#while nadia is a freaky angel
bastart13 ยท 2 years
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I was thinking about what if Nadia and Portia turned into demons similar to Julian, and remembered that's just anthro
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sarnie-for-varney ยท 3 years
oohhh top 10 episodes of in9? ๐Ÿ˜Š
Ahhh a splendid suggestion, @lapis-lazuliie! Thank you!
1. Wuthering Heist - I know, kill me now if you must because this masterpiece of an episode is disliked by a lot of people. But it's first on my list. Come on, its a shambles but it is a good shambles. The fourth-wall breaking, the abundance of silliness, the mASKS! AND the fact that the sub-plot was literally the plot to Wuthering Heights was an amazing touch. There are so many references and the mONTAGE at the start, ughhh so bRECHTIAN I LOVE IT
2. Thinking Out Loud - Yes, this is another episode that is heavily disliked by people. It is very controversial. Yet how it made me feel when I watched it for the first time, literal chills and it was so unsettling. That episode really made me go through a rollercoaster of emotions. The fear when Galen appears, the sadness as you hear Aidan's story, the happiness when Angel speaks. And the way the music builds up when Nadia starts to realise what's wrong. The ending- oh it's fantastic
3. The Understudy - Mutuals... you know I freaking love Macbeth so this was obvious. Okay, this episode is so simplistic but that's what I love about it. The relationship between Laura and Jim mirrors Lady Macbeth and Macbeth's, the way she tries to convince him to do something he doesn't want to. There are so many references to the play laced throughout the episode, it actually makes me squeal. Bloody amazing.
4. Private View - Eehehehe this episode is just... so great. Each character is very different in personality and appearance, yet we find out they all have something in common. I really like how they all begin to suspect each other, but the whole idea was planned anyway. Love how such a lovely old lady is capable of killing people in the most brutal of ways. Unsettling but in a good way ๐Ÿ˜
5. Empty Orchestra - I'm surprised this one is so high on my list but I just love this episode so much. It's silly but very realistic, and it's a nice change from the darkness. There are no twists, just alot of singing and cringy dancing. You'd expect me to hate it but I LOVE IT and this episode is so underrated!
6. Tempting Fate - When my sister told me that this episode was all about The Hare and we watched it together, I flipped the fuck out. It kind of gives some backstory to the ornament and why bad things always happen in its presence. It appears in every episode, and there's always something unfortunate that happens while it's there in the background. Inside No.9 isn't exactly known for explaining things, but this episode was so clever with the way they based everything around the statuette.
7. Once Removed - YES, this one is on here! And it's not just for Viktor (Murder Mittens). Was a fittie but that's not what it's on here for ๐Ÿ˜‚. This was the episode that made me go 'Damn, these guys are some clever sons of bitches' ๐Ÿ˜‚ because the act of putting something in reverse and still have it make sense must be bloody difficult. At first, you're so confused. But as you go through, you're like OH that's why he's got that thing around his hand!
8. Deadline - I'm not really sure if this counts as an episode but... I really enjoyed it. When it comes to freaky Halloween stuff, count me in. Glitchy screen horror and production errors? YEs please. Fourth-wall breaking again! YEEESS sorry just this oNE. Idk I kind of like when the lads play themselves but are still acting, like in Apocalypse.
9. Proms - Another super controversial one but it's on here. Funny thing is, I actually didn't like this episode at first. But that was just because I had to sit through Yusuf being s*xually assaulted tWICE while sat in a room with my dad ๐Ÿ˜. I also didn't understand it but the more people came up with theories and explained it, the more I liked it. I really love that it has many layers. It focuses on racism and homophobia but also religion and patriotism.
10. Bernie - This was one episode that I couldn't bring myself to watch again for a while. It is such an emotional thing to watch but it's on this list because the thought behind is so heartbreaking yet so beautiful. Everything about it, the symbolism and the music. That number at the end, oh it's excellent. It's even more saddening when you realise that Reece and Steve aren't actually too different from Tommy and Len, and I can't imagine what they were thinking when writing it and filming. Emotional Memory, Stanislavski and all that (just call me Ollie Plimsolls). I can't help but think Reece was thinking about losing Steve when performing the final scene.
Hope that answered your question!
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