#who's the bottom now haaa???????
all of them except change your username (maybe we can try that for a change too someday)
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onelittlespiral · 1 year
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From the moment I arrived, I felt like I stuck out like a sore thumb. I had come on vacation to kick back for a few days and get some action, but the resort had nearly no women and was instead populated with almost all men. They seemed like nice guys when I talked to them, certainly my kind of guys with how jacked they were. Or at least I thought so.
“Hey cutie, wanna come spend some time with daddy?”
“A newbie! Don’t worry, I’ll be gentle and sweet with you.”
“You looking to top or bottom?”
I realized I must have come on the Gay Days, and the men there were not shy about coming on to me. I tried to politely excuse myself whenever they turned the topic to sex. I spent a lot of time at the pool trying to just relax and have a good time, but it was starting to tick me off.
“Hey, I haven’t seen you here before.”
A man came and sat next to me. He was a scruffy guy, tanned and huge like most of the rest of them. The scent of sunscreen and BO rolled off him. His arms were wrapped in some nerdy tattoos but their size clearly showed he worked out hard. If he wasn’t here this week I would assume him to be a good pick for a gym bud.
“Yeah, first time. Didn’t realize I booked…uh…this week. Not really my scene.”
Something in his demeanor changed. It was hard to describe, but I felt a lot more at ease. He leaned over and began whisper to me,
“If I’m being honest. It isn’t much for me either. But fuck these gay guys know how to party. They’ve got just about anything you could want to take, and basically just pass the shit around. You ever actually tried poppers? I was fucked up bro.”
Maybe it was finally meeting another straight guy but I began relaxing.
He continued, “I got some stashed if you want to swing by and try some shit out.”
Maybe this vacation wouldn’t be such a wash.
I stopped by his room later that afternoon. He greeted me at the door and invited me in as he promised to show off the goods. The room was trashed. The floor was strewn with dirty shirts, shorts, and jockstraps. Shot glasses and beers were stuck to the tables. The bed was drenched in sweat. I stepped in and took a seat on the couch, cautions to avoid the mess. He sat down next to me.
“So, what have you got?”
“You now babe,” he said, throwing his arm in the air.
“Whaaaa…haaa” I started before my brain was afloat.
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I slowly leaned forward, drawn in by the thick musk that radiated from his pit. I tried to resist but soon my nose was pressed against it as his sweat filled my brain. I tried to pull back but he rested his arm against the back of my head, pinning me as my brain shut down on the fumes. It wasn’t long before my tongue lolled out of my mouth.
“There you go. Relax. Good boy.”
Good boy. It echoed in my brain, bouncing till it was the only thought left. I quivered in anticipation as I continued to drink in his scent and let his hair tickle my face.
“Yeah, lap it up big boy. This is right where you belong. It was designed just for you, to trap guys and help them fit in a bit more.”
What did he mean by that? But as he told me to lap it up, it was no longer good enough to just smell. I gave a hesitant lick. It only took one as his sweat swam across my mind. All functionality shut down as I worshipped that pit. As I did, I began to feel a change. Deep within an itch, a need developed. A need to be desired by this man… no. To be desired by men. Any who would have me. I felt a new power flow through me, a revitalized energy and strength. He pulled my dumbstruck face out of his pit and gave my hair a quick tousle. His hand glided down my cheek to my chin, and with a firm flick of his wrist pulled my lips to his. He pressed my face to his in a deep kiss as new memories filled my mind. Memories of long nights dancing and drinking at bars. Days working out getting shredded before hitting the sauna for some fun. Of pride parades and glitter in my beard. The longer he kissed me the more I felt myself grow completely comfortable in his arms. I belonged here, with all the hottest guys living it up for a week at the resort. I had been coming here for years to show off, party hard, and fuck into the early morning. My old self was being flushed away, leaking out of my cock, while the new personality filled in the gaps.
My body began to change where his hands brushed over my body. Arms swelled as biceps grew to mounds on my arms. Pecs hung heavy with muscle. Thighs and legs sent slow rips through my shorts until they had burst through, leaving my swelling cock to fight the jockstrap underneath. Feet inched across the floor as my toes curled from the strain. Every inch writhed beneath his touch. He pulled me back to inspect me.
“Damn you’re turning out well, some of my finest work.”
I mumbled in agreement, still stuck in a state of ecstasy as I felt new power surging through me. “Time to seal the deal.”
He slid his jock down, and the full force of his sweat and musk sent my brain swimming. I couldn’t resist as he slid his cock down my open throat, balls deep, and began face fucking me. As his bush filled my nostrils, pre slid down my throat in a steady stream. I felt warm all over, as a deep tan set in. I had come to this resort for years and loved sunbathing and showing off my muscles. The heat persisted, turning to a sweat, the sweat turning to a deep funk. It was the same smell invading my mind and body as he continued to thrust, deeper as my body adjusted to years of sucking men off. It felt like no surprise as a dusting of hair covered my pecs, then pushed down my stomach before my shaved down bush exploded. My pits filled in to better capture my own smell, and keep me just a little high on my own supply.
“Fuck yeah little bro, you’re gonna be so good out there.”
He slipped a hat over my head, and my mind filled with a new purpose. To kick back at this resort and fucking party. To feel pride in who I was and become one of the community. But, most importantly, to grow the tribe and bring more guys into the fold. I felt his cock tense in my mouth as my mind slowed down to accept my place as a gay god, to worship my bros and be worshiped. As thick ropes shot down my throat, I felt strong. I smelt rank. And I was fucking home.
The next day, a new guy showed up to the resort. Skinny, shy, out of place. I came over to talk with him.
“First time here, bro?”
“Yeah, not quite sure I belong.”
“Don’t worry,” I said. Throwing my arm behind my head. My musk caught his attention as his eyes began glazing over, “Why don’t I show you around?”
“Don’t worry,” his face was soon resting in my pit, and I saw his muscles twitch with anticipation, “you’re gonna fit right in bro.”
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reallyromealone · 4 months
Title: demon daddy
Fandom: Yuuri on ice
Characters: Yuuri, Viktor
Fic type: fluff
Pairings: viktuuri
Warnings: male reader, reader insert, child reader, demon Viktor, very ooc Viktor, fluff, dad Yuuri
Viktor was feared.
A ruthless prince of hell who was now sitting in the livingroom with infant toys and an exhausted single dad "hi! I'm sorry for doing this but I have an important skating match I can't miss and I can't bring my son and I need you to watch him for a few hours! Ok thanks bye!" And the cute Asian man ran out as Viktor looked at the tiny babe who was barely two, chewing his fist as he watched his morning Elmo "so you got a name?" Viktor asked the little one who barely broke from the screen to glance at him then Viktor saw the note on the table.
'hi! Again sorry, this is super messed up I know but I have no one else to watch my son (name)
He's one and a half, he already has been changed and had breakfast so he should be fine till about lunch, he loves games and helping, again I am so sorry'
This is the weirdest summoning he's had in a while.
Shifting into a human form, Viktor sat on the couch as (name) babbled along to the song playing before the credits roll, turning to look at the other curiously and Viktor sighed "your papa is a fool to trust such a defenceless with a demon" he teased as he lifted the babe who seemed perfectly content being in his hold, the demon getting up to check the house out, looking at the photos on the wall "you got a hot dad" Viktor said simply and (name) looked confused before babbling and chewing his fist "that's dirty, where's your pacifier" Viktor said softly as he removed the little fist from the babies mouth "you are a messy baby, are all babies this messy" he found the pacifier in its little case and popped it in the boys mouth.
(Name) Played with Viktors fingers as they walked around the two bedroom apartment, the demon snooping through the humans belongings "little human, you might have a new stepdad if I have anything to say about it" Viktor couldn't take his eyes off the humans dad whom he learned through snooping was named Yuuri, a pretty single dad who was single.
"Yeah, we love the idea of me being your stepdad!" Little (name) squealed as Viktor lifted him up high and (name) grabbed his horns curiously "your papa summoned me, silly humans"Viktor teased as he wandered the house with the boy who eventually fell asleep in his arms.
When Yuuri for home, he wasn't expecting to see a handsome demon scrolling his phone with his son slumped on his chest, face smooshed against the demon as said silver haired demon supported his little bottom and used his tail to rub his back to lull him.
"You summoned a demon to watch your spawn, human? You have guts" Viktor chuckled and Yuuri didn't know what to do as Viktor manifested up and close "do you know what happens now, human?"
"What do you want?" Yuuri wanted to cry, he didn't think this through, what he didn't expect was a kiss "you be mine, my pretty little wife"
Yuuri was nervous as Viktor got into his space, the kiss knocking the wind out of him "i- uh.."
"Papa!" The two looked down to the now awake (name) who clung to him "haaa!"
"Of course, little one"
This answer would have to wait as (name) needed food.
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nepenthe · matt murdock x reader
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nepenthe (n.)
something that can make you forget grief or suffering
pairing: college!matt x reader
word count: 2k
warnings: MY BLOG IS 18+ ONLY MINORS DNI. angst, feeling sick, mentions of blood tests, fear of needles, reader struggling with weight gain and body image
a/n: Self-indulgence? What is THAT? Ahahaha. Hahaha. Haaa... ಥ_ಥ Also pls excuse my rust af writing.
Divider by @firefly-graphics.
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Matt was angry at himself for not noticing it sooner. But something was definitely off with you today from the start.
First, you missed your morning classes, which you never did unless you had a good reason to. You loved Criminal Law, fighting your way to the front row and took pride in the fact that everyone turned to you when they needed notes. But even after the first break, you were a no-show, so he tried calling you several times.
When you didn’t pick up, he managed to get Foggy to send you a text, asking if everything was ok. He tried not to show it, but he was getting worried, too. Which only drove home the point that this was very uncharacteristic of you. In the middle of your next class, the phone dinged with a message, apologizing and letting the both of them know you were on your way.
Not ten minutes later, in the middle of Legal Research, you awkwardly creeped in through the door, much to the vexation of the professor, who merely huffed at you for interrupting his speech. You sneaked a shy wave towards them and took the first empty seat you could find.
Foggy leaned in close, whispering to him about how pale and tired you looked; and he could feel it, too. Anxiety was practically oozing out of you, and you were drinking an awful lot of water.
“You think they're sick?” Foggy asked, but Matt wasn’t sure. It didn’t seem like you had a fever.
But he would get to the bottom of this.
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After class, you tried to play it cool and brush it off. All you were willing to say was that you had a doctor’s appointment. “Just a checkup,” you reassured, and it wasn’t a lie, technically. But Matt could tell you were skidding around the truth, though he refrained from pushing you too hard.
It wasn’t until you were all walking across the campus that he reached the end of his patience. Foggy was animatedly telling you about what you missed that morning when you stumbled and fell over, almost dragging Matt down with you. He managed to grab your arm just in time, pulling you up and Foggy rushing over to your other side to help.
You really didn’t mean to. You specifically wanted to avoid telling them anything because you didn’t want to make them worry. But your stupid appointment left you lightheaded and dizzy, and it was hot and Foggy was talking and you tried to pay attention, barely hearing him over the ringing in your ears… Next thing you know, you were yanked up by Matt just in time to keep you from hitting the ground.
Foggy was ready to run for the nurse, but you managed to convince them there was no need for that, and that you just got dizzy. Matt was annoyed, you could tell. Curtly, he demanded you explain, but only after you had something to drink and layed down. Their dorms were closer and reluctantly, you let them take you to their shared room, guarding you from both sides despite your protests. This is exactly what you wanted to avoid, but fighting them was pointless.
Now, you were laying on your back across Matt’s bed, eyes closed as you tried to relax and even your breathing. He sat down next to you, the bed dipping under his weight.
“Why didn’t you tell us?” he asked, sounding more hurt than angry.
You opened your eyes, heaving a big sigh as you stared up at the ceiling. “Because it was just a blood test, it wasn’t supposed to be a big deal.”
“Not a big deal? They stabbed you three times, like a pin cushion!” Foggy exclaimed. He was sitting across the room on his own bed but you could feel his worried gaze - the both of their gazes - as if they were waiting for you to inevitably get sick again.
“They had to take different samples. It was for an insulin test.” you said meekly. Absent-mindedly, your hands brushed over one of the small bruises on your arm.
Matt furrowed his brow. This was the first time he was hearing about this, unaware of you having any medical issues. “A what?”
“A 3-point insulin resistance test. It’s like,...” you paused, groaning internally.
You really didn’t mean to burden them with this, but after your fall, you supposed they deserved an explanation. You really gave them quite a scare. “First they take a blood sample to check your blood sugar. And then you have to drink this disgusting cup filled with a lot of sugar and a little water, and then they take another blood sample after an hour, and then another after two hours have passed. To see your insulin levels.”
“Is it for…?”
“It’s to check for diabetes, and insulin resistance, yeah.”
There was a bit of silence, Matt reaching out to take your hand in his, fingertips skimming over your skin soothingly. “Is everything okay?”
