#why yes i did cry giant crocodile tears while watching how did you know
kindlythevoid · 9 months
Hey y'all. I've had this group of memes expressing my love for the Theory Channels in my drafts for a few months now, adding and adjusting on occasion. And I just found and watched MatPat's goodbye video today. So it felt appropriate to share these now. Enjoy <3
Hey-o, realized that I haven't properly expressed my love for the Theory Channels, so here's a bunch of memes to convey my love:
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I know he said he'd be raked over the coals and memed to hell after the video, but I make these with love. ♡ヾ(T▽T)ノ♡ I also realize they are a lot MatPat focused, so there will be a part two with just general love for the theory channels because I absolutely appreciate the other (new!) hosts.
♡〜٩( ╹▿╹ )۶〜♡
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some-dr-writings · 4 years
Maki and her protective best friend celebrate her birthday one-shot: Have Your Cake and Eat it Too
The life of an assassin was a rather lonely one, for Maki Harukawa at least. Nothing but hiding and killing people. That was it for the most part. Often times she’d think back to a certain mission that would change her life, the mission that allowed her to just be a person for a while, the assignment that took her to Hope’s Peak Academy. Initially she was just there for work, but in her time looking into her target’s schedule, she got to get to know people, talk, and laugh with others, get roped into others’ silly plans, just have fun with her class. After taking out her target she was supposed to leave, but she stayed. She kept attending as the Super High School Caregiver, for the first time she ignored an order and made a choice for herself. She stayed and made friends. It was by far the best time in her life. She found herself just wanting to be with them, and she fought for it, and it was all worth it. No matter how she longed to return to those days she could never go back though. The moment they graduated it was all over, she had to slink back into the shadows and return to her true work.
At times, she wondered if things could have turned out different though. It is said that all those who attend Hope’s Peak Academy and managed to graduate were guaranteed a great future. Perhaps there she could have made an even bigger change in her life than allowing herself agency. Perhaps she could have gone even farther, find some way to make lots of money to keep her old orphanage running without the need of assassins. Leave her old life behind and make a new one, one where she could keep better contact with her friends. One where she wouldn’t have to worry about their safety if she stayed close to them. Very few of her old friend could she keep around to some extent, but even then, she had to keep them at a great distance and disappear for years on end from them.
Maki never regretted attending Hope’s Peak and staying, never even crossed her mind to consider it. Leaving hurt, but her memories could never be taken away. She could always keep those precious moment close at hand, times she drew strength from like her time at the orphanage. No matter the amount of blood spilled, the constant moving from place to place, hiding and attacking, the paranoia, she always had those memories.
It was rarer, but at times, her missing these times became too much to bear, there was one place she could return to for a week or less to recapture the carefreeness she could never attain anywhere else. A single apartment tucked away in some city, hidden away from the world. It was the perfect place for those who preferred to hide away from one and all.
As Maki approached the apartment, she heard the distinct sound of laughter and something being knocked over. Maki leaped back, the door suddenly slamming open. “Nishishi! Ah! MAKIROLL!” The purple haired gremlin ducked behind her, clutching something. “Protect me with your scary, evil, assassin, murder, death glair!” Maki shoved Kokichi into the wall behind her, slapping a hand over his mouth. “Do you want to die?” Her grip was not tight though, knowing Kokichi was not stupid enough to so loosely say that, he would only do so now knowing no one could be listening in. Even so, her reaction to hearing that was so instinctive. Kokichi managed to slip out from under her hand. “Yeah! That look exactly! Now! I choose you, Maki! Use scary-evil-assassin-murder-death-glair on Y/N!” She looked to the open door, you out of breath, your smile beaming. “Maki!” She didn’t move accepting you tackling her into a hug. “You’re back! You’re back, you’re back, you’re back!” A bright blush instantly erupted on her cheeks as you squeezed her tightly, nuzzling into her. “Oh~ What’s this? Our stoic assassin has a weakness for hugs?” Kokichi hugged her tightly as well, only making the blush on her cheeks darken to a bright red. “D-do you want to die!?” “Maki get’s hugs.” “Maki get’s hugs!”
If Maki could only keep one person from her high school days, she was so glad it was you, her best friend… even if you usually came with Kokichi of all people.
Eagerly you took Maki’s hands, dragging her into the apartment as Kokichi did the same but instead shoving her in. “Aw, this is the best! I didn’t think we’d have you for your birthday!” “My birthday?” As you dashed away into the kitchen Kokichi hopped up, taking Maki’s coat. “Whaaaaa!? You didn’t know today was your own birthday!?” Those crocodile tears came pouring out as he wailed. “Thaaaaaat’s sooo saaaaaaad!” Those tears however abruptly stopped as Kokichi spotted you. “Oh! Cake!” “Happy birthday Maki!” You presented the white frosted cake to her, giving it a twirl before placing it on the island that separated the living room from the kitchen. Kokichi had already scampered off, gathering plates and forks.
So it was February already? Maki hadn’t even noticed. As she sat at the island, watching as you and Kokichi playfully bickered about who was going to cut the cake, you worrying about Kokichi taking a giant piece for himself or some such, Maki wondered how long it had been since she had seen the pair of you. It had been at least little more than a year, she knew that for sure.
“Ugh! Why do I even live with a brat like you anyway?” “You make almost no money and only I do.” “… Damn it!” “Y’know, the offer to join my secret evil organization is still open! Same goes for you miss, evil scary assassin! We could use someone li-” Kokichi’s offer was cutoff by you slamming a hand on the Island, before Kokichi. “Maki is not evil, nor is she scary you monster. Look at her, she’s the definition of adorable!” Maki immediately turned away, nervously playing with her hair. “Not this again.” A light blush dusted on her cheeks knowing what was happening. “Excuse me!? Yes, this again!” You leaned over the table, gently poking her cheek. “Soft squishable cheeks. Big eyes. Little ears. Pouty smile. Get’s flustered easily. Simply adorable!” It seemed every time she came to see you Kokichi would appear at some point and say something to get you to go off on how great, cute, or amazing she was. She’d almost think Kokichi was doing this on purpose specifically to get you to compliment her so much but to Maki this could not be the case. To Maki, Kokchi was a selfish creature. All he did was for his own entertainment so getting you to compliment Maki and fluster her was for Kokichi’s entertainment, not for Maki, she couldn’t understand the dictator’s behavior in any other way.
As you continued to go on how adorable she was Kokichi cut three giant slices of cake for each of you. It was red velvet. It was delicious. She never said anything about it, but… Maki liked it, knowing that at least you and maybe Kokichi were going to celebrate her birthday, even if she likely wouldn’t have been around to celebrate it too. She remembered how despite it happening every year, every time she was surprised when you and the whole class threw a birthday party for her. And yet again the exact same thing has happened, you and others, well, one other, surprising her by celebrating her birthday.
Before Maki knew it, most of the cake was gone and the three of you were making a fort in the living room. “This is stupid. Why are we even doing this?” “What!? Stupid!? Gurl, we’re making our secret base!” Kokichi skipped away to gather more blankets while you were trying to figure out where to place a chair. “Well, you seem to be enjoying yourself, so I think that’s a good enough reason!” “Maybe I am.” Maki acted as your assistant getting blankets and pillows from your room to add to the fort, all the while Kokichi mostly keeping to his room, occasionally popping out and cause chaos, knocking down a wall only for you and Maki to make the fort even bigger and more sturdy. Soon there was nothing else that could be used, and it was a mighty fort indeed.
You and Maki sat huddle inside. You held Maki’ hand, carefully brushing the first coat of nail polish on her nails while Kokichi kept being unable to decide which color Maki should wear… despite you already brushing a color on. “Say, when was the last time you got your nails painted?” “Last time I visited you.” “Three years ago!?” Ah… so that’s how long it’s been. You looked to your dear friend in disappointment. “Maki! You promised me you’d try to do more things for yourself!” “I came here, didn’t I?” “Well, yeah. But you need to take care of yourself more often, not every couple of years!” “I don’t have many chances to do this. I much rather paint my nails with you than on my own.” “…” You were silent, just thinking for a moment. “Was this really the first opportunity you had in three years?” “… No, this isn’t, but this was the only good chance. My next assignment is not too close, no one is following me, I can actually be here.” “Then what about those other times when you can’t get here. Can’t you do even a little something for yourself then?” “I have to focus on work.” “All work and nothing else… well, you’re unfortunately used to that.” “Yeah.” Kokichi groaned as he placed one of the little bottles down. “Geez Maki-dearest-” “Don’t call me that.” “Your life must suck. Why don’t you make a change! Have some fun!” “Shut up, you don’t know why I have to do this… Why I can’t do anything else.” “… Wow, so depressing. Is this why you’re always sulking?” “I don’t sulk!” “Oh, miss sad assassin, I’d almost pitty you if you weren’t heartless.” Kokichi smirked seeing you had tried to hit him with a rolled up magazine. “Maki has feelings, and she expresses them too! She’s just not as loud and obnoxious as SOME people!” “Aw, Y/N, it’s okay. We already know you’re a cry baby, you don’t have to tell us.” Kokichi immediately sprinted out of the fort, you lunging after him for a tussle. “Don’t bother, he’s just trying to get a ruse out of you.” “Yeah! That just makes beating him with a pillow more fun!” Maki couldn’t help but laugh a little seeing you were just as fiery, looking for any excuse to fight as ever. “So, how has the underground wrestling been treating you?” “I won the world championship!” Your eyes sparked with delight as you went on to explaining how it was one of your toughest matches, both you and your opponent trying your best, not holding anything back, even if it meant playing dirty and using weapons or throwing chairs.
And that was how the rest of the day went, just you and Maki happily chatting as you did whatever Maki liked and not often had the chance to do, like playing with make-up or styling her hair. Small little things that Maki so loved and appreciated that so many others got to do without a second thought. All too soon that fun had come to an end though. You had long gone to sleep and would not awaken for another few hours while Maki was up and restless.
Maki looked around the kitchen, searching through cupboard after cupboard till she found where the plastics were kept. She took out a little container and a fork, placing much more money than the cost of the things on the counter in case these were something more expensive than expected. She then cut a slice of cake, placing it in the container, along with the fork. She then stowed it away in the bag she had discarded upon arrival. Collecting that as well as the coat she had all she brought and left.
Upon exiting the building she looked up, finding the sky pitch black, pure white snow gently drifting down mixing and twirling around her frozen breaths which drifted up into the air, getting carried away by the wind, no control as to it’s destination before dissipating into nothing with the air. She pulled on the ends of her coat, hugging herself making it tighter as to be a better shield from the chilled world which surrounded her. With her every step down the sidewalk her lone footfalls echoed, a soft crunching sound of the snow being crushed under the weight of it all as she moved on. Of all seasons, winter had to be Maki’s least favorite, she couldn’t see why so many others found it to be so fun and great. It was just cold to her, nothing else. She sighed, wondering how long this awful snowfall was going to last, there seemed to be no end in sight.
There was hardly any other soul around, it was the early morning hours after all, just a little past midnight in fact. No one would want to be out in this dreadful cold. It was dark out too, making it hard to see. However that did not mean one could not notice some things like sounds that were almost silences by the snow that seemed to blanket everything, even it however could not cover up that distinctive voice. “Awww, you leaving already Maki-bear?” “Shut up. Stop giving me stupid nicknames. What do you want anyway?” That dreaded ‘Nishishi’ laughter rumbled out of him, the smile clear in it’s tone. “Why do you have to be such a meanie! I just want to say goodbye to my big sister!” “I am NOT your big sister!” A sigh escaped him at that response. “You always do this, sneak away when we’re not looking. Is it that hard for you to say goodbye? Don’t want to relive saying goodbye to everyone at our graduation ceremony?” He hummed away for a moment, then spoke, cutting off any response Maki could have made. “Say now that I think about it… You said goodbye to everyone but Y/N and I. It’s because we’re the only ones you knew you could see without putting into danger right? Because we both also specialize in illegal activities and know how to avoid people like you, right? Right!? I’m right, aren’t I! I knew it!” How his tone could so effortlessly change as if turning on and off a light with a single flip of the switch, that must have been one of the things Maki disliked most about the man, only second to how annoying and childish he relished being. His tone went from something somewhat serious to jubilation.
