#white people food could never šŸ˜³
sarah-yyy Ā· 5 months
indian food absolutely did not have to go so hard but boy am i glad
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rzyraffek Ā· 2 years
Hiiii I do like to request slashers with a really calm reader that as a kind and calm aura and talks their way out of situations and for some reason just makes however is trying to fight or attack them vent, cry on their shoulder without even noticing that and when they point that out the reader is just like Isn't that how it goes with everyone? "šŸ¤”šŸ§ā€ā™€ļøšŸ§ā€ā™‚ļø" (male or G/n reader would be coolšŸ„²)
YAaasšŸ˜ˆ Will go will he/him pronouns
Request open as always have fun reading
Micheal Myers
S/o was vibing making tea in kitchen when micheal just spawned in hallway
So he either had to runaway or try to talk him out of this situation
"Eee you want some tea? I heard that the guy that thats chasing(DrLoomis)you isnt very kind isnt he?"(yes yes s/o trying to make micheal wanna kill somone else but not him yess)
Micheal enjoys smell of tea (bruh I love white tea with hint of rose/strawberry) and he for sure would enjoy taste of it but hes shy and nono dont see his face pls.
S/o wont make him vent mostly due him being mute and non comunicative at all but He definitly will vibe and think about how much he would rather be stabing Loomis rn
But ig he wont stab him? S/o makes nice tea, keep up,king, he might come again and again just to lisen him ramble about daily life and steal food from fridge
Brahms Heelshie
This one is opposite of Micheal. Brahms will probably instantly vent and cry. He wil talk about how lonley it was and how alone he felt and how everything was unfair
He will hug him, he wont stop for a while
He accualy never intended to kill him, never but He thought that he has No choice. But now He loves that he didnt kill him!
S/o is a great lisyner and great person to talk to! He is so matture and smart!
Easiest way to calm him down is giving him glass of water or cup of tea AND hugs of course dont forget about hugs
Brahms is a big babi he is emotional he will cry a lot
Asa Emory
"???Qhat you talking about??" Look nothing personal but He came here to like??? Kindap you?? Im mean yeah he would love to tell him how much kindaping people and putting them into huge jars is tiring but like??? Sir?? You gonna be in jar next??
I mean its more intresting than average screaming and begging for helpšŸ„°
He will start with "lmao this loozer thinks hes gonna talk me away from killing lol" to "yeah sometimes its so hard you know? Once one of them stabed me and I still have scar :( " and "oh you wanna seešŸ¤ØšŸ˜³ i mean yeah?šŸ˜³" and takes his shirt off
He will kinda forgor he suppose to kill him and just vibes ESPECALLY if s/o likes bugs HE WILL BE LIKE: :D omg u like mothsšŸ„ŗšŸ˜Š? Wanna hold handsšŸ˜³šŸ˜ˆ
He will eat his dinner and then ask for recipie
Billy Loomis
This guy already talks more than he should have. One question and he will do a monologue about his traumatic past and everything
Ofcourse not litteraly, he speaks in weird sentences (yall seen the movie) Nothing is said streight forward
He will hug them looking for support and probably falls asleep due to crying and huge amount of emotions
Then he will woke up and think "šŸ˜³ did? Did I Just got laid? Noo its impossible wtf happened here??? Is he dead or???" " hi billy did you sleep well? Are you better now?" "AAAAAAAAAAAAA"
He is shocked, first of all he just vented, second of all he slept on somone with their consent, and third of all ??? He feels better now?? Yep s/o is definitly a wizard, yep no way it could possibly help, he just did some magic
Thomas Hewitt
I- Im not sure He ever expirienced somone just being nice, just being nice, without some plan to gain anything from it, without hint of manipulation or plan to use him
He wanted to kill him but He Thomas acually felt guilt, he didnt seem to deserve it. He helped his friends even when he himself was in danger.
Thomas broke when s/o started talking. Again Thomas is mute he wont magicly start speaking like eminem RapGod song
But he will akwardly hold his hands together and be shy (Thomas is shy guys)
S/o just seems to understand him so well
He wont kill him and he probably will be like "LudašŸ„ŗ theres this little goblin creature in our basement can we keep himšŸ’–" "No way in hell imma-" "he knows how to cook and do chores!" "Yeah sure we can keep him"
Cool his alive now!
Now just preapre for being thomas therapist for rest of life
Hopefully u like it, didnt really have idea what to write
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cozyrosykay Ā· 6 months
Wellā€¦.I made myself very sad šŸ˜­ I wrote this in like 20mins so itā€™s not amazing. But I wanted to get it down while I saw it in my head. Iā€™ll tweak it and then add it to AO3. I want to make it more rip your heart out. As I am a Renee/Jean shipper and that will not change, but if Iā€™m going to write them breaking up then I want to be absolutely destroyed by it šŸ˜³
@capcavan @broken-heart-raven-queen this is what yaā€™ll inspired šŸ„²
Renee stared down at her plate. Untouched food stared back at her. She didnā€™t want to do this. She didnā€™t want to say goodbye. She didnā€™t want to break her own heart and his but she didnā€™t know what else to do.
They werenā€™t good for each other.
They werenā€™t right for each other.
She wished she could love him the way she wanted too and she knew deep down that he didnā€™t love her romantically either.
But how do you say goodbye to someone that you love? Who hasnā€™t done anything wrong? Someone that she did love with all her heart just not romantically. How do you say goodbye to a person who has been through so much and who looks at you, as though you hung the sun itself. And that was part of the problem, wasnā€™t it? His affection often felt more like worship than love. She didnā€™t want to be on a pedestal, she wanted to be loved and wanted for the flawed human being that she was.
She knew what she had to do. And now was the perfect time. Alone in his apartment and she was leaving for the PeaceCorp in two weeks. She could mourn alone and away from her friends worried gazes. And he would be going to stay with Kevin next week for a month so he wouldnā€™t be alone.
Jean stared at Renee. She wasnā€™t eating even though he had fixed her favorite and her eyes were sad. He knew what was coming. He knew that she was just working up the courage to let him go.
He hated it.
But also knew deep down that she was right. He just wasnā€™t strong enough to be the one to end them, to let her go; but sheā€™d always been stronger. He was alive because of her strength.
He had known long before now, that what they had wouldnā€™t go the distance they didnā€™t love each other the way people who stayed together and got married and had children with a white picket fence love each other they.
Honestly, he wasnā€™t sure he would ever want to be a father. And he knew that being a mother was something Renee longed for one day in the far off future.
They loved each other, but not enough.
He often felt that she loved him with the care a mother, a good mother unlike his own, loved her child, or the way a deity loved their disciple. Part of that was his own fault, he held her up on a pedestal and it made her uncomfortable. But how could he not? She was his savior. He stopped believing in God, but he would never stop believing in Renee Walker.
So yes, he knew it was coming when he caught her looking at Matt and Dan with the same naked, longing that he knew he wore looking at Andrew and Neil. He never thought he would be jealous of Neil now that he was also free from Edgar Allen. But he was when he saw the fierce but subtle adoration that Andrew and Neil held for one another.
He knew it was coming and he knew it would be today; at this dinner. She would want clean break before leaving for the Peace Corp, and she wouldnt want him alone. Which is probably why she had enthusiastically encouraged his trip to see Kevin.
He didnā€™t know how he was going to live without her or if he would want to because being loved by Renee even when it was lacking in what he wanted was better than being not loved at all. What if she left and and his parents were right that no one would ever truly love him? Would she stay if he begged? No one else ever had. But he knew that she would, and eventually it would destroy them both.
Jean startled when he saw a tear roll down her cheek. And the small, shocked sound she made had him thinking that she hadnā€™t realized that she had started crying.
