#which is still a thing i don't know the proper syntax for so.
sibyl-of-space · 1 year
now that i have tampermonkey ive spent the past like hour trying to figure out how to use it to update the dark mode palette to include the navy again because i hate that it's just black. i looked at tumblr's CSS and literally the dark mode palette takes the "navy" variable and just sets it to 0, 0, 0 AKA black. i can edit it in the inspector (which is how i know exactly what they did) but i haven't figured out tampermonkey syntax/functionality to the extent i know how to script it to do this. this is a reasonable rabbit hole to be going down 30 minutes after i am supposed to be in bed
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scepterno · 1 year
Oh my god I love nsfw with acc feelings in it it makes it so real and meaningful icl
I remember reading one where Alejandro was insanely focused on Noah and like to get handsy and describe every part he loved ab him😭 Alejandro when he’s not playing in TD is so different towards people (if he wasn’t attracted to Heather he’d be attracted to Noah?? Or something like that I remember seeing it) but yeah Noah felt so safe with him and wasn’t at all nervous to say no to things in the fic it was so sweet☹️
I haven't read any nsfw fics of alenoah simply because.. erm...... i do not enjoy a lot of alenoah fics in general.. i cannot shake the feeling that most are written by teens so i just tend to avoid them by virtue of not wanting to read some high schooler's fanfic. i am a stickler about proper grammer, syntax, rhythm and beats, or what have you. *pushes up glasses* i am a scholar in STEM at heart. do not let the art degree fool you! when you get older and go to college you tend to...................................... now, i don't mean to be rude, but you tend to refine your tastes in literature, aka silly gay fanfics in the internet.
i just cannot bring myself to sit through more than 2 sentences of a fic if there's not proper punctuation or grammar. (also you can sort of tell when a fic is written by someone young or inexperienced, which, you know, power to them! you cant get better if you dont suck first! but that does not. mean. i will subject myself to Suck) i simply cannot. it hurts my bones.
that was a totally unrelated tangent. WOOPS. sourry 'bout that, mate.
what you're thinking of is the reddit AMA with alejandro's original voice actor where someone asked if they could see alejandro being attracted to anyone other than Heather, using Noah as an example, and he agreed. (they kind of led him into that one, so i take it with a grain of salt, but celebrate nonetheless)
i personally cannNNNAWWWWTTTT see Noah as submissive in a sexual situation with alejandro. with someone like Emma? yeah. sure. vaporize that stupid twink. but with alejandro, who brings out the competitive, spiky side to Noah??? i cant see him assuming the submissive role. maybe he likes to get pampered and Pillow Princess'd once in a while (he is VERY lazy to his core, after all).
i do find it interesting how most people tend to agree that alejandro would be a much better person as soon as he's no longer on reality television. although, i suppose that applies to most characters, especially the villains.
i personally still think that alejandro has a nasty side, since he wasn't ALLOWED to have a nasty side around his family (or he'd get a beating). being on total drama let him have fun with being a complete asshole, which is not something he was ever allowed to do before then, because he's supposed to be perfect! and suave! and a gentleman! Chris hired him to be a dirtbag, so he played the part and had a blast doing it (until it bit him in the ass)
i do regret not being able to show alejandro's Nasty Side more in my fic, but i dont' really think there was room for it given how hard he was trying to redeem himself both in his family's eyes, as well as Noah's. once he and Noah are more comfortable with each other, Alejandro definitely allows himself to be let loose a bit and forego the manners. he truly DOES admire that Noah isn't a pushover, because he considers himself one and wishes, deep down, that he wasn't so compelled to be a people pleaser. there is a subconscious filter in his brain that keeps him generally polite, just because it's been drilled into him by his family (diplomatic and strict, cough cough) that being undesirable or off-putting is something to be punished for.
EGADS, it appears I have allowed myself to ramble again, so I'll cut it off here. sorry for using your fairly straightforward message as a means of info-dumping. 'tis the turn of the tide, or what have you.
