#whouffaldi SS
therotanitsarcorp · 7 years
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Merry Christmas @fairyinabluebox (well a belated christmas)! This is how the Christmas Special ended right ;)?
First of all, I want to tell you so sorry for being late. I’m literally the worst. Secondly, I hope this is okay... I was going to make you a vid with whatever scene we were going to get in the Christmas Special but then turns out we got only a short clip but even that made me too emotional....(lowkey still drowning in feels) so the vid idea sort of got thrown out the window and all i got done was this manip...that too like two days late. So sorry. Anyway, besides Doctor Who stuff, I hope you had a wonderful Christmas with your family!
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astudyinimagination · 7 years
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Merry Christmas @universe-on-her-shoulders I’m your Secret Santa! and once again, I’m terribly sorry about the wait—I hope this was worth it!
You said that you loved “Hell Bent” and face touching, so... here’s that one moment we all adore, down in the Cloisters...
“People like me and you, we should say things to one another. And I'm going to say them now.” Clara took a deep breath, not bothering to wonder how exactly she could do that if her heart was frozen in time. “I’d promised—twice—that I was never going to say them again to anyone else, but…” The Doctor was staring at her, grey eyes wide. “I’d like to think Danny would forgive me.”
She took another deep breath. “I… love you.”
There. After years, it was finally out in the open.
The Doctor wasn’t smiling, but there was something very nearly like peace in his large bright eyes. “I know.”
She shook her head. “No, I mean…” She stopped, then leaned forward, cupping his cheek in her hand. She moved forward slowly, allowing him to back out of it if he so desired, but he did nothing, staying very still.
Clara touched her lips to his, and it was nothing like her quick kiss that one Christmas, given in joy and exhilaration. There was nothing epic or universe-shattering about it, not as she had once or twice daydreamed in their early days. But it was something she had wanted to do for a very long time, even as she had faced the dilemma of also being in love with Danny, and she kissed her Doctor now with a still heart that was too full for words.
After a few seconds, he responded, his lips moving against hers, slowly, as if he’d forgotten how to do it (and maybe he had—her poor Doctor was very, very old now, and he had lived an incredibly long time alone).
They broke off at the same time, slowly, gently, as if they’d been doing this forever, her hand still pressed against his jawline, and the hollow of his cheek.
“I love you.”
The grey eyes, usually so sharp and intense, were soft and warm now.
“Clara, my Clara. I know.”
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Hey! Hope your finals week is off to a good start and that you’re not too stressed. You can get through it!! You’re gonna do great :) Today your Whouffaldi Secret Santa wants to know: what are your top five favorite Whouffaldi scenes/moments?
Thank you :) 
Oh man, this might be a bit hard to narrow down... 
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longjackets · 7 years
Chapters: 1/? Fandom: Doctor Who Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Relationships: Twelfth Doctor/Clara Oswin Oswald Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Alternate Canon, Domesticity, Slice of Life, Budding Love, Roommates, Male-Female Friendship, Humor, Fluff and Crack, Missing Scene, Season/Series 08 Summary: The Doctor moves in with Clara. It’s an adjustment.
Note: Gifted to jedijanine as part of the Whouffaldi Secret Santa exchange. I’m currently spoiler free on the Christmas Special, because I’m emotionally fragile. Here’s hoping this story can be enjoyed in the aftermath. 
This is a multi-parter. I'm aiming to finish by the end of this year.
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The writing makes it feel like The Doctor and Clara are very much a team – it’s a partnership. And Peter never made me feel like I was just a support – he enabled me all the time – and gave me confidence. I mean don’t get me wrong, I’d love my own TARDIS…
Jenna Coleman* in an interview with 1883 Magazine
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P.S. It looks like Jenna got her wish in the end.
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*captain of the SS Whouffaldi
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whouffaldiss · 7 years
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Oh FFS, it’s Christmas again? Well, it certainly looks like it.
That is why we have decided to once again host a Whouffaldi Secret Santa. The rules? Oh, that’s easy. All you have to do is sign up until 30th of November and during the first days of December, you will receive a message with your randomly assigned Secret Santa. What will you have to do? Also an easy one. All you have to do is drop your SS a lovely anonymous message once a week (be sure to have the anon option enabled). On Christmas, you will reveal yourself and present your SS with a lovely, Whouffaldi-related gift (it can be a drawing, a gif set, a video edit, a fanfic, anything you like as long as it’s Whouffaldi related).
If you have any questions or want to take part, just send a message to this blog, @randomthunk or @dreameater1988 .  
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Happy December from your Whouffaldi SS! :D How are you?
