#wil ohmsford imagines
austinbutlerslovers · 9 months
Wondering if you would do this as I love wil Ohmsford from Shannara chronicles maybe him and the reader are at the lake and the reader goes in for a swim and wil joins her and the end up admitting there feeling for each other and it’s ends with them having sex in the hut
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Am I Causing you Pain
Label Mature 18+
Summary Wil is hesitant to get close to anyone, except you. When you meet him at your usual rendezvous near the lake a series of unfortunate events befalls you. As you continue to suffer bad luck Wil steps in to save you each time without hesitation. The more he takes care of you the more he realizes he has hidden his feelings from you far too long and seizes the opportunity to release them caring for you to completion in his hut.
💝Romantic Smut 💝 Fluff•friends to lovers• graphic injury• wound care• foreplay•virgin smut• first time •missionary•pull out ejaculation •after care•fluff ending.
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•The rarest unicorn 🦄 of all, Wil Ohmsford smut! 🧝•This is a full bodied friends to lovers story. •Story based on Wil wanting to be a healer •You are his best friend in the village •Light timeline change/ Wil lives alone/ hut description/short hair requested. •Soft romantic journey with hard smut •Pics of Wil sprinkled throughout because he’s so majestically beautiful
Inspo: 💝special request @jessica987
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Am I Causing You Pain?
You wander through the forest on a familiar path you’ve traveled a dozen times before. You hear the waterfall before you reach the clearing and see it powerfully cascading down the rock face. You take a glance all the way to the top noticing the ominous storm clouds forming in the distance. You might not be able to stay at the lake today if it rains which would completely ruin your chances of seeing Wil.
You and he have arranged this same meet up every few weeks when you run in to each other collecting supplies at the open market.
The village you both lived in was very mundane and small you both grew bored with the limited ways for young people to seek enjoyment there.
You are both roughly the same age he a year older. You grew up together never having left more than five miles outside of this place. He is your closest friend, though he prefers to be left alone you are the only who seems to be able to get close to him.
He lives in a hut not far from the waterfall and has never shown you exactly were. He hated living in the close confines of the village so moving here made sense for him to be at peace. He always said he never really felt like he fit in and you believed him.
You look around ensuring you have arrived to the lake before him and change in privacy tying tight your usual strips of cloth on your body to protect your modesty and placing your folded clothing on two large rocks.
You quickly enter the water wading all the way in until your feet no longer touch the bottom it’s colder than usual. You dip your hair back and splash your face a few times focusing out in the distance as you see the movements of Wil at the shoreline. He’s already ridding himself of his boots and slipping his shirt over his head peeling his pants down and standing up his firm muscular body only covered by cloth shorts.
You smile admiring his beauty lifting your hand from the water to wave at him as he waves back. Even though he prefers to be alone and is resistant to change you can’t help but notice he has the chiseled defined body of a warrior and the regal flair of a king. Each time you lay eyes on him he looks back at you with a spark of something more than admiration though he is quick to change it.
You watch as he places his clothing in his shoulder bag with his boots against a tree and walks from the shoreline into the deeper waters to meet you. His face is so focused and stern as he swims.
When he gets closer his handsome features warm into a smile his eyes light up as he reaches you “I’m glad you came, it looks a little ominous today“ he says glancing up. “I’m freezing Wil the lake is much colder than last time” you say smiling at him through slightly chattering teeth.
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He surprises you not wanting to see you suffer and wraps his strong arms around you hugging you to his chest. You both try to avoid eye contact with pleasant smiles as you tread water together enjoying the warmth of each others closeness for the moment.
Droplet suddenly begin to patter across the lakes surface “Oh no my clothing!” You exclaim both paddling quickly to the shoreline to save what you can.
As you reach the bank you are being pelted heavily by rain. You find your clothing and shoes soaked on the rocks where you placed them.
You are so dismayed as you collect the sopping wet items in your arms.
You look over at Wil looting through his leather bag all of his items still dry thanks to the coverage of the trees. He gets dressed remaining untouched by the rain beneath the canopy of leaves and branches above him finishing by lacing his boots.
He looks over to see you shivering nearly naked and holding your wet clothing in your arms, his heart drops. You are unsure what to do unable to walk back to the village like this.
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“Come with me I don’t live far” he gestures. You follow him into the tree line as you walk into the woods barefoot you immediately step your full weight on a jagged sharp stone “Ahhhh” you cry out in pain the stone pierced you intensely. You look down and turn over your injured foot revealing a deep gash that begins heavily leaking blood droplets all over the ground.
Wils eyes grow wide once he realizes what’s happened. “You’re hurt!” He says rushing to kneel down infront of you placing his hands to check your foot, it is a very deep cut he looks up at your shivering form holding your wet clothing and boots.
He stands and opens the flap of his shoulder bag removing the contents into his pockets taking out his facial scarf placing it over his shoulder and collecting the wet clothing from your arms replacing them inside.
He kneels down and you lift your leg as he ties his scarf around your foot in a makeshift bandage to hold the bleeding. He turns kneeling offering his back “I can carry you, I don’t want you walking on that injury” he says over his shoulder.
You take up his offer and climb onto him. He has his bag across the front of his chest and your arms draped over his shoulders. His hands slide under your bare thighs holding you firmly against him as he begins to walk. You take a deep breath trying to relax, the placement of his hands making you feel things, intrusive physical thoughts you’ve never had about him before clouding your mind.
“I’m so sorry about all this” you say in his ear trying to refocus as he carries you. He doesn’t mind at all “No need to worry I have all my Ingredients prepared for vegetable soup at home for us, I usually eat alone so this is a treat for me” he smiles at you over his shoulder.
You begin to study his perfect jawline and broad muscular shoulders and his pointy elf ears you’ve always wanted to touch. You never noticed how tall and strong he is carrying you so easily, his innocent angelic features always distracting you from the fact that he is a young man now and you are constantly trying to stifle the feelings you’ve recently begun having for him.
It doesn’t help that at each step he takes your inner thighs bounce against his lower back, you try to focus on anything else besides the friction of your body’s rubbing together. This is the longest you’ve been so close. Whenever you touch more than a brief moment Wil is quick to turn away.
He continues to walk under the canopy of trees keeping you both dry as it rains. You come to a clearing with a meadow his hut centered in the distance. He lets you down, as you step on the grass it’s so flat and shiny and soft you squeeze your toes into it. He smirks looking over at you enjoying your little moment.
You step forward from the tree line into the meadow clearing and look up to the sky, the rain has stopped. “Wil look a rainbow” you say excitedly pointing up as he joins your gaze
“It is really beautiful” he says looking down at your face instead. You’re staring up in awe at the vivid colors. You’ve never seen anything like it this close. Wil sees a rainbow here every time it rains and he finds you even more alluring to look at.
He takes your hand to grab your attention noticing your lips are turning blue. “You need to dry off and warm up and I’ll need to mend your foot” he says glancing down at it with concern.
You completely forgot you are wearing tied wet strips of cloth with almost your entire body exposed and your foot bleeding. He makes you feel so comfortable in his presence you forgot it could be considered immodest.
You follow him across the meadow up a step and into his hut. As you enter the doorway It’s very colorful and spacious inside. His walls painted indigo blue with birch wood floors. Everything is arranged neatly in the space with lots of hanging light catchers made from tiny pieces of glass casting beautiful shimmers of light around the room.
He has dozens of books on healing tucked neatly in a tall bookshelf by the window. His bed is in a nook at the back of the hut covered in a sheer curtain canopy draping from the roof, the mattress covered in a thick colorful quilt. A sky blue reading chair and table are under the window at your right.
He has dozens of species of small plants shelved in a large box garden window on your left. Little notes of descriptions are sticking out of each one. You walk over and lean in smelling the yellow one that you think is the most beautiful you read the note on it in his handwriting -“marigold”
Wil works behind you gathering chopped wood from a pile near the door he places a few pieces in his wood burning stove at the entrance. He starts a fire and sets a kettle on.
He walks infront of you to the back of the hut kneeling down at the foot of his bed opening a large trunk, he sifts through the items holding up one of his full sleeved winter shirts and a long piece of fabric that could be used as a scarf.
He walks back and stands in front of you “Please get changed I’m going to get some rope and hang your clothing, I will take the vegetables I prepared and cook them outside.” He hands you his clothing and gathers the basket of chopped vegetables with his shoulder bag and quickly leaves you in privacy.
Once the door closes you untie your top, cupping your breasts they are freezing , you untie your bottoms and pull his shirt over your head it falls just covering your modesty with one shoulder peeking out. You take the scarf and tie it around your waist making it a skirt.
You head outside to help him with his tasks. Stepping out into the meadow you see a large pot hanging over a fire boiling the soup. He’s attached a rope to the side of the hut and the other end to a tree he’s wringing out and hanging your wet clothing.
“Wil I can do that.” You rush over before he gets to your undergarments face flushing as you take your top from his hands wringing it and tossing it over the line. He sees you can take over and heads back inside to remove the kettle from the fire.
He picks an assortment of his herbs from the box garden window grinding them with a pestal and mortar adding in the boiling water mixing it into a salve. He goes to the bookshelf and grabs his mahogany chest full of his medical supplies arranging what he’ll need on the table near the reading chair. He returns outside to see you’ve finished hanging your clothing.
“Come inside and Im ready to mend your cut“ he says and ducks back in.
You walk in and see him standing at the table focused intently on threading a needle
“Sit here“ he gestures his head to the reading chair.
He’s so serious when it comes to healing and medicine you look at his stern face deep in concentration and smile admiring how he must really want to be a healer. “What is all of this?” You say looking at his supplies neatly arranged on the table in front of you.
“I want to make sure I mend your foot properly, I’ve been studying healing and medicines for quite some time, I want to practice some things that I’ve learned to help you” he says finally lancing a knot in the eye if the needle.
You sit down in his blue reading chair and he kneels in front of you maneuvering directly to the bottom of your foot. He sees there is blood already soaking through the bandage. As he unwraps it the blood begins dripping once more indicating to him the cut is deep and his assumption is correct it won’t be able to heal closed he will have to sew it shut. You look around the hut at the floor and realize you have left little red footprints everywhere “ Wil I’m so sorry about the mess” you cover your mouth in embarrassment.
He dips a tiny cloth in the salve he’s prepared and rubs it into your cut cleaning it out “ Ahhhh” you cry out gripping the chair it’s so painful . “That’s alright “ he says his vibrant blue eyes finally flashing to look up at you kindly. He continues to clean around the wound
His fingers feel so cold and delicate as he works to care for you. He puts a cloth beneath your foot to catch the fresh blood droplets releasing from the disturbed gash.
Looking at the size of the injury he realizes what he needs to do will be quite painful for you. “I need you to lay on my bed” he says wrapping your foot in a makeshift bandage and assisting you there. He pulls open the sheer curtains and you crawl on top of his soft bed laying down on your back with your hands resting on your navel.
He collects his needle and sterilizes it by fire, burning it over a candle at the table. He sits on the end of the bed and you part your legs wider making space for him. He sits closer in between them holding your foot with the injury above his lap. He steadies his hand, the needle has cooled and is ready to be used for his purpose.
He removes his makeshift bandage from your foot and goes right to work. Holding your foot steady he pierces the needle into the top of the cut. Your eyes widen and your body tenses It is one of the worst pains you have experienced in your life. You squeeze your eyes shut and grit your teeth but you are unable to stifle the scream that erupts from your throat . “AH Wil it’s so painful” you cry out as he lances the needle you feel the thread hot as if it is burning as he pulls it through. “WIL…. “ you speak up again chest rising and falling eyes almost in tears “ how many times do you have to do that? “ He eyes it “12“ he responds. You let out a disparaging moan and cover your hands over your face.
He wants to comfort you somehow. Based on your reaction It’s slowly dawning on him you will probably pass out unable to endure this type of pain. “You are a really brave girl” he says piercing the needle in a third time you cry out and tremble as it turns into a sob. He pulls the thread through it feels white hot, your gash now throbbing painfully as he works.
He tries not to focus on your screams and cries it’s already distracting him so much, he knows he needs to pull these stitches right. He works expertly piercing and pulling the thread through as quickly as he can until it’s taunt the top of the gash now sewn shut.
Ha talks to distract you as he continues “I was really excited you came to see me today and I’m sorry this happened to you, I’m going to mend it right you’ll only have a scar as a reminder “ he says glancing into your eyes with a soft smile to reassure you.
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He turns his attentions back and pierces the needle into your foot again. Your body goes into shock you lay your head back and start sobbing the tears rolling from the corners of your eyes down your cheeks the pain now unbearable. He almost stops hearing you cry like that he wants to hold you and tell you it’ll be alright comforting you and letting you rest, but he cant he has to finish his work.
You never imaged having him mend the wound would be more painful than the cut itself. You wetly blink your eyes staring up at the roof. This time when he pierces the needle into your foot you don’t let out a scream your body only winces involuntarily.
You lift your head up watching him delirious from the agony which your body is changing into something else. You feel like you’re floating
He’s in pure concentration on your foot, his slender fingers expertly sewing. He’s going to stitch you together like a piece of fabric. You lightly laugh finding it a little funny.
He looks at you his face showing concern. “Are you alright?” his words echoing. When you don’t answer he refocuses on your foot you see him drive the needle in again everything goes black.
“ Are you alright? “he asks a second time because you are neither laughing or crying there is only silence. He looks over at you as he finishes threading the last stitch. You’re completely out.
He ties the knot and rips the thread. He admires his work 7 perfect stitches and 13 pierces of the needle down your delicate foot. He stands replacing your legs together on the bed.
He applies more salve on the cut wrapping it with a clean bandage. Going into his trunk he retrieves a blanket placing it over you neatly and wets a cloth wiping away your sweat and tears.
That’s when he stares at your beautiful face and his heart swells. Your eye lids are moving rapidly as you dream. He kneels next to you and takes your hand in his “I’m so sorry I hurt you, and I’m sorry this happened because you came to see me, I care for you deeply I never want anything to hurt you like this again”
He expresses his hidden feelings as you sleep finally unlocking something inside of himself he’s been keeping closed for so long. He lovingly presses his cheek on your hand before placing it back on your chest. He leaves your side to finish cooking the soup as he waits for you to come back.
The sound of loud crickets chirping and the cracking of the fire in the wood burning stove wakes you up. Your eyes fly open its night fall and candles light up the room around you. You sit up realizing you’re still at Wils place and your parents will be worried sick in the morning that you haven’t returned from seeing him as usual.
“Wil!” You call out feeling scared that you might be alone. You hear him approaching the hut and enter. He has a somber look on his face that turns into a smile seeing you awake. “You were out for a few hours” he says coming to sit on the edge of the bed “are you hungry?” He asks. Your stomach is completely empty you nod vigorously. He smiles at you warmly “Come sit outside with me“ he says taking your hand.
