#why cruise with Viking
10 Reasons to Take a Viking River Cruise
10 Reasons to take a Viking River boat cruise on a longship include luxury, excellent service, local guides, and much more! I could go on and on. After taking three Viking River boat cruises, here are my top ten reasons why I have booked yet another riverboat cruise with them. Let’s start with the list, then get down to the fun stuff. Luxury accommodations Excellent customer service Attention…
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basilone · 3 months
I was tagged by @onehelluvamarine, ty! 💚
A band you don’t like that many others do:
Coldplay. I am absolutely mesmerized by how popular they are, because every single song of theirs I’ve ever heard gets on my last nerve.
A childhood memory that you remember vividly:
I used to do ballet and got to perform in a huge theatre once. I remember hanging out backstage, watching the older dancers, getting to see what the lighting crew was doing… It was a brilliant time, though the hassle to get hair and make-up done had a lot of people yelling and losing the plot. (I learned how to do stage make-up myself when I was a lil older, partially because that’s how you roll in drama classes but also because of that experience hahaha!)
Least favorite animal and why:
Listen. Listen to me. We do not need lightbulb fish. We do not need them. We do not require their presence in our waters.
Hot fandom take:
Do you know how many hot takes can fit in me? It’s a lot. I’m going to go with two hot takes because it’s my party and y’all have never ever seen me post one to this blog before.
Numero uno: readerfic is not OC fic, OC fic is not readerfic. If you name your character, it’s an OC. Even if you write them in first or second person POV. If you write Y/N, it’s readerfic no matter how much backstory you try to chuck at it. Learn to tag it properly. A fic cannot have both the canon character/OC and canon character/reader tags. Please do my last remaining pieces of sanity a favor and don’t make me read Y/N with my own two eyeballs just because you mistagged your fic.
Numero two: smut belongs under the cut. I don’t make the rules. If you start your fic with smut of any kind, put it under a readmore. Especially do this if that smut contains highly specific kinks. Aside from the fact that there are minors on this website who’ve got no business being subjected to that, people should be given the choice whether they want to see that level of smut on their daily newspaper dashboard scrollthrough first thing in the morning.
Do you wear any jewelry, if so, what’s your favorite piece:
I do, though not all the time. One of my fave pieces is a small ring with an eight-pointed star that I wear on my pinky finger.
A movie others liked but you didn’t:
Titanic. I know it’s got many many many fans, but I was cheering that iceberg on.
Three things you love about yourself:
My creativity, my ability to switch gears and learn on the fly, and my hair that does whatever I want it to do.
A place you hope to visit in the future and why:
Dude, have you seen the state of the world lately? I think I’m just gonna hope to visit my bed later on today, much safer.
An actor that gets on your nerves and why:
I have Tom Cruise blacklisted on this hellsite for good reason. The good reason being that I think he’s batshit and that people should stop entertaining his presence in anything. I’m not drinking that cult juice, thanks.
Things you’re excited for in the nearby future?
My birthday’s coming up on Feb 9!
Least favorite ship in a fandom you’re in:
At the risk of getting utterly disowned by a good number of folks that follow me: Webgott. I have gone for an outing or two in this ship, if memory serves me correctly, and I think I understand why people like it. I love banter in a ship as much as the next person, and the push-pull of opposites can be fun. But I also think Lieb deserves a lot more than someone who’s fundamentally at odds with his life and his POV. I think that the discussion they have in that final ep is indicative of something so major that it is a dealbreaker in that ship. (Plus, Web is just… not my fave character. Putting this mildly.)
What’s the most toxic fandom you’ve been in?
Vikings. Hands down, no contest. Absolute toxic cesspool of lies, backstabbing, and badmouthing. There are a few very good reasons why I’m no longer on speaking terms with people I used to call friends (at least one of whom was also in our lovely little war fandom back in the day) and why I’ve all but given up on doing any new gifsets or writing in that fandom for the foreseeable future.
List three things you find beautiful about life:
I’m gonna all caps this like a particularly obnoxious internet citizen because !! important !!
Any dreams for the future?
I just want to live a life that’s good. I don’t really do future plans or dreams, it’s all vibes. I will know the move I need to make in the moment it needs making. Everything else is confetti.
How are you really feeling today?
Tired! (She says while about to embark on a screencap-to-gif journey. You might note the tiredness by the fact that I have completely lost my filter somewhere down the line of answering these questions, lol.)
lmao I feel like half this fandom got tagged already and I’m very shit at remembering usernames and who likes tagging games sooooo. uhm. ain’t tagging anybody today.
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mandylove1000 · 1 year
Ok so. These are my tattoos and I’ll give a reason why for them (if there is one)
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So the first one I got was the dream catcher (I know basic white girl shit) it’s kinda for my grandma on my moms side I never got to meet. She was always super interested in Native American culture and stuff so I kinda got it for her.
The second one is actually the quote right there. It’s from the first hunger games book and it’s when katniss sees herself for the first time after the glam squad. There’s just something about that quote that stuck with me.
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Tattoos 3&4 the word is wanderlust and then the globe with a flower(obviously doesn’t look like a flower😂) I love traveling so this was a no brainer for me honestly. Yes the colors are patchy af. I don’t think my skin likes colors or something 😂
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This is 5,6&7. 5 was honestly cause I wanted it. 6 is the name of a song weirdly enough. And 7 again just another phrase that I liked.
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8,9&10. 8 is ; self explanatory if you know.(it’s actually covered up but I am still counting it bc I can still see it😂) 9 is always keep fighting. It’s something Jared Padalecki says and has made shirts/hoodies for (I have 2) 10 is a wave. I absolutely love the ocean and my happy place is honestly on a cruise ship in the middle of the ocean.
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11…….can I act like this one doesn’t exist. No? Fuck ok. Soooooo this is a “matching” best friend tattoo. (If you need a sign to not get matching bestie tattoos HERES THE SIGN. DONT. FUCKING. DO. IT.) This is a matching one me and my now ex best friend got. It’s her hand writing the mermaid tail(well aware it doesn’t look like one) is her drawing as well. Her fave Disney movie she got the tangled lantern cause it’s my fave. Idk if the bitch still has hers I am honestly prob covering the tail part but keeping the word bc it can be a reminder of the time me and my family went to Hawaii. With that being said next.
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This is 12,13&14. 12&13 are both runes from shadowhunters. Love that show had to have them. The heart is a nod to another ex friend but I don’t really care about that one. I’ve always like little heart tattoos so yeah.
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This is 15,16,17,18,19. 15 a nod to Harry Potter and the flash(also just wanted it) 16 is actually the new ; which is shaped like planets and all that. 17 is my little Taurus symbol cause I am a Taurus. 18 is the Vikings V logo. One of my favorite shows and I needed it so badly. And last but not least 19 my arrow head for Arrow. Again another favorite show that I had to get it.
I will be adding more in a few days when I get my next 3. I’m honestly so freaking excited about it.
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Mad (March 2012)
(Start at Seth MacFarlane's house with Seth MacFarlane... unprepared for all those obscure references.)
Seth MacFarlane: Ah, cartoons. They made me a billionaire, but I insist on living in an old beat-up country home in the woods... across from a baseball field.
(Garfield arrives)
Garfield: You know, comics are cartoons too, Seth.
Seth MacFarlane: Garfield?
Garfield: In the olden days, comics used to be called the "funny pages," only read them in the newspaper, and they weren't really funny.
(A bunch of comic strip stars arrive.)
Seth MacFarlane: Wow! Look at those obscure references! I don't even know who half of you are!
Garfield: That's the point, Seth MacFarlane! You need to help Hollywood remember who we are! If you pitch them, they will come!
(Title card: Garfield of Dreams)
(Scene cuts to Seth and the comic stars in the baseball field.)
Seth MacFarlane: So why are you guys living on a baseball diamond?
