#why are the hate anons always such hypocrites it’s unbelievable
lizzaneia-elizalde · 10 months
Thoughts on yan!assassin with unbothered reader(g/n or fem idc). Where reader accidentally discovers his identity and he's like "you better read your prayers because you gonna die now" and reader is looking him right in the eyes with a bored/unfazed gaze which baffles him for a moment but then reader says something like "you doing it or nah? I'm getting late for work". Then poof he interested now!
Yandere! Boyfriend! Assassin! x gn! Nonchalant! Conglomerate Heir! Reader
I raise you this plot anon! Established relationship but yandere is of course, an assassin to kill you~!
Yan Assassin name: Azrael
TW: Child abuse, Religious misusage
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He who is raised in a convent, with a father who despises his presence as he reminds him of a sin he can't go back, which is having an intimate relationship with a prostitute, creating Azrael.
His father, the head priest, hates his existense.
He will always repeat that again and again, while punishing him.
This let Azrael's mind get so twisted.
Why does a man who preach about love, prosperity, and peace, was relishing in whipping his own son?
Hypocrites. That's what they are.
Then and there, Azrael knew he had to stand on his own two feet. He fought tooth and nail in that damn convent that resembled hell more than the safe haven his father and his parish claims.
Then one day, in a particular bad stormy night, his father was doing his usual sermons to Azrael. Verse upon verse, he misused the quotes and used them to inflict punishment on Azrael, saying he's a child of sin, and should be eradicated.
It was going smoothly, until the words came out of his father's mouth.
"Tell your prayers, for you will be lifted up to heaven afterwards."
Azrael looked up, and saw the head priest holding a candelabra up his head and about to strike down. His face resembling the demons in his nightmare.
Azrael shook, and knew he had to stop this.
That night, Azrael took off, the rain washing away his blood and sins. The headpriest's corpse displayed in front of the altar, the candlabra shoved down his throat.
Azrael had his first kill that night, but it won't be the last.
Azrael forgot how he got into the organization, all he remembered was the brutal regime of being trained like bloodless robots. It was a dog eats dog world.
With the proper nurturing, he became the top assassin the organization has to offer.
The success ratio of his missions is at almost one to zero, saying that he always succeeds.
So the organization gave him a task. To gather information about the Billionaire, Mammon, and kill his child, his heir, Y/N, to trigger a full on hysteria.
Azrael agreed, and sought you.
At first, he only approached you for the mission, flirting and scheming, making you fall for him, "loving" you, confessing to you, becoming your boyfriend. It was going smoothly.
You let him in your heart and your circle. Freely asking him to come home to your mansion.
Azrael smirked. You were too trusting.
He snooped around the mansion, finding useful information that the organization can use or sell, finding every single dirt on Mammon, and of course, Y/N.
And, with his mission done, he grabbed his weapon, and went to your bedroom.
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Azrael creeped in, slowly walking to your bed as you slept. You were only wearing a lace robe that draped over your body carelessly. Showing off skin that even made the cold blooded assassin blush.
Azrael cleared his throat quietly and climbed on top of you, his eyes darting at the humidifier with an essential oil that will induce deep sleep that he gave to you as a gift.
So that you won't wake up when he kills you.
Yet, when he raised his arm to stab, your eyes dart open and blinked.
Azrael froze.
You both stared at each other for a while before he laughed. A deep rumble on his chest.
"Unbelievable." *He muttered.* "The oil didn't work?!"
You only stared at him with curiosity. Not even a sliver of hostility there.
"I can't let my pristine record die." Azrael glowered before pressing the knife cold against your neck.
You asked him what he's doing. And Azrael laughed.
"I'm an assassin sent by an organization you don't need to know about. I have gathered useful data, and now, for my final mission, I will kill you silently." *Azrael ranted.* "And yet, you woke up... I'm sorry, angel. But you got to go."
"Say your prayers before I send you to... God..."
Azrael blinked.
Why do you look... Deadpan? Bored? Nonchalant?
He trembled.
You raised an eyebrow. "Are you done? Make it quick. I still have my recital first thing in the morning."
Silence was all he gave out before his whole body shook with laughter.
"Alright, you win, angel. I'll see you tomorrow at your recital." With that, Azrael left your room in a blink, making you question if that really happened or not.
But all Azrael could feel was his fast beating heart and your bored, clear, and serene eyes boring into him.
He wanted more of it.
He needed more of it.
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Muffled screams of pain and agony echoed through the tiny balcony in the church as you played your piano, playing Vingt Regards sur l'Enfant Jesus by Messiaen, hauntingly difficult to play and dissonant to hear. But to Azrael, it was the perfect piece to eliminate someone.
But that person wasn't just someone.
It was your father, Mammon, whom he talked to earlier, discussing on how Azrael should break up with you.
"Here's a million dollars. Break up with my child!"
"... Why would I?"
"You... You have this sinister look in your eyes! Your stare is making me shiver!"
"But i'm not directing it at you, am I?"
"Y-yes, but as a father, I can't let y--"
"Silence. You're just a pervert who preys on young women. Do not be a saint."
"What?! How did you--" "N-no! Spare my life! I'll give you everything! Money, mansions, even my child's hand in marriage! Yes! You'll have them all by yourself!"
"Tempting offer. I'll take it, especially your child. But, you preaching your fatherly love on your child, yet easily giving them away once your life is in danger is fucking disgusting."
"You know what I hate most of all? Hypocrites."
And he plunged the knife deep to Mammon's hands, with his mouth covered with a handkerchief to muffle the screams. Your father tried his hardest to scream loudly, but your performance with the piano on the altar was mesmerizing, distracting the audiences with your pristine playing.
With one last plunge, blood dripped down Azrael's knife as he raised it, done killing your father.
"Making Y/N break up with me is not the smartest move you had, Mr. Mammon." Azrael's stare bore holes on your father's corpse. "But i'll give it to ya. Making Y/N break up with me to marry her off to a rich conglomerate is a solid plan to fill up more of your coffers. Your greed knows no bounds, even family."
