#white cattleya orchids
theroadtofairyland · 6 months
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Stolen Dances
Watercolor on Bristol Board
2023, 8"x 10"
White Cattleya Orchid
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skittystimz · 9 months
Caitlin stimboard? :O
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Caitlin Stimboard
(THE THE SILLY!!!!!!!!)
sources: 💗/💗/💗/💗/💗/💗
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ranatsume · 1 year
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Dialc. Mizoguchi 'World's Best' x L. anceps 'White Wonder' [left]
C. walkeriana 'Dayane Wenzel' HCC/AOS x C. walkeriana 'SVO Whopper' AM/AOS [right]
I bought these two crosses from Sunset Valley Orchids! I can’t wait to see how they flower 🤗
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embarrassinglastwords · 5 months
bsd characters and what i think their fav flowers would be :)
Atsushi- Forget-Me-Nots
representing love and respect. given to someone as a symbol that you will never forget them and think of them often
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Dazai- Poppies
bright red flower symbolizing sleep and death is for sure his favorite
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Kunikida- Marigolds
honestly he just likes the colors
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Yosano- Spider lilies
spider lilies represent both death and rebirth so obviously when thinking of yosano i think of these
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Ranpo- Chrysanthemums
a symbol of happiness and friendship
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Kenji- Sunflowers
i mean come on. he definitely grows them back home too
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Akutagawa- Lilac
the flower of renewal and confidence!
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Chuuya- Lily of the valley
they symbolize love and happiness but are often used in funeral arrangements as a symbol of happiness returning to those who have lost people
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Kouyou- Cyclamens
pink/white flowers that symbolize a devoted heart but are also given as parting gifts
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Sigma- Tulips
not one i can explain, it just makes sense to me
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Nikolai- Strelitzias
strelitzia nicolai, an average looking plant that will flower and grow what is called the "bird of paradise"
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Bram- (white cattleya) Orchids
again, it just fits
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Poe- Wolfsbane
truly the poison flower. it's pretty but deceiving
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toxinellebug · 1 month
It’s The Supreme’s World: We just live in it…
Some world building and character info for the Re-Verse and how it affects Marinette, Adrien, and Gabriel before we get into the next Kamikotized hero.
Peace was never an option… It was an ultimatum.
While World Peace Day is celebrated everywhere, truly, only Capital Cities are able to host the full splendor of such a magnificent event.
        Paris is famous for never being outdone when it comes to this extravagant and cherished celebration:
Throughout the day, on every corner of the city, you could find a rare sight you would not see any other day of the year- flower carts.
     Usually, flowers were too expensive for just anyone to purchase, so florists only sold the finest, most delicate and exotic flowers to appeal to the high class.
           But on World Peace Day, cheap, less popular flowers were made available so even those of low income could enjoy the rare luxury of owning a real flower;
      Perhaps it is a frivolous purchase, but even the most stingy of penny-pinchers could not resist the urge to loosen their purse strings when offered a single pink carnation for the ridiculously low price of only €20!
Flowers weren’t the only thing worth buying-
     There were street vendors with international fare offering a variety of delights one would expect from a carnival or festival. Each seems so exotic when they come from a culture different than your own; takoyaki from Japan, bratwurst from Germany, frappe from Italy, Cotton Candy from the United States of America.
(Yup, spun sugar is originally a traditional american food invented in 1897 by American citizens William Morrison, and John C. Wharton, and it remained a unique American speciality until it was introduced at the 1904 World Fair. The irony? One of those dudes was a dentist.)
It is a culinary trip around the world without the cost of voyage.
Unless you were a vendor, of course.
While plenty were local, many more would venture from their homes to capital cities for World Peace Day, knowing they could make a larger profit than if they were to sell their goods at smaller towns. 
     Some even traveled from out of country, it was a huge investment for a single day, but one that would immensely pay off if they could convince customers that their goods were more authentic.
There was also a lavish parade with floats decorated in peace lilies, white poppies, hyacinth, cosmos, pincushion flowers, red peonies, and lavender, all carrying red banners with the symbol of The Supreme.
      Marching bands play folk music, and talented performers in costumes from all over the world perform traditional dances.
          It is a feast for the eyes seeing all the different cultures that were united for the sake of Peace.
