#will byers x y/n henderson
bookshelf-dust · 1 year
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billy hargrove x gn!reader
word count: 5,445
warnings: swearing, smoking, mentions of past trauma (starcourt), slight sexual innuendos??
a/n: hi! remember when i made you do a poll for my 1k celebration? and one bed with billy won? well this is that fic! i'm sorry it took so long to get here, but school was kicking the ever loving shit out of me. anyways, i really hope you like it. it's a little different than other fics i've written, but i think that's a good thing. just for context, this is post the end of season three, with billy and hopper being okay and jopper being in full swing. i think that's all i wanted to say. thanks again for 1k followers. that's still so wild to me. i love you. and billy loves you too <333
November 1985
“What do you mean no? You just fought an interdimensional being, don’t you want a vacation?” 
Lucas wipes both hands down his face, flopping down on the arm of the couch beside where Max sits with El between her knees, tying off one of the two braids she’s trying to make. 
“Max, can you help me? Please?” Lucas has been arguing about this for fifteen minutes. 
She rolls her eyes, but looks up from her work nonetheless. “Billy.”
The man in question crosses his arms, locking eyes with the redhead. “Maxine.”
Max finishes Eleven’s braid and she hops up to join Will where he’s working on a puzzle. Joyce brought it home from work a few days ago, and it’s been spread out on a card table in the corner of the living room since then. Will couldn’t watch The Golden Girls with Joyce from the kitchen table. 
“Just come with us, Billy. We all know you hate it here. It’ll give you a chance to get away for a little while.”
Except that’s not totally the truth. He doesn’t hate it here. Not with you around. 
“There’s a pool.” Will looks up, a little shyly, from the puzzle, fingers flipping around a single piece. “At the place Robin found.” 
Billy nods, and it’s enough to make Will smile at the acknowledgment. 
It’d been Steve’s idea, after everything that happened in July. He thought everyone going on a trip together might be a good idea. Go a little ways out from home, calm down. 
You and Billy started going to school, though Billy is still working. He found a job at a record store across the street from Melvald’s that opened after the mall went to shit. It definitely wasn’t his first choice, but it works. And he’s slowly fixing up the Camaro. 
Steve had offered to pay for the repairs in full, considering he did most of the damage when he rammed the side of it, but Billy couldn’t handle that. So far Max has only convinced him to let Steve cover the really expensive parts. It hurts Billy more than he’d care to admit—having Steve Harrington give him money. 
But he can’t lie, going somewhere away from Hawkins, even just for a couple days, sounds really nice. It’s the group part that’s bothering him. He’s still not used to everyone wanting him to tag along, but apparently major trauma brings people together.
There’s the slamming of car doors, and footsteps running up the driveway before the door swings open, Robin bursting in with a stack of movies in her arms. She’s followed by Dustin and then Steve, bags and keys being tossed every which way. 
Billy doesn’t see you for a moment and starts to worry maybe you aren’t coming. He’s already supplying excuses for having to go home, but Steve left the door ajar, and after a moment, there you are. 
You look sleepy, footsteps the quietest of everyone else as you carefully push the Byers’ door shut behind you. He watches as you accept a hug from Eleven, overhears her ask, “how did your test go?” 
He’s happy to hear you tell her it went well. It’s only after you’ve looked at her and Will’s puzzle and snapped a few more corner pieces in that you make a beeline for the open spot on the couch beside Billy. 
When you’ve settled, your knee bumps against his. “Hey.”
He looks at you, a little grin playing at the corners of his mouth. His arms are still crossed, thumb playing with the pendant resting on his chest. A chest surprisingly covered by a sweater, though the sleeves are pushed up. 
“Hey. Glad your test is over?”
That sound of his voice makes you smile, and he’s never been so grateful for something, even if it’s just an expression. “Yeah.”
You glance down at the new tattoo on his arm, a dark colored snake wrapping around the skin covering his elbow. You run your thumb across the tail that flicks across his forearm, and Billy relaxes into your touch. 
“You have work today?”
Billy shakes his head. You’re glad he had the day off. And you’d tell him so if it weren’t for the sudden bombardment. 
Lucas is suddenly standing in front of you, having returned from the kitchen where you think he and Dustin may have been cleaning out Joyce’s fridge. 
“Holy shit, thank god you’re here. I need you to convince Billy to go on vacation.” 
You glance at Max, assuming she’s already tried. She looks rather annoyed. “Lucas, would you sit down?”
The boy looks at Max, and she glares at him. Clearly he knows better and sits down next to her. 
“Billy doesn’t have to do anything he doesn’t want to do,” you finally say. 
The man in question turns to face you. You have to lean your head back some because of how close he is. 
“Are you going?” he asks, voice quiet and thick with something you don’t know that you’re supposed to notice. 
“Y-yeah. I was gonna. Robin only went on about it to me for an hour over the phone last night. I just think it might be nice to get away for a little while.” Billy doesn’t break eye contact with you, and while it makes you a little nervous, it tells you he’s listening.
“And I can watch Max for you if you really don’t want to go. Just make sure she doesn’t kill Lucas or anything.” Max snorts at your response, though Lucas looks at her in panic, already calculating how best to prevent that sort of situation. 
Your gaze softens and you fight the urge to reach out and run your thumb across Billy’s cheek. 
Please come with us. I want you to go. I want you there, you think. But it’s not what you say. You don’t know how badly he needs to hear it. 
“You really don’t have to go, Billy. Not if you don’t want to.”
“But there is enough space, man.” Steve stands behind the couch, handing El a scrunchie he retrieved from her bag. His voice is calm, informative. “If you decide to go. There’s plenty of room, and we’d be happy if you did.”
Billy could make some smartass remark. But he won’t. He knows that Steve is being honest, and that he’s not trying to be a dick. It seems that witnessing the guy who beat the shit out of you almost die not even a year after he moved to town really brings you together. 
Billy gives an acknowledging nod. “I’d be very happy if you did,” Eleven says. She loves having Jonathan as an older brother, really she does, but Billy lets her play with his hair. And in her books, that really ups the scale. 
He smiles at her, and El considers that a win. 
You notice him shift next to you, and then he’s leaning forward to whisper in your ear. “Come with me?” He cocks his head in the direction of the door. 
He gets up, assuming you’ll follow him. You always do. 
When you’ve shut the door, you move to the porch swing. It’s your favorite spot out here, and Joyce says it makes her happy to see someone use it. She used to sit there with Will in the mornings after Jonathan left for school and read to him. She did the same with Jonathan, but he was a much more fidgety kid, wanting to find something else to do. 
Billy lights a cigarette, and you watch where he fidgets with the ring on his middle finger. 
He’s standing a little ways away from you so as to not breathe the smoke directly in your vicinity, but you wish so badly that he was closer. You like having him close. The weight of his body next to you, the warmth, how solid his arm feels when it’s pressed to yours or when he slides down on the couch some and it's more so pressed to your side. 
“Which part of it are you worried about?” you ask him. 
He shrugs. “You really think they want me there? You think Max wants me around?” “Billy, I know she does. And I know that voice in your head is telling you that it’s a pity invite, but it’s not. And, besides…” you trail off, but he’s not having that. He needs you to reassure him. 
“Besides what?” 
You look up at him. “I want you to go. And yeah, I’ll be sad if you don’t go, but that shouldn’t sway your decision either.” You push your feet against the concrete porch a little harder, and the swing responds to the movement. You move quicker, now feeling very pleased with yourself. 
Billy almost laughs at the child-like look on your face, but you look so at home on the swing that he holds it in. A grin escapes nonetheless. 
“Say that again.” He stubs out his cigarette in the ashtray either Hopper or Joyce have left outside. He’s watching you again. 
“What?” He’s not gonna let you go all shy on him now. He needed to hear that. He needs to hear it. 
“You know what.”
“I want you to go.”
“Then it’s settled. Need to get out of this shithole anyways.”
The place Steve found is about two hours from Hawkins, with three bedrooms, a shockingly luxurious pull-out couch, and bigger common areas than you’ve ever laid eyes on. Excluding the ones in Steve’s house. In short, the rental is like Hopper’s cabin, if Hopper’s cabin were updated and substantially larger. It feels like the kind of place rich people have to take weekend trips. You’d rather not find out how much Steve is paying for the lot of you to stay there. 
Robin takes you on a grand tour while everyone else explores the backyard. Dustin is already determined to climb a tree. One of the rooms has two sets of bunk beds, dedicated to the four boys. “To ensure no cootie-spreading,” Robin proclaims. 
She and Steve will share the couch, with Max and Eleven in the smaller bedroom. 
Robin stops at the end of the hallway. “Which leaves…” 
You and Billy. 
You and Billy Hargrove.
Sharing a room. 
Sharing a bed. 
Speaking of, the man in question brushes past you, setting his bag on the floor at the foot of the bed. Robin takes that as her queue to leave and gives you a thumbs up on the way out. You hope she can feel your death stare on the back of her head, and she knows it, being quick to run down the hall. 
“So we’re roomies, huh?” Billy says, gathering his hair at the base of his neck. You hadn’t even realized he had a tie on him, and it takes him finishing off a lazy bun to realize it’s a blue scrunchie. You have to bite your lip to keep from saying anything. 
“I can sleep with Max and El, if you want. Or–”
That crease between Billy’s brows forms. “Why would you do that?”
You’ve gone all warm. You’d have to sleep in bed with him. And you sit next to him all the time, but this is different. Isn’t it?
Maybe it’s not so weird. You’re just friends. It’s like a sleepover, right?
“I don’t know, you might not want to sleep together or something.”
He cocks a brow, but you catch the double meaning of your words just in time. “You know what I mean, Billy.”
He sits on the end of the bed, and reaches out for you. You move towards him slowly, but the moment you’re within his grasp, Billy spreads his legs and grabs your waist, slotting your body between them. 
“You can go if you really want to. If you think I’ve got cooties or somethin’ and you don’t wanna share a bed with me.”
You snort, and Billy drinks in the sound, knowing he’s the one that made you laugh. 
“I don’t think you’ve got cooties.”
You realize in that moment that his hands haven’t left their spot on your waist, never straying anywhere else. The weight of them on you is enough to keep you focused on him, and he seems to acknowledge that. 
“Then what is it?” he asks, in that low drawl you fear could get out any answer he wanted from you. 
You hesitate, but say it anyway. “You don’t think it’ll be weird? Sleeping in the same bed?”
Billy fights the urge to rest his forehead against your stomach. He wants to tell you he’s wished you were in his bed on more than one occasion. Sometimes he just wishes you were there so it wouldn’t feel so cold, so he’d have someone to pull him out of his thoughts before they eat him alive altogether. 
“No, I don’t think it’ll be weird.”
You nod your head, and try to move back from him. 
Billy whines. “Uh uh. Nope.”
You go to put your hands on your hips, and they graze Billy’s on the way. He grabs hold of them. “You don’t want to have a sleepover with me?”
Billy’s looking up at you with those watery blue eyes, and you know this is a battle you’ll never win. 
He lets out a breath of a laugh, and your eyes fall to his neck when he tosses his head back. 
“Yeah, baby.”
It feels like every cell in your body has been sent into overdrive, like you can’t compute a single coherent thought. All because Billy called you “baby”. 
And if he’s being honest with himself, he feels the same way. He hadn’t meant to say it. It’s just that he calls you “baby” in his head all the time, and it just…happened.
“I’d love to have a sleepover with you, Hargrove.”
“Mhm. Thought so.” 
This time he lets the laugh out, and it’s a beautiful sound. The kind of sound you’d commit unspeakable acts to hear again. And this time, he does let his forehead drop to rest on your stomach. It surprises you, but you’re not mad about it.
“Oh, fuck off,” you say, and you can feel his chuckle against your skin.
When he quits, you find yourself just standing there, find your hands moving around his back. He’s always so warm. You rub your hands up and down his back, the denim of his jacket rough on your fingertips. 
You feel him shift, feel his change in position, the hard press of his chin against you. Billy is looking up at you, and you know he’s hoping you’ll return his gaze. His eyes bore into yours, and you hate to think of what you must look like from this angle. Clearly he doesn’t mind. 
You push a curl behind his ear, a shockingly perfect ringlet that’s too short to be contained like the rest of them. 
Billy would be taken aback by the gesture if it weren’t for the fact that you always go this easy on him. Like you know he’s healing, in more ways than one. 
“We can’t stay here forever, you know. I wanna go look around.” 
“Yeah,” he laughs. “I’m sure it’s riveting.” He lets you go anyway, following you down the hall to the rest of the cabin.
Your back rests on the base of an oversized chair, one that’s surprisingly comfy, your body in between Robin’s legs. She’s sitting next to Steve, watching you moderate El, Lucas, and Will play Twister. Dustin’s already out. 
“Right hand blue.”
“You’re kidding right?”
“Sinclair, have you never played this game before?”
Lucas scoffs, trying to reach the blue on the other side of the mat without toppling into Will. Max went with Billy to the store, but they should be back soon. You have a sick feeling they’re taking advantage of having been given Steve’s debit card. 
“Yes, I’ve played the game before. If you’re so good, why don’t you get down here and show us how it’s done, Harrington?”
“Yeah, Harrington, why don’t you show us how flexible you are?” Billy’s voice makes you look up from where you’ve been mindlessly twisting the spinner on the board around with the tip of your finger. 
He stands just inside the living room, holding the door open with his leg. He kicks it shut once Max has made it in. She heaves the paper bags she’d been holding up and onto the counter. Steve rises to help unpack them. You follow on instinct, handing the spinner to Robin instead, and Dustin is quick to take Steve’s spot before Mike can. 
Billy won’t let you take anything from him, but he will let you help figure out what the hell to do with all of it. “Do I even want to know how much you both spent?” you ask. 
He gives you that fucking smile, and you know you don’t. “Max said she wanted to have a spa night–whatever that means–with El, so we sort of split up. I’m sure Steve’ll live.” 
“For your information, Lucas,” Steve continues, clearly not ready to let the quips towards his limberness go, “I was the captain of the swim team.”
“What’s that got to do with being flexible, dingus?” Robin directs the two remaining players, the young boy in question having just busted his ass. 
“Swimming is an art form, Rob. You gotta learn to respect it.”
You choke on a laugh, and Billy is quick to rub your back while he chuckles into your shoulder. 
“Something funny over there?” Steve questions. 
You straighten, trying to wipe the smile from your face though it’s to no avail. “Nope, Steven. I’m sure you’re just incredibly stretchy. Like Mr. Fantastic.”
His brow furrows. “Mr. Fantastic?”
Dustin snorts, elbow deep in a bag of chips, and you quickly realize that you probably shouldn’t have given him an opening, but you don’t exactly regret it either. 
The lot of you spend the rest of the night in this fashion, playing games, eating way too much food, taking turns smacking the top of the television so your movie will keep playing. 
It feels like home. It feels safe. You wish it always felt this way. 
You’d just finished brushing your teeth when you hear the bedroom door click shut, hear footsteps you can tell are in search of you. 
You peek your head out of the bathroom and Billy grins at the sight of you in pajamas, a smear of moisturizer on your forehead you’ve yet to rub in. 
He squeezes in the small room, about the same size as his at home, to join you. There’s something about this moment, the domesticity of it, that makes your heart swell. It feels like something you could get used to, getting ready for bed with him. Neither of you have to say anything, you just do your own thing, but having him be there, having his presence–it’s more than enough for you. 
When you climb into bed, you try and read for a while, the sounds of Billy washing his face comforting you. You find it easy to read even when he does get in with you, the mattress sinking underneath his weight, the sheets rustling as he moves around experimentally, trying to get comfortable in a bed that isn’t his own. 
You feel odd though, reading when he’s right there, so it isn’t long before you close the book and slide further into the covers with him. Billy’s quick to turn on his side, wanting to see you like this. 
He watches you yank the blankets up to your chin, looking at him over a blur of fluffy white comforter. “It’s fuckin’ freezin’ in here,” you tell him.
“C’mere then.”
You burrow further into your pillow, fearing you know exactly what he’s going to suggest. “Huh?”
“You’re cold. You always whine about me being warm or somethin’ and I’m telling you to come here.”
“Stop.” He lifts the covers up some, untucking you from them, and he wraps his arm around your back, tugging you into his side. 
Suddenly you’re pressed against him, having slid across the sheets easier than you’d have imagined. 
He’s let go of you, his arm hovering over your back. “You want me to hold you or no?” 
Billy lets his arm drop against your side, his fingers splaying out over your back. He rubs his hand up and down your spine, hoping it’ll warm you up. ���This okay?” 
