#why is there a shop button where the blog button used to be??
prncssguya · 2 years
. @staff
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evansbby · 2 years
I just tried to watch a video in 1080p on YouTube and it told me I have to pay for premium to do that. THIS IS WHAT WE HAVE COME TO.
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naive-petals · 2 years
Oi tumblr can you stop making mobile worse?
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kittiecode · 11 months
Things I wish I knew when I found the Law Of Assumption..
1. Time is entirely irrelevant
If you stay awake for 48 hours, the sun setting and rising doesn't take away from your continued experience of being awake for 2 days straight.
Sleep creates an illusion of separation between moments in "time", but life is all just one huge experience.
Watch where you are putting yourself at all times. Time isn't real, you are constantly creating.
2. There's no off button
This doesn't only get put to work when you choose to remember to use it. This is how life works. Try to not see it as some kind of life hack, or a human version of an additional Google chrome extension.
This is life, this is how you play it. The sooner you keep yourself in check, the quicker life will change for you.
3. Everything is possible, you're just too familiar with bad states
And that's why things don't seem to change. Revision is great, but too often forgotten. Changing how you feel about previous situations, changes how you get to experience similar situations linked to the previous ones. For anything. SP, friends, money, career.
Change how you feel about things. And yes, that can take a bit more deliberate monitoring of how you see things.
Not everyone comes from stable homes with parents who have decent amounts of money where you've been given iPhone after iPhone after shopping spree after new furniture after vacation after new family car. So yes, that takes changing beliefs and emotional reactions to things for a good amount of people. And yes, that takes as long as you need to in order to start feeling yourself changing how you feel about things.
We are forgetting that we have beliefs that have roots as deep as early childhood. Not everyone has had the same experiences, and so you cannot tell everyone that feelings don't matter.
You tell that to someone who's experienced stress in their home from their mom not being able to pay for electricity and so on that has created pretty strong beliefs surrounding money and stability that has gotten to the point where they think of money and their body goes into panic mode, and they'll struggle to manifest the way you manifest when you've had a pretty stable good foundation to grow up on.
If you have had a rough life and you're still able to easily detach from the bad and accept that everything is possible for you and you can have anything, that's amazing and I mean that. But a lot of people who find out about conscious manifesting are seeking entire life changes, and the old story can come with some baggage
A journey of creation is a personal one. It's for you. Other people can help, that's why I'm on this blog. But remember that what we teach others is what we've experienced movement and success with. I've studied this for years now. I've changed my family's life for the better, from poverty to a significant change to our current standard of living. I've used this enough to know it's the truth, and now I'm here to help others too!
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nerdieforpedro · 18 days
Empanadas and Chocolate
Part One of Foul Play Series
Javier Peña x Aria Davis (plus size female OC)
My entire masterlist and blog are for readers 18+ MDNI. I do not consent to my work being used in AI, recommended on TikTok, borrowed or plagiarized.
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Summary: The meet cute between Javier Peña and Aria. The beginning of everything.
Warnings: Meet cute, adorable vibes, food, curioisity, (we’re safe this part - we had to start somewhere)
Word Count: a little over 1.8k
Notes: My smut fairy was gone for a very long time. Thanks to @magpiepills and a fic called "Aquarius" that she wrote that was all the right kinds of smutty filth, she inspired me to write this. It's from an old WIP I had started but never finished. Now it is in a completely different direction and one I like. She also beta read some (not the whole thing - gotta surprise her 😘). So here we are. Originally posted on A03.
Main Masterlist/ Javier Peña Masterlist
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Together is what he told you. That you’d go on this journey together and help bring peace to an unsettled country. It’s been eight months and neither the government nor the American agencies involved in trying to take down Pablo Escobar were any closer to ending his reign. What did any of that mean for Aria?
Not much, just looking over the balcony of her small one bedroom apartment provided by the US embassy. Her fiance and her had decided on living separately since they were each entitled to their own places. It seemed like a weird idea at first, but the longer she stayed here, the more sense it made. She wouldn't have to hear him coming and going or worry when he would be home. He rarely was, only to have some mediocre sex, maybe sleep sometimes and leave again citing that he was needed back on the case. Aria sometimes was able to finish on her own, but increasingly she couldn’t even do that, getting tired in the middle of things and giving up to read a book, listen to some music and just sleep. Sleep was what she did best.
It was early yet and the sun was just cresting over the horizon, painting a golden pink across the sky, it was barely six in the morning. One positive for coming here, despite all the violence was the scenery, it was beautiful and so were the people, well those she had met. That was two. She sighed and entered her apartment readying herself for work and headed off to the embassy where she worked as an accountant along with four others in a small office. It was cramped but she got to know them well, all nice, sometimes a little too chatty. Her days were similar, rise, go to work, come home, sometimes see her fiance, fuck, sleep, repeat.
It was on a rare day off during the week where she decided to venture to her favorite little shop down the street. Here she didn’t wear the knee length shirt of buttoned up shirt that fit a little too tight, she could wear a flowing dress with sunflowers on it. It was a gift from an older woman a few doors down. She also often gave her rice, meat, vegetables and other foods, hence why her work clothes didn’t fit as well as they once did. Her build was stocky and dense from head to toe though she did have breasts that stuck out a bit farther than her belly and wide hips so that helped, but in her work clothes she was still self-conscious, she knew it hugged in all of the places good and bad. It was always a button down shirt and skirt. She could get away with a polo shirt or sweater depending on who was in the office but more often than not if their supervisor came in and they weren’t dressed appropriately it was a warning then could progress to a write up. So stupid.
Arriving at the shop, she spied her prizes, empanadas and chocolate cake. She went to order as another person placed theirs, a tall man whose skin had been kissed by the sun, wore dark aviator sunglasses, and had a thick head of hair with a mustache to match. He stood with his hands on his slim hips, a rose pink shirt on with medium wash jeans and what was likely a gun along his back. He was cracking a joke with the señora who ran the shop with her husband. The señora asked for her order again as she had lost her train of thought while looking him up and down.
Unfortunately, it turned out that the handsome stranger had taken the last piece of chocolate cake. Aria pouted but little could be done, she hoped he at least enjoyed it, maybe it was a reward to himself for something that happened that day or week? She just hoped he wasn’t the type to eat a few bites and dispose of it. Taking the three empanadas she ordered, she turned to leave as the señora pointed to her and said her name. Apparently, handsome sunglasses wanted to add empanadas to his order but didn’t tell se��ora when he got the cake. The accountant had the last of them. He walked over with a smile,
“Disculpe señorita (excuse me miss), could I buy one of the empanadas from you? I just need one.” He asked, almost pleading, how much did he need one? Aria raised a counter offer,
“If you’ll spit half of the cake with me, I’ll give you the empanada at no charge.” She raised a finger. He nodded and waved his hand toward one of the small tables with chairs outside where they could do the exchange. He pulled out her chair for her and Aria thanked him, he said there was no thanks needed, he should be thanking her. He’d been looking forward to the empanadas all week, the señora here makes the best ones. To that, she agreed and pulled out the bag with the rolled and fried goods. Señor brought them plates, some water and napkins, insisting that they eat here. Aria shook her head but aviators nodded and assured her he was alright with it as long as she was, that he would make for good company.
