schrodingers-lesbian · 5 months
personal tf headcanons
they/he brainstorm
she/he perceptor
it/its whirl
he/him cyclonus
she/he/they tailgate
and all of them are dykes
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eye-png · 1 year
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a-little-artsy · 8 days
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first time drawing her
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bottomcyclonus · 1 year
Wish I could write Nightbeat bc it'd be OVER for the 4 Brainstorm/Nightbeat stans 😤😤
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=== “Then it’s settled~ If I get it, Doppochin has to give me a kiss~ ♥️” 
And then all the air was sucked out of Doppo’s lungs. A…what. ==
A chance encounter with Jiro Yamada on his transit from work threw a whirlstorm into Doppo’s peaceful weekend vacation. The teenager seems convinced that Doppo is the perfect candidate to play against in the newest arcade that the kid has had his eye on since it opened in Shinjuku. 
Knowing absolute jackshit about arcades, Doppo makes the mistake of telling his roommate, spurring his childhood friend into setting out to train him in all things arcade. 
If only Hifumi could stop insisting that it was a date. 
Doppo was sure his blood pressure was going to skyrocket more than a high score.  ===
Characters: Doppo Kannonzaka, Hifumi Izanami, Jiro Yamada  Chapters: 1/1
Pairings: Doppo Kannonzaka/Hifumi Izanami Word Count: Approximately 11.6K === Likes, Reblogs, Kudos and Comments are all appreciated <3 Requests are also appreciated!!
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tawaifeddiediaz · 2 years
my point-blank favourite thing about this arc is the implications about:
buck being a donor with a history of leukemia in his family, running a risk of not being allowed to donate
buck and his own issues with parenthood and how every single storyline we’ve seen that has to do with his parents, it’s always come out as “I don’t want to be this, I want to be better”
the “spare parts” coming back to haunt him
him spiralling further if he gets rejected from donating because of whatever reason
this being a decision where he absolutely has to think before he jumps because there are many other lives hinged on it, including a possible kid
the implications this might have on his personal life
joining together the idea of the will, and the idea of already being somewhat of a co-parent to someone else
bringing together the idea that even if buck is biologically someone’s father, it doesn’t make his bond with chris (as the kid he’s closest to) any less, which ties right into the whole “dna-doesn’t-make-you-dad” thing
bringing christopher and his lying arc into this very episode, possible to parallel them, or tie them together
something about buck wanting to be a good friend, not wanting to turn his friends away when they’re clearly desperate (a la 4x08)
him putting to test the idea of setting a boundary if he knows that he is not going to be able to do this without hurting himself (ie what we saw in 5x18 would come back in other context)
him wondering if he’s ever going to be able to let this be a hands-off thing
him talking to hen because of hers and karen’s experience with donors, and bringing all of the family stuff back in the middle of hen’s own whirlstorm
this same episode having him taking off without a second thought on that bike, leaving eddie to yell after him
taking off on the bike as part of his impulsiveness versus a situation in the same episode where he cannot afford to be impulsive at all
eddie watching him go, thinking about the will and “expendable” and all these other moments that add up
how DNA is not what makes a family to begin with, and by donating, it won’t turn him into that kid’s father. like this show’s whole thing revolves around it not mattering if people share blood
this show’s whole thing revolving around making family bonds, about doing better than what they’ve been taught their whole lives
“DNA doesn’t make you dad” as an outlining factor in this whole episode, changing the way he looks at what being a sperm donor really means
my thing is just…this is obviously going to be an emotional decision for him to undertake, but it would be interesting for the show to turn around and come right back at the root to say “this is a situation where you might father a child, but you’re not going to be the kid’s dad - can you do it? can you make that distinction?” because I think this whole thing ties right back into Buck and his own dad versus Buck and Bobby, as a canonical pseudo-father.
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kanside · 11 months
a whirlstorm of bad decisions today folks
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seaquestions · 4 years
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whirlstorm commission for @teamwhirl!
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lyndaxy · 4 years
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Ship StarOp❤️💕💙
Ship Cygate💜💕💙
Ship WhirlStorm💙💕💛
Ship Dratchet❤️💕💜
Ship JazzWave💙💕💖
Ship ChCh 👮🏼‍♂️💕🚔
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bitegore · 3 years
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Commission for @whirling :D
This was a blast to work on!
