#who was also by Athy's side until the very end in her first life...
roseapov · 11 months
Jennette x GN!Reader
Tw: murder, obsession, stalking, power gap, power play, power abuse, degradation from position
Action is taking place during the Lovely Princess (the 1st life)
Povtober 2023, Day 29 [Masterlist]
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Jennette de Alger Obelia, the beloved crown princess of the Obelian Empire and the older sister of Athanasia de Alger Obelia, who is considered a forgotten princess.
And truthfully so, she is very much forgotten indeed. People of the Empire and their shared father cared only for their sunshine, future ruler.
Yet there was one person, one that Jenette desired most, and that wasn't Ijekiel. It was you. Whenever you were in her vicinity, the world around her didn't matter, no one else mattered, not even her father.
She was never able to catch your eye the way she wanted, all you saw in her was a friend at most, not even a close one, much to her dismay. Yet it never changed the fact that she loved to observe you.
Your whole attention was always directed to her sister, making her blood boil. Your visits were always for Athy and never for her. Do you really see her unworthy visiting? Unworthy of your companionship?
What did she ever done to you? You act so distant, it makes her heart clench in pain. One day she finally gathered the courage to ask you, what her younger sister had, that she hasn't.
She had much more of everything! What was the thing she was lacking? Yet the answer...
Your answer was nothing she could ever be prepared for, you loved her sister. You loved someone else. Her sister and not her. You didn't loved her.
She started to tremble from anger and frustration, fists clenched, eyes starting to water yet any tears never fell down her cheeks. She run away from you, before you could ask any questions, making you pale from the threat of death for making the precious princess cry.
Ever since then you were strictly forbidden from seeing your love, making both of you confused, yet inwardly you knew the reason very well, your inetraction with older princess never leaving your mind.
Athanasia never truly knew the reason for this, unlike Jennette, but that never stopped her from seeing you in secret, as she also held feelings for you.
Ever since then the older princess was always at your side, taking the place of her rival sister. The two of you grow closer with the flowing time, even after your doubt at the start. Much to her delight.
You even get so bold as to ask her for perimssion to have a sleepover with her in the castle, of course she wouldn't dare to refuse you.
She would've refused if she knew that you would sneak out at night just to meet with Athanasia.
Later on, the day of the coronation had finally came, and with that day henceforth the Obelian Empire welcomed its new ruler, Jennette de Alger Obelia.
And her first order was to make you her concubine...
No one honestly expected it, seeing you two as close friends, but the shock on your face told them all they needed to know. It was all one sided. You couldn't believe your ears, hoping that they have failed you, instead of believing what was happening.
No one would tried to do anything about it anyway, if their newly beloved queen says so, it shall be obeyed. You were left at her mercy.
The nobles that you were part of earlier, pitied you and your injust end. From being respectable and renowned noble to mere plaything of the empress, with no worth.
The only plus of this situation was the fact that you got your own palace to live it, meant for the new royal concubines, instead of living together with the emperor ones.
Speaking of the empress, she loved to spend all her free time with you. Visiting you every evening and calling you to herself on busier days.
It was great for her, the perfect harmony.. Until she caught you meeting with Athanasia. All hell broke loose.
The one person she was always trying to be better than, you were seeing her being her back, without her knowledge. That made her erupt with fury, and the next thing you know, a head rolled.
The head that once belonged to the Athanasia de Alger Obelia, the second princess of the empire, now laying on the dirt.
You couldn't say no, now your words hold no power, making you forever stuck at her side... Besides, after seeing what she had done to her kin, you don't want to risk anymore, do you?
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It was so hard to find good pics of jeweled eyes Jennette TwT
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Man, seeing your post (rightfully) criticizing the wmmap novel and Lee Jihye is bringing me back into my wmmap fixation. I'm the one who created the A Perfect Summer Storm AU— I had deleted the manhwa sideblog in a depressive episode bc I started feeling like I wasn't reaching anyone with it... I do rue the loss of my writing, though. That AU's ship game was a clusterfuck.
