#wil ohmsford hc
littledanette · 2 years
Reader is sparring with Wil/teaching him how to fence properly, and the tension, close proximity and sweat get a little too much to handle...? 🙃
A/N: So uh, guys? I... really don't know what happened here. I loved this prompt so much that my initial “simple” response to this request then turned into… well, this whole thing. I mean, I wrote so much that I HAVE TO BREAK THIS UP INTO PARTS. Liiiiike….when I tell you this half Elf has me in a CHOKEhold. So, uh, anyway, enjoy this totally uncalled for and deep (deep!) dive into the world of Shannara, I guess. Hurray!
PREMISE: Slightly AU from the Shannara series. In this timeline the quest for Safehold is complete, Wil and the others have returned home, and evil has been defeated. Amberle has managed to save the Ellcrys without having to sacrifice herself, but because of her brothers’ death she is now now next in line to become Queen. The story begins a year after the final battle. Allanon returns to warn the court of Arborlon about new demon sightings at the far ends of the realm. The Elvin army is ordered to begin training for war once again as a precaution and the Four Lands remain on high alert following Allanon’s warnings. ‘Reader’ is a Captain of the Guards and is responsible for Wil’s training. She’s been a part of the story and has known him since the beginning. There’s always been a strong energy between them and it’s clear that they both care deeply for each other. However, now that Amberle is about to become Queen Wil is destined to stand by her side as the next King. Now she and Wil have officially announced their wedding. Right after, Wil shows up to his next training session, completely oblivious about Reader’s reaction to the news and what that means for them and their relationship. WARNINGS: mentions of infidelity, intimacy, mentions of war and violence 
(Wil Ohmsford x Reader)
The sound of swords clanging against each other echoes in the air. 
“Was that supposed to hurt?”
You lazily step to the side, blocking Wil’s umpteenth attempt to strike you and easily pushing him back. He stumbles awkwardly, almost losing balance. He manages to stay on his feet and lowers his sword, wiping the sweat off his forehead. 
“I’m just asking,” you ask with a shrug, “Cause at this point, I’m not sure if you’re actually trying to fight, or if you’re just playing with me because you’re bored.”
“Hey, what’s with the attitude?” Wil asks, confused, “…And by the way, since when do you take these training sessions so seriously?”
Clueless, as usual. Of course he’d think it was about the training.
The mere thought does nothing to calm your frustration. 
The two of you are alone in the gigantic outdoor training arena under a canopy of Elvin trees that do little to block the dying sunlight and the summer heat rising from the ground. You’re sweating profusely, the steam is getting unbearable, and Wil is getting on your last nerves. But you’re not about to let him know that. You always thought actions speak louder than words, anyway.  
“The entire army is on high alert for demon attacks. I’d start remembering how to actually handle a sword, if I were you,” you snap back as you point your blade towards him, ready to go again - you notice Wil quickly mirrors your movements - but not without adding, “You know, before you find yourself having to save your precious princess and end up making a demon laugh itself to death from how much you suck at fighting.”
The words come out more poisonous than you had intended, and Wil stares at you questioningly. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
Without answering you leap forward, delivering a direct blow that takes Wil by surprise. With a yelp he instinctively raises his weapon to protect himself, barely stopping you. You keep pressing forward with your blade, forcing him to step back. 
“Hey!” He yells out, “What the hell’s the matter with you?!” 
“Focus, Short tips,” you snarl, using the nickname you know he hates so much and pushing him backward once again, “Never lower your guard. It shows your weakness.” 
“You’re not playing fair at all,” he retorts, taking a few steps away from you and walking in circles. He kicks the ground in frustration. 
“Good luck playing fair with a demon,” you reply dryly. 
“Can we just cut it out with the demon threats and actually talk for a moment?” 
You shrug. “What’s there to talk about?”
Wil sighs, looking at you intently. You quickly look away, avoiding his eyes. You try to distract yourself observing the ceiling of leaves and branches above you, now illuminated by the first faint night lights as the sun keeps setting behind them. Before you realise he’s even moved, you feel Wil’s hand close on your forearm. You look down and raise an eyebrow before looking back up at him. He seems genuinely concerned. 
“…Whatever it is that’s bothering you so much today.” He responds softly.
Something in your stomach churns. You know you’ve been acting like a bitch unreasonably all day, and it hurts him. But you also know there was nothing you can do about it. It’s not like you could go ahead and tell him you’d heard the ‘unofficial’ news about his wedding through gossip amongst the palace staff and the other Guards. Before he’d had the decency to come tell you himself. It’s not like you could tell him that when you’d then heard the official announcement that confirmed everything, it had made you feel like getting stabbed in the chest by a knife. It’s not like you could tell him the very thought of him getting married to Amberle was enough to send you in a jealous rage. Because you had absolutely no right or reason to be jealous. None. And above all, it’s not like you could tell him that feeling his hand on you right now was sending a wave of butterflies bursting in your stomach. And yet…here you were. 
You quickly try to dismiss his concern with a dramatic sigh, reluctantly pulling away from his gentle grasp. “The only thing that’s bothering me is the abhorrent way you’ve been fighting today. In case you forgot, I’m the one responsible for your training. If anyone sees how catastrophic your technique is becoming, they’ll come straight for my head.” 
He shakes his head, huffing. “This is just a training session. You know that. You’ve never cared so much about my fighting to the point that it makes you this upset. I understand if you don’t want to talk about it,” he quickly adds, “But you can tell me anything. You know that, right?” 
“Aww. Sweet, naive Wil. Now, are we done sharing our feelings?” You ask in a mocking voice, rolling your eyes, “The sun’s almost down and I’d like to get at least some work done, if that’s all right with -”
“All right, just - forget it. Forget it.” he cuts you off suddenly, “Let’s get back to practice then. I just thought you trusted me. That’s all.” He seems disappointed. Hurt, almost. He shakes his head and looks away, “I just thought…we were close. That’s all.” 
You close your mouth, unable to come up with another witty remark. He resumes his fighting position, pointing his sword at you. His expression changes as he frowns slightly. “Ready?” 
You quickly snap back to attention, scoffing. “Of course I am. Can’t say the same for you, but let’s see what you’ve got….” You resume your defence position. “You seriously need the extra practice, let me tell you -” 
Suddenly Wil pounces forward, taking you by surprise. You’re quick to recover and manage to block his blow, but he immediately attacks again. The two of you begin a much more intense round of fencing. As you try to adjust to this new burst of angry energy coming from Wil, your mind wanders back….
---------✨✨✨✨✨✨ ---------
Yeah, you’d become “close” all right. If that’s what he wanted to call it. Despite your better judgement, you start replaying instants of memories you’d shared in your mind. The two of you had met right when Wil had first arrived at Arborlon with Allanon to help Amberle. You hadn’t thought much about him at first. After all he just seemed like a naive half-Elf from the countryside who had stumbled upon something much bigger than himself. Even after hearing about the quest for Safehold and how he, Amberle and that rover girl were the ‘Chosen Ones’ for the mission, you were much more preoccupied with the fate of the Four Lands resting upon their shoulders than anything else. Of course destiny was already way ahead of you. King Eventine decided you should accompany the trio for part of their journey along with your best soldiers. Things moved quickly from there: between the seemingly endless trip and never ending danger, the battles and the ambushes, the obstacles and the surprises along the way, you had managed to accomplish your job flawlessly as always. You had turned out to be an essential part of the trio’s journey multiple times, and even though you weren’t one of the Chosen ones your presence had been just as important to the quest as them. Especially, as it turned out, for Wil.
For some strange reason he’d seen beyond the strict, fierce and intimidating character you put forth and had taken a particular interest in interacting with you along the journey. You’d been slightly confused at first, especially since it was glaringly obvious that there was already a love triangle set in motion between him and the two Chosen girls. But you’d also failed to notice any romantic advances on his behalf towards you. So eventually, despite your reluctance in opening up to new people, you figured he simply wasn’t romantically interested in you and had slowly started taking him more into consideration. You’d noticed that despite the two other girls’ attentions he seemed constantly out of place, as though he was just standing on the sidelines of the quest. He was terrified by all of it, that much was clear. But he was also deeply alone. You couldn’t help but relate to him for that. As an orphan you’d spent your life growing up and learning to live by yourself. You’d enrolled in the Elvin army very young, to somehow avenge your parents’ death after they had died in the Ancient Wars many many years before. Fortunately you seemed to be quite good at what you did. Being an outcast turned out to be a shared burden with Wil, and slowly but surely you started seeing him less as a clueless halfling and more like a kindred spirit. Not that you’d ever admit it out loud, especially back then. Your relationship with him had then a sharp turn for the better after one particularly fateful instance.
