#whipped earth 42 miles morales
pantherastevens · 1 year
Sorpresa: Uncle
Back with another one! Welcome to Part Four of Sorpresa (Surprise)
In case you miss the previous parts, they’re right here:
Part One , Part Two , Part Three
I’m not gonna hold y’all any longer so I hope you enjoy Part Four 💜
Warnings: Cursing
Summary: Miles vaguely understood that his girlfriend was a bit of a wild card. Quiet people tend to be like that. But it never fails to surprise him how often she could pull off such a thing.  
Aaron Davis didn't survive the streets this long if he didn't know one of the most basic survival rules.
Stay vigilant.
Being aware of your surroundings is key to staying alive. It allows you to get the drop on others.
Which is how he knew about Miles' little crush turn romance way before the boy willingly came clean. At the beginning of Miles' junior year, he noticed a shift in his nephew's behavior. He seemed more lost in thought over something. Then he noticed Miles using his phone more, catching him smiling at it occasionally.
He hasn't really seen the boy crack a genuine smile unless he's around him or his sister-in-law.
Aaron knew that Miles didn't consider the boys at Visions his "friends" and usually got annoyed by girls who tried to get his number.
So who is this mysterious person who managed to catch his attention?
"It's nobody special, tío—just a classmate who so happens to be a little funny." Yeah. Bullshit.
That "classmate that so happens to be a little funny" seemed to be his partner in many assignments. Aaron had times when he had to wait for Miles to get back to him to show up for a job because he was caught in a partner assignment.
He hopes they're actually doing an assignment and not anything else.
Then when Miles' secret identity was discovered by this particular classmate nonetheless, things became even more obvious. Sometimes, he would come into his sister-in-law's home to find the boy on the phone, laughing as he chatted with the female voice. Shit, he caught his nephew on his phone with his feet kicking in the air. He would text her occasionally during a job when he thought his uncle wasn't looking.
The girl's contact was saved as "Gatita" in the boy's phone, which meant "Kitten" in Spanish.
The boy got it bad.
So when Miles comes around his apartment with nervous eyes, he already knows what this conversation was going to be about.
"So... there's something I got to tell you," Miles says. Aaron hums.
"This gotta do with your precious "gatita"," Aaron drawled, watching with an amused smirk as his nephew blushed.
"How did you-"
"Boy, you ain't slick. I've seen your phone screen whenever you're texting her. So, she your girlfriend?" Miles stared at his uncle briefly before letting out a long-suffering sigh.
'Well, that's half the battle...'
"Yes... and I want you to meet her first before I bring her to mi mamá," Miles said. Aaron tilted his head at the boy, mulling over his words before nodding. It would make sense.
Since his brother died, Aaron was more or less Miles' surrogate father figure. Even though Miles has grown up to be more independent, he knew that his nephew would still come to him for advice, help, or a listening ear when needed.
If meeting this girl to help vet her out before she went to meet Rio helps put Miles at ease, then he's willing to do it.
"Fine by me. Though, it's fair that at least you tell me a little about her," Aaron conceded. Miles nodded.
"So, what's her name?"
"Panthera Genesis Stevens." Aaron raised a brow before chuckling.
"Damn boy, you didn't have to give me a full government name," he teased. Miles grumbled, something along the lines of 'you would've tried to find out one way or another.' The kid wasn't wrong, but that shouldn't be nobody's business but his own.
"You said her name was Panthera," he asked. Something about that name was familiar, but Aaron couldn't figure out why for his life.
"Yeah, I met her in my music class, but we had a couple of classes together," Miles confirmed. Hm...
"So she's your main partner in your music class? Since you're always mentioning an assignment for that class?" Miles nodded.
"Interesting... what's she like?" Miles let out a dramatic sigh.
"Man, where do I start..."
"When you say it like that, you make it seem like she's a handful..." Miles shook his head at that.
"Nah, it's not that. Panthera's a wild card, for lack of a better phrase. She's nothing like the normal girls you've seen whenever you come to get from after school. She's very quiet and to herself. But she's very confident in who she is as a person. Like she keeps her personality hidden, but when it's exposed, she doesn't care who sees it. She's blunt, straight to the point, and no-nonsense, but she could be shy, goofy, and laidback." Aaron listened, watching his nephew talk about the girl he was dating. His eye sparkled, and he was animated, waving his hands about with curious awe ringing in his voice.
"The quiet ones usually hold the most surprises... and you said she knows about you being the Prowler," he drawled. When he first heard about that, he almost tore the boy a new one out of worry. The girl could be a liability to his nephew and everything he worked so hard for, but she proved loyal. She took him in, dressed his wounds, fed him, and ensured he had ample rest before Miles came to the apartment. And since then, none of their enemies seem to be none the wiser when it comes to Prowler's secret identity.
"Yeah, she does. I slipped up a bit, but even if I didn't, she's very smart. Says her dad always stressed the importance of staying vigilant. Same thing you always tell me." Aaron hummed.
'So the girl was street smart and book smart, interesting...'
Miles could see the glimmer of respect in Aaron's eyes, fighting back his smile.
"I think you two would get along pretty great. She's a total badass, Uncle Aaron. Not too long ago, we went on a date, and man, it was crazy," Miles rambled as he pulled out his phone to show his uncle the videos he had taken that day.
"How so," Aaron asked, genuinely curious. Miles was going through her photo library, searching as he answered.
"So I found that my beautiful girlfriend could hoop that day. Some guys that were playing were hitting on her while she was with me. It wasn't until one dude said something outta pocket that really got her attention, and rejected him in front of everyone. When I laughed at him, he got in my face and told me to play against him to embarrass me in front of her. Before I could answer, she said he was gonna play her instead." Aaron cocked his head to the side.
"It's not strange for a girl to know how to play basketball..." Miles shook his head.
"Nah, tío. Just look at her and look at the dude," Miles said, finally passing the phone to the man. Aaron glanced at his nephew before pressing play on the video. Immediately, he could see what his nephew meant.
The guy playing looked like your average dude, someone you can expect to know how to play ball. But when Panthera came on screen, she couldn't look more outta place if she tried. She was certainly dressed for a date, not to play ball against a grown-ass man.
The girl didn't even have shoes on.
"Hold the fuck up. Did she manage to block this man? She's tiny compared to him. How the hell did she manage to jump that high? How tall is she," Aaron stressed, finally looking at Miles. The boy laughed.
"Don't say that to her face; she's already sick of me mentioning it to her. And she's 5'5. Trust me, I was worried for her in the beginning, but my little baby could hold her own. Wait, you gotta see when she finally beats this man. She legit dunks on his ass," Miles said, clearly proud.
"Bullshit, ain't no way."
"Bet I got you." Even as Aaron watched the video, he was still shocked. He could barely see her face, but when she finally got down, Aaron knew there was a smirk on her face.
As she should, of course.
"Damn, I would have never thought..."
"Shit, me neither. Check this, though. She pulled a gun on that nigga because he was talking out his neck and coming after us all crazy." Aaron stared at his nephew.
"Ain't no way-"
"I have no reason to lie to you. Her dad made sure she knew how to look out for herself. Says she always remained strapped, even at school. I honest to God thought she was gonna lay his ass out right there on the court." Aaron shook his head out of disbelief.
The girl knowing how to hoop? A smidge shocking but believable.
The girl knowing how to kill a man, at her age and with her looks? Questionable.
"Imma say I believe you for now... Does her mother know she carries a gun?" Miles winced.
"So, about her mom... she's not in Panthera's life. From what Panthera told me, her mom wanted to abort her. She didn't only because her dad told her that he'll take care of her and even paid her mom to sweeten the deal." Aaron frowned, nodding.
He can see how it's a bit of a sensitive topic.
"So it's just her and her dad," he asked. Miles gave another nod.
"Whatchu know about her pops?" Miles had the decency to look a little embarrassed.
"Uhh... not much?"
"How is that possible?" Miles raised his hands as if he was going to defend himself.
"Look, I never even ran into the man, despite spending a lot of time at the girl's apartment. And I admit I'm a little scared to meet him, hearing how this man legit raised a literal badass and might hang me if anything bad happened between us. She does mention him in passing. The most I know is that he's from Oakland and moved to Brooklyn to start a new life for himself and Panthera. And by the sounds of it, her grandfather was born in some African country and moved to the States, where he had her father. I notice a lot of different trinkets that look like they come from there." Aaron frowned bits and pieces of old memories resurfacing.
"I just moved from Oakland, California. It's just me and my baby..."
"Honestly, I feel like my little girl saved me from a dark path. I wanted to avenge my father but found out my ex-baby mama was pregnant. Shit was unexplainable. I felt a pull, a connection to someone that wasn't even here yet. Something told me to save this part of me that I would've never anticipated for my life."
"Aw, would you look at that? She likes you, Aaron."
"AYO! Open up, nigga!" "Aaron, what the hell, man? Had me thinking you the feds or some shit." "Boy, hush! Where she at, you promised that I could have her for the day." "Bro, you sound like a grandfather looking for they grandbaby." "Nigga, shut yo ass up and give me my little baby."
"Uma-lu...me...!" "What did she just call me?" "She called you 'uncle' in our language. I've been teaching her bit and- Aaron, are you crying?" "No! I got something in my eye!"
"A..on? Unc...? Tío!" Aaron blinked, locking eyes with his very confused nephew.
"Sorry... I was thinking about something. Uhh, when do you plan on bringing Panthera over?"
"Today's Wednesday, so is Friday good for you?"
"Yeah... see you guys Friday..."
"Miles, I'm having second thoughts about this..." Miles looked down at his girlfriend, who was fiddling with the ring on her chain. The girl opted to dress simply for the occasion: a simple white cami, black acid-washed ripped jeans, and black combat boots. Matching Cuban chain bracelets could be found on her wrists. The ring and dragon claw studs from their recent date made a reappearance. Her locs were in two barrel twists with two free ones hanging in front of her ears.
"Why is that, princesa?" Panthera let out a shaky sigh. This was her first relationship and the first time she's ever met any family members of the people she interacted with. She didn't want to mess this up.
"What if your uncle doesn't like me," she asked quietly, anxiously glancing at Miles' hand that hovered over the hardwood door. The boy frowned, taking her face in his hands so she could look at him.
"Hey, none of that negative thinking, gatita. My tío already likes you. There's nothing you have to be worried about, okay," he whispered. He could still see a bit of insecurity in her eyes, but she rolled her shoulders and nodded. Miles kissed her forehead before facing the door again and knocked. Miles knew his uncle was home; he could hear the man's music playing from the other side of the door.
Panthera could hear the heavy footsteps approaching the door's other side, taking a deep breath.
'It's okay, Panthera. Miles seems confident in his uncle's approval. That's all you need... You got this...'
The door unlocked and swung open to reveal a tall, lanky man. His facial features were sharp and hard. The man had no hair, save the goatee with a bit of gray hair. Panthera looked up to find his dark eyes already trained on her. The initial fear Panthera felt slowly started to disappear as she took in the older man.
'He feels so familiar... but from where?' Miles cleared his throat, snapping the pair out of the stupor they seemed to fall under.
"Uncle Aaron, this is my girlfriend, Panthera Stevens. Panthera, this is my uncle, Aaron Davis." Panthera trusted out her hand with a small smile on her face.
"Pleasure to meet you, Mr. Davis. Miles speaks highly of you," she said. Aaron smirked as he clasped his hand in hers for a solid handshake, a glimmer of approval shining in his eyes.
"The pleasure is all mine, Panthera. Call me Aaron. I'm not normally one for formalities all the time." Panthera's smile widened as the pair were ushered inside. The girl immediately bent down to remove her shoes, placing them by the front door. The strange sense of deja-vu seemed to grow stronger as the girl took in the apartment's interior.
"Welcome to my humble abode. Mi casa es tu casa. At least I'm pretty sure that's something my sister-in-law would say," Aaron said, nodding at the sight of her shoes near the door.
'At least I know she was raised in a cultured household...'
"Thank you, Mr.- I mean Aaron. This is a nice place you have here," Panthera said as she looked around. Aaron let a small smile, one Miles noticed. The boy grinned, happy to see his uncle being receptive to his girlfriend.
"Thanks, lil miss. Why not we get comfortable in the living room before we step out?" The two teens nodded, walking to the couch. Miles plopped down first before the girl could sit down, grabbing her wrist to pull her into his lap. The girl blushed, trying to get up to sit beside her boyfriend but failed when he simply tightened his grip on her.
"Miles, seriously," she whined, pouting. Miles smirked, pecking her lips.
"Calm down. Uncle Aaron is chill; besides, he might as well get used to seeing us like this anyways," Miles said, glancing at the man to confirm this. Aaron chuckled at his nephew's antics.
"It's fine." The man sat beside the pair and fell into a comfortable silence. Aaron studied the girl on Miles' lap. She was trying to suppress her giggles as Miles nuzzled her neck, seeking her affection. She threw an arm around his neck, thumb rubbing the skin behind his ear as she kissed his temple. Miles seemed completely at ease, eyes droopy with a lazy grin.
The older man suppressed a smile to take in the girl who seemed to hold his nephew's heart in her hands.
Aaron took note of her simple fit, understanding what Miles meant. He definitely wouldn't have noticed her immediately since many girls at Miles' school like their high maintenance expenses.
Panthera was simple, a natural beauty. It was refreshing for Aaron to see.
However, one thing caught the man's attention.
"What's with the necklace?" Panthera looked to the lounging man, eyes trained on the ring hung on her chain.
"It was my father's. The ring belonged to my grandfather. My dad gave it to me when I was 12, so I had a connection with him," Panthera answered, fiddling with the cool metal. Aaron hummed, his eyes narrowing in thought.
He remembers seeing that same exact ring on a similar chain on a man he met years ago. His baby girl seemed to love to play with it when he held her to his chest.
Before Aaron could say something, Panthera perked up at the sound of a new song playing. A song she hasn't heard in years.
"Oh my gosh, I haven't heard this song in so long," the girl gushed, her head nodding along with the beat. Aaron raised a brow.
"I wouldn't have suspected you to be a 2Pac fan, Panthera. The song's called My Block, in case you wanted to know," Aaron drawled. Big dark brown eyes shone happily at him, reminding Aaron of a familiar look from a little girl who loved this song whenever he played it.
"Baba would play him from time to time, but I mostly remember listening to him whenever I visited my umalume's apartment. Oh man, my dad probably has a video of me trying to sing along with the chorus with my uncle cheering me on," Panthera reminisced with a fond yet sad smile.
