meringuejellyfish · 4 months
ymy favorite thing about witched hat atelier is that they have a couch in their home made of Minecraft cobblestone that they never sit on
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aylinvail · 13 days
How do you come home to a place that no longer exists?
I got lost in the sauce of Heinrix nostalgia and ended up worldbuilding a whole planet.
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The moment Heinrix stepped on Dargonus, he had been struck by a sense of nostalgia so powerful it would have brought a lesser man to tears. 
Okay, apparently someone does wonder what's going through my head with this fic. For me and for them, here we go.
From Talavera, With Love is momma's most self-indulgent fic yet. And I have Heinrix's Starseeker longfic nostalgia to thank for it. What does it mean to want to go home to a place that you can never go back to? Not just physically, but the idea that that home may have changed and is no longer your home because that home exists in the past. A.k.a the diaspora whiplash of reverse culture shock and Nick Joaquin's lamentations in the Woman with Two Navels.
Sometime between June - August, I got completely overtaken by Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo brainworms while obsessively playing and taking screenshots of WH 40k Rogue Trader. In Noli Me Tangere, a young man returns from Europe only to discover that his father is dead after his political enemies conspire to imprison him for challenging the abuses of Dominican friars (Hello Rogue Trader surprise ascension, hello Kunrad oust plot, hello Ecclesiarchy drama with Incendia Chorda) and he spends the entirety of the novel trying to do an Iconoclast playthrough in a game that demands he play Dogmatic. In the end, he is labeled a heretic and has to escape. Fast forward to El Filibusterismo, the opening chapter is on a fucking ship that is used to show the division between the Upper Decks (Upper class society) and the Lower Decks (Voidborn, hello!).
Which is how ya girl ended up here.
The Love Letters to the Philippines
The Maw and the Embocadero: The Maw is equated with the Strait of San Bernardino, one of the most treacherous passages of the Manila-Acapulco galleon route.
Folk Catholicism and variances on the Imperial Cult: Calligos Winterscale's lucky charm, the Talaveran (Guisorn III) cult to Sta. Rosalina de la Soledad who is associated with sea-faring because of Nuestra Señora de la Soledad de Porta Vaga, the Lady of the Manila-Acapulco galleon trade who is the patroness of Cavite, a region that used to be a Spanish military base and the shipyard that produced most of the galleons for this route.
The cult of St. Drusus v. Sta. Rosalina: The age old rivalry between the Dominicans and Jesuits in Manila. The conflict between local "Filipino" priests (at a time when Filipino really meant insulare, a Spaniard born in the colonies. Rana and Heinrix, if we want a real 1:1, would count as insulare) and peninsular priests after the opening of the Suez Canal. More below.
Geography: The high sierras of Talavera are a nod to the Alhambra (This city is a bride whose husband is the hill), The Sierra Madre of Mexico, and the Sierra Madre of Luzon, the island home to the Tagalogs. A lot of the place names in FTWL's Dargonus are chosen based on whether they exist in Spain, Mexico, and the Philippines.
The Temerian phoenix: Initially a silly reference to Ibong Adarna's mystical bird of Piedras Platas. By chapter 8, equated with Calligos Winterscale. A wild beautiful bird that is forced to become a feral beast for bloodsports. Also, just the irony in cockfighting being one of the surviving pieces of native cultures in a lot of colonized places even though it's a sport that kills.
A Mixed Bag
What does it mean to be one of ours?: Tagalogs keep it simple. If you are born there and raised there, you're one of theirs. If you assimilate fully, you can belong too. Rana genuinely thinks Kunrad should be Rogue Trader, despite him stepping away because of the Life Changing Commorragh and Epitaph fieldtrip, because he is Dargonus native born and raised and she writes Abelard off for the same reason. None of the conflicts in FTWL are linked to race (that's for the Drukhari and Aeldari), but to cultural assimilation. Nick Joaquin's Question of Heroes is a window to a point in time when being part of a people moved from "we look like each other" to "we share the same culture". A lot of Filipino ethnic groups apply this logic quite consistently. When in Rome, do as the Romans do and if you do not do as the Romans do, do not call yourself a Roman. Gaining your local "punto"/accent is a "Wow, you finally assimilated!" between the many Tagalog regions, just to name an example. Tagalogs can also be... quite xenophobic for the same reasons. The whole "Sandara Park is more Filipino than Vanessa Hudgens" national agreement after the latter was made a tourism ambassador.
The Hate Comments for the Philippines
Language: Talavera as a rediscovered Imperial world develops its own language. Heinrix's derogatory attitude to Dargonian creole (brought over by the first Lady von Valancius) is a nod to Filipino native hispanophone attitudes towards the Ermitense, Caviteno, and Zamboangueno creoles.
