#whos out whos in? oh those boys will really try 2 tell u again.
moochalove · 20 days
The Spiders Catch (Pt.2)
Arlechinno x Fem!Reader
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Not proofread!!
♡ More fluffy than I would have liked 😓
♡ Slight Yandere themes if you squint…
♡ Columbina is kinda deranged
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It feels like your whole body is sore when you awake. You try to shift around but a hand is placed on your shoulder firmly.
“Not so fast. You’re still recovering.”
Your heart skips a beat when that cold firm voice reaches your ear. Though the voice urges you to not move, you do anyways. Your eyes scan the not so familiar room.
Upon realizing this isn’t the infirmary you’ve grown accustomed to, you let out a relieved sigh. It seems the Knave was telling the truth. You are to be the “Mother” of the house.
You haven’t the slightest idea how to be loving and caring towards children... But now it seems you don’t have the freedom to decline Arlechinno’s offer, so you’ll just have to learn along the way.
“You’re nervous. I can see it in your eyes. I thought I made it clear: you will be safe as long as you remain here with me. Perhaps you do not trust my word-“
“It’s not that,” your flushed face scrunches slightly, “It’s just that I’m not sure how to do this. How to be a mother figure. All my life I’ve been taken care of I-“
“So surely you know your limits. How much love is necessary, and when it’s considered suffocating. I hope you know I saugt after you specifically, I believe you’re the best candidate for this.” 
“So you’ve thought about this….?”
“Ahem,” Before Arlechinno could respond a child (who had been listening whilst leaning on the door) fell through the now-open door.
“Decided to finally reveal yourself, little magician?”
Looking down you see a young boy, probably about to enter about to enter his tween/teen years. His eyes are a striking violet color, and his hair is a dull blonde color.
Faster than you can blink, another figure enters a frame. This time a girl. Though she has cat-like features, she looks a lot like the boy on the ground, though her violet eyes are much sharper. She simply looks at the boy on the floor before looking at her “Father” and then you.
“Ah, and here comes your little assistant. I suppose Freminet is not too far behind?”
Once the boy picked himself up with an apologetic smile, another one entered the room. His freckled-kissed face seemed to slightly churn when he laid his eyes on you. Quickly he hid behind the girl and boy, barely peeking out to study your face.
It took a second for you to put two and two together. If you think hard, he was the boy who offered you those flowers! To think someone as innocent and timid-looking as this child managed to pull that stunt off effortlessly.
But then again, it’s not like his actions weren’t unnatural…
You weren’t looking at Arlechinno directly, but you could definitely feel her harsh gaze on you. Likely to see your reaction to Freminet’s presence. You flashed the kids the kindest smile you could muster at that moment before turning upright to properly introduce yourself.
Before you could even get a word out Arlechinno began to speak, “Children, remember how I told you you’d be getting a “Mother” soon? This is her. Please, I expect you to treat her with the same level of respect you treat me.” Immediately you notice how they stiffen up very slightly.
You weren’t sure how to refer to her. Should you have called her by her harbinger name? Maybe just “Father”? No, that doesn’t sound right! You don’t even know her real name!! Well- you’re to be their “Mother” so why not make it feel real….?
You did a little prayer before you opened your mouth to speak,
“Sweetheart, it’s okay, i’m sure they understand very well of my position here.”
All of them stood there shocked.
The boy with violet eyes let out a little snicker before turning towards the two, then ushering them out with a sly smile.
Again, you were alone with Arlechinno.
“U-um… was that not the right……”
“-No, it’s quite alright, really.”
“Oh, um… okay….” You could feel yourself growing smaller under her sharp gaze. You couldn’t tell if she was enjoying the sight of you nervously twiddling your thumb, or if she was upset. You didn’t have the guts to turn and look at her in the eye.
“Though, I suppose I thought it would take you a little longer to warm up to me, my love.”
Haha, that means you get to live, right?
Did the room suddenly get smaller….?
“I shall get the rest of the children seated in the main room. Once you’re ready, come introduce yourself to them. They’ve been eagerly waiting your arrival.”
“Of course. I’ll be there shortly.”
Once Columbina returned home she immediately went to your room to seek entertainment. Though when she finished checking every corner of the room, and couldn’t find you. She simple thought her fellow Harbinger had you with her. So she went to her, and when she also didn’t have you in her presence she wondered to herself, “Perhaps my little dove is playing a trick on me. Ooh, this shall be fun!”
But when a couple of weeks had passed and no one had returned to her with you in hand, she began to worry. Tracking you should be nothing for her. Yet when she couldn’t find you, when no one could find you, she was truly worried. Had someone taken you away? Oh, what if you were hurt!
Columbina sang for no one. Her angelic voice echoed throughout empty halls. For days she would wait for her envoys to bring her back news- news that they had found you. But to no avail. She was no longer worried, she began to grow upset. Who had the nerve to clip her prettiest doves wings? Who could have known that was how she was linked to you?
It wasn’t long before she narrowed it down to one of her fellow harbingers. Perhaps one of them held a grudge against her?
The Knave.
If anyone would know something it would be the Knave. She’s always been trying to sink her fangs into you. Yes, it has to be her.
The Damsolette knows in her “warm” heart that she’s right, she just can’t believe you would let that damned Knave tempt you. She just needed to sink her own fangs into that wretched spider before she could tear you free from her webs.
She sat there, alone, softly humming a tune to herself with the gentlest smile on her face.
From a distance, The Fair Lady could only watch the Damsolette quickly lose her grip on everything. Signora- being the lady she is- sort of had an idea of what you did. However, she isn’t one to spoil the fun for everyone (especially one she sees as her daughter.) If she was somehow able to get ahold of you before the little lady is able to- she’ll help you in any way possible. Even if it means she has to let you go.
After you introduced yourself to all the children, you were drained. To think so many children who come from broken homes could still have the heart to love. They may have their own little quirks, but their hearts are in the right places.
Arlechinno pulled you away from your thoughts when she slyly wrapped her arm around your waist.
“You’re thinking too hard. Don’t worry, they love you already.”
“You really think so? I barely did anything…”
“Of course. As their “Father”, I always know what they are feeling and thinking. Eventually, you will too. It pains me to leave you, but I must get back to work.”
“Oh, and by the way, I’m almost done getting you what you need. As part of our deal of course.”
“Thank you. I promise to work hard to keep our family full of love and compassion.” A relaxed smile crept into your lips as you felt your posture relax slightly.
Once she realized you from her cold grasp, she headed towards the door,
“I do hope you enjoy your stat here at the our lovely house. After all, it’s permanent.”
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katphantom69 · 6 months
Alright then! This my truce gift to @this-is-z-art-blog
Hope u enjoy!
"Fruitloop! I never thought I'd be saying this, but I need your help!" Danny said as he floated into Vlads mansion, dodging a rouge ecto blast that was fired in his direction.
Vlad had been typing away busily on hie laptop when the sudden interruption came. He had jumped up in surprise and fired an ecto blast in the direction of the voice he now realized was Danny. He scowls and sighs
"Daniel my boy, how many times do I have to tell you... STOP SNEAKING INTO MY HOUSE!" He yelled and sighed after seeing a newly made burn on the wall.
"Great! Now I'm going to have to get that fixed! Do you know the hassle of getting burn marks off a wall?!" He said looking over at Danny.
Danny just shrugged, "My parents just let their stay on the wall. It's part of the decor now...I think it adds a bit of personality!" He says smiling proudly.
Vlad sighs and shakes his head, getting up from his chair to address Danny more properly.
"Anyways, what do u require my assistance with? The sooner we do this The sooner you can leave." He said annoyed
Danny flys over and lands on the ground, transformering into his human form. He looks up at Vlad and speaks.
"Well, I was talking to C-dubs the other day and-"
"C...dubs?" Vlad asked confused. "Who's that?"
"Clockwork, duh?" Danny said "who else could it be?!"
Vlad sighs. "Right, ok then, continue"
"Right, well" Danny continued
"We were just talking about random things,when the topic of birthdays came up and I asked if acients like him celebrate their birthdays too. He told me that perhaps some of them do but most don't really have birthdays.
I asked him if he had one and he said no. I said "That's a bit sad don't you think? Everyone deserves to have a birthday." And he responded something like "I've never had one so I can't really say if it's deserved.", or something like that you know how he is. So I've decided that he IS going to have a birthday and that it will be on June 19th and I will bake him a cake and decorate his tower and it will be GREAT!" Danny said proudly
Vlad just looked at him a bit stunned and said
"Ok, I kinda understand what your doing,but 1,Why June 19? and 2, what do I have to do with all this?!" He said now more confused than ever.
Danny walks over to Vlads armchair and sits down.
"Well, June 19th us national watch day, so I thought it would be fitting" he says with a smug grin on his face.
Vlad rolls his eyes at that, "Ok, but again, why is my involvement necessary?"
Danny sighs
"Simple, I can't cook. Like...at all! So a cake is beyond my capabilities already. But I know you like to cook, since your always making homemade stuff to bring over to mom" he said a bit annoyed
"You do know dad ends up eating most of them right?"
Vlad sighs a bit
"Yes and I do hope you've noticed that at least half of those are his favorite flavor." He says a big annoyed back
Danny slouched a bit.
"Oh...well...now I know"
The 2 stayed in awkward silence. Ever since Vlad had started his "redemption ark", the 2 have been trying to set their old differences aside and start anew. Things were going well but it was still very awkward.
Vlad sighs breaking the silence first.
"Alright, let's go to the kitchen. Baking isn't that hard." He said
Danny got up to follow him
"Trust me, when it comes to anything kitchen related, I am a dunce." He sated
Vlad rolls his eyes.
"Don't be so hard on yourself Daniel, how bad could you actually be?" He said as they walked into the kitchen
The fire department struggled to put out the huge flames coming from Masters Mansion. The kitchen was unsalvageable and burnt down to a crisp.
Vlad watched in stoic silence for what seemed like hours before turning around to Danny and speaking
"How are you this bad at cooking?!" He asked incredulous
Danny huffed
"I warned you!"
Vlad facepalmed and dragged his hand down his face groaning
"Daniel!, everything is on fire and the oven wasn't even on yet!"
Danny gave a nonchalant shrug
"I'll admit I have no idea how I managed that" he said
They both watched till the fire was out and the firefighters left. Vlad looked at his half burnt down mansion and sighs.
"Well...guess I will have to make some arrangements to stay elsewhere for a while" he said as he took out his phone to look up some hotels nearby.
Danny scraped his foot along the ground a bit and looked up at Vlad
"Wwweelllll, since it kinda is my fault this happened-" he started
Vlad huffed loudly, interrupting him
"KINDA your fault? I believe this was ENTIRELY your fault my boy." Vlad said crossing his arms unamused.
Danny huffs a bit and looks away.
"Ok, well, maybe it's my fault and because of that I wanted to offer you to stay at my parents place."
Vlad thinks about it
"I don't know, wouldn't it be too awkward for you? Or your parents and sister?" He asks
Danny chuckles
"For mom maybe, and Jazz, but I'm sure Dad will be more than glad to have you around."
Vlad cringed a bit at that
"I don't think I'll be able handle that much time around Jack, he's only good in small doses" he says
"I'll give you that" Danny said "But just this once"
Vlad gave him a nod in acknowledgment as he kept looking at his phone
"So,what are you going to do now for your dear time ghost friend?" he asks
Danny thinks a bit
"I think I might just get him something in a bakery, it's faster and easier than actually making something" he say
Vlad could feel his left eye twitching
"Then why didn't you do that in the first place?! We could have avoided this whole mess!" He said bitterly
Danny gave a nervous chuckle as he shifted into his ghost form and jumped into the air.
"Yeah,imma be honest with you, I just remembered I could do that" he said sheepishly
"Bye Vlad! Good luck with the reconstruction!" He said as he flew off fast before the other halfa could react
Vlad was left speechless
He was half tempted to fly after Danny but just sighed and let him go.
He thought a bit on how to get back at him for this and grinned
"I suppose staying at Daniel's place wouldn't be such a bad idea after all~" he said, quickly going to dial Jack's number
It would take about 3 weeks to get his mansion fixed and Vlad would make sure Daniel would "suffer" greatly each and every day of those weeks as payback
"I hope the cake will be worth all the trouble" he mumbled to himself just as Jack answered the phone.
Clockwork had been watching from his tower and gave a soft, cheeky, smirk as he turned to look at one of his screens, this one playing events yet to come in the bear future at the Fenton residence.
"Oh, it most certainly will"
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reg-arcturus-black · 1 year
Enough is Full of Romance Part 6 - Here’s to Dating.
Where 2 brilliant talented people fall in love and navigate a life filled with paprazzi, rumors and a private romance after being introduced by their common friend. They say wrong person, right timing is a real thing but Ben and Y/N know they have a deep connection and they will wait for however long it takes!
Warnings: Slight alcohol consumption, curse words
Secret Sessions are of course, Ms. Swift's genius 🛐❤️
Series Masterlist
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Gif not mine.
You paced in your living room, cell phone in hand, waiting for a call from Ben even though it had been 3 days. You knew what Madison had told you but you did not want to believe it. Not just yet. You did not hold it against her. She had a point. Her relationship with Ben had nothing to do with yours.