“You’re not ill, are you?” Foggy asked from the other end.
Gosh, you could cry from how sweet and caring and worried they were. But it made you feel so guilty.
“I’m not. I-I think.” There were a few tears brimming in your eyes already. It was so stupid. “I just.. I’m sorry. I just struggled with my weight recently, so I went to see a doctor and-”
“Sweetheart,” Matt interrupted, in the most tender way possible. “There’s nothing wrong with your-”
“No, no, I know. I know, okay?” You pulled your hand away, instinctively wrapping your arms around your body. You could see it hurt Matt, but he didn’t force you, wanting to give you space if you needed.
It was so bloody stupid.
“I know it’s not a big deal, and that it could be worse, but I was really struggling, and I wanted to feel better about myself. And I tried paying attention to what I was eating, but it just- i-it wasn’t doing anything?”
Matt’s mind was speeding, trying to remember if you’ve ever mentioned this to him. Vaguely, he recalled how you often skipped eating together these past few weeks, claiming that you already had lunch, or politely declined the snacks they offered to share.
He didn’t think it meant anything other than you not feeling hungry, but now… if Matt was angry at himself before, now he was furious for not noticing. He was about to scold you - as gently as possible - but Foggy beat him to it.
“You didn’t start one of those crazy diets, did you?!”
At least, his exclamation brought a weak smile to your face, however fleeting. “Nah, don’t worry. I’m smarter than that, at least. I just tried to get better food, and did all the stupid things like drinking more water, and going on walks. But even after a few months, it was just-”
How could you explain it to them? It was hard to grasp, even for you. It was like your body despised you, refusing to cooperate and instead, turning against you. Like it was ignoring the rules that applied to everybody else, clinging to everything you gave it, refusing to let go.
You knew it wasn’t healthy to think about it this way, but you had so many classmates who just looked better than you. Thinner. Prettier. More natural. And it was blood-boiling how they seemingly had it all figured out, eating what they wanted and worrying about it later.
When your thoughts were getting nastier, and you felt worse about yourself than ever before, you realized that maybe you need a little help. You sought out a dietitian, who, despite your initial fears, was very understanding and patient with you. She actually listened and took notes about your family history. When you mentioned your grandmother had diabetes and thyroid gland problems, she immediately suggested taking some tests.
You didn’t want to tell Matt because you’ve only been dating for a short while, already feeling guilty for having so much baggage. Even if deep down, you knew he would support you through this. He was truly so sweet and kind, along with Foggy.
In the end, you just sighed. “I just wanted to make sure I’m doing things right, and the doctor seemed nice when she suggested the test. But I swear, I wasn’t starving myself.”
“You still got pretty dizzy today, yeah?” Matt asked, opening his palm and with a smile, you slid your hand back, entwining your fingers with his.
“Yeah, I don’t handle blood tests too well. I don’t like the needles.”
Foggy snorted. “This is why you should have taken us. We could have blindfolded you in the waiting room so you didn’t have to see.”
Matt burst out in laughter so unexpectedly that it was contagious and, despite still feeling a little sick, you couldn’t help but laugh yourself.
“I’m not sure that would be a good thing to do, but, thanks, Foggy.”
“We really don’t mind going with you next time, you know.” Matt offered, gently squeezing your hand. “If you want.”
It was silly that they wouldn’t support you, now that you thought of it.
“It would be nice, yeah. Sorry for not telling you about it. I didn’t even know it was going to last this long, and I had to go on an empty stomach, and couldn’t drink or eat anything in-between the samples… it was hard.”
There was a pause.
“But you did eat after it, right?” Matt asked, voice stern.
You quickly averted your gaze from him, only to be met with the deadliest glare you have ever seen from Foggy.
“I was in a hurry to make it to class!”
“That’s no excuse!”
“Sweetheart, what were you thinking?”
“I don’t know! I wasn’t thinking!”
“You have to eat something, right now.”
You groaned in defeat, grabbing Matt’s pillow and pulling it over your head.
“Fine, I’ll go grab something from the cafeteria.” Foggy said, climbing off his bed. “Matt, make sure they stay here.”
“I’m not a prisoner, Foggy!” You exclaimed, throwing the pillow in his general direction.
“Oh, you’re staying sweetheart, don’t worry.”
Once Foggy left, you promptly climbed over so you could lay your head in Matt’s lap, wrapping your arms around his waist. He chuckled, rubbing your back.
“You know we’re only doing this for you, right?”
“Yeah, yeah, you are both mother hens, I know.” You mumbled, pressing your face against his shirt. You took a deep breath, inhaling his scent and letting it calm you.
After a little silence, Matt brushed his fingers over your cheeks lovingly. “You really scared me today.”
“I’m sorry, Matt. I really am.”
“It’s ok, sweetheart. I’m not angry. But please,” he said, voice so low as he almost pleaded with you. “Don’t do it again.”
“I won’t, I promise.” You held him a bit tighter, and you both fell to a comfortable, peaceful silence.
It was only interrupted by a knock on the door a few minutes later.
“I hope you guys are decent,” Foggy said, carefully opening the door “cause I don’t wanna drop these sandwiches.”
You couldn’t even get angry at them. Most of your guilt has evaporated when you saw how ready they were to help, and if you wanted to be truly honest with yourself, it felt good to be doted on a little.
They were more than ready to entertain you all afternoon but after eating, you still felt a little tired, so Matt walked you back to your own dorm room. You thanked him for everything they did, and of course, being the sweet guy he is, he brushed it off as nothing to worry about.
He waited until you got comfortable in bed, leaning to press a kiss to your forehead. “I will always love you, no matter what happens, angel. And if you want to feel better, or just more comfortable about yourself, I’ll be here with you through that too, okay?”
You barely managed to squeak out a reply, eyes teary but feeling so loved by him. He gave you one last, quick kiss goodbye before he left to let you rest.
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birthfan · 1 year
Your 3 weeks over due with twins. Your absolutely massive with babies you can’t hardly walk but when you do you have the best/ biggest waddle ever. You work for the best real-estate companies around and your the #1 Realtor at the company. On a Saturday you get a phone call from your boss begging you to work an open house because the others can get it sold even though your on leave already. You agree but are very disgruntled but you slip into a loose sundress (only thing that fits) put on your heals and go to the house open it up and start letting customers in. ****As expected the open house brings dozens and dozens of shoppers *****
"hmmm of course everyone would hnnng decide to come today" I mumbled to myself as the potential buyers kept coming in, it was to be expected on a Saturday. "mmmnn it's almost like she wants me to pop out hnnng this baby in front of them" I thought to myself; my boss had called me up that morning offering triple my month's salary for working on this open house, apparently no one else was available but the overdue woman who was going to be induced the next day, whatever, I needed the money for the hospital expenses.
"excuse me miss, about the second floor.." a customer approached making me put on my customer service smile as I held my contracting belly, I'd been having contractions all day and they were starting to get closer and stronger, but I tried my best to keep a straight face, if it all went well I could just drive to the hospital once everyone left.
"well it's better if I show you" I said leading the customer towards the stairs, every step made me want to push, the baby felt so low and heavy and the pressure was unbearable; we finally reached the top of the stairs.
"huuu as you can hmmm see th-the s-second floor ba-haa-bathroom is..." I tried my best to best to describe the house as the contractions were now on top of each other making me pant and wince as I talked.
"Ma'am I'm sorry are you alright?" The customer asked worriedly "ooh d-don't you worry about me, I'm fi-" I was unfortunately interrupted by a loud splash as fluids gushed of my womanhood soaking the carpet beneath my feet.
I squatted deeply as I could feel the baby's head passing through my cervix causing me to push "hnnnnnng haaaa" the customer freaked out and yelled "OH MY GOD!" Catching the attention of everyone in the house.
My face turned a deep red as I turned towards the stairs to see that almost everyone had flocked at their base where they could see my soaked panties under the skirt of my sundress.
I pushed again feeling my lips bulge under the now almost see-through panties "hmmggaaah" I groaned as I slowly stood back up and asked the customer that I had accompanied "huuu c-could you lower m-my underwear haaa?"
They blushed deeply as they lowered themselves in front of me, went under my dress and lowered my drenched panties down to my ankles "th-thank you" I pant out before I hear someone say "Call an ambulance!!!".
Another customer went up the stairs "I think it's best if we get you down miss" he said as he reached me and the other customer "Y-yeah th-that seems like a good idea" I wrapped my arms around both of their shoulders as they helped me down.
Every step was torture as the movement of my legs caused the baby's head to slowly open me up, by the time we reached the bottom of the stairs another contraction hit me "mmmmmmnnnnnggggggghh" I grunted as the baby almost crowns.
"quick get her to the couch!" a customer yelled as my two helpers lead me to the expository couch. As I sat one of the customers opened my legs up and made me put my feet on the coffe table.
"She almost to a full crown I don't think the ambulance will make it in time" she said with a soothing calmness in her voice "alright hun listen to me, the next push is going to hurt like hell, but I need you to keep going until you can, okay?" She said.
I nodded as I tried not to think at all the people watching me in this sorry state. I felt a powerful contraction and began pushing "hnnnnnnnn" "alright good keep going" "nnnnnhhhhhaaaaaaa" "the head is at a full crown, keep pushing" "aaaahhhmmmmmmnnnnggg" I moaned as my pussy felt like it would split apart in front of everyone as I pushed.
"gggggggAAAAAH" "alright nice job miss,the head is halfway out, with the next push it should come out no problem" the woman said smiling softly at me as she lead my hand towards the top of my baby's head to feel it.
As my fingers felt my baby's hair and wet head I could feel myself begginning to cry from joy "oh my god that's my baby" I said tears streaming down my face.
The woman smiled "yes it is and in a minute you'll finally be able to hold them in your arms" she said, her fingers helping my lips stretch, as my body prepared fr another contraction.
As soon as it hit I pushed "hmmmmggaah" I grunted as the head popped out spraying fluids on the couch "amazing hun, let me just check for a cord" she said, all the other customers looking amazed at the head dangling in-between my legs.
"hmmm quick I gotta push" I whimper as the woman checks my baby's neck "alright you're good to know, push to your heart's content" as soon as I heard those words I pushed as hard I could, feeling the shoulders stretch my vagina again as they slowly came out, with my baby sliding out of me into the woman's hands.
"haaa haaa haaa" I panted, my body exhausted from having to birth my child. The woman handed my crying baby to me "it's a boy, how do you want to call him?" She asked as I began nursing my baby as the remaining fluids still leaked out of my sore womanhood.
I look at the woman and ask "what's your name?" She looks puzzled "huh Jessica" she answers, I smile to her and answer "then I'll call him Jesse"
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churnedbutterr · 2 years
I'm sorry to all the people who were looking forward to this for almost 2 months now. I hope this satisfies your needs for now.
Check the bottom for more notes~
Heimdall x Reader -
Get back here
Strong language
Part 1/?
It was a typical day of Heimdall trying to annoy Atreus. The boy was only trying his best not to listen to the self-absorbed prick, however, as for most of Heimdall's victims, he snapped. A little quarrel broke out. Atreus tried gruelingly to hit Heimdall with his arrows, but eventually got pushed down into the mud, getting covered in it. As Heimdall was praising himself and degrading Atreus, the boy sought a perfect opening to get back at him. Throwing mud at the man's beautifully ironed clean clothes, leaving Heimdall dazed and dumbfounded, and Atreus snickering. Clearly agitated and previously having Odin on Heimdall's tail, he had to go to his room to get a change of garments without further hurting Atreus. Having to leave Atreus to fend in Asgard's mud for himself. Fortunately, the All-father has given you a quest that would require you and Heimdall to leave Asgard for a little while. So, let's go get him, shall we?
"Yes, yes, I hear you. But I have no other choice! He has been pestering Atreus for days, and I can't have that boy leaving! Just take Heimdall with you to Niflheim and distract him for a good while." Odin had had enough of your whining about taking Heimdall on your mission. Knowing, that if he wasn't going to be bothering Atreus, he was going to be bothering you instead.
"But, All-father!" Trying to bicker with him further was just a waste of time at this point. He already had made up his mind and wasn't going to suggest anything else.
"I've got a lot of stuff to do and I have to fix this mess. Now, shoo! Go!"
Sighing, you left the old man to his papers, research, and any other stuff he was working on. Still not being able to believe that you'll need to spend time with Heimdall. It's not like you despised him but there was something about him that just made your stomach twist and twirl in a weird way.
Making your way from Odin over to Atreus, you noticed the massive amount of mud on his clothes, making you gasp.
"Atreus! What... What happened? Are you alright?" You exclaimed while jogging up to him.
"Yeah, I'm fine. That Heimdall sure is... a lot." He said, wiping the dirt off his armor.
"Heimdall? Heimdall did this?" You asked, although, you already knew the answer. I mean, who else could it have been?
"Yeah! Of course, it was him! I can't believe Odin hasn't sent him permanently to the top of that large wall! He just haaas to be everywhere and annoy everyone."
