#which of the top pics y’all like better?
wackarat · 4 months
I got bored, you suffer the consequences.
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whachow, gay men kissing
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rafecameroninterlude · 6 months
Toxic!Rafe and toxic!reader, where they’re fighting because he wants to go out to a strip bar with Topper and Kelce which reader hates (she thinks they encourage his bad behavior) after she told him no. so when reader goes on insta to look at Rafes story and sees he lied and went anyways after seeing a pic of him in the sniffers row at the bar, she gets all crazy and starts responding to the story with full paragraphs 😭 and so when he starts replying she blocks him mid argument, and he goes home and yells at her until they get all lovey dovey again 🥰 (sorry this is long)
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warnings: toxic relationship (?), slight humor, cussing, lying, crying, shouting, arguing, mentions of sex, a little plot twist at the end
“..i don’t know about that, man. y/n has a bitch fit everytime i go somewhere without her, i highly doubt she’d be okay with me going there of all places.” you stood outside your bedroom door, rolling your eyes at the sound of topper’s voice. “who cares what she says? she’s not your fuckin’ mommy, bro.” you suppressed a laugh, knowing rafe has called you ‘mommy’ a numerous amount of times. your boyfriend sighed, staying silent for a moment. “look, i’ll ask her alright? if she says no then i ain’t going.” you smiled to yourself, walking into the room with a fresh stack of t-shirts in your hands.
“here she is now, i’ll call you back.” you placed the folded laundry on top of the dresser. “tell the spawn of satan herself we say hello!” kelce shouted in the background. “aww is that dumb and dumber on the phone? hey, guys!” rafe shook his head, a laugh tumbling out of his throat. he hung up the call, getting up to wrap his arms around your waist. you leaned into him, breathing in his cologne as you pressed a kiss to his cheek. “listen, uh, topper and kelce are inviting me out tonight, ‘wanted to know if i can join them..” you arched a brow, turning around in his hold.
“and where do y’all plan on going?” rafe cleared his throat awkwardly. “well.. you know how the guys are, they always wanna go to some new place..” he trailed off, clearly stalling as much as he could. “just say it, rafe.” he swallowed nervously. “a strip club.” suddenly his hands felt tense on your skin, and he couldn’t hold your stare. “a strip club?” you repeated, pulling away from him. “that’s cute, but no.” rafe tongued the inside of his cheek, immediately taking out his phone.
[4:30 PM] to: topper, kelce: i’m in, pick me up at nine.
“what are you doing?” you eyed him as he brought the phone up to his ear, walking around to the other side of the bed. “m’telling them i can’t go, because you’re gonna be all pissed off if i do.” you scoffed, eyeing him carefully. rafe cursed under his breath, praying to god you couldn’t tell he wasn’t actually calling anyone. “hey, bro. i can’t go, it’s a hard no.” he scratched the back of his neck. “yeah, i know. maybe another time- wait, where?” rafe stopped pacing, nodding along to his own imagination. “pizza and beer? that sounds good. nine o’clock? alright i’ll see y’all then.” he shrugged as he pretended to hang up.
“alright, no strip club, but charlie’s pizza instead, is that alright?” you nodded. “that’s fine, but you better text me.” he jumped up, pulling you into a hug that ended with you two falling in bed. “i mean it rafe, i want pizza pictures and everything!” he showered you with kisses, taking his time when he got to your lips. you two stayed like that for a few minutes, making out softly before you pulled away. “you should start getting ready before i get too horny, ‘cause then i really won’t let you go anywhere.” you ran your thumb over his bottom lip, sighing when he got up. “good call.” he laughed, getting an outfit ready for tonight.
nine o’clock rolled around faster than you wanted it to, and sure enough topper and kelce were outside honking like maniacs once they pulled up. “i love you, baby, i’m gonna text you in a bit.” you smiled, watching him holler all the way down to where topper and kelce practically tackled him. “we promise to have him home no later than one, mommy dearest!” you gave kelce the middle finger, shutting the door once rafe blew you a kiss. now that you had the house to yourself you figured you’d shower and unwind, maybe finish the book you had been reading. all was well until you glanced at the time on your phone. 10:45 PM, and still no word from rafe.
you opened instagram, spotting the green circle around your boyfriend’s profile picture, indicating he had posted on his close friends. you clicked on it, your heart dropping at the video of rafe throwing money at a stripper’s ass. “front row seats, baby!” he cheered. just as you thought it couldn’t get any worse, the next story was a photo of a blonde sitting in rafe’s lap, topless and smiling from ear to ear. “this motherfucker..” you closed the app, deciding you saw enough before opening you and rafe’s text thread on imessage.
[10:55 PM] - i don’t know what’s funnier; the fact that you had a whole conversation with yourself in front of me to make it sound like you were just getting pizza and beer with your dickhead friends, or forgetting to take me off your close friends list when you want to post yourself at some sleazy ass strip club. you’re a fucking joke.
rafe had never sobered up so fast in his life, all the blood draining from his face when he read your message. “fuck!” he cursed at himself, his head resting in his hands.
[11:10 PM] my <333: baby i promise i’ll explain everything, i’m telling the guys to take me home right now.
[11:15 PM] - there’s nothing you could say that’ll ‘explain’ what the fuck you did. you sat there in my face and kissed me and reassured me when you were getting your way all along. can you even comprehend how fucked up that is? you made me look stupid in front of your friends who already don’t like me. AND THE TOPLESS PICTURE???? ARE YOU FUCKING INSANE???? if i posted a picture with my tits all in jj’s face, how would you feel? we both know he’s one phone call away if i really wanted him.
rafe’s blood was boiling after he read your message, knowing that you could leave him and have someone as desperate and lovesick as jj replace him in a heartbeat. “bro don’t sweat it, man. she’ll get over it.” topper slurred, entering figure eight again. “shut the fuck up, you don’t know the first thing about being in a relationship.” rafe shot back, clenching his fists when the message he tried to send turned green. topper didn’t respond, the rest of the ride home being dead silent.
rafe didn’t even say bye to kelce or topper when they arrived at tanneyhill, instead he rushed inside, eyes immediately falling to you resting on the couch. you were wearing your pink, fluffy robe, rollers adorning your hair while you were typing something on your ipad. “babe-” rafe shut the door, falling to his knees before you. “don’t get near me. you probably smell disgusting.” rafe’s jaw ticked, his patience already running low. “i’m so fucking sorry, y/n. i shouldn’t have lied to you, baby. i promise i’ll never do that again.” you finally looked at him, his bangs falling in his face.
“i know,” you sighed, “you don’t have to worry about me doing anything either.” you got up, attempting to walk past him before he grabbed your leg. “what are you talking about?” you knew rafe well enough to know when he was getting angry, and the way he was looking at you right now only confirmed your suspicions. “you don’t get to do what you did and think it’s all going to be fine and dandy with an apology, rafe. i’m leaving for my parents tomorrow, and don’t ask me when i’m coming back because i don’t know. i don’t think i can live with a liar.” you shoved him away, only making him grab you again, this time throwing you down on the couch.
“you don’t think you could live with a liar?” he narrowed his eyes, a bitter laugh falling from his lips. “has it ever occurred to you that i wouldn’t have to lie to you if you would just not freak the fuck out everytime i want to go out and have fun?” you couldn’t believe the words coming out of his mouth. “you’re one to talk!” you screamed in his face, making him stand up. you followed suit, refusing to let him make you feel powerless. “you wanna act like you’re trapped here? fine! play the victim, but don’t forget everything you do to keep me from going out too.” you were pacing back and forth now, running your fingers through your hair.
“you literally slashed my friend’s tires to keep me from going to her birthday party, and all for what? because you found out other guys were going to be there?” he pinched the bridge of his nose. “i paid for the damages, y/n…” he groaned. “so?! it’s the principal! you do the most when it comes to me wanting to go somewhere, but me telling you not to go to a literal strip club is where you draw the line?? fuck you!” you started making your way upstairs, rafe right on your tail as you did so.
“fuck me?! i’m the one who takes care of you! there’s nothing in this world that you want and don’t have! i take you on regular vacations, i take you out damn near everyday, i keep you in all the newest shit, i pay for you and all your friend’s beauty appointments so that y’all could have a girl’s day twice a month, you just have no fucking clue!” he shouted, making you stop in your tracks. you looked up at him with tears in your eyes, breaking his heart in two.
“and what about everything i do for you?” you let out a shaky breath. “i’m what makes this house a home. i wear the clothes you want me to wear, i eat the food you want me to eat, i talk the way you want me to talk. i’m here when all else fails. i’m the one who holds you and comforts you when things get hard for you. i’m the one who makes sure you never feel alone, ‘makes sure you don’t go through anything alone. i do everything you say. on the days you work long and hard, i’m right here waiting for you with my legs open. on the days that you’re particularly tired, i’ll be on my knees, i’ll ride you and do all the work, and i’ll do everything happily because i love you.” rafe was crying with you by the time you finished speaking, both of you standing in the hallway.
“i get up at the ass crack of dawn and doll myself up everyday because i want to look good for you, i want to please you with everything i do. when we go to the country club, i speak of you in the highest regards, and i do it because i want everyone to know that i respect you. i do all of this, and i do it all without the commitment of having a fucking ring on my finger. if that doesn’t speak volumes for you, then i don’t know what does.” you walked inside your shared bedroom, taking a seat at the edge of the bed. he dropped to his knees once again, hugging your waist like you’d disappear if he let go. “we need each other. i need you.” he cried. you wrapped your arms around him, pulling him up off the floor.
