#why you should love izumi iori
hunieday · 1 year
Izumi Iori - Drama Collection ~Spring~ RabbitChat translation
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Please note that I am not a professional translator and I'm only doing this to share the side materials to those who cannot access it, if you notice any mistakes please let me know nicely. Enjoy!
Izumi Iori: Yuki-san, thank you for your hard work. Can I have a few minutes of your time right now?
Yuki: It's rare to get a Rabbit chat from you, Iori-kun. What happened?
Yuki: Did you want to see a picture of Momo stuffing his cheeks with some delicious rice?
Izumi Iori: No, there are several people stuffing their cheeks with delicious rice in this house, that’ll do for now.
Izumi Iori: I heard from Osaka-san that he and Kujo-san will hold the viewing party for the drama we played in at Yuki-san’s house, so I thought I'd say a few words.
Izumi Iori: I apologize for the inconvenience, but thank you for your time today.
 Yuki: I see, IDOLiSH7 are also invited. Riku-kun, Nagi-kun and Tamaki-kun at least.
Izumi Iori: Well, yes. That’s how it is.
Yuki: It's not often that I get to work with your group, so I thought I’d invite them to talk over dinner.
Yuki: I told Sougo-kun as well, feel free to come empty-handed.
Izumi Iori: Come…empty-handed?
Yuki: Empty-handed, casual.
Izumi Iori: I'm sorry, but considering Osaka-san’s demeanor, I don’t think that’s possible.
Izumi Iori: "Yuki-san himself went out of his way to give us, his juniors, an opportunity to discuss the film," he said, and when he showed us the rabbit chat, he was holding his phone with both hands as if it were a heavenly blessing.
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Yuki: I just wanted to see you guys eating good food, but I'll add "give feedback about the drama properly" to my resume for the day.
Yuki: What are you doing, Iori-kun?
Izumi Iori: What do you mean?
Yuki: Since you are rabbit chatting with me.
Izumi Iori: Ah, right now I’m sitting in a chair in my room, sipping a café au lait, phone in hand.
Yuki: Momo would be lying on the bed saying “I've been rabbit chatting with Yuki-san. What should I do 😣😣?”, he was flapping his legs while talking to me.
Yuki: You’re way more natural about it.
Izumi Iori: Yes, I’m having an afternoon snack while enjoying a rabbit chat with the Absolute Kings after all.
Yuki: That’s great. I feel like I'm being told that a rabbit chat with me is worth more than any snack.
Iori: Of course I think it is.
Izumi Iori: In a way, thanks to Re:vale's personality, I am able to have a casual Rabbit chat with you…
Yuki: Can I screenshot this and send it to Momo?
Izumi Iori: Why is that!?
Yuki: Because it makes us happy.
Izumi Iori: Oh no, is it because I'm the first one who’s said that…
Yuki: I'm happy because it's you. It is true that we, Re:vale, are the Absolute Kings, but it's Momo who's been running and working for the sake of a better idol industry and a comfortable environment for the juniors.
Yuki: If Iori-kun, the usually cool junior, said that to you, you'd probably roll over and flap your legs in delight as well.
Izumi Iori: Is that so?
Yuki: Oh, I'm traveling for work now, so I might have made the mistake of swinging my legs while sitting. cute
Izumi Iori: I see.
Izumi Iori: I was reminded once again that the two of you really are the same in your private lives.
Yuki: I'm glad you admire us.
Izumi Iori: Don’t worry, we admire you so we can surpass you.
Yuki: You're so cute.
Yuki: I like that kind of thing about Iori-kun.
Izumi Iori: Well then, we like Re:vale for letting us talk like this.
Yuki: wait a minute
Izumi Iori: yes
Yuki: Iori-kun, aren't you too cool for a cute guy?
Izumi Iori: I disagree, I'm not cute.
Yuki: You were cute when you called me "Sensei".
Izumi Iori: That was for the drama!? I mean, the relationship wasn't even what you would call cute, was it?
Yuki: That’s right. We were collaborators, working together to find the criminal who killed each other's loved ones.
Yuki: But I don't think "collaborator" is the right word to use. I think we had developed a bond that was unique to the two of us.
Izumi Iori: A bond between just the two of them? There was no scene that clearly shows it, but it could be interpreted that way.
Izumi Iori: For him, who was lonely, the teacher was the only person in the world who cared about him.
Yuki: Yes. I think that scene where he took care of someone with great care, as if he was overlaying the image of a deceased close friend, was a source of support for his performance.
Izumi Iori: It’s nice, I like those kinds of stories. I still have less acting experience than Yuki-san, so this will be a good learning opportunity for me in the future.
Izumi Iori: I think Osaka-san would be pleased to discuss the drama with you. Maybe Kujo-san, as well.
Yuki: Yes. At first, I was only planning to eat and play mini games while watching the drama.
Izumi Iori: I'm not half as scared of the mini-games as they say I am now.
Yuki: As expected, your eyes are sharp
Izumi Iori: Oh
Izumi Iori: I'm sorry
Izumi Iori: The two people who tend to do something wrong, have done something wrong, so I'm gonna go deal with it.
Yuki: They've messed up.
Izumi Iori: They mistook potato starch for pancake flour and mixed it with eggs.
Yuki: I think that could make a delicious tempura batter ^^
Izumi Iori: We don't want to make that. I will ask you for more details about the mini-game later.
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bearsanpancakes · 8 months
Mitsuki Izumi - IDOL STAR LIVE 2023 Rabbit Chat
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[Note: I am translating from the Taiwanese server of IDOLiSH7, not the Japanese server! Translations might differ from the original Japanese version due to that, but it shouldn’t make too much of a difference overall!]
Mitsuki: Tamaki~ 😄
Mitsuki: Do you have some time to spare?
Tamaki: Mikki~ [1]
Tamaki: Yup! What’s up?
Mitsuki: A: Fruit tart
Mitsuki: B: Chocolate cake
Mitsuki: Pick one‼️
Tamaki: What!? That’s impossible to pick from!!!!!
Tamaki: B…
Tamaki: Actually, hang on
Tamaki: A
Tamaki: Hm………….
Tamaki: I choose both 🥺🥺
Mitsuki: Lolol
Mitsuki: I might be able to make both if I start early in the morning 🤔
Tamaki: Huh!? Mikki, you’re making them yourself!?
Mitsuki: Yup! I have some spare time over the weekends and I haven’t made cakes in a while, so I wanted to try making them again
Mitsuki: My job finished early and I wanted to buy some supplies before heading home, so I asked for your opinion 😄💪
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Tamaki: So that’s why you asked me, I’m glad about that
Tamaki: I love Mikki’s cakes the most
Tamaki: I’m super looking forward to it!!!!
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Mitsuki: I’m the one who’s glad to hear that you’re glad!!!
Tamaki: Hehe
Tamaki: But is it really okay for you to make both of them?
Mitsuki: Yup! That’s because this is also a reward for you!
Mitsuki: I heard you’ve been working hard to prepare for your exams after all 💪
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Mitsuki: Huh, what’s wrong?
Tamaki: Actually, I can’t muster up the energy to work hard…
Mitsuki: Didn’t you return to your room early last night after saying you wanted to study, though?
Tamaki: I mean yeah, but
Tamaki: I instantly fell asleep the moment I opened up my books
Tamaki: I also wanted So-chan to keep an eye on me while I studied in the break room earlier
Tamaki: But I left my books at the dorm
Tamaki: I can’t muster up the energy to work hard anymore…
Mitsuki: What are you talking about? You’re already working hard!
Mitsuki: The fact that you returned to your room early and wanted Sogo to keep an eye on you is already really impressive!!
Mitsuki: Tamaki, you’re excellent!
Tamaki: Mikki…
Mitsuki: Alright! You wouldn’t feel at ease if I said the cake was a reward, right? Then feel free to have some cake as a way to lighten your mood and help you concentrate instead 🙂👌
Tamaki: Mikki!!!!! 😭😭
Mitsuki: I just sent Iori a text about the cake as well 👌 It’s impressive that both you and Iori are working hard for your studies and as an idol…!
Tamaki: That’s because Idol Star Live will be held soon
Tamaki: Iorin should be fine, but I’ll cause trouble for everyone if my results are bad and I have to take supplementary classes
Mitsuki: Hey now… you wouldn't be causing any trouble at all
Mitsuki: I’d definitely pat your head if you were in front of me right now!!!!
Tamaki: Then I’d have to crouch down so that your hand can reach my head 😏
Mitsuki: I can reach your head even if you don’t crouch!!! (lol)
Tamaki: Thanks
Tamaki: Mikki Tamaki: I’ll do something for you as thanks after my exams!
Mitsuki: There’s no need! Your thoughtfulness makes me glad enough 😆
Tamaki: Nope, I made up my mind
Tamaki: I’ll buy tons of cake with Iorin at your family’s bakery!!
Mitsuki: Lololol
Tamaki: Ah, but Iorin’s buying stuff from his family’s own bakery, I don’t think this counts as thanks then lol
Mitsuki: That's not true! My parents said that they feel happy watching the both of you and Isumi come to the bakery after school and enjoy their food 😋
Mitsuki: I’m sure I’d be super duper happy if I got to see you guys like that as well! I’ll be waiting for the thank you gift ✌️✨
Tamaki: Alright!
Tamaki: I’ll start giving it my all tomorrow just for this
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Mitsuki: That’s the spirit! Don’t push yourself too hard though
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End of Rabbit Chat
[1] - The formatting on tumblr is really bad so I wasn't able to include it, but Tamaki ended this sentence with a little King Pudding emoji! Here's what the line actually looked like:
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yamamuragaku · 2 years
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Tenn Kujo [LaLaDX Part 1] RabbitChat
Part 3
Read the previous parts at these links: Part 1, Part 2
Screenshots courtesy of rabbit-library.
Part 3: Image and Direction
Ryunosuke: Tsumugi-chan, good work!
Our short drama airs today. Please watch it if you can!
Tsumugi: Tsunashi-san, thanks for the hard work!
Of course. I'm set to record it, and I'm done with work today, so I'm waiting in front of the TV!
Gaku: Tsumugi, good work.
Thank you so much. It's not a variety show, so I'm worried if you'll enjoy it. Let us know what you think when you finish watching it.
Tenn: Good work.
We performed our best. I'm sure you'll be satisfied with it.
Tsumugi: I'm really looking forward to it...!
When I told everyone at our agency about it the other day, Riku-san, Mitsuki-san, and Sougo-san all said, "Record it!" together! lol
Tenn: I see. Riku's acting still needs work, so it's fine if he gets something out of it.
Ryunosuke: Wah! I feel a bit embarrassed.
Riku's there for Tenn, and Sougo-kun seems to be our fan so I get them, but Mitsuki-kun is also watching it!
Tsumugi: That's because Mitsuki-san also loves idols!
I think he recorded most of everyone's performances.
Gaku: Really? I should talk to the older Izumi next time. I wouldn't mind having his MC abilities!
Tenn: Gaku as MC? Hard to believe it.
Gaku: Why!
Ryunosuke: The programs we do tend to be about inviting a guest and us all talking together, so we don't have much MC experience.
Tsumugi: I also check out TRIGGER's programs, but I guess it might be as you say...!
Tsumugi: Ah! It's starting soon!
Ryunosuke: I'm getting excited~!
Tenn: Ryuu is fidgeting.
Gaku: Ryuu is always like that. It's time to watch our program.
Ryunosuke: No matter how many times it happens I never get used to it!
I'm interested in how we look in front of the camera and our fan's reactions!
Tsumugi: Are you all together right now?
Gaku: Yeah. We're watching the TV in our dressing room.
Tsumugi: TRIGGER also checks their own performances. How excellent...!
Tenn: Even if I'm performing properly, with a camera, I don't know how I'll look to the viewers.
In fact, there are still many points I should reflect on while watching it.
Gaku: Hey, it started.
Tsumugi: !!
Tsumugi: The OP is so cool...!!!
Ryunosuke: Yeah! Tenn and Gaku look good.
Gaku: Ryuu does too.
Tenn: Ryuu as well.
Ryunosuke: Thanks!
Tsumugi: Everyone looks so good as vampires....
You're going to get even more fans...!
Option 1
Tsumugi: Especially Gaku-san's transformation scene!
Gaku: Vampires transform at night.
The CG in the scene where I grow wings is great. It's a shirtless scene so it was cold when I filmed it (lol)
Option 2
Tsumugi: Especially Tenn-san's battle scene!
Tenn: Thanks. We used wires so filming it was pretty intense.
Later, tell Riku not to imitate me. He has a habit of imitating me.
Option 3
Tsumugi: Especially Tsunashi-san's blood sucking scene!
Ryunosuke: Here, I made a lot mistakes so it wasn't great for the actress....
The director kept telling me to suck blood more erotically, and I was desperate....
* * *
Ryunosuke: The fans seem to be having a great reaction! The response on social media is amazing.
Tenn: "vampire" is trending.
Tsumugi: As expected of TRIGGER...! I should follow your example!
Gaku: I've been getting excited about IDOLiSH7 too lately.
