#i would feel so smug
lunnule · 1 year
it's only ever 'idly wondering'
what is your family like? where do you live? do you keep your living space tidy or not so much? I have rarely thought about you with friends or in groups and now that i think of it i never really thought about whether you have siblings. i don't know why but i think that you have a bad relationship with your dad. and sometimes i think you have two kids, sometimes i think you don't have any. sometimes i try to guess what sort of hobbies you might have, music? sewing? writing? there's no way for me to tell
and then there's the few times i've been able to tell that you'd been crying before i came in. the fact that you are taking fewer holidays now but haven't raised your prices. that often counsellors work with what they have experience of and abuse is one of the things you specialise in.
i've reached the point where i'm not really burning with curiosity. instead i have reluctant curiosity; i can't help but notice and wonder. but i know why you wouldn't tell me if i asked. the boundaries are as much there for your benefit as they are for yours.
but if we had the luxury of reciprocity
if i could finally stop talking about myself
and shut up, listen and watch for once,
i would ask
what would you
like me to know
about you?
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thesupernaturalhouse · 3 months
Vaggie: Alastor can you watch the eggs their being....eggs and I have to- just take them off my hands
Alastor: ooo i certainly will....
Vaggie:.....in a peaceful manner. Alastor.
Alastor: mmm well that's less fun, also why should I watch them?
Vaggie: well you're going to some meeting and I have to help charlie-
Alastor: didn't she excuse you from your duties for today?
Vaggie:...why would she- why would I ask for that??
Alastor: why, you have to come to this meeting to my dear!
Vaggie: no I dont?? It's an overlord meeting I'm not an overlord-
Alastor: but you are!
Vaggie: if anything charlie should probably be going with you rather then me- what what??
Alastor: I'll explain on the way! *just fucking leaves*
Vaggie: wha- alastor! Alastor I swear to the lord you better explain!
Alastor: hmmm, well you're an overlord my dear I don't think there's anything else TO explain
Vaggie: right...but I'm NOT an overlord??
Alastor: I beg to differ, I knew there was something off about you but couldn't place it until Charlie said something
Vaggie: Charlie- what does- okay you know what? You're insane. I'm going to go talk to Charlie myself!
Alastor grabs her shirt collar like a kitten: ah-ah-ah you have a meeting to attend my dear! It's be bad manners if you skipped it, whoch I suppose you've been skipping them for the past 5 or so years?
Vaggie: No, I haven't! and let go of my you asshole!
Alastor: hmmm no I don't think I will~ come on now! We're already half way there!
Vaggie: ugh, at least tell me how you and xharlie think I'm an overlord- which I'm NOT by the way!
Alastor: well...do you remember that sinner you saved? The one you had a slat with and ended uo teaching self defense?
Vaggie: how do you-....ah, charlie- what does that have to do with anything??
Alastor radio noise of displeasure: well, APPARENTLY they told more demons, you DO remember the large influx of demons who came to you right?
Vaggie: I.....I um....yeah....
Alastor: well they said they owed you 'favors' correct?
Alastor: they gave you their souls until said favor is called upon! You not using it has apparently given you the reputation of a very lenient overlord, a defensive and protective one at that! So more people cane to you, you trianed them in defense and most gave you their souls so you could call upon them for a favor at a time of your choosing!
Vaggie: going through the 5 stages of grief trying to process it all
Alastor: On top of that, the other overlords seem to be threatened by the fact you have so many souls and demons going to you WILLINGLY, you not showing up to meetings and beong little morningstars girlfriend doesnt help that either!So this will be a fun first meeting~
Vaggie: no no no no no nope! Alastor, you let me go right this second! I am not- no! Alastor! Alastor!!!
Zestial: Alastor and...oh the defensive Overlord nice to meet you again nd to finally meet you
Vaggie: ¿¡Quién diablos es esta araña joder!? (Who the hell is this spider fuck!?)
Part 1 | Part 2(here!!) | Part 3
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13eyond13 · 9 months
underrated funny thing about lawlight is they never actually did get to confirm that 100% of the time they were basically thinking exactly what the other person thought they were thinking every single time
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sophiethewitch1 · 2 months
You mentioned that all the Wayne's post thirst traps. And that Damian's are like Victorian women showing some racy ankle. What does he consider a thirst trap then.