“i love you, y/n. please, you can’t leave.” you cupped his face. “i haven’t seen my parents in almost six months, rafe. i have to..” he nodded slowly, taking your hand in his. “then we’ll go together. ‘tell them we have a special announcement.” you watched him with a confused expression as he went to grab a small box out the bottom drawer of the bedside table. “rafe!” you gasped, hands flying up to cover your mouth. “i’ve had this for a while now, i don’t know what i was waiting for, but i want to do this now.” he opened the box, the biggest diamond you’ve ever seen lighting up your eyes.
“i know we have to work on some things, but there’s no one else i’d rather do this with.” you gazed into his eyes, a small smile gracing your lips. “okay, let’s do it.”
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baptismbaby · 1 year
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mean!ellie x innocent!reader a/n: posted this to ao3: baptismsbaby warnings: toxic!ellie, corruption, virgin!reader, praise, degrading, gaslighter!ellie, belittling, strap on (r!receiving), not rlly angsty but sorta? creds to elliesgalaxy on pinterest for the pic of ellie wc: 4k<3 part one here
You kneeled by your Bible and candles praying for forgiveness for what happened the previous night. Although you enjoyed your time with Ellie, you felt guilty for going against your own morals. You didn’t judge your friends for having premarital sex and you didn’t think you’d go to Hell over it. If so, everyone would burn and not reach paradise. But you always told yourself that you’d wait until you were married before having sex. You blamed the alcohol and the weed but a part of you believed you would’ve done it sober.
You stood up with a sigh, knowing you had promised to meet Dina for lunch to talk about Ellie’s apology. You spent all night coming up with a lie, which you also felt horrible about. You grabbed your bag and headed out the door. You greeted everyone with a smile as you walked past them. You were thankful that no one knew you drank and smoked the night before.
You walked in and almost ran face first into Seth, who glared down at you. “Sorry!” you apologized, stepping past him and heading towards the table where Dina was sitting.
“Hey you,” she greeted with a smile. “How are you feeling today?”
You sat down and set your bag in the chair next to you. “I woke up with a slight headache this morning but it went away after an hour. So I guess not too bad,” you responded.
“You’re a champ. I feel much better but I woke up feeling like complete shit.”
“I guess I didn’t drink enough to get a proper hangover.”
“Which means you didn’t get drunk enough. Gotta try again!”
“Absolutely not!” you disagreed. “I don’t think I wanna drink again. It tasted horrible!”
“That’s why you get a chaser,” said Dina. “Anyways, let’s get to why we’re here.”
She grabbed your wrist and looked deep into your eyes with a smirk. “Please tell me what Ellie said! I’m so shocked she apologized. She never admits when she’s in the wrong.”
“Well, she came up there and basically told me that she felt bad for making me upset. Even though she’s always doing that,” you laughed. “But she said she realized it went too far and that really, I’m not that bad or something like that. She promised she wouldn’t make fun of me again but who knows.”
“So, are you two gonna be friends?” Dina asked.
You shrugged. “I don’t know… she actually invited me over to watch a movie tonight but I think I’m gonna pass.”
“I think you should go. Ellie never invites people to her place unless it’s for a party or she’s bringing a girl home to fuck. Damn, she really feels bad then,” said Dina.
You couldn’t help but smile. Even though she wanted you to come over to fuck you again, you liked the idea of Dina believing Ellie was going out of her way to prove how sorry she was to you. You originally were going to come over and tell her you weren’t sure if y’all should continue seeing each other but it wouldn’t hurt convincing her to watch a movie. 
“Maybe I will go,” you stated. “I wouldn’t want things going back to how they were before.”
Dina peeked behind you and smiled. “Speak of the devil,” she said. You glanced back to see Ellie walking in. Her hair was messy, the top half of it tied up. She wore her gray hoodie still and baggy jeans. She looked over and made eye contact with you. She fixed her gaze on Dina and made her way to the table.
“Sup, Dina,” she said.
“Hey Ellie.”
Ellie looked back at you and nodded. She walked away and sat with a dark haired woman across the room. She smirked at you before starting a conversation with the girl. You frowned, holding your head up with her hand.
“Well, she didn’t say anything to you but she acknowledged you,” Dina uttered.
You couldn’t stop staring at Ellie and the girl. “Who is she sitting with?” you interrogated.
“That’s Cat. You know Cat, she just cut her hair so she’s a bit unrecognizable now.”
You felt a pain shoot through your stomach in jealousy. “Oh, her ex?”
“Yeah. I think they’re talking again. After you left the party, she came by and they disappeared for a couple minutes.”
You felt sick. Ellie used you and knew how much it meant to you to have sex. You got up quickly, the chair scraping across the floor loudly. Ellie turned her head from across the room, staring at you in confusion.
“I-I forgot,” you said. “I forgot I was supposed to help Sadie with something for bible study.”
Dina cocked an eyebrow at you. “Sadie’s on patrol?”
You smacked your face with your hand. “Shoot, you’re right. That’s next Saturday. Nevermind. I do need to go, though. My head is beginning to hurt again. I think I need a nap. It’s starting to get busy and all the chatter is killing me.”
“You alright?” asked Dina with concern.
“I’ll be okay. I’ll take a nap and feel better.”
“Let me know if you need anything. Oh, and come by tomorrow around noon! I wanna know what you and Ellie are gonna talk about tonight.”
You said nothing to Dina, spinning around to leave. As you walked out, you could see through the window that Ellie was at Dina’s table, leaned over and talking to her. You turned away and sped up so you could get home quickly. 
You stood at the mirror on your door, looking up and down at your outfit. You wore your normal baggy clothes so Ellie wouldn’t get any ideas when you went over to talk to her. You grabbed your coat as you exited the door and headed down the steps. Ellie was just two blocks over but you knew you would be freezing to death before you got there. You shoved the jacket on and started walking down the road, your thoughts running rampant as you figured out what’d you say. You couldn’t stop thinking about the way Ellie looked at Cat as they spoke. The more you thought about it, the more you thought about the way Ellie looked in your eyes as she hovered over you. You got close to Ellie’s home and shook those thoughts away, mumbling a quick prayer to yourself so you would stay strong and stay on track.
You knocked on Ellie’s door and waited for her to open it. You heard shuffling inside and then the knob turned, revealing Ellie in a tank top and jeans. You looked down at her exposed tattoo then back up at her face. She wore a shit-eating grin as she stepped aside to let you in. You brushed past her, throwing yourself on her couch in irritation.
“What’s wrong?” asked Ellie, coming to sit next to you. “Mad that I didn’t say hi earlier? Is that it?”
You scooted away from her and refused to look at her. “No,” you muttered.
“Aw, talk to me, pretty girl.” 
She reached out to grab your thigh but you smacked her hand away. You stood up and towered over Ellie, glaring at her sweet face. “I-I came here originally to tell you that maybe we shouldn’t have sex again!” you declared. Ellie leaned back, an amused look on her face. “I told myself that I would wait for marriage. My virginity was important to me, Ellie.”
“So… you’re upset that you had sex before being married?” questioned Ellie, still looking entertained about what you were saying.
“I was at first! I prayed and cried, begging God to forgive me. Mostly prayed that He’d forgive me for blaspheming Him. But now I feel stupid for losing my virginity to you,” you explained bitterly.
Ellie frowned. “You didn’t enjoy last night?” she asked in a mocking tone.
“You don’t want me. You’re talking to Cat again! And I’m angry that I was a fool to think you really wanted me. You just wanted in my pants so that you could say you made the good Christian girl go back on her morals, made her give herself to you completely! Just another thing to brag to your friends about.”
Ellie broke out into laughter. “This is about me having lunch with Cat?” She almost couldn’t believe it. You were jealous and assuming something was going on between her and Cat all because you saw them two together.
“Well, you’re sleeping with her again aren’t you?”
“No,” Ellie scoffed. “Who put that idea in your head anyway? Dina?”
“When I left the party, what happened?”
Ellie felt like she was being tested. She hated feeling that way. She only fucked you once and you were already testing her as if you two were in a relationship.
“Cat came by and we talked,” Ellie replied honestly.
“Dina said y’all left the party for a couple minutes.”
“Exactly! I wouldn’t even say a couple minutes, it was probably less than a minute.”
“What did she want?”
“Really? Why does it matter?”
“I can’t sleep with you if you’re sleeping with her too,” you said.
“You’re gonna feel really stupid when I tell you why we met up today.”
You groaned, frustrated that Ellie was making you feel this way. You wished you ghosted her instead. If she wanted her ex, fine. But she was an idiot to think she could still fuck you on the side.
“She wanted advice on how to ask out the girl she’s been seeing.”
Ellie watched as your face turned red in embarrassment.
“You feel stupid, huh?” she teased, smirking at your mortified expression.
“Don’t,” you scolded. “Don’t even… don’t go back to that or I’ll leave.”
“I’m not being mean, baby. I’m stating a fact. C’mere… I know you’re sorry. I forgive you.”
You walked over to her, your knees almost touching hers as she sat up and brushed her fingers along your arms.
“I like that you were jealous. I like that you felt dumb for assuming shit. That’s all you are, my dumb puppy,” she spoke in a low raspy voice. She actually didn’t enjoy that you had gotten jealous. All you were to her was a fucktoy. Jealousy ruins her fun. Ellie decided to let it slide for the night, wanting nothing more than to fuck you until all you can say is a string of apologies for thinking bad of her.
