#disadvantages of react over angular
sensationsolutions · 1 year
React JS is a popular JavaScript library used for building user interfaces for web applications. Its popularity has skyrocketed in recent years due to its ability to deliver high-performing, fast, and interactive applications. React JS is a great choice for web development, and in this guest post, we will discuss its top features and benefits.
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punksocks · 1 year
Lilith square Ascendant
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Lilith square ascendant is an interesting placement. It’s packed with energy that often seems excessive and uncontrollable. Lilith energy is always tied to the mythology of Adam’s first wife, Lilith. She was an unfit wife because she saw herself as equal to Adam and could not be “tamed” to follow him as her husband. Lilith the figure is filled to the brim with complexity, s*xual energy, and intrigue just like the placement is.
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Lilith can be felt powerfully in the angular houses (1st, 4th, 7th, 10th) as these are the houses tied to how you are perceived and received by others (self, childhood/family, spouse/partners, public). Personally I have Lilith in my 10th house squaring my ascendant which is why I wanted to dive into some of my observations with this placement.
Lilith aspecting the ascendant is often observed as an alluring placement. Lilith is impactful, often others will have a strong reaction to you. When you walk into a room you will have people that immediately love or hate you no matter how neutral you attempt to be.
Individuals with Ascendants that are Trine/Sextile to Lilith tend to enjoy and find empowerment from the often sexual attention they receive. While Asc Conjunct/Square/Opposition Lilith individuals tend to feel disgusted or turned off by these strong reactions.
In all honesty, strong Lilith placements are in the individual’s birth chart to encourage them to come into their own without shame or making themselves smaller for others.
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Lilith square ascendant is said to be the most alluring and untamable placement because of the strength of the tension of energy of this aspect.
In addition to that, there’s something startling about the energy of strong Lilith placements/aspects, not because of Lilith herself but because of the reactions of others.
People often assume that the version they perceive of you to be all that you are. They also tend to be quite possessive and controlling of you. Either they shame and avoid you because they feel especially overwhelmed by your energy. Or they try to capture you, as if they could be the one to assert total control and dominance over you and to make you up in whatever image they view as “respectably feminine”.
This is obviously a trap, because Lilith’s energy cannot be muted, so when controlling people cannot change your essence they will sometimes react badly. As if they are following dark impulses, something snaps and they simply cannot process you being so uncontrollable.
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Personally with my Lilith in 10th house in Leo squaring my ascendant in Scorpio, I find I usually get a certain set of reactions. From feminine energies, I often get femmes that suddenly get very competitive with me. For attention, skill, or otherwise, especially at work. (Check your 11th house to see where competition tends to come up). I usually have an easier time making friends with femmes with Lilith energies who are more aware of and embrace their “alternative” or “dark feminine” sense of expression and social s*xual power/identities.
For masculine energies I often get contempt or infatuation. Contempt in the form of avoidance and belittling. Or infatuation in the form of pushing boundaries with leery behavior. Something about Lilith makes some men really uncouth in a jarring way. It’s like the socially polite part of their brain just shuts down and they devolve in front of you.
Lilith isn’t a bad placement, just to be clear. I don’t believe any placement is bad, I know that every placement has its disadvantages and advantages and your lesson is to use them accordingly. Lilith is just a litmus test. If someone is an envious, possessive, abrasive sort of person, their behavior will be shown to you almost immediately. Especially with very masculine or very “traditionally” feminine energies.
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I’m synastry too, Lilith overlays will show you a lot about your partner and their behavior towards you. Lilith shows if people around you are developed or undeveloped the easiest of most placements I believe.
This is definitely a placement to be careful with because you can’t really tell how far into scary behavior other people will go once they’ve made up their minds about you.
Day by day, I’m learning Lilith’s lesson of not letting people control you by gaining means to be independent and have my autonomy supported throughout my relationships always, but I’ve definitely gotten through some scary situations by having to get away from people that want me to submit to them.
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webnx · 2 years
Which frame work is best for web development
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Web development is a constantly evolving field, and choosing the right framework for your project can be a daunting task. With so many options available, it can be difficult to know which one is the best fit for your needs. In this blog post, we will explore the top frameworks for web development and help you determine which one is the best choice for your project.
First, let’s take a look at the most popular framework currently: React. Developed by Facebook, React is a JavaScript library that is used to build user interfaces. It is highly flexible and can be used for both web and mobile development. React is known for its ability to efficiently update and render components, making it a popular choice for building large, complex web applications. One of the main advantages of React is its ability to handle complex user interfaces with ease. React uses a virtual DOM, which allows it to efficiently update and render components, making it a great choice for building web applications with a lot of data.
Next, we have Angular. Developed by Google, Angular is a JavaScript framework that is used to build dynamic web applications. It is known for its powerful templating engine, which allows developers to easily create reusable components. Angular also includes a built-in dependency injection system, which helps to organize and manage code. Angular is a great choice for building large, complex web applications, as it provides a lot of built-in features and tools that make it easy to build scalable and maintainable applications.
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Vue.js is another popular framework that is gaining a lot of traction in recent years. Vue is a JavaScript framework that is similar to React and Angular, but it is known for its simplicity and ease of use. Vue is a great choice for building smaller, simpler web applications. One of the main advantages of Vue is its small size and minimalistic approach, which makes it easy to learn and use. Additionally, Vue has a very active and supportive community, which makes it easy to find help and resources online.
Finally, we have Ruby on Rails. Developed using the Ruby programming language, Ruby on Rails is a popular framework for building web applications. It is known for its convention over configuration approach, which makes it easy to get started and develop applications quickly. Ruby on Rails is a great choice for building web applications that need to handle a lot of data. Rails provides a lot of built-in features and tools that make it easy to work with databases and handle data. Additionally, Rails has a large and supportive community, which makes it easy to find help and resources online.
In conclusion, the best framework for web development ultimately depends on the specific needs of your project. React is a great choice for building large, complex web applications, Angular is a powerful framework for building dynamic web applications, Vue.js is a great choice for building smaller, simpler web applications, and Ruby on Rails is a great choice for building web applications that need to handle a lot of data. Each of these frameworks has their own advantages and disadvantages, and it’s important to evaluate your project’s requirements carefully before making a decision.
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At WebNX, we understand the importance of choosing the right framework for your web development project. Our team of experienced developers has a deep understanding of the various frameworks available and can help you determine which one is the best fit for your needs. We will work closely with you to understand your project requirements and recommend the best framework to meet those needs. In addition to helping you choose the right framework, WebNX also offers full-service web development services. Our team of developers can handle all aspects of your project, from design and development to testing and deployment. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you choose the right framework for your web development project.
Don’t wait any longer, take the first step towards your dream project by reaching out to us today and schedule a consultation with our team of experts to discuss your project requirements. Our team is available 24/7 to assist you with any questions or concerns you may have. Let us help you turn your ideas into reality, and take your business to the next level. Contact us today to get started!
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React JS compare to Angular 2
React JS compared to Angular 2
A while back, we wrote a piece comparing Angular 2 and react. In that piece, we outlined the advantages and disadvantages of different frameworks and offered recommendations for what to select in 2017 depending on the situation. So, how is the front-end garden faring in 2018?
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Because JavaScript frameworks are evolving so quickly, today's versions of Angular, ReactJS, and another contender on the market, Vue.js, are regularly updated. Let's take a look at the demand as it has been reflected in Google Trends over the past five years. Angular, React, and Vue.js are each represented by a blue, red, and yellow line.
The graph demonstrates that between 2013 and 2014, there was a slight variation in the number of React and Angular questions. Then, we observe that the difference between them grew for a brief time. From the middle of 2016, these demands were balanced, and
React began to expand and become closer to meeting Angular needs
. Although the Vue.js framework was still not very well known, it was slightly increasing its market share among frameworks, indicating the potential for future growth. In recent years, Angular and React have become nearly evenly matched, making them the most practical front-end frameworks available.
ReactJS's benefits and drawbacks
ReactJS is a JavaScript toolkit that Facebook released as open source in 2013 and is excellent for creating large web apps with often changing data.
Advantages of ReactJS
simple to learn. Due to its straightforward syntax, React is significantly simpler to learn. All engineers need to do is recall their HTML authoring abilities. No need to fully understand TypeScript, as with Angular.
The highest degree of reactivity and flexibility.
Virtual DOM (document object model) enables the organization of documents in HTML, XHTML, or XML forms into a tree from which web browsers may parse various web app components more easily.
When used with ES6/7, ReactJS can handle heavy loads.
on a simple basis.
With this type of data flow, downward data binding means that the child item cannot impact parent data.
A JavaScript framework that is completely open-source and receives regular updates and enhancements thanks to the efforts of developers around the world
Lightweight due to the ease with which the user-side data processing can be simultaneously represented on the server side.
The majority of the migration procedure may be automated thanks to Facebook's "codewords," which make the process in general fairly simple.
Limitations of ReactJS
Lack of formal documentation — due to ReactJS's lightning-fast development, there is no room for the necessary documentation, which is now somewhat disorganized due to developers' ad hoc contributions.
React is agnostic, therefore developers occasionally have too many options.
React JS demands an extensive understanding of how to integrate user interfaces into the MVC framework because it takes a long time to grasp.
Facebook, Instagram, Netflix, New York Times, Yahoo, Khan Academy, Whatsapp, Codecademy, Dropbox, Airbnb, Asana, Atlassian, Intercom, and Microsoft are among the companies that employ ReactJS.
Angular 2's benefits and drawbacks
The 2009-founded, super-heroic Angular JavaScript MVVM framework is fantastic for creating incredibly interactive and incredibly interactive web applications.
Angular 2 advantages include:
Improved RXJS, a quicker compilation time (under 3 seconds), and a new HttpClient launch are some of the new improvements.
Developer developers can obtain all the information they need from thorough documentation without having to consult their colleagues. This calls for extra study time, though.
Two-way data binding allows for unique app behavior and reduces the possibility of errors.
Developers can work independently on the same app area utilizing the same set of data thanks to MVVM (Model-View-ViewModel).
dependency injection of features about modules and modularity in general about parts.
Limitations of Angular 2:
The intricate syntax results from the original Angular framework. However, TypeScript 2.4, which is used by Angular 5, is the easiest to learn of the bunch.
Migration issues may arise while switching from an earlier version to the most recent version.
Upwork, Freelancer, Udemy, YouTube, Paypal, Nike, Google, Telegram, Weather, iStockphoto, AWS, and Crunchbase are among businesses that employ Angular 5.
Read More:  Some tricks to learn to react to js quickly
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incipientinfotech · 2 years
ReactJS vs React Native: How do they compare?
React JS and React Native are two extremely popular libraries in the JavaScript space right now. Both were developed by Facebook, but there’s more to it than that. The two are extremely similar, but there are several key differences between them that you should understand before deciding to use one over the other. 
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This article aims to compare React JS and React Native and help you decide which library is right for your project! It provides an overview of both libraries, explains the pros and cons of each, provides code samples in both libraries, and gives you some guidance on when each library makes sense to use.
What is React
Unlike Angular, React is not a framework for building web sites. It's a library, which means it only provides the basic components needed to build UIs. You need to use other libraries to get things like routing or an HTTP client. 
These are just two different frameworks that have their own strengths and weaknesses. The best way to decide which is right for you is by considering your needs and what you are trying to accomplish.
What are the advantages of using React over other libraries
The biggest advantage of using React is that you can use it to create an app that can be installed on both mobile and desktop devices. Other libraries may only work for one or the other. 
There are also many programming languages that have been specifically designed to work with hire React developer, such as JavaScript, TypeScript, and Flow. This makes it much easier to build a project because everything you need is already provided. 
The documentation available for React is very detailed and includes tutorials on how to create your own components, manage state in your application, and more. This means that you don't need to worry about figuring out how everything works because it has already been explained for you in-depth.
What are the disadvantages of using react
*It is a library, not a framework. This means that it cannot create native mobile apps and only works with web applications. 
*The library is huge and includes many components that you may or may not need. You have to take the time to learn how to use it properly before you can use it in your project. 
*It has been shown to be slower than other frameworks. However, this may change as it continues to evolve and add new features.
Why should you use react
React is a JavaScript library for building user interfaces, created and maintained by Facebook. It was initially built to solve the problem of having to use different data models and programming languages for mobile apps and web apps. As a result, React became one of the most popular front-end libraries in 2017. This popularity was strengthened when Facebook released their own UI framework called React Native (a cross between regular react and native iOS/Android development) which allows developers to build native mobile applications development using only JavaScript.