“Alright, let’s exchange and eat. Here.” She took one of the empanadas and placed it on the plate in front of pink shirt. He cut his chocolate cake in half and placed it on her plate.
“Here you go. We’re even.” He chuckled, quickly picking up his newly earned empanada and moaning as he took a bite. “Been thinking about these all day…” His eyes were closed as he chewed slowly, savoring the flavor of the onions, chicken, potatoes and peppers. Aria nodded as she watched his mouth, he smacked his lips before taking another bite and another moan left him. It wasn’t long before she wondered if she should be watching this, it felt like she was intruding on a private moment. She picked up water and downed a few gulps before biting into her own empanada, humming with the flavor.
“Mierda eso esta bien (Shit that’s good).”
Pink shirt had momentarily forgotten that he was sitting in public, with a woman no less. He cleared his throat and drank some sips of his water before muttering sorry to his table mate. She shook her head and told him that the lovely couple who owned the shop would be delighted to know he enjoyed the food that much, plus it was fun to watch him eat. Shaking his head, he asked her how long she had been coming to the little shop and in Columbia in general. Her accent sounded similar to his partner’s - American. She told him eight months in Columbia and six for the shop. It took her a few months to get acclimated at work and to the slower pace. She appeared to indicate that she was enjoying herself but there was a large part he knew she was leaving out: the ring on her left fourth finger. There could be a few reasons she could be leaving out that detail, none of them were good for him. She was definitely easy on the eyes, well scratch that. He found her gorgeous, her smile and laugh and the fair trade was definitely a bonus. He would at least let her know his name before they parted. The city of Bogotá seemed larger than it really was. He learned that she did accounting at the Embassy, he told her that he was with the police - didn’t think she really needed to know he was an agent.
“My name’s Javier, Javier Peña. What’s your’s Mrs?” He finally asked as the stood and disposed of their trash. Her warm smile faded with the question. Did that mean she really was married? Peña wasn’t really up for all the drama that came with that even if she did have hips he wanted to see from the back, a very different angle than he was looking at them now.
“No, no. I’m engaged. It’s…I’m engaged. “ Her nod told him she needed to be convinced she was in fact engaged. Usually engaged couples are supposed to be happy. Not that he wasn’t familiar with how that could burn horribly. It wasn’t his business, though he wondered. “My name is Aria Davis. It’s nice to meet you Javier. Thanks for the cake.” Her smile remained warm, he may see her around at the embassy though he didn’t recall ever meeting her before.
“I see. Well congratulations hermosa (beautiful). He’s a lucky man. Gracias for the empanadas. The señor here makes some of the best ones in Bogotá. I may see you if you come again, I’ll try not to take all the cake this time. I usually don’t eat sweets.” Peña explained, it was true he did not. He’s had another failed raid with no new information found and it would be a day that he forgot to get a new carton of cigarettes. He was on his way to go buy some when he noticed he was passing by señora Hernandez’s tienda (store) so he figured he’d stop in and get the food on the way. He hadn’t eaten all day, plus he’d been meaning to come all week. “Today didn’t go so well so I figured I’d get something on my way.” He paused. Did she walk here?
“Do you need a ride home, Aria?” He tilted his head in the direction of his car to which Aria shook her head.
“Oh no I live close by. Thank you though. I’m going home after this. Just going to relax a bit before work tomorrow.” Aria’s smile didn’t falter and Javier was curious, shouldn’t she be mentioning spending time with her fiancée? He reached into his back pocket and pulled out a bent card. He handed it to her and she took it reading it over, her eyes revealed her surprise but she didn’t mention that she’d heard of him. Aria assumed he didn’t want to talk about it.
“Here’s my card just in case. Bogotá is beautiful but can be dangerous. Call me if you need help okay?” The nod and grin that followed made her giggle. “I’ll come running and may speed a bit.” Javier cracked a small joke, it was a bad though but she didn’t seem to mind.
“I’ll remember that Javier. I do pretty well at staying out of trouble though.”
“Trouble has a way of finding people Aria.” Peña took a step closer and spoke in her ear. “Call me Javi. Stay safe hermosa.” With that he turned and walked to his car, getting in and waving to her before putting one hand on the steering wheel and driving off.
Aria was left standing with Javier’s lingering words and his breath on her ear. The food in her belly wasn’t the only thing heating it from within. Peña wasn’t wrong. Trouble had found her.
Part Two
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Dipping their empanadas in chocolate for Javi to lick off 🍫: @syd-djarin @megamindsecretlair @soft-persephone @angelofsmalldeath-codeine @guelyury
@yorksgirl @indiegirlunited @readingiskeepingmegoing @fhatbhabiee @javierpena-inatacvest
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raining-tulips · 8 months
hi! i just found your blog :) love your commonplace book scans! if you don’t mind me asking, could you give a more in-depth explanation of what commonplacing is exactly and what your process is? i’m intrigued and considering getting into it but i wouldn’t even know where to start! thanks a lot xx
Absolutely! So my commonplace is specifically all movies, qoutes, articles, tumblr/Instagram posts, book excerpts, etc. that either resonated with me or I think I'll want to reference later. That is the heart of what common placing is - saving things for later physically rather than digitally.
Some of these just pop up in my feed, and I'll hit the like or save button. If it's an article, it usually first pops up as a preview on my Instagram and I'll open the full article on my desktop than bookmark it in a specific folder for common placing.
Sometimes, when I want to actively find something out (say, about if perfume is really bad for the environment, or I want to look at author interviews because I just loved a book) I will go out and search for that information.
Then, usually once a week I compile everything I'd like to print - i print the sources bc my handwriting is messy - into a word document formatted for two columns. I try and hold off printing until i have a full page worth, or two full page worth.
For images, I have another word document (these are printed in color, and i usually have to jigsaw to fit as many images on the page as possible, so different word document). Same thing, I try and wait until I have a full page to print. Usually x2 a month. I sometimes will print with an HP sprocket but the quality is really bad and the pictures are thick so, it's for when I'm out of printer ink or I think a photo will look okay with a sorta...uneven look.
I use just a Staples brand journal, TruRed. Cheap and easy. I draw a line at the top so I can write the date, and in the future if I want to tag it with a colored sticker or something, I can. My layouts usually include divided space on either the left or right of a page. The article goes in the bigger open space, and then the source (always write your source!!) and any commentary goes in the smaller margins.
Commentary is usually why I wanted to print it, what it reminds me of or makes me think about, etc. What I think the argument was missing, etc. Can be as little or as much as you like. As emotional and deep or as plain-jane as you like. There are no rules!
I trim printed text and images with a 12 inch trimmer bc I've got wobbly hands, but some people just use a little (blanking on the name) exacto knife? Any 12 inch trimmer will do mine is expensive but I also scrapbook so I use it all the time.
