#who asked you claude?
natsuki208 · 6 months
Sebastian: Kittens are simply the cutest creatures on Earth.
Hannah: I simply think bunnies are much cuter.
Sebastian: No. Definitely kittens.
Hannah: No. Definitely bunnies.
Sebastian: Kittens!
Hannah: Bunnies!
Claude: You’re both wrong. Spiders are the cutest.
Sebastian and Hannah: ……….
Which one will you vote for? 🐱🐰🕷
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dvrtrblhr · 2 months
Stop your art is soooo good T_T!! And Claude's kid is adorable T__T 💕💕💕
thank you! his name is farid and his temperament is completely opposite from claude - he's very serious, somewhat shy and his most prized emotion is rage lol. because of that, they fight a lot (farid fights with his dad while his dad laughs it off). he's a bit of a tsundere in the sense that he does admire his dad a lot but find it hard to express it. it doesn't help that claude teases him mercilessly most of the time.
i don't know if this would bother other claude fans, but i write him as a somewhat lacking father. he's absent a lot (works too much, travels way too much) and is usually torn between sheltering farid and being too frank to the point of hurting his feelings. he's very affectionate, but it falls flat for farid because claude doesn't show him real vulnerability like... ever.
i have a really huge comic that's a prequel for the actual fic andd pretty much details how claude fell in love with dimitri over the years. it has some scenes with farid. let me share with you:
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butwhatifidothis · 9 months
Do people really not see the inherent disconnect of the claim that Houses Claude is genuinely an amoral opportunist when his dream is to break down barriers to foster unity and peace? Like, is there not a fundamental incompatibility in having a desire for everyone to get along yet being a backstabber that throws people under the bus for their own benefit? From a personality/character standpoint, all that does is make Claude look like a ginormous ignorant hypocrite, and an idiot even though he's supposed to be smart. Because if his end goal is to create a diverse and harmonious community, how is he going to bring people together if he constantly betrays every side? And from a writing perspective, it makes no sense to have a character's actions and goals be completely contradictory and never address it.
Also for someone who is amoral, it sure is interesting in Balthus' Classroom QA Part 2 that Claude likes "ensure the fewest casualties" and dislikes "do anything to eradicate the enemy" when the question was "the war has been dragging for long so let's end it quickly". It's kinda like he has some principles or something.
Like, the idea of Claude being an untrustworthy backstabber who opportunistically takes advantage of everyone without ever growing close to them is just Hubert minus Lady Edelgard could be an interpretation of his character that aligns with at least his initial showing, or a surface level understanding of him. He calls himself the embodiment of distrust, he never fully opens up to anyone, he can in fact be fairly manipulative and callous; the crumbs are there, for sure.
But it also has to ignore how far he's willing to go to protect his people (putting himself in high danger when he is not sacrificial like, say, Dimitri is), or how he supports others having dreams for themselves (Goddess Tower), or how open he is to criticisms against what he thought (Cyril's support), or how he tries to be there for his friends (Marianne's support), or how he's open-minded enough to listen to people he initially thought needed to be his enemy (Rhea), or how violence is not just not something he considers but is something he actively rejects as a means of getting what he wants (The Alliance Leader's Ambitions, near the end), or how putting the people's lives in danger is something he is adamantly against (as you point out, Balthus' classroom question). A staggering amount of Claude's character has to be deliberately ignored in order to come to the conclusion that he's just a backstabbing opportunist who does anything to get what he wants (who magically gets fixed by Byleth's mere presence), because a backstabbing opportunist who does anything to get what he wants who magically gets fixed by Byleth's mere presence does not describe Claude.
Even if one were to take the game's writing failure of properly presenting Claude tackling racial issues (like never addressing Petra's situation despite having supports with her) you can't really deny that Claude is, in fact, a caring person after taking everything in his character into account. For all his flaws, he never abuses the trust people have in him to the extent that they are actively put in danger, nor is it ever the case that the "doesn't truly tackle racial issues" ever translate to anything so drastic as "which means he'll actively worsen relations between two countries." And, well, yes; you still do have to take into account that his dreams are of bringing people together and disregarding past bad blood. He never stops trying to achieve this dream, and he wants it to come true so badly that he is willing to let other people that he trusts rule Fodlan to work together with him to achieve it, shown in VW and even AM. That means a lot for someone like Claude, who is otherwise pretty slow to trust other people so deeply.
That's not someone who would use Leicester's bad history with Faerghus as fuel to violently invade it. That's not someone who would use Almyra's navy to make it look to Sreng like Faerghus tried to invade it. That's not someone who wants to conquer other nations and make his own come out on top. Those things describe Hopes!Claude, which 3H!Claude is not.