Is there any difference between reactjs & react-native?
Both of these JavaScript libraries are used to build user interfaces. The key difference between them is that ReactJS is a library for use in the web browser, while React Native is designed to be used on mobile devices. Other than this, they are very similar and have many of the same features, including declarative programming, modularity and composability.
The main advantage of using ReactJS over React Native is that it can be deployed on the web browser without any need for additional software; however, this disadvantage also means that it has a much narrower range of functionality when compared with React Native. 
You can’t use it to develop an app for iOS or Android. For example, you can't develop apps that work offline or integrate hardware components like Bluetooth. However, React Native does give developers more flexibility when it comes to design decisions as well as providing more documentation and third-party support from other developers. 
The advantages of React Native include quicker development time because there's no need to write code from scratch for both the front-end and back-end portions of your application. It also allows you to reuse code across platforms which saves time in developing cross-platform apps which then improves quality and reduces errors.
Originally Source: ReactJS vs React Native: How do they compare?
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steevesmith · 2 years
Top Hybrid Mobile app Framework: Don’t miss out on these
The demand for mobile is growing at an unstoppable rate due to the rise in mobile usage among individuals all over the world. The mobile industry's fastest-growing trend is hybrid mobile app development.
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When we talk about hybrid mobile apps, these apps are quick to adjust to device screens and instantly present streamlined info. The best part about hybrid apps is that they can be created more easily and quickly than any native software.
The term "hybrid mobile apps" refers to a group of applications that are both loaded on a device and run in a native container using a mobile WebView object.
It is evident from a comparison of hybrid and native apps that each have advantages and disadvantages. However, the main distinction between hybrid apps and native applications is that native apps can be produced for any platform using a single code base, while hybrid apps can be developed for any platform utilizing specific technologies like JavaScript, HTML, and CSS.
What you need to know about the Hybrid Mobile app development framework
It's crucial to choose the best option for your business needs when starting to develop a new mobile application. Consider using hybrid solutions for your company. Let's give the Hybrid Mobile App Frameworks some weight, then.
As the name implies, cross-platform app development or hybrid app development is a method for creating products that work across many operating systems, including iOS, Android, and Windows. These apps are made with the use of hybrid mobile app frameworks, which have a single piece of code that functions across many platforms.
The top Hybrid Mobile App Development platforms: Overall features
React Native
Among seasoned developers and leading app development firms, this Java-based platform for mobile app development is highly well-liked. React Native has already been used by well-known companies like Uber, Microsoft, and Facebook for their mobile app development requirements. You may create natively rendered iOS and Android mobile applications using the hybrid framework.
React Native's origins date back to 2015 when Facebook made it available as an open-source project. React Native quickly gained popularity among developers as a result of being used by one of the biggest social media businesses. React Native gained popularity thanks to features like the ability to write code only once for both iOS and Android apps and the freedom to build feature-rich apps.
Ionic is one of the most well-known frameworks currently in use when discussing the finest framework for developing mobile apps in 2022. The most exciting APIs, such as Shadow DOM and Custom Elements, are used to build the front-end HTML on top of AngularJS and Cordova. The official integration with Vue is currently being worked on (for support). You'll find it simple to create PWAs, or Progressive Web Apps, with Ionic. For developers, Ionic is simple to learn and makes the framework fun to use.
It offers a robust front-end construction toolkit and first-rate user interface components that let developers build outstanding PWAs. Additionally, it enables app developers to produce stunning visuals and designs. A developer may accomplish UI design elements like picture design and layout, typography, creative themes, etc. with the help of the Ionic mobile hybrid framework.
Native Script
NativeScript apps are developed using JavaScript or any language that transpiles to JavaScript, such as TypeScript, for example. NativeScript was originally developed by Progress.
With full-stack features including integration with the Angular CLI, router support, and code generation, this hybrid mobile app framework has close connectivity with current Angular versions. Additionally, it incorporates Vue through a community-developed plugin, allowing use of the Vue CLI, Vuex, and other excellent Vue.js capabilities.
So, how would a NativeScript-based hybrid mobile app look? Actually, NativeScript-created mobile apps are wholly native and employ the same APIs as those created in Xcode or Android Studio. This translates to a platform-native user interface sans WebViews and native performance. Additionally, programmers don't need to use wrappers when repurposing third-party libraries from Cocoapods, Android Arsenal, Maven, and npm.js in their mobile projects.
Microsoft's Xamarin framework, which is free and open-source, enables app developers to create mobile applications using C# and.NET. Libraries written in C++, Objective-C, and Java make up the framework. This hybrid app development technique helps SMEs by striking a balance between spending and innovation. With tools and features that speed up app development and help save a lot of time, it enables code reusability (with up to 90% code sharing between platforms).
The fact that Xamarin uses a single technology stack is one of its greatest advantages. All manner of solutions can be produced with only C#. Developers can complete any work in Visual Studio without changing environments. The usage of C# additionally shields the code from odd behavior. This hybrid framework is natively compiled, making it a go-to choice for creating high-performance apps that have a natural look and feel.
With the help of Vue. js-powered Quasar Framework, developers can write code once and deploy it to a website (SPA, PWA, SSR), a mobile app (iOS, Android), and a desktop application (using Electron) all at once, all from the same code base.
Quasar is pre-configured with a cutting-edge user interface that adheres to Google Material standards. The developers of this hybrid mobile app framework assert that it is "the most performance-focused framework" because it also includes HTML/CSS/JS minification, cache busting, tree shaking, source mapping, code-splitting & lazy loading, ES6 transpiring, linting code, and accessibility features while maintaining a minimal performance overhead.
Additionally, developers gain access to Quasar CLI capabilities like hot-reloading. The framework's extremely detailed documentation and vibrant community are some of its most lauded features.
Phone Gap
One of the greatest frameworks for hybrid apps is PhoneGap. It was formerly known as Apache Cordova, but after being purchased by Adobe in 2011, its name was changed to PhoneGap. It leverages HTML5, CSS, and JavaScript instead of platform-specific APIs like those in Android, iOS, or Windows phones to construct hybrid applications. The Cordova plugin, which can be enhanced with native plugins and gives developers access to the device's accelerometer, camera, microphone, compass, and other features, is made powerful by PhoneGap. This hybrid mobile app framework features a quick testing technique that is simple to use, has great flexibility, and is straightforward to understand. Furthermore, the backend support is strong.
Source: https://mobileappcodera.blogspot.com/2022/10/top-hybrid-mobile-app-framework-dont.html
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orionesolutions1 · 3 years
The “hybrid vs native” question still lingers among programmers and coders. In 2021, the choice is between React Native and Ionic, the two biggest players in the mobile app development frameworks market. According to AppBrain,
Ionic is the most used in app development at 3% while React Native is at 1.3%.
Market share in terms of app installs show 4.05% for React Native and 0.27% for Ionic.
To understand this stat, let us look at the difference between a native app and a hybrid app.
Native and hybrid apps differ in many ways including UX, performance, technology used, features, and associated costs.
Hybrid Mobile Apps
The underlying tech in hybrid apps are HTML, CSS, JavaScript and other web technologies. WebView is the platform that they all run on. Through native modules and plugins, they can be developed as Single Page Apps or Progressive Web Apps.
Native Mobile Apps
Platform specific UI components are needed to run native mobile apps. Java for Android and Objective-Cor Swift for iOS are used to build these apps. They cannot be reused between platforms and there are about no drawbacks to the efficiency of these apps.
Now, with a surface understanding of native and hybrid mobile apps, let us know a little bit about React Native and Ionic development.
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React Native is a JavaScript based framework. It helps create native mobile apps and is supported by a huge community of developers. The corporate backing comes from Facebook. It uses the “learn once, write everywhere” principle. Facebook, Oculus, Coinbase, Shopify, Tableau, FlipKart, Discord, NerdWallet, Skype, Bloomnerg, Tesla, and Wix among many others use the React Native framework.
With a shared codebase between mobile, web, and desktop apps, Ionic is a hybrid development framework for web apps. Ionic is rich in features and much more capable than web apps since it uses Cordova and PhoneGap to access native features. Ionic follows the “write once, use everywhere” principle. The Ionic framework has been used by MarketWatch, Pacifica, Sworkit, Diesel,StockPlan Connect, Honeyfi, McLaren, JustWatch, mcDonald’s, Untappd, Nationwide, and Cryptochange among a plethora of others. According to Ionic, over 5 Million apps have been created using its framework.
Now let us take a quick look at how the Ionic framework and the React Native framework compares against each other and determine the best one for 2021.
The Tech
React uses features that are native to the UI. This is what gives it the aesthetics of a native application. The native form also allows the developers to give a seamless experience to the end user.
Ionic uses web tech. This enables it to achieve multi-platform applications. It is based on Angular JS and uses the code base in a minimal fashion. Angular enables Ionic to have a smoother process and be extremely user-friendly.
React demands the developers to make platform-specific changes to achieve the most efficient components. React Native has a much more stable framework. This makes it efficient for large scale projects with higher budgets. The framework also enhances responsiveness and detailing of the UI. On the other hand, Ionic’s hybrid approach makes it much more convenient for prototyping or facilitating an urgent requirement. Using CSS, JavaScript and HTML5 components, Ionic enables faster app development but the user might be asked to download additional plugins to enable the native features.
As discussed earlier, React uses the “learn once, write everywhere” logic. This framework will suggest suitable components that respect the native aesthetics, to the developers.
Contrary to that, Ionic can run the same code across all platforms. It adapts to the platform and learns its behavior in order to provide the native aesthetics.
Apart from these differences, React native has a community of 1752 contributors while Ionic has just 268. And in order to pinpoint the better one for 2021, we need to understand the benefits and drawbacks of both Ionic and React Native.
Open source
Easy to learn
Built in components
Speed development cycle
Familiar development environment
Cordova and PhoneGap wrapping
Requires WebView
Apache Cordova required to access hardware functionality
Slight performance issues
Stable and reliable for large scale projects
Android, iOS and Windows app code reusability.
Codes are not dependent on the platforms
Vast community
Require native development skills.
Lack of custom modules
Slight debugging and compatibility issues.
Now that we have laid down the facts and figures, let us conclude by determining if one is above the other.
The choice will be largely influenced by the type of project you are undertaking, the time of development, and the skills garnered by the team. According to a popularity survey by Ionic,
86% of web developers have used Ionic and 16% went for React Native.
To build PWAs, 72% preferred Ionic while 21% picked React Native.
On GitHub, Ionic has 41,000 stars and React Native has 89,100 stars.
These statistics boil down to the fact that it is not feasible to put one over the other objectively. We can conclude by understanding that if the requirement is a low budget, high performance app in a limited time, Ionic is the better one and if the requirement is a high budget, large scale app, React Native is the better one, for 2021. At Orion, we specialize and deliver excellence in both.
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riversofmars · 4 years
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HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE! Hope you had a good start to the new year, hopefully 2021 will be a good one. I just want to keep doing the things that make me happy, so starting the year of with a new chapter seems just about right! 
Also, massive thank you to @manyotherroadsyettorun @capybaraonabicycle and @ms-flyology for creating awesome content for this fic? I’m in awe!
Rating: M
Word-count: 3600
Chapter 3: Rules of Engagement
The Emperor threw her knife and missed the Doctor’s head by less than an inch. She laughed at how the Doctor flinched away and braced herself against the floor. She winced in pain, the wound on her shoulder was throbbing.
“Right, where were we.“ The Emperor turned back to River with a smirk and pulled her close.
The Doctor sat back on her knees, struggling for composure, breathing through the pain. She watched for a moment, relieved to not be the centre of attention anymore. She couldn’t help the wave of jealously she was feeling. She knew this wasn’t her River but the physical attraction didn’t just go away. 
River moaned when the Emperor pushed her hand between her legs and the Doctor looked away, she couldn’t bare it. That’s when her eyes fell on the knife she had pulled from her shoulder and she realise she had a chance here. Every fibre of her being revolted against the use of weapons but in this universe, the dice were weighted, the rules were different, and she couldn’t be sure she would get an opportunity like this again. They underestimated her, they thought they could play games with her, this was her chance. Carefully she inched forward and closed her shaking hand around the hilt of the knife. The Emperor had turned her back on her. Stabbing someone in the back was the definition of cowardice but this was a desperate situation, and if she was the same as her in every way, she would just regenerate wouldn’t she? And keep them preoccupied long enough for her to escape?
