#why dont they just let the students pick their own uniform color
bridgyrose · 9 months
Good evening Bridgy. Got a oneshot for you to consider, if it should please you: Basically a fusion of the transfer student and whiterose penpal au's. I think it could be a cute fluffy oneshot, but as always it's up to you. Please have a nice day and such.
(I hope this suffices)
Weiss read the letter from her penpal, fingers tapping against the paper. It had been months since she had heard from Ruby, their last letter having been after she started going to Beacon. Though, she understood why it took so long for Ruby to respond. Between her own classes, training missions, and failing to lead her correctly, she was sure Ruby had been busy with much of the same. Still, she seemed to relax a bit as she read that Ruby was okay and the smell of strawberry cookies seemed to waft from the letter itself, a smell that Weiss learned to enjoy. 
“Miss Schnee, the headmaster is ready to see you,” the office secretary said. 
Weiss gently folded up the letter and stuck it in her uniform pocket, taking a deep breath as she walked into the General’s office. Her heart thumped in her chest as she stepped inside, her voice cracking as she made a small curtsey to him. “Thank you for talking to me about this.” 
Ironwood nodded and motioned to a seat in front of his desk. “You want to transfer to Beacon? You seem to be doing well in your classes here, you passed the entrance exam with flying colors, and your sister gave you a glowing recommendation to come here. Why would you want to leave?” 
“Atlas, wasnt exactly my first choice, and… I feel like I’ll have a better chance to improve at Beacon,” Weiss answered, sitting down as she dug through her backpack for her transfer paperwork. “And while I’m thankful that Winter gave a recommendation for me to come here, I want to take a different path of huntressing than she did.” 
“And by that you mean…” 
“I dont want to be a specialist in the Atlas military and would like to branch out and see other kingdoms.” 
Ironwood seemed to pause at the idea, taking the paperwork to look it over. “And you’re sure this is what you want to do?” 
Weiss nodded. “I am.” 
“Then I’ll see what I can do. Until then, you’re dismissed to your dorm.” 
Weiss gave a quiet thanks as she stood up and walked out of the office, making her way back to her dorm. Each step she took as quiet and slow as she looked down the empty hallways. Part of her was going to miss Atlas, but if it meant getting away from her father, then nowhere was too far. She stopped just in front of her dorm door, listening in to make sure her team was out before walking in and packing up her things. Though, as she picked up a picture of her team, she gently thumbed over the frame. 
“What are you packing for?” 
Weiss turned around to see one of her teammates walking into the dorm, slowly putting the picture back into her bag. “I’m… transferring out.” 
“I see. The Schnee didnt have what it took to be a huntress then.” 
“That’s not it at all, Violet.” Weiss closed her bag and stood up, folding up her sheets. “I told my father I would only be here for a year, and that year has gone.” 
Violet rolled her eyes. “Sure, that’s it. Nothing to do with losing your partner, right?” 
Weiss huffed as she listened to Violet leave the room, her heart breaking as she thought about the partner she had lost months ago. It wasnt her fault the training mission went wrong, the reports didnt tell them about the grimm in the mine. Or about how many grimm were in the area. Though, none of that mattered. All that mattered was that she let a teammate die, and that left a mark that would never go away. 
The next few weeks passed as the semester break came to an end, and Weiss watched out the airship window as she waited to arrive at Beacon. She tapped her foot against the floor of the cabin and held her letter from Ruby next to her chest, still not having told Ruby that she was transferring to Beacon. Not that she expected to end up on her team, but the thought had crossed her mind. Her heart started to pound hard in her chest as she imagined what Ruby was really like, only having seen a picture of her from Signal a couple years back. 
“We’re almost to Vale, Miss Schnee,” the pilot said over the intercom. “And then we’ll be arriving at Beacon shortly after.” 
Weiss nodded and folded up Ruby’s letter, putting it in jacket pocket and watched the city of Vale pass by underneath. She took a deep breath as she tried to calm herself and composed herself as she made sure her things were ready to be taken off the airship. Dust bag, clothes, hair care and makeup, all nearby and ready to be loaded onto her trolley to take to whatever dorm room she was given. She didnt care if it meant starting over as a first year again, or even ending up going through initiation, she was ready for a change of pace from Atlas. 