Garfield: I don't know. The whole pitch analogy, baseball, showbiz, seemed like it worked.
Seth MacFarlane: And why me?
Dagwood: Because you're the only one who can get people to care about us again! People will watch anything you make! Seriously, anything.
Seth MacFarlane: I'll tell you what. We'll bring Hollywood here and show them how entertaining you all are.
(Doonesbury appears)
Doonesbury: Hooray!
Seth MacFarlane: Not you, Doonesbury! Uh, I said "entertaining."
Doonesbury: Awwww...
(Doonesbery returns to the cornfield and scene cuts to Seth and Steven)
Seth MacFarlane: Spielberg, have I got a pitch for you! A cat who hates Mondays!
Steven Spielberg: Ha! That's funnier than the alien who likes peanut butter candy! Count me in.
(Scene cuts to Will Smith)
Seth MacFarlane: Will, what do you say about a bald kid who can't kick a football?
Will Smith: If he's got no hair to whip back and forth, I'll adopt him right now.
(Will throws Jaden and Willow away and scene cuts to Drew Barrymore)
Seth MacFarlane: Drew, I've got a dog named Marmaduke, and he, uh... What does he do? (Opens comic book) Huh, doesn't make sense really. Pretty weird. He ate a kid in this one. Wow, oh, ok, I got it! He thinks he's people!
Drew Barrymore: That's genius! Where can I meet him?
Seth MacFarlane: On a baseball field... don't ask... in front of my house!
(Scene cuts to a party in the baseball field)
Garfield: Seth, this party is better than lasagna. Look how excited they all are.
Hägar the Horrible: Peter Jackson! I'm a big fan.
Peter Jackson: Thanks... Hay-gaar.
Hägar the Horrible: Eh, it's Hägar the Horrible.
Peter Jackson: Well, i Iike your look, Hägar. I might be able to do something with ya.
(Scene cuts to Hägar in Lord of the Rings)
Hägar the Horrible: One viking to rule them all!
Tom Cruise: What do you do, kid?
Dennis the Menace: I'm Dennis the Menace. I menace Mr. Wilson.
Tom Cruise: Hmm.. Do I hear Menace: Impossible?
(A scene from "Menace: Impossible" plays)
Loretta Lockhorn: Get it? We're the Lockhorns. The joke is we hate each other.
Brad Pitt: Like Mr. and Mrs. Smith!
Angelina Jolie: The sequel.
(The Lockhorns fight in the trailer for "Mr. & Mrs. Smith 2", scene zooms out to reveal the theater and the comic strips at the theater gasps)
Steven Spielberg: So, what do ya think?
Loretta Lockhorn: That was horrible!
All the Hollywood stars: What?
Dick Tracy: You tried to make us hip by pandering to your audience.
B.C.: We didn't need to be reinvented, just reintroduced.
The Wizard of Id: Hollywood ruins everything. GET THEM!!
(They all go berserk on all except Peter Jackson.)
(Will Smith kicks Charlie Brown)
(Marmaduke chases Seth)
Seth MacFarlane: (wakes up) Ahhh! Aw, Phew! it was just a dream! Well, that's why I say let the past stay where it is. Always come up something original. (Laughs) A annoying dad, a screwed up family, and a talking animal... No, alien... No, animal. (Laughs) Yep, original.
(segment ends)
Source: MAD Cartoon Network Wiki
(images via YouTube)
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goforlesstours · 10 days
Viking Cruises stands out as a trailblazer in the cruise industry, setting new standards of excellence and redefining the art of exploration. Voted #1 for River Cruises, Ocean Cruises, and Expedition Cruises by the discerning readers of Conde Nast Traveler, Viking has earned its reputation as a leader in luxury travel. But what exactly sets Viking apart from the rest? Let's delve into the distinctive features that make Viking Cruises truly exceptional.
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apollolewis · 7 months
Why go on a viking cruise when you cannot vik, it isn't a viking cruise if you can't raid, it's just a norse/Scandinavian longboat cruise
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jayhorsestar · 7 months
sunday october 2023, JMB shop floor, very crowded, ssly. E1. Hosk Elsa, sent to pay her shoppings at POS 15, chief cashier level, whilst POS 8, half, my watch less three meters, direct eyesignt, three ladies, very young, long legs, fully filled bosoms, syncing HELSA arrival, she was almost like on a catwalk, denim, leather boots, made for walking, one day on me (ad_literam those sort of leather fine and very expensive boots). she indeed looked old compared to those three RO ladies, and almost touched themselves, that perfectly the syncing worked, POS 15 and POS 8 releasing on delayed timer, so that ladies reached looks. said nothing to HELSA, looked into her eyes for a second, Stella Maxwell is basically telling the story. yet again a different CLASS. UK Gracie, SWE Elsa, SWE Stella, DE Kerr, all ladies a different CLASS. no match to Mr.Lavender, so to put (looking too tiny and puny by comparison - am not talking Banking accounts! am not talking Baccalaureate, or EUROPASS guidelines! just the looks!). or Vanilly Cantrall. or Dove. and Sofia and Pau fit right in between, better even than Syd, unless for green eyes. Milli Cantrall she definitely young at this very instant. HELSA dropped again during September, but i was not sure whom she were at that point in time, i used to know a younger Hosk Elsa, before the kids. when she was slim young and brave, and lots of sunshine down upon her face and eyes. at Kaufland parkway at least 2017. Elsa looked like my Andreea Petrescu (amipeterson) when she returned from first cruises, 2007 (Alaska and MX Acapulco). before going on fluffy (last of her contracts, shop manager on MIAMI FL cruises). F1. HU ladies trolling and trail on Hosk Elsa, confirming to me at half meter away of me, indeed i was not aware of SWE. so HU ladies were over-watching the scene, and passed by me, and used RO and told me i was not aware (of their MUVI). HU ladies of UK hubby. HU ladies trolling Cantrall, mebbe. and also HU ladies trolling Sydney Sweeney in laws, the young less than two years old, mebbe less one old, kids. Sydney wanting me to tell all HU ladies that if she eventually able reading online, it be not FOR FREE, she be sending out shopping family for lots of weekend shopping lately. technically put, correct. HU should rest re-assured, MDL was paying entry fee so to speak. they gathered and dropped by and shopped. three days in a row. indeed busy on G1. layers of Viking Pizza and vladuz overlay the Euroguard and Lis-Det. so another talking theme on weekend was JMB shop floor a meeting POT for both Lionesses and Lilly flower franc-mason wings (clubs). ITA 'mi mancava un cazzo, 'cara told 'circus, we marched on what we got. the march was important, i could be writing a novel onto how were the netiquette on FR Lavender himself and his parents, also. why relevant they dropped by today, when by Sept i found out Dove married him, six months ago. lots of nonesense, not relaying to PAU, eventually, so basically Dove even WHY inviting Miss Kerr to the wedding, the WHAT IF i so told them ladies. at 1st a bad idea, then a best idea, then again, poor idea. i know how Dove walks on me. and she married him. m
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heinstress · 8 months
So Myra Hindley put on a dark wig and drove Ian Brady to the mainline station. And while she stayed in the car, Ian Brady went cruising on the platform. Same night, Edward Evans was also getting dressed in his best. And his mother, who didn't know that he was a little bit inclined to the young men, wished him well as he slicked his hair and put on his winkle-pickers, and he went down to the mainline station. He waited for about an hour and he was beginning to think there wasn't going to be any trade that night. And then somebody came towards him wearing blue suede shoes, and it was Ian Brady, and he introduced himself, he said "Hi, my name's Ian, I saw you, uh, down at the Viking last week. Why don't you come back to my place and we can, uh, drink some German wine, I've got a car around the corner, my sister's there, she'll drive us back. It's only in Hyde, it's not too far. If it gets late, you can always stay the night."