I paste things in using a tape runner (again, because I scrapbook and found a tape runner and my mom sells scrapbook supplies they're very accessible to me). Some people use tape, washi tape, glue sticks (liquid glue I've never seen).
And yeah, then I just decorate and play around. It doesn't have to be pretty. It can be really pretty if you want - I'm motivated by aesthetics, so, I like mine to be a little pretty.
If you'd like to see how I actually put it together and why I print certain things, my YouTube channel is the place to go.
Some people tape in movie tickets, receipts from where they shopped or ate, pictures from daily life. Some people mix common-placing and journaling, so including diary entries about their day or about a topic they love, or their thoughts and feelings (I keep mine in a separate journal, explained in this video). Some people mix common-placing with bullet journal or planning. Some combine all three!
At the end I just use a printer scanner (HP Envy 5500, cheap) and post them online that way bc I love the look.
People who have other styles you might try and look at are @petite-gloom (an OG who inspired me and many others) @fakelavender , @teddybearsticker .
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jillsandwhichs · 1 month
cleon oneshot fic , chap 12 , zoo fun
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pairing: Claire Redfield & Leon Kennedy
summary: Claire and Leon go on a date to the Zoo together
status of their relationship in this one shot: Married
wc: 4.1k
type: SFW
a/n: Hi! Hope you all enjoy. Please check out my masterlist, there's a lot of stuff there. You can get to know me, you can see the rules of my blog and then you can see all of my fanfictions. You'll be able to find the previous chapters to this fic and upcoming ones. You'll also be able to find my Wattpad & AO3. Comments, reblogs & likes are appreciated. Thank you
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It's so lively!" Claire chuckled, looking around the entrance of the Zoo. "Tell me about it." Leon scoffed. He most definitely doesn't prefer being in crowds of people. Claire grabbed ahold of his strong arm, pecking it quickly, "Oh don't be such a grump, it'll be fun." She leaned up and kissed his cheek. He couldn't help but feel his face flush, she really knew what buttons to push.
"You're a princess." Leon teased her, kissing her head. He was out of his comfort zone today. Not only socially, but style too. He's wearing a polo shirt with some jean shorts, that's not his usual attire. Claire is wearing a cute red & white striped top with jean shorts as well, Leon can't help but admire how beautiful she looks. Anytime though, she looks absolutely gorgeous. Leon is constantly finding himself obsessing over her and how she looks.
Walking up to the stand, Leon pulled out his wallet. "Paying to see depressed animals, great." He sighed, handing the money to the worker. The worker rolled her eyes a bit, clearly not liking Leon's snarky remark. Claire slapped his shoulder, letting go of his arm, "Seriously? Be anymore of an ass?" Claire groaned, folding her arms. "Sorry babygirl, I don't think Zoo's are all that." "You aren't even excited to see the wolves?" "Maybe." He smirked, reaching his hand out for her. Claire gave in, of course, sliding her hand against his and holding it.
"Want me to go ahead and grab us a pamphlet?" Claire asked Leon, pointing to the stack of them by some of the souvenir shops. Leon nodded, letting go of her hand slowly before watching her skip off to them. He sighed softly, he wasn't in the best mood. Leon would do anything to appease his wife, hence why he's here, but lately, life has been so rough on him. He especially has a difficult time opening up to Claire but he's trying. Truly, all he wants is to see her smile and be happy, therefore he'll endure his own personal issues.
From where he was standing, he could see a few different enclosures. One has owl's and the other had sloth's, they looked cute. Leon felt bad for them though. Imagine being trapped in a large cage that you'll never be able to leave from. Knowing it's for the greater good though, he tries not to sweat it to much. But if he was an animal, he'd personally despise the situation so much.
Claire ambled back over to Leon, a folded pamphlet in her skinny hand. "Alrighty handsome." She murmured, opening up the complicated folded piece of paper. Leon couldn't help but admire her efforts. "You got it hun?" He said with a teasing tone. Claire scoffed, "I do." She undid the entire thing, shaking it a couple times to straighten it out neatly. "From where we are, the closest would be the llama's and the turtles." Claire said softly, scanning the pamphlet.
"Let's go then." Leon sighed softly, walking alongside Claire as they made their way to the llama's. Llama's are cute, but Leon doesn't want to be spat on. "What's the difference between Llama's and Alpaca's?" "Honey, don't be dense." Claire stated, squeezing his hand playfully as they made their way up to the wooden fenced area. There were only six Llama's, but they were so cute. Claire admired them briefly. "So adorable." Claire giggled, pointing at the cutest one. It was white with a brown spot near the top of it's head. "Just like you." Leon chuckled, gazing down at her.
"Hey, that one looks like you." Leon pointed at the derpy one, causing Claire to scoff. "That was is cute too, so hah." She pinched his arm roughly. They definitely had a way with words together. Claire pulled out her phone and snapped a couple photos of the Llama's, making sure to get each one in each picture. "You plan on developing those?" "Maybe... Depends..." Claire quietly spoke, taking a couple more photos. "Depends on what?" "Well, if they look nice or not or if I end up finding a reason to even print them out." She explained, Leon just nodded in reply.
"Let's go to the Turtle's, shall we?" Claire talked softly, turning the both of them around and immediately spotting where the turtle's were. From where they were strolling, Leon could see the sign that explains what kind of animal they are and some information about them. They were tortoises, not turtle's. Totally different. "Babygirl...?" Leon chuckled out, taking her hand and placing it on the plaque. Claire gandered down and read it before rolling her eyes. "Same thing." "Clearly not." Leon cackled.
"They're so slow." Claire snickered, her head in her hands as she leaned against the railing. "I would hate to be a tortoise." Leon rubbed Claire's back as they looked at the animals. "At the same time, they're cute! Tortoises are old men if they were animals." Claire stated. Leon couldn't help but snicker at her statement, "Is that so?" He chuckled, watching as she moved away and pulled her phone out again. She snapped only one photo this time. "My love?" Leon asked. "Yes babe?" Claire replied. "I love you." He whispered, looking at her intently.
Claire put her phone away, giving him a gentle look before cupping his cheeks in her petite hands, "I love you baby." She whispered, kissing his cheeks all over before letting go of his handsome face. Leon felt his cheeks go pink, why did she have to do that in front of so many people? "Hate when you do that..." Leon grumbled but Claire simply snorted.
"Just over there are the owl's and sloth's, wanna go look?" Claire questioned her husband, wrapping her arm around his. "Yes baby." Leon responded, striding beside her. "Knock knock." "Whose there?" "Who." "Who who?" "Are you an owl?" Claire asked him, biting her lip as she giggled. It took Leon a moment to understand the joke but, he got. "Oh ha ha." Leon chuckled, "You're so cute." "Cute stuff." Claire repeated.
Along the branches, there were many owls. They really seemed to like the dark, they stuck to the shaded areas only. It reminded Claire of Leon, if he was an animal, he'd either be an owl or a wolf. "They look so... Elegant? I guess I don't know how to explain it." Claire said calmly. "No, I get what you're saying sweetheart, they're very magnificent creatures." Leon agreed, his hand resting on her back. Claire was glad he understood, he always does.
