#whoever selects the music for this show deserves everything i love them so much
theoriginalsapphic · 1 year
Let me steal this moment from you now: Max, Will, Vecna and memories
This is a theory loosely based on BirthdayGate and me rewatching The Hunger Games due to its ongoing reinassance on tiktok and not being able to sleep at three in the morning.
BirthdayGate is the theory that Vecna has been manipulating Will’s memories to basically isolate him from others and making him an easier target (this is an oversimplification of the theory and I may have gotten some things wrong, so keep that in mind).
In the third and final book of the trilogy, Mockingjay, Peeta is held captive by President Snow and used against Katniss. During his captivity, he was tortured, beaten, and hijacked using tracker jacker venom to distort his memories of Katniss until he believed she was a mutt trying to kill him. Essentially, they turned him into a weapon.
Both BirthdayGate and Peeta’s plot in Mockingjay have one thing in common: mind control through brainwashing and psychological torture, which, also happens to be one of the main objectives of MKUltra, a non-fictional illegal human-experimentation program that was developed and overtaken by the CIA between 1953 and 1973, and that in the show is represented through Dr. Brenner and the Hawkins laboratory.
Stay with me; I swear I’m going somewhere.
Vecna messing with someone’s memories wouldn’t be a new thing. In fact, this concept has already been introduced in the fourth season, heavily foreshadowed by this particular song.
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Right before the battle against Vecna, Max has the theory that, because she managed to escape through remembering the people that she loves, the best place to hide from Vecna would be to hide in her happiest memory.
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Solid theory, all things considered. That is something that the characters got right; Vecna feeds of the darkness inside people (their fears, their traumas, and their guilt), so it would be logical to hide somewhere that represents the complete opposite of his source of power: their light, their strength, etc.
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However, the characters underestimated how powerful Vecna truly is, and how capable he is of entering and messing with people’s minds. Max believed that hiding in a happy memory would save her because it did the first time, but he still managed to find her the second time around.
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So, how does what happened to Max in season 4 relates to Will and Vecna?
Well, for starters, I just demonstrated why Vecna ruining someone’s happiest memories wouldn’t be a new concept at all.
Something that has been mentioned a couple of times it’s how little Will mentions what happened to him during that week he spent in the Upside Down. As a matter of fact, we know very little of what happened to him during that week, and if anything, what little have we learned about has just provoked more questions (way too many to write them in this post).
However, something that I don’t see mentioned as frequently it’s that we don’t really know much about what Will went through with Lonnie, except through third-party recounts, like Joyce telling Hopper Lonnie used to call Will slurs, or Jonathan remembering the first time he showed him The Clash after Lonnie failed to pick him up for a baseball game.
This is even more peculiar when considering that all the other characters that have experienced abuse in the show have been seen interacting with their abuser and, more or less, react to their actions (Joyce and Lonnie, Jonathan and Lonnie, Billy and Neil, Max and Billy, El and Brenner).
But the point is, we have never seen Will interact with Lonnie or even mention Lonnie. The only time Will mentions his dad is in a flashback that is remembered by Jonathan (who, unlike Will, has named Lonnie several times).
Just like with his trauma with the Upside Down, we don’t know much about his trauma with his dad.
In a regular world, with non-supernatural interference, this could be a completely expected response to trauma:
"Dissociative amnesia occurs when a person blocks out certain events, often associated with stress or trauma, leaving the person unable to remember important personal information." "According to the American Psychiatric Association (APA), dissociative amnesia often occurs due to traumatic or stressful events, such as childhood trauma, abuse, and neglect. Dissociative amnesia can also stem from issues relating to personal identity and past experiences." "This forgetting may be limited to certain specific areas (thematic) or may include much of your life history and/or identity (general)."
So, what if Vecna’s intention is to manipulate Will’s happy memories so those memories can’t save them the way they saved him back in season 2? Just like Vecna did the second time he faced Max.
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In fact, what happens if these memories have been manipulated so they are no longer happy and instead bring him pain and anguish? What if the only memories that remain untouched inside his mind are the ones he wishes he could forget, the ones that were once repressed, so his own mind can be used against him? Just like Peeta Mellark in Mockingjay.
"Occasionally, a person may be able to suddenly recall these traumatic or abusive events, also known as recovered memories. Alternatively, a person may have false memories of a situation, or inaccurate memories that can be influenced by others or created to fill in gaps. Unfortunately, because a person may genuinely believe that these memories are accurate, it can be challenging to differentiate them from reality."
If what saved Max the first time she faced Vecna were happy memories…
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Coincidentally, Will is the only party member that doesn't appear in Max's memories while the lyrics 'Let me steal this moment from you now' are being sung.
...triggered by a song she loves...
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…then what happens when that person has no happy memories left to grasp on? What happens when those memories that formed the individual are gone, and the person loses what made their identity? If you lose everything that makes you, you, then who are you anymore? What happens when there is no light to escape to anymore?
This started as a theory about Will but now I’m concerned what will happen with Max when she wakes up.
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i get so lost inside your eyes || h. styles
warnings: mentions of a break up, swearing, kissing, mentions of alcohol
word count: 1.5k
summary: you and harry are alone on valentine’s day, so decide to spend it together...
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“I brought wine!” Harry smiled, showing you the bottle he’d bought on the way to your home. 
“My hero,” you joked, opening your front door wider to let Harry in. 
“And I got you flowers,” he shrugged, his cheeks coated in a light tinge of red. 
You smiled, “Why did you do that?”
“Just felt like it. You deserve them anyway,” he sighed, passing them to you. 
“Well, thank you, Harry,” you grinned. 
You took the wine and flowers from him, taking them through to the kitchen. He shrugged his coat off and head through to the living room. It was dark outside, the sun having set two or three hours prior to Harry’s arrival. 
You’d know Harry for a long time. Nearly seven years. And you’d been good friends for that time, enjoying one another’s company perhaps too much. He’d been there for you when it felt like nobody else was. Harry had seen some of your ugliest moments and his adoration for you had never faltered. 
Due to you both being single, you’d made the mutual decision to spend Valentine’s Day together. Spending the evening together, binging cheesy romcoms and crying over fictional characters’ love lives, sounded like the perfect way to spend Valentine’s Day to you. And evidently to Harry too, for he was, sat on your couch, flicking through Netflix. 
You placed the two wine glasses down on your coffee table, pouring the bottle out between them. You sat in silence as the title sequence of Harry’s selected movie rolled, taking occasional sips of the wine. “How’s Valentine’s Day being single then?” he asked suddenly. “You know, since you and Peter broke up.”
“Thanks for reminding me of that,” you joked. “Just what I wanted to hear today.”
His eyes widening, realising how rude his question was, “Oh, Y/N, I’m-“
You chuckled, “Harry, it’s fine. I was kidding.”
“Oh, right,” he laughed. “Obviously. Are you looking for anyone right now?”
Your throat suddenly became very dry. You were in the midst of trying to suppress your feelings for Harry before looking for anything serious with somebody else. After you and Peter had broken up, you had assigned yourself a ‘no guys’ rule, in which you’d stay away from dating altogether for at least six months.
 But then you began to see Harry under a different lens. You’d always found him attractive and you were never to deny the fact that Harry was good-looking, even before you first met him. But you’d never seen him under a romantic light. And then you began to, and it made hanging out with him feel completely different. You were hyper-aware of everything he did and you picked up on the small things he did. It became exhausting. 
Swallowing the lump in your throat, you forced a shrug, “Not really. No point forcing something with somebody when I’m not in any rush to be in a relationship.”
“Oh… fair enough,” he nodded, his eyebrows knitted together slightly. “Yeah, why force it?”
He prayed you hadn’t picked up on his slight shift in mood. The awkwardness and the slightly disheartened tone. But you had. You weren’t going to mention it though; it would be mean to put him on the spot like that. So, instead, the two of you stayed silent as you watched the movie. 
About an hour and a half later, the credits rolled. You yawned, stretching your legs slightly, they were dead from the position you’d had them in for the duration of the movie. “I’ve got ice cream, come and tell me about yourself,” you said, getting up to fetch the tub of vanilla ice cream from the freezer. 
He followed, beginning to talk about how the band were and how writing was going. You nodded along, genuinely interested in how his music career was going, as you fished out some spoons. The pair of you sat down at the kitchen island, sharing the tub of ice cream as he told you about the many love songs he was writing. He’d tell you about a date he went on, which inspired this song, and a crush he had, which inspired that song. And, though hard for you to listen to, you still nodded along eagerly, wishing he wouldn’t notice the frown that was playing on your lips. “How’s Gemma?” you asked, hoping you didn’t seem desperate to change the topic of conversation. 
He shrugged, “She’s good. She was actually asking how you were today, I was on the phone with her.”
“Oh,” you smiled. You adored Gemma. “That’s kind of her. Tell her that her podcast has been keeping me sane.”
“She’ll be glad to hear that,” he chuckled. “Have you still got that piano?”
It was a random question and it took you by surprise slightly. It was so off-topic. You nodded. He smiled, “Can I teach you one of my songs?”
You grinned, “If you’d like.”
Playing the piano was something your parents had forced you to do when you were a child. And, it wasn’t that you didn’t enjoy it, you certainly did now that you were an adult, but it was never something you were necessarily passionate about. Not like Harry was about music anyway. It was more of a hobby for whenever you could make time to play now. 
You followed him through to the dining room, deciding the empty tub of ice cream could wait until later to clear away. He sat himself down on the stool, patting the space beside him. “Come on, Y/N,” he laughed at your hesitancy.
Sitting down beside him, you felt your cheeks suddenly heat up. Your thigh was pressed against his, your arms grazing slightly. And you realised, as he was playing one of his songs, his eyes flicking between the keys and you, how intimate this really was. You felt like you were in school again, getting incredibly too nervous whenever you were partnered up with whoever you were crushing in at the time. “See, it’s just like this,” he said, playing it slower. 
You nodded, “Kudos to Charlotte for remembering all of this.”
“I remember it too!” he said, acting as if the compliment you’d just offered Charlotte was the most offensive thing anybody had ever said to him. 
You stifled a laugh, “Yeah, but you don’t play it in front of thousands of people. God, you’re such a drama queen.”
He shrugged, “What can I say? That’s showbiz, baby.”
You felt ready to pass out. He’d just called you ‘baby’, and though you knew it was part of the saying, it still felt weird to have him direct the name at you. You laughed anyway, trying to act as normal as possible. “If you say so,” you smiled. 
“Right, now you try,” he said, taking your hand and placing it on the keys. 
“Harry, it’ll sound terrible,” you sighed. 
“Just give it a go,” he smiled supportively at you, staring into your eyes. “You’re great at everything anyway.”
You scoffed, “Well, that’s just a blatant lie. Play it again. I’ve only seen you do it once.”
He nodded, repeating what he’d played before. You took note of the notes, lodging them into your brain somewhere. Besides, it was only the intro of the song. And so, you gave it a shot and it sounded somewhat decent. That was until you noticed Harry staring at you out of the corner of your eye. This completely ruined your concentration and you managed to absolutely butcher the beforehand beautiful tune. “Shit, sorry,” you said quickly. 
“Don’t apologise, you’ve got nothing to be sorry for,” he said softly. “It was great for a first attempt.”
You turned to look at him, only then noticing how dangerously close your faces were. It was a tight squeeze on the piano stool as it was, but now it was forcing your faces inches apart. “You’re so beautiful,” he whispered. 
You expected him to suddenly recoil, realising what he’d just said and apologise. But he didn’t. He sat silently as if waiting for you to say something back. “Can I kiss you?” he asked before you had the chance to return the compliment or thank him for it. 
You nodded, “Please.”
And he did. And it was wonderful. Better than anything you’d dreamt up inside your head. His hand on your cheek, the other on your thigh, you felt safe with Harry. This kiss with Harry felt more natural than anything else you’d shared with previous partners. As he pulled away, he grinned, eyes fluttering up and down your face. “Sorry,” he said quietly as if he was second-guessing the perfect moment of intimacy you’d just shared. 