Have you ever seen a man in a dark turtle neck sweater.
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marypsue · 5 months
I am once again begging people to stop trying to make my post about grieving for someone who's become a vampire into a metaphor about being insensitive or bigoted towards real-life queer people. I absolutely understand the impulse to read it as metaphorical! I also find sympathy in fictional monstrosity! However! Queer people, as a group, do not generally kill and eat humans.
Thank you for your time.
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overlordraax · 11 months
There’s a line that came from a David Tennent era Doctor Who story where the Doctor says “I point and laugh at archaeologists”, and I just hated this line so much. It’s so mean spirited and honestly just such a misreading of the Doctor’s attitude. The Doctor is an archaeologist, he travels through time to unravel and explore history. Even if he often does it in a faster (and often more action packed) way than them.
He still has utter respect for what they do. If there weren’t other people also uncovering history then he wouldn’t be able to grasp that knowledge either. He knows the time and research historians and archaeologists put in, even if a historian can come to the wrong conclusion cos he’s like, actually been to that time period or whatever, he wouldn’t point and laugh at them, he’d correct them with what he knows so they can be informed better.
Go watch Battlefield, a Seventh Doctor story where the Doctor hangs out with an archaeologist in quite a few scenes and gets annoyed when his companion doesn’t have the same appreciation as him. That episode does a much better job showing what his attitude would be. One of his companions for many years in the novels was an archaeologist for Primus’s sake!
Anyway, it’s been way over a decade since I saw that line and it still bugs me.
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notecapn · 7 months
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look at what i've found on my laptop, i had no recollection of this one until i opened the file. it dates back to 14.04 lmao
obviously im not finishing it but this is very funny, now you have it internet, the way it was saved back in april
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daysincomplete · 15 days
I don't even go here much anymore but I need somewhere to throw my thoughts re: Emilie (Genshin Impact)
Yes, a lot of people have been upset or disappointed that she looks less interesting mostly in comparison to the many leaked concept arts of her, and I've definitely seen a couple colour/other edits on her which looked amazing. For me, the hair colour throws me off a bit and I have some Choice Words about her top but the green of her dress is such a deeply satisfying shade of green that reminds me of velvet, and I enjoy how her outfit, alongside Neuvilette's description and other people's voicelines, paint what feels to be a deliberately curated picture of her.
While we can't know for sure what decisions were involved that resulted in them settling on the current official design, the perception on her is so unnecessarily dampened because of that potential "what could have been" that we weren't meant to see in the first place. If anything, looking at the variety of concept arts leaked, it's at least reassuring that the artists have that skill and freedom to depict a character in so many creative ways.
honestly I'm more interested in seeing how Emilie is as a character - most of other character's voicelines about her are in regards to her business than of her (with the exception of Chevreuse) and she's a "forensic cleaner"? ESPECIALLY since she's probably going to be involved with the Burning Artifact set???There are a lot more layers here I really wish to see more people explore here instead of, well, everything else going on. I'm sitting here imagining situations involving Emilie, Chiori and Chevreuse potentially on a case, or interactions between her and Lisa/Sucrose/Albedo as a chemist (and god forbid what happens when she's put together near the Pyro Folk)
I don't know if I'll pull for her (if I do, it'll be predominantly based on her kit) but I like seeing how artists depict a character once their design is drip marketed on Twitter and it's a bit annoying seeing that the media tab there is just predominantly people talking about the concept art instead
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miramisaki · 3 months
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60(???) days until Charlie...??
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giantkillerjack · 30 days
Uh-oh! You are like, SOOO awkward!!
You're so awkward that it is occasionally mildly uncomfortable for people!
You're so awkward that sometimes people are confused by you and then there are awkward silences!
You're so awkward ...... that ultimately no one is harmed!!
Oh damn!!! What a vile crime you have committed! What an unforgivable thing it is to make a fellow human briefly confused!
Why, if *I* were ever briefly confused and kind of uncomfortable as a result, I'd be devastated.... by the absolute net zero change in my happiness and health! - From which I might never recover!! Yes indeed! No punishment can ever be enough for you!!
So you better absolutely hate yourself for it.
