#wich is a pretty weak defense
ratguy-nico · 4 months
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this is a little bit censored XD
I want to keep the surprise
This is of course for @boblinweek and I'm actually using this amazing event as a kinda excuse to make this drawing (sorry babs)
This drawing if you recognize is a remake (re do? do it in your style?) of one of my favorite and one of the first drawings I saw when I entered the fandom
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sadly cause of the quality I don't know whose drawing this is, but I love it
I've always wanted to re draw it so Idecided to go for it, though I just been doing like the first half, cause you know, I'm lazy and pretty slow at drawing 😅
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deltarune-au-domain · 2 years
Sorry! I mean is what does Honeycomb!Ralsei do in the multiverse? I can’t tell if he’s a protector or something else.
Also, what’re his abilities besides shapeshifting and giving healing honey??
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Honeycomb Ralsei is more of an archiver and guide than a protector. Sort of like an AU historian. Yeah, they'd prefer if AUs weren't destroyed, just as one would prefer old relics remain pristine but Honeycomb is weak combat wise and can't take on that kind of responsibility.
That's why they formed The Hive. Honeycomb requires the help and abilities of others to achieve his goals, wich is why he happily helps and houses those who are lost. As well as guides them and those who may be new to Deltarune and its AU's (That's why faer the mascot of the blog.)
This is also why Honeycomb is trying to help reform Chiller Noelle. Yes, the reformation wouldn't carry back into Soulgrave itself but she would remember if she left again. (This is mostly to preserve the course of the AU's timeline.)
Though, just because Honeycomb isn't a good fighter, it doesn't mean they aren't strong. The honey they're made out of has many properties that are more useful for defense and healing.
Honeycomb's abilities (as of chapter 2 lore as they evolve with each chapter introduced) include:
The ability to communicate with bees and wasps.
Honeycomb can use their honey as an extension of themself.
Honeycomb can lift things that weigh much more than them. (Attack wise they’re still not that good.)
They have a spell called "Bees" that summons a swarm of bees under Honeycomb's control.
They have the spell "Hive Mind" that allows them to control those who don't see Honeycomb as a threat. (They dislike using this and will sometimes use it on accident if startled)
Honeycomb can summon crystallized honey hexagons, primarily used for defense.
Honeycomb can turn into honey as well as add ordinary honey to themself if need be.
Turning into honey can be used as a portal though, usually only for Honeycomb themself, wich is why they rely on Portal Jevil to move other things and people.
Honeycomb's honey can heal (In game specs would vary but +50 to people who trust them but +20 to anyone else)
The honey is also a cure for The Mold, since honey doesn't rot. It's only useful if caught early on. (Honeycomb may or may not use this as negotiation leverage.) Honeycomb is also immune to The Mold because of this.
Honey dose not go bad and thus Honeycomb cannot die of old age. Attempting to get rid of them completely would be difficult, as even a drop of them remaining is enough to bring them back.
Honeycomb doesn't naturally have a skeleton but can crystallize their honey into one. They do this to "fit in". (Mostly just a miscellaneous fun fact)
Now I feel it's important to mention that Honeycomb takes their archive work seriously and prefers not to heavily meddle with a universes' story no matter how bad it is. Yeah they sometimes visit other AUs for fun but will strictly avoid core timelines, this prevents their actions from genuinely effecting the universe as a whole.
They usually only step in if the universe itself as a whole is in danger of collapsing or succumbing to rot. So an AU can have all the murder, resets, and immoral toying with the characters lives you want but they can't step in to help.
This is a strict rule they set for themself, and the hive members. Most don't mind it as they don't plan on doing so but... there are a few who were quite unfortunate.
The cycle of life and death is important to Honeycomb. They've obviously excepted that and seem to be using it to their advantage. A story will begin and it will end but the preservation of the book itself is more important to Honeycomb than the fate of those within it.
This is possibly a personality trait that remained from long before Honeycomb's existence. After all, they're just a lucky reincarnation of someone else...
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That's pretty much all the info I can think of at the moment. I could go into detail about different members roles in The Hive as well as the chain of command. Only if people want.
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sweetchildcloud · 2 years
Ricko was created by Von after the accident they felt so alone that *pop* they unconsciously created this..cat/dog plant kind of thing.
They can be average high,chibi high and puppet form,they prefer staying in Von sweater pocket, Vash jacket or on Meryl chest (u lil rascal)
He's personality is much alike Toothless from how to raise your dragon
He loves teasing Wolfwood and Wolfwood loves teasing him even if sometimes ends in bickering and its turn of Von to calm them down or Vash when he's available
Ricko has soft spot for Meryl and he uses to hide behind her when he makes Nicolas angry,playing the victim wich makes wolfwood blood boil even more but when this two teams together nobody can stop them
Ricko has a great agility as well speed and force, his claws cuts like butter and he can chew on pretty much everything his only weakness his Von like if they're ill or hurt they can feel it and starts to get ill too
When angry thorns will grow on his body like cactus,entering in defensive/attack mode
U can redraw him but pls tag me💫🌺🌸
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ulec-elec · 4 years
„Well not mine but somebody else's" she rambled. It was almost muscle memory to cut her off and defend Sunshine, but he could hold himself back. There was nothing to defend. In Grufines eyes. And sadly also his own. Just because understanding someone's thoughts doesn't mean it makes them less guilty.
She did let her grandpa attack him, she attacked him herself. Of course it's shocking to learn that your almost boyfriend is a vampire. But she certainly wanted to know what's going on. And she knew him. He was still the same guy who faints when he saw herself poking her with a needle while trying to fix his hoodie or when she accidentally cut herself while cooking. They still had all these memories and still she attacked him. She didn't even show any remorse, refused to listen to him.
He flinched again. „I'm sorry." his friend apologized once again. „It's the last one." she promised. „On the back." Oskar awkwardly joked. „Yeah on the back." Gruftine tried to sound amused but he knew she wasn't.
The vampire moved his fingers. This wound wasn't as severe as the others. He still could use his hand perfectly fine. Gruftine assured him that he could play guitar again. He wasn't sure if he wanted that. Oskar started learning for Sunshine after all. It had become more than that but it was still a thing that reminded him of her.
Gruftine clapped her hands together. „You can turn now." He nodded and followed her demands. Oskar was happy to have her. She was a loyal friend. Tinto had told him that the female vampire had sitten next to his coffin almost all night. Her eyes were the first thing he had seen and it had been so calming. Her eyes resembled home or at least had this feeling to it which was actually pretty calming. It was also quite ironic if one would consider her mysterious and also defensive nature. Gruftine was just, well multi-faced.
„Finished. Can you move?" she asked when she finally wrapped all the wounds in bandages. „Barely." Oskar answered. „Good." Gruftine smiled as she patted his hip.
Oskar slid off the table and grabbed his sweater. He looked out of the window. The forrest was colored in dark blue. The night was peaceful. Especially since the nights before the rain was strong. Fletcher and Tinto said flying had been a nightmare, almost impossible.
He turned around. „Thanks, for everything I mean." he smiled. „Always." she returned the smile before she added. „You should lay down again." Oskar groaned. „I don't want to lay around in my coffin all night." she looked at him with worry. „I am careful." he promised. Her eyes narrowed. „I can watch you working in the garden. I can play music for you. Don't want to forget how to play." he offered. His friend sighed. „Fine."
While Gruftine watered her plants Oskar looked at his guitar. His uncle had gifted him this one when he asked for it. He had to promise he'd practice every night. He was built by hand and painted in Navy
and Forest Green. His Name had been carved in on the side. It meant a lot to him.
His uncle hadn't talked to him since the night Oskar had barely made it through the main door before collapsing, coughing dust. This was the first time he'd ever seen the count somewhat worried. He knew that his uncle wasn't mad, at least not at Oskar. He was mad at himself wich hurted a lot more.
They both weren't big on feelings towards each other. The count didn't like talking about problems or rather emotions. That's one of the reasons Oskar didn't know anything about his parents. Well he knew their names and he had seen a painting of them.
Gruftine was cursing. In Russian like she always did. Professor Oxford forbid her to curse in German, therefore she just switched to her mother tongue. She did that a lot. Sadly Oskar himself was pretty weak with languages, therefore he didn't understand any of Gruftine's swears and cursings.
He retuned his guitar. It hadn't been played in a while. Which was obvious. If he was honest he didn't even know what to play he just didn't want to go back into his coffin. It was boring and he felt like a old person who get left in the hospilal so he wasn't anyone's problem anymore. And since Ashley wasn't a pile of ash anymore he wasn't even there to tell him all about the perks of musical theatre and how good he used to be in chess.
He played the scale up and down and then up again. „Any wishes? I'll play anything." he offered. „Wonderwall?" Gruftine muttered jokingly. „Everything but that!" Oskar huffed. She chuckled and thought for a bit while putting on her gardening gloves. „You know which one I want to hear. Play my favorite one." she said. „Now we're talking." he laughed.
Oskar started playing. Still a bit shaky. His arm was still hurting. Gruftine sang along, in a passive way. Oskar admired that. She sang good without trying to sound good. Often sie didn't even knowshe was singing along. Just like right now. She was humming the lyrics. In his head he sang along, he knew the lyrics as good as Gruftine did, but his voice wasn't as smooth as hers. He preferred playing. Mentally he followed the refrain.
„One last kiss~"
It was nice to play for someone. Music made the people happy. Everyone seemed to be calmed during music playing. Him achieving that, especially after all this chaos he had caused made it easier.
„I love you like an alcoholic~"
Sunshine had always liked to hear his music. She wasn't big on singing. She had a terrible sense of rhythm which was totally fine on it's own. It made her always seem more appreciative of the music he played for her. It wasn't quite his taste in music but he enjoyed it none the less. Oskar remembered the day he tried to teach her playing a little tune. A little song from her childhood. It had taken all day an it was terribly shaky but it still had been a pleasure to see her smile in pride.
„one last kiss-"
„Oskar are you okay?" Gruftine asked all of the sudden. She wasn't singing anymore. She was standing in front of him. Her eyes filled with worry. He hated that look. „Uhm yeah." he rubbed is eye. „It's fine." he didn't want to sound that shivery. She answered with a hug, carefully, minding his wounds. He sighed as he returned the hug.