“Don’t apologise, you’ve got nothing to be sorry for,” you repeated his earlier words, earning yourself a grin from Harry and another peck on the lips. 
He smirked slightly, “Do you want to maybe end Valentine’s Day with a boyfriend?”
“Is that an offer, Harry?” you grinned. 
“Perhaps it is, yes.”
“Then I might just take you up on it.”
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haifengg · 3 years
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Genre/TW: mentioning of alcohol consumption, indication of molesting
Pairing: Idol!TaeyongxFem!Reader
Word Count: 1.6k
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Neither one of you was usually into turbulent or spontaneous dates. The common ground of wanting to spend your days off or maybe just nights off with some quality chill activities was what originally drew you towards each other. You appreciated Taeyong a lot for his ability to manage a loud Kindergarten-like group of people and guiding them through everything safe and sound, so you knew very well how mad his job could be. How much energy it drained from him and you were more than happy to spend your time with him recharging.
That being said, neither one of you was a huge troublemaker either. You liked having a great time wherever you went but you always made sure to stay out of trouble. The fact that Taeyong was who he was made it difficult enough to schedule date nights and actually go somewhere outside your apartment. Getting into trouble or even worse - attracting bad press was unspeakable. So you did your best to stay out of anything shady.
With all of that in mind, there still were nights like this one from time to time. Nights when friends of either one of you ask you to go out with them. Checking out some clubs or bars, enjoying alcohol and music and dance. Which is what Taeyong was truly amazing at. Even if it was just jumping in a crowded club - this aura around him would never fade.
So tonight was one of these nights. You were all dressed up, sitting in the corner of this exclusive club one of Taeyong’s producer friends invited you into because he knew what a pain dating a celebrity/non-celebrity was. At this location everyone was either well-known or with someone well-known. Everyone appreciated the selection of clientele.
A few hours had already passed and a few drinks already found there way into your system. You were dancing with Taeyong a lot, having his hands subtly roaming over your body when things got so intense on the dance floor that no one was paying attention anyways. At first you laughed it off and told to take it down a notch because even tho the club was upper class and selected customer only, there was no guarantee no one would record you, or leak anything to some sort of social media news account. But you quickly noticed that all your warnings didn’t really reach your boyfriend. He was way too caught up into the surroundings. Loud music, bass banging, crowds of raving people. The lights, the time of the night and the alcohol. It all added up to his urge of letting off steam, wiping work out of his head just for a few hours.
By the sixth song and after countless attempts from his side you finally gave in and turned around. Since you stood still in a pit of jumping people a few of them bumped into you but you paid them no mind. Instead you pulled your boyfriend in closely, bringing you lips close to his ear and whispering shouting into his ear:
“How about we just go somewhere more private?”
You pull away and observed amusedly how the expression on his face changed within seconds, as soon as he noticed that he didn’t mishear.
Taeyong nodded, strongly agreeing and shaking his head towards the door shielding the hallway and the restrooms from the main dance floor.
You softly patted twice with your flat hand on his chest before turning around and leaving towards the restrooms. He would follow in a few moments, maybe after the song finished. Just waited long enough for no one to really catch any suspicions.
The door closed behind you and suddenly you noticed how obnoxiously loud the dance floor was. There weren’t a lot of people in the hallway since most of the guests rather enjoyed what they came here for instead of hanging around in some meadow. So you shook your head adjusting to the absence of noise and made your way across the hallway, past some people heading to the restrooms. One mustn’t forget what you came here for and what you were expecting.
But when you were walking past a group of maybe 3 or 4 guys one of them dropped his drink, the glass bursting on the floor and the raining alcohol splattering across the wall and floor. You quickly turn around thinking that you might have bumped into him causing the small accident and apologised even before you could overlook the entire situation.
“I am so sorry, I didn’t mean to-“ You say crouching down and starting to pick up the shards of glass but stop immediately as you noticed that no one else was making a move to help you. Instead the men looked at you interestedly just as one of them seemed to recognise you.
“Hey, aren’t you Taeyong’s girlfriend?” He smirked."
“Taeyong?” One of this guy’s friends asked and another chimed in.
“NCT Taeyong. This SM boygroup. Yeah, I think it’s her."
“Oh look at her, she’s really pretty up close. I can see why he’s into her."
By the time he said that you had already gotten up and regained full posture just to notice that even fully standing up these guys were much more intimidating than you originally realised. “Listen, I am really sorry I spilled your drink and I will get you another one later but for now I really have to go."
Offering him to buy another drink was insanely stupid in this situation but like most of the time your manners got the better of you. Of Course you noticed how they looked at you. And of course you were aware of what dress you wore and how it make you look. “Where you gotta go?” One of them asked looking past you and smiling. “To the restroom? We’d be more than happy to accompany you. Just to make sure, you know, you don’t forget about that drink you owe my friend here."
“If she owns him a drink, I would be more than happy to pay for it but I honestly doubt that she made him drop it in the first place.” Someone said and your head spun around just to see your boyfriend being the owner of those words.
“See, that’s him.” Someone of them said, bopping his ellbow into his friend’s rips. “I honestly don’t see why so many women are into him. You’re actually real skinny up close. Your girlfriend here really deserves better and she will know once we show her what she’s missing out on."
As soon as the sound of these words hit his ears Taeyong shoved himself between you and these awful men to keep them from looking at you any longer. He reached into his pocket pulling out some random small bill that would surely be enough to cover another drink and shoved it into the drink-less guys chest pocket.
“I would really like you to leave now. I hope this will do. Now if you excuse us."
He grabbed your wrist more firmly than you would have expect him to and was about to march out of the club but one last comment from the group of strangers made him freeze on the spot.
“That’s so like you!” They laughed. “Throwing money at problems so that they go away. What an unfair world we live in. Being born handsome really is a guarantee for being successful regardless to how talentless one is."
You had never in your life seen Taeyong opting for violence and you honestly thought you never would. But within the blink on an eye he appeared in front of whoever said that and was about to place his fist frontally on to his opponents nose bridge but luckily for Taeyong the other one was quick enough to dodge his swing.
Now it was your turn to grab your boyfriend’s arm and whisper:
“Don’t lose your temper over someone like him. Your career isn’t worth it."
You pulled him away before anyone could say anything else and when you reached the door to the foyer you could hear them shouting something about how he weak he was having to be saved by his girlfriend and that all he could do was look good for money. Taeyong bit his tongue to not shout anything offensive back at them.
You on the other hand made your way cool heatedly towards the coatroom getting your jackets. In the nicest and most professional way possible you asked the lady at the counter if you may report this group of gentleman in the hallway since the not only cat-called you and threatened you but also insulted your boyfriend and provoked a fight.
Via the entire time of the two of you getting through the process of explaining everything to the security Taeyong stood by your side, still holding the jackets in one hand and your hand in the other.
Eventually you were waiting outside the club trying to flag a cab which would take you home.
“Thank you.” He suddenly said, not looking at you.
“What for?”
“For keeping me from folding this dude right there."
“Don’t thank me. I would have loved to see that. But as I said: Your career isn’t worth some fist fight in a club."
“You are tho.” Taeyong now looked at you and you could see how what those men said earlier really got to him.
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aradias-crypt · 5 years
Sinful Symphonies
A disc leisurely floats to the phonograph in the corner of the room. Filling the chamber with music.
It wasn’t his normal choice, but it would do for today.
Black Hat leans back in his chair, closing his eyes for a moment of rest. He didn’t require sleep or breaks, his body never tired like the mortals around him. He was always conscious of everything around him.
But to have a moment with just his glorious self was quite nice..
The melody drifts on.
The world quiets.
Just as bruises form on his body.
And as a dull throb reverberates in his head.
Damn it.
He growls and opens his eyes, his eyebrows furrowed as he cuts off the music with a snap of his fingers. With the moment gone, Black Hat examines his new injuries, though he knows they will fade soon.
The concept of a “soulmate” was not new to him, nor was the affect the bond could have on a pair.
It was quite the revelation when he discovered even he could have one. And for a while, he fancied the idea of having someone all to himself; someone only he could have for the rest of time and then some. But as his intended died and reincarnated he grew annoyed with the drawbacks.
They filled his mind with childish rhymes and songs, giving him scrapes and stupid little paper cuts. They interrupted his plans with out of sync humming. As they grew they went through constant phases and would repeat songs over and over! In one reincarnation, they even fell victim to poisoning and trampling in the same week!
How dare they interrupt his schedule with such pitiful mortal afflictions! He couldn’t even enjoy watching them suffer!
How could his soulmate- his equal! Be so vulnerable?!
A small squeak of gears and doors unlatching catches his attention as he digs his claws into the arms of his chair, green drool dripping from his clenched teeth. Releasing his grip of the chair, he leans back and crosses his legs. Once again under the guise of his “gentlemanly” persona.
“The doctor must be back.” His eye turns red as he connects his consciousness to a portrait downstairs, surveying the room for his lackeys. It was only recently that he acquired this minion, and while he showed some.. promise, the scientist still had yet to truly prove himself. Not that he could ever hope to reach his standards of perfection of course. He doubted if anyone could.
Strangely, there is no movement inside the manor.
He scowls,”Where are those imbeciles.”
Fully immersing himself into the portrait, Black Hat slips out of the canvas and saunters through the house in search of the source of the disturbance. It was likely the gates to the underground garage.
But unloading parcels was no excuse for checking in late!
A familiar melody fills his head causing him to stop walking for a second.
Fondu au noir, he believes. A humming accompanies the lyrics, faint, but enough to be noticed.
They were in sync this time, he thinks with a flutter of amusement.
He grunts, a deep scowl once again on his face as he continues his trek downstairs. Of course they would have bad timing once again, filling his mind with nonsense.
Standing before the doors, he slips through into the garage. Black Hat is greeted by the sight of his subordinates hog tied atop of the car. The bots in the front seats are either dismantled or completely decimated with scorch marks on their plating. The merchandise however, is all in one piece.
‘Lucky doctor.’ Black Hat lifts a brow, his face unamused.
Flug gulps, sweat dripping down the paper bag covering his head,”H-Hello m-my lord!”
Demencia squeals,”Sweetie!”
A twitch of his eye.
The merchandise was there, but his reputation was stained.
Absolute. Failure.
“Its all under control, you said,” Black Hat chuckles, his shadow climbing the wall and expanding,”Its as good as done.” Membranous wings snap from his back as Black Hat roars; his flesh peels back, exposing his gums and fluorescent green teeth, the smell of rot fills the air.
“Ŵ̨̥̞̭͇͉͖̠̑̀̑̉͊͠͠A̡̘͙͓̞͈̐̍̌̍̋͘Ŝ̛͕̫͖͖͞͝ ̦̻̱̤̓̈̋͝Ṯ̛̹͈͔̖̘̗̼̲̃̐̋̆̽̈́͘̚H̢̡͍̼͖̱̯̳̗̝̀͒̅̄̎͋̂̇̃̚Ã̡̢̧̻͍̝̖̠͊̉͊̽̃́͝T͙͛ ̧̜͎̠̹͎̪̀̽͑̌̑̃̎̇͜Ṅ͉̼̝̽͝Ơ̩T̨̬͑̋͜͝ ̥̳̎͋͘͜W̛̬̜̭̟̰̘͕̥̺̽̀̍̅͒͛͑̕͜͠Ĥ̼̟̆͜͞Ą̛̭̮̝͕̫̖̗̞̦̾̃̅͊̑́̓͝͠T̛̼̟̰͖̋̓̇͘ͅ ̨̬̣̳̹̀͛͛̾͡Y̨̧͕̻̝̳̞̝̯͐͑̃͂̀̂̈̒̕͠ͅO̲̦̬͕͍͆̐͌̓͞U ̨̻̺̯̖̟̣̰͂̆̀̓̊͋́͗͛͜T̢̹̼̖̩̞̙͙͐͛̓̓̽̏̔̏͜͠Ò̢̮̙͑͞L͔̖̜̑͛͗D͙̕ ̤̿M͕͉̹̑̓̐̃͟Ê̬̠̺̈͌?̹͈͕͈͙̣͙̅̄̀͐̄̋͂̕͢!̟̜̘́̍͡”
Flug whimpers, curling in on himself as much as he could with his limbs bound,”Y-Yes but you s-see Lord Black Hat-“
He snarls,”They are like any other enemy doctor, you take them down!”
