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Something is Wrong With Sunny Day Jack cute SFW headcanon.
Jack wakes up every morning with the worst case of bedhead. His blue hair is tangled in knots and covered in cow licks. He'll spend the next half hour untangling his hair.
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nightmarexdove · 3 months
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🥀Wesker with goth! s/o headcanons🥀
Note: These are just some personal headcanons of mine, apologies if anything is out of character </3
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♡ I feel like Wesker would be intrigued by the very dark and elegant way you dressed and presented yourself, I feel like he'd definetly find a kick out of matching outfits with you. Weather you be into trad goth, mall goth, Gothic lolita- he'd eye every detail of your makeup, accessories and articles of clothing when you wouldn't notice and use those details in his own outfits
♡If he was to be working, weather in his office or his lab- I think if you were to play your favorite bands/artists he'd enjoy it, especially bands like the smiths, siouxie and the Banshees and twin tribes. Who knows? Maybe if you liked to dance to your music, he'd join you! Maybe you can teach that old man a thing or two
♡Of course first meeting you, he'd keep his distance. Tho the way you presented yourself in those elaborate patterns and chain belts and spikey chokers and exaggerated style of hair and makeup I think would make him feel at ease, finding someone with a similar vibe as his own would definetly be easier for both of you to get along. (I mean- cmon. Have you seen his fit in re5?)
♡Wesker at some point I think would grow to think of you as a important figure in his day to day life, your interests would soon become his own I think. If you liked to read horror books, or dark poetry he'd dive into that genre as well; same with movies if you liked horror/old slasher films- He'd find time out of his busy schedule to watch one with you out of his own genuine interest.
♡He'd definetly find it adorable seeing you wear platform boots, if you were short; He'd find it almost adorable seeing you a good couple inches taller but still not necessarily his height. And if you were already tall; he'd admire the way in which you towered him with confidence, and if you weren't necessarily the most confident individual and more timid- he'd always shower you in quiet whispers of admiration decorating your neck in little kisses if that's something you would like.
♡Besides "dearheart" I definetly see wesker nicknaming you his "darling rose" "baby bat" "little reaper" <3
♡ another headcanon I have is wesker would definetly (but of course with hesitance) let you decorate your shared bedroom with him in whatever decor you like, if you wanted everything crimson red and black. Then crimson red and black it shall be, if you wanted creepy old Renaissance art plastered everywhere or band posters hanging on the walls; He will not bat an eye or say a word. Instead giving you his platinum credit card and let you go wild however you wished, he will deal with whatever debt comes his way if it meant you feeling comfortable and seeing that big smile on your face.
Same thing goes with clothing, you see a nice dress/suit? You'll have it in a handful of days. Want insanely expensive nails that look like claws? No need to ask him twice because he's personally choosing and taking you to the best nail salon money can buy.
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peteryoung-dbhoc · 6 years
(I though of one of a headcanon.
The DPD has a Twitter account that's run by someone when they aren't doing anything important.
The one running it wishes the one working there a happy birthday on their birthdays for everyone(except the one running it). It is generally wholesome. The one running it does their best to make others smile through it.
I don't know why but I always imagine Peter running it.)
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Jack is afraid of horror movies, he HATES them. He perfers comedys and musicals.
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Sunny Day Jack as a Father to a Daughter Wholesome Headcanons.
If Jack’s wife’s water suddenly broke in the middle of the night, Jack would immediately get her to the hospital in time. Breaking multiple traffic laws. The police letting him off with a warning.
(The bag he packed had been sitting in the corner of the master bedroom for WEEKS.)
He may have over packed the necessities.
In the hospital room, Jack won't let go of his wife’s hands and help her with her breathing from the lamaze classes.
(Even though he's the one hyperventilating, but he tries not to show it.)
As his wife was giving birth, Jack is still holding her hand, and nearly faints from the bloody and some what "gorey" sight.
He ignores the throbbing pain in his almost broken hand.
The sounds of his firstborn crying is music to his ears.
"Its a girl, congratulations!" The doctor announced, Jack would beam with confidence and pride.
Jack would cut the umbilical cord.
Jack would let his wife hold his newborn daughter first, while whispering happily, and giving them both endless kisses and gentle cuddles.
When Jack holds his daughter for the first time, he cried.
Oh, boy, did he CRY.
The nurses and doctors wonder who cried the loudest, the baby or Jack.
After a safe recovery for his wife and daughter, it's time to return home.
Jack would triple check the baby seat, making sure its fully secured.
He would follow the traffic laws, (going under the speed limit in a few places.)
First night home: Jack would have the first "Baby Watch" over his little daughter.
He would have the baby monitor in his pocket 24/7.
Even at the sounds of the slightest whimper, he would be in the nursery in half a second.
Feeding would be a piece of cake, and he wouldn't mind changing diapers, or being woken up in the middle of the night multiple times.
Worlds most protected baby daughter?
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To help end his Love's bad habit of cursing. Jack has placed a "Swear Jar" onto the counter. (The entire jar is full by the end of the month.)
Jack: Sunshine....
Love: *cheesy grin*
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Challenge of the GoBots: Guardians headcanons.
The Guardians, have something in common with their human companions.
They get songs, jingles, or random television/movie moments that live rent-free in their heads.
But they all react a little differently from each other.