You had tried texting him, calling him but had received no answer. Because going by Madison’s logic, your relationship with Ben had nothing do with yours either so it was alright for you to try talking to him. You knew that was not right but you wanted to know what had gone wrong. You were drunk, sure, but Ben had taken utmost care of you. He was tender, sweet and being in his arms felt perfect, even though you were sleeping through it all and barely remembered it. 
When Ben did call, it was a short conversation.
"Ben, hey! Where did you disappear?" you chuckled nervously.
"Um, Y/N, you need to stop calling me. I am not interested in talking to you neither do I want to see you ever again. Do not try talking to me from now on."
You wanted to fall down to the floor and sob the moment he hung up. But you could not. Not when you had a big album launch coming up. You had more important things on your plate than crying over a silly boy. 
But that was just it. Ben was not a silly boy. He was someone who had been true and genuine with you and you had done the same. You had not talked a lot but anyone could have seen that he had lowered his walls for you. That meant something and his sudden change in behavior meant that something was going on.
Shaking your head, you decided to message him.
Hey, Ben... r u ok? U can tell me if something is wrong
It had barely been a minute when Ben called you back. You suppressed a smile and received it.
"Hey, Ben!" You said cheerfully. "I knew something was wrong. What is it? You can tell me, you know? I mean, after so much has happened with us, we -"
"Hey, Y/N/N, Mads here."
You paused for a second, trying to understand what was happening
"Yeah. The thing is, you really need to stop harassing Ben. He does not like it."
"Wait, are you with him right now?"
"Yeah, I stayed over last night."
Oh... Because that meant...
"Anyway, can you please stop? You are disturbing us," she said sharply and hung up.
Taking a deep breath, you got yourself a glass of water. If distance is what Ben wanted, then that was what he would get. You had much to prepare for. Things that were much more important than even Ben Barnes and your best friend.
You were expecting guests today... many of them. You had one of your secret sessions planned out today. It was one of those gatherings where you would personally hand pick fans from all over the internet based on their posts, tweets and what not about you and invite them to your home. Then, you would play the new album for them before it was released to the world.  
You would bake cookies, get pizza and make sure that you talked to every single person for at least 5 minutes. They were the reason you had reached where you were and you wanted to show them that you cared, too. More than you could ever tell them.
You had cleaned up pretty well after the previous party the next morning despite a hang over. Madison had something to do so she cold not stay to help but all in all, it was therapeutic.
Giving yourself two minutes to absorb what happened, you went for a shower and scrubbed until your skin was red. You felt as if your feelings would come off if you tried scrubbing every inch of your skin hard enough.
What you did not know, however, was what was going on in the other side of the city.
Ben had woken up to find Madison still in his house, rummaging around the kitchen as if it was hers. Roling his eyes, he had quietly slipped back into his room and laid face down on the bed for a few minutes. He never thought he was capable of the word 'hate' but that was the feeling he got being around Madison.
After tossing and turning for a few minutes, he had finally decided to get into the shower and clean up. If tolerating Madison was what he had to do, he'd much rather put a wall up and do it. It included never being dressed in his comfy clothes, being extremely punctual and making sure to never create an emotional connection with her. He wasn't sure if one was possible at all. Whatever it was, he did not want to be vulnerable in front of her.
He had found Madison watching T.V. in the living room at a volume that made his ears almost bleed.
"Can you lower the volume, please?" He had asked, boiling the kettle.
"Oh, there's no need for that," she turned off the T.V. and the kettle.
"I ordered brunch for us. Brunch dates are top tier."
"I don't want to have brunch, Madison. Especially with you."
"Tread carefully, Ben," she had warned, caressing his biceps. "You know what you have to lose. Or well, what your beloved Y/N has to lose."
Pulling his hand away, he had walked back to his room, hoping to get some peace. Sadly for him, she followed him inside.
"Can I help you?" He faked a smile.
"That's more like it. But no, thanks. Just pay for the food when it arrives, will you?"
"Not like I have a choice." He sighed.
"Don't think I haven't noticed Y/N calling and texting you. You know what will happen if -"
"That's not the deal, okay? I haven't responded to her. Not even once!"
"Okay, but who knows you might? Call her right now and ask her to stop contacting you. And make sure you sound firm on the phone. And don't try to leave cryptic clues or whatever. She needs to know that she needs to stay away... that you want her to stay away and that you mean it."
His eyes widened. He knew if you kept calling him, things could go terribly wrong. But calling you and asking to cut off all contact was rude. He did not want to do it.
"I - I am sure we don't need to do that. She will stop after a while. Besides, you can convince her not to, right?"
"Yeah, but she is a stubborn bitch. She won't stop until you ask her to. So either do it or deal with the consequences."
"Fine, fine," he had said and dialled your number. It had almost killed him to say those words and he was not able to bear it any longer.
Madison had snatched the phone instantly after he had hung up and read the text.
"She never listens, does she?" She had said before taking matters into her own hands.
Ben watched in fear as Madison manipulated you into believing something that had never happened. He wanted nothing more than to run to you, beg for forgiveness if needed and tell you everything. Tell you how much you had truly started meaning to him in a short amount of time.
He looked at Madison with eyes full of fury. He was almost about to say something when the bell rang.
"That must be the food," Madison said, happily strutting to the dining table, waiting for him to open the door and collect.
Ben paid for the delivery and saw Madison taking out a bottle of wine along with plates and spoons.
"What do we need that for?"
"Oh, a brunch is incomplete without wine. Besides, it will look good in your Instagram post."
"My what?" He asked suddenly, realising that his phone was still with Madison. "Give me my phone, Madison."
"No can do," she answered and sat down, waiting for Ben to serve.
Shaking his head, he set up the table and served the wine. He sat down opposite to her was about to take a bite when she held his hand, asking him to stop.
"What now?" He asked, clearly annoyed.
"Take a picture of me with the food on the table," she handed him his phone.
"On my phone?"
She nodded.
Taking a deep breath to calm his anger, he clicked a picture and then a few more because she wasn't satisfied with the first ones.
When she finally found one she liked, she started doing something on his phone. Caring more about the food than her, Ben dug in and started eating.
"Press 'post'," she said, handing his his phone back.
"What?" He asked, shocked at the instgram post which was was ready.
It was a picture of Madison with the food captioned brunch date w my forever.
"I - I can't post this, Madison. It's only been 3 days. Besides, you have tagged yourself. It will make things official in front of the whole world. What if - what if Y/N sees it?"
"That's the whole point, Ben. Y/N needs to see this. And we are official anyway. So why not?"
"We are not official, Madison! Do you not get it? I am only doing this to protect Y/N. I don't give a -"
"Careful, Ben. We don't want to do that. So you better press post."
He wanted to hit something. His hand was gripping his spoon so tight out of anger that his knuckles had turned white.
"Do it, Ben. Don't test me."
Running a hand through his hair, he gathered enough courage to press post.
For a moment, he thought that hurting you this way was a lot worse than simply refusing Madison. It ached his heart for what he was doing to you. Even if your feelings didn't run as deep as his did, this would have been painful for anyone. Maybe... Just maybe... He would let Madison do it. Let her -
NO. How could he even allow himself to think that. He could not let that happen. He used to think that Madison was simply an obsessed, selfish, gold digger best friend but he soon found out that she could be dangerous to you. You had opened up her too much too quickly and she had known just what to do with it. He would do everything he could to stop her.
"Cheers, Ben, here's to us! Forever!" Madison said, tilting her glass forward and expecting him to clink it.
He touched his glass to hers. "Just so we are clear, I dont want to do this at all."
"Well, Ben," she rolled her eyes. "It's either this or your poor Y/N going down, down and down..."
Taglist: @padfootagain
A/N: gotta love Pinterest for providing the MOST ACCURATE gifs. Pretty sure this is the expression he wore during brunch hehe
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Oceans of time (part 2)
Laddie asks David how he turned into a vampire. (Dracula a/u).
Part 1 Part 3
September, 1897
"With sorrow, we are forced to let you return to the earth, dear Lucinda," the minister spoke with a solemn, heavy voice. David had stopped listening a long time ago. The words didn't matter. They couldn't bring her back. Mia stood next to him, trying her best to hold herself together. The others had moved to the back of the crowd, not wanting to be seen if they she'd a tear. Mia held his hand, and he gave her a soft squeeze. He looked down to the ground, ignroing the ramblings of the priest. It was only after the service ended that he looked up again when he saw a young gentleman standing in front of them. He was dressed in all black, a high tophay covering his face in shadows.
"You must be David. I'm Arthur Holmwood." He said, a faint accent audible in his voice. He reached out a gloved hand but pulled it back when he realised that the man in front of him had no intention of shaking it.
David looked at the man and noticed that if he hadn't been struck with grief, he'd have a hard time fighting off the attention of many a young girl. That was, of course, if the circumstances were different. The next couple of months, the man would be in mourning, and not a single proper lady would go after him during that time. Arthur bowed his head to Mia, having seen her once before in quick passing. Only Mia noticed that his look lingered on her, just for a moment.
"Sorry for your loss."
David straightened, ready to go, when he felt a hand - not his sister's - resting on his arm. "Please, no one told me anything. I would like to know how my Lucinda died."
"Sir, you really don't want to." It was Dwayne who spoke up, having joined the trio. Most people had left the churchgrounds already. "Keep her memory as she was. Don't torment yourself."
Arthur sighed, shaking his head. "You don't understand. Something haunted me, back in London. When I got here, I was certain I had left it behind - but now I'm afraid Lucy has fallen victim to the monster. And I am afraid that her young friend might be next."
Mia frowned, paling slightly. "What do you mean?" But before Arthur could answer, he was already grabbed by his collar.
"Are you threatening my sister?" David's voice was low and quite dangerous - and if Arthur hadn't dealt with these horrors back in Europe, he would have been taken aback. He understood - God how he understood the need to protect the ones someone cared about. But how do you tell someone that there is nothing you can do when it is the devil himself you're fighting?
"I'm warning you. Gather some crucifixes, garlic, and holy water. Don't ever leave your sister alone. If that monster laid his eyes on her, if he followed Lucinda and me here, and saw her-" he pointed at Mia, "Then she is in mortal danger."
With those words, he left, and David immediately turned to his sister. She seemed frozen in place, her hands trembling slightly.
"We- we can all agree that these were just the insane ramblings of a man struck mad with grief, right?" She asked, her eyes slightly widened. "He- he-" Tears welled up in her eyes. "Oh god, did he mean I would end up like her?"
David pulled Mia close to him, holding her as she cried. "You will have nothing to worry about. We'll make sure nothing happens to you." He shared a look with the boys. They couldn't lose someone else. And they definitely would not lose her.
Santa Carla, 1987
"That's scary," Laddie said quietly. He held his teddybear tightly, playing with the ears.
"So what did you do?"
"We went to Max."
"Wait, is that the same-" the kid frowned, looking at David. Surely it couldn't be, right?
"Yeah. Couldn't get rid of him after all he'd done. Besides, he has his uses."
"Like letting me watch movies!" Laddie grinned, causing David to chuckle. "Did he know what was wrong with her?"
"Yeah. Sometimes, I wish he hadn't, though. Would have made everything a lot easier. She would still be alive if he hadn't known."
October, 1897
"It's so good to meet you, dear," Max greeted the young girl standing between the streetgang he came to employ for everything he could. "I do apologise for not taking this more seriously sooner."
Mia didn't answer. She had been feeling rather weak lately, and she was quite certain that if Dwayne and Paul hadn't held on to her, she would have fallen to the ground. Ever since the funeral, she had been having nightmares - which Marko had noted was eerily similar to what Lucinda had been going through. Besides that, she kept on getting sicker with the day. She'd become paler than ever before, having little to no energy, and lately, even sunlight began to be a discomfort for her.
"Before we begin, I'd need a name and an age. Documentation, you see."
"Mia. I'm seventeen."
Max nodded, writing something down before starting an examination. He flashed a bright light over her eyes, asked her some basic questions about her health- and after fifteen minutes he sighed, and sat down.
"I like to try something unconventional." He looked at David and the others. "Somehow, she's dealing with a lack of blood, and I need to know why. I think hypnosis might help to discover what is causing this." David nodded, wondering whether it should be a what or a who that Max was looking for. After all, Arthur Holmwood had warned him against this strange monster that followed him back to here. But surely, that couldn't be real, right?
"Mia?" Marko looked at her. She shrugged. She just wanted to feel better.
"Oh no, I don't need her permission, not really anyway. It's her guardian who has to agree. So, David, what do you say? You are her guardian after all, no?"
David nodded. With him being five years older, he had made sure to get custody of her after their parents died. "The second she says she's uncomfortable, you stop. Got it?"
Max just grinned, telling Mia to lay down. He talked to her about opening her mind, about listening to the rhythm of the clock, and letting the ticking slowly guide her away and deeper and deeper into her subconscious. Worried, David looked at her, seeing how she fell deeper and deeper under the man's spell.
"You're asleep in your room, what do you hear?"
She was quiet for a moment before she spoke. It was barely louder than a whisper. "A tapping. Someone's rapping at the window."
"What do you do?"
"She - she calls me. She wants to be let in. She wants to come home."
"Who does?"
"She's hungry, starving," Mia's body shuddered. "She says I need to help her."
"Who is talking to you?"