It's like. You know how some 3H's fans see 3H as "Edelgard, Dimitri, and the third guy that justifies my fave"? How a lot of people in 3H's fandom don't really see Claude as his own character with his own perspective and ideals and beliefs and morals that are unique to him, and only see him as a battering ram to try and knock down one of the other two lords? And so don't really care how he's characterized in other things (like fanfiction, fanart, meta, or in this case spinoff media) because they never really cared about him as his own character? But then get really, really, really defensive when you point out the flaws in their perception of him, saying that you're the one who never understood or liked Claude, because if you did you'd "realize" that he was always [insert vague, bland description that happens to prop up the lord they actually like]?
Yeah that's basically what's going on here. Most people who prefer Claude as their fave lord do not like Hopes!Claude, some of the loudest voices in the JPN Amazon reviews were of people who hated Hopes!Claude and were literally trying to warn Claude/GD fans away from Hopes as a game because of how awful their writing is, while nearly every Hopes!Claude fan that I've seen vastly prefers Edelgard as their fave lord and are - you guessed it! - very defensive when it comes to Claude fans venting their frustrations over Claude's shit-end-of-the-stick treatment he got in Hopes.
So like, yeah. It's less that people aren't directly computing that Claude's ambitions and character don't match how he's depicted in Hopes, but that they just don't care that it doesn't since 1) it justifies their fave and 2) they never really gave a shit about Claude anyway
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forcedhesitation · 3 months
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dead by daylight-- the game where you can play as steve harrington from stranger things, and can get sent to partake in a match of murder hide and seek at midwich elementary from silent hill, where you can then use a lute to perform bardic inspiration from dungeons and dragons to give a bonus to your teammates, except for the one who is being chased by nemesis from resident evil 3.
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dmclemblems · 2 years
“Claude in Hopes is exactly the same way he is in Houses! He’s always been like that and has the same feelings/morals!”
Claude in GW/Hopes:
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Claude, literally, in Houses:
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Let that speak for the fact that Claude was written with a 180 characterization in Hopes.
Claude wants peace and to bring everyone together; not to tear them further apart. That is his character.
#I’m still in the middle of answering this ask I got but yeah#even Edelgard noticed Claude really loves bringing ppl together in WC#when she says ''you really value that sort of thing don't you'' after the Eagle/Lion (+Deer >.> ) battle#like if Claude's goal was to destroy Fodlan and just leave a mess of it A+++ you did an astounding show stopping brilliantly done job#if your goal was peace well you fucked that up pretty good buddy#in Hopes too like he's literally arguing with Lorenz about it while Lorenz is like ??? bruh wtf ???#literally who cares what some politicians did 300 years ago certainly not Houses Claude#in fact Claude said fuck our history sideways with a cactus let's make peace and be friends#AND he got the approval from the whole roundtable and that's all we know on the topic bc it's all we needed to know#versus in GW where it's explicitly stated that it took some doing for them to allow Claude to be king#meaning the roundtable was not up for what he was suggesting and needed to be convinced#they needed it enough that Lorenz pointed it out to everyone and from a narrative standpoint#AM Claude doesn't need to say how the meeting went and all we need to know is that it worked out#but in GW it's told to us that the meeting was very long and it took some doing for them to trust Claude's judgment#the meeting is presented in a more uncertain light with how the lords felt abt it whereas in AM#it's not told to us how things went bc it's not important. a negative aspect (i.e. the roundtable not being able to come to an agreement)#is an important thing to note and if there was any negative aspect of it in AM they would've put it in there#meaning the roundtable trusts AM Claude's judgment enough when he tells them he wants to put their two nations together again#idk how else to explain that so I hope you get what I mean lol#I just find it completely baffling that people actually say both Claudes are the same person and that he was always like how he is in Hopes#like you can like his character in Hopes and enjoy that portrayal of him but at least admit he's written differently you know?#I hate when I see people say that Claude fans didn't understand his character in Houses at all bc they don't like him in Hopes#when you have literal staunch polar opposite sentences coming out of his mouth in these two scenes#the Claude we get in AM is the same Claude - the same person at his core - as he is in VW and all the routes#Houses Claude does not blame whatever the fuck Leicester and Faerghus did 300 years ago on the people living in their present#he also doesn't blame Dimitri or anyone else presently in power for Daphnel#GW Claude there is just grasping at unimportant and insignificant straws to justify his invasion#pretty sure AM Claude would be like ''hey dimi lemme borrow failnaught back real quick'' and smack GW Claude with it#then kindly hand it back to Dimi and smile and wave
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randomnameless · 9 months
Reading something about "why won't the CoS open the borders will Almyra?"
Disregarding the fact that the only CoS controlled territory is Garreg Mach and the Locket is located in the Alliance, why won't the Alliance open the border and welcome Almyrans with open arms?
