, whore.”
Your eyes roll into the back of your head as you can hear her giggle. And as your vision comes back to her, the free hand is rubbing against her clothed core now. Mewling sounds can be heard.
“God, keep sucking it, baby. I’ve never cummed as fast as this before.”
“Ngh.” And you keep sucking her fingers.
A sound of the door stops you in your tracks though.
“Guys, I need a few chairs–am I interrupting something?”
Ning Yizhuo, head of student welfare, barges into the room. She stares straight at you two. Good thing Jimin pulls her digits out and puts them behind her back before Yizhuo’s eyes catch sight of you glistening on her, leaving you stranded in your burning desire for your president.
Maybe it’s the way your eyes are still fluttering. Maybe it’s the way your mouth ever so slightly hangs open. Maybe it’s your quick breaths.
Yizhuo wants to know what’s up.
“We’re just–” Jimin tries to find the right word in your eyes. Her blinks are rapid. She’s concerned. She’s afraid.
“You’re–what?” Yizhuo isn’t a patient figure. She’s trying to gauge something out of Karina.
“I–I’m adjusting his posture! O–Our dear treasurer has a bad sitting posture and–”
“Cut the shit, Jimin. What the fuck did you guys do?”
“S–See, he’s sitting a lot, you know? B–Bills. Accounting. Excel stuff.” Jimin’s brows hint at the concern within her chuckle. She pushes the middle of your back to set you straight up. As you follow her move, Yizhuo clenches her eyes.
“Just get me some chairs and don’t fuck inside this room.”
Jimin swings her door open, and as expected, every single bit of it is immaculately kept clean. There’s not a single piece of trash on the floor of her white room; the table is meticulously arranged; the bed is folded. There’s a Meteora vinyl placed on her shelf. God, what a tasteful woman.
“Drop your bag.”
You comply as she also does so.
And she immediately pounces on your body, consuming your taste and scent at your nape. Her lips are wet, sending shocks through your pliant frame.
“Mmph, keep this perfume, baby. I just wanna have this scent of you every day.”
It’s CK One.
She plants her kisses along your neck—standing up straight—ever so determined to make you hers. Her hands lock your shifting, shaking body in place, despite being so eager to feel every inch of you—up and down.
“So—pliant, so—submissive,” she whispers.
“I wouldn’t go that far,” you deflect, trying to have a hold of the battle. There’s a glint of brattiness inside you that wants to resist her just a little, just before you give in.
“Is that so?” Jimin mewls, before pushing you onto the bed.
“I’m not letting you have me that easily, miss president,” you say with your back against her soft cushion. Jimin is straddling her lean, lengthy legs over yours. She looks so damn tall from this view—you lying beneath her.
“Sucking my fingers, then decide to be a bratty bitch right now—” She lightly taps the tip of your nose, also scrunching hers. “—I like that.”
You say nothing, giving her just a wink from below.
“Oh, baby, I’ll have you scream my name so many times.”
“Fucking make me then.”
And fires ignite in her eyes.
She dives onto your left ear—nibbling, biting, swallowing, whatever she can do with her mouth without tearing your auricle off. Her deep moans send suppressed shudders through your neurons.
Jimin spreads saliva all over your ear, no sign of relenting. Slurping sounds of her flesh ring in your head. She plants each lick with purpose, and it sends jolts and jolts through your body. Still, you’re far from falling apart—tethered on the ground.
“Tsk, i–is this the best y–you can do?”
“Oh, baby, you’re already stuttering? I can do more if you want~,” she tastefully threatens. Then, she brings her right hand into play, tilting your chin up. Your mouth is right beside her neck. The pale smoothness of her skin is presented in front of you, and you just can’t help but—
“F–Fuck!” Jimin yells, clearly enraptured with the swipes of tongue you are giving her. Still, she keeps spreading her saliva on your ear as if it’s hers (it’s hers).
“Oh, b–baby boy, maybe you can use your t–tongue on other things instead,” she whines.
“Your cunt?” You keep stretching your tongue onto her nape, getting a taste of her sweat.
She pulls back from you, robbing the sensations away from your throat. “Clever, now just lie like this. I’m riding your pretty face.”
Jimin then takes off her purple lace panties, giving you a hint of her wet cunt—unshaved—as she lifts her leg, before stuffing the garment onto your nose. Fuck, her musk is so intense; you can just die happily right here.
“You just love it, don’t you?”
You sheepishly nod, pressing her panties against your nose even tighter, eliciting laughs from her sinful mouth.
“I think that’s enough, baby. I wanna fuck your face now,” she says, before tossing away the filthy garment.
Jimin then moves forward on her knees, bringing her heat closer and closer to your face. God, the fact that she’s unshaved only brings you higher. You need to slurp her juice; you need it on your face, you–
Her cunt is hovering above you now, she’s pulling her skirt up, letting you see her face for the last time before being buried under her.
You nod.
And she sinks onto your face.
The first contact is soft, so, so soft. You’re practically making out with pussy, as she shakes above you erratically. There isn’t much light, with her skirt darkening your vision of what’s around, but it’s like you’d complain. You’re eating your student president out in her room, and you’re doing it so, so well that it sends shivers through her body, again and again.
“Ngh, f–fuck!” Jimin shouts from above—the things you’d do to see her face right now, to see an effect you’re having on her.
You say nothing, just keep lapping up her folds enthusiastically. Her juice drips into your mouth—sweet.
Jimin starts to grind her hips, as the moans grow louder. She’s getting wetter, and you’re still happily drinking her sugary nectar—drunk with it.
“Ah, ah, y–you’re doing well, my treasurer.”
You give her a thumbs up. You keep licking her cunt as if your life is depending on it. She moans so loud; everyone on this floor is probably going to hear that, but you don’t care anymore. The only thing in your head right now is to please Jimin—only Yoo Jimin.
And you can feel her thighs tense, shaking with pleasure. She’s going to cum. Her moans grow more chaotic and shorter than they were.
“Fuck, fuck, I’m cumming, I’m cumming, fuck!”
She cums hard, collapsing onto the bed, cunt still on your face, ass up in the air. Her core clenches and clenches on your face, and she just forgets to breathe as her hips convulse.
“No squirt today, huh?” you joke from below.
She snaps back into the situation she’s in, sneering, “Fuck off, don’t fucking play stupid with me, wh–whore.”
You laugh, “Alright, alright, let’s get to the main course, shall we?”
Jimin lifts off from you, leaving a string of her lubricant between your lips and her cunt.
“God, that’s hot,” you just can’t help but say it.
She giggles, and you can now see the sweat forming on her forehead; there’s beauty in it.
You two, in a haste, discard all of your clothes until you’re left with nothing—just bare bodies on the bed together. You’re sitting opposite of her, expecting her to say something.
She looks ethereal under the room light. The messy hair, the perfect features, the bare body, they all combine into the epitome of perfection right in front of you. Fuck, she’s gorgeous.
“Can I suck your tits?” you mutter. Fuck reticence, you need her, now.
She chuckles. “Sure, but only if I’m on top of you.”
“You just have to find a way to dominate me, don’t you?” you huff.
“Don’t say it like you don’t like it, baby.” She caresses your cheeks, and you shiver at her touch.
You lie down, as she slowly eclipses the light above both of you. Her large breasts are hanging down so close to your face. And—
You latch your mouth on her right breast as if it’s innate, with your hand kneading on the other. She lets out empyrean moans that only makes you want to suck on them even more. God, you can do this all day.
And not wanting to wait anymore, she impales her cunt with your cock, and you can only moan into her tits. This sensation, it’s overwhelming. Her velvety walls are hugging you so, so tightly. It’s so warm. She’s warm.
“Fuck,” she groans, eyes rolling into the back of her head. “Your cock is so well-bent, baby. It’s hitting my g-spot so good.”
“T–Thanks, J–Jimin.” Your mind is so damn clouded by the pleasure that you can say nothing but her name right now.
And a crack starts to form when she moves—up and down. Her unshaved cunt dragging along your digit, emanating pleasure all over your body from the core.
“B–Babe, c–can you stop s–sucking my tits?” she pleads.
You pull yourself out of her mounds, as she’s still riding you like there’s no tomorrow, and you let out small moans at each contact. “W–What? Ngh.”
“I wanna kiss you.”
You freeze under her. She’s still motioning herself to squeeze the cum out of you, whimpering each time your cock hits the hilt. Is it a confession? Does she love—
“B–Babe,” she brings you back to the mortal world.
“Y–Yeah, kiss me.”
She invades your mouth as if it wasn’t already hers at the second she sits on your face. Your tongues intertwine in a quest to declare their feelings of their owners.
Your hands are still squeezing her breasts. It’s addictive. You press and press into her flesh just to feel her as much as you can. This might as well be the only body you want to have just to yourself, as you dedicate yours to her. Every curve, every contour, every limb, you want her; you want her to want you; you need her. This kiss, fuck, it’s doing wonders to you.
She’d be the one to break off from the kiss to pant above you, hips still smashing into yours in a perfect rhythm.
“W–Wanna go out with me?” she asks.
She’s desperate, all the Tinder dates, all the–
“Babe, I–I fucking know that it’s desperate, yes or no. Fuck those Tinder dates, fuck those guys and girls, I–I want to go out with you, t–treasurer,” she pants.
Maybe it’s her J’adore that’s permeating all over you. Maybe it’s the way your hips are clashing into each other. Maybe, just maybe, it’s the glint in her eyes.
But if you have to recall, it’d be the confidence she’s radiating in clashing your flesh together just right now.
You nod.
Jimin smiles, pulling you into another kiss. You swear it can tear you apart if you have to let this woman go—figuratively.
She pulls off, her breaths becoming shorter and shorter again. “C–Can you cum with me, baby?”
Again, you nod, smiling. It’s inside your loins, building up, building up. Your body tenses up beneath her, same as hers. It’s there. It’s there.
“Fuck, baby, breed me. I’m yours, just breed me, just–ugh!”
And her whole body freezes, juices flowing onto your crotch. Her face is contorted by the pleasure coursing through her. Again, she forgets to breathe, back arching. You don’t slow down, though. Your orgasm is coming too.
It breaks. You busy yourself inside her to the hilt. Just like her, you forget to breathe. You shoot spurts of your seed deep into her womb, intending to breed her as her wish. Your cock shakes inside her, as she moans at each twitch.
It subsides, eventually. The shots get softer and softer to the point the cum just dribbles off the tip of you now. Fuck, your juices even leak out of her cunt onto your crotch, mixed together.
“F–Fuck,” is all she can say, before collapsing onto you, chest pressed up against yours.
“The plan’s still up?”
And she slips to the side, embracing you from behind, as you two doze off in the nocturne.
“Can I use your toothbrush?”
A long drag of uncertainty comes from the outside. Sun has risen hours ago, yet you two are still in the drowsy state.
“Or do I have to kiss you again for the answer, Jimin?”
“Put your morning breath away from me!”
At least she’s quick with her riposte.
As you brush your teeth, naked, she saunters into the bathroom, still similarly bare from last night. Her breasts bounce ever so slightly with each step in the mirror. Despite the disheveled appearance, her natural beauty shines through the mess—a seraphic being, one might say.
“Ha, yeah, I know I’m pretty, baby,” she says. “People would kill to have a body like me.”
You finish your clean up, before saying, “You’re insufferable, you know?”
Jimin laughs, before giving you a quick peck on the cheek, emanating mellow all over your face. Fuck, you can feel the blood rushing to your erection now.
“You too, babe.” She smiles, before grabbing her mouthwash for a gargling.
Your cock, again, finds the condition to rise in front of this woman. It’s twitching, and you just have to turn back before she notices it.
Still, her sharp eyes find you, and she gives you a small slap on your bare ass, sending pleasure rushing through your body.
“Hey!” she growls with the mouthwash, before quickly disposing of it. “You’re fucking hard again?”
Jimin then presses herself up against your back, arms ever so tightly trapping you from behind in a hug. It’s warm. She’s warm.
“Let me, baby,” she whispers against your wobbling right ear. “I can’t have my co-workers’ needs go unsated.”
“F–Fucking hell.”
In one careful motion, Jimin slides her arms down to your erection, right hand grabbing the length. “Wouldn’t mind some respect from my baby boy~” Her grip and the languid, careful strokes make your legs wobble.
“Tsk, n–no fucking way, J–Jimin,” you muster any inhibition you have left to deflect.
“Well, then.” Jimin then tightens her hold on your cock, transpiring both pain and pleasure to you. “How about now?”
“Nghhhh, f–fuck,” you cry out, the contorted expression appears in the mirror.
“Just like that, baby, moan for me. Show me who owns you,” Jimin coos, loosening her hold a slight, still keeping the adagio tempo.
“Nnnh, J–Jimin.”
“Good boy, good boy,” she murmurs.
She drags her filthy hand up and down your cock so leisurely, finding the rhythm for your pliancy. She strokes and strokes to build you up to the second release with her, this time by her hand.
It feels like eternity—the way her unhurried digits find the pace that would make you want so much more, or how she whispers ‘good boy’ into your ear every time she wants a whiff of reassurance of control. It’s like she needs one, anyway, judging by how you’re moaning like a bitch right now.
“God, you’re making so much sound for me.” The way she swipes her index finger at the tip of your cock on each stroke, fuck, you can fall onto the floor right here and now. “Wanna see your face in the mirror, baby?”
You turn your head leftwards to find reflections of a contorted face and a grin side by side. Her hand is diligent as ever—building you up to your inevitable release.
“What do you say, baby? Wanna see our faces in the mirror?” she inquires again. You can feel a mischievous smile beside your ear.
“Ngnh, a–alright.”
With ease, she forces your body to turn into your image of the ball of lust—the shower of kisses on your neck; the hand sliding up and down your cock; the thigh pressing up against your ass. You shift and shift within her restraint, and that seems to only fuel her fire.
“Moan some more for me, baby. I wanna hear your voice. I want my men moaning.”
You comply, letting out a series of whimpers just for your student president. The sensation of her hand is so damn enthralling—each slide, each nick of a finger, each twist of her wrist, they are all designed to make you surrender to her.
“Good boy. Your moans are so pleasing to hear, you know that?”
“Nngh, t–thanks, Jimin.”
“Wanna up the ante, baby? I can do it faster~” As if her languid tempo isn’t already doing its job in trapping you inside her overflowing lust.
You hesitate, finding yourself wanting this act to go on to such lengths, maybe even when the sun sets again. Being under her comforting warmth is too satisfying.
“I–I don’t know, Jimin.”
“Oh, this baby can’t decide? Guess I’ll just have to–”
She suddenly lets go of your length, cutting your string of desire so easily. You whine, as Jimin lets out a laugh.
“Don’t!” you say in a rush, and letting go the hand you haven’t realized you’ve been holding—hers.
Jimin giggles. “Say please, baby.” She tightens her hug on you, squeezing the plea out.
Your eyes meet hers in the mirror.
“Please, Jimin.”
“Good boy.” And she wraps her hand around your erection again, casually stroking it.
The sound of her jerking your shaft fills the room. It’s heavenly—her voluptuous chest pressing up against your arching back with right hand busy sliding on your rod. She does it so cleanly—the technique, the pace. You swear you will cum by the second she whispers another ‘good boy’ into your welcoming ears.
As if she knows your inevitable release, she seeks a higher speed on your cock, stroking it with a swiftness that tries to draw out your moan and your cum as much as she can.
“Ngh, J–Jimin,” you whimper.
“Oh, gonna cum already, baby?” Jimin giggles at your crumble, before giving a peck on your left cheek. “Go on, cum for me. Cum, just like you did last night inside me.”
White spots start to form within your vision. Your breaths become more erratic. It’s there. It’s there.
And you explode all over her mirror, painting white streaks on it. You are left with ecstasy on your face as Jimin smiles at your release. Your body shrieks and shudders in her embrace. Your cock twitches in her hand, sending flying ropes of cum everywhere. Fuck.
“Yes, baby, just like that.” Her voice is deep—so seductive.
You continue to shake in her hold, not being able to subside from your high so quickly. Your release grows lighter and lighter in her hand, until it comes out in drops, finally letting you catch your breath.
“Good boy,” Jimin says, before forcing your body towards hers. You are spun around, and she gives you a kiss.
It’s short, but it’s powerful—no tongue fighting for dominance, no slurping sounds, just a kiss.
And she pulls back from it once she’s satisfied, judging from the smile on her face.
“Wanna do this again?” she asks.
“Definitely—well—maybe. You know Yizhuo would beat our asses if she catches us again, right?”
“Just shut up, babe. She won’t know if you’re good with secrets like me.”
You pout, bringing out a laugh from her.
“It’s going well, isn’t it?” Kai asks.
You give him a small smile. “It’s bearable, yeah.”
“Good to know, good to know.” He then takes a sip of his latte from his cup, looking outside.
“Fuck, I forgot to ask you this,” you say. “Are you seeing anyone?”
“Oh yeah! In fact, there’s a woman I've been seeing recently, Yizhuo. You probably know her, right? You guys are working together,” Kai answers.
“Oh,” you utter. “Oh.”
He chuckles, before continuing, “Yeah, I know it’s weird–”
“No, no, not at all, bro,” you deflect with a chuckle along with him. “I’m happy that you’re happy.”
Kai, still chuckling, inquires, “How about you? It’s gotta be more than ‘bearable’ for you to be all happy like this.”
You give him a smile.
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anakinstwinklebunny · 29 days
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TW: at some point it contains extremely filthy sexual content, so if you're sensitive to that or don't feel comfortable with it, please do not read it for your own safety and comfort. Daddy kink, breast play, praise kink, reader is younger than anakin but she's also off the age! (which means i won't give her specific age, but she's definitely NOT a minor). Lightly relationship with benefits (at first)
Author's note: and he happened to be the rich CEO 🤭
Sugardaddy!Anakin who is at the restaurant for a high-stakes business meeting with some important clients. He’s there to close a deal, his mind fully focused on the negotiations, but the moment he spots you, his attention falters. You’re the one serving his table, and despite the chaos of the busy restaurant, he can’t take his eyes off you. Your charm, your smile, the way you carry yourself—it’s all incredibly enticing to him. He’s captivated by the way you interact with customers, maintaining grace under pressure. After the meeting, Anakin leaves an exorbitant tip, much larger than necessary. Along with it, there’s a business card with just his name and number, a subtle but unmistakable invitation for you to contact him.
Sugardaddy!Anakin who, after you muster the courage to text him, he invites you out for coffee, a subtle test to see if you’re interested. He’s direct but not pushy when he suggests an arrangement—offering financial support in exchange for your company. At first it surprises you, since it's uncommon for you to gain interest from older men..but, he was polite, very polite (you couldn't help but compare him to guys your age). Seemed like a true gentleman with specific needs you were suggested to fullfil
Sugardaddy!Anakin who makes it clear that he’s not interested in just a transactional relationship. He wants to spoil you, yes, but he also craves your genuine presence, your wit, and your warmth.
Sugardaddy!Anakin who made you sign NDA before any further actions. And after that, the first few dates involved extravagant dinners at the most exclusive restaurants, shopping trips where he insists you pick out anything you like, and even trips to luxurious resorts. He loves seeing you adorned in the finest things that his wealth can buy.
Sugardaddy!Anakin who, despite his powerful position, Anakin values privacy and keeps your relationship under wraps. He’s protective of you, not wanting the media or his corporate world to interfere.
Sugardaddy!Anakin who often sends his private driver to pick you up, whether it’s for a date or just to bring you to his penthouse after a long day. He makes sure you’re always comfortable and safe.
Sugardaddy!Anakin who has a soft spot for you that his colleagues would be shocked to see. He’s attentive to your needs, whether it’s something simple like remembering your favorite coffee order or something more intimate, like understanding when you need space or affection.
Sugardaddy!Anakin who is fiercely protective
Sugardaddy!Anakin who takes a genuine interest in your ambitions and goals. Whether you’re in school, pursuing a career, or exploring new hobbies, he’s there to support you—financially and emotionally. He offers advice, mentorship, and even opportunities within his vast business empire.
