#while Dusk is with Fearne and Chetney
I hope the next episode begins with a Red Storm™️, and that Laudna isn't there to help Imogen through the aftermath
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inconmess · 21 days
Bells Hells before important missions (aka a compilation on BH being on missions and getting a conflict sometime before it)
<In Bassuras>
Bells Hells: We need to get Treshi out of Paragon's call
Dusk: Detour to Fearne's parents! *betrays them*
FCG: I need to talk to Dancer *cue rages*
Bells Hells: I guess we are taking a Detour...
<Team Wildemount>
Team Wildemount: We need to get back to Ashton, Orym and Laudna!
Everyone: We don't have a means of transportation so while we look into it can you guys check out Molaesmyr?
Team Wildemount: Guess we are taking a detour then...
*ends up taking multiple detours trying to work with the staff*
<Team Issylra>
Team Issylra: We need to get back to Imogen, Fearne, FCG and Chetney!
Abbadina: Well, I only have scry but for that you need to drive some god people away from this place and then go to this place, meet this person who can transport you... And the Hishari settlement is nearby!
Team Issylra: Guess we are taking a detour then...
Bor'Dor: *betrays the party*
Team Issylra: Nope, no more detours!
<Malleous Key 2.0>
BH: We are going to Ruidus!
Ashton: *takes the shard*
BH: We need a detour cuz we now have some issues we got to work through. Can we just take a day in the Feywild?
<Off to Aeor>
BH: We are going to Aeor to discover secrets and look at what Ludinus is up to!
Laudna and Orym: *get into a fight about Otohan's sword*
BH: We may need a detour?
Tbd on what actually happens with the last one and I may have missed other moments but guys... is this a pattern? Are Bells Hells going to actually try and talk about their stuff only when there is a PVP involved within the party?? And get interrupted while trying to achieve something
(not that it probably doesn't happen in the other campaigns and stuff but I have only watched Bells Hells from the beginning and completely caught up so... yeah)
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malaismere · 8 months
C3 Ship Stats, Year 2
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Hey, look it's been two years of Bells Hells, so I'm back with more stats. You can see my previous post here - or just my stats tag.
First up, the overall top ships: Laudna/Imogen. Nothing else comes close, although there is an Ashrym peak (ship week), Dorym (start of Issylra arc), and FCG/Frida peak (canon) that cross over. Everything else is much lower. Cut off for view, Laudna and Imogen get a high point of 67 for episode 65 and going canon - only beat by the 73 fic peak of episode 34 and dying.
The top ships remain fairly stable from last year; Callowmoore swaps places with Ashton/Dorian, and FCG/FRIDA and Fearne/Imogen jump up to knock Fearne/Orym off the top, but these are pretty small changes.
Since the rest are too small to see... the individual character charts are hanging out below the cut!
Chetney Pock O'pea
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Chetney's got some new ships! With the party split in episode 52, we introduce Deanna; there's only a handful of fics with her, but that's pretty significant with how little Chet there is. We can see the episode 58 peak for the threesome, but once the party reunites there's not much of staying power.
Other than that, uh, Fearne/Chetney remains the top Chet ship by a longshot. Nothing else to sya, really.
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So, Laudna and Imogen, huh.
Okay, actual notes - we get an all time high at 67 fics for their reunion / becoming canon in episode 65; they're back and forth over the next episodes although still consistently the highest ship not just for Laudna but for all of Bells' Hells. It's currently calming down, but we can see the
Compared to year one, we can more clearly see that Ashton/Laudna is the number two ship, with Laudna/Dorian having dropped well after his departure. Other than that, some Laudna/Dusk and the witch trio ot3, nothing else of note, and all much lower than Imogen.
Fresh Cut Grass
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Speaking of ships going canon, hey, look, these robots are gay? Okay, more seriously, we can see a bit of Loveletters after FRIDA's introduction, but it hits its stride with their hand holding in episode 55, and has its largest spike after the Uthodern arc concludes. Unlike Deanna/Chetney(/Fearne), this coninues, and is the only FCG ship going on - although that was true well before FRIDA showed up.
Fearne Calloway
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Fearne has been relegated to the same scale I used for Chetney (and previously FCG, with no peak higher than four - although hers remains much busier than any of them. Look at this mess. Callowmoore is definitely the strongest contender of the group, and the most consistent, although there's a decent showing with Imogen as well, especially immediately after the party split.
Aside from threesomes and Chetney, everything else is in one-fic peaks and hard to analyze.
Imogen Temult
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Imogen and Laudna, nothing comes close. Again, the peak of them going canon is 67 fics, and they're consistently high for the next several weeks.
Imogen has less ships going on in the background than Laudna; really, it's just Fearne, and some three witches ot3 stuff, and a few one-fic peaks here and there.
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Orym's got a decent battle between his three ships: Ashrym, Dorym, and his husband, who never gets the highest peaks but remains fairly constant.
Dorym is slightly higher for total this year, but it's much tighter compared to their overall, and for the past several weeks it's usually been more Ashrym than Dorym. The Ashrym peak is the result of a ship week event; the Dorym peak lines up with the start of the Issylra crew and the introduction of Deni$e.
In the background, we mostly see ot3 ships, with Dorian and various people; the EXU crew ot3 remains present even though there's very little Fearne/Orym solo.
Ashton Greymoore
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So, Ashrym dominates; the peak is for a ship week event, but even then we see it strong. Callowmoore takes the spotlight while the party is split, but drops off once we move over to the Issylra crew, and is only just starting to pick up again.
Other than that, Laudna takes a decent showing before the Solstice, and is one of the only things to get higher than a single fic, even if it's not competitive with the top two.
Dorian Storm
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Dorian, since his departure, has definitely lessened in the amount of fics, and is very much dominated by Orym and ot3 pairings including Orym. There are a handful of Ashton/Dorian fics as well, seperate from the ot3, but everything else is a scant few oneoffs.