We can't rest on our laurels.
Tsumugi: I appreciate that you think so...!
Our namesake program started, so we'd like to gradually take on more challenges.
Tenn: IDOLiSH7's refreshing image is strong, but what exactly do you want to do?
Tsumugi: Well...for IDOLiSH7 I want to point the antenna in all directions, not just songs.
Like with Mitsuki-san's MC-ing, Yamato-san's dramas, and Nagi-san's modeling.
Gaku: Isn't Yotsuba's potential pretty high?
Ryunosuke: Tamaki-kun! Usually he seems like a normal high schooler, but when he sings and dances, he's really mature.
Tenn: Even during the Christmas project, he worked hard to get a license.
Izumi Iori and Ousaka Sougo are all-rounders. If Takanashi-san can take them to a place where they can display their appeal, they'll mature as idols even more.
Ryunosuke: How about Riku-kun?
Tenn: Why are you asking me?
Gaku: You don't have a word to say as his brother?
Tenn: Riku is honest and straightforward, he has an appeal that attracts people. He suits being the reporter-type, no? Because it comes across to the audience that he will not lie.
Tsumugi: Reporter...!
Certainly, Riku-san has the type of personality where he's incapable of lying. I feel that it'll surely be conveyed to the viewers, and that he can make a convincing report.
Ryunosuke: Also, it'll feel very cozy...! Riku-kun's report!
Tenn: Now, let's focus on the drama.
Takanashi-san, let us know your impressions when you finish watching.
Tsumugi: Ah, okay!
Thank you for spending time with me. I will send you my impressions...!
Ryunosuke: Talk to you later, Tsumugi-chan!
Gaku: At the finale, there's a battle scene between the 3 of us and a vampire hunter. Look forward to it.
* * *
This post concludes one of the original goals of this blog, which was to finish up the partially translated RabbitChats. Thanks to rabbit-library for the screenshots!
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Digi Dynamic Shipping Game
Send me two names among the following 12 and I’ll write a short analysis post about them:
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Taichi Yagami | Yamato Ishida | Sora Takenouchi | Koushirou Izumi | Mimi Tachikawa | Jyou Kidou | Takeru Takaishi | Hikari Yagami | Daisuke Motomiya | Miyako Inoue | Iori Hida | Ken Ichijouji
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Whether canon provides input on them or not:
Sora and Hikari belong into that category of “Technically, they should be (very) familiar with each other due to their circumstances (and shared character traits), but canon doesn’t really tell you about their dynamics, so you can’t be 100% sure how close they actually are”, which is a bit unfortunate. So for the sake of this analysis, some things are left for interpretation, but let’s look at the circumstances mentioned above first: 
With Hikari being Taichi’s younger sister and Sora being among his oldest friends due to to them having been classmates (and football teammates) since forever, it can be seen as a given that they’ve known each other since before the events of Adventure 01. In the novels, Sora voices her concerns towards Taichi about Hikari being sick and unable to attend camp with them. So far so good. Since Hikari joins the group very late in the series, her main interaction points with Sora consists of “her being sick and Sora taking care of her (mainly in Taichi’s absence)”, which limits their interactions quite a bit. Sora, being the big sister and mom friend, seems to be a natural fit in this situation, caring for her closest friend’s little sister, being protective of her and making sure she doesn’t get hurt in any situation. And while we do not witness them talking to each other a lot, there are a few subtle indicators towards them sharing a gentle bond - and actually being surprisingly similar to one another.
In the PSP game, Sora gets the chance to invite Hikari to come over and play together once their adventures are over, indicating that she does have an interest in forming a closer bond with the younger Yagami beyond everything they’re going through. And why wouldn’t she? Both of them are very empathetic characters that want to make sure that others are okay - and yet, they both shall not be underestimated in their will to fight either, as they both understand the neccesity behind it. In the Dark Masters’ Arc, we see them joining forces in trying to defeat LadyDevimon - and they’re both getting very passionate about it. Up to this point, the viewer has seen glimpses of Hikari being determined - but in this moment, she basically copies Sora’s expression 1:1, indicating that them spending time may have influenced her to come out of her shell more now that she sickness has worn off. It’s really subtle, but, at least in my opinion, a very endearing interpretation of Sora inspiring Hikari, causing her to look up to her.
As for the rest of the series, we do not get a lot - there are only very minor interactions in 02 and Tri; as seen above, Hikari pokes gentle fun at Sora for mentioning a “generational drift” between them - also indicating that the age difference between them of three years actually matters. With Sora being as busy with tennis as she is in 02, they do not appear to be generally close - even if Hikari is the first one she chooses to contact once she feels that Piyomon is in danger. All their other interactions are mostly spent together Mimi, Miyako and/or Meiko (and Hikari usually takes a step back when Mimi teases Sora about various things regarding her “love life”, just smiling serenely at the back). One last thing that definitely bonds them together though - which gets very apparent in the stageplay -, is that they both HIGHLY worry about Taichi(s tendency to isolate and shutting them out).
Long story short - there is not nothing, but you have to read between the lines a lot. A subtle bond is definitely visible, but they do not share the closest of friendships, despite their similarities.
Whether I think why and how they’d work:
From a general point of view, their bond actually appears to be more that of two sisters - if Hikari grew up witnessing Sora being close with Taichi, her thinking of Sora as a big sister would make a lot of sense. In return, Sora thinking of Hikari as a little sister upon seeing Taichi taking care of her, spending time together while she’s being more vulnerable, also seems very plausible and in line with her personal character structure. Due to their lack of significant interaction, it’s not as easy to see romantic potential in them though; as much as they might bond over their shared closeness to Taichi (because, let’s be real, they’d be shaking their heads over him together a LOT), seeing them fall for each other requires a lot of imagination. They do seem comfortable in each other’s presence overall - and Sora’s protectiveness towards Hikari may potentially result in her feelings blooming into something more. But she would definitely fret over that at first - falling for her closest friend’s sister of all people would make her overthink immensely and may cause her to withdraw from her (and everyone else) to sort out her own feelings. (In general, Sora discovering her lesbian side will always requite a lot of self-reflection, because that’d be part of her journey of figuring out what SHE really wants/needs and how that may contradict tradionalism.)
In a scenario in which they actually end up together, I could kind of see it being a very communicative, mutually caring relationship - even though they’d probably get into fights over who of them is more selfless and needs to accept the other’s help more. But maybe that’s exactly what they’d need to snap out of their overly selfless tendencies, realizing that letting someone else care for you is just as important as you taking care of them. Especially with Hikari becoming more and more vocal as the series progresses, she may be the perfect mirror for Sora to realize things like these.
Taichi brain may need a while to come to terms with that turn of events, whereas Mimi and Miyako would celebrate them hard - and I think them being together may actually cause all the girls to spend more time with each other. Even if I can see them spending a lot of alone time as well, cooking or going out for dinner; Hikari would absolutely love to document all of Sora’s work (whether it’s ikebana or fashion design) and creating albums for them and all their friends.
Whether I’d prefer them as platonic or romantic ship:
As sweet as a romantic bond between them could potentially be, I do prefer the sisterly angle between them. (Even if the idea of Sora falling for Taichi’s sister is just too ironic not to find it funny.)
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kaix-maxi · 5 years
why you should love izumi iori
i’ll try my best to put all the events in chronological order, but forgive me if i can’t,,, ok so ‘WHY SHOULD YOU LOVE IZUMI IORI??’ time for me to start yelling about why you should!! it’s just got part 1 spoilers aka if you’ve watched all of the anime already, you’ll already know everything i’m about to mention! spoilers that go beyond the anime/ p1 has been separated with me boldly italicising area where spoilers begin to start so keep an eye out for that!
one, he absolutely loves his brother, izumi mitsuki, it’s so obvious, he wants the best for him! his dream was for mitsuki’s dream to come true, and he only became an idol just so that mitsuki was also scouted by takapro,,, LIKE DO YOU SEE IORI BLUSHING IN THIS GIF??? the izumi bros are so wholesome
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plus there was this one time in a rabbitchat where they were doing a play and mitsuki had to sacrifice himself for iori, and he was like “yeah, i’d totally do it in real life situation too! i’m his older brother after all, i love iori!!” and iori was literally just like “nO >:((”
and he literally wants to disrupt mitsuki as less as possible?? like tamaki was asking iori for the ‘birds and the bees’ talk, and he was like “please ask osaka-san or nikaidou-san” and when tamaki was ike “why not mikki?”, iori’s just like “i don’t want you to bother nii-san with this kind of talk”
plus he will never mince his words regardless of who he’s talking to, unless it’s his beloved “nii-san”,,, please look at him attacking the (random) man with the screentone hair (this was right after the dude dissed idolish7)
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also, i totally headcanon that iori has a little brother inferiority complex! he thinks rokuya nagi would’ve been mitsuki’s ideal little brother,,, i can’t find the 4koma manga panel but there was a moment of where nagi hugged mitsuki from behind and they were happy together, and then when iori hugged mitsuki from behind, mitsu’s just like “iori,,, are you ok??”
plus iori was full aware that he doesn’t really allow himself to be spoiled by mitsuki, especially because he doesn’t know how to!! he wants to be there to support mitsuki, and gets super upset when they get into a fight lmao,,, i have hereby dubbed izumi iori as a brocon (also shown in this post)!
there was this one fight where mitsuki came back from failing an audition again so iori’s just like “rather than trying to appeal them with your energy, how about you try focusing on your appeal of being cute??” and then that sparks a whole fight where mitsuki blows up at iori saying that iori should stop focusing on his dream of being more like zero and focus on his (iori’s) dream instead, and that even though he wants to debut as an idol, he wants to do it with his own personality, not one that he’s manifested to become an idol! this makes iori extremely upset because he’s like “i’ve been trying to make my brother become someone he’s not,,,”
also, have this,,, iori tries his best to be a brother that mitsuki will love!
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two, he will never admit he loves cute things. the reason as to why he likes cute things (which i find really adorable) is because of the family bakery ‘fonte chocolat’! apparently, it’s got some pretty cute designs and stuff for the cake so he grew attached to that while he was growing up i’m guessing?
anyways, he was steaming at tsumugi for throwing out his cute magnets, and then when she was able to buy a whole set of them again, he was like “i’ll accept it since you went through the effort of buying it, it’s good to recycle after all”,,, like please,,, why do you still deny it?
iori,,, have you seen yourself in your ‘day off’ rabbit chats? he goes on rambling to tsumugi about these super famous paintings when he’s actually just at a pet store and looking at a cat, and when tsumugi messages him, he’s like “stop, you’ll scare it away” and she’s like “i’ll scare the painting away???” iori please,,, this is ridicuclous -cries for iori- ALSO,,, i like to think that the only cute thing he’ll admit to loving is his brother. he’s so worried about his image,,,
speaking of a person’s image, do you remember the rabbit hoodie that mitsuki always wears? iori was the original owner! it’s in a 4koma manga panel (i promise if i can find it, i will throw it here right away) where iori wore it once and was thinking “this doesn’t suit me at all” and he sees mitsuki wearing a more formal-like attire (who’s thinking “this is kind of baggy...”) then they just stare at each other, and then switch clothes, SO THE RABBIT HOODIE IS ORIGINALLY IORI’S!! he loves cute things so much,,, therefore, please appreciate iori, he’s making mitsuki look absolutely adorable (it’s this hoodie btw)
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three, he helps out with management alongside tsumugi, he’s also a part of why idolish7 is so successful!! his dream now is for idolish7 to reach its full potential and become super amazing, just like how zero was!! iori is super observant as well, please don’t forget that he was the first one to notice riku’s heart condition
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four, there is like,,, no filial piety when it comes to this one! have you seen him think when tsumugi was like “only 3 of you will debut”? after the audition, he was literally scheming this whole thing in his head “if you fail nii-san,  i’ll make a claim, destroy your reputation and make sure your agency goes down”, like do not mess with izumi iori unless you want to die. AND when riku’s like “iori! i’m older than you so you should respect me”, iori just downright refuses like an absolute savage
five! he’s super concerned about others even if he doesn’t present himself that way! when riku just put his hand on his chest before a concert during this one time, iori freaked out and zoomed straight to him, thinking he was going to get an attack! also, remember the music festival? he screwed up because he was so worried about riku getting an attack!
and honestly, he’s so good,,, remember when he told riku he was a bomb? originally, he didn’t expand on it but then later he was literally just like “you’re our bomb. it doesn’t matter which way you explode. if it comes our way, we’ll do our best to defend ourselves”!! he’s literally telling riku he can screw up ([because of his respiratory disorder] but try not to riku) and if he does, then everyone else will save him
six! iori has an extremely sensitive body take notes fanfic writers LMAO!! sorry i’m not trying to imply anything dirty so he’s ticklish about everywhere according to mitsuki! mitsu literally says that he kept on tickling iori when they were kids and he just went overboard during this one time, where tiny iori started actually crying because of how much he was being tickled!
seven! take note ioriku fans iori has the strongest faith ever in riku’s singing ability, more than anyone else i’m pretty sure! in fact, to him, he considers riku’s singing ability to be able to ‘cast magic onto the audience’ and it makes “the stars fall" LIKE LOOK AT THESE THREE MANGA PANELS and you will see what i mean
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also, have you seen him when he’s just woken up?? he looks absolutely hilarious (do you see that high key judgemental stare?? nah, it’s just iori waking up and trying to get used to life)
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from now on, it’s nothing but SPOILERS so beware!!
remember when riku couldn’t even concentrate on singing and dancing anymore (part 2 i think?),,, i don’t exactly remember how or why, but then it happened! (lol) as a result, idolish7 was starting to go downhill and everything was turning from bad to worse, so tsumugi was like to iori “i want you to be the new centre of i7 temporarily until riku gets better″ and iori just noped outta there, he’s like “it’s got to be nanase-san. if it’s not him, it’s not idolish7″ but when push came to shove, he came back to tsumugi and was like “ok, i’ll be the new centre of idolish7"!
