#while i think amethio's is pretty much the same?
amelikos · 5 months
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Amethio and Roy are both imitating Friede for their Terastal pose.
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jadeazora · 6 months
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I'm hoping that Amethio at least gets something next arc (maybe he gets done with his training with Hamber, and knowing Friede and the other Explorers are off chasing down Rayquaza, tries kidnapping Liko/Terapagos towards the end of the arc, but Friede and the crew coincidentally make their return about the same time and we get another battle between them or maybe Liko and co. manage to better fend him off this time?) and we can finally move forward and get some actual development on him as a character.
Like, he hasn't interacted with Liko since pretty much Ep6, they've generally focused pretty exclusively on his rivalry with Friede, I really hope that they build more past that since I'm still thinking he might join up with the RVT crew eventually or at the very least, something happens that causes him to drop his loyalty to Gibeon and leave with Zirc and Onia. (Maybe all three of them join up, or they try to protect Amethio by forcing him to go with the RVT, while they stay behind and try to hold off the other admins as best they can?) But giving him some interaction with the other kids would be some good groundwork and establish more of a dynamic with them.
There's also Terapagos having that strong hostile (?) reaction to him back during their raid on Diana's castle. I've speculated on a familial connection to being why he's with the Explorers (he has strong daddy issues vibes), but it's possible his ancestor could be the one responsible for Lucius's disappearance, which would be a very interesting connection to see them build off on with Liko.
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kafus · 5 months
SO... do you headcannon anyone in horizons as autistic?
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so dot is the most obvious choice. there is no universe in which she is not autistic to me. this is one of my strongest dot headcanons actually and one of the main reasons i enjoy her as a character. there are so many reasons for this i could go on endlessly but i'll just list a few big ones here
her extreme passion for her interests at a disregard for almost everything else & her ability to self teach those topics (not to mention her interests have to do with computing)
her difficulties with food overlap a lot with food sensitivities autistic people often have, also her latching onto donuts as a sort of samefood after finally trying them once
the tendency to wear loose, comfortable clothes and more recently she has complained while wearing tighter clothes (the orange academy school uniform) so it's not just that she prefers loose fabric, she also is put off by the alternative. girl your sensory problems
irritable outbursts when struggling to articulate herself/make herself understood
her connection with kanuchan (tinkatink) felt really neurodivergent to me. she wasn't offput by her behavior, even after stealing her prop mic, and was immediately able to understand her when no one else could or was willing to. not sure how to articulate this one right now but i hope you see what i mean
her tendency to sit cross legged and lean over herself reminds me a lot of my personal autistic tendency to need a pressure/weighted feeling while i sit or have body parts touching
social exhaustion, the need to be alone sometimes even when she cares
the list genuinely goes on i have to stop myself LOL
as for other characters,
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so for liko i'm more loose about the headcanon, it's definitely more of me projecting than her being overtly autistic in canon but i still think it lines up if u wanna view her that way. i'm autistic and i personally relate to liko a lot becauseee
she is giving hyperempathy autism to me. the way she is overly empathetic and compassionate to her own detriment and yet still has to have her hand held through articulating & dealing with that or putting the logical parts of empathy together
the way she absolutely fucking Explodes with excitement sometimes
the way in which she relates to cats, and her whole thing about having a hard time getting other people to understand her. these two things go hand in hand
there's something neurodivergent about her trying to connect with sprigatito by studying her and writing notes about her behavior lol
while this is kind of just on the account of her being an anime character and a protagonist at that, liko's facial expressions and body language can be pretty exaggerated sometimes which reminds me of my own body language, i'm cartoonishly animated in real life often LOL
so like basically dot is so obviously autistic to me it's like breathing but for liko it's kind of a hc i apply to her for projection purposes & fun but i think it's reasonable
and lastly so i'm not just talking about solely liko and dot for the millionth time,
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ORIO!! honestly we don't even know that much about orio but the one episode where she was helping pokeball lady i forget the name of fix her machine. the really narrow attention to detail/seeing the smaller parts instead of the bigger picture. also her expertise in engineering contrasted with her struggling with tasks outside of that (like when she was trying to sew holes in the brave asagi and for the life of her could not do it so she called murdock for help lol)
and actually one more - while i don't necessarily headcanon amethio as autistic, i think it's a fun headcanon/au idea to not only give him a redemption arc but an autism unmasking arc at the same time. representation for all my repressed autistics out there. in my mind
thanks for asking i'm so autistic about horizons so of course i headcanon them with autism too JOISJOIFD
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rising-volteccers · 1 year
After watching HZ022 with subs, I can safely say that Friede continues to be the guy I love so much for a reason. I have Thoughts™ about him just from what we learn in this episode so here comes another hyperfixated post from me.
Screencaps and what not under the read more so spoilers be warned -jazz hands-
First and foremost, I absolutely love how we get to see why he's a Pokemon Professor.
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He has vast knowledge about Pokemon that he could make this possible connection and eventual realization that what they're chasing after might not be Rayquaza after all. I could easily picture him pouring hours over all recorded information involving Rayquaza. You can see that proud smile on his face, hear the budding excitement in his voice. Regardless of how he feels about the title, this man continues to have a passion in learning about Pokemon.
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I also love this little callback to HZ008 where the kids disappear on him when he's absorbed in explaining things.
Next, I love how they show the deep bond and trust that he has with his Pokemon.
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Friede understood Cap's intentions and he trusts Cap to look after the kids if he found them first. He trusts Cap to take care of himself too seeing that in most situations, it's wiser to stick together. Last thing you want is for more people or Pokemon getting lost.
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And man, I absolutely love how Cap shares Friede's protectiveness over the kids and their young Pokemon. He fought to keep them safe against a strong opponent, so much so that he got badly hurt from it. Friede's trust in Cap is warranted, and I can't imagine how bad things would've get for Liko and Roy had Cap not arrive as he did.
Back with Friede and Charizard, you can see the deep bond that they have too.
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Breathing in sync with Charizard so they can both spot that split second of Ceruledge coming out of Phantom Force and react accordingly? That's not something achievable without years of battling together, where Charizard trusts Friede's order and has the reaction time to hit Ceruledge with Dragon Claw. I love how Horizons continue to showcase Pokemon bonds with their respective Trainers.
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Going back to Friede, once again we see his playfully serious nature when it came to battling against Amethio. Compared to his last encounter with Spinel, there's a pretty significant difference in how he sees both opponents. He battles them seriously but Spinel showed he was a dangerous opponent while Amethio, while strong doesn't convey the same level of danger to Friede. He knows that Amethio will fight him in a straightforward battle so he's able to make all these quips.
Meanwhile Friede mentioning that Amethio won't catch him looking away is a callback to that battle on the island where he kept getting distracted by Roy's battle. This shows that he learnt from that battle and is taking Amethio seriously. On the other hand, Amethio's eye twitch is an indicator that he thinks Friede's still not taking him seriously, which I find is a nice touch.
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Lastly, I love how they showed him to immediately jump into action. Unlike Amethio who watched on as Galarian Moltress emerged from the mine shaft, Friede spotted Liko and Roy being chased by it. He had Charizard attack it so the attention shifted to him instead of the kids. Just the zero hesitation of attacking a strong, dangerous Pokemon he likely didn't know of to protect the kids, and trusting them to take care of Cap literally had me screaming his name alongside Liko.
