#whooo hooo
allusive-minx · 6 months
My number 2 song in my Spotify wrapped is song 2 by blur.
A nice coincidence.
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tornblackedgcs · 1 year
a kiss shared during a game  ( truth or dare ,  spin the bottle ,  etc ) .
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when a positive and a negative combine, that makes a negative. right? that was the idea that he heard once in math. more than likely it was more than once but charlie had a tendency to let his mind wander. thus the straight b's. either way, it was the realization that maybe science had it a little bit wrong and that a positive and a negative could make a positive. if only for a fraction of a moment. when the stars aligned and the pressure of not fucking up at a party reigned supreme.
he wasn't sure how he ended up in a circle of spin the bottle. it should be the last place he was. some of it were the drinks from before, the beers still swimming in his system. a big part of it was he was forced down by a pair of hands and made to spin said bottle. once it got going, that's when he realized what was happening. and proceeded to freak out until it stopped. on chrissy fucking cunningham.
eyes lifted and widened slightly and he felt his face grow hot as they looked at each other. charlie was not the type to deny feelings. there was an attraction to the cheerleader. of course there was. but it did go deeper than just physical. he had seen her around school enough time and she always seemed so...so soft. quiet and kind. maybe it was just a facade, but it would be a heavy lie to carry around, especially when she didn't realize he was under the bleachers or just arriving around a corner.
"right, um...?" what did he do? was it more embarrassing to get up and run? not...likely, but the way she looked at him, it hurt. looking at her like this hurt. it would rude and, for a reason he couldn't quite pin down, he didn't want to hurt her. even though they had barely ever met.
and so charlie leaned forward, shifting himself so one hand held him aloft, his knees in the carpet and his face forward. she moved to meet him, those wide eyes of her's feeling like they were pushing deep past the facade of his normally neutral expression. a moment of hesitation; he knew there would be an anxiety attack after this. but he didn't care.
then he kissed her. softly, then fully, one hand on her cheek, like his life depend on it. to feel the momentary rush of what a normal teenager's life was supposed to feel like just before his heart exploded in his chest and he felt his limbs somehow both stiffen and shake with fear.
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sk3tch404 · 2 years
^^I think those were my main ones but Ofc there's probably ones that I missed due to missing childhood memories 😔
And YEHEHEHEA BOIII THISE 7MIN IN HEAVEN QUIZZES- istg id always get Eyeless Jack every time and if I didn't get him, I'd retake the quiz until I did 💀💀 and yeah he was my "main boyfriend" during my creepypasta phase and the funny thing is, I'm not sure if it even was because of his personality, I think it was just because he wore a BLUE mask.
Now lil funfact about me, when I was little, I was FUCKING O B S E S S E D WITH THE COLOUR BLUE. Always wanted to wear blue clothes, eat blue food, drink blue drinks (there was this one energy drink with a blue color that tasted absolutely awful, I still pestered my family members to buy it for me, even though I didn't like drinking it at all 🥲) I wanted EVERYTHING in blue—
So yeah, I held a questionable "love" for Mr.Kidney Eater lmfao. Also like, I left the CP before like, Bloody Painter and the others newer ones were made, so when I revisited it a while back I was like "who tf is this guy" and speaking of what changed after I left, I remember that EJs OG backstories was smth along the lines of "his father was a doctor, some shit happened, his father poked his eyes with like a Fireplace poker thingie and THATS why he got em black goo leaky eyes" and he was just Some Dude™ but that's also changed, I was so confused when they addressed him as a Demonic Creature like 👁👄👁 where'd my lil silly man go? (Not that I miss it THAT much but going from hahaha doctor twink with scalpel to an actual Threat™ was pretty jarring) there was also the gratification of getting The Smart One as a kid, like yeah I'm Not Like Other Girls I get the cool one, not JEFF. Oh, the Hipster/Internalised Misogyny Mindset my detested 💀
Speaking of old!Fanon, remember when they made Hoodie&Masky obsessed with cheesecake? And the reason WHY they made them obsessed with turned out to be pretty scummy actually? Big oof, big oof 💀
And OMFG THE PUBLISHED JEFF FANFIC AINT NO WAY— its honestly kinda impressive if you really think about it ngl imagine being able to sell physical copies of your fanfics without having it being just you printing out every pane in A4 format 🤔 it's just kinda unfortunate that the fanfics that DO get published are all kind of,,, crap (cough cough After cough 50 shades cough cough) like no flake on the authors (mostly) because good for them for being able to make money off smth they love doing (at least I think they do) but holy fuck what I would give if they actually published the good fanfics :,)
-Ren'py anon
that’s the first one that was on there lol
Lovely choices of nostalgia :D
And yeah no I can totally understand why you were so obsessed with blue! As kids, we literally have no idea of self identity and struggle with making a person out of ourselves. A lot of us grab ahold of one thing and try to stick with it, even when we don’t like it. I used to try so hard to be a tomboy. I hated pink, I didn’t like wearing skirts, I didn’t like makeup saying that I ‘liked being more natural’’, I wore an absurd amount of ugly male sweatshirts, T-shirts, and skinny jeans from Aeropostale, and most of all, I hated on other girls for being LITTLE GIRLS???
That got really deep oops, but yeah, most logical and relatable thing ever am I right 😂😂😂😂😂😂🤣🤣😂🤣🤣🤣🤣😂 /hj
I’ve never looked into EJ’s backstory, all I knew is that he was hot, ate kidneys, and had goo for eyes. BUT OH MY GOD WHAT. WHY ARE CREEPYPASTA PARENTS ACTUALLY MONSTERS??? Probably because 11-18 year olds were sharing and altering the stories during the early 2010′s and whatever. Anyway, A FIREPLACE POKER INTO EJ’s EYES??? THAT IS SO BRUTAL HOLY SHIT. It’s so funny how you’re all like, “Oh shit man that’s crazy. Anyway, where’s my funky little cannibal? ^^”
I hate it when people change stories to smth paranormal or demonic. Like, I have little to no issues with it, but GOD DAMN do they butcher tf out of the genre. 
Ah yes, that I”M DIFFERENT FROM OTHER GIRLS AND DON’T CARE ABOUT STUPID THINGS LIKE SELF CARE AND ESTEEM. No I could NEVER act like a decent person who doesn’t argue over every little thing 🙄🙄🙄 
Yes yes yes YES, that whole Hoody and Masky thing was actually really cruel. I thought they just really loved cheesecake just like how Toby really liked waffles. Turns out, the entire Marble Hornets fandom made fun of the figure/weight of the actor who played Masky. Saying he should, ‘lay off the cheescake’. 
That was so messed up man. I know it was early internet banter, but god damn that was just straight up brutal.
Yeah, I was shocked too. How could something THAT bad be published with STOLEN cover art? 😭 The story was shitty as all bad Wattpad fanfics are. If people actually published the good fanfics, the world would go CRAZY. 
Unfortunately, 50 shades of grey had that fame despite it’s.... interesting contents. Some people love it, most people despise it now over the years.
It is such a shame that doesn’t happen more often though. It is quite embarrassing to say you read fanfiction, but it shouldn’t be so condemned and tossed away for it’s notoriety with the bad ones that got around.
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hauntingkiki · 2 months
From my Wattpad account; hauntingkiki if you want to read the full thing!:3
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Gift Of The Night Fury
Hiccup x F! Reader
This is Berk, boasting the kind of balmy, fun-in-the-sun climate that will give you frostbite on your spleen.
One of the upsides on this bland island is our annual holiday. We call it Snoggletog.
Why we chose such a stupid name remains a mystery. But with the war long over.
A roar was heard outside of the Chiefs house, alerting the boy who was originally fast asleep before opening his eyes at the sound.
And dragons living among us.
He threw his blanket over his head, groaning as the house shook slightly, dust falling from the ceiling as another roar echoed throughout.
This year's Snoggletog promises to be one to remember.