Calligos' sideye at Dargonian culture: Calligos is a native of the Koronus Expanse and so is Incendia... but so are the natives of the von Valancius protectorate. That said, they have a varyingly hostile relationship with Dargonus, a nod to how "indigenous" in the Philippines doesn't mean "native", it means you come from a culture that has never been Catholicized or hispanized.
Rana's side eye at Incendia's insistence on adopting a more familiar and widespread cult and culture: "When Manila sneezes, the Philippines catches cold." or so Joaquin writes. Rana's resistance to Incendia is a combination of personal trauma and a mash-up of the rest of the Philippines' resentment of "Imperial Manila" (The Tagalog, catholic, hispanized culturally and politically centered ethnic group), the complicated relationship between Folk Catholicism and the Vatican.
The Dinner Party: Incendia argues that Sta. Rosalina's cult and Dargonian culture are too foreign and not well-known to subjects outside of Dargonus. Rana argues that St. Drusus and Calixian culture (Incendia's camp) are just as foreign to the Koronus Expanse as she is. A nod to the demonization of hispanic creole cultures in the Philippines in the wake of 70s... after the Philippines wholeheartedly embraced Americanization. This isn't even about colonization, this is about loss of identity. There are a ton of unused "Filipino" words that came out of the nationalist movements of the late 1900s that were meant to replace loan words that were naturally adopted into local languages. The removal of Spanish from the curriculum while English is retained. The portrayals of colonization in history books as "bad colonizer and good colonizer" (as if there is such a thing LMAO) by comparing Spain to America, with the argument that the former was far far worse and could never be "ours". Never mind, of course, that after 300 years of colonization and the Filipino panuelo birthing the Manton de Manila (a Chinese creation based on the former and spread world-wide through the galleon routes coming out of Manila), the creolized cultures of the Philippines are a conversation between native culture and Spanish/Mexican culture, or that a lot of the Virgins of the Philippines absorbed ancient worship practices for older gods, or that the friars --- so often the villains of this story --- are responsible for the preservation of the Baybayin script and local languages (Why does the Philippines not speak Spanish? Aside from resistance to Old World disease, the friars who were wary of Muslim influence creeping up from the south in Mindanao just LEARNED the local languages and went crazy because that's what happens when you're fresh out of the Reconquista and your new colony, which is litered with sultanates, is discovered in the mid 1500s).
So, how do you come home to a place that no longer exists? FTWL Heinrix refuses to embrace change much like the "nationalists" who insist on creating an exoticized orientalism lite pastiche of Filipino cultures (much to the annoyance of actual IPs), clinging to a vision of distant Talavera (Guisorn III) that only exists for him. He mourns it while Rana celebrates a rebirth of it on Dargonus where Talaveran culture has creolized with the local Koronus Expanse culture. For Calligos, who has never had a real home or family, coming home is adopting a home and he embraces the cultures of the Rykad system in their entirety.
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bendoodle · 2 years
I need a ruehob fic that hurt. Confession and Reconciliation is nice and all but where's the one where hob gets to have the last word for once? Gets to be justifiably angry are Rue?
Where he has to chew his heart out and spit it at their feet (metaphorical) in order to survive and not die of a broken heart right there and then. Where his rage slowly seeps into his words, cutting into Rue with the undeniable realization that their actions (and honestly poor choice of words in the moment) caused this and there might be nothing they can do to fix it.
Idk I just think hob deserves a little seething monologue thatse all
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ice--ocean · 1 year
lot to do today but brain is all mushy from a hype weekend =_= i paid one bill, cant that be enough???
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awesamcozy · 2 years
you're disappointed? why? i'm winning 😃
I laughed. I cant even lie i laughed when he said that like shiiiiit boyyyy 😭😭😭
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spindash · 2 years
i would aya if you need help w pirating just go to anadius' official server but to be honest Ive been in it for awhile and everyone in there is kindof a cunt about helping people so maybe not
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petrichorvoices · 2 years
We just noticed the peannut butter is expirwed too what the fuck
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gonfrees · 2 years
flying home. We made it
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sugahbunnies · 1 month
kusuo saiki as your friend but he starts to find you adorable (i'm no expert on this but since i write fanfic for him i know atleast smth)
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at first he finds you too lively, then relaxes when you offered him a coffee jelly (apparently everyone in the school knows his favorite treat?).
finds you slightly a bother when you only ask him for little favors, not anyone else in the friend group
teacher groups you and him quite a bit and he doesnt mind. once you start drawing little hearts on his papers tho, he finds himself smiling a little.