“You know, you can see them again. You don’t have to keep killing yourself. You can have your cake and eat it too!” “What?” Maki instinctively took a step back, hearing Kokichi was drawing nearer. This was a tone Maki had so rarely heard. It was a tone she could never quite place what it was, it was something like serious, but it was more open, light, earnest… who was she kidding, Kokichi could never be honest and open. His embrace was tight and warm. Even with the layers Maki could feel Kokichi’s heart beating next to her’s. “You know just as well as I do that crime can pay. How do you think I can afford an apartment for Y/N and other places around the world for me and my lackies? Join us. Slaving away at something you don’t even like. That’s just cruel torture. I know you can see it, a chance to break free. You can risk it all for a world where you can live a little, laugh, have fun, see everyone again. You can be family and not just on stand by waiting for SOMETHING! You can make a choice! Come with me, leave your cold dead world behind and come join me in the warmth of others. Let yourself love without any walls. Embrace others unabashedly without worry. Join me in a better life… Please. You can’t keep going like this Maki. We could have days like this every day, and we can protect whoever you want. I know you see it, you don’t need to sacrifice them or yourself anymore. No more aching, no more distance. You can let yourself be warm and close with others.”
Suddenly Kokichi pushed himself away. “But why would you believe a liar like me.” There was that childish tone Maki was all too accustomed too. “Whatever, I’m going to draw on Y/N face with marker, I’ve been getting rusty in my graffiti skills.” Then he skipped away. Maki huffed in annoyance, moving on. The hell was that brat saying. This was Maki’s life, she couldn’t move on to something else…
Sitting on the train Maki watched as she was carried away from the little town, the sun begging to rise, it’s golden glow obscured by the dark clouds. Opening her bag Maki found something unexpected. It was the rest of the cake in a container. There wasn’t much cake left anyway, but… Maki shook her head at the notion, the moment she opened the lid it likely would explode or something, Kokichi would do something like that. Maki did indulge on her slice. Even a little piece was better than nothing, leaving it all behind. It’s hard to quit something once you’ve gotten a taste of it after all.
It was a good thing maki left so soon, she was unexpectedly given new work not even an hour later. She was setting up in her new apartment. It was quiet and empty save a few basic necessities, but nothing else. Maki didn’t need anything else anyway. As she unpacked she cautiously placed the cake on some counter. As she took off her coat something fell out of one of the pockets. On one side was an address, and the other it just said ‘If you want to have your cake and eat it too’ followed by a little doodle of Kokichi’s face. This was all just some elaborate prank, it couldn’t be real in the slightest.
And so she continued to unpack though there was not much.
And she did her work.
And she waited for another assignment.
And she did her work.
And she waited for another assignment.
And she did her work.
And she waited for another assignment.
And she did her work.
And she waited for another assignment.
And she did her work.
And she waited for another assignment.
And she did her work.
And she waited for another assignment.
And she did her work.
And she waited for another assignment.
And she did her work.
And she waited for another assignment.
And she did her work.
And she waited for another assignment.
All that time though she kept the cake, untouched in its box. That was till she found everything just tasted bland. So she tried the cake. It was stale, a little hard, but… it had some taste. And it felt warm.
It couldn’t hurt to at least look into where the address lead too. Who knows, maybe there really would be cake, and it’s be fresh and truly warm.
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op-law · 3 years
One Piece {Warlord Imagines} When You Kiss Them
Trafalgar Law
Since the Captain wasn't busy, I decided it would be a good idea to go bother him until he got annoyed with me. "Stop squirming around in my lap (Y/n)-ya. If you continue to move like that, we're going to have a big problem on our hands" I looked back at him though I wasn't sure what he had meant back that. "What does that mean Law?" When he didn't answer my question, I returned my focus to the coloring book in front of me.
After a few minutes, I became bored of coloring so turned around in Law's lap so I could look up at him. "I want a kiss Law~" Being that I was a rather needy partner I always asked the man for kisses and hugs on a regular basis. "If I give you one will you please go find someone else to bother until dinner?" When I nodded my head, his lips crashed against mine as we melted together. Though when he pulled away, I was set on the ground as he went back to his work. "Run along (Y/n)-ya"
"Okay! I'll see you later Law!"
Dracule Mihawk
"Mihawk are you done training yet? I want to go back to the castle. It's cold outside and I'm losing the feeling in my toes" Usually Mr. World's Greatest Swordsmen would train by himself but today I had decided to join him. Though that turned out to be a mistake since it was freezing outside today and I wasn't enjoying myself. "We've only been outside for 15 minutes (Y/n). How could you possibly be cold?"
"Don't question me Mihawk or else you can sleep on the couch with Zoro. Take me back inside right now I'm going to catch a cold out here" Now I knew the way back to the castle and could walk there but the island had many dangers that prevented me from going anywhere without Mihawk by my side. "As you wish (Y/n). Where is that boy anyway?"
"Probably lost somewhere on the island or he's still at home because he couldn't find the front door" When Mihawk sheathed his weapon he grabbed my hand before we started towards our home. "Would you like if I made you some soup (Y/n)?" Slowly I nodded my head before we continued walking towards the castle. Though when I saw Perona standing outside I knew she was probably going to complain about something.
"Mihawk there you are!? How dare you take (Y/n) outside in this weather, they are a delicate person and you need to remember that!" I sent a quick greeting to the girl but Mihawk didn't bother as he walked right through her. "Tell me again why we're allowing that ghost girl to stay here (Y/n)?" I could only shrug my shoulders as I removed my boots and slipped on my house slippers. "You need more friends Mihawk and I need a kiss right on the lips~"
"As you wish my love" When his lips pressed against mine, I felt as he picked me up in his arms and refused to break the kiss until we had made it into the dining room. "I love you (Y/n). Do you still want that soup?"
"Awe, I love you to Mihawk and yes I'd love some soup"
Bartholomew Kuma
Kuma had been gone most of the day now but I knew that he'd arrived within the next few minutes since he always showed up before six o'clock. Sometimes he was early though he never showed at late. "I can't wait to see him" Now since Kuma was a Pirate, he usually was gone a lot but I always made sure he gave me the affection I needed once he got home.
Sure, our size difference gave us some limitations though, for the most part, we looked past that. "(Y/n)-chan I'm home. Where are you?" Hearing my partner's voice ring out from the entranceway I closed my book before I went to greet him. "Kuma, I'm so glad your back! Pick me up so I can give you a kiss!" Like had I mentioned we had a noticeable height difference and Kuma was a giant compared to little me. "Alright (Y/n)-chan"
As I was lifted off the ground by the man, I gave him a few kisses on both of his cheeks before I gave him a little one on the lips. It might not have been the most noticeable kiss in the world but I always put my heart into it. "Shall I prepare dinner now (Y/n)-chan?"
"Yes, please"
Sir Crocodile
"(Y/n) why are you making all that noise? You're distracting me from my work again" Usually I would already be having my afternoon nap but today I just couldn't fall asleep. "I can't sleep Croco-chan and I don't know why" Now Crocodile wasn't the kindest of men but he did have his moments. "Come over here so I can give you a kiss. I never gave you one before you tried to fall asleep so maybe that's the problem"
"Hm, maybe you have a point there Croco-chan" I had almost forgotten about our special routine we had and I couldn't remember a time where he hasn't given me a kiss before my nap. Walking up to the man I climbed into his lap while he put out his cigar. Though after it was out, he wasted no time taking my chin within his fingers before softly pressing his lips against mine. It only lasted for ten or twenty seconds but Crocodile had this way of leaving me completely out of breath after he kissed me.
"Try and get some rest now (Y/n). I love you, my dear"
"I-I love you to Crocodile~ I'm just going to stay here cuddled up in your lap if you don't mind" He probably tried to deny my request but I was already asleep so there was nothing Crocodile could about it besides moving me to the couch if he really didn't want me there.
Donquixote Doflamingo
'Knock' 'Knock'
After I knocked on Doflamingo's office door I waited for him to reply as my hands tried to wipe away my tears that were pouring from my eyes. "Who is it?" I couldn't find my words so only knocked again before I brought my arms around myself. There was some movement inside the office and soon enough my husband opened the door. "Oh, (Y/n) it's yo- Why are you crying, did someone hurt you again!? Who was it I'll rip whoever it was into pieces!?"
When I didn't reply to him, I found myself being picked up as Doflamingo walked back into his office before he slammed the door shut. "It's alright my love~ I see that you're upset. You'll just have to stay with me for the rest of the day. I promise no one will bother you here. Come on give Doffy a smile~" Doflamingo usually found a way to make me feel better but today not even this man could make me smile. "Don't worry my love I'll find out the person responsible for causing so much pain. I love you, my baby~"
When Doflamingo kissed my lips, his tongue spilled inside to get a taste of me but when the man tasted the blood he immediately pulled away. "Are you bleeding (Y/n)? Open up... Your lips are slightly bruised as well. Did someone punch you?... Oh, my sweet (Y/n) it's alright let's go see the doctor" I knew he was worried about me so I allowed him to leave his office as he continued to pepper my skin with soft kisses trying to make me feel better. "No one hurts my love and lives to tell about it"
Boa Hancock
"My love is something wrong? You look unhappy" Today was just one of those days that made me want to crawl into bed and never come out but I knew Hancock would somehow blame herself for my unhappiness. "It's just one of those days where I want to stay in bed and do nothing. It's most likely because of the rain though" It was a reasonable response though Hancock did something surprising she sat right down beside me before bringing my head to rest on her breast.
"I'm sorry I didn't realize sooner my love! There was just some much work to complete around Amazon Lily today that I forgot about my partner! Please accept my deepest apologies!" She really did beat her up too much about me but at least someone cared about me as she did. "Can I have a kiss, Hancock?" I knew it was a forbidden act since most of the time it caused the Snake Princess to faint though right now, I could really use one to lift my spirits. "Of course, you may my love"
"Thanks, Hancock I think it will definitely make me feel better" Taking both of my hands I cupped her cheeks until our lips meant though as she slipped from my hold, I had to catch her before she hit the cold stone flooring. "I love you Hancock~ Get some rest and when the rain stops, we'll go outside" Placing one last kiss on her cheek I then leaned her head against my shoulder as my eyes returned to watch the rainfall outside of my window.
"(Y/n) would you like to help me prepare dinner?" I was reading a book in the living room but when Jinbei walked in, I immediately closed the book before I stood up. "Oh, yes! What are we making today Jin?" Preparing dinner with Jinbei was always the most enjoyable part of my day and I never declined to help him. "We're going to be making a delicious rice dish today (Y/n) so you can rinse and start cooking the rice?"
"Yes, Sir! Are we just using white rice?" When he confirmed we were I started preparing that but once it was starting to simmer, I made my way over to where Jinbei was sitting. "I love you Jinbei~" Pulling a kiss on his large cheek I watched as his face began to turn purple. "I-I love you too (Y/n)" When he turned and kissed me on the lips, I couldn't help but let a small blush grace my cheeks. "Awe, you're so forward today Jinbei~ I like it"
"(Y/n) the rice is boiling over!"
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sunflowrhaz · 4 years
I was tagged by @theleavesoflorien​ to answer a few questions that dig a little deeper. thank you darling!! (this is literally months old oops) 💛
1. Do you prefer writing with a black pen or a blue pen?
both really, i don’t have a preference
2. Would you prefer to live in the country or in the city?
country! i hate cities so much! i grew up visiting my grandparents farm all the time growing up! although instead of the country preferably a seaside town such as the one i live in. it’s not too busy but not far away from everything.. plus i couldn’t part from the sea! 
3. If you could learn a new skill, what would it be?
picking back up painting, continue learning norwegian (don’t look at me like that marianne i keep saying i’m learning it but i’ve been so slack asdfdsasdf), get back into marimba
4. do you drink your tea/coffee with sugar?
tea with sugar is so gross! i only drink herbal teas. my favourite is spearmint
5. What was your favourite book as a child?
the harry potter series!! and the rainbow magic books asdfgfdsa, the princess diaries series, anything roald dahl, anything dr suess, captain underpants lol, hairy maclary, mr mcgee and the biting flea asdfdsadf soo many i was such a loner as a child and literally read every single book i could find
6. Do you prefer baths or showers?
7. If you could be a mythical creature, which one would you be?
a mermaid so i can live my h2o fantasy adfasdfds or a dragon 🐉
8. Paper or electronic books?
paper always! i love the smell and i would love to have a giant bookshelf filled with books one day! i read on my phone for fics of when i get a free ebook but my right eye is so blind it’s like bitch no stop please lmaoo
9. What is your favourite item of clothing?
all my flowy boho cotton blouses and pants! and my fave blue jeans and grungy tshirts
10. Do you like your name? Would you like to change it?
i used to wish it was a little more unique like shortening it to ren/wren instead of lauren because i had 4 other lauren’s in my grade at school 😂i was literally friends with two lauren’s asdfgfdsa
but in the end i do love my nicknames lozz,lozzy, lozza so it’s not so bad!