Happy December! I’m not bad thank you, I’ve had a productive day of writing ❤️
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Hello :D Your whouffaldi ss again :) I just wanted to touch base with you! myself and my elves are hard at work at your Whouffaldi gift :) BUT! My internet at home is still being spotty. I'm currently at the library. I'm hoping to have your gift done by Friday so I can come to the library and post it up if my internet at home isn't working, but if for some reason I need more time there's a small chance I might have to wait until next week after Christmas, when the library is open again x
(whouffaldi ss, sorry for two asks, character limit!) I don’t blame you for not being a fan of cold weather. Only thing I like about cold weather is that I’m not sweating x] it’s good to see you are in the Christmas spirit! I’m sure your hats are great! As for the episode I’m surprised Bill is back at all! I wonder if there will be a reason or just to give her a last hurrah. I would prefer Clara though obviously. Not much more of a wait!!
I’m super excited to see what your elves have for me! I’m sure I’m going to love it. It’s totally no problem if it ends up being after Christmas, I completely understand :) I’m back home from Miami now and I already miss the warm sunny weather. It was a bit weird being at the beach and the pool right before Christmas - I’ve never spent the holiday season somewhere warm! But I did love it. It’s cold now. No more shorts and tank tops lol
I’m not super surprised Bill is back; I was happy with her ending in The Doctor Falls, but I do think she should see the Doctor one more time, I couldn’t bear him never knowing she got out alive and she’s getting to be happy. But I suppose it’s the same for Clara, she’s out there having her own adventures and the Doctor doesn’t really know for sure what’s happened to her. *small sob* wow this show wrecks me. I can’t believe there’s only five days left, I’m reallllly not ready for Peter to leave, as excited as I am for Jodie. Preparing for feels.
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doctorxii · 7 years
What was your favorite dw ep featuring whouffaldi? also, who is your favorite villain? -ss
I’m a big fan of Listen, but also Heaven Sent even though Clara wasn’t really in it, it just shows the Doctor’s love for Clara :’)
And I have to say Missy/the Master even though it could be argued that they don’t count as a villain bc they’re his friend too. Either way, I love them. 
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Whouffaldi SS
So this is a little fanfic for my Whoffaldi Secret Santa this year, @bluebox-art(Sorry it took so long).It’s not as detailed as I wanted it to be, but I wanted to get it to you ASAP; I was working retail during the holiday season, and didn’t really have the time or energy to devote what I wanted to give to this fic. I hope you enjoy!
Title: Caroling
Rating: K
Characters: Clara Oswald, 12th Doctor
Pairing: Whoffaldi
Summary: Clara finds herself tasked with leading the sixth form choir in their annual caroling tradition. Luckily, she has a guitar-playing Time Lord to help her.
Christmas music was playing softly on the radio as Clara worked to wrap presents. Multiple presents at once, it seemed.
There was the mixing bowls and necklace for Gran, a sweater and scarf for her Aunt Frannie, golf cleats for Uncle George, a bag of candy for her stepmother Lauren, and each of the other English teachers at Coal Hill were getting gift cards to a bookshop near the school.
As she finished wrapping the last item, she smiled; at last, she could kick back and relax with some hot tea and a book, for Clara Oswald was done with –
Vworp, vworp, vworp, vworp. Thunk.
Clara’s grin turned into a huff of frustrated agony; she had forgotten one person on her Christmas shopping list.
Of course, the Doctor was probably one of the hardest people to shop for; it wasn’t like she could buy him a complete set of Harry Potter books and be done with it. In fact, the Doctor had all seven Harry Potter books… in every language… in all formats, including the illustrated versions. And the other illustrated ones weren’t even out yet.
He also had all the movies, including the remakes, but she let that slide; the originals were still the best, and the remakes came out sometime in the 22nd century, so she had nothing to worry about.
She pulled open the TARDIS door to reveal the Doctor, standing at the console, strumming his guitar. The notes that made up the tune “Auld Lang Syd” were echoing around the console room as he wandered around, riffing to his heart’s content. That curly grey hair was as untidy as ever, and his clothes were rumpled and wrinkly. As soon as she entered the TARDIS, the Doctor looked up from his guitar and grinned.
“Clara,” he crowed. “Happy New Year!”
“It’s three days until Christmas,” Clara corrected. “Were you aiming for New Year’s?”
“Well, yes,” he said, moving the guitar so that it was slung over his back. “I wanted to take you to Imperial China, so you could see the old Chinese New Year. Or perhaps, New York City, and watch the ball drop.” He grinned again. “You’re not busy, are you?”
“I’m wrapping Christmas presents,” Clara admitted. It was partially true; she had just finished… or had very nearly finished.
“Can I ask what you’ve got me?” The Doctor asked; he swung his guitar around and began playing another set of chords, which Clara recognized as “Run, Run, Rudolph.”
Before Clara could make up some sort of answer, her phone rang.
“Hold that though,” she said, taking her phone from her pocket and hitting the screen. “Hello?”