The Doctor was swift about it and pushed herself up but she hesitated. Second thoughts stalling her movements. She knew nothing of her history, what if they weren’t quite the same and she did kill her? Her hesitation lasted only for a moment but long enough. Long enough for River to pull her wife around and out of the way. She grab the Doctor’s wrist with one hand before she’d even raised the knife, and went straight for her throat with the other.
“And what do you think you’re doing with that, darling?“ River purred twisting the Doctor’s wrist and bending her arm. The Doctor winced and dropped the knife.
“Looks like I underestimated you after all.“ The Emperor smirked intrigued.
“You didn’t.“ River shook her head without looking around, she kept her gaze firmly fixed on the Doctor, searching her eyes.
“No?“ The Emperor raised her eyebrows.
“She hesitated.“ River said simply. “She wouldn’t have followed through anyway. Hasn’t got it in her. Such a shame.“
The Doctor didn’t know what to respond to that. Usually she would have taken great pride in that but now it put her at a great disadvantage indeed. She was, however, struggling to think straight. River was half naked, pressed right up against her curling her slender fingers around her throat, just hard enough to make her breathless.
“You know, it’s the death penalty for raising a finger against the crown.“ River hummed.
“You’re not going to kill me though, are you, you need me.“ The Doctor managed to say, far more calmly than she was feeling on the inside. Her head was spinning.
“Oh there are plenty of other things I could do to you.“ River smirked with a dangerous flicker in her eyes. She let go of the Doctor’s wrist and move her hand to the button on her trousers. The Doctor tried to pull away but River held her tightly, squeezing her neck a little harder.
“Enough of this.“ The Emperor huffed. “Let her go.“
“But darling, we could…“
“Enough I said.“ The Emperor snapped and the Doctor immediately noticed the jealousy in her voice. “Guards!“ She called and River let go of the Doctor with a pout. The door opened and Yaz came in. She pressed her balled fist to her chest in a salute of sorts. She didn’t bat an eyelid at their state of undress.
“Take the prisoner to a holding cell, no-one is to know her identity and no-one is allowed in without my say so, understood?“ The Emperor ordered.
“Right away.“ Yaz nodded and stepped up to the Doctor.
“Not with the handcuffs again.“ The Doctor groaned and winced in pain when she pulled her arms back. The wound on her shoulder had soaked through her coat on both sides now and started bleeding more heavily again at the forceful movement of her arm.
“Maybe we should get a Doctor to look at that.“ The Emperor mocked which made River laugh. “Have someone look at that, discreetly.“ She added and dismissed them with a wave of her hand. Before the Doctor could protest, Yaz pulled her along.
“You don’t talk much, do you.“ The Doctor leaned against the bars of the prison cell she had been brought to. The cell was completely isolated from any others that might have been around, it was a small angular room, half of which lay behind bars. The other half was completely empty bar a small control panel that would open and close the bars. And even in the cell, only the basics were provided. The Doctor was watching Yaz who stood a few meters away, close to the door, she appeared to be waiting for something, and she wasn’t talking.
“You know I’m perfectly fine by myself, not like I’m getting out of here.“ The Doctor carried on, she disliked silence so much. “This really hurts you know.“ She touched her hand to the wound in her shoulder. Yaz didn’t turn around, didn’t even react at all. “Sorry, I talk a lot when I’m stressed and this qualifies as stressful.“ The Doctor groaned exasperated.
“You really are nothing like her.“ Yaz huffed, annoyed by the constant chatter.
“She talks after all.“ The Doctor exclaimed, pleased at the small accomplishment. Maybe she would be able to get some information about this place, anything could help, and she had noticed a few things already. “There are a lot of humans here, considering this is Gallifrey.“ She observed leaning against the bars.
Yaz didn’t respond, almost as if she hadn’t heard her.
“How do you know her?“ The Doctor pressed on, she was genuinely curious. So far, she hadn’t observed anything you could describe as affection between the Emperor and, well, anyone with the exception for River. And yet they were all here. Her Fam. Amy and Rory. How did the ruler of the Gallifreyan Empire come by human advisors and guards? Even if she didn’t act affectionately towards them, she still seemed to trust them more than her average lot of guards. There had to be some history there. “She seems to trust you and Ryan and Graham… And Amy and Rory, they’re humans… where are all the Timelords?“ It was a fair question.
They were interrupted by a knock on the door and Yaz, clearly expecting someone, opened it promptly. The Doctor stuck her nose through the bars and spotted a young woman entering carrying a medical bag. She looked rather timid.
“You requested a medic?“ The girl asked stepping into the room. Her eyes fell on the Doctor who gave her a little wave, and she froze.
“You’re not to speak to anyone about this, understand?“ Yaz asked and the girl nodded quickly slowly stepping forward. She had gone from timid to fearful at the sight of the Doctor. Yaz either didn’t notice or didn’t care, she walked up to the control panel and worked the controls to open the cell.
“No funny business.“ She told the Doctor who nodded slowly, not for Yaz’s sake but for the young woman’s. She looked terrified.
“I think it’s not me you need to worry about.“ The Doctor mumbled. She looked to the medic, she barely seemed old enough to be qualified in anything. It wouldn’t have mattered so much if she had been a Timelord but she wasn’t. The Doctor could tell straight away. And she could tell that she was scared of her. Was it because she was prisoner or was it because of who she looked like?
The Doctor glanced to Yaz who gestured for the woman to get a move on. The Doctor couldn’t help but think that she wasn’t the one the girl should be scared of around here. To make things easier, she stepped backwards and she shrugged off her coat, wincing a little as she did so, and sat on the metal bench. Surely, this was the least threatening she could possible be.
“Sorry for the inconvenience.“ The Doctor gave the girl a weak smile hoping to reassure her somehow. “Didn’t do this on purpose.“ She gestured to her shoulder.
“You’re going to need to take your shirt off too…“ The girl said, her voice a little shaky, she appeared uncomfortable asking.
“Ah yeah… you lot don’t seem to care too much for clothes…“ The Doctor huffed, she glanced to Yaz who was watching her every move. She tried her best to ignore her as she pulled her shirt up and over her head, swearing under her breath as she did so. She hugged her t-shirt to her chest covering herself up with her uninjured arm. The medic didn’t ask how it happened, she just opened her bag and pulled out some gauze to clean the wound. “You okay? You seem a bit tense.“ The Doctor asked, yet again disliking the silence.
The medic didn’t answer, she seemed to be trying to ignore her.
“You don’t have to be scared, I’m not going to hurt you.“ The Doctor carried on giving her a little smile. She didn’t like the effect she seemed to be having on her.
“I’m not.“ She replied. “Scared, I mean.“
“Yeah, nothing screams confidence like shaking hands.“ The Doctor chuckled though not unkindly.
“A couple of stitches should do it.“ The medic said when the cut was clean on both sides.
“Not a big fan of needles.“ The Doctor admitted, watching her prepare a curved suture needle. “Just slab a plaster on it?“ She suggested but the girl shook her head.
“Too big a cut, I’m afraid… I’m sorry, this is gonna hurt…“
“That’s okay.“ The Doctor gave her a reassuring smile, it was the best she could do to improve the situation for everyone. Painkillers didn’t seem to be something wasted on prisoners and she wasn’t going to show any sort of weakness in front of Yaz who continued to watch them. The Doctor winced when she pierce the skin but held her nerve. “You know I’m not her right? You don’t have to be scared, I’m not going to hurt you.“ She told the young medic, hoping to distract herself from the pain.
“I don’t know what you mean.“ The girl replied not very convincingly.
“You’re scared of her, like everyone else, just taking a guess here… I have absolutely nothing to do with her.“ The Doctor explained and leaned forward so that she could access the back of the wound more easily.
“How do you…“ The medic was tempted to ask but Yaz interrupted.
“Think that’s enough chatter.“ She snapped and the girl nodded quickly, setting about suturing her back.
“We may look the same but I’m nothing like her. Mirror image, so to speak.“ The Doctor carried on, keeping her eyes on Yaz who glared at her.
“How is that possible.“ The medic asked softly. She could tell it was true. This person was nothing like the one she shared a face with but how could that be?
“Well, funny story that…“ The Doctor started but Yaz interrupted more decisively this time.
“Fix her up and do it now.“
“You’re all scared of her, aren’t you? What is she doing to this place? This universe?“ The Doctor looked around to the medic who refused to answer now, clearly terrified of Yaz. Finished with with sutures, she returned her equipment to her bag and went to dress the wounds. Her hands were shaking and she nearly dropped the dressing.
“Let me…“ The Doctor placed her hand on hers to steady it, giving it a reassuring squeeze and her a soft smile.
“Who are you?“ The girl asked softly, unable to stop herself. She saw the warmth and kindness in the Doctor’s eyes, unlike anything she’d seen before.
“I think I’ll get you in trouble if I say, so better not.“ The Doctor glanced to Yaz who had a face like thunder. “But I promise I’m gonna try to find a way to help.“ Even though every inch of her body wanted to flee and leave this place behind, the moment she saw the fear in the eyes of this girl, she knew she couldn’t just turn her back. She would never refuse to help and those that were not in league with the Emperor seemed to need it.
“That should do it, just try to keep your arm still while it’s healing.“ The medic instructed trying her best to regain her professionalism.
“Looks like I’m not going anywhere any time soon so that shouldn’t be too difficult.“ The Doctor gave her a warm smile. “Thank you for fixing me up.“
“You’re welcome.“ The girl gave a small smile and a nod. She picked up her bag and turned to leave the cell, glancing back at the Doctor one last time, wondering what to make of her. Yaz reengaged the locking mechanism and the metal bars slid shut again.
“You really shouldn’t have done that.“ She said to the Doctor.
“Done what?“ The Doctor frowned confused. Before she could ask or do anything else, Yaz pulled her gun on the medic and shot her as she was leaving.  
“NO!“ The Doctor shouted in horror and jumped to her feet. She rushed to the bars that had already locked and even if they hadn’t, it was far too late. It had been a deadly blast, the girl had collapsed onto the ground, motionless. “Why would you do that? She didn’t do anything!“ The Doctor yelled at Yaz who seemed unfazed.
“Should have kept your mouth shut then, shouldn’t you. That’s on you for sharing things you shouldn’t have.“ Yaz retorted icily.
“You let her see my face, you were never letting her walk out of here anyway.“ The Doctor realised in horror. “Don’t try and put it on me.“
“No, probably not, but you made the decision far easier.“ Yaz retorted.
The Doctor stared at the spot where the medic had been shot long after they had taken her away. Yaz had left with them, her cell was secure, no need for personal guard now that she had been fixed up. It should have given the Doctor the opportunity to breath at last but she couldn’t. She felt claustrophobic. Not because of the cell necessarily, small as it may be, but because of the situation she found herself in. She couldn’t think of a way out. She had scanned the cell, the lock was foolproof. The very fact that they hadn’t bothered to empty her pockets should have given away how sophisticated a prison this was. Nothing she could do would get her out of here. So after a while, all that she could think to do was use the small sink in the corner to wash the blood out of her coat and t-shirt. Now, she lay on the metal bench that was cold against her bare back, staring out of her cell to the empty space outside it. She wasn’t sure how long it had been now. She hated the loneliness, the silence, she had had far too much of that in prison. The only thing she was certain on was that eventually, they’d come back for her. They wanted something from her after all. She was torn between wanting to interact with someone and dreading what sort of thing the Emperor would dream up to make her talk. She shuddered a little at the memory of the mad twinkle in her eyes as she had leaned above her and stabbed her. She marvelled at how eyes that were the same warm hazel as her own could appear so cold.
“Think, Doctor, think, how do you get back?“ She mumbled to herself and looked up to the ceiling. No matter how hard she tried, she could’t focus. Her mind kept returning to her mirror self. The fear she had seen in the young medic’s eyes was haunting her. Even if she could find a way to return to her own reality, could she really leave this universe to its fate?
“Fuck…“ River breathed. Her head was spinning and her muscles ached. The Emperor dropped onto the mattress beside her and pulled her into her arms. River rested her head on her wife’s chest breathing heavily, trying to recover. The Emperor brushed her hair back from her sweaty brow and pressed a kiss on top of her head.
“I missed you.“ She mumbled enjoying the moment, their four combined hearts beating in perfect time.