Azrael leaned on the railings, watching your divine figure play Regard de l'eglise d'amour, the last piece of the day.
And when the sunset rays hit the stained glass window above you, it shined, giving you an organic spotlight that took away Azrael's breath.
Your eyes found his, and saw the blood on his body. Azrael smiled and waved your father's glasses around.
And as expected, your eyes didn't have any reaction, just a blank stare and a nonchalant attitude as your fingers fly across the keys.
It made Azrael tremble in excitement.
Oh, he's going to have fun with you, trying to get a reaction out of your body.
Should he kill your mother next?
With one final stroke of the key, he whispered under his breath.
"My angel."
And just like angels, he will test your limit on how partial and nonchalant can you be with his sins until you break.
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im-just-so-so · 2 years
You're not dumb for shippin Ed/Izzy. You're a toxic, abuse apologist piece of fucking shit. You're scum growing on forgotten food in the back of the refrigerator. You're a fucking fetishist who thinks that pairing an abuser with his victims is FINE.
You're a fucking asshole cunt and I hope you get stabbed in the important bits.
The best fucking part of it all is that I personally don’t actually ship (or read) Ed/Izzy, especially not when relating to canon. I don’t even like canon!Izzy 🤷‍♀️ and any kind of Steddy Hands fic that has that dynamic in it? I’m out. Not my thing.
The fact that you’re getting all riled up over fictional characters (because let’s not forget that even though they are based on/inspired by real people, they are still, in fact, fictional) and making it personal? That’s a fucking problem, mate. The fact you don’t even dare to do so while showing your name tells me plenty.
Just because I don’t ship Ed/Izzy doesn’t mean I’m gonna get on my high horse and tell people they can’t enjoy it and that they should die (seriously what the fuck is wrong with you? You do realize that’s toxic and abusive behavior right there, right? And if it’s just words and you don’t actually mean them… see where I’m going with this?) because guess fucking what? It’s not up to me to decide why people enjoy it and why it would be wrong! I just don’t read the shit I’m not interested in and leave it at that, because this is fiction, and fiction will always have shit in it that wouldn’t fly in the real world, and if someone can’t separate the two, or realize that, that’s on them, not the author or the people enjoying it.
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And I wish you a lovely rest of your day. May you find some peace to love the things you love instead.
Happy renewal day! 🎉
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nordleuchten · 2 years
i have seen people from frev really hating on Lafayette and calling him shallow and a hypocrite, where does this come from may i ask?
Of course you may ask dear Anon, with regards to La Fayette you may ask me anything. :-)
La Fayette is often (and rightly so) perceived vastly different by the “Amrev-Community” than by the “Frev-Community”. It should be acknowledged that both camps are often a bit over the top with their assessment of La Fayette. He was neither that “good” nor that “bad” - that not how history works in my opinion.
But to be frank, La Fayette did not exactly covered himself in glory during the French Revolution. He often meant well … but that is not always enough.
We first have to set the stage: The French and the American Revolution are often called “sister revolutions” but whoever really studied one or both of these revolutions will probably agree with me when I say that these two events were still vastly different from each other. I think La Fayette misunderstood and miscalculated the situation during the French Revolution. La Fayette’s role in the American Revolution was a military one, there was a certain political element as well, but nothing compared to his role in the (early stages of the) French Revolution.
La Fayette was a man who placed a great importance on principles and moral concepts. He meant well but had trouble understanding why not everybody was agreeing with him - because as I said, he meant well. He was absolute determined to be a leader in this revolution but that did not quite worked out. He tried to be everywhere at once and that obviously did not work out as well.
La Fayette was a centrist, general in support of the King and the monarchy but also outspoken about reforms. Early on, such a position could be kept up but the more the revolution progressed the harder it was to follow a middle path. And La Fayette made enemies - influential, powerful, gifted enemies.
Another problem was La Fayette’s taste for fame and glory. Something that he pursued during the revolution and that can easily be twisted to make him look like a power-hungry villain.
La Fayette became the first commander of the newly established Parisian National Guard. While his command of the National Guard can generally be seen as a success in his life, the Guard also gave La Fayette a headache more than once. The National Guard could be fiercely loyal on a good day… or they threatend La Fayette to kill him. La Fayette was often accused of using the Guard as his “private army”. Especially the way he sometimes dealt with pro-revolutionary printers and journalists was criticised. There were also instances however were the nobles were uncertain if La Fayette might use his command against them.
Then there was the Champ de Mars massacre. I made a detailed post about the event here - in short, we do not exactly know what really happened that day but even if we assume the absolute best scenario, La Fayette still stands as a weak leader who had no control about his armed guard and could not prevent the death of innocent people. But the Champ the Massacre was not the only mishap with the Guard. The National Guard (and therefor) La Fayette was tasked with keeping the King and the royal family at the Tuileries Palace … but suddenly they had fled. Either La Fayette had instructed his guard to turn a blind eye (what many people believed) or the guard was simply unable to fulfil a simple task and La Fayette had not enough control over them to order them to fulfil such a task without being blinded by personal loyalties. To add insult to injury, La Fayette proclaimed that the King had been kidnapped … a completely unbelievable story.
La Fayette became so unpopular indeed that it almost was comical. Most courtiers detested him for being too revolutionary, most revolutionaries mistrusted him because he was still too friendly with the ancient regime. There was a contemporary caricature where a monarchist and a revolutionary had strung La Fayette up on a street light - while doing so they had a conversation that they both hated each other but they each hated La Fayette even more. La Fayette was forced to flee France because the leaders of the Revolution wanted to arrest him (for being anti-revolutionary), just to be captured and imprisoned by the Prussians and Austrians for being an “instigator of the Revolution”.
I give you a short excerpt from a letter La Fayette wrote to George Washington on August 23, 1790. He describes here his position and the general atmosphere in his own words - while it is a very subjective statement, it still shows all the different groups and endeavours he was connected to at the time, how things generally stood and also that he greatly miscalculated the political climate. Spoilers ahead, La Fayette thought that France would be done with the Revolution by the end of 1790 … we all know how well that went.