She snapped a couple photos, scrolling through them to make sure they were of good quality. "They look great." Leon praised her photography skills. "Thanks... I'd love to buy a camera soon." Claire said softly, her head resting against his bulk shoulder. "I'll buy you one soon." Leon assured her. "Really?" Claire gave him a loving smile, looking up at him. "Anything to appease you babygirl." Leon whispered, pecking the point of her nose. "I'd love that, thank you." Claire murmured.
Claire looked behind her, seeing the adorable sloths hanging from their branches, some of them even sleeping. Now if Claire was an animal, she'd most definitely want to be a sloth, she'd be able to be lazy in the warm sun all day long. It'd be great. "Look how cute!" Claire smiled, pointing at one specific sloth. The sloth was hanging by it's arms and legs, not showing a care in the world. Leon let out a soft chuckle, watching Claire be mesmerized by a silly animal.
"I was a koala for Halloween back in College." Claire giggled, "I know it's not relevant considering this is a sloth but they're sort of similar." She explained. "A sexy koala?" "Yes... My friends were a Grizzly Bear and a Polar Bear." Claire sighed softly, not enjoying the thought of her College years. "Wish I would've known you then." Leon smirked. "Yeah, no you don't." Claire patted his arm as they began to walk further along the pathway of the Zoo.
"Oh baby, the wolves are just up here!" She exclaimed, sliding the pamphlet back into her pocket. Leon nodded, seeing a few of them walking around the enclosure. It was an all black one with vivid gray spots all over it's neck area. It was gorgeous. Very magnificent. "That one is pretty." Leon pointed at it. "I know, right? Gosh, I wish dogs looked like that." "Well, some do, but they are hard to find, I presume." "Sadly." Claire mumbled, taking a photo of the beautiful wolf, it looked so stoic. "If you print the images out, give me that one." Leon said with a husk tone. "Of course." Claire responded.
"Let's steal one." Claire joked, tugging on the bottom of his shirt. "Ok baby, you distract them and I'll grab it." Leon teased, squeezing her slim hip. "We should get a dog though, sooner or later." "I agree honey, it just takes a lot of responsibility and with our jobs, I don't know if it'll work out." Leon whispered to her, caressing her side. Claire nodded sadly, her spirits going low. "A cat would be easier, y'know... They'd be able to go pee and poop inside, we could fill their food and water up extremely, ect." Leon added. Claire gave a slight smile but she was much more of a dog person.
"I guess you're right." Claire heaved softly, looking around the area to see other animals. From where she was, she seen Lions, it immediately made her light up. "Oh, baby, look!" Claire snatched his hand up and was in complete awe by the lion's. Leon chuckled, seeing one of the male lion's rested up on top of a large rock.
The two of them headed up towards the enclosure. There were four different lion's on the inside, two female and two male. Each one of them were stunning. Lion's are the representation of the Leo sign, which is Claire's astrology sign, she feels a personal connection with these animal's. "So pretty." Claire admired all of them. "Once again, just like you." Leon flirted with his wife, his veiny hand ruffling her hair. Claire slightly blushed, biting her lower lip at his sweet words.
"Can't wait til we go home, I wanna take a shower with you." Leon whispered to her, moving his hand away from her soft hair. Claire snorted and leaned up, placing both of her hands on his chest, "Oh really now?" Claire giggled, her smile turning into a grin. "Mhm, how could I not? You look gorgeous today." Leon whispered once again, kissing the top of her head. "If you'd like, we can take a break from the animals and order some food, they have some shops." "Anything you want babygirl, I just want you pleased." Leon mumbled to her, both of his hands on her lower back.
Oddly enough, despite Leon not really wanting to go on this trip, he still did and it wasn't even for himself yet he's beginning to feel better. Seeing Claire all happy and okay cures his personal sadness. He's just been dealing with some shit at work, the only times he's truly ever happy is if he's with Claire, like right now. She's the light of his life. There is no other for him. Their love is truly irrevocable. He just wishes that life without her could also be just as easy as when he's with her. Depending on someone for something as simple as happiness isn't Leon's style.
Leon would open up to Claire more, talk to her about how he feels but he just has such a difficult time doing so. It's not just with her, it's with everybody. He's thought about therapy but he also views it as a waste of money when he can just talk about it with someone for free or bottle it up. It's the little moments like these that help him forget and help him realize how good his life truly is, despite all the bullshit that goes down.
"I'm feeling just some classic American food, like a sloppy cheeseburger or a good hotdog." Claire snickered, holding Leon's hand as they made their way back to the entrance area of the Zoo. "You're easy to please, my love. I remember when you told me your favorite food was a cheeseburger, can't lie, I was surprised." Leon chuckled. "Oh, how come?" "Because I've just never met somebody with common taste." "I see, well, you just can't go wrong with one. But hey, my pallette is quite exotic!" "Oh, I know." Leon replied.
As they re-entered the main area, they spotted the food stands. The one that caught Claire's eye had an icon of a burger on it, immediately causing her mouth to water. "Oh yeah, let's go." Claire laughed, the both of them scurrying over to the food stand. On the side of it, there was a menu. There was all sorts of food, Claire was in heaven. "What are you going to get honey?" He asked as he pulled out his black leather wallet. "The cheeseburger and fries, you?" "Chicken tenders with mac and cheese." He responded, pulling out 35$.
The worker of the stand had a elderly manly smile as he noticed the money Leon had grabbed out, business must be slow. "Just the cheeseburger with fries combo and the chicken tenders with mac and cheese combo." Leon spoke with a friendly tone. The man nodded, placing the cash in the register. Leon and Claire took a seat down at the picnic table, adjusting themselves til they were comfortable.
"After we eat, I just wanna check out a few more enclosures, okay? I really wanna see some bears and tigers." "Sounds good with me babe." Leon stated, interlocking his hands together. The sun was beaming down on both of them, their bodies heating up. They also didn't bring sun screen nor put it on before coming here, yeah, they'd have one helluva time with being sunburnt.
"It's so hot out." Claire whined, resting her head on the table. Leon reached one of his hands out and stroked her hair to the side. "I know babygirl, but at least the breeze feels nice." He comforted her, loving the feeling of her soft and brushed hair. "We should buy a pool." Claire snickered, waiting for Leon's response. "Yeah we do, maybe I'll buy us one soon." Leon assured her, "You're just so needy, huh baby?" He whispered. "Mhm." Claire mumbled out. She was definitely a needy one, but she was easy to please.
Claire relished in the feeling of Leon playing with her hair. It awakened such a comforting feeling in her. She felt safe with him, especially whenever he was touching her in any capacity. Whether it be his hands on her back, her face or her waist, she feels good. She's grateful he's not one of those men who is afraid to be touchy with her, because if he was, she doesn't know if she'd still be with him. But he willingly shows off his obsession with her. Claire is beyond in love with Leon and it shows.