“Well, that much is obvious.“ River smirked lazily drawing patterns on her chest with her fingertips. She pressed a kiss to her jaw. “Are you sure it hasn’t got anything to do with a certain visitor making puppy eyes at me?“ She teased and pushed herself up a little stretching her aching muscles. She rubbed her neck and shoulders were her wife had left dark marks. “You certainly staked your claim.“
“You’d eat her alive.“ The Emperor brushed the comment off pretending like she didn’t care.
“Might be fun.“ River smirked and her wife huffed:
“If you like that sort of thing.“
“You don’t have to be so jealous.“ River chuckled, amused that she couldn’t keep her annoyance out of her wife.
“I’m not.“ The Emperor shot back.
“Yes you are.“ River teased pushing herself up against her, brushing her hair back. “I mean, I could probably do unspeakable things to her and she’d thank me for it.“ She whispered huskily.
“You’re mine and mine alone.“ The Emperor snapped and shoved her off. She pushed her down and straddled her and pinned her hands to the bed.
“Are we going for round two?“ River grinned breathlessly, her wife’s possessive nature had always excited her. She buckled her hips against her. “I’m all yours.“
The Emperor let go of her, still annoyed, and climbed off the bed.
“I can’t wait to get rid of her. She’s an embarrassment, to share a face with her…“ She walked over to a table of refreshments and poured herself a glass of water. She had worked up quite a sweat. River rolled onto her stomach watching her, regarding her naked body with adoration. She never could get enough of her. Out of the many faces she had had, this was by far River’s favourite.  
“Then we better get whatever we can from her so we can move on?“ She suggested.
“I need that information. We have to find a way to cross over.“ The Emperor mused turning back to her wife. There were only very few people in her inner circle of advisors, an even fewer number of them she trusted and only one she would ever share her worries with. “The generals are restless. Conquest is progress and there is nothing left to conquer.“
“Yes, it seems like the voices of discourse are getting louder.“ River agreed sitting up now.
“Did something happen?“ The Emperor asked with a frown.
“Another attempt on my parents’ lives…“ River answered in an off hand sort of way.
“They’re getting bolder.“ The Emperor huffed in annoyance and took a sip of water. “Who was it?“
“They dealt with it, it was probably because you were away… they wouldn’t dare while you’re around.“ River answered and reached for a silky dressing gown that lay draped over the bottom of the bed.
“Next time something like this happens, I will make a spectacle of them.“ The Emperor decided watching her wife saunter over as she fastened the gown around herself. “They can’t be trusted, none of them.“
“We could just kill them all…“ River hummed and reached out to stroke her wife’s cheek.
“The rift would be too obvious, people would see it as a sign of weakness, they’re on the verge of revolting as it is.“ The Emperor shook her head and finished her drink. She put the crystal glass down and pulled River into her arms. “No, we need a big victory, we need to expand. Silence the doubters and give the population what they want.“
“I would be delighted to get the information you want out of her.“ River brushed a strand of her wife’s hair back.
“River.“ The Emperor rolled her eyes at her.
“Please, let me have some fun.“ River pouted.
“I don’t like the way you’re looking at her.“ The Emperor admitted with surprising honestly.
“Darling, I can’t help that, she is you.“ River sighed.
“She is nothing like me.“ The Emperor snapped and River pressed a tender kiss to her lips to reassure her.
“You know it’s you I love.“ So what if her eyes wandered a little looking at the Doctor? Physically they were the same and she couldn’t help it. She also couldn’t help the intrigue of it. But it didn’t change how she felt about her wife, not remotely.
“You keep away from her.“ The Emperor said, somewhere between an order and a request.
“Of course, my love.“ River gave her another soft kiss, as much as she enjoyed teasing her, she would never do anything to retry or hurt her. “That doesn’t leave many people we can trust to do this though.“ She mused. “Amy…“
“Your mother is too impulsive, she’d kill her by accident.“ The Emperor shook her head. “No, I have a better idea… Though you probably won’t like it.“
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coraxaviary · 4 years
Sister-in-Arms | CHAPTER 2: The Camp
(Part I, Run the Gauntlet)
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Summary: June gets situated in her billet, and runs into some new faces. It’s not very civil.
Word Count: 5.0K
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Author’s Note: Long author’s note incoming; click here OR check my masterlist. 
Warnings: Minor canon-typical profanity and slurs.
Taglist: @keoghans​​ @papercinders​​ @junojelli​​ (ask to be added)
As June stepped out of the office and back into the main corridor, she breathed deeply, feeling some new feeling settle over her. The weight of responsibility. She was in, and the burden was heavy. But she would make it. She had to. 
“Private Diedtrich,” Coates said. “I’m to show you around the place, correct?”
“Yes, sir,” June said. 
He gave her a vague smile, and led the way out of the building, holding the door for her as she came out, back into the hot sun and into the camp.
It was strange to be given a tour. She was sure none of the other men received an introduction to the place when they arrived, but she knew she was again being given an exception despite Sink’s promise to the contrary. She sighed, following Coates down a concrete path deeper into the camp. This isn’t an exception, she told herself. It gives me no advantage over the other men. 
Coates snuck a glance behind himself as he walked, making sure June wasn’t trailing too far behind. She sped up a little, suitcase swinging against her knees, and she stubbornly held it a little out to the side, as if proving to herself that her upper-arm strength was sufficient for the training ahead. She knew it wasn’t. Her strength was in her legs, not her arms. She took a moment to curse her female anatomy, eyeing the biceps of a platoon jogging by in training shirts and shorts. 
June caught up, thinking all the while about the training. Her record of strength was both mental and physical – something she was proud of – but she’d still be at a disadvantage training with male criteria. She’d trained relentlessly in the months leading up to her departure to Toccoa, and still she couldn’t sustain more than seven or so pull-ups. It was significant, but not for Army training. She was already fitter than ever, yet she felt dismally behind.
Her only advantage, possibly, was her history of running. She was a long-distance runner in high school, and nabbed herself a shiny silver medal in senior year for the 10,000-meter district race. At West Point, she hit her best times, beating a few of the men who happened to be on the track at the same time before realizing just how much they hated being outran by women. The men did a lot of running, June observed, seeing yet another platoon run by.
Someone whistled, and June whirled around, looking for the perpetrator. The platoon was already past, but not without the fading sound of a few laughs from other men. June silently watched their retreating backs, clenching her teeth. 
Coates’s eyes flicked to the passing group momentarily, and he turned around to continue walking. June switched the suitcase to her other hand and followed, clacking in her heels down the path. Maybe it was a mistake to come for her first day in a skirt and lipstick. Would the men respect her if they’d seen her before with a full face of makeup? 
Coates gestured in the direction of a whitewashed building with a few windows to the right. 
“That’s the secretary’s office, where most of the women are on base,” he said. “You’ll use the facilities there.”
One woman was leaning against the doorframe, smoking. She silently watched June and Coates pass, tapping cigarette ash into the dirt.
“There’s a bathroom and showers behind the office,” Coates said.
June wasn’t upset, because what other alternative was there? She couldn’t shower with the men or use their latrine. June disliked her options, looking at the distance between the barracks and the office, imagining having to run from the barracks to the bathrooms for quick bathroom breaks.
“Mess halls are down here,” Coates said, pointing to some houses that looked exactly like the billeting houses, but slightly set apart.
They broke into the barracks, spreading out onto the field to their right, and June felt like a foreigner walking between the rows of training housing, imagining the months ahead of living as the only woman in a crowd of men, always watching her own back. June had held onto some strange hope that it wouldn’t be so bad and that these men were supposed to be disciplined, trained, and respectful. Still, she knew that the military wasn’t an end-all to harassment or assault. In fact, they could probably be more rowdy. She looked around at the buildings and the gaps between them: each had the potential to create some dark corner or hidden gap. Dark corners communicated danger to June, and she forced herself to look straight ahead at the dirt and crabgrass in the main thoroughfare between billet rows.
She was going to take care of herself. Not all men are like that, she reminded herself.
Some of the billets were still being built around the edges of the living quarter zone in various states of construction. They passed a particularly skeletal frame of plywood, some men in ODs perched up top, hammering nails into the roof line. 
June and Coates turned to the right and into a gap, following a column of barracks until they met the open field. June guessed that most of the men were out training because the barracks were all empty, and she was hit with the sight of the training field in full when they cleared the last row.
A track ran around the whole thing, and on the far end stood a shooting range with targets. An obstacle course took up a substantial area in the center, and June could make out figures crawling beneath barbed wire, hauling themselves over a wall, and tripping – sprawling – over a network of ropes. And an officer yelling, occasionally leaning down to get in someone’s face.
June took it all in with anticipation. That was going to be her, on Monday, regrettably. 
“Let’s go back to the PX area,” Coates said, after giving her a moment to watch the field. 
June followed him back across the camp, thoughts of training and sweat running through her mind. She was getting slightly sweaty just rushing after Coates in the afternoon heat, not even doing anything physically significant. She sighed to herself, for the hundredth time that day, and picked up the pace, calves burning a little with the exertion of pushing the bottoms of her feet against her heeled shoes.
They went back to the main grouping of buildings that June had figured to be the headquarters. Coates led her to a nondescript building, just like the rest, which turned out to be something of a laundry house when they were inside. 
“Colonel Sink told me you already have your service uniform, correct?”
June thought of the uniform she’d had tailored right before she left for Georgia, now folded in her suitcase. “That is correct, sir.”
Coates nodded. “Stay here.” He disappeared around a corner. 
June set her suitcase down and looked around with detached interest. Most of the laundering must have happened in the back, because out front in the main room, there was only a counter, a shelf filled with laundry to the right, and plain walls.
Sound floated through the open door behind June, and she stepped to the side of the entryway right as one man detached from a larger group, boots pounding up the few steps that led inside. He immediately acknowledged June with something of a surprised look – seeing women in the other sections of the camp must have been a shock – and gave her a once-over that June knew she was going to have to get used to. She gave him one in return. He was built, more than Coates, sharp-jawed, angular, and dark-haired. Mischievous-looking. 
“Hey, what’s your name?” he said, in a decidedly Philly accent. It was so thick, in fact, that June had to stand for a moment to process the phrase. 
June debated how to react, again. She couldn’t be overly friendly because she needed to be respected. She needed it. She would demand respect. She was not another broad to be messed with.
So June raised her chin, and gave a slight smile which probably showed more in her eyes than her face. She had to look slightly upwards – another thing she’d also have to get used to – but she drew herself up to her full heeled height. 
“Diedtrich, June, Private.” Her eyes darted to his sleeve momentarily. “Hello, Private,” she added. 
He looked taken aback for a moment before settling on a rather disbelieving grin. “Didn’t know there were WACs here.” He sized her up again. “When did you dolls move in?”
June looked over his shoulder at the back doorway, where she expected Coates to come out soon. He was taking longer than she expected, and she chanced a glance out the front door, though she couldn’t see anything at her angle. The conversation had stopped. The others were listening. 
She huffed out a sigh, and bit the side of her tongue, looking flatly at the man, who was expecting an answer. She probably looked shifty, nervous. She planted her feet.
“Not a WAC. I’m integrated into training starting tomorrow,” she said, seeing no other way to put it. 
He looked confused. 
“Same as you,” she explained. 
“The hell?” he said, looking lost. 
As if on cue, Coates emerged from the back, holding a bundle of olive-colored fabric and a canvas sack. The uniform. He had a rifle strap crossing his shoulder and an M-1 dangling off his back. June made brief eye contact with him before the man looked back at Coates, who was still rounding the corner. 
“You hear this girl?” he said to Coates. “Dame says she wants to fight.”
The trainee watched Coates stack the clothes on top of the pile and give the clothes and sack to June after she hefted the M-1 onto her shoulder, who took the bundle with a quiet, “Thank you, sir.” 
She made a show of flipping through the layers while keeping an iron grip on the heavy sack. Sandwiched between two articles of clothing was a patch. A single gold chevron. She looked at it with pride before remembering she was in the middle of an awkward conversation. 
Putting the pile back together, she tucked it under her arm and faced the trainee once again. Coates didn’t do anything, just looked at the man. 
“Is she crazy?” the man said to Coates. 
Coates looked quickly at the man’s arm, seeming to take stock of his patches. “Name?”
The trainee looked at Coates disbelievingly as if to question his priorities, eyes darting to the sergeant’s triple-chevron on Coates’s arm, but complied after a few tense moments. “Guarnere. Private.”
Coates looked at June. “Well, Private, Diedtrich has been approved by Colonel Sink to take her place at Toccoa. She’ll be running Currahee every day just like you.”
