#ALL MY TAGS DISAPPEARED WHEN I POSTED THIS DRAFT. i will come back to this momentarily
nvskyprospekt · 5 months
hi goth here out in the wild ur gerry design means the world to me TEASE THAT HAIR BITCH!
YAAYY. (<- also goth) i’m so happy to hear that i’m doing him justice!!! ^_^ here are some more tiny studies…
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i will be entirely honest i base a lot of my artistic choices on my own tastes as a goth lol... i also just feel like big teased hair is super fun to depict :p
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the-pen-pot · 1 month
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Merthur Fic Ideas & WiPs
So I have a Merlin fic ideas page over on Patreon but obviously I can't link direct to that from AO3. So I'm popping one on here so you all know what's incoming/in the works/rattling around in my brain.
As there are, you know, a lot, I'll pop it under a read more to spare your dashes.
(I thought I'd made this post here on Tumblr before but I can't find it, so perhaps I was wrong)
Works In Progress
(All drafts are currently available over on Patreon - first chapter free to read. The rest are available to patrons in the $5 tier and up. They WILL become available on AO3 eventually. See bio or pinned post for link if you're interested ♥)
King and Court - 24 chapters currently drafted and available on Patreon - this one will begin updating on AO3 next as it's the one I've written most of.
Summary: Loneliness is an insidious thing. When Merlin looks at Arthur, he sees not just a prince waiting for his time to rule, but a young man struggling to find his place in the world, with little help from anyone else.
The truth is, Arthur needs more than the friendship Merlin can offer. He needs people he can trust: men and women who will become his court and his confidants, and if he is going to survive to take the throne and lead Camelot into its golden age, he needs them sooner rather than later.
Finding loopholes in Uther’s laws is no easy feat. Court life is a dangerous game, but it’s one Merlin has every intention of winning so that Arthur can have knights of his choosing by his side.
And then there is the matter of his magic…
(In my head this is basically entitled *~shenanigans, love and a golden age~*. Canon divergent AU)
Love Is Never Lost - 11 chapters currently drafted and available on Patreon.
Summary: Uther Pendragon has never approved of Arthur’s friendship with Merlin. There had been disappointed sighs and whispered warnings, but Arthur had never thought it would come to this: scars on Merlin’s back and a manservant made hollow and thin by cruelty.
Yet Uther’s efforts to drive a wedge between them instead bring Merlin’s greatest secret to light, and once the wound of secrecy has been purged, their healing brings them closer together than ever before.
Much to Uther Pendragon’s horror.
When Merlin disappears, Arthur is left questioning the true honour of the crown and the value of a kingdom forever stained by his father’s tyranny. Will he answer the call of duty, or will he sacrifice everything to chase the cries of his heart?
Tags will include: magic reveal, corporal punishment, slavery themes (and all that may imply), missing presumed dead, good Morgana, Arthur's POV, slow burn, dreamwalking, happily ever after eventually plus whatever else shows up as I write these!
Sign No More - 7 chapters drafted on Patreon. This fic is my beloved. My baby. I'm obsessed. Fantasy Age-Of-Sail AU
Summary: Prince Arthur Pendragon, Captain of the Llamrei, would far rather spend his days patrolling Camelot's Waters than assume his place on the throne. Yet when he finds the wreckage of a vast ship and one lone survivor on board, nothing can prepare him for the path his life will lead.
Nor the demands his heart will make.
Hiraeth Ideas
Additions to the Hiraeth universe ideas : Just some little bulletpoints to remind me about things I would love to add to the Hiraeth verse once it's actually done.
Gwaine vs. a lemon
Merlin gets flu (my biologist heart wants to explore Merlin's immune system vs. Camelot germs plus no modern drugs. Excellent hurt/comfort opportunity - not that Hiraeth really needs more of that.)
Merlin "tormenting" Arthur via the bond (Explicit,  definitely)
Merlin shows Arthur (and others?) modern London.
The knights of Camelot at the zoo (sort of)
Maps/globes/celestial bodies knowledge
💀 Agravaine 💀
The one with the eclipse (some king and his sorcerer are trying to show off said sorcerer's power. There just so happens to be an eclipse.They know what it is so Merlin cannot claim credit, but he totally fucks with them anyway.)
Non-Hiraeth ideas
Magic Reveal Via Time-Travel  (Added June 2024)
Merlin and the knights get themselves into some kind of dire situation. Merlin, in a panic and realising he's not strong or knowledgable enough to save them, pretty much demands that the universe in general sends someone who can help.
What actually happens is he gets flung five years into the future, and his future self (who is more capable, among other things) takes his place. He sorts out the dire situation, whatever it may be, and that leaves Arthur and the others with future!Merlin, who is not only very magically capable but 100% their Merlin with lots more confidence, as irreverent as ever, and unmistakably thrumming with magic. They can all feel it, because Merlin makes no effort to hide.
More to the point future!Merlin remembers this from the other side, when he was younger and the same thing happened. He knows this is when the others find out about his magic, and he is able to answer their questions and emotional responses calmly and rationally, because he already knows Arthur isn't going to kill him or hate him or anything.
(Quite the opposite, in fact, since he's having to hide the fact that Arthur's ring is currently gleaming on his finger. He is grateful, at least, that he wasn't a. Pulled naked out of the bath for this magical meeting or b. wearing his crown, which would have been hard to explain without breaking Arthur's tiny brain.)
Meanwhile, young!Merlin is in Camelot, five years in the future, and Arthur and the others are a bit older, a (very little bit) wiser, and are also doing a brilliant job of calming him down and letting him know everything will be all right. And actually showing him the golden age they achieve -- that it's not impossible and out of reach.
Possibly a long four parter from young!Merlin, young!Arthur, older!Merlin and older!Arthur's points of view. Assuming I can write it without being confusing 🤣
Merlin's Voice - possibly a bit dark
My desire to put Merlin inhurt/comfort situations knows no bounds, but this one actually stems from the fact that Merlin doesn't remember the hug after he's been missing in Servant of Two masters and I'm weak for Arthur being a worried angsty little lamb about his missing manservant.
I'd probably go AU and make Morgana good, with Merlin's magic being known, and just have Morgause basically taking Morgana's place, except she and Agravaine are trying to get information about Camelot's weaknesses, and who better to lean on than Arthur's idiot manservant.
Cue Merlin being missing for days, Arthur panicking, Agravaine being dismissive as usual, and Morgause growing increasingly frustrated at the fact that she cannot get anything of note out of Merlin.
In the end, she tries a spell to force him to speak, except that Merlin is so fiercely determined not to betray Camelot and Arthur that his own magic takes the spell and twists it, forging it into a spell of silence instead.
Morgause gets cruel in her frustration, but eventually, Merlin manages to escape and head back for Camelot. It's no easy journey, and more to the point, the spell silencing him will not come off. No matter how hard he tries. He was so determined not to say anything that his magic went overboard in an effort to meet his intent.
I want to write that hug so Merlin remembers it. I want to have Arthur initially teasing about the silence but getting increasinlgy distressed by it. I want the realisation that Merlin is so incredibly expressive that the others rarely need him to write what he wants to say, they can get the gist of it from just a look.
It's one of those ones with ~vibes~  I want to explore, but I have no idea how it ends.
The "Back To The Start" One
So I made this post on Tumblr and it did numbers (I was thinking 4 people would "hell yes" me, not 2000 +)
"Not me sitting here thinking about writing a fic where we start with Arthur dying in Merlin's arms after Camlaan and it's all tragedy and then the magic rises and they both end up back at that first day, in the marketplace, Merlin with "How long have you been training to be a prat, my lord?" dying on his lips as they stare at each other, fascinated, horrified, so fucking relieved because they both remember ALL of it and none of it's happened yet and this time they can maybe make it to a different, better ending.
And they can do it together."
I want to explore how Arthur and Merlin would interact with each other having lived in one another's pockets for ten years, only to be sent right back to the beginning, while retaining everything they are to each other. Merlin's magic newly revealed from the confession by the lakeside. The two of them standing there with every mistake in their future rather than their past and realising that maybe "two sides of the same coin" means "you need to work together, dumbass".
I want the two of them shocked by how young the other is. How different Camelot seems from what they're used to. How harsh Uther looks now that they know it can be different (though not as different as it should be, Arthur realises.) I want them correcting their mistakes (and each other's mistakes) and taking all that they know of each other and rebuilding their relationship (all their relationships, actually) on that honesty.
And the others don't remember. Morgana is still Morgana, still struggling, but still hoping to be saved. Mordred's just a boy.  Lancelot never sacrificed himself and it's so clear in Arthur's eyes that Gwen loved them both but that she loved Lancelot first and in a different way.
The knights end up at Camelot earlier simply because Arthur and Merlin set out to find them earlier. 
("We need Gwaine." "Do we? Really?" "Yes, you great prat. Come on.")
And so much more.