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notmuchtoconceal · 5 months
From the banks of the river marched the steps. From the muck, scumflows poured down craterprints of his boots into steppes.
Seated on a stone, wide so the cleave nestled his cheeks, Brother Jacek sat soaked in the depths to which he had plunged, his men bravely walking off sepsis as they clenched their stabwounds behind him.
"I like Brux when he's manly," he said aloud to himself.
Staring at his own shadow. Starring at the dancing grasses. The dancing grasses he longed to smoke, to feel himself lie back well-reclined within himself, knowing only good food and good music at tangerine sunsets of a perpetual dawning, well-alive and well-aware of the multitude within and without, wanting only needlessly, needing only to want.
"Sometimes he's so beefy and broad. He's uncouth with a violent strangeness which is dazzling as it is coarse. Like a horsehair tail sprouting flytraps or any manner of strange things which blur the vegetable from the insect, with a fuzziness at most arachnid."
These words. There must have been truth. Some were certainly his.
"Why does he insist on being written as this absurd and outrageous sissy? Is it all Joey's lies? Some of it has to be Joey's lies. What percentage of the things that Joey says are totally lies? (I feel anyone who believes in proper syntax is a liar who wishes to modulate my biorhythms along some arbitrary pole. Drunk you is real you. Sobriety is the Lie that Hey Zeus the Wino sold to his habituates.) Brux can't possibly be a bigger liar than Joey and Laika. In some regards, Brux simply has to be the lesser of two evils. Brux is so much better of a team bitch than Laika. Laika fucking sucks at being team bitch. Holy fuck. He either lies there and takes it or lies there and enjoys it lewdly and disgustingly or lies there and hates it and it's literally rape but he won't fuckin say anything. He won't even be like .... 'hey bro, stop fuckin rapin me!' or 'bro i'm real fuckin pissed bout all those times you raped me.' Naw, man. He's just like ... gonna sit there and hate you and not mention those times you raped him. Fuckin coward. Every time you rape Brux he won't shut the fuck up about it. He goes over the PA and lies about how many times you raped him so now you don't even know if it was an implanted memory or if you really did rape him. Why would anybody rape Brux? Does he get hotter when you're drunk? Do you think he would look extra rapeable if he was sober and you were drunk? I think you should get real drunk at a time when you know Brux has to be sober and see if you rape him. Why would you do this as a thought experiment, just make it happen, bro. Big bro rapes Brux all the time anyway. Maybe Brux is insane because big bro rapes him too many times. Maybe Brux is insane because big bro won't rape him. Brux is always tryin to get big bro drunk and big bro still won't rape him. I think he definitely did fuck with your memory, either surgically or through hypnotic suggestion."
The fifth of the Jacekobean men, falling to his knees.
Howling. Howling as he clenches the holes in his gut.
The first, moving forward.
Eclipsing him by the mountainpeak of his silhouette, grabs him. Grabs him by the throat and hammers him, hammers him in his perforated guts. Squirting out tarblack jets of bile to free the warm red blood.
The second Jacekobean man screeches and waggles his tongue in the air. He encoils with the third, as the sixth encoils with the seventh. In rhythm, arms around shoulders and head locked against head, fisting each other in the open guts, aiming to raise intestines as worms after fresh rain to greet the sun at a daybreak of perpetual gunmetal red.
Brother Jacek leapt up.
They throw themselves to the muddy banks at his boots, each barebacked, barechested, scalp shorn by the flint.
"You have not earned the right to kiss my steeltoes. Polish them to a mirror shine with your lips though you will. What I decree to the wood will be heard by all, carried far by the birds which sit on these branches, flow far with the waters which lap at these roots. Slithering through the mud all seven of you will give me your skins. In a spectacular coat the color or every white man, a rainbow of snow shall I be in albino gator, rolling hills of elephant and peacock. I am the train always coming, though in the dead of night I am heard by all, none dare meet me at the station."
Licking the rocks. Bloodying their tongues.
Licking the lichen. With bloodied tongues.