You pulled your arms away, sighing at the loss of her touch but wanting to stand your ground.
“I am sorry, Ellie. But it doesn’t change the fact that we shouldn’t have sex anymore. I wanted to wait until marriage and I want to wait until marriage to have sex again. I messed up once and it’s okay but I cannot sin this way again.”
Ellie hummed, her finger lifting up your shirt slightly to stick it in the hem of your jeans. She slid it across your skin, looking up as your breathing got faster.
“But it felt so good to sin, didn’t it, baby?” she cooed.
“I refuse to confess that to you. God has already forgiven me. I mean it.”
“Then make me stop.”
Ellie started to unbutton your pants, sliding them down around your ankles. She chuckled at the sight of your soaked panties. “You want this as much as I do,” she taunted.
You watched as she pulled them back up. “But if you really don’t want to… well, I won’t make you. But it makes me sad. I had so much planned for tonight.”
You fought with yourself internally as a part of you was desperate for her to take them off again and touch you. You hadn’t moved an inch, not even to button your jeans up. They were falling down slowly, too slow for your liking.
You knew it was wrong but decided it would be okay. All of your friends do it and they’re good people. You truly believed that there was no way that they would go to hell for having sex. They were the best friends you ever had. You never judged them for it so why would they judge you?
You hesitated before you spoke up. “W-What did you have planned?”
Ellie smirked devilishly. She knew you’d give in if she made you feel bad about it. While she realized it was wrong, she didn’t care because things were going her way.
“Follow me,” she demanded. She stood up and you walked after her, feeling nervous but in a good way. Ellie stepped inside her room and you admired the walls. There were so many posters and trinkets scattered over her dressers. In one corner of the room, she had a desk with papers all over it and a guitar next to it. Ellie was digging through her closet as you inched closer to read the papers. Before you could pick one up, Ellie dropped something which startled you. You spun around to see her eyeing you closely. She had thrown something back in the closet on purpose to gain your attention. She shook her head no, her eyes squinted into a glare. You backed away from her desk, choosing to sit on the bed instead.
“Atta girl,” Ellie complimented. She made her way over to the bed with a box. She placed it in front of you on the floor and you peeked in, gasping. 
“You’re gonna use all of that on me?”
She chuckled. “No, I want you to pick.”
“To put inside me?”
“For me to wear so I can fuck you properly,” she explained, her voice soft and almost condescending. She knew you had no idea what she meant and how she was going to use it. “Do you see this? It’s a harness,” she continued, holding it up to show you. “I wear it over my boxers and I’ll have whichever one you pick attached to it.”
You looked back in the box and started going through it, picking up different ones and making a face before putting it back in. “These are too big, Ellie,” you admitted. “I think it’ll hurt too much.”
“It’s supposed to hurt the first time, honey. Do you want me to take out the smallest one I have?”
You nodded and slid the box over to her. She reached in and grabbed one, passing it over to you. “It’s five and a half inches long,” she said. “Pretty average. Thick enough but not too thick. Is this okay?”
“It’s okay. Please be gentle, though,” you begged.
“What, you really think I’d be rough on you? I’m not gonna do that until you’re used to it, dummy. I’ll be real slow and gentle until you say otherwise. Although, I’ll probably keep it slow. Not sure if you deserve to be fucked hard. You did come in here accusing me of bullshit earlier.”
You pouted at Ellie, feeling that it was unfair for her to bring it up. Your pout went away though as you watched her take her shirt off. Your eyes followed her hands as she slowly unbuckled her belt and pulled it out of the loops. She shoved her jeans off and stepped out of them. Ellie walked over to you, smirking as you stared at her in awe. “Give it,” she whispered. You handed her the dildo. “Take off your clothes, pup. You wanna be ready for me once this is put together, don’t you?”
You obliged, standing up to discard your clothes as fast as you could. Ellie laughed softly at your desperation. You were completely naked by the time the strap was ready. Ellie stepped closer to you as you pushed yourself further up on the bed. You laid back on the pillow, Ellie now hovering over you. “Such a needy girl,” she murmured. “You’re so desperate for my cock, aren’t you?”
“Yes, Ellie,” you breathed. She looked down at your pussy, gliding her fingers along your thighs.
“I could touch you,” she began. “But do you really deserve that?”
“Y-You bullied me for years, Els, do you deserve to fuck me?” you said slightly above a whisper. You realized what you had said as Ellie’s face twisted into an expression of annoyance. “I-I didn’t mean it-”
“You meant it,” she interrupted. “You want to be a brat now baby? Now you really have to prove how sorry you are.”
“I am sorry!” you whined. You reached up to touch her but she smacked your hand away.
“I’m pissed because I can’t fuck you how I want to. If you continue to act like a brat by the time you’re adjusted to my cock, I’ll fuck the attitude right out of you. I’ll make a mess of you. A braindead little bitch with an aching cunt, crying because I won’t let you cum no matter how much you beg. Got it?”
You nodded, her threats turning you on even more. You liked when she called you a good girl but you also enjoyed the side of her that was angry with you. You couldn’t wait until you got used to getting fucked with a strap so that she could do whatever she wanted with you.
“Use your words,” she demanded.
“I got it, Ellie.”
“Good girl. You want me to continue?”
“Yes please,” you answered.
“God, you’re so beautiful when you’re like this,” said Ellie, going back to being soft and sweet with you. She began to press the tip of her dick to your clit, a soft gasp escaping your lips. “Does that feel good, pup?”
“Mhm!” you moaned in agreement. “S’ good, Ellie!”
“Do you want more or do you want me to put it in?”
“In,” you responded eagerly. 
“You’re sure?”
“I’m sure.”
“If you need me to stop or go slower or anything like that, tell me,” she said as she lined her cock up with your entrance. “Are you ready?”
You nodded. Ellie leaned closer so that her face was right in front of yours to watch your reaction. She slowly pushed into you, making you yelp in pain.
“Sh, just like that baby,” Ellie whispered in a raspy voice. “It’s okay. You can take it.”
Ellie kept it inside you for a few seconds so you could adjust to the feeling before she started to thrust into you gently. You whined in both pain and pleasure, loving the feeling of Ellie’s strap inside of you.
“Good girl, you’re taking it so well.”
Ellie kissed you softly as you wrapped your arms around her. Your nails dug into her back, scratching her with every thrust. Ellie rolled her hips at a steady pace, talking you through it until you reached down and tugged at her waist.
“You want more baby?”
“Please, go harder.”
Ellie went harder but still kept the slow pace, watching as your eyes squeezed shut from how good it felt. “Fuck,” Ellie moaned, the sound of your wet pussy making her throb. “You feel good, pup? Is your cunt adjusting well to my cock? Hm?”
“Yes,” you whimpered. “I-I want you to go-to go faster, Els. Please!”
Ellie grinned at your pleading and sped up, hitting all the right spots inside of you. You moaned louder, gripping Ellie’s shoulders and crying out her name.
“Yeah? You like that, honey? Tell me how good it feels,” said Ellie between grunts.
“Fuck it feels s-so good! I’m about to cum, please let me cum!” you begged.
“Such a good little slut, asking for permission. Cum for me like the good girl you are, my good girl,” Ellie growled.
She plunged deeper into you and faster, watching your face as you squealed and whined. Your orgasm took over your body, making you scream out Ellie’s name. Ellie slowed down as you trembled beneath her.
“Atta girl,” she praised. 
She pulled out of you and laid back on the bed beside you, turning on her side to watch you catch your breath.
“Was that okay? Did I hurt you?”
You looked over at her and shook your head. “It stung at first but I got used to it. It felt really good,” you uttered between breaths.
“Good, I got a bit too carried away at the end but you seemed to enjoy it.”
You giggled. “Yeah, I did like it when you were rougher.”
“Noted,” Ellie said as she reached over to her drawer, opening it and pulling out an already rolled blunt. She lit it up and offered it to you but you declined.
“I can barely think, Ellie.”
Ellie shrugged and puffed on it, blowing it out away from you. “Suit yourself, doll.”
“Can I ask you something?”
Ellie nodded. “I was wondering… if maybe you could teach me how to touch you?”
“No,” Ellie said almost too quickly. “I can get myself off when you leave. You can stay until I finish this.”
“Oh, I’m not staying the night?”
Ellie shook her head no. You sighed, realizing that you had to walk home with weak legs.
“Why won’t you teach me?” 
“Teach you what?”
“Um, teach me how to touch you? I don’t think it’s fair I cum and you don’t,” you stated.
“I don’t do that unless I’m in a relationship with that person.”
“Well, something will come out of this probably so you might as well show me now!” you said as you laughed. You saw the confused expression Ellie made, your smile faltering. “I mean, it is going to, isn’t it?”
“It’s going to what?”
You sighed in frustration, getting mad that Ellie was playing dumb. You knew her better than that. Ellie was a smart girl but would fight her way out of admitting something she didn’t want to. You raised up and grabbed your clothes, suddenly feeling embarrassed and nauseous. “I feel so stupid,” you whispered to yourself. “I should just go.”
“Hey, I want you to stay until I finish my joint so I can walk you out.”
“Such a gentleman, Ellie,” you spat back sarcastically.
“What was that? Did I not just let you cum on my cock after you insulted me earlier? I wasn’t going to let you but I did out of kindness. You should watch your tone with me, church girl, because I won’t be so nice next time.”
