#why we use react js instead of javascript
sensationsolutions · 1 year
React JS is a popular JavaScript library used for building user interfaces for web applications. Its popularity has skyrocketed in recent years due to its ability to deliver high-performing, fast, and interactive applications. React JS is a great choice for web development, and in this guest post, we will discuss its top features and benefits.
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prateekshawebdesign · 6 months
Top 10 Features Of React JS For Web Developers
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ReactJS is a popular open-source JavaScript library that enables developers to build high-performing and interactive user interfaces for web applications. Created by Facebook, ReactJS has rapidly gained popularity among developers due to its robust set of features and flexibility. In this article, we will discuss the top 10 features of React JS for web developers, as well as why you should choose ReactJS for your next project.
10 Notable Features of React JS for Web Developers
1. JSX
JSX is a unique feature of ReactJS that allows developers to write HTML-like syntax directly in their JavaScript code. It was introduced by Facebook in 2013 and has since become a popular choice among web developers working with ReactJS. JSX is not a separate language, but rather an extension to the JavaScript language. It allows developers to write HTML-like markup in their JavaScript code, which is then transpiled to regular JavaScript code by a compiler such as Babel. This means that JSX code can be used alongside regular JavaScript code, making it easy to incorporate ReactJS components into existing projects. One of the main advantages of using JSX is that it allows developers to create more readable and maintainable code. By combining HTML-like syntax with JavaScript code, developers can write code that is easier to understand and more closely resembles the structure of the final web page. This can also make it easier to debug code, as developers can more easily identify where problems are occurring. Another advantage of using JSX is that it allows developers to create reusable components that can be easily shared across multiple projects. These components can be thought of as building blocks that can be combined to create more complex web pages. By breaking down a web page into smaller, reusable components, developers can create more modular code that is easier to maintain and update. To use JSX, developers must first define the elements that will make up their web page. These elements can be written using HTML-like syntax and can include attributes and event handlers. For example, a simple button element might look like this in JSX:**<button onClick={handleClick}>Click me</button>**
In this example, the button element includes an onClick attribute that is set to a function called handleClick. This function will be called when the user clicks the button.
2. Virtual DOM
Virtual DOM is a key feature of ReactJS that enables it to update web pages efficiently and quickly. In traditional web development, when a change is made to a web page, the entire page is re-rendered to reflect the change. This can be slow and resource-intensive, particularly for complex web pages with a large number of elements. The Virtual DOM is a lightweight copy of the actual DOM (Document Object Model), which is a representation of the web page's structure and content. When a change is made to the web page, ReactJS updates the Virtual DOM instead of the actual DOM. It then compares the updated Virtual DOM with the previous version to determine which parts of the page need to be updated. By only updating the necessary parts of the page, ReactJS is able to improve the performance of web applications. This is because updating the Virtual DOM is much faster than updating the actual DOM, which can take a lot of time and resources. Another benefit of using the Virtual DOM is that it can help to prevent errors and bugs in web applications. When a change is made to the Virtual DOM, ReactJS automatically applies the change to the actual DOM, without the need for developers to manually update the code. This can help to reduce the likelihood of errors and bugs that can be introduced when manually updating the code.
3. Component-based architecture
is a key feature of ReactJS that allows developers to create reusable and modular code for web applications. In this architecture, web pages are built using a series of components, which are like building blocks that can be combined to create more complex components and ultimately a complete web page. Each component in the architecture has its own logic and can be reused across different web pages. This means that developers can create a library of components that can be used across multiple projects, making it easier to develop and maintain web applications. In ReactJS, components are defined as JavaScript functions or classes that return a set of instructions that describe what should be rendered on the web page. These instructions can include HTML-like markup, CSS styles, and event handlers that define the behavior of the component. Components can be nested within each other, which means that complex web pages can be built from smaller, reusable components. For example, a web page might be built using a header component, a navigation component, a main content component, and a footer component. Each of these components can be reused across multiple web pages, making it easier to maintain and update the codebase.
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softssolutionservice · 6 months
Functional Components and Hooks: The New Era of React 
The world of web development continuously evolves, bringing forth new paradigms and methodologies that revolutionize how we build and interact with technology. Among these, React, a JavaScript library for building user interfaces, has been at the forefront of this evolution. At Softs Solution Service, a leading IT Training Institute in Ahmedabad, we're witnessing an exciting shift towards functional components and hooks, a change that's defining a new era of React development. 
Understanding Functional Components and Hooks: 
Gone are the days when Reacts class components were the go-to solution for stateful components. Functional components, initially introduced for stateless presentation purposes, have now taken center stage with the introduction of hooks in React 16.8. This update has significantly streamlined the process of writing components, making it more intuitive and efficient.  
Functional components are JavaScript functions that return React elements. They’re simpler, easier to test and maintain, and reduce the amount of boilerplate code developers have to write. With hooks, these functional components can now manage state, side effects, context, and more, which were once only possible with class components. 
The Benefits of Functional Components and Hooks: 
Simplicity and Readability: One of the core advantages of using functional components is their simplicity. They encourage writing smaller, reusable components that are easier to test and reason about. With hooks, we can use plain JavaScript functions instead of having to understand the 'this' keyword or bind event handlers in class components. 
Performance Gains: Functional components can lead to performance improvements. Since they're just functions, they avoid some of the overhead that class components have. Hooks also help avoid nesting higher-order components or render props patterns, which can lead to a cleaner component tree and faster re-renders. 
Sharing Non-UI Logic: Hooks make it simpler to share logic with state between components without changing your component hierarchy. Custom hooks can encapsulate non-UI logic, which can be reused across different components, enhancing code reusability and abstraction. 
Streamlined Life-Cycle Management: With the introduction of the use Effect hook, it's now possible to handle side effects in functional components. This hook replaces several life-cycle methods from class components, making it easier to organize and manage side effects in one place. 
Embracing the New Era with Training and Development 
At Softs Solution Service, we understand the importance of keeping abreast with the latest developments in technology. That's why our React JS Development Course includes comprehensive training on functional components and hooks. We prepare developers to harness the full potential of React's modern features through our React JS Development Training, both in-person in Ahmedabad and through our Online React JS Development Course. 
The React JS Development Course in Ahmedabad at Softs Solution Service is meticulously designed to guide you through the foundational concepts to advanced applications of React's latest features. Our curriculum is practical, industry-relevant, and tailored to meet the demands of today’s web development landscape. 
The shift to functional components and hooks in React signifies more than just a technical update; it represents a broader move towards a more efficient, intuitive, and scalable approach to building web applications. It's a testament to the adaptability and forward-thinking ethos that underpins the React community. 
As developers, embracing these changes is not optional but essential for staying relevant in the fast-paced tech industry. At Softs Solution Service, we're committed to facilitating this transition, empowering our students with the skills and knowledge to succeed in this new era of React development. 
Whether you are new to the field or looking to update your skills, now is the perfect time to dive into our React JS Development Course and master the art of building modern, reactive user interfaces with React. Join us to unlock your potential and carve your niche in the ever-evolving world of web development. 
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inextures · 1 year
React Native Guide: A Hybrid Framework for Mobile Apps
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Everybody is searching for easier and quicker ways of making mobile apps that work on both iPhones and Android phones. This is where React Native proves to be useful! It’s a tool made by Facebook that assists developers with making portable applications utilizing basic coding languages, such as JavaScript and React.
With React Native, developers can compose the code once and have the application work on both types of phones. In this blog, we will explore what makes React Native exceptional, why individuals like using it, and how it’s essentially altering the way mobile apps are made. Subsequently, whether you’re contemplating making an application, a developer who loves learning new things, or just someone curious about development, this blog is for you!
What is React Native?
React Native is a JavaScript framework designed for building natively rendering mobile apps for iOS and Android platforms. Born from the genius labs of Facebook, it’s based on React, Facebook’s JavaScript library for building user interfaces, but targets mobile platforms instead of browsers. Essentially, with React Native, you can build mobile apps using only JavaScript and a few native components. The best part? It’s not about building a “mobile web app” or even a “hybrid app” but truly native apps.
Why Opt for React Native?
Cross-platform Development- The primary allure of React Native is its cross-platform capabilities. Write the code once, and run it on both Android and iOS. This capability can considerably reduce development time and costs.
Performance- While there are several hybrid solutions out there, what sets React Native apart is its closer proximity to native performance. This is because it uses native components rather than relying on WebView for rendering.
Community Support- Being an open-source project, React Native enjoys significant community support. Developers across the globe contribute to its repository, ensuring a plethora of plugins, modules, and extensions are readily available.
Live and Hot Reloading- One of the features developers love is the ability to immediately see the result of the latest change. React Native’s ‘Live Reloading’ and ‘Hot Reloading’ features refresh and reload applications instantly, making development a breeze.
Flexibility for Developers- Since it’s based on JavaScript, which is widely known among developers, transitioning to React Native becomes simpler for those already familiar with JS or React.
There are two approaches in the world of mobile app development – Native and Hybrid
native and hybrid (or cross-platform), each with its own advantages and disadvantages. React Native actually falls somewhere between these two approaches, offering a balance between performance and development efficiency.
Native App Development
Native app development involves building applications for specific operating systems, primarily iOS or Android, using programming languages and tools that are native to those operating systems.
Swift or Objective-C for iOS.
Kotlin or Java for Android.
IDEs (Integrated Development Environments):
Xcode for iOS.
Android Studio for Android.
High Performance.
Access to all native APIs and device features.
Better user experience with platform-specific UI/UX guidelines.
Separate codebases for each platform.
More time-consuming and expensive.
Hybrid/Cross-Platform App Development
Hybrid app development enables developers to write the code once and run it on multiple platforms, leveraging web technologies.
Languages: JavaScript, HTML5, CSS.
Frameworks: Cordova, Ionic, Flutter, React Native.
Single codebase for multiple platforms.
Faster development and reduced costs.
Easier maintenance and updates.
Potentially lower performance compared to native apps.
Limited access to some native APIs and features.
React Native
React Native combines aspects of both native and hybrid app development. While it allows developers to write most of their code in JavaScript and reuse it across platforms, it also enables the incorporation of native code when necessary for performance optimizations and access to native features.
Near-native performance.
Single codebase for iOS and Android.
Access to native modules and APIs.
Large community and ecosystem.
Some complex features might require native development.
Still not as performant as purely native apps in some cases.
Choice Between Native and Hybrid
The choice between native and hybrid development depends on various factors including:
Project Requirements: Native might be suitable for apps requiring high performance and access to advanced device features. Hybrid could be beneficial for simpler apps or those requiring quicker, cost-effective development.
Budget and Resources: Native development can be resource-intensive due to separate codebases for each platform, while hybrid development can be more cost-effective.
Development Timeframe: Hybrid apps can generally be developed more quickly due to a single codebase approach.
Maintenance and Updates: Managing updates and maintenance is generally easier with a single codebase in hybrid development compared to maintaining separate codebases in native development.
React Native in the Real World
Many globally recognized companies trust React Native for their applications. Facebook, of course, uses it for its app. Instagram, Airbnb, Walmart, and Tesla are among the heavyweights who leverage the power of React Native, a testament to its robustness and versatility.
Challenges with React Native
However, it’s worth noting that while React Native is powerful, it isn’t a panacea. There are scenarios where it might not be the ideal choice:
Complex UI/UX Designs- For apps requiring intricate animations, interactions, or transitions, native development might be more suitable.