Eyeing the mirrors of his toecaps where their faces compress as a diamond back to coal in a hydra of blistering faces, they press out their tongues, looking up piteously, never daring to defy fully and let the tips touch the edge where some glimmer of his greatness they would taste unduly, well-trained were they in the etiquette of proper brutality.
"Homeward, we are bound. My will I will make known."
Leading him far, his stray heart knew every wind. So far off-trail, he knew the hardships of forging shortcuts. Positioning sight, he saw always through the thickets to the trails he would blaze, content that few would knock down walls to make doors, dice metaphors to make word salad, hearty ruffage though it was, for rabbits unfit to sear their stakes.
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nobully · 1 year
Who is an author that inspires you?
♡ Munday Meme ♡
14. Who is an author that inspires you?
oh boy are you ready for quotes cause here i go with quotes
george eliot - love her love her looove her esp. my fav piece of english literature that she wrote, middlemarch. she does introspection so well and had such a reputation for getting into people's heads with her characters that she made society fear her because of her sharp insights (and witty comments to go with them hahaha)
“We mortals, men and women, devour many a disappointment between breakfast and dinner-time; keep back the tears and look a little pale about the lips, and in answer to inquiries say, "Oh, nothing!" Pride helps; and pride is not a bad thing when it only urges us to hide our hurts— not to hurt others.”
“But what we call our despair is often only the painful eagerness of unfed hope.”
“ If we had a keen vision and feeling of all ordinary human life, it would be like hearing the grass grow and the squirrel’s heart beat, and we should die of that roar which lies on the other side of silence. As it is, the quickest of us walk about well wadded with stupidity.”
sanober khan - poet, the way she describes love is so simple yet so tender it turns you into honey and melts you softly into ooze idk it's NICE
“May your love for me be like the scent of the evening sea
drifting in through a quiet window
so i do not have to run or chase or fall ... to feel you
all i have to do is breathe.”
“the saddest thing is to be a minute to someone, when you've made them your eternity.”
dorothy l. sayers - one of my favorite mystery writers during the golden era of detective stories, she breathed life into lord peter wimsey, a son of a duke who goes off solving cases in 1920s~30s london. lovely foppish man, clever witty writer, her works are full of epigraphs and really well structured prose! i adore her style, it's so flashy yet sophisticated kyaa you can tell she has a lot of fun playing with words and syntax/sounds hehe
“Everybody is, I suppose, either Classic or Gothic by nature. Either you feel in your bones that buildings should be rectangular boxes with lids to them, or you are moved to the marrow by walls that climb and branch, and break into a inflorescence of pinnacles.”
“How can I find the words? Poets have taken them all and left me with nothing to say or do" "Except to teach me for the first time what they meant.”
“I know what you're thinking - that anybody with proper sensitive feelings would rather scrub floors for a living. But I should scrub floors very badly, and I write detective stories rather well. I don't see why proper feelings should prevent me from doing my proper job.”
frances hodgson burnett - she wrote some well-known children's stories like the secret garden or the little princess and what i really like is the sort of "lightness" and "kindness" she brings in her prose; there's a very sincere feeling of innocence in them that makes it soothing to read. i still count her short story/fairytale "the land of the blue flower" as a fav after all these years, lol here's a nice excerpt:
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mageofmindfr · 2 years
what do you think about the page class? ive seen a lot of people get very upset to get classed as a page
Aw geez, where do I start?
Pages are... well, they usually lack self confidence, at least in the beginning, but that's been mentioned so many times and by so many people, I feel like it's almost redundant to mention.
The specific power of pages is that they can adapt their personalities to fit in their aspect as part of who they are, which makes them very impressionable people. That's not a bad thing at all, for all that the word may have negative connotations. They're eager to learn, and often are very receptive to learning stuff about their aspect, even if it's pretty difficult for them to embrace said knowledge, since usually it should override part of themselves they're already familiar with and may even be used to have as a descriptor of them.