Maybe he wasn't ready to play guitar again. Maybe he wasn't over the whole situation yet. Maybe it would take longer for the wounds in his head to heal than he expected.
„Let's get you back inside."
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v3 boys + kaede and maki with an s/o who always has to deal with street harassment?
Short sorry fuck I repeat myself Fucksbsjna
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V3 boys + Kaede and Maki with S/O who often has to deal with street harassment
Ryoma Hoshi
You don't go out often to begin with but he doesn't let you go out alone since he knows about how often people target you. He isn't sure why but sometimes it's better not to know.
But when you two actually encounter them... It is kinda bad but Ryoma allways manages to drag you away from there and run since he doesn't want any trouble and start a fight.
He allways tries to protect you but it only amuses the attackers. He whould just hold them off while you run and he can get away easily anyways.
Gonta Gokuhara
He doesn't understand why you allways have to go through this! You are so nice!
But of course Gonta is allways there to protect you! He didn't fought those people but more tried to secure you to safety.
You thought that with Gonta by your side the nightmare whould end but they (people harassing you) already know that Gonta won't actually hurt them. Not that you want him to.
Of course Gonta is very nice to them and tries to convince them to back off.
But when it gets too heated you run away. Gonta won't let anything bad happen to you.
He is very scared by that fact... Why people whould do such things? And why allways you are the one they target?
Keebo allways picks the most safe route home. Since he wants to avoid attackers and is very worried about you.
Of course it's impossible to fully avoid them... Keebo whould then try to reason with them but it doesn't end well... Luckily he allways manages to run away with you without a scratch.
Kaito Momota
He is very annoyed by this fact. Why people enjoy doing this to you? Why can't they leave you alone?
He tries to avoid suspicious places but when he encounters attackers he isn't scared to fight back.
But of course he often gets outnumbered. Still he allways makes it and is allways proud that he managed to get you to safety.
Kaede Akamatsu
When she heard about it she wished you were just overreacting but of course it was truth.
Kaede allways avoids dark alleys and makes sure there whould be people around she doesn't want you to get hurt.
But when it happens she throws something as an distraction and runs away with you.
It doesn't work everytime so when it doesn't she grabs nearest object or swings her bag and makes them back off. Luckily this is enough to get them off you for a moment- that let's you get away.
Shuichi Saihara
Shuichi can't lie he is scared when you go out. But he mostly manages to get their identity. Wich leads to them getting reported to the police.
Of course somehow all attackers seem to like you.
When you encounter them Shuichi whould hold them back for a while so you can run. He is quite weak so he doesn't try to fight back but he doesn't plan on getting hit too.
Rantaro Amami
Rantaro knows a lot about self defense and as he heard about your problem he started teaching you it.
But you weren't ready yet while you two got approached. Rantaro luckily managed to push them away and export you to safety.
Maki Harukawa
She feels disgusted by them and she scares them off successfully she won't let them hurt you.
Of course when newbies come they don't know that they shouldn't mess either with you or Maki. She never killed anyone who attacked you but she did fight.
She was very capable of self defense so she easily turns the attacks on them and so you two just after that go to safety.
Kokichi Ouma
He knows the town very well and knows how to avoid people like those. Still it is impossible for you to permanently run away from them.
Kokichi looked pretty defenseless but don't judge book by its cover since people from his organization were allways nearby and it's mostly big amount.
Before anyone was able to land hit on either you or him they got outnumbered. And so the two of you could move on.
Korekiyo Shinguji
He allways remembers to be more cautious when going out since he doesn't know why all the cryminals target you for some reason.
That's why you mostly don't go out and when you do avoid less crowded places at any cost.
When it does happen however Korekiyo was ready to distract them while you whould run away. He often gets beaten up pretty badly but it's worth for your safety.
Still it doesn't mean that the attackers don't get anything in return.
~Mod Chiaki
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psychogirlyxxx · 5 years
Ocean Eyes
I've been watching you
For some time
Can't stop staring
At those oceans eyes
I sighed looking at the boy sitting against the tree. The boy that never was amazed and never showed any emotions. I turned my head as someone sat down next to me.
"You know if you only gonna stare at him nothing will happen." It was Peter. "I'm pretty sure he would like some company."
"Possibly, But not from me." I answered.
"Don't say that! I mean you've got the brains and the beauty, what more would a guy want?" he said as he stood up.
"Yeah right!"
"Hey! Not my words. I think they're true!" he held his hands up in defense."But they weren't mine!" he looked over to Felix and then back at you, before he walked away.
Burning cities
And napalm skies
Fifteen flares inside those ocean eyes
Your ocean eyes
"Y/N! Felix! Come here." Peter said.
"There are strangers coming to Neverland, I feel it! I want you two too go look out for them." Felix and I made eye contact, but looked away fast.
"I don't have time to do it so, you go too the Mermaid Lagoon. I already placed a tent there, because you have to stay overnight. Just one night okay?"
Felix and I nodded.
"If anything happens just call for me or the shadow. Now go and come back tomorrow if nothing has happened yet." Peter said and he winked at Felix, and then at me. A grin apeared on Felix his face and we made our way to the lagoon.
No fair
You really know how to make me cry
When you gimme those ocean eyes
I'm scared
I've never fallen from quite this high
Falling into your ocean eyes
Those ocean eyes
We arrived at the Lagoon and I walked to the Mermaids.
"Hey Ariel."
"Oh hey Y/N. What are you doing here?"
"Peter send me out to watch the lagoon for strangers." I looked behind me as I saw Felix just standing there looking around him.
"Ohhh... And is Felix going to protect you whil you watch out?" she said with a teasing tone.
"Nooo! He's going to watch with me."
"Well I let the other mermaids know so you two love birds can do your own thing" she winked and swam away.
I turned around and walked towards the tent looking at the ground when I bumped into someone.
"Sorry, Y/N are you alright? Where were you?" he asked while helping me up.
"My fault I didn't look where I was going. I was talking with a mermaid."
"Are you crazy?! Those things can kill you!"
"No I'm not, Ariel is sweet. She and the others will look over the lagoon too."
"Oh okay, well were going to be here for a while so we better get comfortable." He walked back to the tent, but walked into the forest. I walked behind him and collected wood, then we went back to the tent. I kneeled down to lay the wood on the ground until Felix bumped me on purpose wich mad me fall.
"I knew you would fall for me" he smirked as I scoffed.
"In your dreams"
"That's true" he said while picking you up and started to run towards the lagoon.
"Felix what are you going to do?"I asked confused.
"I'm going to have some fun!" and he jumped in the water with me in his arms. I got out of his grip and swam to a rock. I climed up and sat down, but Felix was nowhere to be found. Suddenly I was pulled from the rock.
"Nahww, Is the little lost girl hurt?" he pouted.
"No and I'm not little!" I swam to the shore and walked to the tent.
I've been walking through
A world gone blind
Can't stop thinking of your diamond mind
Careful creature
Made friends with time
He left her lonely with a diamond mind
And those ocean eyes
I got into the tent and grabbed a towel. I cleaned myself up, but had to undress me from my shirt that was soaking wet and all ripped up.
"I'm sorry, I don't know my own strength sometimes... Is everything alright?" he asked a bit concerned.
"No it's totally fine, but my shirt is completely destroyed and I'm freezing." I said while shivering.
"Can I come in? I have something for you, i twill keep you warm."
"Of course." I said not realizing that I stood there with no shirt in my bra. Felix walked in and he just stood there with his mouth open.
"I-I-I'm sorry. I... uh here" he stuttered while giving me one of his T-shirts. I t came just above my knees, so I pulled out my pants too. Felix didn't move at all of my actions, 'til I walked past him and giving him a poke in his waist. His eyes following me in every way.
"You're staring." I said softly. "Thank you for the shirt." I pecked his cheek and then went outside to start the campfire. Feeling my head become warm and red.
No fair
You really know how to make me cry
When you gimme those ocean eyes
I'm scared
I've never fallen from quite this high
Falling into your ocean eyes
Those ocean eyes
I putted all the wood in place as Felix came out of the tent. I tried to make fire, but it wouldn't work.
"Let me help you." He sounded soft, but so sexy. He stood behind me his chest against my back, arms around me and his hands on mine.
"And now softly rub it together" he whispered in my ear. Goosebumps all over my body and my cheeks startin' to heat up again. The wood began to smoke and shortly after a fire started.
"Good job, love." His hands trail down my body, softly rubbing my arms. I felt weak with him so close to me, whispering in my ear, calling me sweet little names. "Relax sweetheart, it's all okay. Let's sit down, I grab a blanket to warm you up for a bit more."
I sat down and shortly after Felix came to sit with me and pulled a blanket around us. His arms around me again, pulling me close to him.
No fair
You really know how to make me cry
When you gimme those ocean eyes
I'm scared
I've never fallen from quite this high
Falling into your ocean eyes
Those ocean eyes
"Yes Felix?"
"I want to tell you something, but I'm scared to do... So Pan is helping me. There aren't really strangers coming to Neverland." I looked at him while rising an eyebrow. "He send us away together so I could tell you this."
"You can tell me anything, I won't judge you."
"Y/N I..." Before he could finish his sentence I planted my lips on his. Slowly moving together before we got apart.
"Love you" He said with a suprised tone.
"I love you too Felix" I said a bit shy. My cheeks redder than ever since I realized what I've done.
He placed his index finger under my chin to lift it and kissed me again. We layed down together, my head on his chest, softly tapping along to the rhythm of his heart.
"You're my girlfriend now, right?"
"If that's what you want, then yes." I smiled to myself.
"Thanks Pan. I finally have my babygirl I was waiting for all that time."