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crimsbie · 4 years
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Whirlstorm and their kids doodle compilation. Listen. I love them.
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pastelgrungewrecker · 2 years
Ownership || SG
I wanna hold you Never be lonely with me by your side {x}
“Quite the specimen, your bodyguard.”, mused Percy with a soft laugh as he obnoxiously draped on Brainstorm’s shoulders. An eyebrow raised slightly at the scientist’s tightly clenched fists.
“I. Am. Aware.”
“Now, what’s crawled up your holes and died, precious?”
“You know the answer, stop avoiding my question.”
Brainstorm grumbled angrily to himself for a moment before forcibly exhaling to calm himself down, “I gave Whirl some. Time off, to relax. I’ve noticed he’s become a little closed off lately- can’t afford to have him anything BUT focused.”
“And he. That. UGH!”
“Use your words dear.”
“That Wrecker is being such a. He’s. He’s just being a WRECKER!”
“And I HATE IT.”
“Love you haven’t made a lick of sense yet, please stop being dramatic for five damn minutes.”
Brainstorm snarled like a caged animal, slamming his hands on the console desk and making the screen flicker dangerously. His gloves hissed as his fingers curled like he tried to claw the plasteel before those hands wet back to tangling in thick dark waves of hair.
“...He came home last night REEKING of booze and cigar smoke with his shirt undone, his patch in his pocket and. Nngh. Hmph.”
“....He had bitemarks on his neck. And his chest.”
“....So what exactly is the problem?”
“...Considering what I know of Whirl, it’d be more of a rut, but precious... I still fail to see a problem? You own his contract, not his body.”
Brainstorm nearly screamed- his face dark in his rage as he stood up abruptly from his seat and shoved Percy harshly away. He began to pace, and Percy sighed as he tapped the side of the console screen to pull up lab controls as swearing grew in volume and intensity and the sniper scientist activated the door locks before sitting down out of throwing range.
And just in time- a chair flew by and smashed into the wall and clattered into pieces onto the floor.
“Mhm, get it out darling.”, sighed Percy, patting over pockets until he found a nail file and beginning to tend to ragged edges of nails.
The sound of a table being flipped hard enough to crack against the floor.
“Yes, yes- something something double standards are okay if I do it something something...”
“You heard me darling-”, sighed Percy as he inspected his nails, “Here you are throwing multiple tantrums because Whirl went out and engaged in a few hookups! Do you know how childish you sound, whining about him have a few one night stands when YOU make him stand outside the door when you have them?”
Brainstorm opened his mouth to snap angrily before he froze- Percy stalling the warmonger with a glare that was... eerily frigid, emotionless, cruel.
“Do YOU know how disgusting YOU are, with how you treat him? Do you think I and Ratchet and others haven’t SEEN IT? You drink yourself into a bout of horny stupidity, either rail or get railed by some gun lobbyist or whatever... You make Whirl STAND OUTSIDE THE DOOR, FOR HOURS, LISTENING- and then have the audacity to drunkenly hit on him until his face looks like a stoplight? He may be a freewheeling agent of dick but YOU good sir are a whore on par with a well-financed preacher.”
Brainstorm’s temper had died down- his blood pressure brightness replaced with an embarrassed blush that reached his ears. He seemed to sigh his whole soul out, dropping into one of the chairs he hadn’t destroyed and looking everywhere but Percy.
“He... never mentioned that I did that.”
“Would you have believed him? Does he have a reason to think you would? After all- just a few moments ago you were bitching to high heaven that a man acted like a man. And even then, it was a stupid tantrum- he didn’t bring anyone home, he didn’t get arrested, he CERTAINLY didn’t do anything uncouth... He’s a single man who sought out company, enjoyed said company, and then went home.”
“Well, yes but-”
“Did he break anything? Did he come home blackout? Did he threaten or harm you? Did he go against his contract, his orders?”
“Well, well NO but-”
“Then what, pray tell, is the FUCKING problem?”
