#which is probably annoyin
phant0mth1ef · 2 months
the feeling that i’m losing her, forever.
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bakugou katsuki x childhood friend hcs! pt 2
- you’d both met in kindergarten when you had complimented his quirk which had just manifested, and in return, he asked to see yours.
- your quirk wasn’t anything too flashy, you could manipulate the terrain beneath you, or anything that was considered part of earth for that matter. (think of toph from atla).
- he straight up told you that your quirk sucked and so you hit him in the head with a rock. he got set to the infirmary and you had a lengthy chat with your principal about why you shouldn’t use quirks on other students.
- sought you out after that encounter because he liked that you weren’t scared or took what he said to heart because you knew you were good.
- even as a kid he was a cocky little shit so you consistently kept him in his place whenever he started his “forward march and here we go!” chant.
- over time, you two simply just stuck by each other because you were almost always in the same class, so you never really had any reason to ignore the boy, and he found himself not completely hating the feeling of having you right by his side.
- in middle school he found out that you put shiketsu instead of ua down as your top school and he threw a fit because he didn’t want to lose one of the things in his life that was consistent and stable, but got over it when you told him that you’d come visit.
- when he got into ua and you got into shiketsu, your parents joined together and had a celebratory dinner for you both, and he could swear he had never been happier than that moment.
- when your family had to move so you could go to shiketsu, the boy went over and pretended he wasn’t about to cry because truth be told, you were his best friend.
- at first, you’d both called each other almost every night to gain daily updates on how your new lives were treating you, and it was something bakugou had looked forward to after having to deal with those extras all day.
- the first time you guys didn’t check up on each other was the same night that the usj had been attacked by the league of villains, something that you had seen on the news as you immediately dialed up your friend, who texted you that he was just too tired to talk right now.
- the second time was after ua’s sports’ festival, when you called to congratulate him and he just completely ignored the call, no explanation as to why, just instantly getting sent to voicemail.
- you pretended like you didn’t care, obviously you knew he was busy and that he probably just didn’t have the time in between classes and trainings, but then again, you were doing the same things and making time for him, why couldn’t he do the same for you.
one time he accidentally butt dialed you before class had started and when you picked up you could hear the bustling nature and conversations going on in his classroom, the sound of the boy pulling out his seat and sitting down was heard.
“hello? katsuki?” no response.
you recognized izuku’s voice coming into earshot.
“kacchan, i’ve been meaning to ask. how’s y/n doing?” the boys positive attitude even conveyed itself through the phone as you waited to hear how bakugou would respond, because truth be told, you had a major crush on your best friend.
“i dunno.” and you could hear him taking a bite of something, like an apple or something crunchy.
“y/n?! if i didn’t know any better, i’d think you had a girlfriend bakugou!” an unrecognizable voice boomed through your headphones.
“s’not the case. she’s just a friend. i don’t like her like that. always callin’ me and shit, gets annoyin’ y’know?” he grunted as the sound of your bell ringing had filled your ears, you quickly hung up and turned off your phone. pretending that what just happened didn’t sting a bit.
- from there you stopped calling him so much, figuring that if he wanted to talk, he’d call you up first.
- eventually you stopped talking altogether because you stopped starting the conversations, refusing to make him feel as if he had to talk to you.
- bakugou of course was unfortunately a firm believer of “the phone works both ways,” so he never decided to start a conversation up either. matter of fact he refused to ever think of hovering his finger over your contact, instead opting to just tell kirishima about his thoughts.
- when ua moved into the dorms, bakugou had a bulletin board filled up with a variety of different things that seemed so out of character for him, like pictures of him as a kid, pictures of his family, newspaper clippings from the sports’ festival, and a few select pictures of you both through the years.
- the first time kirishima was let into the blonde boy’s room, it was like the first thing his eyes locked onto as he sat down at bakugou’s desk, seeing a genuine smile on his friends face.
“who’s that?” his voiced laced with curiosity as he unpinned the picture, taking it down to show his friend.
“eh? friend of mine.” his reply was short and concise, as if he didn’t want to talk about it. so kirishima just pinned the photo back up, and looked at the rest that littered his wall.
a picture of you both at your kindergarten graduation, a few candid pictures from grade school, and a picture of just you from middle school graduation, but you can tell bakugou took it because a tuft of the spiky blonde hair hung in front of the camera lens and left only half your face visible.
kirishima had to stifle his laugh when he saw a childhood picture of you and bakugou playing in a sandbox, the boy getting sand thrown into his face, and on the back of the photo read “katsuki’s first friend!” clearly something mitsuki had done for him.
- he felt his breath getting separated from his body when he saw you stepping off the bus at the provisional licensing exam, your shiketsu cap taunting him, teasing what could’ve been.
- of course he didn’t miss how your second year classmates all walked with you huddled between them, they’d known of your foul relationship with someone from ua, and as the one of the only first years that were attending the exam from shiketsu, they felt as if they had to protect you.
“oh, look kacchan! she’s here.” midoriya was excited, because after all, you were his friend as much as you were bakugou’s.
“i know.” and that was all he said before angrily walking off, he saw your phone in your hand, he knew it still worked.
he was acting as if he didn’t miss you. and even if his eyes lit up as you essentially dominated the piece of earth terrain, he’d never admit that he wanted his best friend back by his side.
“seiji was eliminated? no way!” you spoke to inasa after the first part of the exam, true disappointment in your voice as you found out bakugou had eliminated your classmate.
“he likes you, y’know.” inasa’s voice was naturally loud, so you weren’t shocked when people’s heads begun to turn at the sound of romance in the air.
“shishikura.” all inasa wanted was for his friend to gain the girl he’d been pining for since the first day of school, even if his friend was a certified dick to some people.
katsuki hadn’t once bothered to look your way since you’d gotten to the exam site, but his knuckles were turning white as they gripped the table in front of him.
he didn’t realize it, but he had lost you a long time ago back when he had called you annoying.
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slutforsnow · 8 months
Skin Don't Matter To Me
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Quick a/n before the fic gets started; I am SO SO SORRY to those who were upset/uncomfortable/angry that I made the original billy x black!reader a former slave!reader. I didn't think. I shouldn't have been up at 1am writing. It was horrid and a terrible decision on my end. Forgive me or not, is entirely up to you. Ty to the anons who called me out for it and made me realize it was wrong to do that, biracial or not. I hope you can forgive me 🫂
Tw/CW: insecurities, anxiety, racism is brought up (not comments, just behavior).
Summary: Reader gets insecure about her relationship with Billy after seeing some girls flirt with him.
It was a chill Saturday evening in the saloon as patrons drank, played poker, and chatted absent-mindly. It was an easy night, for sure, aside from a few drunken snide comments made towards reader, but she shrugged them off. After all, she wasn't getting paid to fight the customers.
As she hummed and wiped down the bar, which was currently empty, she stopped midway to wipe some sweat off her face—reader loves her afro, and has no problems pulling it back so she didn't sweat to death while she worked, but some nights it was just too hot and having so many people out and about the saloon was making it harder to deal with.
Her dark skin shone in sweat as she worked but didn't complain. She had to make a livin' somehow, and she wasn't gonna do that by moanin' and groanin'.
As she resumed her work, she flashed a smile towards her boyfriend as he played poker. He was in his favorite seat, watching her work as he placed his bets and ignored the other girls hitting on him and trying to get his attention. He was technically working as well—he and his boys were security for the saloon because some of the customers were still quite horrid to the folks of color who worked, especially the women. They'd try to threaten y/n but were often silenced or kicked out by Billy and his men.
Y/n and Billy had been dating for 2 years, despite the ups and downs of him being a cowboy and the racism she'd face for being a black woman.
As she worked, still humming, she caught sight of some white girls being all touchy and whispering things in his ear. She bit her tongue as to not cause a scene and focused on continuing to grab glasses and wipe down tables.
'He'd never leave me. He's said that,' She thought to herself as a reminder that Billy would never leave her for some white girl. She was his, and he was hers. Yet, despite the constant love and affection he would give her, she still got that nagging fear that he would leave her.
A few hours later, Y/n's shift had ended and the couple were headed back home to the ranch that they bought with their savings over the course of their relationship. Y/n was silent the whole way home, which made Billy worry that he did something wrong.
"Darlin' did I do somethin' wrong?" He asked, setting his hat on a hook by the door as he shut the door behind him.
A lump formed in her throat and she sighed, knowing he'd keep asking if she said nothing.
"It wasn't you, Billy it... it's just my fears," She answered, trying to dismiss her fears.
"Well, what's wrong? It won't go away unless you talk to me."
Damn his smooth and relaxing tone- she didn't want to talk about it, afraid it would turn into an argument about his loyalties but he was so understanding that she knew she she couldn't hide it from him.
"Those... those damn whores that keep touchin' on you like you're not taken," She told him, sighing. "I know it's probably stupid or somethin-"
"Oh thank the Lord, I was hoping you'd bring this up," He breathed out, letting out a relaxed laugh and earning a perplexed look from y/n.
"I've been wanting to tell you about that. I never wanted to stress you out, but I hate, and I mean absolutely fuckin' hate when they do that. It gets so annoyin', I tell them I'm taken and to back off, but do they listen? No." As Billy continued to ramble about how he hated the other women touching and talking to him like he wasn't a taken man, she smiled.
He was so vocal about how much he hated it when they touched and flirted with him that it eased her worried soul and she hugged him tightly.
Fucking hell, she loves this man so much.
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whiskyanndboots · 9 months
Summary - "Dean, I care about our relationship way too much just to be your South Dakota good time while you're in town"
Pairing - DeanxReader - Platonic!BobbyxReader
Warnings -Angst, infodump for upcoming series, tension, no editing once again
Slight continuation of SNAP
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Meeting Bobby Singer had changed your life entirely, he and Rufus had saved you and two co-workers from a vampire attack after several Friday night margaritas. Your co-workers were happy to forget it had ever happened, even denied it after awhile, you however couldn't let it go. You'd researched every single thing you could about vampires, your brief encounter helped you weed out the impossible from the highly probable. 

You call it some kind of early midlife crisis, you had regularly taken time off your job to track down victims of possible vampire attacks. You are well aware how unhinged that was, you even had the crazy person map on the wall with thread attached to markers detailing all the possible vampire attacks in the area you'd been able to find, colour coded and everything. 

You decided since you weren't actively looking to interact with any vampires, just gathering information tor curiosities sake that you were safe. 

