#will i ever shut up about younger ben looking up to luther ?
sixtacles · 2 years
the weight of expectations ,       far too heavy for anyone to carry   —   one and six ,        first and last in everyone’s eyes    (    everyone but them :         what an irony that of a secret number seven ,       present only in theory   ) .       they're not close by any means ,       but it's with a curious sort of  ...    admiration for his brother that ben sits near him ,      an open book resting on his knees :        how can a person stay so strong even in the face of misfortune itself ?        not in the physical sense    (    though that ,     too ,     ben can’t help but think of as a virtue :         the distant memory of sneaking out ,     years ago ,     of dragging allison and klaus to a book store and reading all about muscled superheroes much like their number one in old comic books .          hey ,    the fuckers are copying us ,         klaus had said .       it seemed true back then   ) ,        but more like how ben feels after summoning them    —   this cruel ,    head - spinning ,     nauseating tiredness that he’s seen on each of his siblings before .       but never on luther ,       no .        
half of the time it’s difficult to know whether to feel resentful of the fact ,       or glad that his brother manages to pull himself together easier than the rest of them .          “    diego says they got you pretty good ,   ”      he starts ,       a nonchalance to his tone that does not meet his eyes .       another sucessful mission  —  another set of bruises to add to the collection ,       what’s new ?        “    are you okay ?   ”
@moonexile       ♡
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raineydays411 · 3 years
Trauma really does bond
The umbrella academy x teen!reader
Summary: It’s time for you to meet your siblings. But what happen when your introductions don’t exactly go as planned?
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You were trembling as you walked behind Pogo and Grace. Its ironic, you’ve waited your whole life for this moment. To finally meet your siblings and expand your family. A childish hope of your siblings one day returning to the mansion and accepting you with open arms. 
But now that you actually have a chance to meet them, you’re terrified. You realized that you have no idea how to talk to people. It’s different than when you talk to Pogo or your mother. These are complete strangers. No matter how many stories you’ve been told, how many times you read Vanyas book, you truly didn’t know these people. How were you meant to be a family? How are you supposed to-
“Y/n? Dear?” 
You’re snapped from your thoughts by your mother calling you.
“Yes, momma?”
“Momma? Pogo, who’s that?”
You turn, again surprised by an unfamiliar voice. There she was. Alison Hargreeves. She’s beautiful. 
Her hair is curly and blonde, with beautiful high cheekbones and glowing brown skin. Her as were kind even as she squinted at you skeptically in confusion.
“Alison, this is Y/n Hargreeves, or Number Eight. She’s your sister.”
Grace again gives you a light nudge, and you move in front of her. It was then that you realized that you are shorter than Alison, having to glance up to meet her eyes. 
“My sister?” She looks at you in disbelief, “How come we didn’t know? This wasn’t mentioned by the press or anything...” 
“Your father decided to keep our dear Y/n a secret.” Grace said wrapping her arm around you, “ She’s been our little secret for 17 years and 4 months.” 
“A secret? But why? I mean, what was the reason?”
“Your father, believed that the world wasn’t ready for a new superhero. Nor was Y/n ready to face the world.” Pogo said with a grim face, “ He had hoped though, that one day he would be able to take her out...but it seems that for now, Y/n shall remain inside.”
You frowned, holding back tears at the thought. You didn’t know that your father had wanted to let you out, nor that he wanted to be there when you were. But, what truly upset you, was that you had to stay in the mansion. Freedom was at the tip of your fingers and you didn’t even know it.
“Stay inside? You mean she’s never been outside?” Alison said horrified.
“Well she has been out in the courtyard and such, but Mr. Hargreeves prohibited her to leave the premises. Nor was she allowed to be in contact with the citizens”
“She’s been here all alone?” Alison asks sadly, “ With no one to talk to? No one her age?” 
“I’m afraid not” Pogo says sadly, looking at you.
You didn’t understand the big deal. Of course you were lonely, and wanted to explore the world, but you knew why you had to stay. You can just hear your fathers words.
“You have a duty Number Eight. A duty to your people and to me. It may not be ideal but sacrifices are hardly ideal.”
And everytime you thought about leaving, you’d remember his words and stay put. Besides you wouldn’t dare disobey your father.
Not after the last time.
“Well,” Alison says gently, leaning down to your eye level, “ Hello Y/n, I’m Alison Hargreeves, your big sister.”
Your eyes widened at her words as your heart filled with joy. For so many years  you imagined those words. You wondered how this whole thing would play out, how meeting your siblings might be. And to hear Alison so readily accept you, it brought tears to your eyes.
“Hello, Alison” You say beaming as you carefully step forward, “ I’ve been waiting a long time to meet you, Momma says you live in California, what is it like?” 
Alison smiles at your question, your demeanor like a small child. It reminded her of Claire...
“It’s very nice, maybe when we have time I’ll be able to tell you all about it.” 
Your smile widens as you turn to your mother excitedly, she smiles back and says, “ That sounds wonderful dear, but you should go and change. You know the rules. You don’t want your father finding you in your night clothes, now would you?”
You furrow your brows,” Momma...”
“No buts now march” She says with a grin. You smile at Alison but see the worried look on her face. 
“So she did notice how weird momma acting” You think to yourself. You stay in a daze as you walk towards your room. Worrying about your mother, grieving your father, and thinking about how you’re finally meeting all your siblings. Then as you turn a corner into the hallway that leads to your room, you’re knocked to the ground as you bump into a wall of a body.
“Ow!” you squeal as you hit the ground, rubbing the back of your head and peering up at the person you bumped into.
