#white shadow turbo fast
skidmarkeater · 5 months
Turbo Fast doodles for the soul
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And a doodle for a fan episode idea I have
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skylebruh · 4 months
Rating Turbo FAST Ships
Yo guys! It's been a while I haven't posted some stuff here, sooo… I was thinking to make an post about ships and I decided to share some ships of Turbo Fast to rate, probably I will do more, I just need to make some clarifications about the rating
8 to 10: GOOD
7 to 5: Neutral
4 to 0: BAD
Ik this was not necessary but just a reminder, this is based completely 100% on my opinions, Soo.. Let's goooooo!!
8/10 - Turdmark (Turbo x Skidmark)
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Tbh in beginning i didn't saw so much potential in this ship, I DIDN'T understand why people shipped them, but when I started to watch turbo fast I could understand why people shipped them, their dynamic IT'S SO GOOOD KDKAJED, I believe if they had more development I would give 10, btw Turdmark still an good ship!!
6/10 - WhiteMark (White Shadow x Skidmark)
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Yeah another SKIDMARK SHIP AGAIN AKSKAJJDSJ, I saw some few people shipping these two, I can find this ship cute? Yeah, but tbh I think their dynamic work more an platonic friends than an possible couple, and another reason I can't find them having an romantic relationship it's cuz I don't see Shadow having any romantic interest in anyone, but idc if you ship them :)
7/10 - Turdcase (Hardcase x Turbo)
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I not surprised there's some people shipping these two, besides “enemies to lovers“ is an famous ship trope, actually Turdcase it's a pretty popular ship as like Turdmark in the fandom, I don't have many thoughts on this ship, I don't like so much “enemies to lovers” trope, tbh I have the same thought I has with shadow, hardcase seems he is not really into on romance, but even I don't ship them, it's not a bad ship, I will give 7 for them!!
7/10 - Smooplash (Smoove x Whiplash)
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I didn't even know there's was some people ships them, I can see why some people ships them, but personally I think whiplash is too much for Smoove, ik my man has some heart but he is too serious for him 😭, and I see their dynamic more like platonic than an romantic way, like they being old friends thing, but apart of it, it would be interesting to see how they would work as an couple, they still not a bad ship :)
3/10 - Turyaku - (Turbo x Hayaku)
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Yeahhh, another ship that was once popular on fandom, personally this ship just doesn't work, shipping them seems so forced considering what's happened between them on season 3, I believe if they had more interactions and development (of course WITHOUT turbo being so desperate for her) I would give an chance to this ship, but this ships kinda sucks tbh, anyways, if you ship them idc, be happy :)
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snailstrailz · 2 years
So a while ago I thought "hey it would be really badass if I designed a set of next generation FAST crew members!" And I drew them, made a few voice headcanons and abandoned them to rot in draft purgatory. Well, recently since I've been to Turbo again and I decided to redraw them.
The original:
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And the new, revised versions:
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Since I like rambling about OCs I'll fill you in on my ideas for the characters, which is under the cut.
Also: they're known as the "FASTR" crew the 'R' standing for "Rookies"
- voice hc: Rainbow Dash (MLP g4)
- 14 (in human years ofc) she/her
- 'new kid' of the crew and the self proclaimed leader.
- a bit full of herself, and as such a bit of a moron. She's also a bit "boy crazy"
- neice of both Chet and Turbo, as she is the child of a third, unseen sibling of theirs. She was shipped out to Turbo Town for the summer Gravity Falls style.
- Turbo's racing understudy
- voice hc: Tails (snapcube dub)
- 17, he/they
- the "sheepdog" of the group, being the one to try and talk the others (usually Nitro) out of potentially dangerous situation. Usually they are unsuccessful.
- the dorky theatre kid type, tending to be introverted and reasonable. He should probably be the actual leader but they won't step up to it.
- the only direct descendant of the FAST crew, Smoove being his dad therefore, Slique's full name is "Slique Moove"
- as such, they are Smoove's racing understudy.
- voice hc: Lisa Loud (the loud house)
- 9, she/her
- the "child genius" who often uses her crewmates as lab rats for her experiments that often have ironic side effects.
- kind of evil, being bent on world dominion, but noone seems to see this, treating her as any other young snail with an over active imagination.
- the half-sister of White Shadow, and his understudy
Jett Stream
-voice hc: Rolf (Ed, Edd, n' Eddy)
-16, he/him
-the "backbone" of the group. he is the only thing keeping the other three together.
-really friendly, is always willing to help others even if they actually don't want his help
-not related to any of the FAST crew, as he's an aquatic snail. Skidmark's understudy (mostly because Skid thinks he's an alien.)
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sl33pybunnyy · 1 year
I guess one of episodes of Turbo Fast maked me get mad of the crew is ''Over Shadowed'', the episode comes down to White Shadow basically giving up racing because Turbo has ''stolen'' his dream and so then White Shadow and the crew start blaming turbo for it, and they did constantly in this ep- that was actually ridiculous,as shown in the ep obviously Turbo did not know about this dream and even if he did he never would have no intention of ''stealing'' this dream, to see the crew and White Shadow acting like that as if Turbo really had that intention is ridiculous as fuck
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sofaeatspaint · 2 years
the turbo fandom is dying reblog if those snails are fast (fast fast fast fast turbo he’s got super speed whiplash he’s jet to the lead skid mark propeller flow chets safe he’ll take it slow smooth move with those speakers baby burn burn and that fires crazy white shadow big wit no fear now you know the team is here there they go gone in a flash those snails are fast those snails are fast those snails are fast those snails are fast fast fast)
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astrolionking · 2 years
Do you have any headcanons for turbo fast characters?
I’m so glad you asked lol I’m gonna go by each character. Some backstory is changed and character stuff is changed bc the show massacred my babies… i still enjoy the show.
