#who are you anonymous?
liimonadas · 2 months
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randomly rememebered a very silly maya content creator AU i came up with like 2 years ago. its just dumb fun haha
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canisalbus · 7 months
Love your art so much. Will you show us cool nature pics from your country? I'm literally so stoned I forgot where you live sorry.
Sure anon, why not. I'm not a photographer so the quality of these is kind of slushy at best. I like nature and wander around a little bit, but I rarely hike properly, so I don't go to that many scenic places. These are mostly from regular walks. Long post warning.
Summers are short but very green, and since we're at the arctic circle we get sunlight around the clock. Some of these were taken at midnight or early morning small hours. Most of Finland is very sparsely populated and covered in boreal forests.
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Finland is a very watery country, lots of lakes in particular.
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Sometimes you get intense sunsets
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And winters are very cold, snowy and last about six months. In summer we have midnight sun and in winter there's the polar night to counter it. Around late December sun only rises for about two hours per day where I live so it's very dark for many, many weeks on end (which is wonderful if you get seasonal depression like I do). But sometimes the weather and lighting are just right and you get this ethereal pastel effect that I love.
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dunmeshistash · 10 days
speaking of trans characters, i really love how lycion as a trans-coded character, who understands deeply what it's like to live with dysphoria/ under oppressive beauty standards, is also the one who openly finds the current mithrun as hot, despite the fact that he's missing traditional elf markers of attractiveness (sharp ears and grey eyes). i'm so. augh
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Lycion is a darling, he really fought for a body he could finally be happy in and I'm happy for him <3
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miekasa · 1 year
Gojos Son that says baby all the time is a complete mamas mom
I’m assuming you meant mama’s boy by this? And if so, I’m gonna agree—and it’s 100% because of Gojo. When the biggest reference for loving you comes from his father who is throughly obsessed with you, it’s no surprise that your baby is a huge mama’s boy.
When your son sees Satoru come home and immediately go to hug and kiss you, before picking him up, of course that becomes his reference point for greeting you after getting picked up from daycare. He’s managed to copy Satoru’s mannerisms down to a T—or maybe he was just born with them—the way he sees you and lights up, waddles right to you as fast and he can and starts squishing your face to give you kisses the second he’s in your arms. Even the way he says, “I missed you, baby!” has Satoru’s exact cadence.
Your on rotation babysitters (Megumi, Yuuta, Yuuji, and Kento) always mention that the kid has a knack for talking about you when you’re gone. Megumi always drops him off with multiple drawings and cards for you with lots of hearts and flowers on them; Yuuta jokes about how he was well behaved, just a bit stubborn during lunch because Yuuta didn’t “make the rice like you do”; Yuuji sends you pictures and videos per request of your son because he wants you to see what they’re up to; Kento notes how he often shows off his new spelling and growing reading skills by proving to his godfather how well he can spell your name :(
You’re the first person Satoru leans on, so your the first person your son leans on—physically and emotionally. You give the best goodnight kisses according to them both, you make the best breakfast, you’re the person either of them would rather hang out with then they don’t have work/school. Your kid is absolutely, 100% attached to you, but he learns it from Satoru. Ironically, this also makes them two peas in a pod, they’re the same person at this point.
Even when Satoru is alone with your little boy, they’re always talking about you. “Wanna find flowers for mommy?” Satoru will ask, ask they’re walking around the mall. Two stores down, they spot a chocolate stand and Satoru feels an exited squeeze at his hand, looking down to see the three year old all but bouncing, “Those are mommy’s favorite!” They both just adore you so much :(( it’s beyond endearing to have so much love from the two of them :(((
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u3pxx · 6 months
i adore your fem harry. i do have one question. she do got a beer gut right
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of course, why would i take that away from her!!!!!! (and hehe thank you im so glad u do <3)
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vellichorom · 6 months
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Happy chrimble!!
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having been reminded of kevan's tweets, i got UNREASONABLY inspired &... well,
happy chrimble ~ !!!