The airship landed after another half hour, and Weiss started to load up her trolley with her bags, smiling a bit as she saw Professor Goodwitch make her way to the landing pad. “I wasnt expecting a welcome.” 
“Normally we dont do this, but since you are a transfer in the middle of the year, I wanted to make sure you knew where to go.” Goodwitch handed over a packet of papers. “This will be your dorm assignment, your class itinerary, a few documents to read over and sign as a transfer student to make sure we can accommodate correctly if you have any restrictions, and a map of the campus. If you’re ready, I can show you where your dorm is.” 
“Thank you, that would be great.” Weiss finished loading up her trolley and followed Goodwitch through the halls of Beacon, taking in everything about the school. It was much more different than she expected from Atlas, giving more of a castle of the old kingdoms feel instead of the military base that Atlas offered. Though, it did seem harder to navigate. The dorms, while separated from the classrooms like they were in Atlas, didnt seem to have much rhyme or reason to which students were in which dorms, different teams from different years all in the same dorm halls. As well, classrooms were separated off by year instead of department, while easier to navigate between classes, made things a bit harder to navigate at the beginning and the end of the day. 
“And this will be your dorm.” Goodwitch pressed her scroll against a pad next to the door, letting it unlock and open. “You’ll be joining MIss Rose, Miss Belladonna, and Miss Xiao Long. Though, from the looks of it, they may be out for lunch, so you have a bit of time to settle before they come around. Make sure you fill out the rest of those papers and submit them to the headmaster no later than tomorrow morning.” 
Weiss gave a small nod and moved her trolley into the dorm, ready to unpack, freezing once she saw the beds. Instead of the bunks she was used to at Atlas, she instead saw four beds haphazardly set up to be bunk beds, clearly not set up by administration by the ropes and books that kept everything steady. The room was also far smaller than what she was used to, not a lot of closet space with the beds taking up a majority of the room. Still, she started to unpack her dust, stashing it under the empty bed and hanging up her dresses in the empty space in the closet. 
“Our new teammate is supposed to be here by now,” a younger voice said outside the dorm. “We should meet her.” 
“Alright, but then we need to get to Vale if you want to get that scope you’ve been looking for.” 
“It’ll be fine, we’ll have time.” 
Weiss paused for a moment as she listened to the door open, turning her head to see her teammates standing outside the room. She stood up to introduce herself, pausing when she saw a familiar face from one of her letters. “I-I’m Weiss. Weiss Schnee.” 
“I’m Yang, and this is Blake and Ruby,” Yang answered back as she pointed to Blake and Ruby respectively. 
Weiss slowly reached for her scroll and searched for the picture of Ruby she had saved before making her way to Beacon. A blush started to cross her cheeks as she looked between the picture and the girl in front of her. “R-Ruby Rose, right? The same one that’s part of the Remnant PenPal program?” 
Ruby nodded and climbed up to her bed, grabbing the wallet she kept under her pillow. “Yeah, how did you know?” 
“You and I write to each other.” 
Ruby paused for a moment, turning to look at Weiss. “Wait, you’re that Weiss? You’re supposed to be in Atlas!” 
“I was, but I transferred here.” Weiss looked away and started to focus on packing again. “But it sounds like you three are going to be busy, so I’ll finish packing-” 
“You could come to Vale with us,” Blake offered. “It’ll give us a bit of time to get to know you.” 
“I still have to unpack and then fill out some paperwork-” 
“You’ll have plenty of time for that,” Yang said. 
Weiss squeaked as she felt Yang pull her to follow them, her blush starting to grow as she watched her teammates walk ahead of her. Never did she imagine she’d end up on a team with the same person she had been penpals with for years, never once did she think she’d actually  meet up with her, and now here she was, at Beacon with the girl she had been slowly crushing on letter after letter. This was going to be an interesting couple years.