Well, it's basically showcased (tfw show not tell) in a certain paralogue in FE16.
To start, this is one of the few "defend" maps in the entire game, iirc we have this one, the "protect GM" version of chapter 12, Shamir's paralogue and, iirc, Chapter 14 when Randolph tries to earn "merit".
Basically, the objective of this map is to protect the locket from Almyran forces who are raiding them for some reason.
Hilda starts with :
"Most of our allies have fallen."
So confirmation that Almyran forces aren't only coming with mock weapons to play bowling with their Fodlan neighbours, or are asking politely if they can pass, House Goneril's allies were killed.
"He's not here?! Oh... I'm sorry. You must have been absolutely terrified."
She tries to reassure her random (a Goneril soldier) that she will help, so they don't need to be afraid/to panic anymore.
"That's you, Professor. Please help us save our allies and protect Fódlan's Locket."
The first thing she says is to please "save" her allies/her randoms, and then to protect the locket. Emphasis again on "saving" lives, because Almyrans are raiding not only houses to bring souvenirs, but take lives too.
"Support! We're saved!" "Ah, things are looking up. Let's keep going, and save the others!"
If a loldier dies :
"Oh no! They got one...but we can still rescue the others!"
Hilda still wants to "rescue" the others. She worries about the lives of her soldiers who are defending the Locket, but not only the locket!
If they all die, a soldier says this "We must defend here, or else... Our house... The Alliance...".
And if the line is breached, an Almyran soldier will say this :
"Yeah! We took Fódlan's Locket! With this, we'll be able to invade, no problem!"
So bar this chapter blowing a hole the size of a 7 floors building in Claude's character across both games, we see here that, well, Almyra uses weapons and isn't afraid to kill Goneril soldiers who want to protect their homes and houses to "invade".
So who is behind Fodlan's general apathy towards Almyrans, the CoS like Claude says in both games (even if he seems to reconsider after discovering water is wet in VW), or Almyrans themselves???
Or, in other terms, who are we supposed to believe, Claude who tells us the CoS is the reason why Fodlan people don't like people coming from Almyra, or the game, showing us Almyrans are trouncing Fodlan people to happily invade ?
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Dysprosium, Mary Soon Lee
dysprosium, AN 66, is a silvery-white rare earth metal. its name is derived from the greek dysprositos, meaning “hard to get at”, owing to the difficulty in separating and isolating this rare earth element. dysprosium is used to measure neutron flux, to fuel reactors, and to activate phosphors. terfenol-d is a magnetorestrictive alloy, meaning that it changes shape when a magnetic field is applied, and is used to manufacture underwater acoustic systems.
jason “robo” robertson, dallas stars #21 for @simmyfrobby’s nhl periodic table poems <3
#i had a couple different ideas for poems that were taken by the time i could go deranged for a couple hours to make this but as I looked#i was like WAIT NONE OF YOU KNOW HOW MUCH I LOVE JASON ROBERTSON YOU HAVEN’T SEEN MY TEXAS CAM and had to do it. also was STRUCK with the#sudden immaculate vision of the Dallas D as part of terfenol-D and could not get it out & robo is the most dance! person i know on the team#liv in the replies#dallas stars#jason robertson#nhl periodic table poems#guys i am plagued with visions and no execution skills!! every day i come here and learn one new skill on GIMP the way god intended!!!#today it was emboss. also cannot claim any credit for the pulse to the magnetic beat photo which is so cool that was one where i had a#couple and was like maybe i can do like crayon shockwaves like the art process video kasper showed? and then found that picture and was#like thank you lord stanley for knowing my limitations. thank you for your understanding in this moment it was a trial enough to make#expand contract dance and one would THINK i would have fucking learned from the claude animorphs tragedy!! i did not. but i did use the#shear tool and 3D rotate so at least if we’re animorphing it’s SLIGHTLY better. anyway me frantically doing this like WAIT WAIT WAIT WAIT#WAIT FOR ME YOU GUYS ARE SO FAST i keep seeing all of these and just spinning around in circles until i get dizzy & fall down I’m so happy#the drive folder for this is just called joy!!!!! because joy this is such a cool idea but now because it brings me so much joy#i just saw the Travis dermott one and burst into tears super normal AND someone did exactly what i wanted with hydrogen which was the water#the ice!!!!! it’s so perfect!!! and cody ofc did silver lord stanley. like does it ever make you cry how beautiful & creative everyone is?#anyway if you see me post and delete this and then update it or change it no you didn’t it’s fine. but i wanted to be included#if i could make the dysprosium letters not have a white background i would I simply could not fuck with it at 1AM. we are hitting send#it may not look like it but i queue#pretend i spoke at length about the reasons why i picked all the pictures & the element just know that it’s there inside my brain u can ask#GUYS I TAKE IT ALL BACK I SAW NEONFRETRA’S ISOTOPES AND I COULD MAKE THE EDITS EVEN THOUGH THEY’RE THERE!! ISOTOPES!!!! YOU GUYS!!!!!!#get ready for the edits then. dylan magnesium my beloved child of stars who can never return… like i wish i could say anyone else but it’s#i KNOW number nineteens bismuth don’t make me Google how many years nolan played hockey but also there’s ej for stable so.. also half-life#actinium claude giroux my beloved… when i saw there already was a claude i thought maybe Brady too for that#I don’t know how but flerovium doubled magic is percolating in my brain as was promethium bad boy because I was like hmmm. tyler. but#couldn’t commit and THEN SOMEONE DID BAD BAD LEROY BROWN TYLER BERTUZZI TO PROMETHIUM AND BESTIE I AM KISSING YOU ON THE MOUTH!!! with cons#anyway shane wright germanium with juraj slafkovský but showing him very obviously not missing it. if jack eichel was not an asshole#the narratives WOULD be narrativing. you could argue for a sidovi here with the calder cup and potentially a best friend stealing narrative#(the most recent is cam yorke’s acquisition of jamie d from trevor zegras which would then require a yorkie one for silicon the other side)
