#which liekly will never happen
lunnule · 1 year
it's only ever 'idly wondering'
what is your family like? where do you live? do you keep your living space tidy or not so much? I have rarely thought about you with friends or in groups and now that i think of it i never really thought about whether you have siblings. i don't know why but i think that you have a bad relationship with your dad. and sometimes i think you have two kids, sometimes i think you don't have any. sometimes i try to guess what sort of hobbies you might have, music? sewing? writing? there's no way for me to tell
and then there's the few times i've been able to tell that you'd been crying before i came in. the fact that you are taking fewer holidays now but haven't raised your prices. that often counsellors work with what they have experience of and abuse is one of the things you specialise in.
i've reached the point where i'm not really burning with curiosity. instead i have reluctant curiosity; i can't help but notice and wonder. but i know why you wouldn't tell me if i asked. the boundaries are as much there for your benefit as they are for yours.
but if we had the luxury of reciprocity
if i could finally stop talking about myself
and shut up, listen and watch for once,
i would ask
what would you
like me to know
about you?
0 notes
sacredslaycdd · 3 years
@dhampirslays​ gets the arena starter we needed but didn’t want bc it’s time to crush our feels?
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                    She’d lost track of the days- at first she’d kept count, drawing a line in the dust that lined the wall of her cell, tallied them up day after day but soon enough they began bleeding into one, almost literally. days had turned to weeks, weeks had turned to months and soon enough? she’d stopped counting. 
Her kill count had risen day by day and day by day the fierce spark of life inside her dwindled a little more, the only thing that kept it going was Jo. Keeping her alive, keeping her safe. An almost impossible thing down here and if all she could do was offer her portions of her own megre meals and clean her wounds when she came back from the arena coated in crimson? she’d do it. If all she cound do was be a shouler to lean on, a reason for her to keep going, she’d provide that, she’d keep strong, she’d keep fighting, for her. 
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         She can’t stop pacing. They’re locked inside their cells again, which only means one thing-  it hard to keep any concept of time but this always happened in the run up to the arena going active, every night from what she would guess is mid-evening to the early hours of the morning, it would go active, fight after fight. Mostly slayers but too many fights would mean too many of them dying at once- in-between then used lesser demons, grunts who didn’t speak and didn’t appear human. because apparently that was somehow more humane.  
They would pose as breaks inbetween pitting the slayers against one another- sometimes it was just one, other times they’d have to face multiple at once. Mostly, the Slayers managed to survive, managed to work a way to stay alive, except the younger ones, some of the younger slayers, the one’s who hadn’t been activated for long, practically children, would fall prey to them. It broke Hope’s heart every night when the younger slayers numbers began to dwindle. 
You never knew who was going to be chosen, until you were- everyone was on edge, you could hear crying, you could hear the whispers between the bars of the cells, the reassurances, but they all knew if it came down to themselves or another, they’d have to pick themselves. Even Hope. She’d not wanted to perform her first kill but when a stake had been dropped into the arena, she’d had little choice. The other girl had gotten in a lot of good hits and before she’d known it, she’d been on the ground and the girl had the stake in her hand, ready to drive it through her ribcage and hit home. Hope had managed to switch their positions at the last possible second as the stake had begun to pierce her skin. She’d flipped them, her aim driving the stake home before she’d collapsed to the side of her, panting and hands coated with blood.
Tonight was no different and she’d hear the clang of the metal doors as slayer after slayer was forced from their cell. She barely flinches when a guard arrives at hers. Some demon with green skin and horns, holding a taser in his hand as another guard enters, roughly grabbing her upper arm and yanking her from the cell, a grunt that she knows the drill being spoken before hands are roughly pulled together behind her back, cuffed. If they’d been normal handcuffs, if she had her slayer strength, she could have broken them, but they weren’t and she didn’t. It was reinforced metal, so much so she wasn’t sure it could have been broken even if she did have her slayer strength, she was almost certain they were spelled for extra caution and with the chip in her neck that inhibited her slayer powers- it was near impossible. 
The buzz that echoes through the room means they’re entering the main arena, a large gate swinging open and Hope squints as the blinding lights of the arena come into focus. The pit, known as the arena by the demons that gathered to celebrate and take bets on the slayer fighting ring, was a large concrete space several foot below a row of what would liekly be reffered to as bleachers. A large row of seating that was packed with demons from all walks of life, muttering among themselves as a bookie went round taking bets. 
The stands were protected however by some kind of invisible force. Something Hope had learned when she’d tried to throw a stake into the audience, though it would have caused little damage. It had bounced right back off it, flying back onto the concreate floor. Gaze flickers around the arena, around the audience, like it did every time she fought, taking in every detail, as though one day she’d find something different, a weakness that would lead them to be able to get the hell out of there. But as always, there was nothing. 
Another buzz sounds, alerting her to someone entering the arena and on the opposite sides, being shoved through another set of high gates, is JO. Feet stop of their own accord, digging into the ground as her entire body freezes, her world coming crumbling down around her. No, no, no, it couldn’t be Jo. It couldn’t be. In all the time they’d been here, all the fights, they’d never been pitted against eachother, until now. 
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She feels sick, nausea rises in her throat and she barely registers one of the guards unlocking her cuffs until she’d being shoved forward. The unexpected gesture sends the slayer sprawling to the floor and she winces at the impact but still, her eyes never leave Jo, never leave her best friend, no, no, no, this couldn’t be happening. There’s a pressure in her chest, she feels her breathing becomes laboured but not a sound escapes her throat, not even as a voice above begins to bellow , echoing around them. 
“ LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, DEMONS FROM ALL WALKS OF LIFE, WELCOME TO, THE ARENAAA!!! “ there’s cheers from the crowd and her face twists in dsigust. “ Our bookie has been round to take your bets on which slayer will win tonight, the details are placed in the programs we have provided, our two strongest slayers, both with the highest kill counts, will face eachother, who will win? who will lose? Place your bets and you could be in to win a small fortune! ” the voice is one of a show man, a commentator and god Hope just wants to rip his head off.  “ When the bell rings, the girls will begin to fight- TO THE DEATH. “
Another cheer from the crowd and finally, she looks up again, noting the audience is more packed than ever of various demons. “ It’s time the hunters, become the hunted- and with that, WE SHALL BEGIN. “ 
A bell rings, the lights dim, and the audience turns silent with apprihension as they wait for it to begin. But Hope doesn’t move, even still, can’t. Not as she faces the fact that tonight, one of them will die. Eventually, after several minutes, she finds a way to move her feet, to stalk closer, posture turning into a defensive one as she she begins to circle her best friend. “ We’ll find a way out of this, I promise. “ She whispers fiercly, gaze encouraging her to keep up the act. 