The next 4 months you were practically obsessed and while on one of your solo road trips you found a lead in Colorado that lead you to another in New York. You had stopped in the small town of Sioux Falls for the day to rest before driving more. Seeing one of the men that had saved you in the aisle of a grocery store buying beer and hamburger helper was so unexpected you almost ran into a coca cola display. 

He had ducked his head when he'd recognised you, he had rushed the cashier when you'd gone to talk to him anyway and he'd started speed walking to his car when you dumped your things and followed him out. 

Bobby Singer was not happy when you told him what you'd been doing if the "Are you out of your goddamn mind?!" was anything to go by. 

You'd told Bobby you weren't hunting, god no, you just wanted to know about this hidden world inside the one you thought you knew. You'd showed him the journal of vampire facts you'd written, which he immediately pointed out two wrong things you'd thought were correct.

He'd rubbed a hand down his face and stared for a moment. Then he asked how old you were, what you did and if you were married, children, basically everything about your life. He'd quickly realised you weren't going to be convinced into going home or letting this go so he begrudgingly told you his address. 

Right there in a Sioux Falls grocery store parking lot started your unlikely friendship.

You turned up at Bobby's the next morning and he grumpily educated you on vampires and let you have free rein of his extensive library so you'd go and leave him "the hell alone". Three weeks later, you'd quit your job and moved to Sioux Falls, you got a job at a tavern and rented a room nearby, you'd visit Bobby on weekends, sometimes even weekday afternoons. 

You'd never said you weren't impulsive or that you weren't escaping your old life. 

Around six weeks later you were living in Bobby's spare room, he'd said "Why are you wasting money on that shithole, I've got a room upstairs as along as you don't plan on annoyin' the crap outta me", you moved in and realised Singer Salvage was a mess on the business front. You'd spent your days researching monsters, trying to learn ancient languages which was as hard as it sounds, and organising Singer Salvage's inventory and sales. You'd quit your bar job when you'd started making Bobby money and he decided you were now his receptionist, both for hunters and the junk yard. It made it all more believable when you picked up and 'transferred' calls to your boss when cops called.

You'd later learn why Bobby was so willing to take you in. 

One night in late July, not long after you'd moved in, you'd both had a bit to drink and you built up the courage to finally ask Bobby about an old polaroid you'd found of himself and two young men. He'd told you about Dean and hell, how Sam's been of the grid ever since he died. Bobby had lost the two men he'd considered sons and you were filling some kind of void for him though he'd never admitted it, he wanted some companionship.
It was for the first time you really understood the sadness and loss that came with hunting, Bobby had many friends, not many close, but no family. 

The more time you spent with Bobby the soft spot you immediately had for him became ten times it's size. You learnt to cook more, he complained about the healthier things, but the guy had to watch his chloestrol. You cleaned when he was away and catlogued his never ending junk yard of parts and cars to sell. You still remembered the look on his face when you pulled out $2500 in cash you'd gotten on a day trip you'd taken to sell his stuff after he'd told you this 'junk wasn't worth that much". Problem was Bobby knew where every artififact, weapon, rare herbs and weird stuff was in his house, but he couldn't remember all the things he had buried out back amoungst the rusted out steel. 

Google had turned you into a parts expert, the only rule he had was to make sure he didn't need it and not to let any buyers here, public exchange only. 

It was an oddly simple life considering Bobby's profession. You became receptioinist for Singer Salvage by day and various FBI and Department of whatevers assistants in the shadows,he'd taught you how to answer phones while he was gone, what to say to keep the hunters out there covered and what kills what so you could help any hunter who called when he wasn't around. You were no Bobby, but you were getting better. 

Bobby had decided a beat up 1970 Chevy Chevelle was going to teach you all things cars, told you that you should know how to do things on your own, this one wasn't going so well, honestly Bobby had done most of it while you watched and admittedly zoned out for majority of it. 

The only thing Bobby wouldn't do was let you hunt. That was a hard, solid line and you did not mind in the slightest, you'd had to help on one salt and burn once when Bobby needed and that was enough. Monsters, ghosts and demons in theory were interesting, the reality of it you could miss. 

Bobby's drinking had you more worried than any supernatural creature did, you enjoyed the occasional alcoholic beverage, but the empty bottles you'd fine some mornings that weren't there when you went to bed worried you, but he would snap if you ever pushed. You were planning on a more subtle intervention.

You'd gone to a friends wedding in September and returned to absolute chaos of a resurection and an apocalypse. Bobby wanted you to pack your things and leave, you refused. You now wondered if that choice was a huge mistake. 

That was the first time you'd met Sam and Dean Winchester. 

It felt like a lifetime ago. 

It was February now and they'd missed both Christmas and New Years, you'd forced Bobby into swapping gifts on Christmas and by gifts you meant a bottle of scotch and some skincare gift pack Bobby must have grabbed at the grocery store, which strangely made you feel warm inside. 

You, Sam, Dean and Bobby were now sitting on Bobby's front porch and had been for the last few hours, just talking, it was nice considering how intense things had been for the last few months.

Sam and Dean had been through alot with the snippets Bobby had told you, despite how very much involved you were Bobby was still keeping it vague with what was going on out there. You'd heard them talking about a demon named Alistair, Lilith, Angels and Seals when you had turned on the shower and snuck out to listen to what they were talking about when they thought you couldn't hear.


She hadn't come for you, it'd been months. Your rescue from her demon minions was miraculous and you'd been living on the edge ever since, Lilith had said she needed you for something, you have no idea what. 

You laughed loudly with everyone at Bobby's story about a hunt with Rufus, you were pleasantly buzzed after a few vodka limes on this particularly hot afternoon. You liked when Dean and Sam came, especially when you had moments like this, moments when you could pretend the apocalypse wasn't looming over you all. 

You stood up asking if anyone else wanted another drink with an all around yes. You said you'd get some snacks too.

Three days ago when Sam and Dean arrived was the first time you'd seen Dean since the motel room incident two months ago. Some nights you couldn't sleep thinking about that night, just rolling around unable to get comfortable or relaxed because you couldn't stop relieving the way Dean's hands felt on your skin, how his mouth felt against yours. 

Neither of you had brought it up again, just like you'd asked. 

You opened the refrigerator pulling out some cheese, dip and salami and crackers. The first time you'd made a glorified cheese platter for Bobby he'd scrunched his face up at 'this fancy crap' you'd stared at him incredulously, 'fancy? It's lazy dinner'

Now he's a cheese platter fiend, not that he'd admit it. You regularly drink beer on a Saturday afternoon eating too much cheese and breadsticks while watching football or reality TV.

"Want some help?" Dean's voice startled you, you turned around from cutting salami to see him leaning in the door way. 

"No, I'm nearly done, do you want your beer?" You asked grabbing a bottle from there fridge and holding it out towards him to quick not to be obviously nervous. 

Dean pushed off the doorway, his eyes moved down your body as he crossed the room, so brazenly, you were immediately off kilter. The tank top and denim shorts suddenly made you feel suddenly bare.

You wouldn't let him know, you wouldn't show him how much he rattled you. You were an adult for god sake, why did he make you so nervous and stupid? he never used to. 

You'd been lulled into a false sense of security, you weren't sure if it was going to be awkward when you watched the Impala roll up the driveway, but to your great relief Dean was completely normal, he was even back to his old self and wasn't treating you like you were cotton wool.

The blatant way he was checking you out caught you off guard, It had to be the alcohol you'd all consumed.

He took the bottle from your hand and you quickly turned back to the food you were getting ready, you took a swig of the vodka you'd made yourself to calm down.

You had to get a grip on yourself. 

"I'll be out soon" You said without turning around. You just had to get this ready and go back out and continue drinking, eating and laughing, no issues.

"You been doing ok, feel like we haven't talked?" Dean asked from behind, damnit he wasn't leaving.

He was right, you'd found yourself alone with him two days ago while you were making some tweaks to the Chevelle, you were about to get Bobby to check it over, you weren't an overly confident home mechanic without him yet. 

"She not running?" Dean's voice made you jump. 

"Jesus, Dean" You huffed holding your chest.

"Bit on edge there (Y/N)" He laughed "What's going on?" He peered under the hood beside you. 

"Making a weird noise, I think something is loose and vibrating on the engine, I'm pretty sure it's here" You pointed, looking at Dean for assurance.
“Can I have a look?" Dean questioned raising his eyebrows. 

"Sure" You smiled easily moving out of his way.

Dean leant under the hood and peered into your engine bay "Can you turn her on?" 

You moved to the front seat and turned the key until you heard Dean yell to stop. You jumped out and came back to stand beside him.

"Very close, looks like that one, but it's further back" He strained leaning further in and gestured "Over here" you peered over his shoulder. 

"We can get this apart and tighten it up this afternoon, won't take long" He smiled widely. 

So you did, well mostly Dean did while you watched.

"There' Dean grunted twisting the wrench into place. 

You were suddenly very distracted by Dean's arms, he was pulling on the wrench, tan skin bulging as he pulled it tighter, his grey t-shirt was straining against the size of his arm, Dean was talking and you realised you weren't listening when he raised his eyebrow. 

"Sorry, what?" Pull yourself together 

Dean repeated himself looking at you and the car to make sure you understood. He was so unaffected, ofcourse he was, Dean would've been with plenty of women on the road since you last seen him, you're such an idiot. You just needed to avoid direct eye contact and get through the next few days. 

"Should be good as new" Dean said as he finished putting everything back together "Start her up" 

You did as he said and naturally there was no more weird noise. 

'Thanks, Dean " You smiled genuinely "saved me alot of time and taught me something new"
"It's all good, I needed to get out of the house, there's only so much Sam and Bobby talkin' ancient languages and lore I can take" He wiped his hands off with a rag, once again the movement made his arms bulge, all that thick muscle not from a gym, from hunting because he was strong, you knew first hand how firm he was. 

You glanced up and see Dean looking straight at you, you felt your cheeks heat up from embarrassment and swallowed quickly moving to shut the hood of the car, Dean was still watching you with an unreadable look on his face. 

Suddenly that familiar feeling of being too close came over you, you could feel the warmth of his skin and you weren't even touching.
"Should get back inside" You said quickly.

"Yeah' He answered, his voice suddenly deeper. You looked back at him and you did not like the change in demeanour at all.

You really wish you never opened this can of worms. 

"Yeah there's been alot going on, I've been good, Bobby and i have had a couple of hunts, he wants to lay low for the most part" You answered. 