“Uh..sorry Y/n” 
“Luther!” You shout, your pain overridden by the happiness you felt at seeing your brother, one that actually knows you exist.
He helps you up, which to him is like picking up a feather, and  before he knew it, your arms are wrapped around his midsection. Luther awkwardly pats your back, not really expecting to be hugged.
“It's great to see you Luther! I read all your mission reports, or rather the ones that Father let me read. I always wished you good night though! Pogo always caught me looking at the moon with that telescope, I hope you don’t mind that I used it. It's just that I missed you so-” Your happy ramblings cut off by a Luther clearing his throat.
“Ahem...right, um hey Y/n, I gotta go...check on something.” He says gently pushing you away, “It was nice seeing you though.”
And with that he walks away, leaving you in the hallway as you stare at his retreating form.
“oh...okay then! I’ll see...see you later.” You say, disheartened by his brief acknowledgement. You sigh, walking into your room. 
“I don’t know why I try...” You mumble to yourself. “ It’s not like he was ever happy to see me before.”
You go into your closet, trying to figure out what to wear. Usually, Grace picked out your outfits, ordered by your father, but she didn’t leave anything out for you today. So, you settled for a black turtleneck sweater, a black and white plaid skirt, black knee high socks with some mary janes. It wasn’t really your go to look, but you felt like it was appropriate given the circumstance. You let your hair loose, curls falling into your face as you let it out of the bun you quickly put it in. 
You go to walk out of the room when you’re stopped by a gleam. You see the necklace your father gave to you after the incident. You stare at it, debating on whether you should put it on or not. You sigh, deciding to wear it, it was his funeral after all. You put it on, the cold metal never truly seem to heat up, the pendant heavy on your chest. You never grew attached to it. It just served as a reminder that you’re stuck in the mansion. You can never leave. Not until he let you and now...
You shake your head. Trying not to get into your thoughts, that's when you heard it. Little scratching at your window. You turn to see Despereaux, the little mouse  you saved when you were younger. Ever since that day it was like you and him formed a bond.
You open the window excited to see your little friend.
“Hello Despereaux, it’s been a while since I’ve seen you.” You whisper as you let him climb on to your shoulder. “ you’ve missed quite a bit since I’ve last seen you. How about some cheese?”
You walk out of your room, Despereaux nestled on your shoulder. As you walk through the long hallways, you bump into another body.
“Ouch, again?” You whisper to yourself, rubbing your forehead.
“Hey watch it...teenage girl?” A male voice said in a perplexed tone. 
You look up to see a man in some rather tight clothes and kohl ringed eyes.
“Hello” You quietly mutter with a soft smile. “I’m Y/n”
“You are adorable.” The man says, “ Where has the old man been hiding you?” 
You blush looking down at your feet, you were never really complimented. Only by Grace.
“ Aww” The man squeals, squishing you to his body. He smelled like booze and sweat but the hug was nice, “ I have no idea who you are but I’m your uncle Klaus from now on.”
“You’re Klaus?” You say excitedly, “ I’m so glad to meet you!” 
You wrap your arms around him, feeling the outline of something hard and metal in the back of his pants. You ignored it though, happy to meet another one of your siblings.
“Ugh it’s so nice to be around someone who isn’t a total stick in the mud.” Klaus says letting go of you, “ Like Luther, all that rage in that big body” 
You giggle at his words and eccentric behavior. It was a stark contrast to the ridgid stoic behavior that you’re used to. Klaus’ grand gestures and silly nature was new to you.
“I’ve heard alot about you.” You say happily, “ Mama always tells me stories about how you used to steal  her shoes and skirts and Father said--”
“Father?” Klaus asked, “ You mean ol’ Reggie bought you too? Or are you like..his offspring? Eww! I don’t want to think about that, shut up Ben.”
“Father adopted me, I was born with powers like you.” You clarify for him. 
“Huh, so he managed to create another trauma case before he croaked.” Klaus said in a light voice, “Well. I always wanted a little sister.”
You smile, glad that at least two of your siblings liked you. But what did he mean by trauma case.
“Anywho, I have some... inheritance I need to collect. I, will see you at the funeral, das Kind” 
And with a wiggle of his fingers he was off, gone as quick as when you met him. Leaving you yet again, alone. You shrug off his odd behavior when you heard two voices speaking. 
“ah no, not to my knowledge.”
“But..the spine is broken and there's notes in the margins.”
“ Yes, that would be the work of.. ah Y/n, there you are.”
You jump in surprise, although you should’ve know. You can never eavesdrop with Pogo around.
You walk down the stairs, slowly towards Pogo and.. Vanya!
Out of all the siblings, she’s the one you wanted to meet the most. She, like you was isolated in this mansion. You felt a connection to her as soon as you were able to pick up that book. Your heart raced as you made it to the final step, reaching the first flower and into the living room where Vanya and Pogo were talking. You can see that she is shocked, as all your other siblings were.
“Pogo, who is this?” 
“Go ahead dear, introduce yourself. Just like you practiced.”
You smile widely, “Hi I’m Y/n Hargreeves, I love your book. I’ve read it almost five times now.  You’re Vanya! I’ve been waiting to meet you! You look exactly like the picture on the back of the book! It really is a good book, I-”
“Y/n, take a breath. Let her get a word in.” Pogo chuckled, glad to see that you’re comfortable around Vanya. 
“Oh, right. I’m sorry, father did always say I..tend to talk to much” You say looking down at your shoes. You didn’t notice the frown on both Pogo and Vanyas face.
“You...you read my book?” Vanya asked, still trying to figure out who you are.