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popculturebuffet · 3 years
Green Eggs and Ham Reviews: Car (Patreon Review for Emma Fici) “The Green Eggs and Ham Circle of Hell”
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Hello all you happy people! And welcome back to my monthly reviews of green eggs and ham for my patron Emma Fici. If you too want a review a month simply join the 5 dollar tier on my patreon, link is HERE. Join soon won’t you, new  month starts saturday and if you join by then i’ll add your review to the schedule and the 5 dollars helps reach my next set of stretch goals. So join me won’t you?
Plugging aside we’re back as Sam and Guy finally properly hit the road, we find out just waht the chickaraffe is like, and find out from Michelle that you can somehow make a second impression even worse than an already odiious first impression. So with no real background to cover join me under the cut on the road to meepville, come on inside. 
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Previously on Green Eggs and Ham: Guy Am I, a failed inventor failed once again in front of a large audience, leaving his dreams broken and himself planning to head to Meepville to take a job watching paint dry. He met Sam I Am, an enegetic animal thief whose desperate for friends, and accidentally swapped suitcases with him, leading to Sam ending up with the Chickaraffe, a rare animal Sam swiped from the zoo. We also let Michelle a smothering mother who treats her child EB terribly by overprotecting her and is in general a smug consdesencing bitch, our main villian Snerz who has someone bringing him the meep and the BAD GUYS, a mysterious mismatched duo after the chickaraffe.
We pick up where we left off: Guy is being stalked by a mysterious shadow. of the chickaraffe.. only for it to turn out to be a friendly, cuddly creature as you’d expect, if a bit destructive as it destroys all the vases in the room, which comically are expensive and in general casuses chaos. it’s a fun scene. Guy gets it to sleep BREIFLY when his complimentary lullabye shows up, but it wakes right after due to the door slamming. 
Meanwhile Sam discovers the Chickaraffe, which he plans to take to Meepville, is gone, and we get a cut to Smerz who is not pleased his chickaraffe is delayed by someone and threatnes to put them in his wall if they don’t bring the chickaraffe on time because he’s the kind of sadistic dick who already puts a bunch of animals in a wall for his own viewing pleasure, why wouldn’t he threaten murder or imprinsment for slight inconvenience. We catch up with said BAD GUYZ with Mcwinkle sugarcoating the fact the boss is not happy, and Gluntz not only catching onto that.. but also having alreayd found their perp as Sam  bought his kite polevault and snorkel from Lem’s Kite Polevault and Snorkel (”Plummeting out of business”). While they do that Guy gets Sam’s adress from Donna. So it turns out sometimes giving your adress out to random strangers CAN pan out. The last time I did that I got shived by a guy dressed like soundwave on my front lawn. 
Naturally given Guy’s luck he winds up running into the bad guys who mistake him for the thief given he has the chickaraffe, and back him into a cliff with a net gun because that’s what BAD GUYS do.. or rather people with that acronym who don’t get how due process or a misunderstanding works. Thankfully Sam swipes their car and rescues guy .. it also has a bunch of hats trailing for some reaosn I don’t know what that’s all about. 
So with our heroes to the road, they swap plans... well more like Sam tells his of taking the chikaraffe to meepville and Guy sorta grunts out that he’s going to watch paint dry, with Sam.. not impressed at all and clearly feeling like he’s giving up on his dreams.. Which he is, and to Sam’s credit he’s TRYING to be tactful. Trying is the key word but given the man has no real filter tha’ts understandable.  Guy not wanting ot be an accesory to crime gets out and decides to hitchike. Same TRIES to get him to stay because he’s clingy like that, but eventually leaves and Guy is left to wander the desert. 
And it’s here... my patience for Michelle runs out. Guy is trying thitchike she passes by, SLOWLY, as in the same speed as walking.. and not only puts up a bunch of security btu calls him a weirdo, without actually ASKING why he’s in the desert asking fo ra drive, assumes he’s going to hurt her and her daughter and says all this within earshot, something he calls her out on. I already had little patience for the character but I assumed you know sh’ed get better, maybe have some depths or something that explained why she’ such a bitch. But no amount of depth can really.. excuse the way she acts. I GET wnating to help keep her daughter safe, I do , I get not wanting to pick up randos on the side of the road. Both things are necessary. But Guy... is clearly not dangerous, clearly not doing anything, and clearly about to pass out from heat stroke.. and you just ignore him and assume i’ts his fault because your a self righteous, smug, selfish sampler platter of bitch. I get she’s supposed to have an arc, so are Guy and Sam.. but Guy and Sam are LIKEABLE. Guy is a bit grumpy but beaten down by life and the world and Sam’s a bit in your face, but is clearly deeply lonely. BOth have things that justify it.  Michelle is later revealed to have lost her husband apparently, so I know she has some depth and some reason for how she acts with ehr daguther.. but how she treats guy in both episodes so far just makes her so unlikeable and there’s NTOHING to explain it. She just makes assumptions about him for stupid reasons and treats him like garbage and it’s nto nearly as funny as the series thinks. I do not look forward to 11 more episodes with this character and feel any time she’s on screen she drains the energy out of a show tha’ts bursting with it. 
Thankfully she’s gone for the rest of the episode, so Guy is free to have a horrifying heat induced nightmare about green eggs and ham. 
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Yup. in the best part of the episode, Guy has a small breakdown and we get a horrifying and wonderful acid sequence wher ethe road melts, he’s stalked by green eggs, and ham, which is everywhere, and when he thinks he’s getting some rain it’s in fact green egg drippings. It’s just so delightfully batshit and unexpected. I love EVERYTHING about this. I admit when I woke up today and turned htis on I wasn’t expecting Guy to end up in a heastroke induced nightmarish hellscape with living green eggs and ham, nor did I ever expect htat but I can’t say i’m dispaointed. 
He snaps out of it when Sam shows up. Unsuprisingly Sam didn’t want to leave without him, and simply looped around having picke dup some green eggs and ham and some hot and cold choclate.. naturally he accidnetly gives guy the hot choclate first. Still it shows that beneath is all too pushy and needy demeanour.. Sam’s a good guy and genuinely WANTS to help well.. Guy. He looped around entirely aware Guy wouldn’t find a ride probably but would be too stubborn to accept it if he kept pushing so he simply went to get him some help. 
Even Guy’s stubborn Grumpusness can’t fight dying of heatstroke so he relucntantly agrees to be travel buddies and Sam nicely agrees to drive while the poor guy get somre rest, especially since the whole escapade with the chikarafffe liekly means he’s gotten no sleep whatsoever. 