His snout scrunched, but just seconds after you saw a smile creeping onto Atreus' face.
"Buuut, I managed to get some mud on him as well, I'd call my payback pretty successful." He said proudly, putting his fists on his hips and puffing his chest.
"Hah, that's awesome! How'd he react?" Starting to get enticed in this story, you started to forget your main goal of talking to Atreus.
"Oh, right! Speaking of Heimdall, I need him for something. Do you happen to know where he is?"
"Heimdall? You NEED Heimdall? Am I having a nightmare right now?"
"Ah, no, no." You dismissed Atreus' joke by waving both your hands in front of you. "I need him for a mission."
"Oh? Why not take me instead?"
'Uhhhh, shit.' Seems like you didn't think about this far enough.
"The All-fath- I mean, Odin told me to get Heimdall and uh get a thing from a place, and uhm he said..."
"He said...?" Atreus waited patiently for you to continue.
"He said... That only Heimdall could help! He said he had another mission for you soon so he wanted you to have some well-deserved rest first!"
Great save.
"Oh, well, alright." Yes! He bought the excuse!
"Haha, yeah. But DO you know where he is?"
"Considering that I got mud on him, he probably went to change." Atreus answered, attempting to wipe off the now caked-on mud from his clothes.
"Oh! Thank you, thank you. Alright, gotta go, bye-bye!"
"Wha- Bye?"
Leaving Atreus to ponder the conversation, you continued on your search for Heimdall.
---slight time skip---
Nearing the end of the hall and the door to his room, you took in a quick breath before seeing the face you dreaded seeing the most. Raising your hand, you knocked on the heavy wooden door. Standing, waiting for an answer. Hearing light footsteps, you readied yourself for discouragement and name-calling. The door creaked open, leaving you stunned.
The very last thing you expected to show up in front of your face was his pale chest. His... pale, beautiful chest. 'No, get that out of your head.' You said to yourself, not moving an inch. However, you kept staring. Staring... at his chest, collar, neck...
"Come on, sweetheart. I know that I am stunning but stop admiring. What is it you want?" He said as you finished your eye journey to his face.
His voice snapped you out of your trance. Blood started to rush to your face, making your cheeks slightly pink.
"The All-father told me to..." Taking a small gulp, you continued. "to get you. For a mission. To Muspelheim." You said, hoping that he hadn't noticed the sweat dripping from your forehead.
"Muspelheim?" He asked in a teasing voice, questioning what you had said, knowing that that was definitely not what you meant.
Realizing your mistake, you quickly corrected yourself.
"Niflheim! I meant... Niflheim." You started to feel slightly embarrassed that you had said the wrong realm. Trying to calm yourself from the interaction was proving to be difficult, though, it wasn't helping that his face was inching closer to yours, as to inspect it.
"Seems as if you already went to Muspleheim before coming here."
He smirked. Noticing the blush creeping up to your ears.
"No. I. I didn't." You corrected him before continuing your proposal.
"Listen, you don't have much of a choice. Also, we need to be gone from Asgard as soon as possible, and for the rest of the day, so, get dressed." You spoke, looking over his abdomen, which had his pants almost falling below his hips, before averting your gaze to the side, to not let your thoughts wander further.
"Sigh. Well if the All-father says so." He murmured.
"I'll be out in a moment, just wait-"
Before Heimdall could finish his sentence, you both heard heavy footsteps almost rounding the corner.
"Shit." You and Heimdall whispered simultaneously, hearing Thor nearing your way. Turns out, Heimdall had an unfinished argument with him, that's why he exclaimed profanity. But you? You said that because you were about to be caught speaking with a man who was half-naked and leaning on the door frame. Both of you wouldn't have had a fun time explaining that to Odin if Thor were to see you.
Quickly reacting, because of reading your thoughts and agreeing with them, Heimdall pulled you by your waist into his room and pushed you with his hands on your half-exposed back into the half-empty wardrobe to hide. Naturally, he joined you, pulling you close to him and lightly holding your head to his chest. Your cheek touched his exposed skin and sank into it. Hearing every beat that resonated from his heart.
Meanwhile, Thor had barged in and was looking around for Heimdall in the room.
Your face grew redder and your thoughts started to foster in the middle of your mind rapidly, making you have a impossible way of ignoring them. What if his pants just happened to slip down further? What if you both fell out of the closet and he fell on top of you? What if you looked up at him and his purple eyes stared you down with lust? What if you made a move that would fluster him and make him suddenly want you? What if-
"Please," With a heavy annoyed sigh, he whispered, twisting his head slightly away from you. "silence your thoughts for a minute."
"Sorry." You dug your ear into his chest which appeared to be getting warmer by the second. Was his pulse quickening too?
No, no way it was. You were just overthinking, right? No way such a god would have feelings for someone like you.
Hold on. Did you have feelings for him? You're the one getting all flustered. No. No. This is bad. You shouldn't have feelings for him! First off, he'll never reciprocate them, and second, IT'S HEIMDALL! IT'S-
"SHUT UP" He whispered as quietly as he could.
Heimdall had swiftly leaned towards you, making you almost fall backward, the only support being his hands grabbing you by the shoulders, seeming as if he wanted to shake you and your thoughts out of your brain.
"Please, PLEASE, shut the FUCK up."
You stared at him in his glowing eyes as he scolded you. Although there was little to no light in the closet, you could feel the warmth radiating from his face and you knew that he was blushing too. Maybe even more than you.
Thor left with a loud slam of the door and angry footsteps. Leaving you and Heimdall frozen in the closet.
"Is he gone?" You whispered.
Heimdall peaked out to inspect. The thin ray of light caressing his face showed how red it had gotten. Clearing his throat, he said, "Yes, it appears so."
He hurriedly stepped out of the closet first, letting go of your shoulders. You, on the other hand, being clumsy and all, managed to trip on clothes and strings that got scattered on the floor by Thor.
Trying to quickly react, you reach out for the thing in front of you, which just happened to be Heimdall.
You grab him, and since he had busied his mind to not read any more of your thoughts, he wasn't paying attention.
You made him fall to the ground with you. You however, face-planted on the floor.
"Ouch..." Your voice got muffled by the floorboards.
You slowly looked up to see if he had gotten hurt from the fall. But instead of scolding you he was just sitting there on the floor, staring at you with wide eyes and a clogged throat.
Wondering what it was, your sweat turned cold and your eyes opened wide once you realized the pose you had fallen in.
Chest down, on your knees with your ass up. One hand grabbing his forearm that you tried to hold on to for support during the fall and the other clutching the clothes on the floor. And now, staring at him with your cheek hugging the wooden floor.
It practically looked as if you were begging for him. Not to mention, you were between his bent knees, your face merely steps away from his shaft.
You stared at each other not saying a word. It seemed as if both of your minds had gone blank.
His features started looking far too good in the morning light, hoping for something more you slowly rose up and cautiously inched closer to him as you noticed him leaning closer to you too. Your lips gravitated towards each other, leaving barely any room for breaths. Your noses almost touching.
But before you could get a taste, he stood up and grabbed the fresh shirt he had laid out on his bed previously and put it on. "Ahem, you said we needed to get out as soon as possible, right? Let's go." He said in a hurry, buttoning his clothes and tightening his belt, adjusting something in his pants.
Shortly after, he left you alone in his room with a loud thud of the door.
'That prick.'
You said to yourself, knowing damn well he just chickened out of a moment you both wanted.
You wouldn't let him get away that easily.
---part 1/?---
Soo, how'd I do? Constructive criticism is strongly appreciated. If you're looking forward to the next part, please let me know! I'll try to write it way faster this time~.
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get to know me thing?
thank you for the tagsies @kaaaaaaarf and @appreciatedmoron smooch<3
name: lune sign: aquarius (gemini moon, aqu rising) time: 6:35 in the evening (CET?) favourite band/artist: now wtf......ig at the moment dominic fike?? schmyt, hozier, shed fiends, hers, edwin rosen, ethel cain,,. YEAH i'll stop now last movie: bottoms (2023) HEHE huge rec!! last show: Jujutsu Kaisen my beloved (it's been a few days tho, don't throttle me rhea) when I created this blog: April 2023 lol other blogs: none sir do i get asks: sometimes! and i llovveee them, i am but a slut for interaction with the cool online gays
average hours of sleep: AHAha haaa um so,, it's either 4-5 or like a solid 10 *w* instruments: i played the flute when i was in 4th grade!:)) what I'm wearing: fuzzy socks, leggings, a pink graphic tee and an old cardigan so evidently i'm a peak fashion girlie dream job: hm, mhm,,,. yeah so,, like atm? i'm kind of gravitating towards just working in a bookstore if possible, maybe something fancy like a lecturer (yknow those people proofreading texts/books).. but mostly just having a quiet little life with my cute lil paycheck. cause honestly,, anything else?? exhausting
i'm super late to doing this and idk who’s been tagged already soo if you see this? u r now tagged, so do it if u havent yet(/threat)<3
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Yuji, is it true that Megumi tried to assassinate you? Did you also punish like you did to Kisho?
Megumi blinks hearing this but he looks away remembering the past even with that. Yuji however remembers to sigh.
"Yes, he did. Way back when Aniki was taking over many areas in our part. Though, I guess like you might have heard, he and I were close friends too without knowing much about one another." He said but looks to Megumi who looks away too.
However, a hand reaches to pet his head slowly that Megumi relaxed straight away. "Though to punishing him...heh...I did. But it was a lot more.......stronger."
"Hmmm, maybe I gave you a few too many shots from the drug. Though, you react so nicely even to my fingers and the toys." Yuji smiled looking down at his trapped assassin Megumi who was struggling as he was shaking.
He was tied up tight but he winces feeling the toys on him. Vibrators on his nipples to yuji stroking him.
"G..get your hands off of me you-Nugggh!!"
"Ah ah..language. I know it must be aching right now but..I told you I wouldn't hurt you silly. I can't hurt a good friend of mine I've gotten to know." he smiled only to look at him.
"Then you better get me out of this! I will be sure to have your head!" he barked only for Yuji to chuckle but suddenly stops to reach and show his hand. "?!?"
"Even if your a wet little slut....seems you are not fighting that much against me...or maybe it's because you want me to help you." he said.
"So......I'll be sure not to have you killed for trying to kill me....if you agree to a little deal. You become my assassin....and don't worry, even with whoever your working for, we'll take care of it. You'll be safe with me..and rewarded nicely if you listen to what I say.......but if not..I can keep doing this and leave you to suffer for it."
Megumi panted feeling him stroking his cock again but he groans leaning his head back. Why did the damn drug feel this good!? He bucks his hips that Yuji smiled.
"Well? Do we have a deal?"
"At first he didn't answer me but knowing what the others that hired him would do for failing....he agreed. We took care of the ones that hired him and he was free. But.." Yuji slips a hand down to grab his shirt and kiss him deeply. He tenses from the kiss that he kisses him back gripping his shirt before the kiss breaks panting softly.
"He's mine just like our little bird assassin." he chuckled.
Later that night, Megumi was on his knees moaning out while now tied up good. He couldn't move only buck his hips back into Yuji's monsterous thrusts as he was growling gripping his hips.
"Ahhhhhh ahhhhhh hnnnnnn n..not there!! Not there not there not THERE!!!" he moans drooling and yet, he moans wanting more even with the strong drugs in his body helping him.
"That's it..haaa just let it all go. Your mine now Fushiguro and I'm not going to let you out of my sight." he panted ramming into him more that he wanted to hear more of Megumi's sweet moans.
"Y...Yes s...sir...f..fuck yes ye-Gha!!!"
"It's Itadori sama pet..say it right!" he said smacking his ass that Megumi whines bitting his bottom lip.
"Y..Yes Itadori s..sama..p..please more! Please I need more!!" He begs only to feel him still keep moving his hips.
"In that night, he became mine and my assassin. I think he loves it don't you?" he asked.
"..Y..Yes Itadori sama..." he mutters but looks away with Yuji kissing his shoulder.
"Good puppy.."
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casspurrjoybell-26 · 11 months
Made of Steele - Chapter 6
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*Warning: Adult Content*
Once I stepped into Kit's apartment, I closed the door behind me, and he closed the distance between us.
"Are you sure about this?" he asked, his face inches from mine, as his eyes searched mine.
Fuck, why did he have to ask questions like that?
When just moments ago I let him put his tongue in my mouth, something I have never done with a guy.
"Yeah, are you?"
Kit was twenty two and studying to be a teacher, getting involved with me, in any way could be damaging not only for me but for him as his future, I knew that but did he?
I was eighteen and with a trust fund with millions inside of it, despite not knowing what my future holds, only one of our lives would be ruined if the school board found out about... whatever this was.
"I... like you," Kit said, a hint of pink on his cheeks as he took a step back from me. "Although I never thought this would happen, I'm glad you're here, so yeah... I'm sure."
I wasn't surprised, any normal guy without feelings for another guy would not ask me to their apartment and make out with me in the elevator of their apartment building, nor invite me into their place.