Better be SO MEAN to yourself about every single missed social cue so you don't forget your horrible crime! Meaner than you'd ever dream of being to someone else for the same thing! This is YOUR responsibility!
You need to show the world that you KNOW you are bad by punishing yourself constantly! After all, think of all the people who BENEFIT from you punishing yourself! - No, really! Think about it! Think about who benefits from your pain.
Think of alllllll the definitely-good people that your definitely-necessary self-torment definitely helps! I mean, you can't just cut off their definitely-life-sustaining supply of your suffering, right?? Sure, everyone else has a breaking point, but you're probably the only person in human history who doesn't, right? Best not to question it probably. Sure, it's a symptom that billions of people with trauma have had, but who knows? You could be a one-in-seven-billion exception. Anything's possible!
Instead, better just accept that idea that bullies carry like guns in holsters - the idea that people who have trouble with social cues deserve to suffer. Better carry on the burden they placed on you until you drop. Aid the cause of the callous by enforcing shame and suffering upon yourself extra hard; try your best to do their work for them. They're very busy.
Better not recognize that you need patience and kindness to heal from your trauma. Better not find out that it was trauma rather than personal weakness filling your head with self-hating thoughts. Better not find out it wasn't your fault.
Better not find out that awkwardness is not inherently harmful or unkind, and, in fact, the people who act like it is *are the ones enacting harm and being cruel.*
Better not get righteously angry when you realize just how much unnecessary damage this has done to you. After all, if you get mad, you might realize you deserve better. You might even feel brave enough to DEMAND better! You might build boundaries that keep you safe! You might make other people think they deserve to feel safe too! And we obviously can't be having that, so...
Better not show yourself even a little kindness a little bit at a time.
Better not make a habit out of it after all that practice.
Better not get confident.
Especially if you can't first wipe out every trace of awkward. (And you probably never will. Because people who experience absolute social certainty at all times tend to be insufferable assholes that enforce the status quo. And you just don't have the stock portfolio for that.)
Better not be confident and awkward because then you might confuse and delight people
- you might accidentally end up making other people feel less shame for their social difficulties
- you might make isolated, traumatized, and shy people feel like they deserve to be included in social situations
- you might even make them feel they can be themselves around you
- you might start loving the effect you have on a room
- you might enjoy conversations more
- you might forgive yourself and bounce back from shame more easily and frequently
- you might come to enjoy some of those moments of harmless confusion you cause because NOBODY expects the Confident Awkward, and that can genuinely be an advantage in social situations
- you might stop apologizing so much.
- you might find that socializing is like a video game: it requires practice but also a safe space for it to be fun and positive.
Or if you can't become assertive and confident, better not remain awkward and shy and quiet, and then love and forgive yourself anyway!
Why, it would be carnage!!
In either scenario, you run the risk of finding out that it's not your fault that safe spaces full of kind people can be really hard to find, create, and nurture. You could end up building a skillset that helps you do those things if you're not careful!
If you start giving yourself even the tiniest amount of grace at a time, you will find that you've accessed a gateway drug with extreme long-term side effects:
- You might realize that it was never your fault that it took so long to like yourself.
- You might realize that you were always worth talking to, even when you didn't like yourself and communication felt impossibly difficult.
- You might realize that you'll still be worth talking to even if communication becomes harder as you age and/or experience disability.
- You might come to know that you deserve to be heard even on bad days when words come slow and blurry.
You might discover that you were always deserving of kindness, first and foremost from yourself.
So. As you can see, it's FAR too much of a risk to start granting your awkward self free pardons for your many heinous and harmless crimes. Better to just leave it there.