“You’re fucking me but don’t plan on having anything with me at some point?” you asked as you stood up. You tumbled a bit due to how shaky your legs were but you tried your best to not let it show. “You could’ve told me.”
Ellie scoffed. “I’m just havin’ fun. I didn’t realize you would want this to be a relationship.”
“I assumed you knew because of how I am. I’m a Christian who dates to marry,” you argued.
“Right, just like you assumed I was fucking Cat again all because you saw us sitting together. Relax, I don’t know where this will go. I like fucking you and I plan on fucking you as often as I can. Not if you’re gonna let your feelings get in the way, though.”
You rolled your eyes and started to get dressed. Ellie continued to smoke her joint while she observed you. “I already know you’re gonna say this is the last time,” Ellie continued. “But you’ll come back. I know you will. I think you need me.”
“What I need is to go home and sleep. I also need you to leave me alone,” you mumbled.
“When I show up to your door tomorrow night, are you really gonna turn me away?”
“Bye, Ellie,” you said as you started to walk away.
“Wait,” Ellie stood up and put her joint out. She slid out of the harness and threw it on the bed, grabbing her tank top and shoving it on as she chased after you. You were almost at the door when she jogged in front of you, opening it for you. “I’ll see you tomorrow, pup,” she said in a teasing tone.
“Fuck you.”
You walked out, Ellie still at the door to watch you go. “You’re gonna regret that tomorrow!”
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tired-duckling · 2 months
Y’all i have big brain energy rn but….
imagine ur fav wbb player is your girlfriend and begs you for sexy polaroid pics so when she plays at away games she has something to look at
or even better, ur part of the staff that handles your favorite team which is how you met ur wbb player gf and to help motivate her, before a game you would give her a sexy polaroid pic of you and you bet your ass she plays better bc of it, considers it her lucky charm at this point
edit: tysm for the likes and reblogs!! but i want to add a lil sum sum for my fellow brain rots WAHAHAHAHAHA
for the nika x paige x reader girlies or the fans of polyamory in wbb: they would trade cards or would challenge each other during training for their top picks of the sexy polaroids. treating them like the best playing cards ever. if you all live together, the polaroids are considered barter to get out of chores 😝🤭
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rachreads · 1 year
y’all remember that adult job i said i was getting? well, i got it so the bruhl shrine has received a massive upgrade. >:)
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more pics and artist links below ;)))
The shelf itself is an IKEA Milsbow with four Mittled LED cabinet lights on the underside of every shelf to give it some light. I did have to drill a hole in the bottom self to feed some cords though, but other than that it was pretty simple to put together! :D
The framed The King's Man (2021) poster on the left was a freebie that I got for attending the opening night showing of the movie! I was the only person in the theater with my friend, so we nabbed about seven of 'em and handed them out to fellow Bruhl and Kingsman appreciators in our friend grounp.
The All the King's Men poster underneath isn't Bruhl related, but it was a gift from another friend who knows how much I like the Kingsman movie series. I also have a Kingsman shrine in my living room (and a Talking Heads shrine, and a Re-Animator shrine, and a Vladmir Nobokov shrine.... i am so completely normal).
Everything below reads left to right, I'll try to include links to artists where I can!
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Comic books in the back are issues 2-4 of Thunderbolts presents Zemo: Born Better (which isn't canon to the MCU, and honestly is not my favorite, but the cover art looks cool lol) and the first collected volume of the original Thunderbolts run.
The black picture frames on the left are a sticker set from @injureddreams on their Etsy store and can be found here! The keychain in the golden frame on the right is also from their store, and is sadly sold out :(, but the store page is here.
Speaking of keychains, I have two on order from Noble Demons that are currently getting bounced around in my campus mail system that will go in those empty spots in the frame. Those two can be found here and here.
The funko pop on the left is the limited edition dancing Zemo from the Collector Corps subscription box (although you can find them resold on Amazon and the like for ~20 bucks), and the funko pop on the right is the regular Zemo pop from the FATWS line from 2021. These are also on sale for around ~10 bucks on Amazon.
The figpin in the very middle is the MCU Zemo pin from the FATWS line that was released in 2021.
The plush in the very middle was actually made by me :D. You can find the pattern on Etsy here, but if you're curious about the specific yarns used, you can check out my ravelry posts about it here.
And finally, the enamel pins in the golden frame on the right are from ChingonPinz on Etsy, but unfortunately are not sold anymore.
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The DVD/Bluray collection on the left has German imports of Schule (2000) and Lessons of a Dream (2011), as well as American DVDs/Blurays of Deeply, The Edukators, Lila Lila, Inglourious Basterds, and The Cloverfield Paradox. Civil War bluray on the right is also a US release.
Special attention called to the Good Bye Lenin DVD on the left, which is the US Special Edition that has director's and actor's commentary tracks, including one with Daniel on it! Geez, if only someone were to rip those tracks and upload them to the internet. Maybe in a masterlist on a pinned post. Maybe at the top of their blog. That would be crazy hahahahahaha.
The magazine in the back is the European version of Issue 46 of The Rake, which contains the amazing and wonderful photoshoot that can be seen in this post here. (pinkie promise i did not spend $200 on that, I got it on eBay for like 20$)
The art board print in the middle is from rindelamater on Redbubble and can be found here.
The Good Bye Lenin Blu-Ray that is laying on the bottom of the shelf is an import from South Korea, and is actually the only region A blu-ray of GBL in existence since there has been no re-release in the US. I imported mine from eBay, although I think I have seen a few floating around on other sites.
Good Bye Lenin and Inglourious Basterds CD scores are pretty common, I don't think I need to explain those.
The plushie of Zeems on the right is from RedCapStore on etsy and can be found here. This was actually a gift from a friend and I hold it very dear to my heart. :)
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The Laszlo Brainrot begins.
Angel of Darkness and Surrender, New York on the left are US mass market paperbacks. Super easy to find. :)
The framed art print in the very middle is my very favorite drawing from @pannypunkpanda's 365 day art challenge from last year! You can find this specific one on their RedBubble shop here.
The rest of the items on this shelf (including the custom Leuchtturm1917 Journal on the left *drool*) are from a PR box that was released for TNT's version of The Alienist: Angel of Darkness in 2020. In anticipation for the season, an online murder mystery party was held and journalists recieved a box of props that acted as clues for the mystery. There's an article covering the online event linked here for those curious. I managed to snag a box from a reseller on eBay for around 60 bucks, although that was the first and only time I have ever seen it available. :(
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The box on the very bottom right is the mailing box that the murder mystery props from the shelf above all came in.
The board game on the left is a custom box and game that was only given out to the cast and crew of the first or second season of the Alienist iirc and is not easily available on the market. I, again, picked mine up from a reseller on eBay, but it's pretty hard to find.
The book in the middle is the tie-in edition of The Alienist by Caleb Carr, which is completely annotated and highlighted to shit by your's truly. :)
The picture frame on the right again has stickers from @pannypunkpanda's RedBubble shop linked here, and another sticker in the very middle from Elizabeth Ryan Shepard's RedBubble shop linked here.
And that's it! I may make another list with my holy grail items that I'm still on the lookout for but honestly I might just like to gatekeep those. It might make my chances of finding them better oops.
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yawntu · 2 years
𝖜𝖊𝖑𝖈𝖔𝖒𝖊 𝖙𝖔 𝖒𝖞 𝖇𝖑𝖔𝖌
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About the Author
My names Mazi, but you can call me whatever. I was raised in a multi language household so English sometimes blurs for me if you can’t tell- don’t feel bad pointing out grammar or spelling mistakes. I use grammarly but i’m so used to having a real person to edit my stuff lol. I was convinced I was a lesbian my whole life but have a bf now so i’m confident in my ability to write mxf and fxf. I am going to get more comfortable with mxm though so I can make male!reader versions of my fics more realistically so everyone can thirst here.
I am a writer by nature (which means y’all can clown me when I post unedited things). I actually hate writing in second person and it’s my weak point (hence the blog). I am in university for history so I like to think I can write with a passable rate of literacy but I smoke weed and then post these bitches soooo. As I have a specialized field of study which means I am regularly working on actual journals and articles but I promise I will still try to post semi often.
Okay now the important part, how can you guys send requests to me or just thirst!!! I’m really using this as a fun way to help my writing get better. Some ground rules:
Ask box is not open rn but will be!! Submit anything within my guidelines listed below!!! I can not promise everything will be a full fledged fic but you’re 100% getting at least a little drabble essay. NSFW and SFW welcome
If you wanna attach like aesthetic pics / music to your request so I can fit the vibe you want better feel free
I will write for most characters though it may take me a few tries to try and characterize the person right.
I will probably end up being mostly a smut blog bc that’s what everyone wants but i’m still really interested in writing slice of life, fluff, or even angst (I am a sucker for happy endings though).
I’m more interested in na’vi x na’vi (or avatar) but I probably wouldn’t be opposed to na’vi x human every once and while. Just worried about portraying something like that accurately / safely possible anatomically.
I’m very interested in maybe world building the canon world of Avatar based on historical / anthropological facts I’m familiar with on Earth so ppl who request questions about life on Pandora or what living as a Na’vi is like for me to write about are getting a big kiss on the head
Important Rules
Ageless blogs and minors don’t interact with me i’ll block you lmao
I am comfortable with darker topics and kinks but I’m not interested in writing anything illegal or dangerous. Knife play, sure. Things like vore and shit? Absolutely not I will kink shame here. This is not a safe place.