So, he liked me.
What did I say to that?
I had half thought this was just something spontaneous, some fun between two guys, exploring their sexuality, yet now I see that I missed a few things.
Kit wasn't exploring, he actually had feelings for me.
Feelings I didn't quite understand and not wanting to give false hope to anyone or Kit, who I didn't know, nor really like, yet respected, which made this more complicated than I thought.
"So, you're gay?" I asked, as he leaned his back against a wall, his teeth sucking in his bottom lip.
"Sometimes," he said, with a pause. "I've only been attracted to women. I have been with guys but... I've never liked them like I did with women."
"Huh?" I sigh out and run my fingers through my hair.
What the fuck kind of shit is that?
"I know what you're thinking,but I really do like you, I didn't ask you to come here just for some fun," he said, before his eyes went wide. "But yeah... maybe, I don't know, I wasn't expecting anything to happen... is what I'm saying."
Haaa… he's pissing me off, why did I have to ask him if he was gay?
He invited me to his place and didn't expect anything?
After rubbing his dick all over me?
"Are you fucking kidding me," I curse under my breath, before laughing out. "I'm out of here."
I turned around and opened his apartment door to leave but Kit put his hand on the door, stopping me from leaving, making me turn around and glare at him.
"Don't leave..."
He followed after me.
"I think you misunderstood me somewhere on this," he panicky said, as I gripped his hand hard and moved it away from the door.
I stepped out of his apartment and clicked the button for the elevator, feeling like a fucking idiot following him here by listening to my dick rather than my brain.
I turned around and looked at him, standing in his doorway.
"I knew there was a reason why I didn't like you."
His face fell and from the look on his face, it looked as if the words hurt him more than they were supposed to, a reaction I wasn't expecting.
It was as if I actually hurt his feelings, which started to make me feel guilty.
"Well, I like you," he said, stepping forward, a sad smile on his lips. "I've never liked a guy before and you make me... nervous, I don't know what to say to you. I didn't kiss you because I'm experimenting, I kissed you because I think you're amazing."
The elevator reaches Kit's floor and the doors open but for some reason my feet just won't move, his words holding me in place as he takes another step forward, until his chest was touching mine.
"I like you." He whispered. "Please, don't leave."
I should push him away, and leave, after-all, this wasn't me this wasn't something I did, yet despite thinking all that, I didn't really want to leave.
I wanted to stay but that thought scared me.
"I'm not gay," I force out, looking at him, as a smile forms on his lips.
"Tell that to your dick," he said, looking down as I followed his eyes, seeing that he was right.
Despite my words, I was erect, without knowing it.
The elevator doors closed behind me and once the elevator went down, Kit slowly reached out and held my hand in his, pulling me gently along with him back into his apartment, until once again, the door closed behind me.
"Are you hungry? I can make us something to eat and we can just talk, if that's what you want to do," he asked, walking further into his apartment, his hand still in mine.
I looked down at his pants and saw that he was also noticeably erect, just like me it looked like our hard-on's were not going away anytime soon.
As Kit let go of my hand and turned around to fix some pillows on his three-man sofa, I lifted my t-shirt from over my head and dropped it on the floor beside me, getting Kit's attention as he turns around and looks at me.
"What?... Jamie... What?..."
"Just shut up. You talk too much," I said, before pulling down my shorts, until I was only standing in my boxers.
When I looked back at Kit, he was staring at my chest and then slowly his eyes went down to look at my bulge, pressing hard against my underwear as I notice the tip of his ears now bright red.
While I didn't know if I even like Kit, I thought he looked cute, almost like a girl from his reactions he stared at my bare chest, much like girls did whenever I played football.
"Are you just going to gawk or are you going to undress too?" I ask, as his eyes snapped away from my erection to my eyes.
"Oh, yeah... uh." He stutters, before he lifted his shirt t-shirt from over his head.
Making the first move, I step forward and put my hand around his neck as I leaned in, pressing my lips against his as I closed my eyes, our chests touching as he wrapped his arm around my waist.
Kissing Kit was different and while I liked whenever I kissed Hannah, there was an obvious difference in skill, as much as I did not want to compare Kit to my ex-girlfriend, Kit was much better at it.
Opening my eyes, with my lips on his as he opened his mouth for my tongue, I grabbed hold of his free hand and placed it on my stomach, then lowered it until his hand was in my underwear and his fingers grazed against my cock.
His eyes opened and he pulled back from me and despite this being my first time with a guy, I was turned on and excited to see how far I could take this, without feeling like this was a mistake.
I used my hand to lower my underwear, my large erection springing free, I grabbed hold of Kit's hand and guided his hands to wrap around me as I leaned forward and pressed my lips to his neck.
His hot breath on my neck and his rough hand wrapping tightly around me, slowly jerking me off as I sucked on the piece of skin on his neck, I felt as though I could lose control at any moment from how good this felt.
Thinking I would be disgusted, I never expected to be the first to make a move like this, it shocked me just how badly I wanted him to touch me and how much I wanted to touch him.
I grabbed his underwear and moved them only enough to wrap my hand around his manhood, a strange feeling going through me, making me moan out as his lips press against my shoulder, before I felt his teeth nibble on me.
"Fuck." Whatever that was, it did not feel wrong.
Hungrily and greedily, I pulled back from his neck as Kit did and forcibly pressed my lips against his and started moving them against his, my tongue sliding into his mouth as I feel his wet tongue fight against mine.
I've never felt like this before, even with girls, it had never felt this good, I was already close to blowing my load just from kissing him and feeling his tongue on mine.
"I'm close," he said between kisses, as I nodded my head, also very close as his hand tightened around my cock.
Fucking hell, I didn't care what I was doing anymore.
The pleasure of his chest on mine, one of his hands wrapped around my dick, jerking me and his free hand touching everywhere he could reach while he kissed me back with just as much passion as I did have be rethink why I was so afraid of this.
Was it always this good?
If it was then I have been seriously missing out.
"F-Fuck," Kit moaned out deeply, his teeth grazing my lip as he jerked in my hand, pressing his forehead against mine as I lowered my eyes to our hands.
Kit had come in my hand and as his hand unexpectedly tightened around my cock, I felt my own release come just as unexpectedly as I felt my whole-body flinch as his hot breath mixed with mine, both of our eyes now on each other.
What... the fuck... seriously... I wasn't expecting this.
"I guess I'll shut up in the future too," Kit laughed, as I snorted and moved away from him.
As I caught my breath, I looked down at my hand filled with Kit's cum and my own leaking onto the floor, only realizing then and there that we had just stood there and jerked each other off in his living room.
"Hang on, I'll get some tissues," he said, before moving past me, as my eyes followed him, his muscled ass now on full display.
Well, if I was not gay now, I was close to it.
I sat down on his sofa with my dick in my hand as a laugh escaped my mouth, taking this chance to actually look around his place, as I had nothing else to do with him leaving me here.
His place was surprisingly tidy and clean, not at all what I expected from a sports guy like Kit, who is in training, I thought there would be books everywhere or any hint of his lifestyle but there was nothing.
Just photos of him with what looked like was his family and friends, just like any normal guy's place that lived in an apartment.
"Sorry... I'm back..."
Kit came back into the room, with tissues and wet wipes and then handed them to me, as we both cleaned ourselves off.
Looking at Kit up closely, fully naked, I saw just how well built he was, his body was nice and I mean I liked to work out but Kit was on another level, like he played sports for a living.
Or he just liked the gym?
"So," Kit began to speak, pulling me away from my thoughts, as I looked up at him. "How about that food now?"
Ah yes, food... and if his clock above his fridge was right, it was already six PM and about the time I made dinner.
I did not want to go home to an empty big house and watch TV shows on my own, so I nodded my head and leaned down to grab my underwear and the rest of my clothes, as Kit did the same.
Everything felt different now and even though I didn't know what this was with Kit and I now, I was now curious to see where this would go.
After-all, Kit was not as bad as I thought he was. 
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jkpfr · 1 year
It’s fairly rare for Jan and I to be on break at the same time. With our differing programs, when it’s not all four of us, it’s often Jan and Adele or Damien and myself.
“- Is that everything?
- Let me check…”
He came with me to the craft shop, and we’re about done looking for stuff I’ll need to make the invitations I want for my birthday. It feels a little dumb to have him help me gather the items I’ll use for an invitation I’m going to give to him… But it’s not like he doesn’t know that he’s invited anyway.
“- Where’s the…
- Bottom right.
- Bottom right?”
Ah, he’s right. “The”, which stands for the cool set of rainbow pens I found, was in fact in my cart.
“- Cool! Then I think that’s… everything, yeah.
- Okay!”
I hope I didn’t blush. Whenever Jan flashes that giddy smile of his, my face feels flushed… but I have to reassure myself that I didn’t blush. It would be too embarrassing otherwise.
Jan spins around, and we’re heading to the cash register. Though I like this shop… I’m eager to leave, if just to ensure Jan is comfortable. When I noticed him rubbing his eyes… I abruptly realised the lights were too bright, and once I thought about that, suddenly I heard the loud music coming out of speakers all around the place, and quickly I started to wonder if there wasn’t too much of a crowd walking around us.
Lost in thought… when someone stops Jan in the middle of an aisle, I almost crash into him. I apologetically place my hand on his shoulder, but I get shy and immediately remove it.
“- Jan?
- Hmm… Yes?”
The person who stopped him looks to be a young man our age, one I’ve never seen before – and by the sounds of it, Jan doesn’t recognise him either.
“- Jan—Wow! It’s been so long! You haven’t changed at all!”
He has mid-length wavy light brown hair, amber eyes, and a little stubble on his chin. Height-wise, he reminds me of Damien.
(Meaning he’s not all that tall, but I’m an asshole.)
“- Sorry, I…
- Haaa…”
It’s hard to read the stranger’s expression… he looks light-heartedly bothered that Jan doesn’t recognise him, but I can’t see him being too surprised about it.
“- Can you remind me? I’m so sorry.”
Jan is surprisingly calm – I’d gather he’s not used to being put on the spot. I guess he manages to stay cool even when he’s unprepared.
(If I saw you fail sometimes, would it be easier for us to be closer?)
“- Well… Back then, I hadn’t been able to change my name yet.”
That complicates things.
“- But… You were the only person I was out to. You were the only person I could talk to… about my dysphoria, my transition. So…
- WHA…!”
Interrupting his own loud reaction, Jan slaps his hands over his mouth.
I can’t help but take a step in front of him – to look at his face. With his eyes wide open…
He’s cute… What got into him?
“- Seriously?” he continues, letting his hands slide towards his own chin.
“- Y-Yes?
- Oh my God!”
Is he… shaking?
“- It’s been… Seriously? It’s been years… You look great!”
This is weird coming from him… he excitedly grabs the guy’s hands.
“- Really?
- Yes! You look awesome! I couldn’t even… I see it now, though. I’m so glad to see you again!
- Oh, for real?
- Yes!”
This guy… is someone Jan knew in the past. It’s now that Jan recognises him that he looks surprised… Or rather, it’s Jan’s positive reaction that surprises him.
Hmm… I feel a little dumb, just observing them like this. I’ll make a dumb comment to make it look like I’m owning it.
“- Jan was the only person you were able to be out to? That sounds tragic.
- …Attention seeker.
- …Ouch.”
Still holding the stranger’s – to me – hands, the flustered Jan who directs a snarky comment in my direction looks adorable.
(This doesn’t look like him failing at all.)
Guy number three chuckles and does in fact turn his attention to me.
“- Well… I guess… As far as not being able to be out generally went. But Jan being the one who knew, that wasn’t so tragic.
- Yeah? How did he come to know? Were you guys close friends?
- You don’t have to tell him if you don’t want to.”
This could feel like a critique coming from Jan, but he looks in an overwhelmingly good mood. Finally letting go of his old friend’s hands, he looks at him with some sort of… amazed wonder.
“- Heheh, it’s fine. You were so cool!”
Number three takes a step away to stretch, and immediately looks more relaxed. When he starts talking again, though, his voice reveals a lot of emotion.
“- I was just… this was in middle school. My parents are extremely transphobic, and I just couldn’t… allow them to know. I felt like I couldn’t trust anyone, so I was completely closeted.”
He marks a pause, clicking his tongue as he hesitates. I don’t know what to say… so I wait.
“- It felt so bad… I desperately wanted someone to talk to about my feelings… but I couldn’t even trust my friends. I didn’t know that I could trust them to keep it a secret, or even just… to respect me. Well, it’s in that context that I learned about Jan.
- Learned about Jan…
- Learned about Jan…”
Both Jan and I said that.
“- Heheh! Jan was this boy who was extremely popular… but plot twist, he was actually nice! Whenever someone told you about Jan, they would tell you “you’d think a popular guy like this would be an asshole, but no, he’s actually super nice.” He had a really good reputation and he looked like he was friendly with everyone.”
Of course that’s how he was.