The boy eventually rolled out of bed, eyes still closed from being sleepy. "Okay, okay, I'm coming." He muttered to himself, sitting up and reaching for his helmet that was on the bed frame by his feet. He grabbed it and placed it over his head before standing up and walking out of his house.
He threw his arms over his head when he stood outside, yawning as he shuttered from the cold. He looked on his roof and saw the Night Fury who cooed down to Hiccup. "Well, good morning, Mr. Bossy!" He teased with a smile.
Toothless let out a rumble, almost sounding like a laugh, watching Hiccup as he walked around the house.
Hiccup smiled, imitating his growl as the dragon climbed down from the roof carefully. "Do you always have to wake me up so early to go flying-" He asked before yelping, his metal foot scraping the ice.
Before he fell, Toothless caught him, pushing his upright with his snout and gently placing him away from the icy spot.
"Stupid leg." He groaned, kicking the snow slightly. He stumbled back as Toothless grumbled softly, eager to get flying. "Oh, thanks, buddy, I'm okay. Yeah, we can go flying now."
Toothless went silent before burping in his face, making the boy stumble back in disgust.
"Eww, eww, what? Eww! Argh! Toothless." Hiccup whined, chuckling as Toothless nuzzles his face into his palm.
Toothless dived under Hiccup, slipping him onto his back before flying over to your house, heading to D/N shack that was built near your room.
"Toothless!" Hiccup laughed, patting his head softly as the dragon pounced on the roof, cooing softly which woke up D/N. "Y/N sleeping, bud! She's probably not gonna join us for flying today." He paused, snorting as he heard you whine from inside the house before shuffling was heard.
"I'm up, I'm up!" You cried, stretching as you walked out of your house, screaming when both dragons jumped in front of your path.
"Oh, well good morning, m'lady." Hiccup smiled, slipping off Toothless and walking over to you, wrapping an arm around your waist as he gently kissed your cheek.
"Good morning." You grinned, hugging him tightly before petting D/N who shoved her face into your back. "Flying already?" You looked over to the brunette, fixing his Viking helmet that was placed lopsided on his head.
Hiccup nodded, sighing sadly. "Guess so. Come on, let's leave before everyone wakes up." He jumped back onto Toothless, smiling as you got situated on D/N.
Toothless and D/N shot through the clouds, soaring peacefully before diving back down into the clouds.
"Come on! Let's see what you two got today!" Hiccup beamed.
The two dragons shot straight down the side of a cliff, D/N purring happily as the wind hit her face.
"WHOOO-HOOO!" Hiccup cheered, making you laugh as you threw your arms out to your sides when they glided over the water.
"Okay, you ready?" Hiccup asked, setting the prothetic fin into place before standing on Toothless' back, making him grunt out in worry. "Easy..."
"Hiccup, maybe you sho-" You started, gasping when you saw him jump over a cliff, Toothless going under the rock with D/N and you, before catching him on the other side. You sighed in relief when Toothless' fin opened back up.
"Yes! Finally!" The boy cheered, glad that they finally got the trick down.
D/N gurgled in displeasure, shaking her head before flying off to the side from Toothless and Hiccup.
"Boys, am I right?" You unhooked yourself and turned to face the opposite way, lying down with a sigh. You patted her side as she huffed in agreement, making you smile softly.
"Here?" A viking called out to Gobber, holding up a shield as they sat on a Gronckle.
"Yes, yes, nooo, nooo, no, that one a wee bit higher!" Gobber instructed.
"Here?" They asked again, moving the decoration.
"There! Ah, that's the spot!" He beamed, smiling as Stoick patted him on the shoulder.
A small boy jumped in front of Meatlug, playfully roaring before running off with a laugh when Meatlug roared back, chasing him in a playful manner.
"Attaboy, Meatlug!" Fishlegs cheered, watching his dragon from the top of a ladder.
Astrid looked at Stormfly, two shields in hand. "Are you ready, girl?" She beamed, encouraging her dragon. She smiled when Stormfly flexed her tail spikes before throwing them up.
Stormfly nailed them into the wooden tree with the spikes, cooing as Astrid thanked her.
"Odin's beard, Gobber. Vikings spending the winter holiday with dragons. What would our fathers say?" Stoick laughed, walking around with the blond in tow.
"They'd think we'd lost our minds!" He chuckled.
Stoick laughed, turning to the group of Vikings that stood around. "Well done. Well done, all of you! I've never thought I'd live to see this day. Peace on the island of Berk."
Astrid smiled as she scratched Stormfly's chin, giggling as she rubbed her face against her check.
"This will surely be the greatest holiday, we've ever seen!" Stoick finished, making the crowd cheer, some of the dragons roaring in excitement.
A low rumble echoed through Berk, making all the dragons perk up. Their eyes turned into slits at the sound.
"What the...?!" Stoick gasped, confused on what was going on.
Looking up, a flock of dragons flew over the island.
"What in Thor's name?!" Gobber gasped, never seeing anything like it.
Soon, all the dragons joined in on the flock, leaving everyone confused on where their dragon's were going.
"Come back! Where are you going?" Snotlout begged Hookfang, dangling from someone's rooftop as he watched his dragon fly off without setting him down onto the ground.
Fishlegs let out a gasp, his eyes going wide. "Meatlug!" He screamed before running off.
Everyone watched in horror, not knowing what to do in this situation, since, this never happened before.
Astrid gasped, looking around as she spoke. "Where's Y/N and Hiccup?" She whispered to herself, looking up again with a worried look on her face.
"What do you say, you two? Wanna go again?" Hiccup smiled down at Toothless, patting his neck while looking at D/N before snapping his attention onto you when you gasped.
"WATCH OUT!" You screamed, holding on as D/N dodged and weaved past the crowd of dragons in the sky. You gasped in horror as you watched Toothless dive for the water, D/N following as you screamed. "HICCUP, WHAT HAPPENED?!"
"M-MY HELMET!" He replied, trying to stop Toothless. "IT FELL OFF!!"
Toothless eventually stopped diving, D/N joint his side as they looked at the brunette in confusion.
"We'll get it later, bud." He reassured his dragon once you were in ear shot. He glanced at you before looking at Berk. "We need to get back and find out what's going on."
"What's the matter? Where are you going?" A viking asked his Monstrous Nightmare, sighing when it flew off.
"Nonono! Don't leave, Stormfly, don't go!" Astrid begged, running to her dragon as Stormfly flew off. "Please?"
You landed on Berk, slipping off of D/N with Toothless and Hiccup by your side.
"Astrid!" You called out, running over to your sister.
Astrid spotted you and made her way over to you. "Y/N! What's going on? Where are they going?" She asked, worried for the dragons.
Hiccup joined your side, placing his hand on your shoulder. He went to open his mouth before Vikings surrounded the three of you.
"Why did they leave?"
"What's happening?"
"Will they ever come back?”
"Stop! Wait!" Hiccup yelled over the chatter, placing his hands up in defense.
"Calm down!" Stoick's voice boomed, faintly ringing in people's ears. He pushed his way through the crowd, making his way to his son and you. "Give them a chance to speak! Hiccup, Y/N, where are all our dragons going?"
Hiccup looked up at his father, his brows knitting together slightly. "Dad...we don't know." Hiccup muttered out, shaking his head slightly.
You turned to look over the edge of the land, your eyes going vast when you saw D/N roaring and cooing at Toothless, trying to get him to fly with the crowd. You slowly walked in their direction before sprinting over. "D/N? D/N, wait!" You cried, stumbling slightly before coming to a halt as you watched her join Stormfly with the others.
Night eventually came and everyone went to the hall for a meeting about the current events that happened with the dragons.
"Where'd they go?!"
"Snoggletog is ruined!"
"It's not ruined!" Stoick called out over the chatter, silencing everyone quickly. He stepped into the wood that surrounded the fire pit that was indented in the middle of the room. "We're Vikings! We've been perfectly happy celebrating without dragons for generations! And there's no reason we can't do it again!"