She last saw her uncle when she was six years old. It's like he just vanished from their lives almost. Eric told her he was too busy to visit them anymore, and Panthera asked her dad to play 2Pac to remember him. The girl was sad that someone who she considered family was just gone, but she had no choice but to move on.
Unknowing to her, Aaron froze, staring at the girl with wide eyes.
Umalume... uncle.
Aaron remembered returning to his apartment one day when a man with a baby and a couple of bags came off a bus. Aaron slowed, noticing the man's pinched expression. Normally he would've just kept walking, but the man looked rather young and tired. Plus, it was at that very moment the babe let out an ear-piercing wail.
"Ayo!" The man turned to Aaron, looking sheepish as he tried rocking the baby back to sleep.
"Yes, sir?" Aaron approached the young cat with a hint of a smile.
"Need a hand there?" The older man watched as relief washed over the man.
"Yes. Definitely." The Brooklyn native chuckled, carrying the bag, leaving the young father with one as he soothed his baby. Dark brown eyes met a matching pair, a tired smile on the younger's face.
"Name's Eric, by the way. Eric Stevens. And this is my little girl, Panthera Stevens." Aaron peered at her little face, smiling at the pout on her lips and big dark brown eyes.
"Nice to meet you, Eric. I'm Aaron Davis. And Panthera's a cute little girl. She looks like you a little bit."
The pair became fast friends, Aaron helping Eric find a place for him and little Panthera after discovering he was new to the city. He watched the little girl grow for years, growing a strong attachment to her after he held her in his arms for the first time. It reminded him of his young nephew, born shortly before her.
"Yo, tío... you okay," Miles asked, seeing the man's eyes grow misty the longer he stared at his girlfriend. The man shook his head, his Adam's apple bobbing up and down.
"Lil cub? Is... is that you?" Panthera's head snapped in Aaron's direction, eyes wide. But Aaron could see the spark of recognition in her eyes.
"...Umalume," she asked, really looking at the man. A younger, less jaded version of the man appeared in her mind's eye. She remembers his bright smile and his bolstering laugh. How his eyes would soften the same way Aaron's was right now-
"Oh my goodness! It is you!" Miles was confused by his girlfriend's outburst, which only worsened when Panthera partially jumped out of his arms into the arms of his uncle.
Aaron let out a genuine, joyful laugh as he stood up and spun the girl around.
"Damn, I can't believe it. It's really you, lil cub," Aaron said, squeezing Panthera. The girl pouted at him, reminding him of the kid version of her.
"I'm not little..."
"Yo feet still can't even touch the ground-"
"We not gonna talk about that-"
"So, does someone wants to clue me in here?" The pair stared at the Afro-Latino, who looked more than a little lost. Aaron chuckled as he set Panthera down, resting a comforting arm around her shoulders.
"Panthera is my non-biological niece. I met her father when he first moved to Brooklyn when Panthera wasn't more than a few months old. Her pops and I became fast friends, and like you, Panthera wormed her cute little self into my heart." Miles blinked before laughing. Panthera gave him that usual innocent blink whenever she managed to do something that baffled him.
"Just when I thought you couldn't surprise me anymore than you already have, you managed to do so again? What's next? You've met my mom too?" Panthera blushed, giggling.
"Funny, babe, but I haven't. Promise." Aaron turned to his nephew, eyes shining.
"Your mom is going to love her. I wouldn't stress it, lil man." Miles smiled at that.
"But... if you break her heart, you have more to worry about than just her Pops coming for your ass, Miles."
"Wha-?! But I'm your nephew!"
"And I would love for you to make Panthera my niece officially. Don't let me find out you two are no longer together now." Miles let out a groan as Panthera stifled a laugh behind her hand. The trio soon left the apartment, heading to a diner. Aaron took both of them there at some point in their childhood for some food. The couple were happy to revisit it, now older and as a couple.
Despite his uncle's threat, he couldn't help watching on happily as his uncle and girlfriend joyfully interacted with each other.
Things were looking up for Miles.
Dedicated to @444morales apprecite your support, friend 💜💜💜
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xtraordinaryfangrl · 1 year
spider byte and OG miles? meh.
spider byte and Earth 42 Miles?
*trips over rolling pens on the floor*
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rahhhbananas · 1 year
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✭ ✭ ✭ 𝐃𝐑𝐀𝐌𝐀 ✭ ✭ ✭ ft. miles morales (1610 & 42)
summary. Once Miles arrives on Earth-42, he goes to visit “his” boyfriend.
warning(s). He/Him pronouns, violence, foul language
a/n. Girl that’s not meee!!! 😫
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“What the hell was that...?”
Y/n lowered the volume of the TV, straining his neck to catch a glimpse of his dimly lit room. Miles stumbled into the living room, drenched in rain, his eyes wide with a hint of panic. Y/n let out a sigh of relief. "Man, Miles, you nearly gave me a heart attack." Y/n walked toward his slightly trembling boyfriend, a small smile forming on his face. "You took out your braids? Well, I'm definitely not doing them again." Miles frowned, his eyes welling up with tears. "I'm sorry," he said, his voice filled with genuine remorse. Y/n looked at him, perplexed. "Sorry? For what?" Miles continued, disregarding Y/n's question. "I'm sorry for being careless, for neglecting you. I should have cherished what we had, but I got caught up with Gwen, and it cost me something important. I'm so sorry..." Miles's voice trailed off, tears coming down his face. Y/n stared at his boyfriend in disbelief before bursting into laughter, leaning in to kiss his cheek. "Miles, baby, what telenovelas have you been watching? And who the hell is Gwen...?" Y/n settled back onto the couch, motioning for Miles to join him.
Miles looked at Y/n, confusion etched on his face. "You don't remember? The huge fight we had?" he asked, clearly puzzled. Y/n whipped away the tears. "Miles, the only thing we've argued about in the past few weeks is which flavor of cake we should make... I don't remember any major fight." Y/n picked up the remote, flipping through the channels, skipping his favorite show since he knew Miles didn't enjoy it. "Wait, go back. I love this show," Miles exclaimed, grabbing the remote from Y/n's hand. Now, it was Y/n's turn to be surprised. "What! No, Miles, you literally threw a bagel at me the last time I put this on!" Y/n chuckled. "A bagel? What is with me and throwing bagels...?” Miles muttered, "Was it at least buttered?" Y/n rolled his eyes, getting up and heading to the kitchen. "I'm getting popcorn. If you're really into this show, we'll be here for a while." Miles nodded, satisfied with the response.
While waiting for the popcorn, Y/n decided to browse through his phone when a text from Miles popped up. Y/n glanced at the living room and smiled before focusing on the text:
Mi Tesoro❤️💋
Mi Tesoro❤️💋
Who you with?
Y/n I know you see this.
You fr ignorin me?
Y/n remained frozen, staring at the text for exactly three minutes, desperately hoping it was some kind of twisted joke. Snapping back to reality, Y/n looked down at the message and quickly gave a response.
Mi Tesoro❤️💋
Is this a joke?
Miles. I’m with you rn
Mi Tesoro❤️💋
Why would I joke abt this? 😑
I’m with my Uncle Aaron rn
Does he look exactly like me?
Get away from him until I get there
Before Y/n could hit send, "Miles" entered the kitchen, questioning the delay. "What's taking you so long? Is the microwave not working?" "Miles" peered through the transparent part, trying to get a glimpse of what was happening. Y/n swiftly grabbed his phone, retreating a few steps, attempting to avoid any suspicion. "Uh, yeah, maybe you can fix it? I need to use the bathroom," Y/n replied, never taking his eyes off the impostor. Once out of "Miles'" sight, Y/n rushed toward the bathroom. "Damn it, why didn't I grab a knife!" Y/n cursed, making sure to lock the door behind him. "Is this one of them Mandela catalogue shits? Oh, please, let it not be!" Y/n whispered anxiously, crawling into the bathtub and opening his phone to find multiple notifications from Miles.
Mi Tesoro❤️💋
Mi Tesoro❤️💋
Answer me
Where is he?
Are you hiding?
Get something to defend yourself
It’s gonna alright, I swear
I’m hiding
Are you almost here?
Y/n’s thumbs hovered over the screen, his hands trembling. His mind going blank, until he heard a knock at the bathroom door. A voice came from the other side, “Babe?” Y/n got up, putting his ear to the door “Miles?” The voice on the other side responded “Who else? You doing good in there?” Y/n noticed the lack of Miles’ accent, so he crossed out the option that it was his Miles. He still decided to play it off until his Miles gets here “Y-yeah…I just feel a little sick, that’s all. I’ll be out in a minute.” He heard a hum from the other side, “Alright. You aren’t mad about that thing, are you?” Y/n furrows his brows, “N-no, I told you I don’t even remember it…”.
"Miles" chuckled. "Alright, hurry up. We're already halfway through an episode," Y/n nodded, listening to the fading sound of footsteps. A notification caught his attention—a text from the real Miles.
Mi Tesoro❤️💋
Mi Tesoro❤️💋
we’re here
I’m in the bathroom
Stay there
I’ll come get you
Y/n followed the instructions, remaining inside the bathroom. He tried to calm his racing thoughts, finding solace in the fact that Miles was strong and capable of handling weird situations. After all, he had chosen to date Y/n, so he must possess some level of resilience. Opening the conversation with Miles, Y/n scrolled through their messages, a twinge of worry still lingering in his chest. What if Miles couldn't handle this? "I shouldn't be thinking like this," Y/n muttered, attempting to push the negative thoughts aside.
Another voice echoed from the other side of the door, calling out to Y/n. "Y/n, Bebé, are you in there?" It was Miles. Relief washed over Y/n, as he quickly opened the door to see his boyfriend. Without hesitation, Y/n pulled Miles into a tight hug, tears of joy streaming down his face. "Oh my god! You have no idea how scared I was. I thought he were one of those creepy anomalies that impersonate people." Miles returned the embrace, looking at Y/n with a puzzled expression. "The ones from TikTok?" He chuckled, finding humor in Y/n's paranoia. Y/n nodded, lifting his head from Miles' shoulder. "I can't believe I kissed a complete stranger..." Y/n sighed, still in disbelief. Miles pulled back slightly, his frown evident. "You did what?" he questioned. Y/n quickly backtracked, "Nothing... Just forget it." Pulling Miles back into the warm hug, Y/n chose to ignore the current gaze Miles directed at him.
“We’re gonna talk about that.”
“No we aren’t.”
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lunarfleur · 1 year
Needy ~ Earth 42! Miles Morales
Tagging: @kombuuuu @juneberrie @sluggmuffin @hiyaitssans @ivys-graveyard
Summary: In the comfort of his favorite place, Miles gets to experience three of his favorite things all at once: RnB, kisses, and you.
A/N: I’m in a mood. I am very much pushing my needy, whiny Miles agenda. I’m writing and posting this at 8:23 am right before I leave for band camp because I can.
Warnings:Depending on how you look at it this could come off as suggestive, little bit of grabbing but nothing too bad, sweet make out session, Miles being absolutely whipped
This is x gender neutral reader!
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Miles was absolutely, positively, and utterly insatiable.
You knew it would end like this the second he pulled you into his lap, a familiar pout on his lips while he silently begged for every ounce of your attention. His eyes bore into your’s and you just couldn’t say no. One hand found your hip, the other resting on your thigh. Beyonce played softly. His LED lights were blue.
He all but yanked you closer, not even hesitating to be gentle while he peppered kisses all over your face. Your cheeks, your forehead, your nose, your eyebrows…every inch of your face was touched by his lips.
“Miles,” you chuckled. He hummed, pulling away to look at you.
“What, baby?” He asked. You shook your head at him.
“You’re so needy,” you whispered, caressing his cheeks with your thumbs.
Miles didn’t respond, simply humming before he pressed his lips against yours. It was an all too familiar feeling, the way his soft lips caressed your skin. It was gentle, yet filled with passion and need. His grip on you tightened.
His chest seemed to tighten as he went longer and longer without air. But it didn’t seem important. He’d gladly suffocate if it meant kissing you for as long as possible.
But then he had to pull away, gasping quietly and mumbling sweet nothings until he could breathe again. Then he went right back to your lips. It was like they were magnets, always pulling him towards them.
Then you backed up, kissing on his jaw and down his neck. His fingers dug into your skin. Miles could have sworn he was dying.
He sucked in a breath, chuckling as he tilted his head back. You gave him goosebumps and a fluttering stomach.
“Baby,” Miles whispered. You hummed against his skin. He didn’t have anything to say, though. Maybe, you thought, it was a way to remind himself to breathe.
You pulled away, smiling softly. You made your attempt to get off of him, legs sliding off of his. He only reached out, held you tighter.
“No,” he whined. “stay there.”
“Miles, your mom is going to be home soon. If she walks in she’ll-”
“We’ll hear her walk in,” he pleaded. “Just a little longer, baby.”
“Please?” He was not ashamed of his whining. He was so needy.
How could you say no?
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moralesluvr · 1 year
high maintenance gf x earth 42 miles and how he would literally spoil her sm!! and everytime she gets her hair, nails, etc done he always wants to see them #SoCute🤭
take care of my woman ft. miles morales
♡ pairings & aus: earth42!miles morales x black!fem!reader ♡ summary: your boyfriend loves keeping his girl spoiled and happy, and he especially loves to see what he does for you ♡ warnings: one swear! just sum' good ole fluff ♡ a/n: thanks for your request!! we love the softie side of mr morales ♡ got a request? | masterlist ♡
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MILES MORALES DEFINITELY SPOILS YOU. Every chance he can get, he's finding reasons to provide for his girl or finding ways and outlets to get you what you want. On this particular day, you were sitting in a hairstylist's chair after Miles caught you scrolling through different hairstyles on your Pinterest feed.
"You want that one, hermosa?" He had asked you earlier when he saw you save a picture of some goddess braids to your hair inspiration board. You didn't even bother to lie and say no, because you knew he could tell if you were lying, so you just nodded and watched as he sent you three hundred dollars to go and get your hair done. As you stood up and got ready to go, he came up to you and pulled his car keys out his pocket, "Take my whip. I'll see you later, okay? Love you."
Grinning at him, you had kissed him and left his house to go to your favorite hairstylist, Monica, who has never done you dirty in the years she's been doing your hair. You were sitting comfortably in her chair, catching up on the latest neighborhood gossip as your phone charged next to her hair station. She heard it buzz and she tapped your shoulder, "Girl, your man is texting you."