“It was a Horseman, sir! They took us down after destroying the Hat-Bots!”
Black Hat pauses.
Flug trembles, waiting for his masters response while Demencia watches adoringly.
“A little Horseman you say?”
“Y-Yes sir.”
Black Hat chuckles and swipes a clawed finger to release the two from their bonds. Leaning closer to Flug he drags a sharp digit across the scientist’s goggles,”I will give you one chance to remedy your little SLIP UP!”
Flug flinches.
Black Hat grins, embracing his flair for the theatrical as the lights die out. Leaving his sickening grin and piercing eye the only light sources in the room.
”Bring them to me.”
Once you got home, you immediately turned on your radio and fell asleep. Sleep means you don’t have to acknowledge the aching in your body.
Pain, or dreams of fireplaces, cats, and fresh bread?
Dreams of course.
But a harsh rapping at the door not hours later, pulls you from your sleep.
You stretch your arms above your head, sighing in pleasure as your sore joints pop. You lay back down to continue sleeping. Screw whoever’s at the door, you want your sleep.
The knocking grows louder, soon turning into insistent banging.
You groan, sitting back up,“I’m going!” You huff,”No need to be so pushy.” Grabbing a pair of brass knuckles from a ceramic vase on the small table by your couch, you stuff your hand into your pocket before unlocking the door and removing the deadbolt.
Swinging open the door, you are met with the sight of Pestilence leaning on the doorway with wide eyes. Death looks everywhere but you and War cradles a fallen potted tree in his arms. Conquest is the only normal one with his hands in his suit pockets.
They’re all dressed nicely, you realize with a small hum.
Conquest smiles softly and waves,”Hey sorella.”
You smile back, waving with the brass knuckles on,”Hey Connie.” Quirking a brow at War, you look to the rest of your siblings,”So. You came to vandalize my plant or my fridge?”
Death grins, signing rapidly,”Wine cellar. War can have the tree.”
“Proceed,” you motion to War as you sign to Death,”This is Why I can't have nice things.” You roll your eyes.
War rightens the tree as the three siblings walk inside, each one giving you a kiss on the cheek or small pat on the shoulder. In the family, a normal hello would work like when you were all kids. But in the family, respect was to be shown when entering the house of any member of the clan. even siblings.
Either way, you really missed these guys. Often they were back at the home base in Calamni with the matriarch and a good chunk of the family. While you weren’t shunned from returning after choosing to enroll in college full time rather than villainy, neither side could visit the other frequently.
“Sooo whatcha up to punk?” Pesty plops herself onto the couch, grinning at Death who heads straight to the kitchen.
You lean on the wall,”Well I was finishing up my art degree but seeing as how the building was destroyed that plan is on hiatus for now.”
“So you were at the collapse.” Conquest sits on the loveseat by the window, he taps his fingers uneasily,”Nonna said you might’ve been the one spotted in the area.”
“I was,” You confess,”But I dealt with the problem, I didn’t start it.”
War let’s out a booming laugh,”No need to defend yourself half pint, we’re not here to accuse you.”
“So you’re really just here for my food?”
Oh don’t you feel loved.
Death walks out from around the corner, a platter of cheese in his hands while wine glasses float behind him,”We come with invitations.” He smiles smugly as you squint to read the label on the bottle of wine behind him.
“I was saving that!” You shriek.
The cork pops from the bottle as Death sings,”Not anymore~!”
Pestilence eagerly rubs her hands together,”Pass the loot Videl!”
Death puts down the tray before filling the glasses. Leaving you glaring at them all as the bottle is soon left half empty.
“This better be good.” You sit by Pestilence and are soon boxed in by Death who places his legs on yours and Pestilence’s lap.
War swirls the wine in his glass, a grin gradually forming,”It's pretty exciting.”
“Your exciting or my exciting?” You plop a small block of cheese into Death’s mouth.
“Bit of both” he shrugs.
“Alright, what is it?”
War looks to Conquest who pulls out a small envelope, passing it along to his brother. Opening the envelope, War clears his throat and says,
“The Black Hat Organization cordially invites the House of Horsemen and select members of Death Inc. to our decennial gala to celebrate the achievements of current and past villains. The gala will begin at sundown and end at sunrise. There will be a live auction, dead auction, music and dance then some sort of groveling over Black Hats achievements I guess.” War rambles on,”It mentions pops also getting recognized but we haven’t told him yet.”
“Why not?” You ask.
“Because of mom.” Pestilence floats her glass in front of her, eyes glassy as she listens to the viruses and bacteria that linger around her around her. “She’s definitely not invited, and the old man probably won’t want to go without her.”
“Yeah.. so you guys are taking me?”
“Of course, you’re part of the clan. Unless you want us to take Belladonna and Pluto without you and make you look like the third wheel.” Conquest stifles a smile.
You huff,”After you drank my wine I deserve an invitation.”
“Good! We’re going then, time to get dressed!” Pestilence darts up the stairs.
Your eyes widen,”Wait you never said it was-!” Death slips behind the couch and lifts you from under your arms, carrying you up the stairs with ease.
“Bell’s already in the car!” War cups his hands over his mouth to be heard over your thrashing,”Dress nice this time okay!”
“FUCK YOU!” You let out one last scream before Death tosses you into your room with Pestilence.
Death holds onto the door as you bang on it, calling out to your siblings as your sister takes it upon herself to prepare you for the gala. He smiles nervously at his older brothers, motioning a swift,”Phew!”
War chuckles before looking to Conquest,”This should be fun.”
Conquest simply downs his wine silently.
Black Hat prowls the area, watching as guests begin to enter. He vaguely recalls faces, with most villains not being worth his notice whatsoever. But tonight he searches for a specific kind of company.
A Horseman.
“Lord Black Hat.”
A voice behind him calls. He turns around and finds the Four Horsemen and a few others in their party. Lucky him, he grins to himself.
Conquest bows,”It's an honor to be invited once more, my lord.” The others follow suit but rise before their leader does.
Black Hat hums, looking down at the younger man,”It has been some time hasn’t it?” He scans the group, temporarily pausing on.. one.
“Part of the company?” He asks, referring to Death Inc. which like his own company, was multifaceted. Perhaps they were from the lower ranks.
Conquest looks up, turning to his side,”No sir, she is from our clan. My sister in fact.”
You look up at the tall “man” before you, feeling your pulse quickening as he assesses you silently. His eyes roam from your head to your toes before landing on your face, his eye shining with what you could only describe as something predatory. You were a bit terrified, knowing who he was and what he was capable of- remembering seeing it on the battlefield long ago.
But at the same time, you felt elated. Excited. As if a murky glass was wiped clean. It felt new.
Your group steps to the side as Black Hat approaches you. Their bodies tense, knowing they could step in to attack but ultimately would be nothing more than flies for him to swat away. They could do nothing but watch and wait.
Stopping a foot away, Black Hat removes his top hat and holds it to his chest as he performs a small bow. A bowler hat is in place of the one he took off.
“A pleasure to meet you.” He purrs and looks up at you, sending a jolt of electricity up your spine.
You slowly smile.
“The pleasure is all mine.”
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lachalaine · 6 years
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SPEED: my god i am slow. i am the slowest of the slow - the slowest slow to ever BE slow. i have threads in here from two months ago and asks from three months ago and it’s not that i don’t have the will nor the muse to answer any of it tbh. it’s more so that i just don’t have time. between juggling work, friends, family and the additional need of trying to make up my overtime hours for the dates i’ll be overseas in august and october, it’s been more than a little difficult to try to keep everything afloat. that’s one of my issues. 
my second issue is that i... tend to try to write in depth threads and responses, as much as possible; and i’m a perfectionist of my work to the worst degree. to the point that if i don’t have the right idea or the right flow of words at the time - my work is not getting posted. at all. in fact, i’d likely rather delete something i spent two hours working on rather than take the risk of posting it only to hate it for the rest of my life. it feels like shame for some reason i don’t ??? get it ???
like i want to try to create variety, but also i want to try to build an actual story. something that will be fun for both me and my partner, that will be a thread that will have some possible semblance of weight to future interactions. and sometimes the ideas don’t come as quickly as i would like. or they do, and then my brain runs out of vocabulary. and throttles a pillow i hate it, i hate that my standards for myself are like this, but my god - it’s the only way i can be confident about my work and know that i’m not wasting mine or anyone else’s time and it just has to be my own standard of perfect or i run myself into the ground with my anxiety and have a minor breakdown and that’s the worst thing i can do to myself, honestly asdbhsabdha !!!
REPLIES: i write long replies, unfortunately. though i never expect people to match ( and honestly it fluctuates; sometimes it’ll be long, sometimes short, so there’s no pressure or requirement at all really ) , and all i care about at this point is i’m given something to work with and it’s not the kind of thing where it’s a reply for the sake of a reply. i also would prefer to have threads where people add stuff to the threads, and like... i don’t really have to run the show by myself to keep things interesting? that would be nice tbh. in terms of length however, i will likely do at least two or three paragraphs, because one paragraph threads don’t quite encompass everything my muse tends to feel, and sometimes it can get longer - meaning like... two word document pages long. though that type of novella is usually reserved for people i know can match it, otherwise, i try my best to keep it as succinct as possible. 
my brain sorta has this.... organization thing going tbh? where its like i can only do ask replies today, or i can only do threads today, or i can only do headcannon or ooc stuff today. sometimes it even goes by verse, where it decides if it can manage pokemon threads, or main threads, or fate threads, etc. which i understand isn’t quite the... best way to go about things, and it’s weird. very, very weird. but that’s also really the only way i’m able to sort of figure out where to put my attention nowadays. so everything gets replied to in truth, it just. it takes a while. :c :c :c please be patient with me, i’m trying my best!! 
STARTERS: i hold starter calls a lot. sometimes it can be every two months or it can be ( most likely ) when i get a new influx of followers and i want to interact with them. though it can tend to take a while for me to get them out, even if i have them on a list. usually its because i want to try to create starters that will be interesting enough to keep going ( which is sorta my overall theme with everything on here, if you’ll notice ) and sometimes the ideas don’t quite click. or, like with the organization thing, my brain needs to be able to conjure up starters in particular for anything to work. 
more often, i will do inbox calls instead, and those i do personalize according to the muse i’m sending it to. that way if the other mun replies with a response i like, i can continue it into a thread, so that’s sorta like a reverse starter call in that way, i guess. i always clear out my starters owed though, i promise. it just takes me a good while. 
INBOX: sucks in sharp breath 
i’m gonna be way honest here - once upon a time, i didn’t get that many asks at all, so i thought like, if i got like 20 of them, that already was a heck ton and i had to get the number lower. and then somehow i got an influx in asks a few weeks ago and that number jumped to thirty. and then it kept going until forty. and then i thought ‘okay you know what, so long as its not 50, you can still get it down, you’re good!!’  
let me tell you - i am at 76 right now and i am confused as all fuck as to how it got to this point. BUT I HONESTLY DON’T MIND. i love getting asks !! even if i take a while to answer them, because like the starters, i try to give it an actual moment and not a quick snip of an interaction that doesn’t matter in the long run. so asks? same length - two or three paragraphs and more, nothing less. and i tend to do anons first because i know whoever sent it might check back and i don’t want them scrolling through the whole blog thinking they missed it, but tbh, i try to do my older asks first overall. and sometimes there are some asks that require a lot of emotion on jackie’s part, so those get long and take a wee bit longer than most, but i always try to make the wait worth it. luckily, things appear to be going kinda well on that end tbh. i have a good pace set up so i don’t feel like i’m drowning in stuff, and if i could just have ONE DAY WHERE I CAN WORK, I CAN CUT BACK THAT NUMBER EASY, I SWEAR TO GOD. 
i just. i need that day dashdhabdha
but on that note, please. feel free to send me anything you like at any time, i’ll get to it asap, even if i have six asks for you in my inbox still from past memes. and tbh, i’d rather i always have the option available to answer that particular interaction rather than leave it so it never happens no matter what. so always remember, as always - 
SELECTIVITY: severely selective. to the nth degree. i follow about less than 180 rp blogs because the rest are aesthetics at the moment, though i’m always looking for more. i try to find blogs with muns that i feel really care about their muse as a whole, and blogs that have a pretty good grasp on writing. i decide whether or not i can make jackie work with them somehow, and then i sorta check the writing itself to make sure i can jive with it, and then that’s when i decide to follow. 
i have. a very particular standards with other blogs that need to be checked off tbh? because i want these interactions to actually matter. so besides the writing, honestly the thing that rings out the most for me would be their passion and their ideas. like, i want to make sure i can create something new with this mun so i just try to see if they will match what i give them with their own ideas, because coming up with a majority of the plots on my own is the most exhausting thing, and i can’t do that consistently. if i can get that sense from them that they’re willing to try to push their own ideas forth, that’s really what makes me follow them back asap !! on the other hand, i also check the mun - make sure they’re not the type i’ll likely have trouble with down the line. i check tags, i check ooc posts, i check everything. i am a self proclaimed blog stalker and tbh, its the only way i keep my dash in check. and so far its worked out very well so it’s all good on my end, even if that means less people to interact with.
quality over quantity, always. 
but also i have a wishlist here :”> and i will love you if you boop me for it, thank you !!