- Has autism and ADHD
- He’s nonbinary (he/they) and he likes boys I don’t care what the show tells me
- (Human AU) He’s half Mexican but grew up in a suburban predominantly white neighborhood so he didn’t learn much Spanish until he met Tito
- He’s Bisexual and Transmasc (Whitney is a unisex name but he still hates it)
- When he ran away, he actually didn’t know what to do with his life until Tito found him and had the idea for snail racing
I don’t have much idea for him yet lol
- He’s Transmasc (gnc) and gay
- He has Paranoia and Psychosis (this is technically canon but the show treats mental illness horribly)
- He also has Autism (his hyperfixations are STEM related stuff and conspiracy theories)
- (Human AU) His family made him the golden child and wanted him to be perfect 24/7. They hated that he was trans and gay so he ran away, got hired by Paz as a mechanic and that’s how he met the racing crew
- (Also Human AU) He’s Japanese/Blasian
- He was the last person to join the crew (before Turbo showed up ofc)
- He’s dating (and I’m an open relationship with) Smoove Move
Smoove Move:
- He’s Transmasc, gay and Asexual
- He has autism but masks it constantly bc he’s always seen as the “calm and chill one” (his hyperfixation is music ofc)
- He was definitely the “parent” sibling for all three of his brothers and he hated it
- He doesn’t know what got him into racing, he was just taken in by the people in Starlight Plaza and racing became his thing
- (Human AU) He loves loose clothing for fashion and sensory reasons. Only exceptions is if he’s in a formal place.
- She’s Bisexual
- She’s Hispanic (Puerto Rican bc I’m PR and I say so lol)
I… don’t have much for her either.
- He’s Panromantic/Asexual but he doesn’t know it yet
White Shadow:
- He’s AroAce. All he wants is food and his bee thingy on his shell.
Once again, I don’t have much lol
I hope this was enough! I’m still figuring out my own headcanons and stories for them.
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tessathegamefreak · 1 year
Me: That's the final version of my trailer!
*Puts a DVD into a box and closes it up before putting it in a cardboard box and seals it up with tape*
Me: I hope they'll like it.
The final version of the trailer:
A black screen, for about five seconds. Then, we hear the all too familiar Sugar Rush theme song, albeit muffled.
The scene fades into Litwak's arcade, the Sugar Rush arcade console belting out its theme song all so merrily.
Voiceover: "Sugar Rush. The candy go-kart racing game teens and kids alike love for its fast paced action."
The footage had been slowly zooming in on the console.
Voiceover (cont'd.): "On the outside, it may seem like a happy game where you would race, win, and laugh it off when you don't get first place..."
The camera had projected into the scenery of Sugar Rush, where a race had just finished, and racers were congratulating each other for their performances. However, the theme song had stopped to a halt.
Voiceover: "However, on the inside, after Turbo, its racers and citizens would never know... *screen cuts to black* ...trouble was about to put them to the test a second time."
*Insert song: End Of Silence - Determinated*
A dim light illuminates behind the screen as the first chord plays out, revealing the massive amounts of robot racers in the shadows, standing there, deactivated. The screen fades to black again.
The screen faded into a view of the straightway while the second chord plays, looking slightly dark and gloomy. Screen fades to black. Music pauses.
Voiceover: "It's a game no more indeed. However, it's still a race..."
Music resumes as it cuts to a dark place again, with the third chord playing in the background, and there was a dark figure watching over multiple monitors. We get a close up shot on his cheek as we clearly see a red lightning bolt tattoo on the left side, and his emotionless face turned into a smile as the screen cuts to black.
Voiceover: "...Against time."
Words appear on the screen: "A collab with kawaii-sugarii". They fade about a a second and a half later.
The music intensifies, and we see Pepper fighting robots on the straightway alone, dodging attacks, turning robots to scrap, the scene getting intense as their weapons clashed. The screen cuts to black for a second, then fades into a scene of Pepper leaping over a robot.
Words appear again, frames switching every time a name was shown.
(The seperate rows of names are in individual frames.)
The veterans were all featured, standing beside one another fighting as they were all wielding weapons.
Pepper Mintsky
Vanellope Von Schweetz, Gloyd Orangeboar
Candlehead, Taffyta Muttonfudge
Swizzle Malarkey, Rancis Fluggerbutter
Minty Zaki, Minty Sakura
Adorabeezle Winterpop, Nougetsia Brumblestain
Sticky Wipplesnit, Torvald Batterbutter
Jubileena Bing-Bing, Citrusella Flugpucker
Snowanna Rainbeau, Crumbelina Di Caramello"
The screen cuts to more battle cutscenes and we see Pepper turning to his Code Angel form in a blue and white void in a single cutscene and then swaps to him uppercutting a robot, avoiding a close call with rockets before decapitating a second bot, and the screen turns black, then fades back to a scene on the straightway as the music pauses, where Pepper was slowly raising up his sword in normal form.
Pepper: "If you want me, THEN COME AND GET ME!! AAAAAAHHHHHH - !!!" He charges at the army of robots as they charge back.
The music resumes, and more words appear on screen again, this time showing the newbies as the frames switched.
Corrina Milkery, Cloud Snowmallow
Tiriki Mocha, Liquero Twizzloom
Cindy & Cinder Cotton
Clemont Canine, Frossy Icica
Calem Rollog, Prancy Cakeberry
Shuichi Powrufate, Kumagaru
Danikle Sodonut, Cinnaren Wingamon
Gumguru Bubblight, Darkogi Chocrench"
The screen switches to several scenes of the veterans and newbies together and a final scene of Pepper in his power up form before the music reaches its peak and cuts to a scene of an overhead view of the newbies and veterans battling the robots together with Pepper. The scene cuts to a scene where Pepper had just batted aside a robot.
Pepper: Sakura!
The scene cuts to another one.
Pepper: - Your way!
He is seen batting a robot at a spot off screen, then switched to Cindy and Cinder ready to intercept the hit (we could guess who Pepper had called), and the screen quickly switches to a scene where Pepper ran, jumped, and was diving right for Sakura, and screaming out her name as she is seen raising up her katana, all reflected in his eye.
The screen cuts to black as the music pauses once again, and pair of red eyes open, along with a lightning bolt tattoo glowing red, but his entire body was drenched in darkness, hinting the antagonist.
???: "Bring it on...Pepper." The voice sounded like Pepper's, but lower-pitched and was electronically modified.
The eyes and the tattoo quickly cut to black as the final chord plays out and the title "SUGAR RUSH THE MOVIE: THE ROBOT RACER WAR" reveals itself in a slowly rotating transition, along with the familiar dark backdrop of Pepper and a Robot Vanellope staring at each other face to face. The screen fades to black entirely.
*End song here*
Words appear on the screen.
"Summer 2023"
Screen fades to black. Words appear on the screen again.
"The last war"
The screen fades to black and the trailer ends.
Me: I hope they'll like it. *Writes down "To the racers" and delivers it to Tessa*
(This is a long ask, so it would be rude of me to give this a one paragraph response. Instead, I too shall go with a full rp approach to this!)
I get a knock at my door later that day and I see you had delivered the package. I see on the label it is from you
Me: "Oh wow, I was not expecting to get anything from Pepper. Let's see... 'To the racers'. Ah, this must be the movie the originals were talking about playing in!", I chime, as I bring the box in.