What starts as a sugar daddy arrangement quickly grows into something deeper. Anakin finds himself genuinely falling for you. The way you challenge him, care for him, and bring a sense of normalcy to his chaotic life makes you more than just a 'sugar baby'
Sugardaddy!Anakin who, the stoic CEO, surprises himself with how open he becomes with you. He shares his fears, his past, and his hopes for the future. You’re the only one who gets to see the man behind the powerful exterior.
Sugardaddy!Anakin who doesn't mind age gap although, when you're sometimes showing him something he has no idea what it is (like social media and stuff). So he's kind of a boomer..just a tiny bit..
Sugardaddy!Anakin who takes you on spontaneous trips to the most exotic destinations. Private jets, luxury yachts, and five-star hotels are the norm. He loves the idea of you experiencing the best life has to offer, especially when you’re together
Sugardaddy!Anakin who often works late into the night, but he makes time to talk to you before bed (sometimes it'd be a call but sometimes it'd be a small talk face-to-face);
He sighed as the door clicked shut behind him, the exhaustion of the day slipping through him as he loosened his tie and rolled up his sleeves. Despite the fatigue, the thought of coming home to you brought a sense of peace. “How’s my favorite girl doing?” he asked softly, tilting your chin up after walking into the living room.
“I’m alright… just dying to get some sleep,” you murmured with soft voice.
A smile tugged at his lips as he took you in—curled up on the couch, wearing one of his oversized shirts that nearly swallowed you whole. The sight was enough to erase any lingering stress. “Poor girl,” he whispered, pressing a gentle kiss to your forehead. “Sorry I’m so late.”
“S’okay…” your eyes heavy with sleep.
“Let’s get you to bed,” he murmured, his arms slipping around your waist to lift you effortlessly. With your legs wrapped around his waist, your face snuggled to his shoulder z he couldn’t help but notice how precious and absolutely beautiful you looked, wrapped in his shirt, with no make-up on. It was a simple moment yet with you in his arms, nothing else mattered.
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Sugardaddy!Anakin who is attentive and loves to make you feel special in every way. He’s dominant yet caring (so it makes him a soft dom), always ensuring your needs are met. So the intimacy between you two is intense;
you'd had sex almost daily over the last two months but you, nor him, would never initiated it in half-public before. It wasn't something you'd do, you were more of a private person however...the slight possibility that the driver could glance in the mirror and see you sent a strange thrill cursing down your stomach..
Well, you live once..
It wasn't your first time giving Anakin a blowjob, yet, you still couldn't fully get used to how big he was. How thick and long.
With your watery eyes, you whimpered, tasting the salty sweetness of him before swirling your tongue around his head. Slowly, softly at first, as if checking the territory, them you did it with more confidence, falling into the rhythm of just sucking, licking and bobbing till you were soaked
It shouldn't turn you on like it did. But yet, the feeling of his member filling your mouth, his large hand sank in your hair, his soft groans and whimpers made you twist yourself in pleasure.
Your eyes watery, your underwear wet, your nipples hard and this sensitive skin that burned with never ending fire for this man made you completely forgot how you got here, where you are or even where you're supposed to go
"That's right baby..take every inch like a good girl.." the words slipped through his lightly opened mouth in a moan
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He grips your ass cheeks tightly, spreading them apart to get a better angle as he thrusts into you from behind. "Look at this ass, baby...so fucking perfect... gonna fucking own this ass..." He growls, his hands moving to slap your right cheek hard.
You were a mess; holding for dear life to the kitchen counter with nothing but moans leaving your mouth. Not even your eyes could stay open anymore, as they rolled or closed automatically in the feeling
He hisses through his teeth as he feels your squishy walls clench around him, gripping him tightly "That's it, baby...take it all...You're being such a good girl..." h his hands moved to grip your hips tightly as he continues to thrust with more intensity, the sound of flesh slapping against flesh filling the kitchen.
Sugardaddy!Anakin who loves having you ride him;
His fingers dug into your hips, encouraging you to set a faster pace as his own hips lifted to meet yours, the two of you falling into a rhythm. "just like that, baby...you look so good on top of me"
"yeah?" You whimper out, feeling like going crazy with his member deep inside you
His hands slide up your waist to your breasts, cupping them gently as he praises you. "Definitely..riding me like a real cowgirl.."
your mouth opened to let a moan escape your lips and, to feel more, you sped up a little bit
He grins wickedly up at you, his hips bucking upwards to meet yours while he toys with your peaks "You like that, baby? Like daddy playing with your pretty little toys?"
"love it" your mouth lightly opened in pleasure
"Good girl...gosh..could stay buried inside of you forever." Anakin lets out a groan, his eyes rolling back as the feeling of you sinking down onto him once more and it suddenly gets too much to bear. "Fuck, baby...you feel so good...such an eager girl to please me..keep that pace, baby...want to watch you fall apart on top of me"
Sugardaddy!Anakin who loves when you visit him at the office, especially after hours when most of his employees went home
Sugardaddy!Anakin who even if makes love to you a bit roughly sometimes, he can for sure be very gentle;
He slowly enters you, his touch gentle as he cups your face tenderly. "gonna go nice and slow, alright?" He whispers softly, his hips moving in a gentle rhythm. "if you wanna stop just say the word.."
"okay" you whimper
He enters you inch by inch, his touch gentle as he kisses you passionately. "You're so tight, baby...feels so good..." his pace slow and gentle. He leans down and kisses you slowly as if you were a ceramic doll he was scared to break "my beautiful girl.. doing so good for me"
your warmth enveloped his senses and it only made him more crazy for you. You just seemed so perfect to him. Even your flaws were something he deeply cherished, found captivating, irresistible
"you okay, baby?" He whispers softly, his voice laced with autonomical concern. "wanna go slower?"
"yes, please" you whisper-moan
He slows down even more, his movements almost imperceptible as he carefully makes love to you. "there we go...so slow and gentle...just for you, baby..." He leans down to kiss your neck softly, his breath warm against your skin. "love you so much, you know? Gosh, could do anything for you.. you have me wrapped around your finger.."
Sugardaddy!Anakin who has a particular obsession with lingerie. He frequently buys you the most luxurious pieces—silk, lace, and satin—in colors he knows you look stunning in. Seeing you dressed up in something he chose just for you ignites a fire in him, and he loves taking his time to remove each piece, savoring the reveal of your body
Sugardaddy!Anakin who has a possessive streak, and it shows in how he wants to leave marks on you—not just hickeys, but subtle reminders that you belong to him. He’ll trace his fingers over the marks later, a satisfied smirk on his face as he sees the evidence of your passion..but stil..;
He was laying on his side with his arm wrapped securely around your waist, holding you close as if you might slip away in the night. You were slowly drifting off to sleep, in comparison to anakin, whose sleep eluded him. He lay there quietly, his eyes tracing the familiar curves of your body in the darkness, as if rediscovering them for the first time.
His gaze lingered on the spots where his touches had left their mark. Faint hickeys dotted your upper thighs and hips, and a few more adorned your neck and collarbone. He couldn’t help but admire the evidence of his desire for you, the way he’d claimed your body as his own. The possessive satisfaction he felt was undeniable, yet there was also a tender need to ensure that his passion hadn’t caused you any pain.
"Does it hurt?" he whispered, his voice barely audible in the quiet room.
"No... I'm fine," you murmured half-asleep
"You sure?" His fingers brushed over one of the darker marks, tracing gentle circles on the sensitive skin of your hip.
"Mhm... it's nothing serious"
He hummed in acknowledgment, though the worry still lingered. He couldn't shake the need to make sure you were truly okay. His hand slowly moved up to gently push your hair aside, exposing the smooth skin of your neck and shoulder. Leaning in, he nuzzled his face into the curve of your neck, his lips brushing against the tender spot he had marked earlier. "Sorry," he whispered, his voice a mix of apology and affection
"It's okay, really" you whispered back, your hand finding its way into his messy curls. Your fingers gently stroking through them as if to soothe both him and yourself.
He pressed another soft kiss to your skin, letting his lips linger against it. The warmth of your body, the steady rise and fall of your chest, and the feel of your hand in his hair finally began to ease his mind. Holding you close, he let the lingering guilt fade, quickly replacing it by the comforting knowledge that you were safe and okay
Sugardaddy!Anakin who enjoys the thrill of teasing you in public settings, knowing you have to keep your composure. A subtle hand on your thigh under the dinner table, his fingers tracing dangerously close to your inner thigh, or whispering in your ear about what he plans to do to you later, all heighten the anticipation for when you’re finally alone.
Sugardaddy!Anakin who, over time, begins to consider a more permanent relationship with you. He starts dropping hints about you moving in, or even starting a family someday.
Sugardaddy!Anakin who's definitely into some roleplay (but mostly you surprise him with them)
Sugardaddy!Anakin who is open to exploring new things in the bedroom, and he enjoys introducing toys into your sex life. Whether it’s a silk blindfold, a vibrator, or even some light bondage, he knows exactly how to push your boundaries while making you feel safe and loved.
Sugardaddy!Anakin who, despite his dominant and sometimes intense nature, Anakin is always attentive to your needs afterward. He makes sure you’re comfortable, bringing you water, wrapping you in soft blankets, and holding you close. His fingers gently stroke your hair as he whispers sweet words, grounding you after an intense session.
Sugardaddy!Anakin who's more of a type of guy to send you flowers when he's out for business trip or etc
Sugardaddy!Anakin who has a habit of giving you jewelry that symbolizes his ownership. A necklace with his initials, a bracelet that matches his watch
Sugardaddy!Anakin who loves playing with your breasts;
"Dirty little thing, aren't you? You just love when daddy plays with your big tits, hmm?" his fingers pinching and rolling your nipples
"Mhm.." you lightly wriggled on his lap, feeling the well known hardness poking between your legs
"And you're mine, aren't you, love? This beautiful girl wouldn't leave me, now would you angel?"
Sugardaddy!Anakin who had an actual conversation with you about taking things more seriously, if you even wanted. And soon later he proposed to you
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TAG LIST: @kingdomhate @divineani @erosmutt @haydensprettyprincess @mistress-amidala @catnipaddictt @heartscone @haydensbbg @inneedsoffanfics @jediavengers @literally-izzy @anisluvrgirl @fuckmyskywalker @slutforfinnickodair
(if you want to be removed or added then don't be shy and let me know 💋)
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Pairing: Line Cook!Azriel x Reader
Summary: Azriel always seems to be working. Well, not always. Sometimes he's on the phone outside the restaurant with a massive smile on his face.
Word count: 1.3k
Warnings: None
a/n: Another little piece for this AU!! I'm loving building it up and including all the characters. I'm also loving characterizing Azriel!!! I can't wait for it to get more juicy and to add some angst in the near future ;) Thanks for reading!!!
Main Masterlist ♡
“Here again, Azriel?”
“I picked up Lucien’s shift,” Azriel explained, moving the pan side to side atop the flame. 
Elain hummed, her hip against the counter. “You all have such weird names.” 
Azriel rose a brow. “Your sister’s name is Nesta. And Feyre isn’t very common either.” 
“Yes, well my sisters are included in my definition of ��all’.” 
Azriel hummed, pinching salt into the pan and flipping its contents. The heat from the stovetop warmed his fingers as he went, calling his attention to the tan lines along his knuckles—rings he constantly needed to remove for work, an action that had been even more prevalent in recent weeks. 
Elain spoke up again. “I feel like I see you here every time I work.” 
“You call out every other shift. Of course you’re going to see me on the off-chance you come in,” Azirel droned, but there was a hint of a smile on his face that had Elain scoffing out a laugh. 
“Oh, ha ha,” Elain mocked. “But seriously, Az, you’re always in this kitchen. I know for a fact that Rhysand wouldn’t make his best friend work so much. What’s the deal?” 
Azriel knocked his head to the side as he considered Elain’s question. He plated the meal he had been working on—the one that would send Elain and her barrage of questions away—and set it on the counter she occupied. He gave his hands a quick wash, flipping a hand towel over his shoulder and crossing his arms. The waitress had not moved from her spot. 
Elain did not budge. “Money? You? I know you can afford that house of yours without all of these hours. Rhys pays you far too much.” 
Azriel gave her a look as if to say that’s my explanation. Take it or leave it. 
Elain was not taking that explanation, clearly. Azriel watched her roll her eyes and let out another scoff before swiping the plate from the counter. 
“Always so stupidly secretive,” she huffed. “You are ridiculous.” 
Elain missed the small laugh Azriel breathed out as she left in a flurry.
Azriel then noticed the small break in orders that was typical for this time of day and used the opening as an excuse for his break. He called out to the others in the kitchen and then made his way to the dining room with his phone loosely gripped in his hand. 
A few taps on the screen and your voice came through. 
“Hi, Az,” you greeted, a smile clear in your words.
“Hi, baby,” he smiled right back. The earring on his right ear clicked against the phone as he licked his lips and continued. “You not in class?” 
“I tried to plan my schedule around your lunch rush. No class between the hours of two and four.” 
Azriel felt his face heat a fraction. “Right. Forgot about that.” 
You giggled. “So, how’s work? I didn’t expect you to go in this morning.” 
“It’s fine. Work. I was just picking up a shift as a favor. But I’ll be off in time to get you for dinner.” 
Azriel listened as something shuffled in the back of your call—bikers whizzing past you, he assumed. That damn campus always gave him a heart attack. You called out a small apology he was sure no one was listening to before speaking to him once more. 
“You seem to owe a lot of favors, Az. Are you causing that much trouble over there?” you joked.  A small pause. “Also, do you think we could eat in? I don’t really have the money for a restaurant right now. My financial aid is not aiding me in the ways it should.” 
Azriel felt his heart clench at the humorless laugh you released. You lived on campus and relied on the school’s dining plan which did very little for you nutritionally and emotionally. He had offered—countless times—for you to live with him or let him buy you groceries or just straight-up give you money, but none of that made you comfortable. 
So, Azriel found other ways to solve this problem. 
Azriel hummed in feigned contemplation. “We could. But the boss gave me a gift card to that new place downtown. I figured we could use it to celebrate.” 
“Oh yeah? And what are we celebrating?” 
“Me?” you asked with an incredulous laugh. “Why on earth would we be celebrating me? All I’ve done recently is complain and cry a few times.” 
Azriel couldn’t remove the smile from his face. He slotted his wrist in the crook of his elbow as he leaned against the wall outside the restaurant. Damn you and all the ways you made him melt in public. 
“You only cried twice this month. We should celebrate that record. Not to mention you were crying over chemistry which we established was an acceptable response to that class.” 
You gasped and began rambling about your chemistry professor. Azriel briefly checked his watch and relished in the fact that he had twenty more minutes to listen to you speak. He happened to miss, however, the waitress who was listening in just around the corner. 
Elain was furious. 
First, Azriel had a girlfriend that she had no idea about. Which was ridiculous because Elain considered Azriel to be one of her closest friends. And second—and perhaps most appalling—Rhysand was handing out gift cards to the staff and she had not been a recipient of this graciousness. 
Elain narrowed her eyes and glared and the stucco lining the building before she slammed her way through the restaurant and straight into Rhysand’s office. The man calmly glanced up from his computer upon her arrival, an amused brow raised at her apparent fury. 
“Hello, Elain,” he greeted. Rhysand leaned back in his chair and interlaced his fingers at his stomach. “You seem in high spirits.” 
“Where’s my gift card?” she demanded, closing the door behind her with a harsh click. “You’re giving out gift cards and I have yet to receive one.” 
Rhysand blinked. “I haven’t given out any gift cards.” 
“And now you’re lying—great.” Elain plopped down in the cushioned chair on the other side of Rhysand’s desk. “I just heard Azriel talking about a gift card to that insanely expensive place that just opened. Rita’s or something. And he was talking to his girlfriend—did you know he had a girlfriend?” 
“I did—” 
Elain hadn’t been looking for a response. “He said you gave it to him. If you’re playing favoritism I will call the Better Business Bureau. And I’ll tell Nesta. You know how she gets around you. Also, why does Azriel, like, live here? Aren’t there laws around overtime? None of his seems fair and—” 
“Elain,” Rhysand calmly interrupted. “May I answer any one of your questions? Or, perhaps, speak?” 
Elain bit the inside of her cheek and nodded in annoyance. 
“Perfect.” Rhysand crossed his ankle over his knee. “I haven’t given out any gift cards. If I do, I promise you’ll be the first to know. It’s possible that Azriel used me as a way to take his girlfriend out to dinner—as he has done countless times. If you were to meet her, you’d see why that was a necessity. She’s very much like Feyre in that way. In that explanation is also the reason why Azriel is always here, working.” 
Elain felt her vexation deflate, but some of it lingered. “And why are you so knowledgeable about this mysterious girlfriend?” 
Rhysand only shrugged. “Azriel’s private. Protective. He knows all of you are a bunch of gossips.” 
Elain scoffed for the countless time that afternoon, still pissed that there was no gift card to be had.
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literaila · 1 month
kid megumi and gojo definitely took bubble baths together while megumi washes his hair and satoru's just yapping about how much he loves reader
“megumi,” gojo says, not even bothering to knock on the door.
it’s the boys fault, really, for leaving it open in the first place.
megumi stills, brows furrowing as his hands stop foaming the soap in his hair. “gojo?” he asks, a bit disbelieving.
he might be going crazy—it’s not uncommon for sorcerers. and megumi barely thought he would make it to fourteen and here he is, so. he should probably tell someone about the hallucinations but—
“you got it,” gojo answers, predictably, sitting on the toilet seat. “i need to talk to you.”
megumi peaks his head around the shower curtain slowly, blinking a few times to make sure the man is really there.
but he is, grinning at the tiny bit of megumi he can see, tapping his fingers on his knees obnoxiously.
megumi points a hand towards the door. “this is an invasion of privacy.”
“megumi,” gojo gives him a bland look. “i’ve seen you naked.”
“that’s creepy.”
gojo sighs, hanging his head. “we’ve known each other for so long now, and you still don’t trust me.”
“you still haven’t given me a reason to. can’t this wait? or not happen? i don’t want to talk to you.”
yes, megumi is still hanging halfway out of the shower. yes, his hair is dripping water on the floor. no, he does not care—it’s gojo’s house anyway. he can fix the ruined floorboards.
“it’s about your mother.”
at that megumi blinks. “what’d you do?“
“i didn’t do anything.”
“are you sure?”
“yes, i’m sure,” gojo scoffs, reaching out to pull his ear—which megumi expertly deflects (he almost slips and dies in the process). “am i crying on the floor right now?”
megumi considers it. then he recalls the last time you and gojo had a fight. he had to check gojo’s pulse every time he walked past the couch.
“good point. what is it?”
“as you know, her birthday is coming up—“
“are you serious?”
“megumi.” gojo’s eyes are dubious, his voice is disapproving. “your mothers birthday is very important.”
megumi rolls his eyes. “i know. i mean, are you seriously asking me about this right now? im in the shower. there’s shampoo in my hair.”
gojo nods very seriously. “it’s the only place she won’t hear.”
“she’s not even home.”
“she’s hidden cameras, megumi, i know it.”
“no she hasn’t.”
gojo pouts. “i want it to be a surprise. she always finds out about her gifts before i can give them to her.”
“that’s because you tell her.”
“the suspense is too much. i need you to buy her something for me and hide it so i don’t know what it is.”
he sounds absolutely serious, which might be the worst part of that request, actually.
and when has megumi ever done gojo a favor?
“gojo,” megumi gives him a little smirk, tilting his head. “i’m not doing that.”
gojo groans, falling onto the floor. “c’mon, megumi, we’re supposed to be friends.”
“you’re my teacher, if anything.”
“and your father,” he juts his chin, “favoritism is not cute.”
megumi finally turns around. gojo was never going to leave, even if he’d attempted to tackle him out of the door.
and he’s used to this, anyway. there hasn’t been a day in seven years that he’s gotten some peace.