#social skills#i have a few posts now in my ' social skills' tag#original#maybe eventually I will compile them and polish them in some meaningful way. I know what I want to call the book title#in big text it'll say 'I'M AUTISTIC' and then beneath that in smaller text 'And I Have Better Social Skills Than You'#or something to that effect. and the cover of the book will be me making an exaggerated smug face like the little rascal I am#challenging the viewer to pick up the book and see if they can prove me wrong.#and then the entire first section of the book is about how actually the issue with our society's social skills is the harsh judgment#for people who have trouble communicating and not the other way around. I don't actually think I'm the#most charismatic person in the world by a very long shot. but i do know that I have put more thought into my social skills than#most allistic people and frankly i have surpassed most of them. not because i am more persuasive or smooth or funny#(tho i am persuasive and funny lol) but bc i have questioned which social functions are more restriction than utility.#and instead i have focused my energy on actively learning how to make people feel safe. i feel social rules would benefit all people by#being a little more autistic tyvm. i don't think every person should dedicate themselves to being better at communicating#i think people should dedicate themselves to being kind and patient to everyone regardless of their ability to communicate#I think our society wrongly links communication ability to intelligence and intelligence to level of humanity.#when in fact all three of those things are fucking unrelated and connecting them inevitably leads to#really fucked up views on disabled people that hurt us. and then with that aspect of the book firmly understood and established I would#go on to recommend some ways to make socializing easier and more fulfilling (and less shameful and terrifying) for all kinds of people#it wouldn't be a book about Leaning In To Succeed in Business or 'here's how to avoid being the awkward loner at a party'#it'd be a book about how if you see someone alone at a party here's how to invite them to join your group without pressuring them#stuff like 'hot tip! if someone takes a while to type or speak a full sentence - talking over them b4 they can finish makes u an asshole!'#I know that a lot of people cannot or don't want to dump a lot of skill points into socializing like i did and they shouldn't have to in#order to experience basic dignity and respect. if we treat people like that then we just validate that people - especially#autistic children and elders and disabled people of manu varieties - have to suffer unless they learn all these arbitrary bullshit rules#and a lot of them are arbitrary bullshit! one of the reasons I throw people off so much is because I harmlessly break a lot of social rules#but I know I'm doing it and I'm not ashamed and people just don't know what to do with that! but a lot of them like it actually!!#i think it's a relief to be around someone so openly and unrelentingly weird bc what am I gonna do? judge you for being weird??#I only care if you're kind. not necessarily 'nice' or passive. Kind. Brave enough to care about people being treated well. Kind.#also I recognize that at least some of my ability to be openly weird is white privilege so that's important to acknowledge too
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maddymoreau · 4 months
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scalproie · 6 months
Domesticated Post-Tekken 2 Era Kazuya is my favorite to think about because this would be so good for him and everyone else but he would have an absolutely miserable time during it
#like I dont think he would REALLY miss the rich ceo lifestyle bc i dont see it as smth he ASPIRES to but as a means to give himself power#if you (jun) somehow manage to convince him that he does not actually NEED power then i think hes adaptable enough to ajust to a humble life#and the whole being rich thing fed into his worst traits#but I think being close to jun all the time would be torture for him bc he would CONSTANTLY be confronted to his own faulty morality#he cant help feeling above other common people bc he endured much more pain and hardships at 5yo than them in a lifestyle-#but he cannot act on his superiority complex about them bc Its Not The Right Thing To Do#he looks at his newborn son and feel *nothing* before feeling frustration and irritation toward *himself*#bc hes smart enough to know he SHOULD be feeling smth#and if he relunctantly admit this to jun she would tell him that if the best he can do (for now) is to not wish or do any harm on jin-#then it is good enough and he should not beat himself up about it (which he doesnt. but he does)#and even jun. she is another person he could lose and he knows deep down he would be happier without her#but being near her bring back to life smth that died years ago at the bottom of that cliff#and he wont admit it but hes scared to lose it again. even if right now its brings him nothing but discomfort and pain#hes not even sure if he *loves* her. and when he asks her whats in it for her. why she stays with him#(not out of self-consciousness but genuine confusion) she just smiles at him because he IS considering the feelings of someone else#like she is so understanding and he genuinely does try and its a really slow healing process#hes still gonna stay a little bit of a prick smug at times but at least he will be immensely more chill out#and even maybe fall in love with jun *jun* down the line. characters that fall in love with each other years into the relationship👍#and his whole exploration of fatherhood with jin. him vaguely recalling smth nice jinpachi (or god forbid. HEIHACHI pre-cliff) did to him#and doing the same to jin out of the blue for the sake of experimentation#and jin's positive reaction making him FINALLY AT LAST feel some tiny tiny thing for his son.#also for all her tree-hugger talk. jun is right meditating in the forest DOES help kaz a lot#anyway. yeah👍#tagging later#tekken