Later that evening, I had a projector set out with a blank white screen propped out in the game. I was trying to hook up a DVD player attachment to it, as all the racers- from the originals, to my Fix-It Felix AU alternates, to my Next Generation AU children- they were all talking amongst themselves. As for my own Sugar Rush OCs, Theresa and Lucas sat quietly as they waited, with Coalette and Sourbill coming around to provide snacks.
Once the technical difficulties were solved, I played your movie trailer for them. The originals were so amped up the whole time, having been excited to see their performances.
Vanellope, Gloyd, Torvald and Jubileena, were more interested on eating their snacks. They had nothing to complain about though. Vanellope especially liked the actiony bits.
Taffyta was bickering with Fix-It Felix AU Adorabeezle over who would have been a better supporting character in the movie.
Rancis was too busy admiring himself on the screen, all while Sourpat dumped soda on his head.
Candlehead was excitedly asking all sorts of questions like "whoa! Who is that?" "Ooh? Out of time?". So many of the children around her giggled and told her to just enjoy the trailer.
Minty Zaki and Sakura both beamed as they watched the trailer, enjoying the production quality of it.
If I were to name everything that happened during the screening, we'd be here for a bit. Once the trailer had ended off with the release date, just about everyone in the audience clapped and cheered- veteran characters and non.
Coalette: "Well, that certainly went well. The trailer actually has a bit of a nostalgic style to it, don't ya think?"
Theresa: "Indeed! Such an excitable little project here, indeed!" ^^
Me: "You said it! Pepper really outdid themselves. I am sure they are proud"
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kawaii-sugarii · 2 years
Me: That's the final version of my trailer!
*Puts a DVD into a box and closes it up before putting it in a cardboard box and seals it up with tape*
Me: I hope she'll like it.
The final version of the trailer:
A black screen, for about five seconds. Then, we hear the all too familiar Sugar Rush theme song, albeit muffled.
The scene fades into Litwak's arcade, the Sugar Rush arcade console belting out its theme song all so merrily.
Voiceover: "Sugar Rush. The candy go-kart racing game teens and kids alike love for its fast paced action."
The footage had been slowly zooming in on the console.
Voiceover (cont'd.): "On the outside, it may seem like a happy game where you would race, win, and laugh it off when you don't get first place..."
The camera had projected into the scenery of Sugar Rush, where a race had just finished, and racers were congratulating each other for their performances. However, the theme song had stopped to a halt.
Voiceover: "However, on the inside, after Turbo, its racers and citizens would never know... *screen cuts to black* ...trouble was about to put them to the test a second time."
*Insert song: End Of Silence - Determinated*
A dim light illuminates behind the screen as the first chord plays out, revealing the massive amounts of robot racers in the shadows, standing there, deactivated. The screen fades to black again.
The screen faded into a view of the straightway while the second chord plays, looking slightly dark and gloomy. Screen fades to black. Music pauses.
Voiceover: "It's a game no more indeed. However, it's still a race..."
Music resumes as it cuts to a dark place again, with the third chord playing in the background, and there was a dark figure watching over multiple monitors. We get a close up shot on his cheek as we clearly see a red lightning bolt tattoo on the left side, and his emotionless face turned into a smile as the screen cuts to black.
Voiceover: "...Against time."
Words appear on the screen: "A collab with kawaii-sugarii". They fade about a a second and a half later.
The music intensifies, and we see Pepper fighting robots on the straightway alone, dodging attacks, turning robots to scrap, the scene getting intense as their weapons clashed. The screen cuts to black for a second, then fades into a scene of Pepper leaping over a robot.
Words appear again, frames switching every time a name was shown.
(The seperate rows of names are in individual frames.)
The veterans were all featured, standing beside one another fighting as they were all wielding weapons.
Pepper Mintsky
Vanellope Von Schweetz, Gloyd Orangeboar
Candlehead, Taffyta Muttonfudge
Swizzle Malarkey, Rancis Fluggerbutter
Minty Zaki, Minty Sakura
Adorabeezle Winterpop, Nougetsia Brumblestain
Sticky Wipplesnit, Torvald Batterbutter
Jubileena Bing-Bing, Citrusella Flugpucker
Snowanna Rainbeau, Crumbelina Di Caramello"
The screen cuts to more battle cutscenes and we see Pepper turning to his Code Angel form in a blue and white void in a single cutscene and then swaps to him uppercutting a robot, avoiding a close call with rockets before decapitating a second bot, and the screen turns black, then fades back to a scene on the straightway as the music pauses, where Pepper was slowly raising up his sword in normal form.
Pepper: "If you want me, THEN COME AND GET ME!! AAAAAAHHHHHH - !!!" He charges at the army of robots as they charge back.
The music resumes, and more words appear on screen again, this time showing the newbies as the frames switched.
Corrina Milkery, Cloud Snowmallow
Tiriki Mocha, Liquero Twizzloom
Cindy & Cinder Cotton
Clemont Canine, Frossy Icica
Calem Rollog, Prancy Cakeberry
Shuichi Powrufate, Kumagaru
Danikle Sodonut, Cinnaren Wingamon
Gumguru Bubblight, Darkogi Chocrench"
The screen switches to several scenes of the veterans and newbies together and a final scene of Pepper in his power up form before the music reaches its peak and cuts to a scene of an overhead view of the newbies and veterans battling the robots together with Pepper. The scene cuts to a scene where Pepper had just batted aside a robot.
Pepper: Sakura!
The scene cuts to another one.
Pepper: - Your way!
He is seen batting a robot at a spot off screen, then switched to Cindy and Cinder ready to intercept the hit (we could guess who Pepper had called), and the screen quickly switches to a scene where Pepper ran, jumped, and was diving right for Sakura, and screaming out her name as she is seen raising up her katana, all reflected in his eye.
The screen cuts to black as the music pauses once again, and pair of red eyes open, along with a lightning bolt tattoo glowing red, but his entire body was drenched in darkness, hinting the antagonist.
???: "Bring it on...Pepper." The voice sounded like Pepper's, but lower-pitched and was electronically modified.
The eyes and the tattoo quickly cut to black as the final chord plays out and the title "SUGAR RUSH THE MOVIE: THE ROBOT RACER WAR" reveals itself in a slowly rotating transition, along with the familiar dark backdrop of Pepper and a Robot Vanellope staring at each other face to face. The screen fades to black entirely.
*End song here*
Words appear on the screen.
"Summer 2023"
Screen fades to black. Words appear on the screen again.