"Hand me the phone, please." You requested, the device getting placed into your palm as you felt Monica start on your next braid. You swiped your phone open and clicked on your boyfriend's text.
from [mi novio <3]: hey amor from [mi novio <3]: what yo hair lookin like? lemme see
You giggled at his message, "Yo, Monica, can you take a picture of the back of my head and send it to Miles?"
Monica snorts, "You do know this big 'ole ponytail ain't finish yet, right? I'm jus' starting the third row."
"Just take it." You urged with a laugh. You heard your stylist snap the picture and click send, and within seconds, your boyfriend was texting you back.
from [mi novio <3]: yikes bae from [mi novio <3]: thats the end product? from [mi novio <3]: u need some more $$ ??
to [mi novio <3]: no u idiot, she ain done yet to [mi novio <3]: i think imma get blonde ends whatchu think?
from [mi novio <3]: get 'em, youll look cute in that
to [mi novio <3]: wait crap i dont have enough money
from [mi novio <3]: here u go ma from [mi novio <3]: txt me when u done from [mi novio <3]: i love u
You grinned at your phone and set it down, slumping back in the chair as you waited for Monica to finish your hair up. You couldn't wait to get home to your boyfriend and show him.
After what seemed like an eternity, your braids were finally finished, dipped, and your scalp had been moussed. You swiped your (more like Miles') card and smiled at Monica, who wished you a good day and slipped a free hair oil in your bag. You made your way outside and quickly drove back to your boyfriend's place, excited to show him your new hairstyles.
You unlocked the door to his crib once you arrived. You saw him sitting on the couch, manspreading with his hands behind his head, watching something on TV that you would probably have little to no interest in. You grinned and squealed when you saw him, plopping down next to him, "Look at my hairrrrr!"
He smiled at you, kissing your cheek, "Lookin' so fine, déjame hacer una foto."
You watch as your boyfriend takes out his phone and takes a picture of your hair, saving it to some folder. You peek over with a smile as you see the name,
my woman and the shit i pay for.
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𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐦 ☻ thank you for reading!
𝐒𝐏𝐈𝐃𝐄𝐑-𝐕𝐄𝐑𝐒𝐄 𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓🕷️: @queenesther996 //@sukunas-slutty-bitch // @c3f21 // @wydney // @rinnyisnothere // @brieryann // @moisttowllet // @Dee-m-cee // @liliummz // @starhrtz
𝐌𝐈𝐋𝐄𝐒 𝐌𝐎𝐑𝐀𝐋𝐄𝐒 𝐌𝐀𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓 ✎: @Dee-m-cee // @euphorichappiness10
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motherlvr · 1 year
I just found your blog but I love your fics omg. I don’t know if you’ve received a request like this, so forgive me if you have. But do you think you could do a sickfic with the reader taking care of Miles?
i havent gotten this req yet, tysm for requesting!
wc: 1k
Pairing: Earth-42! Miles Morales x f! reader (could possibly be read for 1610! Miles as well)
Summary: Miles has been acting off, so you decide to pay him a visit.
Warnings: established relationship, sick fic, cursing, fluff
Staring at your phone's messages, you awaited a response from Miles. But he hasn't been responding to you all afternoon. He never does that. So, it's only natural that this raised suspicion within you.
Miles made the mistake of granting you a spare key to his dorm a while ago. Since you lived on the same campus, you decided to pay him a little visit. It's not like this was the first time you've shown up unannounced, anyway.
Walking down the hallways of your school, you successfully found his dorm. You knocked on his door, "Miles, it's me. I'm coming in." Putting in the key to his door, you unlocked it. Miles was seemingly unfazed as he stood in front of you. "Hola, princesa. ¿Qué tal?" (what’s up?) He said with nonchalance.
But there were a couple of indications that made you realize what his deal was. For one, he didn't greet you with a kiss. Matter of fact, he was standing a few feet further from you than usual. Even before you started dating, Miles would always leave a small kiss on your forehead or temple. And secondly, there were dark circles on his under-eyes that don't usually adorn his face. He was still indubitably charming, however. There was no denying that.
You raised an accusatory eyebrow at him, and he immediately knew you saw straight through him. "You're sick. Aren't you, Miles?"
He almost rolled his eyes at how well you could read him. "I'm fine. It's nothin', ma." He shrugged, but his voice was laced with a subtle rasp. Still enough for you to pick up on, however.
"C'mon, even big tough douches get sick sometimes." You hit him lightly on the chest and grinned at him. Entering his dorm, you asked him, "Have you even eaten anything?" He brushed off your question. Instead, he said,
"You're lookin' pretty-" trying to change the subject, but you cut him off. "Good try, Miles. Wait here, I'll be back!" You promptly ran out the door, Miles stood there dumbfounded.
Within less than ten minutes, you returned to his dorm as promised. With a whole bundle of supplies. "Alright babe, sit." You grabbed him by his arm and sat him on his bed. "Estoy bien, mami. Really. You don't gotta do all this." He told you. But you didn't buy it. Holding up the back of your hand to his forehead, you winced. "Miles, you're burning hot. Temperature-wise." You winked at him.
Unpacking all the supplies you brought, you gave him medicine to take. "This stuff is magic, it'll help you feel better in no time." You said as you handed him the bottle. Glancing at the bottle in skepticism, he told you, “I ain't that sick.” His voice came out atypically groggy.
Much to his dismay, you whipped out a thermometer and put it in his mouth. He didn't even see where it came from. Within a few seconds, it read an unusually high temperature. As you suspected. Putting your hands on your hips, you told him, "Miles. You’re 101 degrees. Take the damn medicine or else I'll feed it to you."
Miles always put on a front. A facade that he didn't need anyone, a 'tough guy' front. But you knew better.
He finally gave in and took the medicine, your eyes trailing to his adam's apple that bobbed as he downed it. Shaking off your wandering gaze, you handed him a bowl and told him, "I brought you some soup as well." Staring up at you, he accepted it. He looked at you with adoration in his eyes. As long as you were here with him, he'd look forward to waking up in the morning.
A few moments passed by and he said, “...Gracias, mami.” “Of course, Miles.” You replied, gently placing a kiss on his forehead. He backed away slightly and concernedly said, "You're going to get sick, ma."
"It'd be worth it." You carelessly grinned at him, and he was sure you could singlehandedly cure him with your smile.
The sun was already starting to set, so you decided to stay at his dorm for the night to make sure he was taking care of himself. Behind closed doors, there was no doubt in his mind that he'd stand outside in the cold rain for hours if it meant you'd stay here with him.
The next morning, you somehow ended up with his arms wrapped around your waist, your back snuggled against his torso. At least you attempted to keep a safe distance the night before. Can't say you didn't try. Stirring awake, you noticed Miles was already up.
But unbeknownst to you, he's been up longer than you'd think, silently listening to the soothing thump of your heart. Glancing up at him, he pressed his lips to your temple.
"¿Cómo te sientes?" (how do you feel?) He said, the rasp in his voice almost undetectable. You let out a small chuckle at the irony, "I feel like I should be asking you that." You replied. Waking up from your trance, you remembered that it was a school day. Looking for your phone, you asked him frantically,
"What time is it? We're going to be late for class, Miles." He shook off your fears, reassuring you. "Cálmate, princesa. We got time."
Letting out a sigh of relief, you relished in his embrace, not wanting to ruin this rare moment of quietude. Maybe you should've been more careful around him, but how could you when he was holding you like this?
It was almost a perfect way to wake up in the morning. You silently hoped you could stay like this a while longer with him. And little did you know that your wish would be granted. Just not in the way you initially hoped.
An abrupt sneeze interrupted the comfortable silence that fell between the two of you. You slapped your face with your hand. Groaning at how warm it felt, you exclaimed,
"Oh, fuck."
Needless to say, both of you were in this together. Whether you liked it or not.
estoy bien - i'm good
cálmate - calm down
princesa - princess
gracias - thank you
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juneberrie · 1 year
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characters : 1610 ! miles morales, earth-42 ! miles morales, pavitr prabhakar
author's note : this is very self indulgent sorry nawt sorry >:)
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.𖥔 ݁ ˖ 1610 ! MILES MORALES
okay so in middle school his parents made him take piano so he can kind of help with reading sheet music if ur struggling with it
sooo encouraging!! he loves hearing u play and will literally applaud u. even if u play just like. twinkle twinkle little star or something he's so whipped and he just thinks you're amazing <3
has an entire sketchbook thats just filled up with drawings and sketches of you playing the violin. he'll sit and watch you practice and think, she looks so pretty. and BAM sketchbook is out and you're now his muse :]
woooahhhhh he's impressed!!! liek, very very impressed!! bc your fingers r moving so fast and does your wrist not hurt and is it hard to make sure youre playing the notes right and not screeching???
after going out and doing his prowler thingy, he loves coming home to hear you practicing whatever piece you're learning
its v calming to him!
whenever ur away and ur violin is out, he'll like. put rosin on ur bow, clean off any smudges, organize ur sheet music, literally just be cute and make life easier for u!!
omg and on the topic of him spoiling his gf, him buying you violin related things? little charms, earrings with violins on them, stuff like that <3
literally!! your biggest!! mfing!!! supporter!!! does NAWT give a shit if your violin is out of tune (like mine rn ughhhh) or if it was screechy or if you messed up he thinks u did amazing and he'll gonna tell you!
"my angel, you were amazing!! it sounded so magical <3"
i feel like pav knows how to play an instrument, and for ... purposes (😊) that instrument is the viola >:)
he'll listen to whatever your playing and then he learns it for himself on his viola. so he can surprise you!!!
i think violas have some different notes? (idk im not a violist lmao) so he does have a bit of trouble when he reads off your sheet music but he figures it out pretty quickly!
omg him doing duets w you!! he forces hobie and miles and gwen to watch ur impromptu recitals and glares at them until they clap
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zairene · 1 year
earth 42! miles morales as a streamer headcanons
warnings: none but fluff
a/n: aight had to whip this out of the drafts since my LAST miles post got a community label. + i wasn’t too proud of it anyways so i just took it down. </3 i’ll probably put it back up once i try to figure out what’s wrong w it though.
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miles would most definitely be a gaming and music reaction streamer. he would always be up to date with the newest games but let brent faiyaz drop a new album or something, and he gets RIGHT on it!
you would expect majority of his audience to be girls because of his good looks and nice personality, however he seems to be more appealing to guys since he rages on the games he plays quite a lot. (he is not very fond of mercy players on overwatch and hates winston mains with a passion.)
he has a pretty big fanbase, ranging from around 800k-1M followers on twitch and 500k subscribers on his twitch highlights channel. and the only reason why his following got this huge in only a year’s span is because he went viral on tiktok because of him raging at a game and then his sound became a trend. now most audios on tiktok are from his streams, and honestly he finds it hilarious.
now miles is really private about his life outside of streaming. he’ll answer the basic questions about his age, his race/ethnicity, how many siblings he has and etc. but anything about his relationship status or anything was kept strictly confidential.
that was until one day you walked in his room while streaming. it was a normal stream, he was just talking to chat and answering questions per usual. you had brought him some food since he had since you some money via cash app to do so. you didn’t know he was streaming so you just came and hugged him, even giving him a kiss, and then handed him his food. you didn’t even pay attention to the stream and kept going with your business. he had got so caught up in the moment he hadn’t realized that he was still streaming and his chat was going crazy.
he was shocked to say at the least but he wasn’t mad at you or anything. he was more mad at his chat for trying to spit game at you even though they had saw the whole ordeal. once you were informed that you were dating the miles morales, your social medias, that were once very private, started blowing up with notifications asking you about your relationship with miles.
miles took this opportunity to properly introduce you on his instagram story. about two weeks after the situation happened, he posted a picture with you and him for your 6th month anniversary. the caption saying, “happy 6th month anniversary to my beautiful girlfriend. te amo tanto. <3 @[yourusername]”
and so the news was out. from this point forward, you started to pop up in the streams a little more often and you started to grow this special little friendship with his fanbase. you once just came into his room because you wanted a hug and the entire chat was filled with “AWWW!!! YOU GUYS ARE SO CUTE!!” and “mbn.. 😔💔”s. now not EVERYONE was happy with this situation and some people spread hate comments here and there but because of the overwhelming support of your relationship, miles barely noticed it. the only thing he had on his mind was you and his career.
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TAGLIST :: @kisamekiss @kazuminari @planetlunaa @mypimpademia @megurulvr @dreampurpledreams @chinieh @naijagrl @looking4chanel @pixieplush17 @jogeto @laylasbunbunny @jamies-cumslut @sapphicshav @banqnaz @edgyficuselastica
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mewhenimanangel · 1 year
moon river, miles morales x reader
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pairing: earth 42!miles morales x spider!reader
synopsis: you went out to patrol the streets when you had a painful run-in with the prowler and kingpin.
wc: 2.7k
warnings!: swearing, violence, kissing suggestive themes, very light smut, fluff, angst, arguing, google translate spanish
nia’s ౨ৎ notes: lemme know if you wanna be on the taglist, next chapter made me cry
prev ♱, next ♱
you knocked on miles' door, his mom inviting you in. when she heard you were coming to hang out with miles she decided to make a nice dinner. "hola cariño" she said, bringing you in for a hug "hi mama rio!" you exclaimed returning the embrace.
rio really loved you - you were kind, smart, respectful, and more importantly you brought a sense of joy to miles' life that he hadn't had since his father's passing.