“And why the hell should he go for you, darling? You only want him when you’re too drunk to walk or too spun to think and he at least wants someone to pretend to love him.”
“Oh how the fuck would YOU know what he wants-”
“I’ve been propositioned.”, said Percy flatly, “And, I admit- I accepted a few times.”
The rage returned in a moment, Brainstorm darting from his chair to curl gloved fingers into Percy’s collar and haul him up to slam him against the wall, “YOU DISGUSTING FETID ROTTING EXPERIMENT FROM HELL HOW DARE YOU LAY A FINGER ON MY PROPERTY-”
The crack of Percy’s fist slamming into Brainstorm’s modded jaw was loud- brutal in the way a tornado tearing a tree in half was brutal. Percy landed easily back on his feet, shaking his stinging hand slightly as Brainstorm stretched his mouth carefully and winced from the jolt of pain.
“I may not like the man much- he and I have our differences and our resentments but my GOD man, YOU of all people should know what it’s like to be seen as a god damned OBJECT!”
Brainstorm stood up just in time for Perceptor’s boot to slam into his throat- stealing his breath and making him cough and gag and stumble backwards.
“You sit there and act like he’s furniture- You make him watch as your interest is everywhere and ANYWHERE but him. You call him your property, you call him a THING in more words than you need. Primus fucking sakes, you insufferable tit-”
The disgust on Percy’s face was palpable.
“How fucking dare you berate a man behind his back for tolerating the kind of treatment QUARK is better known to hand out.”
Percy dusted his hands off, staring down at Brainstorm and making the scientist feel three inches tall.
“I put Quark in the medibay for six months for what he did to you. Do not, for a moment, think that because I am your project partner that that means I will not do the same thing to you if necessary. Am I crystal clear, Lab Coordinator Brainstorm.”
“What brought this-ow- this bout of fucking loyalty?! He hates you and you hate him!”
“Correct. But even demons have honor codes.”
Brainstorm sighed, leaning back against the chair he had vacated after he popped his jaw fully back into alignment with a wince, “I just. I. Ugh.”
“You what? You want him to pursue you? Then I suggest you, as I heard Ironhide once say, buck the fuck up and stop being such a little bitch about it.”
“I don’t know HOW!”
Percy crossed his arms, cocking a hip in time with a raised eyebrow and a still disappointed stare.
“I bought his contract- and him, yeah. And I didn’t EXPECT to feel things, but then I DID and I just. How. How do you go after someone you technically purchased like a bag of candy??”
“.... A good first step is changing the parameters of the business relationship-”
“The contract you bought out was his contract with the Wreckers, correct?”
“Yeah- he still had a good several years on it and. Well. Just, yeah.”
“Good. You own it- you can void it. Make him a free man. Make him a free man and let him choose where to go and help him get there. If you really care for him- then you’ll care enough to help him be a real person again.”
Percy turned on his heel, disgust still radiating off of him, “I’d figure that would be OBVIOUS to an MTO who had to fight his way into the spotlight.”
Brainstorm flinched, hard- not liking how those words cut deeper than the scalpels that modified him once upon an operating theatre.
“And... while you’re at it, get him something nice. He likes fruity teas- but he hates hot tea. I’ll comm you a teahouse that makes iced brews and sells them by the bottle. Get a case or two and stash it in the refrigeration unit in the quarters you share.”
Percy turned sharply, looking over his shoulder, “And treat him like a god damn person, would you? Fucking disappointing.”
Brainstorm looked anywhere but Percy’s back as the sniper stomped out- in high temper and annoyance. He heard the door hiss as it opened, and then felt his self loathing ramp up when he heard Whirl’s voice.
“What in the hell happened he- Boss? What the shit- Oh god damn it did the camboy of the Trion do this shit to you; I’ll fucking kill him-”
“No, Whirl- No, I... Kind of deserved this minute ass kicking.”, he sighed, feeling the bruises darken and sting. Whirl offered a hand- and Brainstorm took it; thankful that his bodyguard understood that his pride needed a hand up more than a prim carry.
Whirl began dusting off Brainstorm’s coat as he checked him over- ever thorough and the scientist couldn’t help but stare at the dark marks peeking over the collar of Whirl’s shirt.