Native Modules Requirement- If an app requires several native modules, using React Native can become complicated, necessitating developers to write platform-specific code.
Heavy Computation Apps- For CPU-intensive operations, native code can be more efficient.
The Future of React Native
React Native has been continuously evolving since its inception. With Facebook’s backing and the vibrant community around it, there’s a significant focus on making it more performant, versatile, and developer-friendly.
Moreover, the trend towards adopting hybrid frameworks is growing, given the speed of development and cost savings. Given these trends, React Native seems poised to remain a popular choice among developers and businesses for the foreseeable future.
React Native has solidified its position as a top hybrid framework. Its capacity to convey close-to-native performance joined with the advantages of cross-platform development, makes it a convincing decision for some undertakings.
In any case, likewise with any technology, understanding its strengths and limitations is fundamental. React Native offers a lot, but it’s crucial to determine if it aligns with the specific needs of a project. For many, it provides the right balance of performance, flexibility, and speed, making it a go-to choice in the world of mobile app development.
Mobile App Development with React Native Frequently Asked Questions 
Why hybrid apps are the future of mobile development? 
Hybrid apps are the future of mobile app development as they allow for faster, cost-effective development with a single codebase for multiple platforms, thereby addressing diverse user needs and improving reach. Additionally, advancements in hybrid app frameworks are continually narrowing the performance gap between native and hybrid apps, ensuring high-quality user experiences.
How can I install React Native?
You can install React Native using Node Package Manager (npm) or Yarn by running the command npx react-native init MyNewProject or yarn create react-native-app MyNewProject, respectively. Make sure to have Node.js and a package manager installed beforehand.
Is React Native performance close to native?
While React Native might not match the performance of purely native apps in some cases, it is generally performant enough for most use cases and can approach native performance with optimizations.
Can I use custom/native modules with React Native?
Yes, React Native provides interfaces to use native modules that are written in Swift, Objective-C, Java, or Kotlin, allowing you to use native code and libraries in your project.
Originally published by: React Native Guide: A Hybrid Framework for Mobile Apps
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bookmytalent · 1 year
Outsource Your React JS Web Developer Today
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New websites are coming every day. As of 2022, there are around 2 billion websites worldwide. In fact, thousands of new websites will be created by the time you finish reading this blog. I’m assuming you own a business and are considering creating your own website. It is obviously a mindful thing to do in today’s competitive world. So, instead of hiring an in-house team, choose to outsource your React JS web developer. Because one thing that is going to create a buzz in the market is web development trends in 2023.
Many large companies, such as Netflix, Dropbox, Instagram, and Airbnb, use React.js for the front-end parts of their apps. And now, every other company that is smart enough to read the market and their customers’ emotions and needs will capitalize on these web development trends.
In this blog, we will discuss and provide valid reasons for outsourcing React web development services rather than hiring an in-house team. 
But first, let’s answer
Why Is React JS So Popular for Web Development?
There are many programming languages that help developers design different websites and apps. But one language that experts highly prefer in web development is React JS. Why so?
ReactJS, also known as React or React.js, is a JavaScript library that is used to create interactive apps and websites. It was named the most desired development framework in Stack Overflow’s 2022 development survey. 22.54% of developers said they would really like to learn and work with it. 
It is also the second most popular technology for development, with 42.62% of professional developers, coding students, and businesses using it.
There’s a good reason for this:
Simple to learn and apply
Highly skilled in JavaScript coding
Outstanding cross-platform performance
It is simple to create templates and dependencies.
Flexible in nature
This is only a summary. If you want to learn more about React JS, you can read- An overview of React JS.
Why Should You Outsource React.js Development Service?
React.js is one of the most valuable web development tools when properly tailored to the project’s goals and business needs. It especially does wonders when handled by highly-skilled React.js developers.
Building an internal React.js development team can be time-consuming and expensive for this reason. You will need to look after many things. It will require evaluating the project’s scope, identifying suitable developers, assembling a team within your financial constraints, and supporting them with consistent work and salaries. 
That’s why many businesses choose to outsource their React.js development work rather than hiring an in-house team. 
The software development industry has changed dramatically over the last decade. Outsourcing and distributed teams have replaced the traditional model of in-house development teams. As the benefits of outsourcing become more apparent, this trend will only accelerate.
Outsourcing React.js is a cost-effective solution for web development services:
Outsourcing the software development process has always been a cost-effective option than hiring a team. Similarly, when you outsource React JS development services it benefits you and your company in many ways. It eliminates the need for:
Additional infrastructure, 
Office space, and equipment,
Conducting a lengthy recruitment process, 
Training the new employees, 
Proving employee benefits, etc.
It helps you save money without sacrificing quality by outsourcing React development services from a reputable and reliable business. You can work with a group of talented developers based in a nation with lower living and wages.
You can make use of the latest trends and technologies for developing your website:
Companies without in-house programmers will also gain from contracting with a tech-savvy vendor to handle their project development. Partnering with a reputable software development firm allows you to:
Receive competent React.js consulting, 
Gain access to the company’s latest expertise and battle-tested software development practices
Gain insight into the best-suited tech stack and 
Anticipate potential pitfalls.
Outsourcing lets you free up your internal resources that can be put into some other important official works:
Another issue that small businesses face is a lack of resources. If your employees are overburdened with responsibilities, the quality of their work will suffer. Under pressure, your employees may even quit.
Outsourced teams are more flexible and scalable than an in-house team:
Compared to an internal developer, an external team offers more flexibility in the workplace. You can hire a remote team for seasonal projects without having to pay them throughout the year while maintaining stricter deadlines and budgets.
Outsourcing React development services is advantageous for growing businesses as it allows for future growth. You can add or remove team members, end the collaboration once the project is completed, and make risk-free decisions with no consequences.
Engaging outside developers also frees up your staff to work on important projects that will help the company grow. In this manner, you avoid passing up lucrative opportunities while ensuring that tasks related to development go off without a hitch.
The work will be of high quality:
It can be expensive to hire React developers with extensive experience, strong skill sets, and comprehensive knowledge of the react developer tools. For a lot less money, a remote team can provide the same qualities.
The majority of companies that provide outsourcing services for react development employ highly qualified react.js developers who also have the extensive industry knowledge and their own set of best practices.
Additionally, they would have collaborated with numerous businesses on a variety of projects, guaranteeing a broader knowledge base. An external team’s various members can collaborate to successfully plan, design, and carry out the project. It is challenging and expensive to build an internal team with all these qualities.
Getting professionals outsourced lets you tap an unrestricted talent pool:
Continuous technological development is the lifeblood of the software development sector. This implies that in order to remain relevant, developers must constantly learn new skills. With people competing on a global scale, the competition is also extremely fierce.
When you hire internally, you must hire locals or pay for employees to relocate to your city. However, if you outsource React development services, you can hire anyone with the necessary skills anywhere in the world.
Works are delivered on time:
When hiring a remote ReactJS development company, business owners can specify a deadline. Usually, the project has a time limit specified in the contract, and any delays could cost the company money. By doing this, you can guarantee that your development tasks will be completed on time and that the delivery will occur as scheduled.
If the deadline is short, it is also the agency’s duty to add more people to the project without charging you for each one separately. A temporary project does not require hiring, orienting, or training personnel, which would lengthen the development cycle time.
BookMyTalent can help you find React Developers
As a provider of talent outsourcing services, BMT helps you find the most talented, qualified and committed ReactJS developer. React JS development can now be outsourced to India for a fair price in order to find knowledgeable and experienced developers for your business.
Get in touch with us to explore your project, and our team of experts will work with you to bring it to fruition. Hire Indian developers today, and elevate your business to new heights!
For a seamless search for a highly skilled and knowledgeable professional for your React project, choose BMT. Let us find the best match for your custom development needs rather than going through the tiresome process of interviewing candidates and looking through genuine resumes.
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codebriefly · 2 years
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New Post has been published on https://codebriefly.com/how-to-setup-and-install-next-js-app/
How to Setup and Install Next.js App?
In this article, we will discuss “How to Setup and Install Next.js App” from scratch.
Table of Contents
What is React.js and Next.js?
Why we use Next.js?
Create Next.js Project
Understanding of App Directory structure
What is React.js and Next.js?
“React.js” is a JavaScript library for building user interfaces (elements that users see and interacting on-screen). Basically, React provide us some helpful functions to build UI, and leaves it on us where to use those functions in the application.
“Next.js” is a React framework. It is maintained by “Vercel”. Next.js features to solve common application requirements such as routing, data fetching, integrations – all while improving the developer and end-user experience.
Why we use Next.js?
Next.js comes with the some additional features to solve come application requirements such as:
We can build SSG (Static Site Generation), SSR (Server-Side Rendering) and SPA (Single Page Application) apps.
Hot code Reloading: Reload the page when it detects any change saved.
Routing: No need to configure any route. Files put in the pages folder, create the automatic routing.
Ecosystem Compatibility: Next.js plays well with the rest of the JavaScript, Node, and React ecosystem.
Prefetching: The Link component, used to link together different pages, supports a prefetch prop which automatically prefetches page resources.
Dynamic Components: You can import JavaScript modules and React Components dynamically.
Static Exports: Using the next export command, Next.js allows you to export a fully static site from your app.
TypeScript Support: Next.js is written in TypeScript and as such comes with an excellent TypeScript support.
Automatic code splitting: Next.js, basically can do a code splitting itself, where the framework will split the code so that every page will only load required CSS and JavaScript. User can experience faster page loading.
API integrated: You can also make API in the same project as your web project.
Create Next.js Project
First, we create a new Next.js Project using following command:
npx create-next-app next-13
When we execute this command, then some questions asked on the Terminal such as: Use TypeScript, EsLint, Src directory and app directory.
As per the Next.js new version 13 some changes in folder structure seen. Such as app directory instead of pages, Layouts and many more. We will discuss those in details in my next articles.
Next Js 13 Folder Structure
Let’s run the application using following command:
npm run dev
Understanding of App Directory structure
In the app directory, we use folders to define routes, and the files inside these folders are used to define the UI. There are also special files like:
head.tsx – This file specifies the head tag for the route segment it’s defined in.
page.tsx – The file used to create the UI for a particular route.
layout.tsx – It contains the layout definition of the route and is shareable across multiple pages. They are perfect for navigation menus and sidebars. On navigation, layouts preserve state and don’t re-render. This means that when you navigate between pages that share a layout, the state remains the same.
error.tsx – This file is used to handle errors in the application. It wraps a route with the React error boundary class such that when an error occurs in that route or its children it attempts to recover from it by rendering a user-friendly error page.
loading.tsx – The loading UI is instantly loaded from the server as the route UI loads in the background. The loading UI can be a spinner or a skeleton screen. Once the route content loads, it replaces the loading UI.
template.tsx is similar to the layout.tsx file, but upon navigation, a new instance of the component is mounted and the state is not preserved. Using layouts and templates allows us to take advantage of a concept known as partial rendering. While moving between routes inside of the same folder, only the layouts and pages inside of that folder are fetched and rendered:
The app directory is still an experimental feature so we need to add the flag in the “next.config.js” file as following:
experimental: appDir: true, ,
No need to perform this action if you are selecting app directory at the time of project installation.
In this article, we are discussing “How to Setup and Install Next.js App”. I tired to explain the basic structure and setup a Next.js project. I hope, you like this article and learn a lot. We will discuss more on Next.js in coming articles. Please feel free to add comments if any queries or suggestions.