"miles, tu novia esta aqui!" she called out, moving to the side so you could come in. "oh ya voy, un segundo!" he called back out. he walked out of his room, face lighting up when he saw you "hola princesa" he kissed you.
he pulled out a chair at the dining table for you before rio came over with plates for the two of you. it was brown rice with curry chicken and some veggies on the side. you loved when rio cooked for you, it was banger after banger every time.
she was about to sit down with you guys when her phone rang. she answered it with a tired expression "yes, i'll be in soon, dame unos minutos" she sighed. "aye! lo siento cariño. i've gotta go the hospital just called me in." she frowned, gathering her things. "mami, just eat before you go." miles said. "it's okay honey i'll eat when i come back" and with that she made her leave.
he looked back at you with a frown on his face "i just feel so bad you know? ever since dad died she's just been taking up shift after shift. she keeps saying it's to take care of us and it makes me feel so guilty" he told you, solemn expression on his face. "miles, baby i'm sorry. but it's okay don't feel guilty, times are tough is all" you frowned holding his head to your chest. you stayed like that for a moment before you finished your food.
you were on the couch watching gossip girl, miles wrapped in your arm, body sprawled out over you. "you know i love you right baby" he said looking up at you, poking your lips. "yes baby you tell me everyday. i love you too" you smiled kissing him. "love your pretty lips and your cute smile" he whispered holding your hand.
just then a cough made you both dart your heads in the direction. it was his uncle aaron standing there with a teasing smirk on his face "whipped" he said making miles roll his eyes. "since when you such a big softie lil man" he chuckled. "yeah yeah what's up?" miles asked going to dap him up. "we gotta go" aaron answered. he furrowed his eyebrows "right now? you said we was off tonight" he said in a low voice. "sum'n came up sorry man" aaron said heading to the door. "y/n i could drop you home" he turned around to look at you.
you nod your head and miles rolled his eyes "miles it's okay. if you're busy i can go" you told him holding his hand. "m'sorry mi amor" he said rubbing your knuckles.
aaron drove you home before him and miles quickly drove off. you walked to your room not before saying hi to your mom and nas. "i'm sleepy so i'm just gonna go to bed early okay?" you told your mom. she nod her head and you eased your bedroom door shut.
you grabbed your spider suit from the box in your closet quickly getting dressed. you pulled the mask down and swung out of your window.
you did some patrolling for two hours listening to any police radio announcements. there was a guy who was attacking people on the bus so you knocked him out and took him to the police station. there was a man on the subway platform screaming at people and harassing women so you escorted him off.
the police radio signaled that there was a security breach at the city hall, so you quickly shot your webs, slinging past buildings as fast as you could.
when you got there there were two men running to a motorcycle to get away, not before you shot a web at said motorcycle and threw it out of their reach. "hey boys, whatcha doing with that briefcase there. i don't think that belongs to you" you teased walking over to them. "you dumb bitch, get out of here. you don't know what you're doing!" one of them shouted. "oh i think i do" you retorted throwing a web at the briefcase, slinging it over to the police. "thank you spider-girl!" they called out.
the other criminal pointed a gun at you and began firing. you shot a web at the building next to you and swung up out of the way. he kept firing at you following your every move until he finally landed a shot in your thigh. "fuck!" you screamed out, falling to the ground. he then quickly ran and grabbed the briefcase before they made a swift get away. an officer ran over to you "spider girl are you okay?!" he called out holding you up. "i-i'm fine" you said holding your thigh. your spider sense picked up on a figure watching from atop a building. prowler.
he watched the scene before making his exit, quickly running and jumping over the rooftops. you quickly and as quietly as you could, followed behind him leaving a good distance between you two. you stayed on a rooftop and watched as he met near an alleyway with the two guys who broke into city hall and kingpin.
kingpin was a billionaire and was obviously a bad guy, many different allegations and accusations coming out regarding him murdering people and being involved with multiple crimes. obviously though, he made himself look like a standup guy and always charmed his way out of any situation that was bad for his reputation. he was supposed to go to court a month ago but when the witness didn't show up it was called off. it was rumored that he either killed or had someone kill her off.
they talked for a bit before getting into a car and driving off. you debated a bit on whether or not to continue following them. on one hand, you had a bullet wound in your thigh but on the other hand, they were villains that you've been in pursuit of for a while now.
you ultimately decided on following behind the car on the rooftops. they drove into the parking garage of some random building where not much people were near. you quickly swung down and into an open window, using your spider senses to help you find them.
you heard kingpin's grainy voice coming from down a hallway and you followed it, staying hidden behind the wall. "good work getting these files boys." he spoke to the guys you'd just fought. "of course big man, now when are we getting our share" one of them said. kingpin just chuckled before grabbing a pistol and shooting them both dead.
"that damn bug almost ruined everything." he growled. "as always." you heard the prowler's distorted voice speak. "she won't be getting in our way anymore. prowler, you're in charge of keeping her out of the way. kill her if you have to" he spat, examining the files.
you eased over a little bit, trying to get a good look at what they were looking at. when you shifted your body over, the pain from your wound shot through your body like electricity making you let out a groan. both of their heads shot in your direction and you quickly turned down the hallway to make an exit. "you know what to do" you heard kingpin say.
soon enough you heard loud rapid footsteps heading in your direction. you picked up the pace and swung back through the window you came in from, shooting a web at the roof of a nearby building. you ran across it as fast as you could shooting another web, but before you could swing away the clawed glove grabbed you back and slammed you on the ground right on the thigh you were shot in.
you let out a yelp before shooting a web at his mask, quickly getting back on your feet. you opted for running away because you weren't really in any shape to fight back. he threw a punch at you knocking you off your balance. he noticed the blood that was soaking your suit and tightly squeezed around your bullet wound and pressed a thumb against it. you screamed out and groaned "fuck you!" shooting webs at his face with force making him trip back.
you quickly swung from building to building before lowering to the ground, turning the corner and running the opposite direction. you looked back to see he was still going the direction you led him and you sped up. you swung all the way to may's house, surely you weren't gonna go to the hospital like this and you definitely couldn't go home.
you pound on her door, tears streaming down your face. your leg was aching and with how long you've had your open wound you were sure it was only gonna get worse. she opened the door, pulling you into an embrace "what's going on honey?" she said looking at you.
"t-there was a security breach at city hall. a-and i got shot by one of the guys and kingpin was with the prowler and then he chased me and and-" you frantically explained. "alright keep your head straight kiddo. come on i've got some first aid" she said bringing you to her bathroom. you changed out of your suit, left in a tank top and shorts.
she got to work on your leg, wiping away all the blood pouring from it. she wrapped a cloth around your leg to stop the bleeding and began poking around to find any stray bullet fragments that was still in your leg. she cleaned with the wound like a professional and wrapped some gauze around it. "don't worry, it'll heal a bit faster than normal. thanks to your spider powers and all" she told you putting away the supplies.
"how'd you know how to do that" you asked coming off the counter struggling to stand on your legs. "sweetie i dealt with peter for years, i had to know how to do it" she chuckled.
"i'll clean up your suit but here take these it's chilly out" she handed you a pair of what she told you were peter's old sweatpants. "it's getting late, think you should start heading home" she said opening the door for you. "thank you so much may. have a good night" you still had your mask so you put it on and swung home.
you swung up to your window, tucking the mask in your pocket before entering. you gasped seeing someone lay in your bed "miles! you have to stop scaring me like that" you laughed. "hola princesa where you been?" he said getting up over to you, wrapping you into a hug. "and whose sweatpants are these? they mad big on you" he asked raising an eyebrow.
"o-oh i went on a walk, my mom was being annoying." you lied. "at night?" he asked worried expression on his face. "yeah yeah don't worry, i had my taser on me. and at least it's safer out now with spider girl" you said grabbing a water bottle. he stayed silent and looked at you, eyebrows slightly furrowed. "yeah guess you're right" he sighed dropping back down on the bed. when he looked away from you you quickly shoved the mask in the box stepping out of your sweatpants.
"what's that on your leg?" he asked pointing at the gauze. "i-i was trying to cut up some pineapple but the knife slipped out my hand and cut me real good."you replied coming up with a story last minute. you laid next to him in the bed, wrapping up under his arm. he looked at you with a sly smirk on his face "wanna come over tomorrow? mom's not gonna be home all night" he said kissing you. "what are you implying miles?" you giggled. "i think you know mama" he kissed you. "mhm" you said holding him tight.
you knocked on miles' door the next day, him opening it and immediately latching his lips on yours. "hello to you too" you giggled. "missed you" he kissed your cheek, leading you to his room "you saw me last night" you dropped your bag. "too long" he sighed taking your lips on his again.
you wrapped your arms around his neck, his tongue entering your mouth. he moved down to kiss down your jaw to your neck, sucking and leaving a mark. he reached for the hem of your shirt, tugging it over your head.
he moved to his bed and pulled you in his lap, finding your lips again. you rummaged your hands through his braids and rocked your hips against his lap, smirking when you felt him harden underneath you. "are you sure you wanna do this?" he asked breaking away from the kiss. "yes" you breathed out
you laid wrapped under his sheets head resting on his chest as he played with your hair, staring at you. "i love you so much hermosa" he smiled pressing a kiss to your forehead. "i love you too bonito" you smiled. “forever” he breathed out.
"i wanna take a shower" you told him, getting up from his sheets. "i'll join you" he smirked. he went in the bathroom to brush his teeth. "miles baby where's your towels at?" you called out to him. "the closet, tird shelf!" he called back, muffled by toothpaste.
you went over to grab one when something on the top shelf caught your eye, a silver claw poked out from underneath a piece of cloth. you weren't one to snoop but your spider senses were going crazy. you lifted it and your heart dropped, it was the same clawed glove that had thrown you on the ground and punched you yesterday - blood still staining it. your eyes stung with tears as you held it in your hand. the same boy who professed his love to you everyday, who wrapped up in your arms every night, the boy you just slept with was out killing people - you included.
"you can't find one?" his voice spoke up, coming back to the room. you turned around still holding the glove "miles. what is this?" you asked hoping it was a misunderstanding, maybe he was just a fan? "b-baby it's not what it looks like" he answered and you knew what that meant.
"miles, you're murdering people?! you work with fucking kingpin?!" you shouted. "y/n you don't understand, i have to do it! for my mom, for me, for you!" he retorted. "that doesn't fucking justify it miles, i never asked you to commit those crimes for me!" you yelled, tears streaming down your face.
"aye mami, don't cry, you're overreacting!" "overreacting?! miles you tried to fucking kill me yesterday" you growled throwing the glove at him. his eyebrows furrowed "what are you talking about?" he asked catching it. you looked around trying your best to blink back tears "miles, i am spider-girl. i'm the one you were throwing around yesterday. the one your fucking guys shot!" you screamed at him, pointing to the wound you’d lied about earlier.
his eyes almost popped out of their sockets. “no no no no, baby no. i’m so sorry. i didn’t know it was you” he walked up to you, holding your face. you looked at him, tears blurring your eyes “no miles no i-i have to go” you said grabbing your clothes and throwing them on. “princesa, wait! let’s just talk about this” he pleaded. you just ignored him and went out his window swinging your way home.
you opened your window, running to your bed flopping down to your pillow. you cried into it, thinking things over. it all made sense - the random leaving, the late arrivals, this is what “work” was.
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@3zae-zae3 @itsberrydreemurstuff @alecmores @darksidescorner @spritecactus @gwennesy @randomhoex @fiannee
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kiwisofsharks · 11 months
he finds out that you vape m.m. 1610 & 42
summary: your best friend caught you smoking out your dorm window while he’s on patrol.
pairings: earth 1610! miles morales & earth 42! miles morales x gn! reader
warnings: not proofread and unedited, there will be uses of yn (idk why i put that as a warning), nicotine addiction, weeds, cussing,
earth 1610 miles morales
he will get mad at you.
miles will be giving you an hour long sermon of the cons and no pros of nicotine.
he’s mad but mile’s is just worried for your health and he’s showing it the best way that he knows; through lecturing you, like how his mom does to him.
he thinks its annoying when he’s on the receiving end but he finds it fun when he’s the one lecturing you.
will ask to try it once out of curiosity and have a high chance of developing into an occasional smoker.
he still lectures you when he catches you doing it too much or taking higher concentrations.
he tries to find you substitutes or distracts you with something else if he thinks you’re starting to develop an addiction/dependency to nic as a stress reliever.
you turned to your right and almost screamed when you saw miles at the fire escape beside your open window, “what are you doing here, morales? how did you get in there?!”
“that doesn’t matter, what is that?” miles interrogated you while he fits himself through your window sill. “where’s your roommate?”
“she’s in her other friend’s room to hangout,” you answered, discreetly hiding your vape from his view. “anyways, how’d you get out there? are you spiderman now or something?” you laughed nervously, deterring the topic from you.
“Yn, you vape?!”
“shhhhh! do you want me to get caught?”
“dios mío, yn…” miles paced from one corner of your room to another, his hand on his forehead like how an angry mother would. “do you know how bad vaping is for you? you remember that time when cigarettes were first invented and then 50 years later people are dying because of smoking? yeah, that’s about to be you in… dentro de cincuenta años!” he rambles, forgetting some words in english.
“ ay ay ay, yn…” he sighed.
“do you wanna try?”
“no, i don’t, yn.”
“it’s melon flavored,” you persuade him further, extending it towards him with a smile that you know makes him reconsider your offers even if he’s against it.
“just one hit.”
earth 42 miles morales
now this miles, while he’s still worried for you, he won’t scold you as bad as how earth 1610 miles would.
he’ll keep tabs on the concentration you’re taking, making sure that you’re not depending on it or getting too addicted to it.
he knows that someone like you who rarely lets loose might have a pretty little secret, he just didn’t expect that it would be this.
i don’t see him as someone who owns one as it can hinder his prowler business if he’s huffing too hard from the side effects but he sometimes ask for a hit.
“didn’t expect you to be the type to vape.”
you whipped your head towards your window, there sat your best friend; miles g. morales in all his glory, sat at your widow sill.
bugged eyed, you lowered your hand that was still holding the device close to your lips, as if you haven’t been caught red handed inhaling hit after hit while reviewing for the exams.
“don’t bother hiding it, muñeca. i already saw it.” getting inside your room, snatching the vape from your hands and flopping down onto your roommate’s bed.
he took as hit, “it tastes like that one probiotic drink that you always buy.” nodding to himself, he continues, “it hits harder than i thought.”
“yea, i wanted to try a higher concentration, didn’t make that much difference.”
“how much?”
“cinco,” you answered. popping the last c from the word.
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Panda’s Notes: Started this one in August last year. Could be wishful thinking, but I hope the boys get along when it's all over. Hope you guys like it. >w<
[Ao3] || [Commissions] || [Ko-fi]
Miles Morales was down in the garage hidden below his uncle’s apartment. He nodded along to the beat coming through his headphones, humming the tune as he dismantled a motorcycle that he’d swiped after a fight with some cartel goons. If he took it apart fast enough, he wouldn’t have to tell his uncle how he’d gotten it back to base. He’d drained the gas and oil already, and he’d trashed most of the outer casings—If he wanted decorative junk, he could hit the body shop whenever—now, he was ripping the engine apart, switching between the wrenches and screwdrivers laid out beside him by just the feel of the handles.