Claude/Felix, Diana/Felix, one-sided Claude/Diana, Felix/Anastacius probably it's been a while (Felix does finally snap and joins Ana's resistance faction after a while), Athykiel, Jen/OC, Lucas ending up raised by Jen and her husband and his love interest ends up being Athykiel's child, uhhhh who else is left, OH Diana and her... not-quite lover, almost sisterly figure, it's Complicated™, a fellow dancer in the same troupe as she was, who followed her into the Ruby Palace out of love.
I also ended up creating an entire family for Jen's love interest and... yeah that was the point where I started feeling down.
omg hi hi hello! *waves excitedly* 💕 I know your other blog too and missed you very much. 🥺 I was just redrawing the Athy panel you used to have as an icon as practice and had to think about you. Must be telepathy. A Perfect Summer Storm was probably the AU of all time that we have conceived ever. APSS, especially the Claufelidia love triangle in APSS has become part of my base AU that I often refer to in my headcanons. The ship game was truly crazy like A Midsummer Night's Dream, everyone was in love with everyone and no one. They were tormented by forbidden feelings for the person they could never have while being bound to the one that was ruining their life until one of them managed to break the cycle.
And Aiyla, Aiyla, Aiyla *sights* ...Aiyla is the character that I imprinted on immediately (Anis was my second fave ^^ I wish to learn more about Sindria and the royal foster system one day). I needed a mean lesbian that talks shit about Claude and gets away with it while also being hopelessly in love with Diana so deeply it temporary steals away her ability to think rationally and alert her to danger. (What if it's just her jealousy talking? What if she's seeing red flags where there are none, because she secretly wants to break up their relationship and keep Diana to herself? What if Diana will think that Aiyla does it because she misses being the dominant one and wants to bring their master/servant role back and starts hating her? What if she was right? For the first time in her life Aiyla is scared to speak up her mind. She finds the thought of Diana hating her unbearable. If Diana loves him, he can't be that bad, can he?). Aiyla is the Claude to Diana's Felix but she makes a noble sacrifice and in doing so she wins the battle against her own selfishness, yet she ends up alone anyway. I ask myself what her fatal flaw was.
What does she look like? Do you have a color palette for her? (I picture her with long straight black hair that goes to her waist, darker skin than Diana's, maybe smaller than Diana and wearing dresses the colours of the sun. orange and warm yellow. In my head she doesn't wear much extravagant jewelry. She prefers to wear many small pieces of chains, piercings and rings on her body over one tiara with a giant diamond in the middle and that's why Diana is often confused as the princess of Siodonna when they are outside the palace. She's modest wheras Diana is flashy, bright and loves big sparkly gem stones. Diana tends to wear a little bit too much decorations but on her it doesn't look too much.) I kinda wanna draw her now.
I'm up for a wmmap renaissance anytime if you're up for it. ☀️
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ultramarine-spirit · 2 years
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Lily, by Athy's side from the beginning until the end.
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doomed-prophetess · 3 years
I thought I was a loner in finding it weird that Diana, who has been portrayed throughout the series through Claude's memos as a literal goddess in Claude's eyes, with discourses pointing out that claude literally WORSHIPPED her, happens to be addressing claude as "his majesty". Like I thought she was the only person with whom he could explore true intimacy. And their very addressal indicates class-distinction. Athy says she too "likes" him. Feels like they weren't intimate either. Sex≠intimacy
Right? It's odd isn't it? Many of us had been headcanoning that Claude and Diana gave each other pet names when they weren't even on first name basis.
"I thought she was the only person with whom he could explore true intimacy."
I'll be frank. I cannot believe that they ever experience true ultimate intimacy. Claude is the kind of person who has a hard time opening up. (It took Athy almost 10 years.) Even pre dark magic! Claude would not show this degree of vulnerability towards Diana only after 1-2 years, considering the amount of trauma & betrayal he endured. I doubt he ever talked with Diana about the things the Empress or Anastacius had done to him. Even with Athy he preferred to show her his memories over talking because he knew he was just that bad with words.
Remember the memories she got when she was in coma? How Claude treated Diana after she got pregnant and when she refused to abort Athy?
"I almost died today, miss. [...] It would be nice if I could talk to you in these dreams..."I" can only stand here staring at her. And this dream ends when "I" turn around and leave the room as if I don't know her."