You sighed heavily, resting your head on Hiccup's stomach as you tilted your head back. 
Astrid, Hiccup and Snotlout leaned on the pillar while Tuff and you sat in chairs. Ruff stood behind her brother, groaning softly. And Fishlegs was in his own world, none of you really bothered him.
"Now we don't know where they've gone off to. But we have to have faith that they'll be back again soon. Am I right?" Stoick finished, trying to elevate everyone's spirits. 
"You're right, we are Vikings! We are tough!" Gobber threw his interchangeable hand in the air, the sound of bells ringing as he moved.
The nearby Vikings chuckled as they saw his festive outfit; an antler helmet with holly, some softly glowing lanterns and his bell stick.
"Most of the time..." He gushed, making people laugh loudly. "Let's sing some Snoggletog songs!"
Snotlout scoffed before walking off, Ruff following closely behind. Tuff stoop up and followed his sister with Astrid. Hiccup helped you off your seat before walking off with you, Fishlegs paces behind as he hummed happily.
The seven of you walked around for a moment, all of you staying silent.
"That was depressing..." Ruff interrupted the silence in a mopey tone. 
"I know!" Astrid looked at Tuff before looking at the ground. "Y/N and I were looking forward to spending the holiday with Stormfly and D/N."
Tuff glared at Fishlegs as he began to whistle, like there wasn't a care in the world. "What are you so happy about? Don't you miss Meatlug?"
"Me?" Fishlegs gasped, halting before faking sobbing. "Oh! Yeah! I miss him so much!"
The six of you stared at the blond with open mouths, giving him strange looks which made him gulp nervously.
"Well, good night!" He quickly ran off, leaving the six of you appalled.
"What...just...happened?" You whispered to Snotlout which made him snort loudly, the two of you laughing as you watched him scurry off.
"I've got an idea!" Astrid beamed with a gasp, catching everyone's attention. "Let's come up with a bunch of new holiday traditions! You know, to bury the sadness!"
Tuff, Ruff, Snotlout and you collectively groan sadly, slouching as you all remembered your dragons.
"Actually." Hiccup spoke up after a moment. "Astrid might be on to something."
Tuff rolled his eyes with a 'tch' slightly glaring at the brunette. "Easy for you to say. Your dragon can't go anywhere without you." He pointed to Toothless who was at a small cliff, looking around with a grumble. Tuff whipped his head to you, throwing his arms around dramatically. "I'm surprised your dragon left him. She hardly leaves his side."
You nodded with a sarcastic chuckle. "Tell me about it." You crossed your arm.
"Must be nice." Ruff patted your shoulder, watching Toothless as well before walking off with her brother, Astrid, and Snotlout.
You looked at Hiccup, watching as his brows knitted together as your shoulders dropped while walking in front of him. "Hiccup, you better not have a crazy idea."
He turned his attention onto you, kissing your check before running to his house. "I'll be at the forge tomorrow, be there okay!"
Three kids hugged the snow Gronckle they made, the little girl leaning on it as she sighs.
"Yaknog! Get your Yaknog! Come on! Get a frothy delicious cup of cheer!" She beamed, gasping when she saw the twins and Snotlout. "Hey, you guys! Try this tasty new beverage I made for the holidays."
Tuffnut sniffed the drink before recoiling. "Ugh! What's that smell? Is that you?" He gasped, looking at Ruffnut before shoving her away.
"It's Yaknog!" She smiled, pouring the thick, chunky 'drink' into the empty cup.
Tuff gasps in disgust before coughing as he backed up. "Ugh! If I drink that I'm gonna yak nog all over the place!" He whined.
"Maybe you'd rather taste a punch in the face?" She threatened with a smile.
Ruff sniffed the drink as well before groaning in disgust.
Snotlout strutted over to the girl, a grin on his lips as he took one of the cups off the shield she was holding. "Astrid, it sounds delightful. I'd love a mug." He took a sip, immediately gagging before forcing himself to swallow the beverage. "You could really taste the yak!" He set the drink back down, smacking his lips as his stretched his hand.
"Mmm, yum!" Fishlegs beamed, running into Tuff which sent him flying. "What is that?"
"Oh! You wanna try some? It's my new traditional drink." Astrid beamed to the blonde teen, holding up the tray of drinks. 
Fishlegs looked behind Astrid, noticing Snotlout peering behind, shaking his head as he flashed him a look of worry. Fishlegs took the hint, immediately backing away. "Oh...You know...Ehm...I have...suddenly inexplicably changed my mind." He watched Astrid move around, worried for her next victim.
"Well, you don't know what you're missing." She defended her drink, heading to the forge. "I bet Y/N and Hiccup will love this."
Ruff glanced to Lout, gasping as she leaned into his face as he held his stomach and moaned in discomfort. "Are you crying?"
"AND! Get this; she might have a crush on him, too!" You gasped, lightly hitting the boy who stood on your left.
Hiccup chuckled, holding his hand out before taking the tool you placed in his grasp. "You don't say?" He smiled, looking up at you as you were planted onto the work table he was working at.
You nodded, a grin forming on your lips. "This has to be our little secret." You placed a finger over his lips, making him grin. "She'd kill me if someone found out-I'M not even supp-!"
"Y/N? Hiccup?" Astrid called out for the two of you.
You froze, your mouth wide open when you heard Astrid's voice. You quietly pushed yourself off of the table before tiptoeing to some boxes to hide behind.
Hiccup watched you with a dumbfounded expression. "What are you doing, N/N?" He breathed out, laughing lightly.
"Astrid made a new 'drink' and it's not for human consumption." You warned softly. "We opened every single door and window in the house due to the...the stench."
The brunette winced, giggling softly. "That's horrible."
You nodded, hiding behind the stack of boxes. "It is!" You whined. "Might need to stay the n-."
"Hellooo? Y/N? Hiccup?"
You gulped, peeking over to Hiccup. "I'm not here!" You whisper shouted, making him nod. "And do not take the drink!”
"Yeah, I'm over here, Astrid. Coming!" Hiccup flashed you a thumbs up before greeting your sister at the front of the forge.
"Here. Happy holidays!" She smiled, holding out the shield for him to take a mug. "Where's Y/N? I thought she was with you?"
Hiccup turned away from his invention and to the cups, smiling as he took one before going back to his project. "Thank you, Astrid! This is really kind of you." He tilted his head side to side a few times. "She said she's meeting up with my father; had to give her a talking about something."
Astrid nodded, smiling as she wiggled some of her fingers while holding onto the shield. "What can I say!" She giggled, looking at the table. "What are you up to?"
"Okay, you're gonna think I'm crazy, but I just couldn't stop thinking about what Tuffnut said last night." Hiccup waved her off slightly, placing the cup down for a moment. "Toothless can't come and go like the other dragons, and that's just not fair; especially for him and D/N, they can't go on flights without me or Y/N guiding Toothless. I was up all night and I think I found a way to fix that." Hiccup took a sip of the drink, completely forgetting about your warning you gave.
Big mistake.
Hiccup gagged, shuttering as he tried to swallow the thick drink but was unable too, keeping it in his mouth.
"No way! You built him a new tail? So he's gonna be able to fly without you!" Astrid smiled, keeping her attention on the tail and not noticing the struggle Hiccup was going through.
"Hmhm!" He hummed, his voice cracking slightly.
"Wow, what a great gift!" She nodded excitedly.
Hiccup sets the cup far away from him, chuckling awkwardly. "Hmhm..."
"What if he never comes back?" Astrid asked. "And same with D/N! Y/N would be so devastated"
Hiccup perked up at your name, nodding his slightly at the thought of the two dragons not returning. "Mh..." He sadly hummed.
"What am I saying?" Astrid snickered, rolling her eyes at the crazy thought. "Of course they will!"
"Well, I'm going spread some more holiday cheer!" Astrid backed up, holding the tray with a smile. "I'll tell Y/N you said hi!"
Hiccup watched as the blond ran off, once she was far enough he spat out the Yaknog onto the floor.