"Mmm, I love you." Claire groaned out. "Love you honey." Leon replied, moving his hand away from her hair as their food was ready. The worker waved them. "One second." Leon grunted as he stood up. He walked over to the stand, taking both of the styrofoam containers in hand. Both smelt great which was awfully surprising considering it's from a food stand. He turnt around to Claire, setting her food in front of her, an enlightened look appearing on her face. She was definitely going to devour that cheeseburger.
Claire popped the top off of the container, the smell of her food infusing into her nostrils. Oh, it smelt great. She immediately grabbed a frie, taking a bite of it and moaning. Leon couldn't help but chuckle at the sight. "Gotta feed my baby before she gets hangry." He teased, sitting across from her. "I have always been a foodie." She responded, taking the top bun off of her burger and placing some fries in it. "You're the first person I've ever seen do that." "Really? It's such a common thing to do."
She took a giant bite from the burger, reveling in the classic taste of it. It made her mouth water and her stomach full, she was so happy to finally get some food into her system. As for Leon, he just ate normally, taking casual bites of his tenders and swifts noms of his mac & cheese, pretty good. "This cheeseburger is so good, better than the ones we had at that restaurant last week!" Claire expressed, taking a mini bite now. "Better be, I paid 15$ for it." He joked, stealing one of her fries.
"Hey, now you gotta give me a bite of your mac and cheese!" Claire put on a playful stern face. Leon snickered, dipping his fork into the creamy noodles and scooping some up for her. Claire quickly snatched a bite, making a high pitched humming noise in reply, "Yum." She mumbled, eating some more of her french fries.
They sat in silence, keeping to themselves as they ate. Claire was... Well... Clearly, enjoying her food. Her cheeseburger was already practically gone, she must've really been hungry. Leon plans on not eating it all and instead bringing it home for later, he's not all to hungry. He can't tell if it's cause he's truly just not ready to eat or if it's his mind not wanting him to. At this point, he often has to force himself to eat, it's rough. Whenever Claire cooks dinner, of course he eats it but most of the time, he's full, or feels full. But for her, he'll do literally anything.
"Damn baby, you can really eat." Leon laughed, admiring her persistence. "Yeah! I was starving hun." Claire giggled, gobbling up her french fries. "You're so adorable." Leon added, taking a couple more bites of his mac and cheese before containing it back up to save for home. "Are you not hungry baby?" Claire had a worrisome tone. "Nah, I'll eat later babygirl but don't rush, continue to eat and if you're still hungry, you can have my food." "Psh, don't worry, I'm already getting full, just let me eat a few more fries." She stated with a glimmer.
As she ate, Claire pulled out her phone, going onto the camera app. "Baby, smile." Claire beamed at the camera, snapping a photo of her & Leon together. Although, he didn't smile, he gave a half assed grin. "Can you ever look like you're happy with me?" Claire scoffed with a chuckle, turning her phone off after viewing the picture. "I'm always happy with you babygirl." Leon whispered, taking another one of her fries and eating it. "I hope so." Claire replied.
Leon put a soft look on his face, concerned with her response. Leon stretched his hand out and took her hand in his, caressing it gently with his thumb. "Baby, you don't actually question my happiness with you, do you?" Leon questioned her, squeezing her hand softly, wanting to hear her answer. "No, I don't, I just really want you to be happy, always." Claire responded, leaning her head down and pressing a loving kiss to his big hand, nuzzling her head against it.
He nodded, stroking her hair a few times before pulling his hand away and standing up. "You all done?" "Yes, here." Claire answered, giving her container to Leon so he could throw it away. Leon took it, turning around swiftly and dropping it into the garbage can. He'd have to carry his styrofoam box around until they leave but he doesn't really mind, they won't be here much longer anyways. Claire also got up, yawning moderately as she took Leon's hand in hers, causing him to feel a warm, happy feeling.
"Let's head to those bears, shall we?" Claire smiled, skipping along the pavement. From where they were, the bears were about a two minute walk away according to the map. "Let's go then." Leon responded. "Do you know what kind of bears there is?" "I'm pretty sure brown bears, that's what it said on the website at least." "Oh, okay, at least it's not polar bears." Leon joked. "They're very devious. Y'know, dolphins are also menaces, they're super evil, sometimes even towards humans." Claire spoke.
Leon knew that but for Claire's sake, he acted like he didn't, "You just know everything, huh?" Leon teased her. Claire tittered at his words.
At the exhibit, Claire was so excited to see the bears. While she was terrified of them, they were just big cuddly babies and if they weren't aggressive, she'd totally have one as a pet. "Oh baby, they're so adorable." Claire voiced, smiling through the thick glass and waving to the bears. They seemed totally uninterested. "They're probably exhausted, all they do is show off to people." "Poor little guy's, alongside the wolves, we've gotta take these guy's too." Claire chortled, lightly tapping her fingers on the glass but not enough for the bears to hear.
"Want me to take the photos this time?" "Sure babe, just my back right pocket." Claire said softly, poking her rear out for him. Leon couldn't help but bite his lip, man he was lucky. "Cute." He scoffed playfully, logging into her phone and opening the camera application. He knew Claire was picky so he'd have to run the photos by her first. "Alright baby, want a photo of each one or...?" "Yeah, each one and one of all of them please."
Obliging, Leon began to click the button, taking a photo of each bear. They were so lazy looking, very peaceful, not a care in the world. "Heh, that one is asleep." Leon chuckled, Claire as well. "Baby, if we were animals, what would we be?" Claire questioned her husband. "Definitely either fish or deer, why?" "Curious on your thoughts. I think we'd be birds and fly free together." Claire whispered, resting her head on his shoulder as he took the final pic, they turned out nicely.
"Onwards and upwards baby." Leon took her hand in his. "Did you take a look at where the tiger enclosure is?" "Just up ahead, then after that we can get going, yeah?" Claire smiled, the sun making their skin feel more heated than ever. Claire was dying to feel the car's AC on her body. "This heat is killing me." She whined again. "We can go to the car now if you want honey." "No... I wanna see the tigers." Claire stated sternly, making sure she already has her phone out. She was set in her ways, as always.
Stepping up the stairs that were made out of concrete, the largest enclosure of them all sat right before them. There were multiple tigers in it, most of them relaxing but there was one baby tiger roaming around. "Holy shit baby, they have a baby!" Claire said in awe, crouching down and smiling at it. The tiger ran up to the glass and pawed at it, it's eyes shiny and pretty. "Sweetie, take a photo." Claire murmured, handing her phone to Leon. He knew this meant so much to her. He took a couple quick images of Claire and the tiny tiger.
"I did it honey." Leon whispered back, sliding her phone into her pocket. Claire giggled as the mama tiger came over, as if to protect it's baby. "Don't worry mama." Claire said softly, her tone soothing. The two tigers just stood there, looking at Claire. They didn't seem aggressive or anything, rather curious. Claire gave them one last smile before slowly standing up, not wanting to make any sudden movements. "You're like mother nature." Leon joked, wrapping his arm around her as she stepped back.