"The last war"
The screen fades to black and the trailer ends.
There was also a poster placed inside the box earlier.
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Me: There. Hope they'll like it. *Proceeds to write down "For the veterans and newbies" on the box, and delivers it to Sugarii*
(P.S.: Sugarii, can you re-draw this for me? I really want to see him in your spectacular style of drawing and I would be thrilled if I see him like so. I'll send you the layers later. ^_^)
Well, that is pretty darn dope.
(And I dunno, man. Once I find the right time, then I might.)
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thedisasterracers · 2 years
Me: That's the final version of my trailer!
*Puts a DVD into a box and closes it up before putting it in a cardboard box and seals it up with tape*
Me: I hope they'll like it.
The final version of the trailer:
A black screen, for about five seconds. Then, we hear the all too familiar Sugar Rush theme song, albeit muffled.
The scene fades into Litwak's arcade, the Sugar Rush arcade console belting out its theme song all so merrily.
Voiceover: "Sugar Rush. The candy go-kart racing game teens and kids alike love for its fast paced action."
The footage had been slowly zooming in on the console.
Voiceover (cont'd.): "On the outside, it may seem like a happy game where you would race, win, and laugh it off when you don't get first place..."
The camera had projected into the scenery of Sugar Rush, where a race had just finished, and racers were congratulating each other for their performances. However, the theme song had stopped to a halt.
Voiceover: "However, on the inside, after Turbo, its racers and citizens would never know... *screen cuts to black* ...trouble was about to put them to the test a second time."
*Insert song: End Of Silence - Determinated*
A dim light illuminates behind the screen as the first chord plays out, revealing the massive amounts of robot racers in the shadows, standing there, deactivated. The screen fades to black again.
The screen faded into a view of the straightway while the second chord plays, looking slightly dark and gloomy. Screen fades to black. Music pauses.
Voiceover: "It's a game no more indeed. However, it's still a race..."
Music resumes as it cuts to a dark place again, with the third chord playing in the background, and there was a dark figure watching over multiple monitors. We get a close up shot on his cheek as we clearly see a red lightning bolt tattoo on the left side, and his emotionless face turned into a smile as the screen cuts to black.
Voiceover: "...Against time."
Words appear on the screen: "A collab with kawaii-sugarii". They fade about a a second and a half later.
The music intensifies, and we see Pepper fighting robots on the straightway alone, dodging attacks, turning robots to scrap, the scene getting intense as their weapons clashed. The screen cuts to black for a second, then fades into a scene of Pepper leaping over a robot.
Words appear again, frames switching every time a name was shown.
(The seperate rows of names are in individual frames.)
The veterans were all featured, standing beside one another fighting as they were all wielding weapons.
Pepper Mintsky
Vanellope Von Schweetz, Gloyd Orangeboar
Candlehead, Taffyta Muttonfudge
Swizzle Malarkey, Rancis Fluggerbutter
Minty Zaki, Minty Sakura
Adorabeezle Winterpop, Nougetsia Brumblestain
Sticky Wipplesnit, Torvald Batterbutter
Jubileena Bing-Bing, Citrusella Flugpucker
Snowanna Rainbeau, Crumbelina Di Caramello"
The screen cuts to more battle cutscenes and we see Pepper turning to his Code Angel form in a blue and white void in a single cutscene and then swaps to him uppercutting a robot, avoiding a close call with rockets before decapitating a second bot, and the screen turns black, then fades back to a scene on the straightway as the music pauses, where Pepper was slowly raising up his sword in normal form.
Pepper: "If you want me, THEN COME AND GET ME!! AAAAAAHHHHHH - !!!" He charges at the army of robots as they charge back.
The music resumes, and more words appear on screen again, this time showing the newbies as the frames switched.
Corrina Milkery, Cloud Snowmallow
Tiriki Mocha, Liquero Twizzloom
Cindy & Cinder Cotton
Clemont Canine, Frossy Icica
Calem Rollog, Prancy Cakeberry
Shuichi Powrufate, Kumagaru
Danikle Sodonut, Cinnaren Wingamon
Gumguru Bubblight, Darkogi Chocrench"
The screen switches to several scenes of the veterans and newbies together and a final scene of Pepper in his power up form before the music reaches its peak and cuts to a scene of an overhead view of the newbies and veterans battling the robots together with Pepper. The scene cuts to a scene where Pepper had just batted aside a robot.
Pepper: Sakura!
The scene cuts to another one.
Pepper: - Your way!
He is seen batting a robot at a spot off screen, then switched to Cindy and Cinder ready to intercept the hit (we could guess who Pepper had called), and the screen quickly switches to a scene where Pepper ran, jumped, and was diving right for Sakura, and screaming out her name as she is seen raising up her katana, all reflected in his eye.
The screen cuts to black as the music pauses once again, and pair of red eyes open, along with a lightning bolt tattoo glowing red, but his entire body was drenched in darkness, hinting the antagonist.
???: "Bring it on...Pepper." The voice sounded like Pepper's, but lower-pitched and was electronically modified.
The eyes and the tattoo quickly cut to black as the final chord plays out and the title "SUGAR RUSH THE MOVIE: THE ROBOT RACER WAR" reveals itself in a slowly rotating transition, along with the familiar dark backdrop of Pepper and a Robot Vanellope staring at each other face to face. The screen fades to black entirely.
*End song here*
Words appear on the screen.
"Summer 2023"
Screen fades to black. Words appear on the screen again.
"The last war"
The screen fades to black and the trailer ends.
There was also a poster placed inside the box earlier.
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Me: There. Hope they'll like it. *Proceeds to write down "For the racers" on the box, and delivers it to Vanellope's castle*
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skidmarkeater · 6 months
Please draw more Tubro I need it in my life
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Merry Early Christmas!!
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helpimdyingsblog · 4 years
Skidmark:im gay
White shadow:bro your perfect the way you are gay or not
Skidmark:bro...*tears up*
White shadow:bro...*hugs while crying*
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kacch-ann · 5 years
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“TURBO: the Anime !” - What if TURBO F.A.S.T. was an anime?
My finished gijinka designs and fanart of a thing I call, “Turbo: the anime”. Gotta love me a bit of Turbo Fast, y’know. One of the cutest things I ever did see. 😭
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Do you have any tips for coloring/shading? I always love how your colors look cause they're really nicely saturated but still well balanced
oh boy do I have some very strong opinions about color lmao
First, I’m morally obligated to mention that there are 8 million ways to approach digital color, so these are really just the Thots going through my head when I’m working on a given thing. For the sake of this rant, I’m gonna use this scribble of Kara and Lena from last fall, because it’s simple enough that I can easily illustrate some key points.