“okay,” gojo begins again, sounding like he’s won—which he hasn’t. “i was thinking some jewelry, but you know how picky she is. and besides, she’s too rough for something small. tsumiki is already getting her that chibi mug we saw in that corner store last weekend, and whatever you’re getting is off of the table too.”
“i’m not listening to this.”
“i could take her out to dinner, but that’s not a gift. and i do that anyway. maybe i should buy her a car—what kind do you think she’d like? something blue, like my eyes—“
megumi groans.
gojo pauses. “did you get soap in your eye?”
honestly, banging his head against the wall might be better than this. at least they have pain killers at the hospital.
megumi doesnt answer, no longer entertaining this, but gojo continues anyway.
“maybe we should re-do the bathroom, you know how she’s always saying that—“
god, when will it end?
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oswildin · 5 months
Loki x Bestfriend!You Headcannons (He’s In Love With You)
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A/N: Avenger!Loki AU, Avenger!You
You’re the first person he has ever felt he could just be himself around. There were no titles, no expectations, just Loki. It was freeing.
Loki always searches for you first whenever he hears the latest bit of gossip around the compound (yes, he most definitely is a gossiper, he just loves the drama, and if he can stir the pot, oh he will).
Quiet evenings with you. You force him to watch films with you, and he always grumbles and will consistently commentate through the whole thing, but secretly, he loves it. He loves being able to spend time with just you, away from everyone else.
He thinks he masks his feelings well, he’s known for deception after all, but no… It’s clear to everyone that the man is totally head over heels and would do anything (and I mean anything) for you. They have bets on how long it takes for him to finally tell you.
He didn’t realise what he felt at first, having never really felt romantic love before. Sure, he’d had fancies, but never anything… real.
It took him a long time to realise that yes, it was in fact ‘love’ he felt for you. The moment he realised was when you were both taking a stroll around the compound grounds, the sun was shining, the birds were singing, everything felt perfect. And then you turned to look at him, the sun sitting perfectly behind you, casting you in an almost ethereal glow.
It was then he felt his heart skip a beat, a flutter in his belly, his eyes widening a fraction at the sight of you. He felt sick and excited at the same time. Nervous yet comfortable. Scared yet peaceful. How was that even possible? Even for a God of his own contradictory nature, that all felt so contrasting.
“Loki? You good?” You’d raised a brow, giving him a strange look as he hadn’t said anything in a good ten seconds - which was rare for him.
“Hm?” Loki had blinked, clearing his throat. “I- uh, yeah, yes. Fine.” He had awkwardly told you, nodding, trying to regain composure.
How utterly cliche. Like a scene from one of those awful romantic films you made him suffer through.
Oh, how his gaze softens whenever you’re in the room. Almost like a lovesick puppy. If his past self could see him now, he would’ve called him ‘pathetic’ and tell him to ‘get a grip’.
But current Loki, he didn’t care. The way you made him feel was unlike anything he’d ever felt before.
Of course he had to fall for his best friend. It couldn’t have just been simple. Easy. But then again, of course he had to fall for his best friend… To even be considered his best friend, well, that was no easy feat.
He takes any reason to be ridiculously close to you. Cooking? You bet he’s standing right beside you at the stove, moving every time you move to grab a spice. Watching a film? Yeah, there’s plenty of space on the sofa, but on the other side of it he can’t make sure his arm is touching yours. Handing him something? Oh, he is practically grabbing your whole hand just to feel the tingle go up his arm.
There was one time he had overheard Natasha mentioning she was planning to set up a blind date for you. He had never interjected himself into a conversation so fast before.
“A blind date? How… tedious. Besides, doesn’t it seem counterintuitive? Going to meet someone you have never seen before? Don’t even know the name of? They could be a- a psychopath or a murderer, or worse yet utterly hideous and dull.”
Yeah, he handled that with his usual tactile diplomacy. (Sarcasm)
“That’s not how blind dates work, Loki.” Natasha told him with a smirk. “I know the candidate.”
“Oh, well that makes me feel a lot better.” Sarcasm, obviously.
Loki was extremely relieved when he found out you had turned down her offer.
“Babe, could you pass me the salt?” You’d once said.
Natasha AND Loki both reached for the salt.
You looked at Loki strangely. Natasha simply smirked. Loki looked extremely embarrassed. He didn’t even like the thought of being called ‘babe’. Well… At least not until you’d said it. Even if it wasn’t to him.
“I thought you said ‘hey’-“ Loki had tried to cover.
You got hurt on a mission? Even just a scratch? Oh, Loki is worrrrieeeddddd.
“Let me see.” He’d insist. “Loki, I’m fine-“ You’d try. “Yes, maybe so, but I’d like to be sure, you mortals are extremely fragile-“ He’d say with his usual dry humour.
He’d dress your wound, even if the med staff had done, he would always find something to critique, something that he could do better. All because he wanted to be the one to make sure you were okay, safe, looked after.
The sun is in your eyes? How dare it, utterly unacceptable, he would not have it. He would destroy it for such an offence. (Not really, but you get the idea).
“Loki, no-“ Tony had said. “Loki, yes-“ Loki had said. “Loki, no.” You had said. “Loki, no.” Loki had said. (Again, you get the idea).
He just found you… utterly comforting. Safe. You accepted him for him. Not the masks, just him. And he finally felt like he belonged. And he would be damned if he ever lost that. Whether he ever revealed how he felt or not…
Spoiler: He does, by accident. Slip of the tongue. What a tragedy for a God known for his silver-tongue, but it seemed even he had his slip-ups, his moments of humanness.
Another spoiler: Of course, you loved him too.
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crazilust · 5 months
What main character energy should you embody for this next chapter
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From left to right : Pile 1, Pile 2, Pile 3.
Pile 1
confirmation/what’s coming instinctively : Brown eyes, brown, guitar, vynils, green shoes, docs, bangs, rings (lots of them, Virgo/Earth energy, hardwood floors, The Emperor, Goddess energy, Water sign, Water dom, Loves water, loves nature, loves animals, Names that start with a J, F, P, S
the message :
You should embody the main character that moves out of her town to start her character ark. Now, this doesn’t necessarily mean you’ll physicall leave your town (although, you might!) but you definitely need to leave some things behind. I’m sensing friends, maybe even family members. Your environement is getting too small for you, which is maybe why I’m getting small town vibes. You are someone that needs a lot of recognition, even from yourself and you’re not getting any where you are right now. Are you proud of yourself? I doubt it. But you need to make the proper steps to find your place in this universe and there is a place for you but you need to look for it! I see you in a new apartment, maybe a bit lonely at first, but it’s because it’ll be the first time you really get to know yourself and discovering your true self. You have been repressing your true taste, your true interests, your true self with those people you’ve been surrounding yourself with. It’s not healthy and it’s getting dangerous at this point cause you’re starting to lose yourself. Leave. That would be my advice for you.
Pile 2
confirmation/ what i’m getting instinctively: Fighter, Orange is the new black, Piper Chapman, Blue, Glacier, Grey, long hair, fake smile, dimples, the emperor Reversed, bad relationships with caregivers, siblings, many friends, Aquarius, Pisces, car, driving, roadtrip, name that starts with M, N, X, V.
the message :
Woah! Okay! Love this energy, but hard to catch honestly. You don’t like being seen, huh? It’s okay, me neither! The journey you should embark on is the one where you’re gonna get thrown into an environment that is completely unfamiliar to you. A bit like pile 1 in the sense that it’s not something you’re used to, but contrary to that pile, you don’t decide to go into this environment, you’ll get thrown into it. I can sense you have some sort of anger issues and this will be the perfect environment to finally let it out. I can feel that although you have a very polished appearance, you actually feel like a wild animal inside. In this new environment, you’ll finally face yourself as you really are. You won’t be able to fake it, or to act like you’ve always done it. It won’t be possible anymore. You’ll have to be your real self, even tho it might disappoint people around you. Oh, you probably don’t want that. Too bad, because you will disappoint people, but you’ll make some real connections out there. When you’ll get out of that environment (because yes, it is temporary I feel), you’ll look back and won’t even recognize yourself. I think you’re quite excited for that. Deep down.
Pile 3
confirmation/what i’m getting instinctively: Twilight, Bella Swan, break up, torture, painful love, toxic love, mean, smiles with bad intentions, agenda, skinny, long hands, pale (or pale for your ethnicity), doesn’t like their hair, Aries/Taurus/Sag/Pisces, Fire dom, Neptune dom, Jupiter Dom, lucky but fails to see it
the message : Oh I’m getting major Bella Swan vibes lmao. Not necessarily her temperament, but mostly what she’s going thru. You’ve been thru a bad breakup and that person has left you empty inside. You find yourself staring at the window, and wondering why it ended the way it did. Stop obsessing over the past. You’re at a point of your journey where you need to change gear. You cannot keep going like that or you’ll litteraly become a shell of yourself. Get up of your bed, take a deep breath, take a walk. Anything. But reminiscing on someone that is gone, won’t do any good. Btw, they’re gone now but they’ll come back. I know you’re excited, but they’ll come back when you won’t care and then you’ll be like : “huh, i don’t even see what I saw in you anymore”. It’ll be a very satisfying feeling for you. In the meantime, cause you’re not there yet, focus on healing. See some friends, get into a hobby. Anything that could take your mind off of him. Why do you fixate over him? Was he something he did? Or didn’t do? Focus on moving on. That’s your journey for now. That’s the part of movie where we all root and get excited for the protagonist to get on her two feet. That’s your part. You got this.
• 🧡🍯👑🐰🪀 •
and that’s all from me folks, thank you so much 🧡
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cottonlemonade · 6 months
Jealous At Training Camp [part 2]
synopsis: the team finds out that Kuroo asked you on a date (same day)
part 1
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“Come in!“, Kuroo called when he heard someone knock at the door. He was currently standing in front of the mirror, trying to decide which shirt to wear.
Lev’s lanky shape appeared and he joined Kenma on one of the makeshift beds. The setter took a rare gaming break (his console had to charge) and instead flipped through a random manga one of his teammates had left next to their bed. In short, he was being of absolutely no help even though Kuroo had summoned him to help choose an outfit. Lev frowned at his captain, “Where are you off to so late?“
“Going to a movie.“, Kuroo answered evasively. He noticed the gray-haired menace visibly deflating.
“With Sawamura-san and Bokuto-san?“, he asked, a definite pout in his voice, adding with a mumble, “I wanted to practice my spikes a bit more.”
“No.“, Kuroo smiled at him in the reflection of the mirror, holding up a graphic T with a science pun printed across the chest, “Actually, I am meeting y/n-san.“
“What did I just hear?“
Inuoka popped his head through the door, throwing the older boy a knowing grin.
Kuroo groaned inwardly. He really wasn‘t feeling like getting everyone involved until he knew there was something to get them involved in. But he also knew Inuoka was unlikely to let it go.
“Maybe you should go with something a bit cooler.“, the fellow middle blocker suggested, letting himself drop down next to Kenma on the bed, “Like a button down.”
Kuroo gave him a look. “You’re right. Let me check - oh wait, I left my classy attire in my other sports bag.”, he said sarcastically. Inuoka raised his hands in defeat (although the captain did exchange the graphic T for a plain black one).
“Which movie will you guys see?“, Lev asked.
“Who is this?“, Tora, who had walked past the now completely open door, swerved to be part of the conversation.
“Kuroo-san has a date.“, Inuoka informed in an affectionate tone a mother might use when she sent her son off to his first day of preschool.
“Oooooooh.“ The newcomer leaned in the doorframe, crossing his arms, looking over the chosen outfit approvingly. “And who is the lucky lady?“
Before Kuroo could stop him, Lev answered “Y/n-san.“ putting lots of emphasis on each syllable.
Tora raised a surprised brow. “Our manager?! I didn’t even know you were into her!“
“Then you were the only one. As per usual.”, Kenma muttered, scanning the manga panels with little interest.
“Who’s Kuroo-san into?“ Fukunaga, called over by the commotion coming from the Nekoma bedroom, joined Tora in the doorway.
“Do you all really have nothing better to do?“, Kuroo asked exasperatedly, fixing his hair (as much as possible).
“No.“, Tora and Inuoka replied in unison.
“Okay, listen. Yes, I have a date. Yes, it is with our manager. Yes, I am nervous. Now, can we please drop it? I have to leave in like five minutes.“
“So will you bring flowers?“
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For that one person who asked for a part 2 xD
✨ @hotvinimon ✨
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darealsaltysam · 7 months
below the cut because oh boy do i have a lot to say and i dont want my poor followers to suffer when i post this
oh my god okay okay where do i even start
opening with irulan's narration to mirror her notes in the openings of the chapters of the book. oh yeah baby. i ate that right up
watching paul get close with the fremen,,,,, fucking hell that hurts. dune really is a tragedy at the end of the day huh. they go from reluctant allies to friends but the whole time you know the switch will happen any moment now and they will be devotees and he will be messiah and that gap between them will never be as small as it is out in the sand. huddled in those tents. sharing drinks and laughs. im not doing ok
this especially hurts with chani. their love is so genuine and pure and she wears blue for him (which by the way sticks out so much more with how muted the colors of the rest of the movie are... i could talk about this all day) but she can see what he is becoming and he's trying to avoid it for her so hard but there's no avoiding fate. LORD ABOVE!!!!
i loveeee jessica being the manipulator thats pulling all the strings, urging paul towards becoming messiah. rebecca ferguson is such a talented actress she really understands the character so well. also as a hashtag certified alia atreides enjoyer her scheming with her unborn fetus might be the most unhinged thing ever but thats also so fucking funny aka its as dune as it gets. dune is WEIRD and im glad theyre not shying away from that. thank u denis
arrakis looks so much more beautiful in this movie like theres defo been some changes with how its framed and presented it feels so much grander and idk just ??? what it makes me think is that we're not seeing arrakis, we're finally seeing dune. we're seeing the land as the fremen see it as paul becomes one of them. i might be looking too much into it but who cares. god i love this movie
but yes more on the fremen in the first section of the movie. i like how there's this cluster of non-believers almost?? its a nice breath of fresh air. its hard to believe every single person would be just devoted to the prophecy and it adds some depth.
i will say the one thing i didnt like is the way stilgar is characterized?? i dont think he was so blindly devoted to paul in the books, and definitely not alia and leto ii after him as the atreides line went on. he's always been a source of small doubt towards paul but i think they're moving that element of him onto chani, so i think i can let it slide. i'd like to see him question alia more in the future though.
the scene where paul was named muad'dib and usul??? god it was so cute which made it so heart wrenching. all the fremen coming together and welcoming him into their lives. as a brother. as a friend. only for him to turn around and make them all bow before him. ohhhhh i cant do this
jesus christ. what the fuck. how is this allowed on cinema screens how is something so amazing allowed
the tension. the effects. the sound design. the sand rushing past the wind the worm moving forward paul struggling to hold on the fremen all watching and then cheering him on HOLY FUCKKKK HOLY FUCK I WAS HOLDING MY BREATH
all the worm riding scenes were so intense and so well done like. when i first read that stuff in the books i didnt think anything could ever capture how i imagined it exactly and yet. AND YET. DENIS!!!!!!!!
once more dune hits the idea of scale SO well everything is HUGE and they MAKE YOU FEEL IT. that shows especially with geidi prime but ill talk about that in a bit. but yes this applies to the worms too lord above them WORMSSSS ARE HUGEEEE AND I LOVE THEMMMM
rebecca ferguson put her heart and soul into that water of life scene and we all need to thank her for it
the way jessica is so quick to switch up and go all in on the prophecy. it makes me think of leto's "im not asking his mother, im asking the bene gesserit" like. the bene gesserit really come first for jessica and she takes her opportunity to fulfill her duties. to be the reverend mother. to rub it all in the faces of the other bene gesserit. she is the mother of the messiah and by god will she make everyone well aware of that
okay. okay okay. i think i said my peace on the early fremen stuff. i think. okay fuck okay SHIT fuck SHIT
oh my god okay. okay ill admit it. i doubted austin butler. i saw the cast list and i was unsure(tm). i saw him in the trailers and my faith was restored. and holy fucking shit did he DELIVER
stellan skarsgård's baron harkonnen is already such a threatening figure it feels like it would be impossible to make someone even more terrifying and yet. AND YET
just the way he's introduced. killing servants with zero remorse. LICKING THAT KNIFE THE WAY HE DID??? OKAY WHORE. I SEE YOU. GO RIGHT AHEAD. MAKE IT SLUTTY IN HOUSE HARKONNEN. I RESPECT IT
when the arena doors open and that loud ass fucking music BOOMS. makes the room fucking SHAKE. thats a PRESENCE right there. THATS how you introduce your antagonist.
the music playing as he fights being as fucking deranged as he is. chaotic and weird and unsettling. just. oh my god feyd had such a presence from the moment he showed up and he did not lose it for a single second. you could feel him LOOMING over the movie the whole time just as he looms over the whole book from his very first scene. oh my goddddd oh my godd
GEIDI PRIME. THE ARENA. THAT MASSIVE HARKONNEN PALACE. oh my god. once more. that sense of scale. the harkonnens love to flaunt their wealth so ofc they have huge fuck off arenas and castles where everything and everyone feels so SMALL in comparison.
dont even get me started on the black and white. the way it accents those coal black teeth and mouths. the way it makes everything look so much more inhuman and clinical and PERFECT because harkonnen power is so absolute and ruthless.
and the way the baron sits so so high above watching the fighting. literally impossible to picture his elevation above his people above the rest of the universe. the way feyd looks to him for approval after every movement. even as his uncle is trying to kill him they exchange those little looks and feyd knows hes getting his chance to show off while the baron gives him his "gift" what a fucked up family what the hell
speaking of fucked up family! wow! they are SO fucked up! there is something seriously strange being hinted at with feyd and the baron! feyd making his own brother bow and kiss his boot! those constant threats of death against rabban as if theyre nothing! this family is capital f FUCKED up. they hurt each other as much as they hurt everyone around them. theyre made of violence and blood and they could never show each other kindness because they dont know such a thing
what can i say about the feyd/margot scenes that hasnt been said already. like wow just unpack the boy's trauma like that. use him and then throw him to the wolves. once again the bene gesserit make it so clear this is THEIR empire and THEIR bloodlines and THEIR messiah. too bad jessica doesnt see that collective "ours" and instead settles for "mine" when it comes to the messiah
special shout out to dave bautista before i move on. just cause. his rabban doesnt get enough love. he really sells that balance of ruthless power but also incompetency compared to his brother so well. can you guys tell i REALLY like this cast
the paul/gurney reunion being the last shred of the old paul. how he gets so happy "i recognized your footsteps, old man" shoot me in the fucking brain stem it would HURT LESS
a bit off topic and it happened earlier (sorry my thoughts are so all over the place) but i like how they actually showed the process of how the water of life is made. it was actually exactly like how i imagined it when i read the books so thats neat !!
anyway. back to the horrors.
i already talked so much about feyd's presence so just another small note. that scene in sietch tabr. he is a MONSTER and i am EATING IT UP
i cant even begin to explain. how much it fucked me up. when paul took the water of life. i knew thats where we were going. i knew it was unavoidable. and yet still. when chani bent over him and screamed at everyone for making him follow this prophecy. when she was forced to shed tears to save his life. when she got him back only to realize she lost him and he wasnt the person she loved anymore. it broke me
chani's utter hatred for the prophecy and what paul is becoming added to it so much. i know some people are unhappy with how much shes been changed from the books but i think its elevated her character and all these scenes so much. and oh my god does zendaya DELIVER when the spotlight is on her. i never doubted her for a moment but all those changes to chani really allowed to let her shine. thats that euphoria acting coming out baby !!!!
listen i hate the fact that he gets cast in everything these days as much as everyone but hes such a talented actor and i cant deny this anymore. the water of life scene really sold it for me.