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kiddokori · 2 years
kinda fucked up that sksw links favorite color is definitely red and he gets thrown into a full green get up. like his bird is red his belt is red the only bright color he wears at all is red the rest of his casual outfit is different neutral tones. ok he has a little blue on him plus the earrings so he probably also likes blue but that’s still not green. what if he really hates green the whole time hes like im the destined hero ive been sent on a holy mission and they dont even let me pick my own outfit this is bullshit and then he has to wear it forever and ever across multiple timelines and reincarnations because his highschool principal decided he was gonna wear green on a whim
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eldrbraus · 3 years
more on ramshackle active dorm au?? headcanons or smth (this is a bit long, sorry lol)
the uuuhh general hc about the dorm itself
the dorm members have to wear a mask with their dorm uniform, the dorm leader gives it to them
the dorm leader uniform has a mask that is a little like jacks face but it looks more like shinigami (soul eater) before the amam existed, the scary one (?)
also the dorm leader uniform has a big ass black cape that covers them from head to toe (oogie boogie shadow), and under that they.... probably have a suit made of spiders and worms or something lol idk i didnt think about it a lot
they have their own torture basement but almost never use it because they dont really can??? kinda illegal to torture teenagers lol (but maybe use it to scare them shitless lol)
the ghosts are still around and act... a little as the dorm security cameras
theyre very happy the dorm has finally students again, and also happy about the renovations they made
most of the dorm students have a high resistance to almost all kinds of physical pain, like..... if you punch one of them they would probably laugh in your face and punch you back as hard as they can, its a game for them lmao
also theyre very very good scaring people and making traps, its like Their Thing, just like pomefiore students are very good with potions
they all excel in p.e. and are the most playful students in all the campus, never take anything seriously and dont have very good grades... (except the dorm leader, somehow)
(probably have a good relationship with octavinelle students and tried to make a casino before lmaooooo)
also the dorm absolutely has a ghost dog and everyone loves him :)
the dorm colors are black and dark blue (i was thinking maybe black and white are better idk)
aaaand about the students ???
the walking bathtub was something that [shock, lock and barrel students] did their first week of classes and no one knows how to undo the spell so now [lock and barrel students] have to share their bathtub because [barrel student] doesnt have his (its running around the place and sometimes they use it to kidnap people)
the three gremlins actually kidnap people the dorm leader finds annoying but NOT because the dorm leader said so, just because they are bored lol
actually the dorm leader probably looks at the kidnapped student and says
...show them the basement and let them go, or crowley will get our asses 
and thats only when the dorm leader finds them out, if they dont, the student will probably be in the basement for a couple days, rip
once the gremlin trio probably kidnapped riddle and the dorm leader was like 
you dumbasses. cant you see his blood pressure is going to kill him?? now he wont stop shouting at me in the next meeting. IDIOTS.
actually they probably go to heartslabyul/scarabia dorm the most to kidnap students?? the whole red-sandy claws thing, you know
oh yeah, and the dorm leader themself.
theyre actually a little bit of a mystery
VERY VERY TALL, almost taller than malleus
in the ceremony they got picked as a ramshackle student and well. first time that happened in over a hundred years, so even crowley was shocked lmao
i have no idea how that would even work but i dont care im here to have a good time... thats why i created a new way to make them the dorm leader
because you know. dorm leader is a position you get from the previous dorm leader... could be won in a duel against them or be given but the leader themselves and they retire or something (?)
BUT that cant happen here because no prev dorm leader.........so i was thinking
what if the mirror itself just said 
yea youre going to ramshackle, btw stick your hand on me and take whats inside 
the new ramshackle student does and
boom the [special magic pen that looks like a ruler staff or something and all the dorm leaders have instead of a regular pen] appears. its kinda weird-shaped (it looks like a black tree branch, with a violet-purple gemstone), and it can actually change forms, unlike the other magical... staffs (?)
 they become the dorm leader by virtue of being the only student (theyre in first year with riddle, kalim, the leech twins, azul, jamil, ruggie and silver)
they found the old rulebook for ramshackle and basically follow all the traditions, a little like riddle (except the traditions of their dorm are not weird-ass rules)
and also they fixed the dorm in... very little time. crowley doesnt really want to talk about it, and it weirds a lot of people out asking the dorm leader, so they dont.