And so as the episode ends this naturally goes pear shaped as Guy wakes up to find the car about to tumble over a cliff into a lake. TO BE CONTINUED. Next month
FInal THoughts: This episode was okay. I didn’t like it as much as the premire nor really have as much to say about it, as it just wans’t as deep... it was still VERY funny, with tons of great gags i glossed over, like Gluntz having the party she set up for her partner, he intends for this to be his last job, slowly back away as the job’s now longer thanks to Sam and Guy getting away. But while the first half is fine with plenty of energy, jokes and plto progression the second half just stalls: outside of the green eggs and ham circle of hell, there’s really just not a lot that’s funny, with Michelle being ungodly obnoxious and sam being a bit obnoxious, coming on a bit strong with Guy and never once apoologizing to him for getting him nearly captured and arrested. It just drags on and on a bit, and it just isn’t funny to see poor guy tourture dfor rightfully not wanting ot travel with someone who nearly got him captured by shady goons, or get rejected a ride by a self righteous harpy. It’s not TERRIBLE, I still can’t wait to see what happens next, but it’s a marked step down after last episode. 
And i’ll see you next month for next episode, here tommorow for the next chapter of life and times and if you fancy joining my patreon, I inend to have an exclusive review of Thunder Force up sometime this week. Until the next rainbow it’s been a pleasure. 
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SEES, the Investigation Team and the Phantom Thieves as SHSLs/Ultimates Part 3:
Up next is everyone’s favorite protein guzzling boxer, the white-haired lightning bruiser, the guy who I still haven’t forgiven Atlas for bastardizing in their spinoffs (particularly the arena series), Akihiko Sanada.
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Seriously, the poor guy did not deserve the simplistic treatment of his character in Arena. ...Though than again, the sad truth is that seemed to happen to most of the cast, huh?
ANYWAY, enough about that, you’re not here to hear me gripe, you’re here to hear about how he’d fit into the DR-verse!
Akihiko Sanada:
SHSL Boxer/Ultimate Boxer: As we know from DRV3, Ultimate titles can be used more than once. It’s why I honestly like the SHSL moniker more, it doesn’t imply the same level of insuperable expertise as Ultimate does. Regardless, we know Akihiko is an amazing fighter with his fists; frankly if you’re able to punch out Eldritch Abominations from the human psyche with nothing but boxing gloves you probably deserve Ultimate Boxer. Plus, he is the boxing club’s leader.
Akihiko has probably the absolute WORST reputation out of all the students for breaking things in the dojo. Mitsuru and Shinjiro hold far more shame over this than he does of course.
Just like in Persona canon, Akihiko has a LOT of female admirers in Hope’s Peak. Even plenty of girl’s from the reserve course are probably head over heels. He reacts just as he does in canon. (I would almost want to see someone write up interactions between him and Miu because seeing him getting flustered from how explicitly thirsty she would be over him would be hilarious.)
Not a relationship thing because I really don’t know enough about her to do a full one, but I do think the dynamic between Akihiko and Tenko Chabashira could be extremely interesting. Anyone who knows more about her, feel free to write up how you think their interactions and views of each other would be and do let me know.
Major Relationships within the DR cast: -Sakura Ogami: Akhiko and Sakura are sparring partners and have an immense mutual respect. I imagine their first meeting was somewhat comical in a way, Akihiko striding right up to Sakura despite his issues speaking with girls, and asking for a fight with her, having heard of her abilities. I can’t honestly see him beating her outright without using his Persona powers (considering how she actually defeated Mukuro in DR: IF and how Kodaka said she could defeat Juzo, though admittedly Akihiko isn’t just a normal human) but I do think he’d give her a good match and the two would hit it off immediately. Expect a lot of talk about about training and protein. However, I think Sakura would be a major driving force for Akihiko to re-examine himself and how he views strength. After all, Sakura isn’t just strong, she is very wise and I have no doubt she’d challenge Akihiko to try and help him figure out what strength really is and why he desires it. She may become a sort of ‘sensei’ for him. (I also find the idea of Sakura eventually asking why Akihiko doesn’t seem to have issues interacting with her despite his very clear issues interacting with girls hilarious because there is no way Akihiko could answer that without saying SOMETHING wrong. Shinjiro would mock him remorselessly.) If I’m being honest, this is even a sort of crack-ship for me, the only thing keeping it from a full ship the fact that Sakura is in a relationship with Kenshiro and the fact that I’m too invested in Akihiko/Mitsuru. -Akane Owari: I’m sure absolutely no one is suprised by this. Just like Sakura, Akihiko and Akane are sparring partners, though their relationship is far more a rivalry than Akihiko’s with Sakura’s. Not that the two aren’t friends, they are, but Akane’s personality lends itself more towards the two being intense rivals. However, I happen to think that how they formed their rivalry is VERY different to how Akihiko and Sakura first engaged each other. Akane had to challenge Akihiko, not the other way around. I see this happening for two reasons. First, Akane is known as the Ultimate Gymnest. Akihiko likely would not have immidiately thought of her as a fighter the same way he did Sakura. Second, Akihiko’s own issues with dealing with woman would have been a roadblock at first because Akane is far more obviously feminine than Sakura is. I think this would have caused an initial roadblock for Akihiko, one that was easily overcome though after Akane challenged him to a fight. And this time, Akihiko would have absolutely won. The two actually have an inverse relationship to the one Akihiko has with Sakura, as Akihiko would honestly be the one teaching Akane, both about fighting and about the nature of strength. I have no doubt Akihiko would challenge Akane’s own beliefs on what strength means, just like Sakura would do for him. I can also see a repeat of how in his social link with Hamuko he sees her like he used to see his younger sister and could have a very similar case of trying to protect Akane, particuarly due to her somewhat oblivious nature. As you could imagine, that would go about as well as you’d expect. However that mess would resolve itself, Akihiko would have once again taken another step to moving forward and being at ease with his past, while I believe Akane would learn to be okay with showing vulnerability and being helped. Also, you can’t convince me that Akihiko would TRY (emphasis on that word there) to help Akane with school work. He is a good student after all.  -Nekomaru Nidai: Yet another ‘I’m sure you all saw this coming’ case. Nidai and Akihiko are yet again sparring partners, though in Nidai’s case it’s less for him and more for Akihiko’s own development. In all likelyhood, he’s probably why Akane even got interested in Akihiko as she probably heard about the boxer from him. For his part, Akihiko has a decent bit of respect for Nidai, even if he finds his... openess about some topics a bit much. He also is, just like everyone else, a major fan of Nidai’s deep tissue massage. (I can also see Akihiko bothering Shinjiro to try and help Nidai with his Dyspepsia in the form of some cooking help though I have no doubt that would piss off Teruteru. Of course, Shinjiro might even see that as a bonus... but more on that later.) -Byakuya Togami: Not really a major relationship, but it is worth a mention. Togami is one of the few people Akihiko is outright disdainful of (and perhaps even despises, but that might be a bit much for him). This is of course due to Togami’s insistence on asking Mitsuru to help produce Togami’s heirs which infuriates and disgusts Akihiko. (Whether this is simply due to how good of friends the two are, the amount of respect Akihiko has for Mitsuru or perhaps is something more is entirely up to interpretation. Again, MAJOR Akihiko/Mitsuru shipper here.) For his part, Togami doesn’t view Akihiko as anyone of import or as being worth his time. Funnily enough, that specificaly wouldn’t bother Akihiko too much on his own, he wouldn’t really give a damn what someone like Byakuya thinks of him. It’s just his attitude towards everyone and the stuff with Mitsuru that caused the immense disdain. - Juzo Sakakura: Juzo is a difficult case. While he may not have any issues with someone else getting the Boxer moniker as well, his entire general attitude clashes with Akihiko’s immensely. Juzo is used to throwing his weight around and near bullying others to get what he wants, as opposed to Akihiko who is an upstanding guy and, while competitive, would never go about acting like Juzo does. Juzo is also a VERY prideful man, so getting called out on his s*** may not go well, and Akihiko may very well call him out on his s***. Doesn’t helpt that I’m certain Akihiko could beat Juzo in a fair fight.  All this being said though, Juzo would honestly admire several of Akihiko’s qualities, for example how Akihiko protects others without thought of his own safety. Ultimately, I think Juzo would have some respect for Akihiko but would never admit it and Akihiko ould respect the man’s skills but recognize that he’s very much flawed and that there isn’t much he could do about it.