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Most of the ideas I’ve outlined are about shorthand techniques that can easily and quickly use color to your advantage when you’re trying to sell the environment your characters are in. I’m not a painter, and painting is absurdly difficult, but we can use digital software to our advantage and consider how a painter would approach when lighting a figure/object/environment. Too many shortcuts are >:( but a few quick and simple habits can go a long way in finishing and posting a quick drawing you don’t want to spend hours rendering.
1. Pure black almost never exists in nature, and similarly, you will almost never need it.
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Most illustration aims to “sell” a perceivable, believable space. While this is not everyone’s goal, most of what I draw is finished with an at least semiconscious goal of appearing touchable. Pure black is a guaranteed way to take away from that, because we almost never see it in nature. The darkest point in this particular drawing is Lena’s (terrified, dead) eyes, and it is only about 80% black and has some red/orange in it to help unify with the rest of the darks in the piece.
Here, locking my drawing layer and scribbling in some browns, blues, and even whites goes a long way to mesh the figures with their environment, especially because the background is lineless.
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Here’s what this same drawing looks like with pure black lines. I would argue that this version does a disservice to the steps I’ve taken to light the figures, and it’s flattening the brightly lit outdoor space I’m trying to imply. There’s a whole additional essay about how lines play into this as well, so that’s a pretentious argument for another day.
2. Local color will rarely reach above 50% saturation.
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Here’s the drawing with all the lighting work I’ve done removed (barring a few highlights I’m too lazy to turn off). In illustration, “local color” is referring to the color of a given object at the most neutral lighting possible.
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The most heavily saturated element here is the artificial red on Kara’s cup, which makes sense! Printed logos, light up colored signs, things that are generally hard-sided and man-made will be more saturated. The next most saturated object here, and the only other local color exceeding 50% is Lena’s coat.
The rest of the clothing, skin, and hair falls between 10% and 35%. A neutral base gives you a lot of room to work with when you start lighting. It’s easier to go richer in digital than it is to accurately reel your colors in. Like any other kind of contrast, saturation can be used to pop points of interest, and if your entire canvas is TURBO SATURATED, none of it actually is. Also you’re hurting my eyes.
3. Natural light is cool, artificial is warm.
As humans, we spend 99% of our time either seeing the world lit by the sun, or by a lightbulb. Light from the sun is cool and generally diffused because it has passed through our atmosphere. Interior lighting tends to be warm and direct, casting clear shadows that come from a very specific light source.
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Even if we remove the background, you would probably assume that Kara and Lena are outside based on the light temperature. Blue and orange are opposites on the color wheel, so an orange-tinted shadow (warm) will by effect make all the lighter colors look blue-ish (cool)! Pretty much all the shadows on these figures are just a faint orange Multiply layer. You’ll also notice a faint blue gradient over Kara’s shoulder to emphasize the approximate point where the sun is in the sky.
In short, cooler light and warmer shadow will imply that the setting is outdoors. Warmer light and cooler shadow will imply that the setting is indoors. It’s a fast and easy way to communicate character location.
4. Skin is weird.
If I’m just slapping some flat colors down and don’t plan to do much painting, facial features and skin have a lot of complex undertones, so if I don’t want to get into too much detail, a splash of red on the nose and around the eyes, a bit of color on the lips, translucent ears, can all go a long way to making flesh look more like flesh and less like barbie plastic.
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5. Atmospheric perspective is much more important than grid (1/2/3 point) perspective.
This is relevant to color because color is the best way to easily portray atmosphere and the passage of space. Especially when your setting is outdoors, objects’ colors should become cooler and less saturated as they recede in space. The closer an object is to the camera, the more contrast you’re going to see in hue (position on the rainbow), saturation (richness of the color), and value (light vs dark).
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mewnikitty · 7 years
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Sticker boys!!
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briansastro10 · 3 years
KaminariSo, this is basically BNHA Street racer AU. But to be more precise I’m picking the cars for the characters from BNHA. Because cars have characteristic, it has personality and it describes you as a person. Not just based from the body but the engines and the car as whole. So, this is my pick of cars for the character of BNHA
Part 1 For the boys
I’m going to divide it into 2 cars. One is for daily drive/Sports car and the other is The Supercar. The Sports car will describe them as characters individuals. While the Supercar will describe their full potentials.
Midoriya Izuku
Midoriya Izuku, The protagonist of the Anime. He is too good of a boy to mess around street Racing. The Color for his car is obviously Green, in that case I Recommend Him.
Sport car/ Daily Drive:
The Mitsubishi Eclipse GSX.
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To be more specific. It is Brian’s First car In the Fast and the furious franchise (R.I.P Paul Walker). This car is one of the Tuners favorite car to modify. It is run by 4G63 Engine, it is the same Engine that run an EVO F*CKING LANCER which is one of the finest cars that has been made on earth (Minus the Turbo). So it plays well with the whole inheritance thing with All Might.
For the supercar, I would Recommend McLaren 675LT
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This car Look Great In green. The whole characteristic of this car reminds me of Midoriya. This car shown how it can blend to the society, how it was able to move fast and aggressively while at the same time maintaining Elegance. This car looked slim, but its performance is something else 3.8 L V8 Twin Turbo Rear Wheel Drive (RWD) Gives the ability for the driver to drive like a maniac. The car produces more or less 675 Horsepower (Just like its name) and can go to 0-100 Km in 2.9 Seconds and a top speed with 330 Km/h (205 Mph).
Bakugo Katsuki
For Bakugo, His car has to be loud and Fast! He needs a car that’s intimidating. For the color I’m Thinking Red, Yellow or Black. But since the car need to look Antagonizing, I’m going with black. So, the car that I propose.
Sport Car/ Daily Drive:
Dodge Charger SRT Hell Cat 2015
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This car is a 6.2L Hemi V8 Supercharged. The roars in this car is nothing short. This car is for sure is Intimidating. The roar of the engine is equivalent to Bakugo’s Roar of explosive anger. I was considering the newer one like the SRT Redeye Hellcat or even The Demon. But the demons is more of the inner demon screaming trying to get out. It needed a Rumbling sound of the V8, The insane roar that is deafening.