Though i’m interested in the 2009 Avatar i will write for WOW characters as well
I’m begging y’all to not send me the same shit you send everyone else I see the same people asking for the same three scenarios
I put research into my fics so pls be patient with my postings, on top of that like I said I have an actual job I have to write for so be patient with my fried little brain
If you’re in my shit complaining about aged!up characters you are chronically online and you should go out and help real people who need it instead. You’re arguing over fictional 8 foot tall people from another planet that could rip your head off your shoulders with no effort- get a hobby. Even a cringy one like this is better than being that tone deaf.
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wildermouse · 2 years
Anything new lately? How are you?
ahh !!!
so like in life, nothing has really changed. my sister is back home for now and it’s been good hanging out with her. feel like i’ve really been bonding with my sisters this past year and it’s been nice.
i did, however, go to a Lights concert (my 7th or 8th one i think) and i held her hand (again) and it was amazing but what was even more amazing is that i dressed in a STATEMENT outfit (will post pics) and it was revealing and it was HOT and i felt GOOD and i got so hyped up by everyone even my MOM who only scolded me bc apparently i shouldn’t have been wearing any underwear with the pants i was wearing 💀💀 (pls mom they matched my top it was a good look (you’ll see)) and my friend & i went to a taphouse beforehand and got a couple drinks (i haven’t drank with anyone in SO LONG) and i got a little tipsy and we laughed SO much and it was healing and then i got two more drinks at the concert so i was feeling GOOD and i initiated conversation with this group of girls beside us and we mingled groups and i was so confident and talkative and flirty like oh my fuck i told them i was in my slut era and then my mom said she’s in hers too 💀 which they all loved and two of them at one point ran their nails across my scalp and the back of my neck and when i tell you i melted. jfc. in the middle of the club in a crowd at a concert. pls. and then i asked if anyone liked hugs bc i need a hug and this very tall hot woman volunteered and she held me dude. she fucking held me for a solid couple minutes and it was amazing. and then i hugged my sister and it made her emosh bc i don’t do that. there’s more to the night but oh my god it was just so fucking good. one of my favourite nights for sure. and the best part is i DON’T REGRET IT!! i almost always regret everything i do/say after i drink not bc i do anything bad it’s just that it makes my social anxiety fuck off so i’m more outgoing and vocal than usual. but nah, i was who i want to be. i’m growing.
i have TRAVEL PLANS !! my wifey is coming to visit at the end of next month and we’re gonna road trip!! gonna be so good i’ve been wanting to do this particular trip with her forever. then the rest of the plans are still up in the air but i’ll be going back to europe in the summer, and MAYBE in spring for a big tattoo but i’m thinking of postponing that til at least next year.
might move in w my mom spring-summer and start horseback riding again but that’s so complicated bc i’ve gotta take care of my sisters animals while she’s at work hhhh
i joined a warrior nun discord and have been making friends on there and it’s been sooo nice. i like actually have people to talk to. + the warrior nun fight is going so well and i love actually being an active part of the fight. y’all go watch warrior nun i s2g
idk like not a lot is currently happening but my mental state has been SO good since the beginning of the year. i think i was so burnt out for so long i needed last year to just.. lay down and do nothing. and it sucked, but i feel a lot better now. i feel motivated and i really wanna figure life stuff out. it’s hard bc it’s not all up to me but i’m working on it.
tomorrow is my birthday and instead of sulking away alone in my room i’m actually going out and bringing my friend with me and going to buy myself little birthday treats and getting tattoos and i reached out to people i haven’t seen in a long time and they’re hopefully joining me for board games and it’s just nice. the fact that i’m allowing myself to be happy on my birthday, to try and let myself feel worthy of others’ attention and time, to not beat myself up about wasting another year, so actually want to be seen. i think it says a lot about my mental state and i don’t remember the last time i’ve felt like this for longer than 10 minutes before the guilt sets in
so yeah. i’m good. i’m really good. or at least i’m starting to be <3
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mousehold-projects · 2 years
Fleshing The Hide
Okay so. We started skinning the deer - named Sally, by the way - the evening we shot her, and finished that process at about 8pm. After that, I was ready for bed, and it was cold and dark, and I had no idea what the process is to tan or preserve a hide, so the next day I started the attempts at tanning.
I’ll be honest with y’all. I did, like, an hour or two of research into what I’m supposed to do, and am kind of doing a mish-mash of what I found online. I’ve never done this before, so I have no idea if it will work out.
I'm gonna put the rest of this below the cut, it gets a bit gorey. Tumblr's also decided to be awful about the pictures; these were taken portrait mode on my phone, so I have no idea why tumblr things they should be landscape on here.
Anyways. Started trying to flesh the hide (the process of taking the rest of the meat, fat, and membranes off) using my hunting knife and a small table, since I don’t have a hide rack or fleshing knife. It uh…didn’t go particularly well. (knife is supposed to be at the top of the pic, if you're wondering what the hell the orientation on this is supposed to be).
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But then Dad made me a better set up, with a clamp and flat board at a 45° angle and a chisel of all things, and that worked a lot better.
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So after a fuckton of work - probably about five hours total, partly because of my set up and partly because I don’t know what the hell I am doing - she was all fleshed! Or at least as good as I could make her.
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I'll be honest. I have no idea if I got enough of the membrane and fat off. Nothing online was super helpful about how deep to go, except for "so you can see the pores". There are some spots on her that don't show the pores, but I also can't really peel off more of the membrane without the proper tools.
If I haven't gotten enough off, this might start to rot. In which case, we go Route 2, and salt the everloving hell out of the thing and call it a day.
Now, theoretically, you're supposed to stitch up holes as best you can. I did not have anything with which to do that. I tried, with a needle and thread I found, but wound up bending the needle in two places, so that…didn't really work out. Hopefully it's not a problem down the line?
If I do this again, which I think I will, eventually, since this will either work and be cool as hell and then I have fur to work with or show off or whatever, or it won't work and then I'll want to try again to make it work, I'm going to make sure I have the proper tools. Not sure if I can get them and store them at Dad's house, but we'll see.
You can see the entrance and exit wounds by the blood (exit wound is the large patch in the bottom right, entrance is the smaller circle to the left of that. The exit wound is significantly bigger - especially when we looked at the underlying ribcage damage. Bullets do a lot of damage, folks!). She was also dirty and bloody from where I’d been mandhandling her, so the next step was a bath!
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jes12321 · 2 years
Scooby Doo Character Outfit Design Slideshow Thing
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Very preppy, very soft girl. Lots of purple and green. I especially enjoy the pic toward the bottom right with the headband. It just gives me Daphne vibes. And the bottom middle (purple two piece with the skirt) seems like the closest to what she wears in canon. With I could have gotten some more range in the purple colors, but apparently preppy soft girls only wear pastel, so.
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Preppy again, but with a slightly sporty touch. I liked the idea of collared shirts under sweaters bc that’s what he wears in the show. Also checkered sweater vests. Just gives me the right vibes. Especially the orange and blue one on the top middle. Wish I could have gotten more orange in here, but y’all have no idea how hard it is to find aesthetic outfit pics for guys. Seriously.
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Academia aesthetic. Not necessarily light or dark, just academia. Maybe even chaotic academia, but I’m not sure. Lots of warm tones (especially orange). I loved the suede on the bottom middle. Just seems like something she would wear to prom or something. I think the top middle is the most true to the original, but I actually like the bottom right better for her everyday outfit. Just very much sweaters and slacks and skirts and sneakers.
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Skater boy, grunge aesthetic. I’ve been told that this is actually too fashionable for shaggy, which is fair. Lots of green, bots of oversized clothes and layers. I liked the brown pants in the top middle for his everyday pants, but I also liked the green pants in the bottom right. And the fit in toward the top left, again, reminded me of him going to a more formal event where the gang forces him to dress up somewhat. But just comfy, oversized, easy clothes.
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For Scoob I went for more of what they would do in a live-action situation. I really like the two on the right. I think the more matte one would work better just because it’s more true to the source material, but I do like the character that the shiny one has. The one on the left is another option, but I feel like it’d be a bit difficult to do in live-action.
Anyway, hope you all enjoyed!
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if i was your boyfriend
feat: iwaizumi, matsukawa, kyōtani, oikawa; gn!reader
notes: established relationships, fluff, mild cursing, 1.1k words
links: fukurōdani
hajime iwaizumi
“Babe”, “Baby”, “Little Monster”, “Brat”
Godzilla movie marathons
Teasing the hell out of Oikawa together, then proceeding to beat the literal crap out of Oikawa when he flirts with you
Matching pins, keychains, necklaces, bracelets, etc.
Kisses on your cheeks and the crown of your head
Secret make out seshs in the club room and classroom
I use the word “secret” very loosely because literally the entire teams knows what y’all are doing in there mostly because half of them have walked in on you two tangled in more ways than one
For the life of him, no matter how hard he tries, he can NOT say no to you
Like, he would wear a friggin’ maid’s outfit with cat ears if you asked him………Okay, but why is that lowkey a concept Like……you see it right???
At the same time, he will try to keep you from doing something stupid or that could end up with you hurt
Likes taking showers with you, morning or night. He’ll do everything from wash your hair to apply lotion for you afterwards
Man just loves to take care of you, okay? Just let him take care of you, OKAY!?