Now, that’s it for Akihiko. But before I go, there’s two things that needed to be covered.  The first is that I need to quickly circle back to Mitsuru because there is a MAJOR relationship that I forgot to discuss when I was writing her profile up.
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You can probably guess who I’m talking about:
Kyosuke Munakata: How I missed this the first time shocks me. Seriously, Kyosuke is so similar to Mitsuru I’m embaressed this slipped by me. Let’s start with the obvious: His own talent reflects what Mitsuru spends a lot of her time dealing with as a student. She is the Student Council President at Gekkokan in canon and I said in her profile that she would get involved in student goverment here. It’s only a matter of time before she runs into Kyosuke, particuarly if they ever went to school at the same time. In such a case I could see Kyosuke taking on a sort of mentor roll for Mitsuru and even a sort of big brother one where Mitsuru would likely confide in him if she felt overburderned and stressed with her own numerous responsibilities. Afterall, we do know that pre-tradgedy he is described as being kinder than his post tragdey self so I could see him taking on Mitsuru as a kohai/younger-sister. Plus, he would also be a great sword fighting partner for her. (Note, this fobviously would happen only if they attended Hope’s Peak at the same time, which would make it near impossible for her to also have relationships with the 78th class. The only way this could really theoretically work was, assuming the typical 3 year high school system used in Japan, Mitsuru and her year were all the 76th class, meaning that she’d be a first year when Kyosuke was a senior and would then be a senior when the 78th class came along. Which could work and liekly wouldn’t change much of her already established relationships).
Now for the second bit. You probably all notice that I’m dealing with Pre-Tragedy stuff for everyone so far and haven’t touched Post-Tragedy. The first and most honest reason is that I kinda forgot to touch that bit when I was writing everyone. The second bit though is that it’s honestly VERY hard for me to see the tragedy happening if the Persona cast were in the DR world and the Persona-verse rules were still in affect. With the way the Collective Unconciousness works I can’t see Junko winning without eliminating SEES, the IT and the PT and well... she’s good, but she’d be fighting ALL of them on their turf. The same group we know are capable of taking down gods. And hey, worse comes to worse, Door-kun can door-kun or something. Besides the fact that someone like Akechi would have absouletly no qualms about just murdering her. And once again, not a whole lot she can do about the way he goes about killing people. 
This being said, I may make an addenendum post later which details what would be going on with everyone post-tragedy. Spoiler though: everyone pretty much becomes shadow operatives full-time for a long while and they sort of are their own third-party group, seperate from the Future Foundation. I’d go more in depth though if I do make a follow-up.
Anyway, you all can probably guess who’s up next. We did two of the the original three members, up next will be the third. Shinjiro Aragaki will be coming soon... hopefully. My next semester is starting later today and it is a doozy. I am going to do everything I can to make sure this continues, but it will be slightly slower.
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jess-the-vampire · 6 years
Hm, I have to disagree with the Tom and Star thing. Apparently Tom has showed up to the silver bell ball thing only once, and that was when they met because they were trying to have peace with the lucitor kingdom. heckapoo's name is said as heckapoo (and hekapoo) on the crew, so it isn't mistaken. The crew also mentioned that the halloween special shouldn't be mistaken with the time pace on the show bc disney wanted to include a halloween thing. Daron wrote the book anyway, so.
actually no, it’s never stated anywhere tom has only been to one silver bell ball in his lifetime. I own the book, it’s never been mentioned.
Again, keep in mind in the context of the episode. If tom had been to one silver bell ball, the action’s of the characters make no sense.No one should expect tom and star to dance this badly, if they had only been to one ball together.  Even if they dated they broke up, why would anyone just expect them to go first if it’s never been an ongoing thing?
i don’t think we can go too deep into the name thing, it’s the alfonzo/alfonso thing all over again. Though the show needs to settle on one.
yeah but even WITHOUT the halloween special it still has that problem.
In the last book, it is stated star has lived in marco’s house for almost a whole year, and star’s birthday in their very first episode of the show, is not taking place during the winter time because she celebrates it after it. 
No matter whether you think that’s in summer or spring, another thing to keep in mind is season 2 takes place BEFORE summer vacation.
Ludo also grew a corn field during this time, which takes 60 to 100 days. 
So, i would be very curious to hear an explanation that makes sense of how: 
Star spent almost a year with the diazes but neither her or marco had their 15th’s birthdays during this time period. Especially since star came on her fake birthday and not her real one. Which was months after her real one since it’s not a winter season. Or, if you wanna make it MORE confusing, you take the spell book’s info into account and remember she waited a few weeks before going to earth, meaning she spent even LESS time on earth. (So you’d be telling me marco knew star for four months or less and still gave up earth for her)
If star showed up during summer, then her going to school on earth immediately makes no sense (Not to mention we’d have to pass marco’s b-day and star’s real b-day to get to 2′s summer vacation), if she came during spring, then that means everything that happened in the first two seasons supposibly happened in a span of 4 months and not a year. Which proves the first book wrong. And if there was time between her brithday and actually going then that only adds back into the fact she should not have been at the school nearly as much during these seasons and it condenses the timeline of the seasons even more. 