You’d saved Wil’s life during a particularly vicious battle against the enemy army. A gigantic orc had knocked Wil off his horse with a spiked club, throwing him to the ground and sending his sword flying way out of his reach. You’d seen him crash out of the corner of your eye, the distraction almost causing you to get impaled by a demon. With a fierce move you’d sliced its throat with a clear cut to its jugular, before turning around and bounding towards Wil to help him. Injured by the fall, Wil was clutching his bleeding side and frantically searching for those damn Elfstones that only seemed to work when they wanted to. Just as the the orc had raised his weapon to deliver the fatal blow, you’d leaped in the air and raised your sword once more, burying the blade deep in the monster’s back and cutting him all the way through. Wil had stood watching you, still in shock as the orc fell lifelessly at his feet. You’d quickly managed to somehow drag Wil to safety and keep him alive long enough for the battle to end. You’d helped him cover his wound right after, advising him on how to help it heal - that is, until he stubbornly began trying to use the Elfstones to heal himself. They worked, fortunately.
The quest was over soon after that, and you all returned to Arborlon to figure out what the next chapter of your lives would involve. Wil had spent the following month continuously thanking you for saving him and constantly following you around for whatever strange reason. You’d finally had enough and had asked him - better, ordered him - to cut it off with the thank yous before you regretted saving him in the first place. Embarrassed, he had apologised and promised to stop thanking you - but he hadn’t stopped following you around. When you bluntly asked him what he wanted from you, his ears had turned red and he had confessed that he just liked your company….and was wondering if you could train him. After all, he’d decided to stay at Arborlon for good, and he figured it would be a wise decision to train like an actual Elvin warrior while there was still peace. You know, before the next certain-death mission came along. So, why not train with the best? You were more than surprised by his response. 
Not just because you’d never considered someone could actually enjoy your company - your closest ‘friends’ were your soldier colleagues and you could barely call that a deep, meaningful friendship. You were also puzzled because, ever since returning to Arborlon, it had been clear that Amberle and Wil were a couple. The rover girl had left soon after the quest was over, and Amberle and Wil had started acting like a couple publicly. Surely he couldn’t be that stupid to think he could dare date the princess and court one of her Royal Guards - right? Trusting that he would be smart enough to not make such an idiotic mistake, you’d agreed to one training session and see where things went from there. After all you had nothing to lose, right? Oh how wrong you were. 
That first training session had quickly turned into an almost everyday occurrence. Not only that. Wil had started hanging around you more and more - before and after your training sessions, in the evenings, sometimes early in the morning when you were busy surveilling the rest of your warriors as they trained themselves. You’d tried to keep yourself immune from his naive charm, his overwhelming altruism and his endless kindness. You’d resisted quite a bit, too. But you were bound to fall sooner or later, and you knew it. And fall you did. 
You knew you’d messed up when you started catching yourself doing stupid, silly little things that made you want to smash your own head into a brick wall. You started getting way too distracted by Wil’s eyes, which were neither blue nor gray, but a mixture of hues blue that changed intensity depending on the light. And if Wil happened to touch you in any way - even just offering his arm as a galant gesture while you were walking, or accidentally brushing his arm with yours, let alone all the unavoidable physical contact you had during your training sessions - you started getting a rush of adrenaline that you really, really didn’t like. And, in spite of your usually very dry sense of humor, Wil soon learned just how to make you smile or laugh even when you didn’t want to. No matter how much you tried to keep up your tough act, Wil had managed to break through the walls you’d put up with the rest of the world. And pretty soon, you realised you couldn’t really imagine your days without him. 
You hated yourself for that. You were fine living just the way you did. Alone, with no responsibilities other than towards yourself, and only focused on what you wanted and what you needed. Besides, your life was already too unpredictable and dangerous as it was. You could find yourself on a battlefield, or defending the palace from an attack, or risking your life to defend the Four Lands, at any moment. How could you also deal with worrying about someone else?
So of course, you’d done the worst thing you could do. You’d swallowed your budding feelings for Wil and buried them deep, deep inside, acting as though they never existed. Thankfully, years of military mentality had taught you to discipline your brain like a well functioning war machine. You put all your focus on training him as though he was just another one of your warriors, and similarly treated him like just another fellow soldier when you spent time together outside the training arena. Your plan seemed to work pretty decently… until another fateful night. 
---------✨✨✨2 weeks ago✨✨✨ ---------
You’d finished training late and had asked Wil if he wanted to join you and the guys at the tavern for a quick drink. He’d said yes. Of course he had. Then, for a series of events that had very little to do with you - stupid dares from your fellow guards and stupid jokes and stupid drinking games - that quick drink had turned into several drinks. So when you and Wil eventually left the tavern after midnight, you were both embarrassingly drunk. Wil had insisted on accompanying you home, ignoring your cries of protests and your attempt at telling him you were perfectly capable of taking care of yourself thankyouverymuch. The two of you had made your way towards the Captain’s quarters, stumbling along and leaning on each other for support. To your horror, you’d realised you were giggling like an idiot at basically anything Wil said. To make matters worse, you’d then tripped over yourself and awkwardly stumbled to the ground like a sack of potatoes. After bursting out laughing, Wil had asked you if you were okay and offered you his hand to get back up on your feet. He’d then taken your arm and placed it around his neck, allowing you to lean on him more comfortably as you walked, and holding onto your hand. 
“What were you saying now? You’re perfectly able to take care of yourself?” He’d asked you mockingly, slurring his words as he gave you a cheeky grin.
You’d felt yourself blush furiously and quickly turned your head to hide it from him. Too late…he’d noticed. “Awwww…..is the Captain blushing? Is that a little blush I see? Oh my gosh, you are adorable.” 
“Shut UP, Short tips!” You’d retorted, hitting his chest with your free hand. 
Fortunately, by then you’d arrived in front of your Quarters. Unfortunately, Will wasn’t about to let you go just yet. 
He spun you around so that you were facing him, holding both of your hands to your sides, trying to keep himself steady as he focused his gaze on you. 
“Hey, enough with that stupid nickname,” he’d complained, frowning slightly, “You know I hate it, right?”
You rolled your eyes dramatically. “Fiiiiiiine, whatever.”
“Besides,” he continued, “You can drop this whole ‘I’m so tough and independent and heartless’ act with me, you know?” He shook his head, which made him lean dangerously forward. You took a step back and instinctively freed your hands from his grip to place them on his chest and hold him up. “Whoa…take it easy, Short-” you stopped when he shot you a fired look and huffed, “All right, all right, just…take it easy, William.” 
“That’s…not my name.”
“What do you mean? What’s Wil short for, then?”
He thought about it for a moment, then grinned meaningfully. “Wil’s not short for anything.”
You’d stood there with your mouth hanging open, at a loss for words. 
“You did not just say that-”
He giggled, then hiccuped. 
This is a nightmare, you thought. This was the most adorable thing you’d ever seen in your life, and it was a nightmare. 
“Anyway, that’s not what matters,” he’d quickly recovered, shaking his mane of blonde hair and taking your hands in his once again, holding them up to your chest. 
You noticed the two of you had somehow mindlessly walked just besides your Quarter’s doors and into a side alleyway that was a little more secluded than the main road. 
Wil took a moment to inhale deeply. 
“Heeeey….hey, hey,” he mumbled, searching for your gaze until he had locked eyes with you, “What matters is that you listen to what I just said, okay? And I said, you can drop the act. It’s okay. I get it. I know who you are. I trust you. But I also think that sometimes the way you act is a bunch of crap -”
“Uh, excuse you?” You’d cut him off, raising an eyebrow and acting offended. Wil however, noticed that you did not pull away from him or break eye contact. “What do you think you know about me, exactly? I mean - One day you march in here from the Vale, save the world, come back a hero, beg me to train you - oh don’t give me that look, you were begging like a puppy - and even though I already saved your ass on the battlefield and took you back home safely, effectively ending my duties towards you - no, stop that!” you’d playfully smacked his chest again as he started laughing under his breath, “You STILL insist that I train you, until I cave in and say yes and then….and then what? You waltz into my everyday life with your horrendous sparring and your stupid blonde hair always getting in your face and you look at me with your stupid blue eyes and you talk with your stupid deep voice and you tell me all these stupid nice things, trying to woo me just like the pretty boy you are…. a-and suddenly, now you’re this know-it-all who knows everything about me?”