11. Who is a mentor to you?
my mother and my grandfather! my grandfather is my biggest inspiration 💛seeing all that he has achieved and his views and mentality on life.
12. Would you like to be famous? If so, what for?
nooo thanks. the only famous i would want to be is for activism/humanitarian/environmentalist stuff but even then i wouldn’t want to be super famous and known?
13. Are you a restless sleeper?
nope! once i’m out i am out! i love my sleep and do everything i can to ensure i get the best sleep ever! now if you’ll excuse me i’m off to listen to harry’s calm meditation 😂
15. Which element best represents you?
fire and air
16. Who do you want to be closer to?
my brother! i feel like i don’t see him as often anymore what with his work and living in seperate houses. he is my best friend so i miss just always having him near me all the time.
17. Do you miss someone at the moment?
no one so much as just not seeing my family as often even though i do see them every week. i just want a big family holiday to spend time with them. and i’m missing some of my mutals atm who are busy lately 😞
18. Tell us about an early childhood memory.
i blocked out so much of my childhood eeep ummm probably visiting my grandparents farm, riding horses, my grandfather driving us around on a trailer on the back of a tractor, collecting cicada skins with my brother and starting a collection of cool bugs, stealing berries off the mulberry bush ahaha, finding snake skins (why did we like collecting skins wtf asdfd) 
19. What is the strangest thing you have eaten?
snails? crocodile? i don’t even know ahaha (snails are amazing btw yummm i used to eat them all the time in vanuatu growing up)
20. What are you most thankful for?
my family, my health, the beautiful country i live in, the friends i have made on here 💛so many things
21. Do you like spicy food?
yummmmmm yes! just not super duper spicy i can’t handle that asdfgfsa
22. Have you ever met someone famous?
no i don’t think so? wait patty walters from as it is i got a pic and a hug from him <3 other than that no i don’t think so i mean i’m in the middle of nowhere asdfdsa woohoo australia
23. Do you keep a diary or journal?
i kept a super embarrassing diary at 12 but apart from that nope! like seriously that diary haunts me i don’t know what happened to it please for the love of god i hope it got thrown in the trash asdfdsa the CRINGE 
24. Do you prefer to use pen or pencil?
25. What is your star sign?
sagittarius sun, capricorn moon, libra rising 
26. Do you like your cereal crunchy or soggy?
CRUNCHY! wtf who is eating soggy cereal you are seriously disturbed asdfgfdsa
27. What would you want your legacy to be?
this is so tough ummm just bettering humanity and the environment idek 
28. Do you like reading? What was the last book you read?
yes!! i was the loner kid in school who sat in the library at lunch reading all the books asdfgfdsa. the last book i read was the raven king by maggie stiefvater because LIBBY got me totally obsessed with this series god dammit what have you done to me and i am currently reading call down the hawk which is a sequel to the raven king (dammit libby asdfdsdfdsa)
29. How do you show someone you love them?
i always seem to cater to them with acts of service? so like cooking for them etc.. just doing stuff for them and looking after them in general? idk how to describe it. also sweet little messages and notes and cuddles! oh BOY will i tell you how much i love you in a birthday card or message asdsa like i will bring a tear to your eye baby just made my grandpa cry with his bday card asdfdsa
30. Do you like ice in your drinks?
crushed ice mmmmmm
31. What are you afraid of?
losing my family, never travelling, being stuck/tied down
32. What is your favourite scent?
the ocean, rain, books, sea breeze, wet grass, coffee, lavender, clean sheets, spearmint
33. Do you address older people by their name or surname?
mostly their name? i mean i feel like where i live in australia it’s pretty chill and not so formal? i even call my grandparents by their first names adfgfdsa mainly because my grandma did NOT want to be called grandma 
34. If money was not a factor, how would you live your life?
OH BOY! i would be travelling non stop! i would literally never come home, i would be travelling around the world, living overseas etc... literally i would just be living on a boat sailing around greece or wherever. omg how i would love to do that :(
35. Do you prefer swimming in pools or the ocean?
it depends. i would say the ocean (i love her so much) but also i was a swimmer for over 10 years so i love the pool too. i love sitting on the bottom of the pool, it’s so calming
36. What would you do if you found $50 on the ground
keep it but if i knew whose it was i would return it
37. Have you ever seen a shooting star? Did you make a wish?
no :( hopefully one day
38. What is one thing you would want to teach your children?
i’m not having children
39. If you had to have a tattoo, what would it be and where would you get it?
maybe a quote/word or something on the back of my arm above my elbow idek i have an entire tattoo board on pinterst asdfdsa even though i know i would never get one i am too indecisive  
40. What can you hear right now?
 i’m listening to a pop punk playlist on spotify
41. Where do you feel the safest?
at home with my family
42. What is one thing you want to overcome/conquer?
my procrastination habits omg i am the worst!! certain family relations
43. If you could travel back to any era, what would it be?
dinosaurs mate, straight up, jks jks... no but really dinosaurs would be soo cool though, or maybe ancient greece?
44. What is your most used emoji?
45. Describe yourself using one word.
more than one came to mind so giddy, optimistic, cheerful
46. What do you regret the most?
not travelling heaps after school ( i mean i was broke but still i should have worked more *sigh*) travelling looks really bleak now thanks to covid :(, losing touch with 3 certain people from high school i suck at staying in touch with people i am such an introvert 😞
47. Last movie you saw?
enola holmes and i loved it so much!
48. Last tv show you watched?
the mandalorian
49. Invent a word and its meaning
wobmap - intense affection and wonder for nature and the world
asdfgh what even
i tag: @pridesobright @sunflower-vol14 @rnbziamau @dailylouis @boobear-harold @princessparkhl @rosegoldeyelids @echoedsparks @angelharry (it’s been a while my secret santa pal ahaha hello!) and whoever else want’s to do this please feel free to say i tagged you! :) feel free to ignore 
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themadlostgirl · 6 years
Not Dead Yet (Part 76)
*Teenagers scare the living shit out of me! (have i used this line yet on this fic?)*
Pairing: Reader x Peter Pan
Warning: language
After learning that I was from Neverland I went back and did some research at the library. Since there wasn’t any real mention of Neverland in Henry’s book I needed to resort to the classics. My first discovery was more of a realization that made my eye twitch. The author of Peter Pan was a man named J. M. Barrie. Marigold Barrie. I think I want to punch someone.
For all my reading it didn’t seem to lead anywhere. It was all the same story. Neverland was the place where kids never grow old and can fly and fight pirates and party with indians. It seemed so innocent compared to what Neal described.
I don’t know why but reading only made me angry. With every mention of Peter Pan, Tinkerbell, or Lost Boys, every time I looked at an illustration of Neverland, I wanted to claw at my skull. I could feel something in the back of my mind. A tickle. A nagging that all the answers to what I used to be was right there on the brink of consciousness.
I know I said I was content being Marigold but ever since Neal told me I was from Neverland I had been having weird dreams. They slipped away too quickly to mean anything but I knew they had to be about Neverland. My old life. The only thing I could ever remember was a pair of green eyes and the smell of wind mixed with something earthy.
It frustrated me not knowing who those eyes belonged to. Why that smell was so familiar and comforting. Why I felt like crying when I woke up and the dream slipped away.
Henry was hanging out with me for the day while everyone was off doing detective work. Apparently Regina was missing and everyone was banding together to find her. Even if Regina is the Evil Queen I didn’t like the thought of her being hurt. She’s a good person, even if she doesn’t go about it in the right way.
We were hanging out at the park. I was about to suggest we go back to Granny’s to get something to eat when the Charmings showed up looking somber. Emma pulled Henry away to talk. Something had gone wrong.
“Henry? Emma?” I got closer, a feeling of dread settling in my stomach, “What’s happened?”
“My--my dad--” Henry hiccuped. Tears were streaming down his face.
“Shh,” I hugged him, “Take it slow. Deep breaths.”
I looked over at Emma. She seemed to read the question in my eyes.
“Neal’s dead.”
“Oh god…” I gasped. I looked back at Henry and hugged him even tighter. “I am so sorry.”
The others went back to their apartment and I decided to take a walk and clear my head. Neal was a good man. He didn’t deserve this.
I ended up down near the docks when a tremor shook the ground. “What the heck was that?” I muttered to myself. Please let there not be another giant running around.
I sat down on the edge of the pier and watched the water lap against the wooden beams. Another tremor went off even worse than before. I didn’t move. Later still there was another that almost pitched me into the water. Still I remained.
The chaos didn’t frighten me. Not as much as it should have. It was just another town crisis. It would pass like all the rest.
I turned at the voice. A man clad in leather with a hook for a hand stood behind me. “Let me guess, Captain Hook?”
“You know it is.” he swaggered over to me, “What are you doing out here, Y/N?”
“Oh Y/N...you’re referring to the other me. The one they say I forgot.” I stared back at the horizon. “Should have guessed that if I lived in Neverland I would have come across the captain of the Jolly Roger at some point.”
“Forgot? What in the bloody hell are you talking about?”
I groaned internally at having to explain this once again. “I crossed the town line and forgot who I was before the curse that created this land took hold.”
“Are you joking?”
“Nope. All I know is what Neal and the others told me. My real name is Y/N and I was from Neverland. Everything else is a mystery.”
“You really don’t remember…”
“Not at all. What are you doing in Storybrooke? Sightseeing? Looking for buried treasure?”
“I was actually just leaving,” he gestured to the ship I had been sitting next to all this time. “I don’t suppose you would want to come along.”
“Why would I go with you?”
“Because I can bring you home.”
“I am home.”
“Your real home.” he pulled something from his pocket. It looked like strangely shaped jewel. “And this can get us there.”
“My real home...you mean Neverland?”
“Yes. As you told me before you lost your memories, if I were to return Peter Pan’s missing Lost Girl I would be rewarded handsomely. I bring you home, you get reunited with your crazy family, and I can get whatever I want in exchange.”
I looked between the town and the ship. That tickle was back. A memory right out of reach.
“If I go with you, do you think it’ll help me remember?”
“Only one way to find out,” he held out a hand for me, “Shall we?”
“Okay.” I grabbed his hand and next thing I know he’s practically pushing me onto the ship. I watched as he worked effortlessly to bring the ship into the open water.
“So, Captain,” I stood next to him by the wheel, “How are we going to get to Neverland? Fly? Follow the second star to the right?”
“Not necessary,” he flashed the jewel again. Looking at it closer it looked like a sparkly bean. “With this it will open up a portal and take us there directly. No flying necessary.”
“That works too I guess.” I looked over the side of the ship as Storybrooke grew smaller. I was gonna miss everyone but I needed answers. I needed that nagging in the back of my mind to stop. This may be my only chance.
“Um, do you mind if I look around? I promise I won’t mess with anything.” I asked.
He didn’t answer. “Captain?”
“Hang on to something, love,” he turned the wheel sharply. Soon we were sailing back towards Storybrooke.
“What’s going on? Why are we going back?”
“I’m doing the right thing.” he groaned, “Nasty business, the right thing.”
We docked the ship. Emma and the others ran to meet us. “What the hell are you doing here?”
“Helping.” Hook answered.
“Well, you’re too late.”
“Am I?”
“I thought you didn’t care about anyone but yourself.”
“Maybe I just needed reminding that I could.”
“Sorry to interrupt,” I chimed in, “What’s going on?”
“Marigold? What are you doing with Hook?” Emma furrowed her brow at me.
“Stuff…” I felt bad admitting that I was leaving.
They didn’t pay me more mind as they went back to interrogating Hook.
“We need to get Henry.” Emma said. “Greg and Tamara took him through a portal.”
“Well I offer my ship and my services to follow them.” Hook looked back at me, “Sorry Y/N, looks like I won’t be taking you home.”