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asagimeta · 6 years
In Defense Of Seto Kaiba..... From Someone Who Used To Hate Seto Kaiba
@youfancymemaddearie said she'd hear me out on why Kaiba isn't The Actual Worst, so for this I'm mostly only going to be using the material I'm personally familiar with because things like context and translations and stuff could get warped otherwise, wich means roughly the first half of the dubbed anime, but I might pull other things here and there that I feel like I know well enough to have a grasp on via things like wikipedia and other meta (it's a long story as to why I never finished the anime so I won't bother getting into it here)
The manga, being a separate canon, is going to be pretty much ignored for this, except for one breif instance where I feel it's necessary to compare something from it to how the anime did it
So, the thing is, for most of my life as a YGO fan (15+ years as of 2018), I bordered between a really weird love and hate of Seto Kaiba, I loved him the way that I love a good villain, the way I love Hannibal Lecter let's say, he's entertaining and I always liked having him on the screen but as a person I really hated him, because.. why wouldn't I? He's an absolute dick to everyone around him with the exception of Mokuba, and even Mokuba doesn't exactly get the cuddly treatment most of the time, he spends the beginning of the series toeing the line between outright villain and anti-hero, and the amount of low-blows he hits and lack of care he has for people who are trying to help him- or people in general- is pretty terrible, atleast... that's how he's presented on the surface and that's how I felt for close to fifteen years
And then I started writing him and the little bastard forced me to change my opinion
Firstly, it's established from the beginning that Seto's actions in stealing Grandpa Muto's card and tearing it up (not to mention giving him a heartattack) aren't entirely his own, Seto had an evil possessing him at the time that, wile manifested from his own feelings, was no less a different entity, it took him over, just like Marik's dark self took him over, it's well-established in YGO that you can be so overcome with pain and anger and negativity that an entirely different spirit manifests and takes over your mind, a process that- wile reversible if caught early enough- is really something that can only be reversed by magic, like a shadow game or a mind crush
Since this is the thing that Atem removed from Seto's mind in episode one....
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The actions he took prior to being mind-wiped can't be held entirely against him, as he was not consciously in control of what he was doing at the time, much like the actions of Yami Marik can't be held entirely against Hikari Marik, you can sure as hell blame Marik himself for alot of the things he did during Battle City, but things like the duels against Mai, Joey, and Atem, wherein it was blatantly clear that it was his evil half in control and his good half didn't have access to the controls (made even more obvious by the Yami Duel wherein both spirits had to sacrifice parts of their lighter selves/hosts for losing life points) are impossible to hold entirely against him
We also see that everything is Not Ok after the mind-crush, given that Seto passes up the chance to do his all-time favorite things (dueling, winning, and showing off) on the grandest scale yet when he decides to skip Duelist Kingdom, he claims it's because he doesn't know how to handle being defeated, and wile that may be partly true, it's pretty canonical that it was because of the mind crush (why else would they bring that hideous glob of evil around to duel Yugi/Atem once more?)
And, here's where the manga reference comes in, when you take into account that in the manga, he was in a six-month long coma after the mind-crush- and, mind you (ha), Duelist Kingdom is the turning point where the manga's canon starts to get closer to the anime's- it's really hard to believe that Seto's existential crisis is based on losing and not based on having evil forcefully removed from his soul by an ancient Egyptian spirit who's out to have a good time and was really feeling attacked at the moment
There's really no convenient place to inject backstory, so I'll do it here in the hopes of flowing more easily into the rest of Duelist Kingdom
Seto has been taking care of Mokuba since they were extremely young, he's essentially more like a father to him than a brother, and he had to learn early on to defend him - and that meant getting rougher, getting tougher, getting meaner, and when it came to Gozaburo- who's just about as abusive as one can get and really puts the word "pressure" to good use- that meanness has to amplify, it's made clear that Gozaburo wouldn't tolerate anything less than perfection and ruthlessness and if that was how Seto had to survive, that was how he had to survive, he spent most of his formative years under that kind of hand so naturally he was forced to form that way....
But as someone pointed out in another post somewhere, we can see by how well adapted Mokuba is just how much Seto has taken on in protecting him from that kind of corruption and evil, Gozaburo never really wanted Mokuba around so the pressure he put on him compared to Seto was definitely minimal... but that doesn't mean he wasn't just as abusive, and the fact that Mokuba spent the majority of his life with no parents of any kind and has relied pretty much solely on Seto as a parental figure- both in the way of necessities like food and shelter, as well as for emotional health- and yet has come out of it as a generally upbeat, positive, gentle person, really shows that Seto has to be doing something right, otherwise, it doesn't make alot of sense for Mokuba to have no shreds of bitterness, resentment, or negativity in him (again, going by the anime only) And further, to show the outstandingly deep devotion he does for Seto- utterly unwavering and full of not only loyalty, but genuine love and affection- proves that Seto has done something right somewhere, Mokuba never shows a single ounce of fear or hesitation towards him and never gives a second thought to hugging him, following him around, or getting involved in his personal affairs, if Seto had ever given him reason to be afraid of him (IE: abusing him or simply not stepping up to protect him when Gozaburo was abusing him) I find it really hard to believe that Mokuba would act so completely care-free with doing things that Seto may find unpleasant
Mokuba is Seto's entire world, he flat out tells Yugi that Mokuba is "everything to him", not money or power or success- Mokuba, wich is already something that speaks volumes about who he is as a person, and the extremes he goes to in order to protect Mokuba are .... pretty fucking extreme
When I was a kid, I thought that the "attack my Blue Eyes and you might just kill me" stunt he pulls on the rooftop at Pegasus' castle was a really filthy trick and was probably my primary reason for hating him as much as I did- and let's be honest, it IS a filthy option to resort to.... but as an adult, I understand it now, and can't place blame on him for feeling so completely backed into a corner, he wasn't trying to trick Atem, he was being sincere, I mean.... filthy and sincere... but still sincere
He would rather die than lose his brother, he was so desperate that he was ready to let someone kill him/commit suicide because he was out of options, and in that perspective, it's alot easier to understand why he did what he did, I don't excuse it, but I do understand it, and really, when it really boils down to things, can anyone say that they'd sooner let the only person in the entire world that they love die, for someone who they don't even like? The true crime of this entire thing isn't really that Seto was desperate enough to resort to suicide and emotional manipulation to win.... it's that he and Atem were both so stubborn and downright stupid that neither of them thought to actually communicate about why Seto needed to win in the first place, despite him saying repeatedly that he needed to save his brother and Atem saying repeatedly that he needed to save "his" grandfather, neither of them paused long enough to say "... We have a common goal, let's work together, or at the very least, come to a compromise" before resorting to such desperation, no one on this planet can seriously tell me that Atem wouldn't have jumped at the offer to save Mokuba if Seto had presented it to him, though, to be fair, I'll never understand why he didn't just offer to save Mokuba along with Grandpa in the first place (plot convenience really)
Although communication is an enormous problem with Seto and is one of the main reasons why he's always such a complete prick, he has a tendency to talk in code and to cover up what he means with what words he chooses to use, most likely because he A. Wasn't exposed to other children between the ages of 8-14 and before that most of his exposure was negative, and B. Was taught brutally that even the tiniest sign of compassion or understanding is weakness, and even the tiniest weakness is going to get you severely punished, he was already closed off to people during his stay at the orphanage, this just cemented that experience further
(And as a quick note, he acquired a company at 14-years-old, he was still a baby and running this God foresaken thing by himself, had no parental figure, still raising his brother ALONE, and let's also talk about how this 14-year-old BABY turned a weapons manufacturing company into a gaming company in less than two years, as he was sixteen during episode one of Duel Monsters)
To mention also: When faced with the fact that his company, that he had worked so extremely hard for, and that means so much to him, was being sold to Pegasus and he was being kicked out, where was his focus? Still on Mokuba, his brother was ALWAYS the absolute forefront of his focus during the entire Duelist Kingdom arc and his company played a very small second fiddle in comparison, I'm not sure if he even brought up the company more than once or twice during the entire arc, that's ... a little shocking all things considered
Additionally, despite how cold, untrusting, egotistical, and downright mean he can be, he outright thanks Yugi for rescuing Mokuba- twice- within the first season, once after Duelist Kingdom and once after Legendary Heros, that's kind of an enormous thing as Seto doesn't hand out gratitude easily.... though, speaking of gratitude we definitely have to confront the Joey-shaped elephant in the room
The way he treats Joey early on IS deplorable, he doesn't exactly treat any member of the Nerd Herd well, but things are especially prickly with Joey, and I'm unclear of the reasons for that- I don't think canon ever gives one- but I think of all of Seto Kaiba's ill moments, the way he treats Joey all the way up to late Battle City is without a doubt what I cringe at the most, he early on drives Joey so low into the ground that it gives him NIGHTMARES and is so ruthlessly horrible to him during that first encounter at Duelist Kingdom that I think, to date, it's the Kaiba thing I cringe at the most, I definitely don't excuse that behavior, and it burns me up like a firey demon when he refuses to thank Joey for being the one who ACTUALLY saved Mokuba, yet turns around and thanks Yugi instead, I'm also not exactly pleased with the fact that he tried to keep Joey out of his tournament but I really chalk that up mostly to Joey not having anything Seto wants and not being a duelist he respects vs outright cruelty, remember that for Seto, Battle City is ALL about getting the god cards and drawing out rare hunters, Red Eyes is Joey's rarest card but Seto never seems particularly impressed by it, and that coupled with him not respecting Joey's skills- as he believes he rode Yugi's coat tails through Duelist Kingdom- makes some sense as to why he wouldn't want him participating (outside of just disliking him) it would be counterproductive
The thing is, Seto DOES slowly shift out of "I legitimately hate your guts and am going to make sure you know it" and into "I'm going to pick on you because it's fun when you fight back and it's just how we communicate now", Battle City is a big turning point in my personal opinion, the second time Joey and Seto duel is still full of terribly mean words but the vibe is very different, from where I'm sitting, it feels alot more like an "I'm pulling your hair because I like you" type of thing and alot less like outright bullying for the sake of bullying, the fact that Joey doesn't take any of it to heart and just fights mean quip with mean quip the entire time is solid proof to me that the relationship is just mutual antagonism now and not so much outright bullying