For the Supercar, it is very difficult. I can choose Hyper cars but they just felt a bit too well mannered compared to Bakugo. But I’ve given a lot of thought and the only car that fits is This
Pagani Zonda R
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This car is basically an f1 with a two-seater and a roof. This bad boy is a track only car. So, it is “Street Illegal!!” But that won’t stop Bakugo for using this beauty. This car on high rev speaks will be all the explanation needed on the reason why I chose this car. A car with 700 BHP and only weight 1,070 Kg (In comparison Ford focus weight 1,471 Kg) Which is like a feather.
Todoroki Shoto
For Todoroki His car has to be cool, matured and Luxurious but also High performance. I’m a bit mixed up with the colors Whether I should make it blue or white or red. But since I cant decide I leave it in the ‘Grey’ area. Get it? Ill just get on with it.
Sport Car/ Daily Drive:
Aston Martin DB11
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Aston Martin is well known on it’s Luxury and History. Which fits Todoroki’s Prince aura/Characteristics. The performance is also nothing short, Aston Martin is also well known to make a brilliant Engine for racing. A twin turbocharged V12 Produce 600 BHP with a top speed 201Km/h (125Mph).
For the Super car, I think Lamborghini Huracan Performante.
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It is a naturally aspirated 5.2L V10 Engine AWD. This car has a fierce fiery engine on its car but still has that cool matured Body. And the ALA (Aerodinamica Lamborghini Attiva) Is brilliant. It is an active Aerodynamic system that allows the car to go faster.
Tenya Iida:
Sport Car/ Daily Drive:
Is the Brabus 800 GT 63s
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This car is perfect fot Iida, It has a look in which my friend quote “Sophisticated Look”. And Mind you this car is probably The Fastest Car! For the sport/daily drive Car compare than anyone else in the list. This car packs a crazy 800 BHP and that’s says it all
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The fastest Car In the world! In 2010. The specific look that I would like to go is Drift From Transformer: Age Of Extinction. That Blue Lining is perfect for Iida. For some people engines might be boring, But this car have the power of 1200 Horses in it
Kirishima Eijiro
Sport Car/ Daily Drive:
The car that this Manly man need to go with is the 2020 Mustang Shelby GT500.
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The Engine has a named called the “Predator” V8 Engine. 750 BHP is nothing short and the roar from within is on par with Bakugo’s SRT Hellcat.
I was having second thought of choosing this car. But whenever I think of Kirishima in a car, This car always pops into my head
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Lamborghini Adventador SV. This car Looked manly and menacing. Why I thought about this car, is that it associated it self with a bull in which Kirishima and this car can relate to. A loud V12 Engine roars loud and deep in a intimidating voice and its perfect.
Sero Hanta
Sport Car/ Daily Drive:
For Sero the car has to be traditional but still a good car nonetheless. So I pick A classic Porsche 911 turbo 1982.
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It is a classic sports car, It is tunable which make the car run fast.
Ferrari 458 Italia
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This car is a normal Aspirated V8 with a high rev engine. It creates something Revolutionary From something traditional.
Kaminari Denki
Sport Car/ Daily Drive:
It has to be the SUPRA!!!!!!          
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This car is definitely a meme, it fits with Kaminari Personality.  Seeing them is like “WTH ARE YOU DOING?!” Because both Kaminari and the car would do something ridiculously stupid.
For the Supercar I Would say The Lexus LFA
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Lexus is one of the Artistic Legacy of the JDM Cars. It is one of the legendary Supercar that ever existed. The Normal aspirated V10 Sounded like Pure Thunder striking down on the earth. Sound menacing and amazing. It fits for Kaminari Racing Persona (Or even his villain Persona).
Mashirao Ojiro
Sport Car/ Daily Drive:
Ojiro is a traditional Japanese person, So his car has to be totally Japanese. My pick have to be The S30 Fairlady Z.
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To be exact the RB26 Swapped Fairlady Z from Sung Kang (Han’s Actor car from “Fast and Furious”) And that’s all I need to say about this car.
For the Supercar It has to be the last piece of The JDM Legend. It is The GTR R35 NISMO.
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This car is perfect for Ojiro, They both are the Representative Character of Japan.
Tokoyami Fumikage
Sport Car/ Daily Drive:
Blackbird 370 z
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For me it’s a no Brainer. This car was featured as the Replacement of Blackbird in wangan Midnight When they aren’t allowed to use the Porsche. The slick Headlight and the whole body look is the description of Tokoyami Dark Shadow
Mclaren MP4-12C
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That Describes Tokoyami as a whole. One of the best car that ever created in history that changes the whole world. With the black fierce look, This car looks like a shark that flies on land.
Sato Rikido
Sport Car/ Daily Drive:
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Sato is a muscular guy. So His sports car is definitely a Muscle Car. But It seems I have a trouble in finding it, It has to be a classic but not too old. In that reason I recommend Saleen s281 2000
It has that sporty look but still have the Muscle car Essence and history
For the Supercar It has to be The Corvette C8.R
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This car is a new take to American cars. It is a Incredible move from the American automotive Industries.
Koda Koji
Sport Car/ Daily Drive:
For Koda He is definetly a good Boy so hew probably uses a 4-door car. For instance The Subaru WRX STI 2016.
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It doesn't seems Menacing but it still can move around well and when it drives, it definetly drives well.
For the Supercar it is definetly a NSX-R 1992 Tuned with a Rocket Bunny Body Kit.
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Koda is definitely a Honda city boi. From the name itself, I am 100% it fits with Koda. Back in the day if you want a Ferrari but you can’t afford one. You’ll buy an NSX.
Shoji Mezo
Sport Car/ Daily Drive:
For Shoji I think Ford’s Trophy truck.
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A friend of mine said that Shoji, is the kind of guy who would drive a van for daily basis (So I guessed it has to be an American Car). But to me, Shoji is the Kind of guy that likes to get Dirt under his wheels. And I'm pretty sure Shoji is the kind of kid that doesn’t Mind flying in the car on daily basis.
For the Supercar I propose, Ford Gt.
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It is well planted and the car is very wide. Fitting to describes Shoji’s ‘Arms’. Although it might not have similarities with his daily car, But this car is all I could think of.
Aoyama Yuga
Sport Car/ Daily Drive:
For the Daily Drive, it is obviously something Luxurious, Something High class Like Bentley GT 2019. The V8 Version.
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It is a confiscated yet sporty look in a car, It looked like as if he stands out compares to the other Luxury Cars
For the Supercar, It has to be describe as “Noblesse oblige” And the Car that fits the most is Noble M600.
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It is a Supercar with all the classic features. It is a RWD Manual Transmission Car, a twin turbocharged 4L V8. Packs 640 BHP 0-60 in 3.1 Second.