It’s not that he doesn’t like being affectionate in public, it’s more so that he can’t stop blushing when being affectionate in public *cough* Oikawa, Matsukawa, and Hanamaki *cough*
No matter how early you wake up, he will be up before you. Don’t ask me how, I have no clue either
Boy is your personal chauffeur, drivin’ you anywhere at anytime for any reason It could be something stupid like McD’s or whatever at friggin’ 4 in the morning
He will haul his ass outta bed and grab his keys so he can pick you up and take you. Just know you owe him cuddles in return.....and maybe some french fries
If you like to work out or want to start, he’ll try and like subtly hint that you guys could work out together
If you say no, he won’t be too hurt.
But if you say yes, he is lowkey excited He’s a very playful yet serious gym buddy, I just know it. Gettin’ fit while bein’ flirty ;)
issei matsukawa
“Bumper Butt”, “Sugar Tits” (even for the mascs), “Sweet Cheeks”, “Prince/Princess/Majesty”
Late night drives, whether you’re going to a fast food restaurant for midnight munchies, or just driving around blasting music
Rests his head on your butt when you’re on your stomach, then stomach when you’re on your back
Slaps (and grabs) your ass, any place, any time, around anyone
Kisses on your collarbone and stomach
Send you memes at 3AM, half of which are cursed and the other half make literally no sense at all
Biggest library of inside jokes that you guys keep track of and somehow know the meaning of every single one???
Furthermore, the team is absolutely terrified when the two of you burst out cackling to yourselves
His humor is so dark and so dirty, you have questioned his mental stability a concerning amount of times
You have a folder dedicated to the shirtless/bathroom/gym/etc. pics he sends you
He has TWO folders dedicated to you: One for the cute candid pics, and one for the blurry shitty pics
If you ask him something, even if he hears you perfectly clear, he’ll say in a very obnoxious tone “Huh?” or “What?”
He hides his hands under your top and rubs his thumbs on your hips and stomach
He does that hot thing where he’ll tilt his head to the side and lean closer where his face is inches from yours so he can hear better
He also does that other hot thing where he stands in the doorway with his hands on the top of the door frame and his shirt rides up and you can see his happy trail and it’s just...a heavenly sight
Pulls you into his lap, arms secured firmly around your waist, and holds you there for however long he deems reasonable
So a couple of hours, typically
Walks around the apartment/house barefoot and wearing low hanging sweats and either a.) a tank or b.) shirtless
24/7 bedhead that doesn’t look like bedhead...?
Wanna do his makeup? Make him (more) beautiful. Nails? Any color, rainbow if you want. Skincare routine? He’ll grab the masks
Hands…………what, you think there’s more?
kentaro kyōtani
“Puppy”, “Brat”, “Dumbass”
Not every nickname is aggressive...just the majority of them :)
Buries his face in your shoulder and neck, then chomps your shoulder like a little shark. He’s careful not to hurt you when doing so
That being said, he also marks you with hickeys and bites as a way to respectfully say “Mine”
He’s basically extremely possessive over you
Literally glares at anyone who dares even look in your direction, then promptly tries to start a fight with them if they make you uncomfortable
Kisses pressed fleetingly to your lips and on the back of your neck
He is super touch starved, but way too shy to ask for affection
Hold his face in your hands, just do it. His eyes will glisten with tears, but he’ll nuzzle his cheeks into your palms to hide his blush
Now he randomly takes your hands and places them on his face while kissing (and nibbling) your palms
On a similar vein, the first time you cuddled, he became addicted. He was stiff at first, but quickly melted into you and squeezed you like a teddy bear
When he tries to compliment you or give you a gift or etc., he’ll become super nervous and flustered and mumble to himself
Senpai Iwaizumi is basically his teacher when it comes to about every aspect of your relationship
That’s not to say he won’t talk to you about things, just that he feels less nervous to talk about date ideas or kissing with Iwaizumi
He actually once made the mistake of going to Oikawa for advice…………never again
tōru oikawa
“(My) Star”, “ (My) Starlight”, “ (My) Universe”, “Little Cutie”
Takes you stargazing and on dates to planetariums
Whines to you when Iwa-chan beats him up, then whines even more if you beat him up and/or tease him about being a baby
Kisses along your jaw and on the corners of your mouth
Favorite thing to do is fluster you and he is damn good at, though honestly sometimes he can get really cheesy and cringey with it
If you are apart for long periods of time, he becomes super lonely
The second he gets to see you, he tackles and smothers you with all the love he can give
The amount of pictures he has of himself nearly outweighs the amount of pictures he has of you which is saying something because he has a lot of you
He is the clingiest boy of all time, like, damn near Bokuto levels of clingy. If you try and pry him off of you, he will become so whiny and pouty and just grip you tighter
Half the time you just throw your hands up in defeat
Also like Bokuto, he absolutely loves having his hair played with, especially when he’s cuddled with his head on your chest
His hair is so fluffy and so soft, like how can you not???
consider liking/reblogging if you enjoyed :)
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Imma tell y’all something funny that happened to me yesterday and today cuz I simply cannot get over it. I talked about West Side Story being a remake and how it’s not supposed to outdo the original on my twitter as well. Tell me why a mutual of mine was basically like “it’s automatically better than the original cuz actual Latinos are playing latino characters. We also have a Latina playing Maria, which is better cuz Natalie Wood was a White Russian woman.” I agreed cuz it’s true…The Natalie Wood fans found the post.🤣🤣🤣
This one commenter in particular was…ion even know what to call them. Last night they made a comment and was like “Your bio says your 22 and Black. You don’t look Black. You don’t even look mixed.” I thought they were talking about a pic that I have pinned which is clearly me using a Snapchat filter and sitting under a lamp🧍🏾‍♀️. Still not enough to even make me look mixed. I wasn’t even gon entertain it tho. Told them I was clearly black and went to sleep. I wake up to see that they responded. Come to find out…They were talking about my pfp WHICH WAS A PICTURE OF JIN FROM MOTHERFREAKING BTS! B TO THE T TO THE FREAKING S. WORLD WIDE HANDSOME. KIM SEOKJIN. I-I was stunned and all I could do was laugh, but to top it all off somebody else commented. Another Natalie Wood fan who is now blocked for their usage of the word “blacks” and saying Black ppl can’t stan BTS. ANYWAYS…they responded to the other clearly not smart person saying “He’s a BTS fan so it makes sense blah blah blah.” Are y’all this simple??? Please make it make sense! How you gon misgender me AND be stupid????? PICK A STRUGGLE 🤣🤣🤣🤣
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bukunmiakintola20 · 3 years
Mixer Night ♪((└|o^▽^o|┐))
Hey cuties~
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I’ve been itching a bit to do a blog post and here it is! It’s been sorta hectic since school work + material I had to do increased but that’s mostly settled for now. At least temporarily (-”-; Exams are looming around the corner too which is just so stressful to think about (⋟﹏⋞) Anyways, here is what y’all have been waiting for, pics from the mixer!!
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My makeup is totally めっちゃくちゃやばっ right? I felt so accomplished when I finished (^~^) I actually didn’t have the energy to take off my make up once I got back so I just went straight to bed… When I woke up I noticed I had makeup on and instinctively I took of my top and bottom lashes before realizing I forgot to take photos (个_个) So my hair was better done and I had bottom lashes too but I geuss that’ll just be something only I’ll get to appreciate lmao 😂
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The mixer was a great experience ヽ(•̀ω•́ )ゝ✧ I met a few people but I forgot to ask most of them for their SNS bc I was tipsy (✧≖‿ゝ≖) Out of the people I talked to, there were three that definitely peaked my interest that I got their SNS/contact info + they were in the year above me which is so good ⁺✧.(˃̶ ॣ⌣ ॣ˂̶∗̀)ɞ⁾ Nothing will likely happen but who knows ya know? Anyways that all for now.
See ya next time ❤️‍🔥
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introverted-sugar · 3 years
Ugh 😑
Heads up, this is a minor rant! Proceed with caution.
I feel like such a shit friend for what I’m about to express but I have to get this off of my chest because I have no one else to complain to. Also, I know I’m a great friend but I’m very particular about how I do things and I need to be at peace when I’m somewhere
So, my birthday is in a few days and I’m going to Miami/islamorada/key west for 10 days. I’ll be in Miami for 4 days with my girl best friend, and then “Travel daddy” the remainder of the trip.