"Lucy says I can help. She says he needs me. She gets in and -" Mia froze, as if in horendous pain, a silent scream escaping from her lips.
A book fell from the table in the room, and suddenly, Mia woke up from her hypnosis.
"What happened?" She asked quietly, looking at the shocked faces of her brothers. No one answered, but Dwayne moved to sit next to her. The room was quiet for a moment before Max spoke.
"I am afraid I do have to ask this. How long ago did you bury your friend?"
"Two weeks." David spoke, not sure where Max was going with this. The older man nodded, sighing softly.
"In order to prove my diagnosis, I want to meet the four of you at the cemetery this evening. There is something you will need to see."
"We won't leave Mia alone," Paul said. "Not when she's ill."
"As long as you leave her in a room guarded with garlic and crucifixes, she should be safe. If she were to come along, she'd be at immediate risk."
Santa Carla, 1987
"Mia was sick like Lucy?" Laddie had moved to lean against the cave wall, blankets wrapped around him.
"Yes. That evening we found out what it was."
"That a vampire attacked her?"
David nodded. "Yes."
"Lucy tricked her, didn't she?"
"Mia just wanted to help her. Little did we know that Lucy was also still being controlled. He was much worse."
"Did you go to the cemetery?"
David nodded, sighing. "Yeah. It was our biggest mistake."
"Because Mia had already invited the vampires in."
October, 1897
"We'll be back soon, alright?" David sat next to his sister, brushing some hair out of her face. She laid in bed, a plate with dinner standing on the sidetable next to her.
"Don't worry about me," she mumbled softly, already half asleep, "I'm fine."
David sighed, a soft smile playing on his lips. She wasn't fine. If he were to believe both Max and Arthur, she was in danger. Great danger. But he couldn't just tell her that, not if he didn't have the proof. Not if he didn't know why, or how, or what he and the boys could do to save her? He placed a crucifix in her hands, closing the window. On the windowsill, he placed some garlic plants, as advised, hoping it would work to protect her.
"Are you sure about this?" Paul asked as they left the house, pulling his coat close. It was chilly, especially now the sun had completely set.
"We have no choice. If we want to stop this shit from happening, we have to go." Dwayne said, taking a cigarette from his coat pocket.
The rest of the walk to the cemetery was quiet. No one spoke, each of them lost in their own thoughts. They were not ready to figure out what they were going to be seeing in the next couple of hours.
Max greeted them, handing each of them a stake and a cross. "You'll need this," was all he said, while he led them to the Westenra family tomb.
"Now you have seen your friend buried in this tomb, right?"
"What of it? We already talked about this." David shot him a look. Max just smirked, shaking his head slightly. "Just making sure we are all on the same page here. Now, gentlemen, when you enter the tomb, you should not be surprised to see an open, empty grave."
"And why is that?" Marko asked as he stepped in, taking a candle that was handed to him. As he shone it around the tomb he did, like Max warned, find an open casket. "What do you know about this?"
"Your friend Lucy is no longer a part of the living, nor is she truly dead."
"We saw her remains. She was completely ripped apart," Dwayne grimaced, "do you really mean to tell us that she is not dead?"
"Yes. She is not living, nor is she dead. She is what we call undead. A vampire."
"A what?" David glared at Max. "You think it is funny, don't you? Telling fucked up stories while our sister is dying?" He had pushed Max against the wall, stake in hand. Max didn't respond, only shushing him. "Listen!"
David quieted down. From outside the tomb, he heard the voice of a woman, soft and charming - and then the giggle of a child. The boys froze, Max springing into action. He waited, and it didn't take long before the woman stepped into the tomb. Even in the dim light from that one single candle, the woman was unmistakably Lucy. The same Lucy they had buried two weeks ago. A small child followed her as if he were in trance.
Lucy didn't notice them. She had only eyes for the child. "Come here," she said softly, and the kid obeyed. Lucy grinned, picking him up, bending his head to the side so she had access to his neck, and - she was about to bite down when she suddenly screamed. She dropped the child, growling as she turned around. Max had staked her. Mid turn Lucy fell tonthe ground, screaming and crying, twisting and turning, until all that was left of her was a sad pile of bones.
"What was that?" Paul and Marko spoke at the same time.
"That was how you kill a vampire. Believe me when I say that this is the kind of monster you're dealing with."
David nodded, sighing as he realised what needed to be done. "We need to find out who turned her."
"Yes," Max agreed, "but for now, you boys will have to go home and take care of your sister. I will make sure this young lad will be returned home safely."
They expected the house to be quiet when they got home. Instead, they heard voices coming from the bedroom.
"Please, please don't do this."
"My dear childe, you'll be healthy once again," a male spoke, his voice low. "I will protect you from the dangers of the world, I will worship you, obey you - as you will me."
"No, please, I dont-"
David pushed the door open. A tall, handsome man stood in front of his sister, his shirt ripped open and chest bleeding. The man forced Mia to lick up the blood, to consume it, while he bit down on her wrist.
David stood there frozen, not sure what to do, how to help his sister. It was Dwayne who sprung into action, pushing the man away from Mia. He tried to stake the man, still having the stake from the cemetery, but he was roughly thrown against the wall as the vampire laughed.
"You're no match for me," the stranger grinned, "soon your dear Mia will be mine. She will be perfect." He moved to stroke the girls hair, but she was quickly pulled away.
"Get away from my sister, " David growled, moving her behind him. "I'll fucking kill you."
The vampire just laughed, disappearing in a clowd of smoke. The moment he disappeared, Mia fell to the ground. She was unconscious, covered in both her own and the vampires blood.
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hawkinsp0st · 2 years
the s3 ending wants to put the audience’s focus on byler.
thank you for the request @lemonkookies !!! disclaimer this analysis has totally been done before by causeineedu on tiktok and other excellent creators—just wanted to share my specific observations and thoughts <3
part i: “not possible” vs “i like presents too”
• first scene we get in the moving out sequence is mike & will. mike hasn’t wanted to play dnd all season, and yet he’s scared that will is throwing his dnd set away.
• the 2 of them have the interaction “what if you want to join another party?” “not possible.” michael is,,,,,positively smitten. but even after the famous mike smile, the camera turns back to will and he’s staring mike down as he walks away. this is so, so flirty i’m having a mental breakdown. i’ve seen this scene several times but never noticed they were this bad. this interaction is especially interesting since they never really made up from the rain fight in 3x3 bc the mind flayer showed up.
• mariah carey goodbye scene is framed within a closet when it starts. like the camera is inside the closet
• mike finds el, immediately tells her “dw you’ll get your powers back”. huh? if u valued her for who she is as a person shouldn’t u be telling her that things will be ok without her powers, instead of reassuring her (ahem, yourself) that they’ll come back?
• mike brings up presents then goes sorry that made me sound like a seven year old. he’s dipping back into enjoying things that he had thought were too immature all throughout s3, bc that interaction he just had with will about dnd made him feel safe to do so again.
• this boy fr just stands there and lets her walk away. michael. 🧍‍♂️
• never noticed this before but he seems like he genuinely doesn’t remember at first what eleven’s talking about when she’s calling back to the cabin “ily” moment. i just think it’s funny that he doesn’t even remember LOL
part ii: hop’s letter scene and the crazy fucking byler centric way it’s sequenced
• this scene does a weird non-chronological order thing. let’s discuss.
• el sits down to read the letter and hop’s voiceover starts. we get shots of hop writing the letter & the kids’ goodbyes (i’m looking at you, sus internalized homophobia byler hug that lasts 30 seconds shorter than all the other hugs lmao). but then…..
• the byers/el drive away and we zoom in on mike. just mike. this tells the viewer to focus on him for the remainder of this sequence. the zoom into mike happens as hop is saying “like you’re… you’re pulling away from me or something.” he watches el & the byers drive away. he looks distraught.
• “i miss playing board games every night.” OH COME ON. (dnd)
• the rest of their friends bike away, but mike stays behind for a really long time—“growing. changing. and i guess…”
• mike looks back at the byers’ house, LOOKS THE HOUSE UP AND DOWN MULTIPLE TIMES AS HOP SAYS “if i’m being really honest, that’s what scares me.”
• “i don’t want things to change.” direct cut from mike to will, will’s crying in the car and jonathan notices (parallel to 4x8 van scene imo).
• mike walks into his house. “i think that’s why i came in here… to try and maybe… stop that change.” subtextually? i think this is meant to show us that that’s why mike has been acting so weird and closed off towards will in s3. growing up means acknowledging those feelings they share, so he’s trying to stop that change. i really don’t think i’m reaching bc these lines play clearly & distinctly while we see mike wheeler, standing by himself, looking distraught over will leaving.
• “to turn back the clock.” he gives his mom the Will Look™️ (the same one from when he thought will was dead in s1) and, in direct parallel to s1, She Knows Things And They Hug. this parallel is so direct that it’s clear to me they’re showing us he’s emotional over will right now—not el.
• “to make things go back to how they were.” he hugs his mom. his eyes are open wide and the camera focuses on that. he’s realizing that things will not be the same now that he and will are growing up, and he’ll be forced to either face or repress things.
• now we cut back to el reading the letter. then the rest of the scene plays out chronologically—the byers & el leave their house. this is what confirms everything for me: the only explanation for this weird time shift is that they wanted hop’s specific words over the mike sequence.
if hop’s letter were meant to only be about hop & el’s relationship, or the bond between all the kids, it would’ve been a montage of their happy memories playing as she was reading the letter or in the moving van with joyce. but the show actually takes us out of this and focuses on……mike losing will? for the majority of hop’s letter???
this REALLY contextualizes “i guess i feel like i lost you or something” from 4x4. watching the 4x4 scene right after the s3 finale, i feel like mike is finally trying to open up about how much this sequence of s3 took a toll on him. i honestly think will moving away changed him forever.
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cchickki · 5 months
"About the Blogger" Meme
Thanks for tagging me @currymanganese! ❤️ sorry i'm doing this super late ugh
Star Sign(s):
virgo sun, pisces moon, capricorn rising (i can list my entire chart if anyone is interested lol)
Favorite Holidays:
i'm not religious but i absolutely love christmas. my favorite time of year and favorite holiday. i get depressed whenever it's over and i have to take the decorations down.
Last Meal:
i think a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. i was craving it lol
Current Favorite Musician:
lana del rey and kendrick lamar! i listen to a lot of music and all different genres, but those are my go to. there's something about fantastic writing/wordplay and production across both of their genres that just inspires me and transports me to a different place when i listen.
if anyone is interested, my spotify profile is here: (x)
When the Tigers Broke Free by Pink Floyd
The Wall is one of my favorite albums!
Last Movie Watched:
Everything Everywhere All At Once
i'm so glad i finally got to watch this movie, it was incredible. although watching it with my boomer dad at parts was awkward (aka the butt plug part lmaoooo)
Last TV Show Watched:
oh man, still trying to finish Succession, my husband is dragging his feet with it even though we both are enjoying it. finished The Boys almost 2 months ago, need to start Gen V soon. i'm bad at finishing shows, unless they're mini series.
Last Book/Fic Finished:
i recently reread Concrete Rose by Angie Thomas, the prequel to The Hate U Give. i haven't finished any of my fics in awhile, except for the two mini requests from my friend @chrissymodi-frost.
Last Book/Fic Abandoned:
oh boy... i've got quite a few i'm struggling to get through... just look at my ao3 and you can see how bad my writer's block has gotten lately :(
Currently Reading:
rereading The Hate U Give by Angie Thomas <3
Last Thing Researched for Art/Writing/Hyperfixation:
i graduated in may 2023 with my art history degree, so i was deep into ancient egyptian history and art, and had to write a hefty 20 page paper on german painter Albrecht Dürer. my most recent hyperfixation was the uncharted games again, so while writing i was researching the Hoysala empire
Favorite Online Fandom Memory:
first joining tumblr and meeting so many friends on here. but i'll tell you back in 2013 when the citadel dlc for mass effect launched, that was an incredible build up and very fun few months.
Favorite Old Fandom You Wish Would Drag You Back In/Have A Resurgence:
not really an "old" fandom, but i was HEAVY into spiderverse over the summer, met some great mutuals through it. i still spiderverse, but don't feel as fixated with it at the moment. the fandom was kind of annoying with some people's think pieces, not gonna lie, and kind of turned a few of us off from it. i'm sure it'll have another "resurgence" when the next movie Beyond the Spiderverse comes out!
Favorite Thing You Enjoy That Never Had an Active or Big "Fandom" but You Wish It Did:
most recently the movie The Creator! movie was so visually stunning, with great/powerful themes, and one of my favorite tropes: found family (kinda) with a father/daughter dynamic. not enough people liked it/saw it which sucks, so the fandom is pretty much non existent for it. i want more art and fanfics from it! i'm going to be buying it soon, that way i can get inspirited and hopefully create more for it!