As mentioned, we can see the big spike for the first episode of the Team Issylra arc, since then dropping down to lower normal values.
Other Guests
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There's a tail of Dusk ships from last year, but the main show is our newbies from the party split.
FCG/FRIDA takes the cake by a longshot; Deanna/Chetney and Deanna/Chetney/Fearne are the only other ones to hit a 2 peak.
Other than that, we saw some Prism ships and Ashton/Denise, but nothing that's really had a presence, and all the ships have faded away since the guests departed.
Majority Ships
95% of Laudna's ships are with Imogen, and vice versa
76% of Dorian's ships are with Orym
71% of Chetney's ships are with Fearne
65% of FCG's ships are with FRIDA
64% of Orym's ships are with Dorian
56% of Ashton's ships are wih Orym
and there's no Majority with Fearne, but 47% for Ashton is the plurality
Compared to last year, these are pretty similar, the big change being FCG/FRIDA becoming the majority and Chetney going from 93% Fearne to 71% Fearne due to Deanna.
Platonic (&) Pairings
Laudna & Imogen (71% of Laudna, 67% of Imogen)
Orym & Dorian (67% of Dorian's)
Orym & Ashton
FCG & Ashton (75% of FCG's)
Fearne & Orym
Laudna & Ashton
Imogen & Orym
Imogen & Ashton
Laudna & Orym
Fearne & Imogen
Orym & Ashton rose a few rungs (with some quality time in Issylra, I imagine) and Laudna & Ashton rose a rung as well. Laudna & Orym and Fearne & Imogen replace Dorian's tags with Imogen & Ashton, as we move further away from his departure and again, party split quality time.
Most Romantic vs Most Platonic
This is calculated by Romantic ("/") fics divided by Platonic ("&") fics, with greater than 1 being more romantic and less than 1 being more platonic. As I've said previously, this is a little tenuous because many fics are tagged both & and / while, some intending it to be read platonically and many not.
Most Romantic
Laudna/Dorian (16.5)
Ashton/Dorian (5.7)
Fearne/Ashton (5.5)
Orym/Dorian (5.0)
Laudna/Imogen (4.3)
(the exact same group in the exact same order as last year!)
Most Platonic
Chetney/Laudna, Chetney/FCG, Chetney/Imogen, Laudna/FCG, and Dorian/FCG (no ship fics)
Laudna & Orym (0.03)
FCG & Orym (0.1)
FCG & Imogen (0.11)
Imogen & Ashton (0.15)
FCG & Ashton (0.16)
(We got more Chet ships to the list, and Laudna&Orym pushes Imogen & Orym off the top five by qualifying)
Most Contentious (closest to 1 / an even split):
FCG & Fearne (perfect 1.0)
Fearne & Imogen
Fearne & Dorian
Dorian & Imogen
Fearne & Laudna
(there's some rearranging, but Fearne & Laudna take Laudna & Ashton's place as a more even split)
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sapphicstacks · 2 years
I find it exceptionally fascinating how Dusk is trying to use the group’s “flaws” to sow discord and prevent themself from being found out but they can’t quite seem to figure out how to do that with Fearne.
At first it seemed so simple, Fearne sometimes does whatever she wants without the group’s permission so just lean into that. Oh, Imogen and Orym aren’t very upset about it? That’s okay, I’ll alert the other half of the group about it and surely they’ll be concerned. Hm, they are also barely concerned. Maybe, I’ll confront Fearne about it in front of the group! “You shouldn’t do that!” Dusk yells at the faun. Wait, the group laughs and then defends her? I guess I’ll try a different approach.
It’s time for a complete 180! I’ll tell Fearne that she should be even more unhinged! “Don’t let them put you in a tiny box!” Okay, this will surely work! Did you see the look on FCG’s face when Fearne said she was encouraged to not follow the rules? Oh no, the first “out of the ordinary” thing Fearne tries to do is buy an extremely powerful weapon that can be used against me. She’s looking at me for encouragement to purchase, I’ll shake my head no and hope that she shares some of the dynamite with me later.
It’s such an interesting dynamic because Fearne has been out of the feywild for a while now. She’s grown accustomed to this place despite some of her still odd habits. Dusk can’t as easily manipulate her by exploiting the oddities of growing up in the feywild like they had planned to. The thing Fearne wants to do above all else is love her friends, something this group already understands. They laugh at her quirks and gently guide her in the ways of the material plane.
I’m interested to see what Dusk will try next. Maybe they will give up on trying to manipulate Fearne altogether and rely more heavily on other cracks in the group dynamic. Overshare information with strangers, lean into Chetney’s violent nature, get the group to overspend, push their healer to an increasingly emotional state. There are so many ways to manipulate them but isn’t it frustrating that Fearne doesn’t seem to be one of them.
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critical-derolo · 2 years
"I haven't accessed that part of my brain in fifty years."
Imogen knows.
Being a mind reader has its perks and down sides - mostly down sides, if she's being honest. Mostly pain. Mostly disgust. Yes, many downsides. But that might be what makes the perks extra special? Who knows, she isn't in the habit of considering it.
This perk, however, she likes, because she knows that Laudna hasn't accessed that part of her brain in fifty years. Okay, fifty is a variable, but for as long as Imogen has known the warlock, the woman just... doesn't think that way. Which is totally fine - was totally fine. People are diverse (another thing that Imogen knows more than most) and wired uniquely to themselves. Some people just don't feel those things and, again, if she's being honest with herself, she much prefers their company. So it was an added bonus when she met Laudna - her music, her gentle song, and found that there weren't... inappropriate or deeply private thoughts that the sorcerer would have to pretend she didn't hear.
She never heard them. Private thoughts? Yes, but more along the lines of the ever-present desperation that runs like a cold, constant adrenaline through the dead woman's entire body. Also, the insanity. Neither of those were ever a problem, though; Imogen was like a balm against the frenzy that's always moments away from taking Laudna. And the insanity is mild, it's very mild and very manageable. Patè needs scolding sometimes, but that's really it.