ā€œI canā€™t do thisā€ she whispered, her voice husky with the husky tears she was trying to hold back.
ā€œI knowā€his voice was weak and sad.
At the sound of his voice Renee gave up the fight with her tears ā€œIā€™m so sorry Jeanā€
ā€œI knowā€ he said again, his own tears beginning to fall ā€œI am too.ā€
Renee choked on a sob ā€œI do love you.ā€
Jean looked to the ceiling, hating to see her in such distress and also hating the awful feeling in his own chest ā€œI love you too, itā€™s just not enough.ā€
Renee got up from her chair and moved to his lap, burrowing her face in his neck as she cried, and he clung to her tightly, afraid that this might be the last time he ever held her in his arms. ā€œI donā€™t know what Iā€™ll do without you in my lifeā€ he hated the words as soon as they left his mouth, hated their weakness. He wasnā€™t shocked when she pushed herself out of his arms but he was shocked to see the fierceness in her eyes ā€œYou will NEVER not have me in your life Jean. As long as Iā€™m breathing you will always have family and someone who loves you. The end of our romantic relationship is not the end of us in each others lives.ā€
The relief that Jean felt at her words was overwhelming, he knew she meant them. He was not losing her completely. Their relationship would change but not end.
He hugged her back to him fiercely ā€œthank youā€ he whispered against her ear.
ā€œYou will find someone Jean Moreau, you will find someone who will love you in the way the I canā€™t. They will adore the ground you walk on. Theyā€™ll see all the amazing things that I do and theyā€™ll fall head over heels in love with you, and at first Iā€™ll be jealous that it couldnā€™t be me and then Iā€™ll love them because they love you.ā€
Jean sobbed into her neck. He believed in Renee Walker and hoped that she was right.
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ptseti Ā· 2 years
Blood pressure: 120 / 80
Pulse: 70 - 100
Temperature: 36.8 - 37
Respiration: 12-16
Hemoglobin: Males (13.50-18) Females ( 11.50 - 16 )
Cholesterol: 130 - 200
Potassium: 3.50 - 5
Sodium: 135 - 145
Triglycerides: 220
The amount of blood in the body: Pcv 30-40%
Sugar: for Children (70-130) Adults: 70 - 115
Iron: 8-15 mg
White blood cells: 4000 - 11000
Platelets: 150,000 - 400,000
Red blood cells: 4.50 - 6 million..
Calcium: 8.6 - 10.3 mg/dL
Vitamin D3: 20 - 50 ng/ml (nanograms per milliliter)
Vitamin B12: 200 - 900 pg/ml Tips for those who have reached Over: the 40years the 50 the 60 First tip: Always drink water even if you don't feel thirsty or need itā€¦ the biggest health problems and most of them are from the lack of water in the body. 2 litres Minimum per day (24 hours)
Second tip: Play sports even when you are at the top of your preoccupationā€¦the body must be moved, even if only by walkingā€¦or swimmingā€¦or any kind of sports. šŸš¶ Walking is Good for a Startā€¦ šŸ‘Œ
Third Tip: Reduce foodā€¦
Leave excessive food cravingsā€¦ because it never brings good. Don't deprive yourself, but reduce the quantities. Use more Of Protein, Carbohydrates based Foods.
Fourth tip As much as possible, do not use the Car unless absolutely necessaryā€¦ Try to reach on your Feet for what you want ( grocery, visiting someoneā€¦) or any goal. Climb Stairs, than use Elevator, Escalator
Fifth tip let go of ANGERā€¦ let go of Angerā€¦ let go of angerā€¦ Let go of Worryā€¦. try to overlook thingsā€¦
Do not involve yourself in situations of Disturbanceā€¦ they all diminish health and take away the splendor of the soul. Choose a babysitter you feel comfortable with. Talk to People who are Positive and Listen šŸ‘‚
Sixth tip As it is said..leave your Money in the Sun.. and sit in the Shade.. don't limit yourself and those around youā€¦ money was made to live By it, not to live For it.
Seventh tip Don't make yourself feel Sorry for anyone, nor on something you could not Achieve, Nor anything that you could not Own. Ignore it, Forget it;
Eighth tip Humility.. then humility.. for Money, Prestige, Power and Influenceā€¦ they are all things that are corrupted by Arrogance and arrogance.. Humility is what brings people Closer to you with Love. ā˜ŗ
Ninth tip If your hair turns Grey, this does not mean the End of Life. It is proof that a Better life has Begun. šŸ™‹ Be Optimistic, live with Remembrance, Travel, Enjoy yourself. Make Memories!
It may help someone when you share it
However busy you are, observe all these to remain healthy: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Drink less milk in your tea. Instead, add lemon or lime juice.In the day time, drink more water; but night time, drink less.
In the day don't drink more than 2 cups of coffee, Advisable To Stop Completely too.Eat less oily foods.
Best sleeping times are between 10pm to 6am.In the evening, eat little or nothing after 5 or 6pm. ~~~~~ Don't take medicines with cold water but with warm, and take your medicines half an hour before going to bed. Never take medicines and lie down immediately.
As you aged further , stop drinking chilled water but drink only water at room temperature Try to sleep for at least 8 hours per day.
Having a nap for an hour and a half between noon and 3pm, to relieve stress and keep younger and not age easily.Once your mobile phone battery is left with only one bar, don't make calls anymore, because the dangerous radiation and waves are one many times higher than a fully charged battery.
Use your left ear to answer calls, right ear will directly hurt your brain. šŸ˜³ Better still to use earphones to answer calls.Two things to check as often as you can: (1) Your blood pressure (2) Your blood sugar.
Six things to reduce to the minimum on your foods: (1) Salt (2) Sugar (3) Preserved meat and foods (4) Red meat especially roasted (5) Dairy products (6) Starchy productsFour things to increase in your foods: (1) Greens/vegetables (2) Beans (3) Fruits (4) Nuts
Three things you need to forget: (1) Your age šŸ˜® (2) Your past šŸ¤” (3) Your worries/grievances šŸ‘šŸ½Four things you must have, no matter how weak or how strong you are: (1) Friends who truly love you (2) Caring family (3) Positive thoughts (4) A warm home.
Seven things you need to do to stay healthy: (1) Singing (2) Dancing (3) Fasting (4) Smiling/laughing (5) Trek/exercise (6) Have sex often with your love (7) Reduce your weight. Six things you don't have to do: (1) Don't wait till you are hungry to eat (2) Don't wait till you are thirsty to drink (3) Don't wait till you are sleepy to sleep (4) Don't wait till you feel tired to rest (5) Don't wait till you get sick to go for medical check-ups otherwise you will only regret later in life (6) Donā€™t wait till you have problem before you pray to your God.
One thing you must do after reading these health tips:
(1) Forward this to your loved ones and friends, and as you do so, may God bless U.
While go about your normal business please let's remember to always check our body to know how fit you are. Health is wealth.
120/80 -- Normal 130/85 --Normal (Control) 140/90 -- High
150/95 -- V.High
PULSE --------
72 per minute (standard) 60 --- 80 p.m. (Normal)
40 -- 180 p.m.(abnormal)
TEMPERATURE -----------------
98.4 F (Normal) 99.0 F Above (Fever)
Please help your Relatives, Friends by sharing this informationā€¦.
Heart Attacks- Drinking Warm Water:
This is a very good article. Not only about the warm water after your meal, but about Heart Attack's. The Chinese and Japanese drink hot tea with their meals, not cold water, maybe it is time we adopt their drinking habit while eating. For those who like to drink cold water, this article is applicable to you. It is very Harmful to have Cold Drink/Water during a meal. Because, the cold water will solidify the oily stuff that you have just consumed. It will slow down the digestion. Once this 'sludge' reacts with the acid, it will break down and be absorbed by the intestine faster than the solid food. It will line the intestine. Very soon, this will turn into fats and lead to cancer. It is best to drink hot soup or warm water after a meal.