All in all, I absolutely loved this week's episode! It gave me crumbs of his personality that I will put into my future writing of him haha!
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animefu · 11 months
Pokémon Horizons - The Sudden Turn (Part 2)
Characters: Amethio, Friede, Liko, Roy
Pokémon: Sprigatito, Corviknight, Wattrell, Fuecoco
What happened earlier:
"I actually didn't want to imagine it... But now that I think about it again... It would definitely be a possibility... !"
Roy started to feel very uneasy, after the young Pokémon Trainer heard Friedes words about the possibility, that the Explorers really might could've kidnapped Liko and Sprigatito. But... He just didn't want to believe that!! Friede noticed Roy's tension and gently touched the boy's shoulder. "Roy... Is everything alright?" he asked a little bit out of concern.
He then woke up from his train of thoughts and looked up at the adult. "I'm fine.. Just... Just the idea, that Liko could actually be in danger... I'm so worried... What if, something worse happens to her? I would never forgive myself for that!! She is my best friend after all, so is Sprigatito ... " re replied, while his voice was clearly shaking throughout his words.
The Rising Volt Tacklers leader now carefully grabbed both of the child's shoulders, so he could look him straight in the face. "Roy, listen to me... I fully understand, what must be going on with you right now... I'm just as worried about Liko and Sprigatito, as you are, do you understand?..." he sighed briefly, while he showed off a slight chearing up smile.
"Liko is so brave, she cares about others, about us, Sprigatito and even other Pokémon. She has shown extreme courage in many difficult situations, which is exactly the potential, that makes her so unique as a Pokémon Trainer. So please don't worry. We'll find her. I promise." Friede continued.
Roy listened to him carefully, then took a deep breath and exhaled afterwards. Fuecoco did the same. Well, like the trainer, like the Pokémon. Now the boy's eyes were determined and full of confidence again. "You are absolutely right, Friede. We will definitely find Liko and Sprigatito."
"There you go, that's the Roy as I know him. I like you much better that way." he said with a satisfied smile and briefly patted Roy's head, whereupon he had to giggle slightly.
"And what should we do now? If the Explorers have really kidnapped Liko, they could have disappeared with her to God knows where! Or worse, maybe they're already out of the woods with her and we won't even have a chance, of finding her and Sprigatito at all!" he now said and paced up and down thoughtfully.
Friede watched him and now scratched his chin thoughtfully as well. "That would be possible... But let's assume, that the Explorers really kidnapped Liko... Why didn't they come to us immediately? That would at least be my first intuition, to kidnap someone first and then blackmail possible relatives afterwards, so that this kidnapped person is released unharmed... No, there has to be something else behind Liko's disappearance. Especially, since I already know Amethio very well and even, if he is still after her pendant... He would never even dream, of kidnapping Liko like that, without informing us afterwards! That just doesn't suit him, I'm absolutely sure of it!" he said now and was already pretty convinced of his theory.
"Hmhh, now that you put it like that... Yes, that actually makes sense. However, we still don't know, where she could be. Wait, maybe there is only one possible explanation. It could be, that Sprigatito possibly ran deeper into the forest and away from the original path, whereupon Liko followed It. Maybe she got lost on the way and now can't find her way back out." Roy said then, while awaiting Friedes answer.
"I know, I'm already thinking. First of all, we should actually search the forest first then. Maybe, Liko really got lost there somewhere, while she followed Sprigatito." he suggested, to which Roy gave a nod of agreement.
"Got it. I think it would be the best, if we split up then. That way we might have a better chance, of finding a clue of, where they are." said the young trainer and immediately released Wattrel from his Pokéball. "I'll keep an eye out further south, you further in a northerly direction." With that, the young Trainer went into the corresponding direction of the forest, like Liko and Sprigatito had probably done before.
As Friede looked after him, he now took his Rotom phone out of his jacket pocket, to inform the rest of the crew about Liko's sudden disappearance. Finally at last...
Meanwhile, Amethio had been flying on his Corviknight for several hours over the thicket of the forest, through which Liko and the rest of the Rising Volt Tacklers had previously passed, to get to her grandmother. It had already started, to get dark and there were gray clouds in the sky, which were a sign of a rain shower, that was about to begin. The young teenager was still completely confused by, what had happened before, that he didn't really knew, where exactly he was actually going. Or rather flying.
While he was thinking about this, his mind kept flashing back, to what had happened earlier, when he had found Liko so badly injured near that cliff. When she almost was about to fall down from it... This specific situation had literally left him in a state of shock. And when Spinel revealed himself and admitted, that he was the one, that had intentionally hurt the girl including her Pokémon, just to get Likos pendant... And not forgetting the fact, that his rival hadn't shown neither a sign of shock, nor hint of remorse, or even regret at all... That moment had thrown Amethio completely off track.
His gaze fell down onto Liko again, who he was still holding in his arms, so that she couldn't fall, since the two of them were at least several meters above the ground on his Corviknight.
The young trainer was still unconscious. Only now did Amethio fully realize, how terribly she had actually been mauled. Just like, he'd seen before, the young girl had suffered serious injuries from the now obviously reckless attack by Spinel's Pokémon.
For one thing, she had a profusely bleeding wound on her stomach and another, not quite as large, wound on her left leg. While this may not have been as extreme, that didn't meant, it was any less worrying. The Explorer Admin knew, that these wounds had to be treated as quickly as possible, especially the one on her stomach gave him pause.
But first they had to find somewhere, to stay out of the heavy rain, that had now started, so that the two of them wouldn't catch a cold. Because that particular thing was actually also true for Amethio right know.
At that moment, it didn't matter at all, that he was part of an evil organization or even the fact, that he usually wasn't the kind of person, who openly showed his emotions and feelings to others, but always tried to hide them as best as possible. No, this time it was different... Completely different...
However, he pushed that thought aside for now, as he and Liko still needed to find safe shelter from the rain. And Liko's injuries had to be treated immediately. Even, if it ultimately meant, Amethio would be the one, to take on the task. Tch, how on earth did you get into this situation after all?! he thought to himself, while keeping an eye on the unconscious girl in his arms.
After the teen had been flying around aimlessly for several hours, he slowly ran out of patience and told Corviknight, to land between a few trees, that belonged to the same area of ​​forest, in which he had suddenly discovered Spinel before. "Corviknight, return." he said, as he recalled his second Pokémon and let its Pokéball slide back into his left pocket.
He then took Liko back into his arms and, as a precaution, put Sprigatito back into its Pokéball as well. Because, it would be a bit difficult for the teen, to carry the seriously injured girl and her Pokémon at the same time.
So he continued, to stamp with her through the rather muddy ground of the forest, when, after a good bit of walking, Amethio finally discovered a cave. This should be enough, to keep both of them save from the heavy weather outside. At least for now. He immediately went straight inside there with Liko still in his arms, so that both couldn't get any more wet. His hair alone was already very wet and partially stuck to his face, due to the extreme rain.
After he had penetrated a little deeper into the cave, the teen finally stopped and carefully laid Liko down on the slightly sandy ground, to briefly sort out his thoughts.
How should things continue, now? Amethio could hardly inform Friede or other members from the Rising Volt Tacklers to say 'Hey, just that you know, I found the girl injured near a cliff, after I suddenly saw my rival, while I was following you, because, I still want to get the pendant.' Seriously, how stupid would that sound?!