Now we are disturbed with Revolts among the Regiments—and as I am Constantly Attacked on Both Sides By the Aristocratic and the Factious party, I don’t know to which of the two we owe these insurrections—our Safe guard Against them Lies with the National guard—There is more than a Million of Armed Citizens—Among them Patriotism Reigns—and my influence with ’em, is as Great as if I Had Accepted the Chief Command. I Have lately lost Some of My favour with the Mob, and displeased the frantic lovers of licentiousness, as I am Bent on Establishing a legal Subordination—But the Nation at large are Very thankfull to me for it—it is Not out [of] the Heads of the Aristocrats to make a Counter Revolution—Nay, they do what they Can with all the Crowned Heads of Europe who Hate us like the devil—But I think their plans will Be either Abandonned or Unsuccessfull—I am Rather more Concerned with a division that Rages in the Popular Party—the Clubs of the jacobines, and 89 it is Called, Have divided the friends of liberty who accuse each other, jacobines Being taxed with a disorderly Extravagance, and 89 with a tincture of Ministerialism, and Ambition—I am Endeavouring to Bring about a Reconciliation—the affair of the 6th of October will Be Reported in the House Next week. I don’t think there will Be Against duke d’orleans, and am Sure there Are Not Against Mirabeau Sufficient Charges to impeach them—there is Some thing Cloudy in the Present Systems of those two men, altho’ they do not Seem Actually Connected—they are Both Cowards—But the prince most particularly So.
I Hope our Business will End with the Year—at which time this So much Blackened Cromwell, this Ambitious dictator, Your friend, Shall most deliciously Enjoy the Hapiness to Give up all power, all public Cares, and to Become A private Citizen in a free Monarchy, the Constitution of which, altho’ I Could not Help its’ Being Very defective Now, will lay a foundation for the Most Excellent one to Be Made in a few years.
“To George Washington from Lafayette, 23 August 1790,” Founders Online, National Archives, [Original source: The Papers of George Washington, Presidential Series, vol. 6, 1 July 1790 – 30 November 1790, ed. Mark A. Mastromarino. Charlottesville: University Press of Virginia, 1996, pp. 315–319.] (05/18/2022)
In short, the Revolution, and La Fayette’s position therein, was more complex, he had more direct power and influence, there were more people who generally disliked him and he made some very questionable decisions.
La Fayette’s role in the French Revolution was too complex to give a comprehensive analysis in a single post, but I hope my answer could at least give you a first insight into the topic. I hope you have/had a great day!
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mikessuffering · 3 years
Past Afton and soul aftons, what is your relation with William?
"Don't tell Elizabeth, but he's told me I'm his favorite child. And he says that he is proud of me for being strong, and being like him. He says that I won't let him down or something. Don't ask what that means, I don't know what it means either. He says that I will understand when the time comes, and I'll hopefully be on his side. People say how he treats us in unbelievable, and I need to report it, but I think it's just fine. I mean, he does yell at us a lot, and he has had a tendency to yell at Elizabeth the most, and he calls CC a crybaby, but hey, it's not like I don't do the same thing. It would be hypocritical. I say our father son relationship is pretty decent. Anyways, thanks for the ask." Past Mike states.
"He's the absolute worst, but he's my father! He raised me! I don't know how to feel about him if I'm being honest. He's a child murderer, but he did cut me some slack by killing me last. But, he treated me and my siblings horribly. He pressured me into becoming more like him, he traumatized my younger brother with illusion discs of his worst nightmares, and he mentally abused Elizabeth into thinking she's not good enough, and he was more proud of Circus Baby than her! He's not too happy with me either. He says that I was a wast of time, and so much 'potential' put to wast. What he probably means, is that I actually have some ducking morals, unlike him who is a literal child murderer and abuser. But he does think I am the only reliable person in the whole family, apparently. Because, he says, 'I wouldn't have even come to rescue myself!' at least he admits that he's that bad. Thats why he was calling MY name when he was burning down in the fire. Not like Elizabeth, basically only a endo skeleton at this point is trying to save you while I'm living the dream in the other room being burned to flames. And then, after going through ALL that trouble, it turns out, that he came back AGAIN. To sum it up, our relationship is a mess. Thanks for asking though, I needed to get that off my chest." Soul mike says.
"That took you a really long time." Henry says.
"You were listening, to that whole thing, weren't you?" micheal replied
"Yep, you got that right old chum." henry says.
"I'm 20 years younger than you." Micheal mutters.
"No need to remind me." He says then Henry walks out of the room.
"I don't really know how to feel about him, to be honest. He never believes me whenever I say anything about those scary nightmares… THAT ARE REAL!!! I'm sure of it! Its just he doesn't listen! And neither does anyone else! Also, the way he treats Elizabeth is unacceptable! I wish I could report it, but I'm just a kid, no one ever listens to me. So, I would say out relationship is rocky." Past CC says.
"Okay, I'm not going to be like Micheal, and I'm just going to say this, Its bad. I hate him, he hates me, we're even." Soul! CC states.
"He's not that bad! I just haven't done too well, I have tried my hardest to make him happy, but I always slip up. He always says that Circus baby is better than me, and I am determined to find out why she is better than me. I will go see her, and I will see how to be more like her." Past Elizabeth states confidently.
"I used to be crazy about making him proud, but one day, after making the 'afton amalgamation' I realized he was just using me! Now, he's in hell, and I'm back in heaven with my family, and I'm finally enjoying life without him! Micheal even said that he would catch me up on everything thats been going on since I've been gone!" Soul Elizabeth says. It's easy to forget she's just a 5 year old.
"Thats right Elizabeth, I'll be sure to do that!" Her older brother states.
"Thanks for the ask, anon. Have a good day! Now, I have to catch Charlie up on whats going on." Henry says, then walks to who knows where.
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hyunnielix · 6 years
Enemies II
Part Two For Enemies
Your training regime has been rigorous, doubling your lessons with not only your coach but with Luke as well, what happens when you let the sexual tension between the two of you get the better of you?