the next year the dorm leader welcomes their three official students and... theyre a little surprised actually? didnt expect to have more students in ramshackle, but theyre very happy that little gremlins are getting added to the family and maybe the dorm will finally have its own vice-dorm leader
yuu is very welcomed too, after the whole prologue happens, but even they are a little scared of the dorm leader. yuu is made the vice-dorm leader next to grimm when the dorm leader finds out theyre the official prefect lol, rip yuu
grimm is still a little shit but once he did something very stupid and broke a window and when the dorm leader found out, they said 
if you do that again, im eating you.
their voice and face were so serious grimm is now very scared of them and would do almost anything they asked him lol
also about their voice, when they talk to someone, even if theyre saying serious and important things, the other person will feel like theyre mocking them. their voice is low low low and always have this playful tone while they keep a 100% straight face
(always carries a couple dice with them to make decisions, idk)
aaaand i think thats it for now. perhaps ill keep adding things... or not, dunno. you can also help lol, i would like that
anyways, there, have a good time, add your own ocs to this weird au, do whatever you want with it
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bunny-wk-fanfic · 8 years
I dont konw if still let us ask resquests😓 so... Scenario request: With Haine from Love Monster Please 😶😶😶😶 Ps: Really big Fan of yours
Gonna be honest, been forever since I read the manga, so I hope this little bit is alright with you.
She had felt the ripple. It was not one only of power, but it was one of time and a wish. She figured it had to do with the fact that she had traveled through time and housed the Shikon for such a long time.
It took her a while to figure out and pinpoint where the ripple originally started, but she had. So, like the miko that she was, she went to investigate.
What she hadn’t expected to find was that it started at a school. One full of youkai and hanyou.
She easily mingled in with the others, she was near the same age, appearance wise, and her odd coloring was enough to not get questioned.
Their ability to look completely human was either a testament to their own power, or the power of concealment charms. She didn’t focus on that fact as she tried to get the exact location of what caused the ripple.
“Hello, can I help you?” a smooth voice spoke up from beside her, causing her to blink up at the male that appeared out of nowhere.
His coloring was much like hers, save for his black hair appearing more of a dark steel-blue-gray. There was a flash of gold in his right lobe… And had Kagome not been exposed to Sesshoumaru as she had been, she might actually flush at his handsome appearance.
“I…” she stopped, what was she supposed to say? That she was hunting for something powerful that had the ability to mess with time? She didn’t think he would also take to kindly to the fact that she was a miko. There was no telling what happened in the last five centuries between youkai kind and miko to how they would accept her.
“Are you planning on transferring to our school?” the question was an honest one as he took in her current uniform.
“Uh…” she still didn’t know how to reply to his questions, so she turned away with a slight frown and stared ahead of her.
He chuckled, easily picking up her hand to loop her arm through his. “Come, I’ll give you a tour. Perhaps I’ll be able to get an actual response from you. Hm?”
Her eyes narrowed up at him as she tried to tug her arm back. Of course, his strength didn’t really allow that, and she wasn’t too comfortable with even attempting to use her abilities to get him to back off. So instead, she was forced to take a tour of the school and listen to him explain its history.
It was rather extensive and sounded a whole lot more interesting than the school she was currently attending. A tiny twinge of jealousy at how lucky they were to go to such a place that practically catered to their needs while providing them an education. For humans, it was more of trying to get everyone to assimilate and become alike.
“You’re in luck, I believe the founders of the school called and mentioned that they’d be visiting today. A truly special treat since they have not been present since the school was first funded and built.” they had stopped in a rather nice garden, a perk to having a school outside the city she figured.
“Oh?” she was interested, but her mind was still mostly occupied with trying to find what caused the ripple. “Any reason as to why?”
“Not sure, I wasn’t told. I am still a student, even though I am student body president.” there was a slight boast of his title, and he was upset that he hadn’t been told to the reason behind the founder's reason to visit.
“That’s quite the position you hold.” the comment was made in absent mind, her eyes looking across the gardens.