But for better or for worse, he HAD to do something, if he didn't want to get into any further trouble with his colleagues or even Gibeon himself. Because, he really couldn't use that too. He sighed a little out of frustration, but then, first of all wrung out his wet hair, before the teen sat down next to Liko and leaned himself against the cold stone wall.
He exhaled deeply and then looked back at Liko and, at the same time, at her wounds. That's right, now it's coming back to him. She still needed treatment. Amethio lightly slapped his forehead. He almost forgot the reason, why he had actually fled here with her. Even, if it wasn't his intuition in the first place.
The young silver-, and gray-haired boy let out a brief hiss, but then finally carefully leaned over the quiet girl and, at the same time, extremely carefully pulled the white T-shirt about halfway up her waist with his hands covered in black gloves. This gave him a better view of the gaping wound on her stomach.
Only now, when he took a closer look, Amethio realized, what fatal consequences Spinel's ruthless and yes, one could even almost classify as cold-blooded action, had actually brought to light.
There was a wound in the girl's skin, which was linear but slightly curved from the top of her belly button to the left side of her waist. Fortunately, the bleeding had stopped, but still... It just looked unbelievably terrible.
Amethio had to, even if he was actually unaware of this, swallow. He had seen a lot of injuries in his life before, but this?! This was definitely on a completely different level, but nowhere, near a positive sense. But the teenager could think about that at another time. Treating Likos injuries was the first priority right know.
Now Amethio started, to ponder a bit, because, he didn't know right away, whether he had any bandages with him. Nevertheless, he reached into both pockets of his trousers and surprisingly found a small roll of gauze bandage, as well as a few cotton swabs and even a bottle of disinfectant. Well, apparently it was sometimes really practical, to have something with you in case of an emergency.
Then he quickly shook his head. Enough of that Amethio, you better concentrate! the teen reminded himself and went back, to taking care of the injured girl.
First he took some disinfectant, which he applied to a cotton swab and used it, to carefully remove the light dirt, that had probably previously accumulated in the wound. Then he took off one of his gloves and smeared some ointment on the wound, which he had also found in his pocket, and lastly wrapped the gauze bandage around Liko's waist about three to five times. With that, the main step was already done.
The last thing Amethio did, was disinfecting the smaller, less extreme wound on her leg and wrapping the gauze bandage around there too, but not as often.
After he had finished with that for the time being, he finally let Sprigatito out of its Pokéball again. The Grass Cat Pokémon was probably worried about its owner too. At least that's, what the teenager assumed, but basically that's how it had to be, right?
Shortly after the little cat saw 'light' again, the first thing, that happened was, that it's big eyes instinctively fell on Liko. It immediately made a slightly frightening sound and already imagined the worst, when it saw her lying there motionless, so it let out a quiet meow and carefully nuzzled its head against Liko's palm. Although the girl still didn't react, her body temperature was still within the appropriate range. Thank God!!
However, after Sprigatito turned around and suddenly saw Amethio, it again took an attacking stance and hissed slightly aggressively at him, just like it did with Spinel back then. The Explorer Admin wasn't particularly surprised by the Pokémon's reaction though.
He was more or less the enemy after all, as he had already tried several times, to take Liko and thus her pendant into his possession. Luckily so far unsuccessful. So he could definitely understand this current behavior, wich was actually entirely justified. At least in this current moment.
But there was no time for that, now. "I know, you think, I'm the one, who hurt her so badly. I can't blame you. But right now, I have other, more important things to worry about. Believe me, I just wanted, to help your owner. You can scratch my face later. But please... Trust me for now, at least for a while."
'God, you sound like a complete idiot, already talking to a Pokémon, like if it's your best friend or something. Great, Amethio. Really outstanding performance!' he heard his mind talking to him once again and let out a big snort of air. Then the teen carefully held out a hand to Sprigatito, to appear a little more trustworthy, he hoped. "Temporary Truce for now?"
The little Grass Cat looked very skeptically at this gesture at first, but then finally settled down after a little while, after it realized, that there was actually no point, in not trusting the Explorer Admin. What he said was true. Liko's health took priority for now. At some point, the Pokémon stopped hissing at Amethio and finally, but still very carefully stepped closer to the young boy's outstretched hand and nestled its head against it afterwards with a slight purr coming from it's throat.
Amethio sighed a little with relief and, with a slight smile on his lips, scratched the cat behind the ears, until it finally fell asleep snuggled up to its Trainers feet. He then collected some wood, that was lying around in the cave and used it to light a small fire, so that it wouldn't get too cold for the three of them. Because it wasn't quite clear yet, how long they would actually stay in this location, as long as the rain and the thunderstorm, that had now occurred as well, hadn't stopped.
At some point, the teen began, to yawn and laid himself down next to the glowing wood, before soon falling into a deep sleep. After all, everything had already been turbulent enough today. And who knew, what would happen next...
To be continued...
Sidenote: Um yeah, I thought, I would end this work with this Part, but then I said to myself, no maybe you could expand this even further. I'll probably write a few more Parts, but we'll see.
Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this Part as much as the first one. If that's the case, please write your feedback and opinions into the tags or glady reblog this post.
Have a wonderful evening and we will see or rather read each other very soon in Part 3 of:
'Pokémon Horizons - The Sudden Turn'
Love you guys!!! :) :) :)
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shmothman · 1 year
Thank you for responding! I love the essay you wrote about what we've seen about his character thus far and you brought up good points! When you put it like that, his 'recklessness' does come from things that he planned for. While true, having the Brave Asagi fly through a thunderstorm for the sake of shaking of the Explorers is reckless, it also gave Cap a power boost from the lightning, bringing back that image of Ash's Pikachu way back in the first episode getting struck by lightning against the Spearow flock.
And yeah, instead of letting Liko just rush in like that, he held her back and put down a plan; distracting Amethio with a battle while Liko goes ahead to save her Pokemon. It makes me wonder if Amethio would wise up and makes it harder for Friede to taunt him into battles, seeing that he's done it twice now. I'm super intrigued to see the origins for the crew! Like, how did he scrounge up people from various backgrounds and ages, and where the Brave Asagi even came from. Did they build it from scratch? Repurpose an existing blimp for their purposes? It's super technologically advance to me, given that they can have an on deck battling arena plus those force fields(?) covering it. From the character sheet we've seen of him, there was one where he made this pouty face and one that I could see where he's getting reprimanded or maybe feeling sick. Given that there's Mollie on board, I just want to see moments where he's wrangled into the infirmary for one reason or another. With the stunts he's pulled thus far, I want to see one where things doesn't go exactly as plan. He strikes me as someone who maybe has a hard time staying still. I know I'm waiting every week for new bits of information cause I want to write him so much!
Right right right—the thunderstorm bit seemed risky, but I think it really mostly showed that he has confidence in what he does; he didn’t doubt his and pikachu’s ability to navigate through it safely, and he knew the tactical advantage it would give to pikachu in battle. (There’s the question of whether learning that these things would work took a lot of risk on his part in the past, and I do have an inkling that he was more reckless as a kid/teenager than he is now, but who knows what we’ll learn about his past.)