“Yes, sir?”
“....We need to renegotiate your contract. Tonight, if that works for you.”
“...I haven’t planned anything this evening aside from some light reading, so that should be fine. What exactly are these renegotiations going to entail?”
Brainstorm grit his teeth at that... hesitance in Whirl’s voice. A tone he recognized from his own from years back when he still was so unsure of the world and whether or not he deserved a space in it.”
“... I’m going to void it, Whirl.”, he said quietly, “I am going to void the remaining years left on it, and we will devise a new and more effective plan of action and employment- between two free citizens instead of a scientist and a prisoner who was sold as damaged goods.”
Whirl stopped cold, blinking his eye in... something like surprise.
“...I’ll. I won’t be...”
“You won’t be gunfodder anymore, no. Not a Wrecker, not a criminal, not some... political scapegoat, none of that.”, a sigh, “It’s.. It’s the least I can do.”
“...Boss, what do you mean?”
“While I’ve some things right, I’ve... done more wrong by you than anything. I treated you... like a thing. You were someTHING and not someONE and that is why Percy nearly took me out in two hits.”
“Boss, if this is about my back goin’ out cause you sat on my shoulder-”
“No, well. Kind of. Sort of?”, Brainstorm growled to himself, rubbing his face with a gloved hand, “It’s about... many things.”
“Like what?”
“I was being serious.”, muttered Brainstorm, face beginning to tingle with a blush under the bruising now, “When. When I’d say those things. To you. When i was. Uh. Tipsy.”
The way Whirl’s voice shrunk felt like a punch to the solar plexus- He’d heard his bodyguard be many things- cold, calculating, angry, exhausted.... but never... Shy.
“So tonight, we renegotiate. And we start afresh and... try to do things right.”
“...As you say, Boss.”
“...You can. You can call me Brainstorm. When we’re alone like this.”
“...Alright, Brainstorm.”
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gaysontodd · 3 years
Ship It
1. What made you ship it?
theyre both fucking nightmares aksjksk and really- the mad scientist and the crazy asshole willing to test his experimental pieces? a match made in. not heaven. purgatory mayhaps
2. What are your favorite things about the ship?
okay okay so. theyre both objectively terrible people. but also theyre really funny and sad. and tragic. also hot. put em together and bam! also the potential of a nuclear event
3. Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
i like it best as friends with benefits, rather than romantic akjskak
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nonbinarybrainstorm · 4 years
idk if you're still accepting requests, but brainstorm x whirl + exhibitionist stuff? :eyes:
Here is your tasty whirlstorm... in a bar (it’s Swerves, we know it’s Swerve’s)
Additional content: restriction of touch (?), creampie, whirl not giving a damn about public decency
Brainstorm’s hands dig into the back of the booth he’s in, his fingers almost gouging into the metal, definitely leaving dents. He bites his glossa to keep himself quiet, the taste of engex still strong in his mouth making his head spin with the charge flooding his systems. Cooling fans whirring out of control in the tight space of the booth that sounds so loud even with the music and soft chatter of the bar around them. All of his attention is pinpointed on Whirl’s valve stretching over his spike, the lips of his valve dragging along its length with the slow drag of Whirl’s hips as he pulls up only to fall roughly back down and grind against Brainstorm’s spike. Even so, Brainstorm, really both of them know that people are watching them. Sly glances turn their way for the briefest of moments or linger with a dim glow with the noise around them interspersed with the soft hush of distant cooling fans or stifled gasp. Whirl eats up every giveaway from their audience, chuckling softly as he rides Brainstorm without any sense of haste, happy to drag this out as long as he can with building the charge between them little by little.