Speaking of Battle City... there's alot of growth for Seto there, he works with Yugi and Atem frequently, at times by force (to save Mokuba) but at times because he wants to, he agreed to help Atem find the rest of the nerd herd before getting any word that Mokuba was taken because he wanted a duel for Atem's Slyfer card... even though all logic dictates that they probably would have faced eachother during the finals anyway and there is was literally no reason for Seto to follow him around begging for a duel like a five-year-old except for A. Impatience (not untrue) and/or B. Just .... wanting to, he could have so easily said "Find your own freinds, I'll get that Slyfer in the finals either from you or whoever beats you" but instead he spends his valuable time and energy tracking down Joey via his duel disk, and after all is said and done and Mokuba is safe...... he still helps Atem, he claims it's because he doesn't like owing people but that's never prompted him to go out of his way for Yugi and the others before (post Duelist Kingdom and Legendary Heros, Mokuba is the one who lets Yugi use the arena at Kaiba Land for his duel with Rebecca, here Seto has built up two favors that he owes and yet never says a word or makes an attempt to return them, so why does "owing" someone push him to keep helping Atem in Battle City when it didn't before? Either his "I don't like owing people" philosophy is new- wich is still charector growth- or he just wanted a reasonable excuse to keep helping Atem because he knew it was the right thing to do) Speaking of the right thing to do, when they DO track down Joey and Tea`, Seto is... surprisingly inactive during the duel, he has plenty of perfect opportunities to stop the duel somehow, and, if he was REALLY feeling cruel, to just outright steal Slyfer (wich Atem tossed aside when he started the duel) and get rid of both Atem and Joey by interrupting and making the anchor sink, yet he carefully keeps his distance until the timing is right for him to save Tea` because he doesn't want ANY of them to get hurt, not the rival he can't defeat, not the "third rate duelist" he supposedly hates, and not even someone (Tea`) who he barely knows
This is the same guy who gave an old man a heart-attack and used it as blackmail in episode one
Additionally, Seto immediately leaves after saving the day, that all-important duel that Atem owed him that he had FINALLY won? It didn't happen, Seto was still nagging him about it even after saving Mokuba, yet when it came time for Atem to FINALLY pay up he just..... walked off and said "nah see ya' in the finals", maybe he knew how exhausted Atem was and didn't want to duel him at half-power, maybe he was personally too tired to bother with it (although dueling to Seto seems to work the same way twenty-five cups of coffee does to a normal person so I doubt this) or maybe he just didn't feel like making Atem come through on his deal anymore, it doesn't really matter, it's all growth
And let me also point out that Atem wouldn't even have Slyfer if Seto hadn't given him a freaking pep talk in order to win it, Seto could have just as easily waited for Atem to lose and then dueled the mime for Slyfer- and that probably would have been smarter honestly, since Atem is the only one who has a history of defeating him- and yet.... he chooses to put energy into helping Atem instead
I feel like it's kind of understated that in the Battle City finals, Seto actually has a doctor and an infirmary on board the blimp, he claims that anyone who can't handle dueling at high altitudes and with raging winds isn't worth his time so what is the doctor and full medical bay doing there then? If he was that worried about Mokuba alone he would have had a much easier time just telling him not to go above deck, and if it was about law suits I tend to believe he wouldn't have people dueling on top of a freaking blimp in the first place, so he either anticipated Marik's shadowy shenanigans coming up (wich is a POOL of charector development on alot of different levels) or he anticipated accidents, people getting air sick, issues with the high altitude and what not, and figured that he'd better be completely prepared even for things like that wich are relatively small and not really needing of the tricked out medical bay (he had atleast one LIFE SUPPORT machine in there so obviously it went above and beyond just a first aid kit) Also, I know I said I was using the dub for this, but it's come to my attention that in the sub Seto is alot less of a jerk than he is in the dub about landing the blimp- originally, the ONLY problem is that the controls are screwy from the Noah incident (wich, by the way, is an enormous Thing all on it's own about Seto all on it's own, it's basically a showcase of Wow Was His Childhood Fucked Up, Let's Rub It In, and it's made clear just how impacted he was by his father and his father's company throughout, from the importance of his duel with Lecter being weapons-themed to his final duel with Guzaburo and saying "I won't be burried by you Guzaburo", giving up his chance to defeat Noah because he refused to hurt Mokuba, and the gem of telling Mokuba that everything he's done has been for him and a better future for them) and speaking of moments where the dub fucked up, I find another important gem during mid-Battle City when Tea` mentions that Seto actually lowered the price of duel disks "so everyone can play", that sounds alot less like a strict businessman and alot more like someone who just wants to offer kids the same escapism that he had when he was their age to me, a similar motivation I'm sure to why he opens up Kaiba Land
This is sadly where my "I'm greatly familiar with this material" knowledge comes to an end, as I only saw roughly half of the Orichalicos arc and that was too long ago for me to remember most of the small details in (plus I tend to kind of ... try to wipe that arc off the books considering that I find it to be a butchery of.. alot of things..)
Seto Kaiba is a complicated charector, he's very prickly and definitely an asshole- that's not in question- but I think he's really a very soft person when you peel back the initial layer, he's very good-hearted at his core, he just has an incredibly hard time expressing that- and for VERY understandable reasons, for all of his selfishness and egotism, he pours absolutely everything about himself into protecting his brother and gives alot of himself to trying to make things better for people (turning a weapons company into a gaming company may have been his dream but it was also an outlandishly hard task to accomplish and one that ultimately was better for the world, for example) there are moments where this all shines through but he tapes masks of coldness and insults and dueling metaphors over top of it because he just sincerely doesn't know how else to handle things, he IS, after all, still a 16-year-old child when the series begins, and I think he's only 18-19 at most when it ends, in the grand scheme of life, he's still practically a baby and has been thrust into so much adulthood that most 40-year-olds would have jumped ship already, he takes on the responsibility of his brother and his company and being a half-ass decent person (in so far as, you know, not blowing up the world or anything) without ever once complaining about it or trying to shrug it off or giving it ANYTHING but his all, and when you earn his trust and respect (as Atem and Yugi do) you get alot of loyalty and trust back- the shenanigans he goes through that he doesn't explicitly have to are good showings of this, and all of the ruthlessness his shows are purely survival instincts at their highest, he's had his company nearly taken away from him FOUR. TIMES. between Duelist Kingdom and the Orichalicos arc, FOUR. SEPERATE. TIMES. and I have an outstandingly difficult time believing that those were the first or last times that some crusty old men thought that a teenage C.E.O. would be easy prey to steal a multi-billion dollar company from, he's probably been white-knuckling that company since the day he took it over and I don't see that ending any time in the near future
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dicehoard · 8 years
Pen and Paper Classtalk (Scoundrel’s)
Ah, the Scoudnrels, be it Rogues, Assassins, Thiefs, Snipers, Thug, Killer, Pathfinders or Pirats.ect ect...
A Scoundrel is an interesting Class, many People enjoy playing them because of there Basic characteristics. usualy Charismatic and slighty raunchy. every Scoudnrel tends to wear light and silent Clothers for obvious reasons.
As a Class based on Stealth a Scoundrel cant wear Chainmail or plate because it either would shine in the light or make rattling and clinking noises. Stick to Wool Silk, rough Velvet or Leather. dependign on what kind you play the style variates. As Upper class Playboy you can wear pretty much what you like, but as Blade in the Dark, stick to Dark colorations. dark Grey, Bloodred, dark Blue or Green. Only a total Idiot would wear white.
Weapons (Mainweapons):
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Scoundrels usualy wear small or mediumsized light weapons,
Knives, Daggers, bladed knuckledusters on Gloves, Katar, short Swords, small Axes and Pistolcrossbows. these weapons are small in size and easy to hide under a long coat or cape. a nice bonus is that they are usable by one hand, wich means they can use two at the same time. A modern Scoudnrel can use silenced Pistols and Rifles (for snipers or mid combat assists) in battle.
A blunt instrument like a Hammer or a Mace is not siutable for killing. Scoundrels have a raunchy elegance to them and any sort of blunt weapon lacks them. (exept a Whip)
Weapons (secondary and equipment):
Welcome in the Cabinet of mischief and Trickery. a Scoudnrel rarely figths fair and thats why these things come in handy.
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Poision, Powder and Firework, be it Liquid or Powder. this can be any sort of poision, be it digestive wich the scoudnrel prepaird in the enemys meal, sleeping or killing posion is the easyerst step in an thinning the enemys lines beforean encounter. Direct Combat Poision, either is thrown or injectet with the Weapons. to distract your foe you can use a wide variety of tools... a small shiny coin thrown somewhere to sneak past the enemy,  a little firecracker easyly get the atention of most enemys. bribery, hire hookers to distract. or plainly blow a hand full of sand in ther eyes from a shady corner.
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Opener, these are what a scoudnrel uses when they begin a fight, usualy as the one who starts it, being a Throwing knife from the shadows, or a Garotte. For those who dont know what that is, its a wire held between both hands to either strangle or cut a throat. they are easy to obtain, be it pianostring or cheesewire, often also spiked. the only blunt instrument in a Scoudnrel’s equipment is a Blackjack. this is a small a small but heavy hitting blunt leathercoverd item used to knock someoen out, the modern day adaption is the telescopestick. scoudnrels in modern set games also tend to use pistols with silencers or attached bajonette’s.
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B stands for being alive in the end. With usualy low defense and lack of protection a Scoudnrel relys on dirty tricks, a warrior wears a heavy armor and shieldwich you cant pierce with your knives? outmaneuver and look for a weak spot in teh armor, or throw a hand full of dirt in the eyes, a smokebomb works wonders too.
does a wizard gives you a hard time with nasty spells and his staff block’s any of your blades?? kick him in thr groin or hit him with your fist in the face.
Poision and dirty tricks are not your only recource, A Scoudnrel also often has a small variety of magic assistance, mostly Illusionspells like turning invisible for a short period, or beign less obvious and absolut silent when moving. a godo tool agaisnt spellcaster is a Curse of words ( a magic spell twistign the words in a wizards mouth, making it harder to speak magical spells)
Deadmans handshake. also known as reverse pickpocketing. instead of stealing the Scoundrel elaves a little “present” in teh foes pockets, a small explosive, poision, or false information, be it notes, maps, orders.
Scoundrels often study crafting, equipment has to be in good shape, blades have to stay sharp,  and tools must be maintaind, nothing is worse then runing out of poision in midmission. gear up
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Make use of your suroundings, be it either on tracking or fighting it does not matter, a scoudnrel finds pathes and sport most people wont be able to reach.
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If anything else fails, RUN. as one of the fastets classes in most games be it videogame or pen and paper, a scoundrel is among the fastets and has high stamina. making it perfect to escape most situations.
no one ever said a Scoudnrel has to stick to the noble tradition of Fisticufs (this is fisticufs)
Scoundrel Examples:
Next comes a spotters guide to Scoundrel’s and how to use them.