Dean leaned onto the counter beside you, his posture was relaxed, but his brow was pinched. You turned to look at him, you nervously licked your lips, Dean's eyes shot down to the movement, copying it himself. You knew if there was any shot of forgiveness with Jo, you could never ever do what you did again, you hadn't meant to the first time.

"You? Alot more going on out there than here, I'm sure" You tried to keep it light while you distracted yourself with placing cheese cubes.

"Nothing new so far, just your regular end of the world stuff" he'd answered with a tired sigh, a pained look flashed across his eyes which was gone just as quickly. 

You smiled weakly with the corner of your mouth and opened a pack of crackers. You were sure it was much more complicated.

"So tell me" He began fake casually after a short silence, your body tensed at his tone.

"You going to be weird around me all the time now?" He continued. 

"I'm not being weird" You replied quickly. 

"You're being weird right now" Dean's grin was teasing, definitely beer spearheading this conversation. He was also right, You and Dean had an easy connection that had been strained since that night in the motel. 

"I'm fine Dean, really" You answered, probably a little too reassuringly. 

"You won't even look at me anymore" 

You sighed deeply and tilted your head to meet his gaze raising your eyebrow. You had never let any man make you feel this jittery, you weren't going to start now. He's just Dean, a man.
You turned back to finish what you were doing, Dean chuckled, you could feel his eyes on you, this had to stop now.

if Dean wanted to talk then you'd talk.

"What are you doing, Dean?" You turned to face him fully trying to keep your voice casual.

"What are you doing, (Y/N)?" He countered grinning, like this was a game.

You frowned confused, you were ignoring this thing exactly like you were supposed to. Dean chuckled looking down for a second shaking his head.

"You tell me you want to forget what happened and then you keep looking at me like you want to jump my bones" He stared at you, you were making a huge bold mental note not to be alone with Dean when he's been drinking all day because apparently his already huge balls got even bigger.

"I do not" You whispered, eyes wide, looking at the door making sure no one was there "I meant what I said" you insisted.

"Why?" He asked suddenly serious. 

"Why?" You repeated incredulously 

"You want to" He stated. You could tell Dean Winchester didn't get rejected very often, you could see why too. That cocky grin, that handsome face and playfulness that you knew would show you a good time. 

"Really, cause it sounds like you're trying to convince me" You raised an eyebrow keeping your tone just as playful. He laughed sliding closer to you.
“Dean, we had a fight, that got out of control, thats all" You continued. 

"Sweetheart, I have fights with people all the time and they don't end like that, unless they started like that" Your heart was thumping in your chest, it hadn't started like that though, it really did catch you off guard. You and Jo were on shaky ground as it was, but almost back to normal after months of trying to fix what happened. 

"Look Dean we work together, we're friends, Jo is my best friend, there's a whole apocalypse, it's just messy" You finished making your snack platter intent on leaving this kitchen. 

"Jo?" He questioned, in your panic you'd slipped up. 

"Is that what this is about?" He leaned in closer towards you.

"No" You said quickly. 

"(Y/N), Jo is like a little sister to me, nothing's going on with us, nothing has even been going on" His face was full on reassurance, but you felt none of it. Your heart broke for Jo, little sister, ouch. 

You crossed your arms with a sigh and turned to face Dean, your face hard you needed a final blow. 

"You know Dean, I really didn't take you for a guy who needed to be told no twice" Even as it left your mouth your stomach was turning in knots. 

Dean's face feel and all playfulness and flirting was gone. 

"(Y/N) I didn't-" He looked so upset with himself.

"It's fine, really" you interupted "Dean, I care about our relationship way too much just to be your South Dakota good time while you're in town" You tried to make light of the situation.

"You're not just a good time" Dean looked insulted.

"Yeah, I'm a pain in the ass too, I know" You smiled trying desperately to get this conversation over.

"Right" He ran a hand over his mouth clearing his throat and looked away. A heavy silence fell over the kitchen.

You felt awful, but you were honest, you didn't want to be another notch in Dean Winchesters bed post. 

"You two good?" Bobby’s gruff voice startled the both of you. 

"Yeah" You both said unconvincingly at the same time. 

"Here, I'll take that for you" Dean grabbed the platter and his beer and disappeared through the doorway. 

"Should I be worried about that?" Bobby asked from behind you as you were gathering the beer for the rest of you from the fridge. 

"No" You scoffed, guilt still churning in your stomach.

"Dean's a good man, you know I love him like a son" Bobby continued.

"God, Bobby i'm not trying anything on Dean" You pleaded.

"Dean isn't the kind of guy for you (Y/N)" Bobby took his beer from your hand. 

You were surprised, that wasn't what you were expecting. 

"A hunter isn't the kind of man you should be going after" he clarified "It'll be nothing, but heartbreak or death at the end of that road"

"It's ok, Bobby. Don't worry, we're just friends" You patted his shoulder.

There was very little chance of Dean ever making a move on you again, so you weren't worried either.