Tempting Project You're Trying to Reign In/Don't Have Time For:
i was working on creating a real-life version of nate's notebook from uncharted 4. it's taking a lot of time, and is quite an undertaking so i had to take a break from it. i do want to continue it though!
no pressure tags (sorry if you were already tagged!): @mothertodaughters, @chrissymodi-frost. @malabadspice, @not-those-kids, @durrtydawg, @lilylavender, @lilsnatch, @libertatias, @xinamiguel, @georgieluz, @distantsonata, @soft-girl-musings (and anyone else who wants to! sorry i'm trying to remember all my moots tumblr names)
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theatlasrealm · 2 years
—-Kai visibly Looks shorter than the rest of the ninja however he looks taller than Jay only because of his hair gel but in reality he and Jay are the same exact height
—-I said this before and I will say it again to reach kitchen cabinets or any high place kai either does one of two things :
1) airjitzu’s and sets the entire place on fire 2) becomes an Olympic gold metal gymnast
—- Kai doesn’t get bothered much that cole and Zane are taller then him bc they are older… but the fact that his YOUNGER SIBLINGS are taller than him keeps him awake at night..
—-sometimes when nya or lloyd wake up in the middle of the night, scared and shaking, they go to the same person they’ve been going to all their life for nightmares: Kai
—-kai influenced/helped Lloyd a lot. And I mean a LOT, just as much as he helped nya. hair care routine? yeha kai showed Lloyd. how to deal with panic attacks? kai helps him breathe, and taught him how to handle it in case Lloyd is ever alone. Also someone else also said this btw but Lloyd’s weapon is a sword gee I wonder why
nya: Kai if I was in your shoes
Kai: first of all my shoes are pieces of art second of all you shouldn’t even be in those shoes good lord we need to go shoe shopping I can’t have my dear sister walking around like that
—-guess who’s holding all the shopping bags when the trio goes shopping! Ur right it is nya and lloyd
“kai please stop we don’t need more clothes”
“lloyd, life is a runaway what do you mean we don’t need more clothes”
“kai that’s it we are going home if I have to carry one more bag-”
—--nya and Lloyd can’t hide crap from kai he just knows
Lloyd, thinking: I hate myself
“hey Lloyd u okay buddy??”
Kai brother instinct triggered
Kai pulls out weapon: abominable hug
weapon was effective lloyd is feeling better
—-kai is a good liar/actor to most people except nya girl sees right through his facade
nya, “hey kai everything okay?”
Kai,” yeah don’t worry everything’s fine!”
nya gently hugs kai and Kai has an emotional breakdown: a sequel
—-kai,”how’s the weather up there”
nya and Lloyd,” we weren’t aware garden gnomes could talk”
—- when any one of them is sick the remaining two know exactly what to do.
Nya is sick? Give her some soup ! Give her some space! She’s independent and isn’t a fan of being taken care of (lloyd respects that!) but yk kai….Kid isn’t scared of nyas rages 💪
Lloyd is sick? give him some soup! make him laugh! hug him! Thankfully he’s smart enough to stay in bed and recover because he knows if he does that the recovery process will be faster! the real question is if kai knows that…
Kai is sick? Code red full lockdown bro is gonna go try and discover a new species while burning at a high temperature. um kai isn’t scared of nyas rages but when she yells at him for not resting while sick she’s like ten times more scarier someone save the poor boy oh look savior lloyd has arrived oh wait nope false alarm he’s yelling at Kai too
—-they all casually share hoodies, graphic tees, etc. but for Kai it looks little too big.. um…. don’t tell him that though…..
—--if things are too overwhelming for Kai he goes to nya and Lloyd. everything seems to melt away when they look up and smile at him
—-don’t insult nya or Lloyd in front of Kai or Kai’s gonna do a full sailor moon transformation and then into a VICIOUS garden gnome.
—-whenever nya’s inventions/ideas don’t work out, she gets angry and frustrated at herself due to her perfectionist nature. Kai always manages to make her feel better
“hey don’t worry nya, you have wonderful ideas and such a smart brain! you created so many things and I couldn’t have been more proud. how about we go eat a snack and then you can come finish this project later! I’ll even help!
—-Kai is really good with ‘feminine’ stuff like sewing (he probably used to stitch up ripped clothes when him and nya were kids) and hair. he knows 7384377348 different hairstyles and does nya’s hair whenever he can. he also tried to teach Lloyd but the poor kid became jumble of confusion. he managed to teach him braids though!!!
you think this is it? naw shawty I’ve got part two coming out soon.
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uc1wa · 6 months
Haiiii I’m the one who asked for plug Roy Tehehe :3c
But anwyas hear me out
Loser Dick Grayson or Roy Harper (can you tell who my favorite character is?)
Dick is one of those gym bro losers, like the ones on Tiktoc who post thirst traps and them in their car trying to be funny by talking super loud then laughing but everyone eats it up? (I’m into them.)
The ones who spend all their time at the gym and think theyer so cultured because they know of feminism has daddy’s money
Roy is the loser who works at 9-5 dead end job (maybe like Spencer’s or at a gas station) and just smokes all day once he gets home and fights kids on x-box live, dosnt even contribute to anything
They both somehow get their dicks wet every other weekend and then leaves the girls they hooked up with on read till their lonely but we’re special so that didn’t happen and their super pathetic. Roy dosnt really do much he knows how to get a girl to finish but he does it in a lazy way and mostly just wants to get himself off. Dick is the same but at least he is more enthusiastic about it. Both don’t really care if the girl they’re with that week even finishes, he just doesn’t wanna be rude. But when they met you and decided “yeah, that’s my next fuck”, they do their usual, compliment you in a subtle way, talk about stuff you might be interested in, crack some jokes then ask for your number.
You guys talk for a few weeks (it’s 2, 3 1/2 if you’re busy 💀) At first you didn’t agree but when they send you a picture of them waring a pair of sweat pants and a wife beater (I’m sorry, im such a sucker for men in black wife beaters I like- AAAA)
You finally agree. At first they expected you to be like the other girls, kinda Submissive, but shy, and quick. But boy oh boy-
Once you both are in the sheets it’s over for him. Bro is whimpering and moaning, CRYING, TEARS ARE STREAMING, he’s sniffing and stuff asking to cum cause you won’t let him, refused to put his dick in cause he was lowkey being a dick to you ngl- you finally ride him and he’s about to cum but you do before him and get off leaving him all shocked. You give him a kiss on the cheek and say thanks then leave. He’s like
And bro spam texts you, calls you, even dming you on Instagram a voice message of hun begging you to come back and help him finish.
But yeah, I love pathetic losers 😔😔😔💔
babe… this was a mini fic in itself. thank u for sharing. will be thinking about this for so long, my additions under the cut :3
these both turned me on i won’t admit but… your detail to roy… oh god. he’s such a fucking loser i NEED to fuck him NOW!!!
can i add? roy’s breath only smells like monster energy drinks, so nasty but you only taste it when his tongue is sucking yours so of course it leaves connotations of yummy-ness! cums all over you and, if he’s feeling nice, throws you a rag while he goes in the shower himself—without an invite of course. poor you :( all left out, naked n bare n cold.
dick would def get pissed if you joined him in the shower. don’t you know he brought you to his dingy apartment to fuck you and be done with you? c’mon now.
but the thought of getting these man whores pussy drunk is just so. oh god. them sending dick pics to you when you haven’t responded, thinking that’ll have to get you to answer. of course they’re wrong, and manipulate you into feeling so bad with how many times they’ve told you that you’ve given them blue balls, you have to fuck them again >:3
anyways! i hope you liked my lil plug!roy drabble, trust i have one too many drafts of roy and dick as plugs.
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smol-tired-binch-blog · 10 months
So. Finished Kiwami 2.
I can feel the details fading from my brain already, what the fuck was that. Even without the weird anti-Korean bullshit (seriously EVERYONE is Jingweon except Kazuki and Suyeon bugger this honestly) it was so fucking BORING, I didn't CARE about the fate of the Tojo, let it fall, who cares. The only reason I'm mildly interested in it staying is cause the Omi are worse. I wasn't as invested in the combat but in fairness I got into this series thinking the quick-changing between four unique combat styles was this franchise's gimmick but turns out I'm wrong :) That's fine, it's just one of the main reasons I picked up the game, that's okay.
The game's best bits were Ryuji and Daigo. Also I like seeing Yuya and Kazuki and Sayama, whilst not given the best treatment via the writers imo, is a really cool character.
Oh and Majima Saga was MUCH shorter than I expected which eh, lil disappointing, but I got closure with him and his Sotenbori past so I'll allow it (even though it makes me fucking CRY)
Time for some under the cut ranting:
Why is it that the Jingweon's whole 'death before dishonour, revenge above all else' is simply Bad And Evil And Backwards when I swear like....don't yakuza have similar creeds? Never back down, loyalty to the cause, to the family, debts must be repaid in blood and money alike. Maybe they're go a bit more with it but yakuza aren't above playing the long game for their goals (see Sera and Shimano). Is it bad when they Jingweon do it cause they're Korean? They're the bad guys I guess so.
Speaking of the bastard, Kazama really likes taking two young brothers/comrades and telling them "go make something of yourselves, you have such great potential" but then proceed to give special attention to one of them for SOME fucking reason but then still plays the cool-headed and aloof mentor, like "no I don't play favourites I can't do everything for you" whilst doing Literally Everything For Them and fighting tooth and nail to get them to the top without letting on to anyone that he does actually care. Every day I grow angrier that Nishiki didn't kill him the first time. Fire again, boyo.
Also FUCK RYUJI'S DAD. SERIOUSLY, what is WRONG with dads in RGG games??? "You're saying my own mama threw me away?" "No! I begged her to leave you with me." I BEG YOUR FUCKING PARDON?! WHAT?! I- I JUST- HUH?!?!?!? WHAT?!?!?!!?? FUCK OFF?!?!?!?!?!!?!?
But now Ryuji. Oh my God Ryuji. What a character, what a lad, what a man. I don't give a fuck, okay, he earned the title of Dragon, bollocks to Kiryu. And I mean that.
'Dragon of Dojima', 'Mad Dog of Shimano', legends, yes, but inherently tied to and defined by men who ruined their lives, men who don't deserve their names attached to those boys legacies. Ryuji though? He's defined by none but himself, tied to no one, his strength and power and name belonging to him and him alone. The Golden Dragon. By God he earned that tattoo.
And the less we say about that dumb ending the better. skrunksthatwunk already made a good post on why it's bullshit cause Jesus fuckin Christ on a unicycle WHY do they keep trying to but Heterosexual Romance in my Shirtless Men Beating Each Other Up Whilst Pouring Their Hearts Out To Each Other game.
But hey, Yakuza 3 should be fun!!!! Genuinely really excited to see what goes down!!!
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baekhvuns · 1 year
Okay I'm here after reading all the hwa ffs in less than a month (talent ladies). So, I'm going to review it. Although, ik everyone already knows how perfect those ffs are but hey.
1. Bodygaurd
Accidentally tumbled upon this and I'm glad I did. I mean it's been so much time I've spent on Tumblr and then this shows like a miracle. So, OHMYGOD PARK SEONGHWA IN A SUIT AND GLASSES , READY TO SHOOT SOMEONE WHO COMES NEAR ME?!?! Perfect. The story was so well-planned and i like how even though y/n had grown up through so many hurdles she still was so cheerful and bubbly and not all emo and depressed. Ok i get if some fic writers do it in a few of their fic i get it, sometimes the mc has to have some issues BUT I'm tired of it. Really. I'm trying to escape this reality to somewhere where I can be someone i very much aspire to be and not to be depressed which I practically I am irl so ...yeah 😃. Oh and tears. I did tell u i cried and i was not joking.
2. Just friends
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You knew ... you knew what you were doing when you wrote that and how much of an impact it would have on us. I can literally hear that one tiktok sound that goes "the hOe$ gonna love this..." AND I BET THATS WHAT WENT THROUGH YOUR HEAD. But let be real tho, this fic was everything. When the fashion world gets involved with love and Seonghwa?!?! Masterpiece. Shakespeare could never. Plus the clothes inspo?!? This was one of the fic i could actually visualise yk?
3. Rewrite the stars
These types of tropes are basically what I live for. Its like you know you have limited time, you can't fall in love, you mustn't but...oh well look at how the sun shines on his face as he gives his million dollar smile. I think it'd be fine to fall in love. Even if it's just for a few days. Maybe just for tonight.
*kickin the air and rolling in my bed* OH AND BUDAPEST??? 🫠🫠
4. The Duke and his general
Its a classic.
I thought.
But oh boy was i wrong. First of all the simplicity of the fic..and the classic trope but then you get to the plot and then boom! Its like i kind of have gotten used to the whole meet -> fall in love -> get heart broken -> finally together.
And honestly I'm glad I saw the fic after they'd already been written completely because lord knows what I would've done with the whole amount of curiosity after every part.
5. Mr and Mrs Park
Holy oompa loompas THIS!!! THIS IS WHAT WE CALL 'INSPIRATION'!! Ykw...i don't even have words. The last scene at the beach tho. Chills literal ✨chills✨. And the whole loop that starts from the 'A. You messed up' and it ended on the same line but obviously now it had a diff. Meaning. And ong I can never look at a person named 'nayoung' the same.
6. Khronos
No words.Just tears and trauma.
7. The trouble with hating you
Again, the trope was simple. And oh we have seen it in so many movies and dramas about this. BUT yet again you sprinkled it with your own touch. Idk how you do it but when I read your fic i actually transform into yn. I am the real yn when I'm so into reading those lines and talking to air that my family becomes concerned but do i care?...no. and that's what we need in a story! I really hated hwa here tho. HOW COULD YOU?? But hey, yn's got charms 😏
8. Lets not fall in love, again
This was so hurtful. Because, i did not know people getting divorced felt like that. See? That's how you elucidate the feelings. When you're single asf but you still feel the pain of getting seperated from a man who has no idea you exist. Yes. I also recently realised that you have kind of a lot going on. Which again! Intersting.