So me and my best friend are similar in the sense of us being laid back and chill, we don’t do too much, when we go out we’re not twerking on table tops or fighting or any of that ratchet bullshit (now don’t get me wrong, you put the right song on and I’ll shake these cheeks but i just don’t like that type of attention, I sucked as a stripper 😂) But we are also VERY different. I like to try new things, eat at kind of fancy restaurants (if I’m paying, VERY fancy on a “mans” dime 💁🏽‍♀️) , I don’t like to go to clubs and if I do I’m definitely leaving early, lounge by the beach/pool, swim, snorkel, bike ride etc. So I’ve been trying to plan stuff for us to do but it’s hard because I have to take her into consideration (I’m used to traveling alone or with some man that’s trying to please me so I’m usually able to just do what I want )
Here is a list of grievances & concerns I have thus far:
1: She doesn’t really like sushi. Yes, that’s petty but I have dinner reservations the night of my birthday at a sushi place with a tasting menu. She said she was okay with going but eh idk, and then is she going to be cool with the price tag of the tasting menu? Any tasting I’ve ever done all the people at the table had to do the tasting menu
2: Piggy backing off of the first point, her sister is flying in the same day we are to help her friend that’s getting a BBL down there (😑, I’ll explain why I’m not a fan of her sister later) but we arrive at like 12, she’ll be arriving around 8 pm..the time I made reservations at the sushi spot. So earlier we were on the phone and she said “oh yeah such and such gets there around 8 I told her WE would come pick her up from the airport” Pause! WHO? Not I! I said “that’s the time our reservations are for” she was like “oh well she can just meet us there” 🤦🏽‍♀️ now remember I said I don’t do too much, I’m quiet and reserved. Her sister, not so much. She’s not about to embarrass me and she’s DEF not chilling at the hotel with her loud ass. My thing is, how tf you inviting people to MY birthday dinner. I honestly don’t wanna see her sister at all while we’re there, but I’m willing to meet her somewhere for an hour or so and then leave ✌🏽
(I don’t like her sister because the very first time I met her a couple years ago on NYE she basically got us involved in a literal BRAWL at a HOUSE PARTY in the heart of west philly of all places 😑 long story short the whole party beat her sisters ass for walking in and tAlking shit, and then Her sister stole someones whole car at the party, I guess when they were jumping her someone’s keys fell out of their pocket so she took the keys and figures out which car it belonged to and stole it, like it was just a ghetto ass mess)
3: She keeps asking me the same questions over and over. We have had this trip booked for MONTHS, literally, I like to be organized and plan shit out, but every week or so it’s “so where are we staying again” “how much is it” “do you think my hair will last if I get a frontal” to which I replied BITCH NEVER, just get braids or locs, of course she just got a sewin/frontal earlier…okay but I warned you sis😖. now mind you this will be her first time in Miami so she wasn’t really trying to pay the price (half) for the hotel I booked. I’ve been to Miami plenty of times on top of actually living there and there’s no better deal we’re going to get on south beach, with all the amenities that the hotel offers, I’m very good at planning and booking trips and finding the best deals so I was highly irritated when just a week before our trip shes tryna find cheaper places. I told her she can look but it needs to at least •be in south beach •be on collins/ocean drive and •have a pool (unless she could find an Airbnb). Y’all she sent me all these bullshit ass links to places in HOLLYWOOD (which I actually love but I said south beach…), Miami Gardens 🤮, and ft. Lauderdale and they didn’t have any amenities and were MORE money. In my head I was like “bruh nevermind we’re staying where we’re staying, you don’t need to do ANYMORE looking” 🙅🏽‍♀️
4: she doesn’t like the water or swimming. That’s the main reason I even go to Florida so often for the water, like literally. I’m not a fan of most beaches up north (Giants neck beach In CT Is awesome though, Maine has some nice ones too but it’s just so cold even on a very hot summer day, jersey has a few as well but mainly I like clear waters) So anyway, I wanted to book this snorkel/boat tour/key west tour but she doesn’t want to do it because 1: she doesn’t wanna snorkel but 2: we would have to leave at 6:30 am and she doesn’t get up until like 12 🙄 I feel like I’m limited as to what I can do
5: She still hasn’t sent me her half of the hotel fee and we leave Tuesday…it’s Saturday. She’s been saying “imma send it tomorrow” for like 2 weeks now and telling me about her car troubles
6: As I mentioned she wakes up late, which means she goes to bed late. The latest I go to bed is like 12 but when I’m on “vacation” I tend to drink more than I normally would so I go to sleep early. Shit when me and travel daddy went to all those vineyards I legit took naps mid day to keep up 😂 I’m worried she’s gonna keep me up like she did last month when I spent the night at her house, I was HIGHLY irritated and it was only one night
I’m seriously pondering why tf I thought this was a good idea. Lowkey I didn’t think it was a good idea but we’ve never traveled together and she’s never been to Miami (she’s the reason we’re even going to Miami because I’ve BEEN over Miami, it’s packed and overrated but I thought it would be a cute thing for us to do)
It doesn’t matter how cool you are with someone you have to have the right travel buddy and just because you get along doesn’t mean you should travel together. Sadly, I can already tell you this is our last trip together
The irony is I was sooo hesitant and complaining about going on the WPB trip but ended up having a blast, but we also had a huge villa and everyone had privacy, and I only personally knew one person so at first I didn’t feel super obligated to be all chummy with his friends, but I loved all of them they were so much fun and liked to do the stuff I like to do, it really was such a bomb trip I wish I could show you guys all the cute pics and videos we took, REALLY great vibes
I love my best friend to death but I’m so apprehensive about this trip. We don’t even chill that often on the regular, mainly because we’re both just busy or live kind of far from eachother but I’m that friend that loves you…from afar, every now and then she’ll drag me out to some lounge and I’m always ready to go early it’s just not my scene, I wanna be in bed damnit! 😩
Am I just being a brat? What do you guys think?
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youlackconviction · 3 years
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so... IDK if y’all have noticed. but... LOKI’s hairline in endgame and also the hyundai ad... is wrong. yes ima call it, fight me. in all his other appearances, it makes a really distinctive zigzag up the side of his face. but in those two instances only, it’s just a shallow curve, which totally changes the shape of his face. and i can’t help wondering what their continuity supervisor is thinking when i see stuff like that... they literally covered up tom’s own natural hairline. so... i fixed it. top pic is original... bottom is my edit. i also moved the gag in the endgame shot to better match his gag position at the end of avengers 2012. just because i can.
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deadontheinsidebut · 4 years
Can I pls request hcs for tsukki, kuroo and osamu in which s/o buys couple onesies and asks him to wear it with her? Dino onesie for tsukki while s/o has panda, black cat for kuroo + s/o has a white bunny and a fox onesie for osamu + s/o has a flying squirrel! Thank you so much 💕
-anon bb your brain is aligned with mine... oh how I’ve been WAITING for a request like this 😩✨ I hope you like it mwah tysm for requesting 💗💗✨ very messy hcs!!
—Matching onesies w/ your boyfriend
Tsukishima x fem!reader, Kuroo x fem!reader, Osamu x fem!reader
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Couples sleepover? Yes
Couples sleepover with the third gym squad? Double yes!
Tsukki was dreading this day but when the third gym squad agreed on bringing their dates to the monthly sleepover, how could he refuse?
It’s also because he secretly wants to show you off to his friends all the time
But after he told you the plan, you were quick to order a Dino onesie for your boyfriend and a panda one for you online
He felt his soul leave his body when they arrived
Your onesie had little ears on the top, but they were nothing compared to Tsukki’s which had a flapping tail that could be moved by pulling on the string
He was mortified
But how could he say no to your cute little face
And so, the both of you showed up in your onesies, much to Tsukki’s dismay
And it did not go unnoticed by the boys
Kuroo was bent over cackling with that hyena laugh of his and Bokuto was slapping Tsukki on the back for his “stylish outfit”
Akaashi patted him on the shoulder and nodded his head in respect for Tsukki’s outfit choices tonight
Tsukishima wanted nothing more than to rip off his onesie and go home but when he saw you beaming at him, bouncing up and down just because of how happy you were, he couldn’t help but indulge you
He seats you on his lap as the group settles down and even nuzzles you with the hood of his onesie
The girls were going “aww” and begging their boyfriends to get matching onesies as well
Tsukki smirked at this, knowing full well that he’d get to make fun of them next
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Friday nights with Kuroo Tetsurou x y/n was a kind of ritual for the both of you
If an event were to ever come up during nights, you’d cancel the other plans no problem
“Babe, where’s my cat onesie?” Kuroo shouts from down the hall
“It just finished drying! Could you get mine too?”
After changing into yours, you enter the living room to find your boyfriend strutting his stuff in that adorable onesie of his
“Damn baby I didn’t know you could look so hot in something so... innocent?” He teases and pulls on your bunny ears
You roll your eyes playfully, “what do you want to do tonight?”
The two of you agreed on a McDonald’s run 
“Maybe I should start calling you kitten instead of the other way around,” you suggest
He chuckles and starts up the car
You felt the wind make your bunny ears flap and Kuroo’s usual bed head looks even wilder in his sleek cat onesie that you couldn’t help but snap a picture 
The drive-through was quiet aside from a couple cars full of drunk college students getting their nightly burgers
“Yo, nice onesies bros!” one hoots from his car and the other two are cheering and laughing along, giving you genuine thumbs up but they were just out of it
Kuroo gives them a silent wave but you could beaming from his seat at the compliment 
The two of you shared fries and nuggets and you were extremely grateful that your boyfriend was willing to just be geeky with you and wear the dorkiest things 
A cheeky kiss turned into a whole makeout in your damn car but no one’s complaining
It wouldn’t be wrong of you to say that your boyfriend gets 100x more romantic during onesie hours
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You and Atsumu thought it would be soooo funny to buy you and Osamu matching animal onesies as a joke... but was annoyingly surprised when he thanked you for the gift and stuck a tongue out at his brother
Osamu would rather give up onigiri than let Atsumu have the last word, and could he really blame you two for wearing them?
Y’all looked stunning
You and Osamu thought it was the funniest thing when you raised your arms to hug him only to show a pair of parachute-like wings attached to the onesie
“You’re definitely the cutest flying squirrel,” Osamu decided
The first activity you two tried in these onesies was cooking and what better dish to prepare than Osamu’s famous onigiri?
Cooking was a challenge for sure but when you got to cook in the comfiest clothing, you couldn’t complain
It was then that Osamu had a brilliant idea!
With Osamu’s onigiri in hand, you began to pose as he took photos of you for his restaurant
“This will be perfect exposure for Onigiri Miya!”