kept the papers and stared at them while sitting on his bed, his finger tracing the hearts.
then suddenly remembers your smile
oof, his heart kinda did a weird thing.
immeidately throws the paper away to the floor, brushing off what his heart did.
finds himself staring at you across the classroom, wondering if you always smile at everyone like that.
thinks you're genuinely pretty, but can't admit because he knows you'll bring it up any chance you get.
secretly carries bandaids in his bag because you always somehow end up with papercuts on your fingers
has you as "y/n :)" on phone contact. used to be "y/n :)))" but thought that was too obvious. (obvious to what kusuo?)
the first time you made his heart skip a beat was on a winter morning and he saw your cherry cheeks and immediately thought to himself ,"cute".
ohno not the weird heart thing again, seeing you with a puffy lips and red nose is not a good combination for his heart.
wonders how you get your hair like that, your hair goes swoosh.
obviously tries to appear nonchalant when your arm brushes against his.
wholetime hes in head going "???!"
goes into panic mode whenever he thinks about you, theres no way he can actually develop romantic feelings for someone right ?
well your pretty face and electric personality isnt helping him much in his overthinking.
admits defeat when he sees you in casual clothes outside of the school uniform. he thinks you look absolutely adorable.
tells himself this little crush wont last long because you both are meant to be friends.
daydreams about you a bit too much and wishes you were his.
yeah, kusuo saiki is definitely not going to make the first move, isnt he?
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vivakitkt · 2 years
Take it Back
Genre: angst/no comfort
Notes: First ever post! :D Lemme know if you like it! Im sorry if it sound like another authors writing...there's unfortunately a lot of writing like this🙏🙏
Warnings: maybe some‼️trigger words‼️nothing else i can think of..... ❗️not proofread❗️
Read it with any character you like (* ^ ω ^)
You were just trying to care for him
Because thats what lovers do
They look after eachother and love each other...
Maybe the words he said weren't true
Maybe it was what he really thought this wholetime though.... but you really hoped it wasn't
His words...they hurt
The way his words stung your heart
/I don't need you, your replaceable/
The way you looked at him, widened eyes
He didn't look at you, face turned away
You bit your lip as you tried to hold back your tears from flowing
You tried to say something but didn't
/leave/ you barely managed to get out
He could start to hear the cracks and strain of your voice
So he did as you said
And as he did, you could hear his footsteps fading away
And all that were left were your controllable sobs
The days continued as usual
Other than your many break downs at night
Everything was fine.
But was it really?
"Its fine, I'll get over it."
You tried to tell yourself
But your cries said otherwise
You saw your lover- ah, former lover at the mall today
You couldn't even see a single piece of sadness in his eyes
"He must have moved on"
You told your self
You felt pathetic
He was over here looking fine, perfect even
While you were here, a mess
A crying pathetic mess
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devi-hydra · 2 months
WHat if cloud was a butch this wholetime
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wandering-tides · 2 months
Chapter 148 had me at the edge of my seat the WHOLETIME.
It was SO exciting dammit.
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AND HIM. My man's having butterflies in his stomach hadgjdunskskal
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And then, and then, they fought.
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*hic* this chapter was so exciting to read.
And then Sakura won! Well, not exactly "won" but he won!
That "bet" he made with Endo had me scared there for a moment tho...
But all's well that ends well~!!
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mikulover12 · 2 years
idk why but i like to think abt my fav survival horror games but miku is there right by ur side the wholetime… like imagine re4 youre leon and uou gotta save ashley but at the same time miku is rushing through with a comically large chainsaw killing ganados left and right. like atleast one “holy shti hatsune miku!!?????” and the rest is just acting like its normal
basically everythings the same but miku is just there,,,
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scaryfaggot · 1 year
botw modern au Link and sidon are the type of autistics who call on discord and links muted the wholetime while sidon talks his ear off
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commandernachos · 11 months
OKAY so this wholetime I assumed Caine's jacket was red but then I colour picked it for a drawing and realized it's pink, like PINK pink not even like a pink-ish red huh
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prettyboykatsuki · 2 years
if deku split a crepe with me i would think he just wanted to share 😭 whole times he's thinking it's a date AND ALSO splitting a crepe you got with deku and he's thinking you're into him. you want his loserboy ass because you're splitting this Date Food with him
i cant… like you just want to split your food with him you do it all the time and he thinks its romantic interest ☹️ which like. Yes! you do like him but you sharing your food has like net 0 correlations. wholetime his loserboy ass as youve said is blushing and stuttering because hes like W-WOAHHH DO THEY L-L-LIKE ME? THEY WANT ME TO BE THEIR BOYFRIEND
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