He nods. You’re looking at him like he’s something special.
Billy realizes, in that moment, that that’s how you’ve always looked at him. Even before. 
He also realizes that your hands are tucked under your chin and your legs are curled up and into you like you’re afraid of making any contact with him. 
“You can loosen up, you know. It’s just me.” 
You let out a breath of a laugh, and he can feel it against the skin of his neck. 
“It’s okay, I promise. You can touch me.” Billy has this feeling that you’re afraid of hurting him. He’s sure you’ve noticed that he’s wearing a shirt to bed, something he never did before. And he thinks that you’re worried he’ll break. 
“You’re sure?”
“Wouldn’t have said so otherwise.”
He watches you unfold your hands and stretch your arm over him, hooking it around his hip. You want to rub up and down his side, but you’re nervous. 
It’s just me. 
“Do they hurt at all?”
Your thumb skates up a little further, and you don’t have to tell him what you mean. 
“Not all the time,” he says, voice low and thick with drowsiness. “At first, yeah, like hell. Now it’s just sometimes. They can feel a little tight, or just bug me. Depends, I guess.”
You nod, feeling brave enough now to slide your hand up a little further. Your touch is light, barely there. You close your eyes, trying not to think about when it happened. How he’d screamed. 
He can tell when you’ve calmed down some, because your arm relaxes and you hug him a little more firmly. You scoot in a little closer, close enough that your noses would touch if you tried to make them. 
“Goodnight, Billy.”
He makes the move, dragging the tip of his nose across your forehead. He kisses the top of your head, and you grin so wide you feel like a kid in a candy shop. 
“Goodnight, baby.”
When you wake up, you almost don’t want to disturb him, but you know you should get out of bed.
Billy is sprawled out on his stomach, having separated from you at some point during the night. His tank top is rucked up from the tossing and turning of sleep, and you look away when you catch a glimpse of pink skin. It doesn’t feel like your place to look. 
You wander out of the room, carefully shutting the door behind you. You make it down the hall, and find that Robin seems to be the only other one awake. You should’ve guessed. She told you once before that her body doesn’t seem to let her sleep in. 
Steve is still passed out on the pull-out couch, completely covered by the blankets. The only sign of him is a tuft of messy hair against the light colored pillow case his head rests on. 
Robin waves at you from her perch at the kitchen counter, a bowl of cereal in front of her. “Want some?” she whispers, pushing the box in your direction. 
You fill up your own bowl, having a feeling that Robin is about to ramble. 
“Sleep okay?” she asks. 
“Mhm. You?”
“Fine. Though, y’know, Steve is a horrific bed hog. Seriously, he was half on top of me the whole night. I might have to bunk with Max and El.” 
You laugh, and Robin takes that as her queue to ask what she’s been pondering since she woke up. 
“Was it okay? Sleeping with Billy? Well, not like that. Well, I’m assuming not like that, not that there’s anything wrong with that, but I just meant like actually sleeping? Please stop me.”
You grin at her. “Please breathe, Rob.” She does, over exaggerating her inhales. “And it was fine.”
“Okay, good. I was kind of worried you’d be frustrated with my matchmaking tendencies. I just really want you two to be happy. And he seems so calm when he’s with you, and I realize I’ve just told you that I’ve been pushing you two together and I–”
You wipe milk from your chin, having almost spit out your cereal. “Robin, sweetheart, it’s okay, I promise. I know about your matchmaking tendencies. But I think we’re just friends, right?”
“Just friends, my ass.” You hadn’t even seen Steve get up, but he’s reaching for the fridge and pulling out a carton of chocolate milk. He really can’t say anything about Dustin’s eating habits when he has the exact same diet. 
“Oh my god.”
“Listen, I’m just saying, there’s been something going on between you two since before the world went to shit. I don’t know why you two tiptoe around each other like it’s not obvious that you’re in love.”
“Steve!” you exclaim. “Seriously, what the hell? I’ve been up for like twenty minutes and you two are schooling me on my love life?”
“Or lack thereof,” Robin says. 
“Okay, damn. You know what, I’m going back to bed.” 
Steve pushes your bowl back towards you when you attempt to get up. “No, you’re not. I’m just saying, there’s no sense in avoiding this. You both clearly feel a lot for each other, and I don’t see any reason to avoid it when you could be together.” 
He’s being vulnerable with you, his big brown eyes boring into yours and trying to convey how serious he’s being. 
“Just think about it, okay? There’s no harm in talking about how you feel with him. And don’t say that you don’t feel anything, because that’s a goddamn lie.”
Billy’s had his swim trunks on all day, but he hasn’t done more than sit in the shade by the pool while everyone else makes a mess and plays ridiculous games in the water. 
It’s killing him to watch you in there from time to time, swimming around or sitting in the shallow end. You told him once that swimming calms you down. 
It’s not until after dinner, when everyone has moved inside for the most part, though there seems to be the plotting of a water balloon fight out front, that he’s brave enough to head for the pool. 
You follow him out there, see him contemplating the water. 
“Whatcha doin’?” 
Billy drops the cigarette he’d been smoking, snubbing it out. “Thought about going for a swim,” he tells you. 
“That sounds nice.”
“I can go back inside, if you want.”
Billy turns to face you. “No. No, I want you to stay.” He wants you to see. He can’t explain why, but he does. 
He takes a shaky breath, hoping you don’t catch it. You do. You always do. 
“I just…wasn’t ready for everyone to see.”
“I understand, Billy.” 
You know what he’s really saying. He wasn’t ready for everyone to see. But he’s ready for you to see. 
“I can get in first, if that helps. And I won’t look if you don’t want me to,” you say. 
“That helps, yeah. And you can look. It’s okay.”
He watches you wade in, watches the way your swimsuit changes color as you tread water. 
Billy takes another deep breath, and he’s pulling his shirt off. He’s quick though, diving straight into the deep end, knowing he needs to get it over with. 
When he comes up, his hair is sticking to his forehead, and he flips it out of the way, giving you a glimpse of the broad pink scar on his chest. 
He meets you halfway, and you think he’s in a serious mood until he’s splashing you like a child. 
“You motherfucker!” 
You get him back, and he’s laughing. 
Billy is laughing and he looks so pretty in the last of the day’s sunlight, beads of water sliding over his collarbones and down his arms, and you feel like you could die. Like seeing him this way is enough. You don’t need anything else.
You try to return a particularly aggressive splash, but he catches your waist, pulling you up and over his shoulder. 
“What?” His voice is teasing. He tosses the rest of the way over, your laughter fading out into the water. 
You come up, a brilliant smile on his face. Billy’s sure if you stood close enough you’d be able to hear his heart beating. 
When you’ve both gone quiet, your eyes drop to the scars on his sides, the way they stretch across his skin, mean and twisting. Some spots are darker than others, and while it hurts you to look at them, you know it must hurt him even more. But he looks just as beautiful as before, if not increasingly so. 
“See something you like?” Billy says it on instinct. To hide the fact that he’s worried you don’t really like it. That maybe you think he’s gross looking. But he knows that’s all in his head. He fucking knows it. 
“You’re fucking gorgeous, Billy Hargrove.”
You say it with such surety, such admiration, that he can’t even begin to doubt that you mean it. 
He smiles at you. It’s boyish. You’d do anything to see a million more of them. 
He moves towards you, the sky having darkened enough that the outside lights have come on, the lights in the pool too. All that remains of the sun is a slash of deep orange, though the night quickly pushes it away.
Billy’s got you backed up against the wall of the pool now. His hands find your sides.
It’s overwhelming, having him this close. You can feel his breath on your face, see the rise and fall of his chest, the freckles on his cheeks. 
When he kisses you, you think your heart stops. His mouth is warm against yours, and he tastes a little like chlorine, but you don’t care. Your hands find his face, and you’re smiling so hard that he pulls away because he wants to see. You don’t let him for long though, pulling him back, wanting more. He laughs into your mouth, and your chest aches with this feeling.
Eventually you do let go, and when you hold his eye contact, he knows what you’re going to say. He needs to tell you first, though.
“I’m in love with you, you know.”
“I know,” you respond.
He tosses his head back in a laugh, and you press a sweet kiss to his throat. 
“I’m in love with you too, Billy.”
“Damn right you are.”
You snort against his chest, lowering slightly to kiss his scar. His breath catches. He doesn’t know what he did to deserve you. 
“About fucking time!” Steve’s shouting and Robin is yelling, and Max would be making barf sounds if she wasn’t so pleased with seeing her brother so happy. 
“So much for that,” Billy says.
But you wouldn’t have it any other way. 
“I’m regretting this, Billy.”
“Stop whining.”
Billy wraps his arms tighter around your back, pressing a kiss to your jaw in hopes that you’ll let him keep doing this. 
“Get off.”
“Get off, please.”
“Make me.” 
There’s the sound of a slap, your hand having met his ass.
He raises his head from where he’d buried it in your chest, looking at you drowsily. “You just spanked me.”
And you’d do it again. 
“Didn’t work, did it?”
“No. Shut up and take it.”
By that he means continue letting him lay on top of you, his entire body pressed to yours. It doesn’t matter to him that there’s an entire bed, one that’s made for two people.
You settle for playing with his hair, something he seems to enjoy, and you’d mess with him about the fact that he’s essentially purring if it weren’t for him looking so content. 
He might be heavy, but having Billy Hargrove sleep on top of you isn’t exactly something you just give up. 
He’s never had this before.
Hell, you’ve never had this before. 
And he thinks it’s healing him. More than the salve he puts on his scars, or the physical therapy, or fixing up the Camaro. 
You’re healing him. You. 
please let me know if you liked this! feedback is always appreciated!! comments and reblogs mean more than you know. <33
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missmarveledsblog · 1 month
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summary : Y/N hopper is out with the gang celebrating at the hideout when her boyfriend walks in with a blonde on his arm and she goes for where it hurts ... his car while eddie help the woman he secretly loves get over her new ex .
warning: violence against cheating exes and their cars , hopper being a girl dad boss
A rare night out with the older members of the gang , a celebration of the anniversary stopping the end of the world and eddie being cleared as a murderer . the rules we're simple no outsiders that included partners which only effected the rest as jonathan and nancy were still going strong together . the drinks flowing and music blaring everyone was enjoying their night. eddie and steve complaining about dustin and his ego while robin and Y/N well no one knew what they were talking about especially when alcohol was involved, the word vomit was on fast forward with the two, yet eddie munson often felt trapped in a trance at the chief of police daughter. how her laugh was his favourite sound . how when she looked at him , he'd honestly thought his legs would give out yet she belonged to someone else because he was too much of a chicken shit to tell her how he felt. he loved it was just the gang tonight he got to admire her and not feel sick watching her in the arms of some asshole that clearly didn't deserve her. How the moment he met the dude 8 months ago he felt something , a walking red burning flag the guy was. how he would let her down most of time . no if she was his girl , he would make sure everyday that she would know how special she was . But now he was looking from the outside , being the guy she would cry to when he could give her the world if she asked . he may not of had money for fancy date but he would make it special , he would make sure it was something that was worthy of her. he knew she wasn't the type to be impressed by flashy gifts and date . she appreciated everything no matter how small it was , even when the kids pitched in and got her flowers with a cassette she lit up like they gave her a new car . He wished something would give him the chance just for once cut him a break in the shit show he called his life.
like an answered pray the gang eyes all locked on the door as he walked in a skinny little blonde on his arm looking completely terrified of everything around her. " hey we had some car trouble could we use the phone " he called not clocking his girlfriend tense shoulders and heartbroken face or her existence at all . " could be a work friend " robin mused. " baby come on we're missing our engagement party " she cried. " how long you been together " a man asked them . " only four month but when you know well you know " she giggled not sounding like the brightest bunny in the cage  . " we can leave " steve winced . " nope more alcohol " she shook her head her face completely emotionless as she looked over seeing the two heading for the pool table . she watched for half an hour , they played up using the excuse to touch each other in a sickeningly sweet seductive way . she scoffed when the girl complain how harsh the whiskey or how he would beam down at her kissing her like she was all he could matter about . " we could kick his ass " steve mused . " nope hey stevie that bat with the wire still in your car? " she slammed the rest of her drink down . " yeah why " he asked. " no reason , thanks for the keys " she walked by she ignored how her ex turned trying to hide himself and the selfish fuck thought it worked like he actually got away with it . " steve , you told her the bat was in the car and let her take your key " robin mused. " yeah " he nodded til his eyes widened in realization. " oh shit " he ran toward the entrance only for them to heard the smashing already take place . " hey fuck face i think your cars in more trouble , i suggest you hide your friend from the girlfriend out there " eddie yelled back .
when the gang walked out every window on the corvette was gone , she was currently dragging her own keys alongside the exterior of the car, the sound of the scratched up metal filled the car park . She pulled out the butterfly knife from her boot to which she  stabbing them in the in the tire as they watched . " what the fuck you crazy bitch " he yelled. " oh hey baby fancy seeing you here" she waved stabbing the tire while he watched on . " who is she " the blonde on his arm screeched ." his girlfriend of 8 months " eddie rolled his eyes . what he didn't expect was the pissed off grunt of the blonde . "have you got another bat " she stomped toward the car . " no but if you wanna shred the interior here" she held the knife out to the woman . now his side chick was slashing his seats before pulling a gun out of the glove box . " headlights, he's not worth a life sentence " Y/N yelled as the gun rang out the woman threw it to the ground just as the red and blue light came speeding in . " oh hi dad " she smiled . " what's going on " he huffed. " he cheated and he's car mysteriously got destroyed stranger things have happened huh? " she smiled weakly. " sir i did not cheat ... ok i did but it was so her dad would give me a promotion so i could take care of your daughter " her ex rambled . " well you should park your car somewhere safer next time son the boys can give you lift home " hopper crossed his arm. " arrest them they did it " he cried . " you guys see it " he asked the group . " no " they yelled. " hey hop hate to say no cctv busted since last night " roy the owner of the bar smirked. " now off you go insurance can handle it " hopper waved to her ex a anger grimace on his face as the man walked off without a car or a girlfriend . " maybe next time you'll think before you cheat " she called . " it wont be on us " the blonde called . " hey steve give .. " . " abby " she sniffled. " abby a lift home" she smiled sadly to the woman . " sorry i didn't know he was seeing anyone,  i thought i met the guy after so many failed date but he was just after my money  " she said standing  tears falling down her cheeks  . " thanks for the help now go home and plus stevie there's better guy and no shrimp dick  and he's already rich " she winked as the two walked off . " you need a ride home guys won't mind " hopper looked at her. " nah i'm good " she smiled sadly walking over to the gang as robin wrapped her in an embrace. " hey come on little vandal i'll bring you home " eddie smiled softly leading her to his van as her dad ran up behind them . " next time don't leave evidence" he whispered handing over the knife and bat . " night dad " she kissed his cheek . " night sweet heart , me and my girls tomorrow for dad daughter breakfast " he smiled . " make sure el has her eggo's " she chuckled . " hey munson don't pussy out " he yelled out making her stop at the van. " what does he mean " her eye filled in confusion . " that our cue to go " robin yelled .
" well i didn't expect your dad of all people to call me out " he began shuffling his feet while his eyes that usually would follow her anywhere couldn't bare to even look at her . " eddie you ok " he could hear her feet coming closer making his own heart beat thump in his chest . " i'vebeeninlovewithyousincewemet" he said the words jumbled together halting her steps . " wait what " she giggled . " i've been in love with you since we met " he sighed . " why didn't you say anything " her voice fell into a whisper . " because look at you and look at me , your badass and well i'm ...OWW" he jumped back . " your badass too and ugh why didn't you say anything could of saved me 8 month of my life " she huffed getting into the van . " what you mean by that" he chased after her . " meaning that night i met that idiot was because you were again flirting with some ditz and i was sick of it so " she huffed heading hitting the seat , " you liked me " he smiled . " yes i like you but this too soon i mean i just broke up with my boyfriend " . " well then i can wait i've been waiting years already i can wait for you anytime " he smiled like a giddy teen . " fuck it "she leaned forward crashing her lips against his , she spent years watching that mouth move wondering how her lips would feel against them . " ok we need to go home before we do anything we regret , i want you that bad sweetheart i'm not leaving anything to chance but i'm taking you on a date once your ready " he smiled starting the van driving off happy both looked to the smashed up car before breaking into fit of laughter .
she watched his profile , she notice something she barely even cared her ex well was now her ex. the man done nothing but let her down and then throw shitty gifts at her. yet once even with eddie doing whatever it always made her happy . he was always about to make her smile no matter what was going around even when he almost died he tried to make her smile . the more she thought of it the more she realise he really was always there . when her and hopper would have a argument like most dad's and daughters he would open his home for her to sleep over. everytime her dates would  be cancelled he would pick up her disappointment and do something fun with her " Eddie i don't want you to wait , i mean i don't think i can wait for you anymore " her voice now showing she was the nervous one . she meant it , thought she literally just became single  she couldn't leave it another second without eddie being her , truly hers . he didn't say anything only drove which made her more nervous til he pulled into the diner. " well then i'm not waiting " he smiled making her released a breath she was holding . " so this is our first date?" she smiled. " i mean it's already the best one those burgers in there are to die for " he chuckled jumping out of the car before walking around and lifting her out of the van . " you ready " he asked holding her close to him . " who knew  cheating and car vandalising would bring me to one of the best nights of my life " she smiled as he leaned down this time taking charge of the kiss and taking the chance he wished he'd done sooner .