Merlin's magic and the seasons (This one has actually been commission and is incoming entitled The Water and the Wilds)
I started exploring this in one of the ficlets coming soon, but I've been toying with the idea lately about Merlin getting to a certain age and his magic growing/changing in such a way that the seasons start to affect both his magic and his apperance. His blue of his eyes change hue, his power's focus shifts, and perhaps his temperament subtlely changes.
E.g. in winter his eyes are the blue of old, dense ice, shocking, almost aquamarine. His magic is sharper, more brittle. He has an affinity for metal and iron, if you can get him out of bed of course, because he has a tendency to hibernate. His anger is cold and disdainful.
In spring he's loving and affectionate, full of compassion. Things grow. His healing spells are strongest. His eyes are forget-me-not blue. He's full of energy and barely sleeps.
Come summer, his dragonlord powers and abilities come to the fore. He is steady and dependable. Shockingly competent. His eyes are the colour of cornflowers: true blue. His affinity is for heat and fire. Battle strategy and defence.
In autumn, his magic is strongest. The whole world is coming to fruition (think harvest) and so is Merlin. His biggest, most world-changing spells work best. He can move mountains or turn back seas. His eyes are darker, navy and touches of indigo.  He is also better at manipulating time and talking to the dead, because he is strong and the veil between the worlds is at its thinnest.
All that to say I want a story about Merlin (and Arthur) learning all these things about how his magic has changed, and then learning together how to marry up all those facets into a greater whole, so that Merlin's power is increased regardless of the seasons, because while he may respond to the changes of the world, he is not one man broken into four parts, but a whole capable of great things.
The "Fake Favourite" One 
This is basically me having a desperate urge to write all the political whatevers of Arthur taking Merlin as a favourite, smashed together with a fake dating AU.
Basic premise is simple: in an effort to avoid the latest princess eyeing up his hand for marriage (and with Uther's blessing, because it suits him for now to put off marrying Arthur to someone) Arthur decides that he will pretend Merlin is his lover and favourite. They spend all their time together anyway, and half the court rumour already appears to think they sleep together, so it will hardly be any change to either of them.
Except all Arthur has to do is say the words to make it happen, but there's a lot more to being a favourite than that. Merlin can't continue to serve him, and then there's the whole situation of a new wardrobe (which Merlin and his magic both fight against) the political wheeling and dealing that comes with a servant being elevated in status, not to mention the subtle ways in which the court first tries to manipulate Merlin, and then is manipulated by him in turn (for the good of Camelot)
What starts out as Arthur aggressively but jokingly courting Merlin (because Merlin said he was bad at it) ends up much closer to *actual* courting.
And no, Merlin cannot sleep in the antechamber, because the chambermaids will notice they're not sharing a bed.
(This basically would end up being a story about Merlin no longer being a servant but becoming a valued member of the court almost by accident (but being very good at it) and the two fools falling helplessly in love with each other while they pretend to be lovers.)
Morgana, Gwen and the knights would be placing ridiculous bets and generally watching it all with disbelieving horror and delight because only these two idiots could make falling in love so complicated.
The "Stuck In Close Quarters" One 
Merlin and Arthur trapped underground in VERY close proximity (like lying on top of each other) and running out of air and Merlin’s magic is too weak (thanks to a battle maybe) to get them out but he can replenish the air but there is no way Arthur won’t notice.
Cue a magic reveal in close quarters and love confessions.
The Horn of Cathbad one
Merlin dies and due to some glitchiness with his magic, he doesn’t immediately come back. Instead, Arthur, in the freshness of his grief, reaches for magic.
He uses the Horn of Cathbhad to see Merlin again, knowing that if he summons Merlin’s ghost and looks back, then Merlin will stay. (Maybe Gaius warns him - but he doesn’t take it as a warning, but a blessing.)
And Merlin answers, and Arthur doesn’t dismiss his ghost. There are ghostly shenanigans and while it’s not the same as having his friend back, it helps. He doesn’t really have to grieve.
Except that Merlin’s spirit starts to become restless and angry, and it reaches the point where Merlin is *begging* Arthur to let him go. He doesn’t know about his immortality but something is pulling at him.
And Arthur finds the strength to let him go and it’s like losing him all over again.
And then, of course, Merlin comes back ❤️
Blind Merlin One
Arthur and co. suspect Merlin has magic but haven't spoken of it to him yet. While out on patrol, Merlin takes a curse meant for Arthur, one that effectively blinds him until "you see the truth". Arthur thinks it's about the magic and it dredges all that out into the open, but the curse doesn't leave. Merlin quickly adapts to using magic to "see" (in a manner of speaking) and keeps his eyes covered to hide their glow.
Of course, Arthur's threatened about Merlin's vulnerability and baffled about the curse etc. It turns out that the truth they need to see is how they feel for each other. Angst/hurt/comfort/fluff because I can.
Omegaverse One (Maybe a series? Sort of tempted to try out some MPreg)
Well off my normal beaten path, but I keep what-iffing it so I'm writing it down here (and will totally draw on some of the mechanics and plot points of Gilded Cage)
Not all magic users are Omegas, but all Omegas have magic, which means Merlin has more than one secret to keep, and he keeps it well. It "helps" that when he presented in Ealdor, one of the Alphas in the village attacked and bit him, forming enough of a bond to stabilise his biochemistry before he managed to escape. It was that incident that pushed him and Hunith into making him go to Camelot.
Merlin successfully hides what he is for years, thinking he's safe, but the Alpha who bit him never stops looking for him. The Alpha eventually tracks him down, threatens Merlin etc., but gets killed in a tavern brawl before he can make good on his threats. That, in turn, breaks the bond that's been keeping Merlin stable and able to pass, in general, as a beta.
Cue it all going a little bit to hell because Arthur thought he knew everything about Merlin and it turns out he really didn't, and now his irritating and attractive beta manservant who always smelled good is an irritating, attractive, sorcerous omega manservant who smells amazing... etc.
(and maybe this one sounded a lot better in my head? There's a whole heap of nuance I'm not putting down - but it's a possible future Merlin fic.)
Different curse fic
A sorcerer curses Arthur with magic in order to make the Pendragon heir everything that the king hates. He wants to see if he is a hypocrite who will spare his sorcerous son, or a tyrant who will damn the ties of blood and execute him.
Cue Arthur frantically trying to hide the fact that he has magic from everyone, including Merlin, except that's fantastically unsuccessful because Merlin has magic, knows magic, *is* magic.
Then you've got Merlin desperately trying to hide the fact that Arthur had magic from the court while concealing that *he* has magic from Arthur. He very small and tired and stressed about it.
But the upshot is that Arthur has a better understanding of magic - how it is not, in itself, bad or corrupt - and because his magic has no chill and absolutely adores Merlin it acts as the pivotal point that brings out all their secrets (and desire)
The Lancelot and a dead body one -probably shortish.
This is more a scene that anything, but I keep thinking of how to expand it a bit better (I did a text chat thing on tumblr about this plot bunny I need to write it one day)
Arthur and all the knights are in an antechamber off the armoury after an evening training session. The door is ajar. They hear Lancelot come in and Gwaine's about to call out to him when Merlin stumbles through the door.
'I need your help burying a body!'
And Lancelot doesn't squawk or demand answers but just says, in a "so done with this shit" voice: 'Again?'
Meanwhile Arthur and the others are like "What the hell?" and follow Merlin and Lancelot out towards the border of the Darkling Woods where there is a huge and very dead monster just.... lying there.
Then we have Merlin making desperate and really bad excuses, which Arthur would be more willing to pretend he believed if Merlin wasn't bloodied and swaying where he stood and also had flowers blooming around his feet, because Merlin used a lot of magic to take this thing down and it's kind of leaking a bit.
And then we go on from there with the knights spending all night trying to dig a big enough hole and asking questions and all that, and Merlin being too tired and beaten up to really put them off - and then I end it somehow. (I did say this was just a scene!)
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kaylinalexanderbooks · 2 months
Find the word
Thanks @winterandwords here!
Rules: post excerpts of your WIP that include the given words!
Wow, I'm finally doing this game where I just have one tag to go through! This shouldn't be nearly as long!
I'll ignore I don't say again like that to make it rhyme
Rain - from The Secret Portal Part One (Maddie POV)
As we came closer, I could see a chunk of metal about two feet in diameter. Only, it didn’t seem rusted at all. We’d talked about how oxygen reacted with metals and rusted them in science class, and I found it super cool but couldn’t remember if all metals rusted or not. This was either a normal occurrence or something irregular, and I didn’t know which one it was! Wait, maybe it had something to do with rain…. Does it rain here? Is that important!? Agh, it bothered me that I couldn't remember.
Mainly coming from me realizing a beginning of year sixth grader may not know this part of chemistry.
Pain - from The Secret Portal Part One (Lexi POV)
I tried to sit on the grass to contemplate everything when I hit something hard. I cried out in pain and shot up, rubbing the now-sore spot—feeling awkward even though no one was around. I turned to see what I hit and jumped when I saw millions of colors shoot up from the ground. I looked around and watched the endless field disappear from view.