Of course, the most beautiful sight (that you have to pay an admission fee for) is in the Jardin des Tuileries where all the metal sculptures and plastic foliage are removed to make room for impressive, imported floral displays;
Tudor roses from Britain, Quatre–temps from Canada, Dahlias from Mexico, Cattleya orchids from Brazil, Meihua from China, and naturally French Iris at the center… All countries in the world are represented by a display of their national flower, to symbolize how all nations came together under the guidance of The Supreme. 
Roland Dupain loves World Peace Day more than Christmas!
Poverty had become common place after the Great war- the whole world seemed dull and grey. But the people endured to rebuild what had been lost. Roland Dupain’s grandfather had perished in the war, and his grandmother had to raise 2 sons on her own, one of which would marry Roland’s mother. 
Then, WW2 began. 
     Both his father and his uncle went off to fight, following in their father’s footsteps.
       5 months passed before Mrs. Dupain received word that Roland’s uncle had been killed in action.
A miserable year passed and the world descended into Hell-
     Nazi’s invaded France and took control of Paris.
         Parisians lived in fear and battled with hunger every day. A pregnant Mrs. Dupain cried herself to sleep, having lost all hope of ever seeing her husband alive again, resigning herself to her fate of having to bring a child into the world that would never know their father…
Then, the unthinkable happened;
         The Axis Powers abruptly and unanimously surrendered!
Not to the Allies Forces…. No, something far greater and more powerful.
There was dancing in the streets! Peace at long last! 
     Tanks and weapons were disassembled, materials and rations that had been collected for the war efforts were donated back to the people, armies were permanently disbanded, and Roland’s father came home.
Oh, that euphoric feeling of relief and utter joy when Mrs. Roland leapt into her husband’s arms, weeping tears of joy.
      No more war, no more bloodshed, no more hiding in fear, no more starving!
From now on, theirs was a world of everlasting peace!
2 months later, Roland Dupain was born, and every year until his father’s died from Tuberculosis, Roland was regaled with stories of the suffering caused during the War, and how The Supreme was their savior.
Ever since, Roland Dupain has celebrated Peace Day with fond memories and a sense of pride…
Which is why his greatest shame is his wife, Gina.
The same woman who hard the nerve to lecture him about about family values when he was ready to disown his son for marrying an outrageous woman who wouldn’t even take her husband’s last name and who had nonsense ideas about experimenting with time-trusted recipes, (flour from rice?? Peuh! That’s not how it’s done!).
     Gina, with her big speech about how nothing was more important than family…
     She brought disgrace to their family when she was arrested 2 years ago for civil disobedience and public disturbance!
Well, there was no way he was going to allow his granddaughter to go down a criminal path!
The world was tough but fair; so long as you work hard and follow all the rules, no questions, you won’t have any problems.
So simple!
Marinette needed to learn to how lucky she was to live in a world under The Supreme’s protection. 
What better way to do that then helping her grandfather sell traditional Pain de campagne to tourists on World Peace Day?
It was a tradition started by his father, that he had carried on and tried to continue with his own son (until that wife of his put crazy ideas in his head like how pain au chocolat would be more popular.) but now, he would continue this tradition with Marinette- she would become part of a proud history, develop a sense of service, and most importantly, stay on the straight and narrow!
Children need discipline, after all! 
She would thank him, one day.
-Marinette strongly disagrees.
Up until she was 11 years old, for Marinette Dupain-Cheng, World Peace Day was all about yummy treats, exciting parades, and pretty flowers.
    While her parents sold pastries, her Nonna would take her strolling around the city to enjoy the excitement!
Then, just a few months before she turned 12, Nonna was sentenced to 8 years in a penitentiary labor camp.
Now, World Peace Day was about carrying baskets of rye sourdough bread, lectures on how things were and were not done, and the same old stories Grandpa Roland had already told her hundreds of times before, all while watching everyone get to have fun.
      It was like having detention outside of school! 
The worst part was the elderly tourists who would gush over her and pinch her cheeks for ‘being such a good girl who helps out her grandfather!’
Apparently being a “good girl” didn’t entitle her to personal space.
    Seriously, why did people feel entitled to put their hands on her just because she was a kid?