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zaynmirrors · 5 months
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A/N: Back again with another chapter, I have a playlist if you guys are interested! If you wanna be tagged in the next chapter let me know! Also unsure if if this will have the upside down cause I feel like it's hard with Jovie. Taglist is open!
Eddie Munson x Mom! Reader.
TW: Children
Chapter 2
When Eddie awoke, he noted the missing weight on his chest but wasn’t concerned figuring her mother had taken her from him sometime in the night, or at this point: morning.
He didn’t hear the quiet padding on the carpet as Jovie made her way back to him. Eddie had easily become her next favorite person. He was something new, she liked new.
She stared at him as Eddie lay with his eyes still closed. “Leave him be Jovie,” y/n said softly, careful to not wake Eddie who unbeknownst to her was already awake.
“Mama, make breakfast?” The tiny being asked, not at all quiet. Eddie heard y/n snort and found it to be the most adorable sound. She answered the child too quietly for Eddie’s ears to pick up but heard them or at least y/n retreat into the kitchen.
“Dude get up,” Mike said nudging Eddie’s feet. Eddie quickly flipped off the wheeler boy and opened his eyes, wincing when the light hit them. Mike was flipping Eddie off as he sat up. “Very nice Wheeler,” Eddie says rolling eyes.
Jovie gasped as she heard his voice, and padded her way over to him leaving her mother in the kitchen. “Like breakfast?” She asked him, grabbing his attention with her broken speech.
He smiled at her. Taking in her pigtails and almost too-long tee. “Oh man I love breakfast” Eddie wasn’t sure where this came from: The sudden knowledge of how to say things to the tiny being.
Jovie held out her hand, and Eddie offered his much larger one. Her small hand wrapped around just two of his fingers and pulled on him. This action only barely jerked his arm instead of pulling him up like she had planned.
Eddie stood, letting her lead the way. Y/n stood at the counter whisking what looked to be eggs with a fork in a large porcelain blue bowl. "Help yourselves" she spoke not looking up from her task of whisking.
Eddie grabbed a plate and made one for Jovie seeing as the other teens were piling food on their own plates, not bothering to leave enough for the child. Once he piled food onto her plate he then stared at the plastic baby blue highchair. "How the f-" he stopped himself short, "How does she get in this thing" he asked, terrified to break the foreign technology.
y/n came and slipped the child in as if it were nothing then just resumed making breakfast for the ravenous teen boys. "Thank you for feeding her" She offered Eddie a smile that sent a fuzzy feeling into his stomach.
"She probably wouldn't get to eat otherwise" Eddie joked, y/n laughed. He prayed to any god that she wouldn’t see the blush that spread across his face.
“You’re probably right” she smiled. Her smile quickly faltered as she concentrated, mind mulling over her next words. Her lips pursed as she spoke, “I have an extra ticket to go see this band, would you consider going?” He blinks, taken aback but she just continues before he can speak “My friend flaked and you look like you would enjoy Crusader”
“Wait, you have tickets to see Crusader?” He asks, more in awe that she even knew who Crusader was, she definitely wasn’t that type of girl, at least he thought she wasn’t.
“Yes, I just asked you to go with me” she shot back. Even her sarcasm was attractive to him, “can you hear under all that hair?” This was a tease, one that got him to smile.
“When is it?” He asked. He then learned it was Saturday at seven. He felt like this was an easy decision. Eddie had been dying to see this band. "Works for me"
They talked details, deciding y/n was going to drive. She’d also pick him up being as she would already be out dropping Jovie off with the babysitter. Eddie was very excited for this Saturday.
“Hey, are you ready to have some fun?” Steve asked the tiny girl who stood in front of him unamused at his overly excited tone. He glances up at y/n and says, “tough crowd”
The joke caused a snort to sound from y/n. “I don't know how fun she’ll be, she didn’t sleep well.” Steve offers a sympathetic smile and holds out hands to pick up the tiny human.
Jovie waddles her way into his arms, he squeezes her to him and lifts her into the air. Steve’s careful to sling her on his hip. Once she was settled he held his free arm out for the diaper bag. Which y/n placed on his shoulder.
“Have fun, y/n, you deserve it” he says, offering her a small smile while bouncing the child on his hip.
“I’ll see you tomorrow” she said to both Steve and her child but going to give her child a kiss on the cheek. “Bye Steve!” She called as she walked out the door and to her car.
She sat a moment in the car contemplating this excursion. Y/n did not want to be away from her baby, in fact this was the first time she’d be leaving her. It was not sitting well.
Y/n turned the key, igniting the ignition and back out of the parking spot. If only she hadn’t promised Eddie a ticket. She’d turn right back around.
The drive to pick up Eddie was short, he had waited on her at the edge of the road. Not wanting the embarrassment of her seeing where he lived, though he guessed everyone knew.
“Hey!” She beamed as he got into the passenger side of the car. “You excited?”
“Hell yeah!” He was beyond excited. This band was a local legend. He aspired to follow in their footsteps. “Let’s go” Pulling off the side of the road, they began their journey.
Chapter 3
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New Journey (S.H.) Epilogue Season 4
Pairing: Steve Harrington x henderson!reader
Summary: Back to Hawkins for spring break. Y/n believed it would just be a quiet time to cherish with her loved ones, but one day in and another mess had already began.
Warnings: I think none...
Notes: And finally we have the epilogue! Thank to anyone who managed to bear with me this year and wait for my comeback. It has been hard to keep up my creativity while I continue my studies but I have made a promise to myself to not let anything else ruin what I like, and so here I am finishing this very loved story. Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoy the final chapter of the season! 💕
Chapter 9 << Masterlist ~~
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The next 2 days were a mess. Police report after police report. Explanation after explanation. And lots of angry parents.
Luckily you had the government on your side, so the lies were told for you. An earthquake they called it. Another tragedy that hit this small, little town. You remembered how you scoffed when you first heard those words on the news.
After Eddie died the world around you was so still and quiet, you actually thought that the others had succeeded. When, suddenly, everything went to shit. The whole ground rumbled beneath you, snapping you out of your state. You grabbed onto Dustin, his body weighing on you for support as he could barely walk on his hurt leg, desperately trying to quickly make your way to the trailer for cover, not knowing what was going on. However, it quickly became clear that the trailer was the one place you definitely should not go. The whole thing snapped, completely collapsed before you as a line began separating the ground, splitting it. The color was familiar, red like hell’s gates… Or every gate you had ever encountered.
“He’s bleeding into Hawkins…” Dustin had realized, and he was right. That was Vecna’s plan, and, for a good while, it looked like he was succeeding, the ripped line becoming bigger and bigger, following a direction you couldn’t see. You and Dustin were holding on each other as tight as possible until the earthquake you were feeling stopped. Again, everything had stilled.
You remembered not being able to move a muscle until a pair of arms engulfed you and Dustin. It shocked you, and panicked you as you prepared to fight off whoever had sneaked upon you, when a small shush filled your ears, your body reacting to it faster than your brain was able to register it was Steve’s voice, Steve’s arms, just him. Finding out he was alive had brought you back to tears, letting your one arm tangle itself around him, your other still protecting Dustin.
After that everything was a blur, as if your brain was slowly giving up on you, too tired to gather any more information. You managed to go back out, heading towards the town to find several guards and paramedics already there to take action. You got yourselves sorted, attending to small wounds, your, larger-than-you-thought slash on your cheek, and taking care of Dustin’s sprained foot. You don’t really remember how you went back home. Steve stayed with you and Dustin that night, your own mother insisting when she heard him say his parents weren’t at the house, ‘No way was he going to stay alone at this time’ were her words and you agreed, your hand not living Steve’s even for a second. After you had hugged your mother goodnight you decided all three of you would stay together for the night. You pulled out the sofa which ended up being occupied by you and Dustin, and Steve gladly took the armchair, his soft snores filling the room, slowly pulling you to a deep sleep.
By the next morning, you all had to pretend as if nothing had happened. Your mother had even more questions than you could ever imagine, about where were you before everything happened, and you ended up coming up with good enough lies to ease her worries and not raise any suspicions.
But it was hard to act as if everything was okay, especially when Luca’s phone call came. Dustin answered it. You had been trying to find them since yesterday, but no one was picking up. Neither Lucas nor Max. Dustin called you and Steve over when he heard Lucas’s voice, happy to hear his friend. But the grin he had put on quickly faded as he listened to what he had to say. Max was attacked last night, that’s why Vecna succeeded in his plan, and even if she had somehow escaped him once more, her condition was bad. Steve drove you two to the hospital to check on her. You found Lucas sitting next to her, holding hands, as he read to her. You’re not sure how you had contained your tears, maybe you felt the need to be strong for them, to be able to pull Lucas from the chair and guide him to the small coach in the room, trying to get him to sleep for a couple of hours. You managed to do so after you promised not to leave her side, not even for a moment.
So that’s what you did for the next four hours. You just sat around her, not daring to take your eyes away from her form, wishing, praying for her to open her eyes and call you idiots for worrying. But she didn’t, and when Lucas woke up you went back home to have an early dinner and try to calm yourselves.
It was later that evening when Nancy called your house, telling you that her family would be donating some stuff to the shelter Hawkins had built at the school’s gymnasium to attend to anyone who needed help. You immediately agreed and promised to bring some of your own stuff the next morning.
So that’s what you were now doing, alongside Dustin, Steve, and Robin, trying to assemble to boxes in a way that would fit in the back of Steve’s car.
You were too focused on the matter that you weren’t able to hear another car stop at the house, only Mrs. Wheeler’s voice grabbing your attention.
“Someone order a pizza?”
“Pizza?” Dustin questioned and turned around along with the rest of you. Before you, was a yellow, small pizza delivery truck. You didn’t know what to make of it until four familiar faces presented themselves. Eleven, Mike, Will, and Jonathan were back, also a random dude that had beautiful hair.
You were able to finally let out a real smile, happy to see them okay after days of no response from them. You let your arms fall around Eleven and Will as they hugged you and Dustin. Your hand was caressing Eleven’s cheek when Will popped a question.
“Where’s Lucas?”
“He’s at the hospital.” Dustin answered as if it should be obvious to them.
“Is he hurt?” Eleven asked, worry in her eyes.
“No.” you quickly answered as Dustin continued.
“No, he’s… Oh God… You don’t know.”
After saying hello to everybody, you split up the group. Nancy was going to drive the kids, and Jonathan to the hospital to see Max, while you, Steve, Dustin, and Robin would head to the school and help in any way that you can.
You carried one of the three boxes and went inside after Steve had parked the car. The gymnasium was filled with people, harmed and not. Some of them were lying in the small beds around the gym while others were tending to them. Some, and it broke your heart, were trying to find their loved ones, searching in the crowd of endless faces or adding one more poster to the ‘missing people’ wall. You averted your eyes when you caught a glimpse of Eddie’s face on one of the papers, calming your heartbeat as you neared the donations stand.
“Hi.” Robin told the woman with a smile on her face “Uh, so these are blankets and sheets. And some- some clothes, and- and some kids’ toys.” she points to each of the boxes in order.
The girl, Melissa as it says on her tag, took a look at the boxes and answered with a smile “Wow, it’s already so organized. We appreciate that. Do you want a tax receipt for it?”
“Um… No. I don’t think that we need one. Thank you, though.” Robin tells her. She turns to look at each of you, the question in on all of your minds, and you answer her by nodding your head “But is there anything else that we can do to help?”
Melissa smiled and happily assigned you spots after giving you your own tags. You and Steve went to help out in clothing, where, you quickly realized, they were in desperate need of assistance. Dustin was handing out water despite his strained foot, and Robin was helping out with the food.
Melissa introduced you to the woman in charge of the clothing station, who rapidly caught you up to speed “Okay, then we sort by age.” you tried your best to keep up with her and miss no detail “We’ve got infants, girls, boys, men, women… Oh, if anything’s too bad a shape, we really don’t want that.”
She didn’t stay long with you. It was pretty easy to sort out and a great way to clear your head, so you and Steve fell into a trance quickly. As you folded the clothes you let your eyes roam the room and after a second they landed on Robin who was sharing her company with a familiar figure. You immediately smirked and nudged Steve to look in the same direction. He smiled as well at the two women, smiling and giggling away like no one else was with them “Told you.” he simply said and you chuckled.
It felt nice to joke around after another crazy adventure. You wanted to savor the time the quietness lasted, even though deep down, you truly hoped this would finally be over. But it never seemed to last. And something told you this time it won’t either. You just believed you had a moment to breathe, however, the change in the atmosphere outside told you otherwise.
When you realized the sun had hidden you took a look in the sky, hoping no thunderstorm was coming your way, but what you met made your blood run cold. The sky was grey, with huge clouds adorning the sky.
However, what caught your attention were the small flakes falling gently. As you neared the windows, alongside Steve and Robin, you could hear people asking with confusion why was it snowing mid-spring, but the three of you knew this wasn’t snow. This was the Upside Down coming to you, taking over your city, following you everywhere.
This definitely wasn’t over.
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If you want to be tagged just ask!
Taglist:   @bookscoffeandotherstuff @i-am-the-coffee-queen @bi-andready-tocry​ @enchantedcruelsummer​ @daddystevee​ @elite4cekalyma  @hayadora​ @hannarudick​ @thecaptainsgingersnap​ @lookalivesunshine-x​ @sarasmismyonlydefence​ @astream-ofconsciousness​ @the-haikyuu-hoe ​​ @mileven-reddie @mochminnie​​ @synonymforlame @teamkiall ​​ @samanthadegaro​​ @the-passionate-freak​​ @thesailbells​​ @i-mmunity​​ @marvelouspottering @mrs-diggory @mydarlingharry @beepbeephargrove @mikariell95 @sweetdreamsshifter @paninipress @anolddayslover @10minutesofscreentime @bookfrog242 @onecrazydirectioner @harrycanyonmoonn @grippleback-galaxy @doctorsgirl262 @mayonesavegana @inkpot-winters @le-who-zer-her  @mysticgardenpolice @untitledarea @kahhorri
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loveshotzz · 2 years
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Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader
Burn One chapter four: Two out of three ain’t bad.
Series Master List
Summary: Movie night with the Hellfire club.
Warnings: none really, mentions of weed and weed smoking. Making out, dry humping.🤫
Word Count: 7k
A/N: Thank you to every one for their patience with this chapter I had rough month mentally. For those of you that have been following this story you have no idea how much it means to me. Thank so much for reading my work and a story that I put so much time and effort into. Everyone should be thanking my wife @myobmaya if it wasn’t for her idk if this would be written right now. I was up till 2:30am editing please be nice if I missed anything. 2nd to last chapter of the series, let’s goooo.
“So you’re telling me nothing happened with you and Munson after the party?” Steve questions with complete and utter disbelief.
“No, nothing happened. I cleaned him up and then he went home.” Refusing to meet his skeptical gaze you busy yourself with a stack of tapes that were ready to go back on the sales floor. The perfect escape plan from his line of questioning and your own personal mission not to think about Eddie for at least five minutes.
“That just doesn’t really add up to me.” Steve presses as you pile the stack in your arms, eyes darting around for any sign of Robin, the last thing you needed right now was for her to join in on this. You’d been able to avoid them for almost a week trying to give yourself enough time to sort through your own feelings. Even though deep down you knew there was nothing you needed to dwell on. You liked Eddie, you just didn’t want to say it out loud yet.
Lost in your thoughts as you escape Steve from behind the counter you don’t see the person you were hoping wasn’t paying attention block your path with crossed arms before you almost run into her. The tapes in your arms that you’d expertly stacked teetering dangerously close to falling over.
“Jesus, Robin.” Irritated you try to maneuver around her the best you can with the little balance you have left. Side stepping you she grabs the tapes out of your hand setting them back down on the counter so you have no way of avoiding her blue eyes.