Ian Brady and Myra Hindley
Very friendly
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*ranting to girl at the club about Moses Brown* and so this is why the Supreme Court decided incorrectly, in Viking River Cruises v. Moriana,
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ahmed-yasser88 · 1 year
Reasons behind why Egypt's popularity keeps rising among Tourists from west
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Egypt is Witnessing a growth as a tourist destination after the pandemic, along with enormous increase in flight booking and demand on holiday packages close to surpass 2019 figures, Given that, it is reasonable to claim that the country of North Africa is currently the most popular travel destinations.
After recovery, the demand for Egypt increasing regularly sine mid-2022, the country abandons the restrictions allowing tourists to enter whether vaccinated or not.
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Americans are in the front of this recovery, expecting that U.S arrivals will exceed 2019 level by 2024. Nile Cruises are the most demanding activity, Nile Cruises are among the activities that you can enjoy in Egypt, you can check out Egypt Tours they are offering variety of Travelling packages in which you can choose from what suits your interests, budget and how many days you want to spend
You can check Top Egypt Tour Packages to access a wide collection of travel packages, you can visit many historical places including Giza Pyramids, the great Sphinx you'll cover most of sightseeing tours in Egypt in addition to take attractive pictures of temples in Egypt if you're interested you can check out Egypt Classic Tours.
If you're willing to experience one of Egypt Nile Cruise Tours through the eternal Nile river and the main source of life for centuries, you can enjoy sunset scene while enjoying your dinner in a romantic ambiances. Furthermore, you can also add one of Egypt Day Tours to your traveling program, they are one day or half a day trip in Egypt as example if you want to visit Tutankhamun's tomb along with Queen Hatshepsut's tomb in Valley of kings and many historical places as Luxor is rich in antiquities you can check out Luxor day tours.
AmaWaterways stated that its initial Nile river tour only in 2022 shows extreme demand on Nile Cruises so they will launch a second ship in 2024, Another cruise line, Viking, has noticed a substantial increase in demand for Nile cruise reservations. According to Richard Marnell, the company's executive vice president of marketing, its "offerings" in the area are expanding in reaction to the successful restart of tourism.
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why do Westerners are attracted to Egypt
One of the oldest and most culturally significant countries is Egypt.It is most renowned for being the Land of the Pharaohs and boasting an infinite supply of wonders from the Ancient World. It is situated in North Africa, in the historic Maghreb region.
Its huge capital, Cairo, is a megalopolis noted for being the biggest city in all of Africa and a tourism powerhouse home to the iconic Egyptian Museum, where visitors may view some of King Tutankhamun's items and other treasure troves.
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When Someone mentioned Egypt, the first thing comes to mind is the pyramids of Giza, you can check Egypt Luxury Tours to Enjoy your stay on a luxurious Nile cruise while visiting the most significant historical monuments in Luxor and Aswan and taking in the sunset. Learn about Egyptian civilization and the well-kept secrets of Egyptian history. Appreciate the excellent level of service and mental tranquilly. if you are looking for something more affordable, Egypt Cheap Budget Tours to walk and discover the other cities and Cairo's renowned and magnificent Medieval alleyways. Learn more about Egypt tours, history, the legacies of the kings and queens who ruled the country during its golden age, and more.
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Beyond Cairo, Egypt houses five main ports and its coast extends along the Mediterranean and the Red Sea, Alexandria Shore Excursions the Mediterranean's pearl and the habitat of many historical palaces the Montazah Palace, one of the city's royal palaces and the location of several hotels geared towards tourists. Alexandria is regarded as on of the best Egypt Shore Excursions since it has a large number of beaches spread out throughout the city's districts and is divided into different sorts to meet all forms of tourism in Egypt.
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kingjain · 1 year
Viking Cruises Viking Jupiter Hawaiian Shirt For Men And Women
If you're looking for a new and exciting way to enjoy a summer day, why not check out Viking Cruises? We offer Viking Jupiter shirts for men and women that are perfect for a day spent sunbathing, swimming in the sunset, or simply relaxing in a beautiful location. Whether you're in the mood for a different kind of sunbathe or just want to relax in a
Get it here : Viking Cruises Viking Jupiter Hawaiian Shirt For Men And Women
Home Page : tshirtslowprice.com
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the-firebird69 · 1 year
The issue with our son's credit card has and the fight up north to get it out of there and the way that got it here was kind of a trick but not and it worked and we were talking about too much we we used off we came a little easier and it may not work the second time as easily but this is the point all sorts of people are picking up on the fact that these jerks are doing it to them especially the leaders they figured out that it's not as much John remillard and company as it is the clones as a matter of fact that kind of delivered the card to him well he tried screwing around with it but that's kind of what they do with a lot of people and we usually help out or they get it themselves or a mix and he's a leader and he's been requesting more protection ordering it too and we're moving it in and we do see why he can't be doing this himself because he could be just using power and it would skew the whole scale and we wouldn't be able to see what it really is so we got to start doing a lot of stuff now for real but the credit card or bank card or what have you it's like contracts for rental and his contract for rental is a problem too and that's coming out as well and Tommy f is doing it on purpose to try and force the clothes to take the ships it sounds like they don't want to and our son kind of gets why it's because the design was forced and the three guys are smart and they say it too cuz we don't know if we're walking into a trap or not and usually they're smiling and stuff and it's a little bit longer of a run to get to the final answer and you're always very smug and you get snagged in it and we see you getting snagged in the Bronx too they're aware of this stuff you're doing they see attorney and he says they've been using the system it's the max for a long time and I'm still trying to use it and there's only a few can really counter it and they got a little afraid then they say mac has been known to sabotage designs in order to fix them or to have people take time to fix them now they're getting paranoid but it's true but the point is that the contracts are like the bank card and everybody's noticing that the clones are messing with contracts they're taking the contracts and they're screwing around with people like they are our son not letting Sherry get here messing with Stan and most of it is closed they say not Max and at this time it is and it's really intense okay the Max is fighting and they're not winning every battle and they're having a tough time and it's tough when they're in close they're much more ornery than the morllock ever would dream of being and they're a pain in the neck.
It's a huge breakthrough and was selling tons of bikes motorcycles in particular ones. And they need them to escape to move fast to evade they're having a lot of trouble cuz they get caught they're in cars and you're stuck you can't go in there in traffic they all want this box like in a box and it is a lifesaver it's the most amazing thing they've ever seen and they can fit one mostly two in a trunk and they're going up to Tom Cruise and saying are you sponsoring and he says no he goes who are you well we're here in a special meeting I don't have to see you so he goes okay. So it's kind of weird but he wants to. It's a good idea I'll do. I brought the small wrestler guy one it's like a old Viking clan I thought it was awesome and you said how many did you bring about a bunch I said this is another thing with these things he said how many do you have and you can stack them in the boxes like five high and 300 long so it's 5 * 300 times like three like 4500 in one truck I bought 10 trucks or something so well that's not bad so it looked at me paid us for him so gave him the receipt and a full package for lunch purchase for a large purchase all the titles and he said I'll have to register him and we said we have temp registrations on all of them I just feel the name and he said no way and he called them all down so this company has it together and I want to sponsor him said I know you're preparing to wrestle me and you come into the show thing and people are doing like blasting confetti or whatever they do that when you come in and you see me when you turn around and you run to your. You go to the locker room you pull the box bike out and you drive out it's like a scooter or something so it will start laughing he started laughing he couldn't stop laughing and then he said this you're not really that big right now I said no it wouldn't be me right now maybe bill so he calls this is greater Bob is in shape but it's a commercial you know so he gets it and he says this is what it's like I'm going to do a commercial so you got to get on TV for crying love let's do it in like wherever your area is like Russia or something and he said this is what's funny on TV it's electric you look like it's going after the states they'll sell like madness and then these people buy and say it's not going to happen so I guess we're talking about a deal and so we haven't in the office
For the function is the rental agreement and now tons of people are fighting them and they're buying the chopper and they're buying electric bikes and they're buying tons of light cycles but mostly regular bikes and a huge number of them and thereby the recycled bike okay and Harley's but really the bikes that are selling the most is American motorcycle company and that is selling like madness okay even the Briggs & Stratton I can't keep up well that's not a great seller but yeah it is sound like madness and hard not kicker is sewing but not like American motorcycle company
Thor Freya
It's a huge deal I experienced these boots with my company. It goes up and down but really people's trying to do stuff. Mine was around when it's going down and I don't want to restart it and the factors are just sitting there
The factors are just sitting there everything is covered with dust and it have to be rehabbed some of the machines with some are okay and it dripped and rained on some and the bombs are some are rusted but they can be fixed and it's really kind of a crappy area but dizzy it's a huge factory and it's empty and people didn't take stuff no it's just sitting there and it's the weirdest thing. And people things have been keeping them away now it's just like nobody goes there to take them and they think everything is broken doesn't work so we are going to try and make a deal with Ken for him to produce American motorcycle company motorcycles. In the family come out and say it's his company to you think you won't remember it. He's thinking about it anything she wants to sit down and talk and see what kind of deal would be and his son-in-law says it's better than four free hamburgers. And he goes oh so he really wants to get in there and he sees his mom in the ring and she's stuck in there but she's wearing some Amazonian colors and the others are not really very much for outfits that match anything but she is.