He helps you walk out of the hut down one step to the ground. A thick quilt is in the grass with two pillows. He sits you down on the quilt and takes the ladle into the soup pot hanging over the fire pouring you a bowl. He brings it to you and lays down at your side his hands behind his head peering up into the night sky.
You blow on the soup cooling it enough to eat, the flavoring is excellent and you eat quickly so famished sipping the last drops and setting the bowl on the grass next to you away from the blanket. You look over at Wil still gazing up breathing gently.
You lay down next to him, looking up as you gasp in awe, there are stars everywhere covering the entire expanse of the sky. He looks over at you and smiles. “I knew you would like this because of how excited you were about the rainbow today” you look back to him gratefully your eyes already telling him what he needs to know.
You gaze up at the billions of stars and feel so small and insignificant in the grand scheme of things. You look over at Wil relaxing, he has such an impressive presence the way he carries himself with purpose, how he’s naturally so intelligent, and he always knows exactly what to do when a challenging situation arises.
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“ Wil… there’s something special about you”
you say breaking the silence, it’s hard for you to explain but you try.
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“I’ve always known you were different, I believe you have what people call a destiny in you that everyone will admire even more than this entire village…. you …you should leave this place and discover if you have a greater purpose..”
Your heart breaks knowing you might never see him again, but also knowing he has something more to offer the world. He thinks for a while and smiles releasing his hand from behind his head and pulling you gently onto his chest.
He places his hand on top of your head raking his fingers into your hair comforting you both.
“I will leave one day” he says staring back up at the stars. “I understand I don’t belong here but it’s the only place I have ever called home “
“What will you do when you leave ?” You ask curiously.
“I want to be a healer” he says trailing his fingers down your neck to your shoulder and caressing his fingertips there softly relaxing you even more.
You smile suddenly realizing he’s letting you in, touching you intimately without turning away, it is something he has never done before. You have a little feeling he wants more than a friendship with you and it sparks a burning question in your mind.
Please Take Me
“Wil when you leave here can you take me with you?” You ask as a shooting star streaks across the sky. You close your eyes wishing on it that he says yes. He shifts over on his side looking directly at you. “I’m planning to take you with me” he says softly, his thumb strokes your chin as he leans in closely to your face hesitating then planting a gentle kiss on your forehead eyes transfixed on your soft lips after.
You lean in and kiss him without reservation. It shocks him to the core, his lashes flutter as his eyes close giving in to you. He’s never wanted to kiss anyone as much as he’s wanted to kiss you in his life, a new sensation swells inside of him as you brush your lips together passionately kissing under the stars.
His blood begins coursing through his veins down his groin hardening his length. He quickly rolls on top of you. His eyes soften as he looks into yours he focuses on your mouth leaning forward and pressing his plush lips to them again feeling like he’s in a dream.
His kiss is harder this time and he prods his tongue between your parted lips wanting to taste your mouth. You bring your hands up holding the nape of his neck, your body begins tingling from his deeper kisses making you let out a whimper against his lips. You dig your fingertips into his hair.
He lifts from your body and pulls you onto him standing up carrying you easily. You wrap your legs around his waist as he takes you inside. He pushes the door open and brings you to his bed. Opening the canopy curtain with one hand and laying you down with the other. He makes quick work of removing all his clothing and you do the same nimbly discarding your shirt and makeshift skirt. He climbs into bed with you and lays at your side.
He rests on his elbow eyes wandering and admiring your beautiful naked form. You can’t help yourself as you look back at his perfectly toned muscular body, you start to trail the tips of your fingers over his chiseled six pack abs down to the patch of hair on his lower stomach, just above the spot your hand is curious to touch the most, his large throbbing cock you stare at in disbelief.
“Can I touch you?” you ask peering into his eyes. It’s what he wants more than anything the tips of his ears and chest reddening as he nods “Yes” he says voice faltering from arousal. Your fingers slowly trail down and wrap your hand around him for the first time.
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A gasp escapes from his lips your fingers feel so delicate on him as you explore the veins of his shaft softly trailing up and squeezing the tip making his abs tighten as his cock twitches in your hand. He sees the curiosity in your eyes already knowing you’re a virgin, which is why he has never wanted to sexually awaken you before. “Have you…had sex?” He asks to make sure, trying to calm his breathing. You shake your head no.
He tries to refocus his heart now beating heavily in his chest he starts doubting himself unsure if he’s making the right decision to take you as your first. You see the conflict on his face and spread your legs apart for him “Please take me Wil” you whisper.
He wants to deflower you immediately overcome with arousal. Leaning in close he guides his hand between your legs and slips his fingers through the soft lips of your wet folds rubbing into them gently. A moan escapes from your throat as you lock eyes with him, never having been touched like this before and feeling a new sensation blossoming you never knew existed.
He kisses your mouth as he parts your folds gliding his fingers up and down between them until you are soaking wet for him. He carefully slips two fingers inside of you all the way to his knuckle. You feel I slight pinch and gasp against his lips but it isn't too painful.
He keeps his fingers inside curling them softly against a certain spot that has you seeing stars, his passionate kisses never leaving your lips. He wants to stimulate you as much as possible to give you the first orgasm of your life on his cock.
You start to pant into his mouth and clench on his fingers from the stimulation. Sensing the increase in your arousal he climbs on top of you settling his weight between your legs. He gently slides his fingers in and out of you as you close your eyes and softly moan from the euphoric feeling of them dragging against your tight inner walls.
His fingers are making squishing noises he's gotten you so wet, your thighs are soaked. You feel something inside of you shift wanting to be even closer to him you open your eyes seeing his angelic face above you and bring your hands to trail down his strong broad shoulders settling on his lower back. You pant heavily enjoying the intense feelings he’s causing to course through you but not knowing what you should do.
He slowly removes his fingers from you and replaces them around the base of his hard swollen cock. Lining himself up with you he hesitates “Is this what you want?” He asks breathlessly, needing to know your answer before he will go any further.
“Yes Wil” You say gazing into is eyes conveying your deepest desire for him “I want you so much” you say pulling his lower back making him inch forward.
“Then take it “ he says releasing the hold around the base “ take my cock it’s yours ” he confesses.
You are flooded with so much sexual arousal you immediately take over pulling his shaft forward and gently pushing the head of his cock against your tight entrance “Oh!” You cry out your eyes gently rolling back as he penetrates into you, both moaning as he sinks in burying so deep he breaks your virginity the burning ache forming as he stretches you out around his large size.
You whimper then cry out clenching tightly on his cock making him gasp and completely stop inside of you.
He thinks about pulling out the concern is written all over his face. "If im hurting you I’m going to stop" he says “Am I causing you pain? Do you still want this?” His eyes are searching yours wildy for the answer.
You gaze back into his striking blue eyes reaching up tracing your finger over the pointy tip of his ear “ I want this Wil“ you whisper. “It’s just all new to me I don’t know what I am supposed to do” you admit.
His cock pulses inside of you with excitement he loves so much what he’s about to make you experience with him.
“Just relax for me and let me take care of you” he says reaching down between your body’s finding your wet nub and gently rubbing his fingertips around it.
You start to moan differently as you feel sexual pleasure begin to form inside of you for the first time blossoming open like a flower you stare into his eyes with astonishment. You are so full of him and wanting more the dull ache dissipating as you relax around his size nodding for him to continue.
Your small whimpers soon turn into moans of pleasure as he rides into you, gently pulling out with each thrust before softly returning back in. “You feel so good on me” he breathes. Your face in pure bliss beneath him with how he’s completely dominating your body.
He increases his pace to make you orgasm amplifying his thrusts wetly smacking his hips into you rocking you with each deep hit of his cock. He's so powerful you tilt your head back overwhelmed with pleasure and just let him take you.
Your vision blurs as your breaths increase, panting so hard you suddenly feel your self clench around him an explosion of intense pleasure rips through you making you shiver and moan loudly for him as your walls flutter tightly on his cock and he rides you through your first orgasm.
“Ughh..Wil… you feel so…incredible” you moan out tears brim and fall from your eyes. Your toes curling as you grab the sheets beneath and he continues his powerful thrusts into you making you his.
He lowers his chest on yours wiping your tears away with this thumbs as he slows down his thrusts “you took me so well” his voice is deep and full of lust “you’re perfect” he presses his mouth on yours in a hard kiss full of his compassion for you.
He releases his kiss and increases his thrusts wanting to cum hips smacking into you as he presses his forehead to yours panting against your face and catching your mouth in hot kisses, when you feel too good on him.
As he’s about to cum his breaths shudder into your mouth and his thrusts falter. He lifts off of you quickly sliding out, his hand wrapped around the base of his cock as it begins to pulse he pumps it over your body as you stare at him in awe.
His plump lips open, his pupils are blown wide and his chest heaving as his abs constrict, he vigorously pumps his cock as he finishes spreading a silky warmth across your naval.
His body immediately softens as he releases his cock, chest is still rising and falling as he breaths heavily staring into your eyes full of complete satisfaction.
He squeezes your thigh tenderly before leaving the bed to grab a cloth. He carefully wipes down your naval cleaning off all of his sperm.
He discards it in a small hamper near the trunk and blows out all of the candles. Once the hut is dark you see the outline of his naked form in the moon light his cock now soft as he slips back into bed with you.
Pulling down the quilt you both lay on the sheets bringing it back up to chest height laying together face to face. “Are you alright?” He asks with a light concern stroking his hand through your hair “Yes of course Wil” you smile at him your eyes full of intense unyielding love. You've already fallen so hard for him vowing never to leave his side after what he made you experience.
He kisses your lips and pulls you into him resting your head on his firm bicep, your cheek is pressed against his chest as you inhale his scent of soft chamomile and sweat. You blink heavily until your eyes remain closed and you pass out.
You awaken to the sounds of loud birds chirping around the hut soft rays of sunlight just creeping into the windows at dawn
Wil is gone you touch the mattress infront of you where he slept and sit up startled he isn’t there, your clothing is folded neatly at the foot of the bed.
You get dressed and rinse your face using a glass jug of water in his kitchen space. Sitting in his blue reading chair you find it challenging to put on your second boot. The swelling and tenderness in your stitches making you wince as you stand up and bear weight on your foot.
Walking slowly you head outside putting less weight on the injured one. Wil is returning to the hut carrying a basket on his arm. He hands you an apple from the top “ breakfast?” he says smiling. You take it from him and eat “We need to return you to the village now I know that everyone is looking for you” he says and you nod in agreement. He puts the basket of full of apples in his hut closing the door behind him.
You begin the long trek back to the village. After a few paces across the meadow your already not feeling well your foot squishing painfully in your boot on the fresh stitches. You slow down and Wil keeps your pace.
As you reach the treeline and the ground becomes firmer you are practically limping and dragging your other foot. He comes to kneel infront of you “ I have to carry you it’s too soon to walk this far”he says, you climb up and rest against his back relieved and exhausted from the pain. He carries you the rest of the way to the village.
As you pass by the water fall this time the sun is shining brightly over it and you smile thinking of how differently the day would’ve gone If you had swam together and gone home like usual. Never experiencing sex for your first time with him. You press your face into the leather shoulder of his jacket smiling remembering all the things he did to you last night as he carries you. Then another thought slowly creeps into your mind.
“Wil if you were to leave, when would you plan to go?” you want to know if he will actually leave the village after what you said.
“I think in a few weeks time when your foot heals, I want to leave the village with you” he peers over his shoulder at you smiling knowing you want to leave as soon as possible with him. You lean forward and press a kiss against the shell of his pointy ear “I’ll be ready” you whisper smiling.
After a long while you finally emerge from the forest to the large valley filled with dozens of small cottages. A large archway welcomes you with an awning that reads “Shady Vale”
🪴END 🫐
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austinswhitewolf · 1 year
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Hello all! I have quite a few in the works and am always looking for ideas. If you have any requests, send them my way!
Master List:
One Shots:
You Belong With Me
Sunrise, Sunburn, Sunset
Little Red Rodeo
Watching You
Double Trouble
Fire Cracker
Welcome Home
Multichapter Stories:
Austin Butler:
In Progress -
Blue Eyes Baby: Ch 1 , Ch 2 , Ch 3 , Ch 4 , Ch 5 , Ch 6 , Ch 7 , Ch 8 , Ch 9 , Ch 10 , Ch 11 , Ch 12 , Ch 13 , Ch 14 , Ch 15 , Ch 16 , Ch 17
Karaoke Chance: Ch 1 , Ch 2 , Ch 3 , Ch 4
Completed -
Drunk Girl: Ch 1 , Ch 2 , Ch 3
Wil Ohmsford:
In Progress -
One of the Last Morrigan: Ch 1 , Ch 2 , Ch 3 , Ch 4 , Ch 5 , Ch 6 , Ch 7 , Ch 8 , Ch 9 , Ch 10 , Ch 11 , Ch 12 , Ch 13 , Ch 14
Completed -
Finding One of Your Own: Ch 1 , Ch 2 , Ch 3
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adoresbutlers · 2 years
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apply for the taglist here
- hi !! my name is Sam, i’m 19 and welcome to my acc! <33 below are all my works 🫶🏻
requests are open for anything!! I mainly do any austin butler or Elvis Presley related!
reminders <3
Austin Butler :
- Smut: Trouble
- Fluff: Winding Down
- Smut: Be My Baby
- Smut: Halloween
Austin!Elvis :
- Smut: After Midnight
- Fluff: Safety
- Smut: Hands All Over
-Smut: Acts of Lust
Elvis Presley :
- Smut: Dangerous
- Fluff: Presley X-mas
Sebastian Kydd :
- Smut: Brat
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blurredcolour · 1 year
Wil Ohmsford Masterlist
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[One-shot (may become a series)]
>>> return to main masterlist
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sansaorgana · 2 months
hi babes!! i saw that you’re taking requests for wil ohmsford and i NEEDED to request something bc OMG THATS MY MAN!! S2 wil has a literal chokehold on me…like that scene where he’s injured and on the bed with mareth helping him GOODNIGHT!
so like imagine it’s wil and his gf and he’s just being so stubborn with her and not letting her help, but she’s so sweet and caring that he just folds for her and goes so soft :(( like he cries at her touch and she just kisses him and tells him he loves him/he’ll be okay while patching him up 😣😣 and they both just sweetly make out (or do more..)
also i know deep down that man has a praise kink so ☺️ OK I NEED TO BE SEDATED AND LOCKED OFF THIS APP
i love your work SO MUCH girl hope ur doing well <3
hello, love! 🌼 thank you for the request 😀 it was the only one with Wil that I have received LOL 😅 and it was my first time writing for him as well 😏 I made it smutty and he's a veeery soft boy 🤭
I had to close my requests for now because I got so many 🙏🏻
🔞 THIS FIC IS 18+ 🔞
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Wil was kind, sweet and obliging most of the time but he tended to be stubborn as well. Because of his kind nature, he was easy to take advantage of sometimes and he could be clumsy in the situations where clumsiness could cost you a life. So, obviously, you were worried about him. Especially now, when some fanatics were hunting magic users like your boyfriend.