Mom and Dad were no help; her Mom believed this was important quality time with her grandfather that she’ll appreciate someday when she’s older.
     Dad’s opinion was, as always, that her mother was right.
You know what’d she’d really appreciate?
      Getting to celebrate World Peace day instead of lugging around crusty bread made from overly fermented yeast!  It was like her grandfather had an allergy to delicious food and having fun!
      Grandpa Roland claimed World Peace Day was his favorite holiday, yet he spent the whole day either selling bread or complaining about how other people were selling bread wrong, how people dressed was wrong, or how people looked at their phones while walking around was wrong!
      No one seemed to know how anything was “done,” save for him, and honestly? Marinette was 100% done with all of it.
For Adrien, World Peace Day is now the one time the city doesn’t stink in the literal sense.
The amount of actual flowers should help offset the stench of chemical fumes.
But he didn’t use to think that way…
World Peace Day used to make him happy, because it made his mother happy.
When he was little, his mother would giggle at the spectacle of Adrien-tallest in the world, as he sat atop his father’s shoulders for the best view of the parade in all of Paris.
Her smile was even sweeter than the sticky residue she tried in vain to wipe from his cheeks because Père didn’t hesitate to buy him every sugary treat that caught his eye.
Her voice was like a song as she pointed out and named each and every flower in Jardin des Tuileries to him, and as much as he wanted to pay attention, it was a hypnotic lullaby paired with a sugar crash that left him in a sleepy daze in his father’s warm embrace as he was carried home, his last conscious thoughts his mother’s kiss upon his forehead as his blanket was tucked tight around him.
As he got big enough to walk without being carried, he toured the celebrations with his parents each holding his hands in theirs.
     Father still had his sweet tooth, despite mère playfully scolding him, reminding him of the lecture Adrien would get from the dentiste.
He was old enough to listen to her name all the flowers now, but too excited about the exotic music and the foreign dancers to really pay attention to what she said.
Though he did hear, and make a face, at his father’s mushy declaration that mère was the most beautiful rose in the world.
He never really noticed that mother’s grip on his hand was starting to weaken.
Years passed and he was too busy checking that the path ahead was clear of bumps and dips to notice any candy vendors or dances. His father was also more focused on pushing mother’s wheelchair than enjoying the parade.
Mother’s tone was still cheerful as she admired the flowers, but Adrien was too worried about whether the outdoor air was making her cough worse, her words went in one ear and out the other.
Last year she had been too weak to get out of bed. She had been too exhausted to watch the entirety of the parade on TV- visiting Jardin des Tuileries was out of the question.
     Adrien would have given ANYTHING to listen to her list off the different flowers, he swore he would commit each one to memory.
Was there really any point?
He’d seen all the dances dozens of times, the music was also pretty boring.
There was nothing special about the food vendors, and too much sugar was terrible for your skin anyway.
He honestly didn’t care about flowers.
World Peace Day was just another over-rated holiday that people obsessed over to temporarily forget the mediocrity of their dreary lives.
What a joke.
For a young Gabi Grassette, son of a pommes frites vendor, World peace day meant sweets; Barbe à papa, English toffees, Mexican chocolates, and Polkagris!
Their family didn’t have a lot, but on this most special of days, his Papa would allow him some spending money to enjoy what the world had to offer~
At 8 years old, he was practically grown up, and able to walk up and down the street by himself.
It was the first World Peace Day he had a clear memory of, it was also the first time he saw a real flower up close.
Back then, he hadn’t really understood what his parents meant; things were either “real” or “imaginary”, weren’t they? 
        He was able to touch the plastic flowers his mother decorated their kitchen window with, and last week in L'Ecole Primaire his teacher taught him how to fold fleurs de papier.  Those were plenty real enough!
      Why would adults waste euros on something silly like flowers when they could buy candy instead?
           Gabi couldn’t believe he was already so much smarter than everybody else! That was probably why he was allowed to enjoy the celebration by himself unlike other children who still needed adults to watch them.
  That was until he stumbled across “it”.
A single blossom that had fallen off a parade float, carried off by a gentle breeze, only to land delicately at his feet.
It was so much more fragile than he’d imagined;
    The petals were just as thin as paper, yet surprisingly soft to the touch.