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Claude had been ignoring Diana for quite some time. And when he does finally gather the courage to speak to her he says this:
"I have lost. It feels as if I had been played by you all along. I'll beg if you want me to. [..] Yes, I'm aware this is nothing but a stupid game of emotions. But knowing that I still end up showing all my cards again."
To him everything is either a game or a competition (example: Anastacius & Claude (power), Penelope & Claude (love)). There has to be a loser or a winner and up until now he preferred to win. I also find it strange that the first thing he says after ignoring her for days, perhaps even weeks or months is an accusation. He accuses Diana of playing with his heart, implying that she wants him to lose his dignity and beg as if it was his life at stake and not hers. Not to mention he indirectly compares her to his bad ex. For me that's a sign that he never fully understood her character at all. And even Diana is suprised at his outburst. She too did not see all sides of him. Not even when she died.
For me intimacy means that you can talk about anything and you know how another person can react in a certain situation. Diana & Claude are supposed to be soulmates yet she didn’t recognize that Claude was in no position to raise her child. When he already tried to pretend Diana didn’t exist before she died, that should ring an alarm bell, that he might try to use, I dunno magic, to forget her and her child when she dies? I mean he is an accomplished magicean?? He was also known to murder and torture people after he rose to power. 0/10 no dad material.
(at least at that time)
As for the class distinction...Claude needs a woman who is equal to him. It doesn’t have to be status, if he would’ve just allowed Diana to treat him equally, then I could’ve maybe considered them as a couple.
Actually I wouldn’t have minded if the author had gone all in with yandere toxicness. it’s just confusing how she is sending me mixed signals about their relationship: one one hand we are supposed to think they are soulmate couple goals on the other hand Claude is pretty much the texbook definition of an abusive parent (without the physical abuse aspect). It’s contradicting.
I’m very puzzled because I know that’s not what the author wants us to think, but it’s what comes across. The pure love faction™ (Claude & Claudiana stans) and the Critics™ are simultaneously in the right and in the wrong with their interpretation of Claude’s character.
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evil-is-relative · 3 years
The fanfiction I daydream about most nowadays (besides a Miraculous one, but since I've never written for that fandom you're probably not asking about it ^_^; ) is what would have happed had Tyr been the Dragonborn. In Dragon Kin, I always headcannoned that the reason Ysmir was the LDB so young was because her father got killed by the Thalmor. I also sort of headcannon that the prophesy isn't exactly "last Dragonborn ever" (unless they fail, oc), but last Dragonborn bloodline/dynasty. This is entirely for my own convenience in Darva existing, though she does end up being the reason Alduin is once and for all defeated.
(I am wearing a wrist brace rn and it is VERY hard to type -_-)
The main reason I haven't written this story is because I have SO MANY other projects going on, and I'm not sure where to start it. Tyr's early life just kind of goes into the beginning of the game seamlessly, but without telling it first, his reactions make very little sense.
AAAAAAAAAAnd this became very long. I won't take up too much of your dash.
Like Ysmir's story, Tyr's story begins LONG before the game events. He and his father, Orien (who he named his son after, if you're confused) were hidden by Blades away from the Medes during the Interregnum, and just sort of never came back out of hiding. Orien Sr. wasn't planning on passing this burden down, but then Tyr's mother just sort of worked her way into his heart, and Tyr was born. During a hunting trip in the mountains between The Rift and Winterhold when he was about ten, he and YoungUlfric ended up being treed by the same angry giant. They bonded over this near-death experience, and became friends. Growing up on stories of True Nordiness, Ulfric enthusiastically pronounced them blood-brothers, and Tyr cluelessly agreed. Neither Hoag nor Orien was thrilled with this development.
After a Morag Tong assassin came after Orien for reasons I won't get into here, he and the Blades decided maybe a move was a good idea. They moved into the Grey Quarter, who took one look at the Happy Half-Nord Child and decided he needed a dose of good old Dunmer Cynicism if he wasn't going to be walked all over his entire life. Tyr learned to take great pride in the heritage of both sides of his family, though Ulfric never seemed interested. While Windhelm under Hoag was more welcoming than it later would be, he didn't exactly encourage intermingling, an attitude Ulfric absorbed.