And yes I also hope Amethio is the type of antagonist that doesn’t fall for the same thing twice—now that he knows Friede is prone to Being The Distraction, I hope they’ll have to find new ways to beat them! (Though, if we’re being honest, we’re coming from the series that had ash/team rocket fall for the same things every time, so we’ll see 🤣) And I really want to see what Friede does when plan A doesn’t work 👀👀
I’m so excited to see the origins of the crew, too! I mean obviously Molly has a history with the Nurse Joys (given the pink hair, the Chansey, and the fact that she didn’t want to go into the pokemon center) so my guess for her is that she ran away from being a nurse—and what better way to leave everything behind than to join the crew of an airship. But I would guess that either they were all friends and decided to go into the adventuring business together, or Friede was the one who came up with the idea and met/hired/befriended the rest along the way. Or Captain Pikachu found them all 🤣🤣 it’s anybody’s guess right now!
I wouldn’t say that the airship is super advanced, given what we’ve seen of the rest of the technology in the pokemon world: the forcefield around the battlefield reminds me of the energy barriers in the stadiums in the journeys series—it’s probably pretty standard tech in-universe. And there have been much more futuristic methods of travel, off the top of my head I remember Hunter J’s airship from the Diamond and Pearl series; though I do get the idea that it was at least a little bit cobbled together—or at least improved by Orla and the rest of the crew when they got it. Maybe they inherited it from someone? Maybe they bought it? I can’t wait to find out!
I also agree that he seems like someone who can’t stay still (listen I know I’m always HCing my favs with at least one of my Mental Issues but this one for sure has adhd)—I would bet that he’s always looking for the Next Mystery to Solve, and would probably get restless pretty quickly if there wasn’t anything to do next. But I also think he’s okay when the thing to do next is just… make some money 🤣 because hey, more money means more adventure, right? Though I do think he took this job more for the mystery of it than the money of it 🤣 it really seems like he’d do just about anything for a good mystery 👀👀
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kafus · 8 months
ok i am gonna share that nightmare i had yesterday actually. tw for a variety of topics including cults, attempted murder of a young child, kind of barely an age gap relationship between a younger child and a teenager, gun violence, listen it was crazy i have no idea what my sleeping brain was cooking. i should not have to say this about a nightmare i had while unconscious but to be clear i don't ENDORSE any of these topics IRL or some bullshit like that
also this nightmare involved pokemon horizons characters for some reason so if you watch the pokemon anime and don't want to hear about hypothetical nightmare scenarios of very AU things happening to them i would also avoid
so i'm setting the stage here. as far as i can tell i was just normal me in this dream (notable because i am usually Not "just me" in my dreams) but i was a teenager again instead of a 24 year old. i was living in a large multi-story house with the main cast of pokemon horizons (everyone on the brave asagi), and like a few other people not from horizons but they don't really matter. the dream timeskipped through a lot of years of me living there, like i had been there for a while.
despite me saying the cast of horizons was there my brain was very pick and choosey with what actual character traits or recognizable features remained of these characters other than their names/general appearances. importantly liko was a good bit younger than her anime appearance, not sure of her exact age but like, elementary school. she was Extremely chronically ill with some sort of undefined illness my brain made up, i guess. she lived in the basement of the house and was totally bedridden Most of the time, as to survive she had to constantly be hooked up to a somewhat bulky machine. she could be off of it for very brief periods but to get around anywhere, that machine had to come with her. she was generally way more timid and also way more woozy and relied on everyone for care.
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^ like imagine her but even smaller and very sickly constantly. if you have never watched pokemon horizons lol
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^ the main other person i interacted with was amethio who was probably the most recognizable - similar personality, though it was probably what i'd imagine him to be like after a hypothetical redemption arc, still irritable and brooding but like, he has a soft side. me and him were around the same age here (14?) and we were the main two watching after liko. he was like?? in love with liko??? my brain really never acknowledged the age gap here it was just normal and no one thought anything of it. that being said that's not something he expressed directly to her and they weren't in a relationship
anyway so the major thing here is that this household was pretty much a small cult. isolated from the outside world, general actual cult shit, but also we had some sort of belief we were all indoctrinated into by the higher up adults that liko had to Die at a specific time and date, i don't remember if it was for sacrificial reasons or if a reason was even provided in the dream at all, but tldr me and amethio were expected to unplug her life support stuff without her knowing and let her die with the assumption that she would be too woozy or confused to do anything about it herself. after a lot of implied bonding with her i was expected to pretty much murder a child. suffice to say this was horrifying
we actually did the deed and like halfway through watching liko's energy fade i started thinking like. wait. why am i doing this. i know that liko is supposed to die, but is she really? am i really doing the right thing? watching her die is awful. i've cared for her so much for years and i don't want her to die. so in the middle of all of this i take amethio aside (he was off in another room because he didn't want to watch liko suffer, i was taking the role of making sure it happened) and i'm like. amethio why are we doing this. you love her right. you love liko so you don't want her to die. i don't want to kill her. and he's like. Fuck you're right this is insane i don't care about the past however many years i cannot let liko die. so we agree to plug her life support stuff back in and confront the rest of the house
after ensuring liko was hooked back up and starting to recover, i made my way upstairs to confront the adults in the house while amethio worked on getting her out of there safely, and like. holy shit.
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NEVER THOUGHT I'D HAVE ANY SORT OF DREAM/NIGHTMARE WHERE FRIEDE FROM POKEMON HORIZONS TRIES TO LITERALLY KILL ME, but i GUESS this is the life i'm leading now. i was like dude why are we killing liko you can't just make me kill a child i'm sorry and his positive demeanor quickly turned sour and the rest of the dream devolved into a blur of confusing violence, one because i was being chased after multiple fully grown adults in the body of a teenager, both by violent pokemon and like, literal guns, i was being shot at, and also because from here on out the dream started heavily deteriorating, like it became more weird and less linear and stuff that didn't make sense was happening. i never knew what ended up happening to amethio and liko because in a particularly close bout of violence i suddenly woke up sweating/shaking/heart pounding. and then after i caught my breath and realized i was awake i was just like. HELLO???????? WHAT THE FUCK?????
idk the last time i had a dream this vivid much less one this off the walls. i keep thinking about it cause like, due to Reasons if i'm dreaming about liko, especially as someone in such a vulnerable and awful position, that probably means something/pertains to my personal real life trauma, like the general aura of this dream read as a ptsd nightmare to me, but fuck if i'm gonna be able to parse all that today i have no idea what the fuck any of this means. i'm just losing my shit. especially because i went back to sleep afterwards and had another dream about pokemon horizons characters but it was literally just cute shit where i was liko and in a relationship with dot high school AU style and we were hanging out after class. like the complete tonal whiplash is so fucking funny. why on earth did my brain make the most wildly contrasting pokemon fanfictions of all time while i was asleep. helpppp
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amelikos · 11 months
Friede and Amethio's battle in HZ025 parallels their first battle in the first episode (at night, on a rooftop, Lizardon VS Soulblades).
Some observations about their battle because that warrants a post on its own, honestly. Their dynamics and interactions are interesting, and I feel like they both seek different things from their confrontations. Friede battles for fun and fights to protect what's dear to him, while Amethio seems to want to achieve something greater than the actual battle itself when they face each other. So they aren't exactly seeing the same thing.
I think the most intriguing part of the battle was that it highlighted how young and immature Amethio is by having Friede say that he isn't young enough to let words rile him up. This happens after Amethio tells him that it's not like him to lack spirit (which shows that they both really know each other by this point). Amethio wants to be composed and more mature than he actually is, but his facade has been breaking little by little ever since the beginning. Amethio has been shown to be easily riled up by Friede's words or attitude before, even though the latter wasn't necessarily looking to get a reaction out of him?