He might have ignored his phone buzzing the first time. If it didn’t ring, it wasn’t his mom, and it wasn’t a worry. When it buzzed a fourth time within 20 minutes, he realized something was probably happening. He sucked his teeth as he wiped his hands down; the bike wasn’t exactly ripped up enough to say he’d gotten it from the scrapyard, but it would have to do if someone was looking for him. He tossed the towel aside and picked up his phone, tapping in his code and glancing the newest notifications—What the hell…?
Aaron: [Ayo, come get your cousin] Aaron: [He gettin on my last nerve] Me: [my wat]
His uncle didn’t respond. At least, he didn’t respond fast enough for the new rush of confusion that was filling Miles’ head. He grabbed his jacket and took the stairs two at a time. He was joking; he had to be. Right? Seriously… But, even then, who the hell would it be dropping in without giving Aaron time to…warn… him…?
When he got up to the apartment, he might have slipped into Prowler mode without meaning to. Time slowed to a crawl, and all of the world became that one instant as he took in every altered piece of the room he could: There were two pizza boxes and a box of soda cans on the table beside the window. He didn’t recognize the brands on either of them. The punching bag was hoisted higher off the floor than he remembered, and the record player was spinning another old R&B track.
“Tio?” He called, slowly stepping forward. “Uncle Aaron!”
“Yeah, man?” His gaze whipped to the couch, and Aaron was just…there. He sat on the couch, using a game controller to beckon Miles closer as he sipped from a cup. “You good?”
Miles pouted, and his uncle smirked slightly; Aaron knew it would take nothing short of a bomb going off to pull him away from whatever thing he was tinkering with if he was in the garage. It wouldn’t be the first time a metaphorical one was used, but he hadn’t thought Aaron would lie to him like this.
“M’fine.” Miles insisted with a huff, reaching to close the door. “The hell was that text though? Just because I’m busy doesn’t mean you have t—”
The second the door clicked shut, Miles thought he heard a step behind him. Before he could spin around, he was bear-hugged from behind and lifted up. His legs flailed as he shouted, and he tried to swing his head back against whoever held him.
“Happy to see you too, tough guy.” Miles recognized that voice, and all the panic transformed into that funny emotion smack between relief and incomparable rage.
Of course it was him.
He heaved a sigh before muttering several strings of Spanish curses under his breath, and Aaron laughed a bit as he looked back at them.
“So, this is my cousin now?” Miles—um, Earth-42 Miles? Uh, 42? Sure—42 asked in a huff once all three of them were on the couch with pizza on paper plates and colored cups filled with ice and soda.
Miles—1610 Miles. Yes, it was his turn with his own name—smirked around a bite of pizza and reached behind their uncle’s head to push him lightly. “Picking up a lot of attitude toward the guy who brought you free lunch.”
42 slapped his hand away, hiding the little grin on his face with his cup. “Nobody invited your sneaky ass to crawl all over our ceiling.”
“Uh, my ceiling? Thank you.” Aaron interjected, reaching back to smack both of their arms from behind his head. “And you left your little communicator up here when you went down to work. I told him he could drop in.”
“Ugggh, why?” 42 put on the most exaggerated tone, unable to resist the grin that took over his face as Aaron and Miles gave him almost matching looks. “You know I can’t stand him.”
Aaron just shrugged, and Miles put on that offended look. “He had pizza. And you needed to get out of that garage. I know you skipped breakfast this morning.”
42 was about to argue when Miles butt in. “Oho, you skipped breakfast?! I know Mami was pissed.”
“Best believe. She texted me probably the second he left.” Aaron gently elbowed 42’s side. “She knew you were coming over; you don’t got anywhere better to be? No cute little dates with that Ganke boy?”
Miles nearly choked as 42 tried to shout over both of them. “You’re dating Ganke?!”
“Ey, ey, ey! We—ugh! We haven’t put labels on it yet, alright?!” He insisted, blushing madly. “What’s it to you anyway, you ain’t met him!”
“Dude, I have a Ganke; he’s my roommate at school. My best friend.”
“Ew, you live in one of those shoebox rooms? Could not be me.”
“Deflecting!” Miles pointed aggressively and laughed around some comments in broken Spanish while 42 sipped smugly and looked away.
“What about you though? You kissed your boy yet?” Aaron asked without looking at either of them.
42 coughed hard as Miles balked. “Aaron!!” It was almost eerie how their voices were exactly the same sometimes. Aaron just snickered, tossing his game controller casually onto the table.
“Ya’ll do a lot of bickering for supposedly being the same person.” He chuckled, crossing his arms.
42 rolled his eyes, wiping the side of his mouth. “Please. I’m still not convinced it’s not some kind of bullshit half the time. As if I’m anything like this goody-two-shoes dork.”
Miles snorted, crossing his arms. “Is that really all you got, eh? Disney channel lookin’ ass.”
“You wanna fuckin’ go, cuz?” 42 pulled his legs up onto the couch, attempting to lunge at Miles when Aaron caught him around the waist. He flailed for a moment, and Miles sneered. “Ay, let me go; the punk has it coming anyw—Wait, wait, don’t you dare!”
Aaron had shifted one hand, letting his fingers crawl gently on the back of 42’s ribs just below his shoulder blades. And Miles’ face lit up in shock as his doppelganger fell into near-hysterical laughter.
“No way, seriously?!” He snorted, and Aaron gave a slight smirk as he tried to keep his flailing nephew from squirming away from him.
“Oh, you’re surprised?” He chuckled, scribbling up between 42’s shoulders and pulling him close before he could flail his shrieky self onto the floor. “His mom always called it—”
“Angel Wings!” Miles said at the same time as Aaron, laughing softly as his eyes lit up at the memory. “Man, I can’t believe it; that never worked on me.”
42 glared at both of them as he was more or less dropped back onto the couch cushion, and Miles couldn’t tell if it was just anger or a sort of envy. “Bullshit. You have to be fuckin’ lying.”
“Pfft, well—” Miles stammered a bit, looking away in slight embarrassment. “Not half as bad as it gets you, clearly—Hey!” He dodged to one side as an unopened soda can launched past his head, barely managing to snag it with his web shooter before it hit something.  
“’Ey, chill.” Aaron said lightly, sneaking another tickle on 42’s back as he wrapped his arm around him. “Wildin’ out all the time… Staying in that garage all day is not helping you relax.”
“I don’t need to relax!” 42 barked out suddenly, only to cringe and cross his arms as he pouted. He took a few deep breaths, sighing when Aaron pat him on the head.
“Somethin’ you need to talk about?”
42 glanced between the two of them, and Miles leaned slightly to see his face. He let out a final sigh and shook his head. “Just stressed…” He admitted with a shrug. “Tired, maybe?”
Aaron hummed, nodding as he squeezed 42’s shoulder.
Miles let out a sigh of his own, setting down his cup before resting his chin on one hand. “Think we should call Ganke to cuddle with you?” He asked gently, letting the smirk grow on his face at the incredulous look 42 gave him.
“Nah, yeah, that’s three strikes.” Aaron chuckled, shrugging when Miles balked. “You can kill him.”
42 sneered, and Miles flailed slightly, about to run off when Aaron sneakily grabbed his ankle. His escape was disrupted just enough that 42 was able to tackle him off of the couch. They wrestled for a moment, with Miles quickly gaining the upper hand with his Spider strength…right up until 42 shoved his hands under Miles’ arms. Miles shrieked, pulling his arms in tight and kicking against the floor as he cackled. 42 balked for a second, his eyes and smile brightening.
“No fuckin’ way; you were actually right, you little shit.” He laughed, pressing his thumbs into Miles’ ribs.
“I-I’m taller than you!” Miles managed out between his laughter.
Aaron chuckled as Miles squealed, and he grabbed his game controller again while they fought. It wasn’t much of a fight for long—one of them did have super-strength, after all—but it was nice that his nephews were finally having fun.
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pantherastevens · 1 year
Sorpresa: Baddie
So, the initial idea was to make this 5 +1 fic into one post. Then I realized how long this was getting. The word count is getting a little ridiculous so Imma break this up in separate posts and make a masterlist later.
I’ve been kinda obessed with ATSV ever since watching the movie and I wanted to be different and make more of a “regular” character instead of a Spiderpersona (but trust, she’s not a regular). It’s been hard to write a bio about her because I have so many fic ideas I wanna do for her, so I wanna hear from you guys on who do you think Panthera Stevens is.
So I present to you all, Sorpresa (Surprise) Part One: Baddie. 
Five times Panthera surprises Miles + One time Miles surprises Panthera
Enjoy Part 1!
Summary: Miles vaguely understood that his girlfriend was a bit of a wild card. Quiet people tend to be like that. But it never fails to surprise him how often she could pull off such a thing.
Miles was glad for the summer, despite the heat waves taking over Brooklyn. It meant the school year was finally over, and he could spend some much-needed quality time with his Ángel hermoso, Panthera Stevens.
He offered that they go on a date. Just a walk around the city and see what happens. He realized that his girlfriend was rather simple, unlike most girls at school. Outside of her usual uniform, she liked to hide behind her baggy clothes and his hoodies that she occasionally stole from him (not that he minded).
So you can only imagine his expression when she opens the door to her apartment dressed like an angel sent from above.
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The dress hugged her figure perfectly, emphasizing the curve of her chest and waist to flare out from the waist down. The skirt of the dress stopped at mid-thigh to show off her legs. Her shoulders were sweetly exposed to the elements (aka Miles' lips).
Her accessories consisted of a white gold plated claw necklace with matching bracelets. Silver dragon claw diamond stud earrings decorated her ears. A silver personalized Cuban ID ring rested on her left middle finger. White slip-on sandals are on her feet, showing off her white-painted toes.
She was even wearing a bit of makeup. He noticed her eyebrows were darker and more filled in but still kept their natural shape. Black eyeliner outlined those almond-shaped eyes, similar to an Egyptian-style look. A hint of purple can be seen on half of her bottom waterline, meshing with the black. Those full lips that gave the sweetest kisses took on a faint purple tint.
He could smell the warm vanilla oil perfume on her skin. Some of her locs were maneuvered in two high pigtails while the rest remained down, with a few locs in front to frame her face. A few shells were attached to the ends of them.
'Ay, dios mío...'
"Hey, love," Panthera greeted with a smile and hugged her stunned boyfriend. Miles willed his arms to wrap around her waist, semi-baffled.
"Hola mamí..." Still oblivious to her boyfriend's shellshock state, Panthera perked up at the sight of the bouquet in his arm.
"Sunflowers and roses? Aww, you shouldn't have," she cooed, kissing his cheek. Somewhere in Miles' attention-starved and lovesick brain hoped she left a mark. She ushered the Afro-Latino inside so she could quickly place the flowers in a vase.
Panthera was rambling on how excited she was to go out with him, and Miles was barely listening. It wasn't until Panthera asked a question that went unanswered that she finally looked at Miles to see the hooded look on his face.
"Miles? You okay," she asked as she carefully placed the flowers in a vase. Miles blinked as if waking up from a dream.
"Sí, mamí... It's just that..." Panthera cocked her head at him, watching him approach her. Miles wrapped an arm around her waist, lifting her chin so she could look him in the eyes.
"Eres tan hermosa, gatita. Soy un hombre afortunado de estar con un ángel así..." Panthera blushed. She's been getting a better understanding of Spanish thanks to Miles teaching her ever since they started dating. She could tell there was a compliment in what he said, but she would still appreciate a translation.
"Eh... gracias," she said. Miles chuckled softly, knowing his little kitten didn't fully understand him. He kissed her forehead.
"My apologies, ma. I said that you're so beautiful, kitten. I'm a lucky man to be with such an angel," he whispered, looking into those dark brown eyes of hers. Panthera blushed harder.
"Stop it. I'm alright-EEP!" The girl's words were cut off as she found herself in Miles' arms and carried off bridal style to her room. The pair stopped in front of the girl's full-length mirror. Miles gently set her down and hugged her from behind, resting his chin on her left shoulder.
"Miles, what are-"
"Panthera, what do you see?" The girl raised a brow at the sudden question, staring at the reflection of her and her boyfriend.
"I see me and you," she answered slowly. She watched as Miles shook his head.
"I see a goddess and her devout follower. I see a queen and her most loyal servant. I see the most baddest, most beautiful, most drop-dead gorgeous girl in all of Brooklyn with the most jaded boy who just so happens to be lucky enough to be called her boyfriend. I'm so damn lucky that you even want to be with me. Believe me when I say it's not the other way around. Everything about you is so beautiful, don't matter if you're in a dress or one of my hoodies that you know is too big for you. Another man would consider himself lucky to experience both and trust me when I say I'm so blessed," Miles said, squeezing Panthera closer. Panthera's expression reminded him of a startled kitten, and he could feel the heat of her blush radiating from her cheeks. The two swayed a bit in front of the mirror as Panthera mulled over what to say.
"Thank you, sithandwa sam. I... I guess I barely saw myself that way. But know that you're always worthy. Tu eres el rey de mi corazon," she whispered, kissing Miles' cheek. The boy sighed, a small grin tugging on his lips.
You are the king of my heart...
"Of course, bella..." The pair held hands as they walked out of the girl's room and out of her apartment with her bag in tow. Miles couldn't help but ask one more question as he watched Panthera lock the front door.
"Where did you get all that jewelry? I've never seen those around your room before, and you don't seem like the type to wear stuff like that." He'd seen her wear a simple silver 5mm Miami Cuban chain necklace with a ring that looked a few sizes too big for her, along with some simple small hoop earrings—nothing like the flashy jewelry that adorned her body. Not that Miles was complaining or anything. It was nice, and Panthera wore them well. He might get some for himself (and her) if she told him where she got them from.
Panthera glanced at Miles from the corner of her eye, a soft chuckle escaping her lips as if he knew what he was thinking. She probably did because he was determined to spoil her (she has yet to tell what she likes or wants).
"That's my secret to know, Morales. Now come on, you promised me a date." Miles sighed, mentally noting to find out this "secret" later.
Shoutout to @444morales​ much love to you, friend 💜💜💜
Ángel hermoso : Beautiful angel
sithandwa sam : My darling
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clowningaroundmars · 2 months
Happy bday Miles!!!
it was miles' bday yesterday! i was hard at work pumping this thing out but alas it was already past my bedtime when i finally finished it u_u
this is... very last minute and i'm p sure you can tell but i hope yall enjoy anyhow LOL
for my (belated) gift to the mileses i present: miles and miles g celebrating their birthday together! and g getting a gift better than anything anyone could wrap up for him :) <3
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Miles G was nervous. Very nervous.