Did you know in the previous draft, Lexi hit her head? Ouch.
Drain(ed) - from The Secret Portal Part Two (Ash POV)
With the couches, kitchen, and center of the living room all taken, all the kids were forced to sit in the corners. Hannah was practically in the hallway standing next to Reyna and Adrian’s daughter Rachel. Mikey was with Rachel’s brother Hunter sitting under the kitchen counter. And I stood in the corner with Amanda (Hunter and Rachel’s middle-sibling), and Charlie (Aurora and… Randall’s daughter). I felt trapped as the overload of conversations weighed on my ears. I had to focus my attempts to remember everyone’s name and relation all day, and I was drained. It didn’t help that I had to suppress my telepathic abilities, lest I go insane. My brain felt itchy. Too much information, almost.
Ash having an extended family gathering over here and is not enjoying it.
Again - from The Secret Portal Part Two (Maddie POV)
I rocked back and forth on my feet. Kelsey and Hye-Jin were running later than usual. I yawned to myself as I fiddled with Wilfredo in my hands. My tongue ran over my teeth, and I wished once again March would come sooner so I could get my braces off.
Wilfredo is Maddie's amigurumi tiger!
Alright that was a lot shorter. I miss this. I feel free.
Tagging @frostedlemonwriter @finxi-writes @sleepywriter00 @squarebracket-trickster @bookish-karina
Your words: swallow, forget, game, transition
TSP intro
TSP tag list (ask to be +/-): @thepeculiarbird @illarian-rambling @televisionjester @finchwrites
@nebula--nix @literarynecromancy @honeybewrites @the-golden-comet
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donationwayne · 4 months
i was tagged by @disasterbuck
hello here is another snippet of my Big Bang wip that will be releasing a few months! Ignore typos, this is still a first draft!!! LOL (TO BE TAGGED WHEN THE FIC RELEASES INTERACT WITH -> THIS POST)
Buck sinks onto the couch, his entire body is aching and tired but at the same time he is far too wired to sleep despite 4 am being around the corner. The others seem like they’re in the same boat because after showers, the others join him in their living space. Bobby appears from the kitchen with warm sandwiches wrapped in foil. “I love you Bobby, I could cry right now,” Buck says greedily accepting the offering handed to him, he tears into his share ravenously. The mayo, cheese, turkey, and spinach with pickles nearly takes him out on spot. He hadn’t realized how hungry he was until he’s halfway through the first half of his sub. Bobby settles on Buck’s other side, he sets a second sandwich on his lap. Buck pretends to place a loud kiss the side of his head and Bobby shoves Buck off of him with an exhaust laugh. “Thanks dad!” “Shut up, kid,” Bobby says shaking his head in amusement. Eddie is unfazed when Buck deposits his legs in his friends lap, socked toes disappearing over the edge of the couch, Buck leans his shoulders back again Bobby who seems equally unfazed as Eddie. “My body hurts,” Chimney complains stretching out on his usual arm chair. “I took us out of rotation for a few hours so we have some time to recoup and rest.” Bobby informs them, “So we need to rest up while we have a chance. You guys did a great job back there, Eddie great job keeping Buck in line.” “Hey,” Buck whined, Bobby’s laughter his rich in his ears and Buck can’t help himself he laughs along with the others. “I’m pretty sure this is the first major fire we’ve attended in years where one of us didn’t have to run back into him afterward.” Hen points out. “Why do I get no credit, I was on my best behavior!” Buck claims. “Yeah, I think everyone here, including you can admit that has something to do with Eddie.” Buck flips them off, but in favor of responding tears into his second sub, mayo dribbles down his chin and Eddie makes a disgusted noise. Buck smiles at him with his mouthful. Eddie uses his palm to shove Buck’s cheek away. They were all used to Buck coming off of a adrenaline rush, he was jittery but when he crashed, he would crash hard. They’d all learned to humor his overly energetic jitters in their own little way.
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neon-junkie · 2 years
In the Heat of the Moment - Chpt.1
Summary: "Less than ten percent of domesticated species go into heats," accord to Tech and his research, and (un)fortunately, you're one of that ten percent. What else are you meant to do? Trapped during a heat cycle with five men - five willing men who are happy to help relieve you, but not all have the confidence to say so.
Relationship: The Bad Batch x fem!Reader (she/her)
Tags: Heats, Mating, Sex pollen, Friends with benefits, Friends to lovers, Slow burn, Sex, Jealousy, Pining, Scents, Knotting, Creampies, slightly A/B/O, Tags to be added.
Word count: 1.5k
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[Chapter 2]
Notes: I've had this series in my drafts for a while. I keep adding to it here and there, and I figured I should start to post *something*. Not going to lie, I purely had myself in mind when writing this. I've been tired of trying to write for an audience, and instead, I'm just writing what I want to read. I also miss writing smut-centered fics, so let's scratch all of those itches at once!!
For context: Your heat is vaguely based off the heat cycles that you see in animals. Once a year, your species goes through a heat cycle, where you have a high physical urge to mate. These can last 1-2 months, depending on if/when you mate. I took a lot of inspiration from the sex pollen trope, kinda "fuck or die" but without the death. Just a lot of pain/discomfort. It's a craving, your body NEEDS to fuck or else you're going to get nasty about it. Very nasty. The lads won't be happy with your attitude, but how can they turn down such a pretty and desperate thing?
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Chapter 1 - And here we are...
"I should not be doing this."
"I should certainly not be doing this."
"I understand that I am assisting you, but this? This is going to get me reported, shamed, decommissioned and-"
"Tech, please!" you whine. "Stop thinking out loud. I'm only going to report you if you hold back from what you're doing!"
Tech slams his hips forward, coming to a halt. "I apologise," he mutters, and tightens his grasp on your hips before returning to a brutal pace.
How did it come to this? On your knees, your elbows propped up on the Marauder's pilot chair - Tech's chair, in fact. Speaking of the devil, he's also on his knees behind you, with his cock slamming into your slick cunt.
Tech is 'assisting' you through your heat. Yes, because you're no standard species. The galaxy has a vast variety of beings out there, but "less than ten percent of domesticated species go into heats," accord to Tech and his research.
He had noticed that something was off with you recently - a slight temper, recklessness, lack of sleep - not to mention that you smell. Like, you really stink, so much so that even Wrecker has pointed out that, "you're getting as bad as me!"
And Hunter, poor Hunter, has kept his distance from you. Neither of you have commented on it, almost like a silent, mutual agreement. The poor man has heightened senses, and you can't tell if your scent is driving him the good or bad kind of crazy.
At least your scent is tolerable, a sweet, yet sweaty lingering flavour. Tech had begun silently researching after noticing that your 'new behaviour' had stuck around for a few days, with no intention of disappearing, which brought him to a series of detailed articles about ruts and mating.
Well, the articles weren't about your species specifically, seeing as there was little to be found on that topic, but it gave Tech more than enough to understand what your body is currently going through.
You're horny, to put it blankly. You're pent-up, frustrated, and desperate to be filled.
The Batch had left for a supply run, leaving you and Tech behind to guard (and repair) the ship, which gave him the perfect opportunity to speak to you alone. He began explaining how he has done some research, and "somewhat understands the difficult time you are going through. Perhaps I can assist you in some way?"
Tech said that line with the intention of giving you medical assistance, supplements or whatever, but the pathetic whine that you let out caused his cock to harden, even more so when you shifted your thighs together and innocently asked, "are you suggesting that you can satisfy my natural urges, Tech?"
Back to the present. Tech's eyes drift to the side when he notices a light flashing on his datapad, resting on the co-pilot's seat. "The others are on their way back," he informs you through gritted teeth.
"But we've barely started!" you whine, knowing that your urges will be lingering for the next month. Minimum.
"And we'll find other opportunities to satisfy you, General," Tech comments. He notices the way that your cunt twitches around his length at that word alone - General - because you are his superior, after all.
This is all so complicated, a desirably defective Clone Trooper mating with his Jedi General for the simple purpose of assisting her during her natural urges. Insane, and incredible.
There's a silent and mutual agreement to keep this matter private, seeing as it would... complicate everything. But Tech had already let some information slip when Crosshair caught him researching ruts. "Do I dare ask?" Crosshair had pried, but it doesn't take a genius to put two and two together.
Another hard slam of Tech's hips causes you to let out a heavy moan, and with it, your upper body practically collapses on the pilot's chair. You're fucked out, debauched, yet still craving more. "Where shall I finish?" Tech sputters behind you.
"Inside," is all you can whimper.
Tech's hips come to a halt, "I may be willing to assist you during your heat, but I am not willing to impregnate you," he comments with a raised finger.
Peering over your shoulder, you explain, "I can't interbreed."
"Oh," Tech blankly sighs, and his finger softens before returning to your hip. "In that case, I'll happily finish inside," he cheerfully smiles.
And with that, he's slamming into you again, his brows furrowing from the pure intensity of it all. It doesn't take much for you to climax, just a few messy rubs on your clit, and you're cumming on Tech's cock with a series of pathetic moans escaping your lips.