French fries and Burgers are the biggest enemy of heart health. A coke after that gives more power to this demon. Avoid them for your Heart's & Health.
Drink one glass of warm water just when you are about to go to bed to avoid clotting of the blood at night to avoid heart attacks or strokes.
A cardiologist says if everyone who reads this message sends it to 10 people, you can be sure that we'll save at least one life. ā€¦
Good Morning!!
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kankuroplease Ā· 2 years
Kakashi Tattoo Au headcanons?
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Kakashi is Minatoā€™s apprentice turned business partner/shop owner
Heā€™s literally always booked and has been in quite a few tattoo magazines featuring his work and ink.
Heā€™s actually very kind to clients with low pain tolerance and will chat with them to try and help them think of something else. If they need a break, take a break. Youā€™re not winning an award for sitting well (maybe a better tattoo though)
Because heā€™s the boss, he makes his own hours and will never show up before 1 pm. Ever.
Has one of the pet food wi-fi cams so he can watch and talk his dogs. Naruto and Sakura also like talking to the dogs and will take his phone to do it
Yamato is the only employee allowed in his studio area as the others tend to want to camp out and talk his ear off
Uchiha affiliated, not by choice thanks Obito, but they are some of his most loyal clients and thatā€™s how he met/acquired Sasuke as an apprentice.
Taught Sasuke his best techniques. Like, he knew the kid had talent but even he was impressed with how well he picked up tattooing.
Constantly warning Naruto about his bangers. Consistency is still important and not every client is going to want HIS idea on their bodies forever just do the design they chose, even if itā€™s Sasukeā€™s
Trusts Sakura and Yamato to order all the supplies the shop may need. Itā€™s not that he canā€™t, theyā€™re just very reliable
Has asked Shisui to not hang around Sakura at the front desk. Sasukeā€™s fans are bad enough, but at least Sasuke doesnā€™t entertain them like Shisui does. Doesnā€™t help that Sakura gos along with Shisuiā€™s stunts. They totally have had a bet on who could get the most numbers
Looks after Naruto, Sasuke, Sakura, and Sai. Totally has received calls from them in the middle of the night to rescue one, if not all of them at some point. Itā€™s the only reason he keeps his old van actually
Yes, he has access to luxury cars and SUVs but he still uses his first vehicle that his father and Minato helped him fix as a teen. Those days of laughing, arguing, and kid naruto pretending drive are is own little treasures (and heā€™s keeping them)
Shop dad. Unofficial mediator. Smut recommender. Guitar teacher. 2 coffees in and still tired. Black belt. Recipient of shop pranks. Photographer. Dog dad. Yakuza arm candy. Unenthusiastic backup karaoke singer. He holds many titles~
A little more invested in dramas than anyone would think he is. Knows about the upcoming ones before anyone else and wants to watch them in the home theater
Drives his dad places just to spend time with him.
Helps Obito train and has been doing so since they were kids. He actually can fight very well too, but he doesnā€™t want to and is more than happy to support Obitoā€™s career.
Lowkey thinks itā€™s funny when Obito gets taken to the mat by an opponent after talking a big game. Obito shouldā€™ve trained harder and stopped trying to grab his ass
Enjoys when Rin washes his hair for him in the bath, but will never ask her to do it. Heā€™s just grateful itā€™s somewhat a weekly if not daily occurrence.
Also enjoys when Obito lays his head on his lap to nap while heā€™s reading. Heā€™s basically Kakashiā€™s one and only cat šŸˆā€ā¬›
Plays coy with his lovers when they try to seduce him. They want him? Interesting~
Also makes sex tapes with them for his own viewing pleasure. They can watch them too if they want, and Obito definitely wants to. Rin is more shy about it/says she experienced it and doesnā€™t need to see herself like that. You go ahead guys šŸ˜³
Lives in sweatpants around the house
Once he becomes a dad, heā€™s bringing home temporary tattoos for them. Itā€™s pretty much a tradition Minato started and the shop has them, so why not?ļæ¼
Makes the kids breakfast with scarecrow faces made of fruit and whipped cream
Goes to all their tournaments and games
Is the pillow for at least two people at all times
Has a wall of black and white photos heā€™s taken starting from middle school and going all the way up to the kids latest candid moments. He sometimes will stand in front of it and just take in all the memories
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mmollymercury Ā· 2 years
Thank you @glitternightingale!
Favourite time of the year: My go to answer is autumn. I kinda hate summer because I hate the sun and heat but I like not having as much rain. I sit outside a lot but during this time I usually wait till it's late so its colder out. During autumn, the temperature is just right, the sun isn't intense and the breeze is perfect UURRRšŸ¤Œ
Comfort food: I love salty things, so probably regular salted crisps (potato chips if you're not BritishhhhšŸ˜µšŸ˜µšŸ˜µ) but I also really love white chocolate- but not as much as crisps, I swallow too many of those fuckers, its a problem. Plus, I just don't like to eat a lot of sweet stuff all at once. Salt all the wayyyšŸ„µšŸ„µšŸ„µ
Do you collect something: I go in and out of phases of wanting to collect stuff, like boxed, old ass bratz dolls that I remember from childhood... but I never do end up doing it. I'd have to say Roger Rabbit collectibles, since he's the most merch I've got of one character, also idk if clothes count as collectibles but I've got one Roger shirt and one Roger jumper, which is honestly my claim to fame, they're both vintage and so rare to find. I really want to get a bunch of encanto merch tho, so thats probably next.
Favourite drink: I'm very boring, apple juice and raspberry flavoured wateršŸ˜³šŸ˜³šŸ˜³
Current favourite song: I love music so much, it's hard to pick, so I'll just say the one that's been stuck in my head most recently: Sunny Side Up Summer - The Bob's Burgers MoviešŸ”šŸ’–
Favourite song: God! Idk!!! Who could honestly pick??šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ heres my personal jam playlist:
all these songs are beautifulšŸ’žšŸ’ž
Tag 9 people you want to get to know better:
AAHHH I don't really know many ppl,,,, so most of these are just gonna be regulars i see liking my stuff, which I really appreciate!! Thank you so much šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ„°šŸ„°šŸ’žSome are that and also ppl I've had nice convos with xx
@pinwheelwhirl @ro-bun @omgcheez @usedtobeguest123 @immabethehero @breannaaiedail @oncexinxmyxdreams @rats-and-chamelons @sardonyxmadrigal (who i have a soft spot for, simply because my tumblr username used to be sardonyx related too! And I know we're talking abt the same sardonyx!! šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ’–)
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wolfflock Ā· 3 years
Reactions to Superman and Lois S01E09
I am so READY! I spoiled myself with shirtless Heckles so I KNOW WHAT TO LOOK OUT FOR šŸ‘€
Chrissy, yes, hi! I missed you. And right out of the gate she roasts the food she ordered šŸ˜‚ LOVE HER
Clark is working with them, reporter-ing, YESSSS
Nooooo, Edge, leave Emily alone!!! šŸ˜­
Hello, househusband Clark, packing lunch for the boys aggdgagah šŸ¤¤
Clark and Jon teasing Jordan for liking Sarah and "supporting" her is both funny and... stop with the stereotype that guys can't like girls in a non-romantic way, pls
Lana and Kyle want the same thing, to make people's lives better, but they are approaching it differently. I like this Lana.
Kyle says "the audition the other day". So it's been a few days and Jon's cast is off??? šŸ‘€ Superpowers??? Why is this not mentioned?
