#which is entirely unrelated to your ask LOLZ…
nvskyprospekt · 5 months
hi goth here out in the wild ur gerry design means the world to me TEASE THAT HAIR BITCH!
YAAYY. (<- also goth) i’m so happy to hear that i’m doing him justice!!! ^_^ here are some more tiny studies…
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i will be entirely honest i base a lot of my artistic choices on my own tastes as a goth lol... i also just feel like big teased hair is super fun to depict :p
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shadlad24 · 3 years
Too Much
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Hey, guys…
Do I think about things too much? I think I think about things too much. Also, yes, I'm thinking too much about thinking I think too much.
You’re welcome. Also-also! Say that^ five times fast. LOLz
But, like… as you probably know, I’m losing interest in being a Xena poster. Branching out hasn’t been very successful either, other than that one time. Ahem. Tangents. <_<
Anyway, being the latecomer I am, I just watched “Interview with the Vampire” for the first time ever last night or the night before. And, y’all! I have questions!* Does anyone know a good place to ask ’em?
One unrelated one being how long a human brain can survive without sleep. ’Cuz it’s Friday night, and I’ve slept a collective… like, seven hours this week. Halp. Am I making sense? I think I’m making sense. I’m trying to make sense of making sense. And making sense of you guys being able to make sense of my sense. …Wut? *dead* heh
*Why was Lestat SO un-killable? How does he survive everything, when no one else can survive anything??? Like… he went all woozy before getting his throat slit, then deflated and hemorrhaged much more blood than could possibly fit in his body. The other two dumped his desiccated corpse into a swamp where a gator clearly ate him thereafter. But somehow… he reinflated, then bit the croc from the inside and ate his way out? Is there a vampire alligator floating around in the Louisiana bayou now? ’Cuz like, it and Lestat consumed each other’s blood. (Might not Lestat have softened Claudia’s heart toward him if he gave the creature to her as a pet? …Nah! She despised reptiles. haha)
Ahem. ANYway, dude-man next gets set on fire (Why are vampires so very, very flammable?) and left like that for quite some time, which destroyed the entire theater of vampires. Didn’t leave a single burn on Old Staty, though, apparently. Conversely, are all the theater kids fine since fire doesn’t do much to the undead after all? ’Cuz a hundred years or whatever after Lestat’s immolation, Louis finds him wasting away but still very much “alive;” Lestat begs Louis to stay with him but gets abandoned. Which would presumably kill him. But no. He’s fine.
But, like, he had such a huge reaction to the helicopter searchlights (What were the police [?] looking for so suddenly, by the way?), and the trio had to always sleep in coffins. So, how did Lestat survive exposed in a sunny swamp for weeks on end, then? Or did he burn up like Claudia and Madeline did but then just shook that off every night too? …How???
Lastly (for now), Louis HATED being a vampire and felt so conflicted about it for so long and all. Blah’dy blah. He was like, “I’m doomed! DOOMED to an eternal hell, I tell you!!!! There’s no escape!!! 😭” But he saw with and through Claudia three seemingly very effective ways to end his existence. Well, okay. Neither that whole dead-blood-drinking nor the old set-him-on-fire schtick stuck with Lestat, but I’m pretty sure that was just him. No? Either way, all vampires instinctively knew to fear and avoid sunlight. Then Louis found Claudia turned to ash by it. Like, dude. Dude! If you really wanna end it all that badly… pull back a curtain. Open a window. Open a door. Take a step outside of your house during daytime hours. Any one of those things is really all you’ve had to do this whole time, especially after the loss of Claudia and your successful (?) vengeance for her. …No? Am I missing something?
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