Pages unfortunately don't tend to realize their own power; I think that's part of why people are upset to be classified as pages (well, that and the fact that most quizzes seem to decide that if you aren't a clear copy of any character's personality, you should be a page. I got Page of Light on many, many quizzes, but neither powers nor personality seem to fit me... even if light players do tend to monologue ^^")
Point is, if you think you can be a page, you should probably be less upset - canon says, multiple times, that pages are one of the strongest classes, if only they can find the power that was in them all along. It may sound like a dumb cartoon motivational line, but if you're used to being called weak, you should work towards empowering yourself - stand up for yourself and be prepared to relearn who you are and who you want to be, because your idealized version of yourself may not be entirely possible to achieve (seriously, none of us are perfect, don't worry about that all too much) but you can still turn a look inside yourself and change something you dislike in yourself. Gain some confidence (but like, real confidence, don't just tell yourself that you changed) and see how much better it makes life.
It would take a lot of work, removing bad habits from your life, I'm not saying otherwise, but don't let it deter you because you have the potential for unimaginable strength.
I'd say more if I knew what aspect to focus on, because those do change how you view the world, but since I don't know... idk, feel free to ask for specifics?
... I also feel like I should mention that for a first post this is... wholly unpolished? I wrote it from my phone while watching TV with my family so if there's mistakes or lack of proper syntax (and, gosh, for someone studying linguistics and literature, incorrect language is so terrible...) I sincerely apologize and also might edit... Tomorrow. Shh
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moinsbienquekaworu · 2 years
Who wants to learn about morphosyntax? Nobody, that's who, but unfortunately I have an exam on this tomorrow, so I'm going to explain it in painful detail to you because I don't want to get a bad grade. (morphosyntax is grammar and it's boring)
This is an exercise where I try to explain it off the top of my head to see what sticks and what I need to check again, unless you're interested in the content of my shitty grammar classes you're free to skip honestly I don't want to inflict useless grammar on poor bystanders
First chapter, time, tense, and aspect. What are those? Good question.
Time is when a sentence would be put on a timeline, either in the past, the present, the future, or the irrealis use, which is for events that haven't actually happened (if I were rich, I wish you hadn't eaten my cookies, you get the idea.) Tense is the tense of the verb, ie past or present really, because there's no future in your language, it's just a modal. Generally, they're the same, unless it's future/irrealis.
Aspect is - well I had to go looking through my notes for that one and I don't see what the point of that one is tbh. It's if the action is finished or not? Like, is it going to start (prospective), still happening (progressive), finished (perfective), or it keeps happening (iterative). I think the way we're evaluated on that is making little timelines so I'm good. I can also see - oh yeah. For the present you can have four aspects, continuative, resultative, existential and hot news, and for the past it's either continuative, resultative, or irrealis. Don't know what that is lol I'll just ignore it.
Second chapter is much worse, it's all about clause structure.
Definitions first: a sentence is what you call a sentence, capital letter + end-of-sentence punctuation at the end. A clause is a group of word with a verb, a sentence can have one (clausal sentence) or multiple (compound sentence). A phrase is a group of word around a head verb, you can have multiple types (noun phrase around a head noun, verb phrase around a phrase, preposition phrase around a preposition...) "You are such a bitch why do you eat my cereals?" is a sentence, "you are such a bitch" and "why do you eat my cereals" are clauses, and "eat my cereals" is a verb phrase around eat.
Now, say hi to the thing that traumatised me in latin & greek and is the reason I hate grammar, functions. Clauses/words have functions in sentences, which sounds easy when your sentence is "I hate grammar." (I is subject, hate is the verb and grammar is a direct object) But like, it's just such a pain for my brain, it simply Does Not work like that in my head and I hate it. I mean, object, subject, sure, but a predicative complement? complement of preposition? all those adjuncts? Fuck right off.
Speaking of adjuncts <3 adjuncts add meaning to the sentence but can be safely deleted and the sentence still means something. There's adjuncts of time, manner, place, duration, frequency, degree, condition, purpose, result, concession, and cause/reason. Useless bullshit but apparently I have to learn that.