He was fully laughing by now, his shoulders shaking as he tried to keep his voice down. “Wait wait wait….I think I missed something….” He said between fits of laughter, “…Why is my….hair? Eyes?…my voice….Did you seriously call them stupid?” He kept laughing as he slowly walked you backwards until you felt your back touch the wall of the building. 
You rolled your eyes again, but Wil’s contagious laughter was catching on to you and soon you were also holding your breath to keep yourself from laughing out loud. After a few moments, the two of you had managed to pull yourselves together long enough to speak again. “All right, all right, pretty boy…” you’d mocked him, shaking your head, “…I think we better cut it out and go to sleep. We’re gonna wake up the entire army if we keep this up.”
You gently freed yourself from his hold, smoothing the front of his shirt with your hands as you tilted your head to the side, a small smile on your face. Just when you started noticing how nice Wil’s chest felt beneath your touch and your mind started wondering towards much less innocent thoughts, you caught Wil’s gaze and suddenly your heart skipped a beat.
Wil was staring at you with a peaceful but intense gaze, taking his time to scrutinise your face as he lifted his hand to slowly push a strand of hair behind your ear. He shook his head lightly.
“You really are something else,” hensaid softly as he caressed your cheek. Your breath caught in your throat as you felt him place his hands gently at the base of your neck. Then, he started to lean forward….but only to give you just a chaste kiss on the forehead. Yeah. Just. 
He mumbled something under his breath as he pulled back. “What was that…?!” You’d asked him a little too quickly, desperate to distract yourself from the giddiness bubbling in your stomach thinking about the feel of his lips on your forehead. You needed to get it together. You’re a Captain, for Goodness’s sake! What was the matter with you?! Just look at you. Giggling and hiding in a shadowed alley with the princess’s betrothed, drunk on Elvish beer, on a work night?! You were a disgrace. 
And you were loving every single moment of it.   
“Hmmm?.…Whatsthat?” He mumbled, his voice oddly huskier all of a sudden. 
“What did you say?” 
“Oh…..yeah,” he shrugged with a snort of laughter, “No, yeah, I mean, I was just talking to myself thinking I probably should have chosen you instead of Amberle or Eritrea, you know.” 
Despite the shock in hearing his absolutely unexpected and totally random confession, you couldn’t control yourself as you grinned broadly. 
“Oh, now is that so? Well, it’s too bad I’m not into cute future princes with pretty eyes,” you murmured sarcastically, as you daringly leaned back against the wall and mirrored his gesture of pushing his hair behind his ear. “You know….I’ve got more of a savage warrior-type. No offence…” you’d shrugged playfully, looking back into his eyes. And quickly realising that was a big mistake. He wasn’t laughing anymore now, just looking at you. Far too intensely for your liking. 
You cleared your throat and attempted to gently push him back, just enough to lean away from the wall, but surprisingly you felt him keep you pinned to the spot with his weight. You huffed, half embarrassed and half anxious.
“…I could be a savage for you,” he suddenly mumbled, acting hurt.
You snorted with laughter again, “You could barely kill a demon with your own sword.” “Are you ever going to stop bringing that up?!”
“Yeah, when you stop getting your ass kicked every day when I train you,” you retorted, and he covered your mouth with his hand. 
“I said, drop the act,” he repeated, looking at you meaningfully. 
You felt your knees grow weak as he slowly dragged his hand away from your mouth. There was a moment of awkward silence, then you’d sigh tiredly.
“All right, let’s go get some sleep, pretty boy…” you said softly, patting his shoulder amicably. This time he let you pull away from him….but it was just for a moment. 
As you started to turn your back to him, muttering “Goodnight, then…” and waving goodbye, you felt him take your wrist. You stopped in your tracks.
“Hey…” he called softly. Before you could even think about reacting, he pulled you back to him gently, opening his arms and enveloping you in an embrace. You felt the air literally being squeezed out of your lungs as he wrapped his strong arms around you, holding you close. You could only let yourself go, leaning your head on his chest and breathing deeply. Wil adjusted his body to yours, holding onto you more tightly and leaning his chin on the top of your head. He swayed you back and forth gently, caressing your back lightly with his hands. “…Thank you for everything you do for me.” you’d heard him whisper. 
Taking it as your cue, you pulled back and shook your head, once again at a loss for words to properly respond.
“Uh…sure…just….doing my duty…doing the right thing, y’know…”
“Well, I hope it’s a little more than that,” Wil playfully poked fun at you, winking as his face lit up, melting your heart. 
“Y-yeah…sure…” you mumbled.
You looked at him again and the air around you suddenly changed. You felt much, much more sober. You watched as Will leaned in again once again, cupping your face in his hands. This time, you weren’t sure the gesture would be as innocent as before. You held your breath and closed your eyes. Wil stopped just a breath away from you, hesitating, his lips hovering over yours. You couldn’t find the courage to move, neither away nor towards him. Bringing your hands up to rest on his, you grasped them with a force that betrayed your nervousness. 
“Wil…” you breathed, letting out a shaky breath. Your mouths were so close that your lips gently brushed against each other as you spoke. 
“Hmm?” He asked, still standing still and keeping his eyes closed. You suddenly realized he was giving you the choice. 
You also suddenly realized he was just as nervous as you were. His chest was pressed so close to yours that you could feel his heartbeat racing.
“What would I do without you?” he said softly, moving slowly as he began placing small kisses on your face: “You strong….” A kiss on your cheek, “…brave…” a peck on your nose, “…smart…” another kiss on your temple, “…beautiful…” another on your other cheek, pausing as he murmured “…but also so lonely…” he said this last part under his breath, almost to himself. He was facing you again, your mouths barely a breath apart once more.
You couldn’t believe this was happening. Your mind was racing a million miles a minute. You knew what you want to do. You knew exactly what you want to do. But you also knew it would be wrong. Your moral duty towards your kingdom and your duty as Captain raged a battle against the butterflies in your stomach. The blood in your veins seemed to be chanting Wil’s name in your ears like a spell. You thought about the war…and your responsibilities as Captain….and Wil’s responsibilities….and his loyalty to Amberle….and your loyalty to the crown….and it was all too much.
You soothingly ran your thumbs along Wil’s hands, hoping to soften the blow. You only allowed yourself to revel in the closeness of his body and the tingle of his lips against yours for a few more blessed seconds. You despised yourself with every ounce of your being for what you were about to say. 
“….We c-can’t.” You stuttered softly.
You never stuttered. You took another moment, feeling Wil clench his jaw slightly. He didn’t seem to want to move. Instead, he shook his head with a mutter of disagreement and kept holding on to you, his eyes still closed. When you tried to budge he pulled you back. Then he didi the worst possible thing he could do - he whsipered your name softly, and it almost broke your heart. 
The worst battle of your life would never been remotely as hard as this. You shook your head, biting your lip and cursing mentally when you grazed his mouth with yours once more in doing so. You cleared your throat again.
“….I mean, it’s late, you’re drunk, I’m drunk, and this isn’t…we can’t. Not like….like this. You won’t even remember this in the morning. Come on, you silly prince,” you scolded him gently, giving him a little smile as he finally opened his eyes. He cleared his throat too, as though waking up from a daze. His ears were glowing red in embarrassment. 
“I’m s-sorry,” he mumbled, looking mortified either by his actions or by your rejection. You felt him try to pull away from you, but now it was your turn to stop him. “Hey….hey,” you hushed him softly, pulling him back to you and wrapping your arms around his broad shoulders. You leaned in, daring to place a lingering kiss on his cheek and leaning your face against his to whisper in his ear. “I really care about you. You remember that, okay?” 
He let out a sigh of relief as though an enormous weight had just been lifted from his chest. You felt him nod and pulled back to look into his eyes. You gave him a light smile, holding his hands in yours. 
“….Do you think you can handle getting home by yourself?”
He scoffed, looking away, “Yeah, I think I’ve made enough of a fool of myself….it’s really time for me to go. Right….so….goodnight.”
He nodded once as he gently let go of you. You exchanged one last longing stare filled with meaning and unspoken words. Then you chuckled half heartedly. 