“Perfection Gimmick” is one of the songs where iori is the centre and “Restart Pointer” is when riku returns back to being the centre of i7, hence the reason as to why iori turns back and smiles in riku’s direction i guess in the MV!!
and to conclude because i’m literally getting laggy from how long this post is! a gif of izumi iori, please appreciate him!
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osakaso5 · 3 years
IDOLiSH7 6th Anniversary Special Story: Full of Heart...
Chapter 5: To All Of You In The Past
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 6
Yamato Nikaido: Morning, Yaotome. Sorry for making you drop by so early in the morning.
Gaku Yaotome: It's cool. I was free, anyway.
Mitsuki Izumi: Ah, Yaotome. Morning. Have you had breakfast yet? I can make you a little something if not.
Gaku Yaotome: I'm good.
Nagi Rokuya: OH! What a thick file you have. Is that an album, by any chance?
Gaku Yaotome: Yeah.
Nagi Rokuya: What about yours, Yamato?
Yamato Nikaido: Me and Yaotome were chatting the other day, and we realized our photos for the show might be too similar.
Mitsuki Izumi: You and Yaotome's? How come?
Yamato Nikaido: Both our dads work in the entertainment industry.
Gaku Yaotome: Both of us are only children.
Yamato Nikaido: Both of us wore paper helmets on Children's Day.
Gaku Yaotome: Both of us wore jinbei in the evenings.
Yamato Nikaido: Both of us wore hakamas on New Year's.
Gaku Yaotome: Both of us wore yukatas to summer festivals.
Yamato Nikaido: Both of us wore golfwear in the autumn.
Gaku Yaotome: Both of us wore winter sportswear in the winter.
Mitsuki Izumi: Wow, that's nice! I had no idea your dad was as doting as Yamato-san's, Yaotome.
Gaku Yaotome: I wouldn't call him doting. He's just been trying to get me into the industry since before I could remember.
Gaku Yaotome: Unlike Nikaido's, these pictures are nothing but promotional materials.
Yamato Nikaido: It's not like my old man doted on me, either. He just wanted to relieve his guilt by showering his illegitimate kid with presents.
Yamato Nikaido: If anyone here was spoiled, it's gotta be Nagi, right? What with him being a prince and all.
Nagi Rokuya: Would you like to see my favorite horse?
Gaku Yaotome: An actual prince on a white steed!?
Mitsuki Izumi: Looking good, Nagi! Who's that on the light brown horse behind you?
Nagi Rokuya: My brother.
Yamato Nikaido: Oh, Seto-san! He looks super young here!!! Like a textbook pretty boy!
Gaku Yaotome: Wow. So this dude's Rokuya Senior. I'd like to meet him someday. Bring him over if he's ever in Japan.
Yamato Nikaido: That's a prince you're talking about. You'll end up  causing some kind of diplomatic scandal if you call him stuff like  "Rokuya Senior" or "this dude". 
Gaku Yaotome: Ah, right. What should I call him then? Prince Senior? His Royal Brotherliness?
Nagi Rokuya: Just "Prince Seto" will do.
Gaku Yaotome: If Prince Seto ever comes to Japan, I wanna meet him. I'll feed him the best Japanese food he's ever had.
Nagi Rokuya: Thanks! I am sure he would love that.
Gaku Yaotome: What about you, Izumi Senior? What kind of picture did you pick?
Mitsuki Izumi: This one! Ta-dah!
Yamato Nikaido: Ooh! You're doing a parody of Zero's Midnight! Looks cool!
Gaku Yaotome: It's his most iconic album cover, and you completely nailed it! Where'd you get the costume?
Mitsuki Izumi: My parents made it. Iori helped too, with the accessories and stuff.
Nagi Rokuya: Wonderful! You were a little star! The loveliest of idols!
Gaku Yaotome: It's a great photo! I'm willing to bet your Zero cosplay'll be the most exciting one on the show!
Mitsuki Izumi: Thanks! What kind of photos did you two have in mind?
Yamato Nikaido: Well...
Gaku Yaotome: Let's see that album of yours, Nikaido. I'll help you choose.
Yamato Nikaido: You wanna pick out my photo?
Gaku Yaotome: I'll give you suggestions. Feel free to do the same with mine.
Yamato Nikaido: What? That's a pretty tall order. I have to be careful not to pick anything your fans might jump me over...
Mitsuki Izumi: Let's see 'em. I'll help too.
Nagi Rokuya: In that case, I will help Yaotome-shi choose the loveliest Yamato we can find.
Gaku Yaotome: ...There sure are a lot of those in here.
Nagi Rokuya: OH... It is nothing but lovely Yamatos.
Mitsuki Izumi: Seriously? Lemme see.
Yamato Nikaido: Oh, come on! They're not that big of a deal!
Gaku Yaotome: Now there's a smile that'll melt your heart.
Nagi Rokuya: Yes indeed.
Mitsuki Izumi: Ah... He's totally got the look of a spoiled rich kid!
Yamato Nikaido: Stoooop!!!
Mitsuki Izumi: You've been telling people to count on you, when you were like this yourself!? You must work so hard to put up that leader front!
Yamato Nikaido: I-it's not like that!!!
Mitsuki Izumi: It's fine! You're a man, just admit it!!! We can hug it out later!
Yamato Nikaido: I... I don't need your hugs..!
Gaku Yaotome: You look like you'll burst out crying as soon as someone pinches your cheek.
Nagi Rokuya: Hm... It does not look as if you were ever bullied.
Yamato Nikaido: Crap. Now I wanna drop out of this project..!
Gaku Yaotome: It's nothing to be ashamed of. I like this photo. The one where you're eating melon.
Nagi Rokuya: OH! How lovely, pretty, and cute! You were so sweet, Yamato!
Mitsuki Izumi: It's super cute! Looks like little Yamato here loved his melon! Isn't that nice!?
Yamato Nikaido: "Loved my melon"..?
Gaku Yaotome: A melon farmer could use it for an advertisement. That's how nice you look here.  
Nagi Rokuya: It is the very picture of happiness. We should hang it on the living room wall.
Yamato Nikaido: Stop it, seriously...
Gaku Yaotome: Jokes aside, it's a nice photo. It shows off what a warm-hearted guy you are. Let's use this one.
Yamato Nikaido: Really..?
Gaku Yaotome: Trust me. It's this one or nothing.
Yamato Nikaido: I guess I'll use it, then... Ugh... I bet my face is gonna be bright red when they show this... I'll need to wear at least three pairs of glasses to cover it up.
Mitsuki Izumi: Don't be silly. Instead of worrying about your own picture, why don't you pick something for Yaotome already?
Yamato Nikaido: I could pick one at random with my eyes closed, and he'd probably just be his usual cool self in it.
Gaku Yaotome: I can't tell if that's a compliment or an insult. Either way, no closing your eyes.
Yamato Nikaido: Damn. This one's like something out of a manga... How were you this cool-looking in grade school..?
Mitsuki Izumi: He looks super stylish..! And check out that charismatic look in his eyes!
Nagi Rokuya: Why, it almost rivals mine!
Gaku Yaotome: I've got some goofier ones in there, too. Like this one with the wooden chopsticks...
Yamato Nikaido: No way. That one's way out. I don't want the face you're making to backfire and make you even more popular somehow.
Gaku Yaotome: What do I need to do for you to like even one of my pictures..?
Yamato Nikaido: Your thoughts, Mitsu?
Mitsuki Izumi: I'll let you decide, since Yaotome did the same for you.
Yamato Nikaido: You're mean. And here you were, offering to hug me just a minute ago...
Nagi Rokuya: Perhaps we should hang this sweet Yamato on the living room wall after all?
Yamato Nikaido: No! Hmm... Let's see...
Yamato Nikaido: How about this one?
Mitsuki Izumi: Ah... I like it.
Nagi Rokuya: OH... Has he fallen over, I wonder? His knee is injured.
Mitsuki Izumi: He looks hurt, but even though he's got tears in his eyes, he's trying really hard to hold it together.
Yamato Nikaido: Classic Yaotome move.
Gaku Yaotome: Is it? I guess I'll go with this one, then.
Mitsuki Izumi: Did President Yaotome take this one?
Gaku Yaotome: Probably.
Mitsuki Izumi: What kind of parent takes a picture when their kid's hurt..?
Gaku Yaotome: My old man never was the type to run over all worried. He'd just stare at me and tell me to get up.
Yamato Nikaido: Would he at least reward you for doing as he said?
Gaku Yaotome: Of course not. He'd just go off on one of his sermons. Telling me that I was too rowdy and careless.
Gaku Yaotome: Then again... I was tough enough to get up after a little fall.
Mitsuki Izumi: So that makes it okay?
Gaku Yaotome: Doesn't mean I didn't wish he had worried, or ran over, or picked me up...
Gaku Yaotome: But if he had, I'd just have gotten mad and told him I was fine on my own.
Gaku Yaotome: So, uh, I'm thinking we were fine the way we were.
Yamato Nikaido: He sounds strict... But I think that's cooler than if he’d  just have pampered you, and not told you to do things for yourself.
Gaku Yaotome: You looked pretty happy being pampered, though. I mean, just look at this melon farm  posterboy...
Yamato Nikaido: Stop calling me that.
Mitsuki Izumi: I guess our childhoods affect us all in different ways.
Nagi Rokuya: Yes. We each have our own, wonderful tales.
Nagi Rokuya: Hello, my friends from the past. I will meet you soon enough.
Mitsuki Izumi: Haha, talking to our pictures, are you?
Yamato Nikaido: What are you, a time traveler?
Gaku Yaotome: No need to be soft  on me, if you ever go to the past. I'll work things out for myself.
Nagi Rokuya: OK. Hello. I am Nagi Rokuya, time traveler. And I love you all.
Nagi Rokuya: I could not be more excited for when we finally meet. It will be so nice to see you. Until then, I wish you well.
Nagi Rokuya: Please be happy. 
To be continued...
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scope-dogg · 3 years
Knight’s and Magic: Final Thoughts
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Isekai anime have been very popular in recent years, and 2017′s Knight’s and Magic was one of many cashing in on that trend, with the added twist of being a mecha series. However, what many may not realise is that the Isekai genre of anime was originally born out of the mecha genre, with the first Isekai anime arguably being the 1983 classic Aura Battler Dunbine by Yoshiyuki Tomino. While Isekai has split off and diversified into its own extremely prolific and popular genre, mecha has kept a foothold within it, and subsequently some of the greatest mecha shows have been fantasy-themed, with great titles like Magic Knight Rayearth and The Vision of Escaflowne following in Dunbine’s footsteps over the years, so really Knight’s and Magic should be viewed rather as the continuation of a fairly long tradition of fantasy mecha rather than Isekai but with robots. Adapted from the early volumes of a currently ongoing manga by the same name, it’s a short series, but one with high production values, superb mechanical design and entertaining action. It’s also a series that I ultimately simply cannot stand.
The plot setup is that Tsubasa Kurata is an unassuming but highly talented programmer working in contemporary Japan - or at least he is until he’s killed in a road traffic accident. As he dies, he has but one regret - that he’ll no longer be able to live with his hobby of building plastic model kits of giant anime robots. As is often the case with such a setup, he finds himself reborn into a fantasy kingdom called Fremevilla as the son of nobles called Ernesti Echavalier. However, to his joy, he finds out that the main weapon for fighting back against these monsters is the Silhouette Knight, a kind of gigantic magic-powered mecha. Thus, he devotes himself to the art of learning everything there is about these machines and one day building and piloting one of his very own.
There’s nothing really wrong with this premise, but Knight’s and Magic is flawed in how one-track it is. The show’s really only about one thing - how robots are cool. Of course, I agree that robots are cool. Knight’s and Magic’s lineup of robots in particular is very cool, both in their form and unique functions. However, anyone who’s actually a fan of the mecha genre knows that just having cool robots isn’t enough to carry a show - you have to have compelling characters and interesting narratives. The all-too-frequently trotted-out line of “[x mecha show] is actually good, unlike the rest of the genre, because it focuses on the characters instead of just the robots” is probably the single most effective thing you can say if you want to piss off a mecha fan, because that sentence describes literally every mecha show that was ever worth a damn, even going back to the genre’s roots in the 70s. However, it arguably doesn’t really describe Knight’s and Magic. The series’ creators come off as just as obsessed with robots as its main character, and it comes at the expense of the characters and setting. Each new episode comes with a cool new robot or a cool upgrade for an existing one, but practically none of them feature development of the setting or its characters. Fremevilla and its neighbours never come off as anything more than “generic fantasy kingdom”, the supporting cast are all cut from extremely generic-feeling moulds, and Ernesti never undergoes any growth or exhibits any notable character traits beyond “likes robots.”