Arguments are - things the sentence needs to work? "The cat sleeps." has one arguments, the cat, but "He invited his mom." has two, he and his mom. That's a verb's valency btw, the minimum number of arguments for the verb to work in a textbook example sentence. Usually you need to arguments for listen (I listen to music) and even if "he never listens" has a single arguments and is a proper sentence that's an exception not a rule.
Backtracking, there's also this thing called constituency tests, to see if the thing is a constituent (what are those, good question), which are replacing that part with it and asking what, and if you can then it's a constituent (in "how you behave is important", how you behave can be replaced by it and you can ask "what is important?" so it is a constituent) What is it if it fails the test? Fuck if I know.
Lastly I will say that syntax trees exist but 1) I'm not getting the graphics tablet out for that and 2) they just use what I explained here so I'm good.
Okay now that was (not) great but it could have been worse, see you next time I need to study for a test!
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skellebonez · 3 years
Tumblr Messed Up Fill #3
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Ok, let's continue on with the accidental published fills! @xblacksilver I hope you like this, it's a bit less fluffy than I wanted it to be but I needed to continue my SilkTea fic and this couldn't leave my mind!
It was the fourth time Huntsman had seen the ship, the third time he had set foot on it willingly... and the first time he had come for no reason at all.
Oh, he tried to make one up. Parts for the new spider mech? Well, once he had delivered what Sandy had proffered for him Syntax made quick work on improvements to the bots to hunt out more and better materials. Tea? Nope, Sandy had apparently snuck multiple bags into his coat pocket without his knowledge (sneaky bastard). He had nothing to inform him of, he’d laid everything out on the table.
So why was he here?
Try as he might, Huntsman could not think of a single reasonable explanation for why he found himself on the bow of Sandy’s boat. At 7 PM. In the daylight.
Except, well, that was a blatant bold faced lie. He could think of one.
But he would rather face the Ruyi Jingu Bang, literally face it as it was about to slam into him, than admit that he was here just because he wanted to see the other man.
And yet here he was.
Sitting on Sandy’s couch and enjoying yet another cup of tea while being accosted by his many many cats. He didn’t bother to remove them this time, his normal clothes long since abandoned elsewhere in favor of some simple pants and a turtleneck sweater. Despite how warm it got outside he never seemed to keep nearly enough body heat in himself to wear anything less... and he would be lying to himself if he didn’t find some comfort in the body heat of the felines against his sides and neck.
He could do without the fur but this was probably as good as he was going to get.
Sandy had welcomed him inside with only a little surprise, looking around to see if they were alone before gesturing for the spider demon to come in and take his now usual spot (usual spot, he did not want to unpack what that meant in his head), before going to make the tea they now shared between them.
“Is there something you need?” Sandy had asked, so non-confrontational and curious that Huntsman fought with himself to find a reasonable excuse instead of just blurting out the truth against his better judgement.
“Just to get out of the lair for a while,” was his answer. And it wasn’t entirely a lie.
He did want to get out, go somewhere else. Syntax didn’t need his assistance for the bots any more than Goliath needed his assistance building the mech itself. And Spider Queen was content enough overseeing the two of them that he felt... unneeded at the moment.
They never said that to him, and it didn’t make him feel upset or lesser. It was just a fact. Huntsman was not needed at the moment and was free to do as he pleased not that his part in rebuilding the mech was finished for the moment.
So he just... chose to come here. Told them he was going on a reconnaissance mission for information and that he didn’t know when he’d be back, just to cover himself as best he could.
They believed him, oddly enough. Except maybe Syntax believed him a bit less, a sharp reminder to keep the communicator watch he had just built for the four of them on him in case of an emergency.
They sat in blissful silence for a few minutes just enjoying tea and the warmth of the cats. And for a moment Huntsman thought that would be enough for him.
Until Sandy asked "Who are you, exactly?" out of the blue, making Huntsman blink and look at him in confusion.
"You know who I am," he replied with a raised brow and an off kilter smile. This was certainly not the direction he expected any conversation to take at all. "Why ask a question you already know the answer to?"