        Its center was fuzzy? A scent not unlike the perfume he was used to, but not the same either- it was both more airy yet more bold, but like a passing whisper- there was no strange undertone to remind him of cleaning sprays.
    The stem was flexible, to a point. It was smooth with a certain give. If he pressed a fingernail to it, it tore a little, but instead of revealing wire inside, it was just more green- a sticky green.
     The leaves had… creases? The lines weren’t painted on, they were embedded in the leaf itself almost like…. like… veins.
        Veins, as if it were….
This tiny thing in his hands wasn’t made in a classroom or a factory… it was ALIVE.
He had been told that flowers and other plants were things that grew from the ground, but he had never fully understood what that truly meant until now.
    Flowers, REAL flowers, were delicate, fragrant, colorful, and ALIVE and it was the most amazing thing Gabi had ever seen!!!
But, why was something so precious only celebrated one day of the year?
   Why were there so few?
         Why didn’t the adults grow them everywhere?  Why did they have to settle for paper or plastic ones when real ones were so much better?
It wasn’t the first time he, or any child for that matter, had questioned why the world was the way that it was, but for Gabi, it was the first time he had questioned why no one was trying to make the world better.
While his childhood had given him the blissful ignorance of believing that a certain holiday was all about delicious treats and beautiful flowers, with adulthood came the wisdom of understanding that World Peace Day was supposed to symbolize the end of the violent history of the world that would never again be repeated.
But only the enlightened were able to realize what World Peace Day was really about;
      Worshipping The Supreme.
Some speculated that The Supreme was a small group of the world’s greatest minds.
Others suggested The Supreme was a single individual, appointed by the Divine Almighty to lead the world to salvation.
A remaining few even dared to imagine The Supreme as God himself; righting the wrongs of humanity and guiding them to the perfect world they could have been before the Tower of Babel. 
Perhaps that last one wasn’t too far fetched-
After all, the way all the World Leaders agreed to surrender their power after WW2 without hesitation was almost as if they were compelled by some supernatural force…
In order to ensure everlasting peace for generations to come,The Supreme reshaped the nations of the world;
    Monarchies were archaic- being able to trace your incestuous genealogy back to the dark ages didn’t qualify you to have any sort of authority.
     Elections were flawed and allowed money, baseless propaganda, and empty promises, to fool voters and keep the greedy and corrupt in power.
   That’s why wars over natural resources, religious superiority, or ethnic cleansing used to be commonplace throughout history- the wrong people were put in charge of governing the masses.
         Only exceptional individuals who will uphold the ideals of a utopian society should be given that kind of power.
              Mayors, Governors, Senators, and Prime Ministers/Presidents were replaced with High Officials, Grand Officials,  Executive Officials, and Executive Administrators… 
      All of which were selected by The Supreme, and who answered only to The Supreme.
Only The Supreme could decide what those “utopian ideals” were, and no one else had any say.
 Once, Gabi had been foolish enough to believe that was what was best.
After reinventing himself, from his name to the people he associated with, becoming a member of high society allowed to walk amongst the rich, the powerful, and the celebrity elite, Gabriel Agreste was finally able to see past all the bureaucratic smoke and mirrors.
No one truly had the best interests for the whole of humanity at heart. 
Those with authority obeyed The Supreme out of fear and a lust for power.
      Connections with the rich and influential were shallow at best; today you were friends and colleagues, but tomorrow they may very well stab you in the back to turn a profit.
In the end, the power to decide what was justifiably right or criminally wrong belonged to The Supreme, and their word was absolute.
If there was anything to take away from that, it was that absolute power corrupts absolutely.