It was already August third, a date he never really ever paid much attention to before today, but here it was.
The day.
His birthday. His 16th birthday, to be exact. And not just his birthday, but the birthday that other dimensional variants of himself shared as well.
Namely, one Miles Morales from Earth-1610 came to mind, especially now as he held his wrapped package in one hand and shuffled nervously from one foot to another.
The suffocating darkness of Earth-42’s late evening was falling and falling quickly, which would otherwise ignite something in him on a normal day. But, as he fiddled with his dimensional watch strapped to his right wrist, he knew this wasn’t any normal evening out.
After the events of… the utter and total chaos of his inter-dimensional doppelganger crashing into their universe out of nowhere once many months ago, life was never the same for him or his family.
As a result of the inter-dimensional shenanigans that ensued, his mother Rio finally found out about his secret identity and his illicit vigilante dealings on the nights he usually got away with his uncle Aaron, and that was… well.
It was a Time, alright.
Eventually, after boxing both his and his uncle’s ears and giving them a stern lecture, Rio slowly warmed up to the idea of her son going out and doing what he needed to do in order to assist with NYC’s battle against the fascist oppression that the Sinister Six were insisting upon the city. With help, of course.
Rio’s one condition was that Miles G’s new spider-themed friends would come and help and make sure her son was still on the straight and narrow, that he wasn’t going to get too hurt.
She figured that if Miles G wasn’t going to back down from being a hero in his own right, then he might as well have someone by his side helping him achieve his goals… and helping out at the hospital and F.E.A.S.T. as well every now and then, of course!
Now, she was waiting right by the door to the rooftop, holding it open with a hip and looking on at her son approvingly. It was August of course, but that night on Earth-42 happened to be a bit chillier than normal. Her hair frizzed with the humidity that hung thick in the air and she wrapped her hands around her arms as she smiled.
Miles glances up and notices the rolling darkness overhead moving in a bit too quickly. Must be a storm brewing again, then. It sure smelled like it, anyways.
“Good luck, mijo! Tell them I said happy birthday to the other you!” Rio calls, just as something suspiciously thunder-like starts growling on the other end of the city. “Y no te preocupes tanto, Miles! Tu pareces tan nervioso! Relax a little, it’ll be a fun time, right?”
Miles G offers her a crooked smile. It didn’t really feel genuine at all, just a mask he plasters onto his face to hopefully placate his mother, which seems to work. Rio beams at him and then the winds start picking up.
“Okay, goodnight Miles! Te amo!” Her voice is almost drowned out by the sudden chilly gust that blows through and whips her hair in different directions. She gives her son one final wave before turning and letting the door shut behind her.
Miles breathes in the ozone that materializes in the air, trying to ground himself in the sudden temperature drop before a streak of lightning bursts through the clouds and flashes out of the corner of his eye. Feeling his anxiety bubbling through his nerves and into his chest, he hastily starts the search for his “twin’s” dimension.
The idea of going to a party and celebrating his birthday for the first time in years, alongside his doppelganger and his family in a dimension that isn’t his-- but probably should have been-- made his stomach roil a bit.
But thunderstorms? Those were a whole different level of hell no.
The quickly-developing storm gave Miles G just that last bit of courage he needed to take the leap, metaphorically speaking.
The portal he opens once he finds Earth-1610 almost instantaneously blinks into existence right before him. Well, also literally speaking, too, he muses sardonically as well, peering into the bright neon hues of his own custom-made portal.
He didn’t really know whether he liked Hobie Brown from Earth-138 yet, but he sure as hell was never going to get used to the fact that that kid straight up just reverse-engineered technology from the future, on his own. That alone put Hobie high up on the ranks of respect in Miles’ own mind.
Well. No more time to waste. Another burst of electricity streaked through the night sky, illuminating the angry dark rain clouds advancing on the city like jaguars ready to pounce. The anxiety threatened to burst forth from Miles’ chest just like the booming thunder that clapped in the air just then, and he took that as his cue to move.
He hated jumping through these portals, but hated storms even more. With one breath held tightly into his lungs, he stepped forward…
… And landed on some cardboard boxes.
Not a bad place to land, though, given his watch was still a prototype Hobie had cooked up last-minute to enable non-superpowered beings to travel through space and time without getting their nuclei scrambled like omelets.
All in all, not the worst position he’s found himself in, either. Not like that one time with those guard dogs… shudder. Anyways.
Miles G slowly stood up, head on a swivel as he immediately takes in his surroundings, hoping no one saw the giant burst of purple and blue lights that his portal emitted. Behind him, the aforementioned portal quickly fizzled out and blinked out of existence.
He seemed to land in an empty, but very smelly alleyway next to some restaurant on Earth-1610, if the wafting smell of greasy food hitting his nostrils was anything to go by. Dozens of styrofoam containers and wet-looking garbage bags sat piled up next to an overflowing dumpster, and a rat or two started to make their break for it once Miles lifted his legs out of the pile he landed in to connect sneaker soles to concrete.
He dusts himself off, groaning something about needing to find that twiggy punk and throttle him for not getting him his own stabilized watch sooner, when the back door of said restaurant suddenly swung open and a mean-looking, heavyset man with a hell of a beer gut started scowling at him.
“Aye! Whaddya doin’ back here, dumpster diving? Punk kid! Get outta here!”
Miles G’s own upper lip curled with full teenage disdain. “I’m not dumpster diving, genius. I’m takin’ a shortcut through here. That alright with you? It ain’t illegal,”
“Takin a shortcut?” The man’s eyes bulge out with rage. “Lyin’ punk! Get on outta here!” He hurls more curse words at Miles and shakes his fist like a cartoon character yelling at someone to get off their lawn.
Miles simply rolls his eyes, stoops over to fetch his gift from the giant pile of discarded cardboard boxes and brushes it off as well. He tosses a sarcastic salute at the man as he makes his way down the alleyway.
“Stay classy, my man,” he grumbles and steps out into the blinding rays of the late August evening on Earth-1610.
It was lucky he was found by this man on this dimension rather than back home, because otherwise his encounter would have been possibly twice as deadly than a grumpy old restaurant cook simply shaking a fist at him.
It was one of the many things about this mirror-dimension that he needed to get used to, at first. The adults back on 42 were twice as aggressive and authoritative as the ones from here, and it was something very relieving to find out once he first stepped into this world.
Here-- even though things didn’t quite sit right in his cells about being in a world so similar to his, but yet slightly skewed-- he could really relax. He could let his shoulders down a bit, loosen his muscles, not hold his head up so high. He could truly live.
So now, even though he was most definitely going to be late to this party at his twin’s house (if his directional instinct was anything close to accurate), he was relatively chill.
Miles G strolled through the city streets of what looked to be Queens, though whether he was in the east side or the northern side was really up in the air. He turned on his heels towards a subway station and made a beeline for the underground oasis in the desert only to find that the subway map on Earth-1610 was completely flipped from the ones in his dimension.
Damnit. Damn it all. Well, then. Looks like he was gonna be even more late to the party.
He sent his dimensional twin a quick update text and began the long and frustrating process of taking pictures of maps, attempting to turnstile-hop as often as he could, and asking New Yorkers for directions.
Asking for directions and train info from New Yorkers here seemed to have the exact same success rate as it did back home; that is to say, little to none. Great. Miles stopped asking New Yorkers for directions after a while.
It killed him that he couldn’t just go as the crow flies with his gear, on account of needing to keep a low profile in order to not land 1610’s Miles in any hot water.
He missed his bungee and parkour gear something fierce after getting turned around yet again, hands picking at the stupid present’s gift wrapping impatiently after hopping onto the correct train this time. You’d think that a kid living and getting by all on his own in the city would make him a better navigator of public transportation, but alas. Even a 16 year old kid living his entire life in the bowels of the concrete jungle gets inbound and outbound trains confused sometimes. Go figure.
It seemed like it took forever and a half to finally find himself setting foot on the familiar streets of the Williamsburg area in Brooklyn, but the brownstones and corner streets eventually started shaping themselves into something much more familiar to him, much to his relief.
Cool. So this was Miles G’s domain, finally.
Even if all of the details were slightly off, even if some stores weren’t quite named correctly enough not to tickle a weird part in his brain as he walked past them, this was home. He knew it, and he felt his own “spidey senses” go off once he made his way closer and closer to his-- and Miles’-- apartment block.
G did a double take as he walked past the usual stream of faceless pedestrians and spotted a familiar puff of dark hair in the crowd. It was Miles!
Miles G may not have had that strange precognitive superpower that all of the other spider-people seemed to have, but it looked as though his body's cells had minds of their own as they gravitated towards his dimensional doppelganger bounding up to him with a joyful gait.
Miles was clad in his usual bright sporty colors, grinning as brightly as the sunset that cast everything in a nice warm hue all around them.
They dapped each other up as a casual greeting, immediately starting up their banter.
“You’re finally here, man, goddamn! Gettin’ old now, getting turned around more nowadays?” Miles ribbed his twin playfully.
“Ha, ha,” Miles G replied sarcastically, “You and me are the same age, remember? Anything you say about me--”
“You say about yourself. I know that one, smartass. I was the one who came up with that first, you can’t quote me back at me!”
“Arrest me, then,” G stuck out his chin defiantly and laughed when he got a strong jab to the side.
They quibbled like this all the way down the streets, two teenage boys just basking in the last golden rays of the sunset before it finally darkened to a nice purple haze on their shared birthday. A beautiful cloudless evening, the complete and total opposite of the raging storms most likely tearing their way through Earth-42's Brooklyn night.
G was enjoying himself so much that he forgot how nervous he was before this moment.
Navigating the streets of New York City alone with not much help from his own cellphone or the people around him distracted him long enough to put his worries off to the side for a while, and now that he’s reaching the steps to his own apartment building, it seems like all those worries are bubbling back up again.
His purple sneakers freeze right on the bottom steps of the Brooklyn brownstone he always called home, watching as his doppelganger reaches for the door handle and only stopping once he notices G fall silent behind him.
They pause together, and Miles tosses an all-too-casual glance over his shoulder up towards the stairs before letting the door shut behind him again.
They sit together on the stairs, side-by-side.
Miles G is taking a couple of deep breaths, using the box breathing method Miles taught him a while ago.
Miles asks him, “you sure you wanna do this, bro?”
“Yes,” Miles G answers, a little too quickly.
Glances are exchanged, a million words shared with just one look. G sighs then.
“Okay… maybe… I mean, I do. I really do, wanna… uh,” Miles G takes another deep breath before sitting back and fiddling with the ribbon on the present once more. “… I wanna celebrate this, like not just for you. For me, because it’s… this is gonna be the first time I ever had a party since… well. Anyways, yeah, so I wanna do this. I do! This is important and I have to do this.”
“But?” Miles adds, a bit hesitant. He’d never want to make his dimensional variant feel like he’s being pushed or pressured, especially when he looks like he’s teetering on the edge of a panic attack.
“But,” G emphasizes the T, “I… fuck, this is gonna sound kinda lame but, ugh. I hate sayin’ it out loud. But…!”
“Jeff, right?” Miles offers him his most comforting expression. G hates it anyhow.
G hangs his head, clasping his hands over the box. “Yeah,” he admits, full of shame. “It’s dumb and I should be over it by now--”
“Bro, stop. Look,” Miles sighs in a way that reminds G of Rio a little too much, making his heart clench. “Your dad passed away, man. That is tough. That's the literal definition of trauma, and there’s nothing anyone can say about that. But you shouldn’t beat yourself up over not having like a linear progression on healing or whatever. You’re never really gonna get over it, like ever. And that’s okay, man. Losing a family member like that’s hard. Real hard.”
Aaron, G thinks to himself then, nodding slowly. Miles is probably the only person who understood the visceral and soul-crushing feeling of watching a beloved family member die at such a young age; and a father figure as well, at that.
Sure, all the other spider-people lost their uncle Bens or Tonys or whatever they said their uncles’ names were. But Miles lost Aaron. Aaron Davis. A man that was held in such high regard by the both of them, a key player in the way they both grew up and formed their own personalities as kids. There was nobody like him, and that was a fact.
It felt simultaneously weird and also comforting to know exactly what Miles was thinking, feeling, because in a lot of small but significant ways, their pain mirrored each other’s. Miles knew. G knew.
There wasn’t anything else left to say.
“I gotta go up,” Miles G said quietly after a small bout of silence.
Miles shrugged non-committaly. “Only if you’re ready,” he replied.
“No,” G shook his head, his neatly-done braids wiggling alongside the movement. “I have got to man up and stop bein’ so pussy right now. He’s not my dad. He isn’t my dad and I can do this!”
Miles blew out a breath and leaned back on the stairs behind him, legs spread as he crosses his arms. “Dude, look at me. Dad’s not gonna be weird this time, okay? We talked to him and he’s cool about everything and he is not gonna be weird. Everyone understands if you need some time to yourself, like in my room or up on the roof, just in case. This isn’t mandatory, you know. You don't have to push yourself.”
“I know this isn’t mandatory but I don’t wanna ruin your special day, alright? I’ve gone years with no birthdays, I’ll be fine. I’ll live,” Miles G bit out. It was much harsher than he intended it to come out, so he tried to save the conversation. “I uhm… sorry. I mean… it’s no biggie to me if I have to skip out or whatever. If it’s too weird, y’know? If you guys don’t want me here... I just don’t wanna, like, step all over your guys’… lives. The way you all do things. I know it’s different.” G gives a half-hearted shrug, hoping his twin will catch on to what he’s trying to convey.
Miles leans forward then, clapping a hand on G’s shoulder and shaking him a bit. “Man, you worry too much. Just like me,” he laughs, “I can’t believe I’m like this! Goddamn,” he shakes his head.
G groans. “Am I, though? Am I worrying too much? Ain’t this whole situation just… weird?”
Miles waves his hands around as he speaks. “Yeah, but… teen heroes in spandex costumes shooting webs out of their wrists is weird, too. I promise you’re not ruining anyone’s day by existing. My parents love you, dude, you’re fine. Either way, no one’s gonna think bad of you if you wanna stay or go.”
G sighs deeply, steeling himself. “Then I’ll stay. We’ll do… the birthday things. It’ll be fine,”
“If you insist!” Miles shrugs again and moves to stand up.
G snorts derisively and puffs himself up to his twin’s height once they’re both on their feet. “I hate when you do that shit, man!”
“Do what?” Miles holds his palms aloft, grinning crookedly.