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life-sport-travel · 1 year
Best New Cruise Ships of 2023 | The Best Cruises You Can Take This Year!
https://lifesporttravel.com/?p=1482 Best New Cruise Ships of 2023 | The Best Cruises You Can Take This Year! - https://lifesporttravel.com/?p=1482 If you are looking for a complete list of the best new cruise ships of 2023, look no further. In this video, we have our list of the new cruise ships debuting this year. Let us know in the comments which ships you plan to cruise on this year. Subscribe to the Eat Sleep Cruise YouTube Channel if you love to travel and cruise the world! https://www.youtube.com/c/EatSleepCruise1 If you enjoy the video, please make sure to give it a BIG THUMBS UP! New Cruise Ships 2023: 0:00 Introduction 1:10 Resilient Lady 3:19 Norwegian Viva 5:10 Carnival Jubilee 7:24 Celebrity Ascent 9:37 MSC Seascape 12:12 MSC World Europa 14:55 Carnival Venezia 17:32 Oceania Vista 20:21 Viking Saturn 23:05 Explora I 25:35 Icon of the Seas BEST NEW CRUISES 2023 In 2023, there are 10 brand new cruise ships setting sail that we are very excited to check out. Virgin Voyages will launch its 3rd ship in the fleet. Resilient Lady will be one of the best new cruise ships for 2023 when she debuts in May. The ship will sail the Mediterranean, Australia, and New Zealand. Resilient Lady will offer the same great dining, bars and lounges, and adults only vibe of her sister ships. Norwegian Viva will be the second ship in Norwegian’s Prima Class. This mega-ship will have its inaugural cruise in August 2023 offering Mediterranean cruises. This new cruise ship features a race track, Galaxy Pavilion virtual reality complex, freestyle dining, signature entertainment, and so much more. Carnival Jubilee is the third in the Excel Class of ships. This new ship will offer the same great casual dining, multiple pool areas, and family-friendly fun as Carnival Celebration and Carnival Mardi Gras. Plus, this new cruise ship will have some exclusive features of her own. Carnival Venezia is another ship that makes this list of best cruise 2023. This redesigned ship from the Costa Cruises fleet will sail from New York. The ship will offer Carnival FUN Italian style with unique dining and public spaces found nowhere else in the cruise line’s fleet. Yet another best cruise ship for 2023 is an addition to Celebrity Cruises Edge Class, Celebrity Ascent. This enhanced version will mirror its sister ship, Celebrity Beyond. With exquisite dining, first-rate entertainment, and upscale bars and lounges, we can’t wait to check out this ship. MSC Seascape set sail at the end of 2022. This ship boasts plenty of outdoor space, several specialty restaurants, and 5 signature productions in the main theater. Not to mention, there’s the thrilling Robotron overlooking the pool deck. It is easy to see why World Europa is the one of the best new cruise ship of 2023. This massive ship has a variety of onboard attractions, bars and lounges, new dining concepts, and lots to explore during 7-night Mediterranean cruises. This new MSC cruise ship certainly rivals megaships from other cruise lines. Oceania Vista makes its long await debuted in 2023. The ship features a brand new design with luxurious public spaces, contemporary dining options, chic bars and lounges, and other special touches that make Oceania one of the most popular in the small cruise ship market. Explora I, the new Explora Journeys ship, will offer several decks of top-notch dining, live music and enrichment, as well as a focus on health and well-being. This all inclusive cruise covers all onboard expenses, including alcoholic beverages, access to the thermal suite, WiFi, and gratuities. Viking’s 9th ocean ship, Viking Saturn, will begin sailing Northern European cruises this spring. This luxury cruise line includes a tour at every port, beer and wine at meals, free specialty dining, as well as several other amenities. Making this new cruise ship 2023 a must. While technically not sailing in 2023, Icon of the Seas also makes this list. This Royal Caribbean cruise ship will be the largest to date at over 250K gross tons when she debuts in January 2024. So, you better start planning this cruise now! LEARN MORE ABOUT THE BEST NEW CRUISES 2023 ON THE BLOG: https://eatsleepcruise.com/best-cruise-ships-2023 TRENDING VIDEOS FROM EAT SLEEP CRUISE: We Tested 9 Brand New Cruise Ships: Carnival Celebration Cruise Review: Wonder of the Seas Cruise Review: Top New Cruise Ships 2022: Make sure to SUBSCRIBE to our channel to get the latest cruise tips, cruise reviews, packing guides, port guides, travel tips, and more. Join us on Social Media as we “Sea the World, One Port at a Time.” Instagram: Facebook: Twitter: TikTok: Pinterest: Cruise Ship B-Roll Courtesy of the respective cruise lines. Royalty-Free Music Courtesy: #newcruiseships #bestcruiseships #bestcruises The new year brings several new cruise Ships from a variety of cruise lines There are also many ships that set sail In late 2022 so if you're thinking about A cruise vacation this year then this Video is for you as we have our list of The best new cruise ships you can Sail On in 2023 up next [Music] [Applause] Welcome aboard Cruisers I'm Don B from Eat sleep Cruise where we help you plan The perfect Cruise so you can see the World one port at a time and it's 2023 Which means there are a ton of brand new Cruise ships slated to be released this Year From some brand new designs to sister Ships we have our look at the best Cruise ships that you can Sail on in the New year Of course if we missed any of your picks For the best new cruise ships let us Know in the comment section below and Let's start our list with the third Vessel and a brand new Cruise Line Virgin voyages is Making Waves in the Cruise industry after the successful Launch of adults only Scarlet lady and Valiant lady the new Cruise Line plans To debut two additional ships resilient Lady will launch in 2023 followed Shortly after by brilliant lady in 2024 Resilient lady will embark on her Mermaid and Voyage on May 14 2023 on a Round-trip Greek Isles voyage During the summer season the ship will Sail two unique itineraries the Greek Island Glow and the Adriatic Sea in Greek gems resilient lady will then Depart on a 44-night repositioning Voyage Heading down under for a winter season In Australia and New Zealand Perhaps one of the most appealing Aspects of Virgin voyages is its All-inclusive nature Cruise fares Include all dining all gratuities Basic Wi-Fi and group fitness classes of Course the other big draw for many Cruisers is that there are no kids We've sailed both on Scarlet lady and Valiant lady twice now and we really Enjoy certain aspects of the Virgin Cruise experience We love the laid back Vibe including the Aflacay dock which features great Cocktails and small bites Also really enjoy the variety of dining Options for Mexican to Italian to an Upscale Steakhouse and a Korean barbecue There's so much diversity not to mention The food is hands down the best at sea Virgin voyages also features some of the Most unique cabins at Sea complete with A Terrace hammock That's right you can actually relax on Your balcony in a hammock why hasn't the Cruise industry thought of The Suitor Further if you're looking for something A bit different when it comes to Entertainment virgin voyages delivers The signature Productions found across All the ships include dual reality and Untitled dancehall party thing Both shows are very different but Equally entertaining If you follow along with our travels Then you know we've recently seen on Origin Cruise Line's newest Cruise Ship Norwegian Prima As ncl's first new class of ship in Nearly 10 years Norwegian Prima Succeeded in delivering a completely Fresh take on cruising and what's better Than one ship Well two ships Prima sister Ship Norwegian Viva is Debuting in 2023 Norwegian Viva will set Sail in August from Italy visiting ports Of call on the Mediterranean before Making her way to the United States Here she will sail the Caribbean from San Juan Puerto Rico Norwegian Viva will Feature many of the same amenities and Design Elements as Norwegian Prima Boasting upscale staterooms and public Venues the Prima class ships are Certainly more elegant than other ships In the NCL Fleet With ncl's signature freestyle approach To dining Crews have the option to dine In the newly transformed main dining Rooms one of the many specialty Restaurants Or the new indulged food Hall Personally we love the adult Food Hall Which shows up a variety of Quick Service options You'll also find new bars with signature Cocktails like the Belvedere bar and the Sustainable Metropolitan bar When it comes to onboard experiences There's no shortage of things to do on Norwegian Viva from the Viva Speedway And the drop slide for