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"Personally I have a slightly different relationship with disability pride, because for me, even if the outside world became this accessible, accepting utopia, there would still be days where I just feel too ill to get out of bed, and that sucks and I'm mad about it. But I'm not ashamed, and I'm at a point where i won't make other people make me feel ashamed either. And I am proud of myself. Even if I woke up tomorrow miraculously cured, disability has informed who I am. It will always be a part of me and I am proud of that."
Claude from the Youtube Channel @retroclaude (YouTube Video Link)
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doomed-prophetess · 2 months
Ngl I think Penelope Judith actually slays more than the "Power Hungry Slut" credit they give her and Power Hungry Slut is actually a Valid thing considering how men around her are absolute manwhores but no the bitch here is Penelope, ugh the double standards are so stupid
Oh I saw you change your account name, glad I managed to find you again, I thought you leave Tumblr or sth
I appreciate her ambition for power. If someone is so dedicated to their cause they're even willing to let their lover put a demon inside their womb and shallow a mysterious glowing blue substance without questions asked, they deserve to see their dream fullfilled. She romanced two hot princes, picked the hotter brother, let him commit acts of medical malpractice on her, gave birth to the antichrist with a smile on her face, served cunt and died. I respect that.
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hapigairu · 1 year
I don't think it's talked about enough how much the power of fear plays in some of the events of 3H. Agarthans attacked Sothis out of fear of a prophecy that they were going to be wiped out by her (not realizing that their own actions caused it in the first place), and Jeralt runs away from the monastery with Byleth out of fear of Rhea and the church (only for him to realize there was no reason to run away from the monastery 20 or so years later and he was likely wrong). There's probably more examples but yeah.
Oh, absolutely! It's a nice and interesting touch that they added this in the game, in that some, hm... bad things did happen out of fear in our history. (ex: one of the reasons the US pushed for Hawai'i's annexation was because they feared Japan would take over... What's that? What about the native Hawaiian? Eh, who cares about these lazy, uncivilised simpletons /s) And you could argue that Edelgard uses this by rallying people to her side, like when she sends out her manifesto in Houses or when she sends a letter to Clod in Hopes. Y'know, when Shez says about Rhea and Seteth "Those two aren't what they seem to be. If what the Empire says is true, that is." (Sending an envoy to the Kingdom so that Clod could ask "those two" directly? No, that's too smart, let's kill them instead over what they might be or do!) I think the reason it's not talked much if at all, is that, from my understanding, some people will instinctively pin the blame on the party that the other party feared. Instead of acknowledging that these characters' reactions might be irrational and the actions they take disproportionate, it's easier to point fingers at the Nabateans in general, ig. Like, the Agarthans destroying lands and killing people because they were afraid of retribution (for having "spilled too much of the blood of life", mind you)? That's because Sothis was a cruel monster or something. Jeralt running away from Rhea after what happened to Sitri? Well, duh. Rhea is an awful person all around and she made Sitri's frail life a living hell and killed her so that her child could survive. Never mind that Sitri never seemed unhappy at the monastery, that she literally asked Rhea to save her child... oh and, you know, the fact that Rhea saved Jeralt's life, gave him a stable and prestigious job... And I'm not saying Rhea's actions aren't questionable, but c'mon... if Rhea was such a callous villain, she'd have killed Sitri as soon as she found out that she couldn't host Sothis. Instead, she loved and treated her like her own daughter. That said, I do get why Jeralt would react this way, at least at first. He just lost the woman he loves and he isn't aware of the circumstances, just that Rhea was involved. (And I think he was a bit wary of her already? I don't remember) So, however disproportionate his actions were, they're understandable somewhat. Funnily enough though, some people will say that the Kingdom will fight against the Empire out of fear therefore Kingdom bad... So I guess it depends on who we're talking about? And in most cases, if it involves a Nabatean, it's their fault. Not something more complex that'd take into account each character's perspective, etc.