Making eye contact a little longer, Claire took one last photo of the two tigers, in absolute shock by their actions. "They were so precious." Claire giggled, watching as they walked off further into the enclosure. "They seemed to enjoy your company." Leon smiled, kissing her cheek, "Just like I do." He was such a flirt. Claire snorted, taking his hand in hers, "C'mon you dork, let's get to the car, we can stop and look at some more on our way out." She giggled, their hands interlocked.
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Into The Woods
Pairing: Reverend!Malakai x Reader
Warnings: +18, smut, masturbation, mentions of corruption kink
A/N: I missed my dear Reverend Malakai so this is me getting my fix.
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Tag: @theworldofotps , @writtingrose , @aerynscrichton , @daddyhausen , @melissahausen , @unoficialy-married-to-ace-austin , @sophiewolfheart-blog , @sultryfandoms , @new-zealand-chic , @crowleysqueenofhell , @thealliasylum , @legit9thlunaticwarrior , @baysexuality , @josiewrites , @seeingstarks , @irish-newzealand-idian-dutch , @whenimakeitshine1234 , @moxkindagirl , @sunshinevirus , @im-just-a-mississippi-girl
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The only place she was ever allowed to go that wasn’t a relative's house was the church. No parks - unless she was accompanied by her brother - no malls, no amusement parks, not even grocery shopping. She could only take a walk if the path she took led her to church, straight to Reverend Malakai’s arms.
He was the only one who understood her, he advised her of her behavior towards her parents, of their restriction, of her exaggerated submission to their rules, the conformity of going to law school to follow her mother’s frustrated dreams, and her lack of voice and power. He even took her out for a walk in the woods every Thursday afternoon, bringing along a red candy apple for her to snack on as they delved between the trees to a small shack where they would spend the next hours purging her from her fears.
Now, sitting on the last row of the black benches, she can’t help but stare at him. He was wearing an all-black suit with golden buttons. The jacket hung from the black chair on top of the pulpit, and the vest hugged his defined torso like a warm embrace from a lover. His hands were placed inside his pockets as he walked around from one end of the pulpit to the other.
His voice had the same monotone, stern timbre as always. She came to realize after a time that his tone only changed when they were alone inside the shack. In there it sounded faintly warmer, inviting even.
Staring at the man in front of her, she couldn’t help but let her fingers trace small circles on her exposed thigh, copying the patterns Reverend Malakai used to draw on her skin every afternoon. Her hands slipped beneath her white summer dress, crossing over her clothed crotch at the same time Reverend Malakai’s different-colored eyes dawdled her face. His orbs followed the path of her hands, and beneath the burning stare, she felt her hands lingering on her mound.
“The touch is allowed, and most certainly welcomed” He preached, while keeping his eyes on her “We should embrace it and make delightful use of it” Malakai smirked when she instantly pulled her hands away from the hem of her dress.
Once the sermon was finished and all the believers had left, Malakai walked towards the bench she sat on. He closed his hand around her fist and slowly pushed it underneath her summer dress, similar to what she had done minutes ago.
“I said the touch is allowed and most certainly welcomed. Which part of that did you not get, sugarplum?”
She felt her own fingers brushing against her wet panties, and Malakai covered her fingers with his as they rubbed her folds through the damp fabric.
“I was scared that someone might see me-” Her words got caught in her throat the minute Malakai’s free hand closed around her neck.
“Do you feel this?” He squeezed the sides of her neck, making a slight pressure settle on the top of her head. “That’s blood pumping faster through your veins due to the sudden lack of oxygen”.
His fingers pushed her panties to the side, so they could now rub her clit together. “Do you know why fear and arousal go so well together, sugarplum? It’s the adrenaline. The one you felt 15 minutes ago at the thought of someone catching you masturbating to me while we’re inside a church is the same adrenaline running through your body now. The only difference was that the first was driven by arousal and this one” Malakai added even more pressure to her neck “Is by fear”.
He released her neck and as she gasped for air, Malakai slipped his middle finger along with hers inside her tight walls.
“But can you see what fear is capable of doing to you though? You’re wetter than you were before”
Their fingers moved together in sync in and out of her, Malakai’s thumb pressed against her bundle of nerves as the sounds of her dripping core made him growl “Next time I tell you to touch yourself, you’ll do it, do you understand?”
She nodded quickly as his free hand closed around her neck once again, causing a new wave of warm liquid to coat their fingers.
“I want to hear the sounds of your wet pussy echoing through my church's next sermon. I want our faithful believers to see how even the purest angel is able to turn into a dirty little slut” Malakai’s voice rumbled against her ear “And if you deny it to me, you’ll find out that my hands can do much more than just give you hours of pleasure”
Malakai released her neck at the same time he pulled their fingers out of her core. He knelt at her feet and licked the small pool of wetness on top of the bench before his tongue covered her slick folds for a brief moment.
“Now” He pulled back to stare at her “Take off your clothes, toss them in the woods, and wait for me in the shack”.
A soft whine escaped her lips as she stood up on trembling legs to run out to the woods. Once she was out of eyesight, Malakai licked the finger coated with her juices and smirked “Run, little red riding hood, run”, before he pushed the backdoor of the church open, and stepped out into the woods.
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Why the hell is there a shop button where my blog used to be.
Stop trying to be like other social media sites tumblr, I don’t want to buy anything from you.
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ragingbookdragon · 2 years
Oh man the tumblr app update is awful! WHY would you change the button placement?!? Why is the tumblrmart button more prevalent than my own blog. This is so stupid, how can we fix it?!
@staff hey I don’t think y’all thought this one through. Can you idk put the search and blog buttons back where they were??? If I wanted to go live every day, that button would be useful. It is not.
A whole bunch of people who are never going to go live or shop
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sodafrog13 · 2 years
when the fuck did tumblr put the shop button where the your blog button used to be. why do i have to go to my dash and then press another button just to go to my own fucking blog
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rowanb3rries · 2 years
i swear the new tumblr mobile update is really fucking killing my enjoyment of the site
why even let me tap on an image if i can’t zoom in???? and why is the tumblr shop button where my blog button used to be???
@staff please roll this back it’s awful
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nightphlox · 2 years
well i didn't realize this blog has no ask button for the ask game, but i did get a few via DM, so!!!
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5. What do you wish someone would ask you about push/pull? Answer it now!
You, question-asker, know both of these things already, but here are two: Where in the process of drafting this fic did you come up with the sex shop? Almost last! I had already sketched out almost the whole thing in detailed beat-by-beat bullet points and drafted a big chunk of it. Originally I had a whole different opening where they were at a library and Laudna was (per usual) putting Imogen’s research interests above her own, which was working okay but felt kind of flat. The sex shop thing was much more fun and lively and a better way to get to all the thematic stuff I wanted to do with the sex, so I was all too happy to chuck the old opening. Are the revivify cock rings really enchanted? No. Or at least not with Revivify.
12. Are there any tropes you used to dislike but have grown on you?
I don’t often go for fics that explore sex as a way to work out intense anger. Jealousy, absolutely, but fury? Ehh. HOWEVER, I do click into them anyway, because sometimes that sex can be really insightful character study and then I like it! In the past I would’ve been likelier just to skip it entirely.