So Tegan will become a "permanent fixture"? Jon doesn't need a love interest, give him a friend šŸ˜­
WHY do the bad guys have to be Mexican? WHY, is there more to it? I really hope it's not just another subtly racist plotline (the same way he needed to save an Asian (Chinese?) schoolbus and be the White Saviour) correction: i meant this as in i hope there being more big action scenes of him saving POC than white people is not because writers want to save face by including POC in roles of victims, but that it's genuinely to show him being intercontinental.
What is wrong with his breathing!?!?! Is it because of the shit Sam Lane had developed?? AND REGULAR BULLETS KNOCKED HIM OUT what. WHAT šŸ˜±
Tyler, you should NOT look this gorgeous pretending to be unconscious šŸ„ŗ
He not only got up, he did it by levitating šŸ˜šŸ’Ŗ
And awww the security guard asking him if he's okay šŸ˜…šŸ˜¬
Have we known that Edge is aware of John Irons? Or did he just admit it? šŸ‘€
"I was just trying to be nice" Ouch, poor Jon, no one wants to spend time with him.
Shirtless Tyler šŸ˜³šŸ˜ His suit is most definitely not padded, SHIT. Look at those shoulders šŸ¤¤ And his voice as he says "no, regular bullets" awww. Total confusion. šŸ„°
Jordan has freeze breath! Although him running out on Sarah like this was odd šŸ˜… But look at him learning, and using the beeper when he has no idea what is going on with his superpowers!
How the hell can Clark just walk into a school in the middle of the day without anyone stopping?
Lois, tell General Lane what the deal is, yussss! He put his own grandson in harm's way!
Jon is, yet again, about to smooth things over for Jordan.
Oh damn, Lana, I hope she'll be okay and Edge backs off šŸ˜Ø
And Clark and Jordan are off to the Fortress. Hopefully Jor-El will be able to help.
Lois finally gets to say her piece to her father and I love that for her! "You're not welcome here anymore" šŸ”„
Shit, Jordan is looking like shit. They will burn the Kryptonite out if him WTF OUCH. šŸ˜± If Clark is still weak, WHY NOT BURN THE SHIT OUT OF HIM TOO, THOUGH?
Jon comforting the family once again...
Time to shine, Kyle! Support your girl.
Sam Lane slumping in that porch chair and being huffy for not receiving news is a WHOLE ASS MOOD. I NEED THAT AS A GIF!
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Jon could never be scared of his family... Okay. And he still trusts them. Not a hint of doubt. So him not getting much support but giving it all is just... overlooked? šŸ¤” It's all fine that he is there for everyone and no one is asking about him?
Kyle is following Emily?? FUCK
Finally Sam Lane found Kryptonians he can experiment on! And also save his family. He has his uses, I guess.
Jon took John Irons' weapons YESSS BOYYYY. Also. WHEN? Did he go back after Lois ripped him a new one? BOY IS BRAVE, goddamn. Also, he can say whatever he wants about trusting his family and not being like Sam Lane, but he fucking is, preparing for the worst. šŸ™ƒ
Clark is crying, noooooo, feeling guilty for putting Jordan through this šŸ˜­ (hint, he didn't) ((Also. Could he or Lois say this to Jon?)) (((I am happy this scene happened, though, because we haven't really heard about how he feels about ANYTHING in a while so at least we go that)))
What the fuck KYLE?!?!?!?! FOR HOW LONG? šŸ¤Æ
Everyone forgives so damn fast on this show šŸ¤£ Lois and Sam rekindling, okay, sure...
I am so fine with Jon learning to use super weapons!
Okay, Kyle went behind Lana's back to Edge, I expected he would. That man is one massive ball of insecurity and burning need to prove himself. Of course he went to Edge to "be his best self" šŸ˜« BUT HE TOLD LANA AND I AM SO HAPPY FOR THAT
Smallvile is special, not just Clark. Okay, I can roll with it, that people were exposed to X-Kryptonite and that's why they can become hosts.
Edge is Kryptonian ahdhahkakdhabkd I mean it makes sense. How else would he know about all this. But "brother"? šŸ‘€
Come talk to me about the show PLS!
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ninjaslegos Ā· 3 years
Hello Iā€™m back 5/5 on fnaf, saxophone and The time keeper one uhhhh ninja+ nya and pix with a reader that have the same power as alstor from hasbein hotel but sheā€™s a goof ball who distracts the enemy with chaos(ie being a chaotic little child) and she can talk to the dead (a side affect of demonic powers she was born with them) and can u do the Wu and misako reaction to reader if this is a lot itā€™s ok if u skip this also the saxphone pice is funny whezzzee
Had to look up Alastor (Alaster? Allastar? (All Star Smash Mouth?šŸ˜³)) So I guess sheā€™s a half demon/half fox? So Iā€™m going to say she was a demon reject who was sent to Ninjago because she wasnā€™t evil enough.
She/Her Child reader
Raising Chaos
He was the first one to find you; a young child dumped on the side of the road.
Upon second inspection; however, he found that you had dark red skin, and your hair was actually fluffy white fur. Two little ears were hidden under it as you tried to appear more human so people would be less afraid of you, and therefore not want to hurt you.
"I can tell you're scared of me too, you just don't want to say it."
So you could read minds - what else could you do? He was a little curious now, and that made you perk up; people would usually run away, but he was different. He was kind. "You are not human, that is true, but you are also not evil. I can tell."
The moment he took you home, you tried to be on your best behavior so he would keep you. What you didn't expect was for him to live with a bunch of teenagers with powers.
Life here is great! You have a home, food, and family. A tolerant one too!
Essentially became your punching bag. He would let you prank him, tug at him when you wanted something, or even bite his hands like a teething pup. In return, he's the only one allowed to pet your ears; he knows where you like it best.
On the outside, it might seem like you're trying to hurt him, but you know not to go too far, and he knows you won't. You never even bruise or break the skin when you chew on him, you know how to be gentle.
When it comes to pranking; however, that's a totally different story. You like to hide behind things and jump at him, use your demonic voice to make him believe someone's in the house, or just relocate his things, sometimes in holes in the backyard. Things that will annoy him, but not hurt him.
When you least expect it though, he'll prank you back with something big. Something you can't replicate, because it's so specific that he'll know what's going on and won't be pranked like you were. Like that time he tricked you into thinking the moon was following you and that's why you could see it during the day sometimes.
He didn't like you at first; he didn't trust you at all, especially given that his first encounter with a demon was Garmadon. You have to remind him that Oni and Demon are two separate entities and also that you were a reject demon anyway.
"How could you hurt me I'm baby šŸ„ŗ" "How did you say that with your mouth?"
The two of you like to meme with each other, and you, Kai, and Nya quote vines at each other. Whenever the siblings come home from a mission they're greeted with a "hi, welcome to chili's"
He doesn't trust you with a lot of things; like asking you to bring him shampoo because the other was empty, or asking you if there's some food on his face, but he trusts that you'll have his back during battle. You're mischievous, but not evil, and even if it took him a bit to realize that, he's glad he did.
Sometimes when you're sick, he's the one to take care of you. It makes you cry sometimes because his fiery body heat reminds you of home...no, you don't want to go back because they rejected you, but you can't help but miss it a little...it was where you were born.
When he starts to notice this, he'll snuggle with you more often and raise his temperature really high, and it seems to calm you down a lot if you were acting like a little gremlin earlier.
Being a fiery hell demon, you were a little intimidated by her at first; she was a water element after all. But like with Kai, you relax more around each other, and now she's happy there's another girl on the team, as she isn't reduced to the 'girl ninja' anymore.
She's actually impressed with your abilities; you read your enemies' minds to see what they're afraid of, or their deepest desires, then use that against them. You've made promises to the others that you'd never use your powers on the ninja though, or any innocent people either. This puts everyone at ease, especially since you could be incredibly powerful if you used your abilities to their full potential.