“- So when I would run into him, I’d be curious, like everyone else. Plus, there was no way around it… He was pretty… So incredibly pretty…”
He chuckles nervously and starts to look in the direction opposite to Jan before continuing:
“- I started to overthink it… His face… He had such a pretty face, almost like… So I thought… I thought maybe he was like me. I didn’t have any proof, and actually, I didn’t believe it that much… I just wanted to.”
I find myself blushing (though if I’m lucky, maybe not…) and can’t help but take a glance at Jan. He looks slightly embarrassed, but most importantly… Well, Jan is very handsome. I wouldn’t say he could be mistaken for a girl, but his facial traits are delicate… His extremely pale blonde hair contributes to that soft air of his, and when his eyes were wide open in shock just a couple minutes ago…
You could see that he hides it. With his eyelids always exaggeratedly, and yet somehow tastefully relaxed, Jan wants to look cool – which he is – more than he wants to look cute – which he is.
“- I really wanted to. And with time I realised I desperately needed somebody to talk to. That’s why… I risked it, and I talked to him. And I told him.
- But…
- …Yeah. Oops. I was wrong. That was embarrassing, huh?
- It’s alright,” Jan reacts.
“- Of course… See? Being the person that he is, Jan lived up to his reputation, and he was incredibly nice. Now that the cat was out of the bag… It just turned out that he was the only person I’d come out to. And because he was so nice… I knew I could always come up to him to tell him about my feelings… Even just to hang around someone who knew, and believed me.
- Aww, that’s so sweet, though. Is that seriously how you guys became friends?
- Yes.
- Yeah! We were in different classes, so otherwise, we wouldn’t really have had a reason to hang out. I always felt like such an outsider, but there was something exciting about having a secret together.
- And you always seemed to appear out of nowhere, so it was like…
- You were in constant danger,” number three says, chuckling again.
“- Pff… No… I was going to say something like… constant fun.”
When I asked him about it a long time ago, Damien told me Jan had always had close queer friends. If this person’s identity was a secret, then he’s probably not who Dam was talking about. Either way… he said “duh, you’re safe with Jan” like I’d asked him a really stupid question. “Safer than with me, even.” (Threatening finger guns.)
“- Well… I don’t know if you ever thought about me, in all this time, but… You were so important to me, and I’m like… way too happy to have ran into you.
- Hah… are you kidding?”
I don’t know how he could say that, when Jan has been smiling genuinely this entire conversation. But just now… his expression gets a lot more intense.
“- I almost want to cry. I didn’t even recognise you. I’m so happy to see you again.”
0 notes
multifandomhellhole · 2 years
I haven’t seen any one punch man content on this blog for a while so why not give something to thirst on? So I present to you…Genos who loves being creampied! Just imagine you and him are going at it on the bed and you just fill him to the brim with your semen, painting everything in his lower mouth while.
Haha yeeeah I kinda went on a inactive period there for a bit and honestly lost the motivation to write, BUT now I'm sorta back (working on fics) I'll try to resume answering questions, thirsts, and the like 👍in honor of my return this became a bit of a fic... my bad lmao
Oh lovely genos, tears streaming down his pretty face from the view between his legs. His whole body shuddering and whirring like an overheated PC as your length plunges over and over into his slick hole. with his knees pressed to his chest you could see every inch of his dick right upfront, leaking so shamelessly. The view spurring your hips, your pelvis slapped hard against the silicone ass of your bitch below you. A mischievous smirk tugged at your lips.
"fuck genos.. keep looking like that and I might not pull out"
Oh fuck did that do it, as you knew it would, his hole tightened eagerly around your length nearly sending you over right there. and the way his dick twitched signaled his own approaching climax. God he can feel it. Fuck he can feel it all, his nerve sensors getting more and more stimulated with each drag of your cock. You know you just brought your hero to his end. Always a slut for your seed. The way His cute moans now get lewder, his hole trying to lock you deeper and deeper the more you fuck into him, and most of all the eager pair of metal hands that snaked between his legs to press your ass into him told you what he wanted, but that wasn't enough, you wanted words.
Without pausing your thrusts you teasingly hummed, "aww are you tyna tell me something?"
"Inside.. want inside"
he whispered while pressing more urgently
" haaa haah just..Just fuck me!, please I want it inside, I need to feel your cum inside!"
Hearing such filthy words from your naturally aloof cyborg was the final nudge. With a loud moan and slick squelch you bottomed out in him, filling every inch of the silicone walls effectively pushing him over the edge. You gasped and grunted as his neon cum hit a bit of your cheek through his own orgasm. spurt after spurt coating his walls in hot white and spurt after spurt he painted your torso as well. The sounds of his cries mixing with your pants as you Allowed his clenches to milk you dry. As the crashing waves slowed you bent to kiss his inner thigh, an intense heat from the hot metal barely sparring your lips. Eventually the steam dipicitated and the lights along his chest and arms went soft . His back dropped back down onto the bed and metal clicks n whirrs came to a hissing stop. Yet much to genos's suprise you refused to withdraw from his stuffed sex. Curiously His owl like eyes scanned through his stomach to see that even past the transparent linings of cum your dick appeared still erect. You couldn't help but smile knowing what the sight must be like for such advanced eyes. And yet Even through his obvious excitement he still tried to put your human limits first.
"Hah- you need to take a break"
his words sounded serious but the tone behind it came off as a desperate whine for more. If he really didn't want it he wouldn't be Already hard, he could just slide you out, lift you up, and take his leave, but You both knew He could never say no to the chance of a creampie
"Oh I don't think so" you smirked, lifting your brows at his hard on. With a defeated whine he laid back against the pillows as you shifted his legs on your shoulders for round 2.
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prelovednikaidou · 3 years
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corrupt; draken, ken ryuguji [01]
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In which you met the man of your past, but he didn't come back to remind you of the bitter break-up. Draken had one thing in mind and it was to never let you leave his side ever again. Distance made the heart grow fonder but he'd rather let you spend the rest of your life hating him if it meant you'd never leave his sight.
"I don't wish you well when you ain't with me, I want you crying."
mention of suicide, oral receiving (reader),
a/n: taglist are open up to 10 users! comment '☁️'
Word count: 2.1k
series masterlist
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[01: jealousy]
Draken wanted to take you away.
The curves of your spine, flowing down to the slope of your well-rounded bottom flesh, he watched the symmetrical dimple right above your butt - mocking him that those precious intimate spots were no longer his possession to own.
It wasn't only him who shared the same thought; everyone in this crowded room had their eyes glued on you. As if you were holding those guests captive, you felt immense pressure on your feet and thighs, quivered before you wrapped your leg around the shining pole.
Spinning, spinning, spinning.
Those blinding lights showered your sweating figure in all fairness, the sound of Abel's voice had long dimmed down, it meant that your show was done. It was silent in a minute,
lifting your face - your lips curled into a hunting smile and the room soared with cheers, crumpled money tossed across the stage, but your sense of content was suppressed by the overwhelming tension.
A pair of black pupils were starring at you - pinning you to where you stood. He was among the crowd, all in his glory without care but you. You felt something burst inside your chest, unable to tear your focus from him.
This longing for him is toxic.
Flashes of memories where those sober eyes bore into yours when he pumped his fat cock into your tight cunt until his thick cum over spilled, the same eyes that once shone with so much love but turned cold.
A shout from backstage startled you from your daze, another coworker came up and escorted you down, assisting you to take off the painful high heels.
"What's with you?" She threw a curious stare your way.
You still couldn't wrap your mind. He was there. Flesh and soul, presented in front of you. It was a brief eye contact but it was enough. Enough to tell you that he was coming back for you.
It had been years since the two of you chose to split up, making your paths without each other's companion.
"I, I've got to go. I forgot that I locked the windows, my cat's probably waiting for me. He's been out for 3 days so he's starving I think. Y'all can continue without me,"
You stood but your knees turned weak at the sudden arrival of him, standing by the door. A few steps taken back, you lost all rationality to stay calm because your heart thumped loudly.
Standing tall on his 6' ft, athletic and young Draken was nowhere to be seen but replaced - with a mature adult man that induced everything he carried into lust.
The robust body looked incredibly fit, lean, and you could see the strong outlines of his defined chest and abdominal muscles from the black shirt. If it was years ago, those leather jackets wouldn't suit him - he'd look like those up-start wannabe gangsters.
But it was different now. It clung to his broad shoulders perfectly, he wasn't as cheap as those local pranksters. The dark jeans also did little job in hiding his long legs. He was indeed a member of a gang; eerie and cruel - but he had never look this good that you want to fuck.
Draken's presence was enough to brush away every man in the room that you belonged to him. Your little admirers couldn't even look at him in the eyes, let alone make up a fight.
They left with a strong sense of defeat; no wonder you never once accept any confessions, turned out you have such a man waiting.
"Why is he here? This area is off-limits. Only staff is allowed. Naoki, guide him out." You forced yourself to mutter those words, uncaring to look at him with your back facing him.
Naoki sighed, this man literally slipped $750 under the table just to meet you. Those incompetent flies who claimed to love you didn't even spare this much effort. She only signaled him to step in before she whispered to you,
"Remember the guy I told you? The one that booked a whole session for your private room? He's that guy. It's just that he arrived a little early than the arranged meeting but it'll be great if you can build a connection with him."
You glared back, "Then send him back. We still have a week before that, right? I'm tired. I can't keep up with this," You pushed off her hand from your shoulder, began to take off your wig. His eyes were still the same; always undressing you naked.
Naoki could only grit her teeth, the money already landed in her pocket. What if he asked it back? She can't let such a great deal slip so she greeted him,
"She's a bit tired from the recent show. How about we push this to tomorrow? She's got free time on her hand to rest too." At least, this would do, right?
"If I have so much time on my hands, I wouldn't have come a week early. So you guess it yourself." His voice has changed too. It was an octave lower, you immediately rubbed your thighs together before you waved a hand.
"Haaa... leave us, Naoki. But I need you to go to my house. I wasn't joking about what I said earlier."
Naoki hurriedly nodded, clutching to her pocket before her eyes warily darted from Draken to you. Is this a couple feud? She noted in her head that she'd help this guy soon in the future - who doesn't want easy money?
"Okay, I will. Sir...? Err.. hope you have a pleasant chat with Dollface. I will excuse myself then ." The hindrance in Draken's eyes finally left the room, the door closed in a thump and the subtle tension thickened.
He didn't say anything, only leaned his body by the door as he watched you wiped off your makeup. This was his morning view back when you were still wet behind ears about pole dancing. You'd come back at the crack of drawn and he'd already been out to his workshop.
Stubborn like a little cat, your doe eyes didn't look up from your make-up bag and he could see through your act to be so busy. He loved how feisty you've become after years. It eased his heart that you could chase off those little shit.
"It suits you, [Y/N]. Face so pretty like a doll. Make one's heart itch to keep around. But I wonder why the name sounds so familiar."
"State your business. I'm heading home straight after this so don't expect a lap dance or something."
"Then that's the plan. I'll drive you home, eh?"
That damn 'eh'. He picked up your habit too well that the time he spent with you shaped him into copying your habit. It sounded cute but your heart still couldn't forgive him. Let him suffer a little.
"Don't need to. My boyfriend is great at doing his job. So do me a favor and let me rest quickly, how about that?"
Now, you were looking at him through the mirror. It was just too hard for you to muster yourself to face him directly. Draken didn't seem shaken. He stood straightly, you clenched your thighs tighter.
"Have I ever been quick in everything when I'm with you, [Y/N]?" His towering figure gawked over your smaller frame - casting his shadow over you as his sharp facial features caught your attention.
"Can't remember. Maybe? Because I said it just now almost like a reflex." You replied, not backing down but instead, squaring up to him that your ample breasts brushed against his torso.
His cologne didn't smell like the tacky, cheap body spray he used to own. This one smelled so expensive, alienated your memory of his familiar scent.
"Now you're getting older, your memory is getting rusty, dollface. Should I put on a play and see if you can call anything in mind?" You felt your breath became heavier but he didn't let you lose your focus yet.
Your chin was tugged upwards, the shadow of his cap cast upon his face and you remembered now; it was his eyes. Because he wasn't vocal about his feelings, you could understand everything from his eyes.
"You've grown softer, Draken. I almost threw up listening to you talk like this. What, are you changing jobs now? Don't tell me you went from a gangster to a con artist."
No, you were lying to yourself. Draken didn't change but improved. Change can be something bad but he never did anything that would bring him down. He just got better.
And it was true when the velvety touch on your beating pulse suddenly moved to your lips before he squished your cheeks in his hand.
"Fucking hot as hell but so damn annoying." He laughed, the light from his eyes never return, only replaced by a wicked glint.
He wanted to take you to his place, fuck you in his bed until you couldn't walk properly so he'd have more reasons to keep you at his place. He wanted to swallow you whole and he barely even started but why was it so damn hard to have you?
"Don't dare to think of anything nasty. You might not care about commitment in a relationship, but I do. So take your hands off me, Draken."