“Ready to get your ass kicked again tomorrow?”
“Yeah….” He laughed, but the sound was much more bitter than before. “…Can’t wait.”
And with one last wave, he turned around and disappeared down the dark pathway. You stumbled backwards until you hit the wall, falling to your knees and mentally kicking yourself as you felt tears slowly start running down your face. 
---------✨✨✨✨✨✨ ---------
That night was probably the beginning of the end, even though you didn’t know it yet. Wil had mysteriously disappeared for a whole week after that, and the anxiety of wondering where he’d gone had almost given you a heart attack. When you’d seen him walk back inside the training camp on the eight day since disappearing as though nothing had happened, you weren’t sure whether you wanted to kill him on the spot or jump in his arms. You settled for a death glare that he quickly dismissed with his usual carefree laughter.
“Missed me?” 
Of course, now you knew there’d been another reason why he’d disappeared. It hadn’t been because of you. Oh, no. It had been because he and Amberle had been too busy planning their wedding without telling anyone during that week. You were ready to bet good money on the fact that someone had tipped the princess off on your little night escapade, casually pushing her to insist on getting married as soon as possible. Of course, you’d known nothing of their plans. And Wil certainly hadn’t had the decency to tell you anything. So you’d had to find out in the worst possible way: through whispers and gossip running through the palace, relying on what your heard like any common maid….
Of course, your reaction to hearing the news had been to disappear for three full days without telling anyone where you’d gone. Then you’d done exactly what Wil had, showing back up at the training camp on the fourth day and finding him helplessly trying to train himself. You’d picked up your sword and started a new session with him, ignoring his questioning stare as though nothing had happened, and knowing perfectly well that everything had happened. 
….So much for dropping the act and letting your guard down, eh? 
---------✨✨✨✨✨✨ ---------
So, yeah. All things considered, you could say you and Wil had been ‘close’. But that had all drastically changed now. Especially since the news of the wedding had just been made official that very morning. Exactly two weeks after that drunk night.
Despite your better judgement a little part of you had still held onto hope that Wil would say something to you - anything at all, at this point - when he would show up for training that day. But once again he had appeared and pretended as though nothing was wrong. Not a single word on Amberle, the wedding, or the two of you. That was when you’d decided you’d had enough playing nice with him. And you were not about to forgive him for any of it. 
The sound of Wil’s sword clanging noisily against yours abruptly pulls you back to the present moment. 
“Careful, Captain,” he warns, flashing you a cocky grin, “Looks like you’re the one losing focus now.” 
You scoff, waiting for him to pause for just a moment to catch his breath and immediately launching forward with a frustrated battle cry, swinging your sword fiercely at him. You both pick up the pace, exchanging one blow after the other as you pace around the arena. You’re both glistening with sweat by now, but you’re not about to give up. Suddenly you hear a loud rustling of leaves just above you and you instinctively look up, startled by the noise. It’s just a large bird leaving its nest. But just as you realise you’ve made a big mistake, Wil charges forward. In a flash he delivers a masterful blow that knocks your sword out of your hand. Then he grabs your forearm and twists you around. Before you can blink you find yourself with your back pressed against him as he holds you firmly into place. 
“Never lower your guard.” He mocks you with your own words, whispering in your ear, and you can feel him smile against your skin, “…I thought you said it shows your weakness.” He drags out the last word, mercilessly taunting you as he chuckles under his breath… and then, he dares to give your ear a little nip, followed by a soft kiss. 
That’s the last drop. 
Gathering all your strength, you grab onto his arm and lunge forward with a swift motion, yelling out as you lift him right off his feet and send him tumbling in the air. The unexpected move catches him completely off guard and he finds himself flipped over and laying on his back, panting. He looks up at you, silhouetted against the sunlight. You’re also breathing heavily, but unlike him you’ve lost all trace of playfulness. How dare he. How dare he do this to you. After everything he’d already done. After keeping the wedding announcement from you. After confessing his stupid feelings that stupid drunk night. After everything. It’s just too much. 
“Get the hell out of my camp,” you order through clenched teeth, “I’ve had enough of you.”
You can see the panic in his face as you spin around and storm off. You hear him scrambling back to his feet, the smugness evaporating from him faster than the sweat on his forehead as he calls your name out, desperately chasing after you. 
You just keep walking. You’re done with all of this.
Done with the training. Done with the joking. Done with the lies. And most of all, absolutely, completely and definitely done with your stupid feelings for this stupid half Elf who had to come along and break your stupid heart. 
You’re officially done with Will Ohmsford. 
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Part 2 is here!
I hope you enjoyed this part 1 my darlings! As always, a little reminder 💜 Likes, comments and reblogs are greatly appreciated! Please support your fav content creators and share the love! ☺️💜💜💜
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bluetiefling · 7 years
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The Shannara Chronicles - 2.10
Mareth? What’s wrong? For a second I felt like... like Wil was here with us.
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♥ request info and rules ♥
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my requests are currently: open !
please note ! if you request something and i fulfill that request, please reblog. i spend a lot of time writing and would very much appreciate a simple reblog for my efforts. (of course, you're not forced to, but i sure would appreciate it).
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as of current, i am writing for:
austin butler characters such as . . .
austin!elvis presley
wil ohmsford
sebastian kydd
elvis presley characters such as . . .
elvis presley himself
vince everett
danny fischer
stranger things characters such as . . .
steve harrington
eddie munson
billy hargrove
miscellaneous characters such as . . .
jason dead (jd) - heathers
billy - scream
please note ! in my elvis fics, you can *obviously* imagine either austin!elvis or normal elvis, it's up to you.
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i will write about :
sfw topics
x readers
suggestive themes
yandere and other dark topics
violent and gory stuff
female readers and non-binary readers
toxic/abusive relationships
more may be added
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on thin ice :
nsfw topics (no detailed or fully written out descriptions, but I'll allude and mention them)
s3lf-harm or su1cide
r4pe (again, mentions and allusions to this are fine, but nothing explicit)
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i will not write about :
character x character
smut / explicitly sexual content
more may be added
please ask if you cannot find something on these lists!
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types of fics :
headcannons - bullet point styled fics. can be as long or as short as i'd like.
drabbles - <1k single part fics.
oneshots - >1k single part fics. not hcs.
series - >2 parts of a fic (so at least three) .
full-length fics - >30k words, >3 parts (technically also considered a series).
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eventine-elessedill · 4 years
For the character hc thing -- Edain and/or Flick?
Both? Both. Both is good.
Edain Elessedil
Sexuality Headcanon: Pansexual.
Gender Headcanon: I'd say he's leaning on the gender fluid/non-binary spectrum (as, honestly, I feel most elves are since their definition of “gender” is a lot looser imo), but doesn't mind he/him pronouns at all.
A ship I have with said character: I don't have a solid ship for him, per say, but I like the idea of Jair following in his father's footsteps and developing a big crush on another of the Elessedil grandchildren (aka Edain is to Jair as Amberle was to Wil). Edain is pretty much oblivious to this (as he is with most people having crushes on him).
A BROTP I have with said character: Him and Elb Foraker because every fucking time I think about Elb staying behind with him to defend him and them both being aware that they weren’t getting out of their situation I just *clutches breast* (Also him and Jair!)
A NOTP I have with said character: Uh, I can't think of one?? I don't think he interacts with enough people to have a solid opinion here.
A random headcanon: He and Elb survived Graymark and are hiding out somewhere
Only in my dreams. I have a bunch of random headcanons for him here but my favourite of those that keeps coming up is that Edain bleaches his own hair for fun and purposefully did things to his appearance to tick off his mom after she explicitly told him he couldn’t (btw who’s not a bad lady at all and supports her kid but also he wore her to early grey in her hair so...).
General Opinion over said character: My beautiful disaster boy who was taken from us far too soon. I really love Edain because he follows in the family footsteps of the gentle masculinity trope, is generally upbeat and positive and doesn’t think twice about just diving into things head first.  And he reads to me as a free spirited soul who just genuinely wants to help people (even at the cost of himself).
Flick Ohmsford
Sexuality Headcanon: Asexual and demiromantic. Flick genuinely strikes me as just having little to no interest in those types of things, though his wife never really minded. 
Gender Headcanon: Cisgender male, though he's never solidly thought about it before.
A ship I have with said character: I guess him and his dead wife, though we know next to nothing about her. I’m going to guess she was the sunshine optimistic half to Flick’s big grump and no one can tell me otherwise.