HONEST NOTE: i love all my mutuals. i love all my non mutuals. i love people that like my posts. i love people that reblog my posts. i love when people feel comfortable enough to plot with me. when they’re comfortable enough to send me stuff randomly. when they’re patient with my sloth like tendencies and still they find the muse to respond to my threads even if a whole month has passed. i love people that are understanding and don’t mind the wait, because i do promise that i don’t delete anything. it’s there, and its waiting, and its only taking a while because i want to provide you with something good. something that will make you smile, and make you want to pursue the interactions with my muse. i want all this to mean something, and its never because i’m bored of you or your muse or our thread.
my brain just has a filing cabinet i never asked for. 
but honestly, come plot with me, just boop me randomly, send me all the things no matter what it is. i promise you i will LOVE IT and in truth, NOTHING at all makes me HAPPIER than that. and though fair warning i am exhausted a lot which impacts my response speed ooc - it’s honestly never because i don’t want to reply. my timezone as a whole is shitty and my energy levels doubly so, and i want to be sure that once we start talking or plotting, i can give you as much energy as i can spare, as much energy as you deserve. not five minutes of conversation and then i pass out. so if that means taking some time to respond, please understand that i’m trying my best. 
please be patient with me, that’s all i ask. and i promise you, i will make it up to you. as best as i can. as fast as i can. no matter what. 
thank you, i love you, have a amazing day xx 
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dfroza · 3 years
Today’s reading from the ancient book of Proverbs and book of Psalms
for july 16 of 2021 with Proverbs 16 and Psalm 16, accompanied by Psalm 27 for the 27th day of Summer and Psalm 47 for day 197 of the year (now with the consummate book of 150 Psalms in its 2nd revolution this year)
[Proverbs 16]
People go about making their plans,
but the Eternal has the final word.
Even when you think you have good intentions,
He knows your real motives.
Whatever you do, do it as service to Him,
and He will guarantee your success.
The Eternal made everything for a reason.
Even wrongdoers fit in His plans; troubled times await them.
He abhors arrogant people.
Make no mistake about it! They will be punished!
The penalty of sin is removed by love and loyalty;
and by devotion to the Eternal, evil is avoided.
When people make good choices, He is pleased;
He even causes their enemies to live peacefully near them.
Better to have little and stand for what is right
than to become rich by doing what is wrong.
People do their best making plans for their lives,
but the Eternal guides each step.
The king makes a decision under divine inspiration,
but he must never render an unfair judgment.
The Eternal requires that business be conducted honestly;
He wants fairness in all your dealings.
When kings commit evil, it is despicable,
because their thrones should be built on justice.
Kings admire those who tell the truth;
they adore those who set the record straight.
A king’s rage signals that people will die,
but whoever is wise will pacify him.
If a king is smiling brightly, life will be granted;
his favor is like a cloud swelled with the first spring rain.
How much better it is to receive wisdom than the riches of gold
and to gain understanding over some silver prize!
The highway of the just bypasses evil;
those who watch where they’re going protect their lives from sin.
Pride precedes destruction;
an arrogant spirit gives way to a nasty fall.
It is better to be humble and live among the poor,
than to divide up stolen property with the proud.
Those devoted to instruction will prosper in goodness;
those who trust in the Eternal will experience His favor.
The wise at heart have a reputation for understanding;
pleasant words make the lips more persuasive.
Understanding for those who have it is a spring of life,
but it is pointless to try and instruct a fool.
From a wise heart flow careful words;
wise words make the lips more persuasive.
Pleasant words are like a honeycomb:
they drip sweet food for life and bring health to the body.
Before every person lies a road that seems to be right,
but at the end of that road death and destruction wait.
People work to stay alive,
pressed daily by their need to eat.
Good-for-nothings conjure up evil ideas;
their conversations fuel destructive fires.
Perverse people stir up contention;
gossip makes best friends into enemies.
Violent people try to recruit their neighbors,
wanting to lead them down the vile path of evil they have chosen.
Body language can expose a person’s intentions:
whoever winks the eye is planning perversity;
whoever purses his lips is intent on evil.
Gray hair is a crown of honor,
earned by living the right kind of life.
It is better to be a patient man than a mighty warrior,
better to be someone who controls his temper than someone who conquers a city.
We may try to control the roll of the dice,
but actually, the Eternal decides what they will determine.
The Book of Proverbs, Chapter 16 (The Voice)
[Psalm 16]
The Golden Secret
A precious song, engraved in gold, by David
A prayer of David.
Protect me, God, for the only safety I know is found in the moments I seek You.
I told You, Eternal One, “You are my Lord,
for the only good I know in this world is found in You alone.”
The beauty of faith-filled people encompasses me.
They are true, and my heart is thrilled beyond measure.
All the while the despair of many,
who abandoned Your goodness for the empty promises of false gods, increases day by day.
I refuse to pour out blood offerings,
to utter their names from my lips.
You, Eternal One, are my sustenance and my life-giving cup.
In that cup, You hold my future and my eternal riches.
My home is surrounded in beauty;
You have gifted me with abundance and a rich legacy.
I will bless the Eternal, whose wise teaching orchestrates my days
and centers my mind at night.
He is ever present with me;
at all times He goes before me.
I will not live in fear or abandon my calling
because He stands at my right hand.
This is a good life—my heart is glad, my soul is full of joy,
and my body is at rest.
Who could want for more?
You will not abandon me to experience death and the grave
or leave me to rot alone.
Instead, You direct me on the path that leads to a beautiful life.
As I walk with You, the pleasures are never-ending,
and I know true joy and contentment.
The Book of Psalms, Poem 16 (The Passion Translation / The Voice)
[Psalm 27]
Light, space, zest—
that’s God!
So, with him on my side I’m fearless,
afraid of no one and nothing.
When vandal hordes ride down
ready to eat me alive,
Those bullies and toughs
fall flat on their faces.
When besieged,
I’m calm as a baby.
When all hell breaks loose,
I’m collected and cool.
I’m asking God for one thing,
only one thing:
To live with him in his house
my whole life long.
I’ll contemplate his beauty;
I’ll study at his feet.
That’s the only quiet, secure place
in a noisy world,
The perfect getaway,
far from the buzz of traffic.
God holds me head and shoulders
above all who try to pull me down.
I’m headed for his place to offer anthems
that will raise the roof!
Already I’m singing God-songs;
I’m making music to God.
Listen, God, I’m calling at the top of my lungs:
“Be good to me! Answer me!”
When my heart whispered, “Seek God,”
my whole being replied,
“I’m seeking him!”
Don’t hide from me now!
You’ve always been right there for me;
don’t turn your back on me now.
Don’t throw me out, don’t abandon me;
you’ve always kept the door open.
My father and mother walked out and left me,
but God took me in.
Point me down your highway, God;
direct me along a well-lighted street;
show my enemies whose side you’re on.
Don’t throw me to the dogs,
those liars who are out to get me,
filling the air with their threats.
I’m sure now I’ll see God’s goodness
in the exuberant earth.
Stay with God!
Take heart. Don’t quit.
I’ll say it again:
Stay with God.
The Book of Psalms, Poem 27 (The Message)
and these lines of Psalm 27 mirrored in The Voice:
I am pleading with the Eternal for this one thing,
my soul’s desire:
To live with Him all of my days—
in the shadow of His temple,
To behold His beauty and ponder His ways
in the company of His people.
His house is my shelter and secret retreat.
It is there I find peace in the midst of storm and turmoil.
Safety sits with me in the hiding place of God.
He will set me on a rock, high above the fray.
The Book of Psalms, Poem 27:4-5 (The Voice)
[Psalm 47]
For the worship leader. A song of the sons of Korah.
Clap your hands, all of you;
raise your voices joyfully and loudly.
Give honor for the True God of the universe;
Here’s why: The Eternal, the Most High, is awesome and deserves our great respect.
He is the great King over everything in this world.
He’s helped us win wars, suppressed our enemies,
and made nations bow at our feet.
He decides the extent of our inheritance and selects the land where we and our children will live,
for we are the pride of Jacob, the ones He loves.
The True God ascends the throne acclaimed by shouts of the people.
The Eternal is announced by the blast of a trumpet.
Sing! Shout! Play instruments!
Praise our God and King; sing praises to Him who is worthy.
For He is the King of all the earth. Sing praise, all who can.
Put words to music, and then sing praises
At the feet of the God who sits on His holy throne,
ruling over all the nations.
All those with influence in this world—princes, kings, and satraps—
gather with those who follow Abraham’s God.
For these defenders belong to God
who reigns over the nations!