“You see Stevie boy, you’re asking the wrong questions here. Did anything happen?” She peers over your shoulder to her best friend with a sly smirk before focusing her attention back on you. “No? Sure I believe that.”
With a light hum she starts pacing small steps in front of you, tapping her index finger on her chin as if deep in thought before turning around narrowing her eyes at you.
“Did something almost happen though?” Cheeks heating up automatically at her twist of words, your eyes search for anything else in the room to focus on. Robin was too smart for her own good and sometimes you hated her for it. This was one of those times.
Both of them take a moment to take in your anxious appearance, hands shoved in your pockets rocking on your heels avoiding eye contact with either one of them acting like they weren’t even in the room.
“Ah, there we go. Look at her, GUILTY!” The way Steve points his finger at you is like you’ve just been caught in the worlds biggest lie. Almost tripping over his own feet he hurries out from behind the counter with quick steps once he catches his balance.
“Seriously guys, this is ridic- “ A loud thud on against tempered glass window of the entrance cuts your sentence off before you can finish.
Jumping at the sound three more follow ringing out through the empty video store like gun shots. Looking for the source of the disturbance you notice the glass bow slightly under each hit threatening to break. The chime of the doors reminding you that you’re still alive, exhaling a breath you didn’t know you were holding.
“I’m telling you, he’s not gonna care if we switch the movie.” A familiar lisp catches your ears as the group of boys you’d remembered from a few weeks ago come clambering in.
“Jesus Henderson! You idiots almost broke the damn glass. It’s called a kick stand, ever heard of it?” Hands immediately going to their natural place on his hips, Steve looks like a mother scolding his four disobedient children. Lips set in a smirk the tension in your shoulders release completely entertained by the fact that all of your new friends seemed to hang out with these kids.
“Calm down, calm down.” The one with the long black hair begs hands raised as if to ward off a fight, long legs plant themselves between Steve and the kid that had only ever been referred to as Henderson. His big brown eyes catch your face brows twitching in question before he brings his attention back to his friend. “Eddie will absolutely care if you change the movie for movie night. Have you lost your mind?”
The mention of his name is enough for your brain to slowly start it’s descent into the things you were trying to lock away for later. Robin’s eyes flicker towards you clocking the dazed look in your eye and it makes you wonder if she can see just how sweaty your palms are.
“You aren’t just a little bit curious what everybody is talking about?” He questions with a wiggle of his eyebrows. Losing interest in their argument while you tried reigning in your thoughts, your zoned out gaze catches the eyes of the only boy you didn’t recognize from that day. His uncomfortable posture confusing you, one arm clutching the other you could see the white’s of his knuckles.
“Not if it means we suffer the wrath of a pissed off Dungeon Master. He’ll make Hellfire a living hell for at least a week, do you really want that?” Mike’s voice going up and octave brings you back to the argument happening in front of you.
“Listen Dustin.” The kid with the letterman jacket interjects with a hand on Dustin’s shoulder. “I think you really need to listen to Mike, we can just rent it some other time.”
“Lucas, I thought you of all people would have my back on this.” Dustin groans throwing his head back in annoyance.
“I don’t know guys, I kinda wanted to watch The Hobbit.” The kid you’d been trying to figure out finally breaks his silence with a soft protest.
“Why am I not surprised you’re all chickening out on me.” Rolling his eyes he lets out a defeated sigh stare landing on his dirty sneakers.
“What are dingus’s even talking about?” The rasp of Robin’s voice is dripping with annoyance when they finally giver her moment to speak, the bickering non stop since the moment they walked in.
The first time in the last two minutes there’s nothing but complete silence at Robin’s question. The brown carpeting beneath their feet becoming the most interesting thing in the store. Mike’s the first one to break, eyes darting nervously towards Dustin he shakes his hands straightening his posture.
“It’s movie night and Eddie specifically requested that we get The Hobbit but Lucas over heard the guys in the locker room talk about this one scene in um - in Fast Times At Ridgemont High.” Voice trailing off he’s too scared to say the reason that you all knew out loud.
“You want to see boobies.” Steve says flatly.
Eye’s going wide they all start talking over each other, explanations getting jumbled in their sentences you can’t make out a single thing that’s being said. Will’s mouth set in an irritated line behind them.
“Aren’t you a little genius Dustin? I thought you’d be able to do basic math, none of you are old enough to even rent that movie.” Robin snorts before shoving her hand in Mike’s hair ruffling it as she walks passed heading back to the counter.
“Yeah, while that may be true. We’re friends with the people who work at Family Video.” Dustin gives it one last shot giving the three of you what he thinks is a wink, one eyelid falling shortly after the other it ends up looking like a strange blink instead.
“As if Henderson, like I would risk hearing about it from any of your parents.” With a flick of his wrist Steve is waving them off as he walks away, leaving no room for argument in his tone.
“Fat chance boys, but nice try.” Robin grins from behind the counter, perching herself up on the chair. There’s a brief moment where you think you’ve done the impossible. Your plan to fly off the radar seemingly in your grasp. A slow smile creeping over your lips, you use the opportunity to turn around fingers grabbing for the stack of tapes again.
“Wait, I know you.” Dustin’s voice stops your plan before it even has a chance to take off. Back stiff you keep your body frozen in place, eyes closed tight you were hoping that if you just didn’t react he’d just drop it. You’d only seen him briefly from across the lot that day, he couldn’t possibly remember you. Dustin’s statement mixed with the way you looked like you wishing yourself to be anywhere but in your body peaked your two friends interest again. The subject you thought you’d successfully avoided coming back to rear it’s ugly head again, and it sat right on Dustin Henderson’s lips.
“What are you talking about?” Mike’s confusion and lack of memory of you is exactly what you were hoping for, but you knew it was too late.
“Eddie’s girl.”
Eddie’s girl? Eddie’s girl?
Your stomach flutters at the sound of something so possessive, like you belonged to him and you despised how much you liked it. Shaking your head in defeat your hands drop the impossible to put away stack of movies. Taking your own page out of The Book of Harrington you pinch bridge of your nose in frustration.
“Whoa ho, ho, hold on. Did you just refer to our friend over here as Eddie’s girl?” Robin’s out of her chair faster then your can open you eyes, an excited smile breaking across her freckle smattered face as she leans over against the glass.
Groaning loudly in irritation you turn around with a cross of your arm, the only armor you have against the group that was now entirely fixated on you.
“I’m confused. What’s going on?” Lucas looks between all of his friends searching for any clues as to what was happening, his memory of you just as fuzzy as Mike’s.
“You’re kidding right?” Dustin’s voice cracks as he gets worked up eyes darting between all the clueless looks on his friends faces. “The girl Eddie’s been obsessed with, the one he never shuts up about?”
Staring at their friend there’s finally a fleeting moment of silence before the three of them “ohhhh” in unison, curious eyes landing on you with looks on their faces like they couldn’t believe you were actually real.
Steve joining the spot next to Robin you can’t feel the two of them practically vibrating at the new information flowing from Dustin. Your mouth had been a steel trap for weeks no matter how many times they pressed you.
“First of all I’m no one’s girl, and I have a name.” Despite all eyes on you the sound of your voice for the first time makes them all jump as if further proving the point you weren’t just some figment of Eddie’s imagination.
“Oh, we know your name.” Dustin’s the first one to speak up and you aren’t even the least bit surprised. Reading the clearly frustrated expression on your face his brows furrow in confusion under the bill of his cap. “Wait, he hasn’t asked you out yet has he?”
Choking on air at his question it was the last thing you thought you’d hear leave his mouth. Dustin’s loose lips sink your barely floating ship that Robin and Steve had already poked their own holes into.
Steve’s boisterous cackle behind you has your head whip back with a glare, both of them looking too smug for their own good.
“We’re just friends, I don’t know how many times I have to repeat myself.” Even you don’t believe the words when they come out of your mouth this time.
“I can’t believe he didn’t do it yet, what a coward.” Dustin actually looks disappointed when he hears your lack of confirmation. All you focus on is pretending to be a person that looks completely unfazed despite everything that’s just been given away.
“Yeah, didn’t he refer to her as his soulmate or something like that?” The only one that hadn’t annoyed you speaks up and for some reason it feels like a betrayal.
All of Eddie’s secrets come spilling out of their mouths like it was common knowledge, and despite having an inkling for how he felt about you hearing it all out loud was enough to make your head spin.
“Interesting, soulmate. Sounds exactly like two people who are just friends to me.” Steve quips next to Robin sarcasm laced in his words.
“I’ve got an idea!” Dustin’s sudden outburst brings the attention back on him. “When are you off?”
Thanking whatever gods (Keith) scheduled you to close today of all days, your glare softens when you know you get to let them down quick.
“She’s off right now.” Robin interjects with a quick lie, stealing away your victory. Steve was off right now, you weren’t suppose to be off for another 5 hours.
“What? No I’m-“ with an elbow to his ribs Robin shuts him down muttering something between clenched teeth.
“But I have a date.” Steve whines before throwing his head back in defeat. “Fine, fine.” Shaking his head with frustration he waves his hands before walking away.
“Then it’s settled, you’re coming to movie night.” Dustin grins picking up on Robin’s queues and ignoring the way Steve’s sulking figure in the corner.
The thought of seeing Eddie again had your stomach in knots, it wasn’t that you didn’t want to see him again because god, you did. The fear of a new awkwardness taking over the usual comfort you felt around him was what kept you away. He hadn’t gone out of his way to see you either and it’d been almost a week since the almost kiss in the bathroom. Almost a week of him completely consuming your every waking thought. The kind of butterflies you didn’t think you could get anymore make residence deep inside of you, coming out in a way that makes your legs weak at the thought of him.
“I don’t know guys, I don’t want to crash your little hang out.” In a last ditch attempt to get out of it your eyes meet Steve’s silently begging him to stand up to Robin and let you stay. It was a feeble attempt even you knew that.
“It’s not crashing if he wants you there.” Dustin argues with so much certainty it almost annoys you. Something in his tone.
Completely convinced the universe and your friends were conspiring against you there really was no other option but to face your fears and get it over with.
Exhaling loudly through your nose and a roll of your neck you give a defeated nod before shrugging off your vest refusing to look at your traitor friends in the eyes.
“Fine, grab the movie I’ll get my bag. I can maybe fit three bikes in my trunk, but ones gotta be in the back seat with three of you.” Tossing your vest over your shoulder you point to the one you know is the ring leader.
“Shot gun!” Dustin yells braces shining in the florescent lights above him, his dibs earning loud moans of protest from behind him.
The car ride back to the trailer park is crowded and painfully loud. The constant bickering of Mike and Lucas from the back seat had kept drowning out your music. It didn’t matter how many times you’d raise it their voices would always match the new volume. Giving up with a frustrated sigh your eyes meet Will’s from the rear view mirror, annoyance evident on his face as he sits sandwiched between the two arguing boys.
Dustin was being suspiciously quiet next to you and you weren’t entirely sure if that should make you nervous or not. Making quick secretive glances from the road you do your best to try and figure out what schemes were going on in his head, the wheels inside very obviously turning.
Your relieved when you hit the entrance of the trailer park, but it’s short lived when your eyes connect with the chocolate ones you missed more then you’d let on almost instantly. Headlights hitting him as you pull in, he was sitting on top of the table in the court yard with a cigarette dangling from his mouth. Face lighting up like the sky on Fourth of July his lips pull up around his unlit smoke. The excitement is short lived when he notices the boys in the car with you, eyebrows furrowing in confusion.
With a tight lipped more then awkward smile you pull into your drive way, head swimming with what you should say first. A simple Hi? Do you hug? Your irritation quickly being replaced with the kind of nerves that make you nauseous, the tires of your car barely come to a stop before they all open their doors. Foot slammed on the break your car isn’t even in park as they fly out in a flurry of cuss words and metal clanking against your center consul.
“Careful! Careful!”
Bike tire catching your elbow you wait until their gone before you even attempt to get out of the car. Slamming your gear into park you close your eyes relishing in the new silence, their muffled voices seeping further into the distance as they make their way towards Eddie. Running a tired hand over your face taking a deep breath before your fingers wrap around the door handle. When it opens before you get a chance to do it yourself, the composure you’d finally gained flies out the window, a loud gasp erupting from your chest.
Eddie’s smile is nervous when he holds the door open for you, his hand outstretched for you to take. Not expecting to come face to face with him so quickly, it takes you a minute to comprehend the gesture. Eyes roam his features unashamed missing the hidden freckles that scatter across his skin only noticeable from this distance. The bruises on his face were less prominent the before, the dark purple gone, fading into a barely noticeable tinge of yellow. The cut on his lower lip looked almost close up, your eyes catching his tongue when he traces over it out of habit. Clearing his throat your surrounding come back into focus and your face starts to feel more like the surface of the sun. Quickly averting your stare a shaky hand starts to fumble with the key in the ignition, only to drop them as soon as you slide it out.
“You good?” Eddie chuckles as he watches you, cheek pressed firmly to your steering wheel your fingers frantically search for the keys on the dirty carpeted floor of your car. Desperate to find them and end your embarrassment.
When your skin comes in contact with the cool metal you snatch them up pushing yourself back into your seat with a huff giving him your best smile and a lie.
“Never better.”
His whiskey eyes sparkle when you throw your smile his way, cheeks blossoming red when your hand finally lands in his. Slippery palms meet in a mixture of nerves and sweat, both of you silently hoping the other doesn’t notice. The image of you standing between his legs with fingers tangled in his messy hair is harder to fight when he’s right here in front of you.
Helping you up with a gentle tug he doesn’t make any effort to move when you land right in front of him. Just like every time you get stuck by the chocolate of his eyes, the rest of the world ceases to exist when he looks at you like this. The weight of not seeing each other sinking in, he doesn’t let go of your hand. The callouses of his finger tips catch your skin when he laces them with yours. His thumb smooths over your knuckle reminding you to breathe.
“Are we watching this movie or are you two just gonna stand there and stare at each other?” Dustin’s voice from Eddie’s front door step brings you back to your driveway reminding you both that you weren’t alone.
“Look if you don’t want to, you don’t have to.” Eddie’s own self doubts plague his consciousness when he brings his attention back to you.
Despite the boys spilling all of his secrets about how much he liked you a mere thirty minutes ago, his reaction kicks your anxiety into gear mirroring his own. Was it weird that you showed up here with them technically uninvited?
“I mean, if it’s like a club thing I get it, I can just go home if it’s weird.” Unease taking over scared that you’ve read everything wrong you, drop his hand wiping your palm on your jeans.
Eddie almost immediately realizes he’s said the wrong thing. Not really knowing how to act around you, the answer you’d given him the last time he was you was ominous with no real time line put in place.
“No!” His voice has a desperate edge to it startling you out of your overactive thoughts “No, I mean no it’s not a club thing or it doesn’t have to be.” Grabbing your hand again he pulls you back not liking the space you’d unconsciously put between you. Closing his eyes he exhales through his nose before the full force of his gaze is on you again. “I want you there.”
There was something different about hearing him actually say it, the words “I want you there” igniting something inside of you. The awkwardness that you were fearing proved to be nonexistent.
“Okay, okay don’t get your panties in a twist. I’ll come to movie night.” Teasing you give his hand a gentle squeeze before letting it go, noticing the small frown at the loss of contact. “I’ll meet you over there give me like twenty minutes.”
“Anything longer then thirty and I’m sending the clowns over.” Eddie smirks before turning around to the pile of boys who were all watching from his front door. Stopping in his tracks when he makes eye contact with them, the knowing grins on their faces disappear quickly being replaced with fear as they scurry inside his trailer. The idea of them being actually scared of Eddie was hilarious to you, chuckling to yourself with a slam of your car door Dustin’s words from earlier ring out loudly in your head.
“He hasn’t asked you out yet?”
The faint smell of stale cigarettes cling to the fabric of the couch in Eddie’s small living room. Mugs line the wall above your head all mismatched each one for a different mile stone celebrated in Wayne life. The material of the couch is scratchy under your skin, worn down and well slept on the cushions sink under your weight pressing you into Eddie’s side. Dustin sits on the other side of you, a small pillow wedged between as a barrier pushing you even more into his space. There’s was a part of you that knew he was doing it on purpose, the scheming in his head never ending.
The three other boys were sprawled out on the floor at your feet, using whatever pillows that were in Eddie’s room to prop themselves up their eyes were zeroed in on the TV completely enamored with the film. The soft glow of the screen was only light illuminating the inside of the trailer.The early darkness of winter coating the outside pitch black after 5pm.