“Yes, multiple times. It...well, besides the stories Mama and Pogo told me, this was the only way I got to know all of you.”
“Why didn’t you just come find us?” 
“Oh well..I wasn’t really allowed outside”, you say glancing at Pogo, “ Father said the world and I weren’t ready for each other.”
“You mean, you’ve been alone...all these year?”
“No, not totally alone! I had Pogo, and Mama, and and father too. Plus there were the robots he built, although I did destroy them...and the books and and..”
“Y/n...that’s..that’s not..” Vanya stopped herself. She knew that this must be a sensitive subject for you. The way you listed everyone in your life was practiced. Like you’ve said it to yourself over and over again. And by the grim look on Pogos face, she can tell it wasn’t only you who was sensitive about this subject.
“Well, Y/n..perhaps you should go on in the kitchen and help your mother. Your siblings will be meeting here shortly, it would be nice if they had some snacks, don’t you agree?” Pogo says, forcing a smile at you.
“Oh! Okay” You beam, “ It was nice meeting you Vanya!” 
And with that you scurry off into the kitchen, leaving Vanya and Pogo behind in silence.
“She’s been alone for...” 
“For seventeen years. Yes”
“You know your father...once he made up his mind...there was little I can do.”
Vanya sighs and pats Pogo on the shoulder, “It’s good to see you Pogo.”
You skip into the kitchen, seeing your mother humming at the sink. You walk up to her and notice that she’s cleaning the same plate over and over again.
“Hi momma!” you say suddenly
“Oh, hello dear. What are you doing in here?” Grace asks putting the plate in the drying rack.
Pogo said it would be nice to make snacks for my siblings” You ask, then feeling movement around your neck, “Oh and some cheese please.”
You forgot Despereaux was on your shoulder, its a wonder that no one has seen him yet.
“hmm snacks we can do.” Grace says with a smile. She goes to the fridge and pulls out some cheese.
“How about some cheese and crackers? Its simple.” she says, “ ans Despereaux here can have his fill as well”
You freeze, caught again by your mother, “ Thanks momma.” 
You both giggle, and side by side you work on cutting the cheese and presenting the crackers. You feel a sense of calm wash over you. You usually do when you’re around your mother. She makes you feel safe. 
You both turn to see Diego in the kitchen doorway.
“Diego dear, you startled us.” Grace said with a smile, “ Come help, we’re making you kids some snacks.”
He barely spares a glance at you.
“Pogo wanted me to come tell you that the meetings starting.”
“Oh, well go on darling, run along and I’ll bring out the snacks later.”
And with that she kisses your forehead and waves you away. She turns back to the  sink and starts humming again. 
You glance back at Diego. He’s glaring at the wall and to be honest you’re surprised he even waited for you. You pick up Despereaux and put him on your shoulder again, and grab some grapes and cheese then stuff it in your skirt pocket. Then you walk up to Diego with a small smile. 
He glances at you and scoffs, then walks away. You have to jog to catch up to him.
“You uh, you walk pretty fast” You say huffing a bit. 
He doesn’t answer you, he just keeps walking in the same pace. You stay silent as well, the trip to the living room longer than you remember.
You finally make it, and you see all your siblings in the room, spread out. You take a seat next to Vanya. You smile at her and take a glance around the room. Luther is sat at the couch across from you and Vanya. Allison and Diego are sat on some chairs, and Klaus is at the bar. 
The six of you sit in an awkward silence until Luther clears his throat.
“ So I guess we should get this started.” He says standing up, “ So I figured we can have sort of a memorial service. At the courtyard at sundown, say a few words. At dad’s favorite spot.”
You nod along and hear Alison speak up, “ Dad had a favorite spot?”
“Yeh at the oak tree, we used to sit out there all the time. None of you did that?” Luther asks.
“Oh yeah, after training” you chime in, causing the adults to look at you. You heard Diego scoff again and saw Luther quickly furrow his brow then smooth out his face again.
“Will there be refreshments?” Klaus asks walking out from behind the bar, “ Tea? Scones? Cucumber sandwiches are always a winner.” 
He goes to take a seat next to you when Luther speaks up
“What? No, and put that out. You know dad didn’t allow smoking in here.”
You roll your eyes. If you had to choose one thing to hate about Luther, you’d choose his insistent need to always be on your Father's good side. He can be such a downer sometimes.
“Is that my skirt?”
You hadn’t even noticed Klaus in the skirt. If you had to be honest, it did really suit him. You let out a small laugh, hearing Klaus mention his “bits”.
“Listen up.”
Oh boy, you’ve heard this tone before. You really forgot how stern Luther could be.
“There’s still some important things that we need to discuss alright ?”
“Um Luther” you squeak out, “ what more is there to talk about? Its not like Father had many friends we can invite. And his only family is us...”
“Yeah. The kids right, what else is there to discuss?” Diego asks.
You turn to him in surprise, this is basically the first time he acknowledged you unprompted. You send him a smile that, as expected, he ignores.
Oh well, small steps.
“ The way he died.”
“ And here we go”
You scrunch your eyebrows, “the way he died?”
Klaus sits next to you, throwing an arm around your shoulder as Vanya speaks up,
“I don’t understand, I thought they said it was a heart attack...”
“A heart attack?” You ask, realizing that no one’s really did tell you how your father died..
You’re question gained a suspicious look from Luther and confusion from the rest.
“ Y/n...you didn’t know?” Alison asked gently.
“ no one told me...” You say quietly, feeling nervous from the sudden attention.
“Well, According or to the coroner it was.” Luther continues.
“Well wouldn’t they know?”