"Kenie. It's Kenie for you."
Your lips were so plump and wet, his other arm wrapped around your waist - hoisting you up to his body before he leaned by the dresser.
You shrieked when his scalding hot palm touched your naked back and as he untied the strings of your bra, he smiled at your face as he said,
"Do you think I'm going to believe that, dollface? Do you really think I don't know that this pussy hasn't been fucked well for months? I have eyes across this ward. You don't get to fool me."
Heat rose to your face, your small hands pushed on his shoulders, "You're still up in my business? Sounds like someone can't fucking move on."
He nodded, ripping off your lacey bralette and his big hands began to palm your heavy breast - carelessly rubbing your nipple with his thumb. You fought the urge to moan, you hold onto his shoulder for dear strength.
"You're right. I can't move on." Your breath hitched, he nuzzled his face to the column of your neck, inhaling so deep, and wrapped his arms tightly around your body. He missed you so much. So much that if you ran away again, he'd just kill himself.
"I fucked my fist thinking of you. I got this hard just by thinking of you. I'm not ashamed of it."
"That's your problem, Draken. I'm not you. I'm living my best life right now, and sorry that I can still cum just with my fingers."
"That's my girl," He pushed you until your back met the concrete wall, your eyes widened when he took off his cap and put it on you before he dropped to his knees.
"I am aware of your appetite, [Y/N]. You won't be happy with such a small meal. You always keep coming back to have your tight pussy stuffed. Even when we were living together, you couldn't stop begging my dick every night."
"What the hell are you talking about-" You pushed his forehead away from your private part, one hand covering your pussy but he gripped the side of your hips - bringing you straight to his mouth.
"I don't care if you use me as your favorite Cherry Twins. But don't deny that I made you cummed the hardest when I was in your life, dollface."
Your eyes became misty, his words just flew through your head - empty when his mouth latched on your clothed crotch, lapping on the small fabric that the nudge of his tongue probed on your budding clit.
Cherry Twins were the name he gave to your vibrators. Since he was always out when you were at home, he'd make you use them to your greedy cunt - even made a video call so he could jerk off in the public restroom.
You were wild, but he taught you to live even wilder.
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Next page: chapter [02] →
a/n : next chapter is full smut bcs thats the only thing my brain's capable of. Taglist are open up to 10 users! Comment '☁️’.
Taglist: @hanmascult @q-the-rockaholic @hikkarins
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Beidou's sister!reader riding and grinding on Ningguang's thighs and teasing her a lot to see how much she can resist to fuck her
Thank you for waiting, anon! Law school is kicking my ass that's why it took so long lol this is just porn without plot. Sister! reader is no match for Ningguang and Ningguang is an absolute black belly top.
Tradiccio Symbolica
Rating: E
Tags: somnophilia, thigh riding, and slight yandere undertones for Ningguang
A/N: Jiejie - older sister, Meimei - little sister, Baobei - baby
Ningguang was not blind to your seductive charms nor was she drunk on it but she would not deny that there was a certain intoxicating pleasure at seeing you desperately rub your wet cunt on her thighs. This was a great test of endurance and will power, your lewd moans alone were enough to drive her wet even so as a connoisseur of all exquisite things, Ningguang could hold on and stop herself from simply fucking you on her cedar table.
She was simply content seeing you cum again and again from her thighs. She found pleasure in seeing you slowly but surely lose this game you started. You were the only one privileged to bribe her, the only bribe she’d ever take since you were excellent when it came to entertaining her. And now that you were essentially giving her a free show and taste of yourself, Ningguang was even more inclined to indulge in your fantasies.
“Nnnn!” You bit your lips only to open it and moan when she lightly moved her leg upward, “Ahhn~”
Your movement caused your already slipping outer robes to slip further, exposing your breasts and erect nipples. Ningguang leaned comfortably and continued watching as you pleasured yourself, moving your hips back and forth to rub your dripping and sensitive cunt while you played with your breasts.
“Ningguan-jiejie” You moaned her name, “won’t you-haaa~” You arched as you came one more.
“Won’t I what?” She teased as her hand gently tugged on the sash of your kimono, exposing your soft stomach and wet cunt.
It made her lick her lips and your eyes tracked the way her tongue swiped across the bottom of her red lips. You moved forward and initiated a filthy kiss, twirling your tongue around hers in a sloppy kiss. Ningguang felt the way your pussy throbbed as it slid down her lap, she didn’t bother hiding her smugness when you pulled away and looked even more aroused.
If anyone saw you right now, they would think that you had been doused with a powerful aphrodisiac to act like in heat but Ningguang knew that you were simply like this. A slutty little meimei who knew how to act like a white lotus in front of others.
“Jiejie!” You whined almost begging to have her whole attention on you, “won’t you give up and fuck me already?”
Ningguang laughed softly, any other day she would have spoiled you and let you have what you want but she didn’t appreciate the trouble Beidou had caused from the Crux Clash, moreso when you were sent in your older sister’s place at the meeting. Though Ningguang was pleasantly surprised and thrilled at seeing you, there was still a need to ensure that her image wouldn’t collapse.
And if that meant teasing you like this, well she didn’t mind prolonging your punishment.
“You speak as if you hadn’t cummed from my fingers alone, baobei.”
You flushed in embarrassment as you remembered all the times you had offered your pussy for Ningguang’s fingers and how you shamelessly fucked yourself on her beautiful fingers alone. The memory alone was enough to make you hot and curl your toes inwards.
Ningguang smiled, “I’m sure you remember or third meeting” she began to recollect as her hand tweaked and played with your nipples, “you were quite mischievous back then, guiding my hand underneath your skirt and offering yourself so easily just to get release from a temporary imprisonment.”
Your rubbing grew frantic as you came closer and closer to cumming again. Your love juices were already dripping from Ningguang’s thighs and staining her wooden floors. She felt the fluttering of your pussy lips as if sucking on a cock that didn’t exist and Ningguang was tempted to form a cock shaped cor lapis for you to ride but decided against it.
“You were quite bold back then, to offer yourself to me” Her tone was fond as she grope your chest, enjoying the sight of you succumbing to her, “If I had been anything less, you wouldn’t make it back to Beidou.”
Your pussy once again fluttered at that confession, “I would have kept you in my residence, fuck your stupid younger self until you only knew how to crave for sex. I’d defile every inch of your body until my name ends up carved into the very bones of your marrow.”
“Jiejie~ isn’t that what you’re already doing to me?” You teased her as her fingers pressed against your lips in a silent order to suck it.
Ningguang smiled at you, eyes dark with lust as she watched you suck her fingers obediently and sluttily. Every lascivious act of yours was a performance that she enjoyed. It was empowering to see how quickly she could reduce you into a mess just as you can pick yourself up to tease her once more.
“Trust me, my dear, when I say that you have yet to experience me defiling you.”
And suddenly with a great force she slid her leg up, your clit rubbing hard against her thigh making you pass out as you came. Squirting on her clothes as you brokenly moaned while unconscious.
Some of your juices landed on her face and Ningguang smugly wiped it with her dry fingers before tasting it.
“Delicious as always.”
Her eyes watched as your throbbing pussy slowly calmed down and you peacefully remained unconscious on her desk. By now, she was sure that the guards stationed outside her office were well aware of what had just occurred but Ningguang knew none of this would become the primetime gossip of Liyue Harbor.
“Now then, time to enjoy my prize” Ningguang spoke as she expertly formed a pulsating strap made of cor lapis.
She lined the head to your pussy and easily slid it in and began to fuck you, thrusting it in and out of your overly sensitive pussy. Ningguang didn’t bother hiding her satisfaction at eating you once again, not when you were laid on her table like an exquisite feast for her alone.
“My dear, I really hope you never learn from your lessons” She whispered as she kissed your lips softly before she began to kiss you filthily.
As the afternoon grew into evening, the unmistakable sounds of sex echoed softly but clearly through the doors of the Tianquan’s office. Your moans coupled with Ningguang’s praises painted an erotic picture for those who heard it through the doors. These erotic sounds didn’t stop until well into the middle of the next day when you had emerged from the office with yesterday’s clothes.
Your face was flushed and the marks of love making were visible on your neck and wrists. Your clothes were rumpled and stained with suspicious liquid that no one wanted to think of deeply.
Ningguang didn’t send you off personally but no one was blind to the familiar hair pin of the Tianquan adorning your hair nor did anyone mention the slight limp as you walked. You remained smiling, pretending to not know what was going on through the minds of those who saw you walk out of Ningguang’s office.
You were much more focused on the pulsating cor lapis cock Ningguang had stuffed you with. Every step you took thrusted it deep into your pussy, hitting your spot and edging you.
‘I’ll never tease her like this again!’
And yet deep inside your heart, you knew very well that you would end up back in her chambers once more.
In her office, Ningguang admired the soft and still wet panty you had forgotten. Then she kept inside her mora pouch and decided to see how long it took for you to remember this.
“I’ll be waiting for you, my dear.”
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sonicstalker123 · 2 years
Fuyuhiko x Reader who almost drowns
Warning: mentions of drowning
🖤Female pronouns are used🖤
Monomi makes the main island’s pool a lot deeper so (in her words) people don’t hit their head while diving in the pool.
Everybody is hyped about it, especially Akane, Ibuki, Kazuichi, Nekomaru and Chiyaki.
Y/N has been eyeing the pool for days, weeks even but Fuyuhiko and Peko were too busy with their work to have a pool day with Y/N.
Finally, one day (by an amazing miracle), Fuyuhiko and Peko have a day off and they emerge from their cottages
Fuyuhiko and Peko walk out of their respective cottage to see Y/N turn around happily.
“Hello, Y/N. We finally have a day where we don’t have to work and Fuyuhiko and I wanted to-“ Peko says, but gets quickly interrupted by Fuyuhiko.
“S-Spend the day with you. J-Just you, me and Peko… So.. do you want to ha-“
Y/N happily interrupts him and happily blurts a loud and proud “YES! I… mean yes.” Y/N says with a nervous laughter.
Literally Y/N and Fuyuhiko (Y/N is Amy and Fuyu is Sonic in this situation):
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Peko laughs to herself quietly.
“Hah, what do you want to do, Y-Y/N?” Fuyuhiko asks.
“Let’s go swimming in the pool! Monomi just gave it a huge fucking upgrade and the pool is much deeper than it used to be, I think now it maybe… eight feet deep? Wanna go swimming??”
“I don’t see why not, it sounds fun, Y/N. Let’s go get ready.” Peko smiles as everybody goes to their respective cottages.
Y/N happily changes into her swimsuit and grabs the necessary tools to have a fun day at the pool… which is at the first or second island.
Peko and Fuyuhiko spot Y/N as she falls to her hands and knees from exhaustion.
“Woah, fuck, Y/N! Did you really run all the way to the marketplace and back WITH these pool float things? WHILE WE WERE GETTING READY? You could’ve waited until we were ready..” Fuyuhiko asks.
Y/N says as she nods her head and shakily makes a thumbs up sign. “Haaa, fuck, glad I drank all three of those… energy drinks from Ibuki… they were… haaa… useful…”
‘That explains why she’s matching Ibuki’s energy… Ibuki gave Y/N three caffeine beverages? That much caffeine is a lot..’
Oh Fuyuhiko, if only you met me, an Ibuki kin..
She slowly stands up. “I’m… haaaa… okay… just did a lot of running… fuck… okay.. I’m up!” Y/N stands up.
“Alright, that makes three of us! Let’s go!” The three walk to the pool. Y/N throws in the pool floats.
Fuyuhiko and Peko stand in the shade for a while Y/N looks at the Ultimate Swordswoman and Yakuza. “Alright, guys! Watch me, I’m gonna dive in and swim to the bottom!”
“Ok, just be careful..! We wouldn’t want you getting hurt or anything..!” Fuyuhiko states. Peko nods.
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Y/N nods and dives into the water. Little did she know that Nekomaru and Akane are training in the water.
She continues to swim down to the deeper parts of the water. Nekomaru uppercuts Akane as part of their training and Y/N gets hit in the back of the head from the uppercut and she starts to drown.
“That’s odd, I kinda thought that she would have resurfaced from the water now…” Fuyuhiko states.
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He stands over the pool and tries to look down at the water, focusing on the water. Then he sees little bubbles.
“Dammit! Is she drowning?! What the fuck is going on??” Fuyuhiko asks, pacing back and fourth.
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Nekomaru nervously laughs and walks out of the water. “Haha um, that was me. Oopsie.” They decide to take their training to the beach.
Peko also intensely stares at the pool, hopefully seeing something emerge. Slowly a bracelet emerges. It’s a black bracelet with a dragon on it.
Peko reaches for the bracelet and looks at it and spins it around, reading the words.
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‘Future Kuzuryuu’ it’s kind of like a friendship bracelet but in this case… kind of not. ;P
A pause.
“Wow, ‘Future Kuzuryuu’ Young Master, is this like a promise ring, are you wearing one too..?”