Tech practically explodes, his mind fogging up at the sensation of your cunt gripping the life out of him. You're milking that poor man, and all he can do is fold over and rest his forehead on your back, panting heavily as he waits for you to relax and release your death grip on his cock.
"I..." Tech begins, and licks his lips as he straightens his back. "I assume the males of your species have the ability to knot?" Tech observes.
"What gave it away?" you sarcastically reply, and attempt to relax your muscles, allowing Tech to escape.
Tech lets out a pained, "ah!" as he slips his cock out, then tucks his poor little trooper away. "I'll certainly need to get used to that sensation," Tech casually states.
"Did it... hurt?" you ask, and begin cleaning yourself up, tucking your Jedi robes back into place.
"Not at all, but I am particularly sore," Tech replies as he offers you a hand, pulling you up to your feet. You watch as he clasps his codpiece back into place, followed by correcting a few pieces of armour that have drifted astray during his wild turn of events. You needed urgent care, and Tech didn't see much point in removing his armour when he's simply providing assistance.
There's a moment of silence, an awkward pause, and Tech breaks it by nervously rubbing the back of his neck as he states, "feel free to ask for assistance when you next need it."
"Oh..." you stutter. "Yeah, thank you, Tech."
Like the fool that you are, you push up onto tiptoes to plant a light kiss on Tech's lips, before making your way through the Marauder, ready to splash your face with cold water in the refresher.
Everything happened so fast. You were painfully aroused, and ate Tech up like a three-course meal. Your hormonal urge has been filled, but from experience, you know that this is only a temporary fix. Hopefully, before you know it, your yearly rut will be over, and you'll be back for to your standard, witty self.
As for now, you'll need to tolerate it, and redeem your Tech voucher whenever the time is right.
After coming to your senses in the confinement of the refresher, you shimmy out to find that the others have returned, shopping bags in hand. "You look tired," Echo comments as soon as he locks eyes with you, and you're unsure if that's a statement or an insult.
"That's what happens when you spend the afternoon doing repairs," you sarcastically reply, and Echo rewards you with an eye roll.
Wrecker is quick to drag your attention away as he begins going through the fascinating new foods that he's brought, all thanks to your Republic credits. You're starved, hungrier than usual during your troubled times, and before you can pick out a treat and tuck in, somebody else pulls your attention away.
"Here-" Hunter interrupts. He chucks a small prescription bottle at you, the tablets rattling as they come into contact with your hand, and you rotate the bottle to read its label. "For your... new problem," Hunter explains before heading down the ship, obviously trying to keep his distance, even more so seeing as he can't simply hand the tablets over to you.
Wrecker can be heard sniffing the air, and proudly comments, "you don't stink any more!"
How innocent he is, unaware that you've been given assistance to your 'medical problem.' "Yeah," you say with a soft laugh. "Scrubbed extra hard in the refresher this morning."
"I still think your problem is stress related..." Wrecker begins, and waffles on about his thoughts and opinions on the matter. All the while, your eyes gloss over the label, the cure to your problems sitting in the palm of your hand. Yet, your mind is asking the same silly question over and over.
Why don't you want to take these pills?
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veryredd · 7 months
Tim Drake x reader
A/n: it's been so long since I last posted so here :P. And by long I mean like two years. Idk if i should start making a masterlist. mayb i should, idk. oh and if this hc sucks it's probably cuz it's been sitting in my drafts for 2 years. like fr
You remembered when you first dated Tim Drake.
It was amazing. Sure you two were unsure but at least you were in this together.
You don't text often since it's not quite your style.
It didn't help that you lived so far from each other.
As time went on, it became difficult to maintain your relationship
From your point of view at least
"say Tim....what if I chose to go overseas to study instead of coming to Gotham academy.... I wouldn't have met you no?"
"Mm I guess not n/n. Where is this coming from anyways?"
"I was just wondering."
It pretty much went down hill from there.
Your insecurities were getting to your head
It didn't help that you saw Tim talking to another girl
You know it's nothing that it was just a short chat, no flirting but it didn't help that she was pretty.
I mean look at yourself and look at her.
Tim could easily find someone better like her.
And so after a long consideration
You decided for him
You texted him.
Y/n: hey tim. I just wanted to say firstly it's not your fault. I considered for a long time before deciding. I think it's better if we broke up. It's not you, it's me. I wish you nothing but the best and truly hope you find someone better. Thank you for the memories and for everything.
You blocked him after.
Packing your bags, you left for Keystone city.
To say Tim was shock was an understatement
He was in disbelief. The love of his life slipping right through his fingers
He searched for you.
High and low.
Even asking the batfam for help which says a lot.
After four months, you settled well in keystone city, made some new friends.
You met Wally West and Artemis Crock
A fellow gothamite. You hit it off instantly
They help you settle in
One day Wally was going to meet an old friend and invited to tag along because in Artemis's words, 'he is really friendly, you'll love him'
Reluctantly, after much persuasion, you agreed and followed Wally.
He never really told you the name of his friend and you kinda wish he did now
"Dick! Hey I want you to meet someone. This is Y/n L/n. Y/n, meet the famous Dick Grayson."
You froze up
What are the chances, Wally's best friend was Dick Grayson aka Tim's brother
You gave a polite smile
"Hi I'm Richard Grayson but you can call me Dick."
"Y/n... Y/n L/n. Nice to meet you."
Throughout the hangout was awkward
Wally ditched left you guys alone
He wanted to set you two up. (Trying to be a good friend)
"so... Why did you leave?"
"i don't know what you're talking about. We only just met"
"Don't play dumb with me. Tim searched high and low for you. He loves you with all his heart. He was utterly heartbroken when you disappeared"
You bit your lips, looking away.
Your door bell rang
Opening your door, You weren't expecting him to show up at your door at 11pm
"You gonna let me in?"
You snapped back to reality and you moved aside to let him in
"You want anything? Coffee, tea?"
"we need to talk"
You kept quiet, staring to the ground
"N/n why? Why did you leave?"
"You deserve better...."
"Who told you that? Who gave you that idea?"
You avoided eye contact
"I love you. I love you. You are the love of my life. I can't just let you go. Not without a fight. That little voice in your head, it's wrong. And I'll prove it wrong". He said with a determined expression.
You had expression full of doubt.
"Tim... you deserve better..... I mean you are the heir of Drake Industries and the son of Bruce freaking Wayne... I... I can't... There are other girls that are better for you..."
Tim's expression twisted into one of confusion before his face dropped
He reached forward and grasp your hand
"I love you Y/n, nothing... nothing will change that. Let me show you... please"
You hesitated before nodding
"I.... ok... ok"
Tim's face brightened up as he wrapped his arms around you
"Thank you. I love you, Always"
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fiori7ura · 7 months
but strangely, he feels at home in this place
TW: body dysphoria, self-doubt, mentions of panic attacks & death, fear, depression-ish, trans max & steve, don't like, don't read.
(modern au, no upside down, max uses she/her but it changes halfway through, steve is also trans, max & steve have a brotherly bond — author is afab but on the transgender spectrum and goes through body dysphoria and confusion all the time)
→ i've been writing this on ao3, it isn't posted yet because it isn't finished, but i wanted to post what i already have on here :) it's all rough draft, so expect for there to be grammar mistakes or things nto worded correctly. there are italics galore in this, but i copy & pasted it from ao3 so it deleted the layout it was in, and my phone makes everything lag when i try and do italics on here, so, yeah, no italics, just imagine them in parts when needed lmao — read tags & warnings, thx!!
title from 'this is home' by cavetown!!
——— ★ ———
Yeah, you could say that Max never fully fit in with girls her age. She skated, hung around guys, scuffed her shoes with dirt and mud, crude sayings and drawings scribbled with black sharpie and in messy handwriting on the toes of her sneakers she got from Goodwill.
Her life was good for a while, until it wasn't. She woke up one day with panic and realization coursing through her veins, crying until her lungs gave out and she hyperventilated, screaming into her pillow.
Panic attack, Max's brain supplies from the old memory of her lessons with her school counselor, Mrs. Kelley.
Small things trigger them, and ever since Billy passed in the mall fire, they happen more than ever. Max wishes she could go back to that summer, when there were no worries in the world, before Billy died, before she and her Mom had to move into a crappy trailer park across from the Munsons.
The bad thoughts cloud Max's mind again, and she shakes her head like a wet dog coming in from the rain.
She gets up and throws on basketball shorts that come down to her knees and a threadbare, gray Hawkins Tigers shirt that she stole from Steve, her tightest, most concealing bra she owns strapped on underneath. Max shoves her hair in a haphazard low bun, taking a quick glance in the mirror, not even bothering to look for too long. Staring into her reflection is bad. It makes Max notice all the impurities and small problems about herself that makes her want to shatter the glass, break it into little pieces on the carpet below her.
Max prays that one day, she could just sink into the floor and disappear. Maybe then, things would be easier. She wouldn't have to worry about her impending doom of her crush on El and the dark thoughts that flood her mind daily, time and time again.