“Don’t play dumb, Morales. Just…” G wedges the box he was holding in between the ornate railings of the stairs and pops back up, annoyed. “Look at me. I look fine, right? I’m not dressed down too much?” He holds his arms akimbo.
Miles laughs again, giving his twin a well-meaning once-over.
“Hair good, kicks good?” Miles G presses, sending Miles a look all the while.
“Yes, yeah, dude. You look fine. Everything’s gonna be fine! Stop freakin’ out!”
“You’re pulling your stupid nonchalant cool guy shtick and I hate it. You know that makes me even more nervous, right? It does not help, not even a little,”
Miles cackles as he pulls the door open once more, motioning for G to hand him the wrapped present. “You are unbelievable, man. Completamente insoportable!”
They bicker once again all the way up three flights of stairs, as naturally as if they had done it for years until they reach Miles’ family apartment and push their way through the doorframe.
They don’t even get to set one Jordan into the living room before Earth-1610’s Rio is leaping out from right around the corner and shouting SURPRISE!!! right into their faces.
Behind her, Jeff wears a party hat and blows on a dinky little party horn.
Both Mileses stood frozen staring into the face of their excited mother before Miles opens his mouth to speak.
“Mamí, I already told you this wasn’t a surprise party!”
“No, pero yo quería, como… hacer un algito para el niño, sabes?" Rio answers innocently, cheesy grin plastered on her face as she reaches for a balloon floating nearby and hands it to G.
“Anyways,” Miles gives his twin a sidelong glance and holds his present aloft, picking his way past the balloons on the floor to deposit it next to a pile of boxes and bags. "Sorry about them, they're... y'know. They mean well, but--"
"Of course we do! What's with this attitude all of a sudden?" Jeff complains, taking off his comically small party hat and setting it aside.
“Last night, we had my party with the fam on the rooftop, and today it’s just us here. We’re gonna watch a movie and eat together if you don’t mind,” Miles begins again, by way of explaining the massive pile of gifts in the living room corner. “I figured your first party in a while should be more... lowkey. Just a totally casual and definitely not weird birthday celebration, right guys?” He shoots looks at both of his parents, who both nod.
“Yeah, yeah, yeah! Totally casual. We cool, we cool,” Jeff assures his son, punching at his shoulder playfully. “When have we ever not been cool? About, y’know… this whole inter-dimensional universe stuff?”
“Dad!” Miles groans.
G smiles a bit, shoving his hands in his pockets and hiking his shoulders up to his ears. “Yeah this sounds cool, actually. Real good, better than…”
“Than what you thought it’d be?” Miles grins, “you really think I’d just throw you into a massive block party with the whole family out of nowhere?”
“No, but,” G kicks off his sneakers as their parents go into the kitchen and start laying pots and bowls out onto the dining room table. “I dunno… I thought it’d be more than just us. But this is nice, yeah. I don’t mind this at all.”
“As I knew you wouldn’t!” Then, a little louder, “what’d I say, dad?”
“I still got some of the crew on speed dial with gifts if you want!” Jeff calls out from the kitchen.
G laughs aloud and shakes his head, finally relaxing for the first time in what seemed like forever.
Together, the four set up dinner on the table to laugh and eat, celebrating two birthdays with two versions of the same Miles. They toast to another happy birthday, tacking on a little “here’s hoping G survives until the next one” for good measure.
Miles elbowed his father for that, but G was more than grateful that he had some more people in his corner, even if they were from different dimensions. Knowing that he had another set of parents praying for his health and his safety in a world that seemed so far away and distant as to be from a completely different galaxy made his heart clench in a way he didn’t know how to articulate yet.
He raised his own glass and prayed for their health and safety as well.
Then they settled into the living room together to watch a goofy horror-comedy movie that Jeff insisted on picking out himself.
“So Miles let me know the other day that he doesn't really actually like horror movies much, which was-- y’know definitely not feeling betrayed or anything ‘cause of that, but.” He shot his son a look.
“Oh my god, this again,” Miles groans, rolling his eyes and smiling exasperatedly.
“Anyways, dunno what your horror tolerance is, is all. Don’t know if you love it or hate it, but my wife hates horror and I love it. I figure this one’s a good middle ground.”
G sat forward, clasping his hands together in front of him. “You hate horror movies?” He asks his twin.
Miles throws his hands up in the air. “Do not tell me you’re gonna say that you’re shocked ‘cause you love it,”
G bobs his head and laughs. “I’m gonna say that I’m shocked ‘cause I absolutely love horror. Huh! That’s… that’s kinda funny we’re different like that,” he hummed in thought.
Miles sighs. “Oh right, of course. My twin who is absolutely better than me at everything ever happens to love the same stuff my dad does. Man, y’know what, I’m wavin’ the white flag. You can have him if you want!”
“Huh?” Jeff looks back and forth between his two sons as they laugh.
"Pero así tampoco!" Rio laughs along with them. “No one is stealing anyone’s father tonight, boys. Come on now,”
“I’m saying!” Miles offers anyways.
“I’m good,” G replies good-naturedly.
“Hold on, you two are not saying what I think you’re saying,” Jeff finally catches up to speed.
The whole room laughs at that, joy and comfort palpable in the air as the family settles down after bantering some more. They pass the bowls of popcorn and watch their movie, commenting on terrible acting and cackling at bad jokes.
G settles down, really relaxing this time, as he sinks deeper into the comfortable couch cushions and basks in the normalcy of this life. He was grateful the family didn’t make him feel like he was a guest, or an intruder into their seemingly perfect lives of familial affection. This was a million times better than awkward happy birthday songs and loud music,. It was much more… intimate. Intimate in ways that G himself hadn’t been allowed to feel since his own father’s passing.
He was grateful that his own dimensional variant understood what it was that he could handle, and what he couldn’t, completely judgement-free. It left a warm feeling deep in his chest he hadn’t ever known he was even capable of feeling. Maybe that was Miles’ real gift to G, the perfect environment for anyone to be able to let their walls down, even just a little.
It made the homemade sketchbook as his gift to his twin seem so silly in comparison, in the end. Oh well.
The night ended wonderfully, with each parent getting G his own gifts on top of the one Miles dumped unceremoniously in his lap towards the end of his visit.
But it was getting late, and the night was getting progressively darker.
The nighttime wasn’t nearly as suffocating and all-encompassing as Earth-42’s nights, especially considering it was a clear and crisp night on 1610, the total opposite of the angry weather back home… but the hour was getting longer nonetheless and G’s tranquil visit to this dimension was drawing to a close.
“I wish you could sleep over this time, y’know. Kind of a bummer that you can’t”, Miles bumped shoulders with G as they sat side-by-side on the couch.
“Mmmn, yeah” G sighed.
“Hold on, what am I missing here? I thought he was going to stay tonight!” Rio pipes up from her end of the couch, brow raised.
G looks up at her. “Uhh, no. I have, uh, I have a thing… in the morning, with uncle Aaron. So,”
Jeff grunts disapprovingly, earning him a glare from Miles.
Miles then turns back to his twin. “It’s fine, we get it. Let’s try to make some more time in the future to hang soon, though, right? This was fun!”
They both smile at each other and then start to get up, gathering discarded wrapping paper from Miles opening his gift from G.
G himself tries tucking his unopened presents into his light sweater, zipping it up and holding the boxes against him with crossed arms.
“If I don’t hold ‘em like this, they’ll go flying everywhere in the portal back home,” he explains to Miles’ parents.
Miles shoves his hands in his pockets and agrees that that's a great idea before suggesting they not open a portal in the middle of the living room where all of his birthday balloons and gifts were still in neat piles.
G finally bids everyone a good night before climbing up the final set of stairs up to the rooftop, with Miles right on his heels.
They dap each other up again and Miles eventually pulls G into a hug.
“Man, what you doin’ that soft shit for?” G ribs Miles playfully, punching him lightly on the shoulder.
“I dunno, you look like you could use some soft shit after tonight. You looked like you didn’t even wanna leave my apartment,”
G rolls his eyes but concedes anyways. “Uh huh, yeah… shit was nice there, for a second… things were real nice.” He trails off, then gathers himself back up again. “Your dad was great back there, by the way. So… looks like your talk with him was good, it was effective.” He sniffed.
Miles purses his lips. “Hmmm, was he, though? He coulda been a little better, honestly.”
G shakes his head, laughing. “You need to stop being so hard on your parents, kid. They’re great. They are.”
“Yeah, I know. Your fam’s great, too, by the way. Let Aaron know that I really love his gift he left me the other day, when you get back,”
G does a double take. “That he-- that he left you? How? He’s got a watch now?”
“I think…? I think he stole yours, honestly, bro. Or… I dunno, knowing him, he might’ve already reverse engineered his own by now,” Miles offers a wincing shrug, chuckling a bit at the shocked expression on his own face standing a little ways away from him.
“Wh--! Goddamn. Well.” G sniffed again and fixed the hoodie of his sweater casually, adjusting the gifts inside. “Well, damn. Thanks for letting me know about that, I guess.”
Miles throws G a salute and steps back, right by the rooftop door and then G's suddenly reminded of his own mother most likely already asleep back home.
He loves 1610, sure, but in that very moment, his heart ached for his own-- definitely not perfect but-- comforting home.
He opens his portal behind him, purple neon rings and hazy blue light emitting from it, an occasional green static flickering in and out, and the smell of wet pavement and rain hits them both almost instantaneously. Potted plants, chairs and crates sat nearby start floating in the air.
Miles whistles low. “It’s raining back where you’re at, man. I’m jealous. You get to fall asleep to rain!”
G only shrugs, not wanting to let his twin know anything about his fear of storms. That was a topic that would have to brought up later. “You have a good night, too, man. You can look up rain sounds on Youtube if you need to,”
Miles huffs out a laugh. “You got jokes! Nice!”
“Always, genius. I always do. Take it easy, man.”
G steps backwards, his last sight of 1610 being his twin standing by the half-open door to the roof, warm hallway light illuminating him from behind, small pinpricks of little sparkles in the deep blue night sky high above them…
And lands right onto his own bed.
G gasps, not possibly believing his own luck this time!
He scrambles around in the dark as quietly as he can, reaching for his lamp by his drafting table and flicking it on. His eyes bounce around the room, taking in every single little familiar detail of his posters, hats lined above the window frame, record player on top of stacked crates in the corner…
It’s home. Thank goodness. No need to traverse the dangerous roads at night past the state-mandated curfew.
Tonight was really shaping up to be an amazing night. What a relief…
Miles G laid back after eventually finishing his night routine and making sure his mother was asleep in her room, hopefully breathing. He had his arms behind his head and a big smile on his face as he thought back to the presents he received from the 1610 Morales family, now stacked neatly on his drafting table to be opened in the morning.
He thought back to the fond gazes he received at the dinner table as they had all chatted over pastelitos and refried beans. He thought back to the warm glow that the city took on during the sunset, how his train rides over to Brooklyn were always much less stress-inducing than the rides on Earth-42 were, no matter how late G was getting to be. He was unbelievably grateful that he got to experience it at all, and that it wasn’t all a fever dream his half-baked brain cooked up on little to no sleep.
No matter what his presents from the Morales family turned out to be, he was already grateful for the best gift that Earth-1610 could ever give him: peace.
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Still in Earth 42! I think one, maybe two more parts here and we can move on? (>.<)
@hobiesgender @hadesdaughter2002 @lirulua
Miles came to suddenly and violently.
There were loud calls — some familiar voices, a vaguely familiar Spanish curse — but Miles didn’t pay them any mind. He swiveled his head around, eyes scanning the room quickly as he searched and searched; the longer it took him to find him, though, the more his heart started racing and he panicked, and all he could focus on was a constant mantra of protect I failed protect I failed protectIfailedprotectIfailed —
“Oi.” His head whipped around, his upper body twisting with the motion, and Miles saw Hobie leaning against the wall behind him. He realized, belatedly, that they were back at the run down Visions again, in his dorm room. Hobie had his mask off, and his breathing still looked a little off, and there was still blood on his vest and his Spider suit and — “I said, oi.”
“What.” Miles snapped back. Hobie lifted an eyebrow, and Miles glanced away from him. Everything was still going haywire, and he felt jittery from everything that happened. The soothing scent Hobie was trying to emit wasn’t helping much.
“C’mere, Morales, let’s go.” Hobie pulled him back, and Miles fell into him almost instantly. His calming scent surrounded Miles completely, and he found himself calming in waves. By the time Hobie shifted him upright again, his injury was more or less fully healed (“just some bruising, no need to fret anymore”) and Miles was as calmed as he could be.
Peter B, Gwen, and Peni were sort of pointedly talking about nothing in particular (sort of sounded like they were comparing James Wesleys across the multiverse) with each other, Mayday was trying to hit Margo with the tassels on her hat, and Ham and Noir were (seemingly) focused intently on the conversation in front of them; Prowler!Miles, though, was staring right at them with a furrowed brow; it looked like he was trying to figure out what was happening without outright asking, and wasn’t coming to a conclusion that made sense to him.
“You guys together or something?” He asked bluntly, and Gwen sort of winced at both the question and the way he suddenly broke across their conversation to ask.
“That’s rude!” Peni scolded almost immediately, and Miles-42 stared down at her with wide eyes.
“The heck else am I supposed to think?” His voice was incredulous as he gestured at the two of them with both hands, completely ignoring the way they inched from each other. “They’re all cuddled up together, my clone nearly went insane — speaking of!” He rounded on them again. “What was that back there? In the warehouse? You nearly attacked one of your own people! What’s wrong with you?”
“Nothin’s wrong with him!” Hobie snapped back. “Mind your business, mate.”
“It is my business when it involves my well-being!” Miles-42 snapped. “I had to tase him to get him to stand down. What if it the whole thing ended in a bust? We’d never get a chance at Wesley again, this was basically our only shot!”
“Did we get him?” Miles asked, panic spiking again. He’d been so focused on Hobie, on Hobie getting hurt, that he’d completely forgotten about the whole point of their mission — capturing Wesley to get to Kingpin. His Prowler version glowered darkly at him for a moment, and Miles feared the worst; his heart sinking in his stomach, he said, “we…did get him, didn’t we?”
“We did.” He said slowly. “He’s pretty well trapped. Your girl did well.”
“Hell yeah I did!” Margo cheered. “You got any idea how hard it was to sneak that little piece of tech out of the Spider Society?” She glanced at Miles, lifting her brow. “Miguel is not happy with any of us right now. He’s particularly after you, Miles.”