The Unstealthy Combatian
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This is a good example for Combatscoundrel, sacricing Stealth for better defense, in adition to a mid range, the Trimmings on the outfit show a upperclass person. movement and rangeattacks making him a good adition to a party. ( he proparbly uses traps and special crossbowbolts.
The Assassin/Ninja type:
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This Goblin lacks strengh and size, but taking his disadvantage to his strengh. he can hide in most places no one would consider looking for. Due to his size and strengh disadvantage he must outsmart his enemys, taking his time spottign patrolroutes deadspots and taking out one by one, Magical equipmen often helps to even the lack of defense.
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A Thief wears lightweight armor in dark colors and easy to carry equipment. ( the bow in this picture is colapsable) Rather prefaring to avoid combat the Thief is all about stealth and areacontrol, carying often tools to unlock doors, or extinguish lightsources. a thief is perfect for infiltration and theft. a good character when it comes to open the gates for the rest of the party or stealing informations.
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The Killer are a modern day Scoudnrel, skilled in mostly unarmed combat or Pistols/revolver in meele fights. there fightingstyle is called gun-fu. Good examples are Deadpool and John wick. dressed most time in a buissnesssuit they stay unremakable in officces and big companys
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Pirats are more or less the archtype of a Scoundrel, lightweigth clothers, cheap tricks ( flintlockpistols in swordfights are a a fine example) perfect use of suroundings and giftet with a charismatic personality.
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 Headhunter or pathfinder is the Lovechild between a Hunter and a scoudnrel. often primitive like killers working out in nature. you know what you are up to when someone silently lands behind you out from a tree. there equipment often resembles native decoration, fetishes, and animalparts, warpaint and bones, usualy not charismatic and working alone they develop a fearfull aura. giving yo the feelign of being stalked by wild animals. sometimes acompanied by them they work teamed up with the pathfidner from one side and the animal companion from the other.
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basicly almost anything can be a scoundrel, as long its not oversized or loud. so you got a big variety, the most used races for a rouge are:
Any sort of Elf, Goblins, Kobold, Gnome, Dwarf, Halfling, Hobbit, Human, some Troll variations, bestial creatures like Werewolfs, Reptile or Feline types, and Undead.
Pirat vs Ninja:
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not every Scoundrel fits everywhere, A headhunter on a ship or in the city is so usefull like a chocolate spear. And a Thief is on an open beatlefield dead in minutes. think beforehand what the outcome will be, before youe ven go in a figth make shure you have your equipment ready.
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stagpath-blog · 7 years
Alpha Outpost EDC Review
Hey everyone, this is will be my first gear review on Stagpath. I subscribed and have been crazy excited about some of the cool subscription services that offer survival/tactical gear. I just love this stuff so I wanted to share my thoughts, as their websites are often vague about the contents and how they work. If you’re contemplating a subscription but aren’t sure about how it will go, read on and I’ll tell ya all about it. Let's get started with the Alpha Outpost EDC!
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The EDC is the First box they send to every first-time subscriber. For those of you who don't know, EDC in this case stands for “Every Day Carry”. Not to be confused with the BOB or “Bug Out Bag” concept. The difference being, a bug out bag is meant to be loaded with things that can help you survive an emergency situation for 72 hours, should you need to pack up and leave your home. EDC is simply meant to be a collection of items and tools to help get you through daily emergency or mundane situations. A more immediate thing you have with you all the times, or at least in your car. You wouldn't really want to carry a BOB around with you all the time, it would be too heavy and loaded with crap. So to clarify this is not intended as a bug out bag, but after 6 or more months of Alpha boxes, you’re getting close. I’ll save that for another review. Let's dig into the contents.
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The Pack - A simplistic Tactical bag covered in MOLLE Webbing allowing you to attach all kinds of gear and additional pouches on both on the front and sides. I'm not sure who makes it but it looks like the same company that makes bags for Grunt Style. I've seen a few other reviewers tear this thing apart. Complaints about the quality and broken zippers. This has not happened to me, as you can see in the picture I've loaded this thing up with gear and put it through hell. Including a three-month road trip across the U.S. California to North Carolina and back. It's not only Held up well, but I like this thing! It's got plenty of room inside and is fairly comfortable. Yes, I know its Blasphemous I put two items from competing services together in one pic but I was testing it.
THE GOOD - Plenty of webbing and straps to attach gear, including two straps across the bottom wich can be used to secure a tent, rope, tools, or even a Sleeping bag wich Alpha had in the ZuluZulu box. There's also a zipper at the bottom for easy access. Two zippered pouches on the front, and two open pouches on the sides. 
THE BAD - there's what looks like a laptop pouch in the main compartment but it's not big enough to fit a standard 15″ laptop like the one I use. If this is intended for a hydration pouch, there's no attachments or holes for the straw. The bottom pouch unzips and folds up to reveal a hidden compartment for tools, pens and other items...This would be cool but the pouch folds UP, leaving the crease at the top preventing you from easily taking tools in and out of it. making it pretty useless. A design oversight I guess. If it folded DOWN instead it would have been better. 
THE UGLY - I would have preferred a Tan, Grey or Black color, but that's just me.
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THE KNIFE - Obviously not a high-end knife but it gets basic jobs done. Cool to see the AO logo on it. Knives are some of the most important tools in your gear. not just for self-defense but basic everyday tasks you might not expect like opening packages. 
THE GOOD - I actually really like the blade and its shape. It's got some notches over the top for grip and feels quite comfortable. Features a loop on the back for making a lanyard and a belt clip. It’s a big Decent sized folder.
THE BAD - The blade comes out easy...too easy. after some time I can deploy the blade by simply swinging it outward, not even touching the pin. if the knife were to come open while it's in your pocket that could be a bad day.
THE UGLY - I'm sorry but that handles got to go. just screams cheap $5 liquor store pocket knife. It would honestly be better if you just replaced the metal panels with plastic ones, that only had a checkered texture on them for grip.
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THE FLASHLIGHT - Tactical LED flashlight with a telescoping lens. It's a single Diode light and runs on AAA batteries. Flashlights may seem like no big deal until you need one. if you're out somewhere and the sun goes down, it could be a life saver.
THE GOOD - The telescoping lens works fairly well. At a wide angle, you can illuminate the ground at your feet well. On the tight beam, you can spot objects several yards away. While in Texas I used it to spot some deer at night. the front face is beveled for use in self-defense or breaking glass. However, I have not yet tested that to see how sturdy it is.
THE BAD - Be careful opening this thing for the first time, be sure to remember how it’s assembled. I opened it up to put in batteries and it fell apart. I put it back together but the spring seemed too weak, the button started to collapsed into the housing and didn't work. I had to cannibalize a different Flashlight to fix and get it working again.
THE UGLY - ...no complaints here.
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PARACORD - About 25ft of it I think. Cordage is a good thing to have in an emergency situation, used for lashings, shelter building or even a tourniquet. One of those things you don't think you need until you do. but if you're into survival gear you end up with a box full of the stuff from various sources.
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CHAPSTICK - I know “why is this in an EDC kit?!” some people have suggested this was just an overstocked item from their DOPP kit. But realistically, the manual included in the pack suggests that chapstick has various uses like protecting the blade of a knife from rust by greasing the exposed steel edges...This is true. I had a small hatchet that has rusted up in a few places, had I used some of this I could have prevented that. Or I could put it this way. if you end up lost in a hot arid region or even a cold one, with a little water, without this, your lips could become chapped, cracked, and possibly bleed. Opening you to the chance of infection, Fever and potentially death...LOL I know its a reach but something to consider I guess. 
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AO GREEN PATCH - Sturdy embroidered patch with a velcro backing. Morale patches are a popular thing with the prepper community, and it's just a fun extra thing to get with each box. If you're wondering “where am I going to put this?” there is a patch of velcro on the front of the pack. As well as on several other bits of gear they send you in other boxes later. like the Grunt Style beanie in the Frost Box. These like the Paracord will start to pile up too.
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ALPHA OUTPOST CAP - An extra item included for all new subscribers.
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Final thoughts, in the literature, included, there are some suggestions for other items to complete your EDC arsenal. Multi-tool, tactical pen, notepad, Key bar “or chain in this case wich came with the Hermes box”, compass, cell phone battery bank. and Wallet. I've rounded up all of this except for the battery bank. I'd have one if I had received the Gentleman Box, But I wasn't a subscriber at the time...Feel free to send me one AO, my username is shedwller1 lol. 
The one thing missing from this box is a fire making implement. A striking rod or at least matches which could replace the chapstick. Other than that this was pretty cool. If you're one of those preppers with tons of gear already this might not be something to get excited about. but if you're new to all this it's a great place to start. I've been with AO for over 6 months now and I've been very happy.
Hey everyone thanks for reading. I'd like to do video reviews but I don't currently have a camera set up to use. If you'd like to support the blog and see more reviews you can help us out on patreon!
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Sdr2 boy’s s/o ends up being executed after killing in self defense
Idk why am I tagging spoilers anymore-
Thank you for requesting angst. A Heartbreaker like this mostly helps me relax lol. But wait I see something... Is it SOMETHING I WILL CRY WHILE WRITING!?
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SDR2 Boys whose S/O gets executed after killing in self defense
Slight Spoiler Alert (not in every case) slight ooc for people who tried to kill s/o
Gundham Tanaka
The motive of starving to death made you a bit scared. What you didn't knew that someone was coming after you...
Kazuichi had mixed feelings but he didn't wanted everyone to die... He thought that you whould be easiest target and he planned to strike at night time so you whould be pretty exhausted.
When it was night time you promised to meek up with him. You trusted him as you knew he wouldn't try anything shady.
Kazuichi attacked you but you managed to doge it. He was surprised by how fast you moved despite not eating for two days.
You snatched out his weapon and hit him in the head. You thought it whould just disarm him but you aimed for the wrong spot therefore killing him. You weren't aware of that but you quickly shut door behind you and dashed towards Gundhams room since luckily Kazuichi didn't mess with elevator.
Gundham was worried when he saw you at this hour. You told him the whole story and he was furious.
Next day what you heard was body discovery announcement. Only you and Gundham knew what happened. He wanted to protect you as he was ready to sacrifice himself and everyone else for your sake.
But it's impossible to fight Hajimes logic... You were the blackened. Gundham desperately tried to save you but he knew it wouldn't work. Yet he didn't gave up no matter how many times you told him that it was fine.