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floorpancakes · 1 year
im having thoughts about gay people again
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#xxxholic#douwata#listen i have a lot to think about i always think abt them theres so much to discuss#if they had one confessional conversation it would all be over doumeki would die but not literally this time#i love the rarely discussed thing which is like 'sure watanuki is a blushing tsundere nerd loser BUT he could have the upper hand'#the element of surprise....the element of actually acting on all the boldness hes acrued but never actually committed to in canon#if he had any sort of healthy natural growth that wasnt affected by The Situation itd b over for that poor man#its like an explosion if either of them act on their feelings the other will just be like a human firework tbh#i love the idea of a potential relationship of theirs being just as much about revenge game 4d chess tactics#as much as it is goofy or serious or tender#then again im the type to view positive friendships in my real life that way so i naturally enjoy it in fictional relationships#but like#you have a tsundere who was trained in the art of being a seductress#and you have a more outspoken bolder type with strong conviction in his romantic feelings but also an expectation of it being unfulfilled#they have strengths and weaknesses that counteract each other greatly for the game of taking each other aback#they already do but in a relationship itd be tenfold#they also each have enough smugness in them to propel it to the next levek#imagine them constantly trying to one each other up#he who blushes first loses (but wins the consolation prize of a REALLY cute relationship)#heh ...all the excellent fic fuel if i could write fic without getting distracted panicking abt lore inconsistencies or cringing at myself#not for the act of writing fic i just find it tricky to like my own longform writing#but i wANNAAAAAAAA
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grimlin-gromlin · 1 year
rewatching the beach arc, and while i believe that hatter is a chaotic madlad who is great at scheming, and does indeed have some smarts; those smarts are NOT because he's good at maths.
like for one, he told kuzuryu to shut up when the man just *mentioned* using math to figure out the possibility of when a heart game would come up.
BUT ALSO. MAINLY. hatter was all like "i've got a 100% clearance rate when it comes to the games. im awesome."
but like... b r o
ofcourse you have a 100% clearing rate?? if you loose a game you d i e ??? so ofcourse you've cleared all the games you've been in??? everyone who's still alive has done that????
idk he's great, we love him, but whenever that scene plays i giggle a bit
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petiolata · 4 months
All that aside im still pleased as punch to have a fic that has 0 kudos. It's so niche, so obscure and repellant that no one but its mother creator could love it.
It's mine all mine ☺️
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wr0ngwarp · 1 year
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music box
#jet set radio#jsr beat#uhh hm do i put this in the zero beat tag. might as well#zero beat#beat jsr#beat jet set radio#eyestrain#ask to tag#goig back to my roots a liddle bit and drawed something Vaguely Gekidan Inu Curry Inspired.. definitely not an actual style attempt tho#get sillyweird immediately boy.#anyway this art i feel like i got kind of lost and wandered away from my original intention with it but thats ok bc i think it still cool#in uhh me and my sibling's au/headcanons we decided to just go with the ''gouji is beat's dad'' theory#(we did it as a joke but then started thinking abt it seriously :/ kirby fandom era me would be so disappointed in me)#anyway this art was going to be more directly about that and then it was only KIND OF about that. well whatever LMAO#anyway unrelated (mostly) to all that. never let your vaguely egotistical n smug protags near me. i will give them full blown COMPLEXES#i'll make them fucking unbearable. i'll make them think theyre the specialest little guys EVER. Without Remorse.#Are You Paying Attention To Him Yet. ARE YOU.#also like side note but. i think im literally incapable of not making a zero beat look like just the silliest little guy ever#i need to pick one up. and carry him around like a plushie. (would get maimed if i tried to do this)#wait i just looked at my sibling's response wehn i first showed this art to them and part of their reply was ''Beature come and see him;!''#and now i just have fin fin come and see him stuck in my head but with ''finfin'' find+replaced with Beature#Beature come and see him... love and we'll believe him... always and forever Hes your best friend!!!!#closes the music box and puts it in a shipping package. and addresses it to be sent to planet teo. I dont give a fuck#Beat. The Real Computer Beature.#oh my god these tags are like. even more tangential and incoherent than usual for my art blog.#i am just going to click the post now button and free this post from its purgatory.
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