Pizza boxes stacked on the dining table everyone’s food coma was starting to set in. The volume of Eddie’s yawn startles you, raising his arms he stretches his legs out purposely kicking Mike’s foot in the process earning him a dirty look from the boy on the floor. Chuckling to himself you feel his arm drape around the back of the couch, the ghost of his finger tips brush against your shoulder. Dustin snorts to himself clocking what Eddie was trying to do, ringed fingers flick the back of his ear in response.
“Ow! Not cool, not cool at all.” Rubbing his ear Dustin gives him the same look Mike had shot him just a few seconds ago.
“Watch the movie Henderson.” Pointing at the TV you feel like you can see Eddie’s facial expression in his tone. Dustin stares him down for a moment, the internal battle of how stubborn he wanted to be clear on his face. The two stare at each other for a moment longer before the curly haired boy finally caves bringing his gaze back to the TV.
Settling back down in his seat, Eddie pushes himself further into the cushions. The dip of his weight making your body sink down with him, arm falling off the back of the couch when you roll into his chest. Breath catching in your throat at the new found position, Eddie’s body stiffens under yours waiting for your reaction too.
The warmth radiating off of him is enough for you to give in after a few awkward minutes pass of both of you stiff as board. Burrowing yourself deeper into his chest you inhale his scent greedily, arm reaching across his stomach your fingers curl into his shirt pulling yourself closer.
The breath Eddie had been holding fans over the top of your head before his arm curls around you. Cheek pressed to his chest you can hear just how fast his heart is beating under your touch as your fingers absentmindedly play with the hem of his shirt.
The comfort of his body is enough for you to melt into him, the quiet thumps of his heart slowing down to a calming rhythm. Fingers trace the line of your spine, adding light pressure when he feels the tightness off your muscles. Eyes roll in the back of your head when your body starts to turn into butter under his touch, your eyelids turning heavy you stop trying to fight the sleep that was evading you.
“What do you mean I can’t bring home a box of pizza? You’re gonna eat all of it?” Dustin’s voice stirs you awake and it takes you a minute to remember where you are. Keeping your eyes closed you decide to listen for a minute brain not fully functioning just yet.
“Yeah I’m gonna eat all of it, I paid for it. When you get a job you can order your own pizza to take home.” Your lips twitch at Eddie’s lose term of job.
“Either she’s having a really good dream or she’s awake.” Lucas’s whisper sounds like he’s right in front of your face, much closer to you then Eddie and Dustin’s. Not willing to give yourself away just yet, you try to control the muscles in your lips the best you can.
“She’s probably having a dream about Eddie.” Mike laughs before a light gust of wind blows across your face followed by a soft thud cutting him off.
“Shut it Wheeler. Go pack your shit, I’m trying to get you twerps home by 8.” Eddie’s tone is nothing short of irritated and you decide this is probably your queue to reveal yourself.
Somehow becoming horizontal on the couch there was a blanket wrapped around you tucking you in and away from the chill in his trailer. Shifting to sit up your tired eyes land on Eddie who stood eyeballing you nervously from the kitchen wondering just how much of their conversation you’d actually heard.
“Sleeping beauty is awake! Look, you didn’t even need to kiss her.” Dustin grins from his spot next to Eddie in the kitchen. Eddie’s face twists up in annoyance earning the curly haired boy another flick behind the ear. “Dude! That actually hurts.”
“Maybe you should think about the things you say then Dustin.” Eddie snaps face softening almost instantly when he brings his attention back to you. The bags under your eyes giving away how much you needed the sleep.
“How long was I out for?” Sleep thick in your voice you stretch the full length of your body before rubbing the sleep out of your eyes, catching the way Eddie’s eyes roam the length of you as you did it.
“Like the whole movie and a board game.” Mike answers lamely from the ground still sprawled out on the floor where the pillow took him out.
“Shit, I’m sorry. I’ll get out of your hair, I didn’t mean to come crash your movie night with a nap.” Chuckling nervously you start to untangle yourself from the blanket ignoring the way you can see Dustin shoving his elbow into Eddie’s side. Both boys bickering in the corner in hushed voices before a loud “Just do it.” From Dustin catches the rooms attention.
“Ummm” Eddie starts as you get up off the couch, eyes going big when he realizes he’s about to ask you to hang out with an audience now. “Wanna come with me to drop the boys off? I could umm show you one of those spots I told you about?”
You almost forgot about the places he’d been trying to show you since that first night, they seemed almost elusive at this point. Part of you had started to assume they weren’t even real anymore. You let the whole group squirm with baited breath as you pretended to think about the answer that was already sitting on the tip of your tongue.
Eddie eyes widen at your answer almost like he wasn’t actually expecting you to actually say yes, the boys let out the breaths they’d been holding since the question left Eddie mouth. Mike even going as far as putting his hand on his heart.
Clapping his hands loudly, Eddie throws you the kind of smile that you thought was only reserved for that night in your bathroom.
“No time to waste boys, get your shit and let’s go.”
“Here be helpful.” Eddie teases shoving the metal lunchbox into your chest. A small grin tugging at his lips when you huff at him. Opening the back doors of his van with a creak that shudders off them so loud it echos through the empty forest surrounding you. The unsuspected noise making the shuffle of critters catch your ears while your eyes stare up at the clear night sky with the same wonder as that first night at Family video. That night seemed like a life time ago, the passing of time hitting you like the cool November air chilling your bones under the thin material of your sweater.
“Okay, we’re all set.” Eddie’s voice breaks you out of your mid evening crisis, and it makes you realize how hard you’d been clutching onto the metal in your hands.
Tearing your eyes from the stars your met with his equally beautiful chestnut ones, with enough brightness in them there could be a whole galaxy inside his pupils.
“I gave you the extra pillow, you know for the working girl.” Charm turned up to ten he sits on his knees on the pile of blankets he’s straightened out messed up from rowdy boys that were in there just twenty minutes before, the pillows that were usually scattered all over the back are pushed against the back of the seats up front. Far enough from the cold but close enough for you to see the light of the moon dance off the reflection of the lake he’d taken you to.
“Eddie this is... this is perfect.” Pink tints his cheeks at the word perfect. A reminder of what you called him on Halloween.
Clearing his throat he shakes his head a little, teeth peeking out from between his lips in a smile before extending a hand out for you to take for the second time that night.
“I’m glad you like it sweetheart, I’ve only been trying to take you here since that first night we hung out.” Chuckling softly with a big calloused hand wrapped around yours he helps pull you up.
Knees landing on the plush comforter the tension in the van thickens, chest to chest your eyes drown inside each other while your breath becomes his between parted lips. The silver of his rings catch the beam of the moon and the glint catches your eye when he reaches up to tuck a strand of hair behind your ear. Gaze softening his lips pull up at the corners, rough finger tips trace the shell of your ear before sliding down your back, giving you a light push ushering you towards the make shift bed.
Shuffling over your surprised at how fluffy they are when your back hits the feathers. Sinking in you wiggle yourself deeper before letting out a content sigh when your feel them mold perfectly to your body. The tension from the day slowly seeping out of your pores, closing your eyes you take a deep breath of the fresh air feeling the weight of him sink down next to you. The warmth of his body was almost enough that you didn’t need the blanket he was pulling over both your spread out legs.
The leather of his jacket squeaks as he adjusts to get comfortable, arms and legs pressed together the smell of the cigarette he smoked on the way here mixes with his cheap corner store cologne in a swirl of Eddie.
“I brought you a little something. Why don’t you open her up.” Tapping on the top of the metal he looks at you like a parent does when they are watching their kid open up a Christmas present.
Giving him a suspicious look your fingers rest over the lock, trying to read the expression on his face confused by the excitement and panic that flashes behind his eyes. Arching your brow you flip open the lock. Looking down your eyes scan the inside and when nothing out of the ordinary catches your attention you let out the breath you didn’t know you were holding, completely unsure of what you were even expecting.
Eddie’s eyes dart between the lunch box and your face trying to gauge your reaction before irritation takes over the softness of his face. Leaning over his curls tickle your cheek when he peers inside the tin on your lap.
“God dammit.” He mutters under his breath reaching in you watch him flip the small bag of weed over revealing a messily scribbled question in what looked like permanent marker.
Running a hand over his face he sighs loudly through his nose when he leans back against the pillows.
“Well that wasn’t as smooth as I wanted it to be.”
Furrowing your brows in confusion you look back down eyes reading over the messy hand writing.
Do you want to go on a date?
Reading the question a few more times, you feel Eddie’s whole body tense up with anticipation. The sounds of his breathing becoming non existent while he watches the wheels turn in your head. Looking up, his dark chocolate eyes are swimming in nerves as they search your face for answer, too impatient to wait for it to leave your tongue. When he sees the corners of your mouth twitch up his eyes soften slightly letting himself get excited for the first time. Taking your bottom lip between your teeth you give a small nod too scared to use your voice.
His breath fans hot across your face when he exhales, shoulders dropping as the nerves slowly leave his body.
“Yeah?” The question leaves his mouth in desperate plea needing to hear you actually say it out loud.
Tired of fighting something that seemed impossible win, you finally accept your defeat. The twists and turns of your life despite the darkness all led you to this place, convinced now the universe pushed you here like it was your destiny to meet the boy sitting next to you. Moving the lunch box off your lap, you turn yourself to face him and it’s almost too much looking at him dead on like this with so much ready to burst out of the seams. Nervous fingers search for his intertwining them with they meet sending the butterflies in your stomach into over drive before you have the courage to find your words
“Yeah, I’ll go on a date with you.” The shake in your voice is subtle but he catches it. Raising his free hand to your face he traces the line of your jaw, cocking his head to the side enjoying the way goosebumps follow. Cupping your cheek with warm calloused hands the pad of his thumb smooths over the heated skin.
Closing your eyes you lean into him, all the anxiety that was holding the muscles in your body hostage disappearing into his touch. The softness of his lips startle you when they press against the side of your jaw, moving to the tip of your nose, only stopping when they hover yours. Eyes fluttering open he’s already looking at your lips silently asking for permission to close the gap. The air in the back of his van feels electric, everything leading you both here. Pushing yourself forward you capture his mouth with yours in a flurry of pent up emotions. Soft like silk his lips move against yours lazily not wanting to rush something he’s wanted since the moment he laid eyes on you.
Times stops when you finally give in,the universe coming to a halt at the cosmic connection erupting from the way you mold against each other. Hand leaving your cheek his fingers wrap themselves into the hair at the nape of your neck, pulling slightly he tilts your head back tongue swiping against your lower lip begging for more of you.
Sighing into the kiss your tongues meet battling for dominance, everything you’d been holding back trying to be conveyed in the heat of your mouth. Fireworks exploding behind closed eyes, your fingers grasp onto the collar of his shirt needing him closer. Grunting he pulls at your hips urging you onto his lap. Mouth never leaving his one leg slings over his hips knees tucked against either side of his waist. Even through both layers of your jeans you could still feel all of him, the arousal in your panties only making it easier to rock your hips against the hard bulge underneath you. Losing yourself in the kiss your fingers find their way back into his hair grinding your self down on him with more vigor. Moaning at the new pace you were setting his lips finally break apart from yours trying to catch his breath.
A desire that you had forgotten existed completely consumes you, using the break from his lips to trail sloppy open mouth kisses down his jaw nipping playfully at the bone before making your decent to his neck. Lulling his head back he gives you better access. Tongue tracing along his pulse point you wrap your lips around the sensitive spot behind his hear. Hips still rolling against his, the seam of your jeans pushes between your folds each time he meets your thrusts. His lips find yours again meeting with a scrape of your teeth all the gentleness from earlier gone.
“Jesus.” Rippibg his mouth away like it was the hardest thing he ever had to do, he rests his forehead against yours, chest moving with the quickness of his breaths his fingers dig into your sides to try and stop your movements. “You’re gonna make me cum in my pants baby.”
Biting your lip at the new nickname, you roll your hips one more time loving the way it makes his eyes roll in the back of his head.
“You’re a menace.” Chuckling he places a chaste kiss on your turned lips.
“Are you surprised by this?” Grinning like an idiot you almost feel sick with happiness.
Tangling your fingers in his thick waves you kiss the tip of his nose before pulling yourself back to get a better look at him. Swollen lips and blown out eyes look at you like there should be hearts there instead of pupils.
“Not even a little bit.” Mimicking your actions his finger tips trace across the line of your cheek bone as his eyes focus on every detail of your face like it’s a work of art. The intensity of it all has you reeling at the kind of intimacy you hadn’t felt in so long. Fingers leaving his hair to fidget on your lap, your nerves come roaring back to life.
As if reading your mind he tilts your head up with two fingers under your chin gripping just tight enough that you could still fight his hold if you wanted to.
“We can take our time okay? There’s no rush.” Clearing his throat a little you notice the pink that starts to dust his cheeks when he lets you go. “Besides, I don’t have too much experience in that department anyway sweetheart.”
Eddie almost looks ashamed when he shares his lack of experience with you not understanding how much of a relief that actually is.
“Hey, I don’t care about that.” Cupping his cheek you can feel the heat of his embarrassment under your skin when he looks up at you with big vulnerable eyes. “It’s actually kind of perfect.”
Perfect had become Eddie’s favorite word and he’s only ever been called it two times in his life, and both were by you.
“What time are you off tomorrow?” Covering your hand with his, you can’t see your fingers when they envelope yours.
“I’m off at 6 tomorrow.” Taking advantage his closeness you lean in nudging your nose against his, smirking when you kiss the corner of his mouth he pulls away slightly trying to refocus your attention.
“Pick you up at 8?”
“Don’t be late Munson.” Chasing his lips again he meets you half way with a smile so big his dimples show deep in his cheeks.
It was just you and him. Two broken souls finding the kind of peace you never thought was meant for people like you inside each other. Lit by the stars in his backseat like this was exactly where you were suppose to be.
Final chapter
Taglist: @emotionaldreamer @eddiesprincess86 @bimbobaggins69 @rach5ive @luckyysstarr @h-ness1944 @stolen-in-moonlight @bohemianrhapsody86 @ms1oftheboys @maximizedrhythms @amethyst1258 @princesseddie @munsonology @sammararaven @edsforehead @b-irock @triplethreat77 @justherefortheescapism @micheledawn1975 @ethereal27cereal @superbcoffeedrinkersubparwriter @elthreetimes @chickpeadumpsterfire @manda-panda-monium @fckyeahlames @angelsarecallin @sweetsweetjellybean @boomhauer
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mademoisellekeery · 3 months
\\ Red dress & a black tie //
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• Pairing: Co-worker!Steve Harrington x F!Reader
•Warnings: Swearing, tiny bit of angst, fluff, first date, proof read, f!reader
•Word count: 1k - (1419)
•Summary: Your Co-Worker/Friend, Steve asks you out on a date, after crushing on him for years, and finally “getting over it”, what could go wrong?
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You stood there, stunned. Your face turns into a tomato. “You want to take me out? like a date? like a date date? like a date where we sit opposite each other, sharing a milkshake, end of the night kiss, kind of date?” You say rambling, you knew Steve in high school, well you knew of him, I mean who didn’t right?
He was THE king of Hawkins High, and every girl (and a few guys) had a crush on him, that included you too, but it was a silly girl crush. (A silly girl crush that was still there.) The famous ‘King Steve’ who dated girls like Nancy wheeler or Tammy Thompson, so why the hell was he asking you?
Steve chuckles as his heart races, little did you know this was the day he’d been waiting for awhile now. He had been waiting for the perfect time to ask you out. He’s had a crush on you for months now and he had to do something about it.
“Yes, I want to take you on a date date. Yes to the sitting opposite each other, yes to the milkshake, yes to the kiss, yes to everything.” Steve smiled, as he leaned back on the counter, crossing his arms, he hoped you’d say yes..
ʚ・ ୨୧・ ɞ 。゚•┈୨♡୧┈• 。゚ ʚ・ ୨୧・ ɞ
Just a tiny preview of Red dress & a black tie ❤️
Let me know if you guys like it and want to be tagged in the first part, it will be uploaded soon!!
(I do not own stranger things nor do I own any content from it!)