Requested: Yes, for the anon that asked if I was doing a part 2 
Pairing: Luke x Y/N
Warnings: Angst, Fluff, Coach!Luke, Flirting, Boxing!AU
Word Count: 1.5k
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“So it’s all a reputation thing, this whole demeanour,” You scoffed, unfolding your arms and gesturing with your hands towards his lanky body.
You planted your feet securely on the maroon foam flooring of the ring, preparing yourself for the next round of torture whilst protecting your face.
“Yes, and you want to know why? because it sells.” He lectured you while his guard was down, tilting his head to the side obviously unimpressed with your obliviousness.
“Do you have any evidence of that or did it come straight from Calum’s mouth?” You retorted, laughing to yourself before bouncing onto the toes of your feet ready for the oncoming jabs as he straightened his arms, holding the boxing pads steadier.
“Did you listen to a word I said before?” The blonde exclaimed, desperation surfacing in his baby blue eyes that usually twinkled with cheekiness.
Snapping out of the trance you rolled your eyes at him, frustrating the poor boy even more with your uncooperativeness during the current lesson.
“It just sounds like something he’d say.” You defended yourself, smirking at the annoyance on his face while you threw a punch unexpectedly to the white spot marked on the pad.
“You seem to be good at that,” He stated coolly, swiping his right hand over your head as you ducked down avoiding the hit.
“Good at what?” You asked, pausing at his comment slightly before aiming for his face out of pure spite.
“That,” He explained. “You use that aspect to throw your opponent’s off,” He continued trying to explain what you were doing right.
“You just need to improve a bit more I’ll show you, hang on.” He spoke ripping the laces off the velcro pad straps while stepping towards you.
Your face contorted with even more bewilderment at his statement, you were still adjusting to being told what to do and how to improve without giving a smartass remark back. Some would say your ego was a problem.
“Oh come on, it’s not like you’ve never been touched by a guy before,” He chuckled while invading your personal space, his breath fanning across your face as he gazed down at you testing your patience with him.
“I just don’t think it’s very necessary-,” You let out a small squeak as his ice cold fingers brushed against your midriff moving your waist to face his body whilst he took a hold of your left fist bringing it up to his face.
“For example, this would be predictable,” He motioned your hand back and forth stopping it before just it hit his face explaining the movements nodding religiously as you intently watched. 
“However, this-,” He instructed smartly moving his left leg behind yours while throwing a right jab at your face took you off guard.
Leaning backwards so his fist wouldn’t collide with your face your small frame fell backward on the rings plush floor tripping over his leg as he sneakily planned.
“Is unpredictable, you must always use this against your enemies especially if your weight isn’t enough to hold against them.” He scolded, smiling down at your exhausted body sprawled across the floor, your resting bitch face explained your current mood towards the giraffe-like boy as he held his hand out for you to take.
After hauling you up, he began circling around your body examining your fighting stance.
“You have to use your speed and power to bring them down,” He reminded you, quickly sliding his leg underneath yours, however, you stepped forward out of the trap and spun on your heel facing him.
Without hesitation, you grasped onto his broad shoulders while kneeing him in the stomach unfortunately to your disadvantage he caught your leg ultimately unbalancing you until you fell to the floor yet again.
“Then you attack, hesitating and adapting to your opponent’s fighting techniques is what you don’t want to do,” He chuckled while chewing on his jet black lip ring, it was almost like he was mocking you.
“You must observe their fighting technique not adapt to it, I got it.” You replied, getting up off the floor yourself this time and dusting the remnants off your neon pink and black sports bra.
You weren’t going to lie, the theory was your strong suit the actual fighting aspect, however, you still needed improvement on which you wouldn’t verbally confess even if it killed you.
“Let's start sparring then,” He commented, fixing on his used white gloves the ear-piercing noise of the adjusting velcro made your head reel, the headache you had gained during the training didn’t help.
“Wait, that wasn’t it?” You exclaimed letting out a loud moan hunching your back over dramatically which made a laugh erupt from Luke, his dimples shown prominently in his left cheek. Your suffering was definitely his enjoyment.
“We’ve been at this for two hours I need a break,” You decided, clambering underneath the maroon ropes and jumping off the edge of the arena onto the grey carpeted floor.
“Top athletes are constantly working hard and in the end, it delivers results,” He stated matter-of-factly following closely behind you as you made your way towards the paint-chipped bench that was placed outside of the locker room.
“You’re a bit hard on your friends now aren't you?” You panted, lowering your exhausted body onto the bench as you side-eyed the boy.
“You classify yourself as one of my friends? what happened to ever being enemies,” He wickedly smirked whilst his brows furrowed, you tried to prevent your lips from upturning into a small smile.
“Or am I just breaking down your tough girl image.” He sarcastically spoke, shrugging his unnaturally broad shoulders whilst awaiting a reply.
You brushed your palms against the fabric of your charcoal Adidas tights, wiping the sweat off them while conjuring a reply to the confronting statement.
“I guessed someone had to take the role of it since you don't have any,” You reciprocated, removing your gaze from the unbelievable attractive boy and focusing it on the grey carpet in front of you.
“Well, contrary to popular belief I do have friends,” He scoffed, you had obviously hit a nerve that would prove to be a weakness and leverage was important.
“Michael doesn’t like this y’know,” You half-heartedly laughed trying to change the subject, you eventually caught your breath as you leant your head back on the wall the small talk always relaxed you.
“Michaels always hated me.” Luke smiled bitter-sweetly, copying your movements, you could feel his gaze burning into the side of your face.
“It’s no surprise why,” You murmured, rolling your eyes irritatedly hoping Luke would get the message about how you currently viewed the topic.
“Man, do you ever give me a break?” He giggled, voice cracking while revealing his adorable dimple yet again.
You could tell he was trying to make the conversation more lighthearted but you were stubborn, constantly pushing your point across.
“It’s hard to trust someone when their whole persona is a lie,” You commented, crossing one leg over the other whilst taking off the blood red boxing gloves you donned throughout the lesson.