She must admit, she's really interested in how you fight; by manipulating the enemy into fighting itself. Of course, this doesn't work if you're fighting one on one, but in an army this does amazing wonders for their odds of winning. Thus, she wants to learn a few manipulation tactics from you.
Maybe she uses them to get things from the others. That's probably how she ended up with two more Samurai X suits, both suited for different needs.
He's always been black and white in thinking - Serpentine? Bad. Oni? Bad. etc. Thus, he has trouble putting his trust in you at first. He has a lot to unlearn.
He realizes he was wrong to judge you when he hears how you were rejected; how your mother and father looked at you with such hatred that it caused even a demon child nightmares. You were more human than he thought.
He treats you better, and even bonds with you over abandonment, as have a few of the other ninja.
He thinks that if he teaches you pranks he learned at Darkley's, then you'll spare him. He was wrong - you needed a test subject who could properly critique you and see if you did the prank right.
He did learn that you stopped if he offered you candy, though. It's always a struggle when he teaches you something new; should he wake up tomorrow with ants in his pants or give you candy? Either way; it's worth it to see the look on Kai's face. Do fire ants still hurt fire elementals? What do you mean fire ants don't use fire, but actually poison? Oops...
That's how he spent an entire evening with you scrubbing the bathrooms.
Jay's a gentle soul, you can tell, so you keep his pranks minimal. Maybe the occasional bucket on the door. Other than that, you like to pull pranks with him instead of against him. He finds it fun, and plus you have a trick up your sleeve if you need it!
Scared the shit out of everyone else when you pretended to burst out of his chest, and that has been the best instant-prank the two of you have pulled so far.
The longest trick you've ever pulled was when you painted your skin, dyed your fur, and wore Jay's gi. Manipulating your voice, you tricked everyone into thinking he was a kid again. Tomorrow's tea didn't work because demons don't age; thus panic ensued.
Because the two of you are gentle to each other, he's the one you cuddle up with at night if you have nightmares. You rarely get scared, so he knows it must've been bad. He picks you up, brings you into the kitchen for a midnight snack, then lets you sleep on him; curled up sweetly like a fox pup.
Where do you get your energy from? She babysits you the most often, and you can tell she gets annoyed by it sometimes, so you cause her the least problems. You don't argue unless she tries to get you to eat something you don't like, but she's fine with that, she'll just make you a peanut butter sandwich to keep your mouth busy.
She actually watches TV with you a lot and the two of you learn more about human customs. You didn't know you were supposed to use a fork to eat...why is it impolite to shovel chicken nuggets into your maw when you're hungry? Your child mind can't comprehend manners properly.
Usually you can intimidate others with your aura, but she can intimidate you, and you don't know why. Is this what it's like to have a mother? You wouldn't know...
You've called her mom too many times to remember her name is actually Pixal. Even Zane gets called dad sometimes because the two are seen together so frequently.
Hated having you around at first; you had to wear a child leash when you wanted to go outside or you'd chase everything and get lost. And guess who had to walk you?
Misako's just glad Lloyd didn't turn out like you when he was abandoned. Or, at least he grew out of it. She can only hope that you will too.
Wu learns not to mind you too much, as even when you didn't do as told sometimes like a brat, you were still a good fighter.
Bonus! Garmadon
He was a demon once. Well, as you correctly stated, Oni and Demon are different, but there are still similarities. He remembers what it's like to be an Oni, and uses that experience to work with you.
He knows everything you like and hate; and you love him for it. Always asking to see 'Grandpa Garm', he's won your little demon heart.
The others worry when you talk to a portrait of him in the hallway; unknowing you can still see him there, and he's talking right back to you...
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gergb Ā· 3 years
All the emoji asks bc I'm a brat šŸ˜…šŸ˜
I honestly did this in spite of you and just cause I bet you thought I wouldnā€™t
āœ” - Sexual Orientation
straight but very comfortable with my sexuality
šŸš¬ - Do you Smoke?
šŸ· - Do you Drink?
ā™’ - Do you Take Drugs?
No. I am straight edge and donā€™t do any above.
šŸ˜³ - Age you get mistaken for?
i got mistaken for 20 about a month ago. Iā€™m about to be 30 šŸ˜‚
šŸ’‰ - Have Tattoos?
yes, my whole left arm, my knee and shin.
āœļø - Want any tattoos?
yes many more.
āœ‚ļø - Got any Piercings?
no. I used to have snakebites and my ears stretched
āœŒ - Want any piercings?
I kinda want my nose pierced
šŸ‘Œ - Best friend?
i have 3. They are tattooed on me and know as the holy trinity
ā™„ - Do you like anyone?
thatā€™s for me to know and yā€™all to find out
šŸŽ¤ - Top 5 favorite bands?
slipknow, a day to remember, linkin park, dayseeker, haste the day
šŸŽ¶ - Top 5 favorite songs?
only on by slipknot
diluted by slipknot
trophies by drake
beast by the acacia strain
sleeptalk By Dayseeker
šŸ˜’ - Biggest pet peeve?
not giving me your full attention or not acknowledging me when speaking
šŸ“ - Story from your childhood.
I used to run around and pretend I was a professional wrestler.
šŸ’¬ - I wishā€¦
I could just get my mind right and reach all my goals
ā€¼ļø - Something youā€™ll change?
my mindset. Need to be more positive
šŸ’¦ - What makes you horny?
thighs, hips, booty, smile, what doesnā€™t make me horny?
šŸŒŸ - A wish youā€™ll wish for?
I wish I can stay the course and accomplish everything I want
šŸ”„ - Something spicy you like?
idk what exactly in what context, but Iā€™ll go with food. I love hot sauce on everything šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚
šŸ‘ƒ You hate the smell of ā€¦.
cigarette smoke
šŸ‘Š - Something you hate?
uhmā€¦.everything? šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚
šŸš¶ - Are you single?
sure am.
šŸ’¬ - Can we text?
I donā€™t think you want to text me šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ but sure
šŸ’Œ - Fan mail me?
šŸ’ - Marry me?
okay, buy me a ring first.
šŸ’˜ - Be my tumblr crush?
šŸ’­ - Favorite foods?
chicken fingers, pizza And I love gnocchis
ā˜€ - Story about your day.
uhmā€¦.just was at work and spent an hour in a call today because the person gave me the wrong information and treated me like everything was my fault. Dumb person
šŸ’˜ - Top 5 celebrity crushes?
anna kendrick, ashley graham, kat dennings, Scarlett Johansson, Aubrey plaza
šŸŽ„ - Top 5 favorite movies?
the breakfast club, Superbad, Forrest Gump, Spider-Man (2002) and perks of being a wallflower
šŸ“ŗ - Top 5 favorite TV shows?
breaking bad, Dexter, sons of anarchy, boy meets world and stranger things
āœ - Random fact about yourself.
I have never been in a relationship
āœˆļø - Where are you from?
I am from a wonder of the world in NY
šŸš€ - Where do you wanna visit?
Australia, Minneapolis, Wizarding World of Harry Potter
šŸ˜ - Do you have a crush?
I think we talked about this already
šŸ˜· - Something you hate eating?
onions bro. Keep them away from me
šŸ™ˆ - What makes you shy?
everything. Iā€™m the shyest boy ever
šŸ’ƒ - Can you dance?
šŸ’ - Do you love anyone?
I love a lot of people
šŸ‘Ÿ - Favorite shoe(s) to wear?
my grey and white vans
šŸŒ“ - A island you would visit?
šŸŒŽ - A country you would visit?
šŸŒ€ - Favorite type of weather?
autumn and hoodie weather
šŸ”® - Do you believe in luck?
no. We create our own luck
šŸ“± - What kinda phone do you have?
iphone pro max 11 or something like that
šŸ“… - Favorite time of the year?
football season
šŸ“š - Career goal you want?