Keep learning and stay safe 🙂
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incipientinfotech · 2 years
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Many people have difficulty distinguishing between Vue and React for web development, often finding it difficult to decide which one is better for a particular task. That’s where our guide comes in handy; by providing an overview of the benefits and features of both frameworks, you’ll be able to make a more informed decision.
Before making a decision between React and Vue, it would be helpful to understand their respective performance specs.
Why React and Vue are Popular?
Differences in popularity between Vuejs and React frameworks may be attributable to a variety of factors, including their respective strengths. Before deciding on which one to use, it’s important for developers to understand why each is reasonably well-known.
React is determined to be the number one JavaScript framework this year. Both Vue.js and React.js are external frames, providing consistent performance between them as well as a quality come to web development that aligns with various business requirements.
This library benefits from Facebook’s support in a variety of ways. First and foremost, developers can rely on good customer service when using the library — this is guaranteed by the social media platform itself. Additionally, each team within Facebook has access to and can use the library for their own projects; this allows for constant enhancement and updates.
The framework’s competitor, Vue, has a small-scale community thus far but is roaring steadily. Additionally, there are few thirdparty resources and libraries available; most of which do not have localized versions.
React has several benefits compared to Vue, including more tools. Virtually every major IDE supports React, and you can view its detailed blueprint on GitHub. Additionally, React enjoys a wider adoption than Vue does at present, which may make it an easier choice for some developers.
Vue vs. React Performance
Now let’s take a watch at the performance differences between Vue and React. Remember that both frameworks have some similar components, and often achieve common outcomes in performance tests.
Both React and Vue utilize lazy loading to reduce the amount of data that is loaded initially, which in turn speeds up the site. Additionally, Both libraries have containers that optimize file uploads. While React outperforms Vue when it comes to startup time, this difference is minimal when compared with script execution times. Both frameworks offer comparable support for accelerating project uploading
Vue can handle more frames per second than React. When updating the state of elements in React, that will result in additional rendering. Normally this would have a negative impact on performance, but Vue takes into account dependencies and blocks children elements from being re-rendered when their states change.
It is reasonable to suppose that Vue will provide slightly greater performance outcomes. However, we insist that speed and loading times of your app are markedly influenced by the libraries you utilize as well as other external factors.
While Vue may offer improved performance speeds and scalability, React. js offers an enriched ecosystem with many templates and extra tools that makes it better suited for larger projects. As such, smaller teams often choose to work with React over Vue when speed is of utmost importance; this factor usually outweighs other advantages offered by Vue.
React vs Vue — Application Architecture
One of the benefits of dividing an application’s architecture into several layers is that it becomes more flexible and convenient. React, in particular, utilizes render functions to generate all interface elements from scratch. This code mixture — a blend of JavaScript and HTML — is where everything happens.
Some Vue team members often advise against choosing between render functions and templates, but instead combining them to create a “logical” rendering approach. Templates offer a easier another, although Vue also has even supports JSX (React syntax) and render functions. Some users prefer templates while others prefer the more readable format provided by render functions. Ultimately it is up to the individual user what they find easier to read.
In React, you can create a newly project from scratch by selecting the “New Project” option. However, this process is limited in that it does not allow for customization and there is only single default template available for Single Page Applications.
The Vue project generator offers users with templates tailored to various apps and make systems, as well as the ability to save settings specific to a new project’s architecture during its creation process. Most importantly: creating a newly project using Vue allows you to configure its structure immediately after starting the process
Syntax Difference Between Vue and React
React and Vue have a significant difference in their syntax. React is based on JavaScript, while Vue uses TypeScript. This makes a big difference in how the code looks and works.
React is known for its unique syntax. This would be how we might write the headline “Hello world!” in React:
ReactDOM.render( <h1>Hello world!</h1>, document.getElementById(‘root’) );
JSX is a unusual blend of JS and HTML code, which is usually separated into separate files. This file contains all the actual layout design codes, meaning that it can be converted to regular JavaScript code once saved.
Vue uses HTML templates by default. However, you can also write your code in JavaScriptX if you prefer. Keep in mind that this is an option, and not a requirement.
React offers only JavaScriptX syntax. Vue’s separation of CSS, HTML, and JS provides new web developers experience in developing single-page applications. As HTML templates are often used by design professionals, this authorise for a shared language and facilitates communication between development groups working on the same project.
React and Vue are two different JavaScript frameworks that offer distinctive features.
one of the main distinctions between React and Vue is the way their respective view layers are make. In React, a user’s code appears as plain JavaScript Expressions, while by default, Vue utilizes HTML templates which can also be written in Javascript.
Hiring Demand and Talent Availability
Although Vue is simply for beginners to learn, it’s more difficult to find a React specialist than a Vue js developers when looking for someone specific for your project. That’s why if you need worldly-wise technology to be used in your project, hiring a React developer will likely be faster and cheaper than finding a VUE JS developer.
First, they will appreciate the project faster due to their greater knowledge of this particular type of technology. Second, it won’t take as long to identify and hire that specialist since there are many available candidates.”
React’s popularity recommends that the development community is quite experienced in its use. According to a Front-End Tooling survey, nearly half of developers feel comfortable working with React, which is significantly higher than when it was measured last year.
Although only 23% of respondents say they are confident using Vue at a high level, this indicates that the community imvolve many skilled professionals when it comes to
Despite Vue’s negative reputation, its popularity is still on the rise. It ranked 4th on a list of technologies programmers needed to survey in 2020 and this trend is likely to continue into 2022.
This fact suggests that more programmers will be exposed to Vue in future years. Additionally, being easier to study than other frameworks has helped contribute towards Vue’s growing reputation.
Developers Experience about React and Vue
Given the recent surge in popularity of React and Vue, it is natural to want to know what appealing aspects these programming technologies have for experienced developers. In this article, we’ll take a look at why programmers like each one and which technology may be best suited for your specific project. So stay tuned!
Developers suggest that Vue.js is an attractive library because it’s easier to learn and faster to implement than other solutions on the market. Additionally, there are software templates available which make creating applications significantly simpler.
In terms of documentation, developers point out that it is extensive and helpful in explaining how specific features work within the framework of Vue.js
React is popular for a variety of reasons, including its expansive ecosystem and range of available cases. Additionally, React ranks first when compared to other development frameworks by prevalence and universality. Developers also praised the framework’s popularity, attributing it as one major reason why they chose this technology stack.
Tools for React and Vue
When deciding between Vue and React for a project, it is important to consider their respective strengths. While both frameworks are standalone, React should be used in concurrence with other libraries due to its widespread use among developers.
React relies on external data sources (Flux / Redux) for state management and routing. This simplifies debugging, as Facebook offers a response-redux implementation for managing responses.
Additionally, React supports using response-router to customized how requests are handled by the system. By providing only one solution to manage these complexities, this architecture makes it more difficult to troubleshoot issues related to loading or performance.
Key Differences Between Vue and React
Frameworks differ significantly in their capabilities and applicability. This variety affects the kind of project each can be used for.
Vue and React utilize different methods for rendering content in the DOM. Vue utilizes JSX and HTML template, while React relies on only JSX. This distinction can have a significant impact on how quickly an application is rendered, as well as its complexity.
React is a popular front-end technology that enables developers to create user interfaces. Its main solutions are elements (components), script management and DOM management. Other tasks associated with React development, such as data binding and routing, have been made by the community over time.
However, for novice programmers who are unfamiliar with this format of work, it can be difficult to use so many thirdparty libraries and resources simultaneously.
The framework utilizes Vue, a community-driven library of solutions that are both beginner-friendly and proficient for experienced professionals. This symbiosis gives users the best possible results without sacrificing quality.
As time passed and companies began utilizing different development tools based on their own experience and requirements, rather than adhering to a singular philosophy, the gap between various frameworks gradually diminished. Framework efficiency remains largely unique to each setting however; no framework is inherently better than another.
React is a library that allows for component architecture, DOM manipulation and state management (within the confines of components), while Vue is a framework which does not dictate these aspects. This approach provides developers with more freedom in terms of design and development.
Will Vue Replace React?
At this point, it’s premature to say what will completely replace React. Judging by the size of the community and number of projects that continue to use React, it seems unlikely that a replacement for it will arrive anytime soon.
Despite the many benefits and ease of use associated with Vue, it is still not as popular as React. This newer technology requires more time to develop and may never attain widespread success. We can only speculate about its potential future at this point.
What is Easier to Learn?
React will still be the top-notch framework to learn in 2022, but Vue is becoming more popular due to its ease of use.
React’s documentation may be flawed, but that doesn’t mean the framework is all that hard to learn. In fact, demand for React is what has motivated more creators to explore and utilize it.
While Vue is a powerful library, its documentation can be more developer-friendly than those of some of the competitors. If you know basic HTML and have limited experience with development, we recommend using Vue.
Both frameworks support learning through HTML and JavaScript, but Vue is simpler to use because it helps these languages natively.
Documentation Difference
According to official Vue website, the documentation is top notch and answers common questions clearly. Additionally, their site features a wealth of detailed tech information with easy-to-find explanations for those seeking help.
In comparison, the competitor’s website suffers when it appears to having comprehensive documentation and clear response to frequently asked questions (FAQs).
Despite this, the Vue syndication is still less strong than the React one. As a result, you may experience difficulty with problems that are out of the ordinary.
Although React documentation is not perfect, programmers are more likely to turn to the community for help when encountering nonstandard and complex issues. In comparison, frameworks typically have a higher level of complete documentation which can compensate for its lack in certain areas.
Furthermore, due to the large number of customers associated with them, frameworks tend to be similar in terms of their capabilities.
What is More Secure?
With regard to security, it’s important to remember that this is determined by the app upgrade approach. The interface technology doesn’t matter.
There are several potential security risks associated with JavaScript, and even regular elements can have harmful consequences. This is true for both structures
React’s security is a chief concern, as app attacks can only occur if one of its vulnerable modules are used. This includes React’s server-side implementation using ReactDOM. Additionally, VueJS has been released below the MIT license and poses no risks for commercial use.
Development Cost
Developers working with Vue.js on Upwork generally cost between $19 and $35 per hour, but this can range depending on a number of factors, such as the size and complexity of the project.
On average, an organization hiring vue developers through YouTeam will spend around $47 per hour and reach a monthly maximum value of approximately $7,563.2
As React is a widely used programming language for developing mobile apps, the price of creating a React Native app can range from $15,000 between $300,000. the hourly rates that developers charge on Upwork may also vary greatly depending on the project’s duration or scope.
Vue vs. React: Which to Choose for Your Product?
React or Vue? One big difference between React and Vue is that React provides a lot of flexibility for developers. This allows frameworks to be created, which are available in different ways depending on when the application will be released. Applications built with React tend to be fast, easy to test, and performant.
However, this is very difficult to achieve and because of this numerous companies may have applications that are slow or hard-to-test due to the lack of understanding by novice developers.
React is like a bad swimming coach who just throws you into the pool and talks about swimming, without caring if you can breathe or wave your goals. In this scenario, it’s important to remember that React is only concerned with making sure that you are actually swimming; anything else (like maintaining proper breathing or coordinating motions) is irrelevant.
This problem often crops up in teams where there are no React experts, as people tend to develop applications at their own pace instead of taking the time necessary to choose what would be best for the project as a whole. Be mindful when making decisions so that your chosen solution meets both your needs and those of the rest of the team.