You appeared out of your hiding spot, groaning softly. "Okay, that's disgusting." You shuttered at the spit and Yaknog on the ground, hopping back onto the work table.
"I should've listen, that was the worst thing I've ever tasted." He gasped. He looked down at the new tail fin, sighing before picking it off of the table. "Come on, let's go give this to Toothless."
You nodded, slipping off of the table. "Now?" You asked with a head tilt.
Hiccup nodded, holding his breath before letting it go. "Yeah. He can't stay here-he needs to go wherever the others went." He reassured, walking off with the tail in hand.
Toothless grumbled, a gummy smile as he pounced on Hiccup's roof, some of the tiles falling off.
"Toothless! Come on down, bud!" Hiccup beamed, calling down the Night Fury. He stumbled back when he appeared in front of the two of you, smiling at you before looking back at Toothless. "We got something for ya!"
Toothless sniffed the tail, unsure how to feel about it.
"What do you think of that?" He questioned in a playful tone, smiling as he perked up. "Yeah!"
You chucked softly as you watched Toothless and Hiccup walk around each other in circles. You placed your hand atop of the dragons head, stopping him from moving around too much as he rubbed his face into your palm. "Just calm down, bud!" You laughed, watching as Hiccup sat on his tail, putting the new contraption on.
"Toothless! Come on, bud! Let me get that on you!" The brunette laughed, adjusting it. "Yeah! You are going to love this. Okay." He patted his tail once it was on just right.
Toothless whipped his tail around, growling as he tried to get the machinery off. He jumped around, making Hiccup and you duck before getting whacked in the face.
"Nonono... To-Toothless! Stop!" Hiccup started, putting his hands up to calm the Night Fury.
"Toothless, it's okay, please!" You also stood up, trying to calm the dragon down.
Toothless whipped his tail down, perking up as he saw the invention copy his tail movements.
"Ah...Here you go. See? Got it?" Hiccup smiled, patting a hand on your shoulder.
"Uhhh, Hiccup?"
Toothless looks between Hiccup and you, his eyes slits.
"Toothless..." Hiccup sighed, reaching out for him before getting pulled down by you. "Whoa!"
You both watched as Toothless flew off, roaring as he vanished into the clouds.
You slowly turned to the brunette, sighing with a frown. "Hiccup..." You muttered, hugging him gently.
The boy sighed, slowly hugging you back as he rested his chin on your shoulder.
Three days have passed, and no sign of any of the dragons.
No Hookfang.
No Stromfly.
No Meatlug.
No Barf and Beltch.
No D/N.
And no Toothless.
Hiccup stared at his ceiling, wide awake. One hand on his stomach while the other wrapped around you as you laid next to him. He sighed heavily, turning his head to look at you before his eyes went wide when a loud creek echoed throughout the house.
A loud thumped followed, making Hiccup remove his arm from under your head before slowly sit up. He gasped excitedly when another thump came, removing the blanket that was over the two of you. "Toothless!" He beamed, accidentally waking you up. He ran outside and turned the corner to the side of the house with a smile. "I knew you'd come back...Urgh!" He slipped on the same sheet of ice, this time, falling on his back with a groan.
His father stopped hammering the decorations onto the house, looking down at his son with a smile. "Morning, son!" Stoick beamed happily. He looked around for you before titling his head slightly. "Y/N still sleeping?"
"Oh, hey, Dad..." Hiccup got up, giving his dad a slight wave when he stood up. "I-uh-think so, yeah. W-we stayed up too late."
Stoick nodded with a smile. "Well, I'm glad you're up! I was looking for your helmet." The red head started to climb down the ladder, his attention off his son for a moment.
Hiccup froze, eyes wide as he remembered that it fell during flying. "My-My helmet?" He questioned.
Stoick stopped climbing down, grinning at his son before continuing the climb down. "Odin needs a place to put your goodies."
Hiccup nodded softly, looking away from his father. "Yeah, right...I-I'll get on that." He huffed, walking away. "Great..."
Stoick got back onto the ground, looking at his son with a sigh before walking after him. "Hold on!" He called out, making Hiccup stop in his tracks. "Hold on. Alright...Come on. What's on your mind? Out with it."
Hiccup sighed. "Oh, it's been three days, Dad. I just thought Toothless would be back by now."
"I'm sure he is with the other dragons." His father reassured.
"Yeah?" He asked. "I wish I can be that sure."
Stoick sighed heavily, his shoulder dropping slightly as he looked at his son. "Ah, listen...I know what it's like to miss someone you love this time of year. But what do we do, when they can't be here for the holiday?" Stoick gently placed a hand on Hiccup's shoulder, smiling softly. "We celebrate them! And I imagine that is exactly what Toothless would want you to do. And same with D/N; she'd want you and Y/N to celibate both of them. Right?”
Hiccup sighed, nodding. "You're right."
"Good!" Stoick beamed, hitting Hiccup on the shoulder. "Then go get that helmet! We've had enough disappointment around here." He laughed, walking off.
"So now I'm going to have to find a way to get that helmet back." Hiccup walked through Berk, two oars over his shoulder. He adjusted them as he spoke, glancing at you from the corner of his eyes before looking forward to make sure no one was in his way.
"Yikes." You hissed, carrying a basket full of rope and tools. You gripped the basket in your hands as you walked, holding it awkwardly before stopping when Hiccup swapped with you, taking the basket from your hands and helping you get the oars over your shoulders. "Oh! T-thank you."
He smiled softly with a hum. "Of course, m'lady." He gushed, the two of you continued your journey through town.
Hiccup got ready to turn the corner before bumping into Fishlegs who carried a basket filled to the brim with fish. "Oh, Fishlegs, you hungry?" Hiccup teased, smiling while popping the basket up to fix his grip.
"You have enough fish to feed a dragon!" You snickered, adjusting the oars.
Fishlegs was silent before awkwardly chuckling. "Hahaha...Oh, a dragon? That's..." He turned around and ran off, leaving Hiccup and you confused.
"Something's off." You quirked a brow, following the blond. "Come on!"
You both followed Fishlegs to the back entrance of one of the houses, watching as he quickly went inside while whimpering in fear.
While he was inside you both hid around the corner of the house, waiting for him to leave to see what was going on.
Fishlegs peeked out of the door, he quickly stepped out and shut the door, proud that no one was following him to see his secret.
As the blond passed, Hiccup stealthily snuck past, leaning the basket on the house. He smiled brightly at you, watching you leaned the oars next to the basket before standing in front of the door, hands intertwined.
You both opened one side of the doors, eyes wide when a dragon flew straight at you both. The two of you screamed when the chain holding the dragon captive snapped off, ramming into the two of you.
Hiccup and you held onto the dragon for dear life, Hiccup by its head and you by its front legs.
The boy pulled away, Hiccup making eye contact with the dragon. "MEATLUG?!" He screamed.
Meatlug flew passed Astrid who ducked with a yelp, watching you both zoom past.
"Y/N? Hiccup?" She blinked, not sure if she was seeing correctly. "Where are you going?!"
"WE HAVE NO IDEAAA!!" You called back, dangling from his legs as you glanced down, screaming in horror. "OH, MY ODIN! THIS IS SO MUCH WORSE WITHOUT FLYING GEAR!!"
"Meatlug? What about presents?!" Fishlegs called out to his dragon, his shoulder dropping slightly. "Hey!"
Astrid whipped her head to the blond, furious about what just happened.
"I can't believe him." Fishlegs sighed.
"YOU can't believe HIM?!" Astrid snapped, smacking the boy on the arm. "YOU KIDNAPPED YOUR DRAGON!"
"Well, that makes it sound so mean." Fishlegs whined.
The twins walked over to the nest Meatlug made, pushing away the straw before gasping as their eyes went wide.
"Hey, guys?" Tuff called out, not looking away from the nest.
"He flew away the second he was unleashed!" Astrid continued to yell at Fishlegs, not even noticing the Tuffnut was talking to them.