“Clara, it’s Lisa Holden,” replied the woman on the other line. “I need to talk to you.”
“What’s up? Is everything alright?” Clara asked.
“My son, Jack, got sick at school today,” Lisa began. “I was supposed to take the sixth form music class out caroling tonight – they were so looking forward to it, especially since they did so well at the Holiday Concert.”
Clara bit at her lower lip, worrying it as she looked at the Doctor; Lisa Holden was the Coal Hill music teacher, and her son Jack was a local guitarist; caroling with the sixth form choir was a Coal Hill tradition. “Well, I’m terribly sorry to hear about Jack,” Clara began. “Is there anything you want me to do?”
“Could you go out with them instead?” Lisa asked. “I know you usually take them to Tae Kwan Doe, but Jack needs me… You wouldn’t happen to know anyone who could accompany you on guitar, do you?”
Clara smiled at the Doctor, who gave her a confused look. “Actually, I might have a replacement accompanist for you as well as a teacher.”
“Oh no,” said the Doctor, realizing what was happening. “No, no, no… I don’t do caroling. It’s like the hugging; I don’t do hugging, and I don’t do carols.”
“Oh, Clara Oswald, you’ve just saved Christmas!” Lisa cheered. “Gotta go -- Thank you!”
“Merry Christmas, Lisa,” Clara replied, hanging up the phone. “You, get something festive on, and bring that guitar.”
“I’m not doing it!” the Doctor huffed.
“Stop being a Scrooge, Doctor, and get your Scottish, guitar-playing self out that TARDIS door,” Clara replied. “Or… Or I’ll break your speaker.”
He raised an eyebrow, mouth open in a silent ‘O’ “Clara, you wouldn’t.”
“Oh, I would,” she replied, pointing toward the door.
A few hours later, the Doctor was standing outside Coal Hill with Clara and 20 assembled Coal Hill students with caroling books. The Doctor was carrying his guitar and wearing a certain long, wool-knit scarf made of numerous different colors.
“Where did you find that?” Clara asked him. “It looks… retro.”
“TARDIS closet,” the Doctor replied. “Sarah always liked it.”
“Who’s Sarah?”
Miss?” One of the students asked. “Are we going to go now?”
“Yes, we are,” Clara replied, smiling. “As you know, Miss Holden is home with her son tonight, so I will be talking you around with my friend, Mr. Smith.”
“Isn’t he the caretaker from last year?” One boy asked. The Doctor strummed his guitar in response, raising an eyebrow at the boy; the speaker lowered his gaze, shuffling around in the snow.
“I also happen to be very good at guitar,” the Doctor replied. “I play in a cover band.”
“He’s joining us on guitar because Jack Holden can’t join us tonight.” Clara stated. “So, let’s set off so we can get everywhere we need to go tonight.”
Clara led the group down the street, with the Doctor bringing up the rear; their first stop was a series of houses on the corner of Trotter’s Lane.
“Everybody ready?” Clara asked. “Everyone, turn to page twelve in your booklets, “Deck the Halls,” and we’ll start on my count.”
The Doctor struck a chord on his guitar, nodding at Clara as he did. Clara raised her hands. “1, 2, 3…”
“Deck the halls with boughs of holly…”
Overall, the caroling went off without a hitch. Clara and the choir did surprisingly well together, with hardly any hiccups. Even the Doctor as solo guitarist had been a hit.
“So, Mr. I-Don’t-Do-Carols, what did you think?” Clara asked as they sat in the TARDIS library a few days later. A fire was in the fireplace, and they were curled up together on the couch.
“It went well,” the Doctor admitted. “I seriously thought it was going to crash and burn around us, but I didn’t want to say anything in case you made good on your threat to slap me so hard I regenerated.”
“I couldn’t slap you that hard,” Clara replied. “And I never said that to you today.”
“You were thinking it,” he replied.
Clara rolled her eyes. “Was not.”
“Well, what did you think of the caroling?” He asked.
“It was great,” Clara responded. “I liked how you also gave us a bit of a walking tour.”
“I’ve been in the area many times before, Clara Oswald; I know a lot about North London.”
“You know, I think I remember something about that,” Clara teased. “How many times have you been to London over the centuries? Remind me again.”
The Doctor chuckled as he produced a small package from his coat pocket and handed it to Clara. “For you, because I probably should before long.”
She took it, and gently unwrapped it, revealing a pair of boxes stacked on top of each other. Inside the top one was a necklace with an intricately detailed harp charm on it.
“Doctor, it’s beautiful,” Clara breathed.
He smiled. “Isn’t it?” He gestured to the other box. “Don’t forget the other half.”
She opened the other box to reveal a blue bitch pipe, the same color blue as the TARDIS.
“As a little reminder of our recent adventure,” he admitted.
