scarykeith · 2 years
Hiiii! Here's my secret samol for Faerie-Pirate! It's about Fero grieving Samol through... Journaling! Hope yall enjoy it!
Read it here with proper formatting:
Or on Ao3:
Happy secret Samol!
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ozbian · 10 months
The wholetaurs are so cursed I love them
Edit: I think Fero (/Keith) just made the human appendage both stretchy *and* prehensile ... I'm now imagining the wholetaur's call going all wibbly and weird while the human part is stretched up over a branch and the horse part is inching up a tree trunk.
I still love them.
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fourteenfishteen · 2 years
I had completely forgotten that the cold open of The Second Spring is fero making the wholetaurs stretchy. so stretchy they can cross continents
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Fero gets into Journaling
by Clempilled_Keshbrained
Lem says that journaling is like “putting together a puzzle” (who likes puzzles?) “Your thoughts are the pieces, by putting them onto paper you can stumble into a more complete picture of how you really feel.” And. I don’t know. That’s nice and all, but I feel like I should be doing the opposite of dwelling on my emotions. I’ve got a world to save! Stuff to do! He wouldn’t want me to sit around with a stupid little notebook and mope all day. The seven stages of grief are for people who are less busy than me.
Also since when did Lem become Mr. Mental Health? That guy’s a mess.
Words: 4126, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Friends at the Table (Podcast)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Major Character Death
Categories: M/M
Characters: Fero Feritas, Samol (Friends at the Table), Red Jack (Friends at the Table), Blue J (Friends at the Table), Samot (Friends at the Table), Adaire Ducarte, Hella Varal, Hadrian (Friends at the Table), Kodiak (Friends at the Table)
Relationships: Fero Feritas/Samol, Red Jack/Throndir (Friends at the Table), Hadrian/Rosana (Friends at the Table)
Additional Tags: wholetaur, Extremely Mild Body Horror, see: wholetaur, Implied/Referenced Character Death, Grief/Mourning, Angst, Secret Samol 2022
source https://archiveofourown.org/works/44641045
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mathclasswarfare · 6 years
Tumblr media
Call for help.
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clemkesh · 2 years
Elevator Post 2.0.
*Taps mic*
Hello friends. Sangfielle has ended, and you know what that means. The moment you’ve all been waiting for. It’s time for a follow up to my original post (here) that sought to answer that age old question: if you put all of the Friends at the Table players’ squads of pcs in an elevator together for 24 hours, how likely is it that someone gets murdered?
Murder Free: Janine’s Squad (Adaire, Signet, Thisbe, Es) There’s no one in this elevator who actively enjoys murder, is a magnet for horrors unimaginable, or deeply radiates murderability. Right away that puts us miles ahead of most other squads. I know in my heart that Signet and Thisbe would be besties, and I think that Adaire and Es could bond over their shared hobby of taking objects. We’ve seen from the room service incident that Es is an absolute master of spending 24 hrs trapped inside and I think she could really bring those immaculate vibes to this elevator. Maybe Adaire could find a way to smuggle in some pastries for them. They’d have a great time chillin’ and I just don’t see this escalating to murder. Other crimes are still on the table. Murder Odds: 0/10 Pls invite me to this gossipy sleepover
Probably No Murder?: Ali’s Squad (Hella, Aria, Castille, Tender, Broun, Marn) The real concern in this elevator is, of course, Hella Veral. Homegirl is a “destroy what you don’t understand” enthusiast. However, I think with the addition of Marn, cooler heads would probably prevail, and there might be enough reasonable people in here to stop anyone who tried to pull some shit. There’s not even really an obvious murder target for Hella to go for. Broun is great at saying things that piss people off, so maybe them, but Hella fuckin loves Adaire and I think Broun has some Adaire-esque vibes, so maybe they would get along great. I also stand by my take that Aria and Tender would end up making out. That could make things uncomfortable, or everyone might wanna get down. Murder odds: 2/10, Orgy odds: 1/10. Multiple slim but exciting possibilities on the table here
Slightly Non-Murder Leaning: Sylvia’s Squad (Ephrim, Aubrey, Echo, Millie, Virtue, Hazard) I’m most worried about some goth on goth violence here. Virtue loves using people. Millie hates being used. I can see Virtue giving an elevator pitch (heh) about the wonders of becoming her vampire thrall and Millie responding with a murder. However, to Millie’s credit, she put up with Clem for way longer than 24 hours, so it might all turn out alright. Instead, maybe this whole elevator could bond together over what’s truly important: their immaculate fashion sense. I mean honestly. Look at this fuckin squad. Runway ready each and every one of them and yes I am including Aubrey. I love and respect lesbian eclectic fashion and so should you. Murder odds 4/10 Wait. If Virtue dies does that even count as a murder? Can you be murdered twice? 