His training to become a healer was not going as well as he had been imagining it and it was bringing him down these days. You remained by his side and waited for him to finish his course so you could go back to your village where he would help the people and heal them. But so far everything seemed to go wrong. Wil was determined to become a healer, though, even though everyone kept telling him that perhaps it was not his calling, after all. Magic was his gift. On the other hand, you didn’t want him to use it too often if there were people hunting magic users. And magic itself had its price as well…
You were sitting on the edge of the bed and worrying. Trying to read a book, but it was difficult to focus on it. It was late and dark and Wil wasn’t back yet, which was causing your thoughts to go places you would rather not go to. You put the book down and started to fidget with your fingers nervously. The sounds of laughter and screams coming from a pub nearby were the only noises you could hear on that warm night. That, and the crickets.
You stood up and began pacing around worryingly when Wil finally came back to your small house that you called home these days. But it didn’t matter because your home was where he was either way.
“Wil!” You scolded him at first but when you approached him, you noticed that his shirt was torn open and there was a huge, bleeding wound on his ribs. His face had a fresh bruise, too, and he was bleeding from his lip.
You reached your hands out to delicately touch his chest and he hissed at your touch. You raised your widened eyes to look into his baby blue ones.
“Wil! What happened?” You asked him in panic and he limped to your bed to sit on the edge of it and groaned out of pain.
“I was at the pub…” He confessed and winced.
“At the pub? What for?” You asked and sat next to him, caressing his hair gently.
“It doesn’t matter now,” he shook his head. You cupped his face to turn it around and force him to look at you.
“What happened?” You bit on your lower lip as your fingers caressed his cheeks. Your eyes filled with tears at the sight of him being in so much pain.
“It’s nothing, really. Just hand me the stones, please,” he pointed at the nightstand table.
He had them hidden in the drawer there, in a brown leather sack – three blue elfstones that he could activate with his magic. But whenever he would, you could see how much it cost him. You didn’t want Wil to use them as much as he did. After the horrors he had been through, he would often use the elfstones to simply run away from his problems and ease his mind.
You furrowed your brow and pulled up the sleeves of his jacket and shirt to reveal the burns on his hands from using the elfstones too much. You shook your head. No, you didn’t want him to use them again. At least not for this sort of thing – which you could patch up perfectly well on your own.
“Let me see…” You gently touched his fresh wound again. “It’s not infected. I can handle that.”
“No!” Wil snapped and you froze. His face softened immediately. “No, darling, I will do it, just hand me the stones.”
“I will not,” you stated with all seriousness.
“Fine then, I’ll do it myself,” he groaned and moved up to be able to reach the nightstand but the sharp pain suddenly worsened and he winced in discomfort, still stubbornly trying to reach for the drawer.
“Wil, please, stop,” you pleaded with tears in your eyes. “Stop, I can handle it. It’s gonna be fine,” you grabbed his hand that he was reaching out and you squeezed it in yours reassuringly. “My love, please, just let me take care of you,” you caressed his cheek with your free hand.
Without a word, Wil nodded and you saw a few tears escaping his pretty eyes. You wiped them with your thumb before they would stream down his face. You leaned in and placed a kiss upon his forehead.
“We have to get rid of that shirt, yes?” You talked him through it softly as you began slowly getting rid of his clothes.
Wil didn’t protest this time. Quite the opposite – he started to lean into your touch and let you take care of him. Nothing but soft whimpers of pain were leaving his pretty lips while you were shushing him lovingly.
“Shhh, pretty boy, I can handle that, it’s fine,” you kept saying.
Once he was in his underwear, you helped him to sit down on your bed and lean on the pillows. You caressed his hair one more time before placing a kiss on the top of his head. Then you got up to get your first aid kit. To be honest, you had quite a few lying around since Wil was training to become a healer.
When you sat on the edge of the bed to disinfect his wounds, he hissed out of pain and sobbed a little, instantly blushing at this display of vulnerability.
“Oh, baby, it’s okay, I love you,” you kissed his flushed cheeks. “It’s okay to cry when it hurts, my love,” you assured him and went back to gently disinfecting the wounds and dabbing the soothing ointment onto them. “So… What happened at the pub, Wil?” You raised your eyebrow at him when you spotted his muscles slowly relaxing under your touch.
“It’s… It’s nothing…” He looked away, visibly not wanting to share the details.
“My boyfriend comes back home all wounded and it’s nothing?” You couldn’t help a little snort.
Wil swallowed a lump in his throat as he hesitated. Finally, he spoke up:
“Just promise me that you won’t be worried,” he looked into your eyes. His own blue ones were giving you a look of a scared puppy and you leaned in to join your foreheads together before rubbing your nose with his.
“How can I not be, sweet darling? I always am worried about you, I love you,” you whispered softly. “But what is it? You must tell me.”
“I went there because I was in a bad mood and didn’t want to ruin your evening with my grumpiness. Some people recognised me,” Wil explained. “They were not from here and I dealt with them. They won’t spread the word about me, so don’t worry, alright?” He quickly added but you were furrowing your brows at his concerning words already.
“What do you mean that some people recognised you?” You asked. “As a magic user?”
“No,” Wil shook his head. “I mean, yes. But they weren’t after me just because of that. Apparently there’s… There’s…” He didn’t know how to finish his sentence as he looked away again. “There’s a price on my head.”
You froze at his words as your heart skipped a beat. A price on your sweet Wil’s head? For what? For saving the world? For being the most adorable man with those cute short tips that you adored? No, it made no sense. But the world was full of cruel people who would want to hurt good men like him.
“We must leave this place,” you finally said.
“No. Not before I finish my training,” Wil insisted, looking at you pleadingly.
“I don’t care if you become a healer or not. I don’t want something bad to happen to you. If we go back home and end up as simple farmers, I’ll be just as happy. I just want you to be okay…” You tried to reason with him.
“I do care. I want to become a healer!” Wil exclaimed and then he cleared his throat and looked down. “I know I’m a failure but I want to finish this training.”
“You’re not a failure, Wil,” you sighed and moved the first aid kit aside after taking the bandage out of it. You adjusted Wil softly to have a better access to the wound on his chest and you began to wrap the bandage around it. “Please, don’t call yourself that. You saved the world, remember?” You tried to cheer him up somehow. It was hard to believe sometimes that this guy was a hero and he seemed to be forgetting that as well.
“Yeah, but that was not a part of the plan. My plan was to become a healer and I’m failing at that,” he whispered shakily.
You didn’t want to argue with him more tonight so you just pursed your lips and finished to bandage him in silence. Then you kissed his forehead and leaned him back onto the pillows before standing up to put the first aid kit back to its place. You also washed your hands in a bowl of water and all this time you kept overthinking that tonight Wil could have lost his life. And instead of running away from this place, he insisted on staying.
“Are you okay, sweetheart?” Wil asked you and you turned around to face him.
“I’m worried,” you admitted and he cracked a smile that filled your heart with so much love that you were scared it would explode.
“You promised you wouldn’t.”
“I did not say such a thing, Wil Ohmsford!” You protested before approaching the bed to crawl up to him and join your lips together in a soft and sweet kiss.
You were careful with him because of his injuries but also because you were always gentle with him overall. How could you not be? He was the sweetest man in the world, of that you were sure. As sweet as a bag of candy and always so kind. Only Wil could see the goodness in everyone and their worth to be loved. And he was yours, all yours at the end of the day. 
Just thinking of that made you moan into his mouth as you placed your hands on his shoulders and gently moved up to sit astride him. Your lips were still connected, not leaving each other even for a moment but, eventually, you pulled away to catch a breath and he looked up with glossy eyes and flushed cheeks.
“Let me make you feel good, pretty boy,” you breathed out and he nodded softly before you leaned in to join your lips again but this time the kiss was more passionate and eager.
Wil placed his hands on your hips and softly pulled on the fabric of the nightgown you were already wearing. He exposed the soft flesh of your thighs and your ass before letting his hands wander all over. You could feel through your underwear that he was getting hard under his own. You smirked at that and started to kiss him with even more passion, assaulting his mouth with your tongue, making him whimper under you. Your hands moved to his jaw now, cupping his face to hold it in place while you were devouring his lips.
Your hips started to move, humping his erection in circles as you started to moan into his mouth. You could feel the shivers going down his body at your movements – it never took much for Wil to be like that for you. So desperate, nearly pathetically but you’d never call it this way. He was just devoted to you and he worshipped the ground you were walking on. To have you pleasuring him was always turning him into a whiny mess who would stare up at you lovingly. Meanwhile, when it was him on top of you, he would always try his hardest to make you feel good. He was a giver and a pleaser – not that you wanted to complain about that.
But now it was time for him to receive all of your sweet loving. You moved his hands up and helped him to get rid of your nightgown completely before throwing it on the floor. Then you placed his big hands on your breasts and Wil squeezed them immediately as you smiled.
You broke the kiss again because of the slight lack of oxygen and you caressed his hair while moaning softly at the friction his erection was giving to your needy pussy.
“You feel so good, my love, so good,” you assured him.
The praise was enough to feel that his cock started to leak precum. You smiled at that but didn’t want to tease him.
“Here, let me…” You took his underwear off and freed his hard, achy cock. The tip was swollen and drooling. “Let me take care of that mess, baby,” you cooed to him and adjusted yourself on his lap to grab his length and start pumping it slowly.
You watched Wil’s pretty eyes fluttering and rolling to the back of his head as he threw his head back. His hands still played with your breasts and pulled on your nipples that made you moan each time. Broken whimpers were leaving his lips whenever you would run your thumb across the wet tip of his cock and your free hand caressed the muscles of his chest.
“You’re such a pretty boy,” you praised him and felt more of his precum spurting out onto your hand. You gasped audibly at that as Wil whined. “Oh, my darling…” You leaned in to pepper his face with tiny little kisses. “My sweet, sweet boy…”
You moved up slightly and pressed your clothed hot pussy to the wet tip of his cock. Your hand, still wrapped around his length, began to rub yourself with it. Wil forced his eyes to open as he kept watching you in awe with his mouth slightly open and hazy eyes.
“You want to feel my pussy, baby?” You asked him sweetly between heavy gasps. “You have to ask for it, my love.”
You loved to tease him like that although you needed him inside of you just as much.
“P-please,” Wil whined and lowered his hands from your breasts to your hips to help your movements.
“Good boy,” you praised him.
“Please,” he whimpered and you could see how his eyes filled with tears.
At that delicious sight, you decided to stop torturing him and you moved up to remove your own underwear as fast as possible. When you were both finally naked, you grabbed his cock and guided it into your pussy. Lowering yourself slowly on his length, you were getting drunk on Wil’s whimpers. His hands kept squeezing your hips to help you and tears of pleasure escaped his eyes.
“Aw, baby, shh,” you shushed him once you were seated. You moved closer to his body, carefully, making sure you wouldn’t cause him pain by accident. 
Wil wrapped his strong arms around your body and hid his face in your chest, between your breasts. You kissed the top of his head and began to slowly bounce on his cock. He moaned and clinged to you as you started to chase your highs. Your soft moans filled the air while you rocked on his cock up and down and back and forth with your hands on Wil’s shoulders. You held onto them to keep steady and occasionally scratched his skin there gently.
“You’re such a good boy to me, baby,” you assured him when you felt his hips needily bucking up into you for more. It was making you feel dizzy since his cock was hitting your sweet spot each time. “Such a good boy,” you added.
Wil turned his head and kissed your breast while you caressed his cheek softly and picked up your pace.
“I want to protect you from everything, baby,” you whispered and held his head delicately as if he could break if you pressed too hard.
Because sometimes you were scared of that, actually – he was so sweet and so good that you were scared he was not real and if you squeezed him too tight, he would disappear.
The moves of his hips became more chaotic now and after a few rougher thrusts, he spilled himself inside of you with a loud, shaky moan, hiding his face between your tits again. The sight and the sound alongside the feeling of all the shivers going down his body was enough to make you reach your high, too. You buried your face in his hair and came hard, squeezing his spent cock with a whimper and fingernails digging into his shoulders.
You stayed like that for a while, catching your breaths. You could feel him softening slowly inside of you but your skins were so sticky from sweat that you didn’t want to pull away from him at all. However, eventually, you had to.
Wil leaned back onto the pillows again and his eyes rolled back with a sigh. You chuckled at that and stood up to grab a cloth and wash yourselves although your legs were shaky now.
“Do you feel better now, baby?” You asked him with a sweet smile when he forced his eyes to open and focus them on you.
“You’re an angel, sweetheart,” he praised you.
You smiled at the words and dropped the cloth onto the floor before crawling up on the bed and pressing a kiss to his forehead.
“Always watching over you, darling,” you assured him.
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bcofl0ve · 1 year
I'mma be real, I'm not excited for Bottoms to come out. As much as I love Kaia Gerber, her acting performance isn't great. I don't think she's a good actor, and I don't think she'll improve, and if so, I don't think it's that much. Austin Butler is a good actor, I'm not a Kaia nor am I an Austin stan. However, I do like his work. I think he did a good job as Wil Ohmsford from The Shannara Chronicles, Sebastian Kydd from The Carrie Diaries, James Wilkerson from Switched at Birth, Jacob from iCarly, and as George from Wizards of a Waverley Place, etc etc. I can't say the same for his girlfriend, Kaia.
Kaia, is a talented model. She's great, I love her. But, as an actor. I just don't see it. I'm obviously not going to compare the two because his experience outweighs her, but if I were to compare. I would say Kaia has the same energy as James Garrett from Zoey 101 Season 4 when he goes, "Do you know where I can go get lunch?" in the most, monotone voice imaginable, but it's her whole performance. She can do better with more training, obviously. But, I still just don't see it in my opinion. Not to mention, she kind of doesn't acknowledge that her nepotism plays into her acting career. For some reason, she acknowledges that it plays in her model career, but not in her acting, saying something along the lines of, and I quote: "I won't deny the privilege that I have. Even if it's just the fact that I have a really great source of information and someone to give me great advice, that I alone feel very fortunate for. But with acting, it's so different. No artist is going to sacrifice their vision for someone's kid. That just isn't how art is made, and what I'm interested in is art. No one wants to work with someone who's annoying, and not easy to work with, and not kind." Which, basically is saying; "yeah but the nepotism doesn't apply to me in acting." which... it does.
Her performance in AHS wasn't even bad, it's downright awful. There's a scene I can't forget which is basically one of the main characters is about to get attacked. Kaia, who is basically defending the main character, says. "RUN!" in the same way Anakin Skywalker (Hayden Christensen isn't a bad actor, it's just an example) from AOTC says, "I don't like sand." just completely void of all emotion. You might be wondering, what do I want from her performance? I wanted her to sound panicked, because her character was panicking. But for some reason, her line delivery is the same as Kristen Stewart going: "woah... what is going on?" In Twilight, it's just bad. She doesn't sound panicked nor shocked, she just sounds completely void of emotion, not in shocked, not surprised, not panicked, not anything. The max she does is raise her voice by 3 octaves- maybe.