Mineta Minoru
Sport Car/ Daily Drive:
It’s the Mitsubishi Eclipse Spyder GTS
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Basically, this car is the Japanese Equivalent To pimp rides. Even though This car is featured in The Fast and The Furious, It is just a now show car. Compared the old one, This version is a slower and much more difficult to Modify. But it is still a nice car and fun to drive with, and it is a popular car in the car culture.
For Mineta The Supercar might be really difficult. So in the end I just came up with the Villain version. (Inspired by ‘Nadaboodraws’ Villain Mineta on Instagram) I came up with this
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It is the Audi R8, It is one of the best Affordable Supercar you can get in the world. It is 4wd But it is still an aggressive car with a mean Look.
Okay that’s all I can give for this part. For the next one will be the girls of class 1-A. If you have different opinion let me know, I would love to hear all of your thoughts and if you use my list you can go ahead and use it (But please do tell me, because hearing it will be my vindication and that would make me really happy). Anyway, thank you for reading until this far.
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Survey #313
“i’m your turbo lover  /  tell me there’s no other”
Where are you located at this moment? In my bed. What if you found out your ex was having a child with someone else? If it was Sara, I'm finding out who the fuck I'm flying up there to punch his face in. If it was Jason, I'd either faint or be in the bathroom vomiting. Or both. I can almost promise you at least one or the other while I have an absolute emotional breakdown. I'm not at the point in my recovery where I can hear that and be entirely okay. I'd be happy for any of the others. At what age do you think you'll be ready to have children? Never. When was the last time you couldn't stop laughing? Why? I don't recall. Which of your friends do your parents get along best with? I guess Girt, since he's known my mom the longest of the friends I still have. I don't know about Dad; he barely knows any of my friends seeing as I don't live with him and see him rarely. Is there anyone in your friendship group that your parents don't like? No. Can you recall the last time you were extremely disappointed? I surprisingly can't remember, even though I know it was recent. Who was the last person to un-friend you on Facebook? I don't know, it's not like I go hunting people down if I notice the number has dropped, lol. Do you know why he/she decided to un-friend you? I'm certain it would've been something political. Are there any food wrappings, boxes, containers etc. in your room? No. Do you know anyone who does have cancer? I don't think anyone who currently has it, no. I may know someone via association, but idk. What is the worst medicine you've ever taken? There are two that very strongly stand out: the first one was in middle school, and the second sometime last year. I was put on an antidepressant that made me absolutely love life in the morning, like I would practically prance through school, but come afternoon, I was a fucking demon. Mom took me off that shit so fast. Most recently, my birth control was changed to have more estrogen for some reason I can't recall (maybe it had to do with mood?? idk), and it made me... I'm just gonna say I was a ~mess~. I slammed on breaks with it so fuckin fast. Safe to say I returned to my normal pill. Has your house or where you stayed ever flooded? My childhood home came very close during Hurricane Floyd. Thankfully the water never got actually inside the house, but it was an absolute lake outside. What was the last event or special occasion you participated in? My niece's birthday was actually a couple days ago, so we celebrated at my sister's house. What do you find yourself reminiscing about the most? I'll give you one guess. Do you have a favorite pianist? No. Song you listened to last is...? I have "Turbo Lover" by Judas Priest on right now. What's the last type of cookie you ate? Uhhh I would assume chocolate chip. Do you have your own computer? I have my own laptop, and I'm possibly getting an actual computer come May?? One of my WoW friends knows the hell I've been through with this laptop, and she and her husband are getting new computers then, so she's basically pushed her husband's old one on me, lol. Apparently it works just fine, he just wants something better. I've told her again and again to make some money off of it, but she's pretty much giving me no choice lmao. I appreciate it a whole lot, though. It'd be pretty nice to separate games onto an actual, capable desktop versus making my laptop sound like it's screaming for God's mercy if I boot something up. Describe your computer chair? I don't have one. Well, there's an old one in the extra room I'm going to end up using, but all I know is it's black. I've never paid closer attention to it. Do you sleep with your door open or closed? Open. I feel too isolated with it closed. Are you going to keep your last name when you get married? God no, it's very unlikely. I hate my last name, take it away. Does it bother you when people beg? Why are they begging, and how insistently? It depends. Do you have any weird rings? I have two, but neither I consider weird, at least. Well, I suppose the one with "bitch" carved on the inside would confuse non-Supernatural fans, haha. Are you anything like your siblings? Not really, no. At least, my two immediate sisters. Mom says I'm extremely similar to her eldest daughter though and wishes we'd talk more, but yeah, I just don't have anything to talk about with her. I'm so bad at initiating conversation. When was the last time you shaved your legs? October for when I was doing that witchy photoshoot with a friend. I absolutely hate shaving my legs and pretty much only do if anyone else whose opinion would affect me may see them. What would be the best surprise you could receive right now? Uhhh I guess all the "upgrades" I want to make to Venus' enclosure: a 40g tank and a nice, accurate hygrometer and thermometer, as well as the proper kind of lamp for her. I feel like such a "bad snake mom" still having her in her current terrarium because, while it's perfectly liveable and not dangerous, it's too small for her. It's pretty much always on my mind to some degree nowadays, so just like, dropping the terrarium and extra tools off would be a massive weight off my shoulders. Did you ever skip a grade or get held back a grade? No, but I was able to skip the intro Writing course the last time I was in college; I just started in Writing II. Who took your profile pic? Anywhere where it's a picture of myself, odds are me. I hate getting pictures taken, but if it's gonna happen, it'll be through myself, knowing my "good" angle and such, lol. Have you ever been fishing? Do you know anyone who likes fishing as a hobby? I've been fishing many times, especially as a kid with my dad. There are pleeeenty of people I know who enjoy it. I don't anymore. Do you own any cats? What color are their eyes? Yes; his are a light blue. Is there a rose bush in your garden? What color are its roses? We don't have a garden. When was the last time you spent over $100 in one transaction? What did you buy? Over $100 with my own cash, a plane ticket. My recent tattoo deposit was exactly a hundred. Do you sleep with a stuffed animal? Would you judge a grown adult for doing so? No; Roman would NEVER allow me to cuddle anything else, and I am not even remotely kidding. I couldn't care less if any adult does, though. Would you rather read an erotic novel or watch an erotic film? Ew, neither, but I guess a book would be better just so my eyes weren't forever scarred. What’s your favorite way to make your home smell good? Do you spend a lot of money on making this happen? INCENSE!!!! God, I love incense burners. I don't light it anymore though