he was such a perfect paul already in the first movie but this was the moment it really came out. the way he wakes up so calm and collected. lifeless. monotone. theres nothing theres literally nothing
paul atreides the boy who became duke far too young is dead usul who was the lover of chani is dead muad'dib the fedaykin fighter is dead only the kwisatz haderach remains and thats what the prophecy was always leading us to and yet the moment it happens its so haunting
like i cannot say this enough. that complete switch is so sudden but so subtle at the same time. its still paul technically but hes so different
what makes dune's weird concepts so easy to take in once you get into the book is all that internal monologue that really leads you through these complex concepts slowly. and yet in a few shots and a few lines of dialogue timothee chalamet somehow manages to express the idea of "i just learned the secrets of the fucking universe and im about to start a holy war" ???? HOW DO YOU EVEN DO THIS???? HOW ARE YOU THIS TALENTED???? OH MY GOD!!!!!!!! IT WAS A FEW LOOKS A FEW MOVENTS JUST THE RIGHT TONE OF VOICE AND THATS HIM!!! THATS HIM BABY!!!! THATS THE KWISATZ HADERACH AND THE UNIVERSE IS FUCKED !!!!!!!!!
also. anya taylor joy alia. we only had you for a split second but i cannot wait for you. im sure youre going to completely slay the third movie. give us our beloved tragic meow meow. alia is my fave character so i will be JUDGING HEAVILY. she better bring her a-game istg
when paul storms the war council and just completely takes control of the room so easily. thats the bene gesserit conditioning giving him his pedestal and he is making the most of it. he knows exactly what the fuck hes doing. and once more oh my goddddd all that shouting all that emotion and yet a complete lack of it. timothee spare a crumb of talent for the rest of us
also the way in that scene gurney is hesitant about it all until paul proclaims himself the duke of arrakis. and suddenly gurney has house atreides again and he doesnt care what chani does anymore. hes a follower to paul just as everyone else in that room. nothing changes. fuck me man i cant do this anymore
have i mentioned yet im so excited for chani in the next movie. her arc is so interesting. children of dune is defo not happening with the way chani has been set up so i doubt we'll see leto ii and ghanima but. lets hope we still get all the cool stuff wit alia at least. and maybe chani can be the one who leads the charge against her
okay i need to really fucking. get along with it im dragging this post on im so sorry this movie is eating my brain alive
chani still wearing blue during the final fight. im not saying more than that i might cry if i think about it too much
the way the fremen fight for their messiah but still fly the atreides banner. the way paul leads them as their messiah and as a "fremen" but always proclaims himself duke of house atreides first. oh lorddd im unwell
every time paul menacingly emerged from fog/sand/smoke my life was extended by like 10 years thank u denis
gurney killing rabban with as much ease as he did cleared my skin and watered my crops <3
the way the baron was literally dying and still crawling towards the throne.......... the way at the same time feyd ignored him completely and looked towards the doors reveling in the fight ahead..... if that doesnt tell u everything you need to know about house harkonnen idk what will yall
i also love how no one intervenes as paul walks in and kills the baron. not even feyd. feyd looks like he was a little TOO into it as paul killed him tbh. feyd u little freak. austin butler you talented talented man. im unwell
i AM sad we didnt get to see baby alia stab him but ah well. we got a bunch of other weird dune shit so ill let this one slide. the psychic toddler may be too much even for denis and everything he did give us. we'll always have our 1984 alia <3
THE DUEL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
oh my god oh my god oh my goddddd where do i even start
okay so. the way theres no music. no fancy cuts no slow mo no over the top effects. its just the slashing of the blades and those BEAUTIFUL shadowed shots with the setting sun in the background. this really is the sun setting on the peaceful universe. just pain and suffering ahead marked with the blood spilled from the two who were meant to produce the messiah but who both got thrown off this path by the greed and selfishness of their forefathers. guys im normal about paul and feyd. definitely. i definitely have very normal thoughts about how they are foils and yet two sides of the same coin. yes guys
paul making the emperor kiss his ring is already such an insane fucking scene and it translated to the screen so well. amazing performances all around
i didnt talk much about florence pugh's irulan but she really didnt have much time to shine. im excited to see where she goes next and i definitely think shes a great fit but i need to see more of her to really be able to say more
i will say this. the way chani, irulan and jessica are the only ones who dont kneel for paul. the three most important women in his life who give him his power, everything he has. jessica made him and she made him the messiah. chani opened her life up to him, helped him become and in turn control the fremen, and she shed her tears for him and fulfilled her role in the prophecy against her wishes. irulan is his path to the throne, his key to being emperor. and none of them bow before him because why would they bow before a power they are responsible for, a power they own, a power they gave?
but for chani its different ofc. she also refuses to bow because she despises everything paul stands for.
oh my god i could say so much about the last scene being chani. not paul reveling in his victory. paul leaves for his next bloodshed and chani is left behind crying for the person she loves who she knows is gone. crying for her people, again enslaved. crying those same tears that brought the messiah back into this world.
theres a lot to be said about the role of gender in dune and how it hangs over every facet of this world but thats a whole separate analysis post to be had so ill just throw it down here in this little point
another thing chani does very well in the movies is she really makes paul's villainy explicitly clear. SO many people read dune and completely misunderstand it and walk away from it concluding its a "white savior narrative" and nothing more which. yes!! yes it is!!!! but thats not a good thing!!!! its never stated to be a good thing!!!!
this movie is not gonna let you misunderstand the message of the story no matter how blind you try to be to it. paul is not a good guy. hes never been the good guy. hes the protagonist, but hes not the hero. and chani allows that to translate from book to movie very well. have i mentioned yet i love movie chani
chani fills in the holes left behind by the narration and internal monologues of the book and, bonus points, she holds the people who dont understand what dune is about by the hand and tells them explicitly "PAUL IS A BAD GUY!!! DONT IDOLIZE PAUL!!!! DONT WALK AWAY FROM DUNE THINKING ITS PRAISING PAUL'S ACTIONS!!!"
i think thats pretty much all i had to say. i might reblog with additions as they hit me but yeah i. i enjoyed the movie. so so much. i think i might watch it again sometime soon while its still in cinemas.
sorry for being unhinged hope u enjoyed my rants. kiss kiss night night <3
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"He like how you fit that ass in them pants?" JJk men x thick!reader
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☆ Gojo, geto, choso, toji, nanami, Sukuna, megumi.
Warning ⚠️: ass, ass grabbing, curvy figure, black!reader, ass fixation, a lil bit of smut.
Satoru Gojo
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●Gojo is obsessed with your ass and thick figure. He would mostly definitely let you sit on his lap. I only just feel your ass against his dick. He's a pervert and he knows it.
●Sure, he's dated girls with nice bodies, but when he got with you all, he could do is stare at your ass and he's so honest about your body.. like, really blunt.
● This man is so obsessed with your body and you're figure he would waste all of his money buying you very short, tight outfits that show off your ass, he loves showing off your body, it's a way of telling people 'All of this ass is mine and no one can have it.'
●This man would wear his blindfold and just stare at your ass. You don't know that he's staring at your ass because of the blindfold, but trust me. This sneaky bastard is mostly definitely staring. He loves seeing the way ass jiggles when you walk and how you struggle putting pants on beverage of your ass, whenever your doing something he would sneakily come up behind you and squeeze your ass or smack it and go throughout his day like it was nothing.
● He's possessive to whenever he would see someone staring or checking your body out he would wrap his arms around your waste letting niggas know this is his woman and thus body is his.
● Another thing he loves using your ass just for random things he would lay on your ass when he's napping, he would randomly play with your ass watching it jiggle, sometimes he would rest in between your thighs too.
● This man loves seeing you in booty shorts or underwear he would walk past by you and give your ass a nice pat. He would definitely check you out whenever you bend down to get something he just likes enjoying the view. He's just a guy who loves his girlfriend and her ass.
Geto suguru
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● This man is for sure an ass man, he loves watching you put on clothes especially the ones that show off your ass and your curves, just like gojo he likes the way your ass shakes, jiggle, when you struggle putting on pants it's actually a turn on for him. He loves watching the way your ass moves, and God, he loves your thick thighs he just finds them absolutely beautiful.
● He's still respectful even though when it c9mes to your ass he doest really touch it unless you two are like very intimate with each other, but he males it so obvious, yes he would contain himself from touching your ass in public but God he can't control himself, he looks at your aass alot, always checking you out, it doest matter where you guys are at. He'll eye you up and down with that sexy smirk as he glances at your ass, which ngl you find so hot.
● He's a sly mf he would come up from behind you hugging or 'helping- you but really he just had a boner and he wants to feel some relief as he presses your ass, he can't help it your ass is like a distraction for him.
● Has you sitting on his lap at all times it doesn't matter if it's in public or at home. He just wants to feel your plump ass on him. I swear you felt his bulge through his pants that one time you were sitting on his lap, as he was just slyly smirking at you.
Choso kamo
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● He's such a cutie. He was very flustered but also confused, I mean, he really didn't think too much about your body parts, I mean, yeah, he found you very attractive, but he found all your body parts beautiful to him, but he all over you and your body.
● When you started dating choso, you usually wore outfits that were baggy or didn't show your figure, but when he he saw your true shape, He was all over you. Choso was a bit hesitant on touching. You've told him many times that he can touch and do whatever to your body, but he never touched a woman before or know what it's like so you had to guide him through it, so he can get use to it.
●Choso probably caught himself staring at your ass for like a minute, and he would like mentally slap himself for a second to pull it together. He can't help it. Your ass is so hypnotic to him like he's in a trance. Like whenever he wants to touch your ass, he would walk close behind you and place his hands on your ass cheeks, giving it a tight squeeze, rubbing his hands across your smooth skin, little taps, I feel like he would tap or poke your ass like he wanted something from you, you found it so adorable. He's in awe when he sees your ass jiggle, like omg just jiggle it in his face he would most def like that.
● He is so into reverse cowgirl position and 69 during sex, he gets so flustered and aroused whenever you ride him with your back turn against him as he watches your ass riding him up and down as you bounce on his cock, all just can do is just stare lazily at your ass and how much it moved as he was being fucked into oblivion .
● like, I bet his dick twitches inside his pants just seeing your ass jiggle. Listen, this man is 100% an ass man, and you can't change my mind.
Toji fushiguro
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● He's an ass man for sure
●HE'S a ass man, and he had no shame about it.
● Like anything that shows off your ass or curves, he just can't help himself and reminds you how sexy you are to him.
● He most definitely smacks, slaps, and grabs. It's kinda hot. He has no shame about it either he'll do it anytime and any place.
● THIS man is your new seat, his face and lap too.
● He'll glance at you ass whenever you wear skirts, short, jeans anything, tbh he can't control himself at all. It's not his fault your ass is so fat.
●Bro, the first moment he saw you and saw a glimpse of that ass oh he had to have you. In his head, he like 'damn', he's definitely typed to slap your ass when you walk past him, like it would be at random times, you would glare at him or scold him for smacking your ass to hard, rubbing it to soothe the pain, damn he smacks it to hard.
● Just like choso, he loves hitting from the back. He loves reversed cowgirl and doggystyle. He loves the way your ass presses up against him and love's seeing your facial expressions just to see how well he fucked you.
● He is so caught up in your ass no matter how hard he tries to focus on you and he alway ends up staring at your ass, he loves pounding you from the back just to see your ass jiggle, he loves the way it moves, he mostly in spanking, this man loves ass, its like an obsession.
Nanami kento
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● Nanami is definitely an ass man, I mean, look at him. He loves to grope your ass all the time, no matter where you are, he's good at makings subtle and not to obvious he gets away with it alot especially in public, Nanami would buy outfits for you just to see your as and curvy figure, soon as he gets off of work he work rip whatever outfits you have on and pound into you with no mercy. He's a very sweet partner. I feel like he would give your ass a massages, he would do it strongly, but also softly, he is so interested in the way your ass jiggles when he massages it.
● He loves watching you dress in front of him but not for him but for yourself. He also loved giving you outfits that'll make you look even gorgeous. He loved the outfits you wear when you visit him during his lunch break. He also loves the way you use him like a chair. This man would beg you to sir on his lap, his face, and he doesn't care.
Ryomen Sukuna
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● Sukuna is most definitely an ass man I feel like he would like to be with someone with some curves. This mam would leave bruises on your ass, marking it. He loves smacking your ass.
●loves when you wear shorts around him so he can smack your ass even more, just watching the fat of your ass jiggle.
●I feel like he would smack your ass just anmot or do it on purpose. You could be scrolling through your phone and a rough hand smacking your ass, making you flinch. You would glare at him, but it doesn't faze him as he smirks at you mischievously. He most definitely uses your ass as a pillow. He would nuzzle or trace the curves of your ass.
● He loves watching your ass bounce on his cock when he's sitting on his throne, he's a ass eater for sure, like he's the nastiest. He would also pinch your ass if you're annoying him, and it hurts and he knows it hurts so he keeps doing it just because ge finds it amusing. The way you would rub your ass as he's cackling at you. He's an evil mf.
Megumi fushiguro
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● He would act like he wouldn't be staring or seem perverted look at your body, but he can't help it. He loves your curvy figure, especially your ass. Just your ass to the waist, your hips, and just thickness of your cheeks he's loves it when you wear leggings. He would steal glances at your ass when you walk.
● Megumi never really thought your body in that way, well not until you started dating. Now he can't help when you're walking in front of him his eyes just wander down to your thick ass, hugging and squeezing into your cheeks.
● His pants tighten whenever you press against him or back up against him, he would put hus hands around you waist, whenever he gets the chance to touch you, he'll slide his hands up your skirt, rubbing and punching your ass, settling his hands on your ass, making little circles tracing into it.
●There's so much teasing whenever megumi was horny you would rub your ass against him or wear a short outfit complimenting your curves, and whenever he tries to touch, you would swat his hands away leaving him frustrated.
●He's loves doggystyle he just loves the way your ass is pressed up against him when he pounds into you, and he's secretly into spanking.
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delulu-baddie · 2 months
Between Sister and Heart
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Summary: You begin to question your morals after getting into a relationship with your sisters ex Caitlin.
Pairing: Caitlin Clark x Reader
Warnings: Cheating and a few curse words
A/N:  I’m getting ready to go back to school so lifes been kind of hectic, but this is going to be a multi part series. As always thank you guys so much for reading and all of the love on my past projects. Lastly, make sure to send in some requests so that I can give you guys stories that you want to read. <3
You knew it was wrong and you should've stopped this a while ago. You two are going to cause so much hurt to someone that you love, but something about Caitlin made all of your morals go out the window. 
Caitlin and your sister Audrey had been together for the past two years and while you weren’t exactly fond of her in the beginning, you grew to like her, which turned into a great friendship, and you should have stopped there but didn’t. As time went on your feelings for the girl began to grow and for a while you were able to keep them to yourself, until you werent. 
9 Months Ago
Tonight one of Caitlins teammates was planning on throwing a party to commemorate the beginning of the new school year. Your sister is a STEM major, and has always taken her academics seriously, putting school work before anything else. You on the other hand were the opposite. You had a pretty easy major, probably one of the easiest your school has to offer. You liked going out to drink with friends, and going on random adventures, even when you knew you should be at home finishing assignments. Caitlin had always liked that about you. Typically when Audrey would tend to flake on certain events whenever she had a big assignment or a test coming up which ultimately was the reason she decided to start hanging out with you more, and tonight was no different.
Caitlin had let your sister know about Kate's party weeks ago, and while she didn’t give a definite ‘yes’, it still surprised Caitlin when she got a text saying she wasn’t going to be able to go because one of Audreys professors had already scheduled a test coming up in a week. Audrey knew her girlfriend hated going places alone when she planned on drinking so she urged Caitlin to ask you to go to her place. But what she didn’t know was that her girlfriend was happy that she had told her to ask you to go in her place. 
You had just finished up an assignment for your math class and heard a notification from your phone, quickly checking it and seeing a text from Caitlin.
                                            CC <3
CC <3
hey, ik this is totally last minute but your sister bailed on 
me and i need someone to come with me to my friends
party tn. so could you be the most perfect friend ever
and come with me. I’ll buy you crumbl cookie!
wow… glad to know im a
scapegoat. :’(
CC <3
omg you're right that sounds so insensitive, im sorry!
you don’t have to go, im sure you already have plans
for the night, i just figured id ask.
          chill clark, you had me at crumbl
what time do i need to be ready??
CC <3
in like two hours, you can come over to mines
to get ready if you want
okay, ill be there in like 30. im
going to shower rq
CC <3
tysm! you're an angel!!!
You quickly take a shower and start getting your stuff together running back and forth between yours and your sister's closets trying to piece together an outfit. Once you come up with an outfit you deemed appropriate for a house party you say goodbye to your sister before making your way to Catlins. 
The drive is short since she only lives about ten minutes away, but you still rush out seeing as you have a little over an hour to get your hair and makeup done. You make your way to her front door and knock before its swiftly opened by a smiling Caitlin.
“Well if it isn't the life saver herself” She says bringing you into a hug.
You giggle at the comment before responding “Life saver or scapegoat?”
“Okay you know I love you and that I hate making plans with people at the last minute. It's not personal.” she says, rolling her eyes playfully and walking back towards her room to finish getting ready.
You follow the tall girl deeper into the apartment before making your way into the bathroom next to her and laying out all of your hair tools. After about half an hour you finally finish your hair and quickly do your makeup and get dressed so you two can pregame a bit before calling the uber and heading to Kate’s. 
About an hour into the party, it's pretty safe to say the two of you were plastered, however, even with the level of drunkenness you were at, you could tell Caitlin was being a lot clingier than usual. She was constantly wanting to be near you, holding your hand, even going as far to have you sit on her lap when all of the seats got taken during a group game sesh. At first you thought that she was so drunk that she was confusing you with your sister. That was until she pulled you out onto the balcony when she wanted some fresh air. 
The two of you just sat in silence, focusing on the trees blowing in the wind and the occasional late drivers passing by. After about ten minutes you felt her place her hand on your thigh. You hated to admit that you felt butterflies in your stomach at all of the little touches of affection she was showing you tonight, but you knew it was wrong and decided to correct her on it before things got too far. 
“Caitlin, this isn’t right, and maybe i'm reading into this too much and you're just too drunk to realize that i'm not Audrey, but this can't happen” you say, sliding her hand off your thigh, breaking the silence.
“I know exactly who you are,” she says, grabbing your hand from off your lap. “You’re the girl who will drop anything to come help me out with something,even when you know you have other things you should be focusing on. The girl who comes to all of my games so that I know I have someone personal there for me because her sister who i'm with refuses to put her disliking for the sport aside to come support me. You’re the girl I'm in love with, and I can't, no I refuse to go another day without telling you.” She rants. “And don't tell me that you don't feel the same because I know you do. I feel the way your heart starts to race every time i hug you. I see how you look away every time your sister and I share some sort of affection. I need you to tell me so that I don’t feel stupid for telling you this right now” she finishes now facing you completely, staring at your eyes desperately waiting for an answer.
You were quiet for a minute, however that felt like hours for the girl standing in front of you. She had just poured her heart out confessing her love to the sister of the girl she was dating. While you sat trying to process what was just said to you, Caitlin was freaking out internally hoping that she didn’t just fuck up her chances of ever speaking to you again. You finally decide to respond to the girl, but it wasn’t what she was expecting to hear as a response. 
“I think we should leave, it’s getting late and my sister is probably waiting for me to get back home.” you say, before walking back into the house to say your goodbyes to everyone and calling an uber back to Caitlins so that you can retrieve your stuff and head back to your place. 
Caitlin stood there in shock, she couldn’t believe that that was all you had to say. She had just let her guard down to tell you how she truly felt about you, and your only concern was the time and your sister sitting at home. She soon walks back into the party to say her goodbyes as well before following you out the door to get into the uber you had ordered a few minutes ago. Her teammates had noticed the change in demeanor between the two of you from when you went outside to when you came back in, but everyone decided it was best not to bring it up at the moment. The ride back to her place was quiet. Caitlin was hoping that you would say something, occasionally looking over at you, but you didn’t. You just stayed quiet, fiddling with your fingers and staring out the window for the whole 15 minute drive.