After trial was over he hugged you one last time and felt like never letting you go.
And so you were about to be brutally executed right in front of his eyes.
He needed to be held back since normally he whould just jump in and not care about a thing. If he was about to die he whould die he can't let you be there alone.
Of course all his effort went nowhere as he was held back.
Fujuhiko Kuzuryu
As the new motive was presented- despair disease Fujuhiko literally commanded you to be in the motel team even though he felt safe when you were around you couldn't be around diseased ones since if you catched the diease or the one of the sick killed you he wouldn't be able to forgive himself...
You couldn't sleep that night and you saw Hiyoko walking around alone... It was quite shady so you followed her not noticing in what condition her kimono was.
When you went inside there was Mikan trying to kill Hiyoko. You quickly grabbed Hiyokos hand and pulled her towards you. Thanks to that she survived. You yelled at her to run.
You couldn't believe that you saved Hiyoko... Ibuki was there too and she was still moving so Mikan didn't strangle her yet.
It was now fight you vs Mikan you just tired to calm her down and disarm her. She kept changing at you. You managed to make her stay still. Ibuki was still alive and when he saw what was going on (even tho she was sick) ran away.
You wanted to stun her so you can run away but you ended up killing her. There was her blood on your hands. You couldn't believe it...
When the body discovery announcement played Hiyoko was quiet to everyones surprise...
Ibuki doesn't remember anything from when she had the diease...
As the trial started you knew you whould have to say that you did it. You rather die yourself than for everyone else to die. Hiyoko didn't sold you out but she whould later and you know it.
When they seemed to be stuck you told them that you did it. When everyone was shocked Hiyoko told the truth.
Fujuhiko couldn't belive you saved Hiyoko and ended up blackened... After he lost his best friend Peko he can't afford to lose you too!
He tried to say something but it was hard... He couldn't belive that you will die...
He hugged you and you made a promise that he will survive and escape with everyone.
After your execution ended he never stopped thinking about you. He thought that Hiyoko should be the one to die not you! Hell he whould exchange everyone's lives for you.
Hajime Hinata
You and Hajime were very close even though the killing game was going on you decided to not play monokumas game and just live on the islands while thinking about how to escape.
It turned out someone in fact tried to play this sick game.
You went to help prepare the old building for the party. When you saw Nagito cleaning up he was kinda suspicious. You thought you were paranoid so you continued to help. He was too chill to play this game.
You were wrong he got knife out and tried to kill you.
You moved quite fast and he was so impressed. You were ultra scared as he was getting more and more creepy.
He didn't gave up even though you found a way to get the knife out of his hands he kept trying to kill you.
You stabbed him once. Just so he whould stop but he was crazy. Teruteru heard you fighting so he went to investigate and he saw you struggling to run away while Nagito said that you should kill him.
Teruteru ran for help and Hajime was the closest person he ran into.
But when the boys came there was you crying covered in cuts all in blood and in front of you was Nagitos dead body.
Hajime could tell what happened as he ran to you and hugged you when body discovery announcement played.
Everyone gathered and it was obvious who was the culprit...
You told them that he attacked you and you had to defend yourself everyone believed you but you had to get executed anyways.
Hajime tried to fight monokuma. It was just no fair for you to die becouse you defended yourself but monokuma wouldn't listen...
And so you were executed he felt so much despair as he saw your body drop.
Everyone tried to cheer up Hajime after your death and he was determined to end it.
Nekomaru Nidai
Nekomaru allways thought you were strong and he was your support throughout killing game.
You both knew that other one won't kill no matter what... You were wrong.
You never knew you whould have to kill someone but it was on accident! You met up with Gundam in the strawberry tower and you had to fight.
He was very strong so that's why you were extremely surprised to came out as victorious. It was becouse you grabbed a hammer he had with him. You thought it wouldn't kill but you swinged too fast and too strong.
As you left the crime scene it was impossible for you to cover up the crime. Some of Gundhams blood splattered on you.
Not like you wanted to cover up the crime! You wanted to live a bit longer even just on this trial... So you can hear Nekomarus voice one last time.
This broke your heart since everything was pointing at you and Nekomaru siad that it's impossible for you to kill anyone. You teared up as you confessed.
He was too shocked he didn't even vote for you. Nekomaru kept asking you why.
You said that it was in self defense that you wanted to stun him and run away but you ended up killing him.
You and Nekomaru hugged one last time and it was quite long embrace before you got dragged away.
He was too stunned to do something he couldn't belive how weak he felt at that moment.
Kazuichi Souda
You and Kazuichi didn't quite understand new motive being some game... So you just tired to ignore it.
You overheard Hiyoko talking to Mahiru about it. Thinking they whould try to kill someone you tried to investigate it on your own. You followed Hiyoko to the beach house and saw Peko.
You knew fight against her is for you lost. Her plans were now ruined she could have drop it or fight to get her young master out of there. Luckily for you she used the bat instead of her sword so it was less deadly for you.
You took your chance and managed to get her off guard as you somehow threw her across the room she landed pretty badly and you couldn't believe what you did. Yet a lot of luck was on your side.
You ran away to find Kazuichi Ibuki Hajime and Chiaki in the restaurant. You told them about what happened and your fight with Peko. You thought you didn't kill her but it was the exact opposite.
Fujuhiko saw her body and after all of your group joined with body discovery announcement he yelled "Wich of you bastards killed her!?" your eyes widen. She... Died!?
Kazuichi freaked out as he can't let you die. Now everyone knew it was you...
Trial was extremely short and so you were about to die. Kazuichi kept crying as he knew he won't see you again...
He hugged you very closely. You hugged him back and monokuma was done with this whole emotional thing and so you got executed.
He kept yelling your name when he was held back by others.
He wished he could tell you how he loves you just once. To hold you... be close...
Ultimate Imposter
Its whierd that you were together for such short time yet get along so well.
With his skills you knew you can get out of there easily without any blood shatter.
When he announced the party you couldn't stay back and relax so you decided to help out out of your own free will.
Basically you went from market to building with needed supplies. When you were heading back you heard what Nagito and Teruteru were talking about. You were shocked... Nagito wanted to kill someone?
When he left you looked for a knife Nagito hid. You wanted to give it to Twogami and tell him to watch out for Nagito. But you were stopped.
You didn't expect Teruteru to act like this and he told you to give him the knife as he will just leave it in the kitchen. He looked too suspicious for you to follow this order.
And so you started fighting. You ended up killing him. You didn't wanted to but you don't have idea what kind of fate waits for you.
You tried to mess with the crime scene and as you existed the building you couldn't believe what happened.
About 3 hours later body discovery announcement went off...
Twogami thought that he failed as a leader...
You didn't wanted everyone to die but you didn't wanted to go down either.
You were proven to be the culprit. You apologized to everyone but told them what actually happened becouse what Hajime said want entirely the truth.
Twogami then felt guilty for not monitoring preparations for the party...this could have been avoided...
Nagito Komaeda
He was crazy but your crazy. You understood him and loved him deeply. When he got despair disease you wanted to stay with him and went for the hospital team.
You were around his room as allways waiting for information about his condition. But thought it was pointless so you went down to rest- Hajime and Fujuhiko.
Hajime tried to start small conversation but you decided to take a walk.
You saw Mikan walking towards music venue... Wait shouldn't she be at the hospital?
You went inside and she was preparing something. When she noticed you she started acting not like herself. She then tried to attack you with rope she had with her. You quickly went on stage and took the stepladder. You hit her in the head 3 times very hard.
Then you realized that she was dead... You ran away from the venue and went to your cottage since it was getting late.
In the next morning after you were back in the hospital body discovery announcement went off and you now knew you didn't had much time left...
Nagito was cured and you spent all the time with him. He saw you looking kinda down but you didn't stop your investigation.
When the trial started you were ready to tell the truth. But you let yourself live for at least few more minutes.
When the truth was revealed Nagito was surprised his S/O? Was filled with despair to kill poor Mikan? You told what actually happened and if you didn't act you whould end up getting killed.
Nagito forgave you as you hugged him for the first and last time.
He watched your execution and wished it was him there instead of you.
Teruteru Hanamura
You felt like Teruteru was the only person you could get along with. His perverted remarks didn't annoy you.
Before the party was about to begin he seemed kinda off. Poor Teruteru worked whole day in the kitchen... You thought that was the case and you gave him advice: go. And. Rest. He accepted your offer and so he was gone.
You were helping with last preparations and you ran into Nagito placing something under the table.
You asked him if something was gone and if he was looking for anything.
When you saw a knife you could tell what was going... Unlucky for you the door was somehow shut like in some horrors...
Nagito charges at you and you dodged it as you quickly used that moment to grab a knife.
After that you quickly stabbed him but in the wrong place you aimed for. You ended up killing him...
You ran away and went to your cottage so you could change. What will happen to you!?
After Body discovery announcement and investigation class trial began...
When you were being suspected for the first time Teruteru kept arguing saying you couldn't possibly do it.
But when there was no more room left for argue you started apologizing... You apologized so many times and you were crying like crazy.
Teruteru forgave you but he didn't wanted to lose you! He tried to reason with monokuma but it was impossible...
He couldn't look at you die. He looked away tears in his eyes as he sobbed while watching his beloved S/O die slowly and violently...
~Mod Chiaki
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templardragonknight · 8 years
The Stormcloak Bible DEBUNKED PART 1 (analysis of the imperial arguments)
Stormcloaks are often biased and most tryhard ones show little knowledge about the lore (or they actually know about it and just refuse to accept the facts). The Stormcloak bible is a great example of this (if not THE BEST example) and in these posts I plan to debunk some (if not most) of the statements shown there (I do not plan to refute all points because I am not a know everything cunt. Of course somethings there may be true). The following is an update of my previous post, as I have gathered far more information since then.