Guarnere’s mouth opened slightly, brows coming together slightly in an expression of indignance. “You don’t mean to say she’s… billeting with the men, do you?” he asked, disbelief evident. 
“It’s up to the Private whether she’s going to wash out or not, regardless of your opinion. If you’d excuse the Private, I believe she has some business to attend to,” he said, already stepping out of the laundry building. 
Guarnere watched Coates with an expression that grew colder and colder by the second. 
“I don’t believe it,” he said, but June was already busying herself with picking up her things, shoving the boots under her other arm, and moving out behind Coates. “You a whore or something, Diedtrich?” Guarnere said to June’s back. 
She stiffened, breathing in sharply, and stopped walking. She didn’t bother to turn around, but she took one moment to calm her nerves and her heart, deadened with shock. When she spoke, she’d never been more glad that there was no quaver. 
“No, Private,” she said, stock-still. “I’m a trainee.” 
She heard a scoff behind her, but June broke out of her immobilized state and started down the steps, out to where Coates was waiting. She passed three men, staring at her in disbelief, who were standing in the dirt outside. She didn’t stop to take their faces down in memory or try to make eye contact. She walked after Coates, who nodded to acknowledge her, and the pair retreated down the path towards her billet. 
Mercifully, Coates didn’t check behind him. June sniffed, once, and blinked away tears that had come of shock more than shame. Coates wouldn’t always be around to defend her. After the relatively calm reception June had gotten from Bea, Sink, and then Coates, she’d gotten used to a false sense of security; she’d held onto some fantastical hope that everyone was just as nice as Coates. 
Obviously, that wasn’t going to be the case. 
June squeezed the handle of her suitcase, hard, and adjusted her uncomfortable hold on the canvas bag. She needed to hold her own the next time, without someone defending her. By herself. She kept forgetting that she was alone. 
“Here it is,” Coates said, gesturing to a barrack house that looked exactly like all the rest. June tried to remember the turns and number of other billets between this and the road. She peeked in, feeling as if she was violating someone’s privacy, though ironically, she knew she was in for possibly the most uncomfortable moments of her life. 
No one was inside. It was nearing late afternoon, the sun past its apex, and sunlight slanted through the windows on the right. The billet was clean and neat – and each bed was tucked and made – just like regulation, but somehow the place had minor touches of personality that were invisible to the indiscriminate eye. Suitcases were stowed under cots, and each man had a small container of belongings – letters, probably, and extra olive drabs among other supplies. 
June walked between the rows of beds, stopping at the first open one. Unfortunately for her, the beds at the far end of the billet were taken, as well as those nearest to the doorway. She set her suitcase on one of the beds a few from the door – woefully away from either end of the billet, eliminating any semblance of privacy – and set her sack down. She sat with her ODs in her lap, putting her elbows on her knees and staring out at the door. 
“June?” Coates’s voice drifted in from the outside.
“Yes, sir?”
“Why don’t you get changed and then we can head down to mess?” Coates said.
“Yes, sir,” June said loudly back through the billet, and soon she heard the door drift closed, with just a sliver of sunlight streaming through the crack. The windows were wide open, but June couldn’t do anything about it. She hoped no one walked by, and she laid out her new ODs on her bed after setting her suitcase below her cot.
She had been given a white t-shirt, standard black shorts – PT gear – and a pair of OD trousers and a jacket. There was a helmet, which she placed on top of the shelf above her bed, like she saw that others had done, and other supplies – canteen, lighter, OD belt – she’d figure out later. She set those in the trunk and got around to putting on the OD uniform.
June had embarrassingly asked one of her old high school friends how to put on the ODs before Toccoa. At least she’d had the foresight to ask whether or not the Army men tended to wear their PT gear underneath their ODs, and after the conversation, she’d left slightly red in the face but much more enlightened, especially about the unique usage of lighters, the trading value of chocolate and cigs, and the impossible durability and infinite odor capacity of ODs.
June also had to run into the problem of underwear. The skivvies that the men were issued were, well, skivvies, and nothing else. June took it upon herself to stock up on brasseries, because she’d taken a look at her corselette and thought hell no. Whenever she ran, June had worn smaller bandeau bras and sometimes a bit of bandage cloth. Good thing she didn’t have a huge chest. She’d also brought her smallest pairs of panties because those PT shorts were shorter than anything she’d worn before.
June got to work unbuttoning her white blouse and left it open, working on the side panel on her dark blue wool skirt; she wanted to spend as little time as possible completely unclothed in case someone walked by the window. 
In the corner of her eye, there was movement beyond one of the barracks. She sped up, taking off her shoes and then her pantyhose the fastest she’d ever gone, wondering if Coates was waiting. She stripped off her civilian socks and finally got around to taking the skirt off, hastily pulling the PT shorts on and tying the string. 
Shoot, shoot, shoot, she said to herself like a mantra, feeling like every extra second cemented her as a stuffy woman and not an able soldier. She kept her normal blouse bra on, intending to change it later when the time permitted, and threw on the t-shirt over the top, stuffing it into the shorts. She put on the issued socks, and pulled the pants over her legs, doing the buttons fast with slightly shaking fingers and then tucking the bottoms into her boots like she’d seen the others do, lacing them up for the first time and feeling the stiffness of the leather with resigned expectation. Her feet were going to be painfully blistered by day two, at least. She pulled on the jacket and started cleaning up. 
She shoved her civilian clothing back into the suitcase, already knowing with regret that this was her last day as a woman – but also hoping she wouldn’t have to wear them in a few week’s time, or even a few days, hopping back on a bus out of Toccoa. She hung her service uniform up beside the bed and placed her issued rucksack beside it, on a hook. 
Her hand hovered over the tights, spotting a large run. She must have ripped them in her hurry to tug them off.
“Shit,” she muttered to herself, throwing the ruined pair back into the suitcase with a little more force than necessary. It was not time for regret, so June slammed the suitcase closed with an air of finality, but the muffled bang was accompanied by another sound, in the entryway. 
June spun around, meeting the gaze of a disgruntled man hovering in the doorway, mouth open in surprise. 
“Can I help you?” June blurted, face heating inadvertently at the intrusion as she hastily buttoned up her jacket, pulling on her belt and cinching the waist as tight as it would go. 
The man looked at her, silent, trying in vain to comprehend what was going on in front of him. 
“Who–” he started, then stopped. 
June sighed, trying to calm down her own panicked heart. She turned around and took a few deep breaths, finishing up quickly before the man could even leave the billet. He kept staring until after a few more seconds he pointedly looked down and away. June left the top button undone and dropped the dog tags over her head, tucking them below her PT shirt, the cold metal clinging against her chest and on her bra. 
She turned back around awkwardly and shoved her suitcase below the bed. The man cleared his throat and ducked out of the billet before June could ask for his name. She breathed a sigh of relief. That had been a close call.
She’d be dressing in front of the men in a few hours anyway, she reasoned, with a pit growing in her stomach. It would be worse, with everyone changing at the same time with her spot in the center of the billet.
She checked her watch, which she assumed she was allowed to have under regulation. Coates had one, after all, and she gathered her spirits, checked the ties on her boots, and opened the door of the billet. 
There were a number of men waiting outside, clearly back from training and all watching her step down from the building. More than a few faces were judgemental. Some simply looked very, very confused. June’s heart picked up speed once again, and a cold sweat gathered beneath the collar of her ODs. All eyes were on her: maybe about seven or eight men watched her step onto the path, and they parted for her as she cast darting, nervous glances at the frowning men. She started to crane her head to look for Coates, trying to give herself something to do.
“What the hell?” came a voice from the back of the group. 
June resumed walking away from the gathering, already overwhelmed by the sheer number of people she’d have to try to get to know and possibly win over. These were the people she was to live with, and it scared her more than anything else at the moment.
“Hey, you!” the same familiar voice shouted, and June turned around with no other choice, unable to see Coates anywhere nearby. She schooled her face into something stony and flat, hoping her debilitating anxiety wasn’t bleeding through. She raised her chin and clenched her fists, jaw working. They all had at least three or four inches on her, looming terribly.
The owner of the voice broke through the pack, the others letting him through without protest.
“Whatcha doing here, Diedtrich?” he sneered, spitting out June’s surname with disgust. “Gonna make some trouble with our billet?” 
June froze. She was housed with this trainee, the one who already had called her something unsavory. She avoided eye contact, settling her eyes somewhere below his chin, but staring forward defiantly, daring him to make a move. Say something else. She was afraid, deathly so, but she wasn’t going to show it. 
Guarnere was clearly expecting an answer. Someone sniggered behind him.
“I’ve been assigned to this billet,” June said flatly, with just a note of unsteadiness in her voice. She eliminated any waver in her next statement. “I don’t intend to give you any problems.” At that, a litany of men started to quietly talk amongst themselves in hushed tones.
Guarnere laughed. The men laughed with him. June’s eyes darted around him, who was beginning to press in closer. She took a step back, noting the attention their exchange was getting. Where was Coates? she thought, almost ashamedly. Her only protector had vanished. 
“I think we do have a problem, girl,” he said, still crowding June. She took another step back. “You’re weak. You’re a dame. You don’t belong out here,” he said. “You’re not gonna last a day, starting with Currahee on Monday.”
June raised her eyes to his, and his gaze drilled into her, searching for weakness. She clenched her jaw, knowing a tendon or two would pop because she’d witnessed some street fights in her time. Not that she was any more intimidating at five feet and four inches, but she stood her ground, not taking any more steps back, the decision not to back down already feeling unnaturally confrontational to her. 
He’s just another West Point prick, she thought, trying to make herself less intimidated. 
Guarnere looked down his nose at June, clearly irritated enough to try something. June swallowed, and the motion didn’t go unnoticed. He grinned slightly – a shark-toothed one, sort of predatory.
“Private Diedtrich?” came a voice around the corner. “Private, are you–” Coates’s voice came closer and June heard him cut himself off in surprise. 
June wondered how they looked. Ready to fight, maybe, or maybe as if Guarnere was about to wipe the floor with June. June was no match. None at all. 
“Private Diedtrich,” Coates said, slightly nervously, now over her shoulder. June hadn’t turned around to look, but she knew he was behind her, looking at the mob-like crowd that was forming in front of the billet. “I see you’ve met the rest of your platoon.”
Guarnere directed his grimace-like smile over June and onto Coates. 
“Look,” a new voice  – calmer – started over the din of whispering men. “Let’s just work this out at HQ.” June watched the guy who’d initially walked in on her changing emerge from the crowd. “Maybe there’s been a mistake or something,” he said, avoiding looking at June. 
It hadn’t been the amount of skin he saw – almost none – but the principle of accidentally seeing her putting on clothes that June was embarrassed by. Get over it, she repeated to herself. You’re gonna have to change in front of these guys multiple times a day.
“Fine, Lip,” Guarnere said without looking behind him, backing away from June. He still looked unpredictably ornery, but one of his friends June recognized from the laundry place muttered about chow and gave Guarnere a forceful thump on the back, effectively pushing him away from the scene. The man – taller, tough-looking as Guarnere, and black-haired – directed a powerfully hostile gaze at June before moving away to pull the private towards the mess hall.
Lip, if that was his name – rather gentle-looking in comparison to Guarnere and the other, but still far from domestic – watched the two retreat with a vaguely concerned look. Coates cleared his throat, dropped a finished cigarette, and ground it with his boot. June looked at the extinguished pile of ash and then at Coates. 
He went away to smoke? she thought. Maybe he thinks it’s improper or something, like he doesn’t want to encourage me to start. Tough luck. She already smoked infrequently; it was a practice she suspected would get stronger every day she was here in Toccoa. God knew she needed one right now.
As if reading her thoughts, two or three men behind Lip and Coates lit up cigarettes and the crowd seemed to disperse a little. Everyone seemed to want to eat, even though the freakish wonder of the hour was the Broad in the Billet.
“I’m Carwood Lipton. Private,” said the mystery man who had caught June unawares, extending a hand for a handshake. He was the third that day to have done so, and June wondered if simple greetings like handshakes were going to become rare pleasures for someone like her. 
They shook, and Lipton looked back at Coates. “Private, I don’t believe we’ve met before,” Coates said. “I’m John Coates, Sergeant. HQ.”
“Easy Company,” Lipton responded. There was a lapse of silence, and both men turned to look at June, who was in turn watching the last of her billet-mates-to-be drift towards mess, with her hands shoved in her pockets. 