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Oneshot request for (gender neutral) reader getting Sniper to open up about a topic/subject that genuinely interests him, if you can :3
(Scared for my first req, + so sorry if it's not what you wanted (╥﹏╥) Please lmk because I might do it again if you're not likin' it.)
Reader Getting Sniper to Open Up to Them About Something he Likes
Climbing up the ladder to the sniper's nest, you clung onto the metal for dear life, not wanting to look down at the ground below you, which seemed thousands of feet away.
You were looking for Sniper, and after not seeing him anywhere else around the base, you decided that he must be up in his nest.
Finally reaching said nest, you groaned as your body nearly flopped onto the floor, wanting to give it a hug for having taken it for granted for such a long time.
Remembering what you came here for, you looked up, searching for Sniper. There he was, sitting on a small, wooden crate that was placed by a little window shaped cutout in the sniper's nest. You assumed it was where he would sit on the job.
He noticed your presence almost immediately, and quickly whipped his head around to see who was there. He visibly relaxed after seeing that it was just you. Sniper didn't talk, instead waiting for you to say something first, maybe to explain why you were here.
"Hey..," you mumbled, taking a few steps closer to him. You offered Sniper a small smile, remembering to keep your distance from him.
"What?" he asked flatly, looking you up and down almost as if he were sizing you up for some reason. It was clear to you now that he probably didn't really want anybody up here with him, and for that you apologized.
"Sorry, I just.. haven't seen you all day, y'know?" you replied, looking down at the ground in a nearly awkward manner. You rubbed the back of your neck, not knowing what else to say.
"Hm," was all he responded with. Sniper then turned his attention back to the window he was looking out of before you came in here, no longer acknowledging your presence.
You took the opportunity to get closer, now close enough to sit next to him on the large crate. Looking intently as Sniper gazed out of the window, you noticed how relaxed he seemed to be, how peaceful he was.
"Why are you up here so much..?" you asked, genuinely curious. Whenever he got the chance, Sniper was always escaping to this tower of his, not coming down until it was time to sleep on most nights.
"'Cause," he grunted, still not looking in your direction or even answering your question. You pouted, not determined to get a real answer out of him.
"No, seriously, you always come up here. Why?"
Finally, Sniper turned his head ever so slightly to look in your direction, once again looking you up and down like he had done before. It was a habit of his, just looking at people like that.
"'Cause it's quiet," he spoke, keeping his gaze on you. It almost seemed like he was waiting for a reaction from you, though his eyes were hidden behind his sunglasses.
You raised an eyebrow, a bit confused by his answer. You wanted to know more now, so you thought you would keep the conversation going.
"What do you mean?"
"People ain't yellin' 'bout every li'l thing. Jus' me up here.. Usually," he answered, hinting at the fact that he would have been alone were it not for you "barging in."
You huffed, deciding not to acknowledge his comment. You turned your body some to face Sniper more directly now, a clear indication that you wanted to keep talking. To your surprise, he didn't seem to mind it, not making any move to stop you.
"Does the yelling like-.. bother you or something?" you asked, gazing up at Sniper as you intently waited for an answer, interested to seemingly know more about him.
Sniper shook his head before opening his mouth just a bit to speak. "'Ts annoyin'. Bickerin' over nothing," Sniper answered a bit harshly, only because the thought of it alone made him annoyed.
You couldn't help but agree with him on this. The yelling was pretty annoying. You were going to leave it alone now, but you felt that there was more to this.
"Well, what else. I mean, you're here even when it is quiet," you said matter of factly, looking back at Sniper once more to listen to him.
He stayed quiet for a moment. It seemed as if he was debating really talking to you or not. He knew that he could, given that he was closer with you than he was with other mercenaries. He just didn't know how to word it.
"'Ts.. Nice up 'ere." Sniper lifted his hand ever so slightly, pointing at the window in front of the two of you. You looked over, being able to clearly see the sun setting right before you. It was a beautiful sight, really. After being mesmerized by it for what seemed like forever, you looked back over at Sniper to see the smallest of smiles adorning his face.
"It is.. It's pretty," you commented, you eyes never leaving his face. You really wanted to burn the image into your mind, for seeing him smile was something you'd never really seen before.
Noticing your gaze, he looked over at you, but the smile never left his face. "Reminds me 'f home," he added, once again focusing his gaze to the sunset outside. You could tell that it really resonated with him, seeing how he slumped over and rested his chin on his hand.
Seeing this made him finally relax, finally feel at peace, and you knew that he would look at it forever if he could. Unfortunately, sunsets didn't last forever. After another few minutes of silence between the two of you, the sun had set completely.
You looked over at Sniper, expecting him to be back to his "usual" self, but he still looked happy.
"Beautiful, innit..?" he asked, keeping his gaze forward as he spoke. He had kept silent the whole time as to not ruin the moment, to let the both of you really take in the pretty sight.
Seeing him happy made you smile, and you were quick to nod. "Yeah, it's really nice. I've never seen that before- Er, not like this," you said, watching as the moon began to come into view.
"You should.. Makes ya appreciate everythin'," he replied, an almost unnoticeable way of saying that you were allowed to watch the sunset with him. He nearly seemed happy that he'd have someone to watch this with, though he would never admit it.
"Thank you," you mumbled, smiling at him a little more. You were happy to know that he trusted you enough to do something like this with him, and you'd definitely be coming back.
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the-travelling-witch · 6 months
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Name: Cheron von Blocksberg
Homeland: Hell
Dorm: Diasomnia
Class: 3-C
Age: 18(ish)
Height: 192 cm w/o horns
Club: Had trouble picking but ended up in the Science Club
Best Subject: Ancient Curses & Practical Magic
Hobbies: Studying magic, reading, fashion
Pet peeves: His wings getting caught on door frames… just build more arched gateways, mortals
Favourite food: The souls of the damned… just kidding, it’s lasagna
Least favourite food: Anything too sweet and tacky
Talent: Getting under people’s skin (without the teachers noticing)
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Cheron von Blocksberg, the Prince of Hell, cuts an imposing figure befitting his position. Even if his height doesn’t manage to impress, his leathery wings and the pair of thick horns crowning his head, paired with his sharp claws and fangs, are enough to have people backing away from him. The crimson ends of his dark hair, reminiscent of hell fire, and the blazing intensity of his ruby and golden eyes do not help in making him more approachable. One look at him makes it apparent why he was sorted into the dorm based on the Thorn Fairy’s spirit of nobility.
Coming to Night Raven College is more of an excuse to leave the bleak and lifeless planes of his home. Considering his status, his education growing up was already pretty all encompassing, so his life at NRC is more about entertaining himself by toying with the living souls around him and seeing what he can tempt them into. Cheron’s not exactly hostile but some of their reactions are just so funny, he can’t help himself at times. Before coming to NRC, he wasn’t quite sure how much the living would differ from the damned but it turns out you can talk circles around them all the same; all the better for a silver tongued demon like him.
Unlike others, he doesn’t go around flaunting his power, though he will put people in their place if necessary. Besides, it’s not like he has to go around making people more aware of how threatening he can be; his title, high grades and the gossip going around campus do that for him. Despite his charming and easy-going smile, most people like to keep him at arm’s length, just like his housewarden. However, unlike Malleus, Cheron is actually present around campus and his mood can be rather unpredictable behind that amused expression of his, which makes people as wary of him as of Floyd.
Still, it’s not like he’s completely heartless, putting in some effort, especially for those who’ve earned his respect, and joking around most of the time. No, no, he is taking this seriously, trust him. After all, he is here to meet new people and build connections, and humans fascinate him. In his free time, he’s quite fond of researching old magic and even experimenting with altering and creating new ones. Some students have also reported seeing him pour over fashion magazines or with his nose stuck in a book.
“Hm? Oh you’re the Ramshackle Prefect, aren’t you? I’m Cheron, nice to meet you! Say, you must have some interesting stories to tell, I wouldn’t mind lending you my ear over a coffee some time. Just call me when you’re feeling chatty~”
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Relationship with other students:
Riddle - If there’s someone Riddle has to resist collaring as often as Floyd or Ace, it might be Cheron. Sure, in front of the teachers, the prince is a model student; always properly dressed, never late and on top of his coursework. But Riddle knows better. Calling Cheron an angel is like trying to convince him the sky is red. Yet, the Diasomnia student isn’t technically breaking any rules, always operating through some kind of loophole, which frustrates the Heartslabyul housewarden even more. Still, he’ll give credit where credit is due and silently commends his meticulousness and will to study.
Leona - If Leona had horns he could lock, it would probably happen more often than anyone would like. In a way, Cheron ticks him off more than the other lizard by the sole fact he has to see his face more often around campus. While Malleus is annoyingly oblivious at times and many of Leona’s taunts fall on deaf ears, Cheron returns them with interest each time. The lion prince isn’t sure if he prefers that, so he settles for not meeting the Diasomnia student more often than necessary.
Azul - At first Azul thought he might have struck big. Another Diasomnia prince from a distant land? One far off from living society? Perhaps if he was as clueless as Malleus or naïve as Kalim… In his conversation to test the waters, however, the octomer soon learnt he’d get burnt if he tried anything funny and has made a berth around Cheron since. Whenever he sees the demon with one of the tweels, he can feel a headache incoming.
Kalim - Cheron has seen more than enough souls who had to pay the ultimate price for their greed in the end, so when he heard the heir of the Al-Asim family would be joining NRC, he couldn’t help but be sceptical. Yet, he would admit, Kalim surprised him. Despite all of his wealth, greed was one of the least fitting words to describe him and Cheron could respect that. If you could fault Kalim for anything it was his naïveté but that was hardly a sin. So Cheron found himself being much more genuine with the second year than with others, no matter how distrustful Jamil was of him.
Vil - Vil tried not to get ahead of himself when he met Cheron the first time. Sure, he carried himself with grace and elegance befitting his position but he knew from experience with Leona and Malleus, that didn’t have to mean anything. Yet, the blond was positively surprised when Cheron maintained his pristine appearance and showed off his manners. And against all odds, the demon hit it off with Vil surprisingly well after commenting on the magazine the model was studying. Then again, Vil is one of the few people who have earned Cheron’s respect, so maybe it’s not so surprising after all.
Idia - Listen, Cheron gets it. Being from a gloomy environment and expected to take over the family business himself, he can sympathise with Idia, almost to the point of leaving the fellow fiery-haired guy alone. Almost. However, the Ignihyde housewarden is just so much fun to tease. The first time they met, Cheron had to stop himself from grinning too hard as Idia nearly fell over backwards, stammering out an excuse to get away. As one of the first interactions with the living, it had a pretty forming impression on him. Still, he makes sure to cut the poor guy some slack… every now and then.