"I don't," Sandy said with more firmness in his tone than the agile old spider had heard from him in a long while. Granted, they had only had three real conversations before now. "I know your name is Huntsman. That you're a hunter. You work for the Spider Queen and that you're working against the White Bone Spirit. But I don't know who you are."
“Th-that’s not exactly important,” Huntsman tried to argue, stuttering on his words despite himself. Why would such a simple request make him feel so... awkward? “Because there isn’t much else to me than that!”
“You enjoy Osmanthus flower tea,” Sandy said, crossing his arms as he looked at the other with a softening expression. “Paired with sour candy. You look at my cats like they’re annoying but you let them literally walk all over you. You could have simply ignored my offer and gone about your life the way it was before but you chose not to. You came to me for help. That’s a lot ‘much else’ to me.”
Maybe it was the way Sandy said it, so serious but soft at the same time. Maybe it was the wording of the last sentence. Maybe it was because he finally realized how ridiculous this entire situation was and that he had put himself into it intentionally despite his lack of understanding why he did it. Maybe it was because no one else had ever listed out the weird stuff he did so plainly.
But Huntsman laughed. Not the same wheezy chuckle or the smarmy nastily snicker he’d let be heard by the Monkie Kid or his companions. But a proper laugh that bubbled up from his chest and took over his form like a tidal wave.
He wrapped his arms around his stomach, not used to the sudden pain that laughing heartily could cause in his rib cage, and did his best to cease the laughter as quickly as possible.
“I’m sorry but “that’s a lot ‘much else’ to me”?” He snickered, choosing to go with the second option for his laughter. “That sounds like something Goliath would say, I wasn’t expecting that.”
“Goliath?” Sandy asked, now looking more confused than anything else before he brightened. “Oh! You mean the big guy on your side!”
“He may look scary, but let me tell you...” Huntsman leaned in conspiratorially, whispering the rest of his sentence. “He’s almost as much of a softie as you are when you get past him tough mask for our Queen.”
“Oh?” Sandy smiled even brighter, not as soft as his other secret smile but just as genuine, and Huntsman felt his chest (his heart) thump at it once again. “What about the other guy? What’s his name?”
“Syntax? Oh, the things I could tell you about him!”
It was funny. Huntsman didn’t find himself hesitating in the slightest as he regaled Sandy about his little Spider Demon group at all. Once again he wondered if the man had access to some kind of truth serum, but again he remembered he started this without anything that could have been attached to one.
There was just... something about the man. About his home. The smell of the tea and the warmth so much greater than his lair home. It just made him... at ease.
So at ease that he had completely lost track of time until they’d gone through multiple cups of tea and snacks and Huntsman realized it was well past sundown.
“You can stay here if you need to,” Sandy offered, just as out of the blue as his initial question that started his lost time tracking.
But as awkward as Huntsman thought the idea of staying would be... he couldn’t find himself declining the offer. He was tired, after all, and the couch was here while home was far away in the cold of the evening. And he would have to chance before returning, to hide the evidence of where he had been.
So he found himself laying on Sandy’s couch, warm and content and staring at the ceiling and worrying about what this meant for him. He was good at going with the flow, that’s what hunters did. They followed their prey, went with their flow, until they snared them. But Huntsman wasn’t tracking Sandy at all, he was just... going along with him.
Maybe he had a subconscious desire to get him on their side so the Monkie Kid was less likely to fight against them and rather with them against their mutual foe. Maybe that was all it was.
Or maybe there was something else that he just refused to even acknowledge was even there.
He jumped at something vibrated against his wrist, completely forgetting about the communicator that Syntax had told him to wear. He wasn’t as adept with tech as the others, but after a little fiddling he got the hand of the thing and realized that he had been sent a text message on it.
From... Syntax.
“Since you have not returned I can only deduce that you are either deceased or have found a safe place for refuge through the evening. Should you still be among the living please do not allow anyone to incapacitate you in your rest.”
That was... well, that was like Syntax he supposed. To the point but wordier than necessary. And yet it was nice, oddly, to know that the other seemed to be concerned for Huntsman’s well being in his own way.