????: Dre’s Squad (Throndir, Sige, Even, Valence, The Figure in Bismuth, Chine) Chine is gonna do something strange and someone is coming out of this elevator changed. Whether that change is going from alive to dead or not is between Dre and people who understand the Course’s whole deal better than I do. I can also see a bunch of people pulling a Lyke and trying to stop Chine from doing weird shit if they give it a go- and Chine would probably let them, though that compliance might throw people off. Murder odds: 5/10 What a weirdo (affectionate) 
Absolute Chaos: Keith's Squad (Fero, Mako, Gig, Leap, Phrygian, Lyke) The physics simulator in my mind is not equipped to figure out what happens if you show a wholetaur to someone who is “inky and billowing.” Would an OSHA vlogger and a reverse-cyborg pirate get along? What would the ravening beast do when faced with a light blue twink on a hoverboard with his nips out? Philosophers will surely be debating these great queries for centuries to come. I can’t tell you who would do the murder here or who would be the victim. I just know that when you put this many variables in an enclosed space for 24 hours, the odds of something going awry are pretty high, and this squad is full of disaster magnets. They might also get along famously, though. Could be the start of something beautiful. Murder odds: 6/10 Idk but I’m getting a headache thinking about it
Oh Yeah. Almost Definitely A Murder: Jack’s Squad (Lem, AuDy, Hitchcock, Fourteen, Clementine, Kalar, Pickman) Pickman got Dayward’s ass and she’d get Clem’s, too. What is an elevator if not a vertical train? Or, now that Clem’s leveled up into the Witch in Glass, maybe she would strike down the Hitchcocks for trying to pickpocket her. Or, hell, I can see Lem getting got by a robogod with a shotgun arm. Infinite possibilities! Most of them ending in death. Murder Odds: 14/15 ;)
Murder 100% Guaranteed: Art’s Squad (Hadrian, Cass, Grand, SI, Duvall) Duvall’s presence changes nothing. Grand Magnificent is still the most murderable PC in F@TT history, and yes, I’m counting the PCs that have actually been murdered. He wears the ephemeral idea of a leather duster. He says the phrase “quaint colonialists.” He’d sell NFTs. His name is Grand Magnificent. Someone in this elevator would kill that guy. Probably Cass. And, if they didn’t, I would personally bestow upon them a Nobel Peace Prize, on Valence’s behalf (I’m so funny), for their epic feat of restraint. Murder Odds: 10/10 Public service tbh
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lizardrosen · 6 years
i was SO scared that the wholetaurs would disappear from hieron
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clemkesh · 4 years
A ranking of friends at the table players’ character squads based on how likely it is that at least one of them will be murdered if they are all stuck in an elevator together for 24 hours, from least to most. This is based on nothing and I will be accepting no complaints.
Least Likely For There to Be a Murder: Dre’s Squad (Throndir, Sige, Even, Valence)- Throndir comes with Kodiak and all tense situations can be diffused via big, fluffy, dog. Yes, I know Sige is very pro violence (though if this is epilogue Sige, maybe less so) and he would almost certainly not vibe with Valence, but you just can’t do a murder with Kodiak as a witness. Also, Throndir and Even would def be good bros. Murder Odds: 0/10, Get yourself an anti-murder floof
Probably No Murder?: Janine’s Squad (Adaire, Signet, Thisbe)- You KNOW Signet and Thisbe would get along great. Signet knows how to befriend big robots and those ladies would be hittin it UP. The biggest concern here is that Adaire would maybe strip Thisbe for parts and sell her, but I think Signet would be able to talk her out of it. Murder Odds: 2/10, Give me the Signet & Thisbe dynamic duo asap 
Murder Still Kinda Unlikely: Sylvia’s Squad (Ephrim, Aubrey, Echo, Millie)- This is the elevator I would most wanna be stuck in, just cause this seems like a great crew and I think their convos would slap. Get some drinks up in here and everyone will get lit as hell and do each others’ hair. They are however, a rather chaotic unit. Like, Ephrim is a literal firecracker and Aubrey makes explosives and there’s just A Lot of variables that could lead to things blowing up literally or figuratively. Murder Odds: 3/10, Whatever happens it will be exciting
Who Knows With These Guys?: Keith’s Squad (Fero, Mako, Gig, Leap)- There are two possibilities here: 1. We already know Mako is great at corralling chaotic bois into a powerful force and they would all find each other hilarious. Fero and Gig could talk about horses while Leap and Mako discuss spacecrime, all in all a wonderful time. They become BFFLs. Or, 2. Have you ever met someone who was similar to you and felt a primal drive to prove yourself the alpha? Something happens and everyone snaps. Maybe Mako tries to fog Leap. Maybe Gig takes out his eye and Leap steals it. Maybe Fero turns into a wholetaur and no one can deal with it. Whatever it is, it turns into the Hunger Games. Only one can survive. Murder Odds: 5/10 I’ve literally never been able to predict Keith’s characters and I’m not about to start now
Slightly Murder-Leaning: Ali’s Squad (Hella, Aria, Castille, Tender, Broun)- Hella “What here is evil?” Varal’s presence elevates (ha) the likelihood of murder in this elevator by at least four points. Yes, she has grown past that, but ya gotta honor her “destroy what you don’t understand” roots somewhat and there’s a lot in this elevator she wouldn’t understand. Also, at least two people in this elevator would end up making out (Aria and Tender would 100% be into each other I’m right and I should say it) and that would probably cause a decent amount of discomfort or tension which could escalate into murderous feelings. Murder Odds: 6/10, orgy odds 1/10 Ali’s pcs all have horny energy and I respect that
Murder Seems Probable: Jack’s Squad (Lem, AuDy, Hitchcock, Fourteen, Clementine)- It’s not so much that I can point to any one person in this group who will do the murder, it’s just that as an entire unit this is probably the team that is most down with murder as a concept, and Lem and Clem are both pretty murderable people. Like, AuDy could shoot Clem and I think the Hitchcocks would politely applaud. Murder Odds: 8/10 A softboy, a robogod, a dancer, a duelist, an assassin, and a princess walk into an elevator...
Murder 100% Guaranteed: Art’s Squad (Hadrian, Cass, Grand, SI)- Grand Magnificent is the most murderable PC in f@tt history. Anyone who is stuck in an elevator with Grand Mag for 24 hrs and does not murder him is a saint. I have never done a murder but if I saw a man wearing the “ephemeral idea of a leather duster” it would be on SIGHT.  Murder Odds: 10/10 I feel this is self explanatory
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