You don’t understand. You don’t understand why nobody told you how your father died. You don’t understand why everyone was acting weird. And you don’t understand why Luther was bringing this up.
You feel a hand on your forearm, breaking you from your thoughts. You turn your head to see Klaus.
“ you lost in space?” He whispers playfully, “ I would be too, having to listen to Detective Daddy issues over here.”
You let out a small chuckle and whisper back, “ well technically we all have daddy issues.”
This earned you a quiet laugh and a pat on the arm. Then Klaus went to drink whatever was in his cup. And you tuned in again.
“ i’m just saying at the very least something happened. ” Luther says looking around the room, “ The last time I talk to dad he sounded strange.”
“Oh quelle surprise!” Klaus gurgles through his drink.
The rest of the adult ignored him, only sparing him a quick glance.
“Strange how?” Alison asked, continuing the conversation.
“ he sounded on edge”, Luther said, “ told me to be careful who to trust.”
He then gave you pointed look. You looked back at him perplexed, not knowing why he looked at you that way.
“Luther,” Diego chimed in, “ he was a paranoid, bitter old man who was starting to lose what was left of his marbles. ”
You frown at that statement. Sure your father was old and sort of eccentric, but his mind was sharp.
But come to think of it he was acting really weird the week before he died. He started telling you more about your siblings, about your place in the world and how you were meant to help it. He spent more time with you more than he ever has your whole life. He was, in his own way, nicer to you. Nicer in training, nicer on your free time, nicer in general. He took you out to the old oak tree more often, and just sat there with you, no lectures, no tirades, he just sat in silence.
It was almost like... like he knew he was going to die. 

“I can’t just call dad in the afterlife and be like, “ hey dad can you stop playing tennis with Hitler really quick and take a quick call?’” Klaus says exasperatedly.
Oh right you forgot, he can talk to ghosts.
“ since when? that’s your thing.” Luther asks
“ i’m not in the right... Frame of mind!!” 
“ You’re high?” Alison asks
“Yeah!” Klaus laughs, “ Who wouldn’t be listening to this nonsense. Right kiddo?”
He nudged you gently look at you for confirmation.
Your eyes widen and before you can even answer Diego cut you off,
“ Don’t bring her in this, she probably isn’t even know what being high is.”
You most certainly do. You’re not a child.
“ Look, just sober up this is important!” Luther demands , then continues on, “ and then there’s the missing monocle.”
“Who gives a shit about the missing monocle?” Diego mutters.
“ Father is missing his monocle?” You ask, getting ignored again.
“Exactly, it’s worthless.” Luther states, “ so whoever took it it must’ve been personal.”
The group starts to actually pay attention to him
“ Someone close to him, someone with a grudge.” He determines.
Wait...he’s not implying..
“Where are you going with this?” Klaus asks
“Oh, isn’t obvious Klaus?” Diego taunts, “ He thinks one of us killed dad.”
Luther grunts, but doesn’t deny his accusation.
The room goes silent as everyone tries to come to terms with what was revealed.
“ Luther...” you start sadly, feeling hurt and betrayed.
“You do?” Klaus asks in disbelief
“How could you think that?” Vanya chimes in
“ is it really that far-fetched?” Luther defends himself, “ I mean, it’s not secret how much you all hate him.”
“Luther.” Alison says sternly
“ That’s not fair accusation, there’s no evidence or anything...” you say defending your siblings, “ Besides, no one came home until today. Trust me, I’d know.”
But that just turned him on you 
“ And where were you when he died?”
Your breath hitched, “ what?”
“ You’re the one who can heal people right? So where were you? Why didn’t you heal him?” He demands, “ Or did you let him die?”
“ Luther!” Alison shouts at him
You stay silent as you can’t think of anything to say. You already felt horrible about not being able to save your father. But yo hear it from Luther...
“I..” you start to say but get choked up. You feel the walls close up around you and the heavy gaze of these adults. You quickly stand up and run out of the room sniffing.
It was then that Luther realized what he just accused you of.
“Y/n wait..” he starts but you’re already gone by the time he spoke up. He turns to the rest of his siblings, facing their glares and betrayed looks.
“ Great job Luther.” Diego says sarcastically, “ Way to lead.”
And with that he walks out the room.
“That’s..that’s not what I’m saying”
“You’re crazy man. You’re crazy.” Klaus said getting up from his spot and grabbing his things. “Crazy”
“I..I wasn’t finished”
“ Okay, sorry I’m just gonna go get Y/n and have her help me murder mom.” Klaus sneers, “ You know, after I get her to stop crying, be right back.”
“That’s not what I was saying!” Luther says, “ I didn’t—“ he cuts himself off, seeing as everyone but Alison left.
Then she gets up to leave, but says this
“ That little girl has had it rough enough growing up here, she doesn’t need anymore from you.”
Then she walks out ignoring what Luther tries to say.
Leaving him all alone.
“That went well.”
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pretend-writer · 3 years
Teenagers: Part 2 (Hargreeves x sibling!reader)
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Summary: Y/N tries to convince her siblings to sneak out of the mansion and go out to party with her for the night.
Pairing: Hargreeves x sibling!reader
Title Reference: Teenagers x My Chemical Romance
Word Count: 2.3k words
Warning: swearing, mention of drugs and alcohol, partying/clubbing, mention of sex
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'So where are these so-called friends that you have, Y/N?' Five asked impatiently, bothering me for the last five minutes.
'Shut up, they're coming. We just got here like two minutes ago.'
Allison smiled, 'Someone is eager to go in.'