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ultramarine-spirit · 1 year
I know this is a blog focused mainly on athy (as it should) but I would like to ask you if you know what is the official flower of jennette? The other day I saw a person who uploaded an image of the Athanasia paper doll and there was the rose - which we all know is the official flower of athy - but there was also a paper doll of Jennette with a yellow flower (I think it's zinnia but i'm not sure) and that caught my attention because if on athy's page she was with her official flower, wouldn't that mean that is also jennette's official flower? I know it's not relevant to you but how do you know so many things I wanted to know if you know if spoon ever talked about a flower that she related to jennette how did she do it with the other characters or not? Sorry for bothering 😣
Oh, about the flowers on the paper doll book, the answer is way less exciting than I would like to tell you. The thing is... all pages have the same couple of layouts. Athy also has pages with the yellow flowers. So while i.e. the baby Athy dolls are obviously paired up with her little bags of jewels, or the teen Athy dolls with roses and the lotuses from the lake, the Jennette dolls also have mostly the same decorations (probably because she doesn't have that many character-unique props? If that makes sense. I recall her having the ribbon she gifted Athy though).
To my knowledge, Spoon has never talked about a flower that fits Jennette, and since she doesn't have a lot merch (such as, the character pins for Athy and co., that used flowers in their designs), it's kind of hard to give an answer based on canon material. But I think that the most obvious answer would be daisies (aka Margaritas), because of her last name (Margarita or Magrita depending on the translation). I'm almost certain she has a couple of panels with daisies too, and I do associate them with her.
I want to think that Plutus chose Margarita as her last name on purpose, since Athy is named after a flower (as well as Lily) (I know her name matters most because of the immortal meaning, but there's no way Plutus didn't find out it's also a flower while researching it. It's literally on the Wikipedia page). Here is a fun fact: Athanasias (the flower) and daisies come from the same genus or flower family!
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saviourkingslut · 8 months
Idk if the last ask was sent but CURRY MY GUY IT'S CHOOSE YOUR LEGENDS TIME who are you gonna vote for and what are your predictions!! ☺️☺️☺️
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bestie you came through the first time no worries, i applaud your sheer enthusiasm tho
hmm predictions are a little challenging bc this is the first time engage will be added to the roster and im having a hard time gauging the popularity of its units. it's decently popular afaik but since it came out almost a year ago and didn't really generate that much lasting discussion (ahem lmao) i feel like a lot of the hype has kind of died down. but at least im decently certain that none of the new feh units aren't going to sweep like last time adfasdf
in any case, i think on the men's side, diamant and alcryst are probably going to be top options. looking at the results from previous years, felix has been a consistent top 5 placer, (got 3rd twice, though he keeps getting overtaken by units that previously placed below him like robin and soren), and m!byleth also tends to have pretty solid placing in upper top 10. however, the past two years sigurd has been steadily climbing the ranks, and what with 3h fatigue and sigurd being a pretty popular lord overall, i can see it ending up being an engage character and sigurd in the end.
on the women's side, bernadetta has placed 3rd three times during the past four cyl editions, so she's got a solid chance. however, ivy's enduring popularity might just make her shoot to the no. 1 spot. and there's always hilda and azura, who consistently place high and are both popular units in feh that sell well (i.e. they have a lot of alts). i don't think timerra will place 1st or 2nd but she might place top 10.
as for my own votes i'll probably go for my standard 3x sylvain, 2x felix again. i think felix honestly deserves to get his brave alt for being such a popular unit year after year and bc he can be such a powerhouse in 3h, while his base alt in feh was a distinctly whelming sword infantry no. 252. and sylvain is one of my personal favourites, who, despite also having placed top 10 the past two years, has been shafted twice (mid summer demote, very mid cav axe (???) demote). please give him a good alt im begging.
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butwhatifidothis · 7 months
So, why do some people who love Crimson Flower always go on about how the English translation is pure evil? Because they always say that "oh, Treehouse hated Edelgard," but they never do a side-by-side comparison of why the English translaton is significantly more pro-Dimitri and anti-Edelgard (notice who they leave out in that) than the Japanese script.
From what I've seen, it seems to come from early fandom interpretations of 3H saying that it was "mistranslated to make Edelgard look worse" that came from people who, uh. Primarily didn't actually speak Japanese, or otherwise had a fairly severe misunderstanding of it.