For example, Amethio thought he was being underestimated by Friede in HZ002 when he sent Cap to battle against Soulblades. We know Cap is a strong opponent, but Amethio thought that sending a Pikachu meant that he was being underestimated. He just made assumptions here, but that wasn't Friede's intention. Another example of Amethio being pissed off by Friede was in HZ003. When Friede and Liko went to him to get Nyahoja back, Friede managed to lure him into accepting his offer to settle this through a battle by asking "are you afraid you'll lose?" and it worked. Amethio immediately told him not to mess with him. This was intentional on Friede's part since he knew that Amethio would probably take the bait after suggesting he could lose.
There has been multiple instances of Amethio being angry towards Friede when he felt like he wasn't properly looking at him and acknowledging him. A recurring line between them has been "don't look away from me" after all, which Amethio told Friede in HZ005 when he was distracted during their battle (and it's not like Friede was distracted for the sake of it either, as the leader of his crew he was worried for Liko and Roy and the others being in danger and checked on them, hence why he looked away). And as much as Friede can be "forgetful", he remembered that specific line from Amethio and uses it back in HZ022 in the Galar Mine during their battle and says he won't look away. And in HZ025, Amethio immediately got pissed when Friede told him he was on the phone.
Other than that, there is mutual respect and honor between them. Friede initially thought that their battle (in HZ025) was going to be 2 VS 1 but Amethio called back Armorga so the battle could be a proper 1 VS 1. Even though he could have the advantage of numbers, Amethio always fights fairly. Which is something Friede knows as well, since he knew Amethio wasn't responsible for Liko's mysterious disappearance in HZ015. Friede knew that Amethio would fight head-on and show himself if he was coming for the pendant, something Spinel didn't do. Even when the tower fell in HZ025, Friede didn't feel worried by Amethio being higher and behind him in the sky because he just knows he won't do anything underhanded or attack him when he cannot see him.
They know each other and each other's Pokemon pretty well too. Friede commends Amethio for being serious, knows he tends to be impatient (he said this in HZ022), praises him for adapting and using the situation to his advantage in HZ025, knows he has to look out for Soulblades's ability in battle which shows that he respects Amethio as a trainer. Amethio also knows Friede and his personality (when he comments on his lack of spirit).
Either way, I feel like they both want different things from their battles and this causes misunderstandings between them. Amethio feels like he wants to prove something (to himself? to someone else?) through their battles and probably feels like Friede never took him seriously until this battle given how he quickly defeated him after using Terastal. But honestly, I feel like it's a bit more complicated than that. Friede could have dismissed Amethio and not given him the time of the day when he was asking to battle in the Galar Mine for example, but he still battles him. Friede takes him seriously, hence why he battles him again and again in the first place.
To me, the key difference is that now Amethio went from "worthy opponent" to "threat to defeat". (And it also speaks of Amethio's skill that he cornered Friede enough to get him to use Terastal, which he only used against Spinel before when it was a 2 VS 1 battle and Spinel had the advantage of numbers)
I feel like Friede genuinely considers Amethio as fun to battle? When he fled from their battle in HZ003, he told him they should do a battle again and he barely met Amethio at the time and yet still told him this. Even in the Dokimeki Diary opening, their scene together where they battle shows Friede with fire in his eyes as they are battling, which to me implies that he just enjoys their battles. Amethio is a fair and respectable opponent, and they more or less match each other in terms of strength (which I don't think is the case with anyone from the Rising Volt Tacklers as Friede is "the battler" of the group, the others have their own fields they specialize in). So battling Amethio is probably the first fun Friede has had in a while.
But now, Amethio became a threat. Friede clearly was battling to protect Liko and Roy in HZ025 and he only had Lizardon with him and if Lizardon was defeated, he wouldn't have any other Pokemon with him. Lizardon being defeated meant immediate danger.
Hence, to me, the shift in Amethio going from "opponent" to "threat to defeat" (to protect what's important to Friede). I think part of Friede was sincere when he apologized to Amethio after defeating him, and said he made him stop holding back. Part of him was probably holding back subconsciously before. The way I see it, Friede wasn't necessarily looking to defeat Amethio before that? He wasn't seeking the same thing as Amethio out of their battles. He could have fun with their battles (especially since now he is starting to openly praise Amethio's skills, so it seems like he sees potential in him).
While Amethio was seeking to defeat Friede and their battles were a much bigger deal to him. He was looking for something else through their battles, and in doing so he became a threat. Hence why Friede resorted to using his trump card.
Anyway, their dynamics is really interesting. I feel like Friede probably doesn't realize how much he is getting under Amethio's skin, and Amethio really feels like he is trying to achieve something specific or prove something whenever they face off. He was looking at the Brave Asagi flying away at the end of the episode, and he seemed affected by his loss in general... I wonder how he'll grow from this. I hope Friede and Amethio will battle just for fun someday.
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animefu · 10 months
Pokémon Horizons - The Sudden Turn (Part 4)
Characters: Amethio, Liko, Roy, Friede, Murdock, Hamber, Spinel, Gibeon
Pokémon: Sprigatito, Umbreon
What happened earlier:
"You know what? You're absolutely right! I finally have to do something, to get my life back on track!!"...
Amethio continued, to sit at the table in the meeting room of the Brave Asagi with his hands folded and his elbows propped up on the top of the table, his chin resting on his hands. In front of the Rising Volt Tacklers, finally ready, to reveal his terrible past to his actual 'enemies'...
The entire crew looked at him knowingly. Even though the teenager had already caused them all sorts of problems... After his numerous descriptions, including those from Liko, they were now convinced about the fact, that he was not willingly under the Explorers' service as well. And that something terrible was bothering him... It was something so terrible really, that just had to be connected to his past somehow!
It was definitely not an easy situation for the black and silver-haired teen, quite the opposite. In fact, Amethio was sweating so much, that Liko and Friede in particular were starting, to get seriously worried about the 16-year-old. And that definitely wasn't seen as ironic.
To be honest, it actually hurt Liko's heart especially, to see the young boy suddenly like this... How should she describe it best?... Ah, just as frail, completely empty and so incredibly weak.
The girl had never seen such a state in anyone before, not even in herself, when Amethio and his two henchmen had kidnapped Sprigatito, shortly before she became a member of the Rising Volt Tacklers back then, after his second battle with Friede was interrupted.
Nevertheless, she now tried to get the teen out of his current slump. "Amethio... Hey, can you hear me?!" The person being addressed jumped violently, when he suddenly felt a hand on his shoulder and, at the same time, a firm voice, that broke him out of his trance.
Amethio initially looked around confused, but shortly afterwards his gaze was immediately enveloped by the blue eyes of the girl, who looked at him with such concern, that the black and silver-haired boy initially believed, that he was in the middle of a dream and not in reality at the moment. However that was not the case here.
Liko's gaze was still on him with a certain concern. "Listen... I know, that this is an extremely difficult situation for you right now... I understand you, honestly! However... If you don't open up to us... It won't get any better for you, believe me! And honestly... You actually do want it to get better for you, don't you?" the black-haired girl now asked, still looking intently into Amethio's violet eyes.