A BROTP I have with said character: Him and Shea because I love how devoted to his brother Flick is; that's one of the things I admire most about him. I also like the idea of him having a long term penpal ship with Eventine after he rescued him, but you're the one who inspired that so...
A NOTP I have with said character: Flick/basically anyone in the party but especially Menion Leah
A random headcanon: 
-Despite the fact that Menion is/was a class A dumbass in Flick’s mind, he still begrudgingly liked him and would be dragged along to Shea’s annual visits, and would help Shea write letters to him when his eyesight began to go (and was sure to include his own messages of displeasure with his dumbass decisions he heard about through the grapevine). 
- The reason Flick likes to climb so much is because it was the only thing he found as a kid that would help his brain stop flying at a mile a minute, as heights actually calmed him down instead of riling him up. He doesn’t like watching other people climb things, though (especially not Wil) because he’s afraid they’ll fall and that he won’t be able to catch them.
General Opinion over said character: Flick gets nowhere near the amount of appreciation he deserves in or out of canon. He's not the big damn hero, but he pulled a lot of weight in the quest and deserves to have at least that much acknowledged. I also just like how much of a grump he is all the time because it never comes off as sardonic asshole like it easily could. It just comes off as tiredTM and letting things slip by accident (he’s got a big mouth but not a bad heart, if that makes sense).
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littledanette · 2 years
Hello!! Yes so I have completely fallen in love with Wil and the whole Shannara series. I am shocked by the lack of fanfic on ao3/ff.net, especially regarding Wil in particular. There’s just so much material there imo. I am not fond of reader x character fics or smut, but I love backstory, h/c, soft fics, and character development fics. If these are not anything you write, I totally understand!! I just wanted to put in a request for anything along those lines, for what it’s worth :) Wil is just so sweet and caring, and he has so much courage! I love him. Thanks for your offer to take requests and for taking the time to read this!
Hello darling, and thank you for your message! 💜
I thought I’d start off with your request just to metaphorically test the waters with writing for our beloved Wil. 
Everyone, please bear in mind i saw both seasons of Shannara and am currently re-watching season 1, but since it’s a very complex world, forgive me if I still mess up a few details, write something non-canon, or mix up some canon facts. 
Anyway, here are a few random HC’s for our favorite half elf….
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He grew up mostly with his mother. He still worshipped his father like a hero, but we all know what a complicated character he was. And since Wil had no idea about his family’s history, when he was little he started thinking his father wasn’t around much / started drinking / got into trouble because he didn’t fully enjoy or want his family life. It hurt him to think that, but he still tried to make the best of the few precious moments he shared with his dad.
Because of his upbringing, Wil started to rely almost entirely on his mother. They had a very profound emotional bond, and we know her death left a scar in his heart that never really healed. 
Also thanks to his mother, Wil learned to respect and admire women, especially those with a strong spirit and a loving heart.
He has a very deep sense of protection towards the women he loves, but he also craves the motherly attention and love that was so brutally ripped away from him. 
He’s not as naive as he might seem - think of him at the beginning of Season 1. He just wants to search for the best in even the worst situation and he tries to see the good in everyone. He’s actually extremely anxious and afraid of what he doesn’t know, so he also tries to encourage himself by keeping an open mind and heart towards the world. 
He was quite lonely growing up because being a half elf meant that a lot of the other children weren’t very nice or welcoming to him. He got called names and made fun of, especially for his ears, which he became extremely self conscious about. But back then he was always too gentle to react or lash out, so he’d usually end up isolating himself instead of picking up a fight. He’d wander around exploring the little forest surrounding Shady Vale, or go visit his uncle, or stop by to watch the Healers work in their village quarters. He never really held a grudge towards the kids that were mean to him, but sometimes he did wish he had a friend he could talk to. 
He felt safe and at home in Shady Vale, but he secretly longed to leave it behind and go explore the world. He never allowed himself to fully embrace that pull towards the unknown…. Until he was forced to, by the events we all know. 
He is very empathic and often gets overwhelmed by his own emotions. This is why sometimes he’ll be too impulsive or make a ‘dumb’ decision. He hates himself when he messes things up, especially if someone else gets hurt (emotionally or otherwise) because of it. 
He doesn’t want to admit it but since the first moment Allannon first revealed the story of his father, the Elfstones and his destiny, Wil started feeling as though a huge weight had been lifted from his chest. Sure, he was terrified and confused, but suddenly so many things about his life made sense to him, and feeling as though he had a higher purpose actually started bringing out his most authentic self. 
This also meant bringing out his courage. Wil has actually been brave his entire life, but he always assumed that just meant doing the right thing and caring about the people he loves. The quest for Safehold finally allows him to discover just how brave and daring he can actually be. 
On the downside, he can be quite moody and difficult to deal with when he’s in a bad mood. There’s a lot of unresolved anger and frustration buried deep inside him. The dark side of learning how to use the Elfstones meant having those feelings start to surface from time to time. It won’t happen often, but sometimes he’ll lash out unexpectedly, breaking something or taking his anger out using his sword against some unanimated object. 
His tendency to isolate is another one of his flaws. As much as he craves love and affection, he’s also extremely sensitive to whatever might make him feel unwanted or rejected. He’ll quite literally disappear from everyone if that happens until the feeling fades away. 
His favorite season is autumn. He loves the colours of the leaves and the crisp air, not to mention spending the chilly evenings outside by a campfire or looking at the stars. 
He’s loyal to the core. Once he knows he can trust you, he will always have your back and defend you with his life.
feel free to skip them if they’re not your cup of tea….
First things first, because I feel this needs to be said: he’s an amazing kisser. You can’t fool me, those lips were made to kiss and he knows it very well.
That’s also why he really, really loves giving kisses. It’s one of his favorite gestures of intimacy, whether it be passionate kisses that take your breath away or little loving kisses all across your face. 
He is extremely touch-starved. That’s obviously because he had to learn to live with loneliness at such a young age. He’s very shy at first, but once he starts feeling more comfortable around someone he’ll grow close to them very quickly and likes to express that with physical touch. After all he probably wouldn’t have wanted to be a Healer if touch didn’t resonate with him as his primary love language, right?
Speaking of that, he loves hugging the people he cares about. But he also wants to be held and reassured, especially when he’s feeling particularly alone. Sometimes falling asleep in his partner’s arms is the only way for him to finally relax and let his guard down. 
He falls in love very easily, but his emotions are also quite fleeting and sometimes very intense to deal with. 
His sex drive isn’t insanely high, but once he starts having feelings for someone he’ll crave being intimate with them even if it just means falling asleep with his arms around them, or holding hands while taking a walk, or spending time cuddling in peace while watching the sunset. 
He’s a romantic at heart, even though he can be quite awkward at first. He loves giving little presents, courting, and genuinely giving his attention and time to someone he cares about. 
He always dreamed of getting married young and have a family of his own, probably to subconsciously heal the family wounds he holds in his heart. 
His loyalty shows in his romantic relationships as well: although his emotions can sometimes be all over the place, once he choses a partner for good, there is nobody else in the world for him. 
He believes in soulmates.
He is extremely protective, sometimes becoming slightly too aggressive if he senses anyone or anything might be a threat or even a slight annoyance to his partner. 
Ironically enough, his weakness is - yup, you guessed it - his ears. Kisses, nips and little bites will immediately make his knees go weak and his restraints vanish into thin air. 
Remember how I said he’s initially shy and awkward? Yeah, that all goes out the window once he knows he can trust you as his partner and starts having feelings for you. He might not have the highest sex drive, but when he does get in the mood…. You’re always in for a very, very long and ecstatic night… A lover boy, indeed!
Hope you enjoyed these! 💋
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littledanette · 2 years
A/N: Here it is, darlings! I am thrilled to share part 3 of this miniseries with you! Your support and love are amazing and I appreciate every single one of you who liked/commented/shared my story. Thank you! This is going to be the second to last chapter. I hope you love reading it as much as I loved writing it.
In case you’re new, you can find Part 2 here!
Enjoy! 💕💕💕
Warnings: A shit-ton of stuff happening here. Cursing. Lots of drama. A little bit of violence at the end. And finally.....romance!!!💕💕💕
Not That Girl - Part 3
(Wil Ohmsford x reader)
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“I’m not going anywhere.”
“Leave me alone.”