In my opinion, in order to become a good actor, you at least have to acknowledge what got you there. The people that got you to the spot you are. Austin, her boyfriend, does this all the time. I see him give credit to other people, I see him say he wants to become like Brad Pitt, like Leonardo DiCaprio, he loves acting, and you can see it, you can tell. He's humble, he treats his publicist amazing, and he gives her credit, saying she's always there for him. He gives credit to his acting coach, to his agent, to Baz, to Tom. The guy seems humble, and he gives credit, he acknowledges that he wouldn't be where he is today, without people.
Kaia doesn't have this in her, due to her refusing to acknowledge that nepotism. I don't think she'll become a good actor, and if so, not a humble one. Her boyfriend can acknowledge that strings were pulled so he could get the role of Elvis. But, she can't acknowledge that her name got her to where she is today. I really don't see it for her, which is why I'm not excited for Bottoms.
Maybe Kaia will be a good actor, maybe she won't be. But so far, from what I've seen. She hasn't been, she's been cringe. As a model, she is brilliant, she has an amazing cat walk. But, as an actor, I'm sorry. She's just not promising at all.
i think it’s a little unfair to just assume she’ll never improve when bottoms, and her other projects, haven’t been released at large yet. and when during ahs she was ‘singled out’ as a bad performance whereas there isn’t a single review of bottoms from the 25+ already out that says she sticks out in a bad way. while there are reviews that say the cast is a strong ensemble with no weak ones out and reviews that say positive things about her in general.
and i would really prefer to not drag the nepo ‘statement’ discourse out on here again but idk. maybe an unpopular opinion but i don’t think what she said was as terrible as people make it out to be. it was a little delulu sure, but delulu in regards to the concept of ppl not hiring nepo babies if they’re assholes. and i think it says something about her work ethic and who she is as a person that she thinks you shouldn’t be hired if you’re unkind/hard to work with no matter what your last name is. saying she “refuses to acknowledge it” just objectively isn’t true when she very much has- even if you didn’t particularly like how she went about it.
kaia hasn’t been interviewed about acting a great deal- but when she talks about modeling she has talked about influences before, and i think the whole reason she does book club is because she likes discussing people, thinkers, and books that have shaped her. so i don’t think it’s fair to say ‘well austin is humble because he talks about others, she doesn’t!’ either.
we can agree to disagree, but those are just my thoughts.
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littledanette · 2 years
Reader is sparring with Wil/teaching him how to fence properly, and the tension, close proximity and sweat get a little too much to handle...? 🙃
A/N: So uh, guys? I... really don't know what happened here. I loved this prompt so much that my initial “simple” response to this request then turned into… well, this whole thing. I mean, I wrote so much that I HAVE TO BREAK THIS UP INTO PARTS. Liiiiike….when I tell you this half Elf has me in a CHOKEhold. So, uh, anyway, enjoy this totally uncalled for and deep (deep!) dive into the world of Shannara, I guess. Hurray!
PREMISE: Slightly AU from the Shannara series. In this timeline the quest for Safehold is complete, Wil and the others have returned home, and evil has been defeated. Amberle has managed to save the Ellcrys without having to sacrifice herself, but because of her brothers’ death she is now now next in line to become Queen. The story begins a year after the final battle. Allanon returns to warn the court of Arborlon about new demon sightings at the far ends of the realm. The Elvin army is ordered to begin training for war once again as a precaution and the Four Lands remain on high alert following Allanon’s warnings. ‘Reader’ is a Captain of the Guards and is responsible for Wil’s training. She’s been a part of the story and has known him since the beginning. There’s always been a strong energy between them and it’s clear that they both care deeply for each other. However, now that Amberle is about to become Queen Wil is destined to stand by her side as the next King. Now she and Wil have officially announced their wedding. Right after, Wil shows up to his next training session, completely oblivious about Reader’s reaction to the news and what that means for them and their relationship. WARNINGS: mentions of infidelity, intimacy, mentions of war and violence 
(Wil Ohmsford x Reader)
The sound of swords clanging against each other echoes in the air. 
“Was that supposed to hurt?”
You lazily step to the side, blocking Wil’s umpteenth attempt to strike you and easily pushing him back. He stumbles awkwardly, almost losing balance. He manages to stay on his feet and lowers his sword, wiping the sweat off his forehead. 
“I’m just asking,” you ask with a shrug, “Cause at this point, I’m not sure if you’re actually trying to fight, or if you’re just playing with me because you’re bored.”
“Hey, what’s with the attitude?” Wil asks, confused, “…And by the way, since when do you take these training sessions so seriously?”
Clueless, as usual. Of course he’d think it was about the training.
The mere thought does nothing to calm your frustration. 
The two of you are alone in the gigantic outdoor training arena under a canopy of Elvin trees that do little to block the dying sunlight and the summer heat rising from the ground. You’re sweating profusely, the steam is getting unbearable, and Wil is getting on your last nerves. But you’re not about to let him know that. You always thought actions speak louder than words, anyway.  
“The entire army is on high alert for demon attacks. I’d start remembering how to actually handle a sword, if I were you,” you snap back as you point your blade towards him, ready to go again - you notice Wil quickly mirrors your movements - but not without adding, “You know, before you find yourself having to save your precious princess and end up making a demon laugh itself to death from how much you suck at fighting.”
The words come out more poisonous than you had intended, and Wil stares at you questioningly. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
Without answering you leap forward, delivering a direct blow that takes Wil by surprise. With a yelp he instinctively raises his weapon to protect himself, barely stopping you. You keep pressing forward with your blade, forcing him to step back. 
“Hey!” He yells out, “What the hell’s the matter with you?!” 
“Focus, Short tips,” you snarl, using the nickname you know he hates so much and pushing him backward once again, “Never lower your guard. It shows your weakness.” 
“You’re not playing fair at all,” he retorts, taking a few steps away from you and walking in circles. He kicks the ground in frustration. 
“Good luck playing fair with a demon,” you reply dryly. 
“Can we just cut it out with the demon threats and actually talk for a moment?” 
You shrug. “What’s there to talk about?”
Wil sighs, looking at you intently. You quickly look away, avoiding his eyes. You try to distract yourself observing the ceiling of leaves and branches above you, now illuminated by the first faint night lights as the sun keeps setting behind them. Before you realise he’s even moved, you feel Wil’s hand close on your forearm. You look down and raise an eyebrow before looking back up at him. He seems genuinely concerned. 
“…Whatever it is that’s bothering you so much today.” He responds softly.
Something in your stomach churns. You know you’ve been acting like a bitch unreasonably all day, and it hurts him. But you also know there was nothing you can do about it. It’s not like you could go ahead and tell him you’d heard the ‘unofficial’ news about his wedding through gossip amongst the palace staff and the other Guards. Before he’d had the decency to come tell you himself. It’s not like you could tell him that when you’d then heard the official announcement that confirmed everything, it had made you feel like getting stabbed in the chest by a knife. It’s not like you could tell him the very thought of him getting married to Amberle was enough to send you in a jealous rage. Because you had absolutely no right or reason to be jealous. None. And above all, it’s not like you could tell him that feeling his hand on you right now was sending a wave of butterflies bursting in your stomach. And yet…here you were. 
You quickly try to dismiss his concern with a dramatic sigh, reluctantly pulling away from his gentle grasp. “The only thing that’s bothering me is the abhorrent way you’ve been fighting today. In case you forgot, I’m the one responsible for your training. If anyone sees how catastrophic your technique is becoming, they’ll come straight for my head.” 
He shakes his head, huffing. “This is just a training session. You know that. You’ve never cared so much about my fighting to the point that it makes you this upset. I understand if you don’t want to talk about it,” he quickly adds, “But you can tell me anything. You know that, right?” 
“Aww. Sweet, naive Wil. Now, are we done sharing our feelings?” You ask in a mocking voice, rolling your eyes, “The sun’s almost down and I’d like to get at least some work done, if that’s all right with -”
“All right, just - forget it. Forget it.” he cuts you off suddenly, “Let’s get back to practice then. I just thought you trusted me. That’s all.” He seems disappointed. Hurt, almost. He shakes his head and looks away, “I just thought…we were close. That’s all.” 
You close your mouth, unable to come up with another witty remark. He resumes his fighting position, pointing his sword at you. His expression changes as he frowns slightly. “Ready?” 
You quickly snap back to attention, scoffing. “Of course I am. Can’t say the same for you, but let’s see what you’ve got….” You resume your defence position. “You seriously need the extra practice, let me tell you -” 
Suddenly Wil pounces forward, taking you by surprise. You’re quick to recover and manage to block his blow, but he immediately attacks again. The two of you begin a much more intense round of fencing. As you try to adjust to this new burst of angry energy coming from Wil, your mind wanders back….
---------✨✨✨✨✨✨ ---------
Yeah, you’d become “close” all right. If that’s what he wanted to call it. Despite your better judgement, you start replaying instants of memories you’d shared in your mind. The two of you had met right when Wil had first arrived at Arborlon with Allanon to help Amberle. You hadn’t thought much about him at first. After all he just seemed like a naive half-Elf from the countryside who had stumbled upon something much bigger than himself. Even after hearing about the quest for Safehold and how he, Amberle and that rover girl were the ‘Chosen Ones’ for the mission, you were much more preoccupied with the fate of the Four Lands resting upon their shoulders than anything else. Of course destiny was already way ahead of you. King Eventine decided you should accompany the trio for part of their journey along with your best soldiers. Things moved quickly from there: between the seemingly endless trip and never ending danger, the battles and the ambushes, the obstacles and the surprises along the way, you had managed to accomplish your job flawlessly as always. You had turned out to be an essential part of the trio’s journey multiple times, and even though you weren’t one of the Chosen ones your presence had been just as important to the quest as them. Especially, as it turned out, for Wil.
For some strange reason he’d seen beyond the strict, fierce and intimidating character you put forth and had taken a particular interest in interacting with you along the journey. You’d been slightly confused at first, especially since it was glaringly obvious that there was already a love triangle set in motion between him and the two Chosen girls. But you’d also failed to notice any romantic advances on his behalf towards you. So eventually, despite your reluctance in opening up to new people, you figured he simply wasn’t romantically interested in you and had slowly started taking him more into consideration. You’d noticed that despite the two other girls’ attentions he seemed constantly out of place, as though he was just standing on the sidelines of the quest. He was terrified by all of it, that much was clear. But he was also deeply alone. You couldn’t help but relate to him for that. As an orphan you’d spent your life growing up and learning to live by yourself. You’d enrolled in the Elvin army very young, to somehow avenge your parents’ death after they had died in the Ancient Wars many many years before. Fortunately you seemed to be quite good at what you did. Being an outcast turned out to be a shared burden with Wil, and slowly but surely you started seeing him less as a clueless halfling and more like a kindred spirit. Not that you’d ever admit it out loud, especially back then. Your relationship with him had then a sharp turn for the better after one particularly fateful instance.
You’d saved Wil’s life during a particularly vicious battle against the enemy army. A gigantic orc had knocked Wil off his horse with a spiked club, throwing him to the ground and sending his sword flying way out of his reach. You’d seen him crash out of the corner of your eye, the distraction almost causing you to get impaled by a demon. With a fierce move you’d sliced its throat with a clear cut to its jugular, before turning around and bounding towards Wil to help him. Injured by the fall, Wil was clutching his bleeding side and frantically searching for those damn Elfstones that only seemed to work when they wanted to. Just as the the orc had raised his weapon to deliver the fatal blow, you’d leaped in the air and raised your sword once more, burying the blade deep in the monster’s back and cutting him all the way through. Wil had stood watching you, still in shock as the orc fell lifelessly at his feet. You’d quickly managed to somehow drag Wil to safety and keep him alive long enough for the battle to end. You’d helped him cover his wound right after, advising him on how to help it heal - that is, until he stubbornly began trying to use the Elfstones to heal himself. They worked, fortunately.
The quest was over soon after that, and you all returned to Arborlon to figure out what the next chapter of your lives would involve. Wil had spent the following month continuously thanking you for saving him and constantly following you around for whatever strange reason. You’d finally had enough and had asked him - better, ordered him - to cut it off with the thank yous before you regretted saving him in the first place. Embarrassed, he had apologised and promised to stop thanking you - but he hadn’t stopped following you around. When you bluntly asked him what he wanted from you, his ears had turned red and he had confessed that he just liked your company….and was wondering if you could train him. After all, he’d decided to stay at Arborlon for good, and he figured it would be a wise decision to train like an actual Elvin warrior while there was still peace. You know, before the next certain-death mission came along. So, why not train with the best? You were more than surprised by his response. 
Not just because you’d never considered someone could actually enjoy your company - your closest ‘friends’ were your soldier colleagues and you could barely call that a deep, meaningful friendship. You were also puzzled because, ever since returning to Arborlon, it had been clear that Amberle and Wil were a couple. The rover girl had left soon after the quest was over, and Amberle and Wil had started acting like a couple publicly. Surely he couldn’t be that stupid to think he could dare date the princess and court one of her Royal Guards - right? Trusting that he would be smart enough to not make such an idiotic mistake, you’d agreed to one training session and see where things went from there. After all you had nothing to lose, right? Oh how wrong you were. 
That first training session had quickly turned into an almost everyday occurrence. Not only that. Wil had started hanging around you more and more - before and after your training sessions, in the evenings, sometimes early in the morning when you were busy surveilling the rest of your warriors as they trained themselves. You’d tried to keep yourself immune from his naive charm, his overwhelming altruism and his endless kindness. You’d resisted quite a bit, too. But you were bound to fall sooner or later, and you knew it. And fall you did. 
You knew you’d messed up when you started catching yourself doing stupid, silly little things that made you want to smash your own head into a brick wall. You started getting way too distracted by Wil’s eyes, which were neither blue nor gray, but a mixture of hues blue that changed intensity depending on the light. And if Wil happened to touch you in any way - even just offering his arm as a galant gesture while you were walking, or accidentally brushing his arm with yours, let alone all the unavoidable physical contact you had during your training sessions - you started getting a rush of adrenaline that you really, really didn’t like. And, in spite of your usually very dry sense of humor, Wil soon learned just how to make you smile or laugh even when you didn’t want to. No matter how much you tried to keep up your tough act, Wil had managed to break through the walls you’d put up with the rest of the world. And pretty soon, you realised you couldn’t really imagine your days without him. 
You hated yourself for that. You were fine living just the way you did. Alone, with no responsibilities other than towards yourself, and only focused on what you wanted and what you needed. Besides, your life was already too unpredictable and dangerous as it was. You could find yourself on a battlefield, or defending the palace from an attack, or risking your life to defend the Four Lands, at any moment. How could you also deal with worrying about someone else?