The Book of Psalms, Poem 47 (The Voice)
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vskpop · 7 years
My 30 favourite songs of 2017
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YouTube playlist ⋅ Spotify playlist
30. Don’t Recall – KARD
I’m upset with myself that last year I didn’t put Oh NaNa in my best of 2016 list because, reader, it was: it ended up as my second most played song of 2017. I didn’t listen to the follow-up Don’t Recall quite as much, but it was the song that cemented my love for KARD’s hip-hop/dancehall/pop jumble. Whoever is selecting their songs has such a flair for dance songs with a melancholy vibe, and Don’t Recall is unparalleled so far. It’s still too rare to get proper idol groups that are mixed gender, and it’s almost impossible for them to succeed. I’m so pleased that international success has been enough to keep KARD alive, even though their numbers are still abysmal at home. Live: M Countdown 17/07 – Yu Huiyeol's Sketchbook 30/08 Other songs of note: Rumor – Trust Me
  29. Heaven and Earth – Laboum
I went through a phase in which I found Laboum adorable, and then for some reason I stopped liking them as much (the reason is that ZN gets on my nerves, I’m sorry, I know). I still listened to their album Miss This Kiss for the nostalgia effect – and because lead single Hwi Hwi is damn good – and I just fell in love with 천지차이. As far as I can tell, it was never performed live, or at least not in venues where it was filmed. I hope that this kind of song keeps being given to them, and that eventually it becomes their lead single. They deserve to take a break from the cuteness. Other songs of note: Hwi Hwi
   28. Tomorrow, Today – JJ Project
I realise that I already said it when JJ Project made their comeback a few months ago, but Bounce is a modern classic in the trashiest way possible. The styling and sound that Jinyoung and JB went for in 2017 are completely different from their origins, but just as great. Tomorrow, Today is what I love about GOT7’s Fly with a dash of my favourite JYP group, DAY6. They get to show off the vocal skills they developed since we last saw them as a duo and, most of all, their range of wistful looks. Also, I love that for once they didn’t have to sing about love and how right a girl is, but rather about having to face tough decisions as they grow up. Live: M Countdown 17/08 – Genie showcase Other songs of note: Coming Home – On & On
  27. Palette – IU ft. G-Dragon
I don’t know why, I’ve never been a huge fan of IU until I watched Moon Lovers: Scarlet Heart Ryeo and found a sudden connection with her that I had never felt before. Her most recent album has helped bringing together my love for actress IU with singer IU. In an industry where being honest and clever is nobody’s priority, she manages to sound real and in control of what she does without abandoning her pop roots. I’m not sure many artists would manage to make an introspective song sound so pleasant and calm. Live:  Inkigayo 23/04 – Music Bank 28/04 Other songs of note: Can’t Love You Anymore ft. Oh Hyuk
  26. Archangels Of The Sephiroth – Stellar
If there had to be a swan song for Stellar, I’m glad it was Archangels Of The Sephiroth. With two members having already left and the other two on the way out, this was 100% the last single they put out with the formation we knew and loved, and we can’t even blame them for leaving. It’s a fact that this doesn’t have anything to do with their previous concepts, but I love the pseudo-satanic, pseudo-mystical vibe and I would have loved for them to keep going on this path. Archangels Of The Sephiroth gets more interesting with every listen, and the video is creepier with each view (bathtub of blood anyone?). As the song says, we really did love them till the end. Live: Inkigayo 09/07 – Music Bank 07/07
  25. Signal – Twice
Signal is by far the best Twice song ever – it’s interesting, kind of weird, and not necessarily super cute. Obviously the majority of the public hated it, and back to Likey we went. I love the bassline pushed right at the front, the dissonant harmonies, the fact that some of the mute members finally got to sing. Of everything they’ve released in 2017 (four comebacks is a lot for anyone) this is the only choice that doesn’t feel safe and completely within their sexy baby wheelhouse. They even get to have a proper storyline in the video, which is a rarity. Live:  Show Music Core 03/06 – Inkigayo 21/05 Other songs of note: Knock Knock – 24/7
  24. Wake Me Up – Taeyang
It’s kind of sad to think that this could be the last Taeyang single for years and years. At least it’s a ballad, so we will be able to all cry together when we listen to it after he’s enlisted.This album felt properly his – something that he created and composed, rather than something that was given to him to perform. Not that he’s ever lacked emotion, but Wake Me Up has a depth that is only second to Eyes Nose Lips. Live:  Inkigayo 20/08 – Fantastic Duo 03/09 Other songs of note: White Night – So Good
  23. Move – Taemin
This is possibly (definitely) the sexiest song of 2017. Taemin has such an eye for taking trends from the West and making them current for Korean audiences, as well as constantly changing his image while staying true to himself. I can’t get enough of the elegant electropop of Move, with the bass and the voice parts creating one of the sexiest musical combinations of 2017. Taemin carries a song that could have been much less interesting in the hands of an artist with less expressiveness. I don’t know if it’s the thought of the choreography, but this song always makes me blush a little. Live: Seoul Fashion Week – M Countdown 19/10 Other songs of note: – Rise – Day and Night
  22. Untitled 2014 – G-Dragon
If a ballad from Taeyang was expected, it certainly wasn’t from G-Dragon. I’m not sure how much truth there is the gimmick of titling the album with his real name and saying that he was finally stepping away from his persona, but Untitled 2014 feels painfully raw and real. Whatever happens from now on – after all the members of Bigbang enlist and eventually return to music – this album and this song will be a milestone in his career, and the perfect summary of what he’s done in the past eleven years. Live: ACT III M.O.T.T.E in Taipei 08/10 Other songs of note: Bullshit
  21. Change Up – Seventeen
You could take any random combination of Seventeen members and they would be able to put up an incredible show for you. This has been proven over and over by them, but I think that the Change Up subunit – the leaders of the standard subunits – has proven this definitively. I wouldn’t have thought of this song for them in a million years, yet they perform it convincingly and make it the catchiest Seventeen song of this year. Also, who knew that Woozi could have such swagger? Live: Mnet showcase Other songs of note: Don’t Wanna Cry – Clap – Habit – Rocket
  20. Rollin’ – Brave Girls
Every time I say “tropical house”, I add “drink!”. It has been so omnipresent in k-pop this year that it has been impossible to avoid. I skipped over Rollin’ the first few times I stumbled upon it because there were enough marimbas in my life, but I gave into the hype and this ended up being one of the most played songs of my year. As of last year, Brave Girls have an entirely new line-up – and yes, they did deserve a new name – and I hope that they will be the new bastion of sexy concepts now that there is no real mid-point between Laysha and cute concepts.  Live: M Countdown 03/09 – Show Champion Ep. 219
19. Never – Produce 101/Wanna One
This technically doesn’t count as a Wanna One song, but I’m pretty sure that if there is a song that symbolizes Produce 101 and the rise of the nation’s boy group, it’s Never . Written by Hui of Pentagon, another of my favourite groups, this song starts quietly, and slowly adds more elements until it gets to one of the best chorus drops of 2017. It made me wish that they had kept it for the final group instead of using it during the programme, and I wasn’t surprised at all when it was re-recorded by the final formation. Live: Wanna One version at KCON LA Other songs of note:  Energetic – Burn It Up
  18. Singing In The Rain – Jinsoul (LOONA)
Looking at the sheer amount of material that pre-debut group Loona have released this year gives me palpitations. A million members and subunits filled each month of 2017, and almost all the releases have been excellent – overall, they probably were the best group of the year. Jinsoul’s Singing In The Rain was my favourite song released – not by far, though, seeing the overall quality. I was especially impressed with how they managed to have Jinsoul sing and rap seamlessly, and how the song manages to be sexy without being inappropriate for a very young girl. And, of course, it’s a banger. Other songs of note: Loona released dozens of songs this year, so this is just a tiny selection of my favourites. Eclipse (Kim Lip) – new (Yves) – Sweet Crazy Love (Odd Eye Circle) – Loonatic (Odd Eye Circle) – Sonatine (1/3)
  17. Body Talk – Red Velvet
To me, this is one of the best songs by Red Velvet ever. Only a company like SM could waste it and have it  relegated to the b-sides of their mini albums; it’s a fantastic mid-tempo track that showcases the best vocal skills of the group, and allows them to sound about fifteen years older than title track Rookie. At least, in the arc of their three thousand 2017 comebacks, they managed to go from the childish image that they had patented in 2016 to the sultrier “velvet” image they have abandoned ages ago, even if it’s still paired with a “red” song. Other songs of note: Peek-A-Boo – Red Flavour – You Better Know – Would You – Talk To Me
  16. Circle’s Dream – Subin (Dalshabet)
Dalshabet haven’t had the best luck in their career. Subin is yet another amazing soloist that was in a group when she released a song, and has now left the label and disbanded her girl group. Seeing her solo by itself, it’s actually had to imagine her as part of bubbly Dalshabet: she is sensual, allusive, and her music is weird and enthralling. I love her voice and I love the ideas she has for herself – ideas that are far removed from traditional k-pop. The elements of this song are few, but she manages to create such a clever repetitive, circular structure with them, echoing the themes of the lyrics and capturing the listener. Subin is technically a solo artist now, so I am hoping we will get to hear much more of this.
  15. Yes No Maybe – Suzy
What makes me mad about Yes No Maybe is that nobody heard it. I can’t imagine how well it would have done if the now officially defunct Miss A would have released it, instead of Suzy now that her popularity is entirely tied to her acting and advertising career. It’s also true that she has always been my favourite Miss A, so it was delightful to see her come out with a debut album that does something interesting and doesn’t package her as the sexy ingenue character that she’s had since the beginning of time. Yes No Maybe strikes the balance between being  Latin, dancey song and a more introspective pop piece. Unlike half of her former group, Suzy has signed a new contract with JYP. Here’s hoping she gets to do more excellent, slightly left-field pop music. Live: &Live
  14. A Girl Like Me – Gugudan
It is still surprising that I don’t find the awkward beeping samples in the song insufferable, but the truth is that I love the weirdness and how it’s amplified by the singing parts. I already knew in February that this would be one of my favourite concepts of the year, and it is: there aren’t enough songs about how great the girls are, as opposed to their love interest. It’s not female empowerment, but I have the feeling we can’t get much closer. I love it even more considering how terrible their following comeback was . Live:  Music Bank 03/03 – SBS Korea Music Festival
  13. Island – Winner
It goes without saying that Winner is my favourite group in current k-pop, and they can hardly do any wrong in my eyes. However, this entire year could have been a disaster: they had to come back from losing a member who was the main singer and composer for the group. Island has the tropical (drink!) elements of their 2017 hit Really Really, but it’s a bit less conventional, and the video is delightful and incredibly romantic. Live: Inkigayo 06/08 Other songs of note: Really Really
  12. As If It’s Your Last – BLACKPINK
While I find most complaints against YG idiotic, it is absolutely true that having Blackpink release one single song in an entire year is ridiculous. The only good thing is that the song was brilliant, and I’m still not bored of it after having seen it performed at least fifty times. When it came out I found it really frankensteiny, but at this point the structure seems perfectly reasonable and linear to me (Stockholm syndrome at its best). Live: SBS Gayo Daejun – Show Music Core 01/07 Other songs of note: So Hot (Wonder Girls remix)
  11. Cactus – A.C.E
Every year I end up falling in love with one rookie group that will probably not see their third birthday, and in 2017 it was the turn of kings of thighs A.C.E., who singlehandedly resurrected early 90’s eurodance with their debut single Cactus . It was the one of a kind title of their song that attracted me, the weirdness of the thigh dance that drew me in, and everything else that made me stay. They are great singers, charismatic performers and can stand the most high-intensity dance of 2017 without blinking. I am so attached to A.C.E (and Dreamcatcher, full disclosure) that I broke my promise to never watch a survival show again and I am following Mixnine for them. Live:  Music Bank 02/06 – Music Bank 26/05
  10. Dinosaur – AKMU
What I love about AKMU is that when they try different genres, they always put so much of them into the song: nobody else could sing Dinosaur apart from them. It’s so simple, yet so full of detail; it’s true that it has EDM elements, but it’s not even remotely a club song. I’m still shocked every time I hear Suhyun hit those dolphin-high notes. The Stranger-Things-y video is still one of the most beautiful releases of  this year. Live: Dingo Music Other songs of note: My Darling – Reality
  9. Beautiful – Monsta X
This is yet another song of a overcrowded production that I am totally in love with. The bleeps and bloops leave plenty of space for the members to show their skill – especially Kihyun, who could sing literally anything to me at this point. Just like All In , Beautiful feels like the refined version of the chaotic, loud concepts Monsta X began with. There are raps and aggressive parts, but they are striving for a higher concept than “street urchins” now, and it’s reflected in their music. Live: 2017 MAMA in Japan – Show Champion Ep. 226 Other songs of note: Dramarama –  Now or Never – Shine Forever – I’ll Be There
  8. Runaway – Pentagon
Pentagon have already done a lot for being a group that has debuted just over a year ago. Of all these releases, Runaway is my favourite without any doubt: for me it strikes the right balance between the trendy elements that Hui has been carrying over from his Produce 101 successes, and the rougher concepts that Pentagon had to begin with. I find it hooky without being too in your face, and moody without being full-on tragic. Live:  Inkigayo 03/12 – Inkigayo 26/11 Other songs of note:  Critical Beauty – Violet – Like This – Get That Drink
  7. Boy – EXID
EXID are my everything. I feel bad for choosing Boy as my favourite song they’ve produced this year, when Night Rather Than Day was such a classy, unusual choice for them and Boy is just another dance song. Unfortunately, it’s just monstrously catchy, and my love for it eclipses (get it?) everything else they’ve released. Live: M Countdown 13/04 – Show Champion ep. 224 Other songs of note: Night Rather Than Day – DDD
  6. Chase Me – Dreamcatcher
Dreamcatcher are my rookies of the year. After scrapping the cute concept and adding a couple of members, they spent twelve months delivering a series of metal-inspired, horror-themed comebacks that managed to showcase the members’ talents.  While all their singles are amazing, there is something special about Chase Me and its chorus, mixing hammering instrumentals and creepy falsettos. There is no doubt that the only way from here is up, and there is nothing gives me as much joy as a girl group with a non-cute concept being (relatively) successful. Much bigger groups and bigger companies have refrained from embarking on international tours but Dreamcatcher have left survival show Mixnine to go on one. I can’t wait to see what these queens do in 2018. Live: M Countdown 19/01 – Music Bank 03/02 Other songs of note: Fly High – Wake Up – Sleep Walking – Good Night – Lucky Strike (Maroon 5 cover)
  5. Love & Affection – Seohyun
Seohyun’s solo came and went almost unnoticed at the beginning of this year: it was smothered by Taeyeon’s releases and the inevitable run-up to SNSD’s tenth anniversary. It really saddens me to no end that, now that Seohyun has left SM Entertainment, she seems to be going for an acting career, when she is such an amazing vocalist with such unique colours. With even her lead single receiving little attention, there was no hope for her b-sides. But Love & Affection is a masterpiece, with a booming chorus and a surprise ending, and what I hope to see if she ever decides to make more music under her new label.