The two had found a rhythm that is steady and solid, that sailed their friendship for two strong years. They were good, they fit together, and then-
And then Dusk arrived. Yu. Them.
Maybe it was just another ploy. More chaos to be sewn into the group. A wedge to shove between their two powerful casters. Maybe it was genuine? (Imogen can hardly blame them.
Laudna is beautiful. Horrifying, and beautiful.
She doesn't know it either, which makes it... special? Tender, at least. Laudna looks at herself and she likes her reflection, she does, she likes the creepy quality she has. Imogen assumes the main difference between now and back then is Laudna was like this, only alive, once. Things that make people squirm, or flinch, or curl their lip in disgust, it all pleases the warlock.
But beyond that, looking at herself. Imogen's heart breaks when she hears the spiral, the consuming, obsessive thoughts about her ears. She doesn't know why that, in particular, is Laudna's straw. Where she draws a line from fondness to shame.
In what world does Laudna have to be ashamed that someone else carved her ears into points? But it's the only thing about her that she's ever been truly self conscious of. To the point that she hides them with her golden elven caps.)
So no, Imogen can't blame them even if it burns her that Yu was the one to access this part of Laudna's mind.
Because she has.
Ever since that night, that frantic night of Laudna pulling out her hair (she has so much hair, too much hair, how can she pull so much out and still have a full, wild, dark mane?), something has shifted. Changed. Subtle, at first, but there. The keen eye and appreciation for architecture and decoration has expanded into people watching as well, now. Complimentary thoughts on someone's clothes, their face, their hair-
'So brilliantly violet, more precious than amethyst-'
It startles Imogen the first time she hears it, when they're walking through the bazaar. Fearne does her half skip, their hands clasped together, fingers tapping on windows to point out colourful fabrics to Imogen. Behind them, Orym and Chetney admire the carving blade that the gnome picked up, while FCG and Ashton swap stories. Laudna lingers to the side, quiet as she is, gliding along with everyone. Her eyes are distant, thoughtful, stuck in her head - she gets like that sometimes. Just... gone but near.
So when Imogen hears that lilting voice and idly glances to the side, she misses a step when Laudna's dark eyes widen and shoot away immediately. The thought halts in her head, dark whispers overlapping a panicked list of the different types of cheese she's familiar with.
Highly unusual, but Fearne is pulling Imogen along before she can think too much about it.
Easily dismissed.
The next time Imogen hears it, it's about Ashton. The Hells are in some run down tavern that they swore was on the up and up (and when it comes to taverns, who else does one trust than the person who has gotten kicked out of so many?). They've got a fresh crack across their nose that's still healing, and a grin on their lips as they tip their head back to bark out a boisterous laugh at something FCG said.
Laudna's little melody takes an energetic, almost panicked uptick as she mentally traces Ashton's strong, angular features. She's mesmerized by the way the light plays off their skin and crystal hair. Without really considering it, Laudna's long, pale fingers are delicately sliding against a bicep literally carved from stone. Ashton glances down and up. "Lookin's free, touching is gonna cost ya."
Like a deer caught in the galloping horse's gaze, Laudna looks up in startlement. Her mouth opens - just a little too far, like her Form Of Dread is on the cusp of being activated. A reflex. Or spasm, maybe. Imogen winces against the thoughts of the neighbouring tables, their own fear like a bitter spice on the tongue. "Sorry!" the warlock sings sheepishly. "You have, actually, you know? Maybe!"
"I don't think that was a full sentence," Orym murmurs at the other end of the table. "You feeling okay, Spooky?"
"Better than okay! In fact, I've got the next round! I'll go get it." Before anyone can react much in any way, she's lifted from the table to sweep across the room. A few heads turn and Ashton's eyes linger for a few seconds before they shrug and get back to their drink.
Imogen is starting to realize that something has changed.
They've found a pond, of all things. The group has been on the road for a full week trekking gravel paths until the soles of their shoes wear thin. It's been a hot few days, a hot few long days and everyone is just one strike of bad luck away from being miserable. But like a twist of fate and good will, Orym and FCG spot this pond through the dense trees.
It takes the group literally half a heartbeat for all of them to go sprinting to the water. Now they linger for the day, finally able to enjoy the sunshine with the relief of crystal clear, nice and cool water. Orym and Fearne have all but refused to leave the pond. The little halfling found a large leaf that he now lounges back out as he drifts on the surface, using little gusts of wind to steer. Beneath him, Fearne lurks with only the curled tips of her horns poking through the surface. Imogen has been victim to random watery attacks from the faun enough times that she's happy to dry off on land.
And, of course, Ashton and Chetney are amidst a battle of balls. Cannonballs, that is. Each one climbing higher in the tree to make a bigger splash.
Keeping dry, Laudna and FCG have spent the day on the large, flat rocks at one end of the bank. FCG has been collecting rocks, special ones, and arranging them in smiley faces. Laudna sits back next to the collection, lifting each one to inspect thoughtfully, before placing it back. When the cleric finally asks if she's going to swim at all, there's a quick smile. Too quick.
Laudna picks at her skirt with a dismissive air. "Oh, no, no. Water and oil do not mix, literally. I look even scarier when I'm wet, a... oh, what did they call me? A soggy nightmare? No, a boggy... nightstalker? I can't remember anymore but I made the mistake of knocking on a door during a storm to seek shelter and the poor dears almost had heart attacks."
Being a robot and all, FCG can't frown but Imogen hears the sorrow tinge their thoughts. A metal hand reaches out to touch Laudna's shoulder. "They sound very boring."
"They were old, you see," Laudna replies with that feral grin and wild eyes. Her edges are fraying and Imogen isn't certain if FCG can tell. "Even older than me! And way out in the middle of nowhere. I'm not sure what I was expecting, honestly, one can hardly blame them."