He sent a reply back, a simple “k” that he knew would infuriate the other. He couldn’t help it, Syntax was far too easy to rile up and it was far to amusing to see the results. Many of which came to his watch in quick succession, showing that Syntax both got the message and was giving him a nice rant about it that he would check in the morning.
As Huntsman curled up on his side and started to drift off he realized something. In all his talking about the rest of the group he never did tell Sandy about himself...
He wondered why the other didn’t push it.
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thebraindump2 · 2 years
storytime: instagram hackers
my brother's instagram account got hacked. it's the hackers who go in, reset the account, and then sell it. they messaged me, saying his phone was off and he wanted to reset his instagram so he was gonna send me the code, and then wanted me to screenshot it and send it to him through insta.
the funny thing is i noticed this was a hacker almost immediately because at first i was like "aw i haven't heard from my brother in like a year! i wonder what's up" and then i was like "he would never ask me to do this for him." so i call him to check and yup, his phone is on, and now he's yelling at me "DON'T RESPOND DON'T CLICK ANYTHING I GOT HACKED." and i was like "yeah that's why i'm fucking calling you." anyway im now asking all my friends on insta to mass report the account.
besides the hunch, i noticed a couple of things that made me realize it was hack-y right away:
ive had multiple friends' accounts get hacked and received messages from those accounts while hacked. they tend to send "???" without context. like i said "yes" to a question and their response was "???"
they wanted to reset the account, which is an odd thing to do. i could see some people doing this, but most people i know would just delete and make a new account. also, he is not the kind of person to do reset or delete his account.
they messaged me to reset it, despite no close conection between us. i already said i know we aren't close, but there is also nothing on his instagram suggesting we are close enough for him to ask for such a favor.
there were many grammatical and phrasing errors in the messages. my brother is consistently a proper speller, and he has a personal syntax when typing. pretty much everyone does. i know how he types, and this was very different.
on his story, which he rarely uses, someone had posted a video of a dodge charger. now, my brother is a car guy so that's not weird, but the text on the video was (again syntax style). also, the video looked like it was shot from behind bushes and was very grainy, but my brother has a good phone camera. so it was just odd altogether. it made it look like he had not posted the video. this story was still visible when i started receiving the messages.
and a side note on hacking instagram accounts:
this got me thinking about the patterns of hacking i've seen. if you haven't received info about hacking, phishing, and other privacy scams before, here's a quick list of recent ones i've seen.
some hack to spread info about crypto currency or loans or whatever as a cover so they can get your bank data and/or have you send them money. you'll suddenly see this account's stories, posts, messages, and/or comments on other posts only talking about this finance stuff. they'll usually @ someone, too. they'll tell you this person changed their life and they got money so fast thanks to them.
there's the reset ones, like my brother's. now, if they need a phone number to send the reset code to, they could just use their own. but i think they ask for other people's so they can try and log in to the insta account for that phone number next.
i've also seen some where they hack to spam messages with links. these are likely phishing scams, and i've mostly seen them on facebook. a lot of the links i received said "look, is this you on here?" NEVER CLICK THEM. these links may either download malware or collect any data you type in. boom, now you're hacked.
this is not meant to be comprehensive or in depth, just some things i noticed recently on insta hacking specifically. im also sick and very tired right now so i was kinda too lazy to go in depth.
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faust1926 · 2 years
this is at least partially informed by my own opinions/delusions btw so don't take this as completely factual, don't quote me. sometimes I put my theologian hat on but this is not one of those times. but like. source: it is known.
antichrist = someone who is "against christ". it's not a proper noun, just a broad adjective. literally the same kind of syntax as when people say shit like "uhmmm op's a johnlock anti :/ op's anti-fandom." lol. like "uhm jsyk you reblogged a post from an anti-christ so maybe be more careful next time sweaty!" also when the bible talks about jesus defeating antichrists or whatever, it's generally interpreted (afaik) in a non-literal spiritual sense like he's changing the haters' minds via their organic and lifelong spiritual evolution. uhm, if u didn't know the bible is unsurprisingly very "everyone is going to convert to this religion" <- the worst part of it imo, disgusting.