  4. I Would – DAY6
There is only one criticism that I have for JYP and DAY6: there must be something else they want to do that’s not singing about love and heartbreak in pretty conventional ways. For the rest, there are only good things to say about the 25 songs they put out this year. It was hard to pick just one song to put in the list, and to be honest there are two or three other candidates I feel kind of guilty for cutting out. Live: EBS Space 11/05 – Kiss The Radio 04/08 Other songs of note: DAY6 released 25 songs this year, so this is just a tiny selection of my favourites. Goodbye Winter – You Were Beautiful – How Can I Say – I Wait – Lean On Me
  3. Good Thing – NCT 127
Despite the complete chaos that surrounds NCT at all times, I keep loving most of their releases (except Cherry Bomb , which I hated): they were my #1 and #3 most played song on Spotify with Good Thing and Limitless respectively. I love Good Thing in itself, but I also wish that NCT didn’t keep circling around that pseudo hip-hop, trappy, appropriative concept they’ve been given a million times and they did something brighter, poppier, that sets them apart from the three hundred hip-hop concepts that are going around without slipping into Astro territory. Live: M Countdown 05/01 – Show Music Core 07/01 Other songs of note: Limitless – 0 Mile – Back 2 U (AM 01:27)
  2. Tendae – Bobby
In an excruciatingly adorable interview for MTV Japan, Bobby says that with his debut album he wanted to show that he can do more than rap, and reveal his romantic side. I had already become obsessed with Bobby’s sing-rapping a long time ago, so Love And Fall gave be nothing but joy. His lyrics show that he’s capable of putting complex emotions in words, and most of all he is also completely able to translate that in his singing. 텐데 is sweet, heartbreaking, sexy. Bobby is one of the best performers of his generation, if not the best. Other songs of note:  Runaway – In Love
  1. Gashina – Sunmi
If there is one thing that Sunmi has taught us this year, it’s that there is a life after girl group disbandments. She came back singing about heartbreak and vengeance with dark humour and double entendres, a super-sexy choreography and a vibe that couldn’t be more far from the current sugary girl group trends. Everything about Gashina is iconic, from the song itself to the lyrics to the costumes to the choreography. Sunmi was without any doubt the queen of 2017. Live: Inkigayo 10/09 aka the iconic genderswapped performance – MAMA 2017 ft Taemin – Inkigayo 27/08
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smartgirlsaremean · 7 years
My Heart’s in the Highlands - Chapter 21
Fandom: OUAT, Hamish Macbeth
Pairing: Bellish
Rating: T
Summary: With Rumplestiltskin gone, Belle can't face going back to the Enchanted Forest without him. She leaves Storybrooke forever, travels the world, and ends up in a small village in Scotland, where she meets a constable with a very familiar face.
Chapter 21: Three That Come Uninvited
Hamish looked up from his study of Belle’s face and met Emma’s eyes. She’d walked out quietly an hour ago, and he’d assumed that she was going to continue her search for whoever had hurt Belle. Here she was, though, standing before him again, and she’d brought another woman with her - one of the nuns.
“This is Mother Superior - the Blue Fairy.”
Hamish looked from one to the other, waiting for the point of this introduction.
“She’s a powerful magic user.”
His breath catching in his throat, Hamish shot to his feet. “You - you can help her?”
“I’m afraid I can’t say for certain,” the Blue Fairy said. Her voice was low and musical, almost mournful. “True Love’s Kiss is the only known cure for a sleeping curse, and the Lady Belle has always been a woman of...unusual tastes.”
Hamish grit his teeth at the woman’s tone.
“True Love is True Love, though, right?” Emma said.
“Yes. It’s a magic beyond any understanding.”
“Can you help her or not?” Hamish said impatiently..
“It’s impossible to say for sure,” the Blue Fairy said. “No sleeping curse has ever been broken any other way. However, that isn’t to say that there is no hope. We have discovered cures to strange magical maladies before. We can take her to the convent and watch over her there while we research a cure for her condition.”
“Right. I’m comin’ with ye,” Hamish said.
The women exchanged glances, and he fought to control his temper.
“I was...kind of hoping you could come with me,” Emma said slowly. “I still have to find the witch and I have to figure out how to free Regina and Neal and…”
Emma winced. “I...I know it’s…”
“No. No, a’right?” Hamish shot to his feet. “I’m done helpin’ you, and Snow White, and everyone else in this ridiculous town! I’m done wi’ dwarves, an’ flyin’ monkeys, an’ heartless witches, an’ bloody magic. I came here to help her, and she’s gone and got herself cursed, and I’m done wi’ all of it!”
Emma’s eyes had grown large and bright, glowing with sympathy, and he tensed as she stepped a little closer. “I get it, Hamish,” she said quietly. “I really do. When I came here, all I wanted was to help Henry, make sure he was safe and loved. I didn’t want to be a part of this - any of it. I fought it for months. And then Henry was put under a sleeping curse. A curse meant for me.”
Hamish tried to ignore the twinge in his chest, and looked away from her serious, understanding gaze.
“I hated everyone for what happened,” Emma said. “Regina, my parents, Rumplestiltskin...everyone. But what helped me defeat it was finally, completely believing in all of it - magic, fairy tales, everything.”
“Are you saying if I believe in magic she’ll wake up?” Hamish asked.
“No. I’m saying that complete belief - total acceptance of what’s going on - will help you figure out a solution.” She paused for a moment, and he felt some of the fight drain out of him. “I know you’re scared and angry, but...Belle is safe, at least for now. My friends, my family - they’re all in danger. I know this isn’t your fight, and it’s a lot to ask. But I could really use all the help I can get. If you can’t help - if it’s too much - I understand.”
She stood and walked out of the room, and Hamish looked down at Belle, his mind awhirl. Belle would want him to help, he knew that without a doubt. If she ever came out of this curse, she would never forgive him for allowing her friends to be harmed because he’d gone off in a snit. And besides…
Besides, he was a police officer. He’d chosen this profession because he wanted to help people, to make a difference. He could no more walk away from people in trouble than he could fly.
He reached out and brushed a strand of hair from Belle’s forehead, then took a deep breath and walked out of the room. Emma and the Blue Fairy were waiting just outside the door, and he folded his arms when they turned to look at him.
“I’ll help you,” he told Emma. “I dunno what you want me to do, exactly, but I’ll do what I can.”
“Thank you,” Emma said, a few of the lines around her eyes easing.
“We will do our best to revive the Lady Belle,” the Blue Fairy said earnestly.
There was a moment of awkward silence, and then Emma spoke up.
“I figured we should go back to the pawnshop - maybe whoever did this to her left a clue.”
“Whoever?” Hamish scoffed as they left the hospital and approached her yellow Volkswagen. “It was that bloody pirate.”
“He doesn’t have magic that I know of, but he’s definitely been in league with magic users before,” Emma said thoughtfully. “And he’s not exactly a genius. If it was him, odds are he screwed up somehow.”
“How did you get Henry out of the sleeping curse?” Hamish asked when they were on the way to the pawnshop.
“The same way everyone does,” Emma said with a shrug.
“So...True Love doesn’t have tae be...romantic?” Hamish’s heart beat a little faster. “It can be between parents and children?”
“That’s what worked for us.”
“Then...doesnae Belle have a father? We could…”
“Her father didn’t show up on anyone’s census,” Emma said sadly. “I double-checked. It doesn’t look like he made it over with everyone else.”
Disappointed, Hamish sat back in his seat. “What are the odds that’s a coincidence?”
“Not great. This Zelena person is good.” Emma pulled up in front of the pawnshop and sighed. “I just wish I knew what she wanted. I’m used to having something to go on.”
“We have something,” Hamish said. “She’s collecting things for a spell, and she was targeting people with ties to Rumplestiltskin.”
“Which could mean that she has ties to him somehow.” Emma pushed the door to the pawnshop open and stood with her hands on her hips, looking around her. “God, I wish I could talk to Regina. She knew Rumplestiltskin better than anyone except Belle.”
“Friends, were they?”
“I don’t know about friends. He taught magic to her and her mother. They always had this weird father-daughter, teacher-student thing going on, but with more snark.” She smirked a little and walked toward the counter, her eyes sweeping the room. “Henry would call them master and padawan. Y’know. Star Wars?”
Hamish grunted and looked around, pausing when he saw what was lying on the top of the display case. The note pad was blank, but there were jagged pieces of paper where a page had been torn off. The book open next to it was written in a language Hamish didn’t recognize, but the engraving pictured a cloaked figure standing in the middle of a circle carved into the ground, rather like a clock. At the three o’clock position was a symbol of a heart; at six o’clock was what looked like a brain. Heart pounding, Hamish brushed a finger across the notepad.
“Emma,” he said hoarsely, “do you have a pencil?”
“Not on me.” Emma walked over to look at what he’d found and drew in a breath. “Yeah, whatever she wrote may have left an impression. Good call.” She looked at the book and frowned. “Heart. Brain. I guess this anchor must stand for courage - but what’s the fourth thing?” She leaned over and picked up the book, nearly pressing her nose to the page. “Is that...oh my god!”
“What is it?”
“It’s a baby,” Emma breathed. “Is she for real? She wants to sacrifice a baby? How…” She suddenly paled and stepped back, still clutching the book. Hamish reached out to steady her. “Not a baby,” Emma whispered. “Our baby. She’s gonna steal my mother’s baby!”
“No, she’s not,” Hamish said firmly even as his own heart sank. “We’ll stop her, we won’ let her get near it.”
“What does she want?” Emma asked. “Who is she? What could be worth sacrificing an innocent baby?”
“Maybe Belle figured it out,” Hamish said, picking up the notebook. “Maybe that’s why she was cursed - she knew too much.”
“Maybe.” Emma stared hard at the book. “God, I wish Gold were here. And I never thought I’d say that. He was shady as hell, and the price of his help was always crazy high, but he never killed any babies. Not that I know of, anyway.” Her fingers suddenly glowed white, smoke curling up from where they gripped the edges of the book, and she dropped the book to the ground. Hamish watched her warily, but she merely took a deep breath, crossed her arms, and turned away from him. “Get the pad and let’s go,” she said flatly. “If all she’s waiting for is my mom to have the baby, we don’t have much time.”
A shaft of bright light penetrated the darkness, and Regina squinted, raising one hand to shield her eyes. Her heart raced at the sound of footsteps on the storm cellar stairs, and she stumbled to her feet as her captor came into view.
“Comfortable, sis?” Zelena asked, her teeth gleaming in a sharp, predatory smile.
“The room service leaves something to be desired,” Regina said, sneering at the dish of porridge in her sister’s hand.
“Well, we can’t all be queens. Not that you ever deserved such eminence.” Zelena leaned a little closer to the bars of the cage, and Regina’s hands curled into fists. “What made you so special, Regina? Why were you chosen over me?”
“Chosen? By whom?” Regina asked.
“By everyone! Our mother kept and raised you - why not me? And our teacher - why did he choose to train you and not me?”
“That’s what this is about?” Regina backed away from the bars, her eyes wide. “Rumplestiltskin teaching me magic?”