“I said I’m not going anywh-”
“Leave me ALONE!”
Wil grabs your wrist a little more roughly than he would’ve wanted to. You stop in your tracks for a moment as you breathe heavily but you have no intention of stopping, let alone listen to him. You’re still furious and you need to get as far away from him as possible. You’re crossing the empty gymnasium where the indoor training sessions usually take place. Fortunately right now there’s nobody around to see your little outburst of drama. You jerk your head back towards Wil, shooting daggers from your eyes. “I swear to the Gods Wil, if you don’t go of me this very moment -”
He calls your name out. 
“Please…” Wil’s eyes are wide and imploring.
They have no effect on you now. He wanted you to drop you act? Well, maybe it’s time he takes his own advice and drops his own act, too. You’re sick and tired of this naive, innocent, knight-in-shiny-armour charade of his. He’s no better than any other man. A liar, a coward and a cheater. What else was there to say? You yank your arm away from him, but he refuses to let go. 
“I know why you’re angry at me.”
The sudden admission takes you slightly by surprise, but you can’t allow it to distract you so easily. You shake you head, keeping your gaze lowered. Wil pulls you slightly towards him but you refuse to budge. 
He sighs. “I’m serious. No more playing. I just want to talk to you.” 
“Well, it’s too late for that.” you scoff bitterly.
“Please, just give me a chance to -”
“You had your chance, Wil.” you interrupt him, “And you chose silence. That’s not my problem anymore. ”
You try to tug yourself free once again, but he still won’t let go. You huff in frustration. “I’m not going to say this again, Wil. Leave me alone -” 
You pull a little more forcefully, but he mirrors your movement in the opposite direction, catching you off balance for a second and actually managing to drag you a few steps closer to him. 
“Wil, I’m warning you. You’re really starting to piss me off…” you growl under your breath, glaring up at him. 
He doesn’t move. “I’ll let you go after you promise you’ll listen to me.”
“I don’t want to listen-”
He says your name again. “I know I messed up, bad. Okay? I’m sorry -”
“I don’t care.”
“…And I’m sorry for pissing you off like that back at the camp. I was an idiot -”
“You’re still an idiot.”
“…but I have to make things right with you. Please, please just give me a chance -”
Instead of softening your heart his pleading voice is making your blood boil. All you can think about is how Wil thought he could just get away with everything he’d done, without any consequence at all. Why should he care, after all? He was the future goddamn King of Arborlon. Of course he didn’t give a crap. He didn’t care about anybody but himself and his precious little princess. He thought he could just walk into your life, seduce you, have his way with you, take what he wanted, and abandon you as soon as she beckoned him to the altar. Well, tough luck for him. He picked the wrong bitch to mess with. 
“Wil I’m warning you -” 
“No!” he insists a little more forcefully, “I just want to explain-”
“I’m giving you one last chance.”
“I promise you, everything is going to make sense after I…”
“And I promise you, you are going to thoroughly regret it if you don’t get the hell away from me right this minute -”
He shakes his head, before repeating your name and uttering the words that finally make you snap, “…Don’t you at least owe this to me?”
In one swift motion you turn your hand around, grab his wrist, and twist your arm with a move that both forces him to free you and causes him a jolt of pain. He cries out as his hand releases you. Then, just as he grabs his wrist, he feels the cold steel of a blade against his jugular. His breath catches in his throat and he looks up at you in disbelief. You’re holding a dagger to his skin, chest heaving and eyes ablaze with anger. 
“I owe nothing,” you growl through clenched teeth, “Not to you, or anyone else. Do you understand?” 
He nods, taking deep breaths and keeping his eyes on the dagger as he lifts his hands up in surrender. He only dares to look back at you when you lightly press the blade upward, making him raise his head. 
“Get the hell out of my sight before I really lose my fucking temper.”
For a moment he stands still and the only sound is the sound of the two of you breathing heavily. Then, to your utter surprise, he shakes his head again.
“No. I won’t leave you. Not now.” 
Your lips curl in a snarl and you threateningly press the blade forward, eliciting a small moan from Wil when it cuts him ever so lightly. Still, he doesn’t move. “No -”
“Dammit Wil, don’t force me to-” “You won’t hurt me.”
His words make you falter. He speaks them with such confidence that your heart almost skips a beat. His blue eyes are as clear and calm as ever.
“…I know that you won’t.”
You’re not sure if you want to cut through him or kick yourself in the head more. You wish you could do what you’re threatening him to do. And you hate your guts, because you know it takes Wil one look at you to know he’s right. He’s calling your bluff and seeing right through you once again. Your stomach clenches in anger. You manage to hold your stance for a few more moments. Faking it, testing him. Seeing if he’ll falter first. But he just stands still, hands still raised, throat lifted to give you full access - should you actually want to hurt him - and blue eyes piercing into yours. 
He knows you so well… 
And you wish you could just disappear. 
You suddenly pull the blade away from him, crying out in frustration. 
“FINE! You want to talk? Let’s talk, dammit!” You yell as you throw the blade away from you. It lands with a clang at the far end of the room, the sound echoing in the gymnasium. You see Wil heaving a sigh of relief as he shakes his shoulders, evidently trying to exorcise the fright you just gave him. Too bad you’re just getting started. 
“Let’s talk about the way you’ve been messing with my head, huh?” You start, stepping right up to his face, “Let’s talk about the way you thought you could make a fool out of me…” you place your hands on his chest and push him back roughly. Wil opens his mouth, but you don’t let him speak. Instead, you walk straight back up to him, ready to repeat your gesture. “Let’s talk about the pathetic way you tried to seduce me while we were both drunk, failed, and then ran right back into your princess’s arms like the desperate mutt you are, huh?” You push him, harder this time. Wil stumbles backwards, but doesn’t react. You catch a glimpse of tears forming in his eyes and realise why he’s allowing you to do this to him. 
He thinks he deserves it, you say to yourself. 
You feel an ache in your heart, but decide to ignore it. The anger running through your veins is poisoning your mind and blurring your vision, poking at your insecurities and pulling at your deepest fears. You cannot stop yourself as you continue to spit out your venomous accusations. “Or maybe, let’s talk about how you confessed that you thought you’d picked the wrong woman? Yeah, I bet that one works wonders with all the other bitches you have a go at, right?” This time you grab his shirt before pushing him away even more aggressively than before. Wil falls backwards, landing with a thud on the ground. “Better yet,” you growl, crouching down besides him and grabbing his shirt again, yanking him to you as you speak through gritted teeth, “Let’s talk about how much of a coward you’ve been, disappearing for a week and then hiding away behind your princess’s protection, without ever daring to come tell me about your damned wedding day yourself, huh?” 
Your nostrils flare as you glare at him menacingly. Your hands are gripping his shirt so tightly your knuckles are turning white. You can feel tears begging to sting the corners of your eyes and you choke back a sob. You hate yourself more with every passing second. Especially when you see Wil’s expression, filled with hurt and regret. A single tear falls down his cheek, and you almost crumble on yourself. 
“Why did you have to do this to me, Wil Ohmsford?” Your voice cracks, the question barely coming out as a whisper.“Why me? Who the hell do you think you are?!” 
You feel yourself fall on your knees, but you keep your back straight and your head held high. You are not going to allow him to win this so easily. Your hands begin to shake, but you refuse to let go of him. You barely register the tears falling from your eyes. 
But then Wil raises his hands - ever so slowly, so as not to startle you - and places them over your own. His touch is so gentle, so sincere, so completely opposite to your fiery fury. You wish you could find the strength to pull away from him. But you can’t move. Once again your heaving breaths are the only sound filling the air. 
Wil doesn’t pull his gaze away from yours. He keeps his eyes focused on yours, filled with a warmth and a calm that are almost unnatural. He breathes steadily, holding onto your hands as he waits for you to calm down. You feel him begin to stroke his thumbs across the back of your hands and you almost lose it. How could he be like this? You’re basically assaulting him, yet he is unable to even shout back at you, even just to defend himself. You realise that’s not what he wants at all. 
He really only wants to talk to you. 
He only want to apologise, explain himself…whatever it is that he wants to do. 
He doesn’t care how much anger you throw at him. 
He’s really not leaving your side until you let him speak. 
No one has ever stood by your side like this in your entire life. You can hardly believe it. 
You hear him calling your name softly, tentatively. You snap out of your daze. You try to speak but your voice is caught in your throat. You stare at him cluelessly, waiting for him to do something. Anything. You’re not used to feeling this helpless, and you’re hating every second of it. 