"I'm 72% sure he wanted to stay-"
Ruff pulled back more straw, gasping as she put her hand over her mouth.
The other three finally got over to the twins, noticing what was in the nest.
"Whoa..." Fishlegs chuckled. "Meatlug barfed up a pile of rocks."
Astrid bent down, looking down at the 'rocks'.
"You're such an idiot!" Ruff sighed. "Those aren't rocks, your dragon laid eggs!"
"Hey, wait!" Astrid gaped, picking up one of the eggs from the nest. "I bet that's why the dragons left: To lay their eggs!"
"But, boy dragons don't lay eggs." Fishlegs interjected, not understanding the situation at hand.
"Yeah, your boy dragon is a girl dragon." Ruff clarified for the boy, placing her hands on her hips.
Fishlegs gasped when it clicked, nodding as the memories flooded back. "Okay, that actually explains a few things." He flexed his hands uncomfortably, looking down at his feet.
Astrid popped up, a grin plastered on her face as she held onto the egg. "Hey! Everyone's missing their Dragons, right?"
"Oh, here it comes." Snotlout groaned, slouching back.
She ran over to a small box of junk, grabbing a red ribbon before trying a bow around the egg. "I've got an idea! It'll be another new Snoggletog tradition!" She showed the group the egg, her cheeks red from smiling.
The group reluctantly agreed, tying bows around the eggs to pass around to some of the towns people.
"Oh, this is gonna be so good!" She smiled, two eggs on hand as they spit up to disperse the eggs around town.
Hiccup held onto Meatlug as she flew around, glancing back to you to make sure you're okay before looking back. He screamed, making you yelp before dodging a rock formation which would have killed Hiccup and you. "Whoa! Meatlug, where are you taking us?" Hiccup asked, dodging a wreaked ship.
The flying went on for what felt like days, the three of you above the clouds.
You lazily wrapped your arms about the boy, sighing loudly as he patted your hand that rested on his legs.
Eventually, you come across land, the two of you getting excited as Meatlug began her decline towards it.
The island had a hot spring, thousands of dragons resting on the land around the water.
Once Meatlug landed, Hiccup slid off, helping you down as he held his arms out for you to take.
You both walked to the edge of the small cliff you stood on, looking out to the dragons that laid on the ground. All the dragons had babies.
All but one.
"You guys come here to have babies!" Hiccup gasped in amazement, his eyes sparkling at the sight in front of him.
"This is incredible." You whispered, looking around in awe.
Hiccup watched as a Gronckle pushed her eggs into a small spring. Sliding down, he made his eye over to her before stopping as two babies ran past, playing with one another.
You followed after the boy, smiling at the two babies before looking into the spring with Hiccup.
The three eggs she pushed in soon hatched, small explosions going off as the babies started to swim to the surface.
"Aww." Hiccup cooed, watching as one of the babies crawled out.
"They're so cute!" You gushed, gently shaking Hiccup as they made their way to their mom, tumbling from trying to fly.
Hiccup smiled with a chuckle, looking to his right when he noticed one of her eggs. He stood up, slowly walking over to it. "Hey, look over here, you missed one." He called out to the mom, not noticing that she got up and snagged you from the back of your shirt, carrying you a little ways off. "WHOA!"
You winced, watching as he got flung backwards, landing on his back before perking his head up to watch the baby hit the rock. "You okay?!" You called out, jogging over to him and helping him sit up.
"Y-yeah I'm fine." He reassured, watching as the baby stretched with a yawn before heading to its mom. "Man, it's a good thing those don't hatch on Berk!" Hiccup thought out loud, making you nod in agreement.
"But, you have to admit that the babies are pretty cute." You gushed, cooing softly as you watched the babies play with one another.
Hiccup nodded, dusting the soot off of himself.
As they placed the remaining eggs around, Astrid smiled as she went up into D/N hutch, placing an egg in her nest before leaving with a giggle. "Wasn't this a great idea?" She smiled, hopping down the steps to the others.
"Uh-huh! Everyone's gonna be so surprised!" Fishlegs agreed with a nod and a grin.
Just then, one of the house exploded, a baby Gronckle flying out and hitting Fishlegs in the head which sent him to the floor. "Ow!"
"SURPRISE!" Snotlout smirked, leaning forward to look to the boy on the ground.
The Gronckle hits Fishlegs in the gut, yawning as the twins and Snotlout cooed at the dragon.
Astrid stared at the baby in horror, her eyes wide and mouth ajar. "The eggs...Explode?" She gasped.
Soon, all the houses started to explode, baby Gronckles flying out of the houses.
"THE EGGS EXPLODE!!!" She screamed, watching as people ran out of their houses. She ran over to some of the Vikings as they screamed in horror, bits of their clothing on fire. "I'm sorry! Sorry!"
The group watched in amazement, 'ooo'ing and 'aww'ing at the sight of everything.
The baby dragons got fired into the wooden tree, setting it ablaze.
"Awesome!" Tuff gasped.
"Wow!" Tuff added on with a smile.
Snotlout looked at Astrid, smiling as he leaned towards her. "This is your best idea yet!" He yelled over the explosions before turning his attention back onto the lights.
Astrid looked around in horror, sucking in a breath when she saw her house and D/N perch. "Oh, my Gods!" She cried, pulling at her hair as she booked it towards the flames. "Y/N'S GOING TO KILL ME!!"
Stoick watched as the tree slowly falls apart, noticing Astrid but stopping her as he took her hand. "What in Thor's name is going on?!" He cried, letting go of her hand.
She gulped nervously, covering her mouth with her hand. "The eggs explode." She gushed out in embarrassment. She winced as an explosion went off in the distance, nervously flashing a smile to the Chief.
"Toothless! D/N! Guys?" Hiccup called out, walking around with you, hand in hand as you both looked around for your dragons.
"Where are they?" You sighed, looking down at your feet. "Are they even here?”
"I'm not sure, N/N." Hiccup squeezed your hand, looking at you.
You both fell silent before screaming, hitting the floor with groans when weight was pressed onto your backs.
You turned your head to the side, gasping before a grin tugged at your lips. "D/N!" You beamed, laughing as she got off the two of you and hopped around, her tongue hanging out with a gummy smile.
"What are you doing here, girl?!" Hiccup chuckled, petting her as she nuzzled into his cheek.
D/N bounced off, her wings outstretched as she roared at the two of you as you followed after her.
Stopping at the edge of the small cliff, you beamed at the other familiar dragons who rested on some rocks.
The babies cooed excitedly, making their parents perk up.
"Hookfang! Stormfly!" Hiccup grinned, making his way to the dragons, petting them gently. "Oh, you have no idea how happy we are to see you guys!"
You laughed, sitting on your knees as their babies ran over to you, rubbing their faces against your legs and hands. "You guys are parents!?" You giggled, picking up one of Stormfly's babies as she gently gnawed on your nose.
"Oh, look at you guys! All happy, together." Hiccup joined your side, petting the babies as they cooed at Hiccup. He turned to look at you before laughing, watching as the baby you were holding clawed on your face, trying to perch on top of your head. "Who knew you are leaving to celebrate your own sort of...holiday."
You set the baby back onto the ground, the three of them playing with each other. "We should be getting back to our holiday." You placed a hand on his shoulder.
He nodded, rising to his feet as he helped you up as well.
You turned to D/N who shoved her face into your back, making you chuckle softly. "Think you can take us back home?" You asked, climbing into her back.
You looked over and saw Hiccup sit on Hookfang, the two gliding up above the others as D/N followed.
"We'll see you all back on Berk when you're good and ready, okay, gang?" He questioned to the dragons, gulping when the adults started to join Hookfang and D/N in the air. "Oh...Nono nonono...I think we just started the return migration." Hiccup sheepishly turned to you, shrugging his shoulders as he flashed an uncertain smile.
You laughed, watching as the crowd of babies dashed to the edge of the island, calling out to their parents. "If you guys insist!" You smiled.