"I can."
Her head tilts and something pops. "Then you shall, darling, but I won't. I'm quite frightening."
"You're also very thoughtful and sweet," the cleric tries to insist.
Laudna's long, black-tipped fingers drum against the stone. "It takes a certain amount of courage to reach my oozy center. Even before... this," she motions to herself, "back when I was pretty. I used to be pretty, you know."
Deja vu fills Imogen to the point she has to shake it off. She wobbles for a second before hopping to the larger stones where they sit, dropping next to the warlock. Her warm hand slides down Laudna's cooler arm until their fingers lace together. "You're pretty now," she says firmly.
There isn't an immediate dismissal, like Imogen half expects. Laudna's head tilt straightens back out, there isn't a joint threatening to pop in her neck anymore. She leans forward enough to gaze down into her own reflection in the surface of the water - thoughts buzzing like bees in her head. White noise layered against the ominous, guttural groaning and eery whispers. The song gets softer.
'Not the worst, I suppose. My eyes are... dark, but kind. Pale. People like pale, yes? And tall. Tall women, that's something people like. Legs for days, as Chet says. Do I have day legs? Hmm. Am I? Pretty enough for Imogen? Maybe-'
There's a twitch of movement. Laudna's head snaps to the side her her eyes find Imogen's. The whispers get louder now, trying to drown out the sorcerer's lovely song. "Imogen," Laudna says, thoughtfully.
And for some reason, Imogen can't quite breathe. Her face feels warm and her pulse is trapped in her fingertips. There's something about the way Laudna's lips form Imogen's name. The way her voice caresses each syllable.
The sorcerer swallows hard. "Yes?"
"Would you-"
The near shriek of Chetney's voice cuts through the clearing and halts whatever Laudna was about to ask. Everyone turns to look and see an enormous, absolutely honking monster of an elk leap from the top of a tree and into the pond. It takes a good twenty seconds for the gnome and halfling to resurface, both sputtering water and beating at their chests. Fearne pops up next and her entire face is one big, happy grin.
Laudna straightens up next to Imogen, beaming proudly, as she starts clapping. Whatever it was, this moment, this... possibility, it's gone.
For now.
Imogen can hardly wait for the next one.
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mewmewchann · 2 years
CR3 running gags that slay me every time
AKA: I’m still recovering from episode 33 and could do with some positivity, and felt you all needed the same ...Yeah Idk what this is lol (btw I haven’t seen 34 yet so please no spoilers! thnx)
obligatory “makinmaway” and “it’s been a whiiiiiiile” mention
everyone making plans/talking in the morning while Orym works out in the background
Chetney hating Dorian for no damn reason
References to “...Fire.”
Laudna’s creepy messages (bonus points if it’s scaring Orym, extra bonus points if Imogen acts like nothing is wrong with this whatsoever)
Laura and Talesin leaning over Liam to talk to each other
Ashton: *says every swear word under the sun* FCG: frick Ashton: GRASS WHAT THE FUCK WHO THE FUCK TAUGHT YOU HOW TO SAY THAT
Werther’s Originals
animal Fearne getting stuck in things
Chetney’s quest to sleep with Fearne
Travis predicting things moments before they happen
Any form of reference to EXU (“You can call me...Nancy”, “You look like a Dorian.” “Joke’s on you.” etc)
Laudna, killer of rocks
Dusk/Yu flirting with everyone and promptly getting rejected
Whitestone Andy
Ashton and Fearne’s mutual pickpocketing
Prince Dorian (bonus points if they reference it after he leaves)
Liam referencing and RPing how tiny Orym is
Any joke that involves Laudna scaring the shit out of someone by just existing
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remjl · 1 year
Oh god, this was really great episode. It's sometimes nice to step out from heavy lore and end-of-the-world feeling a bit and have character arcs shine.
With new party members introduced it seems we really going to hit Chetney and F.C.G.s stories.
I already love Aabria and Christian characters. F.R.I.D.A is really unique and very compassionate, when Deanna is all fun and also brings new perspective to Chetney story and a main plot being a cleric.
Werewolf wild card is always fun to watch, Travis always is doing great job to not meta and be true to circumstances that bring Chet to fight his friends. He is actually a deadly beast. Also... possible robo-werewolf next time?!
I've noticed that Fearne was much more serious and perceptive today, she probably are worried about rest of the group safety and her best buddy Orym.
Imogen through is kinda lost... She tried to reach out to Laudna, gets damage and then tried again... And then she tried to do this through dream and it's almost pushed her to red storm. I wonder, if she was struggling with decision to whom she should reach out because checking on Key will be smart or she just didn't want to know fate of her friends in case they are dead?
Hope all of them will be ok and be able to reunite, otherwise it will be very tragic if someone die while they are separated...
Dynamic at the table was awesome, however I missed Marisha, Liam and Talesin a little bit. I hope we will be able to see Laudna, Orym and Aston story soon and hopefully in parallel (2 episodes per group maybe?). They don't have any sending spells and don't know that the rest are not able to reach out. I wonder, if Laudna gonna be fun scary and carefree around them like when she have Imogen around or more serious and determined like she was around Ashton at their one-on-one times. Will Orym or Ashton finally tell her how bad it was for Imogen when she died? And who they will meet? Can Yu/Dusk return? Or maybe Dorian?
Is it Thursday yet?
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redxluna · 2 years
There’s something wild about Travis as Chetney going, “Always assume the worse!” while joking about the fates of Fearne’s parents while sitting right next to Erika, not knowing the Dusk reveal.
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utilitycaster · 2 years
Something about Bells Hells that other people have pointed out is that they have the same mistrust of each other as the Mighty Nein, but are far less openly cagey about it. What's interesting to me is that they also seem to lack that same awareness of it. Most of the Nein didn't trust the others, but they also knew that, on paper at least, they weren't trustworthy themselves. Bells Hells mostly seems to lack that, Ashton and Chetney excluded. The general attitude among them is "well, I know I don't really trust you, but why wouldn't you trust me?"