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markscherz · 9 months
What kind of frog is Kermit? Also, opinions on Kermit?
Kermit is arguably Hyalinobatrachium dianae
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My opinion: he is iconic. Which other muppet is featured in so many gifs and memes?
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humbuns · 4 days
For pride requests, like, Shu has something going on. Something dysphoria, maybe ace too but maybe he moves past repulsion once he figures out the gender thing, I don't know, what's your read?
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oh i 100% agree, i have always seen shu being a little uncomfortable with their existence because it reminds them that they are a little too human (in his heart and in his mind) so it will probably take them a while to realize anything in some form without layers and layers of deflections but they're getting there (this is the sole reason why i like to see shu as a gem slowly being polished, they were always brilliant but it takes time to see it and accept it yourself)
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Well, now I'm imagining Clover having a rebellious teenage phase
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I think the rebellious teenage attitude probably lasted for five seconds. Doesn't stop Clover from sneaking out or attempting to be more independent and doing things their family doesn't approve of, but I don't think they give Starlo too much attitude (and definitely not Ceroba LOL).
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Honestly, I don't think you can take the cowboy out of this kid, they're just as committed to the western bit as Starlo is LOL. Maybe one time the family was going out while Clover was a teenager and dealing with the anxiety of being socially perceived and judged that a lot of teens struggle with that they got a little embarrassed wearing their cowboy hat, and Starlo was so devastated at the thought that it quickly nipped that insecurity in the bud LOL. I think having a dad who's entire job is being a cowboy larper probably helps them not feel ashamed of their interest and commitment to dressing up as a cowboy.
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sharpilu · 16 days
Hello, I'm not sure if you're taking requests, but if you do decide to could I ask for a Grian and Ren tickle fight? I saw your art of them and it's adorable :)
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hi anon from september. i'd like you to know this has lived in my head rent-free ever since i got this ask. enjoy Grian getting his ass beat because idk why but he just gives walking tickle spot j'feel?
(+ a bonus aftermath with Grian being pouty and embarrassed that accidentally turned out adorable lol)
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northern-passage · 7 months
i thought there was a call to boycott the entirety of black friday and cyber monday?
i think there are people on tumblr & twitter that are advocating for a full boycott (which is good), but specifically with BDS & according to their website they're just calling for a targeted boycott against puma, HP, and marvel for black friday and cyber monday (along with the other targeted companies)
personally, i'm also boycotting starbucks (for their treatment of unionized workers) as well as a few of the other companies not listed in the immediate full boycott list.
as of 11/22 on their twitter, this is what they shared:
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1. Consumer boycott targets - The BDS movement calls for a complete boycott of these brands carefully selected due to the company's proven record of complicity in Israeli apartheid.
2. Divestment targets - The BDS movement is pressuring governments, institutions and investment funds to exclude and divest from as many complicit companies as practical, especially weapons manufacturers, banks, and companies listed in the UN database of business involved in Israel’s illegal settlement enterprise, as well as the WhoProfits and AFSC Investigate databases of companies enabling the occupation. Below we give some of the targets we are campaigning against.
3. Pressure (non-boycott) targets - The BDS movement actively calls for pressure campaigns against these brands and services due to their complicity in Israeli apartheid. We have not, on strategic grounds, called for a boycott of these brands and services, instead we strategically call on supporters and institutions to mount other forms of pressure on them until they end their complicity in Israeli apartheid.
4. Organic boycott targets - The BDS movement did not initiate these grassroots boycott campaigns but is in support of them due to these brands openly supporting Israel’s genocide against Palestinians.
ultimately the companies listed under the first category you absolutely should be boycotting 100%.
and i'm not going to tell you to not also boycott black friday, especially since it coincides with the temporary 4-day "truce." like i said, i know there are groups that have been advocating for a full boycott this weekend along with protests; there were hundreds today, from Washington, DC, to Massachusetts, to California, to Florida... i shared the creator's day because they do that every other month or so on itch.io anyways & i wanted to link the BDS information alongside it. they may update in the future as well and call for more targeted boycotts as the holidays ramp up so i suggest bookmarking the website or following them on twitter, and look for a campaign near you to get involved directly.