He opened his eyes wide, as he suddenly felt all the bad memories raining down on him. In desperation he pressed both hands against his head while clenching his teeth tightly and right now he just wanted to disappear! Somewhere, away from these memories, from this pressure!!
While the others were wondering, what was happening to the teenager at the moment, Amethio simply stood up, turned around and quickly left the room without saying anything more, while the rest just stared after him, perplexed.
So everyone stood there without a word as they looked at the open door, through which the black and silver-haired had just disappeared.
Now Liko's worries in particular grew bigger from second to second. She sank into deep thought for a moment, as she remembered Amethio's previous words: >"I swore I would never speak about my past again!"<
'So it really must have actually been extremely terrible for him indeed...' She thought, then Friede spoke to her. "Liko... I think we should really go to sleep now... It's pretty late and we can still talk about the rest and eat tomorrow too." he said and looked decisively at the young Trainer.
"I know... But... I can't just leave it like that! I really have to help Amethio!" She still insisted on her decision. "I know that you want to make Amethio happy again. But right now it's just, that he's simply not quite ready, to talk about his past just yet. Give it some time. Then he will definitely come back to us on his own. I'm pretty sure about it." the white-haired said, while giving Liko an encouraging smile.
"And besides, it wouldn't necessarily be advisable, to put even more pressure on him now anyway, even though that's exactly, what's still weighing on his shoulders at the moment. That just wouldn't be the best way to do it either, don't you think?" the adult added.
The black-haired listened to every word, the leader of the Rising Volt Tacklers spoke. Yes, she had to admit... Just questioning Amethio more about his past now, would definitely not lead to the desired success. And especially not, when the teenager was already anything, but mentally well...
Now she let out a heavy sigh. "You're right, Friede. I understand... Still... Can I at least talk to Amethio normally, please? I won't demand him either, I promise. I just want to know more about him. That's all!" the Pokémon Trainer now pleaded and made the corresponding gesture with her hands, while Sprigatito was sitting on her shoulder. "Nyaohja!" Apparently it also wanted Amethio, to feel a little better.
The others blinked briefly in confusion, before Friede finally gave in. "Ok, I get it... So if you really want to help him so much, I guess I can't talk you out of it either way, can I?" he asked, as he looked at the girl scrutinizingly. Liko just gave another decisive nod. That was finally enough for the white-haired man.
And to be honest, it had always been clear to him, that once the black-haired set her mind to something, it would be very difficult to dissuade her from this decision anyway.
Liko now smiled broadly, as he finally agreed to her request after a short while. "Thank you Friede, thank you so much." she said in a cheerful voice, which elicited a slight giggle from the leader of the Rising Volt Tacklers.
"Nah, no need, really. I simply know, how stubborn you can be at times. Now go to him already." the adult now said and gave one of his protégés a little nudge towards the door.
The black-haired staggered a little awkwardly by this for a moment, before she regained her balance and now disappeared out the door as well, to check on Amethio. Of course, Sprigatito followed its Trainer.
So now Liko was walking along the long main corridor with her Starter to the middle of the ship, from where a narrow staircase led directly up to the wing deck. Sprigatito immediately sensed something, as the Grass Cat Pokémon headed straight for it and meowed a few times, to make Liko notice.
Of course, Liko noticed this indeed as well and quickly came to her Pokémon's side. "What is it, Sprigatito? Do you think, he might be up there?" she asked and shortly afterwards picked up the little Grass Cat in her arms.
The little creature only made confirming noises and probably wanted to encourage its Trainer, to actually check whether the teenager was really out there on the wing deck.
So while Liko now was slowly and carefully climbing up the individual steps, she noticed on the way, that someone was indeed out on the wing deck. She even could already hear individual noises through the open hatch, which clearly indicated that someone or in this case, Amethio, was deeply lost in thoughts and muttered to himself at the same time. And the way the black and silver-haired had literally fled from the meeting room earlier, in principal it just had to be him.
After the girl finally got up and outside on the wing deck, she immediately spotted the 16-year-old, just as she had already suspected before. Well and Sprigatito too.
Amethio was sitting on the platform in a crouched position in the middle of the wing deck, his knees pulled close to his body with his arms folded on top of them, while his gaze was directed towards the sky silently and without any emotion.
Although he had now stopped mumbling, it was still clear to the young girl, that he was still not feeling particularly better, if not well at all.
At first she watched the teen for a while, but then finally carefully walked over to him, so that shortly afterwards she simply sat down in the same position next to the black and silver-haired.
The teenager noticed that Liko had sat down next to him, but initially acted, as if Amethio didn't particularly care. Instead, he just continued to stare wordlessly into the sky. But over time this silence became too much for him, so he finally spoke up, albeit a little hesitantly:
"Why are you here? Why aren't you with your friends? They could definitely use you better than me right now..." he said in a half-raspy voice and didn't dare to even look at her. He was far too ashamed of everything, he had already done to Liko and her friends, which wasn't exactly to be seen as positive things.
"I'll tell you, why I'm here... Because I just simply can't and don't want to watch you sink into all your misery and maybe even break because of it! Amethio I really want to help you, we all do, believe me!! And should I tell you why? Because I firmly believe that you can change yourself, change for the better! My instinct simply tells me, that you've wanted to do this for so long, but you haven't had the opportunity to try it yet!" Liko started a conversation, somehow trying to gain the trust of the black and silver-haired, so that he would eventually open himself up to her.
Now Amethio was becoming more and more tense by the second. "And why should I tell YOU of all people?! Why don't you just leave me alone?! I've already mentioned it several times before, I just can't and don't want to talk about my past anymore, I simply changed my mind!! Why don't you want to understand that, Liko?!" he now growled and clenched his hands tightly into fists. It was clear to see, that Amethio really was about to lose his nerves at any time...
The girl actually jumped a little in shock, when his tone suddenly became so harsh again. "I'm sorry, I... I didn't know you would be so against it... I. .." she breathed in briefly and then exhaled again. "I'm really sorry... I shouldn't have pushed you like that before... I should have paid more attention, Amethio! But I really didn't want to hurt your feelings or force you in any way, I swear!" she stammered somewhat awkwardly and now looked at the tips of her shoes. Liko actually felt indeed guilty about her behavior from before now.
Now she became as quiet as a mouse and was now the one, who didn't speak a word anymore. Amethio's brief freak out had actually unsettled her quite a bit.
At first, however, Amethio didn't react to her apology at all, but after a while he glanced briefly at the young girl. She was still sitting a few inches away from him in a similar crouched position as he was, except that she now had brought her hands up to her hair, as her fingers were now playing with a few loose strands. This was a clear sign for him, that the girl now also seemed extremely insecure and reserved, wich was exactly the case with him earlier.
So for now neither of them exchanged a single word with each other anymore and, once again, there was a strange silence between the two Pokémon Trainer's. This unsettled Amethio quite a bit and he shortly ran his hands through his hair slightly annoyed with himself now.
However this state of him didn't last very long, so his violet eyes continued, to follow the Pokémon Trainer's movements very focused. But he quickly couldn't look at this anymore, so Amethio slowly raised one of his hands, wich now moved slowly, that is to say, extremely slowly, towards her right shoulder, which the young girl had turned towards him, to finally placing his hand carefully on it shortly after.
"I-it's okay... After all, you didn't do it on purpose. The thing is... I've just experienced a lot of things in my past, most of which weren't necessarily nice... That's what also has something to do with, why I work for the Explorers in a way. Don't get me wrong, I really want to change, but... I think now that I'm not quite ready for it, you know?" the teenager said.