Vue Pros and Cons
This article covers the pros and cons of Vue.js, which is a popular JavaScript framework. While it has many benefits, it may also have some unexpected drawbacks.
React applications are commonly composed of reusable components. This is facilitated by the fact that, in most cases, a UI component can be used across various code variants or even outside of React projects with little to no alterations. Moreover, popular libraries for constructing React components have replaced developers as standards go-to resources.
React is a JS library for creating user interfaces. It should not be confused with a framework, as React does not impose any requirements on you and it handles state changes automatically.
ReactJS is a comparatively latest technology and continues to grow in popularity. Developers are constantly contributing features and improvements, making it an exciting platform for developing applications.
JSX syntax can be confusing for newcomers.
The complexity of search engine optimization can be overwhelming for those without prior experience.
Keep your focus on the user interface and make it easy for users to navigate.
Vue and React Apps Examples
There is ample evidence that React and Vue are highly popular among developers, as evidenced by the number of well-known applications that utilize these technologies. You can simply find a list of some of the most prominent examples on this topic if you’re interested.
Both Vue and React have become very famous in recent times, with many people enjoying using them to create innovative projects.
React is a powerful JavaScript framework that comes with numerous resources and tools to help developers achieve their technical goals. In addition, React can be used for almost any project — from small web applications to complex enterprise-level projects.
At the same time, React shines in social network application development: Pinterest and Instagram use it too.
Facebook initially used ReactJS, though it’s now partially implemented in the mobile app. Interestingly, Facebook is where ReactJS was originally created- this shows that they use it.
But one of the development group members at Facebook has confirmed that some aspects of News Feed are actually using Vue.js
Yahoo! Mail
React has been incorporated into Yahoo! email customer in order to make it more powerful and streamlined. This decision was made by developers working on the Yahoo Mail platform, who were faced with a number of updates that needed to be implemented.
Tesla App
Tesla, a leading electric car manufacturer, used React Native to build both an Android and iOS app. The user interfaces for these platforms were virtually indistinguishable; all the features of the application are operational on both mobile devices.
It’s unclear why Xiaomi decided to adopt Vue.js, but The fact that this is happening indicates that “Chinese unicorns”, as Evan You once called them, tend to prefer this framework. In some cases, this preference may be attributed to the ability of Vue.js to easily integrate with other Chinese frameworks and technologies.
Netflix is a well-known streaming service that provides users with an extensive selection of television shows and films. Some internal parts of Netflix are said to be powered by Vue.js applications, specifically some main cloud data storage utilities.
React versions work fine on the Netflix platform called Gibbon; however, there is a separate version used for low-performance devices such as TV sets instead of using the DOM in web browsers like normal browsers do.
Any web development framework is applicable to creating online stores, but Vue is particularly well-suited for this task; it’s used by Nintendo, Louis Vuitton and BMW USA.
While all three libraries have their benefits and drawbacks, it is evident that React provides more appropriate use cases than Vue. However, if you are intending to implement a specific feature with React rather than one of the other two libraries, choosing the wrong library may not result in what you desired.
It is important to understand the goals of a web app and the demands of its respective company in order for an appropriate choice to be made between Vue and React. Once this information has been gathered, a decision must then be made as to which option will assist develop a quality product.
In order to make an informed decision about which design framework to use for your product, it is important to test both options. To do so, speak with the team responsible for designing and developing products using Vue.js or React Native.
There are a number of factors that can ultimately influence your final option, so don’t rush into making a decision. Be sure to Read the documentation carefully and determine whether you require development services in these specific frameworks to produce a successful product.
source: Vue vs React
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app-web-developers · 3 years
Why Vue.js+Laravel are Popular for Web App Development?
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Laravel is the best web framework in the technology industry. It provides you the most prominent features and development tools that promote rapid web app development. Vue.js and Laravel are the best combinations to build web apps.
Laravel allows developers to simplify Laravel development services with clean and reusable code. Laravel offers great flexibility for creating the ideal platform for creating online apps and websites. The major benefit of Laravel is it’s a free, open-source-side PHP web framework. It follows the Model View Controller architecture (MMV).
As per the MVC architecture, Laravel use some of the prominent JavaScript libraries for the ‘View’ component so that developers can get a full-stack solution with Laravel as a strong server-side PHP web framework and any of the popular JS frameworks as the powerful front-end player.
If we talk about trends, most people work with Angular or React as they are two of the most trending front-end JS libraries in the framework niche. They have people’s trust because of tech giants like Google and Facebook supporting them. They think if giants like these are backing them up, it has to be the best framework. However, I don’t think it is the ideal way to decide on a front-end framework.
Today VueJS is one of the best frameworks gaining popularity with Laravel to develop a capable front-end development framework for making both single-page apps and enterprise apps.
Since we have VueJS for front-end frameworks to go with Laravel, it makes sense to analyze and compare this tool in the best manner possible, so we make the right decision for building your applications efficiently. Let’s get started – Laravel with VueJS
Vue is used for building single-page apps and great UI. As a JavaScript framework, it provides you compressive documentation which is very easy to understand. Since you are comfortable with basic HTML and JavaScript, you can develop apps fluently on Vue.
Here are the prominent features of Vue you should know About –Data Binding
Through data binding, you can manipulate elements of a webpage by using a web browser. Instead of complex programming and scripting, it uses dynamic HTML that helps developers to manage values or assign them to HTML attributes.
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With the help of Vue, developers can apply transition in HTML elements once removed or added from the DOM. It has by default a transition component that has to be wrapped around the element for the transition effect. Also, you can use third-party animation libraries.
Virtual DOM
Vue makes use of a Virtual DOM so that developers can do direct changes that reflect in the DOM. There is also a copy of DOM which acts as a JavaScript data structure and helps the developer to save a lot of time.
Laravel with Vue
You doubt that how Laravel and Vue support each other as they both are based on the original programming language. Don’t think much, just get to the little core of it, Laravel and Vue support each other in more ways than one.
Let’s have a look over some of the top reasons for using Laravel with Vue:Reactive components
Vue helps you to create a full-scale event-driven web app that can manage all front-end activities. It allows you to use composable components that can be used as per the developer’s requirement. As Larval works with Vue, you can easily request data from the Laravel app and change the UI by switching components without reloading the page. You can make a content piece on your page editable and change it as per the need to request by a user without reloading the entire page.
Ideal for creating complex front-end pages
For creating an app with the frequent need for updates, you can use JavaScript for front-end web apps. Now you might face issues as the limitation of vanilla JavaScript, JQuery, and other JavaScript libraries that don’t us4e Virtual DOM will result in performance issues with frequent updates of the system. Hence, the load on the DOM gets so much that you start noticing performance lagging.
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Single Page Applications
Single Page Application is one of the most popular services in the industry. It allows you to create a dynamic web page instead of relying on the traditional browser loading entire new pages.
The major benefit of SPA is the assets get loaded once and all other apps need to work as per user engagement with data request which typically requires low bandwidth to fulfill.
Vue is very easy to learn and provides developer space enough to experiment with code and to focus on writing code that works as JavaScript in all the different stages of your web app development project.
Here, your valid HTML is also a valid Vue template, so as a developer you can keep your CSS external as per your app’s requirement. It has prominent styling features and leveraging, where you can apply style changes to a single selected component on the go without affecting the other components.
No doubt Vue is easier to learn and has some prominent features that complement Laravel as well. They both support each other and have immense potential. For best services, Shiv Technolabs Pvt. Ltd. is a leading Laravel Development Company to create stunning web apps and website solutions for your business.
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javascript · 6 years
How we wrote our own Service Worker
As we continue the process of reinvigorating Tumblr's frontend web development, we're always on the lookout for modern web technologies, especially ones that make our mobile site feel faster and more native. You could have guessed that we are making the mobile dashboard into a progressive app when we open-sourced our webpack plugin to make web app manifests back in August. And you would've been right. But to make a high quality progressive web app, you need more than just a web app manifest—you also need a service worker.
What is a service worker?
A service worker is a helper script that a page registers with the browser. After it is registered (some people like to also call it "installed"), the browser periodically checks the script for changes. If any part of the script contents changes, the browser reinstalls the updated script.
Service workers are most commonly used to intercept browser fetches and do various things with them. https://serviceworke.rs has a lot of great ideas about what you can do with service workers, with code examples. We decided to use our service worker to cache some JS, CSS, and font assets when it is installed, and to respond with those assets when the browser fetches any of them.
Using a service worker to precache assets
You might be wondering "why would you want to pre-cache assets when the service worker is installed? Isn't that the same thing that the browser cache does?" While the browser cache does cache assets after they're requested, our service worker can cache assets before they're requested. This greatly speeds up parts of the page that we load in asynchronously, like the notes popover, or blogs that you tap into from the mobile dashboard.
While there are open-source projects that generate service workers to pre-cache your assets (like, for example, sw-precache), we chose to build our own service worker. When I started this project, I didn't have any idea what service workers were, and I wanted to learn all about them. And what better way to learn about service workers than building one?
How our service worker is built
Because the service worker needs to know about all of the JS, CSS, and font assets in order to pre-cache them, we build a piece of the service worker during our build phase. This part of the service worker changes whenever our assets are updated. During the build step, we take a list of all of the assets that are output, filter them down into just the ones we want to pre-cache, and write them out to an array in a JS file that we call sw.js.
That service worker file importScripts()'s a separate file that contains all of our service worker functionality. All of the service worker functionality is built separately and written in TypeScript, but the file that contains all of our assets is plain JavaScript.
We decided to serve our service worker directly from our node.js app. Our other assets are served using CDNs. Because our CDN servers are often geographically closer to our users, our assets load faster from there than they do from our app. Using CDNs also keeps simple, asset-transfer traffic away from our app, which gives us space us to do more complicated things (like rendering your dashboard with React).
To keep asset traffic that reaches our app to a minimum, we tell our CDNs not to check back for updates to our assets for a long time. This is sometimes referred to as caching with a long TTL (time to live). As we know, cache-invalidation is a tough computer science problem, so we generate unique filenames based on the asset contents each time we build our assets. That way, when we request the new asset, we know that we're going to get it because we use the new file name.
Because the browser wants to check back in with the service worker script to see if there are any changes, caching it in our CDNs is not a good fit. We would have to figure out how to do cache invalidation for that file, but none of the other assets. By serving that file directly from our node.js application, we get some additional asset-transfer traffic to our application but we think it's worth it because it avoids all of the issues with caching.
How does it pre-cache assets?
When the service worker is installed, it compares the asset list in sw.js to the list of assets that it has in its cache. If an asset is in the cache, but not listed in sw.js, the asset gets deleted from the cache. If an asset is in sw.js, but not in the service worker cache, we download and cache it. If an asset is in sw.js and in the cache, it hasn't changed, so we don't need to do anything.
// in sw.js
self.ASSETS = [
// in service-worker.ts
self.addEventListener('install', install);
const install = event => event.waitUntil(
    .then(cache => {
      const currentAssetList = self.ASSETS;
      const oldAssets = /* Instead of writing our own array diffing, we use lodash's */;
      const newAssets = /* differenceBy() to figure out which assets are old and new */;
      return Promise.all([ ...oldAssets.map(oldAsset => cache.delete(oldAsset)), cache.addAll(newAssets)]);
We launched 🚀
Earlier this month, we launched the service worker to all users of our mobile web dashboard. Our performance instrumentation initially found a small performance regression, but we fixed it. Now our mobile web dashboard load time is about the same as before, but asynchronous bundles on the page load much faster.