“Probably for the best. This seems like divine intervention telling me to stay the heck away from Neverland. If you’re going to rescue Henry though, I’d like to help. I love that kid and I owe him a lot. I’m not much help but I want to do what I can. Do we know where Greg and Tamara took Henry?”
“Leave that to me.” Mr. Gold stepped forward, “I can get us where we need to go.”
Hook looked less than pleased to have Mr. Gold along but conceded all the same. The others boarded the boat. Emma came up to me and asked if I was sure about coming along. It could be really dangerous.
“I want to help Henry. I don’t care how dangerous it is.” For the first time in a long time I felt like I had a purpose. I was going to bring Henry back home.
Mr. Gold conjured a white globe and squeezed a drop of his blood onto it. The blood grew and swirled until some land formed on the pristine surface.
“Where is that? Where have they taken Henry?” Regina asked.
“Neverland.” Hook turned to me, “Looks like you’re going home after all.”
“This could work to our advantage actually.” Mr. Gold walked up to me. “We already have an inside source.”
“I don’t remember anything though. What do expect me to tell you?”
“You don’t need to tell us anything. You just need to look the part.” he waved his hand and I was no longer in my regular clothes but something darker. Strapped to my hip was a dagger and I was now holding something that looked to be a cross between a walking stick and baseball bat.
“What is this?”
“This is the real you, Marigold.” Mr. Gold grinned, “Or should I say, Y/N.”
“I’d hate to say it but the crocodile has a point. Y/N was Pan’s most trusted friend. If we are going to Neverland then she can walk among them without suspicion.”
“She showed up with us. I think that’ll be a little suspicious.” Emma reminded him.
“Not for her.” Hook wrapped an arm around my shoulders, “The lass was always a sneaky one. It could be very believable that she found out where we were heading and stowed away on the ship without us noticing.”
“And you think they’ll buy that? I get that this Y/N character was some violent Lost Girl but giving me weapons and telling me to call myself Y/N isn’t going to change anything. They’ll know something’s up.”
“Oh no, they’ll be too happy to have their precious Lost Girl back that they won’t notice a thing. Best to forget the name Marigold. Until we’ve rescued the lad, you’re Y/N.” Hook gave me a push toward the lower deck, “Secure yourself below. We’ll worry about sailing the ship.”
“But I want to--”
“If we get there and something or someone sees you with us then the plan is shot to hell. You need to keep out of sight until we get onto the island. Understood.”
“Aye aye captain” I went below without arguing. I could feel the ship start to move and then tip. My stomach swooped as we fell through the portal.
When things evened out I left my spot below deck and poked my head up to where everyone else was. “Can I come up now?” The smell of the ocean calmed my nerves.
“No, love,” Hook said, “Stay below deck.”
“Who is possibly going to see me this far out from the island?”
“Pan’s shadow for one. Now stay down until we tell you to come up.” he growled.
“Fine.” I rolled my eyes and went back to the spot I had been nestled in before. While they worked up above I studied the things Mr. Gold had given me before we left. A club covered with dark stains and a simple dagger. Both felt natural in my hands.
I ran my thumb over the bottom of the dagger where a crudely carved R was marked. Was this Mr. Gold’s old dagger? R. Rumplestiltskin. It might be.
Small...I don’t want to call them memories. More like feelings. A familiar sense. Holding the club and the dagger I felt in control. I felt like nothing could threaten me.
While waiting Hook came down to where I was sitting. “Seeing as how you’re going to be acting as Y/N I figured it’d be prudent to tell you something about yourself and who you’ll be dealing with.”
“What do I need to know exactly?”
“Something I doubt dear old Neal felt comfortable telling you.” Hook looked like he was ready to jump out of the porthole, “Now I’m telling you this so when you meet Pan and the Lost Boys it doesn’t come as a shock.”
“What? You don’t sound like you’re very comfortable telling me this either.” This didn’t sound good.
“Pan and you were not just friends like you were told. The relationship between you two, as far as I knew, was far more...intimate.”
“Wait…” the realization started to dawn on me, “Are you trying to tell me that I was Peter Pan’s girlfriend?”
“Oh no. So I’m gonna have to pretend to--to--”
“Unfortunately. If you don’t then I can tell you that may be the red flag that alerts the others that something is wrong.”
“Maybe this is a bit over my head.” I curled into myself.
“Don’t worry. You just need to keep up the act long enough to rescue Henry. After that you never have to look at the hellspawn ever again.”
I nodded. He gave my shoulder a pat. “You’ll be fine. He won’t hurt you. No matter what you do.”
The ship lurched and I fell to the ground. “What was that?”
“Mermaids.” Hook cursed under his breath, “Stay down here! Do not come up no matter what happens.”
“Stay down!” he shouted before running back above deck.
I tethered myself as the ship continued to rock violently in the waves. If the sea was this dangerous I was scared to know what the actual island was like.
Greg, Tamara and Henry landed less than gracefully in the thick of the jungles of Neverland. Everything had gone according to plan. That was except for not being able to nab Marigold on there way here. The girl had disappeared and there was no time to go looking for her.
Hopefully it didn’t matter. Henry was the big target. Still, having Marigold would have been a big boost to the Home Office. Tamara was trying to get a signal on the communicator but the light wouldn’t even turn on. She handed it to Greg in hopes that he could get it to work.
When he pulled the back to check the batteries though sand fell out. What the hell was going on? Where were the batteries?
There was no time to worry about some dumb trick. They needed to find the Home Office.
Just as they were getting a signal fire lit people started to emerge from the jungle surrounding them. No. Not people. Boys. Teenage boys everywhere.
“Who are you?” Greg kept his nerve. These were just kids. They couldn’t hurt them.
“We’re the Home Office,” The tallest one said with a sadistic grin. “Welcome to Neverland.”
“The Home Office is a bunch of teenagers?” Tamara’s sense of unease only grew.
“They’re not teenagers.” Henry sighed, “They’re the Lost Boys.”
“Look at that.” The tall boy smirked at Henry.
“Why do the Lost Boys want to destroy magic?”
“Who said we wanna destroy magic?” the leader asked.
“That was our mission.” Greg was losing patience.
“So you were told. You were also told to look for a girl. Where is she? You had said you found her.” The leader boy drawled.
“We did find her. But we couldn’t grab her before we left.”
“Shame. At least now we know where to find her.” the boy looked back at Henry, “Now the boy. Hand him over.”
“Not until you tell us the plan--” Tamara said, “For magic, for getting home.”
“You’re not getting home.” The boys around them started to snicker.
“Then you’re not getting the boy.” Greg balled his fists. He had never punched a teenager but he’d make an exception for these creeps.
“Of course we are.” the way the boy said it unnerved Greg. Then there came the roaring sound. The last thing he saw was a mass of black with white glowing eyes swooping down on him.
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daydreams-afterdark · 6 years
Memories: A Moment in Winter
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Pairing: Taehyung x Reader
Genre: Fluffy Travel Romance
Warnings: No smut this time ladies and gents, just fluff. 
Word Count:1,206
Before you read: HAPPY HOLIDAYS LADS AND LASSES!  Originally I was going to post these all together, but decided against it when the word count went over 300. I wanted to write very short stories that read like a favorite moment with the boys as if you were thinking of them as a “memory” or a daydream. I will be posting the rest of the members soon! If you like what you read, please leave some feedback!
Description: Remember when you went to Prague with Taehyung? 
Prague’s oldest town square was bustling with tourists from all over; moseying down the lanes in cheerful chatter around the town’s giant Christmas Tree, twinkling lights dripped like dew drops down its massive branches. The walkways through tented shops looped and twisted through the square, the scent of all the street food wafted in your direction as you made your way past the food booths.
You had spent nearly the entire day exploring in and around the square with Taehyung, your boyfriend, shopping and eating intermittently between chaste kisses and photo-ops. The weather forecast had claimed the day to be dull and gray, yet, as always with Tae, the clouds dispersed by early afternoon and the sun shone brightly, occasionally haloing his head in a golden ring of light against equally beautiful snow-capped buildings.
It had been three years since you two began dating, and your second vacation to Europe. It was an idea of yours and Jimin, during a particularly exciting dinner party, so it was only natural that Jimin followed you both along, with a friend so he wouldn’t feel like the third wheel and to give you both time alone when appropriate. Today was that day to spend alone together, however, agreed to meet up for dinner later.
It was nearly seven-thirty when you and Tae were on your way to meet Jimin at the memorial statue in the center of the square. As you drew nearer, Tae’s hand clutched in yours and dancing through the crowd, you heard his name being shouted from behind him. You found Jimin waving his arms madly while jumping cutely up and down to catch his attention, which it did, making Tae stop abruptly and begin to mimic him. That sent you into a fit of laughter, which made you whip your phone out to capture the moment for posterity.
Jimin and his friend, as you noted walking toward you holding hands, greeted you both before heading to dinner. The cold night turned warm under amber lights and hot food. A piano played softly in the background as you dined; laughing over embarrassing stories, the boys ribbed each other about. You couldn’t help but become overwhelmed with joy that bloomed from the pit of your stomach and shot up to your heart. It was as if you already remembered this moment as a brilliantly shining memory, standing on the other side of the restaurant window looking in fondly at the scene in front of you.
It played out like a movie; finishing the last bit of wine before donning your coats to trek back out into the cold night of the city, fat snowflakes assaulted your faces as you walk toward your rented apartment. The crowds had died down a bit as the snow picked up and the shops began to close. The walk wasn’t very long, though just enough to make you wish you had taken a taxi home. Just as you all turned onto your street, Jimin chimed in with a story he had heard earlier that day.
   “We had been exploring around town and came across a small crowd of tourists standing around an older woman. She was finishing a joke that made everyone laugh, that we decided to join in on the fun for a bit and see what the fuss was about. A younger American woman asked the lady to tell her fortune, which I thought was odd, she didn’t seem to be a fortune teller. The woman giggled and asked what she wanted to know so bad. The girl replied that she wanted to know when she was going to get married, she had been waiting for her boyfriend to propose to her. The woman nodded and told her, when the woman got home, to turn her back to her front door, take off her shoe and throw it over her shoulder. If the toe of the shoe pointed towards the door, the girl would be  assured to be married within the year, if the toe pointed away, she would have to wait another year.”
“What happened next, hyung?” Tae asked, genuinely interested.
“The girl said she would.”
“I wonder if she will get married.” You wonder wistfully.
“You think, that superstition is true. Y/N?” Tae poked your cheek. You scrunch your nose at him and reply, no, you didn’t believe in superstitions. “You never know, Y/N. It could be real!”
“Well if you think it’s real, why don’t you try it out!” Jimin cut in, laughing.
“Shouldn’t, Y/N do it? Is the superstition only for girls?” Tae asked.
“I wouldn’t imagine it matters nowadays. Plus, wouldn’t you be able to debunk it anyway?” You stop in front of the door to your apartment.
“I guess.” Tae breathed out, not really wanting to take his shoe off in the middle of winter. He turned around and wiggled out of his boot, briefly asked Jimin which shoulder he should throw it over, and got snippy when Jimin had said he couldn’t remember if the side mattered.
The banter reminded you of that dinner party. You and Jimin had been dying over Tae and Yoongi’s arguments over Yeontan’s behavior while chasing him around the living room. Yeontan had gotten ahold of yet another beanie from Yoongi and was using it as a chew toy.
“Not another one! Taehyung, control him!” Shouted Yoongi.
“I’m sorry, hyung, I’ll pay to have it cleaned!”
“There’s no use now, oh God, oh look at this! He’s doing a death roll like crocodiles do! It’s all over!” Yoongi cried dramatically, as Tae tried desperately to pry the precious beanie out from between Yeontan’s teeth.
You and Jimin, both slightly inebriated, slipped off the couch and onto the floor, in tears of laughter.
“This is the funniest thing I have ever seen!” You cry into Jimin’s shoulder.
“Stick around with us, and you’ll see funnier!” Jimin wiped tears off his cheeks.
“You know what would be the funniest thing of all?” You quip. “If I proposed to Taehyung!”
“That would be the best thing ever, you should do it!” Jimin pointed at you excitedly.
“I should!” Looking at a sorrowful Taehyung who was holding a soggy beanie in his hands.