Malleus - As the heir apparent of Briar Valley and his housewarden, Cheron obviously treats Malleus with respect, though his tone is laced with playful teasing most of the time, which usually results in Sebek popping a vein. Malleus does not pick up on it. People sometimes wonder if Cheron is jealous of the other prince for snatching the housewarden position but those are just rumours. Sure, he doesn’t shy away from metaphorically locking horns with the dragon but being a housewarden sounds like a hassle and Cheron’s not about that. His gargoyle-esque appearance does net him some points with Malleus though, who was terribly disappointed to learn he was, in fact, not a sentient gargoyle.
Jade - Octavinelle’s vice housewarden has always taken to studying the behaviours of those around him, either to learn more about them or to learn from them. In the case of Cheron, it’s both. On one hand, Jade finds great amusement in watching him interact with students around campus, an air of sly aloofness surrounding him. One the other hand, there are so many rumours surrounding him without enough proof to match them, which fascinates Jade the same way a good puzzle would.
Floyd - Putting Cheron and Floyd together can either lead to a catastrophe or… well, a catastrophe. Their moods either clash and they are ready to go at each other’s throats -Cheron hiding it significantly better than Floyd- which spells trouble for those in their vicinity. Or, they get along splendidly, egging each other on and terrorising the poor souls around them. Either way, avoiding them together might be the smartest option.
Trey & Rook - As his clubmates, they regularly interact with Cheron outside of normal classes. And while Trey sometimes still sweats bullets seeing both Rook and Cheron around certain chemicals, he learnt pretty soon after the prince joined the club that he was very well read and much more responsible than the whispers about him would suggest. Rook just holds a general fascination for the demon and enjoys bouncing ideas off each other.
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soulmissed · 2 months
@wenwue, cont.
the clunk, clink of his fork within bowl is an answer of its own fruition. sound pealing into a reflective, onerous lull and breaking it. because august may explain his adaptation to survival. his pocket knife, his artillery. harsh streets, his home. but acclimating doesn’t equal peacefulness. he loathes the insensible tragedy which robbed his childhood.
and it might be wenwu’s assistance outlines a rougher picture. (handhold in the figurative rock formation. someplace to clutch and scale yourself toward pinnacle.) nevertheless, shelter was shelter. how long? how long had he been alone. “ since my dad died. i was twelve. ” the kid replies. voice controlled, voice inexpressive. after all, tears would help none.
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“ you don’t need – ” sharp intake of air. “ – people say they’re sorry, but it – ‘s annoyin’ and i know i probably sound ungrateful. ” emotion cutting through. irritation barking his chestnut gaze.
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trrickytickle · 1 year
Anomaly WreAks AnArchy on ArAchnid AnArchist
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A/N: getting back into the groove of doing requests bc of a req/fic trade with @phobiaoftickles !!!!! HAHAHS THIS DRAFT WAS ORIGINALLY LEE PAV BUT IT HAS BEEN MARINATED AND EVOLVED INTO AN AWESOME LEE HOBART AWESOMENESS STORY FOR DA AWESOME JAMIE OLIVER BOI also footer tickles near the end
SummAry: Non-canon Part 2 of "The Tea Word" (separate from @/tickle-beans' MFTBU)-
In a turn of events, it's revealed that Hobie, being the awesome role model/love triangle rival/ex-runway model/probably ex-con he is, is unexpectedly the most ticklish out of all the Spider-People. (bit of lee!Pav at the beginning, the rest is a shit ton of lee!Hobie)
"C'mooon, go get her! I can't bear this!"
"I-It's not like that!!"
Pavitr continued to egg Miles on about the super palpable romantic tension between him and Gwen, but if it was up to him to say, nothing of the sort was going on. Gwen and Hobie, to Miles' right, were chatting away about what seemed like jargon to Miles and Pavitr, who weren't the slightest bit familiar with music theory.
"So, see, i'sounds better when you capo 3." Clipping the capo on his clipping-covered guitar, Hobie strummed a melodic tune, Gwen looking on in utter amusement.
"Awesome." She gasped, not even attempting to hide her excitement.
Pavitr punched Miles in the arm. "Come on, come on, change the subject! This is so annoying! Will they, won't they, will they won't they-"
Miles chuckled and shoved Pavitr away awkwardly. Hobie glanced over and cocked his eyebrow in a mild annoyance, and smirked. To the untrained, normal, not part of Spider Society eye, this was just a slight change in expression. It wasn't anything to cheer about. But to Pavitr and Gwen- that was the face of somebody about to deliver a deadly poison to those who wronged him, whether that be stealing his Chuck Taylors or punching him a little too hard. Hobie inched over to Miles, scoffing.
"Oi newbie! 'S he annoyin' you?"
Pavitr glared back at Hobie, laughing awkwardly. "I wasn't annoying him, I was just pressing-about a really, very important matter- and it goes without saying that everyone can notice Miles is giving Gwen the e-AAAAAAAAHHH! HOBIEE!! This again!?"
Hobie squeezed onto Pavitr's lower ribs, and looked back at Miles.
"That's one of ...many ways to shut'im up."
Miles laughed. "Bro's a screamer."
Pavitr groaned. "Tickling is not fair!"
"Oh yeah? Well weren't you just poking n' prodding at Mr. Armpit Blood?"
"He was sullying the name of all things rich, sweet and chaIIIII!!!! Nahaha-haha ha ha hahehe-HAH!" Upping the ante, Hobie strummed along his sides and continued with the tickling along his lower ribs, this time pressing onto his upper ones as well. "STOP!"
Gwen laughed nervously. "Yeah, he's right, youshupprobablystop, yaaaayy, you've had your fun!" Gwen laughed nervously, Ghost-Spider hood still over her head in embarassment.
Hobie glanced. "You're next, Gwendy."
"I'm going to go practice the drums. Have fun... Tickling." Cringing with that last word, Gwen bolted out of the rec room. Miles looked on in amusement at Hobie's strumming fingers and Pavitr's exaggerated screeches and death threats and "I'm-gonna-die-s".
Thankfully, the punk placed his hands back on his sides, leaving Pavitr some room to breathe and recover from the giggly stupor. Quickly patting the ghost-tickles away, he quickly perked up and looked over at Miles.
Miles shrugged. "Don't try anything-"
"Hey, hey, you know how Hobie acts all "Ooh, society! Stigma! Anarchy!" That last part was peppered with a thick fake Cockney twang which muddled with the Indian and Pavitr's hushed tone so much it was practically another foreign accent. "But he's reeeaaally ticklish. Like, as well."
Miles muttered. "Okay, okay, I see you..."
"Especially on his-" Just as Pavitr's fingers were about to make the slightest contact with Hobie, his bangled wrist was grabbed and stopped in place by the punk.
"No." Hobie asserted, the slightest twinge of nervousness in his deep voice. "O-or I'll-"
"Or what?" Pavitr sassed. "You gonna colonize us again, tea boy?"
Before an empty threat went past his lips, Miles webbed Hobie's arms together and went straight for the kill on his armpits.
"Or... soon you're gonna be the Spider-Man who's bleeding from the armpits." Miles taunted.
Hobie screeched with frequency that would rival mic feedback as he doubled over to the floor in a lack of balance, but Miles straddled his waist.
"I gotchu, don't worry!"
"kkHAAAA-hhHHHAAAAAH-ha!! Ff-hh-HAH!!" Hobie choked out. "'Umnnot th-ticklish!!" Miles kept vigorously scratching at the punk's pits, and Pavitr took his knees, fingers like insects crawling over the surface and wriggling behind.
"Oh but yes, yes you are!" Pavitr taunted with the sugar-sweet voice he had reserved for cooing at Mayday. "Miles, count his ribs!"
"Um, one, two, three.." the anomaly replied, counting on his pale fingers while his right hand was still tickling Hobie's armpit, albeit less aggressively. Hobie was holding out, but his face burned at the thought of the onlooking Spider-People's reactions. The teens had already gotten some stares from his previous attack on Pavitr, but the others had paid more attention to the sight of Hobie reduced to titters.
"Phehe-HPP-Pav, y-KK-You HHB-berk! Y'WUHULDN'T!"
"No, press DOWN! Like playing piano! Lemme try!" Pavitr moved up, sitting square on Hobie's tummy to demonstrate, two fingers tazing his middle ribs. Miles, following suit, prodded lightly at Hobie's ribcage, eliciting supressed chuckles that sounded a little more like coughs.
"Ffkk-KKKHHHA!! hh-Stop it, ya- hhHIdon'LIKETHAT! HAAAhhh-hHH!"
"Ah-ah, you gotta make little counts too. Ek, do, teen, chaar, paanch, chhah..." The numbers rolling off Pavitr's tounge were the tipping point for Hobie, who with every targeted little prod at his ribcage was breaking more and more and more and he was just about to LOSE IT-
"HH-FF-HA-HYEEE-HA-haha-HUH-HAH!! HAAA- huh-HH-GitOFF! Sling'y hook- Pahaha-HAV!" Hobie's deep voice broke in hoarse laughter, and he squeaked with every utterance of Cockney insult-gibberish interrupted by his own hysterical laughter, shaking in his webbed bonds.
"No, I don't think I will, no, sir! In fact, let's try your tummy!" Pavitr lifted up the duochrome shirt which his a well-toned umber stomach, and with skilled fingers, Miles' hands found themselves creeping along from Hobie's sides swirling into his belly button, then creeping right out to give a few more prods at the ribs. This sent Hobie down a spiral of laughter as inconsistent as he was, with lots of yelps, howls screams and a hilarious cacophony of noises contradicting one another.
"KkgHAHAHA-HhEEEEK-(k-snrk)-ffHHHPHA-HAHA-HhNn! Not hehere- n'-Nn'OTTHERE! (pant)"
"Goodness, your laugh is something else... something ADORABLE!" Pavitr continued teasing him. "Oh, Miles! He also hates it when I do this. Gud-gudi-gudigudi-gudigudi!" Whispering teases that Hobie didn't know the meaning of was a dirty trick- the punk didn't know what Pavitr was saying, but he knew, full well, what those words meant, and they sent goosebumps down his bony neck.
"Damn." Miles laughed. "You try his feet yet? I'm mad ticklish there." At the very notion, Pavitr lit up with a daring gasp.
"Yes." He blurted. "Yes I have, actually." His face changed to that of a playful smirk, as Hobie's gaze grew wide.
"No." Hobie stilled. "Please, Miles, don't lis'n to him- Ah, tom tit." Before he knew it, Hobie's boots flew off and web-patterned socks which were taken off just as quick were revealed. Pavitr held back Hobie's toes, and Miles spidered up and down his soles, laughing lightly along Hobie's hysterics.
"UH-HA-AH-HAHA-hh-HHKKHAA! Phh-PahAHavitr Puh-PrahahPRABAKAR, youhou're a DEAD blo-ho-hohoke, jh-H! Ahahanywhere budduh fuh-huh-HHEEEET!" Hobie howled and hollered, hitting the floor.
"Oh, and I forgot to ask, Miles. You like being tickled?"
Said spider person shook his head.
"Fair." Pavitr shrugged, the casual conversation continuing with every skilled stroke at the punk's peds. "Weell... Hobie liiikes it!" he sing-songed.
"SHhH-SHUT UHU-AHAH-haHhhyyYYou bunch'o WICKS!!" Hobie yelled, only a few decibels louder than his laughter, the noise making Miles back up while Pavitr kept playing at Hobie's toes.
"Does't seem like it. C'mon, let's give him a breather." Miles reassured. He climbed off Hobie, patting his shoulder, and yanked Pavitr's wrist to urge him off of Hobie, who stood up, knees knobbly from the wrath of both Spider-People whom he glared at.
"Heh.. you took it like a champ." Miles smiled up at him.
"You're next." Hobie spat, grabbing him by the collar of his hoodie. Miles made a small startled scream, and Pavitr laugh.
"I'm sure he doesn't mean it." By then, Pavitr had booked it out of the rec room.
Hobie cracked his knuckles. "Now, where to start..."
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mephinomaly · 1 year
[TL] Amusement Wolf/Koga Oogami 3*
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Summary: Koga is in a bad mood so Makoto suggests going to the arcade. At first it doesn't seem to help and Koga only gets angrier...
Season: Summer
Location: Corridor
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Koga: (Gahh, for fuck’s sake. I’m pissed!)
(Both Sakuma-senpai and Hakaze-senpai are goin’ on a variety show!)
(We’re UNDEAD! We’re suppose t’be a more radical, immoral unit!)
(Feels like the claws we’ve been sharpin’ have been gettin’ dull as of late.)
(...Them shitty seniors. Damn, I don’t get it but there’s gotta be a reason why.)
(Takin’ such a job, it’s totally out of left-field ‘n they’re just doin’ whatever they want. I’m not patient enough nor adult enough t’stay silent ‘bout this…!)
(Dammit. I’m so annoyed I can't even play the guitar.)
(Adonis is doin’ some stuff with the Track and Field club.)