He pulls himself up slightly, still keeping your hands in his and pulling them to his chest. You let him. 
“I’m so sorry,” he whispers, gaze lowered. You realise he’s still trying not to cry. But he gives a little sniffle, then looks back up at you. His eyes are brighter than before, the tears are now glistening behind them. “I promised myself I wouldn’t hurt you, and yet I did. I hate myself for it. More than you will ever know. And you’re right. I was a coward, and an idiot, and I ran away, and I should’ve come to you right away to tell you about…” he shakes his head, his voice cracking slightly. He clears his throat. “…But it’s really all so, so different from what you think. There’s so much you don’t know.”  
For the first time since the beginning of your fight you feel genuinely confused. You can tell Wil truly means what he’s saying - but how is that possible? What does that mean? What is it that you don’t know? 
“Then tell me,” you hear your own voice echoing from far away, as though someone else was using it. You gulp, trying to gather your courage before repeating: “Tell me the truth, once and for all. Because I am not going to give you another chance.” 
Wil takes a deep breath, unsure of where to start. 
“Between Amberle and me…it’s not like you think.” 
You frown. They literally just announced their wedding to the entire kingdom. How could it not be “like you thought”? 
Wil straightens himself up, tucking his legs closer to himself so that he can stand up straight as he continues speaking. He’s still holding your hands. You mirror him, folding your legs underneath you as you wait for him to carry on. 
“Two weeks ago when I spoke with Amberle… she knew. About…us. Somebody…I don’t know who…somebody saw us that night and told her everything.”
I bloody knew it, you think to yourself. But you hold back from interrupting him.
“She summoned me…as if I were one of her servants…she summoned me and told me that she knew about us, and that I had to end things with you because I didn’t know what I really wanted and I never know who I really love… she said she knew I’d gotten distracted by another woman because she’d been so busy running the kingdom and I felt ignored…” he scoffs, the bitterness evident in his voice, “And then…she said it was time for our wedding, and if I didn’t agree to leave you immediately and marry her, she….she would have you accused of high treason and your penalty would’ve been…” he gulps, unable to say the word.
“…Death.” You finish for him, your voice serious and low.
You can’t believe what you’re hearing. What the hell had gotten into that bitch? How could she threaten Wil like that? And using you as leverage for her filthy plan, no less. You always suspected she was just a spoiled heartless brat, but this went beyond anything you could’ve expected. Your gaze softens as you glance at Wil, nodding silently to signal to him to continue.
“I-I didn’t know what to do, so I ran…I ran way. I disappeared for a week because I didn’t know what else to do. I had nowhere to run and no one to turn to. Amberle made me realise that I don’t want to marry her, at all, because I don’t love her. But I couldn’t risk putting your life in danger in any way. All I wanted to do was to run to you, tell you everything, take you away with me…But I was scared that Amberle would find out, and I was too terrified to think about what would happen then. So then I…I realised there was no other way and I did the only thing I could do. I came back and I said I’d agree to marry her, but…only to save your life.” He clings harder onto your hands, clutching them fiercely to his chest. “I wanted to come to you and tell you everything….but then I showed up here the next day and they told me you’d left and I…I almost lost it. No one knew where you’d gone! And I thought…I couldn’t even dare to think what might’ve happened to you….” The tears are now falling freely down his cheekbones as he looks up at you. You can see the fear that he’d felt back then, reflecting once more in his eyes. “…When you came back, I was just so happy that you were alive that I…I just couldn’t bring myself to tell you about what I’d done. I felt too ashamed….and all it took was for you to look at me once, and I knew…I knew you’d heard about the wedding rumours through the palace…and I almost could’t bear it, thinking about how much that must have hurt you…And I knew I’d probably messed everything up anyway by then, so I…I just tried to not do anything else, and hold on to these little moments we could still share together, even if you were just training me, but at least….I could lie to myself and think that at least we still had those moments…Even though they would never be enough…But at least then I could still be with you, and I was keeping you safe. I was so scared about doing anything else that might hurt you more, anything at all… I knew I couldn’t escape this wedding, but I just figured….I don’t know…I was just waiting to be brave enough to tell…tell you everything….you deserve to know…” he hangs his head, taking a shaky breath, “That’s all I wanted…I didn’t want to…I just wanted to keep you safe…I knew you deserved to know…I just thought maybe we’d find….” He cuts the sentence off, choking back a sob before taking another deep breath and looking into your eyes. “…This is all my fault. I’m so sorry. For everything.”  
You’re standing with your mouth hanging open, speechless. You can feel the tears streaming down your own face but you refuse to wipe them away for fear of pulling your hands away from Wil’s. Your mind is racing like a wild horse and your heart is fluttering like a hummingbird’s wings. You’re feeling such a mixture of emotions that you fear you might burst a coronary. Anger, relief, heartache, fear, disbelief wash over you in waves, crashing into your mind with the power of a storm. Through the haze you hear Wil repeating your name over and over. Your eyes snap back to his. 
“Please…just say something.” 
Once again you hear your voice coming from outside yourself, weak and shaky. “Why….why couldn’t you just tell me all of this before?”
Wil grips your hands harder, pulling them even closer to himself as he sits up straight, “I know. I should’ve. But I couldn’t. I couldn’t bring myself to…”
“…But why?” You repeat, staring at him meaningfully. In your heart you know what you both want and dread hearing. And you know he knows too. Because once he’ll say those words…there’s no going back. 
“…Because I was too afraid of losing you.” He whispers, still holding back those words. You gulp, biting down on your dry lips to moisten them. 
“…Why, Wil?” 
He takes one last deep breath. There’s an endless pause. Then he surrenders. 
“…Because I’m in love with you. And I’m terrified.” 
The words hit you like a lighting bolt. They swim in your head, echoing over and over and spreading through your veins like a potion. They fly straight to your heart, hitting it squarely like a blazing arrow and making your heartbeat almost burst out of your chest. 
You suddenly feel dizzy. Pulling your hands away from Wil’s hold, you stumble back and clumsily scattered to your feet. Wil’s face fills with panic once again. He’s very confused by your reaction. He follows your lead, scrambling on his feet quickly. “Hey hey hey, what are you -?”
“I have to leave,” you say, almost to yourself, diverting your eyes from him.
Everything he’s just said is suddenly crashing over you like another tidal wave. The gravity of what he’s just told you, the danger you know you’re in, the threats that have been made towards yourself and him…it’s too much. You can feel yourself spiralling into a wave of panic. Your mind is screaming at you to run away right now, but your heart and your body are holding you glued to where you are. You bury your hands in your hair, helplessly turning around on the spot as you feel the panic rising. You can hear Wil calling your name but you can’t bring yourself to focus on him. “Please, stop-” he pleads. 
“I have to go…I have to leave everything, now…” you mutter, slipping into a full blown panic attack, “You’re not safe here with me….Neither of us is safe. We have to leave…I have to leave you right now…” you pace back and forth, still unable to move further away from him. 
“Listen to me…” Wil reaches out, but misses you as you pass by him. 
“…Oh Gods…Amberle’s going to kill us both. I can’t even think…”
“Stop it! You’re spiralling out of control…” you feel his hand on your waist. 
“This is not your fault, Wil. It’s mine…I should’ve known better…I served this Kingdom my entire life…how could I have been so stupid…?!”  
“Just breathe for a second…”
“What did we think we were doing?! I’m never going to forgive myself if…”
“You were telling the truth…I don’t deserve…”
“Look at me…”
“I don’t deserve y….”
Your words are cut off as Wil spins you around. 
In one swift motion, he pulls you to him and covers your lips with his. 
Your breath catches in your throat. You instinctively close your eyes, blissfuly allowing yourself to fall into the kiss. Your knees give in and you stumble forward but Wil promptly catches you, wrapping his arms tighter around you and supporting your body with his. You slide your hands up his chest and into his hair, tangling your fingers in his blonde locks and holding him so tightly you know you were probably hurting him. He merely gives a soft moan, his own hands sliding across your back to lock you in his embrace. He nudges your mouth open with a gentle touch of his nose and deepens the kiss. And suddenly, you feel like you’re breathing for the first time in your life. You pull him as close to you as you physically can, dropping your hands from his hair to grasp anywhere you can reach: his collar, his chest, down to his waist and then back up around his shoulders. You suddenly break the kiss, both of you panting heavily. His gaze flickers up and down your face questioningly. 