Digging his pedes into the floor, Brainstorm struggles to keep himself still as he watches his spike disappear into Whirl’s valve, feeling the wet heat tighten around his spike making him spasm in an effort to stay still. Whirl laughs lowly letting Brainstorm know that was fully intentional, clearly taking pleasure in it by how his spike twitches between them with a thick drop of pre-transfluid rolling from its slit. Brainstorm can see how Whirl’s almost golden node pulses steadily and how Whirl’s hips jolt whenever it catches against the raised plating when he grinds down. Pulling up again slowly, Whirl pulls all the way off then rubs his node against the head of Brainstorm’s spike making Brainstorm loll back his head against the back of the booth with heavy vents. Whirl lifts Brainstorm’s head back up so he looks down to see Whirl sink back down on his spike getting him to groan and bit his lip. Longing for more contact, any contact, Brainstorm presses his exposed face against Whirl’s forearm and kisses it, humming happily when he feels Whirl’s hips twitch in response.
Whirl’s pincers grip Brainstorm’s shoulders and he raises up to slam down roughly onto Brainstorm’s spike, riding him hard and fast suddenly, chasing his own release with static burbling from his vocalizer. Brainstorm’s fingers tear into the metal under them as he begins to shake beneath Whirl, the mesh of his valve tightening around Brainstorm’s spike. The more obvious gasps and soft moans of those watching them become more apparent, driving Whirl on until he jolts as charge shocks his entire frame in overload. His valve squeezes down on Brainstorm’s spike, his hips shifting erratically against Brainstorm’s with the friction against his node being too much and not enough at the same time. Thick rivulets of transfluid pour from his spike and drip down onto Brainstorm’s plating as it spasms between them throughout his overload.
Brainstorm watches him with bright optics, drinking in every soft sound and reaction, his spark feeling full knowing he’s the one making Whirl feel like this. As Whirl calms down, he looks back down at Brainstorm with a hazy optic, dim with the warmth of post overload and hums contemplatively. He can feel the charge still buzzing through Brainstorm’s frame and see that goofy grin of his that makes Whirl’s spark flip in his chest. With less vigor than before, Whirl rides Brainstorm, his abused valve squelching obscenely with excess lubricant. He lifts up Brainstorm’s helm with one pincer under his chin so he can watch Brainstorm’s face as he rides him and tugs one Brainstorm’s arms so his hand rests on Whirl’s hip. Taking it as the invitation it is, Brainstorm’s hands roam Whirl’s frame eagerly, feeling the curve of his thin waist and kneading into the sore and taught wires of his back to ease the ache. Brainstorm’s vents hitch and stutter with static as his digits dig into Whirl’s hips possessively and pull Whirl’s hips down onto his spike as he tenses in overload. Whirl shivers as hot transfluid fills his valve and Brainstorm bites down onto his pincer to cut off his shout of pleasure.
Brainstorm collapses back in a daze and Whirl pulls off delicately and sits upon the table behind him, his legs spread wide so transfluid and lubricant run from his valve onto the table and floor. As he comes back to himself, Brainstorm can hear the satisfied, heavy breathing from indistinct parts of the bar around them and grunts of withheld pleasure. His face heats up quickly and he ducks forward to hide his face against Whirl under his cockpit. Whirl laughs hard enough that Brainstorm can feel the soft vibrations of it through his chassis.
“What? Now you’re embarrassed?” Whirl teases, his voice needling and harsh but he doesn’t push Brainstorm away.
Instead, he puts his arms around Brainstorm almost protectively.
“You okay?” Whirl says softer and Brainstorm nods, his faceplate rubbing against Whirl’s warm plating.
“Good, you have to be in your lab in ten so you should probably be more focused on that anyway,” Whirl snarks.
Brainstorm pulls back quickly to look up at Whirl in horror but Whirl just shrugs and slides off the table.
“I’ll see you back in out hab after work,” Whirl says with an edge of finality and promise that has Brainstorm venting in sharply.
Whirl turns and leaves with a wave over his shoulder, leaving the bar with transluid and lubricant running down his thighs but he doesn’t seem to care. Brainstorm doesn’t have much time to think of that and races out to the lab after his senses return to him fully, cursing softly under his breath at Whirl but he knows full well that, given the chance, he’d do it again.
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bottomcyclonus · 3 years
whirlstorm for ship bingo? - ⚔️
Whirlstorm makes my brain go BRRRRRRRRR I actually have a fic planned for them,,, 👀
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pleuvoire · 4 years
read my old whirlstorm (kind of) ficlet i’m still super proud of
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