And, to be fair, it's understandable, because unlike the Mighty Nein, as Caduceus eventually pointed out, several of Bells Hells have been placed in positions of trust in the past (notably, Orym, but also funnily enough FCG). Others, like Imogen, have entirely valid reasons to believe themselves to be trustworthy while doubting everyone else.
The thing is, they're still hanging together, and I think that comes from another weird twist. Several of them were profoundly lonely, and they do admit that in a way members of Mighty Nein were unable to early in the campaign; Laudna and Fearne's responses to Dusk highlight this especially.
All together, it actually makes for a group that is very hard for Dusk to get a handle on - people who are both incredibly suspicious and yet very inviting to anyone who doesn't run away. It's an extremely fragile and tenuous dynamic - again, especially compared to the much more unified in purpose Mighty Nein - but an oddly tight and impenetrable one as well.
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funnygirlthatbelle · 2 years
Alright, so thinking about that conversation last night, I’ve been trying to piece together reasons behind why Chetney confronted Dusk the way he did.
Here’s what I’ve got so far:
1) He’s genuinely down to murder Fearne’s parents for money. I don’t love this concept since it seems very ooc for his and Fearne’s dynamic, but it is possible, I guess.
2) He isn’t necessarily down to murder Fearne’s parents, but if they turn out to suck, he would be. Chetney has been very invested in Fearne and the buildup to her reuniting with her parents as of late. He’s also fairly protective and pretty dang loyal, so him picking up on the indication that something is wrong would track. And Chetney might just be making a plan for how to get rid of them should they prove to be bad for Fearne’s well-being/happiness.
3) It’s an intimidation tactic. I know what you’re up to, I’m watching you, you don’t have me tricked. The being down for murder, in this case, would simply be a way to keep the conversation from turning into a confrontation while still letting Dusk know to respect the alpha, as it were.
4) Chetney is trying to be eavesdropped on. Now, this isn’t as strong since we know Travis didn’t know that Orym can read lips, however, Chetney would know that Orym has crazy passive perception and Imogen can read your thoughts, and both of them were sitting by themselves. Maybe, just maybe, he was trying to alert one or both of them to his theory in a way where Dusk couldn’t prove that it was him?
This is what I’ve come up with so far, but I’m not sure which direction I’m leaning as of yet or if I think it’s a combination of multiple. What do y’all think?
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My thoughts on C3e25
Please don't read this. Is long and my thoughts are stupid. I would tag it just to have a way to find it later in my own post.
This is just my takeaways from the last episode so I want to write them and check later if I was wrong about them.
There's something really shady about this feywild stuff. I think "time is a weird soup" has never applied better than now. It seems like Dusk somehow met Fearne's parents before they have her.
Also, Dusk's reaction about Fearne's grandmother made me question a lot about her. Is Morrigan really her grandma? not sure, but there's something there.
After their message with Imogen, they didn't mentioned Dusk at all, even if Imogen did mentioned it.
I think the only person that would react to Laudna saying the rock was taken by Delilah would be Orym. And the thing is, I believe if that's the case they would put in second place fixing the relationship with Imogen and focusing in the Delilah part. I hope they get to talk about that more later but I feel that they tried to focus on those feelings and trying to help and mend Laudna and Imogen's relationship.
What Laudna said struck with me a lot. I feel like, romantic feelings or platonic, Laudna somehow had decided to not pursuit more that what she got because she wants Imogen to be free of burdens and stuff, and Laudna is a person with two lifetimes of baggage. Just like it was proven a few episodes before, Delilah can hurt their relationship and even more, Imogen. Maybe that has made Laudna to root herself in the friend scenario, and delivery or by subconscious, she had put barriers on them.
Is kinda ironic and very sad to see Imogen so jealous and think that Laudna is like nothing happened but not notice that Laudna is actually kicking herself and crying a lot because of the pain.
Orym little pause while he was talking to Imogen. I think he wanted to say more about their relationship but probably he didn't because neither Imogen or Laudna had express more than friendship.
The ring Imogen bought. This is gonna have a significant moment later. I'm pretty sure if Dusk don't make their move before Imogen is gonna give that ring to Laudna.
Dusk came and took not prisoners. That "good talk" with Imogen was so funny. They are a great addition to the campaign.
The fact that was Ashton(that somehow seems to be the one that doesn't care for bullshit like this) was the one that pursuit the conversation, and somehow gave advice says so much about how they have growth to like the hell bells.
I actually enjoy how is just episode 25 and they already have this type of closeness. I freaking love the mighty nein but they didn't have this level of relationship so early(and I haven't watch vox machina to compare there).
Whitestone is for lovers T-shirt have so many different meanings I'm actually in a buckle of ideas about it. Liam is crazy for doing that and I love him for it.
I really didn't care that much about the Armand stuff besides Fearne's Quokka which as all the things Fearne does is extremely hilarious and dangerous. I love her.
So for me there's two different scenarios for all the automaton stuff F.C.G is perceiving. Or is to prove that they are special and one of their kind(after all it seems that F.C.G is Aeor/Avalir level of advance compared with the other automatons) or the party later is gonna met a group of automatons like F.C.G. And I mean as advance is language and conversation.
Yes Ashley finally mentioned Opal and the ExU campaign. But I would love if Fearne talks about Opal. I'm glad Matt is talking about ExU more.
Kinda weird that neither Fearne and Chetney have talked or get involved with the Imogen and Laudna scenario. Mostly because ashley and Travis are the ones that react the most with their stuff.
Matt stirring the pot after Dusk and Imogen convo was so funny and I hope people would give it more praise.
The ring of brass died so a undead woman and a moon powered sorcerer acted like two school girls in a romcom.
I did miss them, and even if I had Calamity and the familiar companion during this month, this episode show me how much I missed them.