“Oh, it was more than that, and you know it. He didn’t just teach you, he groomed you - made you the queen you became, selected you to cast the most powerful curse ever crafted. Why? What made you so much worthier than me?”
“I could have been more than a student to him - I could have been his equal, his partner. Were you capable of any of that?”
“Oh, my God...were you in love with him?” Regina shuddered and pressed one hand to her stomach. “That is…” She was suddenly knocked across her cell and pinned against the far wall; Zelena’s hand raised, poised to choke the life from her.
“You didn’t value him as you ought,” Zelena growled, “but no matter. Unbelievable as it seems, you did learn to love, and your love for your son is what will fuel my victory.” She lowered her hand, and Regina crumpled to the floor as Zelena held up her sister’s heart, red and glowing and pulsing with life. “True love - true courage - true intelligence - and when that little babe comes into this world, so pure and innocent, I will have my final ingredient, and this time I will be chosen.”
“By Mother and Rumple?” Regina gasped, still catching her breath. “You can’t bring them back, Zelena. Nothing can.”
“Who said anything about bringing them back?” Zelena smiled. “I’m going to them - I will fix what went wrong.”
“You were serious about that?” Regina said, her jaw dropping. “I thought you were just trying to throw Emma and...whoever that man was...off your trail. Going back in time - that’s impossible!”
“And Rumplestiltskin thought you the worthier student? Please.” Zelena turned and walked out of the cell, the door swinging shut with a clang. “You might have gone as far as you could, but I will go farther. I will push magic to its limits and achieve the impossible, and once Rumplestiltskin realizes what I’ve done, he will have no choice but to choose me.” Zelena smiled at her sister through the bars. “Rest up, sis. The big day will be here before you know it.”
Hamish paced around the station house as Emma carefully shaded the notepad with a pencil. A few quick phone calls had ascertained that everyone was safe, Henry and Mary Margaret both safely stowed at the loft apartment with David on high alert. Hook had still not been seen, and even the flying monkey sightings had stopped. It was as if the town was holding its breath, waiting for the next big revelation.
“Okay,” Emma said from her desk. “I think I’ve got something here.”
Hamish went to stand behind her, squinting at the page. The indentations weren’t very deep, but certain words were legible - she’d listed true love, true courage, true intelligence and true innocence, with their respective symbols (Regina’s heart, Charming’s sword, and the royals’ baby) but there was a question mark next to true intelligence. Below that were several lines of illegible writing, and at the very bottom…
“Time travel?” Emma said. “Seriously?”
Belle’s words from the airplane suddenly sounded in his ears as if she were speaking them again. The only way I can think of to bring someone back from the dead is ensuring that they never died in the first place. “We think this woman has some connection to Rumplestiltskin?” Hamish said. “Belle said something - Walsh, the man who came tae Lochdubh - he told her that this witch could bring him back.”
“And since magic can’t raise the dead,” Emma said slowly, “she wants to go back in time and make sure he never dies? That’s…I mean it’s crazy, but it’s kind of ingenious, too. But I’ve seen Back to the Future; time travel is super dangerous, assuming it’s even possible. She could change everything - destroy everything.”
The phone rang, startling them both, and Emma grabbed it. “Hello?” She shot up out of her seat. “What? Now? Yeah, we’re coming.”
Dropping the phone back on its cradle as if it’d burned her, Emma grabbed her jacket and sprinted for the door. “That was my dad. Mom’s in labor. We have to get to the hospital now.”
His heart in his throat, Hamish followed her.
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flych1 · 4 years
top 10 Disney Animated Movie Songs of all time
top 10 Disney Animated Movie Songs of all time
Disney Studio
 Still, it's time I've really got some hot takes going, so I've taken it upon myself to sort out what I humbly think for the 10 most OVERLOOKED and UNDERRATED animated Disney movie songs of all time.
10. "When She Loved Me," Toy Story 2
Disney Studio
Some Context: Jessie reveals to a pompous Woody what it's like to lose your child's love. It's one of the worst, most painful scenes dedicated to the film, and marks the beginning of Pixar's need to permanently mess us up. Why It's Awesome: HELLO, THIS IS THE SADDEST SONG EVER WRITTEN AND RECORDED. Sarah McLachlan took a break to make us all sad about dogs, to make us sad about toys. Why did no one stop it?! Why wasn't anyone like, "That seems like a lot for a children's movie, maybe we'll pull it back?! "Either way, turn them on if you feel like having a good scream and no other time. They were warned.
9. "Zero to Hero," Hercules
Disney Studio
Context Some: The whole premise of the song is in the title: Hercules goes from a zero to a hero. Flat in no time. Zero to the hero. Just. Like. The. Why it's awesome: Listen... the muses are by far the best part of Hercules (the existence of Meg is a close second). In addition, as you learn on this list, your girl loves a montage, and this is a PERFECT ONE. We don't need to see one scene after another, as this song finishes everything in three minutes.
8. "Out There," The Hunchback of Notre Dame
Disney Studio
A context: After swearing to the very fearsome Frollo that he will NOT go to the village for the "Feast of Fools"... Quasimodo thinks about going over a song (and ultimately does) that is related to absolutely every introvert. We love a rebel. Why It's Awesome: Hunchback has the best soundtrack of a Disney Renaissance-era movie (Insert Miranda Priestly, no, no... that was no question gif), and this leads my list of the most underrated hero songs in Disney canon. It's beautiful. 7. "Shiny," Moana
Disney Studio
Context Some: In an attempt to steal back Maui's beloved magic hook, water god Moana is forced to distract the new owner of the hook as essentially living bait.
Why It's Awesome: In my opinion, this is the most underrated villain song in recent memory. It's... Great? It is so catchy and full of exhibitions about Maui's past without being overly entangled with information. Also, like, whoever has the idea of "David Bowie... BUT AS GIANT CRAB! " deserves an increase and a high five. 11/10.
6. "Son of Man," Tarzan
Disney Studio
A contextual context: Tarzan, desperate to prove himself to his adoptive father, does everything to show that he belongs to their family as he grows up to be a man who has become human. It is the film "Simba, Timon and Pumbaa", which runs over the bridge during "Hakuna Matata". "
Why It's Awesome: Phil Collins made the ABSOLUTE MOST for no reason on this soundtrack, and I love it. If you don't think this song is going harder than it needs to be, IDK, what's going on with you. Is everything all right? Do you want to talk about it? Also, once again, we love a montage
5. "I've Got a Dream," Tangled
Disney Studio
Context Some: After a life of social disfigurement (though not by election or government mandate), Rapunzel is tricked into a rowdy tavern by Flynn: "My real name is Eugene and I'm a soft Boi" Ryder to scare her back to her tower. It burns spectacularly. Why it's awesome: I don't think I'm in the minority when I think Tangled as a film is aggressively underestimated as a film. It felt like a true return to form for Disney, even though it was one of its first princess movies without hand-drawn animation. This song is an EAR. Worm. And I really love the message. Like, absolutely everyone you meet, no matter how unlikely, has a dream and a weird hobby, and we should all be louder about it!
4. "We Are One," The Lion King 2: Simba's Pride
Disney Studio
Some Context: Simba and Nala got it up (I suppose after she made this face during "Can You Feel The Love Tonight" and had precocious baby Kiara. Kiara is not quite as hype about royalty as Simba was at her age, much to his dismay. He sings this very beautiful song with her about purpose and whatnot. Why It's Awesome: IDK why, but this song makes me cry??? Every time I hear it??? Maybe it's because Matthew Broderick serves pure singing? Maybe it's because it's about family? Maybe it's because I'm also a daughter who wants to make her parents proud without sacrificing themselves??? Who knows! Either way, it's a great antithesis to "I just can't wait to be king."" Don't send this post to my therapist, thank you.
3. "Welcome to the Forty Thieves," Aladdin and the King of Thieves
Disney Studio
A certain context: After a life in an orphanage, Aladdin finally chases his father – who is a certified D.I.L.F. – and discovers that he is the literal KING of thieves. He and his comrades sing this wild fun number to welcome Aladdin to their super-secret club.
Why it's awesome: This movie has a distinct place on my "This is a funny movie and I'm not going to apologize for having it." I've seen it a lot as a kid and it's a GOOD TIME. I also like to imagine these murderous thieves performing this whole song and dance number for every single person who participates, and they rehearse it regularly to keep themselves fresh. Gorgeous.
2. "Why Should I Worry," Oliver and Company
Disney Studio
A certain context: After helping the street-like puppy Dodger get some very tasty-looking hot dogs, Oliver gets a lesson in "Street Savoir-faire" when Dodger refuses to share their earnings. Also, fun fact, I would die for Oliver. It's the cutest little orange fluff I've ever seen in my life.
Why It's Awesome: This song. Has no business. Go so hard. As it is. But what else would you expect from a Billy Joel song, I think? Sing us a song, you're the hot dog puppy, sing us a song tonight...
1. "Stand Out," A Goofy Movie
Disney Studio
Context Some: Max, son of Goofy, is desperate to get his Crush Roxanne attention. He and his buds develop a plan to interrupt the headmaster's presentation on the last day of school by performing a tune from the popular fictional band Powerline. Why it's awesome: This whole movie is perfect and I'm not going to accept any other comments about it. We all already know that "Eye to Eye" from the illustrious powerline is ICONIC, but this number is just as large. In my humble opinion, this is the MOST underestimated musical sequence in all Disney canon. It's, as the children say, a bop. In addition, side note: YO STACYYY, TALK TO ME, TALK TO ME, TALK TO ME, BABY.  this is my modest ranking — but what is YOU? What do YOU think is the most underrated animated Disney song of all time? Share your selections in the comments below!
The 10 best-animated DISNEY films  throughout history
from flych https://ift.tt/2zpgNYw via https://ift.tt/2SkgjJX
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urbanwaves · 5 years
Here’s a new hashtag #UNDEREVERYONESRADAR
Going forward we’ll blog and share great indie releases by incredible artists that are being easily missed by everyone only because of a lack of “social popularity” and shady networking practices. In today’s environment if you are an independent musician/producer you’re faced against hundreds of thousands others trying to share their music and come on top, at the front page “in everyone’s radar”. The way we, independent “music industry actors” can do this in this day and age is by using Social Platforms to promote our work and hope for the best. Except not, at least not anymore. Instagram for example used to be a platform for indies that would show everything to everyone but now it’s all just become a popularity contest and whoever is the most popular will appear on top and good luck finding anything else. Unfortunately it’s not just Instagram, every platform is the same it’s really hard actually to find a social network that isn’t corrupted by algorithm manipulation, forced ads “money grab” practices just so that your posts can be seen by semi-random people or real life connections where people working for these platforms are pushing forward their “friends” stuff to be seen more. The sad thing is that many platforms used to be good, new platforms get popular thanks to indies but with time they get corrupted by corporate greed and start doing shady deals and by wanting more they end up selling out / betraying all their core users. Just compare Soundcloud in 2012 and Soundcloud in 2020 and you’ll have a perfect example. Really don’t want to digress too much here, but if you are working in the music industry as an indie you’ll know what i’m talking about and if you’re just a fan of indie music but had no idea please look it up, there are a lot of people writing about this and in much more depth, but this brings me back to the main point of this article. A lot of artists deserves much more attention than they are getting and it’s all simply cause they aren’t in bed with “the right people”. It’s simply disgusting and shouldn’t be happening. Getting your music heard shouldn’t be based on manipulating algorithms of platforms, it shouldn’t be based on signing with labels that are paying curators under the table, it shouldn’t be based on who paid the most for ads, it shouldn’t be based on the good will of a select few influencers. Getting heard shouldn’t be a luxury, we came such a long way in the last decade as independent artists just to go back to the dark ages where corporates were in control of everything in this industry. They are reaching back now, the pressure is very high if you are an indie artist in 2020. As an indie today you can definitely still make a living thanks to streaming platforms like Spotify and Apple Music but it’s all being manipulated more and more and I’m worried that indie music is also getting slowly muffled down again. Unless we do something about it. I love today’s evolution of how people listens to music. Streaming is actually great for the end user. Of course you lose touch with owning a physical music library which in return made retailers suffer more than ever in the last decade. But that’s another subject. What I actually love about music streaming as an end user is that for a really low monthly fee I have access to listen to almost everything I want. It’s actually really convenient, if you really love an artist you should still show your support directly i believe, the way this can be done is by sharing the music, going to concerts, buying a vinyl for collection or any other merch that fits your taste. As users we must not loose perspective, it’s so easy to listen to music but if you are a fan there’s so much more that you can still do than just streaming the music on your phone. Please when something that plays randomly makes you vibe take the habit to look at the artist name, click their socials and follow them. It’s so important to show support. That’s how we can fight the manipulation and corruption. Place your trust where it matters, and make good habits when listening to music. In the end the real power lies within the listeners. All you need to do is wake up, open your mind and don’t just fall into bad practices. Everyone has a voice, don’t be a sheep, be a human. Be the voice of today. Be the future.