13. Are there any tropes you used to like but don’t anymore?
Hmm, so this isn't a trope but I do think it's the best answer I've got? Much like everyone else on tumblr in 2011/12/13, I read a lot of m/m for a while. Johnlock and Cherik mostly iirc, but other stuff too. This is around the same time I came out as Umbrella Identity Queer, Don't Ask Me What Specifically. Over the next bunch of years I became more and more comfortable with identifying as a lesbian and also became less and less interested in reading m/m. (Correlation, not causation.) By around 2015 or so I think I was reading pretty exclusively f/f. I still have some all-time favorite fics that aren't f/f and will happily read non-f/f if by a favorite author or if recommended by a friend, but in general just don't gravitate towards it or seek it out. This is true for both smut and non-smut, but especially true for smut.
14. Are there any tropes you would only read if written by a trusted friend or writer?
A/B/O isn’t my thing, but I could probably be persuaded to give an individual fic a go if I really adored the author’s other work.
17. What highly specific AU do you want to read or write even though you might be the only person to appreciate it?
why am I so bad at this question uhhhh trying to come up with literally anything I'm so bad at AU ideas uhhhhhhh how about one where *spins wheel* laudna's a ghost and imogen's a ghost hunter and they fuck. I have no further way to embellish this someone go for it if you want tho
23. What’s a trope, AU, or concept you’ve never written, but would like to?
I really love all of the "improper use of [spell/magic]" stuff that this fandom gets to do. I have a couple more ideas brewing for installments in what I guess basically is becoming my telepathy sex series, and each of those comes at the telepathy thing in a slightly new/different way. I haven't done Improper Use of Mage Hand which people always seem to have fun with. I'd love to do Improper use of Command but Astoria already did such a smart job with that one (command as permission!!!) that I don't know that I'd have much new to say with it. You'll catch me rooting around the sorcerer and warlock spell lists at some point, I am sure.
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webscarlet · 6 days
Emergency Button for the Elderly: A Life-Saving Solution
In a world where safety and security are paramount, especially for our elderly loved ones, finding reliable solutions to ensure their well-being is crucial. Enter the emergency button—a simple yet powerful life-saving technology designed to provide peace of mind to both the elderly and their caregivers. In this blog post, we’ll explore the benefits, functionalities, and real-world applications of emergency buttons, backed by relevant statistics and expert opinions.
Why Elderly Safety Matters
Elderly safety isn't just a concern; it’s a growing necessity. According to the CDC, one in four Americans aged 65+ falls each year. Falls are the leading cause of fatal injury among older adults, making it essential to have preventive measures in place.
The Rising Need for Elderly Safety Solutions
With an aging population, the need for robust elderly safety solutions has never been more apparent. The U.S. Census Bureau projects that by 2034, older adults will outnumber children for the first time in U.S. history. This demographic shift underscores the urgency of adopting life-saving technologies like emergency buttons.
A Personal Approach to Safety
Safety shouldn’t mean sacrificing independence. For many elderly individuals, their home is their sanctuary. However, it’s also where most accidents occur. Emergency buttons provide a seamless way to ensure safety without infringing on the autonomy that many seniors cherish. With a simple press of a button, help is instantly accessible, whether it's for a fall, medical emergency, or another crisis.
Understanding Emergency Buttons
What is an Emergency Button?
An emergency button is a compact, wearable device that allows users to summon assistance quickly. Typically worn as a pendant or wristband, these devices are equipped with a button that, when pressed, alerts emergency services or pre-designated contacts.
How Do Emergency Buttons Work?
Emergency buttons work through a combination of wireless technology and pre-set protocols. When the button is pressed, it sends a signal to a monitoring center or directly to emergency contacts, triggering an immediate response. Some advanced models also come with features such as GPS tracking, fall detection, and two-way communication, enhancing the overall functionality.
Benefits of Using an Emergency Button
Immediate Access to Help
One of the primary benefits of an emergency button is the immediate access to help it provides. In emergencies, every second counts. By pressing a single button, the elderly can alert medical personnel, ensuring they receive prompt assistance.
Enhanced Peace of Mind
For caregivers and family members, knowing that their loved one has a life-saving device at their disposal brings immense peace of mind. It alleviates anxiety and stress, knowing that help is just a button press away.
Promotes Independence
Using an emergency button allows elderly individuals to maintain their independence longer. They can live alone or continue their daily activities without the constant worry of being unable to get help in a crisis.
Real-World Applications of Emergency Buttons
In-Home Safety
Emergency buttons are particularly beneficial for in-home use. Whether the user lives alone or with others, the device ensures that they can get immediate help if they fall, feel unwell, or face any other emergency.
Outdoor Safety
Modern emergency buttons are equipped with GPS tracking, making them invaluable when the elderly are outside. Whether they're walking in the park, visiting friends, or shopping, the GPS feature provides an added layer of safety, ensuring they can be located quickly if something goes wrong.
Choosing the Right Emergency Button
Key Features to Consider
When selecting an emergency button, it’s essential to consider various features to ensure it meets your specific needs:
Range and Connectivity: Ensure the device has adequate range and reliable connectivity.
Battery Life: Long battery life is crucial for continuous protection.
Water Resistance: A water-resistant device ensures reliability even in a shower or bath.
Ease of Use: The device should be easy to operate, especially for those with limited dexterity.
Our Recommendation - Smart Med Alert
At Smart Med Alert, we offer meticulously designed emergency buttons that incorporate all these essential features and more. Our devices are equipped with state-of-the-art technology to ensure maximum safety and reliability.
How Smart Med Alert Supports Elderly Safety
Comprehensive Monitoring
Smart Med Alert provides 24/7 monitoring services, ensuring that help is always available when needed. Our professional team is trained to handle emergencies swiftly and efficiently.
Affordable and Accessible
We believe that every senior deserves to feel safe. That’s why we offer flexible pricing plans to accommodate different budgets. Our devices are easy to set up and come with comprehensive support to ensure seamless integration into your loved one’s life.
Customer Satisfaction
We pride ourselves on our commitment to customer satisfaction. With thousands of satisfied customers, Smart Med Alert is a trusted name in elderly safety.
The Future of Elderly Safety with Technology
Innovations on the Horizon
The future of elderly safety is bright, thanks to continuous advancements in technology. Innovations such as AI-powered health monitoring, smart home integrations, and enhanced wearable technologies are set to revolutionize how we protect our elderly loved ones.
Empowering Independence
These technological advancements aim to empower seniors, allowing them to live independently while ensuring their safety. By integrating these solutions into their daily lives, we can create a safer and more secure environment for the elderly.
Final Thoughts
Emergency buttons for the elderly are more than just devices; they’re lifelines that provide safety, independence, and peace of mind. At Smart Med Alert, we’re dedicated to enhancing elderly safety through cutting-edge technology and exceptional service. Don't wait for an emergency to occur—act now to ensure the safety and well-being of your loved ones.
Ready to prioritize safety? Call us today at 866-339-3827 to learn more about our innovative emergency button solutions and take the first step towards a safer future for your loved ones.