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myfoodsflowers · 4 days
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Cattleya rex🌺🌱 Is a species of epiphytic orchid of showy white flowers, native to montane forests in Peru and Bolivia. Warm growing and fragrant. Blooms in the summer months
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archive-of-artprompts · 9 months
💐Send in a number + Character and I'll draw them in an outfit based on that flower💐
African Daisy
Alpine Columbines
Anemone (aka windflowers)
Angel's Trumpets
Apple Blossom
Balloon flower
Bee Orchid
Boat Orchid
Bulbous Buttercup
Calibrachoa (aka million bells)
Carnation (aka clove pink)
Cattleya Orchid
Cherry Blossom
Colorado Blue Columbines
Common Freesia
Common Poppy (aka corn poppy)
Clover Flowers
Cucumber Blossom
Dancing-Lady Orchid
Dinner Plate Dahlia
Dwarf Mallow (aka common mallow)
Easter Lily
English Rose
Forget-Me-Nots (aka scorpion grass)
Frangipani (aka plumeria)
French Rose
Golden Columbines
Himalayan Poppy
Lady Tulip
Lily Of The Valley
Moss Rose
Moth Orchid
Morning Glory
Nightshade Flower
Oleander (aka nerium)
Painted Daisy
Painter's-Palette (aka flamingo flower)
Parrot Tulip
Persian Buttercup
Protea (aka sugarbushes)
Pumpkin Blossom
Red Columbines
Royal Lily (aka regal lily)
Saucer Magnolia
Southern Magnolia
Spider Hibiscus
Spikenard Flower
Stargazer Lily
Swamp Rose
Sweet William
Tiger Lily
Toad Lily
Vanilla Orchids
Water Lily
Western Lily
White Egret Flower
White Freesia
Wild Peony
Wild Rose
Zygopetalum Orchid
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2n2n · 1 year
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I will. think about this image. It's bad news, this image. By which I mean it's egregiously lurid. I can't even pretend to be your bumbling insipid feeble scholar for too long. Ikimashou ...
the central flower here, new to any illustration in JSHK, is St. John's Wort (as it is known here), a common 'medicinal' herb used for a lot of household remedies. Its proper name is Hypericum Erectum. In Japanese, its name is 弟切草 or 'otogirisou'. Its name sortof amounts to '(little) brother-cutter-grass' or 'grass of the little-brother-cutter'. The plant is associated with a fable about, as you can imagine, an older brother killing his younger brother. Here's a webpage about Hypericum Erectum and said fable, and it's symbolic associations as a result!
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Rough gist: it is an anecdotal story, wherein a brother has a secret remedy composed of this herb, which he uses to treat the birds in his falconry. It is meant to be an incredible secret. However, his little brother, to impress a girl, reveals the secret herb his brother uses. In rage, the older brother kills him, and it's said the flecks on the leaves of the otogirisou are the little brother's blood.
It's impressive AidaIro have never used otogirisou before this moment!! It's an epic use of a very recognizable herb + story ... as you can imagine, associations follow the story. Secrets, resentment...
It is so interesting, the duality of the plant; used in remedies and medicines, but carrying such a scary name. You'd sooner think it was some deadly nightshade.... but most of us have some St. John's Wort in the cupboards.... I think it's a perfect plant for the Yugi's complexity.
The other flower, I am not too certain of, but it appears to be a very ornate family of orchid, known as 'cattleya', also (?) known as 'angel wings' or 'angel bells', or 'the queen of orchids' due to, for a time, being the largest and most extravagant orchid (now bred and combined with many other orchids to make new varieties). You can read a bit about them here.
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... associated across many cultures with femininity, a graceful woman, 'mature beauty', etc. Common for big celebrations, in particular weddings. It's appropriate for such a sublime celebration of 100 chapters.
Of course camellia (of so many meanings) and our good friend butterflies are here too. Butterflies have dozens of meanings... but generally for this manga, it seems like it leans towards the 'the souls of the dead' symbolism. Though given AidaIro's love for lover's suicides or otherwise deaths, it's also worth mentioning some noteworthy stories feature specifically butterflies representing the souls of lovers who died together, or lovers reuniting in death as butterflies.
Here, the butterflies wings are tattered and scattered around.
I can't do any sort of outfit interpretation, so I can only sortof parrot/paraphrase/observe JP responses, which are in awe of the military-like regalia of Amane, complete with epaulette, which Tsukasa seems to lack. The Gakuran was also inspired by military fashion so it's suiting for him, and he's often in outfits like this. Tsukasa is in his hakama, but adorned in white, which gives him a godly or 'pure' look, especially compared to Amane.