Thrill Seekers to The elevated mandera spa and thermal Suite for those looking to relax there's Something for everyone Perhaps the most stunning addition to The Prima class ships though is the Ocean Boulevard This decade Waterfront now offers double The space and a greater variety of Experiences and dining options The new Ocean Boulevard is 44 000 square Feet long and wraps around the entire Deck The area features several unique spaces Like The Concourse with a brilliant Outdoor sculpture garden and infinity Beach Infinity Beach features two infinity Pools designed to get guests closer to The Ocean than ever before America's favorite Cruise Line Carnival Cruise Line also has another new ship Debuting at the end of 2023 Carnival Jubilee will set sail from Galveston Texas For the first time in December of this Year If you can't wait that long to hop on Board Carnival celebration recently set Sail from the new terminal F in Miami Florida Both of these ships are sister ships to Carnival Mardi Gras Colonel Jubilee will sail the Western Caribbean visiting ports like Mahogany Bay Cozumel and Costa Maya As the newest ships in the Excel class Carnival Jubilee will share many of the Same features as our sisters Including the bolt roller coaster The cruise line is also hinted that the Ship will feature a few unique Experiences zones and signature venues Of her own We're thinking there'll be replacements For the 820 Biscay and the Gateway zones That are now on Carnival celebration When it comes to dining Carnival always Delivers with its Quick Service venues So you'll be sure to find Carnival Staples like Guys burger joint The Blue Iguana Cantina and Shaq's big Chicken Chibang Cucina Del Capitano guys pick an anchor Fernand55 Bonsai Sushi and Teppanyaki And Rudy seagrel will also return on Carnival Jubilee where there's food There's also drinks you don't have to go Far to find your favorite poolside Cocktail at the two-story Red Frog Tiki Bar There are also favorites like guys Pig And anchor Brew House Piano bar 88 The Havana Bar And heroes tribute Lounge additionally Adults will love the serenity Retreat Forward on Deck 18. while kids will love The ultimate playground complete with Mini golf Water slides and a Ropes Course For entertainment guests can enjoy Players Productions in both the main Theater and on Center Stage in the Three-story Atrium as well as the Signature Family Feud live game shows Not to mention the fun Squad hosts some Of the liveliest pool parties and Activities at sea If a fun ship doesn't really appeal to You then you'll love the luxurious Resort Vibes on Celebrity ascent As a fourth ship in Celebrity Cruises Edge class celebrity Ascent will debut In December 2023 as well As a newest sister to the beautiful Celebrity Beyond this vessel will Feature most of the same amenities Venues and experiences When celebrities sent debuts she will Sail the Caribbean from Fort Lauderdale For the winter season She'll then head to Europe in summer of 2024. While part of the Edge class celebrity Scent and summer Beyond have a few Unique features of their own as well as Elevated design and decor Perhaps the most stunning transformation Is the Sunset Bar This two-story space has been completely Reimagined With a Moroccan style Vibe comfy Furniture a new signature menu great Views and live music in the evenings Also new to celebrity ascent and Beyond It's a specialty restaurant lure voyage This restaurant created by Chef Daniel Belude is inspired by travel and Showcases global Cuisine With an intimate atmosphere and upscale Menu selections this venue is a great Addition to the Celebrity Cruises Fleet In terms of other bars and restaurants Frequent Celebrity Cruises will be happy To know that they can still find the Martini bar in the Grand Plaza Cafe albacio Fine cut Steakhouse Love petite chef and more The world-class bar and craft social Also make a return on this vessel Like all Edge class vessels celebrity Scent will feature four complementary Made dining rooms these dining rooms Offer a rotational menu as well as a few Exclusive dishes at each venue giving Cruisers plenty of options When it comes to entertainment celebrity Scent will surely include signature Productions in the main Theater Eden And the club just like her sister ships Add all the dining bars entertainment Options to some of the most luxurious State rooms at Sea celebrity scent is Certainly one of the best new cruise Ships for 2023 MSC Cruise's newest ship MSC Seascape Just debuted in Miami Florida at the end Of 2022. We were lucky enough to hop on a recent Caribbean sailing on the ship and you Should too MSC Seascape is the fourth ship in the Popular Seaside class of ships And the second Evo subclass This Evolution means that MSC Seascape Is larger offering more cabins an Expanded Yacht Club more outdoor spaces And a variety of dining and Entertainment options In keeping with MSC design there's Plenty of Glitz and glamor on Seascape The ship is adorned with metallic Finishes And Swarovski Crystal Stairs There's also the stunning Bridge of size A glass floored bridge over 70 feet Above the infinity pool which makes for A great photo op Further you'll find signature Italian Touches throughout the ship like Multiple gelato shops And espresso served at every bar Not to mention there's a venky chocolate Bar serving up amazing alcoholic and Non-alcoholic chocolate infused coffee And Cocktails although the only problem Is that it's not included in any of the MSC drink packages Msccape delivers on bringing guests Closer to the Sea offering a waterfront Promenade and the Beautiful infinity Pool The adults only space at the after the Ship offers great wake views further the Kids are sure to love The exquisitely themed jungle pool This pool has a retractable roof meaning It's a pool day no matter the weather Outside Of course there's also the marina pool Which has a more traditional Lido deck Vibe If you are a thrill seeker you'll love The VR attractions in the whole games And the signature Robotron this robotic Arm 170 feet above sea level delivers The Thrills of a roller coaster at Sea Set to your favorite music There's also expanded offerings for kids And teens including interactive game Shows And Partnerships with Brands like Lego Making MSC Seascape a worthy choice for All ages Msccape offers delicious specialty Dining options too from the butcher's Cut Steakhouse to the Casual Ola tacos To Kato Teppanyaki And the ocean key seafood restaurant There's Cuisine to suit all pallets not To mention there's even a sushi conveyor Belt a Cato sushi As the fastest growing brand MSC cruises Just debuted another new ship as well MSC World Europa this ship is a Company's most innovative And most environmentally Advanced ship Today it's the first ship in the world Class of ships its sister ship while America is scheduled to sail from the US In 2025. Currently World Europa is sailing from Dubai in Doha but the ship will head to The Mediterranean this summer Thus 2023 is a perfect time to test out This new ship With a variety of embarkation ports the Itineraries will visit popular ports in Spain Italy and France MSC World Europa is designed to elevate The crew's experience and compete with Mega ships from other Cruise Lines With features like the Venom Drop the New longest dry sided sea the largest Water park in the fleet bumper cars and Onboard microbrewery new restaurant Concepts And more balcony staterooms than any Other ship we can't wait to check it out Of course Cruisers will also find Familiar favorites like the butcher's Cut and Kato Teppanyaki especially Restaurants The ship has seven swimming pools and Expansive indoor Promenade with an Interactive LED Dome ceiling the Hall of Games and Sentra entertainment venues Like the Panorama Lounge The Coffee Emporium certainly has us Intrigue this venue offers a Customizable coffee experience along With Cafe seating indoors and Outdoors Not to mention it also serves espresso Martinis in the evenings For even more variety there's a new Tea House The Masters At Sea pub with craft beer The Gin project and The Elixir Mixology Bar There's also a zest juice bar and sweet Temptations for gelato and soft serve When it comes to dining options we're Happy to see more variety including the New Luna Park Pizza and burger There are also two new specialty dining Concepts Chef's Garden kitchen And LA pascadelia For entertainment World Europa features The multi-purpose Luna Park arena The world theater and the Panorama Lounge Across these venues guests can enjoy Concert style shows five new signature Productions and other themed experiences If you're looking for another European Cruise option MSC uribia A mervillia Plus Class ship Is also debuting in 2023 While not technically a new cruise ship For 2023 Casa Valencia will join the Carnival