“You’re kind of being a hypocrite, telling me I shouldn’t have one and then you doing the exact same thing,” He retaliated, crossing his muscular arms over his chest and huffing blowing his messy blonde hair out of his face.
“I do it so I don’t get hurt, unlike you who does it for the money,” You let your mouth run yet again, only stating the cold hard truth.
He exhaled sharply, removing his eyes from you before replying equally as cold.
“Come on we’re done here.” He hummed, visibly trying to prevent the annoyance on his face as he stood up abruptly, passing you.
Trailing behind the six foot four boy you entered the dark and damp locker rooms that weirdly resembled the smell of wet dog.
“How much will that be?” You asked, splitting off into the side of the room where your locker was placed cursing in the process as you nearly slipped on the dirty puddles of water on the tiled floor.
“It’s on the house, I’m trying to prove something,” He replied, his Aussie twang making you scoff and roll your eyes while placing your hand on the metal hatch of your named locker.
You twisted the small black lock that hung off it listening intently to the constant clicking.
“You need to get a better coach, you have potential,” He rambled on, not listening to half of the gibberish coming out of his mouth you angrily shoved your boxing gear into the tiny cabinet.
“Like I didn’t already know that,” You sassily replied while snapping your fingers for the extra effect, you could hear his obnoxiously contagious laughter from behind the other lockers.
You weren’t supposed to soften up, but you had to admit you had a thing for bad boys who were too attractive for their own good.
“I have a mate who could help, his name is Ashton,” He commented, emerging from behind the lockers whilst airing out the Nike shirt he wore advancing closer towards you.
You slammed the metal locker door shut, leaning back onto it with one foot perched comfortably upright as you noticeably admired his sky coloured eyes.
“Right well how about instead of-,” You were cut off as he placed his surprisingly soft hands on the underside of your jaw, his rough lips coming in contact with yours throwing your morals off completely.
Nearly falling due to the unbalance of your feet, he trailed his arms down your torso sneaking them around your small waist. 
His lip ring contrasted coolly against your lips, cheekily you swiped your tongue across it making him smile into the kiss.
“Where the hell did that come from?” You asked, catching your breath while you tried to come to grips with what just happened.
“You were drooling over me the whole lesson, I decided to do something about it,” he remarked, a stupid grin plastered on his gorgeously attractive face.
“Shut it, Hemmings.”
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welovekpopscenarios · 7 years
NCT 127 reaction to their parents disapproving of their alternative girlfriend.
Request: “Can you please do a Nct 127 reaction to his parents not approving his s/o because they have tattoos and is a foreigner? Thanks~ - anon”
Admin Candi That’s actually so relatable because I’ve a good few big tattoos and I’ve a fuck load of piercings and I always wonder what would idols think of me… never mind their parents then, they’d probably hate me. I changed the whole theme to the girlfriend being alternative rather than just having tattoos.
Lmao this turned into little fanfics oops excuse that I felt inspired. I hope you don’t mind, these are little stories but I think that’s how each of them would react. I just thought that instead of having just one sentence as an answer it would be nicer to have a small scenario to go along with how I think they’d react.
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His parents invited you both to dinner so they could finally meet you. Since he was always busy it was hard for him to spare a few hours for his parents to meet you. Once you walked into the house with Taeyong his parents froze and their faces dropped. His mom managed to smile at you and then asked Taeyong and his father to help them in the kitchen while you sat at the table alone.
“That’s who you’re seeing?” His mom whispers.
“Is there a problem?” Taeyong asks.
“All the tattoos, a-and the hair!” His father makes an input. “We don’t want you to be with someone who looks like that.” He continues.
“I don’t care! They’re with me and I love them, I don’t see why you can’t be happy for me.”
“We would prefer someone who looks a bit more normal.”
It wouldn’t be long before Taeyong would storm out of the kitchen and grab your wrist and drag you out.
“Are you okay.” You ask.
“They have a problem with your tattoos and I don’t want them to hurt you.” He said. Your stomach dropped and you were quiet during the journey home. Taeyong reassured you this wouldn’t change the way he felt about you and he held you close once you got home. He kept apologizing for his parents behavior and you explained how you can understand why they would disapprove but it still hurts you.
Eventually his parents would come around to the idea of you and would try their best to get to know you.
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It was his birthday and all of his family were invited to his party which he was having at home (the party that the boys organized for him would be in the evening but he wanted to see his family first) so naturally he took you with him.
“Are you sure you want me to go?” You ask hesitantly.
“Of course! I want my family to meet you.”
You shuffled in your seat and already thought of an outfit so you’d be able to cover your tattoos and you decided to take out your piercings too. In the cab Taeil noticed you weren’t wearing the usual clothes and your face looked quite bare and different.
“There’s something different about you.” He says.
“I took out my piercings.”
“That’s it!” His eyes flickered. “Why though?”
“I don’t want your parents to judge me, or your family. This is the first time I’m seeing them and your whole family will be there.”
He furrowed his eyebrows and kissed your hand. He told you they’d love you but you’d rather cover up. Once you made it to the house everyone was already there, the atmosphere was nice and everyone seemed to love you the second you walked in. All of his cousins made their way to you and started throwing so much questions at you. Then his parents came over to introduce themselves, you shook his dads hand and as you were reaching out your sleeve came up, revealing your tattoos. His fathers eyes widened and you covered up immediately, they left and other family members flooded you. His parents walked over to him and started having a conversation that was loud enough for everyone in the room to hear. They were giving out about your tattoos and everyone went quiet and the attention was on you, all the cousins backed away from you slowly and judgmental whispers filled the room.
Taeil stayed quiet while his parents bombarded him with questions and mean statements. After they were done talking to him silence fell upon the room, everyone was staring at you and you felt tears gather in your eyes.
“Excuse me.” You said and you left to go to the bathroom. Taeil followed you. You sat on the edge of the bath and started crying, you felt humiliated and you felt ugly, you never regretted your tattoos but at this moment the hint of regret lingered across your body.