Five glared at her, shaking his head. 'Ha, you're funny. I'm just tired of wai-'
'They're here!' I waved at my friends and ran to them, hugging them and greeting them. Getting the wristbands that they've promised me, I got back to my family and gave them one of each.
'How's Five going to get in?' Luther asked, but by the time we looked over at our not so younger brother, he was gone.
Assuming Five just zapped himself into the club, we lined up and got ourselves into the building.
Smiles formed on everyone's face, making me smile even more. I was happy that everyone was excited, my siblings deserved happiness and more.
Klaus clapped, 'I'm starting to sober up and that's a big fat no. Drinks on me, who wants some?'
Ben and Klaus went to the back towards the bar, buying everyone rounds of drinks to bring back. While the rest of us stayed, still no sign of Five, I looked at them and smiled.
'What's with the goofy smile?' Diego asked, I rolled my eyes and hit him. 'What? You're really happy tonight.'
'Of course I am, dummy. I'm out with you guys, what's not to be smiling about?' I pulled on his arm, 'Come on. Let's go to the dance floor.'
'Ha, I'm not dancing. Take others with you instead.'
'Luther is busy with those girls that's surrounding him, Allison and Vanya has been gone and you're the only one looking like a lost, sad puppy.'
'You don't think Luther needs our help?'
I looked over at him and laughed, 'He seems like he's enjoying the attention he's getting from them. He'll be alright. Now let's go.'
Diego rolled his eyes, 'I'll just watch.'
'Don't be a butt, come on.' I pulled on him again, this time he walked with me as he groaned.
We walked down to the dance floor, shoving ourselves through the sweaty crowd as we found Allison, Vanya and Five squeezed together.
'Exactly why is this fun?' Five said as he was sandwiched between two giant guys that were jumping up and down.
Allison turned around, dancing to the music the DJ was playing. 'Get drunk, dance your stress away. We're out the freaking house, Five.'
'Huh?' Five shouted, not being able to hear what Allison had said to him. She ignored him and continued to dance as she grabbed Vanya's hands.
I started to dance with my sisters, singing along and jumping up and down. Diego and Five just stood awkwardly, watching us drunk girls dancing.
'Excuse me, sorry. Ah, my fault.' Ben screamed from behind as he came with three drinks in his hand, followed by Klaus who was sipping from one of the cups.
Klaus handed us our drinks, 'Damn. It took us forever to look for you guys. I saw Luther's big ass but he's with those girls.'
'Our boy is busy.' I grinned as I pulled the straw into my mouth, sipping on my drink to get myself more drunk.
Five started groaning, I looked to see two girls talking to him and wondering how he ended up here. 'Aw, little kid are you lost? Poor thing.'
'No, I'm with them.' He replied angrily, arms crossed as he scooted himself towards Ben.
'Ah, you brought a boy to a club? What is wrong with you guys!' The girl said, given how bad it looked I never consider how it'll look from other perspective.
'Wait, no. It's- let me explain!' Ben stumbled with words, stuttering as he tried to reason with them. 'He- he's just a really really late bloomer. We're all actually in our 20s okay.'
'I'm just stuck in this body as an adult. Don't lie to them!' Five tried to defend himself, although it wouldn't really help with the confusing situation.
Klaus frowned and leaned towards the girls. 'Yeah, he's in denial. Very sensitive subject that we like to avoid.'
The girls nodded, awed as they were sympathize of our "situation" that we'd explained to them. 'So sorry, you guys have fun.'
'I hate you guys.' Five mumbled, snatching the cup from Allison's hand and drinking from it.
'Hey, I wasn't fini-'
'Y/N, this is the best night ever!' Luther came into the dance floor, cheerful as ever. 'Thank you for bringing me here because this is amazing.'
Diego chuckled, 'Of course. You were practically having a foursome with those girls over there.'
'You're just jealous.' Luther stuck his tongue out like a seven year old boy. Klaus, Ben and I laughed hysterically; it was even funnier because we were drunk, and Luther, our "daddy's boy" brother was enjoying sneaking out of the mansion.
'One of my friends are single, if you want me to set you-'
'Y/N, drop it.' Diego turned away, 'I need to take a leak. You guys better stay here.'
As Diego walked away with Five to the bathroom, we continued to dance and drink. Vanya was giggling, swaying back and forth as Ben and Allison had a dance-off seeing who can bring out the best moves. Klaus and I were downing the rest of our drinks, practically singing our face off as the DJ played such good music.
'Ah, we need more drin-' Klaus paused mid-sentence, looking back and forth between me and the stage. 'So you are whoring around, you whore.'
'Don't know what you're talking about.' I denied, not understand how Klaus came to this conclusion. 'I don't get it.'
He hit me on my side, 'Don't play dumb with me! I see you and that DJ eye humping each other.'
He wasn't making things up when he had said that; I did have my eyes on the DJ. 'We are not eye humping each other. He doesn't even know me.'
'Well, he knows you now because he's staring at you and I swear your clothes will burn off soon because he won't stop.' Ben chuckled, guessing that he noticed it as well.
'You're crazy.' I didn't think he noticed me at all, I mean he was the DJ. He was overlooking everyone on the dance floor, it'd be dumb to assume he had his eyes on me.
Allison joined in on the conversation, 'I noticed that too! I thought you guys fucked before or something.'
'No! What do you guys think I am?'
'A girl with needs.' Klaus smiled.
'Just because I sneak out does not mean I'm going around sleeping with random people.'
Vanya laughed, 'Okay well, you can with him. There he goes, looking at you. Don't look.'
'You guys lost your minds.'
'Says the girl that sneaks behind dad and her siblings.' Luther joked.