Max steps outside of her trailer, spotting Steve's car parked over at Eddie's. He's sitting on the porch steps, cigarette in his hand, smoke stirring out of his mouth.
She wishes to be like Steve. Wants it. Hopes for it. In her mind, he's selfless and resilient. He came out to everyone without a single trace of doubt, and everyone supported him when he said he didn't feel like a girl. That was three years ago. Max was only 12. She's now 15, drowning in her sorrows and regret.
She stumbles over the gravel that lines the ground, feet carrying her to cross the distance between the two trailers. Steve looks up from his crisp, white Nike Cortez shoes, a smile lighting his whole face up when he sees Max.
"You know those things'll kill you, right?"
Steve snorts, tilting his head like a dog. "Hello to you, too, Max. You sound like Rob, you know that?"
Max just scoffs, the smile on her face betraying the way she's trying to act. "Whatever you say, Mom. I'm not taking the blame from Dustin when you die from smoking on those cancer sticks."
"Sure," Steve says behind a smirk as he puts out his cigarette and dusts his hands off on his jeans, imaginary dirt spreading around the air. "If you're asking for a ride, just know that I'm about to be leaving. Just let me tell Eddie bye, 'kay?"
"Okay," Max echoes, laughing. "Go get your boyfriend!" She yells when Steve turns around to go inside, mimicking kissing and hugging, wrapping her hands around herself and making obnoxious smooching noises. Steve flips her off behind his back. She can almost hear the faint mumble of smart ass kid come from his mouth, which causes her to laugh even harder, head lolling back on a cackle.
——— ★ ———
They're halfway through the drive back to Steve's house when Max breaks the silence, Stevie Nicks playing low on the radio, music drifting through the speakers of his Beamer. "Could I, uh, ask you something? You gotta promise not to say anything about this conversation, because if you do, I'll blackmail you and send Eddie all the embarrassing photos of you from when you worked at Scoops."
Steve whips his head to look at Max, almost surprised look on his face as he lets out a disbelieving laugh, airy and light.
"Okay, kiddo. Shoot."
Her feet are propped up on the dash, and her pulse is rabbiting. "How did you know?"
Steve raises a questionable eyebrow towards her direction, nose wrinkling. "What d'you mean, 'know'?"
Shit, shit, shit.
"No, nevermind, actually. It's stupid," Max sighs. "It's stupid," she repeats, again and again, flipping the word around on her tongue.
"Hey, no, don't just dodge my question like that, Mayfield. Be honest. I doubt it's as stupid as you actually say it is. Spill your guts, c'mon. Like you do at those girly sleepovers of yours."
And, oh.
Girly sleepovers.
Max doesn't like that. Bile swirls in her stomach and she digs her nails into her palm, leaving crescent moons in her skin's wake, jaw clenching and teeth grinding down against each other.
Steve clearly notices he did something wrong, because he quickly pulls into his driveway and puts the car in park, unbuckling to turn and look at Max.
"What's wrong, firecracker? Tell me, please. It won't hurt to just say what's on your mind."
Max shakes her head, eyes downcast and frown placed onto her face. "When did you know you didn't want to be a girl?" Max whispers, voice small and weak sounding, even to her own ears.
Steve grabs Max's hand and holds it oh-so-gently, the angel he is.
"I always subconsciously knew when I was younger, I guess? I never wanted to wear dresses or look pretty. I wanted to feel like a boy. I always got mad when my teachers would split the class into girls and boys. I would try to go with the guys, and my teachers would usher me back into the girls side, telling me that I'm a girl, not a boy. Kids would laugh and point at me for it,"
Steve pauses, getting teary eyed.
"And I didn't fully recognize how I felt inside until after I met Robin and everybody else. I got assured that it was normal to feel like this, so then I recognized how to love myself and my body. I understood that I was a boy, that I am a boy, and I should be proud of who I am."
Max lets out a wet laugh, tears threatening to spill over and around her eyelids.
"I don't think I'm a girl, y'know, at all."
Max looks at Steve through glimmering eyes, and he pulls her into a hug, squeezing her, comfort washing over her body like a cold shower. "I'm so proud of you, Red. So, so proud. I love you, so much."
That's when the tears really start to flow. Max hugs Steve right back, laughing with hurt and love and peace and too many emotions that flood his body.
"You're the best brother I could've asked for, Steve."
They stay like that for minutes on end, time drifting together; Steve rocking Max back and forth in his arms, tears from Max staining his polo shirt.
Steve pulls back first, still holding Max's hand. "And you're the best brother I could've asked for. You're a boy, don't doubt that, Max."
Max wipes at his eyes. "Did I ever mention how much I love you, Steven Belinda Harrington?"
Steve sputters with laughter, letting go of Max's hand. "Belinda? That's the best you could come up, Mayfield? I thought I was the best brother you've ever had?"
"I'll take it back, Belinda, trust me, don't think I won't," Max laughs, punching at Steve's shoulder, not a touch of violence or hate behind it.
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bobfloydsbabe · 11 months
On November 8th 2022, an anonymous person took issue with a post I made regarding the use of read more on long fics. All I asked in that post was that people used it, and if they didn’t know how, to google it or ask someone how. Simple. It should not have been offensive, and yet, someone took offense and started a tirade against me.
The post in question was this one:
(I know it says drafts, but I did post it here)
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I put it in the Top Gun Maverick tags because that's where I spent my time. Usually I wouldn't, but I was fed up with having to scroll past 5k word fics, so I wrote this post. Could I have worded it differently or been nicer? Sure. The ask that followed was this one:
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In the next one, they asked me to be kind. I made many of the same points as I did above, as seen here:
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This response was clearly not the one they wanted, so they turned to name calling, vile accusations, and inappropriate sexual messages. I'm going to use the read more here to 1. hide the asks I got because they're upsetting and 2. shorten this post. No one wants to scroll forever to get past this.
Some of the asks I received included but were not limited to:
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That last one is in reference to a message I answered, asking what evidence they had of me being into bestiality. I also do not have twitter.
This went on for hours, and while I was initially laughing, at some point it turned. I started feeling really upset and anxious about it. I remember shaking. Then came the death threat. It caught me off guard. I wasn’t expecting it, and honestly, calling it a death threat might be a little extreme. Nonetheless, the threat of harm shocked me. I replied, trying to give off an air of nonchalance, when in reality, I was freaking out.
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After that, I got a few more asks, upset I was calling it a death threat. I started calling it a threat of harm instead, because it felt extreme. After those asks, I turned off the option to send anonymous asks, which I had not done in all the years I’d been on Tumblr. I had to protect my mental health. I reported it to tumblr support and took a few days off the hellsite to give myself time to process.
Eventually, Tumblr got back to me, telling me they were “sorry I had a bad experience with anonymous asks” and told me to block the anons. I was furious. They dismissed not only me, but the threats I’d received. When I sent in my original ticket, I made it clear they could contact me if they needed more information. They never did. I’m still pissed about that. This was before you had to have an account to send anonymous asks, so they could still come back. I had to block five separate asks to get all of them to disappear.
Anonymous asks are currently open, but I'd be lying if I said I don't still get anxious when I see that grey icon in my inbox. I'm still scared they could come back and start up again. I'm finding it easier to turn off anon these days, and I've had to do it several times since then to protect myself further. I won't hesitate to do it again.
If you read this all the way to the end: Thank you for reading. I know this doesn't affect anyone but me, but I wanted to share this post, regardless. I want to thank the people who have been there for me through it all, and the ones who've listened to me talk about it. I appreciate you.
For now, I'm looking forward to celebrating 10 years in recovery from self-harm next week. Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk.
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astrophileous · 1 year
Important! Please read!
I'm tagging the people who are on the Love Bugs taglist, so if you don't feel like reading through all of this that's fine!
Tag(s): @camilaheroine @crazyunsexycool @whateverrrrrrrrs @wifeyofeveryone @louderfortheback @marvelousgoldroses
Hello everyone, first of all I wanna start by saying I'm sorry for having seemingly disappeared for the past week. I know that I was supposed to be uploading two new parts of Love Bugs on Monday and Thursday, and I've missed both days so far without so much as an explanation. The truth is, I've been logging in and out for days trying to come up with a justified excuse for this delay, but I decided today that I will just tell you the truth of what's really happening.
I'm not doing very good at the moment.
I know this seems like a pathetic excuse, but it's the truth. As some of you know, I'm a full time college student and I've been slammed with school work for the past week. I'm tired all the time. Whenever I have even a little bit of free time, I use it to sleep. Life is just so hectic for me right now that writing Love Bugs has been kinda put in the back burner.
But that's not all the reason why I've been MIA.
A few days ago, someone left me an anonymous ask telling me that I've done a terrible job on the last few parts of Love Bugs.