Where ludo and his corn came in in all this, considering how long it would take to grow. Cause the more you condense the timeline, the least liekly he would’ve been able to grow so much corn when he did.
Either way you slice it, it’s never gonna work or make sense.
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rottenbutrecovering · 6 years
(Romantic relationship anon) Thing is, I don’t have a past history. I’ve liked multiple people and about 3 years ago I got really close to this guy like to the point where we both knew we liked each other and we were hinting about a relationship and then I split on him (before I knew about bpd) and broke his heart, which I feel terrible for, but that’s pretty much it. I’ve confessed my crushes before (gotten rejected but that’s fine) but never any more. How did you and your boyfriend meet?
I think a piece of advice I give is know you know about BPD, and will liekly be aware when you split, you can be more in control of it so it’s unlikely that what happened will happen again!
I met my boyfriend at a society at my uni! He was the president. We chatted there, then eventually I asked him out on a date and we went from there!
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brialavellan · 7 years
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Summary: It has been 20 years since Inquisitor 'Manehn Lavellan defeated Corypheus, and 18 years since the Exalted Council. Solas is furthering his plans and so far, all efforts to stop him seem to be in vain....until the Well of Sorrows begins to speak to ‘Manehn once more. Led by ancient magics and beset by enemies from Ferelden and Orlais to Antiva and Tevinter, 'Manehn must gather allies old and new in a race against time to defeat Solas - at any cost. 
(Note: This has been a multi-year process just gathering the spoons, courage and will to write this idea that had percolated in my head for two years now - I hope y’all enjoy it as much as I enjoy telling it.)
20 years. 
Since the rise of Corypheus and his fall.
Since the shock of the Exalted Council and the unmasking of Fen’harel.
Since the rise and fall of the Inquisition.
And no one remembered.
Though there was a scar in the sky, a ribbon of lights to remind all of Thedas that the Veil had been ripped apart, the Orlesian nobility had already forgotten, reverting back to their petty squabbles and their delightful diversions of corruption, espionage and murder. Nothing had changed. Empress Celene still held the throne, she still had not picked an heir, and the nobles still whispered of rebellion. Marquise Briala held her lands and title with the tightest grip, in spite of Celene’s waning support. There was no room for elves in the Grand Game. 
Except for those who knew how to play. 
And tonight, at a soiree honoring the anniversary of the Divine’s ascension, two stood amongst them. A Right Hand and a Marquise.
The Right Hand, with dark copper skin and Elgar'nan's vallaslin, scanned the ballroom, quietly noting the motions and machinations of the servants and nobility alike. She still refused to wear a mask, as she always had, relying on her charm and the good graces she earned - shielded equally by claims of divinity and by powerful allies.
It had been eighteen years since she last set foot into the Winter Palace, yet Josephine’s first words still lingered:
Every movement, every reaction, is measured and evaluated for weakness.
And it did not help that many were eager to greet their former Inquisitor, purely to test their limits or gauge her power. 
Cassandra Pentaghast, now Divine Victoria, sat beside her, dressed in resplendent red and white, a golden Chantry Sunburst emblazoned on her chest and a deep scowl on her face. 
“I still do not see why I need to be here,” Cassandra said as she shuffled in her seat, fingers tightly gripping the armrests of her chair, “You and Vivienne were always better at tolerating these sort of….functions.”
“You are the Divine.” ‘Manehn, the former Inquisitor and current Right Hand of the Divine, replied with a small shrug.
“Yes, and therefore I have very little time for sitting like a prized doll for the nobles’s amusement. I do not need their favor.”
“Their favor isn’t the reason you’re here. Your presence keeps the nobles on their toes,” ‘Manehn said, with the slightest tinge of annoyance, “Did you really think your position would mean immunity to the Game? ”
“I merely hoped it would. We don’t have time for this, especially if what you expect to happen will come to fruition.”
‘Manehn pointed back towards the marble walls behind them with a small chuckle, “Well, at least the walls are sturdy for punching if you really need it.”
She motioned to a few guardsmen with a quick wave of her hand, who rapidly rushed to the Divine’s side, taking her place as she stepped off the dais and made her way towards the center of the ballroom. “I’ll even see if I can send an enemy or two your way. Your glare alone could kill on site.”
“In the meantime,” she said, with a wide grin, “I’ll speak with our source.”
Another elf made her way across the ballroom, her cinnamon brown curls braided and pinned into a high bun and her freckled face obscured by a golden mask that highlighted the warm undertones of her tawny skin, nodding politely, making small talk, playing the Game just as deftly and as earnestly as she had done for decades. She approached ‘Manehn with a slight smile.
“My Lady, you’re looking radiant as ever,” ‘Manehn said with a coy smile as she approached, “and you are always a welcome sight.”
“As charming as ever, I see.” Briala replied with a smirk.
“I try.”
“Try harder.”
“Ouch, you wound me. Such barbed and wicked words from such a beautiful woman?” ‘Manehn said, placing her hand over her heart in dramatic fashion.
Briala started laughing, attracting a few glares from surly nobles eager for favor and angered by the elf’s presence. “And how many women fall for these lines?”
“None, my Lady,” ‘Manehn said in a surprisingly tender voice, “I save them for you.”
Briala said nothing as both walked towards the dance floor. ‘Manehn took her hand and they began to dance, Briala effortlessly matching ‘Manehn’s stumbling steps.
“So, was there anything out of the ordinary that you saw?” ‘Manehn said with a sudden crisp tone.
“Nothing yet,” Briala replied with a matching curt affect, “Wherever his spies are, they are well trained. I detect nothing unusual among these servants. Though I know one of his agents is here.”
Briala leaned in as the music slowed to a crawl.
“I leaked false information to three of my agents, an itinerary where I would be vulnerable and be acquiring “highly sensitive intelligence”.  Reinforcements showed up….attempted assassination. It’s likely they planned to frame humans for the murder, leading to a revolt, which would incite a crackdown…”
“Wait….this afternoon?! Why didn’t you tell me?! I could’ve…”
Briala put a finger to her lips to silence ‘Manehn’s protests. “All you would’ve done is tipped them off,” she said, “Especially based on your reaction just now. I can handle one measly assassination attempt. Besides, the nobles here send so many that’s it become tiresome. I schedule time in between various masquerades and traipsing about with you.”
“I guess it won’t be an ordinary visit without an attempted assassination or two.” ‘Manehn replied with deadpan snark.