'Okay, Luther don't get me started with you and those girls.'
Luther grunted, 'Ugh. I-'
'Hey, big fella over there.' The DJ got on the mic as he pointed at Luther. 'Why don't you come on the stage, get the crowd going!'
'Go, go!' Ben and Klaus shoved Luther towards the stage, even with him being hesitant and shy. 'Go show what the Hargreeves are all about!'
'I-I can't!' Luther hesitated, planted on the floor even when all of us tried to encourage him to go up there.
The DJ smiled at Luther, then looked at me. 'Dude, bring your friends up here too. We're going to turn this dance floor around for a bit.'
'Come on, he's calling for you!' Allison cheered as she pulled me and Klaus' hand, running up the stage.
Luther, Ben and Vanya trailed from behind, standing next to us while we danced to the DJ's new song he was playing.
Pulling Luther towards me, I gave him the last few sips I had in my cup before I threw it away. 'Here, you are probably starting to sober up. You need more.'
'Ah, Y/N. What makes you think I'm not drunk right now?'
'Because I remember when you were the night-'
'Okay, okay. You and Klaus never let that night go.'
The DJ leaned in as he kept playing music, 'Hey. If you and your boyfriend want more drinks, it's on the house.'
'Ha, she's not my girlfriend.' Luther chuckled.
'Ah, I stand corrected.' The DJ then turned to me and smiled sweetly. 'Would you mind if I buy you a drink?'
I couldn't tell if it was the alcohol or him, but I felt my cheeks getting warmer as the cute guy spoke to me. 'No, I wouldn't mind.'
The DJ bit his lip, taking his headphones off and walking downstairs. 'Alright, I'll be right back.'
Allison tapped on my sides repeatedly as he walked away. 'You lucky! He's so cute.'
'Maybe he has a brother. I call dibs though.' Klaus stared at him, eyeing him as he went up to the bar to get some drinks.
While Allison and Vanya continued to dance on the stage, Luther was once again being surrounded by a bunch of girls from the dance floor.
'Y/N is scoring some tonight and Luther is getting all these attention again.' Klaus shrugged his shoulders, looking around. 'What in the hell did Luther do to have these girls crawling around like crazy?'
'Wait, wait. Scoring some? I barely said a word to this dude.'
'Whatever, man. I need to go back down and look for someone now.'
Ben chuckled, patting Klaus on his shoulder. 'I got your back, bro. Come on I'll be your wingman.'
As soon as Klaus heard those words come out of Ben's mouth, they both left the stage so quick I couldn't even speak to them back. Trailing them down the dance floor, I see the DJ coming back on stage with drinks in his hands.
'Here you go, I didn't know which drinks you like so I hope you like this one.' He was sweet, it could've been an act to try to talk to me but I didn't mind for one night. 'I'm Luke by the way.'
'Y/N. And this is perfect, thank you.' I gave him a flirty smile but then was interrupted when I saw something in the corner of my eye.
I looked through the crowd and saw Diego and Five, glaring at me and my siblings that were on the stage. They seemed like how Reginald would react in this situation; catching his children sneaking out at night and hanging out at a club.
Except it wasn't dad, it was my weird brothers that couldn't grasp what fun was. Watching us as if they were disappointed fathers that just saw their crazy teenager kids discovering drinking and partying for the first time.
'Oops.' It came out of my mouth naturally as I stared at Diego and Five, followed by a giggle that I couldn't help. It was funny watching them being weirdly upset with us, especially when it felt like the club was spinning round and round.
'You guys are screwed.' Five mouthed back, shaking his head as he watched us from down the dance floor.
✤  ·  ✤  ·  ✤  ·  ✤  ·  ✤
My eyes shot open, not knowing where I was at for a moment until I realized I was in my room. I then see Diego sitting on my bed side chair, watching me as if he was guarding me.
'Rise and shine, zombie.' Diego chuckled, seeing how crazy I looked with messed up makeup and a bed head.
'Ho-how did I get here last night.' I turned around and looked around, noticed that the cute DJ guy wasn't in my bed. 'I don't remember anything.'
Diego grinned, 'You're curious huh.'
'Where is Luke-Oh no... Did I do something stupid?' I was confused, so confused because I thought everything was going good last night. But now that I didn't remember anything after I said hi to him, I got scared. 'Oh my- Did I do something embarrassing? Fuck.'
'Well, I don't know what you define "embarrassing" but yeah. You definitely made the crowd go wild last night.' Diego started laughing, his loud voice ringing in my ear from my hangover.
Covering my ears, I shook my head. 'Diego... shh. My head hurts okay.'
'This is why I don't drink.'
I shook my head, 'Is everyone back safely?'
'Oh, don't even worry about everyone else, they're perfectly fine. It was you that we had a hard time bringing home, Y/N.'
'So can you tell me what happened?'
'Sure, after you acknowledge that I'm the best brother ever.' Diego raised his eyebrows, adjusting his positioning on the chair.
A light laugh just escaped my mouth, keeping my mouth closed so I wouldn't start burst out laughing. 'You're kidding me right? Really?'
'Yes really. I had to carry you home, tuck you into bed after you kicked and screamed, help you get up so you can throw up. I didn't even know humans were physically able to throw up so much.'
When Diego put it like that, I felt bad that he had to take care of me throughout the night. 'Okay Diego, you're the best brother in the world. Also I'm sorry you had to do all that for me.'
'Aha, no worries. That was probably the most entertaining night ever.' He laughed, 'You were fucking crazy.'
I smiled, I bet Diego really enjoyed me making a fool of myself or whatever I did last night that got him giggling nonstop. 'So are you going to tell me?'
