#which will be very unfortunate for any red green colorblind people i’m now realizing
magpigment · 1 year
so uhhhh. that blood sure is in the bayou, huh. and those sure weren’t cicadas… <- has stayed up all night listening to bitb and promptly got jumpscared by cicadas outside my window at daybreak
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listless-brainrot · 4 years
do u have any jet headcanons?? :0 or any freedom fighter stuff in general
ALSO i rly love your blog btw ksfksksk
ALSO ALSO a small jet for ur consideration:
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thank you for this BLESSED small jet i accept him with open arms.
i will now return the favor with a LOT of headcanons for both jet and the freedom fighters. like a LOT a lot
and tysm!! i really like your blog too, you seem really cool!!
-practically Exudes dad/eldest sibling energy. good at being one too
-has a way with kids that confuses others sometimes. in that “knows just what to say to calm a crying kid down” way you know
-his “cool teenager” attitude??? 100% a front. he simply acts this way because he knows he’s got people lookin up to him
-due to his paranoia, when he gets anxious, he often picks at his own sleeves, hence why they’re so ripped. this is also why he chews on his stick/wheat. chronic but subtle fidgeter
-he can’t... read. he can only read some parts of script. this leads to many absurd misinterpretations when things are written down
-extremely crafty and clever!! built his own freakin’ base in the trees!! i like to think that he whittles and carves in his spare time
-often whistles while he works, and since it’s shown that the whistling is a code in canon, probably uses it to secretly talk shit with the freedom fighters lmao
-if you hear a bunch of birdcalls in his forest at night, it’s not because it’s mating season. it’s tea.
-personally i hc him as red-green colorblind. this is The only explanation for the way he dresses. that and also i’d like to imagine that he genuinely doesn’t realize he’s Not wearing brown
-i think he used to have siblings. i don’t like to think about it too hard.
-can be extremely snappish, but everyone agrees that she’s one of the kindest in the group
-has a sisterly relationship with jet and genuinely looks up to and admires him, there’s a reason why their hair looks pretty similar
-extremely skilled with a knife to the point where, sometimes, that’s all she needs to take soldiers down
-has the braincell of the group most of the time. no she will not share it. go get your own
-the other freedom fighters affectionately call her “badgercoon”. started putting paint on her face to officially live up to it
-she has a birthmark under her bandana! i like to think that it’s heart shaped. only longshot and jet know it’s there
-she says trans rights! when she came out, the other freedom fighters were really supportive once she explained, and she’s been proudly herself since
-is pretty much an older sister to the duke, which was a role she initially didn’t want, until she spent enough time with him to learn that, yeah, he’s a cool little dude
-totally did not teach the duke how to use a knife. absolutely did not do this. sure! pin the knife thing on the knife girl!
-the headband is from her mom. the scrap tied around her arm is actually a part of longshot’s shawl.
-selective mute and possibly on the spectrum, only comfortable with talking minimally, even around the freedom fighters
-which is cool, they’ve found that he speaks volumes with his face alone and all have their own little ways of figuring out what he’s saying
-is it cliche to think that he’s the strong silent type with a soft side? perhaps. but this is what i think he is
-he was one of the first freedom fighters jet found, and the two have been extremely close ever since. smellerbee was the second
-archery skills are extremely precise to the point where it could be comparable with the yuyan archers!! the kid is EXTREMELY talented
-so quiet to the point where people often don’t realize he’s in the room. he absolutely uses this to his advantage
-going off of that, he turns up in THE weirdest places. no one can explain it. he was in his hut one moment and is at the top of the tallest tree the next. everyone Hates playing hide n seek with him
-best friends with smellerbee; both often work together as a team on missions, with her close range fighting style and his long range one going hand in hand
-his favorite food is sticky buns!! they stole some during a raid and he’s been secretly craving them since
-the hat doesn’t have any special meaning to him, he’s said before. it’s practical, just like him. though, he’s never been seen without it.
-we don’t see much of him but he seems such like a neat, big hearted guy!
-i don’t know how old he is and i’m too afraid to ask. but i’d like to think that even if he’s older than the rest, he gets along well with these kids either way
-his laugh is extremely infectious, even if he does have a tendency to laugh at pretty much everything
-helped with a majority of the base construction, using his strength to carry the wood high up and hold it all together
-maybe he was an ex-earth rumble fighter?? i’m not sure how that would work but he’s certainly got the strength for it
-all the freedom fighters were at least a little scared of him at first, but quickly warmed up to him
-is actually a pretty good cook!! everyone looks forward to when it’s his turn to make dinner (on the contrary. smellerbee, unfortunately, cannot)
-has a strong relationship with the duke, and he’s always lookin out for the little guy, making sure he’s staying in check and not getting too outta hand
-the duke thinks that pipsqeak is one of the coolest guys around (bar jet) and will find any and all excuses to sit on his shoulders. he likes to feel tall!!
-doesn’t remember much about his village or where he came from. joining the freedom fighters gave him a sense of identity again.
The Duke
-due to being the youngest in the group, all the freedom fighters are extremely protective of him
-also due to being the youngest in the group, he’s not the biggest fan of this treatment, and alternates between taking advantage of it and despising it
-no one taught him how to fight like that. he just started dropping from the trees to attack outta nowhere. everyone just kind of went with it
-for the love of god don’t let him around candy. he will NOT calm down for DAYS. jet learned this the hard way
-often tires out easily and can be found napping in various places around the base; the only time he doesn’t nap is when he’s on patrol, and even Then
-only jet and pipsqueak can call him “duke”. the The is very important to him and if you just call him duke he gets mad
-he and smellerbee used to not get along much, with smellerbee insisting she’s no babysitter and the duke insisting that he doesn’t need to be babysat
-now though they get along really well, and they totally don’t mess with the other freedom fighters. pranking?? absolutely not. they’re innocent!
-likes to draw!! they don’t have a lot of paper or brushes, but one time they stole a calligraphy set and the duke proceeded to use it all up in one sitting (his paintings are now hanging in the freedom fighters’ respective huts)
-he found the helmet during a raid once and begged the rest of the group to let him keep it. he’s been wearing it since! both longshot and him bond over important hats
-i don’t like him. he had an uncle he could’ve been staying with this whole time and instead freeloaded with a bunch of homeless kids til it wasn’t convenient for him. he gets no headcanons.
General HCs
-all those funny sounding names the freedom fighters have? those were little nicknames once. they were the ones who chose to keep them
-the definition of found family, and will do anything and everything to protect it and their home
-when jet destroys gaipan, the duke and pipsqueak becoming so disillusioned with him and leaving, along with other kids, upset jet for weeks
-them leaving was one of the first things that encouraged him to leave for ba sing se
-he was going to go alone, leaving smellerbee and longshot in charge, but they join him later on, not wanting him to face this alone
-all the other kids who are left can take care of themselves, but that doesn’t mean he’s got to
-despite initially protesting, jet lets them come along, internally glad that he isn’t facing this alone
-though they’re all lost and barely have a clue on what to even do, they settle on ba sing se; the most important thing for them is to be somewhere else that the fire nation can’t reach. this way, they can heal properly
-they heard “impenetrable great wall” and thought that would be absolutely perfect for them!
-they miss him.
-a lot.
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