Once you guys had finally arrived back at her place, you begin getting all of your stuff together, mentally scolding yourself for not telling your true feelings to the girl. You could tell that she was angry at you for it, and it broke your heart, but she's your sister's girlfriend and you would never want to hurt Audrey even if that meant causing hurt to yourself. You finish grabbing all of your stuff and tell Caitlin you're going to head out before she stops you. 
“Look, I know you don't want to be around me right now, but Audrey would never forgive me if I let you drive home knowing that you had been drinking. Just stay the night here and you can leave in the morning, I'll just sleep on the couch.” She says looking everywhere but at you. 
“I’m fine, I promise. I can drive back home, I don't want to intrude.” you say looking down at the floor. 
“You could never intrude, if anything your absence would annoy me more.” she says, grabbing your chin to make you look at her.
Staring into her brown eyes made your heart melt. You were so in love with her and you didn’t want to fight it anymore. Before you could think twice you grab her face, pulling her into a kiss. It caught the girl off guard, but she quickly melted into it, placing her hands onto your waist pulling you in closer. The kiss was what you had been wanting to do for the past five months.  What you didn’t know was that she had been wanting to do it since the first time she laid eyes on you. The two of you eventually pull apart just looking at one another smiling. This felt right.
“Does that mean what I think it means?” she asks with a slight smirk on her lips.
“Yes Clark, that was my way of saying I love you too” you respond rolling your eyes but failing to hide the smile creeping up on your face. “But we have to do this the right way. If you want to be with me, you have to end things with my sister, I don't want to be the other woman.” you say sternly.
She swiftly brings you into a hug and whispers “For you, i'd do anything.”
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littledollll · 7 months
Ok but manipulative obsessive ballet teacher larissa keeping her star student after hours so they can focus on her technique in more ways than one
It’s to help your form she says, definitely not just to see how flustered you can get
Private lessons
Ballet teacher!Larissa x ballerina!reader
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A/n: is this becoming a thing? I think it’s becoming a thing. I’m kinda obsessed, could be a little AU for us?👀 also I’d like to note that while I’m not gonna specify age in hopes of inclusivity, reader is around their mid 20’s.
HAH I wrote that back when I thought I was gonna have the ideas and motivation keep writing. Anyways, this is my last draft. Hope you enjoy!!
Warning: unhealthy teacher/student relationship, touching, sexual undertones, little bit of mean Larissa
“I will say this once and only once. At this level none of you should not need me walking you through every little step like the girls from baby ballet!” Larissa spoke loud enough to fill the room, before signaling the pianist to begin playing.
Everyone ran to form a line across the back of the room, you ending up fifth in line for the exercise. Perfect spot. Only four in front to watch, and be done quickly.
“However you’d like to start, give me four pique turns to the center, four changing fouettés, pas de bourree and close with a triple.”
One by one each student went. Some being sent back to start from the beginning if they messed up, some going without comment, very rarely did she praise anyone.
Your turn came, you started in a simple fifth position, spotting towards the diagonal which just so happened to be exactly where Larissa was standing. You had no trouble keeping your eyes on her.
“Thank you!” She said in a very clearly annoyed tone. “Finally someone who knows how to spot correctly. The rest of you should learn a little from this starting position. Go on, my dear. I apologize for interrupting your start.” You gave a short nod and began your sequence. Everything was going perfectly until the final part, where you failed to complete the third turn, but saved it by landing on fifth.
You quickly got up and were about to scurry back to the beginning but Larissa spoke up. “No need. You were perfect till the very end and at least saved it. Back of the line.”
You smiled, Larissa smiled back, giving you- a wink? Oh you must have been seeing things. She wouldn’t. What an odd thing it would be for her to do. Regardless, you nodded, looking down as you walked past her only for her to stop you in your tracks and tilt your chin up with her pointer finger. “A ballerina walks proudly. She floats with a straight back and gentle steps. Chin up, my dear.”
Surely she could see the dark red blush covering your cheeks, she nodded you off to continue walking, a smile still on her lips.
When she turned to continue the class, her smile fell, and the strict teacher was back.
When everyone was done with diagonal, she called back to center. “That will be all for today. Applaud yourself for the effort and I will see you all tomorrow.” She locked eyes with you as she spoke, before turning to talk to the pianist while everyone packed up and left.
“You. Stay back, my dear.” A few girls looked back, but she was very clearly talking to you. Her direct tone made it seem like you were in trouble, making your heart race.
“O-okay. Should I keep my pointes on?” You spoke as you stopped in the middle of untying the ribbon. “Yes, please do.”
“Is something wrong, ma’am?” You asked softly as you noticed her staring, watching you. She shook her head with a smile. “Nothing at all, darling. You’re a great student, I’d just like to give you a few pointers.”
By the time you finished tying your ribbons back on securely, and stood, walking over to her, everyone else was already gone, even the pianist. And Larissa had closed the door with the last one out.
“I’ll start with how you failed that triple turn. It shouldn’t be much of a difficult thing for someone of your level…” she mutters.
“Yes, I’m sorry. I don’t know what happened.” You said, lowering your head.
Larissa stepped in front of you, so close you could practically feel her breathing as she once again tilted your chin up. “What did I say about ballerinas, sweetheart.”
You blushed at the closeness, this woman was beyond beautiful, and talented. Having her this up close felt like an honor. You felt so small next to her. “They walk proudly.” You answered.
“Good girl. So you do listen.” She stepped back and you immediately missed her presence so close to yours. “Fortunately for you, I do know what happened.”
She rounded you. “Get into fourth, give me a clean double.” You did as told, a clean double pirouette, finishing back in fourth position.
“Good. Now give me a triple, this time focus on what you’re feeling.” Again, you did as told and just like last time fell on the last turn.
“Do you see the problem?” “Yes- I think so.” She nods. “Tell me.”
“My heel is on the floor by the time I’m in the third turn.” She looked at you proudly for a moment. “Very good. You’re dropping your heel. When you do a double it’s no issue because you’re still high on pointe. But you’re turning in demi at the third. No dancer of mine turns in demi at this level. That’s for the little girls. Tell me miss, are you a little girl?”
“I- well- no of course not.” She hummed, bringing a chair in front of the mirror, centered in the room. She pointed at you to move to the center as well as she sat down, crossing her gorgeously long legs.
Any dancer would die for those. You’re sure she was the envy of the whole school back when she was just a student. “You’re acting like it. You turn like it.” Her voice brought you back in the moment.
“Anyone can do a simple turn. I’m sure the damn pianist could come do one for us. Anyone can do a double too. Any one of the juniors at this establishment could. You’re failing, at this age and this level. I mean you can do it, but you don’t do it well.”
“I can. I promise you I can. I’ve done it before!” You rushed to prove yourself to her. She was the last person on earth you wanted to disappoint.
“Well of course you have. You wouldn’t be in this level if you couldn’t pull off a simple triple turn. So what is it? Are you finding the easy way? Is this you being lazy, in my class, miss?”
You wanted to cry at just the idea of disappointing her.. and this was how she saw you? Some lazy brat in an advanced class while she was God herself to you? That wouldn’t do.
“I’ll help you, my girl. You dance beautifully, you move and project emotions the way no other can. But you’re falling at the basics. All the talent and emotion in the world won’t save you if you can’t pull off a good turn. Try to think of any important role to dance which doesn’t turn.”
“There’s not many..” you said quietly. You wanted to bring your head down again, truly, you felt shameful. You could do it, both of you knew that. But you weren’t, why is that? Larissa wondered.
“Not any, my dear.” She sighed, walking behind you. “I want you to try for four turns with me here. I will spin and support you. Just keep that heel up.” You nodded, getting into fourth, and doing a plié before starting your turns.
Larissa’s hands moved quickly around your waist, guiding you through every turn and stopping at the four count. “You’re very capable. You can spot well, you could turn ten times with me here, I bet. But I trust you know that there won’t always be a pas de deux in every show or every dance. There won’t always be somebody to help you turn.”
“Yes I know, ma’am.” She smiled. “Of course you do. You’re a smart girl, my dear.”
“You trust that I won’t let you fall, yet you’re not trusting yourself.” She said, squeezing your hips lightly as she kept her hands in place. “You have the strength to stay up, no doubt. Trusting yourself is just as important.”
“Let’s try to balance on pasé for a few, hm? Get your body comfortable with staying up for a longer time.” She stepped back.
Her eyes were racking over your body. You could feel it, it only made your blush grow deeper. “Slowly. Take your foot from the ground up to your ankle first.” You moved as she spoke, she seemed to approve of that.
“Up your calf… and above your knee. Do not rest it, now hold.” You were perfectly still once she told you to hold position, settling all the shaking in an instant.
“Your breathing cannot interrupt you. I want it to look like you’re not even breathing. Keep that rib cage closed tightly and focus. Imagine there is a string going straight through the center of your body, pulling you up toward the ceiling.”
You breathed slowly, barely. Not even thinking about uttering a word at this moment. “Turning is much easier than balancing. You have more momentum to stay up, and as long as you don’t move and exaggerated amount you can get away with not being perfectly in center with your body. Though you should be.”
You felt the warmth of her hands again. You could see her blurry in the mirror, trying to keep your face straight. You stared right into your own eyes.
Her hands were under your breasts for a moment, pressing down on your rib cage gently. “Tightly closed. Very good, my darling.. very good.” She whispered.
Larissa’s hands caressed your thighs before reaching your knee, spreading your leg a little more open. “I should be able to see you in one line if I were to look at you from the side. Keep your knee aligned with your shoulder.” She spoke softly, having no need for loud words as she was practically pressed up against you.
Your balance shook as she adjusted you, but she didn’t let you fall. Instead helping you find your balance once more before moving on. “You’re focusing too much on me. I’m not even here. Now rest.”
You sighed in relief as she gave that command, letting your pointe trail down your leg the same way it trailed up, until you reached fifth position and got off pointe, allowing yourself to rest.
“That was very good.. I would’ve been a little disappointed had you not done that. Half the girls would rush, out of sheer desperation but you.. you did that stunningly. A very good girl, you are.”
“Thank you, ma’am.. I’ll be honest, I do my best to impress you…” Larissa quirked her brow. “Is that right.. Well, lovely girl, you do a good job at it. Let’s get those turns right and I’ll be even more impressed, proud, even.” Larissa hummed as she traced down your spine with her long fingers, and then reached your skirt.
Shamelessly, she began untying it, removing the garment from your body and throwing it next to her chair. “That thing only makes seeing the things I need to see harder.” You nodded in agreement, feeling your skin heat up as she held your hips for a few moments much longer than necessary.
“We will work on your left side another time. For now I want to focus on getting that left heel to stay up.” She stepped back, moving around you to be in front now. “Give me a triple pirouette.”
You took a deep breath in, breathing out slowly. You moved into fourth position, doing a deep plié before you started.
This time, you stayed up longer, but let your heel fall by the end. Larissa sighed. “Again.”
It went on for some time. Each time you would get closer to doing it right, finally. “Again.”
“Let’s try something. Think about doing four. Set your mind, we’re doing four turns, but remember you’re closing, cleanly, on the third.” You nodded, feeling anxious about how many tries this has already taken. No doubt you felt Larissa was tired of this.
With the thought cemented on your mind, you went for four. Just keep the heel up for four.
“Three, close it!” You landed it right as she finished speaking, closing on a tight fifth position, your arms rounded and lowered around your bellybutton.
“Absolutely perfect. You did perfect, my dear. That was the cleanest I’ve ever seen you turn.”
“Why’d you count?” You said in a whiny tone and Larissa couldn’t help but chuckle. “You all hate it when I count. But it helped you, didn’t it? I’m just guiding you, my beautiful girl.”
You smiled, “yeah it did help..”
“Come, sweet girl.” With hurting legs you walked to her, standing in front of her with little idea of what exactly to do. But she grabbed your hand and pulled you towards herself, wrapping you in a soft hug.
It was certainly an odd thing to do, but her warmth was something you seeked.. and God, was being in her arms delightful.
She rubbed your sides gently, caressing over your soft leotard. “You did very well, my star. I want to see this progress shown in the next class, yes?” You nodded, nuzzling yourself against her neck without even thinking about it. And breathing in.. she smelled expensive, a little woody but also floral. You wanted to bathe in whatever perfume it was she wore.
“Very good, my girl. It’s time for you to get home.” You almost whined as you pulled away from her, and Larissa hushed you. “Change out of your pointes, and don’t forget your skirt. I have to close up here soon.”
You nodded, going over to your bag and quickly changing into your street shoes and some shorts. “Um, thank you, ma’am. For helping me and everything.”
“It’s a pleasure to help such a delightful student like you, always.” You blushed, waving a quick goodbye before practically skipping out of the room.
Larissa smiled as she saw it written clear across your face, she had you wrapped around her little finger. What a good girl you truly were.
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lnlightning81 · 5 days
Secret? No Never
Summary : You and Logan have hidden your relationship to most of the grid and definitely to the rest of the world. However, that changes at your home Grand Prix
Pairing/s: Logan Sargeant x Geordie!Driver!Wife!Reader (Ft. Most of the grid)
Word Count : 4.4k
Masterlist Logan Sargeant Masterlist Want to be included in my tag list? Click HERE
A/N: if you saw the unedited version of this you may have noticed I changed the gif. No reason just saw this one and liked it
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Hiding your relationship with Logan wasn’t something that either of you had ever planned on but when Logan moved up to F1 no one ever asked him and no one ever asked you when you moved up the year after. 
Some close friends that you had known throughout your time in the junior formulas had known about the relationship, but how far they actually knew of the relationship was unknown to you and Logan. 
It was your favourite race this weekend -Silverstone- however Logan wasn’t so happy about it as it covered the 4th of July weekend but you knew that he’d get over that soon enough when he realised the dates that you were racing on. 
Silverstone covered your second anniversary as a married couple and your fourth as a couple in general. Now sat in the press conference with Sky Sports and other TV channels you and Logan were sitting next to each other. It wasn’t on purpose, though you had just come in late due to other media obligations and didn’t want to walk in front of the camera, so just sat down on the end next to Logan. 
“Now Y/N home race obviously. Feeling good about it?” The interviewer asked as you nodded 
“Aye. Why aye man don’t think you can feel bad aboot this one if you get me like” You nodded as the interviewer took a moment to catch up with what had just left your mouth. 
“And as a translation. Yes, I don’t think you can feel bad about this one if you understand what I mean” Logan hummed, and you looked at him confused before looking over at the interviewer, to which you nodded understandingly
“Sorry” You apologise 
“Logan, you seem quite familiar with what Y/N’s saying. Any reason in particular for that?” One of the interviewers in the crowd asked obviously, trying to stir up something for an article 
“I’ve been her teammate for almost seven years. I’ve known her longer than Oscar” He shrugged 
“A question for Y/N” One of the women in the crowd said, and you picked the microphone up, looking over 
“Obviously it’s your home race. You’re quite far away from home, have you been to see your family?” She asked, and you nodded 
“Aye, I went hame had a stottie with some peas pudding. Filled up ma suitcase as well as me mams extra suitcase to take some back hame with me” You replied your Geordie accent picking up more since you’d been home seeing your parents and now they were at the track 
“She went home had a special kind of bread roll with some cold peas soup basically, and she’s packed both her suitcase and her mums with it” Lando supplied 
“Sorry. I’ve been around my family too much now” You apologised again. Thankfully, there were very limited questions for you or Logan after that, so it allowed for you to sit talking with him about the plans for the rest of the weekend. 
Being teammates in the past meant that you never got to do these press conferences together, but now that you were racing with Alpine even after Oscar’s warning, you were able to do the conferences. 
The relationship between you and Pierre was brilliant even if there was a bit of a communication barrier between the two because when speaking French you still had your Geordie accent but when he spoke English you still use your Geordie slang. 
You did help him out and make a cheat sheet for him and Kika. Kika takes it more seriously than Pierre, which is why you liked her more. Who wouldn’t like Kika more anyway. However, apart from the communication barrier between yourself and Pierre, the relationship between the two of you was really good. 
Now that the press conference was done, you picked up your water bottle, walking out talking to Logan as you walked. 
“So I know I’ve been moody about being in the UK this weekend however I’ve just looked at the dates” You looked up at him with a hum 
“Glad you can finally read” You joked, and he laughed jokingly, pushing you out the way. Stopping to sign some things for fans and taking pictures with some fans 
“Are you planning on going back home while you’re in the UK?” A fan asked, and you shook your head 
“Nah, I’ve already been hame. I’ve got a trip tae Paris with the bosses” You pulled a face, and the fans laughed along. Logan carefully placed a hand on your lower back as he walked behind you, turning your head to look at him with a smile. 
Logan moved on talking to some other fans as your press officer -James- appeared behind you, and you smiled up at him innocently, knowing that you were meant to be elsewhere right now. 
“Y/N” He said in that tone that parents used to use when they were disappointed 
“The fans are more important than sky sports or whoever I’m meant to be with right now” You argued 
“I agree, however, the FIA does not agree” 
“Fine” You groaned, saying bye to Logan before following James to wherever you were meant to be doing the interview. 
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The race was set to be a good one. Getting through to Q3 in quali and starting in 10th. It was the best that you could do with the car that you were given. Logan however wasn’t so lucky in his Williams, and you were more than annoyed with that stupid team principal who’s name you couldn’t say, and it got you in trouble with Alpine quite often. 
“Radio check Y/N” You engineer -Ethan- said 
“Aye I can hear ya” You nodded, adjusting your gloves as you looked at the cars around you just checking the setup of the cars 
“Remember just race clean and bring it home somewhere” Ethan replied 
“Tyre update?” You asked, and Ethan started explaining how each driver was going with their tires in this race. 
“Heard there's another Geordie somewhere in the paddock” Ethan said during the formation lap. 
“Oh aye. Will is in the Mclaren paddock” You nodded, following behind Alonso. Lined back up on the grid, all eyes on the lights in front and soon.. 
It was lights out and away, you all go
The first 30 or so laps went pretty good and simple. It wasn't until George Russell retired that your race started to change. You’d been known as being reckless. However, you didn’t want to be in your home race until that changed. 
“What is this fucking idiot on” You complained watching the fight in front of you however even though you were annoyed by the reckless driving you still managed to jump both places due to them not paying attention. 
A few more laps later, and you were starting to get very warm for Britain 
“Jesus I’m propa sweating like” You complained, opening up the visor to let some air in 
“It’s England” Ethan frowned, and you shrugged 
“And? I’m not fucking used to this weather it’s normally propa nippy like” You replied
“Well sorry I didn’t plan the weather right” 
The rest of the race was pretty boring for you. Stuck in traffic. It was exciting for other drivers and people watching, but there was no one around you to make it interesting. Pulling into the park ferme with a sigh as you sat there for a moment. 
Just taking a moment to let the race sink in. You’d come with slightly better hopes than just P9. Looking up, Pierre was leaning over your halo, and you pushed the visor up 
“Are you okay?” He asked, and you nodded 
“Aye just taking a moment to think through the race” Pierre nodded, tapping your helmet before walking off. Removing the headrest and steering wheel before getting out and replacing them. Walking over to get weighed, you took the slip before taking your helmet off and handing it all to your trainer. 
Logan appeared next to you, his hand subtly touching your own, and you couldn’t help but smile a little 
“Wanna know who finished behind you?” He asked, and you looked at him with a nodded 
“Aye why not” You nodded, taking your water bottle 
“Me” He hummed as you looked back up 
“Lo. Are you serious?” You asked, and he nodded. You wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling him into a hug 
“Well done. I’m so proud of you” You smiled, and he nodded 
“I’m proud of you as well. I know we’re doing our best with our cars” You nodded  “You’re gonna meet me in my driver's room after the media” You hummed while taking a drink of your water. Logan nodded 
“I need to find Benny. Need a drink” He smiled, and you handed your water bottle over to him, and he smiled while taking a drink of it. 