because Venus' terrarium is also in my room, and it's not good for snakes. What are the main two colors in the room you’re currently in? Did you pick these colors out yourself? Just... white. That's it. Well, my furniture is brown. I didn't pick either. How often do you wake up in the night needing to pee? Usually once, sometimes not at all anymore. I guess my bladder actually grew a pair. If you live in a household with pets, who is responsible for their care - both in terms of finance and the physical tasks involved? As far as the physical care, me. Mom does help me do a full clean of Venus' cage sometimes, though, because I don't trust myself to both keep her around my neck while I scrub the tank, hide, bowl, etc., with a cat that is my absolute shadow. I don't want to be bent over the tub and Roman tries to do something; he's shown very little interest in Venus, but still, I'm one hell of a paranoid snake mom that doesn't want to risk her life. Full cleans only happen like twice a year, so I don't mind too much asking my mother for some help. I should point out that Mom doesn't want to hold her, so we can't reverse roles. Do you have anything hanging from your ceiling apart from lights? Not anymore, no. At my old house and the one before, I had lots of Pyramid Head gift tags hanging, but our landlord doesn't want me to do that here. Would you describe yourself as neat, messy or somewhere in-between? I'm in-between. If you have pets, when was the last time one of them needed to go the vets? Venus had to go to the vet about a year into me having her because she was showing symptoms of an RI in strange breathing episodes, which can be fatal to a snake. Thank God, nature, whatever, that she didn't. There were warning signs, but closer watch over her humidity saved her. Roman, meanwhile, was taken to the vet like a year ago to be neutered. When the pandemic is over, what is one thing you can’t wait to do again? I barely ever left the house beforehand, so... I guess go to the movies. What’s one thing (aside from essentials) that you spend the most money on each month? Has anyone ever told you you’re obsessed or addicted with it? N/A What’s your favourite genre of TV show to watch? What’s your favourite show that’s not from that genre? If I had to pick, uhhh... yeah, idk, due to the whole "not into TV much to begin with" thing. Would you rather be employed or self-employed? Why? Self-employed, though taking care of all business matters yourself is/would suck. I just really want to be my own boss for the sake of photographing whatever I want. IIs your hair naturally curly, straight or somewhere in between? Do you wish it was different? It's straight, but on the wavy side, and I wish it wasn't. Do you ever play online games with your friends? Which one(s)? Just WoW. In the last week, have you had any alcoholic beverages? Which? No. Do you ever wear accessories in your hair? Which ones? No. Do you feel free to post your views on social media? Yep. I honestly don't care who it pisses off. What is your favorite work of historical fiction? Well, I don't really know what you consider truly "historical" in age... That, and I'm bad at dates to begin with. There are lots and lots of older books and movies I adore, though. Old Yeller is one of my favorite books ever, for one. The Boy In The Striped Pajamas makes me sob, too. What cartoon character looks like you? I remember when Hotel Transylvania came out, my ex's mob pointed out how much she thought I looked like the daughter, especially when my hair was dyed black. Do you have hope for the future? Some days I do, some days I don't. Do you believe in yourself? Ehhhh... debatable, idk. Do you have trouble letting go of your past? Oh yes. Were you happy in high school? It's funny, I was very depressed in HS, but due to Jason and friends, it's one of my most cherished time periods. Were you ever a teacher's favorite? I mean it modestly, but I was almost always pretty obviously one of the teachers' favorites. I was a good student. Are you popular? I wasn't. If you won a title in the senior class polls, what was it? I didn't. Have you ever had a medical condition that made you unable to work? My social anxiety is so debilitating that it's made it questionable. It ruined my very short-lived previous jobs. What makes your life worth living? My future goals, family, friends... What is your favorite Bible verse? I don't have one. List five careers you've considered. Paleontologist, vet, game designer, author, and wildlife biologist are all past ones. Do you have any unusual talents? If so, what? No. What do you get compliments on? My hair and my art, mostly. What have people told you you should be? I've heard "a vet" most in my life. What is holding you back? My (mostly social) anxiety and extreme fear of judgment. Do you have anyone purely evil in your life? Hell no, I wouldn't allow that person to stay in my life. Have you ever felt threatened for your life? I've felt scared for it, yes. While riding my bike once, I ran into a guy in my old neighborhood who had a criminal history, including assault, just asking what I was listening to on my iPod. I stopped because I was scared to keep going, and he wound up asking for my Facebook, but guess who didn't accept THAT friend request. List ten positive words that describe you. That's too much thinking, man. List ten negative words that [you feel] describe you. And that's too much negativity to fish in. Are you a good person or a bad person? I mean, I try to be a good one. Have you ever contemplated being a bad person? I've done bad things, but I've certainly never deliberated tried to be an overall bad person. Have you ever resorted to vandalism because you didn't have a voice? No. Have you ever egged someone's house? Wow, no. Do you want to egg someone's house? Also no because I'm a fucking adult. Have you ever seen a piece of graffiti that you are thankful for? What an odd question. I mean, no? Name three people who hurt you and didn't care. I am quite positive Colleen doesn't care about the many times she did considering she's always right. Was your first crush sexual, or no? No, I was just a kid. What would you do if you got pregnant right now? I honestly can't say I know. If I was God forbid raped, I'd probably have an abortion because I psychologically could not handle that without being scarred for life. If it was by my own stupidity, I feel I'd probably have the baby but give it up for adoption. I just can't raise a kid. Do you have a medical condition that you are embarrassed or ashamed to tell people you have? No, I don't think so. What do you get asked the most? Hm. OH, WAIT, THAT'S EASY. I get asked a lot if my lip piercing hurt. Have you ever stood up for someone else who was being bullied? I know I have before, but I don't remember the occasion. What tragic news stories that you've heard has touched you the most? Man, that's a lot to think about. You see news articles on Facebook all the time, and a whole lot of them touch me, so I dunno. What is your favorite thing to order at Taco Bell? I like the cheese quesadillas, and whatever those cinnamon bites are called are really good. I'm still tilted they got rid of the fiesta potatoes, because I adored those. Where do you have cutting scars (if you have any)? I only ever had them on my wrist, but you can't see them anymore. Do you like cotton candy? Not very, but I mean, I can have a bite or two. It's way too sweet to eat a lot of it. What's the best piece of graffiti you've ever seen? I'm unsure, but I've definitely seen beautiful work, especially online. Do you like tattoos? "Like" is a colossal understatement. Do you like piercings? Yep yep yep. Have you ever made someone so mad that they broke something? No. Those are not people I hang around with. Who is the last person you slow-danced with? Slow-danced? I don't think I've done that since Jason.
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