At first, i was so mad at hwa at the start of the fic i was like wth did I even do. Turns out....he just did it out of love 😭. So pure.
Basically you have the best ffs I have read so far. 🙌🙌
o my god i am actually screaming
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1. bodyguard : Accidentally tumbled upon this and I'm glad I did. I mean it's been so much time I've spent on Tumblr and then this shows like a miracle. So, OHMYGOD PARK SEONGHWA IN A SUIT AND GLASSES, READY TO SHOOT SOMEONE WHO COMES NEAR ME?!?! Perfect. The story was so well-planned and i like how even though y/n had grown up through so many hurdles she still was so cheerful and bubbly and not all emo and depressed. Ok i get if some fic writers do it in a few of their fic i get it, sometimes the mc has to have some issues BUT I'm tired of it. Really. I'm trying to escape this reality to somewhere where I can be someone i very much aspire to be and not to be depressed which I practically I am irl so ..yeah g. On and tears. I did tell u i cried and i was not joking.
DBWNDJWKDHWKHEKW IM CRYING UR SO SWEET FOR THIS REVIEW IM ACTUALLY GONNA SOB BFMWDH no bc ur so right on that part like why do all the yn’s gotta be depressed, let’s make the guy depressed 🤚🏻 u are so right on that last part 100% !!!
2. just friends : You knew ... you knew what you were doing when you wrote that and how much of an impact it would have on us. I can literally hear that one tiktok sound that goes "the hOe$ gonna love this... AND I BET THATS WHAT WENT THROUGH YOUR HEAD. But let be real tho, this fic was everything. When the fashion world gets involved with love and Seonghwa?!?! Masterpiece. Shakespeare could never. Plus the clothes inspo?!? This was one of the fic i could actually visualise yk?
THE WAY I FUCKING GASPED AT THE MEME JFBWKCJSKD I KNEW THIS WAS COMING 😭😭😭😭😭 o i did EXACTLY THAT 🥰🥰 i knew how nasty this fic would be and what the reaction will be, two top models and enemies??? sign me up! this fic was my fashion résumé actually <3 RIGHT I LOVED WRITING THE PHYSICAL PHOTOSHOOT ITSELF
3. rewrite the stars : These types of tropes are basically what I live for. Its like you know you have limited time, you can't fall in love, you mustn't but…oh well look at how the sun shines on his face as he gives his million dollar smile. I think it'd be fine to fall in love. Even if it's just for a few days. Maybe just for tonight. *kickin the air and rolling in my bed* OH AND BUDAPEST??? 🫠🫠
no ur so right, these travelling romances are the >>>> top tier of any tier,, the thrill of romance & the separation 😮‍💨😮‍💨 OH MY GOD IM GONNA STEAL THAT PARAGRAPH MISS CHAERSSSS !!!!! U MAD EMT MIND GO BRRR WITH THAT & yes budapest <3 im absolutely in love w that city, was debating on italy but miss budapest got me
4. the uke and his general : Its a classic. I thought. But oh boy was i wrong. First of all the simplicity of the fic..and the classic trope but then you get to the plot and then boom! Its like i kind of have gotten used to the whole meet - fall in love - get heart broken -> finally together. And honestly I'm glad I saw the fic after they'd already been written completely because lord knows what I would've done with the whole amount of curiosity after every part.
FBWKDHSK U FOUND MY FORMULA AND I WILL USE EVERY BIT OF IT! ahhh ur right, a simple fic turned out to be so big it amazes me! it really was a craze the curiosity and excitement when i first released it, the anons attacking hwa during that time in the fic amazing ✊🏻
5. mr and mrs park : Holy oompa loompas THIS!!! THIS IS WHAT WE CALL 'INSPIRATION'!! Ykw... don't even have words. The last scene at the beach tho. Chills literal ✨ chills. ✨ And the whole loop that starts from the 'A. You messed up' and it ended on the same line but obviously now it had a diff. Meaning. And ong I can never look at a person named 'nayoung' the same.
FBWKDHWK THE SCENE WHERE “come to daddy” *beats the shit out him* “who’s your daddy now” IM FJWKHD 🤲🏻🤲🏻 nayoung will make a return in this blog again in that yunho fic <3
6. khronos : No words. Just tears and trauma.
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7. the trouble with hating you : Again, the trope was simple. And oh we have seen it in so many movies and dramas about this. BUT yet again you sprinkled it with your own touch. Idk how you do it but when I read your fic i actually transform into yn. I am the real yn when I'm so into reading those lines and talking to air that my family becomes concerned but do i care?...no. and that's what we need in a story! I really hated hwa here tho. HOW COULD YOU?? But hey, yn's got charms
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8. lets not fall in love, again : This was so hurtful. Because, i did not know people getting divorced felt like that. See? That's how you elucidate the feelings. When you're single asf but you still feel the pain of getting seperated from a man who has no idea you exist. Yes. I also recently realised that you have kind of a lot going on. Which again! Intersting. At first, i was so mad at hwa at the start of the fic i was like wth did I even do. Turns out....he just did it out of love 😭. So pure. Basically you have the best ffs I have read so far.
this is the best description of that fic, he did out of love 😭😭😭 THANK YOU SO MUCH !!!! ALL OF THIS HAS MADE MY ENTIRE YEAR IM GONNA BE SAVING THIS WHEN I NEED TO SMILE STOP IT THIS IS SO NICE FBNWDJKW 😭😭😭😭
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7 notes · View notes
harringrovesuperior · 10 months
The full fanfic so far
Billy’s pov: “today was just a normal day again, me probably getting yelled at by Neil (if that’s how u spell it) having to drive my step sister, max to school. “ I rolled my eyes and got up, and got dressed. Jeans, with a red shirt, unbuckled at the top to show some skin. I brushed my teeth and did my hair, and walked downstairs.
Neil wasn’t up yet, he wasn’t even home. Didn’t care about anything and just left. I ate breakfast and waiting for max, since I had to drive her to school, it wasn’t that bad. “MAX LETS GO, TIME TO LEAVE.” I yelled, as I was washing the plate and getting the keys to my car. The car ride  was quiet, neither of us wanted to talk about anything
I dropped max off at school, and went to the high school, had 2 classes left. I got into the class, almost late but made it in time, a few minutes later, I saw steve, steve Harrington. He was apparently late? I smirked, I liked his outfit, for once. 
Fast forward: detention
I’m sitting in detention, just for calling one teacher a cunt. I rolled my eyes and had my feet up on the desk, and then I heard the teacher. “Harrington, sit.” Harrington was in detention? Steve  turns around and once his eyes met mine, he had a huge smile plastered onto his beautiful face.
I didn’t wanna say anything but I did. “Why’s pretty boy in detention?”
“Threw paper.” 
“Well that is a shitty reason”
“Tell me about it” he rolled his eyes before returning his gaze on me.
“Called a teacher a cunt” 
He let out a loud chuckle.
“BOYS QUIET” the dull teacher shouted I simply ignored him and kept talking to Harrington.
“Well , you going to that party?” 
“Well who the fuck else?”
He rolled his pretty dark brown eyes before going to say something but stopped. “Words got caught?” 
“What?” He said confused
“You heard me pretty boy”
“Pfft no they didn’t I was just thinking”
“Your sister-“
“Right, yeah stepsister, she’s been hanging out with Lucas and that lot..”
“Oh has she now?”
“Don’t worry bout it , they’re all losers anyways.”
I clenched my fists together tightly as I felt anger build up.I kept calm somehow and realised I needed to have a word with that little ginger shit.
“Yeah so she’s been getting really close with that Lucas kid lately , pretty sure they’re together if I’m gonna be honest.” At this point I was incredibly annoyed somehow I managed to keep calm and carried on to another conversation so that pretty boy and I wouldn’t get into an argument.
Fast forward an hour
I slam the front door closed as I angrily made my way to Max’s room.
I kicked the door open, causing it to fly open earning a loud shout from max “BILLY WHAT THE FUCK?!” 
“So. I’ve heard you’ve been hanging out with those dicks again.”I said annoyed. “Yeah and your problem is?”
“You shouldn’t be hanging out with those dipshits they’re losers.”
“I can hang out with whoever the fuck I want.”
“Well you’re not allowed to hang out with them anymore you go it?!” 
She simply replied by giving me the middle finger before I leafy her room incredibly pissed.
I walked downstairs to see if Niel was home yet, to my surprise he's on a chair in the living room, sleeping, a bottle on the floor. "He was out drinking again.." I thought to myself I tried to grab the bottle to throw it away, before I could grab it I felt his arm grab mine.
"Listen here boy, you are taking max to get ice cream tomorrow and if I find out that you didn't, you won't have your car, and a broken nose." "Do I make myself clear?" "Yes sir." I nodded and grabbed the bottle quickly, throwing it in the trash being walking quickly to my room.
I opened my door quickly, shutting it slowly trying not to make a sound. I looked at myself in the mirror, before I'd think I'd always look good, for the girls(😭) but now, I hate it, I hate how I look, but my mom, always liked it. 
I changed into just sweatpants and laid down on my bed, all I could think about is stupid Harrington. The prettiest boy in the entire school, yet he wasn't even king anymore, but people still liked him, well most people did. Except for me, Tommy, carol and some random ass people in the school that aren't that important. Nobody really knew that me and Harrington were friends ti began with, so I made it seem like we hated each other, and was rivals.
I sighed and drifted off to sleep, after an hour of thinking.
Steve’s pov:
The alarm ring the same way it did as usual.I groaned as the ringing pounded my ear , I slowly turn to turn off my alarm before laying back sprawled out on my bed staring at the ceiling. My eyes felt heavy after a good minute or two , so i thought I might catch five more minutes in bed.
I woke up again, this time with a rather rude one,this time it was no alarm clock, but a very loud scream down my ear. I jolted awake whilst letting out a loud scream before finally realising who it was. “what the hell mom?!” 
“Steve Harrington! You’re late to school again!”
“So? It’s only school .. it’s shitty anyways..” I trailed off before my mother left my room looking very annoyed , not even a second later I heard her scream upstairs “YOU BETTER BE READY IN TWO MINUTES STEVE OR YOURE NOT GETTING YOUR CAR FOR TWO WEEKS!” 
Fuck. I thought. If I lose my car then how the hell am I supposed to go around and hang around with my mates? I couldn’t even finish my thoughts before I realised I still hadn’t gotten ready.
SHIT. I quickly grab my jeans , and a blue top before I made a quick stop at my mirror to fix my hair, dashing out the door only a moment later.
I walked through the empty halls making my way to chemistry.I always hated the subject. The only reason I like it better now was because I was next to my best friend Billy.I had known him for years, he’d been my best friend since 3rd grade, he was always by my side no matter what.
I quietly snuck into the class room before only getting halfway before I was caught by Mr Clarke. “Mr.Harrington you’re late, again..”
“Sorry mr Clarke I was helping a grandma cross the street” I could hear Billy’s chuckling behind me, that sound always used to calm me down , his voice…his eyes…his laugh .. he was just perfect. “Mr Harrington!” I quickly snapped out of my trance and focused back on the teacher, “yes sir?”. 
“What are you doing standing? Go sit down!” 
I nodded before making my way to my desk. “You want a puff?”Billy said holding a cigarette, “nah I’m good” 
“Alright…” the class went by pretty slowly and by the end Billy and I had already lost all of our attention and started throwing paper aeroplanes across the room.
I threw one around the room whilst mr Clarke wasn’t looking and by some bad luck, it had hit the back of his head.He slowly turned around and only said very calmly, “who threw that?” He paused for a brief moment, “WHO THREW THAT?!” He screamed leaving everyone to point at me.
“OH FUCK YOU” I looked up and met the fiery gaze of our teacher before. He then regained his calmness and simply told me “you have a detention”
I plainly replied with an okay before heading on out.
Later after school I reluctantly made my way to detention, and to my surprise the only person I found there was none other than Billy. The boy that was my best friend. The boy that is so perfect that it hurts sometimes because I know he doesn’t like me back. But we had to be rivals, nobody knew we were friends, let alone best friends.
He turns around and once his eyes met mine, he had a huge smile plastered onto his beautiful face “hey pretty boy”
“Hey.., the fuck are you doing here?”
“I called a teacher a cunt”
Classic.. Billy the bad boy.
The bad boy that had all the girls falling for him left and right, he’s got the reputation for dating everyone and being able to get who he wants whenever he wants.
If only he knew how much I liked him, then maybe he would actually want me for me , and not as just a new boyfriend every week.
I snapped back to reality to realise Billy was right in front of me , “you okay? Did you not hear me? I said I liked your shirt” 
“Oh - t-thanks” I smiled awkwardly as a light blush creeped up my neck. Billy only responded with a smile, he then looked at me straight in the eyes and oh, how I could melt into those eyes any day , his gaze made my knees go weak and before I knew it within every second we were getting closer and closer until suddenly he kissed me.