We fixed the performance regression by improving performance of the service worker cache. Initially, we naively opened the service worker cache for every request. But now we only open the cache once, when the service worker starts running. Once the cache is opened, we attach listeners for fetch requests, and those closures capture the open cache in their scope.
// before
self.addEventListener('fetch', handleFetch);
const handleFetch = event =>
      .then(cache => cache.match(request)
      .then(cacheMatch => cacheMatch
        ? Promise.resolve(cacheMatch)
        : fetch(event.request)
// now
  .then(cache =>
    self.addEventListener('fetch', handleFetch(cache));
const handleFetch = openCache => event =>
      .then(cacheMatch => cacheMatch
        ? Promise.resolve(cacheMatch)
        : fetch(event.request)
Future plans
We have lots of future plans to make the service worker even better than it is now. In addition to pre-emptive caching, we would also like to do reactive caching, like the browser cache does. Every time an asset is requested that we do not already have in our cache, we could cache it. That will help keep the service worker cache fresh between installations.
We would also like to try building an API cache in our service worker, so that users can view some stale content while they're waiting for new content to load. We could also leverage this cache if we built a service-worker-based offline mode. If you have any interest in service workers or ideas about how Tumblr could use them in the future, we would love to have you on our team.
- Paul / @blistering-pree
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npmjs · 6 years
JavaScript Usage by Industry
We’re continuing our analysis of the results of last winter’s JavaScript Ecosystem Survey, a survey of over 16,000 developers conducted by npm in collaboration with the Node.JS Foundation and the JS Foundation. Our second topic is How JavaScript is used across industries — and, more specifically, how different industries use certain JavaScript tools, frameworks, and practices. To read more about the methodology behind this survey, click here.
We asked about what industry our respondents worked in. 45% of users answered “tech”, revealing an underlying ambiguity in our question. For instance, if you work at Google, do you work at a tech company or an advertising company? What about at Microsoft, which many consider a tech company, but also has advertising and even hardware manufacturing arms? Next time, we’ll ask for more detailed information about industry concentrations.
“We asked about what industry our respondents worked in. The most common answer was “tech” at 45%”
Despite this, we still gathered some good data about how use of JavaScript varies by industry. The top industries were:
finance: 7%
advertising and marketing: 5%
education: 5%
entertainment: 5%
business support and logistics: 4%
healthcare: 4%
retail: 3%
government: 2%
manufacturing: 2%
There were meaningful differences across industries in how and why people use JavaScript. There were also some clear commonalities, not all of which we’re going to mention. But from a statistician’s point of view, the questions where all the industries answered very similarly are useful because it indicates the differences in other questions are “real” and not just random variation.
With 16,000 responses, even the single-digit groups per industry constituted enough data to make meaningful conclusions. We discarded answers from industries with less than 2% responses (i.e. less than 300 individual responses).
JavaScript tools
First, we asked about common tools: bundlers, linters, testing frameworks, transpilers, CSS preprocessors, and more.
Manufacturing across the board uses less of everything — only 51% of manufacturing respondents say they use a testing framework, compared to 75% in finance.
The explanation for this may lie in the answer to another question; “Where does the JavaScript you write run?” 15% of manufacturing developers say their code runs on embedded devices which is twice as much as any other industry. Embedded platforms often have intrinsic transpilers for JS, so you do not need to use your own and have no need for browser-specific optimizations that most of these tools provide.
“Manufacturing across the board uses less of everything — only 51% of manufacturing respondents say they use a testing framework, compared to 75% in finance.”
Put another way: hardware isn’t a browser. This view of manufacturing respondents is backed up by another question, in which 31% of manufacturing respondents say their code is put to use in IoT (Internet of Things). No other industry gets above double digits for that answer. This makes manufacturing an interesting set of answers across the board, as we’ll see.
Finance, on the other hand, uses everything the most. They are the most likely to use a bundler, second-most likely to use a linter (after healthcare), most likely to test, second-most likely to use a web framework (after retail), most likely to use a transpiler, and second-most likely to use a CSS preprocessor (after advertising). Finance just does all the things.
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JavaScript frameworks
We’ve examined the popularity of JavaScript frameworks in the past. Our survey data provides another view into these preferences, and the results are enlightening.
Angular was a fairly popular choice across all industries, but strongest in finance. Developers in entertainment were the least likely to use Angular, their strongest preference being for React (65%).
React was the most popular framework in the survey overall, though with strong variations by industry. As mentioned, 65% of developers in entertainment chose it, but that fell to 46% in government and 38% in manufacturing. Manufacturing’s strongest choice for a framework was jQuery (52%), suggesting the industry is a late adopter. Government also had jQuery as its top pick at 52%.
Around 20% of developers in most industries reported using Vue, though it was notably more popular in advertising, with 34% of developers reporting it there.
“We also asked developers how they made decisions about choosing frameworks. Big majorities (60-90%) in every industry reported things like support, features, and stability being important, with little variation.”
Ember did not get a lot of mention from our respondents, with an average of 4% of developers reporting that they used it. Also in this range were Preact (5%), Hapi (5%), Next.js (5%), and Meteor (5%).
A surprisingly popular choice was Electron, which is obviously not a web framework at all but we included in our options. More than 20% of developers in every industry reported using Electron for some projects.
We also asked developers how they made decisions about choosing frameworks. Big majorities (60-90%) in every industry reported things like support, features, and stability being important, with little variation. Security was the lowest ranked concern for frameworks, averaging only 25%, though finance was most concerned at 30%. We’ll go more into attitudes to security later in this post.
Language choices
Obviously everybody in the survey uses JavaScript, but lots of respondents use another primary language as their back-end choice and there were noticeable variations by category.
Python was the choice of the unemployed. This sounds unflattering, but thanks to a poorly-phrased question on our part, the “unemployed” category includes people in full time education. Their questions (such as what level of schooling the respondent had completed) lend weight to the idea that the unemployed category was full of people who are still in school, so we believe Python is popular in education.
Java was the choice of the finance industry by quite a margin—41% versus 27% for the second most popular language in finance, .NET.
PHP was the choice of the advertising industry, again by a huge margin — 49% to 26% for Python, the second most popular. Why advertising companies choose PHP is unclear to us, but PHP is popular with advertising agencies putting together micro-sites. Furthermore, a question about company size showed that over 50% of advertising respondents worked at small companies (less than 50 people), so this category is probably dominated by small shops putting together these sorts of sites.
Our poorly-chosen “.NET” category (not really a language) was no industry’s first choice. Its strongest showing was in the manufacturing category at 33%, a very close second to Python at 34%. However, because we didn’t pick out C# and F# separately, it’s possible these results are skewed by people who use those languages, but don’t use .NET.
Ruby is a relatively unpopular option across all our respondents, chosen by less than 13% in all cases. Its weakest showing was in manufacturing, where only 3% chose it, and its strongest in education, where 13% did.
C and C++ were unsurprisingly most popular in the hardware-dominated manufacturing industry, at 9% and 18% of respondents respectively. C++ was more popular than C across the board. The retail industry is the least fond of C++, with only 4% of respondents reporting using it.
We also polled on Go, Swift, and Rust. Go was about 10% usage across the board, Swift was 3-5%, and Rust about 3% except in manufacturing, where it hit 7%.
Why do you choose JavaScript?
In general, people are pretty clear why they choose JavaScript: the huge ecosystem of libraries. An academic study of the same topic in 2013, An Empirical Analysis of Programming Language Choices (Meyerovich and Rabkin, 2013) exhaustively researched what makes developers choose programming languages and it reached the same conclusion. It’s not controversial to conclude that the modules in the npm registry are a major reason people choose JavaScript. However, people cited a number of other reasons and there were notable variations by industry.
Respondents who say they work in government were the least likely to report that they chose JavaScript for productivity gains, with only 51% saying so versus 60% in the finance industry, where this belief is strongest. Instead, government was most likely to believe that using JavaScript gave them performance gains: 31% of government respondents cite this, while in most other industries only 20-21% said this.
The advertising industry is the one most likely to say that developer satisfaction is a reason they choose to use JavaScript, with 50% of respondents saying so. This is notable since the advertising industry has a lot of PHP developers, and as we’ll see in a future analysis based on programming language choices, high satisfaction with JavaScript is a characteristic shared by most PHP developers.
“Across every industry, solid majorities (more than 90% in every case) expected to use JavaScript more or about the same amount as they had previously in the next 12 months.”
Cost savings as a reason for choosing JavaScript were most cited by respondents who work in finance (41%). This seems pretty logical, as finance is an industry that presumably can be relied upon to think of the costs of things.
The entertainment industry was the most likely to cite the size of the developer pool (41%) while the retail industry was most likely to say the ease of on-boarding new developers (40%) was their reason for choosing JavaScript. While JavaScript has a big pool of developers and we think on-boarding developers in JavaScript is pretty easy, it’s unclear why these industries in particular would note those advantages.
Finally, some people don’t get to choose what programming language they work in. This number was highest in government, at 21%.
Across every industry, solid majorities (more than 90% in every case) expected to use JavaScript more or about the same amount as they had previously in the next 12 months.
Attitudes to security
npm is making a big push to improve the security of the modules in the registry in 2018, so we asked our users about their attitudes toward security. You can see our previous post for a deeper analysis of attitudes to security, but there are some interesting variations by industry.
Firstly, everyone is concerned about the security of the code they write (87-90%) and of the open source code they use (73-79%). Developers who work in tech were the most likely to be concerned, but there wasn’t a lot of variation.
Majorities in every industry reported that they were dissatisfied with current methods of evaluating the security of code (51-60%). Advertising and entertainment were the most likely to say they were dissatisfied with available methods.
“Firstly, everyone is concerned about the security of the code they write (87-90%) and of the open source code they use (73-79%). Developers who work in tech were the most likely to be concerned, but there wasn’t a lot of variation.”
A whopping 90% of people working in education (non-students) were likely to be concerned about the quality of the code they wrote themselves. This was an interesting result as they were also the industry most likely to say they were doing nothing at all to assess security (33%):
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The industry most likely to be actively doing something about security is the finance industry. They were the group most likely to participate in code reviews (81%), most likely to have external audits of their code (30%), and the most likely to be using automated scans of their code (52%). The tech industry was a close second to finance in all of these answers.
Private code
We explored the ways developers use and store private code.
Everybody reports having private code and GitHub is an extremely popular place to store it — 93% of the advertising industry report using it, with most industries in the high 80’s. Manufacturing was an outlier here, with only 75% of developers saying they used GitHub. We thought this was a strange result, but it was consistent; when asked how they discovered packages, developers in manufacturing were also the least likely to report using GitHub (14% versus 20% for other groups).
Developers also store private npm packages. Across all industries, about a third of developers said they had created private npm packages. However, their reasons for doing so varied.
“However, by far the most popular reason for everyone using private packages was the most obvious: the packages contain private IP. Majorities from 65% in education to 91% in manufacturing reported this as a reason for creating private npm packages.”
Developers sometimes use private modules to hold test projects which aren’t ready for release. This practice varies widely across industries, with 23% of developers in education saying they do this but only 8% in retail.