“Y/N I’m so so sorry, you don’t deserve this. They don’t know you as well as I do, I’m sure once they get to know you they’ll change their mind. I’ll call you a cab and I’ll ask Jaehyun to hang out with you until I’m done with this stupid gathering. I’m really sorry but I guarantee you they’ll love you.” Taeil hugged you and kissed the crown of your head constantly repeating that they’ll eventually love you.
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           After his concert, his parents visited him backstage, you were there also and it was the first time you were seeing them. He was sweaty and out of breath so he greeted his parents, introduced you to them and excused himself while he cleaned himself up. His parents immediately looked from your face to your body, noticing the piercings and the tattoos, they took a step back and his father coughed awkwardly.
           “So you’re his s/o?” His mom hisses at you.
           “Y-yes.” You scratch the back of your head and feel the tension building up.
           “Interesting.” His father adds.
           You all sat down on the couch and waited for him in silence. You tried making conversation and saying how nice it is to meet them but their replies would be nods and hums, they didn’t try to make conversation. You knew something was wrong and you couldn’t help but feel insecure. After a while, Johnny finally came out of his room and noticed how awkward his parents were.
           “Is everything alright?” He asks.
           “I just can’t believe you expect us to agree with who you’re seeing.” His father says and Johnny feels rage build up inside him.
           “Excuse me? What’s wrong with who I’m seeing?” He looks over at you to see you clearly want to leave.
           “The tattoos? The style? The piercings?” His mom inputs.
           “It’s disgusting.”
           “What’s disgusting is your behavior right now and I will not stand for it. Thank you for coming to my show but I’m going to ask you to leave if you’re going to be disrespectful.” Johnny stands up for you and his parents leave at once. He sits next to you and tries to change the subject.
           “I’m sorry Johnny, if your parents don’t approve then-”
           “No, they just don’t know what they’re saying. Don’t worry I’ll talk to them.”
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           “Ever since I was little you taught me to be respectful! You’re being a hypocrite right now, you’re making them feel uncomfortable and you’re being beyond rude.” Yuta was trying to stay calm but his tone was harsh and he was raising his voice.
           “Just because we don’t agree with something doesn’t mean we’re being disrespectful.” His mom explains.
           “No! I would totally understand if you said it to me in private but saying ‘ew’ and ‘why do you have those’ to my s/o is vile.”
           “You know how we feel about tattoos and piercings.” His father comes into the conversation.
           “Yeah so? It’s not your body that’s tattooed is it? We’re living in a world where this is acceptable now so get with the times maybe and stop being so ignorant.” Yuta grabbed your hand and dragged you away from them. He was fuming and walked back home with you, he didn’t say much except the ‘unbelievable’ and ‘this is outrageous’ from time to time. You weren’t expecting his parents to approve so you weren’t that surprised at how it turned out but you were hurt, it hurt that Yutas parents didn’t approve of you. As soon as you walked into the door of your house he started apologizing.  
           “Yuta it’s okay, I expected this. I don’t want you and your parents fighting and the reason behind it being me.”
           “I’m so surprised at them, I just can’t believe they’d be this awful about it. I’m not speaking to them until they apologize and don’t try to convince me otherwise, my decision is final.”
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           He texted his parents about finally being able to introduce you to them, you’ve been talking about it for a while and you felt like you were ready to meet them. You were excited and couldn’t wait to meet your boyfriends parents. He told them about your alternative appearance just so they wouldn’t get a shock when they first saw you but after that message they didn’t answer him. You were quite positive and had hopes of them not caring but that hope slowly faded every minute there was no reply from them.
Mom: We talked it over and we don’t want to meet them. We’re very disappointed in you and the fact that you’re with someone who lives that lifestyle. Maybe if you find someone else then we’ll want to meet them.
           Doyoungs face dropped and your heart sunk at his expression, you weren’t stupid and you knew exactly what the reply was.
           “They don’t want to meet me, do they?” You ask quietly.
           “Y/N I don’t know what to say.”
           He walked over to you and you cuddled into him.
           “I’m really really sorry, I didn’t think they’d be that way. I know they’d love you as much as I do if they only gave you a chance, they’re going to have to eventually! They’re just very traditional, if we give them time they’ll warm up to the idea.”
           “Yeah I guess you’re right, I just hope I’ll be able to meet them one day and they’ll actually like me.”
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           His parents decided to surprise him for Christmas holidays since they haven’t seen him in a while. They knocked on the door and you opened it for them, they obviously weren’t expecting you seeing as they had no idea Jaehyun was seeing anyone.
           “Is Jaehyung here?” His mom asks. Jaehyun pops his head out and his smile grows instantly. You moved out of the way to let them hug and greet each other, you went into the room to put on nicer clothes and to freshen up.
           “And who is this?” His father points at you.
           “This is my s/o, I was going to introduce them to you soon but we wanted to take our time.” Jaehyun answers.
           “What’s with the tattoos?” His mom asks quietly. Jaehyuns cheerful smile turned into a disappointed frown.
           “They’re just tattoos.” He says. You cross your arms to hide them as much as possible and you smile at them.
           “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to offend you. I can put something with long sleeves if you feel uncomfortable.” You try to be as respectful as possible.
           “No, you don’t have to.” Jaehyun quickly stops you. “You’re at your house, it’s my parents who should feel uncomfortable for judging you based on your choices.”
           “Jaehyun you know we don’t like these things.” His father says.
           “Does it matter? Are they automatically a bad person because they have tattoos and choose to express themselves this way?” Jaehyun says and his parents don’t know what to say, they stand there for a while looking at the floor.
           “Uhm, we’ll call you.” His mom heads for the door.
           “With an apology for Y/N I hope.” He adds as he watches them leave.
           “I’m sorry.”
           “You don’t have anything to be sorry about, they do.”
           Jaehyun didn’t say anything else regarding the situation, he moved on and didn’t think it was a big deal. You were embarrassed and uncomfortable but you tried to forget about it hoping his parents would try to get to know you one day.
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           You were out shopping with Winwin, not looking for anything in particular but you both enjoyed going out and looking for new clothes together. You went into one shop that sold furniture and home décor, you loved looking at cute little shelves, plants and things for your room.