And so,
The combination of otogirisou, falling camellia (one rested right on Tsukasa's lap), the flower petal texturing on Tsukasa's pure-white attire, Amane's more masculine military regalia, ceremonial cattleya or angel wing or queen orchid flowers for mature, graceful, ladylike beauty, and scattered torn butterfly wings, really make this image stink to high heavens of a sort of 'deflowering' vibe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm sorry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It can't be helped!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Tsukasa looks like he's dressed for a wedding!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He looks like a princess and Amane is his prince or knight or soldier!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Tsukasa feels like a maiden about to be taken by her guard!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The cattleya flowers look like PUSSY and Amane looks like he has a stupid BONER due to surely nothing but an innocent bunch in his clothes, BUT I CAN'T TAKE IT!!!!!!!! I can take all of this symbolism so innocuously individually, but combined, it's a 1-hit-KO, it feels like its beating me over the head. It's obscene, it's like a BL cover, the seme/uke roles are blasted through an airhorn.... yamete....
I CAN'T INTERPRET THIS IMAGE IN SOME SORT OF NON-FUJOSHI WAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I also think you would be INSANE TO DO SO. He's-- grabbing Amane's lip with his fingers...!!!!!!! We have so much fun here pretending its not a bait manga, sometimes, but then it attacks at full force like this. Images like this shake you to the core. Even this deep in I think, is this really allowed? Is this permissible in the genre? Is this what we do here at the JSHK???
I feel as if this image is psychically throttling fujoshi... we'll never recover....
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uneeorchidee · 1 year
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@expatesque as white cattleya orchid
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unhingedselfships · 5 months
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ANIMAL: sand cat, hummingbird
COLOURS: oakmoss, sand, tomato red, grapefruit red
SONGS: Sun Skip - Lindsey Stirling, Might Not Like Me - Brynn Elliott, GRRRLS - AViVA, Sugar Honey Iced Tea - Princess Nokia, Just Like Fire - P!nk
NUMBER: 5, 16
PLANTS: fiddlehead fern, orange poppy, amaranth, cattleya orchid
SMELLS: lilac, bergamot, mint
GEMSTONE: alexandrite catseye, lemon quartz, kyanite
TIME OF DAY: late afternoon 
SEASON: early autumn
PLACES: Grampa Ken’s kitchen, Grammy Dolly’s attic, Auntie ShaSha’s house, Rhythm of the Street Dance Studio
FOOD: waffles, cherry chip ice cream, white chili, senbei
DRINKS: blueberry milk, fresh squeezed orange juice, peach tea
ELEMENT: metal, stone
SEASONINGS: saffron, chipotle, brown sugar
SKY: slightly cloudy, with sunbeams shining through
WEATHER: hot and gusty
MAGICAL POWER: social phenomena manipulation 
WEAPONS: intelligence, disregard, smiles
SOCIAL MEDIA: Twitter, she likes to start shit and vanish
CANDY: gummies with a crunchy shell
METHOD OF LONG DISTANCE TRAVEL: car, passed out in the back seat
ART STYLE: Pointillism, precision and chaos at once 
FEAR: not having a home
PIECE OF STATIONARY: novelty shaped post-it notes
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theroadtofairyland · 2 years
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A Little Green
Watercolor On Black Paper
2022, 8"x 10"
Cattleya Orchid
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otiagocarneiro · 1 year
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Cattleya luteola é uma orquídea epífita rizomatosa com pseudobulbo claviforme, achatado lateralmente com 1 folha elíptica. Sua inflorescência pode ter de 1 a 7 flores, de cor verde amarelado/amarelo esverdeado/ocre; com labelo levemente trilobado, amarelo com a extremidade em nuance de amarelo até branco e amarelo com veias vermelha na parte interna. Cattleya luteola é nativa do Pará, Amazonas, Acre e Rondônia. Sua avaliação quanto a ameaçada de extinção é NE (Não Avaliada).⚠️ Cattleya luteola is a rhizomatous epiphytic orchid with a claviform pseudobulb, laterally flattened with 1 elliptical leaf. Its inflorescence can have 1 to 7 flowers, yellowish green/greenish yellow/ochre; with a slightly trilobed lip, yellow with a nuanced edge from yellow to white and yellow with red veins on the inside. Cattleya luteola is native to Pará, Amazonas, Acre and Rondônia. Its assessment for endangered is NE (Not Assessed).⚠️ 🌱🌿🧠 #cattleya #cattleyaorchid #cattleyaluteola #orquidea #orchids #orquideas #orchid #flora #florabrasileira #floraamazonica (em Belém, Brazil) https://www.instagram.com/p/CpoKhiNL_Vy/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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elixirvitae · 1 year
Flower symbolism! What flowers/bouquets would you assign our beloved Hellsing staff? Your OCs can have some, too. 💐
I would use Hanakotoba from Japanese culture, so they would be less likely to pick up on my intentions.