I couldn’t even think straight, all I could process was the feeling of his soft lips against mine.. before I felt him pull away. I slowly opened my eyes to his staring in mine , we stayed like that for a bit vendors the teacher walked in and let us go home. That car ride home I thought of the things that just happened. Not believing anything.
I got out of the car, still shocked, I  unlocked the front door and walked towards  my  room upstairs. I didn't really wanna talk to anymore but Robin, cus she gets it. I closed the door, and quickly called Robin.
On the phone:
"Yes dingus?"
"Robin. We need to talk, like please."
"What's wrong dingus? Ofc we can talk?"
"It's.. something happened at school today."
"What happened? Did someone do something to you?"
"Yes.. we'll it was in detention"
"You got detention?!?!?!"
"Yes but that's not important rn."
"Yes it is, tell me about that tomorrow at work, but what happened in detention?"
"What did he do? Did you guys get into a fake fight again?"
(She knows about it being fake)
"No no.. he uhm.."
"What did he do dingus?"
"He kissed me Robin!"
"He what???"
"Yeah.. he did"
"Omg!!! Why don't you sound happy about it?"
"It felt different.. I'm not sure how I feel about it, he never did that before Robin!"
"Maybe he likes you? Maybe he just wanted to taste~" she said with a laugh afterwards
"Sorry sorry, but maybe he does?"
"I dont know robin.. he flirts with everyone at  the school(that are girls) "
"Yes but he calls you pretty boy, and I see the way he looks at you(when he goes to scoops)"
"Maybe.. i dont know robin, I don't wanna overthink anything"
They talk for about an hour about it
"Ok ok, we can talk later dingus, it's getting late, cya at scoops!"
We both say bye, and we hung up, I change into pjs and get into the bed, but I can't sleep..
"Why did he do that?"
"Does he not want to be friends anymore?"
"Does he like me?"
"Does he like someone??"
Those words kept going in my head, maybe he did like someone.. after an hour of thinking again, I tried to drift back to sleep.
Steve’s pov : 
I woke up feeling incredibly tired, my whole body was aching and not to mention, I also had work today. I looked over to my alarm clock to see that it was already 11:50. Shit. I’m going to be late again- last time I was late I got in a lot of shit with the boss, so this time I quickly threw my stupid uniform on and headed to scoops. 
I sped through the traffic and managed to get there….late. “Steve Harrington!” I could hear robin shout at me as I was approaching scoops.
“Yes robin?” 
“You’re late.”
“Steve you fucker, you shows up late and made me deal with a group of bratty ass kids!” 
“Not my fault” I said before I stepped behind the counter.
“Well then you can deal with the next 50 alone.”
“Fine.” I said rather annoyed, although I get why she’d leave me up to it though, I’m just glad she forgot about Billy. Or so I thought…
“Are you going to tell me about Hargrove or not” 
“Damn. Thought you’d forget..”
“No-? Now what the fuck happened to make you idiots kiss?” She said half chuckling whilst remaining half serious. I took a moment to really think about it. I really didn’t know why he did kiss me.. it - it just- I was snapped out of my thoughts when I heard robin’s finger snapping in front of my face.
“Hello-? OI! Dingus??”
“What what?? I’m here Jesus Christ..”
“Go on. Tell me”
“Robin, to be honest I don’t really know.. I couldn’t even imagine what was going through his head..”
“Well what was going through yours?” 
She said in a calm voice.
“I… i ..don’t..know..” I said thinking,
“Oh Steve, are you falling for him?” She said as she started to laugh, when I didn’t reply, her laughter immediately stopped. “Hahah-you definitely like him Steve ….oh my god.. Steve.”“Well- I don’t know! I - I - don’t know yet!”
“Holy shit… Steve Harrington likes fucking Billy Hargrove…”
“Yeah. Fine . I do. I fucking do. I fucking like Billy Hargrove!” I said rather loudly. I thought that no one really paid attention, that is until I heard someone clearing their throat.
“Ah-em”i slowly turned around to see Billy Right behind me,I wasn’t sure whether he had or hadn’t heard me so I just froze. 
“Holy shit..well erm, I’ve got to do some stuff in the back talk to you later yeah?” Robin said as she sped off into the back room. I stood there in disbelief. Damn you Buckley.
“What happened pretty boy? Someone lost their voice?”Billy said smirking. “I-I-I-“ I couldn’t get out a word.I felt like I couldn’t breathe, I started getting dizzy, but somehow after a while I manage to snap out of it and finally say something.
“Pfft- no. I was just thinking. Now what do you want?”
“Oh. Hey there ginge”
“Just get me my ice cream.” Max said as she rolled her eyes at me causing Billy to chuckle. 
“And you?”
I finished scooping max’s ice cream before giving her it and started scooping Billy’s. 
“I want to talk.”I say catching him off guard,
“About what.” He said whilst I was continuing to scoop his ice cream
“Look. We can talk about that another time. I’m with my sister and I don’t want her to know. Okay?”
I only responded by giving him the ice cream.
“That’ll be $5.39 cents.”
He only gave me a death stare before handing the money and storming off
“Thanks for choosing scoops ahoy enjoy your ice cream.” I said as I watched him leave, fuck, what did I get myself into…?
Billy’s pov: “it’s another day, but it’s Tuesday, which means I have to take Max to get ice cream.” I rolled my eyes and picked out an outfit(use imagination) did my hair, brushed my teeth, and walked downstairs to eat breakfast. “MAX GET UR ASS DOWN HERE SO WE CAN GO.” I yelled, grabbing the car keys. “ OK OK IM COMING JEEZ” max walked downstairs ready to go.
The car ride was silent again, until max spoke. “Did you actually want to get me ice cream, or is it an excuse to flirt with Steve?” She asked. I froze, “did she know about what happened?” I thought to myself. “Look dipshit, I’m not flirt with Steve! We will get that ice cream and go.” I rolled my eyes, getting annoyed . “Whatever..” she said with a huff, looking out the window of the car.
We got to the mall, and walked up to scoops, and there he was, ofc with his friend, but Steve Harrington. “King” Steve. Pretty boy himself, in his little sailor outfit, it was cute.
 “Yeah. Fine . I do. I fucking do. I fucking like Billy Hargrove!” I hear from a distance, it was coming from Steve himself, so I smirked.
“Ah-em” I coughed, waiting. Robin walked quickly to the back room, leaving me and max with him. “What happened pretty boy? Someone lost their voice?”i  said smirking. “I-I-I-“ he couldn’t get out a word.he felt like he couldn’t breathe, he started getting dizzy, but somehow after a while he manage to snap out of it and finally say something.
“Pfft- no. I was just thinking. Now what do you want?”
“Oh. Hey there ginge”
“Just get me my ice cream.” Max said as she rolled her eyes at him  causing me to chuckle. 
“And you?” He asked 
Me and max waited for the ice cream. 
He finished scooping max’s ice cream before giving her it and started scooping mine 
I looked over at Steve scooping the  ice cream, and he paused and said 
“I want to talk.”
“About what.” I said while he was continuing to scoop my  ice cream
“Look. We can talk about that another time. I’m with my sister and I don’t want her to know. Okay?” I said, looking over at max
Steve only responded by giving him the ice cream.
“That’ll be $5.39 cents.”
I gave him my normal death stare, gave him his money, and walked off, before he could have said anything further. 
Max looked at me while licking her ice cream, and asked “what was that all about?” “Nothing don’t worry about it, let’s just go home.” I said while walking to the car, still licking the ice cream.
The car ride was more awkward than the ride before, it was quiet like the same, but it just fell off, it felt weird and uncomfortable. We ate our ice cream before heading inside.
Max walked in first, going to her room, I opened the door and saw Niel, waiting for me like always.(unless he went out drinking)
 “did you buy her ice cream.?” 
“Yes sir.”
“Did you yell at her.?”
“No sir.”
“Good, it’s your responsibility, you have to take care of her, do I make myself clear.?”
“Yes sir.”
“Now go to your room, me and Susan won’t be home tomorrow.”
“Yes sir.”
I walked away, walking upstairs to my room, “good, I’m glad you won’t be here.” I whispered, closing my door. I changed into just sweatpants again, and laid on my bed, thinking.
“Why does he wanna talk about what happened yesterday?”
“Maybe it was just a mistake.”
“I don’t like him.”
“I can’t like him, I can’t.”
I thought to myself, for a few hours, I don't know why but since yesterday I just kept thinking about him, Steve Harrington. The  boy  I'm supposed to hate, the guy I can't even date. If my dad found out, he would kill me.
He almost did back in Cali. When he saw that I brought a guy home, my friend. My friend was scared for his life, he didn't know that Niel was like that. After he kept yelling at me which felt like hours, my friend didn't talk to me. He didn't talk to me for weeks, or months even, with no contact, he switched all of his classes, didn't sit with me at lunch, just kept ignoring me. 
Until Niel thought it was best to move somewhere else, so I can "change" back to the son he wanted me to be. He didn't like me liking or saying guys, he wanted to to date or like girls. That's why we moved to Hawkins Indiana.
The place sucked, the weather was different, it didn't feel nice. I had to change schools too, which made it even "better" the whole experience of moving was awful. He wouldn't stop lecturing me about not liking guys anymore. I thought I didn't like any guys anymore, until I saw him, Steve Harrington. 
We became close but, my dad wouldn't like that so I told him we should act like rivals, enemies even. Steve questioned at first, but then just went with it? We planned fake fights, I'd call him names, push him when we played basketball. It's been like that for  year now.
But something about him.. ugh it made my stomach have butterflies every time I saw him in class. He made it so hard not to like him, but before.. he did have a girlfriend, her name was Nancy wheeler I think? I don't know, but I didn't like her one bit. Heard she cheated on him with a guy named Jonathan? Weirdo.
And now.. he's single, the former "king" lost his girlfriend to a weirdo, isn't even king anymore, and yet.. I still get butterflies?
I sighed and looked at the time, it was 9:20pm, and then I heard a knock on the door, I got up quickly but sighed in relief when I saw max
“Hey.. can we uhm talk?”
“Sure shitbird, close the door..”
She nodded and closed the door, and sat on the edge of my bed
“What’s up shitbird?”
“Look.. I need to know something, and you can be honest with me ok..?”
I nodded, a bit confused but continued to let her talk
“Back at scoops..  what happened between you and Steve?”
I paused for a minute, and looked towards the floor
“It’s.. complicated max..”
“Look.. ik you don’t like me as much, but you can tell me anything..”
I started to think if I should tell her or not, but she is my sister(or stepsister) so I nodded
“Ok.. but just don’t tell Niel? Whatever is told in this room stays in this room alright?”
She nodded in agreement, so I began to tell her everything 
“So then I kissed him, i dont know why I did, but I felt like I should have, so I did. We didn’t say anything about it until he wanted to talk about it yesterday but I was with you at the time”
She nodded
“So.. do you like him? Or was that just a one time thing?”
“I dont know max.. maybe? I might like him a lot..”
She smiles
“Well, what do you exactly like about him?”
“His eyes, his hair, his smile, his face, he’s so pretty max it’s crazy..”
She grins, and nods in agreement
“He is pretty, so that’s why you call him pretty boy?”
“I- wait you heard that?”
“I hear it everytime  you talk to him billy, it’s obvious.”
I let out a small smile, and a laugh
“I guess so, maybe it is why I call him that”
We laughed for a good hour, until she thought it was best that she would go back to her room before Niel sees her in mine, so we said our bye’s and she left
I still had a small smile on my face, and a light blush. “Do I really like Harrington?” I thought to myself, while I laid back down.
With max:
“Ik he said not to tell anyone but.. I have to tell el, she won’t tell anyone and I can’t hide anything from her!” I thought to myself before texting her.
Conversation between el and max:
Max: el! I have news!
El: news? What news?
Max: Billy likes someone! He told me all about it
El: like? Who does he like?
Max: Steve! Steve Harrington!
El: mama Steve? He likes.. he likes Steve?
Max: yes! He likes him a lot. I knew it!
El: does Steve, like him too?
Max: I’m not sure.. maybe?
El: does he like him as friends?
Max: No no, he likes him as in like, lovers!
El: like hopper and Joyce? Nancy and uhm, that Jonathan dude?
Max: yes exactly like them!
They talked all about it, max couldn’t help but smile at the fact her brother liked someone, and that someone being their babysitter/mom.
Steve’s pov: I didn’t really wanna sleep, so I texted Robin, I needed to talk to her.. about how  I feel
Conversation with Robin and Steve:
Steve: Robin! Robinnnnn!
Robin: what dingus??
Steve: can we talk? Plssss
Robin: what’s up?
Steve: so yk what happened with Billy right?
Robin: yeahhh?
Steve: what if.. he does like me?
Robin: and your thinking about this now??
Steve: well yeah.. he was the one who did it
Robin: that’s true.. though I do have a question?
Steve: what’s up rob?
Robin: what exactly do you like about him? I mean, you guys are friends but you fake fights so much, it actually seems like you guys hate each other
Steve: well.. there’s a lot of things I like about him, for example his blue eyes, his dirty blonde curls, his smirk he has on his face usually, his small smiles, and we can’t forget about his ass!
Robin: yes yes, we get that you like his ass!
Steve: I do not! I just think it’s nice!
Robin: point proven 
Steve: whateverr, who do you like anyways?
They talked about Billy and Heather(or who ever y’all ship her with) for an hour before Steve wanted to sleep.