Cruise Line Fleet Sally from New York Beginning in June Carnival Valencia will Offer signature Carnival Fun Italian Style Blending the Carnival Cruise Line Experience the guests love with Exclusive Costa elements this ship will Bring something unique to the cruise Market Built in 2019 and set to undergo Enhancements before entering service Carnival Valencia will be home to many Of the activities and experiences guests Enjoy onboard other Carnival ships These include popular restaurants and Bars like piano bar 88 Heroes tribute Bar Onite 555 Steakhouse Bonsai Sushi and Teppanyaki Pizzeria Del Capitano And the Seafood Shack you guys can also Enjoy the Cloud9 Spa The surrounding adult only Retreat and Carnival Waterworks In guest board Carnival Valencia they Will be surrounded by Italian ocher Texture in the atrium which is Maul After venice's feign Piazza San Marco One of the main dining rooms will even Include a real-life Venetian gondola The ship's outdoor spaces feature Italian touches as well including a Lido Deck modeled after the Italian Riviera This pool features a retractable roof so It can still be enjoyed when in New York During colder months Some new touches include a new bar and Serenity featuring Spritz tomodaro with Mexican Italian Fusion creations Grilled Italian tree food And sandwiches at La Strada grill a new Specialty Italian restaurant And a variety of new bars with Italian Inspired cocktails and decor Further a carnival of the NCAA will Introduce new terrazza state rooms these Eight rooms are similar to The Havana State rooms on other ships They will offer exclusive access to Terrazza Carnaval an outdoor Terrace Deck This deck will also feature two Whirlpools and plenty of lounge space Further terrazza gas will also enjoy Additional perks like a lounge with Continental breakfast items Special CDA brunch and exclusive Sail Away event In addition some signature Carnival Venues will feature Italian Touches for Instance Java Blue Cafe will offer Gelato The menu at Guys burger joint will Include a pepperoni pizza burger and the Big Moz a burger smothered in melted Mozzarella cheese As the first ship and Oceana Cruises new Allora class Oceana Vista will debut in Spring of 2023. Sailing to iconic destinations including Rome Athens Istanbul Barcelona London And more this is certainly one of the Best new cruise ships for 2023 Following a transatlantic in September The ship will sail from Miami for the Winter 2023-24 season the visiting tropical Locales Oceana Vista is a 67 000 gross ton ship that carries 1200 gas Vista will Mark the seventh ship in the Oceana Fleet Meticulously designed to create a small Ship luxury Cruise experience Oceana Vista will feature a number of inviting Spaces restaurants bars and experiences A reimagined martinis bar an upscale and Tranquil pool deck A state of the art aquamar spa and Vitality Center A library exclusively styled and Ralph Lauren home and culinary Excellence Across 12 dining options can all be Found on board this new ship It starts with the grand dining room This venue is inspired by the early 20th Century Paris and features a globally Inspired menu including Jacques Pepin Classics Further Ember is a new addition to the Dye lineup this restaurant will feature An American menu with dishes like short Ribs crab cakes swordfish and more Aquamar kitchen offers healthier options Like press chooses smoothies power bowls And salmon to name a few Previous Oceana Cruises will be happy to Hear that Paulo Grill Toscana And red ginger can also be found on this New ship Not to mention there's also Baristas and The new nearby Bakery You won't go thirsty on Oceana Vista Either as the ship's debuting a new Mixology program inspired by the latest Cocktail Trends Cruisers can now Savor Low and no sugar wines and zero proof Cocktails There are also negroni's Asian wooden Barrels and Specialty beverage carts Like the bubbly bar and ultimate Bloody Mary bar Many of the restaurants will also Feature signature cocktails to pair with The menu offerings The staterooms 2 are an upgrade from Contemporary Cruise Lines They boast new standards for comfort and Luxury All Veranda cabins and new concierge Level Veranda staterooms just for solo Travelers Further the standard State rooms on Vista are the most spacious at Sea Measuring in at over 290 square feet If you enjoy exploring the world in Comfort the Viking Saturn's rank at the Top of your list for best cruise ships For 2023 The newest Viking ocean cruise ship will Debut in Spring of 2023. As a ninth ship in the ocean Fleet Viking Saturn is nearly identical to our Sister ships With just 930 passengers these 47.8 000 gross ton ships visit a variety of Destinations across the globe Vikings focus on the destination driven Itineraries that complement the Unparalleled service and inclusive Nature of the cruise line Thus Viking Saturn was pen or a maiden Season sailing northern Europe including New Nordic voyages visiting port in Iceland Greenland Norway and more Viking ocean ships boasts State-of-the-art technology and all Veranda staterooms On a viking Ocean Cruise you can also Enjoy a free tour in each Port of Call Wi-Fi Noah charges for specialty dining and Complimentary room service Additional occlusions are beer wine and Soft drink at meals specialty coffees And bottled water and access to the Thermal Suite Further Viking ocean ships offer several Dining options in our opinion it's some Of the best food at sea if you're Looking for a casual atmosphere the World Cafe offers buffet style meals Including a sushi and seafood bar with Indoor seating or Alfresco seating with The aquavit Terrace Guests can also enjoy Mansons or Gourmet Scandinavian Deli and afternoon tea in The Winter Garden For a more gourmet meal Viking Saturn Has a main dining room the restaurant Manfredi's Italian restaurant And a chef's table Here you can enjoy delicious Multi-chorus meals with upscale menu Selections that are all part of the Cruise Fair While you're not enjoying your ports of Call you can relax in a thermal Suite Which even features a snow Grotto Or you can admire the views from the Cantilevered infinity pool There's also a main pool with a Retractable roof meaning it's always a Pool day Perhaps you might choose to enjoy a Performance in the theater Or dance the night away at toys Haven You can also sip a drink in Good Company In the Explorer's Lounge while admiring The Scandinavian design or simply relax In tranquil Winter Garden If you're looking for some cultural Enrichment Viking features resident historians Guest lecturers and even destination Performances For even more luxurious Cruise options In 2023 MSC group is unveiling a brand New Cruise Line Explorer Journeys the First of six ships for this new Cruise Line Explorer one will set sail in July The ship's maiden voyage will be a 15-night cruise from Southampton England To Northern Europe and the Arctic Circle Explorer one will also make her debut in The Caribbean this fall The 64 000 gross ton all-sweet ship will Emulate Boutique Hotel vibes The ship will feature a variety Stateroom options ranging from the Ocean Terrace category at 377 square feet All the way to the owner's residence Measuring at 3 000 14 square feet each With its own private Terrace It will also boast four heated pools a Variety of restaurants and bars And a plethora of Wellness offerings Explorer one will be home to six Distinct restaurants as well as ensuite Dining and 12 bars and lounges Anthology will offer global Cuisine with Specialties from guest chefs unique wine Pairings and more Sakura will feature a Pan Asian Cuisine While marble and Company Grill is your European Steakhouse at sea And Phil Rouge is an intimate French Restaurant Further the med Yacht Club is Reminiscent of a Beachside Mediterranean Restaurant while the Emporium Marketplace is your go-to for all-day Dining Selections here will include sushi Made to order a pasta pizzas Charcuterie and more there's also the Impressive Chef's Kitchen experience Bars will range from social lounges to Malt Whiskey Bar to a European Cafe To pool bars Explorer Journeys offers Unlimited beverages Fine Wines and premium Spirits including Ensuite mini bar specialty coffees teas And soft drinks available anytime Explorer 1 will also feature over ten Thousand square feet of space devote to Health and Wellness This includes a luxurious Spa thermal Suite Fitness facilities and Outdoor Sports Court and a running track When it comes to enrichment Entertainment music's at the Forefront With resident artists There will also be cultural and Destination focused talks Tastings and classes and a whole lot More further the exclusive Journeys Provide unlimited beverages access to The thermal Suite gratuities and Wi-Fi [Music] And finally we save this Royal Caribbean Ship for last since icon