           Someone tapped Winwin on the shoulder and as he turned around he saw his parents, he was happy and worried at the same time since he was with you and they had no idea he was seeing anyone.
           “Who’s your friend?” They ask him.
           “That’s my s/o.” He says shyly and scratches the back of his head. You walk closer to him and introduce yourself to them. Their eyes scan your whole being and they stop at your tattoos and examine your hands, pulling and twisting on them.
           “We have to talk.” His father turns his stare to him.
           “There’s nothing to talk about. They just like tattoos.” Winwin takes a deep breath and tries to avoid causing a scene.
           “This is not how we raised you.”
           “Maybe not but I’m an adult now, I can make my own choices and shape my own opinions.”
           His father let go of your hand and left with Winwins mom. You rubbed your hand and faced Winwin frowning and being obviously upset. He didn’t know what to say to make this situation better, he could only explain how they never approved of these things and it’s going to be hard to convince them. He kissed your forehead and said that just because his parents look down on you doesn’t mean he ever will and he added that he loved every inch of you and all of your tattoos.
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           The whole group just got a deal for a tour and everyone was very excited. They decided to throw a little party for themselves and invite their parents to celebrate seeing as this was something to be very proud of. The gathering happened in the evening, there was food and all the staff was there along with all the boys with their parents, they wanted their parents to meet everyone elses parents so the atmosphere was very nice, it was friendly and hopeful. Mark brought you along because you never met his parents and the other guys s/o’s did so he felt like it was time.
           You stood out like a sore thumb, all the other s/o’s were polished and neat while you had tattoos and piercings and your style differed to theirs. You still tried your best to blend in with the crowd but all the parents looked at you with disgust on their faces. The guys and the staff were always so nice to you and they didn’t judge you based on your tattoos so this experience shook you a bit. You haven’t felt this uncomfortable in a while.
           Before you got to escape anywhere else Mark put his arm around you and walked you over to his parents.
           “This is Y/N, we’ve been seeing each other for a while now and I thought you’d like to meet them.” He says confidently.
           “What makes you say that? Have you seen her skin?” The words of his mom pierced your ears and made you shiver. Her tone was so cold and unfriendly, you wanted to apologize and leave. You delicately took Marks arm off you and said you’d better leave.
           “No no hold on a minute. Why are you being so mean?” Mark asks.
           “Tattoos are unacceptable Mark.” His dad backs up his mom.
           “Well you have to deal with it because Y/N means a lot to me.” He walks away with you and leaves the event. He wasn’t the one to fight and didn’t want to cause a scene while everyone else was having fun. Outside he smiled at you and told you everything would be fine, you didn’t believe him but his positivity made you smile.
           “I think they’re really cool.” He smiles and kisses your cheek.
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           “Y/N can I talk to you?” He approaches you after his dance practice which didn’t seem to go that well, he looked distracted and he was very snappy towards the other members.
           “Of course, is everything okay?”
           “My parents don’t really approve of you.” He beings. You stomach tightens and you look at him worryingly.
           “Why? I was being nice to them, wasn’t I?” You stutter.
           “It’s not that, it’s the tattoos and piercings.”
           He sat next to you and rested his head on your shoulder. There was silence between you, you weren’t sure what to say, you didn’t want to apologize because that’s just the way you were and you liked having tattoos.
           “Y/N I really like your tattoos.” Haechan explains. “I care for my parents but I don’t really care about their opinion on you in this case, it’s not like you did anything bad to them, they just have to understand that you like tattoos.” He continues. You stay quiet because there was nothing you could really say.
           “I’ll talk to them okay? I’ll try to persuade them to give you a chance.”
           “Yeah, okay.” You say quietly, still feeling the knot in your stomach.
           “Please don’t be sad, I don’t want you to be sad. You’re so beautiful, I know they’ll like you if they give you a chance.” He stood up and went back to practice while you watched him, you thought about the whole situation but after a while you finally convinced yourself it wasn’t your fault that they didn’t like you, it was just their ignorance. You knew that eventually they’ll have to face you and give you a chance so that thought made you happy.
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tinfoil-hat-brigade · 7 years
Anon Submission
Karma is a bitch, isn't it?
I am in an absolute foul mood today so when I checked into the swamp and saw several of Gator’s et al posts they really frosted by buns.
First I saw all the garbled garbage about the “tension” in BC’s face while acting in Sherlock and somehow equating it to a micro-second of blurry film from the Burberry fashion show last year of BC and SH walking past the paparazzi. Forget that there were TONS of pictures (not blurry BTW) of them smiling, laughing, holding hands, BC stroking SH’s hand and putting his hands on her knee… not that doesn’t matter one whit! What does matter is for one fraction of a second he wasn’t grinning and that he apparently closed his eyes and swallowed while he was walking along with his wife (at least I think that is what he did - the video is soooo blurry it is really hard to tell anything). Some hater “bright” noggin has decided that this is a totally meaningful “micro expression” on BC’s part to show the utter contempt he has for SH and the stress the “shamwow” is having on him. All that supposition from one second of extremely slowed down, blurry, video! Wow!
These people make me gag to think that they are dreaming this sort of crap up and trying to pull others into their sick web with this delusional imaginings.
Oh, it just couldn’t be that maybe BC was a bit weary for a moment of paps shouting at him (and his wife) instead of just taking their pictures as the couple walked by? No, that just can’t be what was happening, could it? No - it has to be an absolute SIGN of his hatred of the Shamwow and of SH. It can’t be that this highly slowed down fraction of film is something that looks soooo different when run at normal speed? And that the slowing down of the video grossly exaggerates the movement and thus makes every action seem peculiar and out of place? They don’t even consider that possibility.
And sometimes they don’t even have anything to exaggerate to whip up more “evidence” against BC/SH’s marriage. Like the time they claimed Sophie “almost ripped BC’s arm out of his socket” while walking quickly down the street to escape the paps in New York. Really??? I saw all the “damning evidence” and I still can’t fathom where this apparent “ripping his arm off” happened! All I saw was a couple hurrying along, arm-in-arm and then they broke apart and BC PUT HIS ARM UP AROUND HIS WIFE’S SHOULDER to draw her closer to him! And she was laughing the whole time - sharing a private smile with him as they walked. But to the Haters it’s “Violence! Abuse! Contempt!” On Sophie’s part all the way.