The babies tried to fly, but the wind was too strong as it sent them back to the island.
"Ah, boy, this is never gonna work." The brunette sighed.
"I got an idea!" You gasped, patting D/N neck which made her fly the direction you wanted her to go. "Come on, Hookfang!"
"Ah, Gobber, this is a disaster." Stoick complained, walking past the Vikings as they started to rebuild the houses.
"Ah, it's not so bad." Gobber tried to reassure the Chief.
"Oh, not that bad?" He snapped. "The village is destroyed. The dragons have gone and left us.”
The crowd of Vikings came to a halt, whispering to one another as they looked up at the sky.
"Let's face it–this holiday is a complete-What are these people looking at?" He cried, pushing through the mob before noticing what everyone was looking at. "What is that?"
The town watched as a mob of dragons flew in their direction, carrying one of their broken boats underneath them.
"It's Hiccup and Y/N!" Stoick beamed.
The crowd erupted into cheers, some of them hugging and some of them clapping.
"And our dragons!" Astrid added on.
The dragons lowered the ship onto the land, it creaking to a halt as everyone watched in confusion.
Soon the babies poured out, making everyone mummer at the sight.
The adult dragons started to land, Hookfang and D/N landing near the front of the ship.
Both Hiccup and you slipped off of the dragons, moving out of the way as people made their way to their dragons.
Snotlout smiled brightly, running up to Hookfang and hugging him. "Yeah! Whoo-hoo!"
Meatlug flew around, looking for her babies before perking up once she saw them. She made her way down to them as she regurgitated some fish for them to eat. 
Fishlegs flew around the corner, passing by some Vikings as he bolted to his dragon. "MEATLUG!" He shouted, running into her and hugging her as they both rolled away from the impact.
"Stormfly! You're back! Oh!" Astrid laughed, hugging her before looking down at her feet. "And there are babies!" She bent down and grinned, petting them before looking back at Stormfly.
Hiccup and you watched with small smiles, looking at one another as you both held each others hand.
"Hahaha! Well done, you two!" Stoick belted out a laugh as he bear hugged the two of you, lifting you both off the ground.
"Thanks, Dad!" Hiccup gasped out.
"Thank you, Chief!" You wheezed out, trying to catch your breath.
Stoick dropped the two of you before throwing his hands out as he watched the crowd. "Everyone! Grab your dragons! To the Great Hall!" He grinned, walking off and leaving Hiccup and you. "We finally have something to celebrate!"
In the Great Hall, all the Vikings cheered, laughing and talking amongst themselves. Dragons flew above and landed by their owners.
"Where's Hiccup?" Hilda yelled to you over the noise. "I thought he was joining us!”
You looked around for a moment, spotting him in the crowd. You turned back to Hilda, jerking your head in his direction. "He's missing Toothless!" You replied, making her nod. "I'll go talk to him!" You gave Astrid the baby Nadder that was in your lap, getting up with a whistle which made D/N follow after you.
"This is the best holiday ever!" Fishlegs laughed, holding two of the babies. "Howsa baby!"
Snotlout smiled as he pets one of the baby Nightmares, laughing as it spit a little fire at him.
You walk over to Hiccup, slowing down your pace when he glanced at the floor. You gently placed a hand on D/N head as she cooed to Hiccup, making him look over at the two of you. "Hiccup, I know it's hard to see everyone with their dragons tonight." You started, bending down as he looked back at the floor. You smiled softly at him as you took both of his hands into yours. "You really did an incredible thing. Thank you, Hiccup." You cupped his face with both of your hands, quickly kissing him before engulfing him into a hug.
Hiccup sighed as he wrapped his arms around you, his body leaning on your slightly. "Y/N, where did Toothless go?" He asked, almost in a whisper.
You sighed, tightening your grip around him "I don't know." You looked at the doors behind Hiccup.
The doors slowly creaked open, revealing the Night Fury who looked around before perking up when he saw you.
You smiled brightly, biting your lip before pulling away. Your heart fluttered softly when you saw the lovesick smile on his face. You cleared your throat, gently pushing him back as you spoke. "Wow, it must suck being you. I don't think I would want to be you in this situation." You chuckled awkwardly, poking him in the chest as his face dropped. "You helped me find D/N and bring everyone's dragons back home!"
Hiccup scoffed, glaring at you slightly. "Yeah, you know, this is not helping, at all."
You smiled brightly as you pushed Hiccup, making him stumble backwards to keep his balance.
Toothless grunted, running towards Hiccup with a small smile.
"TOOTHLESS!" Hiccup gasped, running over to the dragon who started jumping up and down slightly. "Hey, bud!" The two watch one other before Hiccup embraces the dragon.
You smiled brightly, looking to the sides when you felt a hand on your shoulder. You leaned into Hilda's side as she rubbed her hand up and down your arm.
"Stoick!" Gobber interrupted, placing a hand on Stoick's back which made the chief look at his son.
Hiccup pulled away from Toothless, waving a finger in his face. "Bad dragon! Very bad dragon! You scared me to death!" Hiccup scolded the Fury, mumbling 'including Y/N' under his breath before shaking his head and looking back to Toothless. "Don't ever stay away that long again, and what is in your mouth?" He leaned forward, squinting when he noticed something in Toothless' mouth.
Toothless stood on his hind legs and dropped a spit cover helmet onto his head.
Snotlout and Astrid joined your side, the three of you groaning in disgust. You looked at Snotlout before petting the small Monstrous Nightmare that was in his arms, the two of you laughing when it nibbled on your finger.
The twins and Fishlegs also groaned in disgust, laughing slightly at the end.
Hiccup wiped some of the spit off his helmet and face, getting it out of his eyes. "Yeah, you found my helmet." He gasped, looking at Toothless with a grin. "What-hey! You found my helmet! That's where you've been?"
Toothless rumbled, nudging his face into Hiccups hand.
"Buddy, thank you! You are amazing!" Hiccup threw his arms around the dragon again. He backed away when D/N nudged him to the side, the two dragons purring as they rubbed against one another.
"Happy Snoggletog!" Astrid beamed.
You laughed, walking over to Hiccup, brushing his now wet hair out of his face. "Happy Snoggletog." You giggled, groaning playfully when he pulled you into a hug. "Hiccup!"
Hiccup laughed, smiling brightly. "Happy Snoggletog, Y/N."
You sighed, looking up from your sketch book to see Toothless jumping on Hiccups roof, getting impatient by the minute. You rolled your eyes with a smile, turning back to your drawing.
Toothless roared, sliding down and sitting next to D/N.
"I'm coming, Toothless!" Hiccup reassured, walking over to where Toothless usually greeted. "Alright, bud, come on down. I was just-" He paused with slightly wide eyes, watching as you shoved your sketch book back into your satchel, getting off the Night Nadder and letting D/N sit next to Toothless.
Toothless and D/N both cooed at Hiccup and you once you joined his side.
Hiccup looked in front of the dragons, noticing their flying gear in the snow. "Guys, what'd you pull this out for?" He asked, walking over to the dragons. "You don't need this anymore. Come on, let's get going." Hiccup gently pushed Toothless' saddle to the side, reaching out to Toothless before he jumped over to your side, nuzzling into you.
You smiled, resting your arm on his head as he gurgled slightly. You rubbed your fingers behind D/N's ears when she stood on your other side. "He-They want this, Hiccup." You pointed to the flying gear that was on the ground before tugging at your gear that was draped over your body.
"What do you mean? You have your new tail now; D/N and you and fly with one other." He clarified, watching as Toothless circled around. "Toothless?"
Toothless rumbled, looking back at the prothetic tail as he opened and closed it. Looking back at the brunette, he smashed his tail into the ground, breaking the tail off.
"Toothless! Stop! What are you doing?" Hiccup cried, reaching out before looking at the dragon in disbelief.