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saraakpotter · 2 months
Hi guys! i was thinking about doing this some time ago, i'm completely out of ideas and requests are open! so, here are the fandom's i write for but before requsting please remember theses stuff:
i don't write smut, NSFW and things like that.
i only write 'x reader'
i only write 'female!reader' becasue i'm more comfortable like that :)
i don't feel comfortable writing about (male x male) or (female x female)
now for the characters:
(by the way you can request for the actors\actress's of those characters too)
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Romantic and platonic:
Tony Stark\ironman
Loki Laufeyson
Stephan Strange
Wade Wilson\deadpool
Steve Rogers\captain america
Peter Quill\starlord
Thor Odinson
Clint Barton\hawkeye
Bucky Barns \winter soldier
Sam Wilson\falcon
Pietro Maximoff
platonic only:
Natasha Romanoff
Yelena Belova
Kate Bishop
Wanda Maximoff
Stranger Things:
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Romantic and platonic:
Mike Wheeler
Will Byers
Steve Harrington
Jonathan Byers
Lucas Sinclair
Eddie Munson
Platonic only:
Jane 'Eleven' Hopper
Dustin Henderson
Jim Hopper
Joyce Byers
Max Mayfield
Harry Potter:
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romantic and platonic:
Harry Potter
Ronald 'Ron' Weasley
Cedric Diggory
James Potter (marauders)
Sirius Black (marauders)
Remus Lupin (marauders)
(i may add the Slytherin boys later btw)
platonic only:
Hermione Granger
Luna Lovegood
Ginny Weasley
Lily Evans
Marlene McKinnon
Alice Fortescue
Mary McDonald
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romantic and platonic:
Sherlock Holmes
John Watson
Greg Lestrade
RDJ Sherlock Holmes
platonic only:
Mary Morstan
Jim Moriarty
Eurus Holmes
(i mostly write platonic for John and Greg tbh, but feel free to request both :)
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romantic and platonic:
Ravi Singh
Sal Singh
platonic only:
Pippa 'Pip' Fitz-Amobi
Cara Ward
Connor Reynolds
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aloneinthehellfire · 2 years
Fortress Of Memories
AloneInTheHellfire's Masterlist
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Summary: Y/n Byers and Eddie Munson were killed in the battle. Vecna had claimed their lives and murdered them right in front of their friends’ eyes. They died heroes, saving the town that hated them both. And now, months later, the first New Year since Hawkins’ destruction had come around. But no one celebrates. Instead, they are entering hell to finally stop Vecna. They were prepared for everything. Or... so they thought…
This story is set after ST4, featuring kas!eddie and reader. It focuses around different characters, often switching between past and present so pls bear with me.
Sacrifice [Snippet]
Intro: Sacrifice
Chapter 1: Soldiers
Chapter 2: Taken
Chapter 3: Grudges
Chapter 4: Leverage
Chapter 5: Wounds
Chapter 6: Nightmares
Chapter 7: Devotion
Chapter 8: Reunion
Chapter 9: Connections
Chapter 10: Souls
Chapter 11: Part One: Fortress
Chapter 11: Part Two: Memories
Chapter 12: Victory
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harrywavycurly · 2 years
Texting Fiancé Eddie Part 90: The Wedding🖤
TikTok: HERE
Masterlist: HERE
A/N: I’m not crying, you’re crying. It’s finally here….the Munson Wedding, and don’t worry I have a wedding video and a post of Dustin’s speech and Wayne’s note that’ll be posted soon. But this is the last update for Texting Fiancé Eddie Munson. But don’t worry Husband Eddie will be making his fist appearance soon, thank you all for the love on this series it’s meant so much to me💖
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rcsewcrld · 1 year
stranger things twitter au!!
a/n: im working on chapter 2 of the folklore love triangle, i’ve got exams for my studies over the next couple weeks! however, after them imma be posting more regularly and will post a couples bits during the exams. for now, have this!
eddie munson/steve harrington x reader
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bookshelf-dust · 1 year
how people can change
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steve harrington x gn!byers!reader
word count: 4,427
warnings: swearing, like one use of y/n, mentions of season one steve's bullshit, mentions of death, enemies to friends to more type beat
a/n: my very first *full* steve fic. look at us. who woulda thought? not me. i've been working on this since february. don't look at me, i know. i know. but i think i've gotten some sort of hold on how i'd like to write steve. some of the dialogue (season 2) isn’t mine. (also the title is a lyric from strange by celeste!) let me know what you think, okay? i love you. steve loves you. don't tell me if it's bad.
November 1984
The door slams behind you with a deafening thud, and you take the extra five seconds to lock it. You know, that action no one else in your family seems to be capable of performing. 
The house is quiet, and you step over the map of Hawkins sprawling over the hardwoods, careful not to damage Will’s work.
Your keys clang against the table, knocking into your mother’s ashtray. It’s dead quiet again, and you freeze at a subtle interruption in the silence. There’s a muffled sound coming from somewhere else in your home, and frankly you’ve had enough of everything the last couple of days. Which is why Joyce sent you home to get some sleep, to clear your head. 
There’s no denying that you have a soft spot for Will. He’s always been your buddy. And you love Jonathan, you do, and he’s got this sick ability to know what you’re thinking or feeling before you do, but he doesn’t need your protection like Will does. 
Will is your best friend. And he’s got one hell of a support system with you, Jonathan and your mom behind him. He deserves the world. You’ve always thought that. 
You quickly infer that it’s a walkie making the sound, based on the staticky crackle, the slightly muffled voice of whoever’s trying to get through from the other side.
Yours is off—you know it is—so it has to be Will’s. Jonathan was too good for a walkie-talkie.
You step down the hallway, pushing your younger brother’s bedroom door the rest of the way open. You scan the small area for it, listening.
“Code red! This is a code red! I repeat, this is a good red! Shit, is anyone there?”
You snatch up the device, extending the antenna.
“Dustin? Is that you?”
“Jesus christ! Where have you been?” Dustin exclaims, and you swear you can hear someone else interfering with his words.
“Sorry! I wasn’t home. What’s wrong?” You sit on the edge of Will’s bed. It’s so much comfier than yours. 
“It’s Dart! He’s, he’s just…you know what? It’s a long story. Where are you right now?”
This time you definitely hear another voice, and maybe even music.
“Dart? You kept him, right? I fucking knew it, Henderson! You’re so not a good liar.”
“That’s for sure.” You can’t place the voice, not over the walkie and over Dustin’s rambling, but you do catch that and it’s enough to leave you curious. 
The boy starts to argue back, but you cut him off. “Dustin, who are you with?”
“Uh,” he coughs, “Well you see, um…Steve Harrington. I’m with Steve Harrington.”
Dustin gets a severe eye roll from said partner-in-crime, but he brushes it off. 
“What?” You’re so confused. How did that even happen?
“I know! But everyone’s been MIA!”
“Oh my god,” you say, and Dustin can practically see you face-palming.
“Look,” he shoves a handful of rogue curls back under the brim of his hat. “Can you just meet up with us? The old junkyard?”
You push off of Will’s bed, and start walking through the house again, retrieving your things. So much for a nap or eating anything other than hospital Jell-O. What are you gonna say? Fuck no? 
“Yeah, yeah, I'll be there as soon as I can.”
“Thank god,” Dustin breathes. “See you then. Over.”
You make sure to check the batteries in Will’s walkie before you go, and then you’re back in your car again, backing out just as aggressively as your mother (something you said you’d never do). 
“Yeah, Farrah Fawcett. You tell anyone I just told you that, and your ass is grass you’re dead, Henderson. Do you understand?” 
Dustin goes quiet for a minute, watching each step he takes. The train tracks are old, and there are one too many loose nails for his liking. “So what’s Y/N got against you, man?”
Steve adjusts one of the gloves he’s wearing, trying not to think about the fact that he’s gonna smell like raw meat for who knows how long. “Uh, I don’t know, exactly. Never really talked to them before. But I’d assume it’s the–”
“The assholery?” Dustin interrupts. 
“What? It’s true.”
“No, yeah, you’re right.” 
Dustin catches the slip in Steve’s attitude almost immediately. “Hey, they’re good, okay? I don’t think you’re a total dick, if that means anything. You’re trying and that’s what matters, yeah?”
“We’ll figure it out.”
“Yeah, we will. Thanks, Henderson.”
Dustin gives Steve a winning smile. This kid could rule the world, he thinks. 
“Anytime,” Harrington. He lifts his hand up, awaiting a fist bump that Steve returns without a second thought. 
You wander down the trail of raw meat you’ve found, not bothering to even question what's happening or where the meat came from. Frankly, you don’t really want to know. 
At the end of your path, you catch a glimpse of familiar curls, even if they are crushed under the red brim of a hat. 
The boy practically gives himself whiplash turning around to face you. 
“Holy shit, I’m so glad you’re here. It’ll be nice to have someone older than me who’s not a total pain in the ass.”
“Hey, I heard that.” 
The voice pulls your attention away from Dustin. When you look up, Steve Harrington is walking out of the biggest vehicle in this abandoned lot: a school bus. He’s wiping his hands on his jeans and pushing the ends of his sleeves up.
Dustin looks at you. “You guys have to be acquaintances at the least, right?”
You nod at him, feeling your face burn. If there’s a word for a less-than-acquaintance, you don’t know it. But that’s probably where your relationship with this boy lies. King Steve isn’t really someone you just miss. 
But yeah, you know him. You know he’s a dick. 
“Hi.” Steve pushes his sunglasses up into his hair and crosses his arms. 
You only look at him for a moment before your eyes are back on Dustin. The younger boy notices the tension radiating from you, and honestly, he gets it. Steve Harrington wasn’t exactly the person he’d planned on spending his day with, but here he was. Desperate times call for desperate measures or whatever.
“So what are we doing?” You ask.
Dustin puts his thumbs underneath the straps of his backpack, bouncing on the balls of his feet a little. “It’s a long story. Best if we talk while we work.”
You roll your eyes at him, but follow the thirteen-year-old wherever he wants to go. You’re not sure you could deny Dustin Henderson anything. 
You watch as Max, a young girl you’ve just met, stomps up the steps of the ladder you’ve rigged inside the mess of a bus that you’re camped out in. 
Your chest aches because what Dustin just said to her was rude, it was rude, and you can’t believe the two of them. You sit, arms crossed and leg shaking up and down, glaring at Steve.
You find it hard to believe that after everything you’ve learned tonight, about Dart, about Mews—which you’re never going to get over because you only visit Dustin’s house for his cat, never him—that this is what they’re doing now.
“That’s good,” Steve says. “Just show her you don’t care.” 
Dustin is pacing, hands deep in his pockets. “I don’t,” he breathes.
Steve winks. Watching the two of them is like watching a tennis match. You don’t even like tennis.
“Why are you winking, Steve?” 
You drag your hand down your face, sick of hearing this stupid ass conversation. When Dustin sits, the constant clink of metal where Steve keeps flicking his lighter open over and over starts to give you a headache. 
“Fuck, Steve, would you quit it already?” 
He scoffs, snapping the lid to his Zippo closed harder than he had been before. “What’s your problem?”
“You’re pissing me off, that’s my problem.”
Steve’s brow furrows. He doesn’t really understand the sudden need for aggression. 
“Is this really the time for you to be yelling at me?”
“Is this really the time for you to be a dick?”
Dustin jerks the antenna on his walkie down, clearly sick of the two of you. “Would you children stop bickering? This is a life or death situation we have going on here.”
“I’d prefer death,” you proclaim. 
Dustin glares at you. “I can arrange that if you’d really rather die, than act civil for one evening.”
“I think all of the civility,” you gesture vaguely with your hands, “went out the window when you asked me to come help fight demo-dogs.”
Steve snorts at your words, and you glare at him, an “oh, is that funny?” look on your face. 
Dustin rearranges the hat on his head, stuffing his curls underneath it once again. “Alright. I’m gonna go check on our status, you two…work shit out, okay?”
“Dude,” Steve starts, “I’m older than you. I don’t have to listen to your instructions.” He gestures vaguely with his hands.
Dustin flips him off, and that’s the only response Steve receives, leaving the two of you alone in the bus.
You remain quiet, hoping that if you do you might just disappear or dissolve into the cracked leather of the seat you're sitting on. Then there really wouldn’t be any form of confrontation.
Steve starts flipping the lid to his Zippo open and shut repeatedly again, but this time it doesn’t annoy you. In fact, it gives you something to focus on, and you know that if you had one you’d be doing the same exact thing. 
You wonder if he’s nervous. Or just bored. 
Your knee begins to bounce when you realize that he’s looking at you, that he’s stopped messing with the lighter. But you refuse to look back, staring instead at the way the moonlight glints off of the metal in between his fingers. 
“So what’s your problem with me?”
The way Steve says those words is so unlike the way he’s spoken the rest of the day, the way he’s behaved with Dustin, that you feel a pang in your chest. 
He sounds like he used to. 
“Did you even hear that? How conceded you just sounded? Like it’s funny that I might have a problem with you, king Steve?”
Obviously the use of his nickname hits a nerve. He shoves the lighter back into his pocket and sits up, tucking his hands under his knees. 
“Would you just cut the shit and tell me what your problem is then?”
You sit up, matching his stance. There’s a part of you that wants to piss him off. You ache for it. 
“You’re a dick, that’s my problem.”
Steve scoffs. 
“That’s it? Like I don’t already know that?”
You roll your eyes, oblivious to the fact that all three of the younger kids you’re with have their heads hung over the escape latch in the top of the bus, listening eagerly. 
“You think I’m just gonna put up with you, Harrington? I’m sorry, did you forget the slut shaming you and your shitty friends did publicly last fall? Because I sure as hell didn’t. I didn’t forget that you walk around like you fucking own the entirety of Hawkins because you’re swimming in daddy’s money. I didn’t forget that your girlfriend took my best friend away from me.”
You stop, and Steve just looks at you. You realize how heavy you’re breathing and subconsciously watch the steady movement of his chest, trying to match the pace and calm down. You hadn’t meant to get worked up like that. But sometimes…sometimes shit just happens. 
Steve sighs. Honestly he feels a little sick. And he could argue with you some more, say that you don’t know what you’re talking about, that that’s the past, that he’s getting better. But that feels shallow. It feels meaningless. Because he knows it’s true. That in worrying about only himself or getting the girl or impressing whoever, he hurt loads more people than he realized. 
It’s such bullshit, he thinks. This life he’s been living.
“You know, I’ve gotten plenty of earfuls about my actions from Dustin, I promise you that much. He can be very mean.” 
You snort, considering there’s absolutely no denying that. “He’s a smart kid.” 
Steve nods. He’s trying to think of a way to respond. He’s not good with words. 
“Look, I-I know I’m a dick, okay?” he starts. You decide to be brave and look at him. He seems to like that. The eye contact. It’s like it lets him know you’re paying attention. He doesn’t get a lot of that, not away from school. 
“The thing with Nancy,” he gestures with his hands, looking away from you and at the wall of the bus, like it hurts him to talk about or something. “I don’t know. My solution to not getting what I wanted was apparently to take it out on her. Tommy H. proposed the idea, and I didn’t stop it.”
“You know I cleaned it off, right?” he continues. 
You uncross your arms and sit up, criss crossing your legs instead. “No. I didn’t know that.”
“It’s okay. It’s not like I broadcasted the information across Hawkins. Tommy and Carol don’t even know.”
Oh. The fact that they didn’t know tells you that he did it without needed recognition. He did it because he wanted to.
“I just—she saw it. And then there was the whole thing…”
You start to grin before you catch yourself, but he sees it. 
“It’s okay, you can laugh. I got the shit beat out of me.”
“You deserved it.”
He can’t argue with that. He won’t argue with it. “You’re right. I did. I said and did a lot that day that I regret.”
You nod, and then you’re both just looking at one another. It’s quiet out here, the same quiet you get at home, where you can hear the crickets, where you know there will be lightning bugs in the warmer months, free to roam uninterrupted by human activity. 
Steve pushes his hair from his forehead, and though he sees you track the movement of his hand, he doesn’t point it out.
“What did you mean about your friend?”
If you’re being honest with yourself, you hadn’t intended for that to come out, but being in such close proximity to Steve in this moment had just made everything spill out. 
You try to wave him off. “That was a whole thing. I didn’t mean to spill my guts like that.”
“No, it’s okay, I want to know. If you want to tell me, that is.”
You nod, chewing at your thumb nail now. Steve has the urge to reach forward and pull it free so you won’t hurt yourself, but he doesn’t. Instead he stays still and quiet, watching you contemplate a while. 
Eventually he decides to keep going. 
“I’m trying, you know,” he tells you. You look up and it gives him that little push to continue speaking. “To be better. I know you think I’m a total dick, and you’re not wrong, I know that, but I really am trying to be better. To be a good influence on those little shits.” He quirks his head upwards where he knows all three of his charges are eavesdropping, without a doubt. 
You take a second and look at him. Really look at him. He seems to carry himself differently, though it’s not something you’d notice if you weren’t looking. He’s not dressed like his mommy picked out his outfit. He looks messy. The mess draws you in. 