“I hate you…” you whisper, caressing his jaw line with your hand as tears still fall down your cheeks.
It’s true…kind of. You hate how he’s made you feel. You hate that he hadn’t told you everything immediately. You hate how weak and helpless you felt in front of him. You hate how you can’t control your feelings towards him. You hate how you can’t stay angry at him. And most of all, you hate how much you realise you love him, right there and then.  
Wil chuckles slightly. The sound makes your heart sing. Then he shakes his head. “No, you don’t…” he whispers, lowering his eyes to your lips and leaning in, brushing his lips against yours. Your body is feeling so much bliss that you begin to fear you’ll simply pass out. And this was just a kiss. 
You pull back slightly, nodding in response to him. 
“…Yes, I do.” you whisper under your breath, stopping his mouth just a breath away from yours. You give a nervous chuckle, lightly beating your hand on his chest and biting your lower lip. “I really do.” 
You feel his arms pull you to him more tightly as he comes in for another kiss. 
“You really don’t,” he replies breathlessly,  shaking his head more vigorously as he reaches for your mouth. You keep yourself just out of his reach and nod once more. Your chest heaves as you take a breath.
“I do,” you repeat, locking your gaze with his. “I hate you, Wil Ohmsford.”
His eyes, already lit up with happiness, sparkle mischievously. He laughs softly, cupping your face in his hands. He leans his forehead against yours, smiling. 
“And I love you more.”
Your heart threatens to explode in your chest once again. 
You can’t stop yourself from mirroring Wil’s smile. He is impossible….and you never want to let him go, ever again. Turning serious, you gently caress his cheek, choking back a sob as you feel yourself become overwhelmed by all your emotions. 
“Come here…” Wil murmurs sweetly, lowering his hands to your sides and pulling you to him once again. You wrap your arms around his neck, closing your eyes and abandoning yourself in another breathtaking kiss -
And then the explosion hits. 
Both of you are knocked right off of your feet.
For a moment, everything stands still. Then you open your eyes, scrambling to get back up and frantically looking around to find Wil. He’s standing just out of your reach, also sprawled on the ground. You feel as wave of relief when you see he’s not wounded. You quickly glance down at yourself - no wounds on your body, either. 
“What the hell was that?!” Wil yells, dragging himself over by your side and immediately taking you into his arms. You hug him tightly. Your heart is racing, and this time it’s not from love. 
“I don’t know,” you reply, fear spreading through your body.
You both flinch as you hear another explosion. This time is sounds slightly more distant.
“What’s going on out there?” Wil exclaims. You shake your head. 
You have no idea, but you know for a fact it’s not good. 
Just as the two are getting on your feet, the gymnasium doors burst open. Your heads both snap towards them, to see who is standing in the doorway. Your mouth hangs open in shock when you see who it is. 
“…Allanon?!” You shout over the noise of another explosion.
Your heart plunges down to your stomach when you see who’s standing besides him. Covered in dirt, beaten up, and bruised. The royal elf, herself.
Wil’s voice is incredulous. 
“Move it, lovebirds!” The Druid shouts back, already poised for battle. He’s sweating and panting, a sure sign he’s been running to find you. “We need you out here immediately!” 
“What is happening?” Wil asks, helping you on your feet.
Amberle rushes over to the two of you, shaking slightly as she gives Wil a quick hug. He looks at her in disbelief. “Wil! I’m so sorry for everything…”
“What are you talking about?!”
“Thank Goodness Allanon found me before it was too late…”
“What do you mean you found her? Where?” You turn your head to ask the Druid, fear flooding your veins as you try to understand what’s going on.
Another explosion makes you all jump. “The princess is back and safe now, that’s all that matters,” Allanon responds, clearly irritated, “Now how about we save story time for another place and move out of here before -”
“Back? From where?” Wil asks Amberle.
She shakes her head, eyes widened in fear. “I was kidnapped a month ago. I was being held hostage! That girl who’s in the palace…that’s not me.”
Wil’s mouth drops open. “Then…who the hell is that?”
Your skin crawls as you hear another loud blast filling the air, this time followed by an ear-piercing screech you’ve already heard before. Glancing meaningfully at Allanon, you put the pieces together.  
The Druid raises his eyes towards the sky, shaking his head slowly before turning back to look at you and Wil. His face is serious, his gaze hard. Your stomach lurches. You know what he’s going to say before he says it, and you can tell Wil does too.
“…That’s a Demon.” 
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To be continued…..
A/N: Well well well…I bet you weren’t expecting all of that, were you?!
Side note, I initially thought I’d made Wil too much of a pushover during the fight and I almost re-wrote the whole thing… But then I remembered that A- I’m writing season 1 Wil AKA sweetest boi alive AKA wouldn’t hurt a fly AKA still doesn’t know his power and B- he loves you and he’s so heartbroken he just wants you back, so 🥺🥺🥺 I left him like that. Hope you liked it!
I can’t wait to share the final chapter with you… I promise we’re going to turn up the heat! Let me know if you would like to be tagged when I post it 💕
As always please remember that likes, comments and reblogs are always greatly appreciated! Please support your friendly content creators!
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littledanette · 2 years
darlings i need your thoughts!!!
what do you think wil calls his s/o? baby? love? darling? my beloved? queen?
i’m writing my first full wil x reader oneshot from one of your requests and i need your opinions on the matter!!! 👀💜💕💜💕💜
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littledanette · 2 years
uuuh i’m so excited about the Wil requests that you’re sending me!!! i won’t be able to get to them today but i sure count on taking them on this weekend!
just a few little notes, since some of you have asked and i realized i haven’t been more specific about this -
i feel comfortable writing basically anything. i might reject really extreme requests (i.e gore, extreme violence, etc) but that’s mainly because i mostly enjoy writing about romance.
speaking of romance: i write anything from fluff to actual erotica. So please let me know if you have any preference on how explicit/spicy/erotic your request should be. otherwise i will just assume you’re fine with any level of spiciness and just follow my inspiration!
as far as erotica goes, if you read any of my other fics you’ll see i tend towards slow burns, passion, seduction and fantasizing rather than bland pornography. i love writing sex scenes and experimenting with writing about you guys’ requests/kinks/fantasies , but i always keep my writing on the passionate romantic side
i prefer to write imagines / HC’s / x reader fics just because i think they’re more immersive and personal, BUT i’m also open to writing about character ships if requested (…unless i really really hate the pairing, Lol)
in any case, feel free to ask if you have any further doubts or questions. i will be happy to answer you and hopefully write something you will enjoy!
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littledanette · 2 years
So happy my last post on wil fanfics is getting so much love 💜
my anonymous inbox is open darlings….so if you have any HC / questions / drabbles / imagines / what ifs / etc for Wil , let me know!
I’ll probably start with short drabbles but i’m happy to take your request 💜💜💜
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littledanette · 5 years
Wil Ohmsford x Reader
Not that girl - Pt.1
Not that girl - Pt.2
Not that girl- Pt.3
Wil Ohmsford HC’s pt.1
Beetlejuice x Reader 
Beej x Easily flustered s/o
Beej playing horror video games with s/o
Beej x Shy & anxious s/o 
Hair color changing Beej - Part 1 - Green & Pink Beej 
Beej comforting sad s/o 
Beej being possessive 
Calling Beej ‘Lawrence’ for the first time (short drabble)
My protection 
Mirroring (comforting Beej)
Beej comforts mourning s/o
Beej’s Daddy Kink - Part 1
Till death (or Life) - Part 1
Till death (or Life) - Part 2
Sounds good - Beej making reader moan
Beej Birthday HC’s
Dewey Finn x Reader
Teacher’s Pet - Part 1 
Teacher’s Pet - Part 2
Teacher’s Pet - Part 3
Teacher’s Pet - Part 4
Teacher’s Pet - Part 5
Dewey serenading you at 2AM (short drabble)
Guardian (Angel!Dewey) - Part 1
HC’s for Angel!Dewey’s wings
Helping Dewey shop for clothes (soft fluff drabble)
Dewey being an ass man HC’s
Your song (Dewey apologizing to reader)
Lee Scoresby x Reader
Northern Lights - Part 1
Northern Lights - Part 2
Lee Scoresby NSWF HC’s - Part 1
Lee Scoresby NSFW HC’s - Part 2
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