So of course, you’d done the worst thing you could do. You’d swallowed your budding feelings for Wil and buried them deep, deep inside, acting as though they never existed. Thankfully, years of military mentality had taught you to discipline your brain like a well functioning war machine. You put all your focus on training him as though he was just another one of your warriors, and similarly treated him like just another fellow soldier when you spent time together outside the training arena. Your plan seemed to work pretty decently… until another fateful night. 
---------✨✨✨2 weeks ago✨✨✨ ---------
You’d finished training late and had asked Wil if he wanted to join you and the guys at the tavern for a quick drink. He’d said yes. Of course he had. Then, for a series of events that had very little to do with you - stupid dares from your fellow guards and stupid jokes and stupid drinking games - that quick drink had turned into several drinks. So when you and Wil eventually left the tavern after midnight, you were both embarrassingly drunk. Wil had insisted on accompanying you home, ignoring your cries of protests and your attempt at telling him you were perfectly capable of taking care of yourself thankyouverymuch. The two of you had made your way towards the Captain’s quarters, stumbling along and leaning on each other for support. To your horror, you’d realised you were giggling like an idiot at basically anything Wil said. To make matters worse, you’d then tripped over yourself and awkwardly stumbled to the ground like a sack of potatoes. After bursting out laughing, Wil had asked you if you were okay and offered you his hand to get back up on your feet. He’d then taken your arm and placed it around his neck, allowing you to lean on him more comfortably as you walked, and holding onto your hand. 
“What were you saying now? You’re perfectly able to take care of yourself?” He’d asked you mockingly, slurring his words as he gave you a cheeky grin.
You’d felt yourself blush furiously and quickly turned your head to hide it from him. Too late…he’d noticed. “Awwww…..is the Captain blushing? Is that a little blush I see? Oh my gosh, you are adorable.” 
“Shut UP, Short tips!” You’d retorted, hitting his chest with your free hand. 
Fortunately, by then you’d arrived in front of your Quarters. Unfortunately, Will wasn’t about to let you go just yet. 
He spun you around so that you were facing him, holding both of your hands to your sides, trying to keep himself steady as he focused his gaze on you. 
“Hey, enough with that stupid nickname,” he’d complained, frowning slightly, “You know I hate it, right?”
You rolled your eyes dramatically. “Fiiiiiiine, whatever.”
“Besides,” he continued, “You can drop this whole ‘I’m so tough and independent and heartless’ act with me, you know?” He shook his head, which made him lean dangerously forward. You took a step back and instinctively freed your hands from his grip to place them on his chest and hold him up. “Whoa…take it easy, Short-” you stopped when he shot you a fired look and huffed, “All right, all right, just…take it easy, William.” 
“That’s…not my name.”
“What do you mean? What’s Wil short for, then?”
He thought about it for a moment, then grinned meaningfully. “Wil’s not short for anything.”
You’d stood there with your mouth hanging open, at a loss for words. 
“You did not just say that-”
He giggled, then hiccuped. 
This is a nightmare, you thought. This was the most adorable thing you’d ever seen in your life, and it was a nightmare. 
“Anyway, that’s not what matters,” he’d quickly recovered, shaking his mane of blonde hair and taking your hands in his once again, holding them up to your chest. 
You noticed the two of you had somehow mindlessly walked just besides your Quarter’s doors and into a side alleyway that was a little more secluded than the main road. 
Wil took a moment to inhale deeply. 
“Heeeey….hey, hey,” he mumbled, searching for your gaze until he had locked eyes with you, “What matters is that you listen to what I just said, okay? And I said, you can drop the act. It’s okay. I get it. I know who you are. I trust you. But I also think that sometimes the way you act is a bunch of crap -”
“Uh, excuse you?” You’d cut him off, raising an eyebrow and acting offended. Wil however, noticed that you did not pull away from him or break eye contact. “What do you think you know about me, exactly? I mean - One day you march in here from the Vale, save the world, come back a hero, beg me to train you - oh don’t give me that look, you were begging like a puppy - and even though I already saved your ass on the battlefield and took you back home safely, effectively ending my duties towards you - no, stop that!” you’d playfully smacked his chest again as he started laughing under his breath, “You STILL insist that I train you, until I cave in and say yes and then….and then what? You waltz into my everyday life with your horrendous sparring and your stupid blonde hair always getting in your face and you look at me with your stupid blue eyes and you talk with your stupid deep voice and you tell me all these stupid nice things, trying to woo me just like the pretty boy you are…. a-and suddenly, now you’re this know-it-all who knows everything about me?”
He was fully laughing by now, his shoulders shaking as he tried to keep his voice down. “Wait wait wait….I think I missed something….” He said between fits of laughter, “…Why is my….hair? Eyes?…my voice….Did you seriously call them stupid?” He kept laughing as he slowly walked you backwards until you felt your back touch the wall of the building. 
You rolled your eyes again, but Wil’s contagious laughter was catching on to you and soon you were also holding your breath to keep yourself from laughing out loud. After a few moments, the two of you had managed to pull yourselves together long enough to speak again. “All right, all right, pretty boy…” you’d mocked him, shaking your head, “…I think we better cut it out and go to sleep. We’re gonna wake up the entire army if we keep this up.”
You gently freed yourself from his hold, smoothing the front of his shirt with your hands as you tilted your head to the side, a small smile on your face. Just when you started noticing how nice Wil’s chest felt beneath your touch and your mind started wondering towards much less innocent thoughts, you caught Wil’s gaze and suddenly your heart skipped a beat.
Wil was staring at you with a peaceful but intense gaze, taking his time to scrutinise your face as he lifted his hand to slowly push a strand of hair behind your ear. He shook his head lightly.
“You really are something else,” hensaid softly as he caressed your cheek. Your breath caught in your throat as you felt him place his hands gently at the base of your neck. Then, he started to lean forward….but only to give you just a chaste kiss on the forehead. Yeah. Just. 
He mumbled something under his breath as he pulled back. “What was that…?!” You’d asked him a little too quickly, desperate to distract yourself from the giddiness bubbling in your stomach thinking about the feel of his lips on your forehead. You needed to get it together. You’re a Captain, for Goodness’s sake! What was the matter with you?! Just look at you. Giggling and hiding in a shadowed alley with the princess’s betrothed, drunk on Elvish beer, on a work night?! You were a disgrace. 
And you were loving every single moment of it.   
“Hmmm?.…Whatsthat?” He mumbled, his voice oddly huskier all of a sudden. 
“What did you say?” 
“Oh…..yeah,” he shrugged with a snort of laughter, “No, yeah, I mean, I was just talking to myself thinking I probably should have chosen you instead of Amberle or Eritrea, you know.” 
Despite the shock in hearing his absolutely unexpected and totally random confession, you couldn’t control yourself as you grinned broadly. 
“Oh, now is that so? Well, it’s too bad I’m not into cute future princes with pretty eyes,” you murmured sarcastically, as you daringly leaned back against the wall and mirrored his gesture of pushing his hair behind his ear. “You know….I’ve got more of a savage warrior-type. No offence…” you’d shrugged playfully, looking back into his eyes. And quickly realising that was a big mistake. He wasn’t laughing anymore now, just looking at you. Far too intensely for your liking. 
You cleared your throat and attempted to gently push him back, just enough to lean away from the wall, but surprisingly you felt him keep you pinned to the spot with his weight. You huffed, half embarrassed and half anxious.
“…I could be a savage for you,” he suddenly mumbled, acting hurt.
You snorted with laughter again, “You could barely kill a demon with your own sword.” “Are you ever going to stop bringing that up?!”
“Yeah, when you stop getting your ass kicked every day when I train you,” you retorted, and he covered your mouth with his hand. 
“I said, drop the act,” he repeated, looking at you meaningfully. 
You felt your knees grow weak as he slowly dragged his hand away from your mouth. There was a moment of awkward silence, then you’d sigh tiredly.
“All right, let’s go get some sleep, pretty boy…” you said softly, patting his shoulder amicably. This time he let you pull away from him….but it was just for a moment. 
As you started to turn your back to him, muttering “Goodnight, then…” and waving goodbye, you felt him take your wrist. You stopped in your tracks.
“Hey…” he called softly. Before you could even think about reacting, he pulled you back to him gently, opening his arms and enveloping you in an embrace. You felt the air literally being squeezed out of your lungs as he wrapped his strong arms around you, holding you close. You could only let yourself go, leaning your head on his chest and breathing deeply. Wil adjusted his body to yours, holding onto you more tightly and leaning his chin on the top of your head. He swayed you back and forth gently, caressing your back lightly with his hands. “…Thank you for everything you do for me.” you’d heard him whisper. 
Taking it as your cue, you pulled back and shook your head, once again at a loss for words to properly respond.
“Uh…sure…just….doing my duty…doing the right thing, y’know…”
“Well, I hope it’s a little more than that,” Wil playfully poked fun at you, winking as his face lit up, melting your heart. 
“Y-yeah…sure…” you mumbled.
You looked at him again and the air around you suddenly changed. You felt much, much more sober. You watched as Will leaned in again once again, cupping your face in his hands. This time, you weren’t sure the gesture would be as innocent as before. You held your breath and closed your eyes. Wil stopped just a breath away from you, hesitating, his lips hovering over yours. You couldn’t find the courage to move, neither away nor towards him. Bringing your hands up to rest on his, you grasped them with a force that betrayed your nervousness. 
“Wil…” you breathed, letting out a shaky breath. Your mouths were so close that your lips gently brushed against each other as you spoke. 
“Hmm?” He asked, still standing still and keeping his eyes closed. You suddenly realized he was giving you the choice. 
You also suddenly realized he was just as nervous as you were. His chest was pressed so close to yours that you could feel his heartbeat racing.
“What would I do without you?” he said softly, moving slowly as he began placing small kisses on your face: “You strong….” A kiss on your cheek, “…brave…” a peck on your nose, “…smart…” another kiss on your temple, “…beautiful…” another on your other cheek, pausing as he murmured “…but also so lonely…” he said this last part under his breath, almost to himself. He was facing you again, your mouths barely a breath apart once more.
You couldn’t believe this was happening. Your mind was racing a million miles a minute. You knew what you want to do. You knew exactly what you want to do. But you also knew it would be wrong. Your moral duty towards your kingdom and your duty as Captain raged a battle against the butterflies in your stomach. The blood in your veins seemed to be chanting Wil’s name in your ears like a spell. You thought about the war…and your responsibilities as Captain….and Wil’s responsibilities….and his loyalty to Amberle….and your loyalty to the crown….and it was all too much.
You soothingly ran your thumbs along Wil’s hands, hoping to soften the blow. You only allowed yourself to revel in the closeness of his body and the tingle of his lips against yours for a few more blessed seconds. You despised yourself with every ounce of your being for what you were about to say. 
“….We c-can’t.” You stuttered softly.
You never stuttered. You took another moment, feeling Wil clench his jaw slightly. He didn’t seem to want to move. Instead, he shook his head with a mutter of disagreement and kept holding on to you, his eyes still closed. When you tried to budge he pulled you back. Then he didi the worst possible thing he could do - he whsipered your name softly, and it almost broke your heart. 
The worst battle of your life would never been remotely as hard as this. You shook your head, biting your lip and cursing mentally when you grazed his mouth with yours once more in doing so. You cleared your throat again.
“….I mean, it’s late, you’re drunk, I’m drunk, and this isn’t…we can’t. Not like….like this. You won’t even remember this in the morning. Come on, you silly prince,” you scolded him gently, giving him a little smile as he finally opened his eyes. He cleared his throat too, as though waking up from a daze. His ears were glowing red in embarrassment. 
“I’m s-sorry,” he mumbled, looking mortified either by his actions or by your rejection. You felt him try to pull away from you, but now it was your turn to stop him. “Hey….hey,” you hushed him softly, pulling him back to you and wrapping your arms around his broad shoulders. You leaned in, daring to place a lingering kiss on his cheek and leaning your face against his to whisper in his ear. “I really care about you. You remember that, okay?” 
He let out a sigh of relief as though an enormous weight had just been lifted from his chest. You felt him nod and pulled back to look into his eyes. You gave him a light smile, holding his hands in yours. 
“….Do you think you can handle getting home by yourself?”
He scoffed, looking away, “Yeah, I think I’ve made enough of a fool of myself….it’s really time for me to go. Right….so….goodnight.”
He nodded once as he gently let go of you. You exchanged one last longing stare filled with meaning and unspoken words. Then you chuckled half heartedly. 
“Ready to get your ass kicked again tomorrow?”
“Yeah….” He laughed, but the sound was much more bitter than before. “…Can’t wait.”
And with one last wave, he turned around and disappeared down the dark pathway. You stumbled backwards until you hit the wall, falling to your knees and mentally kicking yourself as you felt tears slowly start running down your face. 
---------✨✨✨✨✨✨ ---------
That night was probably the beginning of the end, even though you didn’t know it yet. Wil had mysteriously disappeared for a whole week after that, and the anxiety of wondering where he’d gone had almost given you a heart attack. When you’d seen him walk back inside the training camp on the eight day since disappearing as though nothing had happened, you weren’t sure whether you wanted to kill him on the spot or jump in his arms. You settled for a death glare that he quickly dismissed with his usual carefree laughter.
“Missed me?” 
Of course, now you knew there’d been another reason why he’d disappeared. It hadn’t been because of you. Oh, no. It had been because he and Amberle had been too busy planning their wedding without telling anyone during that week. You were ready to bet good money on the fact that someone had tipped the princess off on your little night escapade, casually pushing her to insist on getting married as soon as possible. Of course, you’d known nothing of their plans. And Wil certainly hadn’t had the decency to tell you anything. So you’d had to find out in the worst possible way: through whispers and gossip running through the palace, relying on what your heard like any common maid….
Of course, your reaction to hearing the news had been to disappear for three full days without telling anyone where you’d gone. Then you’d done exactly what Wil had, showing back up at the training camp on the fourth day and finding him helplessly trying to train himself. You’d picked up your sword and started a new session with him, ignoring his questioning stare as though nothing had happened, and knowing perfectly well that everything had happened. 
….So much for dropping the act and letting your guard down, eh? 
---------✨✨✨✨✨✨ ---------
So, yeah. All things considered, you could say you and Wil had been ‘close’. But that had all drastically changed now. Especially since the news of the wedding had just been made official that very morning. Exactly two weeks after that drunk night.
Despite your better judgement a little part of you had still held onto hope that Wil would say something to you - anything at all, at this point - when he would show up for training that day. But once again he had appeared and pretended as though nothing was wrong. Not a single word on Amberle, the wedding, or the two of you. That was when you’d decided you’d had enough playing nice with him. And you were not about to forgive him for any of it. 