I want to progress thru my company to where Iā€™m off the phone and in a higher position
šŸ“ - Favorite food(s) to eat?
damn really asking the same questions, but chicken fingers and pizza always. Also chicken wings, Iā€™m from where the Buffalo wing came from
šŸ­ - Favorite Candy?
sour patch watermelon
šŸ‡ - Favorite fruits?
pears and cantaloupe
šŸš˜ - Dream car(s)?
1965 gt 500 mustang or Range Rover
šŸš” - Have you ever been arrested?
no but been in handcuffs
šŸš‘ - Have you ever driven in an ambulance before?
šŸŽ« - Do you have a license?
šŸš¼ - Do you have or want kids?
honestly, yeah Iā€™d like that
šŸ”ž - Are you under 18?
hell no just look like it
šŸ¶ - Do you own a pet?
no my parents own a pup tho
šŸ˜” - Something that makes you sad?
this world
šŸ˜” - What pisses you off?
people who donā€™t respect other people
šŸ˜ - What turns you on?
everything, but hips, thighs, booty, smiles, eyes, HIPS, boobs it all does something. Glasses too.
šŸ˜ˆ - Are you a freak?
honestly no, Iā€™m very vanilla
šŸ’Ŗ - Do you work out?
no but plan to change that this year
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1386luvr Ā· 4 years
Fine okay here
I woke up at 8 am. I started my school work for the day since I donā€™t have zoom class on fridays.
I had until 12 to finish everything because I had an eye doctor appointment. I didnā€™t finish on time but oh well it was just art.
After I turned in what I could, and we left to go to the appointment. I read ToA in the waiting room, before being called back to the doctor person that Iā€™ve never seen before.
She asked me about myself and about soccer, karate, etc. she noticed the drawing on my hand and asked if I was right handed. All that awkward stuff
Then after me, my brother, and my dad were done, we left and went to the pet store to look at the fish. I normally look at the cats but they werenā€™t there. I named a gecko Carl, there was a mad birb, and another bird that was dancing.
After we picked my mother up from my grandmothers house and we went home. When we got home I finished my art and turned it in late.
I spent the remainder of the day reading/staring at the wall
Your turn be descriptive as well yeah?
stan the dancing birb
i deadass read that as ā€œas staring at your wallā€ and i got mad confused
moving on
i woke up at like 6:30 to have a shower and wanted to cry, but i did my eyeliner really good and i felt hot asf so it was fine, my dad was in a good mood today so we vibed
i got to school and told my teacher i wasnā€™t ready for this test bc she rushed me into it and i barely got time to study, so i cried and my two irl best friends comforted me and my mentor made me feel better, got over my sadness, finished the test and realized if i failed, itā€™s my teachers fault, not mine, got kinda heated over it
then my friend packed me a lunch bc i donā€™t eat enough and i love her
my friend might be leaving the school bc her parents are selfish and i cried bc iā€™m gonna miss her sm
but iā€™ll see her monday bc we have to come in to finish specific work and then if i finish that, then i have two weeks off excluding the monday ofc
irrelevant but weā€™ll find out on tuesday if sheā€™s leaving the school
went to social, the social teacher made my bsf cry which she never does and question herself bc the teacher was being so ignorant but my mentor made her feel better too
got an email from some people who have been harassing me since like 7th grade???? yeah fan behaviouršŸ˜³šŸ˜³šŸ˜³
got called ā€œchefs kissā€ by a very pretty girl in my mentor group
left and went shopping with my mother, we got food and then we went to chapters to get some books, i got the percy jackson series and the red, white, and royal blue bookšŸ˜ŒšŸ˜Œ then went to get coffee
omg i also got an email from my principal saying how good iā€™m doing
then i went home and did this harry potter quiz w my alexa, failed the last question but thatā€™s bc i havenā€™t read that book yet soooo.. AHA moving on
then my mom and i watched the first two episodes of wanda vision and I LOVE IT, now weā€™re watching avengers endgame and iā€™m simping over tom holland
got into a mini fight with my dad but we got over it bc he made me a wrap, but it made me sick bc it was more food than i can handle but thatā€™s okay, iā€™m fine now
also my dad questioned why my principal was using ā€œtheirā€ in the email and my mom and i predicted he would question it, and itā€™s bc he doesnā€™t know my pronouns so heā€™s being respectful but my mom stood up for people w different pronouns and shit so we love her and now i am writing thisšŸ˜ŒšŸ˜Œ
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jdmainman123 Ā· 2 years
I need you to kill all my kids without a train. Where do I sign up. Seems so easy I don't know why you needed help with your 3/4 full of black skin people for a white hair white skin family and snow I'LL BE COMING HERE AND FORCE ME TO WITNESS the desperate arm cut off of a black skin man
Yeah but without a train it should be easy IF SAMMY 3/4 ONLY COULD HAVE HIS WAY AND HAVE NONE OF THESE CITIES HAVE A TRAIN do I think they have another family built for blacks being killed without trains? 100% sure yes
So you guys are wounded like a dog with one leg with no train just FYI I'VE SEEN BETTER BLACKS IN THE BATHROOM IN A TRAIN STATION IN THE TOILET so I suggest you n***** stop talking s*** like you have an investment in Jason without a train? What are you guys want to go to the church and get a free handout for food f****** losers
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8robinsons Ā· 3 years
A man needs great men AND women in his life! Meet my grandfather Elder Emmitt Robinson Sr. (RIP), a father figure, pastor, mentor, counselor, and advisor. I don't remember him ever yelling at me. He did tell me one time that dinner was over when I didn't come in to eat when he called.. šŸ˜³ I went to bed hungry that day šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ He actually baptized me in June of 2003 in his church in Thomaston, GA. He seemed to always have some money to lend and a place to stay if we needed. The last advice he gave me on how to succeed was to simply "show up every day on time." He talked to me about bridging the gap between the black and white churches in South Georgia, a work that may have died with himšŸ„ŗšŸ„ŗ. He had a vision to bring people together.
In direct contrast meet my great Aunt Clara (RIP) who could cook you the best soul food in the world, make sure you never went without and curse you out all at the same timešŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£. We loved her so much that I didn't know she lived in what was considered atlanta housing projects until I was much older. It just felt like home. I could visually see the gates when CeeLo Green rapped "I wonder if the gates were put up to keep crime out or keep our @$$ in?!" She always seemed to have good food on the stove. She had a way of being tough. Tougher than most men I know. But I've only felt 100% genuine love from her. She believed in physically fighting back šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ I never seen her in church but I bet if you went to her house on Sunday you would eat good, have many laughs and take a quick nap on her couch as if you were homeā¤ā¤ā¤
The diversity in this picture is beyond race. It's about learning two sides of the world from two family members in two different environments. I love my parents for giving me both perspectives on life. So no, we wasn't raised to be emotional men. But we were raised to care about others. We were surrounded by teachers who taught real life lesson. We were always surrounded by and protected by family. We may not cry with you or for you, but we love hard and put our own well being at risk to help those we love.
#themRobinsonBoys #8Robinsons #untamedcreativebeings
Tumblr media
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johnconnell0 Ā· 6 years
Fyre Festival Influencer Marketingā€”The Surprising Thing Fyre Festival Taught Us About Influencer Marketing
For the latest influencer marketing news, resources, and case studies, subscribe to our weekly newsletter!
What Marketers Can Learn From The Fyre Festival Influencer Marketing
It is unfortunate that one of influencer marketingā€™s most successful acts is also the one that most people would prefer to forget. In most respects, 2017ā€™s Fyre Festival was a chapter of errors and an unmitigated disaster. However, it also stands as a case study showing the power of influencer marketing. The Fyre Festival influencers did their jobā€”but the heightened expectations were crushed by an ominous reality.