BDS has also called for a global day of action on November 29th, which includes intensifying all targeted boycotting campaigns.
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teethcake · 2 months
Hiii today is Ben Drowned’s day on April 23.
I miss Ben Drowned for sure! I would like to see him in your style again :D
happy birthday to the guy who i thought haunted my phone
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canisalbus · 9 months
hi sorry in advance if this is weird but i couldn't for the life of me figure out who machete was reminding me of and just now i figured it out - surku the dog from the moomins. can't remember enough to tell how accurate that is personality wise but something about the image of a distressed pointy-nosed dog shivering in a coat... plus ne on molemmat ahdistuneita queer ikoneita
I love Surku! Surku must be protected at all costs.
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If you ask me, he's even more distressed in the comics.
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I keep him on my fridge door as well.
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But now that we're on the topic of Moomin characters, I must add that I see Machete in various Fillyjonks a lot. The short story Fillyjonk who believed in disasters is one of my favorite pieces of literature ever, when I first read it it shook me to my core, I still revisit it on yearly basis. For someone who seemed so wild and free spirited by nature, Tove Jansson did remarkable job at catching and depicting the essence of anxiety, uncertainty, vague sadness and irrational fears. At least in my opinion.
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arttsuka · 11 days
augustus gets transferred to the new york museum
augustus: (wearing a shirt saying "New York Or Bust!") "get it? because i'm a bust?"
jed and octavius: *groans*
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Jed is rubbing off on him
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cheecats · 7 months
For a design request… maybe Nightheart (a starless clan)? I think he would look really good in your style!!
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that thang
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yuwuta · 1 month
OMEGA SATORU????????????? RAAAAAAAHHHHWOLF ON HIS KNEES RIPPING OFF CLOTHES im normal about it please elaborate please
chuckles evilly…. satoru’s the kind of omega that knows that other people want him, knows that he could date or sleep with pretty much anybody he wants, but there’s only one person he wants and it’s you, and he’s stubborn and insufferable about it. you seem to be the only alpha in his life that’s immune to him and it drives him crazy—it doesn’t matter how much he flirts, how good he smells, how many times he pouts and blinks and calls you alpha, you just smile and ruffle his hair and it kills him. he doesn’t get it. even nanami has had to take a step away from him when he’s close his heat, but you’re not phased by him at all. 
it’s bordering on pathetic bc you’re not even mates, not even dating, not even close to being anything really—you’re friends and have been for a while, but that doesn’t stop satoru from throwing himself onto you, from pouting, and from proudly declaring that you’re His alpha. he brags and brags and brags to anyone who will listen about how he’s in the best pack in the world, how you’re the best alpha of them all, how he’s the luckiest omega ever, but every time he’s hit with the reality that he’s not yours, he gets unreasonably upset. sometimes, he even tries to take it out on you, gets himself sick or drunk or lets his pheromones run wild while he clings to you and slurs about how you’re supposed to be a good alpha, and take care of him. gets himself all worked up, pacing the floor and pouting and ranting incoherently about how he’s always been yours and it’s not fair that you’re not his and he’s being irrational and he’s definitely not sober, but still, all you have to do is call his name and barely nip at his wrist and it’s like his entire body resets. he freezes and goes slack and he’s scolding himself internally because he’s so weak to you and he can’t do anything to make you succumb to him. 
it’s not like he’d change that tho. it bothers him that he has no sway over you, but, truthfully, he loves the control that you have over him. he likes you can tame him, he likes belonging to you like that. he just wants to have you like that, too. and so yes he’s desperate, yes he’s pathetic, yes he’ll do anything for your attention, but he doesn’t care, satoru wants you and he will do whatever it takes to have you 
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