When Tyr was twelve, the Morag Tong succeeded in killing Orien by targeting Tyr's mother instead, and he lost both parents. Not knowing the Blades would care for him, Ulfric moved him into the Palace of Kings with him, where he lived for a few months. The grief from losing his parents and being suddenly stuck in a place where everyone passive-aggressively disapproved of his half-Dunmer heritage took its toll on him, and his thu'um started to develop. Hoag assumed it was his True Nord son who was showing a natural aptitude with the Voice, and after a few shut-down attempts to correct this, Ulfric saw how pleased his father was with him, and went along with it. Tyr saw this as a huge betrayal, because not only did Ulfric lie, he prevented his friend from being sent somewhere actually safe, denied him the opportunity to control this new ability, and without him, Hoag sent him back to the Grey Quarter, where the Blades and the local Dunmer took up raising him collectively.
Anyway, that's what set up a lifetime of mixed feelings about his Nordic side and the ways different races interact (stupidly, is mostly how he'd summarize it), a simmering resentment for destiny thanks to all the Oblivion Crisis stole from three separate generations of his family, the Mede Empire, and a subconscious but driving need for a close family.
When he was sixteen, a Dunmer from Morrowind came through, worrying everyone in the Grey Quarter when he declared he was going to join the Companions of Jorrvaskr. His name was Athis, and he wanted to be an elite warrior, and if that took showing these human mercenaries that their opinions on elves is a bunch of bs, he'd put up with it (much to the skepticism of the Grey Quarter Dunmer, who had actually been putting up with it). Tyr, at loose ends and now legally an adult, decided to join him.
He was there only a few months when news of war with the Dominion reaches them. Ulfric abandoned High Hrothgar to fight, and upon learning that Tyr had joined the Companions (kinda sorta not been accepted yet), begged him to join with him, and promising to teach him the thu'um. Tyr's forgiving nature bit him in the butt, and he was captured with Ulfric and held in Thalmor prison until the end of the war, only released a year after it ended, at the age of twenty-one. He returned to Windhelm briefly, to find the Blades that had raised him had been taken by Thalmor, and his childhood friend had just finished slaughtering an entire city (Markarth Incident). Disgusted and disillusioned, Tyr wandered for a while, mapping out the ruins of Oblivion Gates in Skyrim and searching for a purpose. Eventually, he returned to Jorrvaskr, and took the Beast Blood.
After Hoag's death, and driven by his imprisonment at the hands of the Thalmor and subsequently taking it out on the only elves available to him, Windhelm under Ulfric became a steadily more hostile place to non-humans. The Dunmer asked Tyr to come intercede for them, because as his sworn blood-brother, Ulfric couldn't actually dismiss Tyr honorably. Tyr agreed, but Ulfric was on his way out the door, and simply had Tyr discuss it with him on the road to Solitude, explaining that he was going to make a case for Skyrim ceding from the Empire. Being no fan of the Empire and no fan of Thalmor, Tyr agreed that was something they should seriously consider, but ended up walking out when he realized Ulfric was going to challenge the young High King over it rather than talk. Had he realized Ulfric was going to use the thu'um, he might have intervened, and bitterly regretted leaving rather than talking Ulfric around.
Tyr stays out of the Civil War entirely, too jaded by the Empire to join the Legion, and too flat-out angry with Ulfric to even consider the Stormcloaks. The next time he sees Ulfric is entirely by accident, and the two get into an argument that ends with an Imperial ambush of the camp, and they are both arrested.
And thus starts the game.
I'm actually going to end this here. I might add on if there's interest, but for now, my wrist brace needs to go back on , and I've been typing for a long time.
Hope you liked it.