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Ā  We're off to explore uncharted waters
A post shared by FYRE FESTIVAL (@fyrefestival) on Dec 12, 2016 at 2:15pm PST
Before delving into the detailed embers of the Fyre Festivalā€™s that burned out before it began, we summarize key learnings:
Fyre Festival promotions worked exceedingly well through the use of influencer marketing.
Instagram influencers shared posts of orange squares that spread like ā€œwildfyre,ā€ creating hype and ultimately selling out the event.
Influencers did not properly disclose their sponsored content.
The Fyre Festival brand built a fraudulent business and deceptive ploy that influencers (and customers) had no way of knowing was a lie.
What Made Fyre Festival Promotions Work So Well?
Fyre Festival was supposed to be the social event of 2017. The organizers, led by fraudster Billy McFarland, created a launch campaign using ten of the worldā€™s top supermodels. At the direction of McFarland and his team, the models promised Millennial and Gen Z Instagrammers the luxury festival of a lifetime, over two weekends, set on a sun-drenched island in the Bahamas.
Their marketing and messaging even emphasized that visitors would stay on an idyllic Bahamian private island ā€œonce owned by Pablo Escobarā€ā€”a marketing claim that ultimately lost them access to the island.
To drum up excitement and promote its launch, Instagram celebrity influencers each shared a simple orange square that alluded to exclusivity and luxury. The power of unified influencer efforts isnā€™t disputed hereā€”after sharing the orange squares on the same day, tickets for the event sold out. For a first-year, last-minute festival, selling out is unheard of.
How Did People React When Fyre Festival Burned Out?
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Ā  Well it's safe to say that #FyreFestival was one experience we'll never (ever) forget... šŸ˜¶šŸ˜³ Ironically, we took this photo right before we actually DID make a run for it. šŸ’ØšŸ’Ø Can't even begin to explain this shitshow but happy we are all safe, together and able laugh about it (kind of) now... šŸ˜‚ (I did an interview with @abcnews about our 24-hour day from hell -- watch via the link in my profile). āœØ #itwasalladream? #fyrefest #trappedinexuma #longestdayever #thebgoodlife #dumpsterfyre
A post shared by Hallie Wilson (@halliekwilson) on Apr 28, 2017 at 5:05pm PDT
Unfortunately, though, the logistics and organization did not match the influencer marketing success. ā€œLuxury villasā€ turned out to be white hurricane relief tents, ā€œgourmet foodā€ turned out to be cheese sandwiches, little was finished, and the promised music bands never came. The local facilities could not cope with the influx of visitors, and ultimately the festival turned into a laughable, albeit serious, catastrophe.
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Ā  The calm before the sh*t storm... #fyrefest #exuma #bahamas #herewego
A post shared by CK (@ckooky) on Apr 28, 2017 at 5:29am PDT
Once festival attendees and those who were stranded in airports arrived back home, a flood of anger and demand for explanations ensued. Many criticized influencers for not correctly disclosing sponsored content, lambasting their intentions. Most accused the organizers of scamming them (and rightfully so), with some filing lawsuits. But neither influencers nor customers had any way of knowing that Fyre Festival was a fiasco waiting to happen.
Fyre Festival Documentaries Uncover The Power (And Faults) Of Social Media Influencers
On the surface, you might interpret Fyre Festival to be a bad example of influencer marketing. But itā€™s exactly the opposite. The Fyre Festival influencer marketing was highly effective, showcasing the strength of a well-constructed influencer marketing strategy. Indeed, Fyre Festival influencers demonstrated just how much their opinion matters to their vast Instagram audience.
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Ā  šŸ„ššŸ„ššŸ„ššŸ„š . When the image on the takeout menu doesn't live up to the hype = #FyreFest in a nutshell. . . . #foodstagram #yummy #delicious #delish #goodeats #foodie #cleaneating #giggle #nofilter #holyguacamoletheymessedupfyrefestsobad
A post shared by Hulu (@hulu) on Jan 18, 2019 at 4:37pm PST
Nearly two years after the non-event, Fyre Festival is once again in the spotlight. Both Netflix and Hulu released documentaries in the same week, documenting the fiery details of Fyre Festivalā€™s demise. While they make for somber viewing, showing how not to organize a major event, they also highlight the successful execution of influencer marketing.
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Ā  Honestly, you guys are the real šŸ”„šŸ”„
A post shared by Netflix US (@netflix) on Jan 24, 2019 at 1:45pm PST
Unshockingly, both the Netflix documentary, FYRE: The Greatest Party That Never Happened and Huluā€™s Fyre Fraud emphasize the deception and fraud of entrepreneur Billy McFarland.
However, onlookers and event participants are questioning the integrity of the influencers who took money (reportedly $250,000 in Kendall Jennerā€™s case) for their posts. There has been much scrutiny around the lack of sponsorship disclosure by most Fyre Fest influencers. Apparently, only Emily Ratajkowski included "#ad," in her post.
An Overview Of The Fyre Festival Influencer Marketing Campaign
The organizing team hired FuckJerry Media, an offshoot of a popular Instagram meme account, to coordinate the influencer marketing component. Even they would have been surprised at how quickly the influencers spread the message, and the festival promptly sold out.
The Photoshoot
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Ā  MY GIRLS @heidydelarosa @rose_bertram @_leesha_
A post shared by Chanel Iman (@chaneliman) on Dec 3, 2016 at 6:05am PST
The marketing team began by taking some of the worldā€™s top supermodels to the Bahamas for dazzling photoshoots of the models enjoying luxurious, tropical conditions, and they later used these images as a guide to what festival attendees could expect.
The Orange Square
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Ā  The best in music, cuisine, design, and hospitality on a private island
A post shared by FYRE FESTIVAL (@fyrefestival) on Dec 12, 2016 at 3:29pm PST
The main influencer campaign began on December 12, 2016, with 63 influencers simultaneously posting a blank orange square, using the hashtag #FyreFest. These posts received 300 million impressions in 24 hours.
The Sellout
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Ā  GA is sold out. Tent, home & yacht packages are still available. Get your tickets soon, before theyā€™re all gone!
A post shared by FYRE FESTIVAL (@fyrefestival) on Mar 8, 2017 at 3:23pm PST
It did not take long for 5,000 people to buy $4,000 tickets for the event. After General Admission tickets and tents sold out, pricier packages were still available.
The Snowball Effect
The influencer campaign continued, eventually involving more than 400 influencers. The organizers flew many of them down the Bahamas, photographing them and making the experience appear as though it would be just as magical for festival attendees.
Fyre Festival Fail By Day, Influencer Marketing Success Overnight
There has been much mudslinging due to the terminal failure of the Fyre Festival. However, it comes down to a dangerous concoction of two things: successful marketing combined with disastrous logistics and planning.
What Fyre Did Wrong
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Ā  Are you ready? #FyreFestival
A post shared by FYRE FESTIVAL (@fyrefestival) on Jan 3, 2017 at 4:04pm PST
Billy McFarland took much of the flak. It was his concept, and he was in charge of planning. As the documentary footage shows, McFarland never wanted to acknowledge any planning deficiencies. He thought every problem was fixable.
He and his faithful team dispersed false claims about the event and conned people out of monstrous sums of money. Piggybacking on influencers, the Fyre team paid Kendall Jenner a reported $250,000 for a single promotional post about something she had little knowledge about. The marketing team was also naive about FTC complianceā€”something the FTC has committed to enforcing more strictly.
As a result, the marketers donā€™t come out of this unscathed. They paid celebrity influencers large sums of money and kept the influencers in the dark about what was actually happening at the festival site.