In the first part of this “bible” (http://colonel-killa-bee.tumblr.com/post/68999802440/stormcloak-bible-part-1-analysis-of-the-imperial), the author makes very a superficial analysis of arguments often used by supporters of the empire, so lets take a look at this:
Well, I originally did not want to talk about the past, as many mistakes that the empire may have commited could have been overcomed by the 4th Era (and since the Stormcloaks have little to do with the Third Era, since the rebellion started in the 4th Era), but whatever, I decided to talk about it just to show how the author's statements are foolish: he citates the comments of a dunmer imperial soldier... and what? Now because a single soldier thinks that a united empire would not be a great idea this is suddently the truth? Alright, back to the 4th Era: the author says “The Empire is dying. They have Cyrodiil, High Rock and half of Skyrim. If they won, how would security in their Empire be any better, when they can’t even prevent a bandit uprising within the very heart of their establishment when there wasn’t a civil war?” well, then the author may proceed in explaining why he does not care about the fact that on Windhelm there is a murderer rampaging and the guards do not know what to do ("but they are at war you idiot, they can not do much" you are right, just like how Cyrodiil is trying to rebuild itself after a large scale war, after tons of resourecs were eighter used or sacked), and that without mentioning crime in Riften. While I do not intend to use the tu quoque fallacy here (wich, in case you don’t know, is trying to refute someone’s critique by saying “But you do it as well”) as some cities are thrown in chaos, the fact that our Stormcloak Guy used this argument shows a great chunck of bias from him. This argument can either be used to criticize both sides or not be used at all, you decide. Also what he says about the security in the empire is simply not true, as it is evidenced by one of the possble dialogues of none other than General Tullius himself (more specifically when you try to convince him to go to High Hrothgar during Season Unending): Dragonborn: The best time to negotiate is from a position of strength. General Tullius: Fair enough. We're driving the Stormcloaks back well enough at the moment, but we're already overstretched. That's what comes of trying to win a war with a bare handful of legions. If the Emperor would just give me the reinforcements I've requested! Dragonborn: Why won't the Emperor send more reinforcements? General Tullius: Most of the Legion is tied down on the border with the Aldmeri Dominion. The Emperor can't afford to risk weakening Cyrodiil's defenses. From the Imperial City, our war here is just a sideshow. An interlude before the main event against the Thalmor resumes. Also if he actually gave us a more in deep look at Cyrodiilic cities that are in chaos (but he didn't) we would actually see that it is probably one of those situations that could not be easily fixed even by a powerful Empire, well this without mentioning that assuming that a specific governemnt is inneficient thanks to chaos in some cities is to jump to conclusions as a series of factors may make administration and/or interference difficult (geographical relief, climate, how many criminal factions are using hidden locations to grow in power and influence, etc). Heck, it would be like saying that both imperial and stormcloak governments are trash because there are bandits all over Skyrim. Anyway, the journals that describe such events are Cicero's and we can see them all here https://www.imperial-library.info/content/ciceros-journal, but lets have a closer look: in volume 2 it is written "The situation in Bravil grows more dire. The city has erupted in violence, due to a war of control being waged by Cyrodiil's two largest skooma traffickers. The Listener, Alisanne Dupre, has been forced to employ sellswords to protect her own residence." Bravil is very close to Elsweyr (https://www.google.com.br/search?q=cyrodiil+map&client=opera&hs=MgX&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjaz4Pb1MnZAhXmuFkKHWZjAjEQ_AUICigB&biw=1240&bih=914#imgrc=YHy6QwKOyg8TvM: ) and this makes the activities of kooma smugglers far easier, specially now that Elsweyr is not part of the Empire (and even if it was it's harsh conditions would prevent the imperial governemnt from being omnipresent there). In fact even in during the Oblivion Crisis, the very end of what was basically the Golden Age of the Empire, Bravil was considered a poor and violent city. If You did not play Oblivion just like me, a bit of research about Bravil in the Wiki and the UESP will show it clearly therefore in Bravil's case it is not something that is fault of the Empire itself, . In Volume 4, however, Cicero says that Cheydinhal has erupted in violence and chaos, but it is never specified how. Was it a war between rival criminal factions like in Bravil? Just unhappy inhabitants of the city? Was it really a result of bad administration from the Empire? Also a book and a dialogue in Skyrim, that The Stormcloak Guy obviously did not show on his holy book, reveal that the city is not an actual anarchy as many would think. The book is "An adventurer's Guide to Skyrim" (http://en.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:An_Explorer's_Guide_to_Skyrim), wich mentions Cheydinhal and was clearly written after Ulfric’s militia took back Markarth because it mentions the Forsworn (who did not exist before Ulfric and his men drove the Rechmen rebels from Markarth), and the Dialogue betwen Ingun and Elgrim (http://pt.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Elgrim):
Elgrim: "Ingun, you clumsy fool! You've tainted our entire supply of Painted Troll Fat. You have no idea how hard that was to get." Ingun: "I'm sure my mother can compensate you for it." Elgrim: "I'll draft a letter to Rythe. If you could have it sent to Cheydinhal for me, that would make up for your blunder." Ingun: "I'll make sure it's sent right away."
As you can see an Alchemist in Skyrim uses Cheydinhal as means of getting profit, what would not be possible if the city was an absolute chaos by the year 201 of the 4th Era, wich either means that Cicero’s claims were exageratted or that the Empire managed to control the situation (at least to some degree, over the years). A stronger evidence for that is how Elgrim reveals he sends letters to Rythe, that is actually a famous dunmer painter encountered in The Elder Scrolls IV (http://en.uesp.net/wiki/Oblivion:Rythe_Lythandas). If the city was an absolute chaos at the time, we would expect a citizen like Rythe to have eighter escaped of died.
All of that without mentioning everything that is going on on Stormcloak holds. In Riften, Maven Black Briar has the entire city in her pocket (even the jarl) and freely associates with the Thieves Guild (Laila Law-Giver does not know about that). In Dawnstar, Jarl Skald barely cares about his city and sends most of his guards to fight the imperials (and is pretty authoritarian, threatening a former legionnaire for walking around in his old armor for the sake of nostalgia) and Winterhold is ruled by a fool that barely lifts a finger to help the city and instead keeps blaming the College of Winterhold (despite having no proof of what he claims). Again: no tu quoque intended, but if you condemn the imperial governemnt thanks to what happened in a few cities in Cyrodiil but does not give a crap about the flaws of the Stormcloak holds, you are a hypocrite and a biased fool.
After that he citates Valga Vinicia, who says that she moved from Cyrodiil to escape the fighting. This is weak evidence since she never clarifies what she's referring to. She may even be referring to the Great War.
Changing the subject now: the author says that it is understandable for the Empire to not send many reinforcements, thanks to the issue about the southern border (well he basically answered his own question there) and later says "But hello they have ships”. I don’t know if he was intentionally biased or just stupid, but he cmpletely ignored how General Tullius reveals that the Emperor is not sending reinforcements thanks to how it would make Cyrodiil more vulnerable to a Dominion attack. And The Stormcloak Guy may consider taking a look at the map of an interesting continent called Tamriel: https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/elderscrolls/images/6/62/Tamriel_Map.png/revision/latest?cb=20150911030824 in order for the Empire to send reinforcements to Cyrodiil it would need to navigate trough Dominion territory, risking being taken down or at least being forced to go back to Cyrodiil, and even if they managed to get trough Dominion controlled seas they would still have to go trough Hammerfell's and High Rock's seas. It would take too long and it would be too exausting to send a considerable ammount of soldiers to Skyrim.
Ironically, Hadvar's dialogue suggests that the Imperial Legion ia actually managing to defeat the Stormcloaks after the Tullius came to Skyrim. If you follow him in Helgen and you ask who are the Stormcloaks he will say "You haven't heard of the civil war in Skyrim? I guess down in Cyrodiil people have other things to worry about.It's pretty simple. Ulfric founded the Stormcloaks years ago, as a sort of private army to advance his ambitions. He's always used the ban on the worship of Talos to stir people up against the Empire. He never succeeded in getting much support, so a few months ago he murdered the High King! That got the Empire's attention." thus revealing that the Empire only started to really pay attention to his rebellion after Torygg's death, wich occured a few months before Ulfric was captured while the war itself had been going on for years (the fact that the war has been going on for years is also revealed by Vulwulf Snow-Shod and Vignar Gray-Mane, tough Vignar does not say it directly). Now if you ask him how did they capture Ulfric he will answer with "A masterstroke by General Tullius! He's only been in charge here for a few months, but he's turned things around for the Empire. We've been trying to catch Ulfric since the war started, but he always seemed to slip through our fingers... like he knew we were coming. This time, the General turned the tables on him. Ulfric rode right into our ambush with only a few bodyguards. He surrendered pretty meekly, too. So much for his death-or-glory reputation. I thought we were taking Ulfric back to Cyrodiil, but I guess the General changed his mind. You know the rest." wich shows that the Skyrim's nord legionnaires were not able to capture Ulfric before the Empired started to really care about this war, and that General Tullius just needed a few months to capture the leader of the rebels. His dialogue actually shows how strong the Empire is, as Skyrim's legionnaires were only able to capture Ulfric after Tullius was sent to fix the whole thing (source: http://en.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Hadvar)
Now we get to his points about the best chance for a victory over the Thalmor on a future war. In the first paragraph he talks about the redguards… and acts like if they would signifficantly increase the chance of an imperial victory over the Thalmor, but that is not the case as numbers do not win wars by themselves (some may say that numbers do help. That is right: they HELP, but they do not guarantee victory). His arguments regarding the possibilities of an imperial-redguard alliance versus a stormcloak-redguard alliance are also full of flaws, because as Zorkonov from the Imperial Knowledge youtube channel once explained the diplomatic relations between Hammerfell and the Empire are pretty stable, if not friendly, during the events of The Elder Scrolls V as it is evidenced by the content of the book “Flight from the Thalmor”, wich can be read here: https://www.imperial-library.info/content/flight-thalmor. Pay attention to the very first paragraph: Dearest reader: The work you are about to experience has been copied and duplicated, so that the story it relates can be spread throughout the Empire. But make no mistake - this is not a work of fiction. The events chronicled in this account are all true, were originally documented in a private journal (which now remains safely guarded in the House of Quills in Hammerfell) and occurred not more than a year before this book was printed. - Ashad Ibn Khaled, High Scribe, House of Quills, Hammerfell The Empire has basically allowed Hammerfell to publish a book in imperial land, wich would not happen if Hammerfell was hostile towards the Empire. Talking about the Hammerfell: before anyone says how the redguards “defeated” the Thalmor after the emperor left Hammerfell lets read the damn book about the Great War, shall we? https://www.imperial-library.info/content/great-war and see what it actually says about Hammerfell "In Hammerfell, Imperial fortunes took a turn for the better. In early 4E 173, a Forebear army from Sentinel broke the siege of Hegathe (a Crown city), leading to the reconciliation of the two factions. Despite this, Lady Arannelya's main army succeeded in crossing the Alik'r Desert. The Imperial Legions under General Decianus met them outside Skaven in a bloody and indecisive clash. Decianus withdrew and left Arannelya in possession of Skaven, but the Aldmeri were too weakened to continue their advance [...] In Hammerfell, General Decianus was preparing to drive the Aldmeri back from Skaven when he was ordered to march for Cyrodiil. Unwilling to abandon Hammerfell completely, he allowed a great number of "invalids" to be discharged from the Legions before they marched east. These veterans formed the core of the army that eventually drove Lady Arannelya's forces back across the Alik'r late in 174, taking heavy losses on their retreat from harassing attacks by the Alik'r warriors. [...] In the end, the heroic Redguards fought the Aldmeri Dominion to a standstill, although the war lasted for five more years and left southern Hammerfell devastated. The Redguards say that this proves that the White-Gold Concordat was unnecessary, and that if Titus II had kept his nerve, the Aldmeri could have been truly defeated by the combined forces of Hammerfell and the rest of the Empire.") as we can see Arannelya's Army was weakned after they took Skaven (that is located in central Hammerfell) and was pushed trough the desert by the army of imperial "invalids" Decianus left (thus showing that the Imperials were more than capable of dealing with Arannelya's army back there) to the point of being forced to the southern region of Hammerfell (as this was the devastated region after the aldmeri army withdrew from the province). In other words: Lady Arannelya's army was extremely weakned thanks to imperial veterans who managed to push her army across Hammerfell's sands... and even tough a united Hammerfell did not have progress in fighting her weakned army (remember that it said the redguards fought to a standstill) for FIVE YEARS, and did not even manage to destroy such army. Also the Dominion-Hammerfell war ended with a peace treaty, the Second Treaty of Stros M’kai, after souther Hammerfell, wich happened to be the chunk of land that was ceased top the Dominion when the White Gold Concordact was signed, got devastated by the war. The conclusions we have is that not only the redguards did not actually defeat the Dominion as technically they did not even drive the Dominion out of Hammerfell by force, but also that the Dominion did not sign the treaty because it could no longer fight, but because it had no reason to fight as southern Hammerfell was basically destroyed.