Now, at first, I was gonna be the bigger person and ignore them altogether. But apparently that one little comment did more damage than I ever thought it could. For the past week, every time I went to revise my drafts for Love Bugs, all I could think about was how badly I needed them to be done perfectly to make sure no one else was gonna have this same thought about the upcoming parts. I kept thinking that what I wrote was lacking something. That it wasn't good enough to be published yet. And as a drastic measure, I ended up uploading nothing at all.
I know it seems silly to be this badly affected by one rude comment when I've gotten nothing but love from everyone else. But I guess this is your daily reminder that words do hurt, and even if they are written on the internet, it doesn't make them hurt less because behind all of these makeshift profiles and avatars are real people with real feelings and emotions.
Today, I finally braced myself to make this post. I thought it was unfair for all of you to not be offered at least an explanation about what's happening. If you're wondering when I will finally upload the next chapter of Love Bugs, then I'm sorry to tell you that I don't know yet. I have one completed part, but as I've explained above, I just keep going back to revise it again and again because I'm just not satisfied with it.
So, there you go. The reason behind my absence. I want to remind all of you too while we're here to please, please, please be kind to all of the fic writers and/or other content creators in your fandom. We're all doing all of this free of charge. So please, if you don't like something we make, scroll past it. Don't be mean. We don't owe you anything. Don't ruin something that's supposed to be fun just because you don't find it as enjoyable as others might.
This is all I'm gonna say for now. Hopefully, I will have gotten my shit together by the time next upload schedule rolls around so that you guys could have the next part of Love Bugs on Monday.
Thank you for reading all the way through of this long-ass rant. Have a great day xx
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fluorynn · 5 months
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Good morning / afternoon / evening / night to everyone! I hope everyone has been taking care of themselves and having a good day! If not, well I truly hope there’s some good outcome to your day :)
I’ve been receiving asks on an update to “torment to my purpose” ( Neteyam x reader series I’m working on — or was at least ) and I’ve been hesitant to respond to them for four reasons being :
1. My laptop had some kind of stupid glitch, and almost everything I’ve had saved in my documents — drafts, drabbles, series, one-shots, THOUGHTS, ideas, etc. — just disappeared. Of course, I’ve written everything down before typing it out, but it’s so freaking much that I’ve written and created, that it’s going to take me some time to put it back into a document, and revise and edit the entire thing(s). So, while I am truly sorry for not posting the first chapter to the series, at the same time, I do not want to rush things and give out something sloppy, so please, PLEASE, have patience with me, yes?
2. My lack of time management — I’ve been trying to get myself accustomed to a schedule hoping everything will turn out the way I planned, HOWEVER, of course, nothing never always really go to plan, if that makes sense.
3. lately I have been … lacking motivation to continue writing — which is a normal part of writing, of course! But it’s to the point where my mind is blank and it doesn’t gear the way it does when I have some idea or inspiration — and that leads to frustration when I have that feeling that I “have to write” building up in the back of my head, and to make matters more difficult, exams and work is stacking upon me, and while I try to seep as much writing into my day as I can, it’s tormenting when that excitement and concentration isn’t enough.
4. My mental health, which speaks more than enough so for certain reasons, I won’t be elaborating on that, lol
I’m going to depart from the app for the time being — there’s no specific limit to how long I will be away from this app — just until I have a more stable mentality and my time management comes to clearance — AND most importantly for me to focus on my exams without the stress of trying write lumbering in the back of my head. So with all that being said, I bid you guys a farewell (for now, duhhhhh) and hope each and every one of you are and will continue thrive through life and your writing — take extra care of yourself, don’t stress, and if and when you know you have reached a breaking point, step away for awhile and focus on yourselves, okay?
OH ALSO BUT PLEASE PLEASEEEEE — those who do, please don’t stop tagging me in your works, I beg you! I promise as soon as I return I will be loving, analyzing and reading your stories!!!! Take care of those beautiful minds, hearts and bodies of yours <333
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— ʄƖųơཞყŋŋ SIGNING OFF <3
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Pairings: Professor!Matt x Student!Reader
Word Count: 934 words
A/N: A few months ago I was searching for different prompts and came across this: *The last words of your story are, “As night became day, he started to understand the truth.” Now, go write the rest*. I thought it was very interesting and different so I’d like to give it a shot along with the theme: Forbidden Love. So this is the end result. (This also has been saved in my drafts forever so I thought I should post it idk 🤷‍♀️)
Tags: @theworldofotps , @writtingrose , @letsgivethisonemoreshot , @aerynscrichton , @daddyhausen , @damnnhausen , @unoficialy-married-to-ace-austin , @sophiewolfheart-blog , @sultryfandoms , @new-zealand-chic , @crowleysqueenofhell , @thealliasylum , @legit9thlunaticwarrior , @baysexuality , @josiewrites , @seeingstarks , @irish-newzealand-idian-dutch , @whenimakeitshine1234 , @blaquekittycat , @tahiri-veyla, @moxkindagirl
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Behind the big tree hills, they hid. The sun shone fearless and bright upon the San Bernardino National Forest's clear blue sky, and near the lake Matt sat, staring at her as she danced barefoot on the grass near the lakefront. He couldn’t have picked a better day to bring her here, the summer break dragged all the locals and students straight to the beaches, leaving the forests almost inhabited and free from curious eyes.
Her white crepe sundress flowed around her thighs as she spun around, before laughing when the dizziness made her fall on the grass. The sky spun like a wheel before her eyes, making the fluffy white clouds quickly change shapes from a dog to a man, and then they turned into him.
“Are you ok?” Matt chuckled. His face shielded her from the harsh sunbeams and his dark soft hair fell like a curtain around her face. He always let his hair down whenever he was with her, knowing how much she loved the long, dark mane.
“Why wouldn’t I?” She asked back with a giggle, her own fingers twirled around the fluffy locks as she admired the gleam of devotion on his warm chocolate eyes.
The wind blew softly between the branches before it slowly caressed the water on the lake, crashing oh so gently against the calm water as it brought up the familiar song to their ears.
…Pars avant l'aube
Quand la lumière veut nous voir
Quelque part dans le monde…
“I don’t want you to go back to the dorm. Come home with me tonight, please” Matt whispered against her lips, his warm breath caressed her skin like a safety blanket, making all of her worries suddenly disappear. “As a matter of fact, why don’t you spend the summer break with me? You’ll save the dorm rent money and we can be together” His lips covered hers in a sweet kiss as if to make it impossible for her to bargain against his request.
“That’d definitely be a money saver” She chuckled, and her arms circled around his waist, pushing him closer to her body. “But I never pictured you as the playing house type though” Her eyebrow raised in surprise when he smiled back “I’d love to play house if you’re gonna be the one playing with me. Plus, why postpone the inevitable? We already know that the minute you graduate we’ll be finally free to get married”
“Oh is that so?!” She chuckled and smirked with a tease. “And what makes you sure that I’ll want to marry you, huh? Maybe my destiny is to marry the handsome but dumb quarterback, not the sexy anthropology professor. Have you ever thought about that?”
“No, and I won’t!” Matt laughed before blowing a raspberry on her neck. Her loud laugh echoed through the deserted forest. “Because you’re mine, dovey. And I’m the one you’ll get married to, I’m the one you have the hots for and most importantly: I’m the one you love”
“So full of yourself, aren’t you?”
“Did I lie though?” He smirked
“No, but you definitely love to overexaggerate things”
Matt let out a fake shocked gasp “How dare you?! I’m the equivalent of humbleness!”
“That amongst other things” She giggled before her fingers pulled his white tank top up so she could softly scratch his tanned back.
Matt hummed in pleasure as goosebumps rose on his skin despite the burning summer sun “And what other things could I be?” He smirked against her lips, his hands traveling down her body, stopping at her warm exposed thigh and curling his fingers around the soft meat to pull it up his hip.
“I can show you what those are back at your place” She whispered
“What if I want a sample now?” Matt teased while letting his fingers trace the outline of her cotton panties.
“We’ll have to make it quick though”
“You know I love it quick, dove”...
The large multicolored roses bouquet decorated his bedroom nightstand, that’s where she chose to place it after he bought it for her on his way back from the grocery store. “I want it to be the first and last thing I look at” Was her response to the generous bouquet.
Her bags flopped around the bedroom floor, none of them wanted to waste any time unpacking her things the night before. The loud silence of the early hours of the morning was enough to get him to think.
The military green mug fumed with the freshly poured coffee as he sat beside her on the bed. She was still asleep, sprawled on the mattress like a starfish, her hair fell like an untamed mane around her features and her lips pouted as her cheek pressed against the fluffy pillow.
Matt watched her sleep for what felt like hours, mesmerized by her natural beauty that got occasionally blocked by the sight of the green mug whenever he took a sip of the hot, black liquid. She mumbled something in her sleep, which made him instantly hear the same song they heard at the lake again.
…Toi et moi, dans la nuit on trouvera
Quelque part où déposer les fleurs qu'on a cueillies…
She shifted in her sleep before her eyes opened to stare at him. Matt felt a wide smile taking over his lips as he pushed her hair away from her face to get a better look at her features. That familiar feeling surrounded his heart, and the same thoughts roamed his mind. And as night became day, he started to understand the truth.