It did not take long before people began to question McFarlandā€™s claims. Building an inaugural festival with a yearā€™s planning, even in a central location, such as New York or Los Angeles, is near impossible. Creating a festival in a short time on an island in the Bahamas was probably never feasible.
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Ā  Things got off to an unexpected start at day one of Fyre Festival. FOR THOSE CURRENTLY ON GREAT EXUMA We are working to comfortably accommodate guests and deliver a great experience. If you have needs, please head to the "BLUE HOUSE" on the main festival site. Security, first aid, and Fyre Festival staff are here to assist immediately, 24/7. FOR THOSE WITH PENDING TRAVEL TO THE EXUMAS TOMORROW Due to circumstances beyond our control, and in line with a culture of safety, all inbound charter flights to the Exumas have been canceled. Your ticket and any funds uploaded to your RFID band will be refunded. Thank you for bearing with us as we work through the growing pains that every first year event experiences. Revised itinerary information will be shared soon for the remainder of this weekend and weekend two.
A post shared by FYRE FESTIVAL (@fyrefestival) on Apr 27, 2017 at 11:20pm PDT
Nonetheless, Billy McFarland kept the festival idea in motion while continually fending off criticism and doubt circulated by his team. He refused to admit his illusions of grandeur. His team, at his behest, continued to spread falsehoods about the event, regularly asking for upgrades and duping people into biting the bait. As a result, McFarland is now serving six years jail.
What Fyre Did Right
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A post shared by Lais Ribeiro (@laisribeiro) on Dec 12, 2016 at 3:21am PST
The greatest success of Fyre was, without doubt, its marketing. FuckJerry recruited influencers who they knew could help the campaign go viral, and the creative and influencer marketing campaign were brilliantly executed.
The marketer team was tasked with enticing well-heeled Millennials to an island in the Bahamas, upselling as many experiences to them as possible. They succeeded magnificently at this, but the more Billy struggled to fund the festival, the more upsells he created.
What Influencers Did Wrong
The unfulfilled promises obviously led to some bitterness post-event. People have questioned how posting an orange square could lead to so much success.
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Ā  Be bold
A post shared by FYRE FESTIVAL (@fyrefestival) on Dec 20, 2016 at 1:10pm PST
While the influencers exceeded influencer marketing expectations, they also gave their audience a false impression by buying into an event without any proof of an end product. On top of that, the bulk of the influencers also violated FTC guidelines by not acknowledging the pretty penny they were paid in exchange for their endorsement.
What Influencers Did Right
Undeniably, the influencer marketing campaign worked. Fohr CEO James Nord has said, ā€œWhatā€™s interesting with Fyre is that the influencers mostly did what they were supposed to, and I think the speed in which the festival sold out is a testament to their power.ā€
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Ā  Lemons, piggies and some šŸ‘|| @theswimmingpigs @ishine365 @nickramirezx
A post shared by Yovanna Ventura šŸ‡©šŸ‡“ (@yoventura) on Apr 29, 2017 at 11:47am PDT
The influencers promoted a unified message simultaneously. In later posts, they showed behind-the-scenes images from the promotional photoshoots on social media, drumming up anticipation, resulting in a sold-out event.
Is Influencer Marketing in Jeopardy? Not Quite.
What Influencers Need To Understand About Influencer Marketing
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Ā  GirlsssssšŸ”„šŸ˜
A post shared by elsa hosk (@hoskelsa) on Dec 12, 2016 at 9:22am PST
As much as the Fyre Festival campaign demonstrated the effectiveness of influencer marketing, the Fyre Festival influencers (and influencers, in general) need to learn from the costly mistakes. Products and services should be viable before influencers promote them to impressionable audiences. Influencers should also ensure that any promotional offers relate to a legitimate business.
Overall, influencers need do due diligence when scoping out brands they want to collaborate with. Brands have become wary of unknown influencers in the wake of Fyre Festival and other controversies, so influencers need to earn their badge of approval.
In order to improve transparency, influencer also need to properly disclose sponsorships and uphold values ofĀ authenticity. By understanding the influencer marketing landscape and FTC guidelines, influencers will earn the trust of consumers and brands.
What Brands Need To Understand About Influencer Marketing
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Ā  Fyre Festival set out to provide a once-in-a-lifetime musical experience on the islands of Exuma. Due to circumstances beyond our control, we must postpone this experience. We are working tirelessly to ensure each guest leaves the island safely and ask for everyoneā€™s patience and cooperation as we continue to provide ongoing updates via email and our official social media channels as they become available, including refund information.
A post shared by FYRE FESTIVAL (@fyrefestival) on Apr 28, 2017 at 7:04am PDT
It may seem obvious, but brands should not use influencers to promote something that they would not feel comfortable using themselves. Likewise, it is plain wrong to use influencers to promote unproven or nonexistent products. Indeed, influencers should not promote types of products that they do not encounter in their everyday lives.
When it comes to finding influencer partners, brands need to be selective. Brands should only work with influencers who are a natural fit, have an engaged following, and a trusting audience. Beyond that, the influencersā€™ followers should align with your brandā€™s target market.
In addition, brands need to understand FTC guidelines to ensure proper compliance. In reality, they are more than guidelines. Itā€™s a rulebook that influencers and brands must obey with every sponsored post in order to protect consumers.
4 Things We Can All Learn From The Fyre Festival Influencer Marketing
As with any marketing mishap, there are lessons to be learned:
First, and foremost, influencer marketing can be highly effectiveā€”in fact, too effective if you donā€™t have the infrastructure to match the marketing success.
Second, while the Fyre Festival influencers were negligent in adhering to FTC guidelines, consumers overwhelmingly trust influencersā€”92% of Gen Z and Millennial consumers believe that their recommendations are more authentic than an advertisement.
Third, although people often write off celebrity influencers as being too expensive, their power of connection worked in this case.
Lastly, Billy McFarland and poor logistics are responsible for the failure of Fyre Festival. Influencers are not solely responsible for the festivalā€™s dissolution. However, the Fyre Festival drama serves as a wakeup call to brands, marketers, influencers, and consumers.
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Ā  In honor of all the documentaries coming out this week about one of the most ridiculous times of my life. Hereā€™s a throwback to some snapshots of my experience at the legendary #FyreFestival. Yes, I was actually there. I was the first flight in and last flight out. It started out legendary (check my videos), then expectations came crashing down, but we made the most of the failure. The festival was nothing, barely slept at all (and yeah in a wet bed), heard no music, did not eat one cheese and lettuce sandwich (food was actually not bad), but met some amazing friends and have a story to share at bonfires the rest of my life. These girls and my boy Trace, made the trip and weekend in Miami (once we flew back) one to remember. Always look at the glass half full! To help refund the Bahamian lady who provided all the meals for people on the island, check the link in my bio. Yes itā€™s verified and yes itā€™s actually her go-fund-me. Click the link šŸ’ŖšŸ»šŸ‘ŒšŸ¼ . #Fyre #FyreFest #FyreFestival #StitchedByMitch #NotMuchStitchOnThisPost
A post shared by Mitch Purgason (@stitchedbymitch) on Jan 16, 2019 at 7:45pm PST
The influencer marketing industry has seen many peaks and valleys during its short lifetime. Fyre Festival influencers have endured backlash and have made subsequent efforts to clean up their acts. And even in the face of growing concerns, influencer marketing ad spend projections spell out a bright future for the industry.
The post Fyre Festival Influencer Marketingā€”The Surprising Thing Fyre Festival Taught Us About Influencer Marketing appeared first on Mediakix | Influencer Marketing Agency.
from Mediakix | Influencer Marketing Agency http://mediakix.com/2019/02/fyre-festival-influencer-marketing/ via IFTTT
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