“I believe you. And I-I know I shouldn’t stereotype you, but it’s just—”
“I am a walking stereotype,” Steve grins. So do you.
“Yeah. I guess so. But I believe that you’re working on it. I suppose some people don’t remain assholes forever.”
“Yeah,” he chuckles, though a little distracted. You still haven’t told you what you meant, but that’s not what’s really bugging him. 
There’s this pull inside him. This longing for a friend. A real friend. Not someone he knows just because their dads were up each other's asses, or someone he just sits with at lunch because they’re of the same status quo. 
And he just feels so alone right now. What with Nancy, this girl he thought he was in love with and everything, but clearly she doesn’t feel the same. What’s he even supposed to do with that? Did he ever actually know anything about her? 
It doesn’t matter. 
What matters is that he’s sitting here with you, hanging out with thirteen-year-olds and hiding from creatures Steve’s brain can’t even begin to decipher. 
“Barb,” you say. Steve panicked a little internally at the mention of her name, considering. But he keeps his eyes on you, focused on each word that leaves your mouth. “She was my best friend, in middle school that is.”
He nods. Oh. Oh. 
“We were still close when we got to high school, had a little group and everything, right? And even though high school kinda fucks everything up, I didn’t want to believe that would happen to our little partnership, you know?” 
He nods again, trying his best to pay attention. He’s trying harder than he ever has in school. He probably shouldn’t ever say that out loud.
“Anyways, she was my best friend. She was all I knew, and then we got to lovely Hawkins High, and she met Nancy. Nancy and I never really clicked, even when we tried. I guess it’s because I’ve always thought she was a pretentious bitch—sorry, Steve—but I don’t know. We just fell apart after that.”
“So Barb had Nancy and I had…no one. And the way my brain saw it was Nancy took my best friend from me, and then Nancy started seeing you, and so I saw those two from across the cafeteria, lounging with the popular kids. With you. And then she died.”
Steve is looking at you in a way he’s never looked at you before. Like he’s in awe of you. And it’s not anything negative. It’s warm. Understanding. Like something you’ve said has straightened something out in his brain, sorted something he couldn’t figure out on his own. 
“S-so it was like we took her from you, in a way?” he asks. 
“Yeah. And you didn’t. God, you didn’t. But it just felt like this…” you trail off, searching for the right words.
“Domino effect?”
“Yeah! Yeah. Exactly. And it’s not your fault, not at all. But I guess I already saw you as some dickish rich kid and that gave me another reason to stay the fuck away from you. And now that I’m saying it out loud I realize how awful it sounds because people change, you know?”
“No, I get it. I’ve been an asshole, and I’m sure I still am—Dustin can attest to that—but there are rich assholes that don’t change or probably won’t ever change. I know a few of them.”
You go quiet again. Steve doesn’t want you to stop talking. He’s starting to think he likes the sound of your voice. 
“It’s good that you’re changing, Steve. I’m sorry I said you were such a dick.”
A breathy laugh leaves his throat. “It’s okay, I promise. I’m sorry for…everything.”
“Maybe we can make a truce or something. Start over. It’s not like we really know each other that well anyhow.”
“Yeah. Yeah, that’s cool. Whatever you want.” He means that. He thinks he’d do whatever you wanted him to. 
“Okay. Maybe we can just try and figure it out.”
“I’d like that,” Steve says. He stops himself from proclaiming that he wants to try and fix this with you. Because you’re listening to him. You’re not mad. He doesn’t want you to disappear on him after this. 
You give him a small smile and he swears he might cry. Not that that feeling lasts. 
“Hey!” Dustin is leaning down into the bus, hands clasped together. “I’m so glad we’ve got this handled, but we’ve got a code red, so let’s get this show on the road, yeah?”
June 1985
The door to the back room swings open, a frazzled boy rushing in. You drop your candy wrapper on the table, and Robin keeps talking about the girl that you missed coming in this morning. She was “such a babe.”  
“Hello?” Steve stands in front of the both of you, hands on his hips. You have to fight back a laugh. 
Your eyes find Steve’s immediately, and you swear they soften, but maybe you’re imagining it. You nudge Robin’s leg where your foot is propped up on one of the supports under her chair. 
She stops flailing and looks up, seeing Steve’s hand raised where he’d been about to snap to get her attention. She quirks a brow. “Don’t you snap at me, Harrington! This is important shit.”
“Yeah, I’m sure. Could you two come and help me? I’m dying out here!”
It’s one of the hottest days of the year, and Scoops has had a line since it opened at ten. 
You look at your watch. “My shift doesn’t start for…fifteen minutes.” He rolls his eyes at you, though the gesture is void of any malice it could possibly hold. 
“Yeah, well this is supposed to be my break, so get out there, Buckley!”
She stands, though she’s pouting. “Come on.”
“You took the job,” he says, shoving her through the door. Robin gives him a look that you can’t see, but you can practically feel it from across the small room. 
Steve lets out an exaggerated sigh, ripping off the hat he’s been wearing and throwing it on the table in front of you. 
You watch him rummage through a bag before he emerges from its depths with a banana and throws himself down in the chair across from you, lifting your leg up from where you’d moved it to occupy the seat Robin had abandoned. His hand is warm on the bare skin of your calf, and he shifts the chair some, laying your leg across both of his. 
“Huh?” He peels the banana, aggressively fast actually, and rips off a chunk, popping it into his mouth. 
“Why do you have a banana?” 
He meets your eyes. “Snack, duh.” He chews, and then gestures at the closed window. “Been working up a sweat out there I think I deserve a break.”
You grin at him, and he feels like he might hit the floor. 
“Want some?” Steve pulls off a chunk and holds it out to you. 
“Did you wash your hands?”
He gasps, mid-chew, and forces himself to swallow. “D-did I—yes, I washed my hands, mom, I’m not four.”
“Eh,” Robin’s voice breaks your little bubble. She’s pulled the window open–that way she can eavesdrop– propping herself up on her elbows. 
That makes you laugh, and when you smile your cheek is full of banana and Steve swears something is breaking inside of him. 
“Gang up on me then why don’t you,” he says, handing you the last piece he’s got left. He tosses the peel in the trash, “what do you want anyhow, Robin?” 
“Your break is up, and her shift has started. Let’s get to slinging ice cream, shitheads!”
You wipe your hands on your shorts and hop up. Steve doesn’t move, just looks at you. 
“C’mon, Steven. It’ll be lunch sooner than later.”
He grins. His eyes look tired and you wonder if he slept any last night. He told you once recently that he doesn’t always sleep well, that sometimes he has to listen to tapes in order to keep his head from being so busy, to keep the thoughts from being so loud. 
Steve has told you a lot since last fall. There’s a significant bit more that you know that’s more than what he’s given Robin, but you know he’ll let her in. He just needs the time. 
Though sometimes you think he might be giving you everything. The parts of himself he’s never shown anyone else. Because you’ve been such a good listener, and Steve’s never really had that before. 
He wishes he had the balls to tell you more. But he can’t fuck it up this time. Not with you. You’re too good.
Steve is your best friend now. You know that. He knows it.
If yourself from a year ago could see you now, she’d probably knock your fucking teeth in. But he’s just so much more than you thought. You’re not sure you’ll ever forgive yourself for not thinking there could be more in him, though he’s told you not to be upset. You’ve told him the same when he berates himself for not having paid you more attention in school.
It’s the past. You can’t live there. And today, you’re scooping ice cream for pre-sticky kids, for shitty pay, but it doesn’t matter because you have him. You have Robin. 
You stick out your hand, and Steve takes it without a second thought. His palm engulfs yours, skin warm and a little calloused. 
“We can watch whatever you want tonight.”
He squeezes your hand. You and Robin are supposed to have a sleepover with him tonight. He suggested he sleep in a guest room and you two have his bed, but Robin said she needs to be cuddled. You said you’re not letting him sleep anywhere but his bed. 
“I thought you wanted to watch Girls Just Want to Have Fun.”
“I always wanna watch that. But you can pick first, Stevie.”
Stevie. His stomach flips at that. You don’t let it out often, but when you do it’s like Steve might just die right there. 
He straightens, deal clearly made, and you pull him up–not that you need to. 
You push through the door with him, and immediately regret it. It’s like the soccer moms can smell your fear, and you know it. 
“Breathe,” Steve says. “Dustin’s here.”
He is. The entire party. That you can deal with. 
You think you could deal with an absurd line and angry mothers for the rest of your life if it meant assembling Dustin and Lucas’ weird orders. Even if you have to endure Will’s questioning looks and his pleas that you bring some ice cream home. If you have to listen to Robin’s word vomit.
If it meant spending time with Steve, you’d do it. 
God, how shit changes.
please let me know if you liked this! feedback is always appreciated!! comments and reblogs mean more than you know. <33
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unamused-boss · 1 year
Listen… just my opinion… but… We need more Billy Hargrove Fanfics!! I know he is an asshole and not to good of a person…
BUT! Dacre Montgomery is a beautiful man and needs to be appreciated!!
So someone pls tag me in Billy Hargrove fanfics!!
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zaynmirrors · 3 months
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A/N: Taglist open! Also short ass chapter! I decided to just break this one up to eat least just get it out.
TW: children,
Chapter 3
The car stayed silent for what felt like hours but in truth had only been a few minutes, but not for Eddie. He didn’t like the silence.
“How’s Jovie?” He asked, glancing at her. Eddie watched as her face fell, he instantly regretted asking. He opened his mouth to speak but y/n instead spoke.
“She’s good” she said, contemplating telling him how she felt. She didn’t want to bother him with her feelings but didn’t want to seem like a bummer all night. “This is the first time I’ve left her”
Eddie felt a ping in his chest, though he supposed he wasn't to blame. “Do you want to turn around?” He was more than happy to miss this concert if that’s what she wanted.
She shook her head, “no, I’ll just call Steve when we get to the motel”. Eddie felt his heart drop to his stomach. Then remembered Dustin mentioning that a Steve babysat his niece from time to time.
“Are you sure?” He looked at her, taking in her tired features.
She glanced at him. “It’ll be fine, plus I deserve a night out, right?” She was asking him. He didn’t know her well enough to say something definitively, but he could assume.
“Yeah, you deserve it” he nodded, drumming a finger on his thigh in a nervous tick. She noticed this and pushed a cassette into the player. A band he knew well began playing, he looked at her in shock. She was full of surprises.
The rest of the ride flew by, Eddie told a few jokes, which got him that laugh he was dying to hear. His cheeks stayed red and warm the majority of the ride.
Y/n pulled the car into the designated painted lines, parking and turning off the engine. “I’ll go get our room” Without waiting for a reply she slipped out the car. Eddie watched her as she walked into the office, enjoying every second of it. She was perfect. He didn’t think anyone could be.
He slipped out to greet her as she returned to him, “they only had a king bed” she said. Eddie looked down at her.
He didn’t mind this, however, but figured she might, “I’ll sleep on the floor” he’d proposed.
She grabbed her bag out of the back seat, looking at him. He didn’t miss the subtle look over. “It’s fine, I don’t mind sharing the bed” He went to argue but she spoke again, “seriously, it’s fine.”
With that she lead the way to their room, she dropped her bag in the corner and went straight over to the phone. Eddie sat on the edge of the bed, watching her dial a number she seemingly knew by heart.
“Hey Steve” she spoke, smiling as she heard her child in the background asking for her, “yeah, we made it” Eddie watched her twirl the cord around her finger. “You know me so well” she chuckled.
Eddie had no right to feel the way he did, to feel the anger that brewed in his gut but he did. “Hey baby” this lessened his anger, she was talking to her child. The child Eddie had become somewhat attached to. “I’ll see you tomorrow” he heard her voice crack.
Eddie stood, coming over and laying a hand on her back. She flinched slightly and glanced at him, offering a small smile which he returned. He rubbed a small circle on her back, trying to offer her some type of comfort.
“I love you too, bug” she smiles, a tear falling down her cheek. “I think Steve said you were gonna get ice cream?” Another fell. “Go have fun, bye baby” she hung the phone up, staring down at it.
“Man, ice cream sounds good” Eddie tried to joke, which earned him a small laugh. He figured that was win enough.
She wiped the tears with the back of her hand and sniffed, “let me get ready” he slowly took his hand off her back and nodded, moving to let her head towards the bathroom.
Eddie wasn’t sure how long she’d been in there, but when she came out, god. He wasn’t sure she was the same person. “Woah” he breathed out.
“Is it bad?” She began to panic. She hadn’t really dressed up since before having Jovie. She was really second guessing her entire outfit.
he shook his head, “no you look good, I mean you look good either way” he stammered out, causing her to smile.
She blushed, Eddie took note of that. “Thank you” she wasn’t quite used to compliments either. She liked hearing them from Eddie though. That much she did know.
She grabbed her purse off the table, looking through it, grabbing her wallet. Deciding she didn’t need the whole bag. “You ready?” Eddie nodded. The two headed out the door
Chapter 4
Taglist: @mewchiili
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suckerfordylansstuff · 11 months
New Journey (S.H.) Epilogue Season 1
Pairing: (eventual) Steve Harrington x henderson!reader
Summary: The beggining of the story. How did Y/n Henderson get herself into this mess? How did she deal with the loss of a dear friend and how will she survive the bullies and monsters?
Warnings: swearing, blood
Notes: This is it! The first season is officially over people! Next up we have season 4, which might take a little time to start uploading the chapters because the story plot is big and I want to make sure I don't miss any details and that everything is plausible and enjoyable in the story. I have half of the chapters ready but I constantly keep changing things to make it better, so bear with me. Enjoy! 💕
Gif not mine
Chapter 7 << Masterlist >> Season 2 Prologue
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After calming down, you decided you should go back to the middle school to check on the kids. You and Jonathan rode together, while Nancy got into Steve’s car to try and explain what had just happened to them on the way there.
The ride was silent. You weren’t sure what topic you could discuss after fighting an interdimensional monster. So you just settled on the passenger's seat, closing your eyes for just a moment until you arrived at the school. You were certain that by leaving the kids behind you were doing the right thing. You all had agreed that inside the gymnasium they would be far away from any kind of trouble. But your luck was terrible.
Arriving at Hawkins Middle and seeing all the police cars and ambulances, almost felt like a stroke. Before Jonathan could even park the car, you were out of your seat, running around the parking lot, searching for the kids. Searching for Dustin.
You spot Dustin and Lucas sitting on one of the ambulances and you make a bee line to get to them. You couldn’t even feel the tears that were falling from your eyes as he turned to see you, his eyes opening wide.
“Y/n, you won’t believe wha-” he began speaking only to get interrupted by your arms hugging his small frame.
“I’m sorry… I’m so sorry for leaving.” you were sobbing, your faced smushed on his curly head of hair “Are you okay? Are you hurt? Lucas, are you okay? What happened?” you couldn’t stop asking questions, panic rising inside you as began looking all over Dustin’s body for any injuries as well as Lucas’s, but thankfully didn’t find anything out of place.
“Y/n, we’re fine, we’re okay.” your brother reassured you, taking ahold of your hands, so they would stop trembling.
“Okay, good- Wait. What about Mike? Where is he?”
“He’s over there with his parents.” Lucas pointed to your left and you turned to see him in Karen’s arms.
He looked alright as well, but there was one more kid missing “And Eleven? Where is she?”
The look on Dustin’s face made it clear that not everything was okay.
So you sat down between the boys, Jonathan joining you after a few minutes, while you listened to the kids explain what had happened when you left. How the bad men came to take Eleven, how she stopped them with her powers, but also how the blood from the bodies attracted the Demogorgon to them.
He described to you the battle between the creature and Eleven and finally, he tries to explain the fact that she just vanished into thin air, both your friend and the monster.
You felt awful. You felt like you betrayed them. You didn’t manage to kill the creature, so you didn’t protect the kids and you didn’t save Eleven. This was all your fault. You were going to miss that little girl and her peculiar powers, and as much as you hated the fact that she was gone, you couldn’t help but feel relieved that the rest of the kids were safe, you couldn’t help but thank her for her sacrifice.
Your next stop was the hospital where you also reunited with Hopper, Joyce, and Will, who was unconscious, but alive. Relief surrounded you now that everything was finally over. The Demogorgon was dead, and Will was rescued, you could finally breathe again. Your mother was called when the police had arrived at the school, but as Dustin told you, she didn’t answer, which meant she was having another late shift. After discussing with Hopper what to say, you decided to wait until you got back
As they were treating Will, a couple of nurses called upon you, Nancy, Jonathan, and Steve to treat the cuts you all had around your bodies. The moment Jonathan was free to go, he rushed back into Will’s room, while the rest of you made your way back to the waiting area.