of the Seas Won't technically set sail until January Of 2024. At least according to the current Schedule Still this completely new and Innovative Class of ship for the brand deserves a Little attention this year too after all If you plan to sail on one of the Initial icon and C voyages you better Start planning now This once again game-changing vessel Will deliver iconic family vacations Weighing in at over 250 000 gross tons Icon of the Seas will feature 20 total Decks 2 805 State rooms seven pools nine Whirlpools and six record-breaking water Slides this means that icon the Seas Will be the largest cruise ship to date Royal Caribbean icon the Seas will sail Year round seven night Eastern and Western Caribbean vacations from Miami Further every Cruise will visit perfect Day at CoCo K in the Bahamas Icon the Seas will feature eight Neighborhoods Thrill Island will be home to category 6. the largest water park at Sea with Six record-breaking sides They include some of the longest tallest And fastest slides in the world This neighborhood will also feature the Crown's Edge Part Skywalk part ropes course and part Thrill Ride Along With The Lost Dunes Mini golf Adventure Peak Rock Climbing Wall And a Flow Rider The new chill island is a three-deck Slice of paradise with multiple zones And experiences Featuring four pools there's a pool for Every mood each with prime ocean views Bringing guests closer to the water The vibrant swim and tonic is aligned For a swim up bar at Sea with a large Pool and resting spots within the pool While the Royal Bay pool is the largest Pulled sea with over 40 000 gallons of Water In water loungers and raised whirlpools The new Surfside neighborhood is Specifically designed for families in This neighborhood Grumps can soak up the Endless views at Water's Edge pool while The little ones enjoy Splashway Bay and Baby bay Further there are nearby dining options A bar a reimagined Carousel and an Arcade There's also the Hideaway with the first Suspended infinity pool at Sea the Multi-use Aquadome and an even grander Royal Promenade As well as the largest and boldest Ice Arena today absolute zero Further guests can still enjoy Central Park The largest Suite neighborhood in the Fleet 28 different statement categories and a Plethora of restaurants and bars now if You can't wait for some of these cruise Ships to debut in 2023 then you should Check out our video detailing our picks For the best cruise ships of 2022. now Last year the wife and I sell a nine of The newest Mega ships to debut and in That video we give you our honest take Comparing all these ships on categories Such as best state rooms best pizza at Sea and best entertainment that way we Can help you decide which of the best Cruise ships from 2022 is right for your Next Cruise vacation Mike Izzo https://lifesporttravel.com/?p=1482
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wgytravel · 1 year
The 50 Best Places to Travel in 2023
With much of the world reopened, 2023 is shaping up to be the year travel officially bounces back. We made our list of the 50 best destinations for 2023 a little differently this year: We asked Travel + Leisure’s editors where they want to go in the months ahead. Some are raring to get back to Japan, while others have the Trans-Bhutan Trail on their lists. Still more are planning a sail around Greenland, a wine-tasting trip on California’s central coast, and a visit to France’s next big wine region (which is, as it happens, tiny).
A few up-and-coming culinary destinations made our list, as did a remarkable piece of art, the size and scale of which boggles the imagination. While many of the team’s picks are remote, breathe-in-that-fresh-air kinds of places, our list doesn’t skimp on cities where the hustle and bustle is part of the fun.
But with so many choices now back on the map, there are as many styles of trips as there are places to explore. That’s why, for the first time in recent memory, we’ve broken our list of best places to go into categories.
The hope is that, whatever it is you’re after in the year ahead, you’ll find it in one of these 50 places. And who knows? We may just see you there.
For Cultural Riches Alexandria, Virginia
With postcard-perfect cobblestone streets and quick access to the wineries of northern Virginia, Alexandria is an easy city to love. But these days, the reason to go is to see how effectively the city is confronting its own history, as destinations across the American South grapple with the legacy of the Confederacy. Alexandria, which was founded as a tobacco port in 1749, was for decades of the 19th century the site of the country’s largest domestic slave trade. Today, the Freedom House Museum has three new exhibitions honoring the people who were forcibly brought here. Meanwhile, the African American Heritage Trail, which opened in 2020, follows the Potomac River and encompasses nearly 200 years of history at 11 stops, such as the Torpedo Factory, where many Black men and women worked during World War II. An extension of the route will debut in February 2023 with 20 new stops, including Waterfront Park, the port from which enslaved people were trafficked to places like New Orleans. At Jones Point Park, visitors can learn about Benjamin Banneker, an inventor, mathematician, and free African American from Maryland who was instrumental in the 1791 surveying team that determined the border of the new U.S. capital of Washington, D.C. (For an even deeper look at the city’s Black experience, book with Manumission Tours, which is run by a fourth-generation Alexandrian.) The city’s most elegant stay is Morrison House Old Town Alexandria, Autograph Collection, which was recently voted one of the best city hotels in the continental U.S. in T+L’s 2022 World’s Best Awards. A new Hotel AKA is slated to open in Old Town in winter 2023
Cairo and the Nile
It’s almost here: After more than a decade of construction — to say nothing of the hype — the Grand Egyptian Museum may finally open, just a stone’s throw from the Great Pyramids of Giza, this spring. What to expect? More than 1 million square feet of exhibition space, treasures including a 40-foot-high statue of Ramses II, outdoor gardens, and an expansive plaza from which visitors can take in the desert surroundings. Meanwhile, a number of new and luxurious ships have started sailing the Nile: Among the best choices are the Viking Osiris, an all-veranda vessel carrying 82 passengers, and the opulent Sphinx from Uniworld Boutique River Cruises, which has 42 cabins swathed in marble and hand-carved wood, with beds dressed in fine Egyptian cotton sheets. The hotel scene is also, thankfully, getting a refresh with a new Mandarin Oriental slated for downtown Cairo in 2024; the forthcoming 200-room Four Seasons Hotel Luxor is scheduled to debut in 2025 — not that you should wait that long to see the ancient Valley of the Kings
City,” Nevada
Even in a state known for its vast, empty landscapes, Basin and Range National Monument, about a two-hour drive north of Las Vegas, takes “remote” to a new level. The 704,000-acre preserve, created in 2015, provides endless opportunities for hiking, climbing, camping, and cycling; its desert valleys and mountain ranges are also dotted with Indigenous rock art sites. But the reason to go now is “City,” the single largest contemporary artwork in the world, which opened to visitors in September 2022. Made from dirt, rock, and concrete, the monumental open-air sculpture was more than 50 years in the making, a collection of mounds, depressions, and stelae conceived by the artist Michael Heizer. The endeavor — which was made possible by joint contributions from art institutions around the country, including LACMA and MoMA — will open to the public for the 2023 season by reservation only. The mile-and-a-half-long sculpture feels at once ancient and futuristic, a destination just as awe-inspiring as the natural one surrounding it
Read Full Blog About Best Places to Travel in 2023 please visit our website now: https://www.wgytravel.com/
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messysuitcaseblog · 2 years
Scandinavian Tour, Part 1: Trying Something New
We love to travel, but planning a trip can be really labor- and time-intensive. Bob has great ideas for places to go and things to do, but no patience for all those logistical details, so the work falls on my shoulders. Sometimes, when I have been poring over AirBnBs and hotel options, comparing flight prices, and looking at rental cars vs. trains, I find myself feeling overwhelmed by all the choices and resentful that it’s keeping me from enjoying the place I am actually in. I have often thought how nice it would be to let someone else do the planning for once! So Bob and I decided to try an organized tour for the first time and see if we liked it.