You'll see this with pretty much every big-name event that is claimed to have been "mistranslated" in general. The AM parley, the Continue To Kill no u, Faerghus Toxic Masculinity, and "the Dream Interview calls her an antagonist not a villain" are the Big 4 of this thing happening, and all four of them have been thoroughly debunked as nonsense by people who actually speak and understand Japanese. That's probably why the actual MAJORITY of events that get the "this was mistranslated to make Edelgard look worse" card don't actually have that side-by-side comparison you mention (since there's WAY more smaller things that they say this about, for example Dimitri was TOTALLY JOKING with Edelgard during Gronder 1 and TOTALLY WASN'T freaked the fuck out at her "jokes"), because the people who claim this are 0-4 on being correct about this for four of the most important examples of this supposedly happening.
So they'll kinda just say anything is Totally A Mistranslation in the hopes that the English-speaking fandom who for the most part don't speak Japanese will believe them, and through that believe them on what the game is "actually" trying to say. With that being, of course, that Edelgard was completely and utterly right about literally actually factually every single thing she has ever said in the game ever and literally actually factually every single other person who disagrees with her is completely and utterly wrong (unless what they're saying is, of course, in alignment with what Edelgard is saying).
And if anyone who actually knows what they're talking about comes in and corrects them - even nicely! - they'll either go on about how everyone is coming after them (read: people who understand Japanese are correcting someone who doesn't understand Japanese about something that exclusively revolves around understanding Japanese), or they'll accuse that person of being a liar/sexist/homophobic POS who just wants the poor little gay bean that is Edelgard to be pure and utter evil since they totally view all gay women to be pure and utter evil.
All this, from what I can gather, is mostly to serve as a justification as to why they like Edelgard since they view liking her as a villain to be a genuine mark of bad character, for some reason. They want to believe that she's the progressive figure who does everything for the little guy for one reason or another, and so grab for any excuse they can give her they can think of to make their interpretation of her not seem so unfounded against all of the evidence Edelgard provides the player that she really is just an imperialist who doesn't really give a shit about her people if doing so gives even the slightest bump to her goal of forceful unification. All because daring to like villains is just soooo baaaaad lmao
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hirokiyuu · 2 years
DO YOU LIKE EDELGARD??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
op this is so funny bc i am a lesbian who loves problematic characters but. but. while i like edie a lot and she's definitely up there idk if i actually have a fe3h favorite and if i did i dont think itd be here. i do like her a lot tho dont get me wrong wwwww
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dmclemblems · 2 years
Claude isn't a real person and neither are Dimitri and Edelgard. People want to see their faves do interesting things. If Dimitri never went through his "Boar Phase", he'd have less fans because he'd then be less interesting. Claude doing increasingly morally ambiguous things to achieve his lofty ambitions is interesting. It also shows a side of Claude that was there in Houses but didn't get explored much. So yes, people want to see characters they like kill in a war game. Is there really an issue with that?
People also don't like bad writing. People are discussing it because the reasons for Claude being "interesting" in Hopes are not interesting. The reasons given for his actions are shallow. I'm not going over the reasons because I've done so a ton of times in all my other asks.
You also don't need a character to kill to be interesting. People already loved Claude in Houses when he was against killing and war. People loved him because he was the one character among the lords who had an interesting story and had interesting characterization without needing to kill to do it. He was interesting without having to kill, which means there was plenty of depth to his character and the writers already had the means to make him interesting without needing to make him behave like he wouldn't behave.
They had plenty of foundation to work with to make him interesting in Hopes and stick to his Houses counterpart. They gave him plenty of backstory to work with to make him interesting and keep him the same person with the same morals as in Houses. He didn't need to kill to be interesting, and that was what set him apart from the other lords. Hopes took that and threw it in the trash, making it annoying for people who wanted to see more of the guy who took the political and verbal approach to positive change in the world. People wanted to see the guy in the war game who didn't kill to achieve his goals. When that isn't what they got and it was even worse than just not getting it, but seeing his character written with a 180 change in his actions, yes, that's an issue for a lot of fans.
People have a problem with this because Edelgard was the person who had this storyline, but instead of keeping the character consistent, they made her "better" and gave a lot of her bad traits to Claude. A lot of this becomes an issue when you see that, well what do you know, a nation of brown people is violent, aggressive and loves to plunder - even when they're attacking innocent people!
Dimitri was Dimitri in both games. Claude was not the same person with the same behaviors, and thus, people did not enjoy that.
You also seem to be missing the point where the people Claude is killing are innocent people. No, I do not find that interesting. If he chose to kill people who had done him harm and had done wrong by him, that would be interesting, like when he killed Shahid. If he finally had enough and killed his former assassins, that would be interesting. Invading a land that has done him no harm, goes against his entire character and makes no sense with all the given context, on top of that land being one he otherwise allies with or attempts to ally with in all existing routes except SB/GW? Not interesting, because it's no longer the same character people love.