Taehyung tossed the shoe behind him and waited until he heard it land.
“How did it land?” Tae turned to Jimin to ask.
“I can’t see that far away!” Jimin shouted at him. “Take my hand, I’ll lead you there.” You watched Tae throw an arm around Jimin and hop toward the front door. Taehyung leaned over and picked the show up.
“Y/N, how badly do you want to know where the toe of my shoe landed,” Taehyung called to you, impishly.
“I think I already know the answer, so it doesn't matter.” You reply nonchalantly. Offended Taehyung whipped around to asked why, to find you on one knee, a ring box opened in your extended palm. “That is, I hope I know the answer.” A silly smile splayed across your face, your eyes watering in spite of you.
Taehyung dropped his boot at the same time as he fell to his knees, closed the ring box, and pulled you into a tight embrace.
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sherrybaby14 · 7 years
Negan’s Pet Chapter 2
Summary:  Negan’s first night with his new girl
Warnings:  NSFW, Spanking, Non/Con, Don’t want to spoil the rest
This is for @eldritchmortician  I originally planned a one shot, which turned into a double shot, and at this point we may be at the bar for a long long time.....
Tags: @thecynicalnerd @kellyn1604 @megandrawsspace @miiraal @marauderice @arkhamasylumpatient-blog1 @blondesouthsquad @enchantingoblivion @daintyunicorn @alyisdead @dead-head-joker @theonethatgotaway213 @idonthavehusbandsihavelovers @shanaatjelove11 @mac5323 @mwesterfeld1985 @irisindigonightmare @negans-network
The rope was still tied multiple times around Mylo’s torso, but there was a piece hanging off about three feet long that Negan currently held.  He walked her out of the room and didn’t turn around to look at her as they moved into the hallway.  Mylo tried her hardest to take in her surroundings, familiarity would be required if she was going to escape.  
“Hey boss!”  A man walked passed them.  “New pet?”
Mylo cringed.  She was about to stick her foot out to trip the man, but pulled her foot in at the last second.
“Keep your dirty hands off my puppy Dave.” Negan raised a hand in the air with his middle finger up.  
“A puppy this time?” Dave licked his lips. “Welcome to the dog house.”
This was humiliating, and more disturbing that she wasn’t the first.  Mylo would not lash out though.  She was smarter than that.  It was better to fake it, she could take whatever Negan threw at her.  Then, when he trusted her she would make her escape and hopefully kill him in the process.  They passed a group of three or four men who all snickered at her.  One even gave Negan a high five.
“Don’t worry.  The boys can look, but they know they’re not allowed to touch.”  Negan looked behind and gave Mylo a wink.
She lowered her eyes and tried to give an actual puppy dog face. She would endure, after all that’s what she had been doing since the dead rose.   He could parade her in front of the entire place and she would take it without acting out.  Maybe she should cry?  A tear or two might get some sympathy points.  In fact, maybe that’s what he wanted?  A broken girl.  She would have no problem playing that part. Before she could drum up the crocodile tears Negan stopped at a door.  
To her surprise they entered a normal looking room.  She guessed it was an office at one point, based on the carpet and strange lighting.  There was a king size four poster bed that took up most of the space with satin red sheets and a giant mirror over the bed.  Mylo hid her disgust.  Other than that there was a closet, a chair, a small table, and a cabinet that would have come up to her hip if she were next to it
“This is going to be your home for the time being.” Negan shut the door behind her. “I hope you’re comfortable here.”
“Where is the bathroom?” She glanced over her shoulder at him.  
“Communal.” Negan pointed to the door.  “There will be someone to escort you.”
“I’ll have a guard at my door?” Mylo was confused.
“No.” Negan shook his head. “Do you have to go now?”
Mylo debated on lying and saying yes, wondering if she could find something in there to use as a weapon, but that was probably what he was expecting so she shook her head no.  
“I know it’s not much, I wasn’t expecting you.  I’ll have the boys pick up some new things for you this week.”  Negan walked behind her and started untying the rope.  
“Thank you.” Mylo continued to play the submissive. “It’s a nice room.  Nicer than anyone I’ve ever had.”
“Don’t get too used to it Pet.”  The ropes fell. “As soon as you’re trained you will move to the wives’ rooms.”  
“And how long will that take.”  Mylo started to work her arms, hoping to return the blood flow.
“That depends on you darling.”  Negan placed his hands on her shoulders and started to massage. “What special gifts would my puppy like?”
“Whatever you think she needs daddy.”  Mylo tried her hardest to relax into his touch when every inch of her being was screaming at her to push him away and attack.
“A for effort, but lets stick with Master for now.”  Negan squeezed.  “I’ll be your daddy soon enough though.”
“Sorry.” Mylo gulped. “Master.”
“It’s alright.  After all, I haven’t treated you like the puppy you are yet.”  Negan moved his hands down her arms. “I’ll have to get you a pretty new collar, a leash, and some toys to play with.  Would you like that?”
“Yes Master.”  Mylo closed her eyes.  She could do this, as much as it took.
“Good girl.”  Negan dropped his arms.  “Maybe your training won’t take long.”
Mylo turned to look at him with a huge smile.
“I hope not.  I want to please you.”  She pressed her hand to his chest. “After all, you saved me, brought me to this place.  Kept me from Simon.  Now you’re giving me a beautiful bed.  I think I might have had the wrong idea earlier and I’m sorry.”
“Yeah?”  Negan smiled back. “Want to show me how sorry?”
Mylo leaned into him and went on her tippy toes.  She pressed her lips to his, feeling her soul die on the inside.  He opened his mouth and she let her tongue slide against his. He took control of the kiss and rolled his tongue, to her surprise it actually felt good.  If there was any cancellation this man could kiss.  She he had already told herself all or nothing and knew what was coming next.  So she moved her hands to his waistband and started undoing his fly.  
“Woah Woah.”  Negan put his hands on hers and pulled away from the kiss.
“Wifely duties?” Mylo tried to give him the same puppy dog look from the hallway. “I want to prove myself to you.”
“As much as I’d love to jump to that part, you have to earn the right.”  Negan ran a hand down her cheek.  “And what sort of owner would I be if I didn’t correct my puppy’s behavior?”
Mylo’s mouth hung open.  She didn’t understand what he was asking and had a hard time hiding her hatred of his word owner.
“I’m sorry Master, really I am.  I want to make it up to you.”  She didn’t like not know where he was taking this .
“You’ve earned yourself several punishments.”  Negan leaned down and kissed her head. “A punishment is the only way a puppy learns not to repeat her mistakes.”
Punishment.  That seemed to imply BDSM.  While Mylo was not a prude the most experimentation she had in that department was a failed attempt at anal sex.  Did that even count as BDSM?  She told herself she could handle it though, the fact that she was still alive told her she could handle anything.  
“Now, why do I have to punish you?  I’ll give you a hint this time.  There are five reasons.”  Negan tucked some hair behind her ears.  “It’s important you grasp the reason, so tell me.”
“I bit Simon.” Mylo spit the first thing out that came to mind.
“There’s one.”  Negan held up his hand and flipped down his thumb.
“I shoved you?” Mylo asked.
“Two.” Negan nodded.
Mylo tried to replay the entire night in her head.
“I interrupted you!” She was almost excited she figured it out, like it was a puzzle.
“You are a quick learner.”  Now only two fingers were in the air.
“I told you to fuck off?” Mylo wished she would have phrased that differently.
Negan winced, but dropped a finger.
“I’m only counting that as one punishment, because you didn’t know, but my ladies don’t swear.”  Negan shook his head. “Normally one word is equal to one punishment.  Don’t worry, you’ll learn.”
No swearing. Mylo nodded her head and fought not to roll her eyes.  Apparently it was Victorian England here too. Mylo racked her brain for number five.  She didn’t think he noticed her almost trip the guy.  She looked at him and shook her head.
“That’s fine.” Negan rubbed her shoulders and started guiding her towards the chair. “We can start with the first four.  I’m sure number five will come to you.”  
He took his hands off her shoulders before telling her to sit down and walked towards the cabinet.  She watched as he squared down and opened it.  Her eyes almost bulged out of her head as she saw an array of paddles and whips.  Then Negan shook his head, shut it, and stood up.  Mylo snapped her neck away.
“What was I thinking?”  Negan walked back towards her and took a seat. “It’s your first night!  My hand will do the job just fine.”
She stared at the floor, he was going to spank her, like she was a little girl.  After seeing those whips, she was almost grateful it was going to be his hand.  Mylo reminded herself not to lash out.  This was supposed to degrade her, she would play the part.  That was the only way to get out of here.  Earning his trust, faking submission.  That was what was important. She took a breath and went to lay across his lap.
“Not so fast darling.”  Negan shook his finger. “I’m going to need you to take off those jeans.”
Mylo reminded herself she was ready to screw the guy to get out of here and that would have involved being naked.  Pants off wasn’t so bad.  She undid her jeans and pushed them down to the floor before stepping out of them.  Negan looked her up and down and licked his lips.  
“Looks like my puppy hasn’t been to the groomer in awhile, don’t worry Master will take care of that.”  
Mylo’s t-shirt came down to her thighs, so he must have been referring to her unshaven legs.  If he expected his women trimmed there was no way he was going to approve of her bushy vag.  She went towards his lap again.
“Since that t-shirt is so long, might as well loose the panties too.”  
There was zero hesitation from Mylo as she pulled them off and tossed them towards her jeans.
“Grannie panties, why am I not surprised?” Negan chuckled. “Master will take care of that too.”
“Thank you.” Mylo would not break.  
She didn’t move this time, instead she kept her eyes on the ground waiting for instruction.  He lifted an arm and she went forward.
“Wait.” Negan held up a palm. “On second thought.  Loose the shirt too.”
Mylo grabbed the hem and paused.  She could do this. She would do this.  She pulled it up over her head and tried not to look at him before she pulled her hands behind her and undid the clasp on her bra without being asked.  Mylo would prove herself to him, kill him, and get the hell out of here.  She kept telling herself that.
“I love that initiative you have!” Negan clapped. “But not as much as I love that fucking body.”
She tried to push her shoulders back as she bared herself to him, not enjoying the vulnerable position she was in at the slightest.  A comment was coming, whether about her lack of further grooming, her boobs that were just a little too small for her frame, her waist and hips that were lacking the feminine curves, or her millions other imperfections.  She braced herself, swearing she wouldn’t cry.
“Absolutely fucking beautiful.” Negan wiped his chin. “You’re making me want to break the rules little girl.  I really REALLY wish you had earned this cock already.”
Huh?  Mylo looked up.  There was no sarcasm on his face.  She didn’t understand. He lifted his arm and signaled for her to lay down. Almost happy to have some coverage she practically dove onto his lap.
“I guess my puppy is eager for her punishment?”  Negan repositioned her so her head was almost on the floor, her ass square in his lap. His hand caressed her ass and she bit her lip to keep from trying to flee.  “We will do the first four punishments, five smacks each.  After each one I want you to say the reason.  Let’s start with ‘I won’t bite’.”
Mylo nodded.  She hated herself right now, but this was a long con.  One she knew she could pull off.  Besides, she was spanked as a child, it didn’t hurt that bad.  
“Here we go.” Negan rubbed his hands together.
Mylo braced herself, pinching her eyes shut.  BOOM! It echoed across the room and she bounced forward.  A giant sting spread across her ass.
“Ooooh!” She didn’t meant to make the noise.
“Come on puppy, remember the rules or it won’t count.”
“I won’t bite!” Mylo was quick to yell.
“Good puppy.”  Negan rubbed her ass and it made the sting dissipate.
SLAP!  The second one was even harder.
“I won’t bite.”  Mylo wished her hands had something to grip.
“I won’t bite!”  Mylo picked one hand off the floor and gripped on to his pant leg.
“I WON’T BITE!” Her entire ass was throbbing.  She didn’t remember his hand being so large.
“I WON’T BITE!”  She arched her back in response.  
Negan’s hand returned to her ass and started massaging.  She winced, now it felt like his touch was spreading the pain.  Her breathing started to slow down and she realized she had been panting.  
“Good puppy.”  Negan squeezed a cheek and pain exploded. “Now lets say ‘I won’t shove’.”
Mylo braced herself again.
A scream escaped her lips.
“Sorry, what was that?” Negan asked calmly.