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starlit-dreaming · 3 years
me: im not gonna name her a pompidou. maybe she’s a niece or something
also me: pfffff i can’t stop imagining her saying “i’m madame pompidou’s daughter” with so much proud noble pride
she wont even appear until later chapters (i think idk yet i havent planned for much beyond chapter 1)
if none of the girls -- with the exception of helena -- have names, it should be fine if i just. use them for oc ideas, right? so far ive got 2 in mind for the most part
ok, so thus far, its a confirmed 7 girl group at all of athy’s tea parties/picnics
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because i want to craft a storyline for athanase for [in the back of my mind], i’d like to go off on the used designs for the recurring minor characters, give them names if they dont have any, and some ideas and backstories. asides for athy herself, jennette, and helena, there’s only 4 girls that i could work with on that front
Iris Nightingale
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i’m thinking of naming her iris cause i thought it was a cute name that would fit her. i also thought it’d be cute to just have her be from a family of musicians so i chose nightingale as a surname. i dont have a lot regarding what i have planned for her, but she’s gonna play as a sort of side role in athanase’s life (not as a friend, enemy, or lover, but more of an acquaintance)
Verena Dulke
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ok. im ngl. i had a lot of ideas
originally i wanted to name her autumn and have her be madame pompidou’s niece OR daughter. but if i made her madame pompidou’s daughter, then i wouldnt want to name her Autumn Pompidou so i had to come up with something else
i was very adamant about using a seasonal name at first because it would more or less work with what i have planned. but there were a lot of things that i had a lot of self-imposed restrictions
winter/wynter as a name was obviously eliminated. it’ll get weird pretty fast if i used my own name and i’m not about that life. same thing applies to my birth name, though im less hesitant about it and more exasperated at the idea of using it
summer was also eliminated for a similar reason. i don’t like using the names of my friends unless it’s a lowkey self-insert moment to joke about our blatant love for fictional characters, and, well, i’m friends with a gal named summer and have been since. 2016 or 2017, i want to say?
spring is a no-go. didn’t fit the theme of what i’m planning for. even if i used a name like vernal, i didn’t feel like it’d work out with my mind
therefore -- autumn was my middle ground. i knew a girl named autumn, sure, but i could ignore that and move on
as you can probably guess, i ended up with Verena Dulke instead of whatever’s in that rambling mess
now, in the manhwa (at least, in the translation that i read since mangadex is currently down and so i have to use a different manga site to pull up scenes to get my ideas going) there’s a girl that introduces herself as a Dulke, specifically with the phrase “Your Highness, I’m from the House of Count Dulke...”
you have no idea how much i wanna get rid of that L and type it as Duke instead
now, i’m deciding to name her Verena because of what she’s going to represent in this story. whether it be from the latin verus meaning “true” or if it means integrity, i’ll leave that up to you to think over it
the idea that came to me (that totally didnt come to me several minutes ago mid-thought while i was trying to debate over seasonal names or going with madame pompidou’s daughter) when i saw that sentence. maybe i’m reading too much into it, or i just flat out want angst
both. both is good too
she’s not introducing herself as the Daughter of Count Dulke, whoever this girl is, she’s introducing her family, and the idea that i got was “what if she’s the surviving member of her family” and since i’ve decided that she’s madame pompidou’s niece and/or daughter. what if madame pompidou is her aunt who adopted her after a tragedy occurs for the dulke’s family?
then, it makes sense that she would introduce herself as Dulke
which is more or less the backstory i’m gonna go with for this girl
she’s gonna become athanase’s best friend, just a heads up
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and she’s gonna be fun for me to write. not my fave-fave, but definitely a character i’ll be having fun throwing in
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i don’t have any ideas for her, and estine was one of the names that vaguely popped up but didn’t seem to have a face matching the speech bubble (like dulke) so i decided to just go with whatever at this point
i kinda like the idea of her being named Estelle and that Estine is a nickname
Cynthia OR Amaryllis
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i also didn’t have a lot of ideas for her, i’m ngl. i just thought it’d be cute to name her after the flower too, like iris. i’m open to suggestions, but otherwise i might go with cynthia
i kinda wanted to go with Erica, but apparently it means Eternal Ruler and considering that the royal family’s got a ton of grandiose names meant to emphasize eternity or immortality, yeah, that’s not gonna be a name i’ll be using for her
plus, i kinda like cynthia, now that im rambling about it and thinking more on it. i keep thinking of hyacinth flowers, and light and dark? blue seems to be her colour
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