Haine was struggling somewhat. The female was not paying attention to him in the least, something he was not used to at all. And there was something about her that he couldn’t quite place. Was it that her eyes were the clearest blue he’d ever seen? There was an air about her that had his instincts stirring in such a way that he had thought he only felt for Hiyo.
He tried to question her as they made their way back to the front of the school, internally preening when he heard how a few of the others whispered about the beauty on his arm. It was obvious that he would have a beautiful female on his arm…
“Sesshoumaru-sama. I take it you are one of the founders of this lovely school?” her voice broke him out of his thoughts when she finally managed to pull away from him, leaving him to blink after her as she approached one of the oldest monsters with familiarity.
“Hn.” gold eyes followed her movements as she approached him, pale hair tied back in a low and loose tail.
“My woman!” the cry had everyone nearby stopping to watch, the young woman easily sidestepping an excited hug from a wolf.
“Kouga.” she smiled as he wrapped his arms around air, pulling off a particular pose that was rather comical. “Good to see you too again. Anyone else going to make an appearance?”
“Your kit.” Sesshoumaru spoke up, his words causing Haine to rear back in surprise and stare at the apparent you woman.
“Your kit? You’re a mother?” he knew there were a few monsters out there that looked younger than they truly were, it only spoke of their power.
“Ah, no. He’s a kitsune that I looked after when he became an orphan-” she didn’t get to finish when she was suddenly swept up into a warm greeting from a fox with a happy spin.
“Shippo! Let me down before I get sick or you crack a rib!” she laughed out, smiling up at the fox when he finally did.
“I take it you’re also here to discover the source of power, miko?” Sesshoumaru asked Haine rearing back from the fact that he had held a miko on his arm the entire time. The times may be different, but they had all learned what miko were capable of to monsters like themselves.
“As I take it that’s the reason why you’re all here? I was hoping it wasn’t another Shikon or Naraku… Kami-sama, it was hell to get rid of them both the first time around, I really don’t want to go through the whole thing again with so much more at stake.”
“Wait. Wait, you’re a miko?” Haine felt his eyes widen the more she spoke, speaking of things that were taught in their history class, so if she was a miko, there shouldn’t be any way for her to know of either. Human couldn’t live that long…
“Hmm?” blue eyes turned up to him. “Yes. That’s not going to be a problem, is it?”
“…” his hands clenched in slight anger and fear. “You should not be here.”
She was about to speak up when Sesshoumaru, Kouga and Shippo surrounded her in a way to show that they were protective of her and would back her up should anything happen. “She is the reason this school even exists or did you forget that little detail?” the fox spoke up, eying the crow hanyou as he took hold of one of Kagome’s hands. He smiled down at her at her questioning gaze.
“Hn. Miko, tell me the exacts that you felt.” he too eyed the young male.
“If my instincts are correct, then it involved a wish that affected time. In such a way that it rearranged itself.” she looked over her shoulder unflinchingly.
“Hn.” he turned to Haine, gaze silently demanding the boy question what was about to be said. “You will be the miko’s guide, as she will be transferring to this school as youkai and humans are now co-mingling.”
Haine watched as she bowed politely with a “Please take care of me.” only turn around and scowl up at Sesshoumaru. “And next time, ask! Just cause you’re a Lord, doesn’t mean you get to rearrange my life to your pleasing!”
“You will be an ambassador between our two species. This wish now has youkai and humans mixed with each other, you will be perfect for the role as those currently in the seat are… sorely lacking.” he walked off into the school, Kouga and Shippo following after him.
“You… You… What?” Haine was still having trouble following what just happened.
“You’ll get used to it, Sesshomaru is like that.” she smiled as she approached him, ignoring how he leaned away from her or flinched a bit when she took hold of his hand. “Now come on, I want to learn more about my new school!”
The smile she tossed him reminded him of the instincts he felt earlier. When he had learned she was a miko, he thought it had been about trying to warn him about her, but he easily recalled that his instincts warning him about danger felt entirely different to what he was feeling in her presence. So, he allowed himself to be dragged back into the school. He wanted to get to the bottom of this.
It didn’t hurt that she was actually pretty…
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