Now, there have been several characters in mecha anime who are in large part defined by their dedication to giant robots as an ideal, or simply to their aesthetic, and some of these are truly excellent characters. For instance, Gai Daigoji from Nadesico, Akagi Shunsuke from Dai-Guard, Noa Izumi from Patlabor, Sei Iori from Gundam Build Fighters, or the Super Robot Wars Original character Ryusei Date. The difference between all of these and Ernesti is that being fans of robots isn’t the only thing that makes them relatable or endearing characters, whereas in Ernesti’s case it’s basically the only thing that defines his personality. It also doesn’t help that he’s perhaps the biggest Mary Sue main character that I’ve seen in a mecha anime. His gimmick is that his past-life experience as a programmer also makes him profoundly adept at magic, and that he’s a genius Silhouette Knight designer. He’s always totally successful at everything he tries and everyone loves and respects him for his accomplishments. Ironically, it’s this that makes him an unlikable character for the viewer, because, again, he has no real admirable qualities beyond liking robots and being good at making and using them. It’s a character’s struggles and tribulations that ultimately make them truly sympathetic, and Ernesti is never really challenged until right at the very end of the series, and ultimately that challenge only feels like a mild speed bump for him. This results in a series that despite all its cool robots and flashy battles is fundamentally dead as a story at its core.
However, all of this simply describes a series that I would find boring and mediocre rather than one I actively disliked in a serious way. However, this is arguably the first series I’ve watched since Gundam Seed Destiny that really ground my gears quite badly, and it all boils down to one specific moment in the show’s narrative. To explain why, I need to diverge from my usual review format and spoil not only this show, but also it’s forefather, the original mecha Isekai, Aura Battler Dunbine. I really don’t think spoilers for the former is anything to worry about but spoiling the latter is probably more of an offense. As such, the remainder of this review is below this spoiler cut:
Dunbine is not everyone’s cut of tea. It’s old, has bad animation, it’s long-winded and has a sometimes confused and scrambled narrative in accordance with some of Tomino’s worst habits. However, it was also a work of great imagination that really delivered on communicating a valuable message in some engaging ways. It’s a message that Knight’s and Magic cheerfully and infuriatingly tramples all over. Let me explain.
In Knight’s and Magic, the show’s hero is an outsider who enters into a fantasy world and uses his real-world knowledge to bring about a revolution in technology. This also happens to be the chief descriptor for a major character in Dunbine too.
However, this isn’t the description of the show’s protagonist, Show Zama.
It’s the description of the show’s villain, Shot Weapon.
Shot Weapon is the creator of the Aura Convertor, the technology that powers the show’s mecha, the Aura Battlers, and other weapons besides. The introduction of this technology destroys the peace of Dunbine’s world, Byston Well, and causes it to descend into anarchy and bloodshed. However, the real devastation doesn’t occur until Shot’s creations are transported back into our world, where they inflict destruction almost beyond imagining. Ultimately, Shot Weapon’s actions condemn him to a punishment of being forced to live forever in Byston Well in a state of eternal suffering, like Cain after murdering his brother Abel. Dunbine’s ultimate, most crucial message is that those who manufacture weapons and spread death are to be condemned.
Knight’s and Magic gave itself the exact same opportunity to deal with this exact same theme. The show’s final arc is that a kingdom called Zaloudek has accumulated vast military power and used it to invade its neighours. We get to see as they descend into a neighbouring kingdom, slaughter its just and rightful rulers and install themselves as tyrants. Now, enter Ernesti and his friends at the conquered kingdom’s borders. At this point he’s achieved his aim of creating his own unique robot called the Ikaruga, and in its first battle effortlessly dispatches the Zaloudek soldiers guarding the border. In the aftermath, he examines the wreckage of a destroyed Zaloudek Silhouette Knight. He and everyone else see the obvious - this machine, the Tyranto is based on Ernesti’s designs. Previously, one of the prototype Knights he’d constructed in an earlier arc was stolen by a mysterious foreign agent, and now it’s become clear what happened to it. The source of the military strength that’s fuelling Zaloudek’s ambitions of conquest are the new technologies that he created, reverse engineered from the stolen mecha. As he looks upon the wreck of the Tyranto, the show is presented with a unique opportunity to do something that it’s thus far not done - challenge its protagonist with the consequences of his actions. Sure, Ernesti is not exactly the same as Shot Weapon - he only wanted to create robots because he thought they were cool, while Shot Weapon wanted power. However, in this case the end result has been the same - death, destruction and oppression. Ernesti has a chance to think about whether the things he’s done are right and acknowledge that he’s at least somewhat responsible for the disaster that’s played out, even if it’s just to acknowledge that he has a duty to set things right by beating Zaloudek. This is an opportunity for him to grow as a character for the first time.
The show swerves this opportunity without flinching.
Sure, Ernesti does liberate the kingdom in the end, but it’s clear that it’s not as a result of any real moral calling. He just wanted to build more robots and fight with them. His motivation in the final battle is that he wants to destroy the enemy’s flying battleship because he’s worried that battleships might replace Silhouette Knights if he doesn’t. He remains a totally one-dimensional character right to the end.
As I said before, Ernesti’s obsession with cool robots arguably mirrors that of the creators of this show, if its myopic focus on them is anything to go by. Perhaps this seems extremely out of character for me to say, but this is an infantile obsession. Yes, I like giant robots, but I don’t like them so much that I miss the point. The core of not only the real robot genre that both Knight’s and Magic and Aura Battle Dunbine belong to despite the fantasy trappings of the show, but arguably of the mecha genre as a whole, is that technology can be a force of destruction and great evil when not used responsibly. Yes, the protagonist mecha in these shows are meant to be heroic, but only in their opposition to those who’d use technology as a tool of death and oppression. This is the core of the soul that makes mecha as a genre compelling. It’s a point that Knight’s and Magic completely misses and why it’s fundamentally a failure. It’s as if it’s trying to be what the mecha genre’s detractors try to paint it as.
That said, despite my misgivings there is entertainment to be found if you only want dumb action. But I’d highly encourage you to check out any alternative. If you want a fantasy mecha series, Dunbine, Escaflowne and Rayearth are all much more compelling stories than this - even ones I’m not so keen on like Panzer World Galient and Ryu Knight are fundamentally more interesting as stories than this. If you want a story with a mecha fanatic in the lead role, you’re much better off watching Patlabor or the chronically underrated Dai-Guard instead.
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dutchforstrangers · 3 years
Digiweek day 3 - Music | Shades of red; a Taikoura fanfiction
Chapter 3/7. Candy cane red
Chapters [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] 
AN!: Yes, I wrote a Christmas fic in the middle of summer. So get cozy, place yourself in front of a random pine tree, put on an ugly Christmas sweater and get yourself some ‘glühwein’ and ‘kerstkransjes’. Happy readings!
Characters: Taichi Yagami (Hikari Yagami, Koushiro Izumi & Sora Takenouchi and other Adventure and 02 DigiDestineds in background) Genre: Romance, songfic (Chirstmas!) Rating: K Wordcount: 1.568
Song used: Wrapped in red - Kelly Clarkson
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Art by Sanni @seventeenlovesthree
“Do we have to go?” Taichi sighed, slouching further into the couch. From where he sat he could see his baby sister rolling her eyes, simultaneously packing up the pie she made earlier today to bring to the party.
“Don’t be such an indifferent baby,” Hikari said, her eyes now directed to him. “It’ll be fun! I know you’re dying to see everyone together. Daisuke made some special ramen for us, Mimi-san spends this Christmas in Japan for the first time since three years, even Jyou-senpai and Iori-kun could take off from their busy work schedules.”
Hikari was right, he wanted to see everyone, especially together which was something very rare. Taichi tried to think back to the last time all of them were together, but it was hard. Meanwhile Hikari continued her enumeration, saying they should be prepared for Miyako and Ken showing off Miyako’s little baby bump. They would be the first ones to have a baby and Taichi suddenly felt old.
“Of course Sora-san and Koushiro-san will be there too.”
Taichi felt his face heating up hearing those names, immediately sitting up straight, his throat dry. Hikari’s suspicious gaze made Taichi feel even more uncomfortable as he swallowed trying to get back his cool.
“You forgot the blondes,” he quickly covered up his nervosity to which Hikari responded with nervosity of her own. Now they were even. However unlike Taichi, Hikari managed to keep her cool.
“I don’t have to mention them, because they obviously will be there as the party is hosted by Takeru.” her calm voice replied to him. “And of course he will drag Yamato-san with him just like I have to drag you with me. Kami, why do you two always have to be so stubborn and indifferent while both of you love to have the group complete?”
“No I love to have the group complete while Yamato just pretends to love it, when in reality he just wants to be alone with his guitar.” Taichi countered.
“You sure about that?” Though the counter was short lived. “Because Takeru told me he is bringing a girl. And you know, it’s Christmas... we’re at Takeru’s place... meaning there will be one or two mistletoes...” Hikari shyly smiled, a pink blush on her cheeks. Taichi sighed, standing up from the couch now having two good reasons to go to the party. One to see Yamato trying to act all cool but miserably failing being all nervous around the girl he would bring. And two to keep an eye on his sister, Takeru and the mentioned mistletoes.
Or maybe he had three reasons. After all, Sora and Koushiro would be there too…
Takeru’s Christmas party was a blast and Taichi had to admit he had a good time eating with everyone, catching up and seeing everyone all happy together. Not to mention that the booze was lifting up his mood. Also, luckily for him Takeru hadn’t decorated the place with mistletoes but instead everywhere were candy canes. The ricocheting light shining on the candy canes turning the room slightly red.
Taichi looked over to Sora and Koushiro who were in deep conversation with Mimi and Jyou. Their red colored hair fading because of the red shade filling up the room. Nonetheless they looked stunning to him, Koushiro dressed in a simple black trousers topped of with a forest green blouse and Sora in a stylish indigo colored cocktail dress. He dreamily smiled to himself enjoying the sight in front of him, the confusing romantic feelings he experienced during the past months coming all back to him at once. His heart speeding up by the thought of a possible confession.
He had thought about it for a while now, feeling like he had to confess his feelings someday. But it was complicated, he had no idea how to do it and, most important, he didn’t want to ruin his friendship with the both them. Besides, how did one confess his feelings towards two people at the same time? He could feel his head spin as he gathered all the courage inside of him.
Yamato interrupted his plans, taking a seat next to him. Not wanting or able to ignore him, Taichi shifted his attention from Koushiro and Sora to the blonde, giving Yamato a questioning look. Their friendship was either a stormy one or a quiet one and right now it leaned more towards the quiet friendship, because the only thing Yamato did was nodding a single nod in the direction of the improvised stage where his date picked up the microphone of the karaoke set.
Everyone in the room immediately grew quiet, just like Taichi had done, shifting their attention to the girl with the microphone. She told everyone she had played in a band, which didn’t surprise Taichi knowing Yamato’s type, and that she wanted to kick off the karaoke part of the night. He glanced over to Yamato -who looked a tad embarrassed- to gave him an approving nod. Making himself comfortable he leaned back in his chair, music accompanying the red light painting the room.
Everybody's happy Snow is falling down Prayers are being nicer Miracles all around 
The girl’s voice sounded soft in comparison to Yamato’s more raw sound. It had something magical with the redness in the room. That thought made his gaze drift off to his two favorite redheads once more.
From afar I've loved you But never let it show And every year another December comes and goes
A warm smile escaped Taichi’s lips upon looking at them. Kami, they looked gorgeous and so incredibly happy. He had looked at them for quite some years, but recently those looks felt more like deep stares. Or maybe those stares had always been there and he wasn’t sure anymore. Thinking back to it, how long did he have these feelings now? It was hard to remember as those feelings felt both confusing and strangely familiar for so long all the same. Because, well, he had to admit to himself that over and over again he was mesmerized by their appearances. Even after all these years. The way they looked, the way they smiled, the way they talked…
Always watching Never reaching
He had always watched them. Always. He knew them from the inside out. Thing was that they didn’t know him, or at least not the way he felt now. And to be honest, he had no idea how to exactly reach them about this matter. He never had been able to. Never.
Blue is where I've been Green can't buy me you Silver bells remind me That mistletoe's for two
Taichi looked to his left where Yamato was. His mouth was curled into a proud smile while his eyes were closed, deeply listening to his date’s singing. Then Taichi looked over to Mimi who was supportively and excitingly clapping for Yamato’s date like a little kid. His eyes then shifted to Jyou who’s foot was attempting at tapping along the beat of the music, a serene smile on his face. Of course his eyes then fell onto Koushiro and Sora sitting side by side. He whispering something in her ear. She laughing to whatever he had said to her.