'Hmm, nope. Thanks for the compliment though.'
'Ugh, I hate you.'
'Not according to yesterday you don't.' Diego smirked.
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bowieandqueen11 · 4 years
I Know / Ben Hargreevees x Reader + Platonic!Klaus
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Request: Hello can you do an umbrella academy Klaus X female reader platonic imagine where he tells them that Ben still loves them
This made me really emotional thank you so much for the request my dear @ab1nsur​! <3
Comments are always appreciated!
Also warning, some mentions of drugs/ alcohol!
Ivy had started to grow through the crevices of the winding stone driveway, as you and Klaus wandered out of his car and back home after a long day of still having no way to get home. Five had brainstormed, and rushed off with some idea about the Commission, or himself, or whatever crazy thing his mouth was running at the moment, leaving you and Klaus, as always, alone again. Luther had been dragged off with him, and Vanya and Allison were still living their lives here in the 60s, which just left you, Klaus, and about a hundred questions.
Walking back into Klaus’ mansion after all this time was like walking into a haunted house. Throwing the keys onto the nearest counter, Klaus saunters past you, plodding heavily, as if the events of the past few days, or months, or years, have placed thick weights onto his heels. Stretching his arms up, he groans as he exposes his midriff, shrugging off his long coat to leave him in just his denim shirt.
‘I just can’t believe-’, you start again as you follow him into the living room with a shaking head.
‘No talky, no talky now, my dear Y/n. It’s sleepy time, only sleepy. Unless you have any Vodka, that is.’
‘I left my last flask in your skirt back at home, I’m afraid.’
With a sigh, he turns to frown at you, before kicking of his shoes in your direction.
‘What a shame.’
He pulls one of the last few sheets covering his furniture off from the mantelpiece with a great enough flourish that you, coughing, have to run over and open one of the bay windows leading down to the still pool. Slumping head first onto the sofa, Klaus tries to ignore you again and instead fall into an unceremonious sleep. The lazy Dallas wind pushed through the sprinkling fountain and through the door, misting him with slight water droplets in the way you would blow smoke over his face when you were sharing a blunt as teenagers. He smiles as he nestles his head into the lumpy cushion, trying to focus on this thought as you walk back over and lift his legs up, sliding underneath them. He appreciates the warmth of your hands as they glide over the skin available underneath the sandals, a welcoming warmth he hasn’t felt in a while coating him in the darkness.
‘i just think it’s insane that we could have found all your siblings, absolutely all of them, and yet Ben isn’t here. It just doesn’t sound right. I mean, why can’t a ghost travel the same as us?’
Ben nods from where he stands in the darkness behind you, a crestfallen look on his face as he sees how defeated you look. He wants nothing more than just a minute, just a moment - he will even take a second - of being alive again just so he could go over and comfort you. Take your hand in his like he’s tried so often over the years, and kiss you, gently, softly. Just a moment, to say it’s okay, and to say goodbye.
Instead he unfolds his arms, and goes over to smack Klaus on the arm, making the two of you jump. Placing a leg on the armrest near his head, Klaus turns his head so it’s completely covered by the sofa.
‘You need to tell her man, this isn’t fair.’
‘Nothing in life is fair, Ben.’
‘Klaus, who are you talking to?’
Pushing himself back up, Klaus raises an eyebrow at you before slowly pulling his legs back round the side of the sofa. Rubbing the palms of his hands against his eyes, until his tattoos blend into the darkness, he takes a moment to enjoy the feeling of your hand rubbing slow circles against his shoulder, before he lets himself slip to the floor.
‘Come on, if you’re not going to tell her, you know how you could make it up to me?’
‘Noooo, you can not possess me!’
‘Klaus, what the hell are you on about! Possess you? Oh god, Ben is here, isn’t he! I knew it, you’re such an asshole!’
Punching him in the shoulder, Klaus winces before grabbing onto your fingers and pulling them tight against his chest.
‘Y/n, you were sweet on him when, what, you were thirteen?’
‘That doesn’t give you the right to not tell me! When you love someone that much, wouldn’t you want to know?’
‘Y/n, my dear, sweet Y/n, listen to me. I know okay, I know. I love you like family, closer even, but trust me, chasing after ghosts doesn’t end with a happily ever after!’
Ducking his head, Klaus fell silent for a moment, slowly releasing your hands until he felt you pull away.
Looking at you was just to painful for him. The tear tracks on your flushed cheeks. The ones still threatening to spill as you stared at him, desperately, eyes flickering over his avoiding ones as if trying to pry the words out of his soul. The fingers shaking on your lap. The way your mouth blubbered open and closed as if trying to throw up his name. You reminded him of him after Dave-
Shutting his eyes, he tried to stop his chin from trembling too harshly and giving his feelings away. Fingering his dog tags for a moment, he enjoyed the way they tinkled against his heart like ghosts of fingertips. If he was able to know the person he loved more than anything was still there, after death, wouldn’t you want to know? Wasn’t that his power, his curse? Even if you couldn’t save them, not knowing, he thought, was the worst part.
‘You’re right, you’re right. Okay Ben, what do you want to say?’
‘Th-there’s so much. Just... for now, will you tell her that I love her. So much. More than anything. Also I’m sorry for stealing her skip rope when we were younger and using it to tie Luther and Diego together.’
Chuckling slightly, Klaus nods his head at him before relaying the message to you. Crying softly, you laugh along with him as you bite against your knuckle.
‘He always was one for annoying Luther.’
‘Yeah... he was.’