“Would you mind giving us an explanation?” he said to Coates. It did not escape June that she was being talked over, but she kept her mouth shut. “This is all very strange. Are WACs being integrated? Or is she just in the wrong place?” Lipton asked, regarding June’s OD uniform with skepticism.
Coates rubbed at his forehead and stared at the ground. “It’s a new idea, but Private Diedtrich is to train with the experimental training outfit here at Camp Toccoa. If she can clear the physical requirements needed to pass the Basic exam and then keep up with all the men, the Colonel is convinced she can integrate into the paratroopers.” It was the longest and most complete explanation June had heard from him – maybe Lipton seemed more reasonable to Coates, too.
Lipton’s eyebrows came together in concern as he mulled over the statement. “The Paratroopers? She’s trying to be a paratrooper?” he said with obvious doubt, probably noticing how small June was. She was still wearing her makeup from the day, and she almost felt as if she should wipe it off under Lipton’s scrutinizing gaze. But maybe she would pass judgement if she took an effort to reduce the markers of her femininity. She turned around, sensing that Lipton obviously wasn’t going to directly address her anytime soon, and she looked blankly over the field through gaps in the billet rows. “Why?” Lipton asked. 
“That’s something you’ll have to ask the Private,” Coates said, and then they both looked at June again, who could feel their stares on her back.
“Fine,” Lipton said, with a tone that communicated the opposite sentiment. 
Everything was so obviously not fine, and June doubted she’d find anyone as calm about the issue, even if Lipton wasn’t exactly warm. June shifted uncomfortably. The cat was out of the bag, and it would probably only take a few hours for the entire camp to know there was a woman in their midst, playing at being a soldier. 
People were still hanging around. June tried to ignore them and look out over the camp. This was a sight she’d hopefully have to get used to, if she wasn’t thrown out tomorrow for failing the physical requirements. Coates and Lipton were still scuffing around in some disjointed attempt at conversation while watching June. She finally had enough and went back into the billet to get her Army-issue cigarettes, tucking them into a pocket.
She got outside and lit one up, feeling the smoke travel down her lungs. She exhaled, and sighed. 
“Wanna eat?” Coates asked. Lipton trailed behind. 
“Sure, Sergeant,” June said, letting the cigarette dangle from the corner of her mouth while she talked. 
Coates frowned. 
June hastily took the cigarette out in her fingers and straightened, reddening in the face.“I mean, yes sir.” 
The ghost of a smile touched Coates’s face, but he looked too strained to look genuinely amused. “Relax, Private. It’s just mess hall.”
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itservicesprovider · 2 years
What was the Difference Between ReactJS and AngularJS?
Nowadays, selecting the best framework for a new JavaScript system, application, or website is a top priority. It can have a direct impact on a project's durability, capacity to meet deadlines, future code maintainability, and scalability. Angular and React are two emerging web technologies. Many corporate owners, technical decision-makers, and project managers are unable to choose between the two. The number of JavaScript tools available is rapidly growing, making the selection of appropriate technology difficult. While AngularJS vs. ReactJS is a hot topic, both are high-performing, sophisticated, and extensively utilised throughout the world.
AngularJS was created with the primary goal of solving single-page application development in mind. AngularJS integrates with the MVC platform, simplifying development by delivering a dependable solution. AngularJS developers adhere to certain principles, such as Angular data binding. The Model and View in Angular are connected to provide automated data synchronisation between the two.
Let us look at some of the benefits of AngularJS.
Complete Framework:
AngularJS is a comprehensive framework that can be executed in any browser or platform. In comparison to React, Angular is consistent, flooded with ready-made tools, and its components are sturdy and relatively mature.
Data Binding in Both Directions:
This property is perhaps the most important feature of AngularJS since it reduces the impact of minor data changes and eliminates the need for additional work with data sync between View and Model.
The architecture of AngularJS is component-based. Components have deep binding, and each one contains just components with relevant functionality. They are suitably enclosed and lightly connected. This method makes components easily reusable, improves testability, and increases maintainability.
AngularJS disadvantages:
AngularJS's biggest flaws are its steep learning curve and complexity. To make apps stable and safe, programmers should prioritise security like they would with any other client-side rendering technology in the JavaScript framework comparison list.
ReactJS offers high-performance client and server-side rendering with a one-way data flow. ReactJS developers are built on creating reusable code components that make an app very lightweight, more of a library that is relatively straightforward to work with.
React is a library rather than a framework. It is best defined as an application perspective that allows the programmer to reuse reusable components. It is made up of its own React libraries, tools, and solutions, which developers may utilise to create their own JS framework.
Let us look at some of the benefits of React JS.
JSX Syntax:
JSX is a JS syntax that allows developers to use HTML quotes and HTML tag syntax while displaying subcomponents. It encourages the creation of machine-readable code and allows you to combine components in a single compile-time validated file.
Rendering is React's finest feature, giving it a huge advantage over Angular. The solution includes sophisticated ways for reducing the number of DOM operations, as well as optimising and speeding up the updating process. When dealing with large datasets, virtual DOM comes in handy.
React JS's disadvantages
Because ReactJS is not a full-fledged framework, integrating the UI library into a popular MVC framework necessitates strong programming skills.
So, after this lengthy discussion, we can't conclude if ReactJS or AngularJS is superior. Both technologies are superior in their respective fields. We can utilise anyone depending on the unique app aim. Angularjs development is typically used to build a fundamental skeleton for a front-end app, whilst React.js development can be used to improve its individual portions.
I hope you found this information interesting. Keep an eye out for the next article.
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taglineinfo · 2 years
Angular vs React: Which is better for code quality?
Each boasts its own pros and cons, but which one does the best job when it comes to code quality? We’ll look at some factors you might consider in deciding whether to use Angular or React and why. Spoiler alert: There’s no right answer—it depends on your unique situation and preferences!
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What Does Code Quality Mean?
At its core, code quality refers to how easy a piece of software is to maintain and use. That means being well-documented, secure, and error-free. When users encounter issues or bugs, they can easily determine if those problems stem from their own computer or if it’s an error in your program. One of the best ways to improve your application’s performance is by adding test suites that ensure future updates don’t introduce more problems than they fix. Even small changes made with good intentions can cause unforeseen errors that slow down workflows, so it’s important to make sure no one else faces similar issues when you release new versions. Recently, the JavaScript community has been in an uproar over what’s considered the superior framework: Angular Vs React?
Angular Advantages
One of Angular’s biggest selling points is its structural directives. These are features like ngIf, ngFor, and switch that give developers a super-easy way to create dynamic content on web pages. Structural directives make developing user interfaces extremely simple because all of your application structure, data binding, and event handling can be handled in one file. Additionally, Angular 2 (at least right now) boasts an impressively short learning curve when compared to other popular JavaScript frameworks like React or Vue. Finally, if you work with older browsers or need to support mobile devices that don’t support newer JavaScript frameworks (like React), then you may find yourself drawn towards Angular 2 due to its impeccable cross-browser compatibility and widespread support from Google itself.
The Disadvantages of Angular
Slow coding speed and steep learning curve are two of Angular’s major downfalls. In fact, it’s easy to build a small website in React before getting anywhere with an Angular app. So why would you choose something that takes longer and requires more experience over something that’s easier to learn and put into action? It all comes down to choosing what works best for your application.
What are the Best Practices in Angular Development
There are two approaches that you can use to develop your application. The first is more efficient but requires more effort, while the second is easier and faster, but may not be as effective in terms of software engineering. Both have their respective positives and negatives so it’s important to determine which one will work best for your project. Consider writing pros and cons list so you can decide which one to choose.
Common Pitfalls to Avoid in Angular Development
Adopting an ad-hoc coding style: Don’t write JavaScript in a way that your future self will hate you. It’s essential to have a consistent style throughout your projects, whether it’s React or any other language. This also means documenting how things work, so that someone else (even your future self) can easily follow what you were doing and troubleshoot issues. It pays off later when you need to revisit project files and make changes or additions or help someone else figure out what you were doing. Don’t let bad habits ruin your Angular development experience!
The Benefits of React.js
JSX, one of React’s best features, has many benefits that add to its convenience. For starters, JSX adds HTML-like syntax to your JavaScript. This simplifies things like changing CSS classes on elements or creating an id attribute for DOM nodes—the corresponding XML syntax can be used instead. It also makes it easier to organize your application because you can use familiar HTML conventions like class and id attributes rather than having to remember how exactly these are expressed in JavaScript. JSX also encourages modularity by allowing components to be defined independently and then reused throughout your app (JSX is particularly useful when doing large applications with dozens of components). A built-in compiler also means no more bad runtime errors!
Top Mistakes in React Development
React has gone through many versions over its lifetime, and with each one, it has introduced some fantastic new features. Yet despite how useful these features are to developers, they can create a lot of problems when working with big teams. So what should you be looking out for when working with React in a team setting? Let’s take a look at five mistakes that you should try to avoid whenever possible. What are these mistakes, you ask? Well: Integrating Updates into Your Application Without Testing Them First The single biggest mistake anyone can make when updating their app or library is not fully testing all their changes before releasing them. In this day and age, we have everything from Facebook messenger updates to Google Chrome updates coming down the pipe on a regular basis. When updates happen, there’s always the chance that something will go wrong. As such, it becomes imperative to test any update before rolling it out so that you don’t experience any major issues on your end! 
Both Angular and React offer developer tools that allow you to test out changes without having to go back and forth between your editor. If nothing else, this feature alone makes both frameworks worth checking out if you haven't already been using them! 
Keep Track of DOM Changes Another problem commonly encountered by developers who use React is that they forget about small UI updates as they continue building the application's functionality.
How to Create Maintainable Systems With Less Coding (And No Bugs!)
There are many factors to consider when determining which programming language or framework to use. What's good for one project might not be good in another, and what you need today might not be what you need tomorrow. When looking at code quality, there are several different things to consider. Code can have structural issues like excessive indentation or comments that do nothing but increase file size. It can also have issues of maintainability, including being so obtuse as to make changes difficult if a different developer needs to step in later on—no matter how easy it was to write initially. And lastly, it can have issues of readability and clarity that keep your more junior developers from understanding exactly what a block of code does without spending time puzzling through it first.
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qogentinfotech · 3 years
Top Web Development Company In Delhi Ncr
Development One of the most important features of web design and development work. There are many web development languages are available in a market that is used by people to in a website. Nowadays website is a one of the most important assets of any company. Development is done by two types one web development languages like PHP, CSS, javascript, etc where you have to be followed all the syntax that implementers are required to support. The second one is a web development framework's cohesive set of library code that together simplifies programming in any given language.
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Qogent Infotech is one of the leading innovation top web development company in Delhi NCR working on all the best following web development frameworks as given below.
 Django: Django is a Model-View-Template framework that uses Python for web development. Big names such as Google, Youtube, and Instagram use this framework. 
Laravel: Laravel is a Model-View-Controller framework that uses PHP, which is one of the most famous languages on the web. It’s relatively young compared to other frameworks on this list.
Angular: Angular is a front-end framework that specializes in building rich Single-Page applications. It’s a vibrant framework able to build entire client-side applications, and there’s so much to do and learn in Angular. Angular 1.x used Javascript, but later releases adopted Typescript, which is a superset of Javascript.
React: React is not a framework, it’s a frontend library, but many developers consider it a framework and it’s usually reached in that context. React was the first to adopt the component-based architecture that Angular and Vue, and many other frameworks started to adopt later on
End Etc Web development Frameworks soo on. Each framework has its advantages and disadvantages to working over there. If you require any web development services now contact us and we serve you anywhere 
Address: E-30, Sector 3, Noida, Uttar Pradesh 201301
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allin1onlinecourses · 3 years
ReactJS and AngularJS
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Check AngularJS and ReactJS for code quality, code support and performance to see which one best suits your needs.
introduction Do you know what ReactJS and AngularJS web development came about?
But before that, let us give you a brief overview of web development and its 3 types.
Web development is the work associated with creating a website for the World Wide Web or Intranet.
This usually includes web engineering, web design, web content development, customer links, and e-commerce development.
Let us give you a brief of AngularJS and ReactJS.
AngularJS is an advanced javascript website for creating web pages only.
It is taken care of by Google and the company / companies that take care of it.
Angular is a general term for all Angular types produced after AngularJS.
Angular is a complete suite of tools used by BMW, Forbes and Xbox to design their applications.
React JS is an open-ended development application designed for opening user spaces.