(Nothin’ I can do ‘bout that so I thought I’d play some guitar on my own, but I’m so outta tune…)
Tch, should I just call it quits ‘n go home?
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Makoto: He~yy, Oogami-kun. Are you heading home? There’s no Light Music Club activities today~.
Koga: Haa!?
Makoto: Scary…!? Sorry, it seems like I’ve spoken to you at the wrong time.
Koga: Great, it’s Four Eyes. Whadd’ya want.
Makoto: I just saw you so I decided to come talk to you.
Koga: If you have nothin’ to say then don’t come talk t’me!
Oi, Four Eyes. Can’t you tell I’m pissed off?
Makoto: Yeah...I know from experience.
Koga: Then, quickly! Tell me a way that I can blow off some steam.
Makoto: Eeh, this is sudden!?
Koga: Just answer the question!
Makoto: Um, uhhh….You could eat lots of delicious food, take a nap, and forget about the bad things?
Koga: I need to do somethin’ and do it now! Take this more seriously!
Makoto: But I ammm taking this seriously. Then, why don’t you run around the school grounds? I heard that it’s supposed to help clear your mind…
Koga: But I’ll get in the way of other club activities!
Makoto: You care about those things, huh…
Then um… Oh! How about the arcade? You like card games, right?
Koga: …The arcade?
Hm, that ain’t half bad, Four Eyes ♪
Makoto: I’m glad. Seems you’re interested.
Koga: Uhuh. Then let’s go right now.
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Makoto: Huh? Go where…?
Koga: Dude, didn’t we just agree we’re going to the arcade?
Makoto: Oh, you want me to come too…?
Koga: You’re the one who suggested it! Take responsibility and come socialise! What, unless you got other things to be doing!?
Makoto: No, I was just going to go home! But I don’t have my bag on me…
Koga: Then go ‘n fuckin’ get it! Quick, chop chop!
Makoto: HeeEEE~!? Why’s this happening to me!
Location: Arcade
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Makoto: Yippee~! I won ♪
Koga: …GaaHH! Dammit! How’d you react that fast!
Makoto: Fufu. I had a feeling you’d hit the puck here.
Koga: No way you could read me like that~...
This is supposed to be for stress relief, so why are you winnin’!?
Stress reduction my ass! This is makin’ it worse!
Makoto: Huh~!? Sorry, I’ll go easy on you next round…
Koga: Hah!? I don’t wanna stoop so low that you’ve gotta go easy on me!
Makoto: What should I do then~!?
Koga: Shitty game. Annoyin’ that the score difference was so small…
Makoto: Right? If I had lost my focus I probably wouldn’t have won. I had no idea you were so good at air hockey, Oogami-kun.
Koga: …Even if you win, it’s pointless.
Makoto: Gahh. Don’t look at me like that…
Don’t get too down about it and let’s play a different game. There’s lots to do here.
Koga: True. What game do you recommend?
Makoto: Hmm, a two-player game…
If we play a fighting game, they’ll be a winner and a loser which might put Oogami-kun in a worse mood, so we should probably play a co-op game…
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Koga: Huh? What did you just say?
Makoto: Nothing, I said nothing!
R-right! Let’s play a zombie killing game!
Koga: Really? Are you tryna fuck me over?
Makoto: Teehee, that’s up to you. I’ll support you either way ♪
I’ll put the money in and… let’s play!
Koga: Got your gun? I’m gonna focus the small fries ‘n then we can rush the boss!
Makoto: Okay. Oh, be careful not to injure any civilians.
Koga: Ha! Who do you think you’re speakin’ to!
Makoto: Ahaha, true. It’s reassuring to have you with me! Then I’ll just…!
Koga: (Four Eyes keeps hittin’ headshots. But I can’t lose either!)
Makoto: Oogami-kun! Coming from above!
Koga: I got you~!
(The zombies are fallin’ down like dominos ♪ You’re all a hundred years too early to face me.)
(...Come t’think of it - when’s the last time I hung out with someone like this at an arcade…?)
(Maybe ‘cos I got so into the game, I’m not as angry.)
(I still don’t know why Sakuma-senpai ‘n Hakaze-senpai are appearin’ in that show but if I get worked up ‘bout it I’ll cause trouble for Adonis.)
(I can’t help gettin’ angry but, like today, it’s important I find a way t’let it all out.)
(I gotta thank Four Eyes…♪)
Makoto: …Dangit. Oogami-kun, reload, reload!
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Koga: Haa?
…AhhhH! Where the fuck’s all my stamina gone!?
Makoto: My bad! They surrounded us and there was nothing I could do…
I’m dead. Guess it’s game over.
Koga: Oi, the fuck is you givin’ up for!? We can continue from where we left off!
Let’s go again, Four Eyes! We won’t lose next time~!
Makoto: Ahaha. You’re really into this ♪
Koga: Hell yeah I am. We ain’t goin’ home today until we clear this game, alright!? Get ready ♪
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riaki · 11 months
riko u asked for thoughts / recs but i just . NEED to know more abt that sugu fic ur working on ….. the coffee shop one ……. i will eat any and all crumbs u can give me on what its abt or any lines in it or literally Anything cuz im kinda obsessed already . 😭😭
HAJSH i’m glad ur hooked >:3c thoughts under cut…
to be honest i started writing it completely without a plan 😿😿 that’s how most of my stuff goes anyway… but for the record, i have first love/late spring on loop whenever i work on it if that wasn’t obvious already. the goal was to make a nice cozy fic since it was oct (now nov) and since i don’t get to experience any seasons besides summer and 3 day cold fronts where i live this fic is jsut me wishful thinking :’3 i also kinda got the inspo from this post by the wonderful artist!!
planning for it to be a noncurse au with stsg still intact… ofc i’ll write the lifeguard!toru alongside and it’ll be in the same universe!!! i think it’ll be fun to do that hehe SO the main idea is that. u go to the local coffee shop u frequent and one day he’s there, and there’s a mutual ‘wow they’re cute’ and so you strike up a convo, and maybe u visit more frequently whenever he’s on shift to talk. one day u go in and he isn’t there (but someone else is) and they give you ur drink (which isn’t made the way u like it cus only suguru knows) and lo and behold there’s a number written on the cup that’s his !! stand in (probably gojo) was told to do it for him cus maybe he got sick of something idk
then u start talking and sometimes he takes his break to your table with some coffee or pastries on the house… makes little foam faces on ur drink just cus he loves seeing u laugh and smile at them and then. if ur order is absurd he’ll make fun of u for it but u notice he has it memorized :) one day he just drops the ‘we should go out’ when you’ve been rlly busy w school lately and he’s noticed ur swamped with stress.
so u go out, have fun, realize how much u like him and bam coffee flavored kiss :3
tbh. i have absolutely zero. clue on how to write him.. is he a smooth operator??? slick and cool with the ladies (and other)?????? does he get flustered, is he annoyin once u get to know him or is he gentlemanly…. hmmmm idk but. anyway hope this was sufficient for u ari!!! i’m excited to work on it more hehe
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hskinhome · 9 months
hi, i wwas wonderin if maybe i could get a tarot reading for my life as eridan strider? i dont remember much of anythin except that i wwas a human-troll hybrid. thanks if you get to this, its fine if you don't. -ES
"eridan strider anon here- i knoww it probably doesnt matter, but i wwould like to clarify that the strider part is davve-wways. (sry if im bein annoyin) -ES"
Sure thing! I’ll use this spread and my Homestuck Kickstarter deck!
First Card: Your past life as a whole
I got the reversed Judgement card, which symbolizes weakness, disillusion, fear of death, unhappiness, separation, divorce, and material loss. You were deeply dissatisfied and depressed during your life, and it’s possible you inherited canon Eridan’s unfortunate luck with love. You were scared of losing the ones you loved, whether that be via their passing or through a breakup.
Second Card: Theme of major challenges I got the upright Six of Wands, which symbolizes good news, triumph, victory, success in both industry and the arts, and the support of friends. While this card traditionally means that you were successful, which it may well be, you may have struggled to comprehend your successes and accept the support of those who were there to help you.
Third Card: How you handled them, and their effects on you
I got the reversed Ace of Cups, which symbolizes sadness, instability, loss of faith, disconnection, dissatisfaction, and inflexibility. Your downtrodden nature impacted your ability to see your triumphs for what they were, increasing your sadness. You saw it as “not good enough,” and you refused to allow yourself the love you deserved.
Fourth Card: Lessons learned during this life
I got the reversed Knight of Swords, which symbolizes a deceitful person, a boastful braggart, someone cruel and jealous, a troublemaker, and self-destruction. You tended to envy those around you, hating to see their successes and enjoying their rewards. You struggled to bond with these people, and as a result, you ended up only harming yourself. You needed to learn how to avoid this and your self-destructive attitudes and actions.
Fifth Card: The impact or effect on your current life
I got the upright Seven of Swords, which symbolizes unwise action, a failing plan, spying on another, lack of responsibility, theft, procrastination, and partial success. Many similar themes of not recognizing your successes are coming through in your current life. You may unconsciously put only half-effort into your work, instead opting to envy others. Focus on yourself, and reap the positives that you sow!
I know this one is more negative, but I hope it helps you nonetheless!
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emilycollins00 · 2 years
Can I request a Kazunari x reader where neither of them is sure if their relationship is platonic/romantic?
Yes, yes, yes!! Literally went from not really sure how to start this to reinventing it all SO fast like-? The only answer I find is that I might love Kazunari too much which honestly, fair.
Please enjoy! 💕
Promise me we won’t let go (Kazunari x Platonic/Romantic! Reader)
Kazunari believes he has -over time of course, he was never this smooth despite what others might believe- been able to gain certain knowledge, regarding other people’s feelings and what they look for.
This obviously carries its own problems as well.
He had already admitted to himself long ago being overly accommodating to keep up with every single soul’s like and dislike he met: Kazunari is so good at listening! in his ears translated to, if he spoke up, he might end up saying the wrong thing -because people like to have someone who listens. Even those you’re so easy-going! came from learning to control his opinions to a degree that his real thoughts felt more like a side note.
Regarding this aspect, Mankai had certainly been an eye-opening experience. A before and after point in his life.
Thanks to everyone at the dorm -and especially his super-amazingly-cool-and-talented summer troupe members buddies- current Kazunari was more confident than ever in standing by what he actually enjoyed. Last week he even turned down quite the bizarre idea for that group project he had to present for his graphics and Illustration course! Like, hello? Yes. Kazunari Miyoshi was proud to say he had grown.
Which lead the blond actor to wonder, after seven Thursday nights in a row spent dancing with you until wee hours of the morning, whether this is the point he should be asking himself if you two were turning into a thing.
Seven weeks, and it's become such a regular thing that both of you have built your schedules around it, changing plans to ensure you two can make it out to the pub no matter what else is going on. He never gave it much thought. You both have known each other for years, after all. And yet-
A sudden buzz coming from his phone distracts him.
Are you finished with your classes? I'm in the cafeteria and I wanna see you before I leave back to the library.
He can’t help but notice his mood lights up considerably when the icon that pops on his screen is from you. Humming quietly, he enters the conversation.
Almost done! On my way~
He adds a few stickers and concentrates again on the professor's instructions about where they'll have to submit their canvas for the exam. Minutes later and learning storaged, he picks up his bag and waves a quick goodbye at the group he shares classes with. It’s almost six o’clock, and the summer actor enjoys the breeze and bustle of people while scrolling instablam’s stories, opting to go straight to where you were. His reflection shows on the phone briefly. He pouts and fixes his bangs. Maybe he should have worn his hat? His roots were starting to grow back and-
“Yo, Kazunari.”
“Oh?” he looks into the direction the familiar voice was coming. “Setzer, my man! What’s up? Never saw you around this time before.”
The purple-eyed clicked his tongue. “Class got cancelled. Talk about annoyin’” A noise from his pocket makes Banri pick up his phone, roaming through it distractedly. “Ya leavin’ too?”