I started to smile, knowing maybe he might actually like me.. or maybe he does but thinks we should stay friends, either way, knowing he might just makes me so happy..
After the breakup with Nancy, nothing was the same anymore, I lost my friends, I lost my title, I lost everything.. but the title of being “king” didn’t mean anything to me, the popularity was nice, until it got really boring..
“Say that you love me..”
“Seriously? Bullshit!”
“So you don’t love me..?”
“Bullshit, everything’s bullshit”
She never loved me the same way I did, I’d do anything for her, I dropped my friends for her, I went to a party for her, I did everything.. but she left me for Jonathan. A byer’s. Nothing wrong with that family, just sad she left me for someone else..
I didn’t think I’d like anyone else after her, she broke my heart, until I met Billy Hargrove
Last part
In his dream:
Steve was walking on the beach, until he saw a familiar figure.. it was Billy? What was he doing in his dream?
“Steve?!” Billy called out, rushing towards him with a smile. It was like he was surprised and happy to see him
They both smiled at each other and sat down on the sand, Billy was looking at the sea, but Steve was looking at something more interesting.. Billy in fact.
“You have pretty eyes..” Steve whispered quietly, hoping billy couldn’t hear him, surprising he did.
“Pretty boy, you have the most prettiest eyes in the world yk..” he said, still looking at the sea, mesmerized at the scene
“What?” Steve said, with a slight blush on his face
“You heard me pretty boy, you have nice eyes too” he smirked, and started to laugh
Steve moved closer to him, and smiled, looking over at the sea. The sea was beautiful, the waves splashing through the sea
Billy wanted to touch his hand, nobody else was looking, Niel wasn’t there. Nobody was, except for the 2 of them. So he did, he moved his hands closer, not looking at him and interlined his fingers with his
Steve looked down at their hands and blushed, before he could say anything, Billy moved his face closer
“Steve.. I think I…” before he could finish his sentence, Steve woke up from his dream, to the sound of Dustin knocking  on his front door and sighed 
“Fucking hell..who the fuck could that be at fucking 7am”Steve said before he sluggishly got up to check his front door
“Henderson…what the actual fuck do you think you’re doing waking me up at 7 fucking am in the morning?!” Steve said incredibly annoyed with Dustin.
“Well. You promised. Today is the day.”
“What fucking day Henderson?”
“The day which you take us to the arcade!” Dustin said as a cheeky smile made its way on his face
“Fucks sake..”
“Now cmon we’re going back to Mike’s get ready.”
Steve only replied with a sigh before he started getting ready.
He put on his blue jumper and a pair of jeans before styling his hair. “Fucking Henderson.always the babysitter. ALWAYS THE GODAMN BABYSITTER!” Steve angrily shouted before he grabbed his wallet, keys and grabbed a stone cold waffle and made his way out the door.
As he got out his house and locked the door he saw that Dustin was already in his car “Dustin what the fuck-? How’d you get in??”
“Window was open, and I just climbed in”
“You what-“ Steve muttered as he pinched his nose bridge. “Whatever let’s go”
Fast forward to Mike’s; (they had been there for a long while just chatting and having breakfast; it’s already 1pm)
“Right are you all ready?”
They only nodded as a response before they piled into Steve’s car, Karen only gave him a sympathetic look before he left.
“Never again.”
Steve then sped to the arcade and as soon as they got there, he gave them all some money to spend whilst he grabbed a slushie. As he was ordering his Raspberry-Cola slush he heard a familiar voice call out his name.
Billy? He thought, before he turned around to see the beauty in front of him. “Bills?”
“Well hello there pretty boy”
“Hi? The hell are you doing here?” Steve questioned Billy
“Niel told me to watch Max here so yeah..”
“Oh okay” Steve said as he was just about to walk away Billy grabbed his hand and pulled him back.
“Can we talk..?” Billy said in a small voice, Steve was incredibly confused but agreed to talk.
“Not here, outside?”
“Uhm? Yeah sure I guess??”
Billy grabbed Steve’s hand and lead him outside, Steve’s heart was pounding, his dreams were coming true.. what the hell? He thought
“I just want to talk about the kiss.”
“What about it?” Steve said effortlessly 
“What do you mean-?! How the hell are you so cool about it?!”
“Bills, darling, you kissed me.”
Billy’s heart fluttered at that. ‘Darling’ how on earth did that roll off his tongue so easily? He thought before he then replied 
“I- i-“ Steve laughed. Billy looked at him incredibly confused “what?”
“Oh nothing it’s funny when you stutter darling”
“W-whatever! Stop trying to chan the subject!” 
“Okay okay fine.”
“Thank you. Look I should’ve never kissed you.. I didn’t know what I was doing and- and it’s wrong to kiss you and and-“
Steve smiled at how cute Billy looked when he was all upset, Steve then culled Billy’s cheek and gave him a small peck on the lips.
“W-what?” Billy said in confusion. 
“Erm.. I don’t know.. look I really have to check on the kids-“ and just like that Steve left. Billy was left there standing outside with a million thoughts running through his mind. He then touched his lip and smiled before he sat down at a nearby bench.
Billy’s pov: I woke up to the sound of Niel knocking on my door “BILLY WAKE THE FUCK UP THIS INSTANT”
I nodded and got up, and opened the door to see max and Niel standing outside
“Fuck..” I thought to myself, maybe just maybe she actually did tell her..
“You are taking max to the arcade. Hurry up and get ready, she already ate breakfast, if she isn’t with you when you get home, you should know what happens. Do I make myself clear?”
“Yes sir..” I nodded, closed the door and got ready, jeans, with a red shirt, unbuttoned on the top. I fixed my hair and walked downstairs with max
She whispered “my friends are going to be there too, which means Steve would be there. So you aren’t gonna be the only one” I nodded and got the keys
I drove to the arcade, the car ride was quiet as usual, I let max put on the music for once, I felt decently happy for once?
We got to the arcade and started to walk inside, we saw her friends, so she ran up to them and they did their things. I stood against a wall in the corner until I saw Harrington, Steve Harrington. I walked over to him, calling out his name, we needed to talk.
“Well hello there pretty boy”
“Hi? The hell are you doing here?” Steve questioned me, looking confused 
“Niel told me to watch Max here so yeah..”
“Oh okay” Steve said as he was just about to walk away but I  grabbed his hand and pulled him back.
“We need to talk..”
“But not here..”
Steve nodded and followed to be a quiet area
“We need to.. talk about what happened that day.”
“What about it?” Steve said effortlessly 
“What do you mean-?! How the hell are you so cool about it?!” I groaned 
“Bills, darling, you kissed me.”
My heart fluttered at that. ‘Darling’ how on earth did that roll off his tongue so easily? I  thought before I  then replied 
“I- i-“ Steve laughed. I  looked at him incredibly confused “what?”
“Oh nothing it’s funny when you stutter darling”
“W-whatever! Stop trying to chan the subject!” 
“Okay okay fine.”
“Thank you. Look I should’ve never kissed you.. I didn’t know what I was doing and- and it’s wrong to kiss you and and-“
He didn’t let me finish my sentence, before I could have said anything further, henpecked my lips before walking away to be with the kids
I stood there in shock, I didn’t move, I didn’t say anything, my mouth was wide open.
“Why did he do that?”
“Did max tell him?”
“Does he know”
“Maybe it was payback?”
The thoughts kept going through my head, before I walked around the arcade until it was time to bring max home.
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13, 18, and 20 for Fate and Calamity?
13. What is your oc’s most prized possession? What’s the importance/meaning behind this item?
I Uhh don’t really know for Fate. Maybe the black box? She did have a necklace that belonged to her bio mother but she lost it when coming Aevium so maybe that? She doesn’t really got a most prized possession tho.
For Calamity it’s the flower he wears that Fate made for him. It’s very old and not her best work, being on of the first things she made. You know old artwork that parents will hang on the wall and kids will cringe at because they can do SO much better now? Yeah that’s how Fate feels about the flower she made but it makes her happy that Calamity cares for something she made so greatly.
18. What’s your oc’s relationship like with their family?
Oh boy oh god oh fuck this is gonna be long as f u c k. There’s a lot of people Fate considers family.
Let’s just start with Fate and Calamity’s relationship together. The two are pretty close and care for each other greatly. Being the only biological family to two have. Though they did have problems in their relationship. Calamity spends a long time working trying to support him and Fate. So he wasn’t able to spend as much time as he would like with her, which could lead to her feeling lonely and feeling like she was being ignored, which was the biggest reason for their fight.
Fate never knew their biological parents but Calamity was very close to them. They were very good parents who were always supportive of Calamity, even if they thought something was dumb. So he took it very hard and struggled when they died and he was left to watch over Fate. Though Calamity would tell Fate a lot of stories about them.
Fate did get mother figures in Nancy and Telsa however. At first Fate thought Nancy was actually Alain’s mom (aka the person’s body she took over) making her basically go “fuck fuck fuck play along play along”. Still as she got to know Nancy and their relationship grew a mother and daughter relationship formed. Fate actually began to feel very bad for it though, thinking she was taking away Nancy’s relationship with her actual child and the person’s body she was in mother. But uhm, yeah she doesn’t have those feelings anymore upon learning more about Nancy and Alain. Though it was a very short relationship their bond was strong and Fate was extremely distraught upon Nancy’s death.
Fate is also close with Telsa too, being mother number 2 to her. Saving her and Telsa taking her in we’re things that Fate appreciated very much. Also Telsa makes you something, and if there’s a way into Fate’s heart it’s gifting her something. When she had the time Fate made sure too make something for Telsa as thanks for all she’s done for her, a small little plush of her Talonflame. Telsa may have cried when she got it. Telsa and Calamity are gonna fight each other for custody of Fate afrhwhtjsfsbs.
Being Tesla’s daughter Amber is basically Fate’s cool older sister. Fate thinks she’s cool and the two are close. I mean, Fate did save her from a fucking Kyogre, there’s a fucking bond there. Amber and Fate like to battle each other and it’s the main way the two bond. Also despite being older Amber does look up to Fate’s skills in battle. Amber just wants to spend time with her sister but everything is not letting that happen poor girl lmao.
Fate also considers herself to be the older sister to Mosley and all the other Lost Camp kids. Having been there since the beginning and helping out greatly to the point of breaking into a hospital she is the honorary big sis of the Lost Camp.
Again being adopted by Telsa, that in turn makes Aelita her cousin and Kenneth her uncle. She didn’t really get to know Kenneth well because uhm, the man’s kinda dead but she did like him. He reminded her of Calamity and she feels like she should’ve done more to save him. Calamity and Kenneth would’ve been good friends tbh.
Aelita is her cousin but with how close they are they see each other as sisters. I flipflop on wether Fate is closest to Aelita or Melia but tbh I lean to Aelita. They’ve been through a lot together, Sherdian, Goldenleaf, getting kidnapped, Terujama, that whole rift thing. When you go through so much shit together that is a bond of a lifetime. The two lean on each other and work well together. It’s no wonder the two became the leaders of the gang.
Honestly Fate considers all her friends to be family of some sort but these are the ones who have a ‘role’ so to say. Also if I put everyone we would be here all day.
20. What does your oc’s bedroom/house look like? How does this reflect their personality?
Calamity and Fate had a pretty small quiet home back in their world. Like one level with just the rooms they needed. Calamity would keep the house tidy when he could, but Fate really didn’t help that she’s not neat lol. Calamity’s room is pretty clean, only really having the essentials in it. He works a lot and he really only uses his room to sleep. Fate’s room is a mess, she’s got a lot of blankets or pieces of yarn strewn about. Her supplies are out in her desk, dresser, etc. Even if she were to clean her room it get messy again quickly.
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adleryoung · 2 years
"Ah, excellent," I beamed. "Tell me what you were able to learn about the elf currently going by the name of Ash Marten."
"Oh hes such a total bad-boi dreamboat," Angela sighed. "Did I tell U he likes wry toast with eggs and -"
"You did," I interrupted.
"Well he also has a different cravat -"
"For every day of the week, you told us that too."
"Hes got alot of dapper hats & teh tweed suit, totes handsome," Angela grinned. "He may be bad, but he has a since of style sew its ok. Also he has a tortured past. Teh world treated him rough & now he treats the world rough back! Sooo elfly!"
"Didn't you mention him having a collection of soggy old books?" I inquired, trying to steer her toward information that might be useful to me. "Are those books magical or elf-related? Did he get them from the Duchess's abandoned estate?"
"Squee!" Angela squealed. "He did! He did! Its knot just books from the Duchess tho. He takes any books about elves that he can find. He absolutely HATES teh idea of lowfolk knowing about elf lore. Hes even killed a few lowfolk for knowing 2 much. From what Ive herd, he just about blue a gasket win Percy's book was published, but after he actually red it, he calmed down alot. Im not sure Y he keeps teh other books hes taken instead of destroying them if he doesnt want teh lowfolk to read them. I think its Bcause hes homesick. He is such a tortured sole. OMG, so hawt!"
"Does Ash have any exploitable weaknesses?" I demanded, desperately trying to get information before Angela passed out from hyperventilating again. "What kind of organization does he run? Is it a crime syndicate? Is he just a broker? How much influence does he actually have? Is he really as dangerous as he wants me to believe?"