There are a LOT of Claude fans who feel this way, so it's not a matter of "my favorite is doing something interesting" for them. It's a matter of "wow they completely altered my favorite's characterization and made him so different from the person I loved that I can't love this version of him".
Bad writing affects people's enjoyment of media. If it's bad enough to take you out of the game and have you questioning what the writers were thinking, that's not an enjoyable experience. The whole point of them not being real characters is for people to engross themselves in a good story, but when the story is no longer good, has racist undertones and uses an existing character and completely alters them in a way that makes the fandom waifu look better, yeah, there's an issue with that. It means the story/entertainment didn't serve its purpose, which is to entertain and bring joy to people. If this many people are aggravated by it and this many people are noticing that it's edging way too close to "why are the brown people so questionable", it goes outside the boundaries of “well this game just wasn’t fun for me”.
So yes, when the only brown main character behaves like that, it's really an issue because it reflects on irl standards and how people making the game perceive people irl.
And again, when you write a story and it's just not good because they can't give good reasoning as to the characters actions, it's not enjoyable. There's a point where you have suspension of disbelief, and there's a point where it's so poorly handled that your disbelief literally pulls you out of the game. In this case, it's reusing characters that exist already, had defined characterization and traits, and tossing most of that in the dumpster and giving him poor reasoning for his actions (wow, a country sure did do something our country didn't like 300 years ago! blame the people living today and invade their country for it! kill their people for something that happened before they were even born! yeah. very bad writing that takes you right out of the suspension of disbelief; especially when it's a character who has canonically said the literal exact opposite in his origin game).
What people don't want to see is their favorite kill in a war game when that character was very strictly opposed to war and killing in the first place. So no, a whole lot of people don't want to see that, which is pretty evident from the number of anons who have come to me expressing their distaste in how they handled Claude. When Dimitri kills people, we're given thorough and logical reasons for it that match his character. When Edelgard kills people, we're given her mindset and her reasons for doing it which match her character. Houses Claude and Hopes Claude have such extreme differences that it bothered people. Is there really an issue with that? Because I'm not seeing an issue with people not enjoying their favorite being written as someone he wasn't in his origin game.
Again, it's fiction. Media. Entertainment. When it's not entertaining, it's failed in its purpose. When people are angry with the content (justifiable in this situation no less because of a whole lot of reasons, some of which as I've mentioned leak into irl modern day issues that completely ruin some people's experiences because video games should be pulling you away from that), it's gone beyond failing. The whole game itself wasn't a total failure, but the GW route did make a lot of people unhappy with it.
Is it okay for characters to kill in a war game? Yeah. Do people want to see their favorites kill in a war game? Yeah, if that character has been established as someone who would do so and/or has writing to back it up when the game is story based. Do people want to see their favorites kill in a war game when it's a pre-established character who is the only main character who stands his ground when it comes to peace, not wanting war and to remove prejudice? No.
I'm not sure how you chalked everything we've discussed on this blog to "Claude killed people, what's the problem". If Dimitri suddenly turned around and told everyone they were invading the Alliance because ??? and had no story reasoning to back him up, i.e. he was not experiencing the worst of his mental illness and was not all alone with no support system, yes, his fans would be angry. His fans would be angry if Dimitri turned around and said "the Alliance started a fight with us and split off from us 300 years ago, starting a war against our people which killed thousands" and used that to justify warring with the Alliance, yes, his fans would be beyond pissed off... just like many Claude fans are very pissed off.
So yeah, there's an issue because it means at least some of the writers didn't do their job very well, and again, why Claude? He's plenty ambiguous, interesting and enjoyable as a character without killing. The fact is, he was interesting in Houses precisely because of his lack of motivation to kill. As it was, he was already perfectly interesting. His backstory, his behavior, his personality, his mannerisms, his goals, etc. All of it was interesting. He was the most peaceful person of the lords, yet he had a backstory that could've justified him growing up to becoming an angry, violent man. He didn't, and that was interesting.
Why does a character need to kill to be interesting? They don't. People like nuance. When you give us nuance and you take that away in a subsequent game, messing with something people already loved, they get aggravated.
Because yes, when you take something that people have grown to love and change it, people speak out. As it is, people already don't like things as simple as changing voice actors or live action actors because it changes something they already knew and loved. However, it's worse for people when you change something they love and make it the reverse of what they came to know that made them love the thing in question.
So yes, for a lot of people, it's an issue. Again, simply put, Claude didn't need to kill to be interesting. When they took away the things that made him interesting and simplified him, dumbing him down to shallow reasons for his actions and reversing the character people already knew and loved, fans will be unhappy and/or angry.