“Benny’s owa there talking” You pointed over, and he nodded, looking over in that direction. Neither of you had noticed the cameras pointed in your direction as he handed you your bottle back 
“I’ll see you later then?” He asked, and you nodded, giving him a hug 
“Aye” You nodded, walking off to the media pen. 
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Media was definitely the worst part about the job. Media to everyone was the worst part of the job, although you definitely had it harder. There were so many sexist reporters that just judged and made everything about the fact you were female. 
Sitting in your driver's room annoyed at the reporters, there was a knock on the door, causing you to get up and open it just to see Logan smiling at you from the other side. You just moved out the way, walking back over to your chair, causing him to frown as he shut the door behind him. 
“Love? What’s going on?” He asked, keeping his distance a little bit 
“I’m so fucking pissed off at those fucking stupid reporters” You groaned loudly throwing your head back wincing a bit as the wall was much closer than you thought. Logan walked over standing between your legs 
“I know you’re annoyed, but you're so hot when you're annoyed” He whispered, pulling your body into his own. Your head rested against his chest as your arms wrapped around his waist. 
“Divvent dee that” You whined, and he chuckled, wrapping his own arms around you as he leaned down to kiss your head. 
“I’m not doing anything” He shrugged, and you rolled your eyes as he chuckled a little looking down at you “Happy anniversary though, love. I’m not exactly happy we’re not spending tonight alone together though” He whispered, and you looked up at him 
“Happy anniversary even though I’ve already said it. Still got a gift for ye” You hummed 
“Your present is me” He joked, and you couldn’t help but laugh a little, knowing that you had promised each other not to actually go out and buy each other a present. “So I really wanted to kiss you out there once we got out of the cars. I think we should come clean. Like actually come out and say it not just subtly like we’re doing just now but make a statement to the rest of the grid” He spoke, and you looked up at him with a nod 
“Aye let’s do it” You nodded, and he smiled, leaning down and pressing his lips against your own. Your hands placed between his jaw and chin, pulling him in closer. Logan smiled into the kiss. You both pulled away after a moment, and you couldn’t help but pull him down next to you. Resting your head on his shoulder as his arm wrapped around your shoulders 
“I love you” You whispered, causing him to place a kiss to your hair 
“I love you too” 
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Grid dinners were something that happened every so often. You knew that there was one coming up soon. However, you forgot that one was tonight 
“You planning on getting ready soon?” Logan asked as you looked up from your phone laying in your own bed for once. 
“Hmm did I forget our date night?” You frowned 
“No. It’s the grid dinner tonight” He sat on the edge of the bed as your eyes widened. 
“Fuck Logan” You quickly got up walking over to the wardrobe looking at your dresses. “Damn it, I have nothing to wear” Logan sighed, walking up behind you and wrapping his arms around your waist, pulling you into his chest. 
“Baby, you do this every time. You can wear a pair of joggers and this lot won’t care. You see them every weekend, almost through the highs and lows. Please just wear what you’re comfortable with no matter what it is” You smiled while kissing him. He knew your insecurities about being a woman in motorsport. Little woman had got to where you were before, and now you were the one paving the way for more women to enter into motorsport. 
You took Logan’s advice picking out a nice pair of trousers and a nice top to go with. It wasn’t your typical grid dinner outfit, but it was comfortable, and that made you comfortable. 
Walking out of your house with Logan, you couldn’t help but smile knowing that after four years, it was still the way it felt on your first date. 
Logan opened your car door, holding out his hand letting you use his support to get out of the car. 
“We doing this t’night?” You asked, and Logan nodded 
“If you want to” He looked down at you, and you nodded 
“Aye. I think I do” You smiled, interlacing your fingers together. Walking up to the door of the restaurant. Logan held the door open for you, letting you step inside first, not letting his other hand leave your own. 
“Cheers” You hummed, wrapping your other arm around his bicep. Logan leaned down, pressing his lips against your own as you waited on the server to show you to the table. The man walked over with a smile on his face 
“Joining the big party?” He asked, and you both nodded 
“Yeah we are” Logan nodded 
“Just follow me” The man smiled, and you both followed behind him. The large table filled with other drivers and their partners. You let go of Logan’s bicep as he walked you both to the empty seats at the table which just so happened to be between Oscar and Lily and Alex and Lily just the two couples who seemed to know about your relationship. Logan pulled out your seat allowing you to sit down before he sat down next to you. ,
The rest of the drivers were still deep in their conversations as you and Logan said hello to the couples sitting next to you. Both Lily’s pull you into their conversation as Oscar, Alex, and Logan start their own conversation. 
The one thing that definitely didn’t make you feel self, confident at this dinner is the fact that the nineteen other drivers around you always ate more than you even if you ate large portions yourself. After ordering your meals and taking suggestions from Logan on what to eat, you got up from your seat as Logan looked up at you 
“You okay?” He asked, gently reaching up and brushing his fingers across the back of your hand 
“Aye just nipping to the loo. Why do you want some mair pop?” You asked, and he shook his head 
“No, just wanted to make sure you were okay” He smiled, and you nodded, holding his hand from where you stood as he looked up at you. You couldn’t help but just lean down and press your lips against his. Giving his best puppy dog eyes like you were leaving a little puppy alone. 
“You look so sad baby” You pouted as he pouted up at you. Oscar chuckled from behind Logan, and you glared at him. You pushed some strands of hair out Logan's face before letting go of his hand and walking to the bathroom. Leaving the few drivers that caught on whispering at the table. 
When you came back, you actively ignored the smirk that crossed over the few drivers' faces. Logan's arm instinctively goes to the back of your chair after you sit down gently, caressing your shoulder. You couldn’t help but smile at him 
“You good?” You asked him, causing him to nod with a smile 
“Better than good” He hummed 
“So Y/N” Lando started, and you looked over at him. 
“Lando” You smiled politely 
“How’s the love life going?” He asked, and you raised a brow 
“Better than yours obviously” You smiled in response as his smirked dropped, sending Max and Oscar into a laughing fit as some of the other drivers struggled to keep their own laugh in. 
“She’s not wrong” Max shrugged, earning a glare from Lando, making you laugh as you took a drink from your soda. 
“Be nice” Logan whispered, and you shrugged, clearly not seeing what you had done wrong. 
As the food arrived, the drivers all settled into conversation with people nearby rather than across the table like before 
“Logan got a girlfriend?” Charles asked from across the table, causing Logan to look back at him. Their previous conversation had just finished, and Charles was obviously trying to keep it going. 
“Nope no girlfriend” He responded, earning a hum from you as you went back to eating. Going to get up after a moment or two
“Mair pop, anyone?” You asked as most people responded with a no however, Charles couldn’t help but sit there confused at what had just left your mouth 
“Would you like some more drinks?” Logan explained as he shook his head with a no. You walked to get yourself, Logan, and Alex a drink with Lily and Oscar who’d decided that they wanted to see what other options there were at the bar. You could have just asked the server however, you didn’t want to interrupt the guy. It made you feel bad. 
“When are you two going to put everyone out of their misery?” Oscar asked, earning a shrug. You’d ended up karting against him and Logan, hence how you were all so close now. 
“For being drivers they’re fucking blind” You shrugged as Lily laughed a bit “I’ve snogged him every time I got up” You shrugged, again putting in your order at the bar. Lily who’d obviously seen most of them, nodded with a laugh 
“It’s disgusting” She nodded as you chuckled, thanking the bartender and taking the tray. Walking back to the table, you handed out the drinks to Alex and Logan before sitting back down between them. 
Both in conversation about how pissed off they were at James. The name that you refused to speak. There was no doubt that Logan was being treated unfairly however, what could you do about it. However, without Logan’s knowledge you’d actually been doing something about it. 
Joining in a conversation with Charles, Logan rested his hand on your knee gently caressing it as you and Charles spoke about how much you wanted one of the new Ferrari’s that they’d been talking about releasing however by contact most of the time you were to drive an Alpine 
You looked at Logan as he removed his hand from your knee and started to get up sending him a small smile to ensure that everything was okay to which he smiled back stretching before joining Alex who was waiting at the door for him. 
“They okay?” You frowned, looking at Lily, who nodded 
“Yeah, Alex wanted fresh air so Logan said he’d join him” You nodded taking a sip of your drink looking at your phone for a moment smiling at the selfie from Logan with both Lily’s cooing over your shoulder 
“Look at how smiley you got there” Oscar’s Lily cooed, and you shook your head with a roll of your eyes. Of course, the teasing was about to start as Oscar just chuckled from his spot. You just let them tease you until the boys came back when Logan pressed a kiss to your head, causing you to look up with a smile. 
“Hey you” You smiled, watching as he sat back down. 
“Everything okay?” He asked and, you nodded 
“Aye everything’s great” You nodded, thanking the servers that took everyones plates away. Oscar leaned over, whispering something in Logan’s ear, causing both of them to laugh as you turned in your seat towards Logan, who interlaced your fingers together. 
“We going home after dessert?” Logan asked 
“Well when everyone else starts to leave” You responded, earning a nod. 
“Sounds good. Heard anything from your mom?” He asked 
“Aye she said that the butchers was going mental after people realised I had been there” Logan laughed his thumb, caressing the back of your hand. It was just like no one else was around you at that moment, just enjoying the moment four years on from your first date and two years on from your wedding day. 
“Where’s your ring?” Logan asked with a slight frown, causing you to pull the necklace that was tucked into your top, showing off your engagement ring and wedding ring 
“It feels more normal wearing it here because of how much I don’t actually wear them” Logan nodded with a smile 
“We should really wear them more. So much for actually just saying the words though” Logan chuckled, and you couldn’t help but laugh a bit as well. 
“Well we’ll do it when we’re ready” You shrugged, tucking into your dessert, letting Logan try some of the cheesecake you had ordered 
“Who’s all coming to the bar after?” Lando asked, and you looked at Logan with a shrug who just shrugged back, basically saying it was your decision and that he didn’t care. Although you knew that after ten minutes of being there, he would care however you agreed to go. It could be good fun. 
And that’s what happened. Everyone who had responsibilities -mainly just those with kids back at their hotels- left, whereas everyone else moved the dinner into a local bar. 
It was a simple bar. Fairly lights hanging from the ceiling, the place was mainly made from wood -ash or yew- if you were to take a guess. The place filled with the smell of what you could only assume was whiskey, and the locals were all laughing along with each other. 
Logan’s hand rested on your lower back as you walked in between the rest of the drivers. Lando found a big enough table for the twelve or so of you that were drivers plus some of their partners. 
Most drivers allowed their partners to sit down at the tables on the stools as they stood behind them, but you refused to sit down, preferring to stand next to Logan as you spoke to some other drivers. It wasn’t that Logan didn’t attempt to make you sit down and make you talk with their partners; however there was extra energy running through your body and you had to make use of it by standing. 
Talking to Max, Kelly, Charles and Alexandra laughing every so often as the girls tried to convince you to go dance with them and you tried to convince them that you had two left feet that only worked for pushing the throttle and break. 
After a while of being convinced you finally joined them on the dance floor, if you could even call it a dance floor. It was more a space in the bar that everyone had left vacant and people were dancing on. 
That was until a nice slow song turned on where you left the floor and joined Logan back at the table. Logan instantly takes your hand and pulls you back onto the floor. Charles and Max danced with their girlfriends as well. 
Logan's arms wrapped themselves around your waist, pulling you into his warm body. You smiled, wrapping your arms around his neck pulling him down so you could press your lips against his own, to which he smiled into the kiss. 
The world disappeared around you both as the rest of the drivers watched with their mouths ajar. Oscar and Alex were cheering at the fact that the two of you had finally said your words aloud but in your own ways. Pulling back, resting your foreheads together as one of your hands moved to his jaw. 
“So we did that in public” You whispered, and he shrugged with a smirk 
“Well it was about time” He smiled, and you couldn’t help but smile back up at him. Your lips collided again as one of his hands trailed up your back and into your hair, pulling you even closer into his body. 
“What the hell?” Charles exclaimed as you both pulled away from each other. Your attention is drawn to the group of drivers and their girlfriends. 
“Surprise?” You shrugged 
“How long?” Lando asked, mouth still ajar from surprise 
“The relationship or marriage?” Logan asked with a smirk as Alex and Oscar had their own little laugh in the corner. Their girlfriends slapping their arms 
“Both?” Max almost shouted 
“Two year married, fower year dating” You shrugged 
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Back in the hotel room now that everything was out in the open, felt a little weird, and you couldn’t deny that, and neither could Logan. It was a weight lifted off your shoulders because the secret wasn’t secret. However, there was a new fear about everyone knowing. Standing in front of the mirror, just taking a moment for yourself. 
Logan’s hands rested on your waist as he stood a little bit behind you, turning you around so that you were facing him now. 
“I love you so much” He smiled 
“I love ye too” You smiled back as his index fingers hooked into the belt loops of your trousers, pulling you into his body. The quiet music you had playing in the back serving as the perfect thing to fill the silence as your bodies rocked to it. 
Your arms wrapped around his torso as his arms wrapped around your shoulders. It was the perfect second wedding anniversary weekend and you couldn’t hope for anything more.
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Coming Soon
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Appologies to @starset21 for suddenly deleting my unedited version
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twilightt-fantasy · 7 months
stress relief [v.kings]
description: the kings worry that their mate is pushing herself too hard.
requested by: n/a
warnings: uhhh none? maybe suggestive content??
this is totally self indulgent bc i just took my state boards for nursing and let me tell you all, i was stressed and definitely could have used these 3 in my life haha. enjoy!! :))
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her head was pounding, eyes straining from re-reading the same question that laid in front of her over and over again. the computer screen seemed to get brighter with every passing second, the words jumbling together as she scrambled through her thoughts to find the correct answer.
she had been at this for hours - the never ending cycle of studying and reviewing that she had been stuck in for weeks now. she couldn’t help it though - every moment that passed where she wasn’t studying felt like a waste of time and, with the help of her overthinking, she was convinced that taking a break would mean not passing.
and she refused to accept anything less than a passing result on her test.
this was the biggest test of her life, after all. she had spent years in college preparing for this moment and was terrified now that it was here. this was the moment that defined if she was capable of putting all of her earned knowledge to the test and being competent in her field.
in her eyes anyway.
her kings disagreed with her.
caius, marcus, and aro all agreed that she had this test in the bag. how couldn’t she? she was incredibly smart and driven and had worked her ass off for years to be the best that she could be. there was no doubt in any of their minds that she’d pass and they had each tried to convince her of that multiple times.
but of course, their mate was nothing if not stubborn, and had a hard time seeing reason when she was under this much stress.
the test was in three days, which meant even more time studying and preparing and more migraines, irritability, stress and anxiety.
she reread the question again and then the answer choices, racking her brain for the answer before finally deciding on her best guess and sighing. the girl reached up to rub her temples with one hand, her other reaching for the glass of water to drink in an attempt to settle the pounding behind her eyes.
behind her, aro watched his mate with narrowed eyes. as one of her mates, he easily picked up on her emotions and was not very pleased with the amount of stress she had placed on herself as of late. she had always been an overachiever in school, always had bad test anxiety and held herself to high standards in relation to grades. but to him, this was excessive.
“how many more questions do you have until that test is over?” aro asked, catching the full attention of both caius and marcus, who were only half paying attention before.
“i don’t know.” she mumbled, answering the next question easily before moving on.
caius rolled his eyes from his spot on the bed before he flashed over behind his mate, the girl not even flinching at his sudden appearance. he peered over her shoulder at the screen before turning back to marcus and aro and holding up five fingers.
caius sat back then, the three of them waiting patiently as she finished the practice exam and viewed her passing result before he sat back up and turned off the monitor.
“hey!” she spun around, her red-rimmed eyes glaring hard at caius. “what are you doing?”
“you’re done.” he said, sternly. “you’ve been at this for hours and it’s nearly midnight. you’re done.”
“no.” she spoke back, her voice raising as she pointed a finger back at the screen. “my test is in three days and i’m not ready.”
“yes you are.” marcus argued before caius could answer with something that wouldn’t help the situation. “and taking a break to sleep is not going to affect anything anyway, especially when you can hardly focus on the questions.”
a lump grew in the back of her throat but she fought past it, ready to argue some more. aro raised his hand, before standing himself and moving beside caius. he gripped her hand is his, his other moving up to rest on her forehead. she sighed, the coldness of aro’s skin relieving the headache she hadn’t fully realized she had.
“cara mia, please take a break. eat a snack, take a nap. and the next two days you can study for a few hours at a time.”
“aro…” her eyes were pleading as she looked up at him but he wouldn’t give in. marcus had appeared to grab her other hand and aro moved back as marcus pulled her out of the chair.
“no arguing, dearest.” marcus pushed her towards the bathroom in their shared rooms, dropping her hand in order to turn on the shower. “take a shower and relax. when you get out, we can do whatever you want for the rest of the night.”
she seemed to debate it, her heavy eyes darting from between her kings to the shower, her lip disappearing between her teeth. “you three are free tonight?”
“for as long as you need us to be, tesoro.” caius answered and the girl sighed again, rolling her shoulders and neck as she did. she stood silent for a few more moments, before the weight of her exhaustion finally hit her and she stepped closer to her kings.
her head fell onto marcus’ chest and his hand reached up to her hair, fingers curling through her strands as she stood there. caius and aro joined them a moment later, aro’s fingers gently massaging the back of her neck while caius kissed her shoulder.
“get in the shower, love.” caius spoke again as steam began to fill the bathroom. “afterwards, no more thinking about that test until tomorrow.”
“okay.” she murmured, pressing a kiss to each of their lips before finally moving towards the shower.
the three left her to relax, barely making it back towards the main living quarters before they heard her call out. “if you’re so worried about how stressed i am, you three could help me find a little relief!”
they were back in the bathroom in the blink of an eye.
* a few days later*
“i passed! i passed! i passed!” an excited voice echoed down the corridors, growing closer and louder with every word. fast footsteps pounded down the hallway towards the throne room, where the three kings sat conversing before the next trial.
the three kings shared smiles as their human mate continued to approach the throne room and they stood to greet her, each of them wearing a proud smile and assuring her that they never doubted her for a second.
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haechwrites · 1 month
fated rejection - J.WW
college student!wonwoo x fem reader (3rd person)
wc: ~5.9k
warnings: loner wonwoo, angst, fluff, strangers to friends to lovers?, rejection, past trauma (mild)
A/N: i’ve been sitting on this for sooo long and tbh it was meant to be a much longer fic but i deleted almost everything. these parts were my fave and they felt most satisfying to me so !! enjoyyy. i hope i don’t disappear again hehe
⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
“I don’t know which one to watch, though.”
“We can just decide when you get here later,” Wonwoo says in between bites of cereal. With his left hand, he’s fumbling trying to prop up his phone on Vernon’s water bottle.
“When I get where?” She says though he can’t see her face. He can just see her ceiling as he listens to her do something in the background.
Wonwoo pauses for a second, letting her think. When all he hears is her continual surrounding noises, he finally speaks up.
“...When you get to my apartment… for the group project.”
He can hear her gasp when he finishes his sentence and then some more rustling. Finally, her head pops up from the bottom of his screen, and if she weren’t so pretty, he would’ve choked on his Cheerios from the jumpscare.
She smiles wide trying to hide her bout of short-term memory.
“Yes… the group project… session… at your place… that I’m definitely getting ready for right now.” She fidgets and he can see it through the camera. He hopes she can see the sharp glare he’s sending her too.
“You forgot,” Wonwoo says plainly.
“I did not… forget.” She takes the phone into her hands, taking a seat on her bed. He can see the pillows plush around her head as she positions herself comfortably. He wonders what her room looks like, besides the ceiling and the corner of the bed he’s viewing. Wonwoo thinks it has to be decorated as loud as her personality, compared to his room that’s mainly white and boring. He makes a mental reminder to not let her in there today.