“Shove, I’m so sorry. I won’t shove.”  Tears were making their way to her ducts.  
“I WON’T SHOVE!” Mylo bit back a sob.  
The next three came in a row and Mylo didn’t think she would be able to hold back the tears any longer.  Her rear was on fire.  Negan stopped and she would have rolled off his lap.  The idea of standing up and fighting back was sounding more and more like a better idea.  
“You’re doing wonderful, and your ass looks delicious with this color.”  Negan rubbed her again and her body shook involuntarily. “Now lets do ‘I’ll listen to my Master’.”
Mya let go of his pant leg and tried to brace herself on the floor.  BOOM!  She let out another scream and went forward.
“I’ll listen to my Master.”  She wasn’t sure what she said was audible.
“I’LL LISTEN TO MY MASTER.”  A sob escaped.  Mylo had tried so hard to hold on to it, but she couldn’t any more.  She wasn’t as strong as she thought.
“I’ll listen to my master!”  She barely made the words out between her tears.  
“I’LL LISTEN TO MY MASTER!” She screamed it, as if someway that would make him stop.  
“I’LL LISTEN TO MY MASTER!”  Mylo no longer knew if she was saying it to prove herself or because she just wanted this to stop.
“I’LL LISTEN TO MY MASTER!” Pain she didn’t know she could feel spread to her core.
“You’re doing so good for a first punishment.”  Negan lightly rubbed the welts he was making. “Your new owner is very proud of his purchase.”  
Owner.  She did not have an owner.  This was all fake.
“Last one.  Now say I will not swear.”  
All her determination to fake it vanished.  This guy was swearing while he beat her.  She pushed her hands to the floor to try and get up.
BANG!  She fell forward.
“FUCK YOU!” She yelled.
“That’s what Master was waiting for.” Negan wrapped his other arm around her lower back, pinning her in place.
“LET GO OF ME YOU SICK FUCK!”  Mylo continued to struggle.  
“STOP IT!”  She tried to crawl forward, push backwards, roll to the side.
Another sob broke free.  She was trapped.  He was well past the five he promised and she didn’t understand how he managed to increase the pain each time without it going numb.  Her body went limp as she cried.
“You have the power to stop this Mylo.”  Negan squeezed her side. “Remember what I want?”
“I won’t swear.”  Mylo sobbed, she couldn’t believe she was doing this.
“Good girl.”  SMACK!
“I won’t swear.”  Mylo stopped bracing herself, just wanting this over with.
“I won’t swear.”  She brought her hand back up to grip his pants leg, even though her fingers barely made a fist.
“I won’t swear.”  It was almost a whisper at this point.  She wasn’t sure what bothered her more, the pain or the shame of defeat.
SMACK! The last one was extra hard.  Mylo arched her back in response.
“I WON’T SWEAR!”  Another sob broke from her lips.
“What a good girl you are.”  Negan flipped her around and carried her towards the bed.  “You took that like a champ.  Master is very proud.”
Mylo felt exhaustion.  She knew she should push away from him and try to fight, but her ass and soul were both too bruised to fight.
“Now can you tell me what number five was?” Negan sat down on the edge of the bed and lowered her into his lap. She winced when her butt settled on his jeans.
She cried and shook her head.  She knew he knew, but couldn’t bring herself to say the words.
“You’ll only make this harder on yourself.”  Negan rubbed her back and kissed her forehead.
Mylo looked up at him, she hadn’t realized it but her arms were around his neck. She expected demon eyes to be looking down at her but instead his face was soft and filled with concern. She wanted this to end.  
“I lied.”  She leaned her head against his chest with defeat.
“Good girl.”  Negan traced his hand between her thighs.  “I know that was hard to admit.”
Mylo didn’t want comfort from him, at least that’s what she told herself.
“The second I told you to open your eyes I knew what you were.”  Negan’s fingers went higher. “I knew you needed my help.”
She had no clue what he was talking about, but her lids were getting heavy and she wanted to go to sleep.
“Even if you don’t know yet.” His fingers dipped between her legs. “Master does.”
Mylo let out a gasp as his finger ran up her slit.  That was enough to jolt her and she pushed away.  He responded by holding her close as he brought a finger in front of her face.
Horror spread through Mylo and she pushed herself off his lap onto weak legs.  There was no way she was turned on.  He stood up from the bed and came closer towards her his shimmering wet finger still in the air.
“No. Get away from me!” She almost fell backwards but Negan’s arm wrapped around her holding her in place.
Mylo pushed at his shoulders and looked up to slap him, but he pressed his lips to hers and moved his other arm between them, his finger finding her clit instantly.  She let out an uncontrollable moan and his tongue slid into her mouth.
This was wrong on too many levels.  She knew she should use the opportunity to bite his tongue off, but his kiss was gentle as his tongue rubbed hers and his finger worked her pleasure center.  All logic and reason went out the window and she returned his kiss.  He responded by rubbing her faster.  
“Eager puppy.” Negan momentarily broke their kiss.
Tonight was too much. It wasn’t her fault the devil had some skill over her body. She deserved some sort of release.  Her body started rocking against his hand and he responded with more pressure.  Negan was an amazing kisser, but she didn’t want to think about him.  Her eyes shut and she imagined she was with anyone else, anywhere else, before the world literally turned into a nightmare.  
All thoughts of right and wrong disappeared and she started eagerly moving against his hand.  Mylo needed this, she deserved it, the last time a skilled lover had helped her out was years ago.  She let herself go, no longer concerned about the consequences. It didn’t take long before the familiar coil of an orgasm began to form and she lost all inhibitions, desperate for the pleasure regardless of the source.  Her body readied itself to fall over the cliff when suddenly Negan’s hand disappeared and his mouth vanished from hers.  
His hands grabbed her wrists and held them in the air while his foot kicked her legs apart.  Her chest beat he'd heavily and she became conscious of her nudity to his fully clothed form.  Her eyes went to his with shock, he had the concerned caring look again.
“Sorry darling.” He bent down, putting his shoulder at her stomach before hoisting her in the air. “But you have to earn those too.”
Her brain was fuzzy.  She didn’t understand what was happening. Tears formed again at the almost painful need to cum.  He walked across the room and opened the closet.  Mylo could not focus on anything, but thought he was dragging something.
“That was punishment number five.  Eventually you will learn Daddy always knows when his girl is lying.”  Negan started lowering her to the ground.
This was so unfair.  Mylo’s brain swarmed with the need for release as the pain from her ass started to return.  She noticed he was not just placing her on the ground and looked around.  A cage! He was putting her in a cage.  She was half way in and bucked, trying to get out.
“Stop.” Negan squeezed her. “You’re only making things harder on yourself.  This is happening one way or another.”
The fight disappeared and she let herself go limp as he positioned her.  It had a plastic bottom and was fairly large, but no way she could stand up or stretch out all the way.  
“Good girl.”  He closed the door and shut the lock.
Mylo was feeling too much to focus on how humiliating this was for her.  She still wanted that orgasm too bad.  
“Put your hands through the holes.” Negan walked to the back of the cage.
At the bottom two pieces of metal had been removed.  She let out a whimper.
“It won’t be a punishment if your decide to finish yourself off.” Negan swung a pair of handcuffs.  “I really don’t want to have to punish my new puppy again.”
Mylo knew it was wrong, but she extended her hands through the holes and cried again as the sound of the cuffs clicked over her wrists.
“Baby girl, you did very well tonight.”  Negan stood up.  “Your Master is very proud.  Now get some sleep.  Tomorrow is a new day.”
Mylo hurried her head in her arm and sobbed.  The light went out an Negan left the room.  She didn’t understand how things went so bad so quickly.  She was stronger than this, better than this.  He always had the upper hand and knew it.  She couldn’t believe how flawed her plan had been.  Stronger.  She would have to be stronger.  Tomorrow was a new day.  Tomorrow she would resist.  That thought ran through Mylo’s head over and over as she drifted off into one of the deepest sleeps she’s ever had.
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A New Kind of Love
Last week, my kid said to me, “Where do you sink Daddoo went?”
“I don’t know, buddy. I wish I did.”
“I sink he actshully went back to Mount Sinai.”
“No. I don’t think he has to go back there anymore.”
“Did we used to visit Mount Sinai?”
“We did, yeah. A lot of times.”
“What did we bring? What vehicles did I bring with me?”
“You brought your trains and some of your trucks to show Daddoo.”
“When I was a little baby? And we would go there and look for Daddoo?”
“That’s right, baby. We did.”
He has more questions these days, which means we are talking about it more.  Which means we are most likely inching ever closer to having to discuss the concept of death. So far, I’ve stuck to my guns. I answer the question asked, nothing more. He doesn’t question mortality and I’m not going to be the one who brings the concept up to him.
I cut his hair this weekend. It was long overdue and he squirmed and complained the whole time, but it ended up looking okay. In fact, he seemed pretty pleased with it afterwards. He studied himself in the mirror and asked me earnestly, “Will I grow more lellow hair, Mommy?”
“Sure, buddy. Your hair will always keep growing and growing. That’s why we need to get haircuts sometimes. But you know what? I bet your hair will stop being yellow one day. It will slowly turn brown like Mommy’s. I think it will. I hope so.”
“I will have brown hair when I get bigger?”
“Yep. When I was little, I had yellow hair, too. And so did Daddoo. But then when we got bigger our hair turned brown. That’s why I think yours will, too.”
“But Daddoo doesn’t have any hair.”
I pause, unsettled, for a moment. “I know, honey. But he did. He had lots and lots of brown curly hair.”
I feel like I am going to cry, but I swallow it down.
I love my son so much. I feel like that goes without saying, but still. Christ on a sandwich, I do. So much. And now he’s approaching four year old, he’s gotten so interesting, so smart, and such a joy to be around. I can’t get enough of him.
And I’m even sadder than ever that his dad didn’t get to know this little dude. And I mourn all the ways his dad would’ve influenced his life.
Well, the above was written last week. And, of course, I jinxed myself by praising my child and the good streak we’ve been on. The last several days have been a struggle. Tantrums. Battles of will. Utter exhaustion.
Yesterday was Mother’s Day, for all the good that does me. I find no meaning in holidays anymore, especially the ones that seek to highlight people who have the good fortune to be in love, to be loved, to be whole and part of a family that makes them feel fulfilled and complete. 
New Year’s and all it’s anticipation for a fresh start and promise of bigger and better. Fuck you.
Valentine’s Day. Not in a million fucking years.
Easter. Fine. Chocolate eggs and open pagan celebrations. Great. Fine. I’ll take that one.
Mother’s Day. A reminder that the only fucking person who ever made me want to give it a shot is gone, and I really, really didn’t ever imagine doing it without him. I can’t receive praise about being a mother. I don’t want it. Everything about my state of motherhood is tied up with the biggest nightmare I could’ve imagined. Motherhood, for me, was like getting crowned prom queen. It was glorious and beautiful and I saw myself in the world with a purpose and a calm. And shortly after, a bucket of pig’s blood was dumped over my head. It’s not exactly something I’m comfortable commemorating annually.
Father’s Day. Ha. Hahaha. Get the fuck out of here.
And on and on. All year long. Commemorations and celebrations. Love and festivities. Appreciation and gratitude. People setting aside differences and coming together in joy. I don’t know when those holidays will ever feel comfortable to be again, but I suspect it will be a long, long time from now.
So, yes. Mother’s Day. It was long and sad. My son threw tantrums, screamed at me, cried giant crocodile tears, demanded I stop singing, threw a fit when I tried to play a song he likes on the ukulele. Mother’s Day and my period - my Old Faithful period - is four days late. I’m not worried because there’s zero chance of a pregnancy. But it’s Mother’s Day, and I’m alone with one asshole child and my period is four days late, which means either Immaculate Conception (which would be quite a plot twist for a jaded agnostic like me), or maybe this is the beginning of the end. I mean, I’m not getting younger, right? Maybe there’s only one or two lonely and decrepit eggs rattling around up inside me. Maybe my body has decided to space them out, really savor the last few, as if they are the last bonbons in a fancy chocolate box. 
And then this morning, here she is, my period, tardy but present. My body, the morning after this sad celebration of motherhood, announcing, “There’s still time! One more chance at a perfect little baby! More life! More family! More life!” My body stubbornly refuses to grieve. Even while my heart and my head refuse to move on.