The realization hit him there that they were already with two. Sure, as far as Taichi knew they weren’t a couple or a thing or each other’s date. But he couldn’t just interfere telling he loved them both, right? Besides, a romantic relationship existed of a maximum of two people.
So I found a color That only tells the truth That paints a picture Of how I feel for you
They were messing with him. It was messing with his head. He was messing with himself. The confusion in his body and mind only grew bigger and Taichi could feel himself slip. He had to tell them. For all he knew he had to. But how? Or when? Where? Who? Who…
I'll never feel you If I don't tell you
All he knew was that he had to confess and that tonight could be his chance. Having no clue where it would lead him. Lead them.
But this Christmas I'm gonna risk it all
But Taichi had to risk it all.
This Christmas I'm not afraid to fall
He could fall deep. And if so, he could still count on them to catch him. Right…?
So I'm at your door with nothing more than words I've never said
What were words anyway? It was all it took, words. It would be best to just tell them the things he had been afraid to tell them. He had been afraid to confess.
In all this white, you'll see me like you've never seen me yet
It would definitely place him in a new light. Though suddenly he wasn’t sure if it was a good or bad light. A bright and shiny one or a cold and darker one. He didn’t want to seem desperate. It had to be sweet love, like the red of the candy canes all across the room.
Wrapped in red
But what if it turned out to be the bitter red of fury and he would destruct their bond like a raging fire… He could feel his courage fading, a dark shade of doubt replacing all the shades of red he cherished and loved so dearly.
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minimitsuki · 3 years
My first impressions of the IDOLiSH7 members...
Should I do this in their birthday order?? Sure. Why not?
Izumi Iori: My first impression of him, no lie, was “Perfect ™” I mean, I still think of him that way, but not as.. perfect.. I guess?? He’s just tying his best to help IDOLiSH7 succeed. Also, he just has a thing for cute thing, but that is top secret so, shhh. Can we talk about how he is a tsundere?? He’s so cute. I love him-
Nikaidou Yamato: For some reason I didn’t think he was the oldest (?? I’m confused as to how?? They literally said he was the oldest at the beginning of the anime/game-), but I literally called him “That alcoholic old man” Until I finally learned his name... I’m sorry, Yamato, but you just drank beer like an alcoholic old man... does this makes sense?? NO, WAIT. HE”S LIKE AN UNCLE- When he offered to buy a “dirty” magazine for Riku, I just... LEfT the world temporarily.
Izumi Mitsuki: Sunshine. Just pure sunshine. I lowkey thought he was the youngest i7 member-
Yotsuba Tamaki: I don’t know why, but I just got “Hey, I haven’t slept in over 127936 weeks.” vibes from him. I also thought he was the most rElaTAbLE character- Oh, i could’ve just said “King Pudding” and only that.. since, that was my first impression of him. He has an obsession with King pudding. Can’t wait to see him on my strange.... but not that strange addiction.
Osaka Sogo: When I searched him up I got a picture of him holding a knife (From that one scene where he tells Tamaki to peel the potatoes.) So, I thought he was an actual yandere... Turns out, he’s just very fond of... um... k-knives... and... *sweats* When I actually started watching the anime, for the first time, I just thought of him like one of those moms that haven’t slept for the last 37 years... AU: IDOLiSH7 is not an Idol group, but just a fAMilY. I can picture Sogo just holding Tamaki’s hand so he doesn’t do any stupid shit-
Rokuya Nagi: “That foreigner character that every anime has for scenes where they have these weird ass cultural differences.” Sorry, but that was my actual, genuine impression of him. Nagi, baby, i’m sorryyy. I forgot to mention how he just flirts with every and any woman within an inch radius of him... I lowkey think he loves Mitsuki- Not in a “romantical” way, but as “Best friends that everyone thinks they’re dating” kind of way, y’know?? Also, his Kokona addiction. He’s going on the same episode of “my strange.... but not that strange addiction“ with Tamaki.
Nanase Riku: Uhh.. really I still think of him as “Baby”. He’s so cute and he must be protected at all costs. I’m not about to say anything like “hE’s SO puRE” because... he isn’t- he’s literally... what? 18?... let’s save that for another time. He can be so insensitive at times and I lowkey live for it.
Anyways, that’s the end...  Should I do TRIGGER next??
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idolish7rabbitchats · 4 years
Yuki: Wonderful Octave Rabbit Chat Part 3
Gaku: Sorry to take up time, it’s fine now!
Tsumugi: Yaotome-san, is your smartphone okay?
Gaku: Sorry to make you worry. It went back to how it was so there’s no problem.
Yuki: How it was?
Gaku: Earlier, I added the fortune-telling palmistry app that Nanase talked about. I was looking at palmistry with that, then the phone froze, so I deleted it immediately.
Gaku: Nanase, that app is too heavy!
Riku: Eh?!
Riku: B-But, maybe ... coincidentally right?!
Yamato: Oh yeah, Riku weren’t you saying your phone got heavy earlier?
Tenn: Riku, delete it.
Iori: If you don’t know how, I’ll do it. 
Riku: I know how to delete an app!
Tsumugi: Maybe it was an app with a large amount of data..! 
Mitsuki: Maybe all the palmistry information in the world was in the app?!
Yuki: But it doesn’t work right?
Sogo: If you delete the app, how about going to buy that palmistry book for the request? I’ll come with you.
Riku: Sougo-san, you’re nice!
Riku: [Sparkling Kinako Stamp]
Tsumugi: I’m glad that Yaotome-san’s smartphone is fine again! So then, I’ll start the requests again.
Tsumugi: Mitsuki-san, please give your request for Yuki-san!
Mitsuki: Yes! From me it’s, “Guess the hidden flavor quiz!”
Mitsuki: I’ll make vegetable sweets so please eat them and guess what hidden flavor I used!
Yuki: Oh. A showdown huh.
Mitsuki: A chef showdown lol
Tenn: Izumi Mitsuki is diligent. When it was my time, you made donuts right.
Mitsuki: It’s for the radio too but it’s also because I like making them. Cooking is fun!
Mitsuki: And, it's a nice refresh between work!
Ryuunosuke: Yeah, yeah! It’s funny because I always want to try a recipe that takes a lot of time and effort when I’m busy.
Yuki: You can empty your mind while you are concentrating on cooking so maybe that’s good.
Yuki: You feel refreshed when you’re cutting and frying and such.
Mitsuki: Yeah, that’s right! Like I feel soothed…!
Ryuunosuke: I get it…!
Riku: You three seem like you would become good mothers!
Momo: They’re big moms huh?! lololol
Gaku: Aren’t they reliable and nice (Lol)
Yamato: One person is small tho.
Mitsuki:  Shaddup, old man!
Nagi: Cute and reliable, Mitsuki is perfect :-))))
Yuki: I don’t know what you would make but I’ll definitely try guessing it.
Mitsuki: I’ll work hard on this end so I won’t lose!
Tsumugi: A showdown between two people who like cooking, it seems like it’ll become a fun game!
Tsumugi: Next is the request from Yamato-san please!
Yamato: How about a talk about which role left the most impressions on you out of all the roles you’ve played?
Tamaki: Oooh. It’s a proper request huh. 
Tamaki: Like So-chan.
Gaku: Certainly, Nikaido is also good at acting, so you want to seriously listen to him huh.
Yamato: That’s not it. Yuki-san has a lot of fans as an actor so I just thought the listeners would also be interested.
Yamato: If it’s not requested, he won’t talk.
Yuki: You don’t need to explain it.
Sogo: It feels scary to hear from your big senpai huh... I can understand those feelings well too.
Yamato: Like I said, it’s not that…!
Riku: Yamato-san, are you embarrassed..?!
Nagi:  Yamato, why are you embarrassed?
Mitsuki: Well, well, leave him alone for now guys.
Yamato: Somehow I’m pissed off...
Iori: But again, Yuki-san’s skill width is amazing… He’s good at composing songs, performing, and acting, he has no fault as an entertainer.
Yamato: He has a gap that he’s whimsical.
Momo: Tch tch tch! His whimsicality is also Yuki’s charm~ \(●´ε`●)ノ
Yuki: Everyone’s praising me. 
Yuki: The request corner was a good plan. 
Yamato: I’m not really praising you tho. Please take care of it if you pull my request.
Yuki: I’ll answer even if I don’t pull it so let’s go drinking with Sougo-kun.
Sogo: Thank you. Please take care of me..!
Yamato: [Sunglasses Pudding Stamp]
Sogo: Yamato-san, please take care of me!!
Yamato: I’ll go! You push me hard… (Lol)
Yuki: ^ ^
Tsumugi: Yuki-san’s theory as an actor, it would be really useful…!
Tsumugi: Then, next is Yaotome-san, please give your request.
Gaku: My request is also a little similar to Nikaido.
Gaku: From me, “Please do an impromptu play.”
Yuki: You mean an etude?
Gaku: It’s kinda like that. I’ll prepare cards with situations and roles, so I would be happy if you would pick cards and act with the cards’ settings!
Gaku: Nikaido said it too but, Yuki-san’s acting is a good lesson for us. Since it’s the radio, it would only be your voice but I want it to be a reference.
Yamato: I didn’t say it. 
Gaku: Eh? Is that so?
Yuki: Gaku-kun’s honest huh. Do you have a role that would be good?
Gaku: I haven’t thought about it yet but, a role that’s totally different from the usual Yuki-san seems interesting!
Gaku: Like a hot-blooded tennis coach with a fighting spirit.
Tenn: An Italian mafia boss also seems fitting. 
Riku: A pilot also seems cool!
Okazaki: I see… I’ll use these as references for next time.
Momo: Okarin’s seriously taking a memo. lol 
Gaku: I’ll watch other movies and think of various things. 
Yuki: I’m looking forward to what roles will come out.
Tsumugi: It seems you would act wonderfully as any role so I definitely want to see!
Tsumugi: Next, how about a request from Tsunashi-san?
Ryuunosuke: My request is, “Please tell us what had the most impact from your recent shopping.”
Ryuunosuke: It doesn’t need to be expensive things, it can be anything like some fancy things!
Yuki: What did I buy huh.
Yuki: I don’t have any memory of me shopping recently.
Momo: It’s close to the year end, and your schedule is full huh…! (ノωノ)
Mitsuki: It’s a great thing, but it’s so busy during this season that you want to sleep if you have time huh!
Ryuunosuke: Then not recently, how about we do about a year lol.
Yuki: Did Ryuunosuke-kun buy something interesting?
Ryuunosuke: Me?
Ryuunosuke: It’s not like I bought it but, I have something I want to buy!
Ryuunosuke: For my father, I want to buy a new boat someday. Even though it’s a long term goal...
Gaku: What are you saying? You can buy 10 or 20 boats soon.
Tenn: If it’s with three of us, it won’t take too long. We will definitely realize it. 
Ryuunosuke: Gaku, Tenn, thank you..!
Yuki: Wanting to buy something for someone is somehow nice. 
Yuki: Then, maybe I’ll buy something for Momo and Okarin.
Yuki: You want a car?
Momo: A car lololol. I’m fine with what I’m using now lololol
Okazaki: No thank you but I appreciate your kindness.
Yuki: Really? Giving presents is hard huh.
Yuki: Well, I’ll try to remember what I bought.
Ryuunosuke: Please take care of it. 
Tsumugi: Because it’s a present for someone you care for, it’s hard to think of huh…!
Tsumugi: Next can we hear a request from Momo-san please?
Momo: Okay ー(>ω<)ノ
Momo: From me, “Request me what you want me to do on Christmas Eve☆”
Momo: Because it’s Yuki’s birthday right! It’s your reverse request for Momo-chan! \(*´∀`)/\(´∀`*)ノ☆
Yuki: Momo...
Yuki: But I’m not in that mood.
Momo: Eh?! What mood?!
Yuki: I want to do something to Momo.
Yuki: So if you say you want to do a reverse request to me, I would request a reverse reverse one.
Nagi: A reverse reverse? That’s complicated :-(((
Iori: You mean, you want Momo-san to request something no matter what...?
Mitsuki: It’s seems like pushing each other’s request lol
Momo: Ehh! Even though it’s Yuki’s birthday! \”(○ ゚Д゚○)/”
Yuki: Because it’s my birthday, I can’t concede that.
Yuki: Or I would be fine if you’ll receive my car.
Momo: A car lololol. You were serious?! lololol
Momo: They’re all transportation but, something like a bike or skateboard I could understand tho!
Yuki: Then I’ll choose that ^^
Anesagi: So you are fine with anything if he receives it huh.
Okazaki: Why do you want to give something to Momo-kun so badly?
Momo: You mean you want to play with me…? If so I’m really happy!
Tamaki: A skateboard seems interesting.
Tamaki: Momorin, I want to ride one together.
Momo: Of course! With Yuki too!
Yuki: I’ll watch you guys from my room. 
Yuki: It’s cold outside.
Momo: Yuki won’t play huh lololol. Seriously what kind of present is that?!
