#whip shade
leder-kommandant · 6 months
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horror-aesthete · 6 months
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Just realized I haven’t posted my newest tattoos yet, everyone say hallo to die girlies 🧪💉💚
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cevansbrat0007 · 5 months
Would you say growing pains Andy is dark or is he more Grey? I LOVEEEE HIM
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If I had to choose, I'd have to say that Andrew Barber is gray. Afterall, his world is all about navigating through shades of gray. While he doesn't necessarily believe in doing everything by the book, he does like rules.
Especially his own.
Andy craves order. He needs discipline. And, most of all, he desires your submission.
He doesn't make friends easily because he doesn't always play well with others. But once that man lets you in, the moment he deems you worthy of belonging in his circle, he is loyal to a fault.
Andrew thought his life was over until he met you. He'd lost everything - his son, his ex-wife, his only shot at happiness. But then he saw you from across the bar, laughing with your friend. For a moment he was convinced that you were too beautiful to be real.
He knew right then that you were going to be his - that he would be willing to do anything to keep you. To hold on to the woman who single-handedly brought color back into his life.
Which also means that he can occasionally be a little...overprotective. He's also got a quick temper, which rounds out his jealous and territorial streak rather well.
But at the end of the day, he loves you - the one woman who colors his entire goddamned world.
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s2pdoktopus · 6 months
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Takasugi and Tatsuma for my the soul :3
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junkartie · 2 months
Guy guess what im like officially tattoing big pieces
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zmzebra-art · 4 months
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lil sketch for the birthday boy~
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ferahntics · 1 year
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Ma there's a weird fuckin stray cat outside
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redrobber13 · 1 month
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mrs-monaghan · 1 year
You said jungkook saying his most memorable moment of Christmas is him having snow fight with taehyung Cannot scream more bro than this how?? Like it's a good memory what's bro thing in that?
You mean apart from the fact that they're bros? Well, have u ever watched this video?
JK was having the time of his life terrorising the members. Mostly Jin because of course its Jin he would bully the most 🤣🤣🤣
JK loves the snow, Jimin more than JK but JK loves snow too. And he loves spending time with V. Why would them throwing snow at each other not be a good time? Why wouldn't it be memorable?
You're a tkkr so I'm assuming you've seen tkk playing right? It tends to get kinda rough. Which is a clear contrast to when Jikook play. So if you know members, like actually know the members, then the image of Tkk in the snow together is not them falling ontop of each other and hugging and kissing. That's... no. That just happens in fanfiction. Them 2 in the snow, I'm picturing that video and I'm picturing it brutal and competitive. Like bros do.
Do you remember when JK was spinning V?
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Do you remember V saying he wasn't feeling well and for JK to stop?
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Do you remember how JK refused to stop and instead started spinning faster till V had to scream at him to stop?
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And JK still didn't stop? 😂😂😂
Now do you remember when JK was spinning Jimin?
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Jimin only had to say JK's name twice
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And JK let him off
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You don't believe me? Watch for yourself. Jimin's part lasts 10 seconds while V.... oh, poor V 😂😂 even Namjin dont get the cruel V treatment. See for yourself
So for me, anon yes, Tkk in the snow is a bro moment. A real fan would know this. But listen, idk why you're keeping tabs on my blog seeing as I never tag V or your ship, but I assure you, I'm not trying to take this moment away from you. It IS a moment, it is. And it was memorable to JK. Facts. And that's great and I love that for you. But you and I both know it doesn't hold a candle to the Tokyo trip, right? We know that all Jikook moments will always be superior, right? I know, and you know. You all know. Thats why your people are losing their minds on twitter.
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I'm sorry you're going through it (I'm not) but you're the ones to blame for backing the wrong horse. Sorry not even a little bit sorry.
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roychewtoy · 1 year
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liddlediddy · 9 months
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@aquaspiderart 's Pokecémber Day 29: Favorite Fossil
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will you be expanding on the the origins and personalaties of the elemental masters from tournamnet and can you share a bit of them
Of course!!!!!!! That's Reason 386974 I wanna get to Season 4 alreadyyyyyy *gnaws door off its hinges* I dun even really wanna talk about it cuz I don't wanna ruin the surprises!! But, perhaps a few short blurbs~
Andrei Karlof- Once an aeronautical engineer out in Metalonia (Western Province), Karlof moved out to Ninjago City to find himself a job that better suited his passion for working creatively with metal–hence why he is now Ninjago City High's metal shop teacher. Inherited the Element of Metal via bloodlines through his father.