“An attempted assassination or two is an ordinary visit to every soiree, or has court life made you soft?” Briala teased.
“Now you’re just fucking with me.” ‘Manehn said with a smirk.
“Oh, I would never dream of it.”
“Are you sure about that?” ‘Manehn said with  knowing smirk, “or am I just imagining your hands creeping lower on my hips?”
A bright flush rose in Briala’s cheeks, red enough to show on her olive cheeks as she pulled her hands away, “They were not! And, if we could be serious for one second,” she retorted, “the agent who set up the assassination attempt is liekly here, since the first one failed and this soiree was next on my itinerary. But we need to establish who gave the order. I have traced the source to here, but that’s all I know at the moment. I have plenty of enemies.”
“And allies.” ‘Manehn corrected her.
“Never mistake alliances for allies,” Briala said, her tone still serious.
‘Manehn stopped their dance and took Briala’s hands from her hips. “So am I an ally or just a convenient alliance to you?”
“You know that’s not what I meant. I meant that you’re still used to open battles, clear targets, and eliminating them. You also have individuals you can trust to back you up. A war of subterfuge is long, arduous and always uncertain.”
She took ‘Manehn’s hips again and slipped an envelope into her belt as the music came to a stop.
“A map of the grounds. See what you can find. I’ll wait here,” she said between the nobles whistles and claps, “I’ll watch for trouble. I believe I saw Madame de Fer here as well, she could have see something.”
“And please be careful,” she warned ‘Manehn as she walked away.
‘Manehn retreated to the shadows as the music began once more, all the while seeking hidden blades among placid smiles. She pondered Briala’s words, machinations and motivations. They had worked together for decades, a slow friendship fire-forged after the battle at Mythal’s temple and after the Exalted Council. Yet still, she feared the Game more than she trusted ‘Manehn. She stared at the dais, watching Cassandra grow increasingly surly, almost sulking, her fingers now gripping her chair hard enough to steal blood from her fingertips. 
Suddenly, a clear whisper called to her, just enough to hear over the lute players and lushes in the ballroom. A call to action and a warning of danger.
She rushed back to the dais and slipped Cassandra her dagger.
“Keep this for yourself if the guards fail,” she said in an urgent whisper, “I must investigate something, and I don’t want you in danger.”
“What are you talking about?” Cassandra called after her to no avail. ‘Manehn had already rushed across the ballroom and out of sight.
The soft clinking of her armored boots against the gold veined marble sent prickles down her arms, already itching from the heavy fabric and leather armor. She pulled slightly at the leather straps that pinned a blade to what remained of her left arm.
Whether intuition or supernatural forces called to her was irrelevant. ‘Manehn followed the voice that lead and beckoned with urgency, past the gardens, retracing the same steps 20 years prior, when she wore an innocent, less world weary face.
More whispers followed as she entered the guest rooms, this time from three elves. Servants, she thought, as she ducked behind a trellis to catch some remnant of conversation.
- Are they in position?
- They better be, we’ve waited FAR too long for this moment.
- All of them die tonight. The Divine, the elven Marquise, the Right Hand -
‘Manehn released the pin on her prosthesis, revealing the silverite blade hidden within her sleeve, and bolted from the shadows as they approached. She slashed at the first attacker, sending him stumbling. Unhooking a small crossbow from her belt, she shot three bolts in the chest of a second and two bolts into the head of a third.
She crouched besides the body of the barely breathing man she had slashed and retrieved a small paper sticking out of his belt. Arrows whizzed by her head and sent her scrambling as a fourth person in hiding tackled her to the ground, pinning her sword arm in place.
“Elgar’nan!” ‘Manehn cursed as she struggled to gain leverage, releasing herself from the elf’s grip with a sharp blow to the temple and a quick thrust of her blade in his belly.
More arrows came and she bolted towards a wall, seeking cover as she searched the line of sight.
Spotting one of the archers, she lifted her crossbow, ready to fire before she heard the crunch of bone and loud screams. A shattering of ice and the clicking of heels on cobblestone followed, and ‘Manehn turned towards the sound of her rescuer. She was dressed in pastel blue and white, with a long silver chain hanging from a graceful neck and protective braids bound into a tight ponytail that swished back and forth as she walked.
“Lady Vivienne…” she addressed the woman with a grin and bow, “your help was appreciated, but I can handle myself, you know.”
“And you’re very welcome, darling,” Vivienne replied with a small knowing smirk. “You might have told me first if you were going to run off and leave me out of the fun.”
“I’m sorry…”
“All is forgiven, my dear. It is better to split our efforts and play to our different strengths,” Vivienne said, “But a word of advice: don’t confuse an ally and an alliance. This is the Game, and she plays it just like everyone else here.”
‘Manehn cocked her head and shot an incredulous look, “Are you talking about Briala, of all people?”
“Just don’t make the same mistake you made years ago - trusting the intentions of a person you didn’t know. We will speak again in -.”
The sound of screams interrupted Vivienne and ‘Manehn.
“Shit! They’re under attack, we have to go!” ‘Manehn cried, grabbing Vivienne’s hand as they raced towards the ballroom.
The ballroom was utter chaos as Vivienne and ‘Manehn flung open the doors, with nobles fleeing towards the vestibule while Briala and the Orlesian guard were racing to eliminate the attackers. But no attackers were in sight as ‘Manehn searched the ballrooms, eyes squinting and tearing from what felt like fire in her eyes. A thick cloud had settled over the ballroom and along the walls, thick and creeping, searing the eyes and mucous membranes of any and everyone caught in the cloud.
“There’s a mage here as well,” Vivienne said with disgust as she wiped hot tears from her face, “they help sustain this cloud. Be careful.” 
Against the wall behind the dais, Cassandra stood fast, dagger at the ready, with blood on her robes and dead guards at her feet. 
Another elf appeared from the shadows and quickly stabbed a noble in the back before rushing towards a chevalier with a quick slash at his throat. ‘Manehn stabbed him in the back then rushed towards the dais. The Divine had to be protected, at any cost. 
She heard the slightest whistle of a blade in the air by her neck, and slashed at the air, connecting with muscle and bone and revealing another elf as she fell. Another lunged forward but Briala sunk a throwing dagger into the back of his head.
Out of sight, Vivienne quickly cast a large barrier to protect the remaining nobles and guards. She cast another spell to dispel the mist, revealing four confused elves and a stunned human mage, whom ‘Manehn promptly riddled with bolts. The remaining chevaliers sprung into action as well as ‘Manehn and Briala, cutting down the elves that remained. 
The screams dulled to dead silence as the nobles that lived took in the sight of elven and human blood, and the Right Hand, Marquise and Arcane Adviser standing triumphant. 