It can be used as a foundation to create a single page or mobile app.
Difference between ReactJS and AngularJS
Basic - Jordan Walke 
Type - Open Source JS Library
Coding type - Normal
Initial release year - 2010
Biding - One way data biding 
Main developer - Facebook community
Script - Javascript
Latest version - V 17.0.2
DOM (Document Object Module) - Work with regular DOM
Rendering side - Server side and client side
Languages - HTML, Javascrpit
Learning curve - Low learning curve
Basic -  Miško Hevery
Type - Javascript Framework
Coding type - Slow
Initial release year - 2013
Biding - Two way data biding
Main developer - Google
Script - Typescript
Latest version - Angular 10
DOM (Document Object Module) - Work with virtual DOM
Rendering side - Client side
Languages - JSX, XML
Learning curve - High learning curve
Disadvantages using AngularJS
AngularJS is not protected - Javascript framework and applications written in AngularJS are not protected. 
If a user disables Javascript, only the main page will be displayed.
Advantages of AngularJS
It provides the ability to create fellow applications only seamlessly and efficiently.
It provides a rich and user-friendly user experience with the ability to integrate HTML-based data.
Angular JS is a unit that is being tested and provides usable hardware.
Developers can get services with a little code.
Disadvantages of ReactJS
Poor Documentation
Response technologies and software are updated from time to time. Developers will not be able to record ReactJS programs.
To overcome this problem, developers are trying to release textbooks about upcoming software.
The high pace of Development
High progress rates have both advantages and disadvantages.
On the land side, where the environment continues to change rapidly, some developers are reluctant to start learning new ways all the time.
It may be difficult for them to accept all of these changes and all the ongoing updates. They need to be constantly updated by their skills and learn new ways of doing things.
Advantages of ReactJS
Large Community
Javascript engineers will be updating their skills with the latest technology.
Github is a great platform where you can post any kind of problem and find a solution. React has over 177,000 stars on Github as well as 12 million npm downloads.
Reusable Components
ReactJS is a unique set of components that each have its own logic and control. You can use code and modify applications where you can create and manage devices.
Smooth Learning Curve
ReactJS has a great learning curve as beginners have the opportunity to learn ReactJS through tutorials and tutorials online.
Any developer with a Javascript background can learn ReactJS and build a website faster in a day.
Comparison between Real DOM and Virtual DOM of ReactJS and AngularJS
If you get here, then you have an idea that React uses Virtual DOM for better performance.
In this section, I will explain what is Dom? In the example describes the Virtual DOM.
According to W3.org "DOM (Model Book) is a platform and language independent that allows programs and scripts to access and promote content, formatting and documentation."
Virtual DOM is a simple analysis of DOM. You can think of it as a copy of the DOM, which can be updated without affecting the actual DOM. It usually has similarities to the actual DOM object, but cannot be captured on the screen as a real DOM.
The DOM made it gain speed and expertise due to its high temperature.
Switching is a transition between the current Virtual DOM model and the previous Virtual DOM version also called Browser DOM.
AngularJS doesn’t have a Virtual DOM nor a Real DOM
ReactJS vs AngularJS: which one to choose
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Code Quality
AngularJS developers use AngularCLI (Command Line Interface - a type of speech under Angular). It has amazing connections like Angular Core, Angular Material and more.
The angular code size is a bit difficult when building a web / mobile application.
For example, to explain in a simple way - if you display some code in the program, it will be created using different codes of its own.
In ReactJS, the code quality will be clear in terms of components and key components. Here, keeping the ReactJS code is easy.
For example, if you have an element/component, you can use it as many times as you want.
In ReactJS, there are no rules and regulations to follow.
So the ReactJS code quality is high
Code support
Angular is commonly known for building fellow applications only.
The explanation is that a single-page application has complex features in a few program modules.
For this reason, it usually puts program documents in different directories.
Follow with that kind of complexity as you retain rich applications.
AngularJS recommends the best configuration for complex life as well as the ability to manage complex name configurations. Angular type instructions as a general rule where SPA (application only / single page) requires a complete standard display of code configuration.
According to W3C, weather.com is the most visited website in the world.
Angular enables national and regional weather radar to get instant weather information for applications.
It integrates the application with the UI software and uses it for better code quality.
We have seen many times that designers really have a problem with the viability when it comes to creating rich websites for customers. However, the combination of HTML and Javascript is problematic due to low modularization.
The best part is that Angular solves these problems by creating effective Javascript.
It provides HTML enhancements to handle such issues, and it appears to be a relief for designers with great storage time for engineers.
So far, you understand that these two applications have different advantages and disadvantages.
Now, let's look at their performance.
Virtual DOM promises high performance and can handle large datasets.
"Short Delivery" is the best part of ReactJS.
This new feature is combined with various processes to improve and speed up the updated interaction. AngularJS reduces execution when a power outage occurs.
Nonetheless, considering the key point that AngularJS has stopped updating, it puts a terrible threat in the UI area.
React is better than Angular?
Angular is full of javascript formats that include programs, directory sizes, and much more.
However, unlike React, Angular has a negative characteristic of bloat, complexity, and frontal appearance.
It is recommended for small development projects and says it has high expectations for learning and making changes.
To make matters worse, AngularJS is currently not subject to any changes in the event. AngularJS assembled in TypeScript and searched for a lot of code, which makes it very complicated.
No matter what one might expect, React is "simple" and one of its directions is based on sample management.
Basically, this allows the engineer to choose exactly what they want, but in addition, it takes advantage of the use of a large third-party package.
So, finally, we need to get to the point where we can only select one Javascript, right?
If you want to create a small website or start a business, you can try ReactJS, which has a small learning curve.
If you want to create a company application with high development, you can choose AngularJS because it has a large learning curve.
ReactJS has an easy way to get the job done. Since it has nothing to do with HTML, it has the easiest way to manage the UI object. Although Angular is isolated from everyone else and can take care of many things on its own, it may not be so appealing.
Either way, the benefits anticipate more open ideas and more time spent.
Whew! It seems I have covered a lot of things. I hope this blog provides you with more information about ReactJS as well as AngularJS.
Frequently Asked Questions
1. Can we use AngularJS and ReactJS together?
One item can be worked with Angular, another with React. These items, despite the fact that they are worked by various groups utilizing various stacks, regularly share Components and utilities.
2. Is JavaScript a ReactJS?
ReactJS is a JavaScript library, generally used to foster programs that are continually reviving information on its UI. This innovation wipes out the need of reloading the entire screen and furthermore tries not to handle each and every line of code
3. Which company uses ReactJS?
Facebook, Instagram, Airbnb, BBC and Reddit – these are important companies that use ReactJS in order to increase their user base.
4. Are AngularJS and ReactJS the same?
No, they are not. AngularJS is a Model View Controller and ReactJS is an Open-source Framework. Angular runs on regular DOM and React runs on Virtual DOM
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nearmesblog · 3 years
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When it comes to growing packages on each iOS app developers and Android app developers, there are some alternatives available for React Native is one of the maximum popular. However, we don’t want each for an unmarried mission so it’s constantly well worth searching at the professionals and cons of each to make the exceptional selection primarily based totally on a given mission’s criteria.
React native
React Native is a app development framework for developing packages in each Android app developers and iOS app developers structure with a local feel. It is based on JavaScript web development and become launched by using facebook.
It is created by using Facebook, so it’s thoroughly supported.
Makes use of JavaScript is one of the maximum famous and extensively used flutter development languages.
It helps TypeScript.
As such, at the same time as it may work wonders, you continue to want different alternatives for the relaxation of the app development.
You can also additionally nonetheless want native developers, relying on the scope of a mission, for the closing 5-10%.
Native script
Native Script is a JavaScript web development framework for growing mobile packages on each iOS app developers and Android app developers structure. Like React Native, it’s also primarily based totally on JavaScript. It became launched in 2014 by Progress Software development EAD.
It’s owned by using Progress Software development EAD, so there’s an expert enterprise flutter development supplying an ongoing, ordinary guide.
It’s additionally open-source. Native Script has a lively network of its own.
Like React Native, it makes use of JavaScript – so maximum developers can become familiar with it.
It additionally helps TypeScript.
Just like React Native, native app development can also additionally nonetheless be needed, relying on the scope or in case you’re looking to use the maximum superior local hardware capabilities.
Native script vs React native
Now you understand a bit approximately every software development framework, how do they evaluate the using aspects? Those are the important thing variations and similarities while looking to decide which framework to apply in a mission.
Both native script vs react native use JavaScript web development with the manner of ReactJS and Angular, respectively. In this approach, there’s generally no hassle locating flutter developers, in addition to a wider third-party guide.
Open source
Since each alternative is open-source, there are masses of guides for each. While React Native is subsidized by using Facebook and Native Script is supported by Progress Software development EAD, there’s additionally a developing network for each. This approach that, similarly to ordinary fixes, there’s a huge pool of fixes, extra components, and solutions.
Code sharing
React Native is higher at styling those belongings for every particular platform, while Native Script regularly leads us manually those for my part while needed.
Time saving
Similar to the code base, each alternative additionally makes use of reusable components. Both web development frameworks offer more than a few local components, so flutter developers don’t want to waste time developing the fundamentals or repeating guide obligations over.
Choosing the proper era in your mobile utility is a non-trivial matter. It can rely upon the present-day talents of your team, the quantity of in simple terms local capabilities to your scope, or even at the truth in case you have already got an internet app development in place. Cross-platform frameworks are an applicable option, especially in case you’re searching to develop and launch your product speedy for Android app developers and iOS app developers.
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What is Blazer WebAssembly? And what is it used for?
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What is Blazer WebAssembly?
Blazer WebAssembly is another UI innovation from Microsoft, authoritatively delivered with .NET Core 3.1 and getting refreshed in .NET 5. Blazer permits engineers to make single-page applications (SPAs) utilizing C# and .NET using a part-based design. Blazer WebAssembly is a client-side in-program execution of Blazor, which incorporates a .NET runtime carried out in WebAssembly.
With the arrival of Blazer WebAssembly, it is presently conceivable to make customer-side SPAs utilizing C#. Beforehand it has been feasible to make sites utilizing ASP.NET Core MVC and Blazer Server, with every one of these contributions being worker side arrangements. In case you're hoping to extend your range of abilities and use some new Microsoft innovations, or simply have an overall interest in WebAssembly, then, at that point, Blazer WebAssembly is for you. Many web development companies help you in Blazor, Web assembly.
On the off chance that you come from a .NET foundation and need to foster a SPA, then, at that point, Blazer is a positive development. The advantage of composing a Blazer application is that you can utilize a ton of a similar form apparatus, biological systems, and language includes that you as of now use. Assuming you have loads of involvement in .NET, moving to another dialect (like JavaScript or TypeScript) and another structure (like Angular or React) requires a great deal of speculation that probably won't be achievable.
Following this instructional exercise, you will learn how to make a SPA in Blazer WebAssembly. It will cover the nuts and bolts of Blazor and its part-based engineering. The individuals who know about Razor will perceive a portion of the format highlights, and for those that aren't, this instructional exercise will cover highlights like mandates and occasions.
How do we develop web applications today?
For worker side turn of events, we use programming dialects like C#Java, PHP, and so forth. These are the worker-side programming dialects.
For the customer side improvement we use JavaScript systems like Angular, React, Vue and so forth There's no question these JavaScript structures overwhelmed customer side advancement up to this point.
To remain in the business as an engineer and stay cutthroat, it's inescapable that we learn both a worker-side programming language and a customer-side programming language.
In any case, the inquiry is, the reason we should learn and utilize 2 unique arrangements of programming dialects and systems.
Can we use C# both for server-side and client-side advancement?
With Blazer, we would now be able to fabricate intelligent web UIs utilizing C# rather than JavaScript. C# code can be executed both on the worker and in the customer program with many development services in it. This implies existing .Net designers can reuse their c# abilities instead of acquiring new JavaScript systems and their tremendous expectation to learn and adapt.
Programs comprehend and execute just JavaScript. How might we execute the c# code in the consumer program?
Blazer can run C# code straightforwardly in the program, utilizing WebAssembly. It runs in a similar security sandbox as JavaScript systems like Angular, Reacts, Vue, and so on Not only C#Truth be told, we can run any kind of code in the program utilizing WebAssembly.
WebAssembly depends on open web guidelines. So it is a local piece of all advanced programs including versatile programs. This implies for the blazer application to work, there is no compelling reason to introduce any exceptional module like back in the times of silver light and glimmer.