More common was keeping code private for release as open source later. Education was likely to do this, with 27% saying so, and government employees following close behind at 25%. Healthcare developers, who reported less engagement with open source, were the least likely to report this as a reason, at 9%.
A big reason for everyone to keep private packages was re-use by their co-workers — including majorities from 53% in finance and 67% in retail.
However, by far the biggest reason for everyone using private packages was the most obvious: the packages contain private IP. Majorities from 65% in education to 91% in manufacturing reported this as a reason for creating private npm packages.
Finally, we explored attitudes toward testing across the industries.
In keeping with its answers in every other category, finance was the most likely to report that they use a testing framework (88%). Government and manufacturing developers on the other hand were the least likely to use a testing framework, with only 68% of developers in both industries saying so.
Across every industry, the most popular testing framework choice was Mocha (50%), followed by Jasmine (33%) and Jest (19%). Unlike web framework choices, there was less variation between the popularity of testing frameworks across industries.
There were some fascinating differences across the industries. The advertising and entertainment industries often found themselves paired together in terms of practices. Finance was cautious and security-focused. Government and manufacturing were mostly on the opposite end of that scale, with lower reported use of best practices and modern tooling. Whether you’re in these industries or building products for developers in these industries, we hope these results help you get a better sense of the broader universe of JavaScript developers.
Thanks to everyone who took the survey. We’ll be providing more analysis in the near future, so stay tuned!
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The Disruptive Offerings of React Native App Development
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As per the Stack Overflow Developer Survey 2021, React Native bags the 6th rank for the most popular application development frameworks.
Biggies like Facebook, Skype, Instagram, Uber Eats, Bloomberg, Pinterest, Walmart, Wix, Discord, and Sound Cloud Pulse have leveraged the potential of the React Native framework to reap exceptional outcomes.
Wondering why React Native is so popular?  This post answers it all! Check out the unique offerings, disruptive advantages of React Native App development, and its relevance till the date.
High level architecture of React Native
Take a look at React Native’s basic architecture.
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Here, the React code is created by the developer, from the code JavaScript is interpreted eventually. The series of elements are together called the bridge. We will learn more about this bridge later in this post. Then there’s the Native Side as well.
Let’s look at how the React Native application functions:
When the user clicks on the app’s icon, the native thread loads all the native modules and dependencies. Thereafter, the native thread starts the JS thread that loads the JS bundle. A serialized message is then sent by the JS thread using the bridge. This message contains instructions on how to render UI on the native side. The messages are received by the shadow thread and the UI tree is formed. Now, based on this UI tree, native components are generated by the Yoga layout manager. These generated native components contain the dimensions meant for a particular device or platform. These are then passed on to the Native Thread for rendering. Components are drawn on the screen by the Native Thread.
Reasons to Pick React Native over other Frameworks & Technologies
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Hot Reloading & Live Reloading
The features Hot Reloading & Live Reloading are indeed lucrative functions that transform React Native app development. Hot Reloading allows developers to work on the code modifications in real-time while the application is still running. With Hot Reloading, only the portion of the app where the change was made gets reloaded instead of the entire app, while with Live Reloading, the app gets automatically reloaded after the changes are executed. Also, the changes made to the code are reflected instantly on another live preview window. This way, developers can carry out code modifications and view the outcome simultaneously. This real-time feedback while coding proves beneficial in the development as well as testing processes.
Developers can leverage these functionalities for testing new features and maintaining the application’s state at the same time. As developers can view the changes made while coding, the likelihood of errors reduces to a great extent, making way for bug-free code.
Easy Learning Curve
React Native app development involves an easy learning curve. If a developer is well versed in JavaScript, there isn’t any need for learning other programming languages or coding syntaxes. The developers just need to understand which mobile app components match with which web app components. And, since JavaScript is a popular technology, it’s easy to find the required expertise.
Third-party Plugins and Tools
React Native supports numerous third-party plugins and APIs that make app development a breeze. Any necessary tool, plugin, or API that is not offered by the React Native framework can be integrated quite easily. With all essential components available, one can create an engaging & interactive user interface and compelling features. There are a wide range of React libraries that offer various app development elements such as animations, forms, etc. and features like Google Maps, Google Calendar, etc.
A Single Codebase for the iOS and Android Platforms
While architecting React Native mobile apps, developers create a single codebase that works for iOS as well as Android operating systems. Codebase gets compiled to the native codes in Swift and Java by creating a bridge between the UI components and their equivalent Swift/Java components.
As such, mobile app creators targeting both iOS and Android need not hire two separate teams with specific skillsets for developing separate applications. This strategy is not only budget-friendly but also reduces the time to market, thereby offering a competitive advantage to businesses investing in mobile app development.
Rich User Interface
React Native makes use of declarative syntax. So, while developers write the code, the execution process is taken care of by the RN framework itself. Besides, pre-built declarative components are used to design the frontend UI library that makes the UI simple as well as intuitive.
Stable, Performant, & Top Quality Apps
React Native is a stable framework and has turned out to be one of the best picks for crafting mobile apps. One can build mobile apps that have a slick, responsive, and smooth user interface and boast of faster load times.
React Native development produces apps that offer native-like experiences. React Native mobile apps are speedy since the programming language has been optimized for mobile devices; GPU (Graphics Processing Unit) is employed, instead of the CPU (Central Processing Unit).
React Native apps involve two threads – the UI thread for interface creation tasks like drawing buttons on canvas and the JS thread for carrying out computations, handling events, etc. This leads to high performance if the development process is executed properly. Furthermore, unlike many other cross-platform frameworks, React Native uses native APIs in place of Webview for code rendering; resulting in improved performance.
Highly Flexible
React Native outshines most cross-platform frameworks in regard to flexibility. The reason is the React framework is based on a modular and component-based architecture. The code is broken down into smaller reusable fragments; these can be taken and embedded wherever needed.
Therefore, for app creators using React Native, you are not bound to this framework only. You have the flexibility to switch to other app development frameworks without much ado. For instance, your app is in React Native and you wish to switch to purely native operating systems. In such cases, you need not reinvent the wheel. Developers need to export the app from React Native and move it to the Android platform using Android Studio and iOS platform using Xcode.
Also, you can create platform-specific codes by coding natively in Xcode with Swift alongside React Native app development. So a native iOS app can be compiled with the React Native ecosystem. You can program native features in iOS directly with Objective-C or Swift, if some desired app features are not available in the React Native environment.
Cost-effective App Augmentation
React Native makes it possible to augment existing apps in a budget-friendly manner. This is because React Native UI components can be embedded into an application without the need for rewriting the app entirely. One can add a single view or user flow to already existing apps. Moreover, React Native-based functionalities, screens, views, etc. can be added quite easily.
Effortless App Updating
Earlier, updating an application with new add-ons was a complicated, cumbersome, and time-consuming process. Developers had to carry out a build process once again and this build process had to be conducted separately for each OS.
The advent of React Native has streamlined the procedure of app updating and made it much simpler & faster as well. Now, apps for both operating systems can be updated at the same time. The app updates and enhancements are implemented by developers using the OTA (over-the-air) update methodology. This method enables updating the app while it is being run by users. The next time users open the app, the app is ready to run with the new enhancements. Besides, React Native supports “Code Push”, a Cloud service by Microsoft. With Code Push, developers can update an app directly without the need for updating it from the app store. Moreover, React Native involves an easy-going binding strategy for the codebase. So to modify, an object developers simply have to change the object’s state before implementing updates.
Reduced Device Memory Usage
Reduced device memory usage is one of the most desired features amongst modern-day app users and React Native mobile apps perfectly suit this requirement. In React Native, the module can be effortlessly connected with the plugin using the native module; as WebView is not used. This phase is linked directly to the features related to app outcome and hence, the app responds quicker. Most codes are used during the run-time without the need for cross-bridge linking. So, React Native apps consume much lesser device space as compared to other applications.
Ability to build Advanced Apps with Complex Requirements
React Native enables one to handle complexity with ease. The framework functions with a component-based interface. Hence, one can plug-n-play the elements of the interface to create advanced apps. Things get further simplified as complex algorithms are broken down into easy-going formats. Besides, Facebook’s UI library simplifies the coding process and the Hot Reloading function eases implementing changes in the code.
A Highly Progressive Framework
Ever since its inception in 2015, the React Native framework is constantly being enhanced with novel add-ons by the massive React native community as well as by Facebook. Whenever the framework was unable to address the problem, the RN community and Facebook team were quick to offer an apt solution to the issue, sometimes in just a few months.
Even the tech giant Microsoft recognized the potential of React Native and has created their fork named “React Native for Windows.” This solution comes with distinct offerings that allow one to effortlessly develop applications for Windows 10 Mobile, Windows 10, and Xbox One.
Strong Community Support
React Native enjoys the support from a massive community. The community boasts of 8500+ stars on GitHub and 2000+ contributors from across the world. The developer community has created numerous libraries that extend help with React Native app development. Apart from the community, several leading companies including Microsoft, Facebook, Infinite Red, Callstack, and Software Mansion have come forward and taken initiatives to improve the framework as per the latest trends. Websites like Native Directory, JS.coach, etc. and platforms like Reddit, Codementor, Stack Overflow, etc., also offer assistance with React Native development. As such, React Native developers have loads of options to utilize if they are stuck with issues and need assistance.
Can React Native be used to develop 100% Native apps or just native-like apps?
React Native app development produces native-like apps, applications that look and feel like native apps. However, React Native apps are not 100% native and do not function exactly like true native apps. One of the key shortcomings of non-native apps is their inability to closely integrate with the system like purely native apps.
To cite an example, the native app Gmail offers exceptional functionalities. It involves a worker that check users’ inbox and the users’ Gmail accounts are synced with the app as well as the entire mobile system.
Here’s how you can achieve native app functionalities with React Native development.  The major chunk of the app can be created using React Native. And, native technologies can be used for crafting the essential app components that are required for integrating the app into the native system completely. For this, your developers need to add Swift or Java code for the relevant features and specific cases.
Hence, with some additional efforts, you can leverage the lucrative offerings of React Native app development and at the same time, build an app that functions like a native app.
End Note:
The most impressive traits of React Native development are that it guarantees speedy project delivery and cost-effective investment. Moreover, this framework is suitable for developing any kind of app apart from gaming apps that require heavy graphics.  However, it’s important to take care that the development process is carried out as per the standard best practices. So, partner with an experienced React Native app development company for obtaining the best results out of the React Native framework.
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Why to upgrade to Angular 2
Introduction of Angular 2
Angular 2 is one of the most popular platforms which are a successor to Google Angular 1 framework. With its help, Angular JS developers can build complex applications in browsers and beyond. Angular 2 is not only the next or advanced version of Angular 1, it is fully redesigned and rewritten. Thus, the architecture of Angular 2 is completely different from Angular 1. This tutorial looks at the various aspects of Angular 2 framework which includes the basics of the framework, the setup of Angular and how to work with the various aspects of the framework. Unlike its predecessor, Angular 2 is a TypeScript-based, web application development platform that makes the switch from MVC (model-view-controller) to a components-based approach to web development.
Benefits of Angular 2
Mobile Support: Though the Ionic framework has always worked well with Angular, the platform offers better mobile support with the version 2. The 1.x version compromised heavily on user experience and application performance in general. With its built-in mobile-orientation, Angular 2.0 is more geared for cross-platform mobile application development.