“Great.” Miles still felt off kilter but he forced himself up, running his hand over his head to try and center himself. He could still hear, in the back of his mind, the conflicting advice about Spider-Man getting back up with each hit and how alphas were supposed to be firm and strong, not staying down for long. Hobie grabbed at his hand, and Miles stopped long enough to meet his eyes.
There was a question there, a question Miles wasn’t entirely sure how to answer, but Hobie let him go after a moment anyway. He stood up as well, stretching his arms out and wincing at the way it cracked his shoulders.
“All right,” he said, “let’s talk to this fucker.”
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jennsterjay · 1 year
Clawcode Vigilante Enemies To Lovers (head canon/short fic)
Ok so I'm married to the head canon that Ganke M Lee becomes Miles G Morales' hacker, coder, engineer, sidekick, and ‘guy in the chair’ But imagine vigilante enemies to lovers clawcode where Miles encounters a guy with a similar mask and suit similar to him during missions and their motivations are similar but oh so different, so at night they fight each other, sometimes crossing paths, sometimes working together, sometimes learning things about each other, coming to an understanding about each other in a way no one else would, but they still keep their cards close, and keep their weapons closer, because at the end of the day a job is a job, an enemy is an enemy, and it's my story against yours And then at school Miles is hanging in there, struggling to juggle it all. And he meets this guy. Taller than him, a wider build than him. A genius, jokester, observant, asshole that Miles can't get out of his head. Only showing up when Miles needs it, giving him test answers, looming over bullies when Miles gets cornered, making Miles laugh when his thoughts run too deep, and then always disappearing in the crowd... like a ghost in the night.
And Miles' eyes can find him anywhere when he walks the hallways alone in school. Miles keeping to himself, holding up his walls, never revealing his hand, speaking only when spoken to, but when the two lock eyes across seas of people... his cards fall, his walls, crumble, laid bare as it all falls down and Miles lets it happen. Then Miles can't take it anymore, he needs to know who this guy is, who has been keeping him up with thoughts of him at night, who he's been letting sink into the darkest and most vulnerable parts of his heart at night, and it drives him crazy. So when he finally runs all over the school trying to find him, a guy that is easy to find until he never wants to be found...and Miles turns around when he hears the voice of the guy, saying Miles' name even though Miles never told him, Miles whips around in surprise...walks towards him... grabs the guy's wrist...and looks him in the eyes with everything as he asks him, "What is your name?" And the other boy looks back at him, staring back at him in the same way, an open book and a force of nature all at once, and Miles feels unsteady on his feet because there's no one else, Earth-42 population: 2, no one else exists but the looks in their eyes, the staring contest between two souls, the tension of wanting to know someone you feel like you've known forever...and then... "My name is Ganke..M..Lee..." And Miles looks at him like he's given him the keys to their ruined city, and he can breathe. He can finally breathe. And then Ganke walks a step closer in Miles' space, never breaking eye contact, his footsteps make earthquakes to Miles when his heart is already racing and he's so close. And then Ganke reaches out with his other hand, and purposely, but oh so gently wraps around Miles' other wrist, breaking the silence before it begins when he asks "What's yours?" And Ganke frames it like a question. With the easiest answer in the world. As if Ganke didn't already know the answer. But Miles knows that's not the question he's truly asking.
Ganke is not asking for his name, he's asking for who he is, what motivates him, what he's made of, what makes him launch across buildings in the dark of the night. Who he is. And all Miles can do when Ganke looks through him is answer. "...I'm Miles...Gonzalo... Morales" And Miles can see Ganke's gaze turn from skeptical, to unreadable, to soft, to understanding as he just looks at him for a moment before pulling away from their world, shoving his hands in his pockets before he says, "Cool"
And Miles recomposes himself, settles everything back into his heart, resuming something like normal when he says, "Cool" And then days pass, weeks pass months pass, getting closer, hanging out, treading on secrets, being close enough and just out of arms reach. And Miles tells Ganke he has to skip out on Movie night at his dorm, not telling him he has a patrol to run. A mission to do. And Ganke gets it. And then Miles leaves Visions in the dark of the night to scour the city, relaying information about the mission from his uncle, mask up, claws out, swinging through the air with urgency even though there is no rush at all. He infiltrates the abandoned finance building, relays information to his uncle, then attacks from the shadows, and solos a small army. Big men hitting the floor with a groan, threatening to get revenge next time, just another Tuesday night. And then he makes it to the roof through the fire escape and dammit there's more of them, too many and he tries to escape but one has caught his leg and slammed him to the ground and he's outnumbered and one has a rocket launcher and all Miles can think is Ay dios mío, why didn't I make my mami’s mofongo my last supper. And then, Crooks start falling to their knees left and right and Miles is trying to zoom in with his mask to see his savior but it's too dark and Miles' own vision beyond the mask is beginning to fail him. He blinks once, 13 men down, he blinks again, 30. And Miles uses his strength to get back up after fighting the men that had pinned him down and then he's there in the moment, fighting his enemies with the unknown figure in the shadows and suddenly they're fighting the last of them, back to back, covering each other's six until the last guy falls and groans, and the two warriors of the night finally turn around to face each other. Masks up, walls up, cards held, cold air whipping through the night. The Prowler and... "You saved me...why" The Prowler asks the masked vigilante in front of him.
Silence fills the air as the two regard each other, unmoving, waiting...and all Miles can think about is how this guy has fought against him, tricked him, outplayed him, worked with him, saved him, and now fought side by side with him...and then. "Because I know you would do the same for me". And the Prowler doesn't react, but Miles feels like he's gotten the wind taken out of him and a weight has been lifted off of his chest...because- He's right. And then there's a blast on the rooftop right where they stand and the two tumble and slide away from each other. Rubble is everywhere and the impact makes the other vigilante’s head spin. Then he's coughing behind the mask, struggling to crawl on the ground and his mask is running protocols to scan the scene and the sniper has fled like the coward he is, and he doesn't care because he is trying to find someone more important as he crawls forward...and then he spots him. The Prowler knocked out on the ground, not looking good, and now he feels frantic. He musters up all his will to get up, to run and kneel next to him, checking him for injuries, worrying why the Prowler's mask won't turn on. Then Miles registers that he's being held in someone's arms, his vision is blurry and his head is spinning, and his mask is cracked and his comms are down. He doesn't even know his left from his right, and there's a distorted voice telling him he needs to take his mask off to breathe and Miles wants to protest, keep his walls up, his identity hidden, his family safe, but he feels himself slipping in a dangerous way...in the arms of someone who's a coin toss away from a foe or ally, and he's got nothing left to lose so he says, "You first..." A moment passes, and time stands still as Miles sees the moment where the other man does...exactly that. The moon shines down to reveal familiar black hair, freckled skin, and brown eyes full of worry, resolve, acceptance, and everything all at once. Ganke M Lee And suddenly Miles understands everything, as he raises his clawed hand carefully to rest on his friend's cheek,
And taking this as a sign Ganke moves to take off the mask of the one he burned for so much, both lives intertwined with for so long, hoping to see the face he already knew he would find. The Prowler's mask falls the side and Ganke's heart soars because he knew it all along. It's Miles, looking up at him like he's the only thing in the world, with a small smile that says so much at once before he says, "It was always you..." And then Miles lets his hand fall from Ganke's face as he lets his mind slip into darkness, the last thing he hears is his name on Ganke's lips. When Miles wakes up, he's in the hospital with a few broken ribs and a concussion. He squints from the bright hospital lights and thinks about two missions ago when he redistributed medical supplies to this exact hospital. The irony. His mother plays the role of his nurse again and treats him, being a force of love and also a force of maternal fury as they cry, argue, laugh, and hug, and Miles feels so so loved. Miles is then left to his own thoughts as he remembered everything that happened prior, and everything it means… [10 months ago, at night] 'You're not the Prowler' 'Yes, I am' [8 months ago] 'Why are you doing this?' 'Wouldn't you like to know' [6 months ago] 'How do I know if I can trust you?' 'You can't' [5 months ago] 'You know if you worked on your acrobatics and upgraded the firmware on your suit, maybe you wouldn't lose to me all of the time' 'Shut up' [4 months ago] 'In another life do you think we're friends?' 'You don't know me' [3 months ago] 'You don't understand, I have to do this. If you stand in my way then I won't hesitate!' '...I know that you will' [1 month ago] 'The one you're looking for is eastbound on 42nd street' '...And why would you tell me that?' 'Well...' [2 weeks ago] 'I met someone nice' '...are they good to you?' 'always'
[1 week ago] 'We're enemies!! Cut from different cloth, don't you get that? You sharpen your claws and I blast you with electricity. I could never be what you want me to be, and you could never do what I won't hesitate to. So leave now before I remind you what believing in fantasy really gets you, Prowler' 'I'm not scared of this...I’m not scared of us...and I'm not scared of you...' [3 days ago] 'You saved me...why?' 'Because I know you would do the same for me'
And Miles plays every scene, every encounter in his head, and every moment…
Day to night, good to evil, water to fire, light to darkness. Peace to war, sun to moon, soul to soul, heart to heart, and all the lines between them vanish as if they were never there at all.
And then when the door to his hospital room opens, and Miles turns his head to the noise...he gets caught in dark brown eyes looking back at him with everything. "Ganke" And Ganke rushes to his side, in all his urgency, but being careful oh so careful when he slowly reaches out to hold Miles’ face in his hands and looks deep into his eyes with relief, love, torment, and everything in between, as a lump catches in his throat when he says... "Miles" And even though they both know this complicates everything, they finally feel... that it's all fallen right into place.
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pantherastevens · 1 year
Sorpresa Snippet
Just a little teaser of what I’m writing, a 5 +1 fic with Miles 42 and my OC, Panthera Stevens (I couldn’t help but to make a whole character, I’m sorry y’all. I’m making a bit of bio if anyone is interested like that). 
This is the first part of the 5 +1 fic. Panthera is a girl who loves her comfort clothes, her oversize T-shirts, her cargo pants, beat up sneakers, and hoodies (a few she steals form her boyfriend). So on their first date of the summer, she wanted to change things up and dress up a bit, thus resulting in a Miles42.exe stopped working situation. Plus a “you’re-not-gonna-talk-down-on-yourself-I’ll-be-damned” Miles Morales.
I’m throwing some twists in the Earth 42 universe, can y’all take a few guesses about Panthera (if you want...) (Hint: Peek the last name and what she calls Miles in what language)
BTW, I’m no Spanish speaker, sorry...
I doubt this is gonna get any eyes but whipped Miles 42 is like my biggest weakness so I’m gonna share this one part and see what happens.
"Hey, love," Panthera greeted with a smile and hugged her stunned boyfriend. Miles willed his arms to wrap around her waist, semi-baffled.
"Hola mamí..." Still oblivious to her boyfriend's shellshock state, Panthera perked up at the sight of the bouquet in his arm.
"Sunflowers and roses? Aww, you shouldn't have," she cooed, kissing his cheek. Somewhere in Miles' attention-starved and lovesick brain hoped she left a mark. She ushered the Afro-Latino inside so she could quickly place the flowers in a vase.
Panthera was rambling on how excited she was to go out with him, and Miles was barely listening. It wasn't until Panthera asked a question that went unanswered that she finally looked at Miles to see the hooded look on his face.
"Miles? You okay," she asked as she carefully placed the flowers in a vase. Miles blinked as if waking up from a dream.
"Sí, mamí... It's just that..." Panthera cocked her head at him, watching him approach her. Miles wrapped an arm around her waist, lifting her chin so she could look him in the eyes.
"Eres tan hermosa, gatita. Soy un hombre afortunado de estar con un ángel así..." Panthera blushed. She's been getting a better understanding of Spanish thanks to Miles teaching her ever since they started dating. She could tell there was a compliment in what he said, but she would still appreciate a translation.
"Eh... gracias," she said. Miles chuckled softly, knowing his little kitten didn't fully understand him. He kissed her forehead.
"My apologies, ma. I said that you're so beautiful, kitten. I'm a lucky man to be with such an angel," he whispered, looking into those dark brown eyes of hers. Panthera blushed harder.
"Stop it. I'm alright-EEP!" The girl's words were cut off as she found herself in Miles' arms and carried off bridal style to her room. The pair stopped in front of the girl's full-length mirror. Miles gently set her down and hugged her from behind, resting his chin on her left shoulder.
"Miles, what are-"
"Panthera, what do you see?" The girl raised a brow at the sudden question, staring at the reflection of her and her boyfriend.
"I see me and you," she answered slowly. She watched as Miles shook his head.
"I see a goddess and her devout follower. I see a queen and her most loyal servant. I see the most baddest, most beautiful, most drop-dead gorgeous girl in all of Brooklyn with the most jaded boy who just so happens to be lucky enough to be called her boyfriend. I'm so damn lucky that you even want to be with me. Believe me when I say it's not the other way around. Everything about you is so beautiful, don't matter if you're in a dress or one of my hoodies that you know is too big for you. Another man would consider himself lucky to experience both and trust me when I say I'm so blessed," Miles said, squeezing Panthera closer. Panthera's expression reminded him of a startled kitten, and he could feel the heat of her blush radiating from her cheeks. The two of them swayed a bit in front of the mirror as Panthera mulled over what to say.
"Thank you, sithandwa sam. I... I guess I barely saw myself that way. But know that you're always worthy. Tu eres el rey de mi corazon," she whispered, kissing Miles' cheek. The boy sighed, a small grin tugging on his lips.
You are the king of my heart...
"Of course, bella..." The pair held hands as they walked out of the girl's room and out of her apartment with her bag in tow. Miles couldn't help but ask one more question as he watched Panthera lock the front door.
"Where did you get all that jewelry? I've never seen those around your room before, and you don't seem like the type to wear stuff like that." He'd seen her wear a simple silver 5mm Miami Cuban chain necklace with a ring that looked a few sizes too big for her, along with some simple small hoop earrings—nothing like the flashy jewelry that adorned her body. Not that Miles was complaining or anything. It was nice, and Panthera wore them well. He might get some for himself (and her) if she told him where she got them from.
Panthera glanced at Miles from the corner of her eye, a soft chuckle escaping her lips as if he knew what he was thinking. She probably did because he was determined to spoil her (she has yet to tell what she likes or wants).
"That's my secret to know, Morales. Now come on, you promised me a date." Miles sighed, mentally noting to find out this "secret" later.
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