man of sin = usually what people are imagining when they talk about "the antichrist". revelations talks a lot about him being like a false-prophet in the future and making things better but in an evil way? so saint m-chael or someone kills both him and satan and damns them for like 10000 years, idk the exact details I've read very very little of revelations compared to the other chapters hdhdjf. uhm what people still fail to get tho (besides the guy's name lol) is that first of all, revelations is probably the MOST metaphorical and symbolic chapter of the bible. there's a lot of different theories about it but afaik there aren't any scholars who r like "oh yeah well it says there's gonna be a literal real sea monster and all the corrupted people are gonna be wearing physical hats or something else u can see for real as the mark and -" like no! its not a puzzle, it's not a conspiracy, it's a poem. also it's most likely a metaphor for either normal human war between countries or it's yet another personal inner spiritual conflict metaphor. oh and then ofc second of all we don't even know who wrote it or when, which is kinda funny to me like lol this isn't a message from jesus himself this is probs a message from some random xtian 100 years later. or maybe 1000s idk I can't remember the estimated time frame off the top of my head.
anyway this is fully irreverent to most discussions on the subject tbc. if a harmful person is talking bout this stuff don't be the dumbass who refutes their pov with just a spellcheck or something. like either use a genuine argument (of which there are many) or kill them with ur fists, jfc.
(don/t reblog)
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twooboomoomoo · 2 years
1 for any of your self inserts :DD or all of them if u wanna write that much, I don't know any of em really except Ambrose
I will be writing that much 💛💛
1. what are the basics of your self insert? name, date of birth, height, etc.?
Florence: My Danganronpa self insert!! She's the Ultimate Journalist, and is shoved into the first game! Florence is also from Boston. They are around 5'2-5'5 (idk if I wanna make her my height or add a couple inches), and I don't have a birthday for her yet. I used to have like an actual crush on a Danganronpa character years ago, but not really anymore. But I still wanted to keep Florence with them because I liked the pairing. So Im keeping her paired up with Byakuya because I think it's funny to just give that bitch the world's loudest and most stubborn girlfriend. That and I like a good blonde bitch 💛. (ALSO this is AFTER the events of the first game so there's no gray area on ages). Her best friends are (or were) Chihiro, Mondo, Taka, Hiro, Sakura, and Aoi!! Tho she gets along with all the survivors 💛.
Syntax: Syntax is my general Super Mario oc!! I've had them for a bit, tho who they were has changed a lot. He's around 5'7 ish, not super tall, and I think his 'birthday' was in December but idk. They are the ruler of the Toy Time Galaxy!! Also I use they/them or he/they mostly for Syntax!! They are a robot who was frozen for a while, so their galaxy and kingdom kinda went to ruin. Once he gets found/awoken they join for like some adventures and things. Never misses tennis 💛. Their best friends are Luigi, Bowser, Rosalina, and Daisy.
Regna: Regna's my Dragon Ball self insert!! He's my newest insert and I love him dearly. Basically he's from a planet I made up (not settled on a name. My brother and I joked about it either being a pun on marinara or margarita but I don't have a proper name yet), and becomes a war criminal after accidentally getting his planet taken over by Frieza (he was way too cocky for his own good, not because he didn't care). So one thing leads to another and in his journey to get his revenge kinda becomes actual villain (there's more to that but for brevity). He's around 5'9- 6'0 not counting his horns, which make him around 6'5 ish. When he dies he befriends Raditz, Turles, Periwinkle (another oc), and eventually Cell. Also some others but like. This is the main gang. (He also has a boyfriend but shhh)
Ambrose: Ambrose my beloved 💛. They are a vampire from the "1970's" who is trying to ruin the plans of the man who hired her as an assassin. She's 5'2 and shares my birthday of July 8th! She's also a vampire!! Ambrose uses she/he/they as well. (Again, also has a boyfriend but)
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