None dared to speak until one person separated from the stunned crowd and began to speak as she stepped forward. A Grand Cleric, with wisps of silver and blonde hair sticking out of a disheveled hat and rouge tinted lips that sneered at their elven and mage saviors.
“Thank you. I’m impressed how quickly you dispatched these fiends,” she said in a lilting Orlesian accent that amplified her haughty tone, “It’s almost….too impressive.”
“I was not made Right Hand for show. And this was not the only spy that infiltrated tonight!” ‘Manehn said, producing the piece of parchment she had stolen from the dead elf’s satchel. “These are orders from Fen’harel himself, to murder the Divine and myself.”
Loud murmurs replaced the stunned silence across the ballroom and beyond.
“And how do you know? What evidence do you have to support these claims?,” she retorted, obviously flustered.
“I know because you’ll find more of these assassins in the courtyard. They tried to kill me first.” Vivienne piped up with the slightest contempt. “It seems that whoever was behind this wants those who oppose him out of the way. Why would he waste his time on us if we supported him? Lady Lavellan has raised her voice to oppose no one except Fen’harel. Maybe it’s time to take the threat seriously.”
She tucked a grey curl back into her hat. “And why was no one warned again, my Lady? Didn’t these same blunders lead to the disbanding of your former Inquisition? Did we not witness this same terror before at your hands? How can we trust you when they are elves as you are!”
“Do I not still champion the Maker’s cause? Do I not serve Divine Victoria, Most Holy, as her Right Hand? Did I not prevent the fall of Orlais, a great lion of a nation that stands against Tevinter? A shining beacon of an empire founded on the principles of the Maker and his Bride? Have I proven otherwise in twenty years? My organization is the only one mobilized against Fen’harel and his allies. Allies who have fallen tonight by my blade.”
She turned to the cleric, a defiant gleam in her eye, “Or do you know something about our enemy’s movements that I do not?”
“Let’s do another sweep before everyone leaves,” ‘Manehn said, still glaring at the Grand Cleric, “I don’t think that’s all of them.”
The rest of the guard rushed to action, leading the nobles away as ‘Manehn returned to Cassandra’s side.
“Looks like you got your wish after all, in the worst way possible,” she said, repentant. “I did not mean to abandon you.”
“My life matters little now if Solas has finally made a move,” Cassandra said, stone-faced and grim, “we have to consider our options carefully. I would ask you to pull all of our resources that remain.” 
“You don’t have to tell me twice,” ‘Manehn said as she ushered Cassandra out of the palace towards a carriage. “However, I think we have to tread lightly. Enemies abound here.”
The Grand Cleric returned to the Grand Cathedral humiliated and red-faced, near fuming. The other mothers scattered out of the way as she approached, followed with low whispers and scandalized gasps. She flung open the door to her quarters and immediately stumbled back, shocked to see an elven woman sitting on her bed. She was fair, like Natalie, with light brown hair braided tight against her scalp and her brown eyes set close together, gazing out the window behind her.  
“I’m not happy with your performance, knife ear!,” Natalie snapped.
“Katrina,” the agent said, her back still turned. “And Fen’harel is just as displeased, if not more, shemlen.”
“You didn’t hold up your end of the bargain. I told you I needed more assassins in that garden but only my agents were there!” Natalie screamed as she stormed towards the agent. “You’re supposed to work with me! you were supposed to - !”
The elf turned towards her, face blank of all emotion minus the smallest haughty smirk. “I did absolutely nothing wrong by standing back and watching you orchestrate your own downfall.”
“We could’ve eliminated the Right Hand and her Divine EASILY if you would’ve…..”
“We could’ve let her continue to fade into irrelevance until she loses whatever political clout she has left by clinging to the Divine’s robes,” Katrina said, pacing around the increasingly flustered Cleric, “we could’ve waited for Celene to use that moment to formally withdraw her support from Briala without upsetting the Chantry and the Divine in any meaningful way. And then you would play your role expertly and all the pieces would fall perfectly into place.”
She stopped and leaned against the wall.
“Instead,” she continued, her tone as cool as it was patronizing, “your foolish shortsightedness almost got your cover blown, has now galvanized them into taking harsher action against anyone suspected of being one of our agents…..AND Lady Lavellan has used your failure as her opening to leading the forces the nobles now wish to raise. And all you have to show are one dead mage and nine dead elves. Some of who,” Katrina said with the slightest snarl, “were ours.”
“Don’t you dare place all of the burden on me!” Natalie said. “Doesn’t this ‘Solas’ not want both the so-called Herald and the Marquise eliminated as well?”
“He wants them disgraced, not dead,” Katrina replied. “If you kill them, how many alienages can you possibly purge? Can you stop an entire continent of elves rising against you?”
“I am less and less hesitant to wonder the longer your master drags his heels,” Natalie snapped back. “I am also more convinced he does not move against that heathen for…..sentimental reasons.”
“Death makes martyrs,” she said, folding her arms, “And trust me Natalie, the thing you want even less than an elven Herald, Right Hand or Marquise, is an elven martyr. The elves will invoke Mien’harel, and you will see your Cathedral, your throne, your entire country burned to ashes. Just proceed as planned. We don’t need much more time.”
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tacosandtomcos · 7 years
Star vs. the Forces of Evil Episode Ideas
Here are some episode ideas I’ve developed for Star vs. the Forces of Evil:
-Freaky Friday the 13th: A disturbance in the Magic Field causes Star and Ludo to switch bodies.  As each tries to get used to using the other’s respective wand, it leads to trouble.
-Mind Over (Anti-)Matter: Angie meddles with Star’s wand and accidentally creates an evil, twisted version of herself, called Diabolica.  Diabolica teams up with Ludo to steal Star’s wand.
-Pocket Mirror Mirror: Star is thrown into a universe in which everything is the opposite (e. g. Lars is a wimpy nerd, Janna prefers girly things, Sabrina is a bully who likes to cause trouble).  She teams up with the universe’s version of Ludo to fight evil versions of herself and Marco.
-Star for a Day: Marco wishes to be in Star’s shoes for a day to see what her life is like.
-The Princess and the Pauper: Told in flashback, Star relates how she once traded places with a poor lookalike before she got the wand.
-Mash-Up: A spell gone pear-shaped melds Star and Brittney into one body.  Brittney is not happy about being stuck 24/7 to someone whose guts she hates, but when Ludo attacks, Star and Brittney are forced to work together.
-It’s a Wand-erful Life: After a spell gone wrong destroys half of Echo Creek and causes everyone in town (including Marco and his family) to get angry and hurl insults at her, Star goes into hiding and wishes she was never born.  She is knocked out and wakes up in a universe in which she doesn’t exist.