He posts the pics on his blog to advertise his restaurant
There was even a couples one where he piggybacks you with you showing off your wings
And he won’t ever admit it, but he keeps that one as his lock screen because he adores you
Taglist 🏷 : (send an ask/comment to be added!)
@janellion @darkdinosaurpeanut @karaseijoh @personality-still-downloading @sugacookiies @anianimol @sstardusty @flavoredmilktea @millie-mint @spicyness @kuroos-babie @yourfavoritedarling @shou-kunn @stcrryskies @katsushimaa @bbakougo @mrs-kuroojinguji 
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pwarkluv · 4 years
❝ you’re the one i want ❞ - yji 
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yang jeongin x reader | fluff | 1.8k words
WARNINGS | lowercase is intended, high school au, established relationship au (if that’s a thing lol), non-idol au, just your good old going on a date kinda fanfic where you two realize just how in love y’all are, whipped!jeongin, really fluffy, did i mention fluff?
SUMMARY | when your date ends with a giant promise.
AUTHOR’S NOTE | another fluff fanfic because that’s my forte and i haven’t written any skz things yet :P hehe the pic is my pfp. anyways jeongin is one of my ults and my bias in skz so this is gonna be fun to write! also i’m doing this right, right? it’s yji? yang jeong in? idk why but for some reason it doesn’t look right to me. also the ending’s trash i’m sorry-
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“baby please stay still.” your boyfriend softly scolded as he carefully fixed the bunny hat on your head, one hand keeping the hair out of your face and the other placed carefully on the back of your neck to keep you still. 
it was the last couple of days before the start of your guys’s senior year, before things get complicated academically. the august heat burns but you didn’t think twice about it, more excited about the fact that you and jeongin were at seoul land.
your tiny frame bounced up and down, slightly frustrating your boyfriend. he didn’t mind though because you were absolutely adorable in the bunny hat he bought for you. jeongin smiled softly at your excited face reminding him of a kid opening christmas presents. 
his hands then went up to fix the froggy headband you chose for him, making sure he didn’t look completely stupid. when you first pointed out the headband, jeongin had a protest at the tip of his tongue. but dang, the way you looked at him had him nodding his head in approval before he said a word.
“are you done yet innie?” you whined, holding onto his arm as he chuckled. jeongin’s free hand goes up to squeeze the paw of your hat, one of the ears going up. his heart never failed to race whenever you two made eye contact. he wholeheartedly believes you are the most beautiful thing he has ever seen in jeongin’s eighteen years of life.
jeongin smiles at your blushing face before grabbing your hand.
“let’s go loser.” and he drags you to the viking ship on your left.
❝ i like shiny things, but i’d marry you with paper rings ❞
you couldn’t help but smile at your boyfriend’s focused gaze. you guys were taking a little break from rides and instead going around the games and food stands. his tongue poked out as jeongin focused on the target in front of him, fire behind his eyes.
you two were sharing a funnel cake when he noticed your eyes staring at the cute cow stuffed animal. jeongin immediately recognizes it from a kdrama you two watched on your first movie night as a couple. and that’s how you found yourselves standing in front of a water gun stand watching your boyfriend try and win you that stuffed animal. 
the man at the running stand laughed quietly at your dumb and in love expression before the ding rang, indicating jeongin won. your boy jumped a little in victory before turning to you with the biggest smile ever.
and that’s when you felt it. that warm and fuzzy in your tummy, the racing in your heart, the automatic smile you gave him back. you and jeongin have been together since the summer before your second year of high school. you watched as he grew from the shy and timid boy to the (slightly more) confident man he is now. you couldn’t believe how you’re already gonna start your senior year with the love of your life.
in that moment when jeongin stuffed the plushie into your hands and gave you a hug, you knew you were completely in love with him. you wanted to marry him someday.
you didn’t care if you two were in your pajamas or dinosaur suits, you just wanted to be his.
❝ uh huh, that’s right, darling you’re the one i want ❞
jeongin’s palms felt sweaty and clamp as you dragged him towards the carousel. your carefree and euphoric expression made his heart double in size as he blinked at you. suddenly the ring in his pocket felt heavy, weighing him down with every step he took.
the start of summer while jeongin was at the mall with his hyungs, a pretty ring caught his eye. it wasn’t anything too big or expensive (which he was thankful for as a broke high school student), but absolutely stunning. the ring had a thin silver band with one medium sized diamond in the middle, tinier ones surrounding the big one. 
and before he knew it, jeongin was at the shop paying for a promise ring he was hoping to give to you before school started. there was a matching one he bought on a whim, leaving him more broker than before.
jeongin knew he was in love with you in the middle of your third year in high school when you two had a burping contest to see who could burp the loudest. you won (only because he let you) and from then he only had heart eyes for you. 
he’s never felt that comfortable and safe with anyone. being so carefree and home. he was at home with you. so buying you that promise ring was his way of saying he wants to be with you forever. 
❝ i hate accidents except when we went from friends to this ❞
you two met at the start of your freshman year when jeongin spilled milk all over your shirt. he was a shy boy so whenever the lunch bell rang, he ran out of the cafeteria like his life depended on it. but one day he wasn’t aware of where he was going and ran right into your timid frame. 
suddenly you were met with a cold feeling running down your chest.
the poor boy freaked and apologized faster than you could register what had happened. you were a bubbly kid, though not very social so you didn’t mind what had happened. but for some reason you let yourself be dragged by the stuttered stranger, offering you his hoodie he had in his locker. 
his hoodie felt foreign and warm on your body. although he was a stick at fourteen, jeongin was tall. the cloth looked big on your short frame, hands disappeared from the long sleeves. the boy was beyond red looking at you in his clothes. his eyes widened, malfunctioning on why he felt this way. 
“i’m really sorry.” he muttered in embarrassment before turning around to leave. 
“wait!” you called out, tugging on his wrist. if jeongin didn’t resemble a tomato then, he definitely did now. your hand felt warm around his wrist and the sudden source of heat was all his mind could think about. 
“thank you.” you shyly said taking back your hand. you don’t know what has possessed you but suddenly you’re asking what his name was. 
“what’s your name? i’m y/n!” you said with a small smile. jeongin’s heart felt like it was about to explode. 
❝ uh huh, that’s right darling, you’re the one i want ❞
“come one baby it’s almost dawn let’s go~” you whined a bit, pulling his tall frame towards the line. it was almost sunset and you wanted to go on the ferris wheel as the last thing you two would do for the day before studies filled up your date nights. 
well actually, jeongin was the one who suggested going on the ferris wheel to you before you stuck with it in excitement. it was all a part of his master plan to give you that promise ring. he was pretty confident you’d take it, after being together for so long, though of course there’s that small inkling of doubt that you’d reject it and him.
but now that it was almost time, jeongin couldn’t move his legs. he was really about to give you a promise ring.
jeongin laughed to mask his nerves but you knew better.
“awe is my baby afraid of heights?” you joked, no longer pulling his arm but putting your hand in his. “don’t worry, y/nnie is here to protect.” you broke out into a fighting pose which immediately made him laugh at your silliness. 
❝ in paper rings, in picture frames, in dirty dreams ❞
here you guys were at the top on the ride, the sunset warm on your face. jeongin’s leg was bouncing in nervousness causing the box you were in to shake. you were about to reach out to the boy before he spoke up.
“y/n?” he asked in a small yet serious voice. you couldn’t help but worry.
“yes my love?” you responded back, turning your body to face him on the seats you guys were on. “what’s wrong? you’ve been acting weird ever since you got on the ferris wheel.”
your mind was racing with possibilities, the worst one sounding the most obvious with the way jeongin seemed so serious. he wasn’t breaking up with you, right?
jeongin took a deep breath before looking into your eyes, the color more beautiful than the sunset behind you. 
“i love you so much.” he continued before reaching into his pocket, fumbling a bit with the box the ring came in. 
“and i know we’re young and have so much ahead of us. ah you know how much i’m bad with words but, there’s so much we’re unsure of like what’s 25 - 8 or what college we’re going to. but if there’s one thing i’m sure of, it’s that you’re my everything.” the boy said, trying not to stumble over his words. his heart was at an unmeasurable rate, one hand on the ring and the other on your own hand. suddenly he took out the ring, a red velvety box which made you gasp in shock.
at this point you were tearing up. so he wasn’t breaking up with you?
“this isn’t anything too big so don’t freak out.” jeongin joked making you chuckle a bit. “but i know that i want to spend the rest of my life with you.” his grip on your hand tightened before letting go, opening the box. 
“it’s nothing too big but hopefully this could show you how much you mean to me, y/n. here’s a promise ring because i really want to spend the rest of my life with you.”
the ring was beautiful in your eyes. tears fell on onto your cheeks as you looked to your boyfriend. all you could see was genuine love and care. 
you caught him in a hug, causing the box to shake again, sobbing into his chest.
“i love you, i love you, i love you.” you chanted into his chest making him laugh. 
“don’t cry my love. i still need to put it on you.” jeongin chuckled. you wiped off the salty water before holding out your hand. jeongin slowly took your hand as if it was made of glass before slipping on the ring. it fit perfectly. 
❝ oh, you’re the one i want ❞
you put his ring on as well before the box moved indicating that you guys were going back down. before the sight of the pretty sunset escaped your view, you quickly grabbed jeongin’s face to meet yours in a kiss. a kiss to promise that you’d guys would be forever. because yang jeongin is everything you’ve ever wanted.
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