Tsumugi: Maybe he meant it as a Christmas present…?
Tsumugi: Lastly, Yuki-san, please have a request to yourself.
Yuki: Right.
Yuki: I’ve thought about various things. 
Yuki: I’ve decided what I want to do, but now I’m thinking if another request would be nice,
Yuki: I’m still hesitating a little..
Tsumugi: Speaking of, the other time, you were saying that you had an idea for the request.
Tsumugi: If I’m right, you said it’s a drastic request that would stop our hearts…!
Riku: Eh! Is it okay to have such a huge request…?!
Yamato: Why did you choose such a hard request for yourself…?
Ryuunosuke: Even though it’s for the radio, it’s amazing to go that far...
Yuki: It’s not like it’s for the radio.
Yuki: But I thought I could force myself if it’s a radio project.
Tsumugi: By the way, what is the request about…?
Yuki: Tell my partner Momo words of gratitude.
Yuki: Is what it’s about...
Yuki: Ah, oh no
Yuki: I want to delete the log...
Yuki: Aaah, I really don’t know what I should do.
Yuki: Momo froze.
Okazaki: Momo-kun is shaking while holding his phone...
Banri: I see… I understand why Yuki wanted to give Momo-kun a present.
Gaku: He wanted to tell him his everyday’s gratitude huh!
Yamato: Even though the way he chooses the present is sloppy. (Lol)
Yuki: It doesn’t matter right.
Iori: But, isn’t telling gratitude on the radio harder than telling him normally?
Yuki: I just thought of that now...
Yuki: Well, it’s 1 out of 12, so I won’t pull it huh.
Yuki: I won’t pull it right…?
Momo: You don’t need to pull it.
Momo: I don’t need a present too. It’s enough that you thought about this request!
Momo: If I receive more than this, I’d explode from an overwhelming capacity...
Mitsuki: Momo-san, you are back!
Tenn: Even though he’s saying he’d explode...
Momo: ( ((≪☆★BOMB!!★☆≫ )) )
Mitsuki: He exploded!
Tsumugi: I’m also moved by Re:vale’s san’s love. Yuki-san, thank you for the wonderful request!
Tsumugi: So then, that will be all of the requests. Thank you everyone!
Yamato: Next is for Yuki-san to give a request to all of us huh.
Momo: This time, Yuki requests from us please....!
*Tsumugi: Do you have a request for us?
Yuki: I don’t. If I have to say something, please be friends with me from now on. Next time, let’s eat with everyone. 
Yuki: Take care of me.
Momo: Yukiiii! You’re coooool. 。・゜・( /Д‵)・゜・。
Tamaki: Momorin’s emojis have been crying since a while ago lol
Tamaki: [Confetti Pudding Stamp]
Gaku: We are finished with collecting the requests, so let us celebrate your birthday too.
Gaku: HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Yuki-san! I rely on you all the time. we’ll keep moving forward so we won’t lose, so please take care of us from now on!
Riku: Happy Birthday, Yuki-san! I’m looking forward to what kind of request it’ll be!
Mitsuki: HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Yuki-san! As my idol senpai and cooking friend, please take care of me for this next year!
Anesagi: Happy birthday. Please take care of TRIGGER from now on.
Tamaki: Yukirin, HBD-----!!!
Iori: Happy Birthday. I appreciate that you always take care of IDOLiSH7. From now on, please take care of us.
Ryuunosuke: Happy Birthday! I’m looking forward to the on-air radio!
Nagi: HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Please have a wonderful year.
Tenn: Happy Birthday. We’ll continue to stand on-stage with all our might so that Re:vale can rely on us.
Sogo: Yuki-san, Happy Birthday. I wish this year will be a great year for you.
Yamato: Happy birthday. Let’s match our schedules for that drinking day.
Okazaki: Yuki-kun, happy birthday! Let’s work hard on “Twelve Hits!” together.
Banri: Happy birthday. Please take care of MEZZO” and IDOLiSH7 from now on.
Tsumugi:Yuki-san, Happy Birthday!
Yuki: Thanks. I thought the requests were good but I also think my birthday is a good thing.
Yuki: I celebrated, and I got celebrated; I feel good.
Yuki: Because I have the on-air radio before my birthday. I’ll work hard without pushing myself too much, so everyone please listen to it.
Momo: This time, Yuki requests from us please....!
Tsumugi: Do you have a request for TRIGGER-san?
Yuki: Please rely on us more. This is why we are carrying the reputation of being top idols.
Yuki: Take care of me.
Momo: This time, Yuki requests from us please....!
Tsumugi: Do you have a request for Momo-san?
Yuki: Let’s continue singing together as a pair from now on too.
Yuki: Take care of me.
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blackghost137 · 3 years
It’s going to get long here...
Ok first of all, happy birthday Iori!!!❤ I hope you’re happy and always will be.
I really love him so he needs some ranting. I’m really glad I got into ainana and met with him. It hasn’t been a long time but I feel very connected to characters. During watching anime and reading main/side/event stories I laughed and cried with them. Their songs make me happy. But Iori always will have a special place at my heart. 
Uhh... this really hurts to say lol I watched the anime first and Iori wasn’t my favourite. But I couldn’t really judge the characters since they were being introduced. He became my fave after... a month? Something like that. 
I think a lot about him so my opinions are all over place. Hard to organize... Starting with the reasons why he is a good character and everyone should respect it! 
He's always eager to help. I believe that’s a HUGE thing to have. Whenever a member, friend or associate is in trouble he thinks of reasons and tries to find a solution. He feels down like the others but doesn’t give up and studies on the subject. Until finding the best way to solve the problem.
He’s selfless in a good amount. I don’t think anyone can deny the fact that he puts members before himself. But he’s not like “I’d do anything-” he has his priorities.
He gives good motivation. Just look at his lines.
He’s helping manager with all the work he already has. He’s a student in high school plus he’s an idol that’s A LOT of work. Even so he makes time to help with management. He gives his best at everything, too. Respect him for that.
He loves his brother very dearly. 🥺 SIBLING LOVE SHOULD BE NOTICED!
He saves asses.
The reasons why I personally love him!
He. Is. So. Freaking. Adorable.😭
He loves animals.
He loves cute things and is tsundere about it.
His voice helps me relax and its so soft i want to hear it all the time. (I’m writing this listening to massu’s songs, stan him too.)
Have I mentioned he’s precious, cute, he brightens my world?
His acting is so good.
He is a really fun character to write, gives me inspiration so THANK YOU.
He gives Kinako love.
His love for Usamimi friends... So cute...
He always tries his hardest. He motivates me, too.
I’m adding he loves his brother here, too. I think it’s really important to have a good relationship with your siblings. Stanning and helping them no matter what.
I LOVE HIS OUTFITS?! He has style everyone! His stage outfits are the best!
He has sweet tooth. I respect people who has sweet tooth.
I just love it when he roastes people (especially when they deserve it)
He has braincells... unlike a few others... (ok he losts it, too)
He’s obviously gay and gay panics when a certain someone is around help him.
He’s a part of my favourite brotp which is Iori&Tamaki&Haruka.
His smile makes my day, all the time.
I love his haircut.
He’s easy to tease hehe
He makes me happy that’s what it matters right?
There’s probably a lot of that I missed (some of them are spoilers I’m not adding them) but point being he’s a really good person with an amazing personality he doesn’t fail me. Let’s spent your birthday together from now on bb!
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ioriku · 5 years
ahhh i am so new to the fandom I am mostly clueless ;-; Do you mind helping me out with some of the biggest ioriku moments that happen in canon? I am so clueless ;-;
Welcome to the fandom, anon!
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Sure!!!!! In my humble opinion, each part of IDOLiSH7′s main story has their standout ioriku moment (some good, some bad I’m looking at you, Part 3 lol 😒). Of course, there are even more ioriku moments than this scattered throughout IDOLiSH7′s massive franchise (See: the manga, the novels, the Rabbit Chats, etc etc etc), but I’d say when it comes to ioriku, these are the biggest moments in the series that everybody definitely knows about and quotes frequently to one another when talking about the pairing~
(※ Note: I’ve gone ahead and bolded the most famous ioriku lines in the main story in their respective excerpts to make things easier for you as a new fan to follow along when you see older fans referencing these scenes in the future with one another. Also, I assume you’ve already read Part 1/watched the first season of the anime which is what prompted this ask, so I won’t be putting Part 1′s ioriku moments under the cut; however, I will be doing that for the other ioriku moments in the series since a) not everybody has caught up to the main story’s translations yet and b) they haven’t been animated yet either, sooo… just fyi… 😊)
Part 1:
Chapter 3.2
Iori: Nanase-san, aren’t you a bit too pampered? Please try to properly act your age.
Riku: …..I-if you’re ever in trouble, don’t expect me to come help you!
Riku: Please excuse me!
Iori: …..
Iori: What a cute person.
Chapter 8.2
Iori: Are you watching TRIGGER’s concert videos again?
Riku: Ah…
Iori: You don’t need to watch something like this anymore.
Iori: Don’t chase after Kujou Ten’s shadow anymore. Please sing your own song, Nanase-san.
Iori: I will absolutely make you into a superstar.
Riku: …you will?
Iori: ….. With Manager. Or well, it’s mostly Manager’s work.
Riku: No, I know that, but…
Iori: As long as we have your singing ability, I’m sure we can produce results that will please the president.
Iori: Even if you don’t believe in me, at least believe in my management ability… no, my analytical power.
🚨 WARNING: Parts 2-4 Spoilers Below 🚨
Part 2:
Chapter 10.4
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Izumi Iori: …I have gained invaluable experiences these past few months standing at the center. Thank you very much. Furthermore…
Izumi Iori: Nanase-san is cowardly, unreliable, and careless. Even though he’s older, he’s quite lacking in several regards.
Nanase Riku: Hey now…
Izumi Iori: After standing at the center myself… I couldn’t help but think, once more, that Nanase-san is an amazing person.
Nanase Riku: …..
Izumi Iori: I love Nanase-san’s vocals, just like everyone else… No, I love them the most out of everyone in this venue.
Part 3:
Chapter 18.5 (There are a couple different interpretations of this scene floating around on tumblr, and I’ve talked about this scene in particular in further detail in an ask before here when it first came out, but I’m going to use pinyaaples’ translation of Chapter 18.5 in your ask because they took over translating Part 3 when life got too busy for seigyokus to be able to update as frequently as before.)
Iori: I’ll say it plainly.
Iori: Nanase-san. Please allow me to control you.
Riku: …Huh?
Iori: Please make me your compass. Watch my expression when you’re deciding how to proceed. I want you to follow my directions and requests no matter what.
Iori: No other human being is looking out for your well-being more than I am. There’s no one more suited to guide you.
Iori: You can dislike or detest me if you want. But please don’t doubt my words. Please believe me when I say this is for the sake of granting your wishes.
Riku: …You know what I wish for?
Iori: Of course.
Riku: …
Iori: My cynical words will do you better than any amount of decorative compliments.
Iori: My smile will cool your heart faster than the most pointed and knifelike criticisms.
Iori: I want you to be more conscious of me than anyone else.
Riku: …
Riku: …Do you have any idea how brazen your request is?
Iori: I do. …Probably.
Riku: …
Riku: Ok. I’ll try it.
Iori: I may not be in a place to say this after being the one to make such a shameless request, but you sure accepted it easily.
Riku: Iori’s my friend after all… I basically trust your judgement.
Iori: Ah… Thank you.
Riku: Hey, can I ask for something too?
Iori: What is it?
Riku: Don’t leave me behind. I won’t leave you behind either, I promise.
Iori: …
Riku: Even if you think it’s what’s best for me, don’t leave. Whether we’re headed towards heaven or hell, I won’t run ahead of you, and I won’t let you run ahead either.
Riku: If that’s fine with you, you can try controlling me.
Iori: …I understand. It seems we’ve come to an agreement.
Part 4:
Chapter 5.3
Iori: No, I… isn’t there anything? Like… something to you that is like “King Pudding” to “Yotsuba Tamaki”…
Riku: You’re relying on items?
Iori: Tools are humanity’s wisdom, right?
Riku: Hmm… Try some fan service.
Iori: Huh!?
Riku: It might make me feel better.
Iori: Here? To you!? I don’t want to… why should I…
Riku: You wanted to console me right! Also, you said you’d control me! Maybe it’ll let you control me!
Iori: No, there’s no way that—
Riku: Fan service is humanity’s wisdom too! An idol’s job is to make people happy, right! And I never received any fan service from you!
Iori: … Just one second.
Riku: Yaaay!
Iori: Ba… bang.
Riku: …? What even?
Iori: I-I shot you! The thing Kujou-san does often! You watched that DVD countless times, didn’t you!?
Riku: Ah. Well your face wasn’t a fan service face at all so…
Iori: I can’t do a face like Kujou-san…
Riku: I want to see your version! Do it once more! Ah, my phone…
Iori: No taking pictures!
Riku: Ahaha. The office is harsh.
Iori: Seriously… Nanase-san. You are a kind, honest person. That is why Kujou-san and everyone else wishes for your happiness. 