You grinned, walking over to Toothless and picking up the red and white tail fin. You chuckled as Toothless pulled the saddle in front of him, D/N doing the same as they both chirped and cooed at Hiccup. "They miss this, Hiccup." You shrugged playfully, handing him the tail.
Hiccup looked down at the fin before looking at the two dragons; Toothless nudging his saddle with his claws and D/N holding the saddle in her mouth. Hiccup slowly turned to you, his mouth ajar.
You smiled softly, nodding your head, holding your hands out before running behind his house. You picked up his flying gear, carrying it over to him before dropping it on top of the fin. "Come on, teach me to dive."
Winter in Berk lasts most of the year. It hangs on with both hands and won't let go.
Hiccup smiled, looking over to his right. "You exited, Dragon Mistress?" He called out, smirking slightly.
You laughed, nodding excitedly. "I sure am, Dragon Master!" You clapped your hand slightly, looking down at the ocean below.
The only comfort and warmth during the cold are those you kept close to you.
Hiccup looked back to Toothless, smiling softly as he unclipped his safeties. "Okay, bud, you ready?" He grinned as Toothless roared in reply. He unlooked his prothetic before glancing at you.
You gulped harshly, unclipping your safeties and standing on D/N back, wobbling before regaining your balance.
You both made eye contact with one another, Hiccup summersaulting off of Toothless while you swan dived off of D/N head.
"Yee-haw!" Hiccup cheered, making you laugh.
The two dragons dove after you both, roaring excitedly as they caught up with you both.
Hiccup and you dove side by side, grinning at one another as Toothless tapped Hiccup, making him spin.
Turns out, that was the best Snoggletog ever.
Hiccup stopped spinning, smiling sweetly as D/N and you spun around one another.
That year, we gave our best friends a pretty great gift.
Hiccup and Toothless reattached, Toothless wings opening up.
You grabbed onto D/N saddle, sitting down as you also reattached yourself.
"Whoo-hoo!" Hiccup beamed, turning to you with a grin.
"That..was..AMAZING!!" You cheered, throwing your arms up.
The two dragons flew past the snow covered trees, making them shake from the unexpected wind.
But they gave us a better one!
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Nemo is just looking for excuses to draw characters with beautiful, elaborate fantasy outfits because my eternal itch to design characters CAN NEVER BE FULLY SATISFIED.
Seriously, it's an itchy festival in my brain, when it comes to create characters. I just thrive on this. I LIVE FOR THIS.
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I'm that type of weird stan that tries to figure out dates and stuff. I think her doctor visits and stuff happen or Wednesdays or Thursdays at certain weekly intervals. So to me the fact she posted what she did today kinda triumphant on a Friday I'm guessing she totally knows she's not having the same setbacks like before. That caption Trending up I think says everything. Whooo Hooo!
Thanks for sharing your stalking insights, anon 😂 Whether it's true or not, it's clear, she feels positive about her current path. If the Queen is good I'm good.
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jaybirdhitman · 2 months
Finally writing that thing I wanna write with all my oc's, fantasty adventure whooo hooo. Time to share the cast.
Story will be called "Garden of Lost Souls" shorted to GoLS for tags, so anything related to that will be found under it.
An insert story were you the reader live in this fantastical world on the brink of war, traveling with a crew of varying species to try and solve a mystery before time runs out and the war begins.
Characters under cut
Seraphina (Saph) De Sangre, 22? Demon, Vampire/Incubi
Loretta (Lori) Coast, 23, Fae/Human
Olivia Gow, 23, Demon, Lycan
Koji Shenez, 22, Demon, Felineade
Jayce and Hayden Brooke, 24, Human/Incubi
Nikolai (Nik) Ivanov, 24, Android
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pdsd234 · 2 months
Whooo-hooo! All three badges!
I'm sleepy now, I'm going to bed, feel free to spam boop though ;p
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mythicamagic · 1 year
Otomes I played in 2022
I thought I'd do some quickie reviews of otomes I've played recently such as: Hakuoki, Cupid Parasite, Psychedelica of the Black Butterfly, Sweet Fuse, Taisho Alice, Variable Barricade, Theory of Fear, Diabolik Lovers HDB and MB, Birushana, Ikemen Prince, Ikemen Vampire and Ikemen Sengoku.
Whew, I played more than I thought XD remember all this ranting is just my personal opinion.
Aight so Hakuoki:
For the most part I didn't mesh well with this one. The months in game felt pretty drawn out and slow-paced, and I didn't latch onto any of the characters except for the demons. I'm not entirely sure why. I think I just didn't feel like mc belonged there- and that she was way more invested in the Shinsengumi than they were bothered about her. I did enjoy seeing some historical events play out in Hijikata's route, and I liked seeing Kazama show up to wreck shit. Kazama was great, Kazama gave me a few months of brain rot. I did LOVE the music in this game though, dayme it was beautiful, and it goes without saying but the art style of the CGs were gorgeous. I'm glad I played this one because it's seen as a classic but I didn't personally get the hype sadly. I actually watched a playthrough of a fan-translated spin-off game (SSL) and actually PREFERRED it, despite it being just a comedy game. Whats wrong with me?
Best boy: Kazama
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Cupid Parasite
I remember having mixed feelings about this one, it was a mixed bag. Pretty ok! I really liked Allan's route and the voice acting was solid. Art style was interesting but it hurt my eyes after a while XD I think for me I just didn't find much of a 'replayability' factor. I enjoyed it fine, but it won't stay with me as one of the special otomes I love, capisce? I just couldn't stand Gil or Ryuki. Raul was fine and Shelby was fine, so overall it was just 'ok' for me.
Best boy: Allan. Really enjoyed Jupiters voice acting tho (from Yangs VA hehe)
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Psychedelica of the Black Butterfly
I remember while playing this game my friend hated its art style but man I LOVED playing this one. It felt really unique in terms of atmosphere, with mystery/suspense elements. It took me back to the earlier days of visual novels because I didn't look up a walkthrough for a bunch of this and it led to a lot of frustration and dead ends, but even that was kind of fun to figure out. Loved its twists and turns and bittersweet moments. I also loved having a voiced heroine with Beniyuri (which was one of my first experiences with the feature) and wish more heroines were voiced. Also this one had a BANGING OP, whooo! Reminded me of early 2000's nostalgia cheese, love it.
Best boy: Hikage and Yamato
Sweet Fuse: At your side
Hi um WHY DOES NO ONE TALK ABOUT THIS OTOME? Yeah I think its a bit of a lost gem but if you have a PS Vita, I totally rec buying this one. It's such a fun ride, and with a great MC to boot. The Love interests in this game were all very unusual and not typical otome pretty boyz but I really enjoyed the way they were written. The groups chemistry was great as well. The age gap thing might bother some people though so keep that in mind before playing. Anyway, the setting and plot reminded me a little of Danganronpa 2 and I had a real fun time with it.
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Best boy: Mitarashi
Taisho x Alice
Hooo boy people were excited for this on the otome subreddit. I sat down to try it and...
Well, I didnt think it was possible for an MC to ruin my game experience but here we are. I couldn't stand this game's heroine. Yes I understand why she was written that way, yes I enjoyed some of the guys and the end reveal was unique and impressive- but was it worth suffering through Yurika? Mn...possibly not. She seems to be somewhat divisive though and if you can stomach her 'memeing' and 'I'm not like OTHER GURLS' energy as she twirls, winks with both eyes and shouts to the world that she's SOOOO Quirky guyz- maybe you'll like this game. Thing is, even putting all...that, aside, I didn't like her attitude with Red by invading his personal space, and a certain thing she did in the last route made me incredibly uncomfortable but of course it was brushed aside bc she's the HEROINE GUYS.