The sound of Wil’s sword clanging noisily against yours abruptly pulls you back to the present moment. 
“Careful, Captain,” he warns, flashing you a cocky grin, “Looks like you’re the one losing focus now.” 
You scoff, waiting for him to pause for just a moment to catch his breath and immediately launching forward with a frustrated battle cry, swinging your sword fiercely at him. You both pick up the pace, exchanging one blow after the other as you pace around the arena. You’re both glistening with sweat by now, but you’re not about to give up. Suddenly you hear a loud rustling of leaves just above you and you instinctively look up, startled by the noise. It’s just a large bird leaving its nest. But just as you realise you’ve made a big mistake, Wil charges forward. In a flash he delivers a masterful blow that knocks your sword out of your hand. Then he grabs your forearm and twists you around. Before you can blink you find yourself with your back pressed against him as he holds you firmly into place. 
“Never lower your guard.” He mocks you with your own words, whispering in your ear, and you can feel him smile against your skin, “…I thought you said it shows your weakness.” He drags out the last word, mercilessly taunting you as he chuckles under his breath… and then, he dares to give your ear a little nip, followed by a soft kiss. 
That’s the last drop. 
Gathering all your strength, you grab onto his arm and lunge forward with a swift motion, yelling out as you lift him right off his feet and send him tumbling in the air. The unexpected move catches him completely off guard and he finds himself flipped over and laying on his back, panting. He looks up at you, silhouetted against the sunlight. You’re also breathing heavily, but unlike him you’ve lost all trace of playfulness. How dare he. How dare he do this to you. After everything he’d already done. After keeping the wedding announcement from you. After confessing his stupid feelings that stupid drunk night. After everything. It’s just too much. 
“Get the hell out of my camp,” you order through clenched teeth, “I’ve had enough of you.”
You can see the panic in his face as you spin around and storm off. You hear him scrambling back to his feet, the smugness evaporating from him faster than the sweat on his forehead as he calls your name out, desperately chasing after you. 
You just keep walking. You’re done with all of this.
Done with the training. Done with the joking. Done with the lies. And most of all, absolutely, completely and definitely done with your stupid feelings for this stupid half Elf who had to come along and break your stupid heart. 
You’re officially done with Will Ohmsford. 
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Part 2 is here!
I hope you enjoyed this part 1 my darlings! As always, a little reminder 💜 Likes, comments and reblogs are greatly appreciated! Please support your fav content creators and share the love! ☺️💜💜💜
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Type: one shot about Wil Ohmsford (Shannara Chronicles) Rating: Rated R for Violence | Trigger Warning: Violence Word Count: 4500+ If you want part 2 then let me know Enjoy!
The princess was kidnapped nearly 18 years ago, it was like she just disappeared. There were plenty of knights that searched for her, but a few of them never returned. It seemed like the princess did not want to be found, but was she the reason why the men never returned?
"EVERYONE there has been another killing," the guard said as he held up the knight's head. "Who is doing this?" The king questioned. "No one knows, it's whoever goes to search for the long-lost princess," the guard said. "No one can find her, yet my men are being killed," the king said. "Does anyone truly know she's alive?" The queen asked. "No one knows," the guard said. "Ok, so I have to stop the searches for now" the king sighed. "I will put it out there" the guard nodded and left the room. "She could still be out there, there has to be an explanation," the queen said. "I know but it's too much of a risk, my men are being killed," the king said. "I want to find her as much as you do," he said. "I know you do," the queen nodded. "Maybe she doesn't want to be found," she said. "Yea maybe" the king sighed.
-in the village-
There was talk about all the killings. It was no secret that maybe the village could be in danger. A lot of the people chose to pack up their things and leave. There was an elf that was living among the people, he was known as the healer.
"Wil why is everyone leaving?" a girl asked. "Someone is killing the king's people," Wil nodded. "You don't need to worry," he said as he placed his hand against her chin. "I know I don't" She smiled as she looked at him. "Good," he said as he brushed his thumb against her lips. "So who is killing these people?" she asked. "No one knows but I think it's the lost princess that doesn't want to be found," he said. "Well why wouldn't she want to be found?" she asked. "Who knows?" Wil said. He sat down and pulled her onto his lap, she straddled his lap as she placed her hands against his chest. "Maybe you can find her," she whispered. "And why would I want to do that?" he asked. "Because you are Wil Ohmsford who saves people" she looked at him. "People who want to be saved," he said. "Like you Lily" he grabbed the back of her neck, bringing her closer. "Like me" She whispered against his lips. "Like you," he said, before kissing her softly.
She gently tugged at his bottom lip before he pulled away. Placing his lips against her neck as she leaned her head back. Allowing her moans to escape her lips as he made his way down to her collarbone. Gently nibbling at her skin as his hands slipped her sides, removing her shirt as he moved his hands up. He threw it on the ground, keeping his lips against her skin. He gripped her hips and stood up, moving them to the bed. He moved over top of her, placing his lips back against her neck. Unfortunately, there was a knock on the door that stopped them. He handed her her shirt as he made his way to the door.
"Are you Wil Ohmsford?" the guard asked. "Who wants to know?" Wil responded. "The king has asked for you," the guard said. "So guessing I don't have much of a choice," Wil said as he grabbed his bag. "Pretty much," the guard said. "Lead the way," Wil said as he turned to look at Lilly. "I'll be back," he said before leaving with the guard.
While they were on their way to the kingdom, down deep in the forest there was the lost princess. Once again she had another knight in her sight.
"Who sent you?" She asked the knight. "The king," the knight said. "Not good enough," she said as she held the blade tighter against his neck. "I'm just doing my job," he said. "You suck at your job" she whispered into his ear. "How do you know I'm the long-lost princess?" she questioned. "Because you look like a younger version of the queen," he said. "And?" she said as she pulled the blade, blood starting to run down his neck. "Let me go and I'll tell them you are dead" he pleaded for his life. "Let's do this instead," she said as she finished dragging the blade, killing him instantly. "So much more fun" she smiled as his lifeless body fell onto the ground.
She collected his weapons and money before leaving the body in the woods. She went back to the tower where she lived with her kidnapper.
"What did you collect this time?" the guy asked. "Money and some weapons" she claimed. "Good job Arabella," he said. "I'll take these into town" he nodded. "Sounds good," She said as she walked past him. "The body is in the forest," she said. "I'll get rid of it," he said as he walked off. "Can I ask you something?" she turned to face him. "Go for it" he stopped in his tracks, turning to face her. "Am I the long-lost princess?" she questioned. "Of course you are," he laughed. "What type of sick joke are these men telling you?" he questioned. "I don't know," she shrugged. "Arabella, you know they only want one thing," He said. "We have been over this, you're not a princess," he said. "I know I'm not a princess Josh" she rolled her eyes as she entered the tower. "Then drop it," Josh said as he left to go into town.
She kept going into the tower and her room. Sitting on the bed as she took off her shoes. She had blood on her from her latest killing. She got up from the bed and turned on the bath.
"Maybe one day my life will be my own" she sighed as she slipped off her dress and into the tub.
She leaned back in the tub and just relaxed. She was always told since she was a baby that the world was a horrible place. Sometimes it was when she was attacked by knights from the kingdom. She knew trolls, angels, and also rovers and never had a single issue with them. It was always the elves that she had trouble with, so could it be true that she was the lost princess? If she was then why would the elves try to hurt her? It seemed like every since she turned 16 she has been fighting for her life. The knights would come by dozens and take advantage of her.
"Well well well look who is comfortable," a guy said. "What are you doing here Henry?" She asked. "To see my favorite girl of course," Henry said. "Uh-huh," she rolled her eyes and got out of the tub. "Turn your head," she said as she started to get dressed. "Uh-huh," he said as he turned to face the wall. "no peeking right?" he chuckled slightly. "Seriously, what are you doing here?" she asked. "I heard you killed another knight," he said as he sat on the bed. "Yes I did" she sighed. "He said some King is sending them, just like the rest of them," she said. "The king is looking for you?" Henry asked. "I guess he is because everyone thinks I'm some long-lost princess," she said. "Arabella, you might be since you are an elf" he nodded, pointing out her ears. "I'm no such thing as an elf" she looked at him. "Rover" She crossed her arms. "Yes I am a rover and I'm not ashamed of saying it," he said. "You need to consider that you might be the princess," he said. "And you have to consider that all you do is lie and steal," she said. "Ok ok fair enough, I'll drop it," he said. "Uh huh, now leave me to my peace," she said. "As you wish my lady" he kissed her cheek. "Just making sure you are safe," he said. "I always am" she looked at him.
Henry left and she lay on the bed, drifting off to sleep. Wil and the guard finally made it to the palace. Wil was led into the palace and placed into a room. He waited for the king to enter, knights were guarding the door.
"Scared I'll escape?" Wil jokes. "Just protecting our king," the knight said. "Sure" Wil rolled his eyes. "When will he be here?" he asked. "Soon" the knight nodded. "Ok" Wil sighed as he waited. Finally, after it seemed like forever the king walked into the room. "Sorry for keeping you waiting," the king said. "It's ok your majesty," Wil said as he bent his head down. "You don't have to call me that, it's Allan," the king said. "Ok," Wil nodded. "So how can I help you?" he asked. "Well everyone knows my daughter was kidnapped nearly 18 years ago," the king said. "Yes everyone knows that" Wil nodded. "And how your men keep dying in search of her," he said. "Yes my men are being killed and we don't know why," the king said. "That's why I asked for you," he said. "To do what exactly?" Wil asked. "Either they found her and have been killed or trolls have gotten to them," he said. "These aren't troll attacks, I'm sure she's out there" the king sighed. "You are my last hope," he said. "You want me to go search for your daughter? Who may or may not be alive?" Wil asked. "When your men have been killed searching for her?" Wil looked at the king. "Yes, I'll give you whatever you desire, '' the king said. "I just need to know if she's still out there," the king said. "I'll go and search but I'm not promising you anything," Wil said. "Ok, thank you," the king said. "I don't need any of your men with me, If I'm going to do this then I'm doing it MY way," Wil said. "Ok whatever you need, just let me know" the king nodded.
Wil nodded and left the palace, he had doubts that the princess was alive but he would try. He was more afraid of what was killing those knights. He got onto his horse and started making his way to the forest. He passed by a knight on a horse with another horse carrying the knight that was just killed. Wil pulled himself away from the scene and started on his way. Josh was also in town when rumors started that Wil Ohmsford would be looking for the princess. He rushed back to the forest and into the tower where Arabella was at.
"Wake up!" Josh said as he started packing their things. "We need to leave NOW," he said. "What?" Arabella said as she rubbed her eyes. "We need to leave," Josh said. "Why?" She questioned. "The person who is searching for you will find you," Josh said. "And I'll kill him like the rest," She said. "Seriously Arabella we need to leave," Josh said as he threw a jacket at her. 'Why?" She stood up, questioning him. "Do as you are told!" He said. "No, I won't until you tell me why?" She crossed her arms. "Because I said so and you do as you are told," he said as he grabbed her arm.
Her memories came rushing back, forcing her to quiet down and do as she was told. She gathered her things and left with Josh. Wil traveled all night to finally come to the tower as the sun started to rise. He got off his horse, looking around to make sure no one was around. He made his way into the tower to find no one. He looked around entering her room, seeing a few of her things.
"They haven't been gone long," he said as he looked over the room. "Whoever lives here left pretty quickly though," he said as he walked around. "As if they knew I was coming," he said. "Who are you?" Henry asked as he entered the tower. "Who are you?" Wil asked as he pulled out his sword, pointing it towards Henry. "I'm Henry, where is Arabella?" Henry asked. "Arabella?" Wil asked as he put his sword down. "The girl who lives here with Josh," Henry said. "Do you know where they went?" Wil asked. "Not if I'm asking," Henry said. "True" Wil rolled his eyes. "So the question remains, who are you?" Henry asked. "I'm Wil Ohmsford," Wil said. "The healer," Henry nodded. "The elf who has magic," he said. "So they say," Wil said, still keeping his guard up. "I know who you are, Rover," he said. "Oh look at you" Henry chuckled slightly. "So Arabella, is she an Elf or a Rover?" Wil asked. "I don't have to tell you," Henry said. "Of course, you don't but you will," Wil said. "You going to make me?" Henry asked as he crossed his arms.
Wil looked at Henry and just smirked. He walked past him and out of the tower. Henry followed him wondering what he was doing. Henry didn't see Wil at first until he was flat on his back looking at Wil's sword. Wil stood to the side as Henry came out, just to sweep him off of his feet.
"Ok Ok, I'll tell you," Henry said as he put his hands over his face. "So was she an Elf or a Rover?" Wil asked. "An Elf," Henry said. "Now we are getting somewhere," Wil said as he put his sword up. "Where would Josh take her?" Wil asked. "That I have no clue," Henry asked. "Thanks for your help" Wil said as he got on his horse and rode off. "Uh huh, asshole" Henry said as he stood up on his own.
Wil left the tower and headed deeper into the woods. He found a cave and decided to lay low for the rest of the day. It was less dangerous to travel at night time, so daytime would be the time he would rest. He grabbed a snack from his bag and lay on the cave floor. Before he knew it he was fast asleep. He was awakened when he heard someone walking in the cave. He hurried onto his feet and grabbed his sword. He slowly walked out of the cave, no one was there, just his horse. He got onto his horse and started back into the forest. Meanwhile, Arabella and Josh were still traveling in the forest.
"When are we going to stop?" Arabella asked. "When I know you are safe," Josh said. "From what or who?" Arabella asked. "From the world," Josh said. "The world will always be a terrifying place," She said. "I know that but just until they stop searching for you," he said. "They haven't stopped in 18 years, what makes you think they will now?" She questioned. "Then we keep moving," he said. "I'm starting to question if you are my actual kidnapper," She said. "Why would I kidnap a princess for 18 years and get nothing in return?" he questioned. "What do you want?" She asked to see if she can get him to admit the truth. "Nothing because I didn't kidnap you," he said. "There is a cabin up here we can stop at," he said. "Ok," She said as she followed his lead.
They finally made it to the cabin and crashed for the night. Wil was still traveling in the forest, he saw smoke on the horizon so he thought he was getting closer. By dawn he made his way to the cabin, the smoke coming out of the chimney. He stayed in the woods as he watched the cabin. Josh came out to gather more wood as Arabella came out to get some fresh air. The moment Wil saw Arabella he knew she was the lost princess. Plus he liked what he saw, it was as if he was falling for someone he never met. He covered his ears and started towards the cabin.