Fuyuhiko, clearly embarrassed, pulls his sleeve back to have the same bracelet. It’s the design that has the first dragon on it
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Fuyuhiko tries to find the right words but shakes his head. “Peko, w-we gotta be serious, why would would her bracelet emerge from the water? Unless… did she really…” Fuyuhiko looks down at the water to see a silhouette. “SHE FUCKIN’ DID!”
He gasps and dives into the water. Peko soon follows after him. They both manage to find Y/N, who showed some wounds from the uppercut. They drag her unconscious body to the surface and lay her body on the chair.
Fuyuhiko looks worried as he tries to hold her hand. “Y/N, wake up please… I wanna find out who did this to you…”
Peko points to Nekomaru. “He was the one who was training near Y/N… He might be the culprit, Young Master.”
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Akane and
“Huh? What are you talking about? That’s S/O, but what are you talking about? What mess did I make? All I did was train with Akane in the pool..!”
Fuyuhiko points to his S/O, who’s unconscious on the chair. Nekomaru gasps and Nekomaru and Akane run over to Fuyuhiko.
“Yo, what’s up, Baby Gangsta?” Akane says while grinning.
“I told you to quit calling me that! … Anyway, Y/N here might be unconscious and I think one or both of you might be the culprit.” Fuyuhiko states, pointing at Y/N.
Akane looks puzzled. “Woah, Y/N was in the pool with us? Awesome! She wouldn’t have stood a chance against Coach Nekomaru. He’s got this flying uppercut move that will send anybody flying backwards. I speak from experience…”
Fuyuhiko glares menacingly at Nekomaru. “You. Speak…. Now.”
“Now that you mention it, I did feel something while I was training Akane. When I moved my elbow back for the uppercut, I felt something. I… think it was her…” He then walks towards Y/N and raises his fists and slams them onto Y/N’s stomach.
“My god, what the actual fuck, are you trying to fucking kill her?? Because depending on your answer, you have another fucking thing coming, bastard. Why would you d-“
Everybody turns their head and look down at Y/N, who’s violently coughing up a lot of water with widened eyes. “Go get Mikan. Now. You made also grave mistake, hurting her like that.”
Once Nekomaru and Akane leave, Fuyuhiko looks at Y/N. “Hey, Y/N, can you hear me?? It’s Fuyuhiko and Peko. Please say something. Anything…”
“….. I feel like I got hit…. By something powerful….” They say while trying to sit up, Fuyuhiko ain’t allowing that.
“You just stay still. Mikan is going to get you all better… and… Peko and I will be with you the whole time. So please just lie down. We will protect you.”
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Fuyuhiko kisses her on the head and holds her hand while sitting next to her.
“I can still do it! I can still dive in the water! Lemme go and I can still dive!” Y/N says, clearly loopy from all of that coughing. Y/N escapes their grasp and slowly stumbles their way to the pool.
Peko and Fuyuhiko slowly sneak up on Y/N but then Y/N dives, worsening her condition. This time she manages to float to the surface with weak and shaky arms. “O-Ohhkay… I did it… c-catch me, P-Peko..” they say as they step out of the pool, losing their balance.
Peko manages to catch her and Y/N passes out on Peko. She carries Y/N to the chair and Fuyuhiko watches over his S/O literally all day, waiting for Mikan and she never shows.
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“Ok, she’s staying with me tonight, she’s only passed out, right? She can stay with me. I’m gonna protect her tonight….”
Y/N bolts awake. “I’m awake!”
“Are you okay? Can you walk? I’ll help you…” Fuyuhiko says as he helps Y/N. Sometimes she reaches for her cottage but…
Fuyu states many times that she’s staying with him for tonight and if anybody dares to lay a hand on HIS Y/N, they will… mysteriously disappear. Wonder why?
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unholytrinitytrio · 3 years
Pairing: Shigaraki x Reader x Tenko??
Word count: 1871
Warnings: Threesome, Overstimming, Oral Gagging, Mommy kink, Daddy Kink, Unprotected sex ( don’t be silly wrap that willy), Slight voyeurism
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You should have questioned AFO’s request when he suddenly called for your attention, stating that things had went awry after their so called scientific discovery.
So here you are right now, stuck with an alternate universe version of your boyfriend just until your boss finds the coordinates for his alternate universe.
Now that you had a good look at him he looks almost the same save for the his black locks and a bit of a ditzy personality. You weren’t gonna lie he looks a lot more easy to get along with. Saved for the constant bobbing of his legs indicating his increasing anxiousness.
Although his alternate version has some weird ass taste for name, always claiming to call him ‘Tenko Shimamura’.
Deciding to break the ice you tried greeting him again with a warm smile but not before hearing him whisper to himself ‘Oh god she looks just like her’. It was almost hilarious to see him blush beat red looking away from you all while sporting your lover’s face.
Shame that your source of amusement had been cut off by said lover walking inside the room shooting straight in your direction. Sitting himself besides you he started intimidating his look alike.
“Who’s idea was it to create a discounted version of me?” Propping his legs on top of the table, Shigaraki snarled, clearly intimidating the new comer after witnessing his counterpart making googly heart eyes at you.
“I’m not supposed to be dissing myself. But for someone who has the same face as me you look a lot shittier.” Tenko glared back at Shigaraki after watching him loop his arms around your waist pulling you closer.
At least you know he still hadn’t lost his charms.
And so here you are stuck between two warm bodies, one’s on your bottom already panting and whining for attention, hands groping anywhere he could hold unto. The other behind on top of you, grasping your neck, drool dripping from your shoulder from where he was latched, sucking.
“What’s the matter? Wanna put it in her?” Shigaraki mocked his alternate version all while rubbing his dick in between your butt cheeks.
“Shut up...” Tenko angrily murmured back, hastily removing the belt of his pants followed by shimmying his boxers off.
Tenko couldn’t believe it when he first saw a familiar face in an unfamiliar environment. You were literally a carbon copy of his lover in his universe. Well he considers you his lover you just don't know it yet.
Meeting you for the first time he couldn’t believe that he would experience falling in love with you all over again. And when you greeted him with that same warm smile he thought he lucked out.
And then that crusty version of him came ‘round and sullied his mood. He couldn’t believe his other version actually managed to reel in a beauty like you.
Grasping his dick, with bead of cum seeping on its head he rubbed it in between your sex finding it hot when you let out a gasp of pleasure.
Seeing you in vulnerable state brought him mixed feelings. Jealousy, that this Shigaraki fella gets to shag a pretty little thing like you every night whenever he likes it.  While still being aroused at the thought that he was the one that is giving you pleasure right now.
Well technically both of them were giving you pleasure.
Lifting his head to lean closer to your lips he almost had gotten to steal a kiss from you if it weren’t for the asshole above you jerking your head to the side to capture your lips for his own.
“Play nice Shiggy” you mumbled by his lips once you noticed the event taking place.
“I’m already playing nice” Shigaraki growled in between sucking your neck and groping on your breast. His dick still pressing hard on your lower back.
Shigaraki on the other hand ain’t damn near willing with the thought of sharing his most precious person. He doesn’t give a damn that the other person is literally still him just from the other alternate universe.
He loves it that you were willing to overlook your circumstance in order to service his other person. But he hates it that said other person also harbors intimate feelings for you despite just meeting you.
Tenko with one hand held your hips steadying you while the other hand grasping his dick positioning it at your entrance.
He entered you slowly with a gasp. Your warmth inviting him so intimately he almost came on the spot if it weren’t for his hands grasping at your hips, moving it as his pace.
“I-I love you!” Tenko confessed to you while drool escaped at the corner of his mouth. You looked down at him heart clenching at the adorable confession. You moved your head to willingly licked the escaped drool back to his mouth, kissing him lovingly ignoring the growl of warning from your lover behind you.
Finally setting at his hips, taking him all the way, you let him adjust at the sensation. Tenko’s eyes remained almost unfocused to anything but your figure on top of him.
“I-I’m ok now please move” Tenko stammered at you, looking at your face, one hand that was not currently holding your hips, stroked your face lovingly.
Being with Shigaraki, he almost never let you lead, even when he had you on top of him. He was always greedily snapping his hips at you in a brutal pace, not allowing you to adjust to his size.
So having the reign for the first time in a while was a nice change of pace.
You tried lifting your hips only allowing the head of his dick to remain inside you before dropping yourself to the hilt again. You grimaced a bit once you felt the head of his cock tap your cervix.
After some time the two of you had set some sort of pace. You still had the reign while he eagerly tried grinding himself when you lowered your self on him.
“Mmm” you let out a moan looking down at Tenko who's panting and occasionally letting out a whiny moan when you accidentally lifted yourself a bit faster than he liked.
From behind you, stroking his hardened cock, Shigaraki stared at your body lustfully while he eyed the other party with disdain.
“I love you (y/n)” Tenko confessed to you again, before capturing your lips to exchange a heated kiss.
Finally having enough at being ignored by you two, he crawled by your side, shoving Tenko’s face away from yours and then slapping his other self’s hand away from your hips.
“I had enough. Fucking cum already.”
He roughly grabbed your hips with both of his hands, lifting your figure effortlessly before abruptly dropping you down. Both you and Tenko let out a moan unceremoniously.
“Ahhh” you let out a moan at the familiar pace before holding Shigaraki’s arm, no longer your attention on Tenko.
“Aha-Aha, ple-please slower” Tenko let out a high pitched moan finding the aggressive pace a bit too stimulus for his liking. He was a bit surprised to say the least when he felt his body trying to match the pace, his hips unconsciously lifting itself of the ground trying to stay inside of you.
Grinning deviously Shigaraki continued his pace before reaching down to play with your clit. Jerking your hips at the increase sensation, almost letting Tenko’s cock slip out of you, you let out a wanton moan.
“Shi-Shigaraki pleaseee...”
“You heard the slut she wants more” Shigaraki said trying to excuse his behavior.
After several minutes of being manhandled by your lover, you whole upper body lolled forward, almost falling on the body beneath you if it weren’t for Shigaraki’s hold unto you. Your legs twitching, sensation flood you making you cum spontaneously with no warning, while poor Tenko is still inside you.
Letting out a high pitched moan you curled unto yourself from the overstimulus from both of your partners.
“Too much, too much please” Tenko plead, hips jerking, he tried removing his dick out of you but finding the task much harder due to the jerk behind you.
Honestly Shigaraki finds it all too amusing watching the both of you loose yourselves to pleasure. Like the asshole that he is, he stilled your body letting your body stay still on top of Tenko, his dick fully sheathed inside you despite the pleas.
Following minutes, Shigaraki lifted your listless body, thighs still twitching, to find his counterparts cock slipping out of you both of your mixed cum slipping out and staining the sheets beneath you.
Almost shoving the listless Tenko off of the bed. He made a room for your body to be plopped down, your hips and head supported by his pillows. Grinning down at you, your state entering the conscious and unconscious.
He lifted your hips to align with his. He swiftly entered inside of you liking the way the previous cum left behind had made all of these easier.
“Ahhhahaa...haaa....” you managed to regain back some of your consciousness before looking down at your interconnected hips.
“Ba-baby pleaseee rest..” you pleaded to your lover, before trying to wiggle yourself out of his grasps.
Not liking your response, Shigaraki tightened his hold on you, lifting both of your legs to press against your chest.
He leaned forward to capture your lips before starting to piston in and out of you merciless.
He figured if you can take his lowly version you can take this kind of pace.
He felt your insides struggle to accommodate his pace while still high on he sensation, making your insides twitch and grip his cock, as if not wanting to let him go.
Grunting when he felt the head of his cock hitting your cervix he let out a throaty groan when he felt your insides grip him harder.
All too soon he felt something wet hitting his thighs and lower abdomen.
Looking back at your face he was pleased to say. Your eyes rolling back, back arching to rub against his body, mouth hanging open, while your toes curled.
His grin wouldn’t had faltered if it weren’t for that fact that he heard someone beside him comment.
“Fuck that’s hot”
Looking to the side he saw his counterpart oggling at your figure. Hand on his rapidly hardening cock. Clicking his tongue in annoyance, he thought that the fucker was long gone fast asleep by now.
He hunched over your body effectively covering you from the other party’s sight, before he started chasing his own release.
“Hey no fair!” he heard that annoying shit again.
Shigaraki felt your hands caressed his face before whispering softly beside his ear.
“Ahh.. I love you Tomu..”
That did it for him, he thrusted into you deeply before stilling. You felt his cum flooding your insides before some of it escaped dripping and pooling beneath you.
He didn’t pulled out of you just yet before positioning the both of you. You round his arms while he cuddled your form, his back towards the other person.
“Ca-can I hold her too...”
“Go get your own”
A/N this was supposed to be an early celebration for Shigaraki’s birthday
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maddogofshimano · 3 years
Apology Ring: Rikiya Scratcher Event
A new Rikiya event! I was very excited about what nonsense this one would be and it did not disappoint. 