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dimiclaudeblaigan · 2 years
Anon with the "GW not bad for Faerghus" ask. I couldn't read your full response bc your other blog is private but yes, there are people who say that the Kingdom is not in a bad position. Mostly those who think Claude's "scheme" will force Edelgard to end the war bc he could ally with the "still strong" Kingdom to crush her if she didn't, and that GW is some kind of "golden ending" for the three nations. Some even argue that Claude freed Faerghus/Dimitri from the Church's chains - or whatever.
I don't know if you saw my post where I mentioned you should be able to read it now, but if you didn't you should still be able to. I think I switched off the setting for that because I didn't realize it would prevent you from seeing the whole ask. :o
That's wild to hear though that people think the Kingdom isn’t in a bad position. They've lost a lot of military power regardless of whether or not they lose influence. Like I mentioned in the previous ask, it's basically up to Claude whether or not they retain their influence (regardless of what Petra wants in GW or what she thinks she knows about Fodlan lol). If they do, they still have no military might. If Sreng invades they're fucked if Claude doesn't treat them like a vassal state of Leicester and help them under the pretext that Faerghus is now part of Leicester.
In other words, they’re at best a vassal state and otherwise left alone, and at worst they’re left to rot.
Technically, Claude could try to get them to help him fight against the Empire, sure, but they won’t have the military might to help him very much, and like I mentioned in the last ask, the chances of it working are slim. Gautier won’t help and I can say that with pretty much full certainty, and if Gautier won’t help then Fraldarius probably won’t either (remember, it’s Felix who makes the final decisions now and not Rodrigue, so if Felix sees Sylvain is still upset about his father and won’t help the Alliance because of what they did, Felix won’t help them either. Felix is extremely emotional about his friends - especially his childhood friends. If you fuck with them then he’s going to fuck with you).
So now, Claude can either decide to try to force them to help, which would invoke another fight between him and Faerghus and cause more deaths, or he’ll just have to accept that he’s not getting help/a lot of help from Faerghus (I detailed it more in the other ask, so hopefully you can access the rest of it now!).
Post GW, Faerghus won’t be helping anyone in a war, I can tell you that. It’d take everything they had to keep Sreng out and to fix any damages from the Alliance’s attack. Even if Claude called on them, they just... couldn’t help.
Unfortunately even in GW they imply that Dimitri is “freed” of the Church, so of course most people take that at face value and don’t look any deeper than what’s told to them. Dimitri isn’t really free or not free of the Church. He was never in a situation where he was being controlled by them. They’re on friendly terms, but that’s really it. Rhea doesn’t tell Dimitri what to do or how to run Faerghus. It’s just that the people there are very devout because of their good relations with the Church and because Rhea helps Faerghus when they need help. It’s give and take for them just like any political situation. Faerghus isn’t in a bad position because they’re around. They’ve only really benefitted from the Church if anything, because Rhea doesn’t personally involve herself with their political decisions.
The whole “we have to free Dimitri from them” thing sounded more to me like Claude needing to find something “good” to hang onto to excuse himself for making those choices. As it was he was grasping at straws to justify their invasion to begin with. He already didn’t have a good pretext for attacking them. Saying “we’re freeing you” is like... his lowkey way of saying he needs to make himself feel better about it, because Dimitri didn’t need his or anyone’s help to begin with. If they were left alone, Faerghus would’ve been fine. Edelgard in GW is struggling on both sides of the war, so if Faerghus hadn’t been attacked by the Alliance, I can guarantee the Empire would’ve just lost.
Really, if Claude teamed up with the Kingdom in the first place and took down the Empire, they would’ve spared themselves more lives and bloodshed in the long run. Claude caused even more battles to happen and got more innocent people killed. I think by the end of the game he did figure out that he made the wrong decisions, but by then it was too late and he couldn’t take back what he did so he needed to find ways to justify all of it to himself.
I just wish they actually came out and said that though instead of running around it in circles while trying to make us believe he actually believes that the Kingdom was just better off without the Church. They weren’t doing badly with the Church involved or not involved. It was the invasion that hurt them. If Claude skipped around Fhirdiad and killed Rhea, regardless of plot or context or anything, just like, imagine he didn’t invade Faerghus and they just passed through and killed Rhea, then Faerghus’ situation might get a little more complicated for inheritance, but I think just with Dimitri’s temperament that they’d be able to stave off any legitimacy issues pretty quick. That is, people liked him in power so the populace would still be in favor of having him as king whether the Church was there or not. Rodrigue was well liked, so he’d be a perfect public figure to calm down any potential anxiety and worry with the loss of the Church. They could’ve actually made it without the Church, but it was mostly the invasion that really hurt the country and dug them into a hole for the future.
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