Clara chuckled. “Speaking of our caroling adventure,” she said as she produced a wrapped package of her own; the Doctor seized it and ripped the paper off to reveal a stack of Christmas music for guitar.
“Ooh, ack,” he said, looking through them with glee. “Now I won’t have an excuse to duck out next year,” he admitted, laughing as he leaned over to kiss the top of Clara’s head.
“Merry Christmas, Doctor,” Clara said sleepily.
“Merry Christmas, Clara Oswald,” he replied quietly.
Link for harp charm necklace.  
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therotanitsarcorp · 7 years
Hi :) Santa's popping by again :) I hope you're having a nice day! Is the weather getting any colder where you live? Also, what episode (that's not in S8 or S9 (Just to make it more difficult ;) ) is your favourite?? :)
Hi Santa! :) haha the weather as Jenna posted in her insta is brrrr, i live in the Boston area, so yeah we got a lot of snow, of which a lot did melt. But it’s still cold, but that’s the new england winter for ya. Ooohh hmm and to answer the episode question, i love the Van Gogh episode! And also the snowmen episode episode. Wait i also love the end of the world episode and from series 10 i love the pilot and the doctor falls…okay thats still a lot hahah. Sorry i am like the worst at picking just a favorite. I hope everything is going well with you too! :)
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astudyinimagination · 7 years
Knock, knock, knock, it is I, your Whouffaldi Secret Santa! Could you tell me a bit about what you love about our sweet babes? And if you have a favorite moment that they share onscreen?
Hi Santa! I’m sorry, I was going to answer this a whole lot sooner and got sidetracked (I’m still at work, for what it’s worth).
Oh gosh… what I love? More like what don’t I love? xD There’s just so MUCH to the two of them and the two of them together and it’s all so, so good… arrrgh…
You know… if I had to go for a “happy” moment, I would say that I love what I think is called the “BRB Eloping” moment at the end of “Last Christmas”—it’s just so precious. And let’s be honest, too, there are a LOT of amazing moments between these two (like, all of “Hell Bent”). But… would you believe it, I think the one that sticks with me the most is that one quiet moment in “Dark Water”: “Do you think that I care for you so little that betraying me would make a difference?” *clutches heart* It’s such a beautiful moment. 3
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Hey, Whouffaldi ss here! It’s been a hot minute since I appeared on your inbox, so I figured I’d check in. How’s it going? Excited for Christmas/the Christmas special?!
Hello! Everything is going mostly fine. I went Christmas shopping today and got all of the presents I needed, but I nearly had a little breakdown in Bath and Body Works because a cover of “Last Christmas” came on (and my mind immediately thought of the special, Whouffaldi, and the fact that we only have five days left until out last Christmas with Twelve.) 
Honestly, because of the special, I’m both excited but nervous and emotional for Christmas itself. I’m honestly a mixed bag of emotions about both and already know that I’m going to have trouble sleeping Christmas Eve and probably wake up in denial and in tears on Christmas day, yet be excited and hyped at the same time. I’ve really never felt more conflicted about Christmas and a special/episode until now. Like, hell yeah, bring on Thirteen (a Bill reunion, a Clara reunion, Twelve and One interacting) but please don’t make me lose Twelve, Moffat, Bill, and everything that I’ve adored and changed my life for the past 4 years. 
Gah, I’ve rambled too much now. I just have too many feelings about all of this. 
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longjackets · 7 years
Happy Easter! I'll be your secret Santa this holiday season. How's your December going so far? Aside from an in-canon Whouffaldi happy-ever-after, what would make your Whouffaldi-loving heart happy this Christmas?
Heh, this is cool. XD
December is going ok? I started it by locking myself out of my car in the middle of the night. On the bright side, my “12th Doctor with Guitar” Funko finally arrived in the mail yesterday, and the wee thing delights me to no end. 
Aaaah, I’m trying not to get my hopes up Whouffaldi-wise for self-preservation purposes, but GOSH, the dream would not only be some semblance of an endgame but also a good amount of screen time for Clara (I miss her), and her appearance not being a flashback or hallucination, because that would mean a genuine, joyous, endearingly awkward, in the flesh reunion, after which I would probably pass out.
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A Whouffaldi Christmas
Hello @veradune Here is the final part of the fanfic and so of your whouffaldi secret Santa gift. I hope you’ve enjoyed reading these, and have a great new year!
Part six -Dangerous stuff, mistletoe
Summary- “Doctor? Do you know what mistletoe is?” The Doctor almost choked at the words, this was too close for comfort.
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hybriddutyofcare · 8 years
Merry Christmas! I have your gift ready for you but unfortunately my internet is being too slow to upload it right now. But I'll be able to send you your gift in a couple more days!
Ah that’s no problem, take your time! I’m sure that it’s going to be amazing
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