Now lets take a look about what he says about a Stormcloak victory: it is true that Ulfric wants to fight the Thalmor, but this would be suicide. Why? Because the Stormcloaks SUCK on the battlefield. They have been fighting against locally recruited and unexperienced legionnaires (this is revealed by pretty much every in game Legate), legionnaires that also are what General Tullius describes as “a bare handful of legions” and that Legate Rikke describes as “regular militia material”, for years. The Stormcloaks have been fighting these bare handful of militia like, locally recruited and unexperienced legionnaires pretty much to a standstill for years, so how on Nirn would one expect the Stormcloaks to be successful on an offensive against the Dominion? Also even a fast look at some TES: Legends cards can show you that the Stormcloaks really lack organization and discipline among their ranks (https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Legends:Rallying_Stormcloak http://en.uesp.net/wiki/Legends:Inspiring_Stormcloak http://en.uesp.net/wiki/Legends:Stormcloak_Battalion https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Legends:Ulfric's_Uprising), unlike the imperials (http://en.uesp.net/wiki/Legends:Mentor_of_the_Watch http://en.uesp.net/wiki/Legends:Praetorian_Commander http://en.uesp.net/wiki/Legends:Septim_Guardsman http://en.uesp.net/wiki/Legends:Tullius'_Conscription)
Now we get to the isue of racism (ah shit, here we go again). He begins it by saying that imperialism is about a dominant culture being seen as supreme, but that has nothng to do with racism. How? One can see a certain culture as supreme and not see any race as supreme. In fact, imperialism is not even about shoving such culture down someone's throat, as countless Empires did not do that: the americans do not do it, the romans did not do it (the Jews were allowed to have their customs you know), the mongols did not do it back when they dominated modern day Ukraine and part of modern day Russia, the tamrielic empire doesn not do it (the empire did not shove Cyrodiil's culture down other provinces throats. The Empire gave autonomy to the dunmer, the Empire has no problems with nords having long hairs and beards and visiting Halls of the Dead, Bruma is a cyrodiilic city and is far more nordic than imperial in culture, etc. All of these actions were not chosen on desperate situations unlike the ban of Talos worship. In fact as long as the other provinces accept the Emperor's authority, pay the taxes and report for duty when Cyrodiil is at war, the Empire lets the local government dictate the vast majority of the rules, which is why Skyrim is still ruled by jarls and a High King or High Queen). What General Tullius says about the nords ( "The Legion's always been here. Without us to keep order, the provinces would fall into barbarism and lawlessness. Especially Skyrim. Take for example, Ulfric Stormcloak and his little "rebellion." But rest assured, his days are numbered." ) is ethnocentrism, not racism (there is a huge difference between these two). Tullius did not say that a nord is a barbarian simply for being a nord (because HELLO: Legate Rikke is a nord herself, and if Hadvar survives Tullius will be happy if you tell him that he survived, while calling Hadvar “a damn good soldier”).
The irnony is that the autjor complains about imperialism, but we can see that he is a supporter of nationalism, which sets up a dominant culture in its own nation, and the dominant culture is seen as supreme, wich is exactly what we see in game after a Stormcloak victory. But hey: who needs coherence, amirite!
Now to have an idea of how how the Stormcloaks treat non nords in Windhelm (again: in Windhelm) we can take a look at Malborn (the wood elf that helps the Dragonborn ilfiltrate the Thalmor Embassy): if he survives he will relocate to the New Gnisis Cornerclub, to the Gray Quarter in Windhelm (this is clearly documented in both the wiki both the Wiki https://elderscrolls.fandom.com/wiki/Malborn and the UESP https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Malborn). Now lets solve the puzzle: Malborn is an elf and an outsider in Windhelm. He had nothing left and he could have gone to Windhelm's Candlehearth Hall in order to live better while hiding from the Thalmor, but he actually goes to the Gray Quarrter, that is basically falling apart. One would clearly not choose to be on a place like that and therefore if the Stormcloaks were welcoming when he came into the city as an outsider with no future, he would certainly not be in the Gray Quarter (and if they think he could be a spy, they could keep him on a place were he would be constantly watched while living decently)... but he is there. Therefore the only conclusion is that the Stormcloaks, and with them Ulfric himself, did not accept him into the actual city and the Gray Quarter was the only option for him. All of this without mentioning that the argonians that live in the docks only live in the docks because they are not allowed to live in the actual city (for being… well… argonians). Heck, if Ulfric is killed and Windhelm is taken by the imperials and you ask Scouts-Many-Marshes (an argonian in the docks) if he is glad that the Stormcloaks are gone, he will say “You have no idea. Did you know it was his decree that forbade the Argonians from living inside the city walls? I hope in his next life, he’s reborn as an Argonian forced to live in a slum because of some bigoted Nord dictator. I’m joking, of course, but I’m a lot happier seeing the Empire running things in Windhelm.” This fact is also revealed by Brunwulf Free-Winter when he says “Whenever a group of marauders attack a Nord village, Ulfric is the first to sound the horn and send the men. But a group of Dark Elf refugees gets ambushed? A group of Argonians, or a Khajiit caravan? No troops. No investigation. Nothing. There’s a group of cutthroats out there right now that Ulfric doesn’t lift a finger to bring to justice, as long as they don’t threaten Nord land”.
Now about what he points about the Roman Empire, I will use the same logic with the old norse: if you, reader, joined the Stormcloaks because you like the vikings for X or  Y reasons I have no problem with that (I kinda enjoy their history myself. Heck, I could say I am more of a viking fan than a roman fan), but wanting to apply this to the Lore is nonsense because:
- DNA tests on one of the nordic countries (tough I do not recall wich one) have revealed the vikings were actually very diverse in terms of race. In other words: racism was not that common among vikings, unlike among the nords of Skyrim.
- The vikings made sure to take advantage of their ships when they raided the shores of more southern european countries, as with their vertically thin ships they were able to step on the shore right after jumping from the ship. A similar boat design is seen at Windhelm and the Stormcloaks could have took advantage of that and directly attack Solitude from the sea (as most of Skyrim’s shores are controlled by the stormcloaks at the beginning of the game) in some of the earlier years of the war, but the Stormcloaks chose to get massacred on land instead (on a dialogue with Torsten Cruel-Sea where Torsten directly mentions such navy, Ulfric says he will think about it and that is the closest we get to having an actual Stormcloak navy).
- The vikings had almost the same equipment as the rest of Europe at their time, what can not be said about the Stormcloaks in Tamriel. To give more details: during the viking age (around 800 a. C. to 1066 a. C. if I recall correctly) chainmail and shields were universally used (https://levaleur.deviantart.com/art/Armour-evolution-421878469 https://kids.britannica.com/kids/article/armor/390609) and full plate armor only became a thing by the 15th century, and in this period of time not only the design of the armor improved, but the way it was made, the way the metal was shaped in order to make it harder and more effective, combat strategies were improved, etc. In other words: a Stormcloak soldier fighting a Dominion soldier would be like a viking nobleman fighting a 15th century knight... wich would be like a World War 2 german soldier trying to fight a modern US Marine.
Now if you join the Stormcloaks thanks to Talos worship... one can worship him in secret, just like Alvor reveals the nords did before Ulfric’s Uprising (http://en.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Alvor "It's from that treaty that ended the Great War, remember, when the Emperor was forced by the Thalmor to outlaw Talos worship. We didn't pay much attention to it when I was a boy - everyone still had their little shrine to Talos. But then Ulfric and his "Sons of Skyrim" started agitating about it, and sure enough the Emperor had to crack down. Dragging people off in the middle of the night... one of the main causes of this war, if you ask me."). Ulfric’s agitating is what caught the attention of the Thalmor (since it showed that the terms of the Concordact were not being enforced in Skyrim) and the Emperor (as Alvor reveals not even the imperials were that active in Skyrim before Ulfric started his rebellion), so I am sorry to say that but Ulfric’s means are bringing the opposite of what he promises, and having noble goals means nothing if your means do not work.
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