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Best boy: Ryoushi and lil gremlin man Alice- actually while I'm here, if you can stomach the MC, Alice's VA had probably the best performance I've heard in an otome. He was hilarious- and had super great range
Variable Barricade
Boy I was super hyped for this one, it was probably my most anticipated game of the year. Great art style, great common route, great voice acting...and then the routes went on. I've noticed people seem to share the same sentiment that they usually enjoy the boys routes but then shit hits the fan and the boy is insensitive, the main heroine is too harsh or dumb- the boy LEAVES, the guy is manipulative- point is, something sours the routes and they're hard to recover from. I really liked Hibari as a heroine at first but as the routes went on I was actively wanting her to NOT be in a relationship, as she demonstrated time and again that she just wasn't ready for one. I ended up selling this game as soon as I was done with it, which I feel sad about, because I really wanted to like VB.
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Best boy: Taiga
Theory of Fear
I don't know why I played this game. XD I actually played a couple of 'indie' otomes like Trapped with Jester, Blooming Panic and Boyfriend to Death (the latter I wouldn't uh...call an otome...plus it awakened unpleasant revelations that I might be into some disturbing tropes so THANKS for that game. Never have I been more uncomfortable with being asked if I'd prefer a Hammer or Drill)
Anywho, Theory of Fear isn't discussed much. It's this awkward lil game with Russian voice acting you can find on Steam. Very 'this is someone's first fanfic' vibes, rife with sexual assault around every corner. Every time Yuki showed up I was like - oh boy here we go again. I found Sadaos route quite interesting in some ways though due to his way of 'fear exposure' and quite literally exposing the mc to her worst fears and mingling that with pleasure. I dunno, a twisted concept that made my brain itch in a good way. The game is bad no doubt about it and I don't rec it but I at least took something away from it. I really enjoyed Blooming Panic though and would totally rec that any day.
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Best boy: Sadao- look don't you JUDGE ME
Diabolik Lovers HDB and MB
In keeping with this trend of dark romance stuff that shouldn't make my brain go brrr but does is Diabolik Lovers. It's not English Translated but with the first two games in the series now on Switch, I used fan translations to play through the games and had a grand ole time. This franchise is only for people who like trash men ok. These boys are awful in every way and quite frankly you can't defend any of their abuse or actions BUT... it's fiction. And if you enjoy your fav VAs whispering degrading things in your ear, moaning and blood-sucking noises (wear headphones for these games oml) then you'll lurve this series like I do. I found myself enjoying Reiji more than I thought I would and Shuu a little less than anticipated, considering I used to love him in my earlier fandom days. Subaru remains the undisputed champ though.
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Best boy: Subaru
Birushana: Rising Flower of Genpei
This game was aight! Better than Hakuoki in my opinion but I know people will come for my head by saying that lmao. It wasn't a perfect game and holy hell did some battles drag on (hi Benkais route) but it really introduced some unique elements plus the best Rivals/ Enemies to lovers trope I've seen so far in otome with Noritsunes route. I recommend this game just for his route, to be honest. I thought Tomomori would be my favourite but he fell a little short for me.
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Best boy: Noritsune and Shigehira
Ongoing- Ikemen Prince, Ikemen Vampire and Ikemen Sengoku
I haven't finished all the routes in these mobile game otomes but yup they're my latest addiction. I'm obsessed.
I think Ikesen is my favourite of the three (I'm not touching Ikerev sorry) because of its writing being stronger in terms of just how fun and lively the world feels. Mc helps in a big way with that, and her chemistry with most of the guys is great to witness. Ikesen's menu layout is defo the worst though and could do with an update.
Ikevamp is aight, I didn't enjoy Comtes route like I thought I would and Leo made me sad but I'm loving Arthurs route, what a good boy. I have no gripes with the layout and the music is cute. I've spent the least amount of money on Ikevamp but still had a great time, which I feel is important if you want to be a free to play player. Also Faust route localisation WHEN?!
Ikepri's layout is the best no contest, everything looks super clean and stylish and the gacha systems are dangerous bc holy hell the cards look so good and pretty. Ikepri has hurt my wallet the most though and I defo feel the most pushed out of all of them to spend money. I think the writing is fine for Ikepri but oddly I enjoy the Events more the Routes themselves?? anyone else feel that way? I like it though, I just need to be stricter on myself not to get sucked into gambling because of it loll
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Best girl and light of my life: Ikesen's MC Mai Mizusaki.
Best ikevamp boy: Faust
Ikesen: Mitsuhide or Motonari
Ikepri: Chevalier
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rainbowangel110 · 4 months
Episode 39! Was a fun one! Let's go
So we start off with a livestream that goes wrong... cuz something exploded. As is usual with most streamers tbh.
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So now we've stopped at a nearby twon who's name I cannot remember so that's fun :) but it's a metal down that's pretty industrial so we're stopping by for supplies. Dot needs a new mic but... well the others have no idea what she's talking about
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If y'all don't watch this show, this is a pretty big deal. Dot doesn't normally come out of her room other than to grab the occasional snack from the kitchen or something. It's pretty rare to see her out and about but even more rare for her to leave the ship, because as she puts it, "A waste of my time." The last time she was actually off the ship was the curry competition, and before that was when Liko's memories got wiped by Spinel and was left wandering in one of the cities.
Anyways smash cut to the theme song which hell yeah.
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Annnnnnnnd she immediately loses the two. So they've already got what she needed and were checking out the 'vintage' section of the market, where Liko and Roy were ogling at the T.V. and radio. And then in the mere minute it took Dot to buy an old mic from one of the stalls, they vanished.
And then she hears yelling from an alley way which uhhhh alright guess we follow that
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Okay so it wasn't bad, just some guy yelling at a Tinkatink. It's trying to take his hammer to create it's own. Tinkatinks are small, and want to make hammers to their liking using any scrap metal they can find. So this guy, working at a factory, had something that caught it's eye.
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Anyways she eventually lets go, and Dot gives back it's old hammer and that mic is so getting snagged by it isn't it
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Called it. Dot decided to leave it be cuz, hey the thing is already pretty old (she was going to use it as a prop but eh, change of plans)
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Awwww that's adorable. you do you little squeaky pink gal
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Murdock chill out, everything is fine, they were gone for half an hour at max. He's such a doting uncle to her. This is definitely embarrassing her lol.
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They're also on the card for the mons who are just living on the ship, no trainers!
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Which is just as adorable as them :)
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Idk ma'am you seem pretty angry to me..... I definitely didn't see what happened though, so don't look at me.
Anyways, as Orio is interrogating everyone over the metal she was going to use.....
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Awww that's so cute.
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Anyways one hilarious chase later....
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So apparently it eats metal to harden it's outer shell, which explains a lot.
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It ate one of the masts??? Are you kidding me??? Oh this is bad.
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So uhh didn't take much screenshots of the fight cuz I was too focused on it but!
Quaxly was using water gun to create a circle of wet sand, so the Orthoworm can't escape from crawling over the sand. But Dot left one part of the circle dry. Where she was.
So the Orthworm runs straight to her, and Quaxly quickly hits it to knock the hammer out!
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Which lets our baby get it and give the final blow! Gosh I wish I could gif these things it was so cool!!!
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And now it's part of the streamer family :)
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mozaik-rose · 10 months
Lets rock the night!!!! yeah i have no clue how to self promote, whooo-hooo!!!!
also why did they make tumblr desktop look like twitter???? it feels so cluttered- check out more on my youtube!!!
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bringbackbunnymaloney · 9 months
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homemadebabka · 11 months
one piece is back !!!!!!! whooo hooo
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somediyprojects · 2 years
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Little Ways to Help the Earth stitched by OutrageousOwls. Pattern from Cross Stitch for the Earth by Emma Congdon.
Whooo hooo! Christmas present for my dad finished and ready to frame! Emma Congdon pattern from Cross Stitch for the Earth. 
I altered a bit of the pattern to fix errors made so it isn’t exactly the same pattern. Changed one part to say, “Buy Fair Trade” instead of, “Buy Local Produce”.
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sk3tch404 · 1 year
I didn't know this going to viral 🗿
It has 2 heart now its 46🥲🥲
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Getting reach on tik tok is way harder than it is on here so congrats!
You will be seeing me following u soon 😈
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