“Ah, my bad. Y/N-pii is on their break at the cafeteria. I’m going to pass by before heading home. Wanna join?”
“Nah, pass. Got a paper due so might as well go and finish it.” Still looking at the phone, the autumn member frowns. “…Talkin’ bout Y/N-san, do ya think they are free next weekend?”
“Next weekend? Probably. Why?”
The autumn member sighs. “It’s Sora’s birthday.”
“Sora… The one we meet that time at the after-party of your club?” Kazunari’s mind goes back to the events just last semester. They were one of the first people Banri had gotten to know from his major at uni and honestly had a blast at the time. “Sounds boom! How are they doing?”
“Fine, I suppose. They have this house near the river where they want to do a barbeque  and has been askin’ me to contact Y/N-san.”
Kazunari thinks about it. You have always enjoyed get-togethers, especially birthdays. Moreover, even the few times you met with Banri’s friends he remembers you commenting how much you enjoyed it. “Mmm… I don’t think it’d be a problem? Y/N-pii is the type to let you know if something comes up anyway so you should totally ask them!”
“Sweet. They have been so freaking’ insistent about it.” Banri sighs, relieved. Yet as he’s about to start writing, he seems to falter, stopping his fingers midtrack. He looks at the blond, and his eyebrow frown confused. Kazunari has lived long enough with him to know he’s debating to say or do something -which is not really typical of Banri.
It makes him uncomfortable.
“Yahoo, earth to Setzer?” he laughs, waving in front of him. “Your eyes are creeping me out, man! You ‘kay?”
The autumn leader takes notice of his own actions and massages his neck. “My bad. I was just… you’re good, right?” he arches his eyebrows.
“Whadaya mean?”
“You know, my friend asking Y/N-san out. ”
Should it bother Kazunari to know others were interested in you?
“It’s not like we are dating,” he replies with a short laugh. “Even if we were, Sora seems fun to hang out with, and a barbeque of all things? I bet it’s going to be epic! Remember to snap some cool pics to show off later!” he pats the young actor’s back.
"Okay, okay, you can stop now." This time, he does write on his phone with decision -though Kazunari notices him glancing in his direction one last time. “Then, I’ll let Sora know. Thanks, man.”
“No prob~ careful on your way home!”
Soon after he resumes his walk, another buzz and light come from his screen phone. It’s you again. He looks at the time and understands why you would write. It had gotten late.
Everything okay, prince charming?
He smiles at the nickname. And as a matter of fact, Kazunari feels okay with what just happened. Maybe. Honestly he can’t really make up his mind. But he’s no one to decide who you should hang out with in any case.
Found Setzer leaving uni and stopped to talk. Save me a seat!
Pff as if I hadn’t done that already you silly.
The sudden rethinking about your relationship shouldn't make him this weird.
For the longest time you came to keep certain parts of your personality hidden. The rough, ugly parts. At least in your opinion.
Maybe that’s why you are able to see through Kazunari. A side of him that no one else saw, or at least that’s what your selfish self liked to think. To the world, Kazunari is a friendly, fashionable, and outgoing art student who also handles all too well graphic designs and whatever you may throw at him. Always open to being friends with anyone who crosses paths with him, no matter who they are.
As years pass by, your relationship has unfolded into whatever intimate thing it might have become nowadays. Now, you see more. You see his actual dorkiness. You see the way he gets frustrated with himself when ideas don’t come no matter how much he tries when the answer to the problem eludes him. See how incredibly smart he is. How much he truly loves studying. How selfless he is. You see the faint traces of what you can only call sadness when Kazunari mentions smiling at someone's low opinion of him as a person. How his eyes sparkle when he’s talking about a new art event.
He told you about his old days one time. It made you want to tell everybody who had never bothered to get this close to seeing the real him you didn't try hard enough. Which is why you couldn’t thank more in your mind to Tsuzuru’s unaware assistance for reaching Kazunari and allowing him to become the passionate actor he has come to be.
So yeah, you could say you with confidence you adored Kazunari.
And yet, there was something bothering you for a while.
You two have gotten used to people mistaking you for a couple. You didn’t pay much thought to it since you are both incredibly clingy with each other, and to be fair half of your instablams are photos of the two of you -and others, sometimes.
What you do notice, is that neither you nor Kazunari correct people when they assume so anymore.
What you notice is that you can hardly wait for it to Thursday night and be alone with him, even if you see each other almost everyday. And it scares you a bit.
“So! What are you in the mood for before we hit the pub?”
You hum in thought. It’s gotten late, so you are sure the places you two usually go to must be almost full. “I'd like something cheap. This month I’m almost broke-” You sneeze. “Also preferably inside. Didn’t know it was going to be this cold today.”
“Hang on a sec, I gotchu!” happily, Kazunari takes off his jacket and puts it on you, making you sight. That was much better. “Aw, you’re so cute! Stay still!” he coos taking up his phone.
You laugh, letting him take a picture. “’Kay but give me your arm. I can at least give you some heat back.”
It feels like usual. You both decide to try some pizzas at a place near some park and are about to head inside when you hear someone calling your name in the distance. You wait a bit to recognize the person. Kazunari doesn't, mostly because of the talk he had with Banri not too long ago. Assuring he will wait for your conversation to ask for dinner, he takes his phone out to entertain himself.
Not too long he notices you walking back, and it takes even less time to know something is wrong. You are not looking at him, after all.
"Shall we go?"
"Sure but are you ‘kay? Cuz I can-”
“No!” you hurry, almost tripping over your words in a rush to cut him up. “It’s- it’s fine.” You say under your breath, moving far from him. “You really don’t want to know.”
Smooth, Y/N.
You whimper, still holding tight onto Kazunari’s jacket. It really does smell like him and you feel like crying at how much it calms you down. You look into the blond's eyes. There's worry. And of course, that's what it takes for you to give in.
“…can we sit?”
“One drink coming right up!~”
You watch Kazunari walk towards you with a bottle of water that you open instantly as he sits next to you. This was the last conversation you wanted to have and yet somehow, destiny decided it should happen. You close the bottle. Ok then.
“So!” You finally speak with more confidence than you felt. “Sora invited me to their birthday party next weekend.” Kazunari nodded. That, he also knew. “Seemed fun, so then I asked if you could come too.”
You shrugged, playing with the bottle. “We met them together and I thought we all had a good time. Remember the karaoke?”
“Duh. Who knew their club was so good at impersonating?”
“Right? That was so cool.”
The conversation somehow ends there. A bark in the distance catches your attention.
“...So? What did Sora say?”
You press your lips, leaving the bottle to the side.
“They asked if I was dating you. And I…? I didn’t know what to say.” you take some air and lean back on the bench, closing your eyes. You feel Kazunari tense up and you don’t wanna see it. “Like, I know we are not because- actually I don’t know. I’ve been feeling confused about… this.” You sigh, sitting back again and pointing to both of you.
The summer actor desperately wants to say something. He wants to say the right thing, because you deserve it. He wants you to feel as comfortable with him as it always is. How could something supposedly so… possibly wonderful be so intimidating at the same time?
“Kazu what… are we?”
Again, he freezes like a coward when he finds himself trapped under the intensity of your fond stare. “I-” there’s pressure in his chest. “I don’t know. I’ve been thinking about it lately too.”
Silence appears again. Kazunari awaits a groan, an angry puff, or any type of discomfort on your part. Yet to his surprise he hears a faint laugh. although you fought it, it was there. Free, genuine, hard, and heartfelt, eyes closed and shoulders shaking. It really isn’t hard for Kazunari to imagine a more precious sound.
You infect him. It feels good, to laugh with you. Despite everything, he feels the tension dissipating somehow. “Oh god, I’m so sorry I don’t mean-” he hears you try to explain yourself between laughs. “It’s just- ugh, we are so lame.” you finally express softly. You lean on him. “Like, having a crisis about this? at the same time?”
“At least we can use it for the art.”
You rise your head and he winks, letting you know he’s joking. You take his hand, and he squeezes it. The act comes naturally. After a while you speak, although your voice breaks a bit.
“I just- I adore you so much Kazu. And the thought of falling in love with you is great, but at the same time is it really okay for us to roll with it?”
Kazunari squeezes your hand again and leans in to kiss you on the forehead. As he imagined, your eyes are glassy. "You know?" he informs you as he lets go of your hand and hugs you tightly. "Out of aaall the people I’ve known so far in my life, you are totes at the very top. Hey, I’m serious over here!” he insists when he moves away and sees you smiling skeptic. “For realsies, your name is next to like- a bazillion of red hearts! A place reserved for the mega-talented, mega-loving Y/N As long as I’m at least high in your top too.”
“Wha- did you hear a word I just said? Of course you are!”
Kazunari smiles. “Then I think that’s good enough for us right now, don’tcha?”
You sniff and reach out to kiss his cheek this time. "Let’s continue to go out on Thursday nights," you murmur, using your wrist to remove the tears that had accumulated. "Every Thursday night unless you have a performance, in which case I will definitely go see you and then we’ll go out afterward. I don't want to hear any excuses." You let your voice turn mock-stern.
“Hai, hai captain~”
As you get up, the summer member grabs your wrist again. You look down confused, finding a gleaming pair of green eyes, showing his phone.  
“Wanna take a selfie?”
The lights from the streetlights reflect on the back of his blond hair, and you suddenly feel weak on your knees with the most overwhelming relief. You love this person so much. “Sure. It does has been more than a day since we have.” You laugh, and do your usual pose, which is resting your arms around him in an embrace as you both decide what type of filter does match better for the day.
It doesn’t matter if it takes a while to put a name on what you two have. At the moment, Kazunari simply wants to go and spend some good quality time with you.
Which is fortunate -because you feel just the same.
This was difficult but sooo worth it and interesting to write! Thank you for your request.
Wishing you all a wonderful day! 💕
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lorz-ix · 9 months
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River City Girls Zero (2022) / Shin Nekketsu Kōha: Kunio-tachi no Banka (1994)
I was really excited to try this game, since we're still sorely missing localizations for most SNES Kunio games, and this is the one that originally inspired the first River City Girls. After that game released, and thanks to the wonderful collection of all the NES Kunio entries translated to english for modern system, I kinda got very into the franchise, you see.
Turns out this was a massive disappointment. It's a very bland, very linear beat' em up that completely fails to live up to the expectations set during the previous console generation, only providing higher quality visuals and sound, and a slightly more intrincate story that takes itself too seriously for how unimpressive it is.
The new localization is fine, with a couple new opening and ending songs, a new animated opening sequence, and the option to choose between a 1994 faithful translation and one that tries to link this game more closely to the characterization of the River City Girls storyline. That's if you're playing in english of course, I noticed every other language only gets one translation. Tough luck.
I felt this localization job was completely unnecessary. As a game, you're essentially forking over 10-15 bucks for a SNES rom with little replayability and extras that add next to nothing to the experience. I would rather pay full price for a collection of all the SNES games with less bells and whistles, if they did it for the dozen NES titles they should have less of an issue doing it with the 5 or so SNES ones. Instead, they chose to give us one single very mediocre game, and I find it hard to have any hope that they'll release the others in the future.