To Integra I will give baby's breath and laurel, accented with cattleya, edelweiss, gladiolus, and in the center a white lily.
To Seras I give lily of the valley, with spearmint and poinsettia.
To Walter I give Judas tree branches, filled in the forward by white hyacinth and hydrangea.
And to Alucard, tuberose, moth orchids, red dianthus, red tulips, red spider lilies, red camellia, and red poppies.
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Yra, Caoimhe, and Cairi
Character Association
Virphyra animal: Moth, Peacock, Angelfish color:  Black, Neon Fuchsia, Yellow ofc month: May-June song: Die Young by Kesha number:  9 day  or  night:  Sunset to Moonrise plant: Datura, Cattleya Orchids, Honeysuckle, Gladiolus smell: Peach Bellini, Pomegranate Mango  gemstone: Sunstone, Rose Quartz, Onyx, Black Pearls season: late spring-early summer place: grassy fields, Beaches, cliffsides food: Fruits and grains. She loves sweet mango rice. Loves a good orange chicken too but can't eat a lot of meat. astrological sign: western:??  Chinese: ?? element: Air drink: Sangria, Really well filtered water, Strawberry milkshake
Character Association animal:  Short Eared Owl, dogs, White Snakes color:  Aqua/Turquoise, Pine and pale Seafoam green, boysenberry or eggplant purple. month: September and December song: Tears of Gold by Faouzia/ Meet me in the Woods Lord Huron number: 6 day or night:  Night, Moonrise. plant: Holly, Thistles, Wild Roses in yellow or sunset/sunrise colors, Moonflowers, Seashell Cosmos smell: Smell of Rain on the wind, Fresh baked bread, lemon Balm, peppermint plant, Peaches   gemstone: Amazonite, Seraphinite, Siberian Emerald, Kyanite season: Fall and Winter place: Temperate Rainforests, Tundra, Moorlands, Pine forests in winter food: Chocolate scones with berry jam, Roast Wild Boar with sautéed veggies astrological sign: western: Sagittarius. Chinese: ?? element: Earth/Ice drink: Mead, Hard apple Cider, Elderberry/Red Currant Wine
Cairi Character Association animal:  Horse, Raven, She's a Unicorn what do you think. color:  Ruby/Wine Red, Emerald/Various Greens, Yellow. month: April, September song:  Blood of Cuchulainn, Carry On by Fun number:  5 day  or  night:  Day, Afternoon when the sun shines in through her stained glass window in her reading nook. plant: Bellflowers, Lupine, Green Zinnia's and Chrysanthemums, Dahlias smell: Clean soap, Fresh cookies, Smell of warm cake,   gemstone: Emeralds, Jade, Pearls season: Late Summer to Early Fall. place: By a Lake, Hiking in the woods  food: Bangers and Mash, Stuffed Mushrooms, Zucchini Parmesan astrological sign: western: Pisces  Chinese: Dragon  element: Earth drink: A good Irish Stout, Herbal Teas with Honey, Raspberry Lemonade
stolen from: @magioffire tagging: @jiaolong-rp @nykrose @bastard-basket @distoretion
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myfoodsflowers · 6 months
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Cattleya rex 🌺🌺🌱 Is a species of epiphytic orchid of showy white flowers, native to montane forests in Peru and Bolivia. Warm growing and fragrant. Blooms in the summer months
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fruitchouli · 2 years
i just wanted to share my excitement about DR ellen coveys sample pack arriving at my door
!!!! i am going to smell like a cave floor. what frags have you sniffed from her line and when would you see yourself wearing them?
yess the dr. i have sniffed ballets rouges kyphi night flyer olympic amber osafume kingston ferry dev 1 2 3 4 blackbird elektra hamsa carolina african orchid red white and golden cattleya and i dont see myself wearing them. except night flyer. not that i wear it but i imagine i could. in the heat outside. maybe layered with a pretty white floral
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