Faster and Modern Browsers: Faster and modern browsers are demanded by developers today. Developers want Angular 2 stress more on browsers like IE10/11, Chrome, Firefox, Opera & Safari on the desktop and Chrome on Android, Windows Phone 8+, iOS6 & Firefox mobile. Developers believe that this would allow AngularJS codebase to be short and compact and AngularJS would support the latest and greatest features without worrying about backward compatibility and polyfills. This would simplify the AngularJS app development process.
High Performance: Angular2 uses superset of JavaScript which is highly optimized which makes the app and web to load faster. Angular2 loads quickly with component router. It helps in automatic code splitting so user only load code required to vendor the view. Many modules are removed from angular’s core, resulting in better performance means you will be able to pick and choose the part you need.
Changing World of Web: The web has changed noticeably and no doubt it will continue changing in the future as well. The current version of AngularJS cannot work with the new web components like custom elements, HTML imports; shadow DOM etc. which allow developers to create fully encapsulated custom elements. Developers anticipate with all hopes that Angular 2 must fully support all web components.
Component Based Development:  A component is an independent software unit that can be composed with the other components to create a software system. Component based web development is pretty much future of web development. Angular2 is focused on component base development. Angularjs require entire stack to be written using angular but angular2 emphasis separation of components /allow segmentation within the app to be written independently. Developers can concentrate on business logic only. These things are not just features but the requirement of any thick-client web framework.
Why to upgrade to Angular 2 ?
Angular 2 is entirely component-based and even the final application is a component of the platform. Components and directives have replaced controllers and scopes. Even the specification for directives has been simplified and will probably further improve. They are the communication channels for components and run in the browser with elements and events. Angular 2 components have their own injector so you no longer have to work with a single injector for the entire application. With an improved dependency injection model, there are more opportunities for component or object-based work.
Optimized for Mobile- Angular 2 has been carefully optimized for boasting improved memory efficiency, enhanced mobile performance, and fewer CPU cycles. It’s as clear of an indication as any that Angular 2 is going to serve as a mobile-first framework in order to encourage the mobile app development process. This version also supports sophisticated touch and gesture events across modern tablet and mobile devices.
Typescript Support- Angular 2 uses Typescript and variety of concepts common in back-end. That is why it is more back-end developer-friendly. It's worth noting that dependency injection container makes use of metadata generated by Typescript. Another important facet is IDE integration is that it makes easier to scale large projects through refactoring your whole code base at the same time. If you are interested in Typescript, the docs are a great place to begin with. Moreover, Typescript usage improves developer experience thanks to good support from text editors and IDE's. With libraries like React already using Typescript, web/mobile app developers can implement the library in their Angular 2 project seamlessly.
Modular Development- Angular 1 created a fair share of headaches when it came to loading modules or deciding between Require.js and Web Pack. Fortunately, these decisions are removed entirely from Angular 2 as the new release shies away from ineffective modules to make room for performance improvements. Angular 2 also integrates System.js, a universal dynamic modular loader, which provides an environment for loading ES6, Common, and AMD modules.
$scope Out, Components in- Angular 2 gets rid of controllers and $scope. You may wonder how you’re going to stitch your homepage together! Well, don’t worry too much − Angular 2 introduces Components as an easier way to build complex web apps and pages. Angular 2 utilizes directives (DOMs) and components (templates). In simple terms, you can build individual component classes that act as isolated parts of your pages. Components then are highly functional and customizable directives that can be configured to build and specify classes, selectors, and views for companion templates. Angular 2 components make it possible to write code that won’t interfere with other pieces of code within the component itself.
Native Mobile Development- The best part about Angular 2 is “it’s more framework-oriented”. This means the code you write for mobile/tablet devices will need to be converted using a framework like Ionic or Native Script. One single skillset and code base can be used to scale and build large architectures of code and with the integration of a framework (like, you guessed it, NativeScript or Ionic); you get a plethora of room to be flexible with the way your native applications function.
Code Syntax Changes- One more notable feature of Angular 2 is that it adds more than a few bells and whistles to the syntax usage. This comprises (but is not limited to) improving data-binding with properties inputs, changing the way routing works, changing an appearance of directives syntax, and, finally, improving the way local variables that are being used widely. One more notable feature of Angular 2 is that it adds more than a few bells and whistles to the syntax usage. This comprises improving data-binding with properties inputs, changing the way routing works, changing an appearance of directives syntax, and, finally, improving the way local variables that are being used widely.
Comparison between Angular 1 and Angular 2
Angular 1
In order to create service use provider, factory, service, constant and value
In order to automatically detection changed use $scope, $watch, $scope,  $apply, $timeout.
Syntax event for example ng-click
Syntax properties for example ng-hid, ng-checked
It use Filter
Angular 2
In order to create service use only class
In order to automatically detection changed use Zone.js.
Syntax event for example (click) or (dbl-click)
Syntax properties for example [class: hidden] [checked]
It use pipe
How to migrate Angular 1 to Angular 2
It is a very simple and easy task to upgrade Angular 1 to Angular 2, but this has to be done only if the applications demand it. In this article, I will suggest a number of ways which could be taken into consideration in order to migrate existing applications from Angular 1.x to 2. Therefore, depending on the organizational need, the appropriate migration approach should be used.
Upgrading to Angular 2 is quite an easy step to take, but one that should be made carefully. There are two major ways to feel the taste of Angular 2 in your project. Which you use depends on whatever requirements your project has. The angular team have provided two paths to this:
ngForward is not a real upgrade framework for Angular 2 but instead we can use it to create Angular 1 apps that look like Angular 2.
If you still feel uncomfortable upgrading your existing application to Angular 2, you can fall to ngForward to feel the taste and sweetness of the good tidings Angular 2 brings but still remain in your comfort zone.
You can either re-write your angular app gradually to look as if it was written in Angular 2 or add features in an Angular 2 manner leaving the existing project untouched. Another benefit that comes with this is that it prepares you and your team for the future even when you choose to hold onto the past for a little bit longer. I will guide you through a basic setup to use ngForward but in order to be on track, have a look at the Quick Start for Angular 2.
If you took time to review the Quick Start as I suggested, you won't be lost with the configuration. SystemJS is used to load the Angular application after it has been bootstrapped as we will soon see. Finally in our app.ts, we can code like its Angular 2.
Writing an Angular 1.x app that looks like Angular 2 is not good enough. We need the real stuff. The challenge then becomes that with a large existing Angular 1.x project, it becomes really difficult to re-write our entire app to Angular 2, and even using ngForward would not be ideal. This is where ngUpgrade comes to our aid. ngUpgrade is the real stuff.
Unlike ngForward, ngUpgrade was covered clearly in the Angular 2 docs. If you fall in the category of developers that will take this path, then spare few minutes and digest this.
We'll also be writing more articles on upgrading to Angular 2 and we'll focus more on ngUpgrade in a future article.
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swarnalata31techiio · 2 years
About NextJS
Next.js is a JavaScript framework created by Zeit. It lets you build server-side rendering and static web applications using React. It’s a great tool to build your next website. It has a great deal of highlights which improve React applications more straightforward. Systems are programming that is created and utilized by designers to construct applications, so NextJS is one of them.
Key Features of NextJS
NextJS offers many benefits for the React developers:
pre-rendering, both static generation (SSG) and server-side rendering (SSR) are supported
Server-side rendering (SSR) is preparing of the content of a page on a server, while a one-page React application uses client-side rendering (CSR). The problem with CSR is that it's not actually SEO friendly because search engines will not see the actual content of the page. By using SSR in NextJS we can avoid such issues as a flickering page while data fetching and our website content will be SEO friendly
Why Use NextJS?
Next makes the development of large React applications easier since it provides many additional features, which we will discuss below in ddetail This framework solves many common problems and simply makes the life of React developer easier :) We still write React code and use React features, but also together with that we are provided with lots of built-in features to solve common problems and clear instructions on how to use them.
Pros of NextJS
At last, we have pros for developers, arising from many features that NextJS offers. Devs are incredibly excited about reusable components which cut development time and cost.
However, there’s more:
CSS support built-in– developers can import CSS files from a JavaScript file.
Built-in Image Component and Automatic Image Optimization – this feature automatically optimises images using the new next/image component.
Community support – the popularity of NextJS is growing, and so is the number of its contributors. This is much help because instead of solving something from scratch, developers can look for a solution that is probably already available.
Fast Refresh – fast, live-editing experience.
Hybrid of SSR and SSG – prerender pages at build time or request time in a single project.
CONS Of NextJs
Although NextJS is developing rapidly and many features arrive, it still has some cons and issues which you can see below:
**Cost of flexibility –**Next JS does not provide many built-in front pages, so you have to create the whole front-end layer from the ground up.
Development and Management – if you want to use NextJS to build an online store, yet you don’t have an in-house team of developers, you will need a dedicated person to handle the development and management afterwards.
It’s opinionated – NextJS is limited to use only its file-based router, you can’t modify the way it deals with routes. Therefore, if you want to use dynamic routes, you need Node.js server.
Lack of built-in state manager – therefore, if you need a state manager, you also need Redux, MobX or something like that.
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logicabeans · 2 years
How To Choose & Hire React JS Developers For Your Project?
According to the recent stat as per npm-stat.com, React JS has been downloaded over 68 million times in March 2022 alone. So, we can certainly say the growth of React JS is pretty steady as two years ago in March 2020, it was just over 30 million. So, the growth has doubled. On top of that, it is a highly flexible and expandable solution that is used to a huge extent in the current market scenario.  
Let us begin with the basic introduction and reasons for you to move ahead with React JS and then we will talk about how you can find the best React JS Developers in the market.  
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Basically, React JS is an open-source JavaScript library that is developed and maintained by Meta for building UI and is mainly used to create single-page applications. It has its similarities with React Native but they have their differences which makes it highly suitable to develop cross-platform applications. With examples like Facebook, Instagram, Netflix, Uber, etc., we can certainly say that React JS has provided us with some effortless and spontaneous interfaces.  
First things first, the lesser code the better right? React JS certainly believes so, and it provides a concise database as well. The use of Virtual Document Object Model (DOM) instead of a real one gives quicker rendering and enhanced performance.  
Consistency in performance of React JS codes is also because it barely changes its interface dating back to its initial release back in 2013, almost 10 years ago. It also keeps all the versions backward compatible so your code can always be executed.
“Create React App” is another advantage for the learners to begin coding via React JS where the configurations are preloaded and components are reusable which makes it easier to manage the modular library and promises faster development of the software. On top of that, it also has no negative impact on SEO results, so proper SEO could make your application a top pick on Google.  
It is important to know what you are looking for when making your application, but we all have similar surface goals which include a quality product in an acceptable timeframe, and an affordable price. Now that we are clear on that, let’s move ahead to the specifics.  
Firstly, we need to have clarity on our requirements before we hire React JS developers. It can be a bit challenging and expensive, which is why it requires to be planned and monitored. You’ll need to be clear on the organization’s goals and objectives. For your app to be fruitful and successful, all of its features also need to be pre-defined.  
Secondly and more importantly, it is important to research the market before you make a decision. If you seek to hire React JS developers for a project, you’ll need to track their record in the international market, go through their CVs and portfolios properly and take necessary feedback from their previous customers.  