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manojsl · 25 days
How to Use Apple Pay: The Complete Guide
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In this day and age, everything is about convenience in the digital world. One favorite way quickly becoming to pay for anything is with Apple Pay; it's fast, secure, and pretty easy using iPhones, Apple Watches, iPads, and Macs. This blog will get you set up with everything you need to know about Apple Pay: from setting it up and using it in stores, online, and right in apps.
What is Apple Pay?
Apple Pay is a mobile payment and digital wallet service by Apple Inc., which allows users to pay for services and goods using their Apple devices. It no longer needs physical cards and cash. You now pay with a tap on your phone or a click on your Mac. Apple Pay is built to work with most credit and debit cards from most of the major banks and is accepted in millions of stores around the world.
Why Use Apple Pay?
There are several benefits that come with using Apple Pay instead of conventional methods of payment.
Convenience: You don't have to have a physical wallet in your pocket at any given time. All your cards are kept secure and in the digital world.
Security: With tokenization and encryption, Apple Pay always ensures that your information never gets shared with merchants or saved on your device.
Speed: Transactions take place at a much faster rate, most notably with Express Transit, where you do not even have to authenticate the payment.
Privacy: Apple Pay does not track your transactions, so rest assured that your payment history remains private.
Setting up Apple Pay
Before you can use Apple Pay, you need to set it up on your device. Here's how:
Check Compatibility Ensure your device supports Apple Pay. The following devices support this feature:
iPhone SE, iPhone 6 and later models
iPad Pro, iPad Air 2, iPad mini 3, and later models
Apple Watch (all series)
Mac models with Touch ID
Add a Card to Apple Wallet
Launch the Wallet app on your iPhone.
Click the "+" sign in the upper right corner.
Use the prompts to add in a new card. You may key in card details manually, or you may even take a snapshot of the card using your device camera.
Your bank or card issuer is likely to need further verification, which can be done through text, email, or a phone call.
Setting Default Card (Optional)
Click on Settings > Wallet & Apple Pay.
Tap "Default Card" and select the card you prefer to use most frequently.
Where Can You Use Apple Pay?
Apple pay can be used in a number of places and situations, making it a very versatile tool for all of your payment needs.
In Stores Apple pay can be used in any store that accepts contactless payments. Look for the contactless payment symbol or the Apple Pay logo at the payment terminal in a store to confirm.
With an iPhone or Apple Watch: Rest your device on the payment terminal to pay. On the iPhone, pay by double-clicking the home button and authenticating the transaction with Face ID, Touch ID, or your passcode. For the Apple Watch, first double-click the side button and then hold the watch near the reader.
Express Transit: In select cities, no authentication is needed with Apple Pay so you can go through public transport fast.
Online and In-Apps Apple Pay is available for use in online shopping and in applications with it as a payment method.
With Safari on iPhone, iPad, or Mac: During checkout, just click on Apple Pay. Authenticate with Face ID, Touch ID, or your passcode on your iPhone or iPad. Authenticate on your Mac with the secure control-click and passcode. Pay securely.
In-app purchases — For in-application purchases involving Apple Pay, you will simply select Apple Pay as the payment method and authenticate as usual on Safari.
On Your Mac If your Mac supports Touch ID, you can use Apple Pay to pay for items online quickly and easily. But even if it doesn't have Touch ID, you can still use Apple Pay on your Mac by completing a simple two-step authentication with your iPhone or your Apple Watch.
Card Management Made Easy
One of the best features of Apple Pay is the ease with which you can manage your card and payments with one glance.
View Recent Transactions You can view your recent transactions within the Wallet app. Just tap on any card, and you'll see what your most recent purchases were when using Apple Pay.
Adding Multiple Cards With Apple Pay, you can add multiple cards and be able to switch easily between them. Simply press on the card of choice, and off you go to pay.
Remove a Card To remove a card from Apple Pay, open the Wallet app, tap on the card to be removed and then tap on the "More" button (three dots) followed by "Remove This Card".
If it's Lost or Stolen If your device is lost or stolen, you can use the Find My app to quickly disable Apple Pay on that device, ensuring your cards and payments remain secure.
Keeping Your Apple Pay Safe
While designed to be very secure, follow these best practices for added safety:
Turn on Two-Factor Authentication: Adds an extra layer of protection to your Apple ID, a critical component of managing Apple Pay.
Check Your Transactions: You can use the Wallet application to check your recent transactions to make sure everything looks right.
Keep Your Device Updated: Every so often, Apple will release an update that makes your security even better. Ensure your operating system is always up to date.
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oyecommerz · 27 days
The Essential Guide to Responsive Design for Shopify Plus Stores
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In today's digital age, a responsive design is more than just a trend—it's a necessity. For Shopify Plus stores, where high performance and user experience are paramount, ensuring that your site looks and functions beautifully across all devices is crucial. This blog will guide you through the essentials of responsive design specifically tailored for Shopify Plus stores.
Why Responsive Design Matters
Responsive design ensures that your Shopify Plus store adapts seamlessly to different screen sizes and orientations, providing a consistent user experience whether customers are shopping on a desktop, tablet, or mobile phone. With mobile commerce on the rise, a responsive design can significantly impact your store's conversion rates and user satisfaction.
Key Principles of Responsive Design
Flexible Grid Layouts
Fluid Grids: Utilize a flexible grid system where the layout adjusts based on the screen size. Avoid fixed-width elements, as they can create a poor experience on smaller screens.
Relative Units: Use percentage-based widths and em units rather than pixels to ensure elements resize proportionally.
Media Queries
CSS Media Queries: Implement media queries to apply different styles based on device characteristics. For example, you can adjust font sizes, hide or show elements, and tweak layouts to suit different devices.
Breakpoints: Define breakpoints at common screen sizes (e.g., 480px, 768px, 1024px) to ensure your design looks good on all devices.
Responsive Images
Fluid Images: Make images scale with the layout using CSS properties like max-width: 100%.
Responsive Image Techniques: Use the srcset attribute in HTML to provide multiple image sizes for different resolutions, ensuring that high-quality images load only on high-resolution screens.
Viewport Meta Tag
Viewport Configuration: Include the viewport meta tag in your HTML to control the layout on mobile browsers. This tag helps with proper scaling and viewport width adjustment.
Touch-Friendly Design
Clickable Elements: Design buttons and interactive elements to be large enough and spaced adequately for easy tapping on touchscreens.
Gestures: Consider how touch gestures might impact navigation and usability.
Testing and Optimization
Cross-Device Testing: Regularly test your store across various devices and screen sizes to catch any design issues. Tools like Google’s Mobile-Friendly Test and BrowserStack can simulate different devices.
Performance Monitoring: Monitor your site’s performance and load times on mobile devices. Use tools like Google PageSpeed Insights to identify and address performance bottlenecks.
A responsive design is crucial for delivering a seamless shopping experience on Shopify Plus. By embracing flexible grids, media queries, responsive images, and touch-friendly design, you can ensure that your store performs well across all devices, ultimately driving higher engagement and conversions.
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