"And by the way, I should actually be the one to apologize... I didn't mean to suddenly snap at you like that before... That was very rude of me, honestly..." he added lastly at the end and then took his hand away from her again. He shouldn't approach her like that. At least not yet.
"Oh, that's totally fine. I'm not mad at you. Besides, I would even have reacted the same way, like you did, honestly. I gladly accept your apology, so there's no reason to unnecessarily worry about." Liko then said and showed him a small, encouraging smile.
Amethio then simply smiled back. Which actually surprised him a bit, after all, it was his first smile in what felt like several years. This realization actually made the teenager a little proud.
So he now took a slightly more relaxed position and looked out over the ocean towards the horizon again. The sun was already halfway set there and the bright glow was reflected on the surface of the water. This actually created quite a pleasant atmosphere.
Sprigatito also seemed very relieved again, that the teen was starting, to feel better and it very carefully climbed onto Amethio's lap, shortly afterwards rubbing its head against his stomach while purring. "Nyarrw..."
Liko noticed this out of the corner of her eye and then smiled a little. "Looks like, it's starting to get used to you." she said with a slight giggle and watched the cute little scene for a bit.
"Huh?" Amethio then looked at the little Pokémon on his lap, which had now curled itself up on it and remained lying there while it continued, to purr calmly. "You're right, I didn't even notice it." he said, while also giggling and now carefully started, to pet the green creature a little.
Liko kept her smile and let her gaze lasting onto the horizon for a bit longer, until she got up at some point and stretched herself briefly. "I think, we should go back inside then, because I'm actually starting, to get a little cold now." she said and looked briefly down at the 16 year old.
Amethio now also looked at her. "Yeah you're right. After all, neither of us wants to catch a cold." he said and stood up, while taking Sprigatito into his arms. Luckily, the Pokémon didn't seem, to mind this much, so it just stayed completely relaxed.
The black-haired was still smiling contentedly because of that. She had to admit, that she was really pleased about the fact, that her partner now also seemed, to be building trust in the Explorer Admin. At least it was a first step into the right direction.
Plus Liko was still sure, that she would manage, to convince the others, especially Friede, about her theory, that Amethio had indeed great potential, to become a better person and maybe really even a member of the Rising Volt Tacklers one day. It was just a matter of time.
So the two finally went back inside the ship and straight to the meeting room, where Murdock had now spread the food on the table. "Oh, there you are finally. Well, looks like, we can eat then. Today I have my specialty! Steamed rice dumplings with onion sauce, with a poached egg and, for dessert, blueberry pudding with mint sauce. You're gonna love it!" he said proudly, which only elicited an amused sigh from the others.
Liko had to giggle briefly, before she glanced at Amethio on her right, who had now put Sprigatito back on the ground. Of course, the Pokémon immediately joined its friends, because they now had also gotten their food.
Shortly afterwards, she and the black and silver-haired teen also took their places at the table again, while Murdock distributed the food fairly on all the plates.
So while everyone was eating now, Friede rose his word again. "Oh, I almost forgot Liko... How did it go with Amethio actually?" he asked. After all, he had sent the Trainer to look after the teenager earlier in order to possibly get something out of him.
The spoken one scratched her neck slightly, before giving him an answer: "Well, it looks like this now... He changed his mind again. He told me, it wasn't the right time to talk about his past yet. Amethio wants to wait a little longer, until he is really 100 percent sure." she responded to the white-haired and gave a quick sideways glance at the Explorer admin, who just looked at her with grateful eyes.
The leader of the Rising Volt Tacklers patiently let her finish and then nodded in agreement. "I could almost guess... It's just too early for that." he said and now also turned his attention to Amethio.
"Even so, that you have already put some pretty blatant obstacles in our way once or twice... And that wasn't okay at all, I don't want to deny that here. Nevertheless... I have to admit, that I actually am a bit surprised, that you didn't just take Liko with you and hand her over to your boss directly. Although, to be honest, I didn't really imagine it. But why did you really help her anyway? You simply could have just taken her pendant and left her behind. And inform us, if necessary. That's still not entirely clear to me." Friede now said and leaned back in his chair with his arms crossed, probably awaiting an answer from the teenager.
Again, the 16-year-old didn't know exactly, how to approach his words. However he still wanted to try. "It's not that easy, to explain. When I saw her... Badly injured and motionless... I was like frozen for the moment, I just didn't know what to do. But then Spinel suddenly came out of the shadows and my legs started moving on their own. My instinct just told me, to protect Liko plus preventing Spinel from harming her even more and ultimately taking her away. This scene reminded me of a moment long ago, 4 years ago to be exact. I was 11 at that time and long before I started, working for the Explorers. I had a little sister called Milu back then. She was 2 years younger than me, 9 years old. We always did a lot of things together. However when we... We were at the lake together that day and played hide-and-seek..." Amethio paused briefly, to calm down his nerves a bit. It definitely wasn't an easy thing for him.
Still, he wanted to give everyone a comprehensible explanation for his actions, so he continued:
"We agreed, that both of us would count to 20 each and then look for each other. So I hid at first. Of course, I chose a hiding place so that Milu would find me easily, because she always hated it, when she couldn't find me straight away, because I always looked for hiding places, that were far too complicated.
Afterwards she was always extremely upset and disappointed. Anyway, I then looked for a relatively simple hiding place and waited, until she was finished counting. However, after a minute passed and she still didn't call out to me in order to perhaps find out, where I was... I became a little uneasy. At first I didn't think much of it, maybe she just didn't know exactly, where to start looking first. However as the time continued to pass, I went back to see where Milu was." Amethio had now turned his gaze back to the table directly onto his plate, from which he hadn't yet taken a single bite of the food, his elbows placed to the right and left side next to it, while his chin was resting on his hands, just like before.
It was true, that he actually wanted to wait a little longer, before revealing things from his past, but at that exact moment his memory flashed back to exactly that particular situation, which was difficult for him to back away from now, so that he simply decided, to continue on with his speech.
Liko and Roy briefly exchanged glances with each other while listening to every single word, but remained silent for the time being, instead they waited to see, what the young Explorer Admin would reveal to them next.
"In any case, I went back immediately, because I wanted to know, where she was. But... When I arrived... I only saw Milu's hair bow on the lakeshore. At first I thought, I wasn't seeing properly, but when one of her shoes suddenly appeared on the surface of the water... I realized that... she must have fallen into the lake! I started, to panick and called out to her, but she didn't answer!!
Then it occurred to me, that she could sometimes be a bit reckless, when we played together. She had injured herself from time to time, because she didn't take enough care of herself. I always scolded her for that, but at the same time I swore to myself, that I would protect her more from now on.
But that day... I wasn't with her... After the first shock, I jumped into the water straight away and dived after her, but the flow was much too strong, so I quickly had to give up... I failed miserably in my position as big brother... I broke my promise, to always protect her!! Because of me, she... fell into this lake... I brought my little sister to her doom!!" Amethio now began to tremble, but forced himself not to cry. He didn't want, to seem weak anymore after what Liko had told him earlier.
"That's the real reason I saved Liko... I... I just didn't want to be responsible for someone's death again! And considering, that her injuries were so incredibly serious... If I hadn't treated her immediately, she might would've been... " He interrupted himself and now didn't continue talking anymore at all.