And from the same video when they get to the van, BC backs off a bit to let Sophie in first (you know, like any polite human being would do!!!) and the haters see her “pushing him out of the way and him trying to get away from her???? Unbelievable!
It’s the BAFTA pix all over again - you know the one with BC standing with SH while a bank of photogs take their picture and Sophie reaches up to catch his hand that is around her waist and then they both bring their hands together and hold hands just before walking off. But again to the haters it was Sophie swatting BC’s hand AWAY!?!? Of course the Haters only show one fraction of the video again - just the small movement of Sophie’s hand coming up to meet BC’s hand and then for one split second his hand is off her waist. Their vids cut it off immediately after that because, of course it would show them holding hands and everything the haters have theorized about how violent she is towards him, how reluctant he is to touch her, wold be thoroughly discredited by the rest of the video. So their hate bubble remains in tact and the rest of humanity who saw exactly what happened in real time are left scratching our collective heads and wondering WTF is wrong with the Hater’s eyesight???
The other thing I have noticed is the post that showed up on the Hater’s sties about some other couple who is having a baby. I don’t even know who they are but they are at a red carpet event and the woman is dressed in a very short whitefish coloured dress (very pretty). Well the fames of this couple have made all sorts of notes of love and affection to the couple and their newly awaited arrival but then you see the Haters have latched on to the fans post and added their own "flavour” to the notes. As you expected it is all gushy about how lovely the woman looks and how she is properly pregnant - not like Sophie (of course they dill in their hateful “nicknames” for her). Look she is touching her bump! That’s what all pregnant women do on the red carpet! That proves SH wasn’t pregnant, doesn’t it?! They make sure they are effusive with their praise of the woman in while - she’s beautiful! She glows!!! She is such a wonderful gal and she and her husband are sooooo lucky!! Not at all like you know who!!!! Bleck! Butter would melt in their mouths they lay it on so thick!
And it isn’t sincere - it’s all done because it is a backhanded way to insult, delegate and throw hate towards SH. I have never seen any of them mention or praise this actress(?) before. Her name hasn’t darkened their dash. But now - wow! She is the paragon of motherhood! And it is a nifty way for the haters to slip themselves into a huge thread of fans and like a vein of mold spread their hateful message. It’s insidious and underhanded - but that describes the Haters exactly, IMO.
They done that before too. All the loving praise of Olivia Poulet. All the fawning of her (only after Sophie showed up). Not done with any genuine admiration - just a knee-jerk reaction to demonstrate that their hate isn’t for anyone else than SH because she is soooooo EVIL and out to destroy BC! Bullshit, of course but there it is.
And lastly I saw the reaction of Gator to a bit of hate mail that she received herself. Someone thought that it would be clever to throw back some of the same language that Gator used but turn it around back to her. Gator was talking about giving Sophie the rope to hang herself and of course she added “metaphorically” speaking at the end. The respondent reply in kind but didn’t use it in a metaphorical sense. Bad, bad, bad choice! And I really can’t stand when people do that. First it is uncalled for to stoop to the depth of the Swamp brigade. Let them be the scum that talk like that. Always - always take the high ground and stay away from personal threats - even in retort. Really disapprove of that kind of behaviour with the usually sane group.
But it is interesting, after receiving that post, Gator posted this submit :
“It takes a special kind of a “person” to wish someone death (suicide or homicide or natural), disease, accident or any other bad thing for any possible reason. It takes a very damaged insight on life itself. It is very bold in the aspect that something so vitious is going to find its way back to the person who wished it in one form or another. Karma is always a bitch when it comes to these things. These are things you simply don’t do; not even to an enemy and most certainly not to a person who happens to have a different opinion on a fricking celebrity. However I bet the poster felt very brave at the moment of posting. Another time they should also write their full name under ill wish like that. At least own it if you think it is appropriate.”
Of course it was posted anonymously! And Gator seemed to be in full agreement with these sentiments. That really made me laugh (not the said “threat” but the morally centred response. Her memory apparently is like a sieve. Gator has “forgotten” about all the times she has called for SH to be jailed, arrested, publicly shamed, abandoned, wished that she overdosed, ruined into poverty and yes, even agreed with someone who wanted her dead! But to Gator that sort of talk doesn’t qualify as being any sort of “bad” thing. Wow!
I did find one truly smart reply - from “Youaresuchadumbhater” : “Yes, it is terrible when people wish for bad things to happen to other people. So, what should happen to ” the bitches who were wishing last week that a pregnant woman overdosed on drugs?“ What does Karma have in store for those turds?”
And that is such a good point because the link is directly to a post last week made by Gator herself in answer to an ask… “She is about as useful to him as poison ivy as toilet paper. She is nothing but a liability. A liability who is in danger of DYING OF A DRUG OVERDOSE and leaving Benedict with an even bigger mess on his hands.”
Sounds like Gator has lots wishing of bad things in store for another person (SH) and hasn’t thought about the Karma at all!
“Matthew 7:3 - Why do you look at the speck in your brother’s eye, but fail to notice the beam in your own eye?”
But to tell you the truth if Gator (and her ilk) ever did pluck out the “plank” in their eyes I wouldn’t doubt that their heads might be in danger of caving in. There doesn’t seem to be too much in their noggins EXCEPT the hatred for a woman they have never met and has done them NO HARM at all.
As always keep me Anon. Thanks.
Excellent post, Nonny. I agree with you 100%.
I really am especially floored by that post Gator made about the anon hate she got. Yes yes yes, people should NOT do that because it’s simply stooping to their level, which is never a smart thing. But it did expose what a self-righteous hypocrite suffering from extreme cognitive dissonance she is. She has absolutely zero right to play the victim after everything she’s said about Sophie since late 2014. Her motto in life does definitely seem to be “do as I say and not as I do.”
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