"Ohh Fuma!" Angela moaned. "Teh corners of my love trapezium R waging war 4 my heart! Oh what is a fare & fragile Ixie maiden 2 due?!"
Angela collapsed into my open hands and began violently convulsing and foaming at the mouth. Did the transmogrification I did on her to correct her deformity somehow scramble her brain? I would have to study her more closely sometime soon.
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"I had no idea someone could get the Vapors this bad," Vernier stated with concern. "Goodness! If she keeps thrashing like that she's going to break her spine!"
"I'm pretty sure she doesn't have one," I reassured her. "Ixies have exoskeletons. I think." Just in case I was wrong about that, I whispered a Gramarye to calm Angela down. She fell asleep almost instantly, and I placed her carefully in a tuft of grass on the side of the central dolmen. I made a mental note to ask the other Ixies if Angela had been like this before she was transformed.
Speaking of which, where were they? It was getting late, and I wanted Vernier to be home before dark. The stone circle was eerily quiet without the noise of bets being called out.
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"Get up," I said, as I poked Burnside with my toe. "Since the Ixies haven't returned, I need you to escort Vernier home. Make sure she arrives SAFE and UNHURT, then come back here."
"That's no fun," Burnside muttered drowsily.
"You are free to harm any Bunkirk rabbits who cross your path."
"Now yer talkin!" she exclaimed, jumping to her feet. "Come on, gal. Let's get you home."
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As Burnside and Vernier rustled away through the undergrowth, I knelt beside Rebecca to offer her further mentoring about the Foxspell.
"We're all alone now, my lord," she grinned. "Is it time to teach me about Honoring the Lady?"
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"GUH," she added, before I could respond. A tiny bell tinkled somewhere nearby.
It took me but a split second to realize that somebody had elfshot my student. Rebecca slumped, drooling, onto the grass as I bounded to my feet and whipped my bow out of Elfintory in one single instantaneous motion.
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"WHO'S THERE?" I demanded. "SHOW YOURSELF!!"
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fromanartistsheart2 · 11 months
In response to another Poet's poem
2 months of dating
B4 I moved in with u,
I didn't know
B4 long I'd b hating u
4 months after moving in
I took your last name
No more "living in sin"
Didn't know to u it was a game
A couple weeks later
Found out I was Prego
With baby #1
How bad could things go?
Sometime during the pregnancy
U got mad at me
Instead of walking away
U put your hands on me
U slammed me
Against the wall
What your words didn't say
Your actions said it all
Between the baby's health
And your lack of wealth
I had to stay home
While after work you'd roam
I even had affairs
Thinking u wouldn't care
Hoping u would leave
And to my child I'd cleave
But u just took my child
Like he was property
U didn't even care
If he would miss me
I thought I could love u
And u would change
I thought if I prayed
Your life you'd rearrange
But whether or not
God heard my prayers
U never did change
All u did was rearrange
The only change we had
Was loose change from the grocery store floor
And that made u mad
Cause u always wanted more
U always wanted more
So u could work less
But u barely worked
So I only had stress
I left u 7x in the 1st 5 yrs
By then we'd had 4 homes
And many more after that
We would roam
By then I'd started yelling
At the top of my lungs
And our marriage
Smelled worse than dung
I started writing poetry
But I wrote what u did
And some of those things
Were really sordid
U picked up my child
Who acts really wild
U picked him up by the neck
No wonder he's a wreck!
The baby came along
And I was writing songs
But u made fun of me
And my poetry
Soon after that
I got invited
To a poetry group
And I was excited
I posted my rhymes
Most of the time
And then sometimes
I'd respond to one with mine
Baby #3
And oh woe is me
I didn't get help
From my family
Not after what they did
To baby #1
There was no way
That war could b won
Then I met a guy
Who to me didn't lie
Who told me he was coming
Down here to save me
He said he'd b a dad
If I wasn't mad
To my little 3
And take care of me
The plan was to
Go to Wisconsin
But I was stuck
Way worse than chuck
So the plan changed
For him to come to us
We just didn't know
What was n store for us
February two
We did all the things we'd do
Just like every other day
And say the things we'd say
Until my son
Who's number 1
Told me what he did
About my ex & it was sordid.
So I called the cops
Hoping this time it would stop
For good once and for all
But boy let me tell y'all
For 67 days
We hid away
In a shelter downtown
With more smiles and less frowns
We learned to live life for once
And not live it in fear
But it was hard adjusting
For my children dears
The little 2
Just almost 4 & 2
Cried for daddy
What could I do?
The oldest got kicked out
For showing out
It was his plan
And oh man
My mama told me
About the oldest one
And how he'd had these plans
Since he was 2 or 1
To make sure me and his dad
Never saw him again
And if we had more kids
He'd make sure to include them
So 2 months with my dad
And he acted bad
So he came back to me
While at my granny's
They just wanted the money
Didn't care about my kids
And when I refused to sign them over
They kicked us out, they did.
So back to their "daddy"
Who never ever cared
He couldn't even try
Not even if dared
He's pulled
Them out of school
Let them break all the rules
So now they act like fools
We had an agreement
On the custody
That I'd take them to school
And on weekends would c
So every other day
I took them to school
And every Saturday
I made them follow rules
But like always
My oldest screws it up
He acts out at home and in public
Cause dad will make it up
Dad will reward his bad behavior
With gifts and toys
Even when he is
A bad little boy
When I have consequences
So that I am the bad mom
So the court will agree with him
And deny my visitation so he can give it to another
He just wants me to quit
And give up on my kids
He's said that many times
I can't believe it but he did
I had another whole page
Written out in rage
To go with this rhyme
But my tablet shut off this time
While he gets out of following
The orders from the court
He'll do n e thing
For my rights to b abort.
So for now I'm stuck with 2 hrs
Every other Saturday
And I try to enjoy it
In each and every way
Whether at McDonald's
Or just at the park
Spending time with them
I'm as happy as a lark
© From A Mother's 💔
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ruralbi · 1 year
dear diary, i feel better but oooooh my god it's not lookin good for ya boy!!!! summary? my best friend told me he doesn't love me AGAIN
i'm like bro quit reminding me if ur gonna constantly be in my house havin me suck ur dick. life is hard out here :(
however he built a garden shed for my parents, shelves for my garage and he promised me he'll make a pantry and shoe rack for underneath my stairs when he comes back on saturday. he's gone to work until then... he'll be back saturday with hopefully money, cause we're starting to b seriously depleted. i need to up my game with someone else if i ever want to b a house husband, cause this bitch aint ever gonna support me.
he can't even jack me off, i don't think he's abt to shell put 400e a month for me to keep house.
my therapist is there like there are different ways to tell someone you love them. he does love you. look at all the work he does for you. yeah well he also does the same for half his friends and he doesn't regularly tell THEM he's not in love with them. like literally i know someone can be very deep in the closet and denial, i've been there. but at some point u just gotta accept that he's just not that into you. what gave me the hint? the multiple times where he's said that he doesn't love me romantically, just as a friend that is fun to fuck.
btw this post sponsorised by the builder who made his first appearance at the house ever since he decided he was getting sober.
apparently it didn't last a week, but he hasn't been here in months due to the awkward happenstance where he declared his (drunken) undying love for my flatmate (his colleague) while he has been fuckin me. unfortunately that's a deal breaker for both of us i think, he's barely made eye contact for the whole visit. i'm very like :/ we could've had a good life together :/ about it.
nobody can stand him, he's all alone in his house, in serious need of nurture? i'm a very patient, very home oriented sex enthusiast. your loss honey. you'd rather b in love with my flatmate who's only ever thought of you as a weird colleague, ur fuckin loss. i don't get what's wrong with me ://// why don't men want me (it's the faggotry)
frankly i haven't seen my gay dad in months either and at this point he wouldn't even b able to berate me for bein a slut i've been so faithful to my idiot best friend. i need to update my bullshittery.
options r perfectly fine guy that 1) is my coworker 2) that i'm not in love with 3) i think is mildly annoying
or a 56yo dude who is trying to drown me in compliments and just yesterday drunk texted me at 2am that he'll "take care of me" (he did text again in the morning to apologise).
fun fact abt this guy : people warned me to b careful cause he was homophobic but in the end he jumped in my bed one night he was staying over to not drink and drive. he did very much try to fuck me. he didn't have a condom and i'm not abt that life so i just sucked his dick and did some intense nipple play??? he's very sensitive it was cute. oh and we did intercrural, and he talked abt knocking me up!! during the dirty talk!!!! that was a new one :') maybe he really was homophobic before and he's only ever been with women and he didn't bother to update the dirty talk. but also that's weird dirty talk for a one night stand regardless of gender??? anyway i gotta admit that i did laugh a lot abt that afterwards. like have at it bro, u can try all u want.
he's been drowning me in compliments ever since abt how i'm the most gentle soul and so beautiful and kind and if only he was 30 years younger he would treat me like i deserved etc. i think he's just hoping that i'll suck his dick again but i heard he has a girlfriend (AFTER the dick sucking) and once again, i'm not abt that life. and also he's old enough to b my father and totally closeted to the point that other friends of ours warned me of his homophobia so ://// not great not great. sorry honey but thank u for the compliments i seriously need those rn
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autumn-foxfire · 2 years
Asdfghjkl we must’ve watched the ep at the same time, there weren’t new posts until just now but yEAHH :D I WAS BOUTTA CRY MY HEART WAS SHAKING THEY REALLY MADE IT SO SAD AND THEN THE ENDING KICKED IN 😢 c’MON right after that, AND THE ANIMATION WAS PHENOMENAL LIKE WHOOOO I liked the zoom-up they did into Hawks’s eye when Dabi yelled his name, oh the shock! And that they aided the viewers with that was going on when he was being a speedy boy, all the better to retain info for characterizations!
(2) I was holding my breath hoping they balanced the “Hawks might have to kill but he doesn’t want to” right. Good points: They kept “I don’t want to fight you!” Twice’s “that’s just convenient for you!” Helps that, it’s a different line vs his petty “sounds like a you problem” but sinks in better because WE know as the No.2 a fight isn’t inconvenient, we see him winning easy, he just doesn’t WANT to fight. Love how the scene lingers on so many important lines tbh. (3) The camera is literally WATCHING Dabi blurt out “You didn’t notice me! You were distracted by emotions! You MADE A MISTAKE HERO!” Wayyyy more than a simple “looks like sentiment tripped you up after all!” from behind him. He’s going through a full facial range of expressions here. The audience will remember, bless. And I like they altered Fatgum’s “yo Hawks is a spy” scene to take place after the Machia reveal vs out in a random field with Tokoyami going ?? My mentor, what??? out of the blue (4) Once again having NPCs go “how’d we get so much info?!” HERE instead of Fatgum asking + going unanswered in Tsukauchi’s office in a small barely noticeable panel will STICK, it’s impactful! Pity we lost Toko wanting to see Hawks again, but it’s fine. Maybe next time? Or it was there and I forgot oop. Hnnn, don’t like the “kill” vibe, but tbh I expected it :/ I mean. Okay. “Someone has to die” could be read as that. You know how Dabi wasn’t planning on Twice dying, but used the opportunity? (5) Looking past his carelessness for a moment here. Maybe the anime is trying to parallel that by saying, “Hawks was planning on killing Twice, but he took advantage of an opportunity with Dabi’s interruption knocking out Twice for him” which uh, changed quickly. “I said don’t move!” (You did not buddy.) did they keep that I forgot 😭 also the collection of Twice’s echoing “die, hero” was CHILLING, my last complaint is “I didn’t belong there.” With them transitioning that line into- (6) Hawks’ shadow face, it would’ve been SO GOOD if they made it a contrast by switching from his sad smile to that face but y’know they cut it. Instead it’s a switch from old Twice to current Hawks. And that line + that smile would be So Good, had they used the word “cage” instead of “there” because the motif appears in his backstory. Nevermind, one more thing. Rip, Hawks looking cool af descending with his sword. Hello uh, demon Hawks hidden in the fire. (7) Looking at ani react vids and ooh, you mean after Dabi said “heroes are always ready to save a life” he’s all “ironic isn’t it?” errr, was that there 😶 sounds more like he’s throwing shade on Hawks than “yeah I trusted you would save him” Hawks is SO FAST I can’t tell if we can see him hold onto the burning feather lol, slow down for my mortal eyes boi. Slight positive note? Guided flashbacks and added snippets to give a clear vision to the audience is good. Some people didn’t notice- (8) That he was destroying the cameras. Also nice they flashback connected “I want to help you, you’re a good person” to “those who help their friends aren’t that bad” is it Hawks that isn’t all that bad? Is it Twice who is nice? Read both ways! But hmm. Anyone notice the distinct lack of THE RECORDER?!?! #HoriReallyDitchedTheRecorderPlotForNagantAndToldTheAnimeToFollowConspiracyTheory. Whelp. No one can call me “in denial” if everyone is going to be this sus about it. Review concluded, thank u!
I've already shared my review of the episode on another ask so I'm not going to repeat it, I'm just going to sit here like :o at all the details you managed to pick out in the episode XD
I noticed the lack of recorder as well and I'm disappointed it's not going to have a role in the manga, it could have been utilised so well to have the league turn against one another due to Dabi's actions but I guess with AFO playing puppeteer with almost all of them it's no longer needed.
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