Tox Ikita- Originally from a village near the Toxic Bogs (Southern Province), she and her aunt moved out to Ninjago City when she was young to, like most people, find better life opportunities. Found a passion for mixing music and now serves as the Rockshot Club's primary DJ. Inherited the Element of Poison willingly from her aunt (the same way her aunt had received it herself).
Chamille Carmichael- A daughter of the traveling Carmichael family, she reached her True Potential insanely early and grew up having her abilities exploited by her mother, leaving her somewhat jaded as she grew older. She eventually runs away and ultimately disguises herself as a student of Darkley's...until it no longer supports 'evil' children. Inherited the Element of Form via bloodlines from her father, who vanished after a "job" gone wrong.
Viz Paleman- An extremely wealthy man from Astor City out east, he started out as a musician talent scout before shifting into shadier businesses running a casino. Word is he's also some kind of triple secret agent, but believing he's a secret agent to begin with is already hard enough to...see *ba dum tiss*. Inherited the Element of Light willingly from a distant relative (with that distant relative being the EM that Sunni's descended from).
Griffin Turner- Born not too far from Stiix also out east, Griffin moved out to West Haven in order to find a way to "make it big" utilizing his speed, given that the Order would've hindered his power usage had he went to Ninjago City instead. Hasn't quite achieved the dream yet, but so long as he gets to run, he's happy. Inherited the Element of Speed via bloodlines, though it skipped a generation and jumped from his grandfather to him.
Ash Grey- From the Coastal Village (Southern Province), he comes from a long and ancient line of assassins, though his element getting mixed up into that is a relatively "new" development. Is very good at being an assassin, but is constantly on the fence about pursuing the family legacy. Inherited the Element of Smoke via bloodlines from his mother, Misty Grey.
Jacob Pevsner- Born blind but thankfully with an enhanced penchant for hearing, Jacob wound up dragged into the family music business, but luckily came to develop a personal love for it himself. Like Griffin, moved out to West Haven to make a name for himself as a musician. And, unlike Griffin, he was successful. Inherited the Element of Sound via bloodlines from his father, Collin Pevsner.
Gravis Mikhail- A world traveller with no particular attachments to any one place, Gravis uses his powers to carry himself from place to place with little issue, able to evade the terrain issues most people face when trying to cross the Provinces. He primarily spends his time indulging in other cultures, and writes about what he learns in his spare time (which, he has a lot of). Inherited the Element of Gravity willingly from a lover who perished from elemental-related illness (not unlike Lilly and Aurora).
Shade Vespertine- As the oldest child in a huge family with many siblings and even more aunts, uncles, and cousins (and therefore many Elemental Descendants), Shade was "blessed" with being the Inheritor, giving him a lot of unwanted attention both good and bad from the rest of the family. It drove him to constantly seek solitude, which also left him extremely lonely. But once you get past the "lone wolf" exterior, he's...honestly just some guy. Just happens to be a little spooky. And with powers. Inherited the Element of Shadow from his mother.
Apollo "Neuro" Logi- Originally a well-known neuroscientist working under a branch of Borg Industries studying the effects tech has on the brain (even called "Dr. Neuro" until that got shorted to "Neuro") Neuro didn't become the EM of Mind until willingly taking it on from the previous EM (...a child who also reached their potential too soon and was being exploited, thus desperately sought out the help of someone better equipped to handle it. And being able to read minds does make that a somewhat simpler task).
Bolobo- Originating from the Vagabond Plains in the Archipelago, of where its people either venture off seeking adventure or stay in the main village to maintain tradition, Bolobo falls into the latter category, as he much prefers to be somewhere in his Element. Plus, being the latest Inheritor of Nature means special perks from the rest of the village, and he likes to revel in it from time to time (which does annoy his father, but Bolobo's a good seed despite this), and really only answered Chen's call to prove his mettle with the other EMs. Inherited the Element of Nature from his father.
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dnangelic · 11 months
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would you trust him to pose as a parent for your parent-teacher conference
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mads-agenda · 5 months
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cityoftheangelllls · 1 year
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No thoughts, head empty, only them.
Commissions info
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weekend-whip · 2 years
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I swear I’m normal about them—
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