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In today's episode of watching Critical role, I watch CR 3 ep 27 after a several month long hiatus where I forgot most of the minute plot details, while wrapping presents.
I just watched Ashley play Yasha, I wasn't prepared for Ashley whiplash to her playing Fearne
Not the whole party trying to avoid chet getting with fearne
Damn Chet with the intelligence
Poor fearne, everyone realized before she did that the postcards were made by her grandmother
Dusk asking Laudna out is.... a Lot
But wow I'm really enjoying getting to know a new set of marisha expressions
Poor laudna poor Imogen, Laura's face during the interaction
Imogen and Laudnas conversation!!! I forgot about the ring. I love those two! They are too precious
The moon stuff!!
Prediction: some not insignificant, >1 people, are Ruidis born
The acting on these two!?!?!?
I forgot how much I like Ashton
Oh my god FCG is not okay. The names this is so subtly awful
...... FCG ...........
This description..... Sam stop it with these heart breaking characters
Dusk is suuuper interesting I love her!!
Dusk!!!!! Smooth but wow. 2 rejections in one night
2 it's complicated situations.....
Ma'am just stop talking
A sword and a handful of hair. Wow
The dial tone in the mind
Oh my god the fearne chetney dynamic is something else
I do love how much the cast is trying to respect the he/they pronouns
What the fuck is Fearnes grabdmother!?!? She's something fey l, something maybe powerful
"Invitations out there but there's been some personal stuff tonight so that seems kinda tone deaf" damn this dynamic
Danm Travis
"Just a little pepper box for my little monkey"
Damn fearne persuasive
Also good on Imogen for getting the information from a more reliable source than FCG lol
Otohan looks like someone and Matt won't tell them who and they all seem to know, bit I haven't watched informer so I don't remember what dots I'm supposed to connect aaaaa
Powerful people have an affect on Ashton... oh jk apparently they had nightmares about her.
An emblem!?!?
A weird small backpack!?!?!? wtf
Fearne!!! U did it!! Proud of you for not climbing higher
Oh shot Otohan isn't supposed to be back?
Crystals in a backpack!! Uh oh
Awwwwww I love laudna she's so cute!!
Getting Delilah stuck in All Minds Burn wout be SO FUNNY and like Laudna like shouldn't take it, but like holy shit that would be cool
Race Race Race Race!!!!
"One wheel, two arms, am I a skirmishes crawler" Mirador moment
Fearnes SMILE!!!!!! SHE HAS IDEAS!! oh no
I'm so glad FCG shut down the fly idea because Dusk was so stuck on it and it was such a bad idea, especially with FCG.
I forgot how calming the background music is in the evening, when the party is just chilling.
These Fuckers are metal AF, but a human skull, a little gauche no?
Omg I love Marishas shirt!!! The stardew shirt is so cute!
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lostdmg · 2 years
I think I figured out a part of the reason why campaign 3 feels so strange. Not bad, just strange.
Each of these characters that we have here have strong, very strong bonds to places that simply are not Marquet.
Chetney is a new arrival from Uthodurn, coming here for a hope of some understanding, and maybe even community.
Imogen is very connected to the farm she grew up in, we see it in every dream, and she is only here to figure out why she is the way she is
FCG may only have memory’s of Marquet, but even his experience is stunted due to their previous reliance on Dancer, who we just learned is alive.
Laudna is very connected to Whitestone. It’s a place that haunts her, the place of her death and rebirth. After wards, she never really belonged anywhere until she found Imogen, and is only here because Imogen wants to be
Fearne is from the Feywild, and while she is on a journey to find her parents, she references it constantly. She has a grandmother she loves and a home. Ultimately, besides the party and friends, nothing she really cares about is on Exandria. She is only here because of around mission given by the Voice of the Tempest
Orym is from the Air Ashari, a member of the Tempest Blades. He was married. He had a purpose back in Zephrah. He really loves his home, his leader, and his culture. It’s clear he really wants to go back. He is only here because of Keyleths order, and because of the answers it could provide him about Will
Then we have Ashton. They truly grew up here. They were grounded. They had friends. But then he was abandoned. And left with a mountain of debt. This debt was just paid off recently. Their only bond in this world is FCG. They are only here because they live here, and because Bells Hells is really good at making fast cash.
I feel like in the other campaigns all of the characters had a more similar grounding .
The Mighty Nein had 3 Dwendalians, 2 Concordians, and 2 odd balls with Molly and Yasha, both who were a part of the circus, and pretty much all of these people were not exactly fond of authority.
All in all, if things feel a little scattered, I think I figured out why. I can’t wait to see how they all deal with tho. Once they really begin biting the Feywild thread (with the help of a Dusk) then I think things will really become more coherent
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malaismere · 1 year
C3 Ship Statistics for 2022 (monthly)
Second set of graphs! I have problems. I already posted a break down weekly/per episode but this time we're going by months. One key difference is that this includes fics where ship tags were retroactively added instead of what was being published That Week, as well as the broader range gives more general trends.
(for previous ship stats...check out my ao3 stats tag)
Starting out...a chart of the top ships. These are every ship > 50 fics on AO3.
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C3 starts in late October 21; Dorian leaves at the end of February 22. EXU Calamity was in June of 22, and the fight with Otohan is in September.
So, Laudna & Imogen are the dominant ship. They started out strong, but trailed off through the early few months, before jumping high up with all the Gnarlrock drama...and then even higher with Laudna's death (which breaks the top of the graph here at 157). Dorym was dominant while he was around but drops off after the departure, staying mostly constant as the second ship.
Ashrym & Ashton/Dorian were tied back while Dorian was around, but Ashton/Dorina dropped off while Ashrym stayed constant (the rise at the end is for Ashrym week and may not be indicative of a long term rise). Doriax is an EXU top ship but while it got a resergence in early C3 really never took hold. And Orym/Will stands out as being background but with peaks during the Heartmoor arc (revealed story) and around Orym's death in September.