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I couldn’t tell you why Kuze’s a reward, but I sure did get 6 of him, so I can’t complain. Let’s get started!
Summary: While Rikiya has come to adore Kiryu as his aniki, Haruka is still cold and distant towards him. In his desperation to win back her favor, he learns that Haruka’s after a prize from the scratcher event happening at the local grocery store, and is determined to win it for her no matter the cost
2008 Shimabukuro Rikiya had been charmed by Kiryu Kazuma, and his yearning to have him as his aniki has led to him often visiting Morning Glory.
Rikiya: Aniki! Let's go get drinks together! Standing by for your answer!
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Kiryu: Rikiya...... I already gave you an answer earlier. I'm busy today. You should get back to work. <Kiryu walks away> Rikiya: W-Wait for me anikiiii~!
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Rikiya: Haaa.... Alone again..... Though, that's just one of the things that makes him so cool. (Tl note: overwhelmingly tempted to use the "attractive/good looking/handsome" meanings on かっこいい instead of cool lol) Rikiya: ....Oh? Haruka: Ah..... Rikiya-san. Good afternoon. ...............Bye. <She leaves>
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Rikiya: Ah, Haruka-chan.... Rikiya: She sure didn't look happy to see me... Guess she still hates me.
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Rikiya: Well... I guess being hated by her can't be helped. She was real scared I was going to evict everyone in Morning Glory after all... Rikiya: Kiryu no aniki swore an oath of brotherhood though... So I can't just leave things like this. Rikiya: If I apologize from the bottom of my heart, maybe Haruka-chan will forgive me... Rikiya: .........Hn? Koji: I want to get Haruka a gift for always working so hard, but I can't think of a single thing to get her.... Koji: Have you thought of anything Taichi? Taichi: I got this! Isn't this rock pretty? I found it out on the beach! Koji: ....A rock, huh. Well, Haruka will still be thrilled to get it. Now what am I gonna do.... Taichi: What about the scratchers down at the shopping center? Koji: Scratchers? What's that? Taichi: Haruka said she wanted to the prize from them, and wouldn't doing scratchers be fun? Koji: No way. I don't trust that it won't be a total bust. Taichi: But think about how happy she'd be. Rikiya: ....Scratchers at the shopping center? Hmm, come to think of it I was supposed to go to the super market. Rikiya: ......If I can get that thing Haruka-chan wants, she might forgive me, so it's worth a shot. Rikiya: With a little bit of luck and money, let's take a gamble on scratchers! <He runs downtown> Manager: Hey welcome! Right now we're running a scratcher campaign~.
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Manager: The top prize, a trip to Tokyo, has already been claimed, but we still have a ring from a brand that's very popular with women, a coffee maker, an electric razor, and a 100kg of rice among the fabulous prizes jostling around! You can't miss this opportunity! Rikiya: (.....The only thing he listed that a girl her age would want is that ring. That must be what Haruka-chan is after!) Rikiya: Sir! Give me a scratcher! Manager: Ah, Rikiya-kun. Ready to have some fun? One entry for every 1,000 yen you spend at the store! <scratching noises> Manager: Annnnd... no luck. For the bottom prize, here's your free pack of pocket tissues. Rikiya: Damn... Totally drained, huh. I really don't have any more cash to blow on scratchers. Manager: That's a shame, Rikiya-kun. I'll be here with the scratchers for a while longer if you change your mind and want to try again. Rikiya: ....Say, mister. I really just gotta get my hands on that ring. Is there any way we could make that happen? Rikiya: ....I beg you! Truly!! Manager: No, and the answer stays no no matter how many times you ask~. Manager: Right now the odds are stacked in the customer's favor with how many scratchers have been pulled, so good luck. Rikiya: ....Man, that's really how it is, huh. I getcha... Gimme a bit to scrape up some cash. <Rikiya leaves, makes a phonecall> Rikiya: ....I'm all out. Mikio's broke too. I guess I could try getting a loan.... hmmmmm.....
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Rikiya: What am I gonna do... My plan to show my sincere apologies to Haruka with that ring is turning out to be a huge bust. Rikiya: I gotta get more cash to do pulls with... If only there was some way to do free pulls...... (Tl note: Rikiya is the prime target for gatcha games) <he moves on> Rikiya: ....I ended up walking all the way around Ryukyu without getting a single idea. What am I gonna do.... Hm? Blond Chinpira A: Hehehe, look at all these scratchers. I'm a almost afraid I'll get sick of doing scratchers from this.
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Blond Chinpira B: Mhm~! Hey, did ya see that employee's face? He was so scared, it was hilarious! Hehehe. <they leave> Rikiya: ....What were those bastards up to? <Rikiya returns to the store> Rikiya: !? Manager: Uughh.... Rikiya: Hey, hey..... you're not looking good. All your merch has been scattered and all the shelves are all smashed up....
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Rikiya: What the heck happened while I was gone? Manager: Ah, Rikiya-kun... The truth is.... some blond haired chinpira came and stole all the scratchers..... Rikiya: Blond haired chinpira...? You mean those assholes just a minute ago did this? Manager: When they found out the top prize had already been claimed... they flew into a rage and started smashing things.... Manager: They stole all the scratchers and remaining prizes and said "You better have that top prize restocked by the time we're back".... Rikiya: What the hell? Manager: I don't know if the police could do anything, and I have no idea how I could get another trip to Tokyo lined up..... Manager: Rikiya-kun, I'm sorry. I really did want you to have fun with this scratcher campaign... Manager: Haa... I started this up intending to give back to my regulars... but now it's going to end like this... I guess it can't be helped. Rikiya: ..........It's just like you to still be thinking about your customers. Even at a time like this they're the ones you're worried about.... Rikiya: ...Sir, I'm going to crush those assholes. I swear it. Manager: Eh? Rikiya: I can't stand cowardly civilians like that. ....So I'm gonna kick their asses. Rikiya: While I'm at it I'll get back all the scratchers and all the prizes and return them to you. Manager: R-Rikiya-kun.... but.... Rikiya: Don't worry about it. This is my job as a member of the Ryudo Family. My boss would yell at me if I turned a blind eye to this. Rikiya: So, I'm off! <Rikiya leaves> Manager: Rikiya-kun..... <EVENT START>
Blonde Chinpira A: Ughhh......
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Rikiya: ......Hand over the scratchers and the prizes.
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Blonde Chinpira A: W-Who the fuck are you....
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Rikiya: Ryudo family captain, Shimabukuro Rikiya. Chinpira: R-....Ryudo Family!? Y-You're... a professional....... Rikiya: ......We good? I don't think ya want this again.
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Rikiya: If I ever hear that you're causing problems for that shop again then I'm going to silence you myself!!!! Chinpira: I-I got it.... it won't happen again. <back at the store> Rikiya: There you are, manager. The scratchers and the prizes. With this, you should be able to continue your campaign, right? Manager: R-Rikiya-kun...... Rikiya: I really nailed those shitheads, so you shouldn't need to worry about them coming after you for revenge. Rikiya: Of course if they do show up, just give me a ring. I'll handle 'em for you. Any time you need. Manager: Th-Thank you Rikiya-kun.... What can I ever do to repay you...... Rikiya: Don't sweat it. This is just the job of a member of the Ryudo Family. <Rikiya begins walking away> Manager: Ah, Rikiya-kun! Rikiya: ......I'm up shit creek here. What about Haruka-chan's present....
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Rikiya: What am I gonna do..... I'm outta cash......... I got it. I'm sure I got some pachinko balls tucked away.... ???: Rikiya-kun! <manager runs up> Rikiya: Manager? Manager: Ha... Ha.... This.... I wanted to give this to you. Rikiya: This is..... the ring that was one of the scratcher prizes!? Manager: Yep. You said you wanted it. So I figured to repay you somewhere... I'd like to give this to you. Rikiya: Manager..... But isn't this a real major prize? Manager: It's fine. Without you the scratcher campaign wouldn't have continued at all. Manager: Oh, are you turning this down? I know this doesn't remotely make up for everything you did, and I'm truly sorry. Rikiya: ....I ain't turning it down! Thank you, manager! Manager: Hehe, that makes me glad to hear. Well, I'm heading back to the store now. See ya. <Manager leaves> Rikiya: Hell yes... Now I can give this to Haruka-chan as an apology! Rikiya: Finally we'll be able to wrap this whole thing up and move past things with one big gesture! Rikiya: Wait for me! Haruka-chan! <Rikiya runs off> Rikiya: .......Pardon my intrusion.
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Haruka: Ah...... Rikiya-san.
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Rikiya: (....She's still so distant. Guess she still doesn't like me one bit....) Kiryu: What is it? Rikiya. I can't get drinks with you today. Rikiya: Nah, I'm actually here for Haruka-chan this time. Kiryu: To see Haruka? Rikiya: Yes... Um, Haruka-chan. I actually have something to give to you. Haruka: Something to give to... me? Rikiya: Here, this. It's some kind of ring from a famous brand. Haruka-chan, this was that thing you wanted, right? Haruka: Eh!?
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Kiryu: A ring? What's this about Haruka?
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Haruka: N-.... No. I, don't really like rings...
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Rikiya: Right. As soon as I heard you wanted this I rushed out frantically to-........ Rikiya: .......Eh!!??
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Rikiya: What do you mean, you don't really like rings...... But.... Isn't this the ring you said you wanted? Haruka: ...N-No. I don't remember ever saying I wanted that..... Rikiya: That's.... B-But, you wanted one of the prizes from the scratchers....... Haruka: Scratchers.....? Oh, of course.... Rikiya: Of course....? Haruka: I wanted the rice so that everyone could have it to eat. Is that what you were thinking of? Rikiya: R-Rice!!?? <flashback to the manager talking about all the prizes they had> Rikiya: The thing that Haruka-chan actually wanted..... was the 100kg of rice.......... Rikiya: I was so sure it was the ring.... Seriously, man......... Haruka: I-I'm so sorry. Kiryu: ....Say, Rikiya. What's with the sudden present? Haruka's birthday's still a ways off, right? Rikiya: .........I wanted to give it to Haruka-chan as an apology. Kiryu: ....Apology? Rikiya: Yes. When I came to Morning Glory and threatened to evict everyone, for kids that have nowhere else to go, wouldn't that have been terrifying? Rikiya: Since then, Haruka's hated me. But I wanted to earn Haruka's forgiveness... Rikiya: That's why.... I thought I could give her that ring as an earnest apology. Rikiya: But then I went and got her something she didn't even want, so instead of being happy she's bothered by it... I really am a fool, huh. (Tl note: we might not have gotten to hear Rikiya sing bakamitai but he did at least say the phrase here lol) Haruka: .....Rikiya-san. Even though I never said I wanted it..... I really am happy to get it. Rikiya: ....That's sweet of you to say, Haruka-chan. But you don't have to lie like that to me.... Haruka: No, it's true. Rikiya-san, you picked out that ring to give me because you thought it'd make me happy, right? Haruka: The fact that you were thinking about me like that and working so hard to make me happy, well, how could I not be! Rikiya: Haruka-chan.....
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Haruka: Really though.... I don't hate you, okay? Rikiya: Eh? Haruka: I... think you're a good person, Rikiya-san. So I don't have a reason to dislike you. Rikiya: Wait, but... Earlier when you saw my mug you looked real upset and ran off immediately, didn't you? Haruka: That was... sorry... I think I was trying to hold in a sneeze. Rikiya: .......a sneeze? Haruka: Right. Honestly I was dealing with a cold earlier.... I didn't want to get you sick, so I was trying really hard not to sneeze..... Rikiya: --Which explains why you were keeping your distance..... What the hell. Have I just been totally overthinking this........ Kiryu: ...Heh, I'm glad for you Rikiya. Your worries were misplaced, and this is all settled now. Rikiya: A-Anikiii.... Haruka-chan's.... a good kid....... Rikiya: I horribly threaten her and she doesn't hate me...... I don't even get her the present she wants and she's still thrilled..... Rikiya: Even if it was my job to scare her.... She's... She's such a good kid, that Haruka-chan.... <Rikiya drops to the ground> Rikiya: I'M SO SO SORRYYYYYYYYYY!!!!
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Haruka: R-Rikiya-san!? Kiryu: H-Hey. Rikiya, quit grovelling!
Rikiya kept his head bowed in apology for a long time, until Kiryu and Haruka were both troubled by the excessiveness.
Bonus stuff: 
I was so sure Haruka wanted to trip to Tokyo to give to Kiryu so that he could go visit. The rice was my second guess, but I was so ready for the emotional pain. Shout outs to @agentshilonglang​ for correctly guessing it though! 
This one wasn’t as long or a fraction as difficult to translate as the previous Rikiya board game event, but I am thrilled to have more Rikiya content. This card also has a new character story, and I pulled it so I’ll get that translated sometime soon-ish! I’m actually thinking of holding a poll on which story to do next when I hit 300 followers.
Finally this was the song that played on the main page of the event, tho they skipped the intro portion:
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