-Home Alone: Some of Ludo’s former minions who survived the blast go to get Star’s wand for themselves.  Hilarity ensues when Star puts up traps for them.  (Sorry I couldn’t really think of a more creative title.)
-The Wrath of Ztar Moth:  Ztar Moth, an evil version of Star from a parallel dimension, invades Echo Creek and causes wanton mayhem to get Star’s wand.  She teams up with Ludo, but later betrays him and steals his wand too, forcing him to team up with Star to defeat this new adversary.  (This could be seen as a sequel to Pocket Mirror Mirror above, if Ztar Moth appeared in that episode too.)
-Sofia the First vs. the Forces of Evil: A crossover with Sofia the First.  Star is summoned by Sofia to help stop an evil warlord from conquering the kingdom.
-Toast of the Frown: A mysterious gas causes everyone it touches to become grumpy and snappish.  Miss Skullnick is unaffected since she’s already grumpy by nature, but oddly, the gas doesn’t affect Star and Marco either.  The three go to figure out where the gas is coming from, reverse the grumpy affects, and put a stop to it.
-Jinxed: Star jinxes Marco, and he tries to undo it by looking into a mirror and saying his name thrice.  It turns out to be a really bad idea, as it unleashes a demonic, monstrous version of Marco who then proceeds to turn everyone into zombies.  (I kind of stole this from Regular Show.)
-Final Destination: Star has a vision in which she and several die on a trip in an amusement park and sends everyone right out.  Death soon comes and collects the souls of the survivors one by one.  (Curse the lack of creativity in my titles!)
-Guilty!: After accidentally destroying the cars in the faculty, Star blames it on Brittney, resulting in Brittney being expelled and Star replacing her on the cheerleading squad.  Unfortunately, Star’s conscience starts tormenting her and driving her insane.
-Wrapped Up: Marco gets in an accident that leaves him in a body cast.  Not wanting to try and heal him with magic after their ordeal with Monster Arm, Star takes him fishing in the lake.  Disaster ensues.
-The Not-So-Magic Word: When Star hears a word she’s never heard before, she starts using it everywhere she goes, much to the shock of everyone she meets.
What do you think?  Any ideas on how each episode would go?  Got any ideas of your own?
Sorry, the response took awhile, you sent this before i had to sleep and i had to wait after i finished class today XD
But now i can totally look at these for ya.
-Freaky Friday the 13th: This is an episode i could kinda see happening, although i have a feeling ludo has plans to be redeemed so i’m sure by the time Toffee leaves ludo’s body ludo’s more liekly to be on Star’s side.
-Mind Over (Anti-)Matter: Nope XDD That one could use some re-adjusting. Conjuring up a creature from Star’s wand that is dangerous? Sure. But I doubt it’d team up with ludo and become a brand new villian.
-Pocket Mirror Mirror: This one has potential…there are many worlds out there. It’s probably be a one-off ep like “Running With Scissors” tho, with like…very little draw to future eps.
-Star for a Day: I could see this as an episode, but Star would have to be Marco.
-The Princess and the Pauper: Mmmmmm Maybe? Having a Star lookalike would kinda require some purpose in later episodes.
-Mash-Up: Brittney is kinda a throwaway character, and unless  she gets more screen time or i care about her, i don’t really want her and Star to bond very much.
-It’s a Wand-erful Life:  Nah, that’s another overdone cliche that we don’t really need with this show.
-Home Alone: I don’t think Ludo’s monsters are coming back anymore, they wanted the wand for ludo and well…..you know where ludo is.
-The Wrath of Ztar Moth: Maybe? I dunno it’s fit for a finale of some sort but with only one episode it’s not built up for that.
-Sofia the First vs. the Forces of Evil: According to the crew the show is never gonna have a crossover with another, so unless it’s something like “Say Uncle”, i don’t think it’s likely.
-Toast of the Frown: Unless Something Star and Marco did at the beginning of the episode is made clear to protect them, it won’t work. 
-Jinxed: nah, XDDDDDD I don’t think that quite works for this show. 
-Final Destination: I see it more likely as Star being afraid of rides and constantly trying to save people from them. Marco ends up giving a lesson probably.
-Guilty!: I’m sure Brittney would pay her way out of it considering her character-archetype. I can see her handing the Cheer team off to Star tho.
-Wrapped Up: I’m sure Star should know taking Marco around while he’s highly injured is a bad idea. This reminds me of a SB ep, but Star would’n be that oblivious to Marco’s pain.
-The Not-So-Magic Word: I’m reminded of that one spongebob episode and i’m not sure Disney would ever do something like that on one of their shows. XD
Those are my thoughts.
IDK if i have much to make episode pitches, but then again i don’t think i have enough to make a list either.
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cafeleningrad · 6 years
Okay, my point on the tumblr discourse is rather clear: I find it unnerving and actually irrelevant as it has no political or social impact, and fore mostly... isn’t necesary because most “problematic stuff” is liked by people who can well distinguish values and actions in the real world from fictional escapism. 
Actually I would love to see a discourse on anything but shipping: I am talking about all the gangster story and violence worship. 
Seriously, violence and cruelty doesn’t seem to impress anyone here. The gangster worship is worse. For a site constatnly crying out “X is [insert arbitrary accusation people likely never looked up for definition]” all these mafia!/mob!AUs treat gangster groups like brooding antiheros and not like... well bad guys who terrorize cities, ruin economical growth, treaten, toture, and kill people, men, women and don’t even stop before children.
This is the only time I saw people had no concept of distinguishing fiction of reality! People writing these have no concept that they have no rela life concept of organized crime. 
Listen, I have my fair share of beloved gangster stories, I am invested what happens to the main character - wll knowing it is for entertainement, that I am for the actual villains, that organized crime in real life ruins lives.
Whenever people get called out by other’s telling them: “Actually, the mafia is patriarchial, homphobic and criminal, and not up for a cute love story” the reaction is mostly a very defensive reply in form of “your overdramatizing it!”.
Listen, in shipping people are aware it is for fiction so the discourse around it is entirely irrelevant but takes misogynistic, anti-intellectual, and sexphobic lenghts. (Let alone logic already passed by). 
But people who are not aware that they do not the essential part of distinguishing romanticized fiction against from honestly terrible reality - this is an issue in fandom nobody talks about. 
Most liekly because the dicourse stirrs up mostly from US teenagers propagating a lot of sexphobic metaphor with a great coat for “a great cause”. Sorry, you guys aren’t talking about something relevant but are happily writing stuff which is actually probematic by trivializng a big issues many people think of as roantic in real life...
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