Now, for some more specific analysis, we're getting character by character below the cut.
Chetney Pock O'Pea
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I'm doing these in table order but a part of me kind of doesn't want to because this is absolutely nothing. I put an ot4 with a single fic on here because there was literally Nothing Else. The only thing that has been excluded here is a Fearne/Chetney/Reader fic. These are Every Single Ship Tags Chetney has.
No one wants to ship this old man.
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Cutting off the top (which peaks at 150) so that we can actually see the other ships small though they may be. Laudna & Imogen start off strong and only get stronger in Basuras, and are only just now coming down from that high. Everything else is tiny.
So, Fearne is a background pairing that is strongly linked to the ot3 with Laudna and Imogen. For other ships, Dorian is strongest early on, dropping out when he leaves; there's a peak with Dusk when they're around that doesn't stick, and since then there's been a rise in Laudna/Ashton connected with her death although still tiny in comparison.
Fresh Cut Grass
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So, FCG has more going on than Chetney but Not By Much. Ashton/FCG starts off strong but drops off severely, only recently picking up again. There is one fic in November, a drabble collection, that has Laudna, Fearne, Imogen, and Orym as well as some NPCs you can see all hiding under just Orym, but other than that it's just a few fics early on.
No one wants to ship the robit.
Fearne Calloway
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So, Fearne has the widest range of popular ships...she's got higher counts than FCG and Chetney but nothing really breaks out as strongly as with Laudogen or Dorym.
Back in EXU, Opal was the dominant pairing, and it gets a few fics here and there following. Fearne/Laudna and Fearne/Imogen never really broke offthe ground, and both are highly linked to the OT3 pairing - although Fearne/Imogen is slightly stronger.
The Fearne/Orym/Dorian ot3 was the dominant ship through early C3, although Fearne/Orym had presence before that, although Dorian/Fearne didn't. It peaked in February with Dorian's departure and then fell off...although there's a resurgence of the OT3 specifically (and not really Fearne/Orym or Fearne/Dorian) in September with Orym's death.
But definitely the biggest show is Callowmoore. It doesn't hit off until March, and it's definitely the big showing there peaking in May at 15, although it falls off after August - as attention shifted towards every other thing happening then.
Imogen Temult
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Laudna/Imogen is even more dominant with Imogen than it was with Laudna...Dorian drops off immediately after he leaves, and no one else ever takes the place.
Fearne/Imogen does have points of being stronger than the ot3 unlike Laudna/Fearne, but even then they're still linked and not big. You can see a bit of Orym again in February but not afterwards, and there's a small Dusk peak in August, but everything else is very low and flat.
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So, first things first, Dorym is our big ship here. It existed in EXU, but hits its stride in early C3, December through February being the high points. It tapers off some after Dorian leaves, but stays the top ship for Orym throughout.
Ashton is pretty clearly the second runner up...Ashrym week pushes it to the number one spot in December 22 but I don't know if that'll stick around. It onlyy gets broken up by the less consistent Orym/Will peaks - in March with the full backstory reveal and in September at Orym's death/visions.
Fearne/Orym is a steady low-show in EXU and early campaign, mostly tied with the OT3, but both drop off after the Will reveal. Similarly, Imogen was an early small ship that vanished to basically nothing in February. And, the Orym/Ashton/Dorian OT3 is in the same range, highest in October 22.....for Kinktober.
Ashton Greymoore
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Ashrym & Ashton/Dorian were pretty neck and neck up through January, before it falls off with Dorian's departure. Ashrym is the dominant save for the May Callowmoore peak, although Callowmoore falls back down while Ashrym stays steady. The December peak is for Ashrym week and may not represent a consistent shift.
For other fics...Callowmoore is definitely the main number two from March through August, but in September we start to see Laudna. FCG is pretty background, peaks, Imogen even lower. Callowmoore does seem to be on the rise again, but December is usually a peak for fics...
Interestingly enough, Milo never has any peaks but has been pretty solid in a few fics per month and hasn't really hit zero since introduction despite not showing up in stream.
Dorian Storm
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Alright, so, as with Orym, Dorym dominates heavily, drops off after his departure. While lower, Dorian has a pretty wide range of ships - Ashton, Imogen, and Laudna are all pretty close during the November/December range, Ashton the strongest in January, altough they all fall off post-departure.
Doriax was the top EXU ship, and is comparable to peak Dorym but did not have staying power - close to Imogen and Laudna, really, and definitely has trailed off alongside them.
Fearne/Dorian is very strongly linked to the ot3 pairing with Orym; Dorian/Ashton is less connected to it's ot3 with Orym.
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Here mostly for symmetry; July and August is when Dusk was on the show and its pretty isolated to then, although Laudna gets a few fics trailing. All Laudna/Imogen/Dusk variants: my gut says the dynamic has no real staying power, but part of that is probably how Laudna-focused writers were very quickly distracted by her death.
Laudna & Imogen have been each others top ship for 100% of the campaign. This has not happened before; closest for the Mighty Nein is Beauyasha at 70%, and while I only used 3-month blocks for Vox Machina because it was after the fact, all three canon ships there were only 90%.
The top 10 ships have been pretty consistent; the order hasn't really changed since Callowmoore jumped up to be #5. Friendships are less stable, but that's mostly due to lower numbers, and even there the top 4 haven't changed since start of Jan 22.
Top 10 Ships
Laudogen (94% for both of them)
Dorym (76% for Dorian, 67% for Orym)
Ashrym (54% for Ashton)
Ashton/FCG (75% for FCG)
tied with Fearne/Chetney (94% for Chetney)
Fearne was the only character with ship tags for every other character (excluding Dusk, who isn't included for this section).
Fearne also had the widest range of ships, with Chetney, Imogen, and Laudna the smallest. Orym had the greatest share, and FCG the least.