He grabs his phone as well, bringing it closer to his face.
“You. Definitely. Forgot.” He teases, watching the guilt grow on her face.
“Who forgot?” Mingyu walks into the kitchen, hair still recovering from his long slumber. By the looks of it, Wonwoo thinks he forgot too.
“Y/N forgot that we’re meeting up today for the group project.”
And the way Mingyu stills trying to steal a bite from Wonwoo’s cereal, he knows he was right. The milk is dribbling from the spoon as the cereal is suspended in the air, and Wonwoo turns his phone away so she doesn’t see that another member of the group has forgotten. He rolls his eyes, shoving the spoon into Mingyu’s mouth.
Mingyu hums, feigning ignorance. “Yes! The group project, duh. At our place.” Chunks of Cheerios are splattering onto the table as he speaks and Wonwoo scowls at the clumsy boy.
“See,” Wonwoo smiles condescendingly at his phone. “Even Gyu remembers.”
Mingyu tries to steal the whole bowl from him, but Wonwoo’s arm blocks him along with the stern look on his face. Mingyu groans in response and heads towards the cabinets to make his own breakfast.
“And I did too! How could I forget the precious plans we made together, Won?” She says ever so sweetly. He can see her lashes flutter even through her bad wifi connection.
Mingyu’s head snaps in the direction of her voice through the phone, tilted in curiosity.
‘Won?’ he mouths. He begins to giggle to himself, dragging a stool opposite of Wonwoo. His eyebrows are raised teasingly, and there’s a huge smile on his face at the sound of the nickname that naturally escaped her lips.
Wonwoo is turning his camera away from his face once again before telling Mingyu to back off. No longer interested in breakfast, or stealing Wonwoo’s, he’s keenly listening in on their conversation.
“So I’ll see you at 1?” Wonwoo asks.
He watches her eyes flicker to her clock before she nods. “Yep, I’ll see you at 1!”
“The plans are for 12,” Wonwoo deadpans, and her face drops.
“Fuck you.”
“See you!” He ends the call.
It’s silent in the kitchen as Wonwoo continues to play on his phone, refusing to meet MIngyu’s eyes. He already knows he’s in for it.
“So… Won.” Mingyu slyly tries to grab his spoon. Not wanting to have this conversation, Wonwoo actually lets him steal a bite.
“Yes, Gyu.” He mistakenly looks up and there’s a pleased look on Mingyu’s face. Wonwoo tries not to let his face show that he’s phased. He simply gives him a blank stare, like video chatting her is normal and her calling him by a nickname is normal.
Which it is. It has been his new normal for the past two months or so. Wonwoo never expected to grow this close to a person in college especially considering how dry the past four years have gone, both friend and relationship wise. But Y/N has somehow managed to find her place in his life after being added to his group project the day after she was absent. And he let her in without fighting. She managed to slip her way into his life in a way that no one has before, especially considering she used to just be a classmate he saw around every once in a while — and found mildy? slightly? Okay, incredibly attractive.
However, now, her place feels unfamiliar. It’s shifting towards even more uncharted waters. It wasn’t like his friendships with Mingyu, Hoshi, and Vernon.
Maybe it’s because she’s a girl and this is his first girl (emphasis on the space) friend or that’s what Wonwoo has been telling himself these past two weeks. Or maybe it’s because unlike the boys, Y/N doesn’t complain when they spend time alone, when all Wonwoo wants to do is be introverted. She doesn’t complain when she calls and he’s gaming. She doesn’t complain when he’s overslept and is showing up to their study sessions with sleep still in his eyes.
He appreciates her efforts far more than he did before. Especially when her sweet acts like buying him a milk tea carton, every time they meet up to work on the project, sends his heart into a frenzy. Or when she laughs extra hard at his jokes, when he knows they’re not that funny. Wonwoo really likes it when their conversations go on a tangent, and they’re no longer talking about which powerpoint template they should use but what sweetness level is best at their campus’ coffee shop. Wonwoo won’t let himself look deeper into that feeling though. Besides, it could just be the caffeine from all the varyingly sweetened americanos they’ve sampled.
All he knows right now is that their relationship feels different and Wonwoo often wonders if there’s a need to define it. He never allows himself to dive further than that. His chest seizes at the possibilities.
“So what’s going on?” Mingyu asks, propping his chin on his hand.
“Just… eating breakfast.” Wonwoo stares, as if it was obvious, making Mingyu roll his eyes in frustration.
He tsks, “I meant with you and Y/N. Duh.”
“With me and Y/N? I don’t understand.” Wonwoo shakes his head, confused at Mingyu’s questioning.
“Are you guys… like more than friends? Just friends? I’m just curious,” Mingyu shrugs. “I’ve never seen you willingly talk this much to anyone but the three of us.”
“We’re friends,” Wonwoo says quickly, trying to ignore the fuzzy feeling in his chest. He can feel the tips of his ears turn warm.
“Why-,” Wonwoo clears his throat. “Why do you think we’re more than just friends?”
Since the topic wasn’t brought up by someone other than the nagging lovesick voices in his head, Wonwoo was actually curious to hear what his friend had to say. Truthfully speaking, if we’re going to be really honest here, Wonwoo has thought of her in a romantic light from time to time, but seeing as he barely managed to move from a classmate to a friend basis with her, a relationship didn’t seem possible. A relationship felt so out of reach, it was embarrassing to even consider. With a loner like Wonwoo, he could never fathom Y/N liking him back.
“You know who she reminds me of? She reminds me of Yuna.” This makes Wonwoo choke on his cereal milk.
“Yuna?! Like from high school, that Yuna?”
“Yeah,” Mingyu nods. “The one you had a crush on for like two years.”
“And then she hardcore friendzoned me. Why would Y/N remind you of Yuna? That’s horrible…” Wonwoo shivers, reliving his teenage rejection. It was an awful time for him. He had allowed himself to fall for his longtime crush, ask her out, only for her to completely and very publicly embarrass him. Vernon gave her death glares for two months whenever they crossed paths.
“She doesn’t remind me of her. She just reminds me of the crush you had on her. The way you’re acting now, it’s like when you had a crush on Yuna. It’s so cute.”
“I-I don’t like Y/N like that. And even if I did, why would you compare it to my failed high school love life? That’s traumatizing.” Wonwoo gets up from the stool, and moves to start washing his dishes – and some of Hoshi’s from last night’s dinner.
“Okay maybe I went about describing this the wrong way. I’m not saying she’s going to friendzone you. I’m saying you have crush behavior, like how you did back in high school. With Yuna… but you seem in denial this time.”
Wonwoo sighs. “I don’t like her like that. And I’m not in denial. Even if I did, you just gave me a reason to not do anything about it. So, thanks.”
Wonwoo angrily scrubs at the stain Hoshi left on one of the plates and he groans at how stubborn it is. The more he scrubbed, the more the stain started to look like Yuna. Then he starts to remember the look of disgust she gave him when he gathered the courage to confess his feelings. He could hear her conceited scoff ringing in his ears. If his fingers didn’t hurt so much from his steel grip on the sponge, the sore pain in his chest would’ve been a lot more noticeable.
“Noooo,” Mingyu whines. “That wasn’t the point of this conversation.”
Wonwoo slams the faucet shut, turning to face his friend. “Then what was the point, Mingyu?”
Mingyu somehow shrinks himself small, giving Wonwoo a sad look. “I just wanted you to realize your feelings for her. I want you to be happy, Woo.”
“Yeah, well, I’m perfectly happy like this. So please stop pushing this on me.” Wonwoo says with finality, before returning to his dishes. He could feel the coldness he left in the air, and he winced at his own tone. He can hear Mingyu awkward shuffling behind him.
“I’m sorry. I’m gonna go buy some snacks before Y/N gets here. Want anything?”
“I’m good.”
⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
But he wasn’t. Wonwoo lied. All throughout the entire study session, he kept fidgeting in his seat at her close proximity. She called dibs on the seat next to him and it’s not like he hasn’t been this close to her before. However, after that talk with Mingyu, he can only see her and think about his potential feelings for her. Loose emphasis on the word, ‘potential.’
“Okayyy, I honestly think we’re done.” Vernon claps his hands on his thighs, cueing the end of the session.
“Yeah, I feel good. We should be ready to present.” She nods, not moving to pack her stuff. “Do you guys wanna get dinner?”
Hoshi’s posture straightens, “Oooh, wanna order in?”
She matches his smile, immediately agreeing. She leans over the table to look at Hoshi’s phone, blocking Wonwoo’s sight and he gulps. How is he supposed to last a dinner with her when he could barely handle the last few hours?
He accidentally catches Mingyu’s eyes and there’s a devilish gleam to them. Wonwoo immediately scowls, leaning back in his seat to draw some distance from her.
“Won, what are you craving?” She turns her head to him, waiting for his input. Her face was less than a foot away from his, he could smell the aftertaste of their lattes from her breath.
“I-I’m good. With whatever. Friend.” He sputters out. That gets him looks from everyone at the table, before they decide to ignore him and continue looking at menus. Wonwoo excuses himself, not before dragging Mingyu to his room.
After trudging his friend down the hallway, he silently slams the door of his room behind them. In pure Wonwoo fashion, Mingyu wasn’t sure how he was able to close the door so gently but so scarily.
“Me.” Mingyu responds.
“You… you’re messing with my brain,” Wonwoo whines, playing with the sleeves of his sweater. Mingyu simply takes a seat on his bed and enjoys the mental torment his best friend is experiencing. It feels good to be right, he thinks.
“How am I messing with your brain?” He tilts his head innocently.
“You’re making me think things, Gyu.”
“What things?” Mingyu eggs him on and every second that passes, Wonwoo’s eyebrows furrow closer together.
“You know, like, non-platonic things. I don’t know! These thoughts weren’t there before.” Wonwoo lies, even he knows that didn’t sound convincing.
Wonwoo finally stops pacing and takes a seat next to Mingyu. His shoulders are tense with frustration. Mingyu could practically see the thoughts trapped inside Wonwoo’s head.
“Are you sure they weren’t? Or were you just denying them?” Fearful of asking these questions, Mingyu’s eyes dart Wonwoo’s way for a second to check if he crossed any lines before fixating on his computer set up on the other wall.
“It’s really annoying that you think I have these feelings,” Wonwoo groans. “Even if I did, it wouldn’t matter, because she would never like me back.”
“But I do.”
Wonwoo and Mingyu whip their head to the bedroom door they swear was closed a second ago. However, it was wide open, and Y/N was standing in the entrance confidently. Or so it seemed, since she was hiding her shaking hands in her hoodie pockets.
“Huh?” Wonwoo says, despite very clearly hearing what she just announced.
“No way…,” Mingyu follows. He was rooting for her to return his feelings, but seeing it physically happen was still mind blowing to him.
“I like you, Wonwoo.” She says a little louder, she pulls her hands out of her pockets to stop them from profusely sweating. If he was any closer, he could hear her heart banging against her ribcage or see the sweat beginning to coat her forehead. This was harder than the moment she approached Wonwoo for the first time.
“I came in to get your dinner order, but I guess you’re getting a confession too,” she laughs awkwardly, trying to appear calm.
Mingyu took this as his cue to leave, though not really wanting to miss the action. It was like he was forcing his heavy feet to move out of the room, not before giving her a small “fighting!” and exiting. However, he didn’t get far, because once he turned the corner, he rammed into two crouched figures outside the doorway.
Hoshi hisses when Mingyu’s foot comes in contact with his shin and Vernon fumbles on his feet, catching the weight of Hoshi’s body in front of him.
“You guys are terrible,” Mingyu quietly scolds the two spies and they roll their eyes.
“As if you weren’t gonna do the same if we weren’t already here.” Hoshi crosses his arms, unmoved by Mingyu’s moral questioning.
“Just scoot over,” Mingyu hisses before finding a space between them to also eavesdrop on this new addition to Wonwoo’s love life. But with what comes next, it may just be the end.
“No, you don’t.” Wonwoo states in response.
Her eyebrow twitches for a second in confusion, not wanting to let her confidence be wavered.
“What do you mean?” She can feel her throat go dry watching his facial features stiffen. This is not what she expected after confessing. Now her heart was racing at a speed that made her feel sick.
“You don’t like me.” Straight to the point. Like it was an undefiable fact. It pierced her chest in a way that made her almost second-guess her feelings.
Y/N scoffs in disbelief, and he winces at how painfully familiar it sounded.
“How could you speak on my feelings like that? I just said I like you, Wonwoo. If I said it, then I mean it.” She takes a step closer to him to hammer her point in, but he swiftly moves back, scared. She would’ve liked it better if he stood his ground, as watching him actively avoid her hurt even more. It’s like she could feel the line being drawn between them again.
“It’s not that simple,” He fights back.
“And it’s not that difficult.” She pushes harder. She was borderline angry, desperate for him to hear her out.
“You’re just confused…,” Wonwoo says her name in a way that makes it seems like he cares. With how softly it flows past his lips, she was almost convinced he was saying he liked her back. But with the space he put between them, she knew her mind was just tricking her.
“Confused,” she repeats. Not liking the finality of the word and how bitter it tasted on her tongue.
She finally breaks eye contact with him to stare at his bedroom walls. It’s much different than hers, but that’s what she expected. Truthfully, she was hoping to be able to see his room today. It would’ve made her feel like they had grown much closer, to be let into his personal space like that. She imagined the walls to be blank, but to at least have a few pictures or mementos of Wonwoo and the boys. But his room was void of anything, as if it was purposeful. Even if she tried to hang a picture of them two on his wall, it felt like the room would reject it for the sake of staying empty. Desolate.
The weight of that realization grew heavier on her mind. That’s just who Wonwoo is. That’s what he makes himself out to be, as hard as he can. Alone.
Y/N’s anger is now gone. And so is her fight. Her heart finally settles down to a cold, steady beat and her fingers stop trembling. She can feel the rise and fall of her chest as she sighs, suddenly feeling tired. Wonwoo feels her eyes back on him.
“Okay,” she nods. “Whatever you want.” She gives him a tight lipped smile, eyes meeting his but it felt like she was looking further. Like she was staring through him.
Her change in demeanor shocks Wonwoo, and he feels the foundation he built around his feet begin to shift. Despite wanting her to agree with him, it felt odd for it to happen. It didn’t feel good at all. Wonwoo thought he was protecting himself by shielding her confession, but it felt like a sword found it’s way to his back and sliced through. Now he was bleeding.
“I actually don’t feel like eating anymore, so I think I’m just gonna head home. I’ll tell the boys to order without me.” She says this without looking at him, taking another long look at his empty walls, and Wonwoo finds himself missing her gaze on him. His hand twitches, wanting to catch her wrist, stop her from leaving.
Not giving him a second to change his mind, because she knows he wouldn’t, she turns her heels around. Her eyes begin to sting and she tucks her head before he can see why. She walks quickly out the door, not minding the three men crouched in the hallway, and makes her escape.
The last thing the four of them hear is the door shut and a curse leave Wonwoo’s mouth.
⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
“Freshmen dorms are listed on the map, the route is highlighted. Once you get to the area, there should be tables set up that tell you which building and room you’re assigned to. Happy orientation!”
Wonwoo blinks at the cheery girl decked out in his newly admitted university’s colors, and wonders if he’s supposed to wish her a happy orientation back. He settles for a nod instead and watches her smile dip for a second before handing him the flyer.
He tugs his duffle bag strap closer to his body when his shoulders are suddenly weighed down by another person’s arm.
“That was a good one, Wonwoo. Really, really good first impression,” Vernon teases.
Wonwoo throws his head back in a groan, already exhausted by the social aspect of moving in.
“How was I supposed to respond?”
Another voice chimes in. “Thank you? Have a nice day? Go Lions?! Maybe. Just a thought.”
Hoshi, the other voice, cackles, punching Wonwoo’s other arm before throwing up claws in support of school spirit.
“Horrible options,” Wonwoo deadpans. “Last one was the worst.”
But Wonwoo’s smiling, trying to slap the stupid gesture off Hoshi’s hands. This only motivates him more, as Hoshi is throwing up claws towards every person in passing.
The boys are too distracted by trying to calm Hoshi down and drawing less attention that they don’t notice they’ve caught the eye of the girl trailing behind them, laughing at their antics. Her eyes are trained on Wonwoo in the middle, entertained by his distaste, but hidden joy, towards his friends’ behaviors. The other guy, Vernon, not the one already acting like an animal, started to play into it too.
She’s about to go up to them, pretending to be lost despite the map in her hands and the obvious signage littered around the campus, in hopes to befriend them before a fourth boy enters the equation.
“Heyyyy… you guys ditched me at check in.” He shoves his shoulder into Wonwoo’s, knocking both him and Vernon attached. The new member takes a look at Hoshi greeting everyone with a “Go Lions!” and cringes.
“Nevermind. Thank you for ditching me,” He bows. “I shouldn’t have caught up with you guys because I don’t wanna be associated with him for another four years.” He starts to slow down his pace in efforts to distance himself.
The boys roll their eyes, not letting him get away from this. “Mingyu, get back here!”
They attempt to grab his backpack straps when he fully walks backwards into the girl behind them.
“Oh, ouch.” She grabs her face after it got slapped by his backpack.
“Oh, oh my god. I’m so so sorry!” Mingyu freaks out. He instinctively grabs the side of her head, and she’s thrown off by his quick closeness. “Are you okay?!”
“I’m-I’m fine,” She laughs, covering her mouth. Her eyes betray her as she makes eye contact with Wonwoo. She immediately moves to hide more of her face after blushing. He doesn’t seem to notice. In fact, he’s already looking off into the space behind her.
Suddenly feeling embarrassed and lowkey rejected, she readjusts her hair. “Um, do you guys know where the freshmen dorms are?” She decides to stick to her original plan, hoping she comes off clueless enough to not read the signs.
“Oh! We’re heading that way if you wanna come with us?” Hoshi offers. “Are you sure you’re okay, you’re a little red. Mingyu’s a big guy and he almost fully rammed into you.”
At the sound of another person joining them, Wonwoo winces and she’s quick to catch it, no matter how fast he was in recovering that quick display of his feelings. She caught Vernon elbowing him in the ribs. All the hope she had immediately plummeted.
“Oh no, it’s totally okay,” she saves herself, feeling completely defeated. “I forgot I was supposed to meet with my friends… over… there!” She points at a random tree. She turns back to look at the four of them, hoping she sounded convincing enough.
They followed her finger to look at the meeting spot, and even they looked a little confused. But they shook it off, before bidding her a good day. Hoshi even gave her a “Go Lions!” She threw a claw up instinctively, and scolded herself immediately at how stupid that must’ve looked. She watched them walk away as she stood next to the stupid tree with all her luggage sitting pathetically next to her feet. She wondered how long she had to pretend to wait there before she was safe to just go to the dorms.
The four boys walked away, and for a second she thought her imagination was messing with her, but Wonwoo turned his head around to make eye contact with her. He gives her a small nod and it takes her awhile to process before she gives him one back. Okay, maybe there is hope.
⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
Wonwoo and Y/N never truly interacted since that day four years ago. If you could call that an interaction. And they also haven’t spoken since finishing the group project a week ago.
Today is the day of their presentation, and despite the lack of practice they got, the group looks ready to get it over with as they stand in front of the class.
As if they rehearsed it a million times, the presentation goes off without a hitch. Each member says their part and despite doing the same thing, Wonwoo is shocked that Y/N is speaking so calmly and eloquently. Like he didn’t just reject her and her feelings a week ago. It fills him with an even stronger guilt than what he’s been feeling these last few days. She’ll refer to him and his part during the presentation and even though she’s looking at him, it’s not like she’s actually looking at him. Not in the way she did before.
The class claps, despite probably not listening to a word they said for the past 15 minutes, and they return to their seats. Mingyu is praising Y/N on her part and she just smiles, whispering a ‘thank you.’ It feels like Wonwoo got punched in the gut.