You didn’t know how long you were waiting for Will to wake up. You were sitting in one of the most uncomfortable chairs you had ever sat your ass on with Dustin’s head on top of your left shoulder while Lucas’s on top of your right one, both of them sleeping and snoring. You could feel sleep calling for you too, your body aching for it, but you couldn’t sleep now, you had to wait for Will to wake up.
At one point Jonathan came back with the news you were all anxiously waiting for as he nodded towards Mike, which made him jump off his seat and shake his friends to wake up “Guys. Guys, he’s up. Will is up. Guys, Will’s up.”
The shaking surely made you more awake and get out of your seat while the kids started running to Will’s room. You walked over to Jonathan with a small smile and hugged him, his arms returning the hug before walking after the kids. You stopped and leaned on the doorframe, looking fondly over at the party reunited again. Seeing Will awake brought tears to your eyes, his gaze on you making you smile widely at him and give him a little wave.
After a while, you felt your throat drying so you walked over to the vending machine to buy a soda, but the stupid thing decided to eat the only money you had on you.
“Come on, you piece of shit.” you hit it in exaggeration when a voice interrupted you.
“Here, let me.” when your head turned around to look at your savior you definitely didn’t expect Steve, but here he was putting a dollar on the machine, asking you what you wanted, and handing you your soda. You took it silently and leaned against the wall as you opened and drank it. You watched as he took a small cup, ready to fill it with coffee when you felt the need to warn him.
“I wouldn’t drink that if I were you.”
“Why not?” you thought his tone was going to be sarcastic but his concerned eyes made you realize this wasn’t the case.
“It’s awful. I've had it before and it just isn’t worth your time. That’s why I am settling for a sugary soda. At least it will keep me awake for a little longer.”
He nodded at your words, and set the cup back down, getting another dollar from his pocket, and buying a soda for himself. You expected him to return back to the waiting room, thinking he had accomplished his goal here, but you frowned when you saw him leaning like you on the wall opposite of yours.
You tried not to show it, but you couldn’t help but wonder, why the hell was he sitting here with you? You didn’t like him, and you were certain, after your fight and Jonathan and his fight, he didn’t like you either. You debated to just walk away and return to the waiting room, not feeling the need to have more small talk about what the fuck had happened, but a memory stopped you. You remembered him back at the Byers’ with the bat in his hands, hitting the Demogorgon and saving you from getting torn into pieces, and as much as you thought he was a dickhead for everything he has done, you couldn't ignore his actions back there. If it weren’t for him things probably would have been a lot different.
So you took a deep breath, pushed your pride down and opened your mouth “Hey, uh… I just wanted to say thank you…” you looked up and saw him frown at your words as if he didn’t understand why you were thanking him “You know, for earlier.”
His eyes shot open the moment he realized what you were referring to “Oh, yeah, yeah, no problem. I was nothing.”
“Well, if it weren’t for you, I would have died so I don’t think it was nothing. So… yeah, thanks.” you looked back down at your soda, wishing the ground would swallow you up after that awkward interaction. 
Steve however couldn’t help but smirk as he watched you “How much did it kill you to say that?”
“A lot.” you admitted truthfully, but you both started snickering under your breaths “You have no idea.”
“That’s okay, I get it. I- I also need to apologize for acting like a dick before. I swear I am done with Tommy H. and Carol and with the whole ‘king’ stuff.”
“Yeah, right.” you scoffed and looked up to see his serious eyes watching you closely as you rolled your own “Oh, come on. They follow you around like lost puppies. There is no way you are getting rid of them and your fame.” you said before taking a sip from your soda.
Steve simply nodded at your words before clearing his throat “They will after I left them stranded at the Fair Mart.” a small smirk lining his lips when he saw how surprised you were at his actions.
“You didn’t.” you gasped at his words, fairly surprised that you didn’t want to hit your head on the wall after talking to him so much.
“Yeah. they were talking shit like usual, and I just realized how annoying they were being. Which made me realize that’s how the rest of you see me too, and I didn’t like that. I didn’t want Nance to see me like that.” his smile faded as his words became more honest. You never thought you were going to be having an actual meaningful conversation with the Steve Harrington, but you had to admit, you almost liked this side of him. The one that wasn’t screaming jackass in all directions. And you appreciated the fact that he wanted to change for your friend, so you decided to give him the second chance he was searching for.
“Well, if you keep making their lives a living hell, I will definitely consider changing my mind about you.” you said cheekily making him chuckle.
“Giving you my word, Henderson.” he joked back, which made your smile wider.
“Cheers to that.” you raised your sodas and drank them together.
One month later
You couldn’t believe it. You were literally driving your new car and you still couldn’t believe it.
After a year of working, you had saved the amount your mom had told you you needed to split the price and the day before Christmas you bought your new (well used but it didn’t matter to you) car. It felt great to have something of your own and the feeling you had as you drove down the road, made every annoying customer worth it.
You were glad you didn’t have to deal with any more of the customer’s bitter remarks. After you told your mom you had the money, she made you promise her that you would now focus on your classes, especially since next year you were graduating. So the next day you went back to the diner and parted ways with Mr. Miller promising to come for breakfast on the weekends with Dustin as much as you could.
It almost felt weird that life carried on like nothing had happened last month. No one knew what had truly happened, the government doing its job and keeping it under racks like it was nothing. It felt weird the first few weeks, going to school, and talking to people who didn’t know you had fought an actual monster, but maybe that’s exactly what you needed to let it in the past, to forget that it had ever happened, to pretend like its growl wasn’t still haunting your dreams.
That’s what you were thinking as you drove to the Wheeler’s house. The party was having another campaign and you were on your way to pick Dustin up after he spent the whole day with his friends. When you parked the car and got out you saw the front door open and smiled at how cheerful Will looked after the campaign. Jonathan followed after him, carrying a box in his hands.
“Hey, guys!” you smiled and made your way through the light snow that had fallen, careful not to slip.
“Y/n! You won’t believe what happened in the end! The thessalhydra appeared and I rolled a fourteen and- and fireballed him and we won!” you couldn’t help but giggle at his excitement, glad to see him so happy after everything he’s been through.
“Wow, well done! Next time make sure to save me a seat.”
“Yep. The courageous High Elf, Erida, will accompany you to yet another adventure.” you jokingly vowed before him and he responded as he laughed. You smiled and turned to look at Jonathan, trying to take a look at the present in his hands “And what loot does this traveler hold?” you kept your speech theatrical, liking the effect it had on Will.
“Oh, this… It’s- It’s nothing.” Jonathan tried to dismiss it but Will was always ready to give you every information you needed.
“Nancy gave it to him.”
“Oh. Nancy, huh?” you smirked at Jonathan who was now avoiding your eyes completely.
After all of you had a couple of days to relax, you went over to Jonathan’s to apologize for all the secrecy you held during everything. You explained the situation involving Eleven and as the tears started gathering in your eyes at her memory, you felt his arms pulling you into a hug, telling you it was okay. You calmed down and continued to talk when you eventually brought up him and Nancy. Maybe you were imagining things but you had to ask him if something had changed in him about her. He told you you were crazy and nothing had changed other than just being better friends, but you saw his blush.
Nancy was now officially with Steve, but deep down you could feel it wasn’t going to last forever. Although for now, you had decided to drop it, only annoying Jonathan with your thoughts from time to time.
“Okay, I think it’s time for us to go.” he asked when he opened the door to let Will in.
“Fine, fine. Say hello to Joyce for me.” you called after them and waved goodbye to the two brother before knocking the front door.
You only waited a few seconds for Karen to answer and invite you inside, your feet immediately heading for the basement. You walked down the stairs but stopped when you saw the sight before you. Both Dustin and Lucas were on the floor with their limbs tangled up.
“Hey, Y/n.” they said in unison when they spotted you.
“I am not going to ask what happened. Ready to go, big guy?”
“Yes. Next time make the campaign longer!” he pointed his finger at Mike, grabbing his bag and heading to you.
“Also, I wanna play next time. Will you have me?”
“Heck yeah!”
“Erida returns!”
You laughed at their exclaims “Alright, Merry Christmas, boys. And please, open a window in here. It stinks.”
“Yeah, Dustin’s farts stink.” you stopped Dustin from going back down to defend his honor and instead pushed him up the stairs “Wait. Let me wish Nancy a Merry Christmas as well and then we’ll go.”
“Make it quick. I’m hungry.” you ignored his whining and left to search for Nancy, finally finding her in the living room cuddled up with Steve.
“Sorry to interrupt, lovebirds. Just came to wish you a Merry Christmas.”
“Merry Christmas, Y/n.” you opened your arms to welcome her hug as she stood up and walked towards you. Steve just gave you a smile and a wave as he returned the wish, not yet comfortable with anything else.
“Hey, do you wanna stay for a bit?” Nancy asked you “Call your mom to pick you up? We don’t want you riding home with fresh snow falling.”
“Ah, that would be now problem anymore.” you had a sly smile on your face and because she didn’t understand what you were talking about you grabbed her hand and walked over to the window that had a clear view of your car.
“Shut up. It looks great.” Nancy announced excitedly.
“My Christmas gift to myself.”
“That’s a nice set of wheels, Henderson. I’m impressed.” Steve told you after he joined you two by the window.
“Why you sounding surprised, Harrington? I know my stuff.” you were ready for a playful banter when Dustin’s voice to hurry up gave you your cue to leave.
You wished them goodnight and opened the passenger’s door for the impatient Dustin to get in, before opening your own and starting the car.
“I still don’t understand what she sees in him.” you heard him mutter.
“Nancy. Isn’t Steve a bully? Why does she like him?” you couldn't help but smirk at how miserable and disappointed your brother looked at this very moment. It's incredible how delusional you can be at that age.
“He’s not that bad anymore, and don’t forget that without him you wouldn’t have a sister anymore.” you stole a glance to see him frowning which made you chuckle “Oh, come on. I bet you’ll have your chance one day.”
“No, but it’s important to have dreams.” he stuck out his tongue at you while you laughed.
You arrived back home quickly and began preparing the dining table to eat with your family. While you sat on your chair and looked around, you were grateful to be alive and well. Grateful Dustin was also okay, even though you still catch him crying in secret but always hiding it so he would not concern you. Grateful to let everything in the past and forget about the Upside Down and the Demogorgon. Ready to start living your once again normal life.
If you want to be tagged just ask!
Taglist:   @bookscoffeandotherstuff @i-am-the-coffee-queen @bi-andready-tocry​ @enchantedcruelsummer​ @daddystevee​ @elite4cekalyma @hayadora​ @hannarudick​ @thecaptainsgingersnap​ @lookalivesunshine-x​ @sarasmismyonlydefence​ @astream-ofconsciousness​ @the-haikyuu-hoe ​​ @mileven-reddie @mochminnie​​ @synonymforlame @teamkiall ​​ @samanthadegaro​​ @the-passionate-freak​​ @thesailbells​​ @i-mmunity​​ @marvelouspottering @mrs-diggory @mydarlingharry @beepbeephargrove @mikariell95 @sweetdreamsshifter @paninipress @anolddayslover @10minutesofscreentime @bookfrog242 @onecrazydirectioner @harrycanyonmoonn @grippleback-galaxy @doctorsgirl262 @mayonesavegana @inkpot-winters @le-who-zer-her  @mysticgardenpolice @untitledarea
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sexwithnocondom · 9 months
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I realize it's been a while since I've dropped anything, but I have a ton of series in my storage.
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wintersxani · 1 year
𝙄 𝙣𝙚𝙚𝙙 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙩𝙤 𝙠𝙣𝙤𝙬 𝙞𝙩 | Steve Harrington x fem!reader
Warning(s): post battle of starcourt, trauma, mentions of death, use of y/n
Word Count: 1050
Characters: Steve Harrington, Robin Buckley, Eleven, mentions of Billy Hargrove, Dustin Henderson, Jim Hopper, Joyce Byers, Max Mayfield
Summary: You and Steve comfort each other after the Battle of Starcourt.
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Everything was quiet. Sirens were wailing as government men ran by from all directions, but you couldn't hear any of it as you sat on the opened back of an ambulance. Your whole body was shaking, and your busted lip was numb, thanks to the Russians you had been interrogated by just a few hours prior. A medic had tended to it, but the pain had remained. Slowly, you turned your head to look for Steve and Robin, who had shared the fear you felt in that bunker.
Steve's face was still bruised and swollen from the beating he received whilst Robin's eyes were glued to the gravel below her feet, unable to process all the information she had just had to take in, nor the sights she had to witness. Though you knew of everything associated with Eleven and the Upside Down since you started dating Steve and got roped in last year due to being in the right place, but wrong time with him and Dustin Henderson, nothing could've prepared you for the fear you'd have felt tonight.
Starcourt had been a new opportunity and experience for both you and your boyfriend, and Scoops had been a place that you'd find comfort at. Now, just it's association to the mall would remind you of what was beneath, and how Billy Hargrove and Jim Hopper both lost their lives within. The unearthly sounds of the now deceased mind flayer would ring through your ears as you shut your eyes tightly, fighting off the urge to crawl into a ball.
As a hand rested on your shoulder, you jolted, facing the boy you loved dearly. Seeing his face up close made you wince, as had his fearful expression. He, just like you, was at a loss for words. While your head had been silent, his was roaring. From your wails and pleas as you watched those Russians throw punch after punch to the fireworks and screams of the late Hargrove boy, silence was a stranger to him. "They... they said we can go home now." He muttered, his voice hoarse. A couple hours ago, the thought of being back home and in bed was all you had wished for, but you doubted you'd be able to sleep now.
You whispered a small 'ok' in reply, allowing him to help you come to a stance. Your eyes remained ahead, unable to look to your surroundings or block out the sound of Eleven crying for who had become her father figure. You couldn't imagine what she or Max was feeling right now; loneliness was something you prayed you'd never have to face. "Steve-" You managed to say as the two of you approached his car. Someone had luckily retrieved his car keys as they found Joyce and Murray, returning them to their rightful owner. He turned to face you quickly, eyes searching your face out of instinct. "I don't want to go home." Your lip trembled as you stated this, tears beginning to sting your eyes. He nodded to you, understanding what you really were saying instantly.
The two of you sat on his bed within his empty house. The silence was overbearing, but it didn't feel right to try and fill it. As you looked to your hands, you remembered looking over the hand rails of the second floor, watching as Billy had his flesh ripped, blood spewing from his lips and open wounds littering the tiled floor. How the mindflayer made of people you grew up with and knew distantly screeched and roared as the booming fireworks you and others threw sizzled its flesh. Then there was the cries and silence once Joyce had closed the gate. July 4th was something you had been excited about almost every year, making it an annual tradition to go to the fair with friends and family. You didn't think you could bear hearing fireworks on the next.
Steve's hand rested on your shaking ones as he brought them into his grasp, scooching closer to your shaking figure. Naturally, you rested your head on his shoulder, allowing him to hold you. There had been a second in that bunker where you thought it would be the last night of your life. That second made you realize how much you held back, and the regret you had felt was palpable. "I love you." You declared as a tear slid down your cheek, and over your nose. You hadn't said it before, but he had. "I... I wish I had said it sooner."
His grasp tightened around your hands at this as his own eyes started to water, burning his beaten eye. "I might've never gotten the chance, and I- I need you to know it, now."
"I know. I've known." He whispered, kissing the top of your head. You pulled back to face him as your lip trembled; "How do we go on after this?"
"I want to say like- like we always do... but I don't know." He admits, eyes falling to your intertwined hands. "I've never been scared like this before." You revealed as his eyes moved back to meet yours. "I know that this is... over with, and the gate is closed again... but I can't get the images out of my head. Can't forget the fear I felt in that bunker. Watching helplessly as you... as they hurt you... just like watching Hargrove- it doesn't feel like we're safe-"
"I know, I know y/n. It doesn't feel like a win... but we did. We won."
"I just hate that I can't shake the feeling that it's not over. That something is going to happen in the middle of the night. I hate being afraid Steve, feeling helpless."
His arms wrap around your body, holding you close to him as he rests his chin over your head. "I know love. I'm sorry." He coos, unable to shake the same feeling he shared with you. Knowing he can't protect you from everything, like the dread you also felt, killed him. Though he didn't say it, you knew it. "I'm right here with you. I'm always going to be right here." One of his hands rubbed your back as the other cradled the back of your head. In return, you held him tightly, nodding. "We'll get through this, together."
➺ Masterlist | 𝐒𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
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