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lovesick-boyz · 1 year
well… after being stalked and harassed for the past couple of months, i am finally back!! stay tuned lol i got some fics lined up for y’all 😁
anyway if you read that first line and thought to yourself “WTF?!?”, here is the full story for my curious readers (just a warning, it’s long and i rant a lot):
a couple of months ago, i started getting tagged by random accs on tiktok and insta that posted vids accusing me of the most random and heinous shit. honestly, it just baffled me the first time i saw them bc they made absolutely no sense whatsoever.
when the first ones popped up, i just blocked them thinking it was a random troll and went on with my life.
but then i kept getting spammed by other accs with new posts where they not only involved me but also my friends, and accused us as a friend group of being horrible ppl.
i had enough (i can’t even remember how many accs i blocked) and deleted ALL my social media apps for a while (i.e. more than a couple of months, oops) and basically isolated myself from ppl so that i could focus on other things to distract me (i ended up making daily exercise a habit so ig that’s one good thing that’s come out of this lol, i also rewatched all the marvel movies in timeline order hehe). i wish i continued writing so i could’ve at least had more content to share by now, but i was feeling so negative and pissed that i couldn’t even bring myself to write anything (i even uninstalled notion from my phone and that’s where i keep all my drafts and fic ideas)
i only found out the full situation less than a week ago when i reinstalled tiktok bc i missed it, only to find more burner accs harassing me. i finally had enough so i reinstalled insta to rant about it on my spam acc for my friends to see and to my surprise a couple of them knew who it was and explained the whole situation to me.
it was my first time interacting with ppl outside of my family in months lol, when i tell y’all i isolated myself i really did mean it 🙃 my irl friends didn’t even know anything out of the ordinary was happening bc i��m notorious in my friend group for going off the grid for months at a time bc of how bad my mental health gets sometimes, they know to just let me be and let me deal with it alone bc they understand that’s how i work best. (they won’t see this bc they don’t know this tumblr exists but i wanna apologise to my dear friends for my disappearing acts, my bad, i love y’all for being so understanding and still being my friend after all this time 🫶🏼)
anyway, it turns out the culprit was this guy that my friend had rejected previously and he’s so bitter and hateful that he decided to harass me bc he knew i was one of her bffs (the ppl he targeted were the ones in her closest friend group which included me)
when my friend found out she was so surprised and appalled that he was harassing me too, bc him, my friend, and the other ppl he targeted all go to the same college together (and i’m the only one in the friend group that goes to a different college, so to reiterate once again: this guy barely knows me! the last time we spoke was at my friends bday party 3 years ago!! he’s literally insane!)
she knew he was harassing my other friends since they’re all in the same school and know him in person, she didn’t think i would be involved too and i couldn’t believe i was.
anyway, i just wanted to rant about this whole thing bc i’m having a hard time processing it tbh. i hope that guy rots in hell and also finds a job there bc he was acting hella unemployed like who has time for this? he made me feel so confused and paranoid for weeks and i hope he gets all the karma he deserves in the universe.
y’all wanna know something funny tho? i started writing a changmin stalker fic in june, way before this whole situation happened. life imitates art ig 🤪 anyway i finally finished it and i’m gonna release that fic next after i fine tune it, at least now it’ll be somewhat realistic lmaoooo
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Hi, hello, hola! Thank you for the tag today, @you-remind-me-of-the-babe! Instead of six sentences, today I bring you "six somethings" - six places I'm excited to eat while I'm in London (March 24-April 7)!
If anyone has any recommendations for favourite places to eat in London, PLEASE let me know! 🍽️😋
I'll tag up here because this post is a long boi. Hello hello hello to a buncha folks! @aristocratic-otter @captain-aralias @cutestkilla @thewholelemon @dohrnaira @ebbpettier @facewithoutheart @hushed-chorus @ionlydrinkhotwater @imagineacoolusername @larkral @raenestee @onepintobean @theimpossibledemon @whogaveyoupermission @tectonicduck
6.) Pret (Heathrow)
I know Shepard loses his tiny mind over the sandwiches from Pret, but. I dream of their Chocolate Moose. I have an absurd amount of food allergies, so finding a Chen-friendly, ready made chocolate mousse is a dream come true. So excited to cram it into my face after I clear Customs.
From My Good Egg, Good morning, good night, good morning:
“All right.” Simon goes back to fiddling with Bunce’s phone, and then he says to Bunce, hopeful, “Any chance you brought the rest of my baguette from Pret?”
Bunce says, slowly and carefully, “Simon. I do not know the whereabouts of your airport sandwich. I was rather busy figuring out where you had disappeared to.” 
5.) Borough Market
I have very fond memories of Borough Market from the first/last time I visited London back in 2018. I remember sticking my head in a jar full of dried truffles and just inhaling all that amazing, savoury, umami truffly goodness. (Like, you know, the way that normal humans do.)
From What's Left by @cutestkilla:
I’ve been hanging around Borough Market quite a bit, and I’ve had everything from cheese and croissants to chorizo and balsamic vinegar (in small sample portions only). I think, though, that my favourite thing so far was a fresh buttered wild garlic scone that I bought with some of my stolen money after trying a sample.
4.) MotherMash (Covent Garden)
I also had a good time with a pal at MotherMash years ago - I think instead of pie, I had bangers and mash with gravy, and a tiny, perfect apple pie. My spouse has never been here, but he does frequently say, "I would like to eat a whole pie," and now he will be able to eat TWO pies - one for his main, and one for dessert.
From A cake with your name on it:
Baz was still fuming about the tasting when we met up at his flat for dinner. We had takeaway from MotherMash, and Baz kept stabbing his steak and Stoutheart pie instead of eating it. 
“I’ve never met such an idiot,” he said. “A bumbler. A fool. An absolute nightmare.” 
“Okay,” I said. “We still have that list from my mother with three other bakeries.” 
Baz whipped his head around to stare at me. 
“No,” he said, loudly. Too loudly. He was oddly flushed. “I don’t care if I have to murder and then resurrect him - Simon Snow is making our wedding cake.” 
3.) Brick Lane Beigel Bake (Shoreditch)
I asked my spouse, EarlobeGreyTea, what he wanted to do or eat or see while we're in London and all he would say, over and over again, was "Bagel." He is a remarkably easygoing travel companion.
From an earlier draft of My Good Egg, which ended up getting cut/changed:
They get to Brick Lane before Baz can embarrass himself any further, and he waits outside of a bagel shop until Simon comes out with a salt beef bagel crammed into his mouth, and a very full paper bag. “This one’s for you,” he says, holding out a salmon and cream cheese bagel to Baz. 
Baz takes it, but doesn’t bite into it right away. “Thank you,” he says, slowly, thinking that maybe offering food is one of Simon’s love languages as well, along with killing things. The rats seem to be a lucky intersection. 
2.) E Pellici's (Bethnal Green)
I think my favourite full English breakfast that I ever had was at Pellici's, which is tiny and and owned by an Italian family. The owner spent most of the time I was there embarrassing one of his teenage employees and a girl who was interviewing him for a school project. The owner high fived me when I bought a t-shirt and he went slack-jawed at my powerful, resounding high five. It was great.
From an unpublished bit of My Good Egg:
In the car, Baz passes both slices of fruitcake to Simon, and Simon practically dances in his seat. 
“Are you sure?” Simon asks, “like, really, really sure? Cause I’m telling you, this is really fucking amazing fruitcake, and you can’t buy it most of the time unless you order it special - they don’t even have it on the menu anymore.” “They’re yours, Simon,” Baz says. Honestly, Simon Snow is impossible. He was ready to kill a man for Baz, or not kill a man for him, and now he’s beaming at Baz because of some fruitcake. He needs to pin Simon to a mattress and keep him there — with handcuffs, with a collar, with a ring.
1.) Dishoom (King's Cross)
Dishoom is like... truly magical. That house black daal is no joke. I lack words to describe how amazing the food is - just check out their site (but honestly, it will make you hungry). Everything I've ever had there was fucking delicious and the place and the atmosphere is so gorgeous, just lush and colourful and immersive.
I shared another snippet before about Dishoom from My Good Egg, but here's Simon on the phone with Agatha right after he's ordered takeaway:
“Hey Ags. How’re you – no, I’m not bleeding or throwing up or on fire. I – yeah, I know you said not to call you when you’re at work unless I was bleeding or throwing up or on fire, but this is an – look, it’s not for me this time, all right? Or Penny. It’s for a friend – okay, rude, I have friends other than you and Penny!” Pause. “Yes, Agatha, we’re friends, even if you – yeah, I know you said you would never do another house visit, but you said that the last time, too!” 
Baz leans back so he can catch Bunce’s eyes, and mouths, What the fuck?  
Bunce just rolls her eyes and shrugs, like, He’s Simon, what can you do about it?  
“Well,” Simon says, triumphant, “we already ordered the daal for you, so there!” Pause. “Yeah, love you too. Bye.”  