"Hello, I'm new around here," Wil said. "Oh hey," Arabella smiled as she saw Wil. "We are just passing by," she said. "That's too bad because I surely would love to get to know you" Wil smiled. "Yea we are just passing by," Josh said as she stood in front of Arabella. "Who are you?" Josh asked. "Excuse me," Wil said as he took a step back. "Didn't mean to disrespect you sir" he nodded. "It's fine, I'm just protective over her," Josh said. "As you should be, she's beautiful," Wil said as he looked at Arabella. "Let's be kind and invite our new friend for breakfast," Arabella said. "Sure," Josh said. "I'm getting wood, she will show you around," Josh said as he walked off. "Thank you," Wil said as he followed Arabella into the cabin. "Where are you from?" Arabella asked. "Just around" Wil nodded. "Where are you from?" he asked. "Just around here," She said. "So are you and Josh?" he started to say but she stopped him. "No he's just some guy," Arabella said. "Starting to believe he's something more than just a random guy," she said. "What do you mean?" Wil questioned. "Have you heard about the rumors?" She asked. "What rumors?" He looked at her. "That I was kidnapped when I was a baby and I'm a long-lost princess," she said. "Oh, you are pretty enough to be a princess," Wil said. "Oh stop," She said as she started to blush. "I'm starting to believe the rumors," she said. "Why?" Wil asked. "Because these knights keep coming, searching and it always seems to be me who they are searching for," she said. "What's keeping you from going with the knights?" Wil asked. "It's complicated," She said as she looked away. "I'm sorry for asking," Wil said as he realized he hit a nerve. "But also how do they know it's me that they are looking for? If I was kidnapped as a baby, no one would know what I would look like now" she said. "True," Wil said. "We have eggs and milk with bread," She said as she placed the plate on the table. "Sounds good, I've been traveling all night," he said as he sat down.
She sat down next to him as Josh came back into the cabin. He also sat down and ate with them, and Wil tried to keep the conversation light so they wouldn't catch on. After breakfast, Wil stayed and helped clean up.
"I got it," Arabella said as she placed the plates in the sink. "I can help," Wil said as he moved towards the sink. "You are a guest, I got it," She said. "Come on now," He said as he stood behind her, placing his hands in the water.
She took a deep breath in as she felt him close to her. His scent filled her nose. It was intoxicating. She leaned back against his chest as they washed the dishes. His hands brushing against hers from time to time, he leaned down allowing his lips to brush against her ear.
"Is this ok?" he whispered. "Yea" She nodded. "Just making sure," he said.
He moved his hands from the sink onto her hips, slightly turning her so she was facing him. Moving his hand up, placing it against her chin, tilting it up slightly so their eyes met. He brushed his thumb against her lips softly before leaning down. She quickly snapped out of his trance and pulled away. She put the plates back on the table and left the cabin. He was confused but knew she needed space.
"So where are you guys headed next?" Wil asked. "Anywhere to keep her safe" Josh said. "Safe from the knights?" Wil looked at Josh. "Yea and this Elf healer," Josh said. "Elf healer?" Wil asked. "Yeah, I guess the king asked Wil Ohmsford to look for the princess," Josh said. "Oh, I should go check on her," Wil said as he walked out of the cabin.
He found her down by the lake, just walking along the shore. He walked up to her, making sure she knew he was coming so he wouldn't scare her.
"I'm sorry," he said. "You don't have anything to be sorry about" She looked at him. "I didn't mean to make you feel uncomfortable," he said. "You didn't," she said as she walked up to him, placing her hand against his chest. "Ok" he nodded as he looked at her. "It's complicated," she said. "I know," he said. "But I'm not an animal," he said. "But you are an Elf," She said. "That I am," he said. "You might have short tips but I caught on," she said. "I noticed," he chuckled slightly. "What?" she questioned. "You're not the first person to call me short tips," He said as he brushed the piece of hair from her face. "Oh I'm not?" she looked at him. "Someone special in your life," she said. "At one point she was," He nodded. "So tell me who you are," she said. "Just a lost elf trying to find his way," he said. "Lost elf, finding a girl who may or may not be the princess," she said. "Something like that," he smiled. "Oh something like that" she moved closer to him. "Tell me about yourself," she said. "I'll tell you that I want to kiss you," he said as he placed his hand against her hip, pulling her closer. "You do?" She leaned up on her tippy toes, allowing her breath to touch his skin. Making him want her that much more. "I do" he whispered as he moved to eliminate the space between them, placing his lips against hers.
She kissed him back, allowing his tongue to slip into her mouth. She gently tugged at his bottom lip as she wanted to get lost in his world, Lost in his touch, lost in who he was but was she in danger? He wrapped his arm around her as he kept the kiss between them. She pulled away resting her forehead against his, slowly catching her breath.
"Wow," he smiled. "I have some things I need to get done before nightfall," she said. "Arabella," he said as he grabbed her hand. "Yes?" She looked at him. "I hope that wasn't the last kiss," he said. "Stick around short tips" she smiled as she walked off.
He made his way back to the cabin to find Josh getting ready to get more wood. Wil offered to help and they were off to the woods.
"Can I ask how you met Arabella?" Wil asked. "It's complicated," Josh said. "Oh ok," Wil nodded and went to work. "So what about this elf healer?" he asked. "Some elf that has magic is supposed to come looking for a lost princess," Josh said. "Is Arabella the lost princess?" Wil asked as he kept his distance from Josh. "Yes she is the long-lost princess, that's why she needs to be kept safe" Josh said. "Safe from who exactly? Seems like you are the bad guy here" Wil said. "I'm not the bad guy, I just want to keep her safe" Josh said. "Those knights are animals," he said. "Animals?" Wil raised an eyebrow. "In what way?" he asked. "When she turned 16" Josh started to say. "But it's not my story to tell," he said as he cut himself off.
They didn't realize that Arabella was close enough to hear their convestations. She couldn't believe what she was hearing, that she was the lost princess. Why would Josh lie to her? Kidnap her? She had so many questions but wasn't sure if she wanted the answers. She moved closer to hear them better, without them noticing.
"I respect that, She will open up about that when she's ready" Wil nodded. "Yea I guess so," Josh said. "You are an Elf," Josh said as he looked at Wil. "Yes, I am an Elf" Wil nodded. "Maybe you can connect with Arabella better than I can, I don't understand Elfs," Josh said. "I guess we have the Elf thing in common," Wil said. "Can I ask why you kidnapped her?" Wil asked. "To get back at the king," Josh said. "In what way exactly?" Wil asked. Arabella had enough and decided to walk out so they could see her. "Arabella," Wil said. "So I am the long-lost princess," Arabella said. "Arabella," Josh said. "I don't want to hear it, you lied to me, you kidnapped me," She said. "I can explain, please," Josh said as he took a step closer to her. "No, don't!" She said as she took a step back. "I promise it was to keep you safe" Josh said. "I only need protecting from YOU," Arabella said as she pulled out her sword. "Arabella, be careful with that" Wil said. "He's lying to you as well! This is Wil Ohmsford who is looking for YOU" Josh said. "What?" Arabella looked at Wil.
Wil was caught off guard by Josh's words. He was caught in a trap and didn't know how to get out of this. Arabella walked around both of them like they were prey and she was going to kill them. She quickly got behind Josh, tripping him up onto the ground. Placing her sword against his chest.
"Please Arabella," Josh said. "Give me one reason," She said. "Arabella," Wil said. "Oh don't worry short tips, you are next" She glanced over at him. "I promise you are free to go" Josh pleaded for his life. "I know better than to listen to your lies," She said.
Josh closed his eyes knowing it was the end. He could feel the blade pressing against his chest. It was too easy for her so she backed off, allowing him back onto his feet. As soon as he stood up she knocked him down once again, this time getting him on his knees. She stood behind him with the blade against his throat.
"YOU are the reason why I was attacked, YOU are the reason why I'm always running," Arabella said. "I'm sorry," Josh said. "No, you are only sorry because you got caught," She said. "YOU are the reason why they took advantage of me," She said. "I'm sorry," he said once again. "Sorry you are a little too late," she said as she ran the blade across his throat, as his body fell to the ground she turned her attention to Wil. "I'm only here to bring you home," Wil said as he held up his hands. "Why should I believe you?" She asked. "I know it's hard to believe people, after everything you've been through," he said. "I should kill you," She said. "Maybe you should," he said as he moved closer to her. "But you won't," he said as he grabbed her hand with the sword.
He took the sword from her and placed his arm around her shoulders. The tears slipped from her eyes as she sobbed as he wrapped his arm around her. Rubbing her back as she cried against his chest. He knew at any moment she could flip and he needed to keep his guard up. He led her back to the cabin as it started to rain. She sat on the bed as he started a fire before joining her on the bed. He placed his arms back around her and just held her the rest of the night.
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romantiqueofthemind · 2 years
Soo are we just going to ignore Austin Butler in the Shannara Chronicles??? Like??????? We need more fics about Wil Ohmsford???
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Like? The JAWLINE on the LAST ONE????? 🥵🥵🥵
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imaginesfordayss · 7 years
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You had left him alone for a few hours. Five at most, and he still managed to get himself in trouble. 
“Oh my god.” You groaned to yourself, exasperated, watching him and a smaller elven girl limp back to his tent. He was bleeding from a wound on his side, but after following him for a while you figured he’d be able to heal it by himself. 
You watched them enter the tent and waited a moment before sneaking in behind them. Wil was just using the elfstones to close the wound and collapsed back onto the bed. 
“How did this guy ever save the world.” The girl mumbled dryily.
“I know right, he is utterly pathetic.” You said, leaning against the wall.
The girl whirled around, whipping out a knife and got into a defensive stance. 
“Woah there.” You said, raising your hands, “I come in peace. I just came to make sure he wasn’t dead.” 
She regarded you suspiciously, “Who are you?”
“My name’s (y/n),” You said, holding out your hand. She simply looked at it until you let it drop, “Okay. Who are you if I might ask?” 
“That’s none of your concern.” She said, still not lowering the knife.
“You don’t have to worry about me, I’m not going to hurt him. Or you. Trust me I have put too much effort in keeping him alive for the past year to let it all go to waste.” 
A few awkward seconds passed as she glared at you before finally relaxing her stance, “You his keeper or something?” 
“Something like that.” You said softly, finally deeming it safe to get closer. Approaching the bed you saw Wil was effectively passed out and you snorted softly, nudging his foot, “Oh kid. You do have a beacon for trouble.” 
“How do you know him?” The girl asked. 
“Amberle.” You said, turning around to face her again, “She was a good friend of mine. My best friend. I promised I would look after Wil if something happened to her. Unfortunately for everyone involved, something did and now we’re here.” 
“The elf princess? She saved the Ellcrys.” 
You nodded, “Yeah that’s the one.” You tried to hold back your sad bitterness, “Our hero.” 
Wil groaned softly and rolled over, his legs tangling clumsily. Sighing, you turned back to the blonde and started pushing him up the bed. He grumbled and tried to bat your hands away, but you just rolled your eyes and situated him under the blankets. The elf girl helped and soon the Shannara was tucked into bed. 
“My name’s Mareth by the way.” The girl, Mareth, said, after you exited his room. 
“Mareth. Nice to meet you.” You said, “What business do you have with Wil?” 
She paused, picking at her nails before answering, “I need his help.” 
“With what?”
“Finding my father.” 
You stopped walking, “Your father? What does Wil have to do with your father?”
“Wil’s a Shannara, and the only one that can help me find him.” She paused and you waited, “My father is Allanon.” 
Your mouth dropped open, shocked, “Your father’s the druid? That guys has a stick so far up his ass, who in their right mind would have a kid with him.” 
She gasped, offended, and you scrambled, “Sorry, I’m sorry, that was rude. It’s just a shock, I never pegged Allanon for a father.”
“Well, it’s probably because he’s never met me. I doubt he even knows I exist.” Mareth replied. 
“Wow. I’m sorry, that must be rough.” 
Mareth nodded, “I need his help so I can learn to control my magic. My mother couldn’t help me, so he’s my only option.” 
“Well if it’s any consolation, I hear Allanon is one of the most powerful magic users in Arborlon. So you’ll have a good teacher.” You said,” If only Wil would follow your lead.” 
“He doesn’t want to learn?” She asked.
“He doesn’t want anything to do with anyone lately. Especially your father.” You said. 
You blew out a long breath, “I don’t know. No one really told me what happened when Amberle sacrificed herself. King Ander just gave me a note, asking to take care of Wil and Allanon was no help like usual and Wil was...” You paused, “He was devastated. I didn’t even know know this guy and when I saw him afterwards, it was like his world was over.” 
“But you still followed him? Even though you didn’t know him?”
“Amberle was my best friend, almost like my sister. I would do anything for her. And she wanted me to protect Wil, so I’m doing my best to honor her wishes.” 
Mareth smiled slightly, “That’s noble.” 
You laughed, “It’s stupid is what it is, but thank you.” 
Mareth nodded, “I’ve been staying in Storlock for the past few nights, but I think they know I’m not really a patient anymore. Got anywhere I can crash?”
You nodded and motioned for her to follow you, “I have a place. Follow me.” 
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stray-kaz · 2 years
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The Water Nymph: 7
Storming blindly through the palace, Drea found herself standing at the edge of a wide open atrium, trees clustered all around. Tipping back her head, she glimpsed blue patches of sky through the leaves. She sat down hard on the dirt, ignoring the burn in her blood. She started to draw in the dust, the outline of a fox appearing under her fingers.
She heard footsteps and the roaring in her ears told her it was Wil. His hand landed on her shoulder and she shrugged it off. He sat down in front of her, legs folded beneath him like a pretzel.
"Drea" he said quietly, urgently. "What you just saw wasn't supposed to happen. She's a girl who saved my life from a troll and then stole from me. I took back what she stole and she came back for it again. I barely know her."
Drea raised her head just enough to see his eyes peering at her. They were wide, earnest, as blue as the sky patches above their heads.
"But well enough to let her mount you like a horse."
Her tone was harsh and acidic, making Wil flinch.
"It wasn't like that" he muttered, though even he was aware how weak that sounded.
Drea rose fluidly to her feet, glaring down at him.
"Then why did it happen?" she demanded angrily, fists propped on her hips. "Why did you let her do that? I've been wanting you for days, ever since the river, but I haven't climbed atop you like a common rover chit."
Wil scrambled to his feet, staring down at her, her previous height advantage now gone. His mind was whirling, but he answered her question.
"I imagined it was you" he said softly. "I wanted it to be you, Drea. You want me, too?"
She stared up at him, golden eyes glowing with barely repressed desire.
"Wil Ohmsford, I am a shapeshifter in heat. My gut has been telling me you are one of my mates and it has been making me crazy!"
Blond eyebrows rose.
"One of your mates?" he asked hesitantly.
Drea flushed even pinker than she had already been.
"Well, the only one, really" she mumbled. "I just didn't want to make you feel under pressure to -"
She was cut off by the slant of his mouth against hers. His hands came down heavily on her hips, pulling her in to meet his. She could already feel him through the supple leather of his trousers, and a soft sigh breathed from her lungs into his.