She’s sitting next to him, but she feels so far away. This is the first time she’s shown up to class since that day and he wants to ask her how she is. How her weekend went. What she had for breakfast. If her upstairs neighbor is still playing marbles at weird hours of the night. But he can’t. He knows why he can’t, and it makes him sick knowing.
Wonwoo just sighs to himself, pulling out his notebook to pretend to take notes. He feels a poke on his right side and Hoshi’s looking at him with pity. Talk to her, he mouths. Wonwoo just shakes his head nervously, earning a look of disapproval from his friend.
Out of curiosity, he looks at her again, and her eyes are now glassy as it’s trained on her laptop screen. He gasps, not able to stop his hand from touching her arm in hopes to comfort her. But it only causes the tears to slip from her eyes and her sniffles to get louder. She shuts her eyes in embarrassment, not wanting to look at him. Y/N looks up at the ceiling trying to reign in her emotions before she closes her laptop, and quickly excuses herself from the classroom.
No one seems to notice as the next group is still setting up their presentation and Mingyu kicks Wonwoo’s chair from behind, urging him to chase after her. For once, Wonwoo doesn’t hesitate, and he races out the door to find her.
He spots her back, walking down the hallway, arms tucked around her waist. He calls out her name, watching her flinch. It hurts that that’s how she reacts to him now. She doesn’t slow down.
“I’m going to the bathroom, Wonwoo. Leave me alone.”
He catches up to her. “I’ll come with you.”
“To the girl’s bathroom?” She sneers. She’s finally really looking at him and he can tell this isn’t her first cry. Her eyes are red and puffy and he knows she wore her glasses today in hopes to cover them up. She did the exact same thing when she and Wonwoo marathoned well known movies with sad endings two weeks ago.
“I’ll… I’ll wait outside.”
“I don’t want you near me. And you obviously don’t want me near you, so just go back to class,” she dismisses him, picking up her pace as she feels the tears gather quicker on her waterline.
Wonwoo lets out a strangled sigh, fighting the insecure teenage boy inside of him, as he grabs her hand, yanking her to a stop. His hands are shaking, holding hers, and he wants to beat himself up for putting her through all of this. Looking at her in this state, knowing it’s because of him and his unresolved problems, makes his head pound with frustration. He feels almost nauseous.
“I do,” he manages to spit out. “I do want you near me, that’s the problem.” Wonwoo croaks.
“Why is that a problem?” She asks, and it comes out like a sob. “Why?”
Her hand is light in his grasp, and she attempts to pull away. “I’ve-I’ve never made you feel like I didn’t want to be with you. Like I didn’t want to be your friend or that I didn’t want to be a part of your life. So I don’t understand how you could so easily convince yourself that I don’t care about you.”
He opens his mouth, and she cuts him off by stepping closer. He’s let go of her hand, and he’s dumbfounded by her assertiveness.
“I like you, Wonwoo. You can’t tell me that I don’t.” She jabs at her own chest, now furious. “And- and you also can’t tell me that you don’t like me back!”
Wonwoo’s eyes widened, not expecting her to have pieced it together before he had. He wasn’t sure what his plan was when he chased her out here. He still doesn’t know what his plan is now. He’s just in shock. And she is too.
“Oh my god,” her hands clasp over her mouth. “That was so stupid of me. And overly confident.” Y/N’s shaking her head in disbelief as she tries to walk away from him again and this dreadful situation.
She’s almost out of his eyesight when the adrenaline hits him. He’s really about to lose her now.
“Stop!” Wonwoo calls. He’s winded from his thoughts and from running after her, and his arms found their way around her. His chest presses against her back and he's breathing into her shoulder. “You’re-you’re not stupid. You’re right. I-“
Wonwoo stops himself before he could continue, peeling himself off her body. “This is wrong,” he says to himself. He goes around to actually face her, grabbing her shoulders to steady himself and to actually look her in the eyes. She looks scared.
“There,” he chuckles under his breath out of nervousness. “I like you.” He says to her face.
The corners of his mouth lift with ease, and he wonders why it was so hard to say that before. He feels like he can say it a million more times. And the way the light slowly makes its way back into her eyes makes him want to scream his confession. He wipes a lingering tear from her face and he giggles. Wonwoo can’t believe how ridiculous he was before when it feels this good to say he likes her.
“I really, really like you. And it took me a while to accept it and that scared me. So the easiest thing to do was to deflect your feelings because at least, if you didn’t like me, then my feelings for you didn’t matter.” Wonwoo explained it like spilling in a long overdue diary entry.
“I know that wasn’t fair to you and I know this isn’t an excuse. But I was just scared to lose you when I just got you. I’ve never… gotten anyone like I got… you? Does that make sense?”
She shakes her head, no, in his hands. At a loss for words this time, not really wanting to believe what she’s hearing.
“Say it again,” she requests. One more time to know if she heard him right.
“Uhh.. I’ve never got anyone- wait, no. I’ve never gotten you like… that’s not right, either. I’ve-“ Y/N slaps a hand over Wonwoo’s mouth (gently).
“No, Won, tell me you like me.” She laughs. She can feel his lips turn into a smile under her palm and then the faintest of kisses being pressed against it before he moves her hand. She lets out a small gasp at the bold yet comforting gesture.
“I like you.” Wonwoo repeats. “I really, really, really like you.”
“I told you so.” Y/N whispers shyly under her breath, feeling much better. She lets out a sigh that represented her four years of essentially pining for him (which Wonwoo is very much not aware of) “God, you were so awful for what you did.”
She punches him in the chest lightly, and he laughs.
Suddenly realizing how intimately he’s holding her, he retracts his hands, not having ever shared this much physical touch with her.
“I know, I know,” He’s rubbing his hands together anxiously. “I have issues. I distance people. I’m the worst,” Wonwoo lists.
She takes his hands from his hold and jokes, “Yes, yes, and yes.”
Y/N then lets go of his hands and nervously tucks some hair behind her ear.
“I have to confess a little something too.” Wonwoo nods, telling her to proceed.
She looks up at him after fixating on the scuff on his sneakers. “Um… I actually think I’ve liked you for longer than you’ve known me.” Wonwoo instantly tilts his head in confusion.
Y/N laughs, already prepared for him to not be aware of the silent crush she’s had on him since orientation.
“We actually met at freshmen orientation and I’ve maybe sort of liked you since then…” she reveals and his eyes go wide underneath his thick frames. “But don’t worry! I wasn’t like obsessing over you these past four years or something. I just thought you were cute and I never mustered up the courage to do something till the day I missed class for our group project. I guess I finally got lucky.”
Wonwoo is dumbfounded, not being able to imagine having had someone’s attention for that long, let alone Y/N’s.
“Wow.” Is all he says.
“Yeah… so I really do like you. So don’t you ever dare tell me I don’t like you ever again,” she threatens softly.
Wonwoo can’t help the flurry of heat he feels in chest that travels his way up to redden his pale complexion. To think he was going to deny himself the pleasure of being liked by her. But naturally, his nerves begin to settle.
“…Y/N, I’ve never really done anything like this before. Or I’ve never been successful at it.” He scratches the back of his head, embarrassed. “So if I’m bad at being like a boyfriend or something, I apologize in advance.”
Not the reaction he was expecting, she’s smiling widely at him. “Did you just ask me out?”
“Oh! Oh is that not what this is?” His eyes are wide again and now his cheeks are flushed for different reasons.
“If that’s what you want this to be, then it can be.” She grabs his hand again, giving him a comforting squeeze.
“I want it. I want you.”
Wonwoo finally admits.
⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
A/N: thank you for reading!! if you’re a follower, thank you for waitinggg!! like, reblog, reply, but only if u want! mwah mwah
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railingsofsorrow · 4 months
old habits
a/n: in honour of cm:evolution new trailer that I saw emily holding a pack of cigarettes.
pairing: emily prentiss x f!bi!BAU!reader
warnings/content: exes with feelings trope; smoking; past relationships; discussion about marriage and family being overbearing; this is sad.
cm masterlist
[part 2] [part 3]
“you're back at it?”
emily's head tilted to watch you approach from her peripheral vision.
you watched as her grey strands fell from her shoulder as she turned her neck.
one of the best things emily did was let her hair take on her natural colour, instead of dying it black continuously. she's beautiful regardless, especially with messy hair and her sleepy face as soon as she wakes up— and now you're spiraling.
your brain seemed to forget that she's no longer your girlfriend and kept on hunting you with memories you can't get back to.
she was playing with the pack of cigarettes as she admitted out loud, “mhm. trying not to, but—”
“you're stressed.”
her lips quirked up and she looked up at you, a hint of a smile. it wasn't a happy one. “that's one way to put it.”
you looked down at your shoes as you leaned to where she was sitting. eye contact was something you couldn't hold for long, it was hard and awkward. it didn't used to be like that. you could stare at emily the entire day and not look away for a second.
“what's stressing you out?” your voice was slightly muffled by the collar of your coat. it was cold, you find it absurd how emily never even flinched at the wind. she had always been warmer than you but had the coldest hands on earth.
“just needed some fresh air.”
you offered her a blank look.
she closed the lid of the pack, leaving it aside before she spoke again. if she did that out of respect for you or if she didn't felt like smoking anymore, you didn't care. both were good reasons.
“what's stressing you out?” she threw back.
“my mom called.” you eyed her hand for a moment, wondering if they were still as cold as you remembered them to be. clearing your throat and shaking your head to deviate your thoughts to a better and solid place, you said, “she wants to know when I'm going to visit because, you know, uh... she wants to introduce me to someone.”
a beat.
“oh.” emily let out a forced chuckle. “she wants to set you up with a guy.”
“precisely.” which is what your mother always did, even after you introduced emily as your long term girlfriend. her calls were always about finding someone good for you while you were in a relationship.
it was frustrating but you could handle it since you were never at her place anymore. you visited, yes, but five times a year, maybe. never more than that. you never told her you and emily had broke up.
“and do you want it? to meet him?”
a scoff left your lips, “no. it will probably be some religious prick who will want to control my life like my dad controlled hers.”
“she must be crazy about the idea of planning your wedding.”
you nodded, staring distractedly into the horizon.
“probably,” you said, “but it's never happening, so.”
“why would you say that?” you could see her frown through her tone of voice. “it can still happen.”
you leaned back slightly, inhaling with your eyes closed. your nose was definitely pink and you were starting you feel your fingers become numb, but the night sky and the quietness made you enjoy the moment.
and the company, of course.
“i don't want to.”
“get married?” she had a puzzled look while she studied you. and you let her profile you in that moment, even if you despised when she did that. “you used to want it.”
there are some things that are better left unsaid. in order for you to end a cycle, you have to do something to move on. so you say things that need to be said and leave out the ones that will come to the surface later. the what ifs.
you blamed the moon for your choice or words next.
“i used to want it, yes. when I was with you.”
you ignored the deafening silence that installed itself between the two of you, deciding to bask in the rare peaceful moment without seeing dead bodies and without hunting serial killers.
“i didn't know that.” she surprised you by breaking the silence. you thought she would've just pretended you didn't say anything and move on.
move on.
why is it so hard?
“you thought about marrying me?”
yes, please, torture me like that, emily prentiss. you're awfully good at that.
“emily, I thought about everything with you.”
“why?” she sounded genuinely confused.
“because I loved you.” you said matter-of-fact. “and I... you know what? I'm gonna head back inside. it's freezing out here.” you abruptly cut the conversation short. otherwise you'd say something you'd regret later and all the moving on you did in the last few years would go down the drain. a moment didn't change anything.
emily's icy fingers held you by the elbow and your breath failed for a second.
“i'm sorry.”
“no, don't do that.” you begged, pulling your arm back and out of her reach. you'd done that before, you remembered how you ended up. you're not going back there again.
she let you go, folding her arms across her chest as if she felt cold for the first time that night. she eyed the pack of cigarettes, taking a minute to remind herself of the progress she made for not smoking in the past months.
and your voice rang through her head as walked back inside the building.
“it's not good for you.” you said one night when she thought you were sleeping. your arm wrapped around her middle and you tucked your nose in the crook of her neck. she leaned back immediately, her body finding the comfort in seek in your warm touch.
she pulled the cigarette away from her mouth and stared at it. “i know.”
you kissed the back of her shoulder, rubbing softly the side of her waist. “why'd you wake up? nightmare?”
“yeah, I didn't want to wake you up too.” she grimaced, turning her head so your eyes could meet. you gave her an eye roll.
“you didn't but you should. I don't like you alone with your mind catastrophizing everything.”
and look how she ended up.
lonely. with her mind catastrophizing everything.
a/n: i need to write some emily fluff....
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reareaotaku · 1 month
I Can't Have You
Summary: You always admired the acclaimed Stanford Pines, so when you were able to take his class in college, you were quick to take up the offer. If only you knew how this would affect both of your lives. Tw/Cw: Taboo, Dead Dove Content, Professor Ford, Student Reader, Power Dynamics, Dubious Consent, Age-Gap [Reader is in her early 20's], Older Man w/ Younger Woman, NSFW thoughts/Themes, Jealousy, Daddy Issues Inspired by: Only an Experiment
Linktree 4 the People of Palestine
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You were thrilled when seeing the name Professor Stanford Pines on your schedule/degree plan. He was wildly acclaimed around the world for his contributions to science. To even be in the same room as someone so brilliant is something you could only dream of.
You were one of the first students in the class, which was good for you, because you were able to get some one on one time with him, before class started.
You walked behind him, going to tap his shoulder, when he turned around and was startled by your presence. He fiddles with his glasses and clears his throat.
"Um.. Hello."
You smile brightly at him, nearly jumping with joy. "Hello, Mr. Pines." You grab his hand, going to shake it, before pointing out that he had six fingers. "Wow- You have six fingers? Really? I didn't think it was real, but wow-"
Ford is alittle taken aback by your bluntness. "Uh, may I ask for your name?"
"I'm so sorry." You straighten up and put your hands together. "I'm Y/n L/n. I've admired you since I was a kid. You're like... the greatest man to exist."
He smiles, chuckling, "Well, I imagine I'll see great things from you, yes?"
"I sure hope so."
You tapped your pin against your desk, your knee bouncing as you tried to focus. Your mind kept racing to your professor, Ford... You hadn't expected him to be so... charming and handsome.
You sighed in bliss as you watched the man lecture. He had such a way with words and you were mesmerized by him.
The past few months you've been in his class have been incredible. He was just brilliant, and it showed with his work and words. You had never felt such a connection with someone.
He dismisses the class, but ends up calling you back. You were a little surprised, because he had never called you back before- In fact, no teacher has ever called you back.
"Y/n, you know I must say I'm very impressed with your writing." He tells you as he pulls out some of your papers. "You remind me of myself. So... brilliant. I'm very impressed with your work and wanted to tell you if you ever need help, my door is always open- For you anyway."
You smiled, a little flustered, "Um... Thank you, Mr. Pines-"
"You can call me Ford. When we're alone. No need for formality."
"Of course. Thank you, Ford. I'll definitely take you up on your offer."
"I sure hope you do." He smiles and you have to control the way your body seems to melt. You only hoped he didn't know the power he had over you.
You sipped on your drink, sitting in a small cafe while you were surrounded by books. You took a sip of your drink before sighing and leaning on your hand. You were distracted by a voice that called you.
"Uh, Y/n right?"
You were surprised that this guy approached you and knew your name. "Uh, yeah?"
"I'm Rob. We're in the same Philosophy class."
"Oh, yeah. I think I've seen you before."
He takes the seat in front of you, much to your dismay. You were just trying to study, not keep up a social conversation. You sighed, still focusing on your books as he kept talking, trying to keep your attention. Thankfully, a voice breaks out and pulls both of your attention away from each other.
You were surprised to see Ford, but you shouldn't have been, because the cafe was close to the school. You could tell something was off with Ford. You weren't sure what, but something was wrong.
"Um, Mr. Pines! I didn't know you liked Cafe's."
Your professor turns to you, smiling a sickly smile. "Uh, was just... around."
The tension was thick and you wondered if you should break the silence, but Rob finally does.
"Uh, you know, Y/n, I've got to go. I have class in like 30 minutes, but I'll see you around." He waves goodbye and you recuperate to be nice, but you were glad you didn't have to talk to him.
"Boyfriend?" Ford gestures to the leaving man and you quickly shake your head.
"God, no. No, no, no, no, no. Never. I don't even know that guy. He approached me."
"You don't know how good that is to hear."
"Yeah. Besides," You look Ford up and down. "He's not really my type."
You stared at your ceiling, frustrated. All your room-mates were asleep, making it impossible for you to talk to any of them about the problems you faced. You looked over at your desk where your final and sighed to yourself. You weren't sure why it was bothering you so much, but maybe it was because you really wanted to impress Ford and have him compliment you.
You frowned, wondering why you needed Ford's approval so bad. Maybe it had to go back to your daddy issues? He did give you the attention and approval you lacked during your adolescent years. But, Ford had always been someone you looked up too, so you would love to have his attention.
In fact, you would love more than his attention- or at least a different kind of attention... Like something more... You sighed, pushing a hand through your hair. You wanted to rid yourself the thoughts that plagued your mind.
The thoughts of being bent over backwards by a man that is over triple your age were driving you crazy. The fact that even for his older age, he seemed to be more active than you, so you were sure you could be bent so many different ways-
You groaned, shaking your head and covering your eyes. God, how could you look at the man knowing your thoughts about him in the dead of the night?
You looked back to your final project, before doing something stupid. You grabbed it and headed out of your apartment, heading towards the school.
You sighed as you stood infront of your professor's door. It was almost 2 in the morning and you doubted he was in his office, but the final was weighing heavily on your mind and you couldn't sleep. You raise your hand to knock but stop yourself.
You couldn't do this... You sighed, yet again, leaning your head on the door, only to fall forward when the door opened. Ford thankfully caught you before you could fall flat on your ass.
"Y/n, what are you doing?"
You felt your words get caught in your throat- He was still there, in his office... So late in the night. "Uh... Well-" You looked over at his desk to see a globe like thing with something moving in it. "What's that?"
He turns towards the globe, "Ahh, that." He lets you in and brings you over to the globe. He picks it up and shows it to you. "It's the interdimensional rift."
"What does that mean?"
"It's a controlled portal to other worlds- Or at least, it's in a controlled environment."
"Is it dangerous?"
"Very." He gestures to your project, a Perpetual Motion Machine, "What's that?"
"Uh... It's supposed to demonstrate Perpetual Motion-"
"I see that." He puts down your invention and pushes one of the balls and watches as it falls and bounces back up repeating the cycle. "You know..." He takes a seat and gestures for you to take a seat next to him. "When I was in high school, I made my own Perpetual Motion Machine... It was supposed to get me in my dream school..." He stops and you watch expectingly.
He sighs, looking over at you, "My brother broke it and I didn't get in."
"A school rejected you? I don't believe it."
He laughs, a heavy hearty laugh. It was a nice laugh. You liked his laugh. "Oh, Y/n, you are something, you know that?"
"So, I've been told."
"I'm sure you have..." He smiles, scooting closer to you. "You're very special, Y/n." He tells you, his hands now on your knees.
You felt your face go a dark red at the closeness. You could see each of his eyelashes...
"You truly.... appreciate the brilliance of my mind. I know you would never take advantage of the knowledge I offer."
You wanted to respond, but before you could, there was a knock on the door and you pushed yourself away from him. Ford sighs, but gets up and opens the door. It was a student, because of course it was. Who else would it be?
They talk for a few minutes and you sigh to yourself. He closes the door and turns back to you, surprised to see you standing up with your work in your hands.
"What's wrong?"
"You know, it's late. I should get back to bed. You should, too. The sun's almost up, so I should try and get some sleep."
"I- Uh, yes. You should get some sleep. I'll see you later."
"Yeah... You will." You hold your head down as you exit his office, because you knew if you looked at him, you'd be drawn back in and stay.
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