This is additionally called the customer side facilitating model and in this model, the application runs straightforwardly in the program on WebAssembly. Thus, all the application requires i.e the arranged application code itself, its conditions, and the .NET runtime are downloaded to the program. We will see this in real life in our forthcoming videos. The worker-side programming dialects.
For the customer side advancement we use JavaScript structures like Angular, React, Vue and so on There's no question these JavaScript structures ruled customer side improvement up to this point.
However, the inquiry is the reason we should learn and utilize 2 unique arrangements of programming dialects and structures.
All things considered, we can and that is by and large why we use Blazer. With Blazer, we would now be able to fabricate intuitive web UIs utilizing C# rather than JavaScript.This implies existing .Net engineers can reuse their c# abilities instead of acquiring new JavaScript structures and their immense expectation to absorb information.
This is additionally called the worker facilitating model and in this model, the application is executed on the worker from inside an ASP.NET Core application.
At the point when an occasion happens on the customer, for example, a catch click, for instance, the data about the occasion is shipped off the worker over the SignalR association.
The whole HTML isn't sent back again to the customer, it's just the diff that is shipped off the customer over the setup SignalR association. The program then, at that point refreshes the UI. Blazer accepts the single page application engineering which reworks a similar page powerfully in light of the client activity. Since just the diff is applied to refresh the UI, the application feels quicker and more receptive to the client.
We utilize the Blazer Server App layout, to make a Blazer application with the worker facilitating model. We will make a blazer application with both the facilitating models and talk about the upsides and downsides exhaustively in our impending recordings.
What is Blazer Web assembly Used for?
Indeed, since, supposing that we use Blazer, we can run our application in any program, including portable ones, because WebAssembly is important for all significant programs. We are at this point not reliant upon modules like we were some time ago with Flash and Silverlight. Also, we use Blazor because it permits us to reuse our C# abilities.
C# is an incredible advancement language and specifically which implies we can get the mistake at assemble time rather than runtime. Blazer is only a structure that suddenly spikes in demand for the .NET runtime, so we can utilize any library that we need to use, as long as it is viable with .NET Standard.
This implies that we can utilize our own libraries and furthermore practically all open NuGet bundles
There are several in number reasons, which show why we should utilize Blazer
WebAssembly is upheld by all significant programs
Use C# for intuitive web applications
Reuse existing libraries
Execution is close to local
Tooling and troubleshooting
You can check and pick the apparatus according to your accommodation. The following are alternatives, to begin with, Blazer.
Blazer WebAssembly runs on the customer in the program. It downloads all that it requires to the program including HTML, CSS, perhaps some JavaScript, and conceivably pictures. It likewise downloads the congregations that make up the application, and it even downloads the total .NET runtime that is changed over into WebAssembly bytecode.
The entirety of this runs totally on WebAssembly, which is a piece of all significant internet browsers, including portable programs. This kind of Blazor application needn't bother with an association with a worker. It simply needs to stack into the program, and that is it.
A Blazer WebAssembly application comprises static records, so you needn't bother with an undeniable worker to get this to the program. You could have the static records on a substance conveyance organization, or CDN, which is somewhat modest and is internationally performant. You can likewise have it on a worker in the cloud, in your own server farm, or elsewhere.
Close Native Performance, running your application on web assembly is quick.
The application can work totally disconnected.
No Server is Needed, you don't need to keep up with the worker and keep the design basic. it requires asset handling at customer gadget
No Plugin is required, WebAssembly is a local piece of every significant program. it takes all static documents into the program
Run in every Modern Browser
Limited to capabilities of the program. It downloads everything into the program including .NET runtime.
The program accomplishes basically everything.
More to download plan to longer load time.
Mystery or Key needs an association with API, it needs to download at the client-side and there is an approach to encode which isn't protected.
Required WebAssembly, time your application running to the old program which doesn't have web assembly and application won't work all things considered.
Blazer Server is a worker-side Blazor application. The application runs inside an ASP.NET site that suddenly spikes in demand for the .NET runtime. This site then, at that point serves the Blazer site and loads Blazor through a WebSocket association that it utilizes through SignalR. Utilizing this, UI refreshes are spilled from the worker continuously. This sounds confusing, yet you don't need to do anything exceptional to make this work. This all emerges from the case.
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Importance of jQuery in Designer's Career
Importance of jquery in the web designing
In this blog, we will discuss what is jQuery and why should we use jQuery? So let’s proceed with the intro part initially.
Required Skills
Before learning jQuery you must have knowledge of CSS, HTML, and JavaScript. One should understand what DOM is, how DOM is manipulated, and how CSS is applied. Overall a basic understanding of front-end development along with these skills is required.
History of jQuery
jQuery came into existence in January 2006 at bar camp NYC. It was developed by John Resig. John wanted to separate JavaScript from HTML tag so that the code looks clean and becomes easier to understand. This gave him the reason to start the work on JavaScript to start the work on a JavaScript library which he named jQuery.
The first jQuery code:
<button id="test">Click</button> $("#test").click(function() { alert("Button is clicked" ); });
Popularity of jQuery
In the year 2015, jQuery was used on 63% of the top 1 million websites (according to BuiltWith), and 17% of all Internet websites.
In the year 2017, jQuery was used on 69.2% of the top 1 million websites (according to Libscore).
In the year 2018, jQuery was used on 73% of the top 1 million websites, and by 22.4% of all websites (according to BuiltWith).
As of May 2019, jQuery is used by 73% of the 10 million most popular websites (according to W3Techs).
Even the percentage of usage is so high, it's discouraged to use the library in new projects, in favor of declarative frameworks like React, Angular, or Vue. There are even websites that show how to use native APIs and that you don't need jQuery. Also, the 73% usage doesn't correlate with actual interest that is constantly dropping.
What is jQuery?
jQuery is not a new programming language, it is built on top of JavaScript. In fact, JQuery is a lightweight JavaScript library that simplifies programming with JavaScript. According to the jQuery.com website, jQuery is a fast, small and feature-rich JavaScript library. It simply makes things like HTML document traversal and manipulation even handling the animation, and Ajax much simpler with an easy-to-use API that works across a multitude of browsers.
jQuery is a JavaScript library that renders some beneficial features and protects some incompatibilities between different browsers' JavaScript implementations.
The major draw of jQuery is that it's more accessible to grasp and easier to scribble than plain JavaScript. Besides, let’s take a dive to know something about the usage of jQuery in the below section. How to use jQuery?
Why jQuery?
The most important reason behind developing jQuery is to simplify client-side scripting (i.e. coding JavaScript).
Now if you are familiar with coding JavaScript you might have faced a lot of difficulties in some situations like:
Selecting or targeting elements,
applying the style to them,
supplementing effects,
creating animations,
event handling,
navigating and manipulating DOM tree &
Developing AJAX application etc.
In other words, jQuery makes all those things simpler than JavaScript. jQuery has changed the way how JavaScript is written by millions of designers and developers all around the world.
As we discussed, jQuery helps us to focus on doing things instead of focusing on how things are done. jQuery has simplified the way of coding JavaScript.
Today most of the websites over the internet use jQuery. jQuery has a really wide community and forum. You can visit the jQuery forum by visiting this given link:
There you can get help from professionals. You can ask questions and help others by just answering the questions. jQuery is continuously getting updated. A lot of professionals are developing easy-to-use plugins, which make the designer's and developers' life easy while developing websites or web applications.
So, Why you have to learn jQuery?
jQuery is easy to learn, one of the most popular JavaScript libraries. It simplifies a lot of JavaScript tasks. Moreover, it holds a wide community forum.
How to use jQuery in HTML?
Usually, jQuery comes as a single JavaScript file holding everything that comes out of the box with jQuery. Now, you know what can be included with a web page using the following markup language:
To Load Local jQuery File
<script type="text/javascript" src="jQuery-1.4.1-min.js"></script>
Ideally, this markup is kept under the <head> </head> tag of your web page, however, you are free to keep it anywhere you want.
How to link jQuery to an HTML Page?
To link a separate JS file in HTML is quite an easy task for the designers. We will see here how to link jQuery on the HTML web page.
Below is an example of HTML File which links jQuery file to a new.js
<html>   <head>      <style>         div {          height: 100px;          width: 100px;          background-color: red;          border-radius: 5px;          border: 2px solid blue;          margin-left: 50px;          margin-top: 50px;          display: none;         }      </style>      <script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.2.1/jquery.min.js"></script>      <script src="new.js"></script>   </head>   <body>      <div></div>   </body> </html>
5 Reasons you should be using jQuery?
There are a lot of other JavaScript frameworks out there, but jQuery seems to be the most popular, and also the most extendable.
Many of the biggest companies on the web use jQuery are:
All based on the manipulation of the HTML, DOM (Document Object Model) and designed only to simplify the client-side scripting of HTML, jQuery incorporates parts of HTML & CSS. Many companies are on the jQuery bandwagon, and your company should be, as well.
Let’s proceed over those 5 reasons and grasp something amusing.
jQuery is cross-browser: When we write JavaScript by using jQuery, we don’t have to worry about is this code going to work in IE7, is it going to work in a chrome browser, or is it going to work in safari? We don’t have to worry about all those browsers compatibility issues. All that is taken care of by jQuery for us. So when we write JS using jQuery we can be assured that it is going to be worth it across all browsers. So the greatest advantage of jQuery is that it is cross-browser.
jQuery is a lot easier to use than raw JS
jQuery is extensible
jQuery simplifies and has rich Ajax support
jQuery has a large development community and many free plugins. For example- within your application, if you want to implement an auto-mate textbox. You can either write code for that from scratch or you use one of the free jQuery plugins that are available already, tested, and proven to work in.
Now let’s see how to use jQuery in our application, how to use it with your application. Here, all you have to do is:
Downloading jQuery
Navigate to your jQuery.com website
Download development jQuery file
And reference that just like any other JavaScript file within your application.
So, we navigate to jQuery.com, notice that we have this download jQuery button. Once we click on that, then we go to the download page and note on this page you will see the download button.
There are two versions of jQuery available for downloading:
Production Version- This is for your live website because it has been minified and compressed.
Development Version- This is for testing and development (uncompressed and readable code)
Note: Both versions can be downloaded from jQuery.com
The jQuery library is a single JavaScript file, and you reference it with the HTML <script> tag.
Notice that the <script> tag should be inside the <head> section.
ead> <script src="jquery-3.4.1.min.js"></script> </head>
Advantages of jQuery
When it comes to programming there is no dearth of options that are available today. jQuery is a concise cross-browser JavaScript library that is mainly used to simplify HTML scripting. jQuery is a ready-to-use JavaScript library having several visual functions such as ease-in, ease-out effects. These useful features make it one of the most preferred choices for web designers. With jQuery, you can do almost any kind of effects and animation on your website. It is also SEO-friendly and cross-browser compliant. It’s the right time to take a dive and grasp the advantages of jQuery one by one.
JavaScript enhancement without the overhead of attaining new syntax.
It holds the ability to keep the code simple, clear, readable, and usable.
The main advantage of using jQuery is that it is a lot easier to use when compared to any other javascript library.
It supports Ajax and lets you develop the templates easily.
Through some jQuery effects that are almost identical to flash, the major advantage of jQuery is that it can be optimized in terms of SEO.
Disadvantages of jQuery
It’s obvious that jQuery is not to be the Pink of Perfection. It holds many drawbacks as well. jQuery is a tool or a library of tools. It can solve problems or create problems. As said nothing is perfect so it is.
Not to compatible
Better alternatives
Increased technology stack
How does jQuery help you in career growth?
If you are a front-end developer, then jQuery will add value to your profile. jQuery offers a great deal of flexibility and more power to web designers. It is widely used, it is lightweight and clean, and open-source.
Having this kind of skill will be a major advantage to web developers in the growth of career.
Features of jQuery
Now, we are going to provide you the essential features of jQuery. A designer must have knowledge regarding its features as well. Here are the features that we are going to discuss:
HTML manipulation
DOM element selection
DOM manipulation
CSS manipulation
Animations & Effects
JASON parsing
Extensibility through plug-ins
HTML event methods
Cross-browser support
All in All
jQuery is worth the effort, money, and time. This library can have stunning & eye-catching effects on the website. With a little coding, it will be a colossal part of web development. It holds all the impeccable tools needed to build a website that is interactive and highly engaging. Overall, this is a game-changing technology to use.
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