Riku: My happiness…? What should I do? What can I do to answer them?
Iori: Please stand on stage and sing. I believe you can overcome this. You are IDOLiSH7’s center, Nanase Riku, center of the idol group that is going to become a legend. Don’t mind trivial things.
Riku: …
Iori: Did you calm down?
Riku: … Yes…
Iori: Raise your head.
Riku: What?
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Iori: BANG!
And thus, concludes our “biggest ioriku moments that happen in canon” lesson~ For other ioriku moments that happen in canon, check the bottom of my FAQ for links to other asks over the years that I’ve gotten about Iori and Riku (though mostly Iori if I’m being quite honest with you pmsl).
P.S. If anybody else has any other suggestions for “key ioriku moments in canon”, drop me a message, and I’ll answer it publicly, so this anon can see them!!!!!
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seigyokus · 5 years
10.5 - Wait for Me
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Idolish Seven - Part 3, Chapter 10.5 For more Part 3 translations, click here!
Translation below the cut!
Tsukumo Ryou: Soon, it shall be complete. Midou Torao: What are you talking about? Tsukumo Ryou: Oh, fear not-- I’m referring to TRIGGER, not ŹOOĻ. Tsukumo Ryou: TRIGGER pulled out of SoundShip at the last minute. The first time is fine-- unexpected circumstances happen all the time. However, once happens a second time, they'll be seen as incompetent and impertinent. Tsukumo Ryou: There’s a shining chance for TRIGGER to repair their image-- neither Re:vale nor IDOLiSH7 will be appearing at the Tokyo International Festival of Music and Arts, a high-brow and formal affair. (1) Tsukumo Ryou: TRIGGER lose their place at that event-- I’ll make sure of it. Natsume Minami: And how will you accomplish this? I'm certain they are also aware that this is a chance for them to recover from their current predicament. Tsukumo Ryou: You see, before I became the president of an entertainment agency, I used to dabble in trading alongside some rather dangerous fellows. I can use those connections.... Tsukumo Ryou: ...To abduct TRIGGER. Inumaru Touma: ...Hey. I ain't getting involved in anything criminal. Tsukumo Ryou: Ahaha! Oh, we won't be involved at all. TRIGGER are very famous stars-- it'll be the work of a couple stalkers, so to speak. Isumi Haruka: Hmph. Isumi Haruka: ...I don't care. If that's what it'll take to see that brat and his father in tears, then go ahead. Isumi Haruka: I want him to reject everything he's ever worked for and despair. Tsukumo Ryou: Alrighty then! Who wants to call TRIGGER? Midou Torao: Do you have all of their numbers? I only have Ryuunosuke's. Tsukumo Ryou: About that. My friend Momo is a simple person, you see. He set his birthday as the passcode to his phone-- 1111. And so, I extracted all of their numbers. Inumaru Touma: Oh shit, I should change my passcode.... Natsume Minami: You better. We live in an era where entertainment agency presidents casually glean personal information from their friends' phones, after all. Midou Torao: It’s better to change them periodically. Girls love to sneak glances at my phone screen. Isumi Haruka: Won't you forget your code if you change it? ...Well, I guess this should work. Inumaru Touma: What'd you change yours to? Isumi Haruka: My year in high school, followed by my class number and seat number. Inumaru Touma: Ah. Sure is nice to be a student. Midou Torao: Seriously, though. Using your birthday as your passcode when you're a celebrity? When literally everybody knows what's written on your profile? That's stupid. Natsume Minami: You know, Inumaru-san was also using his birthday to unlock his phone until very recently. Inumaru Touma: I'ma make my password super complicated!! Tsukumo Ryou: Now, now, children. Stop playing with your phones, and listen to me. Midou Torao: Hey, Ryou-san. Got RabbitChat? I’ve got some funny stamps I could send you. Tsukumo Ryou: Oh? What are they like? Natsume Minami: We should all add each other. Do you know how to do it, Isumi-san? Isumi Haruka: ...I don't. Do it for me. Natsume Minami: So you shake your phone like this.... Here, everyone should try it. Inumaru Touma: Wait! I'm still changing my passcode so I'm not there yet!!
*phone rings* Kujou Ten: ...Who is it? It's from an unknown number.... Isumi Haruka: It's me. Do you want everyone to stop attacking TRIGGER? I can make it happen. Kujou Ten: ....... Isumi Haruka: I'll give you the conditions. If you agree, then I’ll consider it. Can you meet me outside right now? Alone, of course. Kujou Ten: .....Alright. I'll get ready.
*phone rings* Yaotome Gaku: ...Hello? Who the hell are you? Inumaru Touma: Woah, it's Yaotome Gaku's voice.... I can't wimp out right now.... Yaotome Gaku: ......? Inumaru Touma: You wanna save your dad and TRIGGER, right? Yaotome Gaku: You.... Inumaru Touma: If that's the case, then come outside right now. Alone. If you agree to the conditions, I might consider it. Inumaru Touma: And you better keep this a secret. Got it? Yaotome Gaku: I won't tell a soul. ...Where should I meet you?
*phone rings* Tsunashi Ryuunosuke: Hello? Torao-kun, is that you? Midou Torao: Hey. It's been a while, yeah? Tsunashi Ryuunosuke: I've reached out to you several times about Hanamaki-san.... Also, I didn't know you were going to debut-- Midou Torao: Shh. All of this is part of a deal, and a secret one at that. You're my friend, after all. Midou Torao: There's a way to stop everyone from attacking TRIGGER. It might be a little risky, but do you wanna know what it is? Tsunashi Ryuunosuke: Of course I do. Midou Torao: I knew you'd say that. I need you to meet me right now, and make sure no one knows where you're going. The place is....
Takanashi Tsumugi: I'm glad everyone was able to take today off! Izumi Mitsuki: We gotta cheer TRIGGER on! I even made a fan for them! Are we allowed to have these at the Music and Arts fes? (1) Osaka Sougo: I've brought a light stick for everyone too! Nikaidou Yamato: Woah, look at that! There's a car all decked out, with TRIGGER's logo painted on it! It's.... (2) *car rumbles* Nikaidou Yamato: ...Stopping right in front of us. Okazaki Rinto: Hello! I see like everyone's matching! Yotsuba Tamaki: What’s this car, Okarin? Okazaki Rinto: It's the Revale Stylish Wagon. The manufacturers were kind enough to gift it to us. Nanase Riku: And you made it into a TRIGGER car!? Yuki: We did. Momo: 'Cuz we're celebrities! (3) Rokuya Nagi: Oh, amazing! How wonderful! This makes want to get a Kokona car! Osaka Sougo: I'm so ashamed.... I can't believe I was satisfied with mere light sticks.... Izumi Mitsuki: I feel ya.... I was so hyped up about my fan.... Izumi Iori: I'm certain the car manufacturers would be very surprised to hear that a model they expressly named after Re:vale was repurposed into a TRIGGER car instead. Momo: Let's all cheer for TRIGGER today! They haven't replied to me yet, but if they're free afterwards, we should grab food together! Nanase Riku: I'd love to go! I invited them out this morning as well, but they haven't read my messages yet. Osaka Sougo: I bet they're putting their all into rehearsals! *phone rings* Momo: Oh, Kaoru-chan's calling me! ....... ...What? Momo: Hey, does anyone know where TRIGGER are right now? Izumi Mitsuki: Where? ...You mean they aren't in the arena yet? Momo: Apparently she hasn't been able to contact them all day and has been trying since this morning.... Nanase Riku: What!?
Takanashi Tsumugi: Anesagi-san, is everything alright? I heard you haven't been able to contact any of the members.... Anesagi Kaoru: None of my calls are going through, and no one I've contacted has found them. Everyone at the agency is looking for them right now, but.... Okazaki Rinto: It's strange that all three of them disappeared. Have you contacted the police yet? Anesagi Kaoru: Mhmm. And they gave me lovely advice. Apparently they won't budge until 12 hours have passed since the last recorded contact. Anesagi Kaoru: It must be that Tsukumo man! He's trying to get in our way and wants to stop TRIGGER from performing on stage! If anything has happened to those boys, I.... Nanase Riku: I'll go look for them at Tsukumo Productions! Izumi Iori: Please wait! If you fixate on that tidbit and just march into their agency, it'll only cause more problems! Nikaidou Yamato: They ain’t stupid either. There's no way they'd do that-- it’s way too obvious. Nanase Riku: But! Momo: I understand your concerns, but we gotta leave this to Yaotome Productions. I don't wanna be in the way, so I think we should give them some space. Momo: Okarin, Maneko-chan-- You guys should stay with Kaoru-chan. Takanashi Tsumugi: I agree. Anesagi-san.... Okazaki Rinto: I'm sure everything will be alright....
Izumi Iori: If they can't perform tonight, then it'll dredge up the SoundShip incident from last year and only further the bashing.... Nanase Riku: This is bullying!! Everyone just keeps hating on TRIGGER, and only them! …...What if Ten-nii got kidnapped!? Osaka Sougo: The event will be over by the time the police start moving.... Even reporting the incident is a bit of a sticky situation in and of itself.... Momo: Don't worry guys, I'll talk to President Tsukumo. I'm gonna make sure he pays me back for everything he owes me, and then some! Yuki: I'll come with you. Momo: You can't! Yuki: Why not? Momo: You know how I run really fast? And you're really slow? Well, if he starts running away and I run after him at full power, you'll be left in the dust. Yuki: I guess you're right. Momo: And because I love you so much, Yuki, I'll have to stop chasing after him and run back to you.... Yuki: Momo... Izumi Mitsuki: I don't really wanna say this to you guys since you're our senpai, but.... Now is not the time for that!! Momo: Anyhow! Yuki, you stay put and keep watch! All of you are good kids, so you better hold the fort down! Got it? Nikaidou Yamato: Let us come with you. We can leave the minors behind.... Momo: You can't! That man is utter poison! I don't want him to pollute my darling IDOLiSH7!! Osaka Sougo: Since when did we become yours, Momo-san..... Nanase Riku: Is President Tsukumo really that scary? What if something terrible has happened to TRIGGER!? Momo: He's not the type to engage in violence. Not directly, that’s for sure. He's a very smart man, but his personality is godawful. Rokuya Nagi: And why in the world are you close to a man like that? Momo: He helped me out when I was stuck in a rut, so I thought he was a good person. Back when we were poor, he gave us really tasty organic vegetables, among some other things.... Izumi Iori: So not only did something similar happen with Chiba-san, it happened with him as well? Re:vale gets baited with food much too easily and way too often…. Izumi Mitsuki: In times like this, we should all charge in! It won't be so dangerous since it'll be all of us! Izumi Iori: We can't do that, Nii-san...! Izumi Mitsuki: Hey. If it comes down to it, can any of you fight? Izumi Iori: Like I said, we can't do that!! Nanase Riku: I can fight! Izumi Mitsuki: No, you can't, Riku. Ossan, you’re up. Nanase Riku: Yes, I can! Nikaidou Yamato: Hold up! This onii-san here can't fight!! Izumi Iori: The mere idea of idols engaging in fist fights is outrageous! Nii-san, this is too dangerous-- Izumi Mitsuki: I said, if it comes down to it! We won't initiate. What about you, Tamaki? Can you fight? Yotsuba Tamaki: So. You know how I'm really tall? Usually if I glare at ‘em like this-- the other dude looks away super fast. Like whoosh. Yeah. Yotsuba Tamaki: But some dudes don't look away, and they're really good at fighting. Whenever that happens, I just go whoosh.... And look away. Izumi Mitsuki: So are ya good or not!? Nikaidou Yamato: I'd say we cast him as an extra. Osaka Sougo: Tamaki-kun is a minor, so if you must insist, I will go. Nikaidou Yamato: Oh yeah, didn't you do kendo? What was your best move? Osaka Sougo: Stabbing my opponent in the throat. (4) Nikaidou Yamato: Mm, executing that move on someone who doesn’t have any protective gear isn’t exactly ideal, but.... Sou, I'm casting you as our ace-- you’re our secret weapon. (5) Osaka Sougo: Understood. Izumi Mitsuki: Nagi? Rokuya Nagi: Fighting? No problem. However, I forgot my Magical Stick, so I won't be able to unleash my true power. Yotsuba Tamaki: I remember you protected that one tower from a terrorist attack though, Nagicchi! Way back when we went to that TRIGGER concert. Izumi Mitsuki: I’ve said this before, but that joke isn't funny so stop saying it! Yotsuba Tamaki: But it's true!! Nikaidou Yamato: What about you, Yuki-san? Can you fight? Yuki: I may look like this, but I'm actually a black belt. Nikaidou Yamato: ...You're kidding, right? Yuki: Yep. Nikaidou Yamato: ...I'll cast Yuki-san, our local indoors person, as Riku's childhood friend. Together, they'll cheer us on from this bench! Nanase Riku・Yuki: Hip hip, hooray! Izumi Iori: You cannot do this! I will not allow it! Momo: Yeah! If anything happens to you kids, I'll never be able to face Ban-san ever again!! Momo: Oh, man.... I don't think I could live if Ban-san hated me.... Izumi Mitsuki: It'll be okay! We're just gonna look for TRIGGER the normal way! Izumi Mitsuki: But in the off chance that we bump into trouble and there's no way around it, there are a couple ground rules I'd like us all to follow since we're idols! Momo: Rules? Izumi Mitsuki: Rule number one! Even if they try to pick a fight.... Yotsuba Tamaki: No hitting until they’ve thrown the first punch! Izumi Mitsuki: Rule number two! If a civilian sees you.... Nikaidou Yamato: We're filming. Izumi Mitsuki: Rule number three! What do you do with your face? Rokuya Nagi: Protect it with your life. Izumi Mitsuki: We should be okay if we follow those rules! We don't want TRIGGER to have any more trouble, right guys? Izumi Mitsuki: Also, the media might cook something weird up again if someone from Yaotome Productions goes. So, let's give it a shot! Izumi Iori: sigh ...... No roughhousing, okay? Izumi Mitsuki: Gotcha! Don't you worry, Iori! Izumi Iori: ....... I'm filled with nothing but worry.... Momo: Oh God, I hope we don't bump into any trouble.... Ban-san will murder me.... Nanase Riku: Wait for me, Ten-nii. I'll definitely save you!