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hgfstreamchats · 6 years
ThebesAce hello! Me Hello, Thebes human! ThebesAce oh, thenightetc is waiting to be let in Me Hm, I'm not seeing a message. thenightetc Hi! Me Night human, hello! thenightetc I just reloaded the page and tried again. Me Rabbit's an aftport. thenightetc Apparently! thenightetc Ohhhh my.
ThebesAce oh this one hahah thenightetc Oh my god thenightetc This is amazing Me Alright! Is everyone ready for Delgo? thenightetc Well, THOSE look aerodynamic. Me Don't they just make perfect sense? thenightetc Maybe the planet has a very, very, very thick atmosphere. Me The majestic colonhead. Er Hmmmmm 😐 MORE aerodynamics Me This is the kind of race the Cybertronian expansion wiped out. we were right to do it. thenightetc You know, I feel like I should disapprove on principle, but... Me They look like Torkuli. thenightetc Imagine I'm wagging my finger at you, but insincerely Me Good compromise. thenightetc ThebesAce OH HEY WHO SAW THIS COMing thenightetc I'm going to go ahead and imagine these guys are bug-sized "Explaining" how they can fly With those wings and that gravity also yikes okay, so she has a selection of prosthetics Me Was she murdered or wasn't she? *Executed thenightetc Not executed--they were cutting off her wings, not her head Me Well, that's pointless. thenightetc Probably some horrible exile thing Me One that clearly won't leave her more vicious than before. ThebesAce Scorpion gotta sting, exiled royal gotta murder her obstacles thenightetc Why do they even have that feature in their dining room thenightetc Well, that was smart ThebesAce I KEPT EXPECTING TO HEAR MARIO NOISES WITH THOSE JUMPS thenightetc Ha! Surely not, the movie's named after him ThebesAce silly comic relief, he'll be around mocking you for at least the rest of the movie Me Can we cut something important off of this character too? Please? thenightetc I vote head. ThebesAce If we're lucky, it'll be screentime thenightetc "I'd literally rather die a squashy death" So, do YOUR races ever end like this? Me I'd give up racing if they did. ThebesAce Soooo is it just me or is this guy basically saying "Look, if we act like they exist we have to pay consequences for that massacre thing." thenightetc So they're Jedi, too Me Tell them I hate them. thenightetc God, yeah, why would ANYbody want TELEKINESIS. How lame is that?? Moving stuff with your mind? Booooooring. ThebesAce yeah just LET GO of the MASSACRE you are A SURVIVOR OF thenightetc The past is the past! Me Something something mercy! thenightetc For vengeance, a Jedi cares not thenightetc Shouldn't that thing he hit still be lying there? thenightetc I'm dying a little inside because I can tell this is the movie's romance Me These two have a more compelling romance. ThebesAce for real ThebesAce for real thenightetc Pffff, if he's on a winning streak then why's he need a loan. I assume that's practically treason, or something Me Time for another lesson on turning the other cheek! thenightetc Just sneak over to THEIR hideout and wreck THEIR junk Me Why couldn't the Autobots have been this useless and apathetic? It would have spared everyone vorns of grief. thenightetc Put up some graffiti or something ThebesAce your carnivorousness. That's an AMAZING form of address. thenightetc Does that mean they AREN'T carnivores? I mean... the lackey guys Me She looks like she's eating weeds. ThebesAce or she's just especially bloodthirsty thenightetc They've got teeth like humans Me She put on her classiest rubber pants. thenightetc ...Walking pineapples Jalaperilo Yo! thenightetc Hi! Me Jalaperilo human! Jalaperilo Why is everyone uggo? ThebesAce because the animation budget was just south of claymation thenightetc It doesn't really look low-budget, to me... just ugly art direction ThebesAce this was released the same year as WALL-E Jalaperilo I have never heard about this fiom before now I dunno if it got a uk release lol Me I like how he had all day to plan this weird date and that was the best he could come up with. thenightetc Right? Show her your jedi powers and yell at her about some dudes wrecked your temple's rock garden Jalaperilo Also, what was that explosion of anger at ger. What an abusive tool thenightetc Ladies love jedi powers and being yelled at! Jalaperilo I hate this generic film already Me Daddy Tightpants bought it because you were bad. Jalaperilo Haha! I never wanna hear "daddy tightpants" from you again Me You're welcome. ThebesAce stop repeating everything! Me Please, Primus and/or Unicron, take that one's thumbs. thenightetc This cost $40 million to make Jalaperilo Tell me 39.99million was spent on hookers thenightetc Could have slid some of that towards better writing Me Hah! Jalaperilo They deffo didnt have a cinematographer or storyboarders thenightetc Wow Jalaperilo So everyone has fantasy inspired clothes except the stoner skateboard er thenightetc oh my god He should have used his jedi powers to get it across the gap ThebesAce why is he so aggressively useless thenightetc hahahah Jalaperilo What was the point of that??? ThebesAce Stupidest king on the planet thenightetc This seems like a dumb way to do votes Like, what, whoever's the strongest jedi gets their way? Jalaperilo Dumb-go thenightetc Rude. Jalaperilo He is dumb though lol Me Feed them the squawking one. ThebesAce GREAT LINE READ ON THAT SCREAM thenightetc I'm rooting for the giant enemy crab Me Crab, crab! Go, crab! Jalaperilo I hate this so much. Its so generic. The characters are just furthering the plot and not geing characters. Its predictable dialogue and stilted anination make it boring. Its not even a good bad film thenightetc WOW ThebesAce yes. Let him be drained of his fluids thenightetc "you're definitely not covered in spinemonsters" Jalaperilo He wants his friend dead Me As do we all. Jalaperilo Racism Me They have the same faces, the same body structure. They clearly diverged from the same ugly ancestor. Jalaperilo Hasnt stopped humans Me Point, point. thenightetc What, so are those ones her original wings? Jalaperilo Does she wear other people s wings? thenightetc I think they're just made of cloth or something Me Those look like the originals. thenightetc I guess they let her keep them Me Did they just let her keep them as a momento? Jalaperilo Oh fuck ThebesAce Why is the comic relief still here? thenightetc And then she had them preserved?? Jalaperilo They fucking mutilate people???? thenightetc Oh my god Me Cue screaming as her wings come off. ThebesAce oh, yeah, big bad there got her wings got chopped off in the prologue Jalaperilo Maybe these people deserve to ge killed? ThebesAce they WERE responsible for a massacre they never apologized for Jalaperilo Im rooting for this lass thenightetc Oh, just thump it with your hand or soemthing Me She has style, a motivation, and a partner she clearly adores and is fragging senseless. I'm on her side too. thenightetc Idiot! Don't waste time. Jalaperilo Pity she suffers from neanderthal face like the rest of them thenightetc Hey, it's not nice to laugh at people's hilarious genetic conditions Jalaperilo Lol thenightetc Oh, what a shame, he's dead Forever Me Exactly. If you're going to laugh, you need to throw in some pointing. thenightetc Why is there an asteroid field Jalaperilo Cause they had a budget of 40mil? Time is fleeting and so am i. Good night chaps! thenightetc Goodnight! Me Good night! ThebesAce good night! REALLY REALLY. thenightetc Oh, so his jedi powers finally become relevant thenightetc Pictured: gravity thenightetc "you JUST got back from being kidnapped" thenightetc "DIdn't we... banish you?" "Oh, I quit when I heard about this!" Me "You quit...being banished?" thenightetc Oh no! How unexpected! Me How tragic and stuff. thenightetc So what's the dragon thingy exactly Aside from something the other guy, and then he, threw for a distraction ThebesAce I'll be shocked if they explain thenightetc Oh, so they're no tthe originals thenightetc Well, I think she'll have gotten the picture after that rescue thenightetc oh c'mon, the war is OVER her in the first place thenightetc Haha, he looks so embarassed ThebesAce I'm getting Jupiter Ascending flashbacks ThebesAce let her faaaall thenightetc C'mon, it'd be so convenient, right Me No one would have to know. thenightetc she's totally faking anyway she's totally gonna murder you ThebesAce She's spent this entire movie being literally and figuratively poisonous to everyone around her Me Goodbye, only interesting character in the film. thenightetc Well, it's almost over anyway Okay??? Me And then they devoured him, starting with the eyes or whatever other body part he values most. ThebesAce THIS MUSIC LIES. NOTHING in this movie was this adventurous sounding! Me And of course, some art of what could have been. thenightetc Ah, so this is why we blame. Me This is a long list of credits for something so pitiful. thenightetc Uh What are these "Mini 'Mator of Mirth"? Please. Me Very professional. thenightetc Well then. ThebesAce so that happened Me That certainly was an hour and a half we won't get back. thenightetc I feel like this is the inverse of that one movie The one with Little Red Riding Hood ThebesAce Oh yeah, Hoodwinked thenightetc thebes, you know the one I mean, I can't remember---yeah! Hoodwinked. Me Was that anywhere near as awful as this? thenightetc No, no! ThebesAce no, it was great! thenightetc The story is great. ThebesAce it just had terrible animation thenightetc The characters are great. It's just ugly as sin. ThebesAce that kinda made the woodsman's scenes extra hilarious though thenightetc It's... I'm sure they did the best with the tools available to them at the time. ThebesAce yeah, they had a rock bottom animation budget but the story, characters and human were really good humor thenightetc See it's the inverse because THIS has animation that looks fine, but the story and characters are bland/annoying. ThebesAce also, predictable as all get out romance where Hoodwinked doesn't even have a romance, just a bunch of characters who have a bad enough day the cops get involved thenightetc It's a lot of fun! Me Sounds unexpectedly amazing! thenightetc It really is! thenightetc It's the kind of movie that has you going, "well, looks aren't everything" ThebesAce yeah, the animation is the poster child of bad animation but it's a legitimately good, fun movie, not a so bad it's good one thenightetc Here's the trailer! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RGV-cTSr6zg thenightetc "Granny, are you... a furry?" Me I see what you mean. thenightetc Right? Me Does anyone have any other suggestions to close out on? thenightetc We could watch some more SNL sketches! Looked like there were some fun ones "related" to the doll one ThebesAce Dragon Babies, for one Me Dear Unicron. thenightetc Oh my god ThebesAce this is so very on point thenightetc Wow hahahahah this is amazing thenightetc Oh! The narrator that ruined christmas? *I* want to see christmas getting ruined! also I haven't seen this before so it's not my fault if it's bad Me If it's good, we're showing it again at Christmas. thenightetc Oh, boy! Me Oh yes, showing this one at Christmas. thenightetc Well then. They're really not. thenightetc AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA thenightetc I'm sure she'll be impressed Me I would be. thenightetc God Me Dear Unicron. thenightetc It's not good, though. ThebesAce oh god I laughed so hard at their misery my throat is cramping thenightetc I mean, it would be NICE if working hard on something automatically made it good... thenightetc What INDEED ThebesAce PRIORITIES thenightetc Oh my god Me I think that seems like a good place to leave it. ThebesAce yeah thenightetc It was fun, though! Thanks for hosting. 😃 Me Glad you liked! ThebesAce yeah! Me Thank you for coming! ThebesAce thank you! thenightetc oh... automatic emojis.... ThebesAce good night! Me Good night! thenightetc Goodnight!
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