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River City Girls 2 (2022)
Even after the previous letdown, I was still very hopeful and excited for a full sequel, and I think it mostly lived up to those expectations. I want to play more of it, play through the story with different characters and do more of the side quests, which is a sign that I had a good time.
There's tons more dialogue for each of the playable characters, which is a treat. There's always some funny moments to laugh at, and I find the cast to be quite charming. Their movesets have also been improved and expanded, so there's more to do and experiment with during fights. You can get pretty creative and do some demanding combos if you're really willing to explore what everyone can do. The combat is a clear step up and probably the easiest thing to praise.
The story is also quite nice, pretty much what I'd expect from a sequel, fun the whole way through, but it's also where I began to have issues. I think some secondary characters that could easily be considered series staples, and who showed up in the first game, should have made an appearance here, but I guess that's my personal take and it can be forgiven. My biggest issue was how Ken was used, with his resemblance to Kunio having actually zero significance to the story, and him being apparently much older than the main cast? I believe he could have made for a more interesting and engaging baddie if he was also a teenager and a similar plotline to the one in Zero had been used.
And, oh man, don't get me started on how they fumbled the dragon twin(k)s. They're usually a top threat in any game they're in, and they got fantastic redesigns here, but they were barely used and I didn't even get to fight them. That should be some sort of crime. Genuinely the most underutilized members of the villain cast. What the hell happened here.
I guess I didn't notice this sort of stuff back when I wasn't a fan and these characters were all new to me, huh. Maybe this is all just fanboy rantings. Maybe it's not a big deal. But I seriously think the dragon twins are cool and they should be used more.
Other than that, my roomie (who I played through the entire game with) and I felt that the frequent fetch quests and backtracking required to advance the story got fairly annoying, but perhaps we wouldn't mind it if we were playing at our own pace and took our sweet time. I think playing with more patience would greatly improve the experience. All in all, I believe it was a very fun game, great fun with a friend, adorable characters, just not perfect you know. I'm only a bit passionate about some of that stuff.
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joemama666 · 1 year
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(please don't mind the mistake on Johnny in the first pic)
Crack ship children I made
Spray Paint (left
Johnny (right)
They are made from Ink x Nightmare (InkMare, Nink 👹)
Spray Paint is an annoyin little crap who spray paints everythin and everyone includin his brother Johnny.
Johnny meanwhile is just some average dude who (probably wants to die) likes to paint and take things as seriously as possible (SP usually ruins his plans)
Text in picture incase you can't read it.
Tentacle can be used as paintbrush
Downside is that he can't control it drippin and smearin ink and everytime he touches or grabs anythin with it it smears
Spray Paint's cans cause misery to everyone
Downside is that they run out quickly so he has to use his magic
(which in turn runs out quickly in his body so he just turns gray and sad) <- this part isn't in the picture
Spray Paint's tentacles are retractable, chooses to leave them out
Johnny's tentacle isn't retractable
End of that.
SP is 19 and Johnny is 14 (their age may change later)
Reminder that these ship children are a joke, they aren't really serious at all. ☠️
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hunting-songs · 4 months
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Send “🔥?” and my muse will admit whether they find your muse attractive or not.
"Admit?" Senritsu tilted her head to the side like a confused bird, a perplex smile curling around her stark fronteeth: "What is there to admit? I never made a secret out of the fact that I think that you are very handsome and I find you attractive. If that wouldn´t be the case, the orchestra of swooning hearts I am listening to whenever you step into a room with people are very much enough to notice that." The woman chuckled in all good humor, waving the question away like an annoyin insect. However, she stopped, her head titled to the side as always when she was listening keenly and her her hand stopped dancing in the air after the song of her own voice. It was not the first time she had heard that kind of melody in Kurpaikas heartbeat when it came to his looks and a worried line appaeared betwee the womans big eyes as deep as a scar. Automatically she reached out, laying a small hand on the others arm gently as she hummed as sweet as song: "Just because you are not the person I would have started to flirt with in a pub at first glance, does not mean that you are not attractive in my eyes, Kurapika. " She winked up to him friendly, her fingers tapping a sweet melody on his sleeve to ease that unsure melody she heard in his chest before wandering lower and reassuringly squeezing his hand: "The opposite actually- I adore the con calore hazel of your eyes that I only saw after a lot of first glances when I cought you one day without your contacts.And I adore the way your voice pitches up a octave and turns allegro when you tell me about what you had just read in a book or about a scientific fact you know would fit the situation, which I am very sure you would not have done at our first meeting. Maybe that was because we met in a Mafiaboss mansion with of balloons made manakins trying to hunt us, and not met in a pub. Pub or lifethreatening situation, I still think I would have only heard your voice so amoroso sounding after I had got to know you for some time.", Senritsu looked up to him; the smile on her round face was honest : "And it would have been such a pity if I had never been allowed to hear your voice like this as its one of my favorite songs."
There was a smile like from a cat infront of the mouse when Senritsu tilted her head back, tapping her short fingers against her chin theatralically thoughtfully: "Although, thinking about it, - you sitting alone in a pubs corner with a book in your hands would be something I would have probably seen as a mhmmmmmmmm...challenge.Be it for flirting, for becoming friends or just having a nice conversation with you. And I oh-so- do- love a challenge. An occupationsl disease, I am afraid. "
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paleparearchive · 6 months
Before & After
Michelangelo's Autumn Sketch Battle 3★ story (1/2) ( 1 - 2 )
Location: terrace (morning) | Characters: Michelangelo, Aoi/MC
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Aoi: (Just a few more days until the sketch battle! I want everyone to be fully prepared for the challenge, so I'll ask everyone to check what they need as soon as possible.)
(Still, I'm hearing about the sketch battle all over town, too. Not so long ago, there would have been little interest in a sketch competition being held… That's how much art has permeated Palette City. If only we could keep this up and make it more exciting…!)
Michelangelo: …
Aoi: (Ah, it's Michelangelo-kun. It looks like he's painting today, not sculpting. That's unusual, since most of the time he works in his room or in the atelier…)
Michelangelo: … Heh, guess it's somethin' like this.
Aoi: Hello, Michelangelo-kun.
Michelangelo: Ah, director.
Aoi: I see you're painting outside today.
(He's starting to get out of his room more than before, which is probably a good trend.)
The scenery changes with the seasons and it's a nice change of pace. It's good to paint outside.
Michelangelo: No, it's not that…
Aoi: Uh? It isn't?
Michelangelo: This is just practice to get used to being outside.
Aoi: R-Really…
(I'm not sure what Michelangelo's reasons are for getting used to being outside….)
But why bother practicing when you can go out these days?
Michelangelo: You say goin' out, but it's only for a lil' while. A tournament means you'll be outside all morning, right? It's different from paintin' in a room, 'cause it's so much more crowded outside. Plus, I heard there's gonna be a lot of people... So I'm gonna get used to it while I still can.
Aoi: I see…
(Michelangelo-kun is thinking positively, isn't he? If it was when we had just met, he might not have even participated in the first place…)
Hey, can I see the picture you were drawing, if you don't mind?
Michelangelo: Do what you want.
Aoi: Thank you.
(Michelangelo-kun was very expressive before, but now he's more…)
Michelangelo: … How is it?
Aoi: Every detail has been painted with great care. I can sense Michelangelo's attention to detail. Usually you tend to focus on the muscles, but today it's a landscape painting, so it's balanced overall. There's nothing in particular that concerns me at this stage, so I guess you'll just have to try adding some color to it.
Michelangelo: I see… Then, when I finish it, will you lemme know what you think?
Aoi: Of course! If it's okay with me, I'll look at it anytime.
Michelangelo: … Mh.
Aoi: (Michelangelo-kun listens properly and asks for feedback himself…)
You've been more open than usual, it's unusual, isn't it?
Michelangelo: … It's not about bein' open or anythin' like that. It's just that that guy says a lotta stuff. If I don't draw it right, he'll be annoyin' and tedious.
Aoi: (By “that guy” he means Da Vinci-kun, right? Whatever the reason, I'm glad he's willing to do it.)
Come to think of it, it looks like the weather is going to be really nice that day. The wind seems to be blowing, so I'm sure you'll be able to draw comfortably, won't you?
Michelangelo: Really…?
Aoi: Really, I'm sure of it.
Michelangelo: If you say so... Well, I believe you.
Aoi: (It's not just Michelangelo-kun and the others, everyone else is also motivated… Fufu, I'm looking forward to that day.)
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hellmouth-manor · 8 months
i'll try asking you why || minami || trial 6.5 || re: micah
Minami has been silent since posing her question to Micah, deep in thought. 
Well, partially deep in thought. Her head is really hurting, and that's taking away some of her focus. She rubs it forcefully, wishing she had a cigarette. Daishin would be mad if they knew how much she had been smoking recently, though. She imagines their stern face, and mother, you know those are bad for your lung health, I've told you seventeen times. Daishin who, if Micah is to be believed, she won't be getting out to see. 
...Well, that's just silly. Since when has she ever listened to other people about what she can and can't do?
Minami is angry, sure, with how Micah is acting. She thinks all of this is pretty ridiculous, though, which is what's stopping her from shouting about it. Maybe it's just her incessant stubbornness, but she can't say she has any intention of believing all he's saying. If the matter of them escaping is in question, well, she's happy to blow a hole through any wall needed, literal or metaphorical. It'll just take a bit to think of how. In the meantime...
"Well, that's pretty stupid!"
She even laughs.
"Sorry that you've been misled, I can guess by who, but I ain't abandonin' you. That's pretty clear! I'm sittin' right here, ain't I? And I got no plans to go quiet into that, ehhhh, whatever yonder they say. Yup, we're still friends! Sorry, you don't get a choice, I decided! Say whatever pessimistic-ass shit you want about it.
And sometimes your friends are real bullheaded idiots, but, ehhhh-- well, this is probably how a bunch of y'all felt dealin' with me this whole time, huh..."
She rubs the back of her neck sheepishly. 
"But that's fine! Takes one to know one! Even if you're bein' real annoyin', we're still friends. Even if you're the worst, shittiest person on Earth or Hell or whatever, which I don't really think, but, you know, in case you think that.
Also, sorry, I don't believe you! About a bunch of shit. Your master sounds like a real bitch! Sucks for them!"
Somehow... energized, now, Minami just shrugs. She doesn't sound very apologetic, despite her many apologies in that... passionate statement, but she is sorry. That Micah turned out this way, that is. That's probably the biggest wall she wants to blow through, and she doesn't quite know how. But she got sorted into pride for a reason, and even a whole boatload of evidence to the contrary isn't going to convince her that she isn't correct. What can she say. She's the smartest idiot in the world, and she'd like to keep it that way.
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