Top 10 Friendships
Laudna & Imogen (73% of Laudna's, 62% of Imogen's)
Orym & Dorian (61% of Dorian's)
FCG & Ashton (77% of FCG's)
Fearne & Orym
Orym & Ashton
Imogen & Orym
Imogen & Ashton
Imogen & Dorian
Fearne & Imogen
Fearne & Dorian
Orym had the widest range, FCG the least. Orym also had the greatest share, and Chetney the least.
Most Romantic/Platonic
So, this is based off dividing the number of "/" tags by the number of "&" tags for the same pairing. Values greater than 1 are therefore more romantic, and values <1 more platonic. This doesn't take into account the fact romantic fics are often tagged with the platonic.
The top 5 most romantic pairings are Ashton/Dorian, Dorym, Callowmoore, Laudogen, and Chetney/Fearne
The top 5 most platonic pairings, excluding those which had no "/" fics (Chetney & everyone but Fearne and Dorian, Laudna/Orym, and FCG/Dorian) are Imogen/Ashton, FCG/Imogen, Chetney/Dorian, Imogen/Orym, and FCG/Ashton
The most contentious (closest to 1:1) are Fearne/Dorian, Imogen/Dorian, FCG/Fearne, Fearne/Imogen, and Laudna/Ashton
...next up I'm going to be refreshing my M9 & VM stats and doing a comparison between campaigns, so keep an eye out for that.
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samuraiko · 2 years
Oh gods I had a horrible thought over lunch... (CR C3 E29)
What if CHETNEY told Dusk/Yu about Will?!
How did Dusk/Yu know to shapeshift into a hot male half-elf just to fuck with Orym’s head?! Sure, Orym mentioned he’s only into guys, but how would Dusk/Yu know to shift into a half-elven male?
(Yes, I’m aware that theoretically Fearne also knows about Will, Orym says as much while talking to Chetney. But Fearne wasn’t nonstop defending Dusk/Yu during the standoff at Imahara Joe’s was *NEARLY* as much as Chetney was.)
Oh I so hope I’m wrong... because if Orym had (mostly) forgiven Chet for the whole slashing-his-arm thing, and even called Chetney “a good soul” after their heart-to-heart on the way to the Heartmoor and Chet gifted him the box...
That would hurt Orym even WORSE than the slashing.
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captainsspnanon · 2 years
C3E27 - reaction
I love what Ashley is doing with Fearne.  It’s not quite an amnesia thing, but it’s clearly SOMETHING affecting her memory.  She never really dived into the lost time aspect with Yasha in too much depth (for as much as it influenced her actions), so I’m excited to see where she goes with this!
Interestingly, I’m not sure if that was Erika or Dusk stirring shit with asking Laudna asking on the date.
Wonderful scene with Imogen and Laudna.  Confirmed that the relationship is not currently romantic.  (look, I really don’t mind if it becomes romantic in the future, but I’m just so annoyed with people insisting that it’s absolutely 100% romantic now.  Ship away!  But right now?  Your ship is not (romantically) canon.)
SAM.  SAM.  Fucking thank you!!!!  I know that Sam will always end up bringing a ton of depth into his PCs, but it’s sometimes a struggling dealing with the surface level jokes until we get that depth.  Now we’re really starting to see shit go down with FCG, and he just feels more like a fleshed out PC (no pun intended).  (though I admit, I doubt they’d be acting this way if Sam didn’t know that Imogen and Laudna were already resolved XD)
Oh INNNNNTERESTING.  Dusk was pretty clearly eavesdropping, but then Liam fucked everything up by not know and instead engaging in RP, so how does this now work in game?  Erika seemed to have been confirmed to hear the entire convo, but now because of this, now Dusk has missed the entire convo?  Does Matt rule that they hear part of it?  I’d love to know how this bit works out mechanically.
Speaking of shipping, well boo there goes my Fearne/Orym ship and my Imogen/Orym ship.  Definitely was more heavy towards Fearne/Orym - one because I love the dynamics, and two because I DESPERATELY want more Liam/Ashley RP.  Give me moar, pls!!!!!  (hmmm, I think Orym is shipless for me now, as I’m not a Dorym shipper, and I’m feeling Ashton more with Fearne or Laudna.  Alright Matt, pull up an NPC for this boy to romance!  [I kid, I kid.  I have a strong feeling that Liam’s going to avoid romance this campaign considering how heavily it ended up impacting the past two, and he even went into C2 with the intention of not doing it] )
Can I just briefly mention how adorable Laura and Travis have been this campaign?  Vex and Grog had a little bit of the bickering, but I feel like Laura and Travis are having a BLAST leaning into it with Imogen and Chetney.  Just, you can tell their delighted every time they do it.
I am really really enjoying Ashton when he/Taliesin is not trying to be secretive as fuck.  Seriously, Ashton is so much more enjoyable when they’re in action, sharing information, having conversations.  I just get annoyed when they deflect shit that doesn’t need to be deflected. (coming back, the Clasp!  Confirmed!)
OTOHAN THULL.  Holy fuck, Matt is just going SO FUCKING HARD into plot this campaign.  It’s why it’s so weird that it does feel a bit slower paced, considering the plot shit is LIKE NON FREAKING STOP.
Once again, I love that Ashley is going full form this campaign.  SHE DESERVES IT.  I also love that everyone’s giving her shit for it, as if they all haven’t done it in one form or another in previous campaigns (or even in the current campaign, TRAVIS).
Not much to say during second half as it’s a lot of set up, but it’s fun set up to watch, and it doesn’t feel like it’s dragging.  Looking forwards to the race!  And poor Travis, I feel like he and I were on the exact same page.  Still into it, but adhd means that full focus wasn’t there.  I spent probably the last 40 minutes watching while also playing on my phone.  Still enjoying!  But couldn’t give it my full attention.  And if I’m right and he was experiencing that?  oh boy, it’s so much harder in person.
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