To be continued....
TL Notes/comments:
Thank you Bicky (@denego_ on twitter) for betaing!!!
(1) uchiwa are these little round paper fans that people bring to concerts that have messages on them (for the artist) or a picture of said artist's face. (2) ita-sha is like the car equivalent of an ita-bag... think of those cars u see at cons with a massive hatsune miku painted all ovr it ALSO, Revale Stylish Wagon is stylized like that because the original is written as リヴァーレ, which is the romanization of Re:vale’s name in katakana and I am an uncreative fuck so I had no clue what to eigo it (3) i switched the orders of the lines bc english/jpn syntactical flow (4) IM NO KENDO MASTER BUT THE "TSUKI" IS A THRUST AT THE THROAT, SEE ATTACHED VIDEO FOR A DEMONSTRATION-- SOUCHAN IS NOT HERE TO FUCK AROUND  (5) these moves are !!! not to be done on people without the proper protective equipment. In kendo you have a mask, and a lot of other things protecting you from bodily injury, and uh, death, amongst other things hence why that move is okay in the context of kendo and why yamato says this
As usual, if you see any mistakes/mistranslations/etc, please message me!
Thank you for reading!!
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seventeenlovesthree · 2 years
Koroushi and Hikari
Assuming you meant Koushirou, I will write about Koukari here, anon. <3
Send me two names among the following 12 and I’ll write a short analysis post about them:
Taichi Yagami | Yamato Ishida | Sora Takenouchi | Koushirou Izumi | Mimi Tachikawa | Jyou Kidou | Takeru Takaishi | Hikari Yagami | Daisuke Motomiya | Miyako Inoue | Iori Hida | Ken Ichijouji
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Whether canon provides input on them or not:
It does - one might have to take a very close look to notice it though. The screenshot taken from the episode above might be the first thing that comes to mind when mentioning these two, as they’re getting paired up during the World Tour arc in 02 to travel to Hong Kong together. However, ever since Hikari was introduced in 01, very late in the series, there have been several instances of Koushirou being curious about her (and her strange connection to the Digital World), him interacting with and encouraging her - and he’s actually the only person Taichi tells about their childhood, thus he’s aware of her having been prone to sickness and getting hospitalized due to it. In fact, one of Koushirou’s main roles in the Dark Master’s arc is being the (emotional) support system of the Yagami siblings, which provides a nice set-up for the two of them - at least in theory. Because unfortunately, they don’t interact as much with each other just on their own. 
With Hikari being Taichi’s sister and Koushirou being his best friend, it should be a given to assume that there’s at least some kind of familiarity between them, but for the most part, the viewer has to guess how deep their bond actually goes. Hikari obviously tags along with Taichi’s group in 01 and then again with the new Chosen Children in 02, as the entire group treats Koushirou as their mentor there, but they’re not really seen talking to each other a lot. That’s even more obvious in Tri, where they’re maybe standing next to each other once or twice (culminating in the stageplay, where they aren’t interacting at all). Kizuna at least provides a shot of him panicking once he notices that she’s in danger, so he immediately contacts her brother - which basically summarizes his overall interaction theme towards her: She’s in danger/sick/some kind of otherworldly state, so he does whatever it takes to (help) saving her. The reboot, despite putting them together in Team Light, doesn’t show much interpersonal interaction between them either and the only notable thing that happens in regards to them in the novels is Koushirou sneaking out of his room in the middle of the night to confirm that the beeping dot on his digivice is indeed Hikari Yagami... 
The most interesting framing may take place in the PSP game, because it actually lets them bond; They’re talking about physical things they’re being attached to (her whistle vs. his laptop), about flowers and “the thought that counts” - and Hikari actually has a lot of praise for Koushirou as well, boosting his self-confidence in the same way he did for her in the anime, so he ends up offering to teach her how to use computers and that’s probably why she knew how to send mail in OWG... Then again, there’s also the infamous (non-canon) love letter drama - which creates a humourous non-existing “love triangle” between Koushirou, Mimi and Hikari in which it is at least implied he maaaaay have written the letter for Hikari... 
So tl;dr, there is not nothing and there IS a lot of soft potential.
Whether I think why and how they’d work:
Based on the fact that I just spent quite a while talking about the sheer potential of these two - I definitely believe that they could work. First of all, as mentioned above, they should be close(r) to each other due to their closeness to Taichi. Second of all, we see Koushirou’s protective and kind nature shining through towards her in 01. Paired up with their curious and sweet interactions in the PSP game, I am convinced that the “hyperempathic girl with the magical connection to the Digital World” and the “knowledgable support guy with a technological interest in the Digital World” could be a great (contrasting) combination to end up as a romantic couple. They’re both “weird” (and in their own worlds) in their own ways, both incredibly prone to self-sacrifice and can get pretty mad at others for doing the same (Taichi in particular, but I’m sure they’d be the same towards each other too), so they already have a lot in common. Curiosity and the will to create a wonderful, symbiotic future for the Digital World and the real world is also something that could connect them.
Thanks to the “I’m gonna teach you how to use a computer” bit, I am also sure that they’re very communicative, talking and texting on the phone/computer a lot and there’s a reason why people often headcanon Hikari providing pictures of the Digital World to Koushirou for his studies. I mean, why else would he have opened a shady looking link coming from her immediately (in Kizuna) if he wasn’t at least somewhat used to her sending him things? It’s incredibly endearing to imagine them being kind and supportive towards each other’s goals - ESPECIALLY since Hikari is aiming to become a kindergarden teacher and who would be more suitable to help her than the person who likes to teach, rant and ramble anyway??? 
They’re both not very offensive/forward when it comes to (facing) their feelings though, in fact, they tend to keep those to themselves rather consistently. Thus, it may be a veeeery persistent slow burn - and Takeru would prooobably have the time of his life dropping hints towards both of them. Koushirou might not get it and Hikari would pout at him and get defensive - but they’d get there. One day, for sure.
I also love the idea of them going on double dates with Taichi and Sora - Team Light should generally be much closer than what canon was showing and I cannot imagine Taichi not giving Koushirou his blessings (despite everything that happened in the infamous love letter drama mentioned above).
Whether I’d prefer them as platonic or romantic ship:
In case it hasn’t been obvious, I love the idea of these two falling for each other and helping the other to realize that their self-sacrificing tendencies have been quite unhealthy in the past - growing and healing while building a future for the Digital and real world together. However, I also like the idea of them just being platonic study buddies, as outlined above, forever giggling together over Taichi bluescreening his PC for the millionth time.
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ainana-ao3 · 4 years
by Anonymous
“Yuki, what’s bothering you now?” Banri asked as he turned to face his boyfriend. He wondered why Yuki was frowning. After their love making session, Yuki should only be smiling like a goof, not scowling at the ceiling.
“We have to go to the New Year’s party.” Yuki said grumpily, not at all happy with having his time with Banri cut short. He loved the members of Idolish7, Trigger and Zool, he really did, but he wanted to spend some time alone with Banri. He didn’t care how he was going to do it. He will make up for every day he and Ban had spent away from each other.
Words: 6495, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: IDOLiSH7 (Video Game)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Oogami Banri, Yuki (IDOLiSH7), Momo (IDOLiSH7), Okazaki Rintarou, Okazaki Rinto, Midou Torao, Tsunashi Ryuunosuke, Takanashi Otoharu, Yaotome Sousuke, Anesagi Kaoru, Izumi Iori, Izumi Mitsuki, Nanase Riku, Rokuya Nagi, Yotsuba Tamaki, Ousaka Sougo, Nikaidou Yamato, Takanashi Tsumugi, Isumi Haruka, Inumaru Touma, Natsume Minami, Tsukumo Ryou, Kujou Ten, Yaotome Gaku
Relationships: Oogami Banri/Yuki, Midou Torao/Tsunashi Ryuunosuke, Kujou Ten/Yaotome Gaku
Additional Tags: Romance, Fluff, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Friendship, Established Relationship
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osakaso5 · 2 years
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Torao Mido Marie Mariage Rabbit Chat Part 1: The First Conversation
Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5
Torao: Hey. 
Tsumugi: Hello, Mido-san. I was just about to contact you, myself!
Torao: Oh, I see. Maybe we were destined to reach out to each other at the same time, then.
Tsumugi: Destined..?
Torao: Yeah. You wanna know when I'm free, right?
Tsumugi: Why would I..?
Torao: Aren't you trying to ask me out?
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Tsumugi: N-no! That's not why I messaged you! 
Torao: Then what do you want?
Tsumugi: I thought I'd extend an official greeting, along with a thank you for exchanging contact information with me... Also, for coming to our New Year's party! 
Tsumugi: It makes me very happy to be able to contact ŹOOĻ via RabbitChat. I look forward to working with you in the future.
Torao: Oh, so you're just saying hi.
Torao: Are you sure you don't wanna ask me on a date?
Tsumugi: A d-date!?
Torao: That's what women usually message me for.
Tsumugi: I see...
Torao: Oh, well. I look forward to working with you too, Tsumugi.
Tsumugi: asfd
Torao: What's  wrong?
Tsumugi: I'm sorry about that..! I was so surprised that you referred to me by first name that I mispressed some buttons... >< 
Torao: What, is it that rare for people to call you Tsumugi?
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Torao: Don't some of the guys from IDOLiSH7 call you that, too? 
Tsumugi: Some of them do, but still...
Torao: Then it's  nothing to be shocked about.
Torao: You can call me by my first name too, if you'd like.
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Tsumugi: I... I wouldn't dare! Please just allow me to keep calling you Mido-san!
Torao: You're a shy one, aren't you?
Torao: I thought we got to know each other plenty at the New Year's party.
Tsumugi: It was a very hectic occasion...
Tsumugi: Still, it was fun to have ŹOOĻ over! Time really flew by!
Torao: I wouldn't have minded some alone time with you, but I guess bigger parties aren't bad either.
Tsumugi: It was so lively! Our members were happy to get a chance to talk to ŹOOĻ! 
Tsumugi: Even when you see each other at work, you rarely get together for food or drinks.
Torao: I guess that's true. 
Tsumugi: My father was also very excited to meet you all, lol
Torao: Your father, as in the guy who did Sogo's parts during your little dance number?
Tsumugi: Yes! He and Banri-san were our MEZZO" equivalent. They did a great job, didn't they!
Torao: Yeah, I remember. They gave me fanservice and everything.
Tsumugi: Wow..!
Torao: It was pretty sexy, not gonna lie. I hope I’ll look like that when I'm older.
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Torao: It was also definitely my first time seeing a rabbit do fanservice. 
Tsumugi: It did seem to surprise everyone! 
Torao: I can see why.
Tsumugi: I think Kinako had fun doing it, too.
Tsumugi: We usually leave her alone to watch the office, so she was excited to have so many new people to play with!
Torao: Now that you mention it, she was still moving around after your performance ended.
Torao: Iori Izumi took a bunch of pictures of her.
Tsumugi: She must've posed for pictures, because she knew the rest of us were tired.
Tsumugi: But the actual pictures were, so blurry, it looked like there were two of her! Just seeing that made me burst out laughing, lol
Torao: The way she was moving, it was probably difficult to get a proper shot.
Torao: Her movements were incredibly sharp. Why do I feel like I could learn something from that rabbit's dancing?
Tsumugi: You did seem to like Kinako's dance!
Torao: Yeah, I thought it was funny to see a rabbit dance so well.
Torao: I'd like to see her do it again sometime. 
Tsumugi: But of course! I'm sure Kinako would love it if you all came to  watch her dance again!
Torao: Why don't you use one of ŹOOĻ's songs next time?
Tsumugi: Your songs?
Torao: I'd like to see not just the rabbit, but the rest of you dance to one of ours.
Torao: You should try doing my routine, Tsumugi.
Tsumugi: D-do you really think I could dance as coolly as you..?
Torao: I could always teach you.
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Translator’s notes..? 
thank you @xkazuraix for the screenshots! 
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