Even though it is a complicated, difficult-to-learn programming language, we are short on jobs for React JS developers in the market and it is definitely difficult to hire dedicated React JS developers who are willing to give it all for the development of your software. That is exactly what LogicaBeans helps you find; people who are dedicated, experienced, and knowledgeable in React JS to work on your project.
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bookmytalent · 2 years
How to Hire React JS Developers in 2023
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React is basically a framework of web development used to create interactive user interfaces and web applications. And with new companies and startups popping up, hiring React.js developers is gaining popularity. that is highly increasing in demand by developers these days.
If we look at the Quess report, there was an increase of 184% in the total open positions for the role of React.js developers. In fact, one of the most sought-after digital skills among developers is React.
However, choosing the best one to suit your company’s requirements become difficult because of various reasons.
There are `n’ programmers with years of experience working as front-end react developers.
A new trend is setting where employees want flexible work arrangements rather than working from the office.
So, to select from a pool of talent without facing complexities, companies need to take care of certain pointers. In this blog, we are going to discuss those pointers that should certainly knock one’s mind before hiring a remote React Js front-end developer.
But before moving ahead, let’s find out
Why Does a Company Need to Hire Remote React JS Developers?
The world has turned digital. Keeping aside a minimal percentage of people, everyone else has gone online. From buying and selling products and services to sharing information, every single bit is just one click away.
And no business would want to turn down their new or existing customers because of a small mistake.
Below are the strong arguments explaining why your company needs to hire a remote react programmer. In simple words, what are the benefits of hiring a react.js developer?
Developers’ first choice:
According to the Enterprise JavaScript 2019 survey, 63% of developers preferred React, a JavaScript library. But why do developers choose React?
We always find others’ work easy. But believe it or not one of the most difficult works is coding. This is where react plays an important role.
Virtual DOM in React:
Lets’ take an easy example. Suppose you are cooking a vegetable curry. And before turning off the gas, you taste it and realize too much salt is added. Now what? Will you throw the whole thing and start from scratch?
No, right? You would probably go for adding water to balance out the salt in it. This is exactly what Virtual DOM does. Instead of updating everything from scratch after every change, it only changes the part that needs an update.
React is a Library:
Unlike frameworks, which have predetermined structures, libraries allow developers to be flexible and customize to their specific needs.
For example, while making a sandwich you can’t change how the bread looks but you can definitely change the fillings. So, the framework is the sandwich, and the library is the filling.
Makes your Business Apps more SEO-Friendly:
SEO or as we say Search Engine Optimization has become extremely crucial for any business these days. To achieve top ranking or appear on Google’s first page, businesses these days are required to optimize their websites.
And for that, apart from other factors page’s loading speed also plays an important role.
This is where React comes in handy. Improving the page’s loading speed, react.js aids in getting ranked by Google search engines.
You can think of React as Karan Johar and websites as star kids whose clean image is put in front of us i.e Google to rank them the best.
On the whole, working with React Js brings developers great joy and pleasure.
Companies are extensively choosing React:
Hiring a React.js programmer has become indispensable for every organization regardless of whether you’re brand new in the market or already have an empire.
With the increasing number of developers since its inception in 2013, React has seen tremendous growth in the community. Developers of giant tech companies like Netflix, Amazon, Instagram, etc. have switched to using React because of the runtime performance, modularity, and startup speed.
Employees prefer flexible working arrangements:
A significant number of IT employees are no longer in favor of working 5-6 days/week for 9-10 hours/day. They want to work in a more relaxed environment and take breaks every now and then.
This is especially important for developers and programmers who spend their entire day coding and fixing bugs. They are also willing to leave any organization where their personal lives are getting disturbed.
In this case, hiring a freelance react.js programmer is the need of the hour.
When Do You Need to Hire a Freelance React Js Developer?
New companies or startups lack extensive development budgets. So they look for options on how development works can be done in less time. This is where React Js comes into play.
This react library enables the optimization of reusable components and their easy integration into app or website development. And with this, the overall development cost and the number of working hours get reduced.  
Medium-sized Business:
Many mid-sized companies have understood the value that the online world provides for them to succeed. They know that people like to surf easy-to-use websites and not those which feel like snow in summer; always loading.
And with React.js making a dynamic and versatile user interface that is not only attractive but easy to use, businesses of medium size are also inclining towards hiring react programmers.
Talking about its authenticity and safety, Facebook manages React, allowing mid-sized businesses not to worry about the platform’s stability.
Large Organizations:
Aside from the reasons stated above, large organizations use Reactjs for their work because of streamlined testing and faster rendering.
What Should I Look for When Hiring a React Developer Remotely? 
React.js has different applications, allowing different levels of react programmers to use it efficiently. However, the professional requirements of different levels of developers are different from one another. It also varies according to the types of projects.
Junior React Developer:
Experience- 1 to 2 years
He or she should be accustomed to the fundamentals of React and Angular.
They should also be having knowledge about BootStrap, CSS, JavaScript, HTML, Git and RxJS, and other important skills of ReactJS Developers.
Should be fluent in written and spoken English at the intermediate or higher level.
Mid-Level React Programmer:
Should have at least two years of React JS experience.
Should be familiar with Node and other react development tools, as well as HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, JavaScript, Angular, Git, and RxJS.
Must be familiar with JavaScript (ES6), TypeScript, and Redux state management.
Must have extensive experience developing mobile apps with effective user interfaces and API endpoints.
Senior React Js Developer:
Should have at least five years of experience
Should be able to create React-based user interfaces with React JS and TypeScript.
Should have experience with front-end environments such as ES6, SASS, WebPack, and unit testing.
Should be familiar with various development paradigms such as MVC, MVVM, IoC, and so on.
Should be capable of developing RESTful services/APIs
Must be able to communicate in English at an upper-intermediate or advanced level. 
Experience with other JavaScript frameworks such as jQuery, Vue, and Angular is required.
How To Hire the Right React.js Programmer for Remote Work?
You can win or lose this business game based on whether or not you hired the right react developer. However, whether you are hiring a React full-stack developer remotely or on-site, you must carefully validate your requirements.
Length of the Project:
How long the project is going to continue will decide the kind of candidates to be hired. Larger projects may necessitate more personnel for two reasons. One is for the development itself, and the other is for the post-delivery support. The work duration of a developer also depends on whether they are getting hired by large organizations or startups.
Big organizations with big projects may use react for a year or more. Startups, on the other hand, may use react and hire react developers for a very short duration.
Full-Time or Contractual:
Larger projects typically recruit more senior react programmers on full-time or longer-term contracts. It is much easier to hire a freelance react developer for shorter projects.
Team Size:
If your project only requires one react js developer, make sure that person has solid fundamental knowledge of React and JavaScript. You also need to take into consideration their previous experience in a similar role.
It is always preferable for projects involving smaller teams to have the entire team located in the same time zone. So that they are not dependent on each other and waiting for one another to get the work done.
Technical/Soft Skills:
Project management, business and professional skills, cloud computing, and automation are among the top IT skills in demand in 2022. A candidate who is fully competent in React and has experience in any of these skills can have a significant impact on the organization. These skills are in high demand, allowing developers to go beyond their commitments and make a significant contribution.
The Process of Hiring a Remote React Developer
There are numerous places to look for a remote React developer.
Virtual or online career fairs and coding competitions have picked up speed in the recent past. Coding competitions are held virtually with a set duration. Once the submission is done, the task is carefully evaluated. These kinds of fairs give a dedicated time slot where they can interact with the recruiter. It helps them know about the company’s culture, technologies in use, etc.
If you need a remote React developer, you can use platforms like BMT or BookMyTalent.
Another place to scout for react.js front-end developer is job boards. These are the websites where companies post their job vacancies for job seekers. However, the only drawback is getting flooded with a large number of job applications. Make certain that all job descriptions contain accurate information, and that you are actively responding to candidates and updating job statuses.
Remotely screening the candidates and filtering out those who don’t fit the role is a challenge. In this case, certain things can be helpful in determining which react js programmer to hire:
The candidate’s GitHub profile and portfolio can be requested during the process of screening.
If they are still in college and have worked on side projects, it demonstrates a strong desire to learn.
Everything is now virtual, so it is critical to find candidates who are good at communication and other soft skills. Remote interviews can be held using any of the major video conferencing applications, such as Zoom, Google Meet, Skype, Teams, and so on.
A conceptual programming question that is not bound by any programming language can be given to the react candidate during the coding interview. They can use any programming language they want.
How Much Does It Cost to Hire a Dedicated React JS Developer?
The actual cost of hiring a ReactJS developer depends on factors such as understanding the client’s ideas, the best methods to develop the application, and its overall complexity.
Aside from that, the timeline is an important consideration in determining the cost of hiring a dedicated ReactJS Developer.
Our BMT ReactJS experts can provide you with an estimate of the cost of making an application. Also, tell us about your project needs so that we can provide the best solution for your business idea.
Hire Remote React.JS Developers from Bookmytalent, Your Outsourcing Partner
ReactJS is a well-known JavaScript framework for developing modern, reactive web user interfaces. Hiring ReactJS developers can assist you in designing and developing user-facing features for websites and applications.
BMT has proven itself to be the best site to hire react developers time and again. Get in touch with us and select the best for your business. 
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mitiztechnology · 3 years
What Are the Top Tools For Nodejs Web Development Services?
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Whether you’re a Node JS web development company looking to grow or an entrepreneur wanting to launch your startup, there are some core tools you’ll need to build and run your web application properly. Luckily, most of these tools are either free or incredibly cheap, making them more accessible than ever before.
Without further ado, here are the top five NodeJS web development tools that every NodeJS developer or node js web development company should know about.
1. Express Framework tool in node js web development services
Express is a simple, unopinionated, minimalistic web framework. It’s perfect for startups and lean projects because it doesn’t require you to bend your code into an MVC framework.
Instead, Express lets you write expressive code that reads like plain English.
2. Meteor.js
One of my favorite tools in the Node.js ecosystem is Meteor.js.
A framework built on Node.js and MongoDB makes it easy to construct full-stack JavaScript applications (Rails for JavaScript developers).
Meteor allows you to write your code once and deploy it both on your server and client, streamlining your process.
3. MongoDB
MongoDB has gained popularity thanks to its impressive performance and scalability in recent years.
It is ideal for handling large volumes of data with high availability. MongoDB can be used to accelerate your NodeJS app by node js web development services.
Hundreds of tech companies choose MongoDB as their default database for their NodeJS applications or node js web development services.
4. NPM (Node Package Manager)
NPM is a part of Node.js or node js web development services and allows you to manage dependencies.
It automatically downloads any dependent packages, so you don’t have to download or install them manually.
NPM also comes with scripts that allow developers to control various aspects of their projects through a CLI (command-line interface).
This makes it easy to develop packages locally on your machine and then upload them when they’re ready.
5. WebPack Dev Server tool in node js web development services
The best way to develop Node.js applications with the help of node js web development company is using Webpack Dev Server, which combines a powerful load-testing tool and an auto-reloading HTTP server into one package.
It’s effortless to set up Webpack with your application so that you can seamlessly update CSS and HTML without having to restart your server.
Once you save your changes, they’ll be instantly visible in any browser connected to your application.
Final Word
Node.js developers have plenty of choices when choosing Node.js web development services with tools, but we’ve put together the top 5 of our favorites.
Have you decided which Node.js development tools you prefer?
We hope that this list makes your Node.js development journey a little bit (if not a lot!) more straightforward.
To know more visit at Why Should You Use Node.Js with React?
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