Drea lifted her arms to wrap around his neck, carding her fingers through his long blond hair. She wound it into a thick ponytail in her fist and tugged, pulling his searing lips off of hers and baring his throat. His pulse jumped and she leaned up on her tiptoes to kiss it, loosening her grip on his hair.
"How bad is it?" Wil whispered, his voice a desperate rasp in her ears.
"What?" she gasped, mind too blurred to focus.
"How bad is the heat? How bad does it hurt?"
"Hurt? Why?"
Wil's eyes widened in surprise.
"You really don't know what you're doing, do you?"
Confused, Drea looked down to see Wil's left thigh in between hers, her hips moving desperately against it. Immediately, she stopped and took a step back, ashamed by her behaviour.
"I'm sorry, Wil."
In response, he grabbed her by her thighs and lifted her, squeezing until she hooked her legs around him. Wil's lips pressed against hers again and she moaned as she felt him push hard between her legs. He smiled, his teeth grazing her bottom lip as he began to walk her backwards through the trees.
He found a clearing and slowly went down to his knees before gently lowering Drea onto her back in the long daisy grasses. He marveled at her blown out pupils and the way her hands shook as she reached for him. He dragged his shirt over his head and hissed quietly through his teeth as Drea raked her nails gently over his nipples and down his stomach, to the waistband of his pants. She tugged and he lost his balance, falling over her only to roll to the side and take her with him.
He buried his face in her neck and blindly worked at the cords at the front of her pants, loosening them enough to be able to yank them down. He hadn't noticed Drea doing the same with his until her fingers were wrapped around him and she arched her hips up high, giving him no other option but to sink inside her heat, blue eyes rolling back and golden ones fluttering closed in bliss.
He groaned into her neck, hips already snapping forward at a bruising pace. Drea mewled and twisted, digging her fingernails into his shoulders and trying to draw him even closer, their chests colliding.
Wil was proud of his past stamina, but he had no previous idea that a shape-shifting woman could orgasm several times in a row, which is precisely what happened.
He watched, slack-jawed, as Drea's eyelids slammed shut, her back arched so hard it cracked, and she spasmed around him seven times.
He couldn't hold on any longer; his hips pummelled hers, and he released all he had into her, sending heat soaring through her body, before shuddering and collapsing on her, hips continuing to twitch.
Drea stretched languidly beneath him, purring and gently kissing the tip of his ear. She listened to him breathing and grinned; he was utterly spent and already sleeping.
@foreverdolly @karamelcoveredolicity
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austinswhitewolf · 1 year
Finding One Of Your Own Pt. 1
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I needed to give Wil some loving. There are not enough fics for him. Hope you all love this, Should be only three or four parts.
For as long as you can remember, you were with this group of Rovers. They always told you that they ‘saved’ you, that you were better off with them.
You only knew what they told you of the world beyond their group. You were known as a mongrel, half elf and half human, and despised by every race. But hated most by the Elves, who they always told you hunted down mongrels and locked them away to torture them. The fear that they had instilled in you kept you with them, never trying to run away. You were used to being beaten on whenever you did something wrong or when any one of them were upset. You bore many scars from over the years. There were a couple times that they had you hating your ears so much, that you had tried to cut the tips off, but the pain had been so bad that it just left scars. And it was something they would continue to rag on you for. Flicking the tip of your ear was also a punishment they used because of how sensitive elf ears are to touch. Whenever you left the camp you kept your ears covered, hair plaited and twisted to cover them. You were never allowed to let anyone besides your group see them. 
Over the last week, the group had been working on scavenging around a destroyed and abandoned village. Today had been the last day there, in the morning you would all be heading to do some trading for some needed items. You were taking care of the few horses while everyone else was having drinks and laughing around the fire they had going cooking dinner. Night was falling fast as you started to brush down the last of the horses, making sure nothing was stuck in it’s hooves as well. Spending time with the horses was your favorite, they always seemed to be happy to see you. And they were always gentle with you. One of them popped it’s head up, eyes and ears flicking over to the edge of the camp. Soon, all the other horses were doing the same, the one you were brushing started to shift nervously. There was a snap and suddenly the horses were taking off into the woods. You were knocked down as the one had turned to bolt. When you looked up, you saw trolls rushing into the camp. The rovers were pulling their weapons but with the alcohol in their systems, they were no match for the amount of trolls.
In the murderous rampage, you were trying to scramble to get a sword or some form of weapon when a troll swung it’s blade at you. You dove out of the way, but a cry left your lips as a searing pain flared up on your back. Wetness was starting to seep down your lower back as you managed to get up. One of the few ravagers that was still left alive had attacked the troll, garnering it’s attention away from you. 
When you looked around, all but three of the group were dead and the three alive weren’t going to make it long. Turning, you knew the only way to survive was to run. As you stumbled into the woods, the pain in your back was excruciating. The fear was clouding your judgment, causing you to just run and run. No particular direction in mind, just to get far away from the trolls. 
The longer you ran through the night, the more you stumbled to the ground, tripping over tree roots and rocks. The blood loss was slowly taking it’s toll, canceling out the adrenaline little by little. 
As Wil left the building, ripping the gloves off, he turned to the Gnome that followed him out. He was shocked when he was corrected that Slanter didn’t secure him the job here, it was Allanon. Turning around to head back to his small house, his eyes caught on a figure that was nearing the edge of Storlock. His head tilted slightly watching the rough stumbling walk, something wasn’t right. You blearily saw small huts in the distance and started towards them. You were beyond exhausted, body on fire as you stumbled between the trees. Using them to help balance as you stopped once more to look towards the closest hut. A figure in white was standing there, you had no idea if they were facing you or not. Your head dipped a few times before your knees gave out under you. The pain from the heavy jolt from landing on your knees caused you to pass out, everything finally taking it’s full toll on you. The moment Wil saw you fall to your knees and then slump to the ground, he raced over and slid to your side. The blood, dried and fresh on your lower back was an immediate concern for him. When he turned you to your side gently, the heat coming off you showed a high fever. Wil scooped you up carefully into his arms and raced to one of the huts for more critical injuries. Within minutes, they had you on your stomach, cleaning your back to find the full extent of the wound. Black lines were branching away from the gash, the blade having been poisoned. It took a while to get the wound fully cleaned and covered it in a salve to draw out the poison. You would have to be watched closely over the next few days, changing the salve and watching for the fever to go down. Wil took it upon himself to do this. Over the next day and a half, you woke up a few times, delirious from the fever and infection talking about needing to get back to the group so you wouldn’t get in trouble.
At the end of the second day, Wil undid the plaits and twists in your hair, taking the time to get the knots that were starting to form out of the soft hair. The shock he felt at seeing your ears and the scars on them, shook him to his core. He saw the scars on your back as he would change the salve and keep the wound clean but the sight of your ears was what got him. What had you been through? Long thin fingers were gentle while tucking hair behind your ears. 
It was the next morning that your fever broke and mid day you started to slowly wake. Wil was coming back into the hut with the head healer behind him to check on your progress when they saw you shift and let out a soft groan. “She’s waking up.” Wil spoke as he moved to your side and sat back down on the stool he had there. The gnome was right behind Wil, his eyes shifting over your form. “Her color is better for sure.” His gruff voice caused you to stir again.
When your eyes fluttered open, you glanced around. Though the moment your eyes landed on both of them, you let out a shriek and shuffled away from them, falling off the edge of the bed before Wil could stop you. A yelp sounded out as you landed on the wound on your back. You were so frightened, that as you scooted back away from them to the corner of the hut, you didn’t notice the smeared trail of blood you left. When Wil moved around the bed to your side, he noticed your eyes never left the gnome. He turned and nodded to the male who quickly exited the hut.
Once the gnome was gone, your breathing started to slow a bit and your eyes scanned your surroundings. When your sight landed on Wil, his eyes were what caught you first. They were such a pure blue, mesmerizing to you.
“I’m Wil. What’s your name?” You shifted, resting your hand on his arm as you sat the rest of the way up with a groan and gave him your name. “We should get you back to the bed so I can take a look at your wound. It opened back up and I need to stop the bleeding.” The deep timber coming from this man helped soothe your raw nerves. When you nodded, he helped you back up and guided you back to the bed, sitting you down on the edge for him to take a closer look. Once you were sitting down, you shifted so he could have better access to your back. “How did this happen?” Wil asked as he put pressure on the wound to stop the bleeding. You took a moment before you started to explain how the trolls attacked your group and you were the only one to make it out alive. By the time you were done, he was starting to put some more salve on the wound. “That would explain how it was so badly infected and the poison.” After the salve was on, he put a bandage wrap around your stomach and back to cover it. His fingers deftly tied the fabric off quickly before he touched a scar just above the bandage. “This looks like it hurt.” “I caused the group to loose dinner. So that was punishment.” You said as if it wasn’t a big deal, and to you, it was all you knew. “Your group did this?” He was appalled at the thought of anyone hurting one of their own group. He leaned forwards so he could see your face. Turning your head to look at him, you opened your mouth to speak when your eyes saw his ear. Your hand reached up and gently touched the bottom of it. “You're a Mongrel too?” He gave just the slightest of a twitch/wince at that word. “I’m half elf, half human.” “Yeah, a mongrel. Like me.” You said as if it were a fact. Reaching up you moved your hair from covering your ear. “No one is a mongrel. That’s not a good word. Why do you use it?” You looked confused at his words. It was only a moment before you were telling him what all you had been taught about the races. When he gently asked questions about growing up, each response from you had his heart clenching in pain. “None of that is true.” He explained gently. Wil told you a quick generalized version of what the actual truth was. “You are safe here, the lands are safer than they have been in years.” Chewing his bottom lip slightly, he took a breath before reaching up and brushing your hair back over your ear. “What happened?” His voice was soft, eyes looking over the scarring on the tip of your ear. With what he had revealed to you, tears filled your eyes. “I was scared of having pointed ears. I didn’t want them, so I tried twice to do something about them. But it hurt too much. And I felt ashamed both times I couldn’t.” Wil felt the air leave his lungs in a woosh. How could anyone be so cold and cruel to have you believe it would be better to mutilate your ears. He gently reached up and with the lightest of touches traced over the scars. You were not expecting the warmth that flooded your stomach, the tingle to flow through your veins at the warm soft touch. A soft sigh left you as your eyes slid shut. This feeling was completely foreign to you. A flush filled Wil’s face and up his ears as he quickly pulled back, he knew better. Elf ears were super sensitive and were a pleasurable point. He knew how amazing certain touches could feel. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have done that.” He said as he stood up quickly. “I need to let the head healer know how you are doing. I’ll be back shortly with food for you.” With that, he was out of the hut, leaving you in total confusion as to what had just happened.
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adoresbutlers · 1 year
comment or reblog if you’d like to be tagged in every fic i post!!
this includes works for:
Austin Butler
Elvis Presley
Austin Butler!Elvis
Harry Styles
Louis Tomlinson
if you’d like to see more added to the list, request someone!!
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♥ request info and rules ♥
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my requests are currently: open !
please note ! if you request something and i fulfill that request, please reblog. i spend a lot of time writing and would very much appreciate a simple reblog for my efforts. (of course, you're not forced to, but i sure would appreciate it).
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as of current, i am writing for:
austin butler characters such as . . .
austin!elvis presley
wil ohmsford
sebastian kydd
elvis presley characters such as . . .
elvis presley himself
vince everett
danny fischer
stranger things characters such as . . .
steve harrington
eddie munson
billy hargrove
miscellaneous characters such as . . .
jason dead (jd) - heathers
billy - scream
please note ! in my elvis fics, you can *obviously* imagine either austin!elvis or normal elvis, it's up to you.
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i will write about :
sfw topics
x readers
suggestive themes
yandere and other dark topics
violent and gory stuff
female readers and non-binary readers
toxic/abusive relationships
more may be added
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on thin ice :
nsfw topics (no detailed or fully written out descriptions, but I'll allude and mention them)
s3lf-harm or su1cide
r4pe (again, mentions and allusions to this are fine, but nothing explicit)
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i will not write about :
character x character
smut / explicitly sexual content
more may be added
please ask if you cannot find something on these lists!
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types of fics :
headcannons - bullet point styled fics. can be as long or as short as i'd like.
drabbles - &lt;1k single part fics.
oneshots - >1k single part fics. not hcs.
series - >2 parts of a fic (so at least three) .
full-length fics - >30k words, >3 parts (technically also considered a series).
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theimagineparadise · 7 years
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Imagine Wil being surprised when you come to his rescue.
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mrsnatasharomanov · 8 years
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The Shannara Chronicles
Imagine Being Wil and Allanon’s Soulmate
All druids have two soulmates, it’s a simple fact. Druids however are all but extinct. Only one remains, Allanon.
“Amerberle stop!” you whine and splash the princess right back.
“(Y/N)!” she laughs and pushes water right back at you. Amberle is your cousin but as close as your sister. You fled the kingdom together.
Amberle suddenly stops short and grabs your hand. She pulls you behind a boulder and holds a finger over her lips.
“Stay here,” she whispers and creeps out of the water. With your heart beating fast and fear clamping down you peer out from behind the boulder.
A handsome blonde man is sifting through your and Amberle’s clothing.
Amberle comes up behind him and holds her sword to his throat.
They speak for a moment before Amberle lowers her sword and he turns around.
“(Y/N) you can come out and get dressed now!” Amberle calls. Cautiously you come out of the water and quickly pull your dress on.
That’s when a loud screeching noise echoes in the air.
“Demon,” the man whispers and whips around.
“Hey! What if she wasn’t done?!” Amberle snaps and grabs your arm pulling you close. “(Y/N) this is Wil.”
You lock eyes with the man and time seems to stop.
“Soulmate,” he murmurs and reaches out to you.
“Demon!” Amberle snaps and claps her hands. This jolts us from our gaze and sends us sprinting back to our Aunt.
When we arrive we’re too late the demon has devoured our aunt.
“NO!” Amberle and I screech.
The demon rears its ugly head and comes towards you. Wil takes your hand and pushes you behind him.
Before the demon can get to close a large man appears from nowhere and knocks it to ash with his sword.
“Oh my!,” you gasp. “Oh my!”
Your savior gets to his feet and approaches.
“I am Allanon, I’m here to take you Princess Amberle and Princess (Y/N) back home,” the man informs gruffly.
And then it happens again.
You lock eyes with Allanon and times seems to stop.
“Soulmate,” you whisper.
“What?” Amberle exclaims. Allanon reaches towards you and without thinking you leap into his arms.
“Allanon is a druid. He has two soulmates (Y/N) and I,” Wil explains and then joins in the embrace. Smushed between your soulmates you feel like the safest elf in the world.
“I never thought-I’m so happy! I mean I’m fucking distraught because I just saw my aunt devoured but I’m happy too!” you gush as tears start streaming down your cheeks.
Allanon and Wil hold you while you sob and take great care in keeping you safe for the rest of whole ordeal.
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