I’m thinking about love, lately. I’ve said that recently, haven’t I? I am. But not in the sense that I want it, or even understand what it is anymore. I love a lot of people, living people, that is. I genuinely care for many, many people, ones that I hope feel the same way about me. I have tender feelings and I am shameless about them. Because I understand in a way I never did before that tender feelings that you keep to yourself do zero fucking good to anyone.
But love? Holding someone’s heart in my hand and giving mine in return. I did that once. Only once, really. I can’t see myself doing it again.
I struggle with how to relate to people now. I talk too much, I know. I can’t help it. I go too deep too fast. Sometimes I forget that I don’t exist on the same plane as the people around me. I keep coming back to that line in a Tom Waits’ song: “I walk between the raindrops.” That’s how I feel. I’m here, I’m with you. We share elements of the same reality. But I’m walking between the raindrops. Ever since the year that I watched my husband disappear, ever since I stood in the room as death took him. I can stand in a torrential downpour of emotion and not get wet. Sometimes I think the whole world made that shift with me. Then I remember it did not. Sometimes I have to remind myself to let other people catch up. To be gentle with them. To work harder to not startle them.
I was thinking the other day about grief, the idea of grief. And you know, it occurred to me that the opposite of grief is anticipation. Anticipating one’s life. Anticipating the birth of your child. Anticipating growing old together. Anticipating a bright future. Dreaming of what’s a head of you. Grief is all looking in reverse. Grieving what was never realized until too late. Looking around your existence as it is in present tense and feeling the profound grief of the thing you had once anticipated would always and forever be in it with you.
Anticipation, grief. Birth, death. Opposites, but also shades of the same. Anticipation of more sadness ahead, stretching out as far and as wide as imaginable. Death as a kind of birthing into whatever happens after this ridiculous, tedious and cruel life of cable tv and property taxes and bottomless mimosa brunches and holidays created by greeting card companies. Death as a kind of birth for those of us left behind: survivors, burdened with carrying around this thrashing, colicky sadness, never restful, always demanding to be held close. This hole in the perfect shape of the person you love.
I’m devolving into shitty poetic metaphor now. I blame the two large, iced mason jars of wine that I downed for (not with) dinner. I’m going to take that as my cue to wrap up.
I hope you are well, good people. I hope you are as happy as you can be, as loved as you deserve, and are saying all the things your heart tells you to.
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viralhottopics · 8 years
‘Are You The One?’ Recap: Hi My Name Is Tyranny And Im An Alcoholic
Hello everyone. I would like to thank my loyal followers for questioning my whereabouts on Twitter. I was actually on vacation, because Im not poor. Sorry, but watching these morons was just not a fucking option. I was zen AF and I dont need Carolinas crocodile tears ruining it, k thx.
ANYWAYS, so onto the episode. It was kind of eh, Im going to be honest. If youre looking for another reason to be annoyed by Giannas existence though, then it def delivered.
They are all pumped about getting four beams. In fact, if you took a shot for every time someone said four fucking beams youd need to get stomach pumped four fucking times.
Tyranny is like Ossssssssssssssssvaldo is my match. Honestly can we just cut the accent though? Hes from Chicago for gods sake, not Italy.
Oswaldo is not so sure. Hes like she could be my match! Or she isnt! Yeah, thats pretty much how life works, actually.
Also, can we acknowledge the giant-ass drink Tee has the whole time? That cup is actually my favorite cast member this season.
Carolina and Hayden start having a pillow fight because FOUR FUCKING BEAMS, AMIRIGHT?
Now Carolina is very suddenly into Hayden. Carolinas emotions give me whiplash. Betsy DeVos nomination was more certain than this bitch.
Gianna is like “OH NO. NOT TODAY. I DID NOT LEAVE THE SOUTHSIDE FOR THIS.” Shes like I’M GOING TO CONTINUE TO PURSUE THIS MAN WHO TREATS ME SO WELL. Even though they are a confirmed no match. Makes total sense.
So you unfriend-zoned him to cock block him? Seems v fair. So when you go to sleep, do you leave Haydens balls under your pillow or on your nightstand? Let me know.
*Starts Twitter Poll* Is Gianna hot? Yes or No?
Tyler apologizes to Taylor and is like “I have no excuse for being the ‘big bad wolf’ in this.” So youre eating peoples grandmas now? Very Hannibal Lecter-chic. Not sure Tyler understands that hes referencing a fairytale, but hes pretty so well overlook it.
Hes like these girls are all over me wah, life is hard.
TAYLOR: Im mad *looks at Tylers beautiful face* but Im not like, thatttt mad
Hes like Im not that guy, you know that! Shes like,
TYLER: I want to dump Shannon and date you
Gianna goes to have a talk with Hayden, which she announces for everyone to know. Shes from the Midwest, okay? Shes not used to this whole having brains thing, cut her some slack!
Little Mike is like this is bullshit, they are not a match, they need to stop and its like SAY IT LOUDER FOR THE PEOPLE IN THE BACK.
GIANNA: I dont want to stop you from doing something but stop fucking doing it. (Im not even making that up, thats an exact quote) HAYDEN: But I need to play the game GIANNA: Did I fucking stutter
So Hayden has relocated from friendzone island to being a little bitch island. Need a house warming gift, Hayden? Ill get you crowbar so you can pull your head out of your ass. Youre welcome.
Gianna and Hayden have sex, giving life to the newest Trump supporter Im sure. Carolina sees all of this and is like wtffffff. Shes like, totally in love with Hayden! Like, they spoke for a whole 10 minutes. Didnt that mean anything to him?
Andre is like “IF THEY FUCK THIS UP IM GOING TO BE PISSED” and Im like do it. Get mad. You wont. No balls.
Honestly, Gianna could probs take Andre in a fight. That girl should be a fuckin prison warden.
The challenge this week is for the dudes. The guys have to spin themselves and then go through an obstacle course. Then they have to shoot a basketball into the hoop of the girl they want to date. The person who shoots the third basketball in the hoop wins the date.
challenges sound like the hazing the gay frats do. Its all v weak.
The guys start the game and are falling all over the place. *plays Ed Sheeran*
Hayden is like, fuck it. Fuck this game. Idfc anymore, Im here for Gianna.
HAYDEN:I love Gianna
He decides to help Oswaldo win a date with Tee. See heres the thingI like Hayden, but I also think hes being very dumb. Its a hard spot for me rn. Really struggling.
Tee being proud of Oswaldo for winning is like Trump being proud of winning president. We all know he couldnt have won without Hayden/Russia.
Derrick and Joey are trying to win Rush Boobss date. Derrick wants to win because fuck Joey. Theyre shooting for legit five minutes. Seriously, Ive seen better shots from . When is the last time you played basketball? Third grade? Derricks like I played division I basketball! which sounds like an alternative fact to me.
Joey wins. So its Osvaldo/Tee and Joey/Rush Boobs.
Ryan tells them they are going to trapeze and Tee is like Im black, I shouldnt be in the air. How did you get to the Dominican Republic? Drive? Horseback? I didnt know your skin color made you less aerodynamic. I just saw and honestly, Im a fucking scientist now.
Lets all agree that Tee is low-key alcoholic. Shes constantly sipping from that big-ass cup and it seems like they have a good connection. Could that be her match?
Eddie is talking to Alicia about how he is poor and shes like “LOL not me, cant relate to you peasant.” Eddie, you need to get your ass over to Kam where you fucking belong. Know your fucking place. Do not fuck this up for me, Eddie.
Tyler is trying to break up with Shannon and it is a train fucking wreck. Hes like I need to do the right thing and leave you. He actually stole the whole speech from Gabriella in .
Shannon is like “I feel dumb.” And she should, because she just got played. I feel bad for Shannon. Her voice makes me want to take a waltz off a bridge, but I do feel things, kind of.
Tylers like I didnt realize girls have feelings and get mad when you treat them poorly. Thats like saying I didnt know when you light shit on fire, it gets hot.
Meanwhile, Tee is very much trying to date rape Osvaldo. Its creepy tbh. If a guy was doing that to a girl on this show I would be dialing 911 by now. Tee, knock it off, it’s super gross.
They go to the boom boom room and literally boom boom because they break something. Oswaldo, way to not hold your ground.
Kam is oiling Eddie up and being goofy. I needed this.
Shes like I know Alicia and Eddy have a good friendship, Im not getting territorial, because this is a game show. I LOVE YOU KAM, I AM STARTING YOUR FAN CLUB. Shes so rational. Everyone be like her please.
Oswaldo is like this date will take our relationship to the next level, even though it already has gone to the next level. *wink, wink* I remember when I lost my virginity. We get it, you had sex.
They go to the trapeze place and Oswaldo is like Hopefully I dont break my neck. Thats a pretty reasonable goal.
They all are like surprisingly good at this. Even Tee, whose blackness surprisingly does not hinder her capabilities. Its a miracle.
Oswaldo and Tee are like being lovey-dovey because they fucked that one time. Hes like shes not trying to rape me and I like this side of her. I too am a big fan of the people who dont try and sexually assault me. Weird.
Ryan comes in hot and asks about the no matches, aka Gianna and Hayden, still hooking up.
Giannas like HOW IS THIS OUR FAULT??? Uh, youre a confirmed no match and youre hooking up. I feel like Im taking crazy pills. Leave the dumb shit to Rush Boobs, please god.
The house is like, “ugh we hate you, lets just get this shit over with.” Thats how I felt with pledges in my sorority.
Tyranny and Oswaldo go to the truth booth because duh.
OSWALDO: Im excited to learn if were a match and really connect on a deeper level. TEE: Im tryna fuck.
Im stressed because Tee will def die of alcohol poisoning tonight if this doesnt work out. And what do you know, NO MATCH.
Tee was like I was falling in love with him. Shes crying. Hes crying. This is depressing. Did I accidentally sit on the remote and turn on ?
Oswaldo starts boxing while Andre is talking him down and all the guys hug him. Wow, I love the bromance. What I love more is that eventually one of them will try and fight another. #Drama
After everything, Tyler and Shannon are still hanging out. Whats Tylers favorite thing about Shannon? She isnt Taylor. Hes got high standards, ya know? #FourFuckingBeams
Taylor is like youre fucked up. And hes like why, because Im having a conversation?
Ugh Taylor, this paaaaains me to say, because I usually automatically side with the hot girl, but hes low-key right. You need to chill out and move on. Hes not worth it, dude. Hes just not.
Andre asks Taylor wtf shes doing with Tyler and Im like YAS KEEP THIS UP.
Andre is like actually, we like each other, Taylor. And shes like wait, yeah we do. WTF is this Jedi mind control shit Andre has.
ANDRE: *swinging coin back and forth* you are getting very sleepy.. and youre going to fuck me TAYLOR: *eyes glazed* yes, master
He says that she should be a Victorias Secret Model and honestly she should marry him just for that. Like thats compliment of the goddam century.
Its the boys pick tonight. Please note that last time they blacked out harder than Tee does on any given weeknight.
Little Mike gets the ball rollin the wrong way and picks Kam.
Mikes like following our heart doesnt work. Hes like we should venture off, and though thats noble, maaaaaaybe not at the match ceremony. Thats like Michael Phelps being like LOOK FREESTYLE JUST DOESNT WORK right before the 4×100 relay.
Ozzy picks Hannah.
Oswaldo is up next and hes like “I GOTTA DO ME.” He picks Taylor.
Ryan asks Taylor how she feels about Tyler and shes like whos Tyler? Andre and her give each other looks and Im like OKAY YES IM HERE FOR THIS SHIT.
Ryans like Andre, do you wish you were with her and hes like Im practicing my patience. Whatever the fuck that means.
Oswaldo is like standing next to her like, lol just fuck me, right?
Andre picks Casandra.
Eddy picks Alicia and is like this is my homie.
Joey picks Rush boobs.
Derrick picks Gianna. Weird.
Tylers up and fucking moseys up to the front. Goddam hes like a walking Shakespeare playtragically beautiful.
Hes like Ryan, let me speak and Ryans like I didnt even say anything, but ok.
Tyler goes off about how he was painted as the villain and how he is innocent and how all this Taylor shit is fake news and the failing lamestream media is spreading false rumors!!! Sad!
Ryan asks Tyler who he likes more, Shannon or Taylor and Tyler picks Shannon.