We knew we wanted to travel in the fall, at the end of our time in Vermont, and before settling into our new home in Puerto Rico. We knew we had to work around our oldest child Aryk’s schedule, because they were just finishing their work for their Master’s degree from Bath Spa University and we wanted to give them the gift of a trip together to celebrate all their hard work. We knew we wanted to see my brother Pat and his family, who live in Germany and whom we haven’t seen since pre-COVID. So that meant the destination was likely northern Europe, and the dates available were mid-September to mid-October.
We decided to start in northern Europe and work our way south as the fall season progressed, in order to enjoy the best weather. I don’t know why we chose Scandinavia for the first ten days, when Bob and I would be traveling alone before meeting up with family for the second half of the vacation. But a company called Tour Radar, offered a reasonably-priced tour of four countries on the perfect dates for our schedule. (We love traveling, but we’re not rich!) Bob found a 10-day tour of Scandinavia that included breakfasts but no other meals, an option we preferred because sometimes we like to share meals, or just have ice cream for lunch, or try street food while exploring a town. The cost was $1600 apiece.
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The tour looked pretty whirlwind, so we decided to treat it as a “taste” of Scandinavia, with the idea of going back and spending more time in any places we found particularly appealing. It included travel by bus in a clockwise circle around Denmark, Norway, Sweden and Finland, by way of buses, a funicular, several water crossings, a fjord cruise, and even an overnight ferry.
The tour was actually conducted by Europamundo, a company of the JTB group, the largest company of tourism and travel in Asia.
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This was the itinerary, lifted directly from the provided literature, with some edits for brevity or clarification:
Day 1. Copenhagen (Denmark) 
Arrival and free-time exploration of Copenhagen.   
Day 2. Copenhagen, Odense, Aarhus (Denmark)
Bus tour of the Danish capital with a local guide. Travel to Jutland, passing through pleasant scenery on our way. En route we take a 20km bridge over the sea and stop at Odense, where we can visit its gothic cathedral and the house where Hans Christian Andersen grew up. We continue on to Aarhus and our accommodation.
Day 3. Aarhus (Denmark), Ferry to Norway, Kristiansand , Kristiansand , Stavanger (Norway)
We travel to the coastal city of Hirtshals, where we take a 3-hour ferry crossing the North Sea to Kristiansand (Norway). We will continue along Norway’s southern coastline and enjoy its stunning landscapes. Next stop in Flekkefjord, a town with its wooden houses and tiny restaurants on a fjord. Arrival to Stavanger, a small picturesque town that has an active port by the fjord. 
Day 4. Stavanger, Bergen (Norway)
Upon leaving the city, we will stop at the ‘Swords in Rock’ monument, where we will be reminded of the Vikings, before continuing the very beautiful scenic tour. We follow the route going through tunnels, bridges and travel some stretches by boat to go along the fjord coast of Norway. One of its undersea tunnels is the deepest one in the world. This stage gets more relaxed and spectacular with its two boat trips. We will arrive in BERGEN at lunch time. We take a funicular trip to Mount Fløyen which offers amazing views of the town and Bergen fjord. There will be some leisure time later to enjoy the capital city of fjords.
Day 5. Bergen, Oslo (Norway)
 More fantastic landscapes today, images of Norway’s interior region fjords, glaciers, lakes and forests. We will travel to Sognefjord, Norway’s largest fjord. Prior to arrival, we will stop at the beautiful Tvindefossen waterfall. We will take a magnificent cruise through a fjord between the cities of Gudvangen and Flam, and enjoy stunning landscapes and views of glaciers during this two-hour voyage. We continue our journey crossing magnificent snow-covered landscapes. We travel through Lærdal Tunnel, one of the longest in the world. Next, a visit to Borgund’s 12th-century wooden church which is considered Norway’s best-preserved medieval church. We arrive in Oslo with free time to check out its port, main streets, and the artworks at Frognerparken. 
Day 6. Oslo (Norway), Orebro, Estocolmo, Stockholm (Sweden)
We include a sightseeing tour with a local guide of the Norwegian capital; this city combines its vibrant modern architecture with its classical buildings, magnificent scenery and large parks with sculptures. It has been nominated the "European green capital". After the tour, if you want you can visit the Vikings museum. Departure for Sweden. Enjoy landscapes with forests and lakes. Next stop in Orebro, a town next to a beautiful lake with a castle and charming historic center. Time for stroll and to take lunch. Continuing to Stockholm, arriving in the evening.
Day 7. Stockholm, Estocolmo  (Sweden)
Today we take a panoramic tour of this very beautiful capital city built on 13 islands joined together. We will see the Gamla Stand or the “City between the Bridges”, the old quarter of the city, full of life where there are many monumental buildings such as the Nobel Museum, alongside the main square of Stortorget, which pays tribute to the winners of the Nobel Prizes, the Cathedral, and the Royal Palace. Whenever possible, we will enjoy a pretty view from the Fjällgatan viewpoint. Then leisure time. We recommend visiting the museums and parks. Optionally, we suggest a visit to the City Hall and to the Vasa Museum.
Day 8. Stockholm, Estocolmo (Sweden), Ferry Estocolmo, Turku (Helsinki) 
Enjoy a free day of leisure in Stockholm. In the evening we will board a modern ferry traveling overnight to Finland, where accommodation will be in double cabins with private bathrooms. 
Day 9. Ferry Estocolmo (Sweden to Finland), Turku , Naantali, Helsinki  (Finland)
As we arrive to Finland, we recommend that you go to the ship’s deck for sunrise, enjoy mesmerizing landscapes from the sea as we sail along Aland Islands, hundreds of islands covered by forests. We disembark the ferry and have time to walk around Turku, a city with a very strong Swedish influence. We continue our journey to the neighboring city of Naantali, a very picturesque town with wooden houses next to the sea. We travel on until we arrive in Helsinki, reaching at lunchtime. In the afternoon enjoy leisure time, you will be able to explore the city, with its old market, buildings with Russian influence, and churches.
Day 10. Helsinki (Finland)
We enjoy a boat trip to Suomenlinna Islands, a group of islands where we can witness a great fortress that used to protect the sea entry to the city, it has been declared World Heritage Site. Take time to walk around, it is possible to cross the islands through small pedestrian bridges. Free time during the afternoon.
We were excited! We scheduled a couple of nights in Copenhagen at the beginning of the tour, packed our KF-94 masks, found house sitters to live with the cat, and set out on Sept. 18 from Boston Logan for a new kind of traveling adventure.
Next up … Scandinavian Tour, Part 2: Exploring Copenhagen
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globalteachonline · 2 years
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