Leader-1 would be a little annoyed hearing the familiar Disney song in his head. He would try to refocus his thoughts into something else.
A rhythmic, almost hypnotic melody had infiltrated Leader-1's processor. It was the opening riff of "Friend Like Me" from Aladdin, a song that jarred with his usual focus on battle strategies and tactical maneuvers. The thought of a flamboyant genie offering wishes was anathema to his logical mind. He attempted to drown it out with the usual strategic calculations, troop movements, and potential Renegade threats.
Yet, with every strategic dismissal, the song would sneak back in, a jarring reminder of carefree days before the war. A deep sigh, a physical impossibility for a GoBot, escaped his vents. Perhaps, he admitted to himself, a little dose of unexpected melody wouldn't hurt his focus. After all, even the most stoic leader needed a moment of levity now and then. He focused on the underlying beat, transforming it into a mental drumroll for his next daring mission plan. The "Friend Like Me" melody, once an annoyance, became an unexpected source of inspiration.
Unlike the others, Turbo wasn't having it. The chipper tones of "Be Our Guest" grated on his circuits with every repetition. He, the fastest Guardian, craved the quiet solitude of deep space, not the cacophony of a bustling restaurant. The song became a personal torment, its forced cheer a constant reminder of the confinement of their base. He tried blasting heavy metal through his audio receptors, hoping to drown out the sugary melody, but the nonsensical lyrics only served to further muddle his thoughts. Turbo paced the room, his engine growling in frustration, yearning for the open expanse of space where he could scream into the void without the soundtrack of a never-ending banquet.
Scooter: The melody thrummed through Scooter's circuits, an irresistible earworm that had him humming along with every action. He'd tap his wrench to the beat while tinkering, dodge training punches with a flourish, and even burst into a slightly off-key rendition during patrol briefings (earning him a withering glare from Leader-1). The only problem? Scooter couldn't remember where he first heard the song. It felt familiar, like a long-lost friend, but the source remained a fuzzy memory. He pestered Leader-1 with questions ("Was it during that mission on Zeron? Maybe it's a secret Renegade anthem?") but the stoic leader just shook his head, defeated by Scooter's boundless enthusiasm. Undeterred, Scooter continued his crusade, humming his way through every mission, hoping a spark of memory would ignite and reveal the song's origin.
(The song was "Let it Go." From "Frozen")
Smallfoot: Patrol duty was usually a time for quiet reflection for Smallfoot. Gliding through the metallic corridors of the Guardian base, her keen eyes scanned for any potential security breaches. Suddenly, a high-pitched, warbling sound pierced the usual hum of machinery. It was Scooter, butchering the melody of "Let It Go" at the top of his lungs while polishing his tools. The unexpected assault on her senses made Smallfoot wince. This wasn't the peaceful patrol she'd envisioned. Instead of Mary Poppins' soothing tones, a different Disney classic began to play in her head – "Cruella De Vil" from 101 Dalmatians. A wry smile touched her lips. Scooter's enthusiasm, while endearing, could be a bit… much.
She envisioned him as a manic Cruella, gleefully smoking her cigarette, instead of having an obsession with fur coats. The image brought a much-needed spark of humor to the otherwise mundane patrol, and Smallfoot found herself humming a subdued version of the villain's theme song, a private joke between her and the oblivious Scooter.
Matt: Matt, ever the pragmatist, found Scooter's relentless humming of "Let It Go" to be a source of amusement, albeit a low-key one. He'd occasionally raise an eyebrow or give a dry quip like, "Sounds like someone's got a princess stuck in their circuits," but mostly let Scooter be. Secretly, he found the wide-eyed joy radiating from his friend to be a refreshing change from the usual seriousness of their battles.
Aj: The most level-headed of the human trio, noticed the subtle shift in Smallfoot's demeanor during their patrol. Smallfoot, usually focused and meticulous, seemed a touch… distracted. A knowing smile played on Aj's lips as she caught Smallfoot humming a suspiciously familiar tune. When their eyes met, Smallfoot winked, a silent acknowledgment of their shared amusement at Scooter's oblivious enthusiasm. Aj simply shook her head, a silent promise to keep Smallfoot's secret weapon (Cruella De Vil) under wraps.
Nick: Turbo's predicament was a source of endless amusement for Nick. He'd approach Turbo with a mock frown, "Feeling a little less 'Be Our Guest' today, are we?" Turbo, already at his wit's end, would growl in response, only fueling Nick's teasing. One day, Nick, unable to resist, snuck a recording of "Be Our Guest" onto the base's PA system. The saccharine melody filled every corner, causing Turbo to whirl around in frustration, glaring daggers at Nick, who doubled over in laughter. Despite the annoyance, a small part of Turbo couldn't help but admire Nick's mischievous spirit. Maybe, just maybe, a little payback would be in order once the song curse lifted.
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TMNT Secret Favorite Movie Headcanons.
💙 Leo's secret favorite movie would be "Howl's Moving Castle." He loves the animation and admires the relationship between Howl and Sophie. 💙
❤️ Raph's secret favorite movie would be "The King and I", he has a very secret love for the musical classics. ❤️
💜 Donnie claims he hates movies with unrealistic science, but he secretly adores "Jurassic Park". 💜
🧡 Mikey enjoys the live action "Cat In the Hat" movie. He finds the humor unexpectedly funny. 🧡
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