RIPs & Honourable Mentions
Cinnamon Soho (also mentioned in "A cake with your name on it") - They closed down during the pandemic. But they had a delicious Indian afternoon tea 🥲
Cereal Killer Cafe - This place was rec'd to me by one of my British co-workers (his seven kids were mad for it), but sadly, they closed their storefront during the pandemic and went online. (In my headcanon, this was where Winifred from My Good Egg wanted to go for her(?) first(?) birthday)
Fortnum & Mason - I WILL be going here to buy tea and biscuits (and to replace one of my favourite tote bags, LOL), but not for high tea or afternoon tea. (We have a few other places lined up for that, including The Swan at the Globe and Tea House Theatre). Sorry, Daphne!
Nando's - I suggested to my spouse that we should get cheeky Nando's and have top bants and he gave me a dead-eyed look as if his soul left his body
Again, if you have any recommendations of favourite places to eat in London, please let me know!
I mean, I suppose I'll be doing other things besides eating, like hanging out with my beautiful friends, going to stationery shops, visiting the flower market, seeing shows and things... but really, food is the main draw. 😂😂😂
Happy Sunday!
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use-your-telescope · 9 months
WIP Tag Game
RULES: Post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! Then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
Thanks for the tag, @gigglingtiggerv2, @cleo-fox, and @infinitystoner!
(E note: Since I'm literally only working on WEMTBB, I'm only going to include files related to it.. and because I'm a chaos gremlin with literally hundreds of files related to the assorted drafts related to WEMTBB, I'm only sharing files that a. correspond to the final draft and b. I’ve actually worked on within the last three months... and yes, almost all of these correspond to the tentative song selection that would go with the chapter!)
Underneath Your Regret
The Sky Turned Black
It's A Curse, It's A Sure Sign
You Were in the Darkness, Too
Someone You Can Trust
Times Square + Aftermath
You're Talking Me Through
You and Me Make a Dangerous Mixture
Waiting for the Right Words
Try to Keep Quiet
Pulling Me Closer
When You Fall Overboard
Acting Like I'm Strong
Waiting for the Right Words
It's Your Reflection Looking Back to Hold You Down
We're No Saviors if We Can't Save Our Brothers
Even the Best Fall Down Sometimes
What's Behind and What's Before
Nothing Safe is Worth the Drive
These Hands Pulled Me From the Earth
I Swear I Didn’t Mean for it to Feel Like This
I’m Not Ready for What’s to Come
When the Currents Circle Back Again
How to Laugh, How to Cry
Every Lament is a Love Song
Until it Disappeared
It Could Stay This Simple
Who Are Your Friends, Who Are Your Foes?
To Hold Back All My Dark
What A Mess I Leave
The Ashes in my Wake
The Devil Told Me His Name
What a Hero Looks Like
A Beast of a Burden
With A Blindside
Ill Without A Remedy
Who's Gonna Watch You Die?
But You Promised Me, This is Love
The Deeper End
Family Pulled From the Flood
These Aren't the Vultures That Were Circling Just Yesterday
And All I Did Was Bleed
The Center of the Storm
If My Yesterday is a Disgrace
All We Have is Time
Additional tags: @sarahscribbles @the-lady-amphitrite @loki-cees-all @maple-seed and anyone else who would like to share!
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katmiscellanious · 2 years
Six Sentence Sunday!
I’m back for six sentence Sunday with a continuation of last Wednesday’s post (which I accidentally posted on Tuesday, whoops!)
For those who didn’t see last weeks post, this is an Enchanted Au for Snowbaz.
 Simon Snow is a hero of the land of magic. Known for slaying dragons, Simon is finally ready to find true love. He thinks he’s found that in Princess Agatha. A beautiful maiden who seemingly fits all the criteria of Penny’s spell designed to find his true love. But when she disappears down a well into another realm hours before their wedding, Simon goes after her, intent on rescuing her and securing his happily ever after.
Baz is a lawyer new to New York, having moved recently from London to escape his family and the loveless marriage forced upon him. He just wants to complete his divorce and win the custody battle to keep his daughter, Tasha. He lost hope for finding love years ago. But his world gets rocked when he meets a very handsome, and very insane man with dragon wings threatening him with a sword.
The story currently in it’s rough draft stage, but is coming along nicely.
“True love! I’m tired of the dragons and the beast slaying. I want my soulmate, the other half of my soul, my heart! I want that special, once-in-a-lifetime kind of love. The beautiful Maiden who is destined to complete my heart’s duet. You can’t get love like that from any old girl from the village!” I wrap an arm around her shoulder, “and when we meet, I’ll just know! You know! And we’ll come together to share true love’s kiss.”
Thank you for reading and I hope you stick around for more updates.
Special thanks to @martsonmars for the tag.
And for the rest a ya (I forgot to double check my tags, so apologies who didn’t get properly tagged. I made sure to check everyone this week.)
@martsonmars @bucketfishy @captain-aralias @carryonvisinata @aristocratic-otter @aroace-genderfluid-sheep @raenestee @bookish-bogwitch @facewithoutheart @johnwgrey @cutestkilla @carryonsimoncarryonbaz @confused-bi-queer @larkral
Under the cut I’ll have a little bonus content for anyone interested
A preview of Baz’s daughter, Tasha. She’s a quirky child, she loves birds, hates ketchup, and she loves her dad.
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Next we have a meme. I thought this was a fun and non-spoilery out of context joke about my own plot points.
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aanoia · 1 year
Welcome to my drafts
This is something my brain came up with and I didn't wanna forget it so I wrote down. I usually don't post the idea part but I figured this would turn out to be a really long fic so I wanted to know if anyone would actually want to read this. Tell me in the comments if you do and if you'd like to be tagged in it when and if it eventually gets posted!!
Note: this is very VERY sloppy and disorganized as i wrote it down as quickly as possible to just get the idea out. There will not be proper spelling or grammar and use of shorter versions of sayings such as idk and ofc, etc. This is not how my actual fics are, I'd suggest viewing some of my other marauders fics, or just fics in general, to see if you like my writing style (gotta sprinkle in a little self promo ofc). I encourage you to share any other ideas as this is just a rough draft and open to change. Thank you and enjoy whatever this is.
Marauders Era y/n black goes into the future, comes across future Remus (love interest) who's like "who tf are you and why do you look y/n black when we were younger" and she's js like... what and then it clicks in his head bc he remembers when she time traveled and he takes her into his office and she makes fun of him for being a teacher then Harry walks into Lupins office and she's shocked at how much he looks like James and he recognizes her from an old picture he saw of his dad and his friends and is like "u look like one of my dads old bsfs, are you her daughter" and Remus is like "Yeah her name is y/n Jr., y/n is her mother blah blah blah blah" then Harry's like "maybe ur mom could tell me stories of my dad" and Remus is like "her mom disappeared when your parents died" and it shocks y/n bc James is dead and she's missing so she stumbles out of the office and is like "I'll let you guys talk privately" and she passes by students who are whispering and they mention Sirius blaxk and she's like, what abt him? And they hand her the news paper that says he escaped Azkaban and she like wtf so after she sees Harry walk out she storms in and is like "tell me everything that happened." And he's like "I'm assuming you know almost everything already" and she's like "what abt wormtail? Is Peter okay" and he tells her and then she asks abt regulus which breaks her heart and then she asks abt herself and he talks abt how she went missing after James and lily died. And then before she leaves she asks if he and her ever had something with each other and he raises his left hand where a wedding ring sits with a smile and she's like "we got married?" And he's like "Yeah it was a double wedding with James and lily" and she smiles and then leaves blah blah blah then she comes back with tears in her eyes and for the young marauders it had only been a second and they're like "You're back already! What happened, why are you crying?" And she just looks at them then starts walking to her dorm then Sirius grabs her arm and is like "y/n are you okay" and all she can imagine is his picture on the news paper and his crazed face and then she looks back to see James and she can't help but imagine him dead so she shakes off his arm and walks away.
Time skip to the present, y/n is with Bellatrix when Sirius died bc she "joined" the dark side but kept it super secret, not even Peter knew. When Sirius died she broke down to her knees and Bellatrix just left her and she sobbed and apologized to Sirius before he wisped away and he was like "ik ur intentions were pure" bc twin telepathy shit he knew why she joined and then Remus was kinda mad at her and was like "you knew, you knew everything that was gonna happen and yet you still join his side and now your brother is dead bc of u!" And she yells back "u think I wanted this !? You think i wanted my brother's to die?! My best friends? You think I wanted to leave you, my husband? No ofc i didn't but I spent years thinking of any possibility to stop the inevitable future and ik i told me not to but i couldnt help it and I figured the only way to stop it was from the inside, so when Peter got James killed and Sirius sent to Azkaban I knew I was too far in and had to disappear so you wouldn't get hurt too. Yk me better than ik myself y rly thought I would be cruel enough to join that bastard!??!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!???!?!?!?!?!!!!?!??!" Briefly ofc. Anyway they kiss and blah blah blah idk what else that's as far as I thought
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