After he had finished his story for the time being, he looked at everyone again, with shock clearly written on every, single face.
Liko and Friede in particular couldn't believe, what they had just heard. Yes, even the Pokémon had interrupted their meal and were at least as shocked as the Rising Volt Tacklers.
After the initial shock had been digested, Liko suddenly stood up and walked halfway around the table, since this time she had been sitting on the other side, directly to the 16-year-old's side. However, before he could further react to, what she was planning to do, the girl suddenly hugged him without warning, which made his eyes visibly widen. Yes, even Friede and Roy were a bit shocked by her action. "Liko, what you think, you're doing?" it came from the adult straight away.
After Liko broke away from the teenager again, she took his hands into hers and looked him intently into his violet eyes. "Amethio, I'm so sorry! That you lost your sister... But now I can understand your intention much better, why you saved me!! You simply didn't want to go through that traumatizing experience again! That's why you are with us now!"
The others continued, to watch her in silence. "But Liko..." Roy said. The girl, however, looked at the teen for a bit before getting up again. "I promise you, Amethio... We will do everything in our power, to help you get away from the Explorers, if you choose, to tell us the rest of your past. You don't need, to rush, but I want you to know this one thing! Whatever happens, you're not alone!! After all, friends always stick together, am I right, guys?" The black-haired now asked the group and briefly looked at each one knowingly. At first some seemed a bit skeptical, but eventually they came over to the girl with a confident look on their faces.
"It's just like Liko said, Amethio. We won't let anyone down, whether they're friends or not." Friede said, looking down optimistically at his rival. "From now on, we'll support you in everything, until you've put your past behind you and can start all over again, you can count on it!" he then added and held out his fist to Amethio.
At first the teen was a little hesitant, but after Liko looked at him again confidently, he finally gathered up the courage and performed the famous Rising Volt Tacklers hand sign with everyone for the very first time.
Now he was sure too. He would soon get his freedom back and completely change his life for the better. Whatever would come!! Now that Amethio had gained the trust of his former enemies, it was really only a matter of time, before he would face the pressure of the Explorers! He just had to firmly believe in it!...
Meanwhile, Spinel had returned to the Explorers headquarters, after being so unfortunately tricked by Amethio, to report his unfortunate failure to Master Gibeon.
So he now was standing, of course with his Umbreon next to him, on his said spot in front of the big robotic like machine, from which the voice of the leader of the Explorers always came, whenever there was an arranged meeting for all of the Admins, because he had never revealed his true appearance to anyone before. At least not for a while. However with only one exception...
"Spinel, you really disappoint me. After even my own son wasn't able to complete, what was supposed, to be a simple mission that involved stealing a specific pendant! I really expected more from you!" came his intimidating voice again, while Hamber was watching the conversation from a corner.
The green-haired was relatively unimpressed and instead simply maintained his formal demeanor. "I have no words, to even begin to describe my failure. However... I already have a new plan to satisfy you, Master Gibeon." he said as he bowed slightly convincingly.
"Oh, I hope so! I'm giving you this very last chance, so I advise you, not to waste this one as well!" Spinel then just gave a meaningful grin from himself. "Oh, definitely not... You won't regret it at all..."
Back on the Brave Asagi, the crew had now finished their dinner and everyone went to their rooms, to go to sleep. Liko had offered Amethio, to sleep in her room, since the guest room was a little difficult to navigate at the moment. In fact, Ludlow had to store all of his fishing equipment there, because there was no longer enough space in his own room. And because he almost had to keep buying new fishing rods every single time, since he often accidentally broke some of them or was forgetting, where he even had put a particular one.
So now the black-haired lead the teenager to her room, letting him go first, so that he could get inside first. "So this is my room now. It's actually nothing special, but still very comfortable." she explained to him, after both of them arrived, while she was opening the door.
"Well then, welcome to my oasis of peace." She smiled briefly and then took a step to the side. So Amethio entered the young girl's room and he immediately noticed, that it was indeed quite nicely furnished.
On one hand, there was of course a bed, which was standing directly opposite the door against the wall under a small, round window. On the left side of the room there was also a desk with a large monitor, even if Liko didn't really use it, but almost always just used her Rotom phone instead, which could also be converted into a tablet.
Lastly, there was a small bookshelf, wich was standing next to the desk on the right side and of course a wardrobe. This was standing against the wall to the left side of the door and next to the right of it, there was also a narrow mirror.
However, one thing was new, namely that there was now a second bed in the room. Liko had previously discussed this with Friede. It was a bit narrower than her own, but it should still be enough for Amethio to sleep on for now.
The black and silver-haired briefly took another full look around the entire room and then smiled a little again. "I have to admit, it all looks very neat and very comfortable. My room at headquarters is the complete opposite." he said.
"Thank you, but like I said, there's nothing really special in here." the black-haired answered. Then she pointed to the narrower bed. This was of course already freshly made. "You will sleep in there. Friede also gave you a towel and one of his old pajamas, that he had saved from his youth. But don't worry, we'll definitely get your own clothes for you. Oh and before I forget it, If you ever have to, you probably know, what I mean, then you just have to go out the door and then go down the hallway diagonally and to the right. The bathroom is in the center." she now summarized the last informations.
The teenager then nodded, after she explained everything important for now. "Thanks, I'll remember it well." Liko smiled briefly and then carefully laid Sprigatito onto her bed, since the little Grass Cat was already sleeping.
"Well then, I'll go and freshen myself up quickly. You can change in the meantime." she said and disappeared from the room for a brief moment. Amethio nodded and waited, until the Trainer was out of his sight.
After she closed the door, he now took off his clothes and slipped right into the pajamas, which he got borrowed from Friede. He then placed his own clothes neatly over a small stool, before he laid himself down onto the mattress of the bed and quickly covering himself up, except for his head, with the sheet.
Then Liko came back again, also in her sleeping clothes, consisting of shorts and a white shirt, and now also laid down on her bed. Of course she also covered herself.
"Well then, good night, Amethio. Hopefully you can get some rest now. The day was really quite turbulent today anyway." she yawned briefly before laying down on her side and falling asleep relatively quickly shortly afterwards.
Amethio watched her for a moment, then got himself into an appropriate position. "Thank you. Good night to you too, Liko..." Shortly after he finished this sentence, he also got himself into a comfortable lying position, before the 16-year-old also fell into a deep sleep. The next morning would definitely be very interesting...
To be continued...
Sidenote: Wow, already at the end of Part 4. I honestly thought, it would be a lot shorter in terms of length, but well, you can even underestimate yourself a little here and there.
You guys probably have noticed, that I included a lot of dialogue this time between the individual characters, cause I wanted to make it a little more interesting. Hopefully I succeeded more or less.
Regardless, which of the conversations stood out to you the most? And what do you think Spinel is going to plan next? Feel free, to write that down into the tags as well.
Oh and before I forget, what do you think of my idea, that Amethio had a little sister and Gibeon is actually his, *cough* father? Now of course only from my perspective, but how do you see that? You can glady let me know that as well.
Otherwise, as always, I hope, that you enjoyed Part 4 at least as much, as the first three, then I would be really happy if you guys could give this Part a like or reblog it.
The next Part will be a little more tense again, so definitely stay tuned and join in again next time to Part 5 of:
'Pokémon Horizons - The Sudden Turn'
Love you all!! :)
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