RYAN: Do you think Tyler is your match? SHANNON: IDK RYAN: Is Taylor his match? SHANNON: IDK RYAN: Is the world round? SHANNON: IDK
Tylers talking about his breakup with Taylor and is like it sucks because you cant delete people in the real world. This is the first thing that I agree with him on. Dont worry Tyler, Ive watched . Well get to that point someday.
Michael picks KARI. Is it Carrie or KAAAAAARI? I have been saying KAAAAARI. Please DM some confirmation.
Hayden is next. Hayden tells the group that him and Gianna are affecting the game and they are going to stop screwing everyone over.
Gianna is like “WTF. WHO TOLD HIM HE COULD SPEAK? WHO LET HIM OUT OF HIS CAGE?” He picks Carolina. Hehe.
Jaylen and Tee are last. Tee is really bummed about Oswaldo and Ryan is like, “bitch its week four.”
These couples are random AF but idk Im drunk and just here to shit talk. Dont give that much of a fuck.
No blackout, so thats good. They get four beams again. Cant wait to hear them talk about it incessantly.
Read more: http://betches.co/2kojpty
from ‘Are You The One?’ Recap: Hi My Name Is Tyranny And Im An Alcoholic
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nbafunnymeme · 8 years
'Are You The One?' Recap: Hi My Name Is Tyranny And Im An Alcoholic
Hello everyone. I would like to thank my loyal followers for questioning my whereabouts on Twitter. I was actually on vacation, because Im not poor. Sorry, but watching these morons was just not a fucking option. I was zen AF and I dont need Carolinas crocodile tears ruining it, k thx.
ANYWAYS, so onto the episode. It was kind of eh, Im going to be honest. If youre looking for another reason to be annoyed by Giannas existence though, then it def delivered.
They are all pumped about getting four beams. In fact, if you took a shot for every time someone said four fucking beams youd need to get stomach pumped four fucking times.
Tyranny is like Ossssssssssssssssvaldo is my match. Honestly can we just cut the accent though? Hes from Chicago for gods sake, not Italy.
Oswaldo is not so sure. Hes like she could be my match! Or she isnt! Yeah, thats pretty much how life works, actually.
Also, can we acknowledge the giant-ass drink Tee has the whole time? That cup is actually my favorite cast member this season.
Carolina and Hayden start having a pillow fight because FOUR FUCKING BEAMS, AMIRIGHT?
Now Carolina is very suddenly into Hayden. Carolinas emotions give me whiplash. Betsy DeVos nomination was more certain than this bitch.
Gianna is like “OH NO. NOT TODAY. I DID NOT LEAVE THE SOUTHSIDE FOR THIS.” Shes like I’M GOING TO CONTINUE TO PURSUE THIS MAN WHO TREATS ME SO WELL. Even though they are a confirmed no match. Makes total sense.
So you unfriend-zoned him to cock block him? Seems v fair. So when you go to sleep, do you leave Haydens balls under your pillow or on your nightstand? Let me know.
*Starts Twitter Poll* Is Gianna hot? Yes or No?
Tyler apologizes to Taylor and is like “I have no excuse for being the ‘big bad wolf’ in this.” So youre eating peoples grandmas now? Very Hannibal Lecter-chic. Not sure Tyler understands that hes referencing a fairytale, but hes pretty so well overlook it.
Hes like these girls are all over me wah, life is hard.
TAYLOR: Im mad *looks at Tylers beautiful face* but Im not like, thatttt mad
Hes like Im not that guy, you know that! Shes like,
TYLER: I want to dump Shannon and date you
Gianna goes to have a talk with Hayden, which she announces for everyone to know. Shes from the Midwest, okay? Shes not used to this whole having brains thing, cut her some slack!
Little Mike is like this is bullshit, they are not a match, they need to stop and its like SAY IT LOUDER FOR THE PEOPLE IN THE BACK.
GIANNA: I dont want to stop you from doing something but stop fucking doing it. (Im not even making that up, thats an exact quote) HAYDEN: But I need to play the game GIANNA: Did I fucking stutter
So Hayden has relocated from friendzone island to being a little bitch island. Need a house warming gift, Hayden? Ill get you crowbar so you can pull your head out of your ass. Youre welcome.
Gianna and Hayden have sex, giving life to the newest Trump supporter Im sure. Carolina sees all of this and is like wtffffff. Shes like, totally in love with Hayden! Like, they spoke for a whole 10 minutes. Didnt that mean anything to him?
Andre is like “IF THEY FUCK THIS UP IM GOING TO BE PISSED” and Im like do it. Get mad. You wont. No balls.
Honestly, Gianna could probs take Andre in a fight. That girl should be a fuckin prison warden.
The challenge this week is for the dudes. The guys have to spin themselves and then go through an obstacle course. Then they have to shoot a basketball into the hoop of the girl they want to date. The person who shoots the third basketball in the hoop wins the date.
challenges sound like the hazing the gay frats do. Its all v weak.
The guys start the game and are falling all over the place. *plays Ed Sheeran*
Hayden is like, fuck it. Fuck this game. Idfc anymore, Im here for Gianna.
HAYDEN:I love Gianna
He decides to help Oswaldo win a date with Tee. See heres the thingI like Hayden, but I also think hes being very dumb. Its a hard spot for me rn. Really struggling.
Tee being proud of Oswaldo for winning is like Trump being proud of winning president. We all know he couldnt have won without Hayden/Russia.
Derrick and Joey are trying to win Rush Boobss date. Derrick wants to win because fuck Joey. Theyre shooting for legit five minutes. Seriously, Ive seen better shots from . When is the last time you played basketball? Third grade? Derricks like I played division I basketball! which sounds like an alternative fact to me.
Joey wins. So its Osvaldo/Tee and Joey/Rush Boobs.
Ryan tells them they are going to trapeze and Tee is like Im black, I shouldnt be in the air. How did you get to the Dominican Republic? Drive? Horseback? I didnt know your skin color made you less aerodynamic. I just saw and honestly, Im a fucking scientist now.
Lets all agree that Tee is low-key alcoholic. Shes constantly sipping from that big-ass cup and it seems like they have a good connection. Could that be her match?
Eddie is talking to Alicia about how he is poor and shes like “LOL not me, cant relate to you peasant.” Eddie, you need to get your ass over to Kam where you fucking belong. Know your fucking place. Do not fuck this up for me, Eddie.
Tyler is trying to break up with Shannon and it is a train fucking wreck. Hes like I need to do the right thing and leave you. He actually stole the whole speech from Gabriella in .
Shannon is like “I feel dumb.” And she should, because she just got played. I feel bad for Shannon. Her voice makes me want to take a waltz off a bridge, but I do feel things, kind of.
Tylers like I didnt realize girls have feelings and get mad when you treat them poorly. Thats like saying I didnt know when you light shit on fire, it gets hot.
Meanwhile, Tee is very much trying to date rape Osvaldo. Its creepy tbh. If a guy was doing that to a girl on this show I would be dialing 911 by now. Tee, knock it off, it’s super gross.
They go to the boom boom room and literally boom boom because they break something. Oswaldo, way to not hold your ground.
Kam is oiling Eddie up and being goofy. I needed this.
Shes like I know Alicia and Eddy have a good friendship, Im not getting territorial, because this is a game show. I LOVE YOU KAM, I AM STARTING YOUR FAN CLUB. Shes so rational. Everyone be like her please.
Oswaldo is like this date will take our relationship to the next level, even though it already has gone to the next level. *wink, wink* I remember when I lost my virginity. We get it, you had sex.
They go to the trapeze place and Oswaldo is like Hopefully I dont break my neck. Thats a pretty reasonable goal.
They all are like surprisingly good at this. Even Tee, whose blackness surprisingly does not hinder her capabilities. Its a miracle.
Oswaldo and Tee are like being lovey-dovey because they fucked that one time. Hes like shes not trying to rape me and I like this side of her. I too am a big fan of the people who dont try and sexually assault me. Weird.
Ryan comes in hot and asks about the no matches, aka Gianna and Hayden, still hooking up.
Giannas like HOW IS THIS OUR FAULT??? Uh, youre a confirmed no match and youre hooking up. I feel like Im taking crazy pills. Leave the dumb shit to Rush Boobs, please god.
The house is like, “ugh we hate you, lets just get this shit over with.” Thats how I felt with pledges in my sorority.
Tyranny and Oswaldo go to the truth booth because duh.
OSWALDO: Im excited to learn if were a match and really connect on a deeper level. TEE: Im tryna fuck.
Im stressed because Tee will def die of alcohol poisoning tonight if this doesnt work out. And what do you know, NO MATCH.
Tee was like I was falling in love with him. Shes crying. Hes crying. This is depressing. Did I accidentally sit on the remote and turn on ?
Oswaldo starts boxing while Andre is talking him down and all the guys hug him. Wow, I love the bromance. What I love more is that eventually one of them will try and fight another. #Drama
After everything, Tyler and Shannon are still hanging out. Whats Tylers favorite thing about Shannon? She isnt Taylor. Hes got high standards, ya know? #FourFuckingBeams
Taylor is like youre fucked up. And hes like why, because Im having a conversation?
Ugh Taylor, this paaaaains me to say, because I usually automatically side with the hot girl, but hes low-key right. You need to chill out and move on. Hes not worth it, dude. Hes just not.
Andre asks Taylor wtf shes doing with Tyler and Im like YAS KEEP THIS UP.
Andre is like actually, we like each other, Taylor. And shes like wait, yeah we do. WTF is this Jedi mind control shit Andre has.
ANDRE: *swinging coin back and forth* you are getting very sleepy.. and youre going to fuck me TAYLOR: *eyes glazed* yes, master
He says that she should be a Victorias Secret Model and honestly she should marry him just for that. Like thats compliment of the goddam century.
Its the boys pick tonight. Please note that last time they blacked out harder than Tee does on any given weeknight.
Little Mike gets the ball rollin the wrong way and picks Kam.
Mikes like following our heart doesnt work. Hes like we should venture off, and though thats noble, maaaaaaybe not at the match ceremony. Thats like Michael Phelps being like LOOK FREESTYLE JUST DOESNT WORK right before the 4×100 relay.
Ozzy picks Hannah.
Oswaldo is up next and hes like “I GOTTA DO ME.” He picks Taylor.
Ryan asks Taylor how she feels about Tyler and shes like whos Tyler? Andre and her give each other looks and Im like OKAY YES IM HERE FOR THIS SHIT.
Ryans like Andre, do you wish you were with her and hes like Im practicing my patience. Whatever the fuck that means.
Oswaldo is like standing next to her like, lol just fuck me, right?
Andre picks Casandra.
Eddy picks Alicia and is like this is my homie.
Joey picks Rush boobs.
Derrick picks Gianna. Weird.
Tylers up and fucking moseys up to the front. Goddam hes like a walking Shakespeare playtragically beautiful.
Hes like Ryan, let me speak and Ryans like I didnt even say anything, but ok.
Tyler goes off about how he was painted as the villain and how he is innocent and how all this Taylor shit is fake news and the failing lamestream media is spreading false rumors!!! Sad!
Ryan asks Tyler who he likes more, Shannon or Taylor and Tyler picks Shannon.
RYAN: Do you think Tyler is your match? SHANNON: IDK RYAN: Is Taylor his match? SHANNON: IDK RYAN: Is the world round? SHANNON: IDK
Tylers talking about his breakup with Taylor and is like it sucks because you cant delete people in the real world. This is the first thing that I agree with him on. Dont worry Tyler, Ive watched . Well get to that point someday.
Michael picks KARI. Is it Carrie or KAAAAAARI? I have been saying KAAAAARI. Please DM some confirmation.
Hayden is next. Hayden tells the group that him and Gianna are affecting the game and they are going to stop screwing everyone over.
Gianna is like “WTF. WHO TOLD HIM HE COULD SPEAK? WHO LET HIM OUT OF HIS CAGE?” He picks Carolina. Hehe.
Jaylen and Tee are last. Tee is really bummed about Oswaldo and Ryan is like, “bitch its week four.”
These couples are random AF but idk Im drunk and just here to shit talk. Dont give that much of a fuck.
No blackout, so thats good. They get four beams again. Cant wait to hear them talk about it incessantly.
Read more: http://www.betches.com/are-you-the-one-season-5-episode-4-recap
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