That breaks you. You shove your hand to your mouth as you begin to sob, your chest heaving as the tears just won’t stop cascading down your face. Eventually, Klaus comes and sits next to you, thigh to thigh, and just pulls your head down onto his shoulder. He knew this feeling all too well, and he knew the only thing to do was to let you go through it, but not alone. Playing with the fringes of your hair, he lets your tears soak his shirt as he pulls you tight against him.
After a moment, you look up at him with bloodshot eyes.
‘Where is he?’
‘Where is he, right now. Where is he in this room?’
‘Over by the side of the sofa.’
Standing up, you make your way and sit where Klaus’ head had been lying earlier. Placing your shaking hand gently down, face up, on the arm rest, you ask Klaus with a crack in your voice,
‘Is this about right?’
‘Yeah, you got him.’
Ben was glad you couldn’t see the way his lip trembled, and the tears that leaked out from the corner of his eyes as he slowly tried to place his hand over yours. Hovering slightly above your fingertips, he tried to brush slowly against them, relying on memories to fill in the rest of the gaps his body couldn’t fill.
‘I missed you, so much’, he whispers, his voice choked and haunted. Yet this time, Ben Hargreeves knew he wasn’t alone.
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in-tua-deep · 4 years
Hey. I’m not feeling the best right now. Can w I get some Ben and Five headcannons?
oh no !! I hope you feel better soon :(
Five and Ben were pretty close when they were younger which means that Five knows that Ben was a little shit
He might have the likes of Diego and Luther fooled but Five absolutely knows. He knows how much Ben could actually shit talk. He knows that Ben was not an innocent
Whenever Five irritated Ben too much, Ben would frame him for something. Sometimes this would manifest in an academy wide prank war which would inevitably end up in punishments from Reginald that everyone would blame Five for. Five. And no one would would ever believe him that sweet, quiet, wonderful Ben would start this sort of shit
Five fucking knows okay
However Ben was also like, the only intelligent conversation that Five ever actually had on the team so like, it’s not like he can just drop Ben (even though he knows what he did) because who else is he supposed to share looks with over Luther’s boneheaded plans with? Allison? As if Allison would ever admit Luther was being an absolute idiot
They had the silent understanding that Ben could be as much of a sarcastic shit as he wanted and in return Ben would let Five rant about temporal physics and complex mathematics and actually ask intelligent questions which occasionally led to breakthroughs
“It’s not my fault you can’t hide your own assholeness.” Ben informs Five with a straight face after Luther yelled at Five for three hours after Five rightfully informed their number one that it was actually Ben not Five who put dye on his toothbrush that turned his teeth green
Five mouths ‘I am going to destroy you’ to Ben across the breakfast table and Ben just serenely asks Klaus if he finished the math homework for their lessons today like Five doesn’t even exist
Five is twelve when he realizes that Ben is actually the devil
But actually he really admires it
Even if the way he realizes it is because Ben turns big eyes on Diego and says that Five was being mean to him, which almost gets Five a knife in the arm
(Five returns Ben’s stupid book of octopus facts, he didn’t even want the stupid thing he just stole it to get back at Ben for stealing his good umbrella jacket... yes he can tell shut the fuck up allison)
“I’m going to time travel.” “No you aren’t.” “You want to bet?” “Five. Five. We have been going over the equations for literal weeks. Did you even figure out the prime issue?” “Shut your mouth.” “Knew it.”
And Five does time travel and his second thought after “What the fuck” is “fucking Ben was right and can never know”
okay admittedly there’s a lot of apocalypse trauma and he finds the bodies of his siblings and then finds out that Ben died young and he’s just. there’s a lot going on okay
and then he travels back and ben is still dead and he’s kind of like... he can’t not save Ben but he’s got to make sure there’s a future or whatever to go to when he travels back in time and snags his brother up or whatever
except then Klaus summons Ben and well
“You asshole!” Five howls, pointing accusingly
Klaus is vindicated
“You can’t talk like that to Ben.” Diego says firmly, as though the time all of his knives were superglued to his harness wasn’t all Ben’s fault. As though that time wasn’t blamed on Five. 
“No, no, let him speak.” Klaus says, like a man who has been forced to be the only recipient of Ben’s sarcasm and sass for a great number of years.
Ben has been dead and invisible for a long time and no longer gives a single solitary fuck about what his family thinks of him tbh, and with Klaus clean(er) and a lowkey grudge against Luther (because come on Luther, Ben was rooting for you we were all rooting for you)
“How did none of you ever notice that I ‘acted out’ whenever one of y’all ended up peer pressuring Ben into using his powers.” Five grits out, because his family is filled with fucking idiots.
“In fairness,” Ben says with his arms crossed and a frankly unimpressed look on his face, “I also did it whenever you were being especially asshole-ish. Which was with great frequency.”
“I’m going to murder you in your sleep.” Five hisses.
“Missed that opportunity by a large margin, baby bro.” 
and then Five screams with all his feral rage and tries to attack Ben because he isn’t often corporeal and he doesn’t want to miss the chance
Except Ben catches him in a hug and Five just freezes like a kitten who gets put in a cat harness for the first time and it’s great
“Oh my god I’m just now realizing why Ben and Five got along so well.”  - says every siblings with a braincell who has the sense to fear a Five and Ben team up
The first time that Five manages to frame Ben for something feels like fucking vindication
vindication, Ben
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proper-goodnight · 3 years
Welcome Home (01)
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Summary: Five Hargreeves had been through two apocalypses, joined the Temp Commission, and scraped his siblings asses off the ground more times than he could count. Now, dying in a barn with seemingly no way out, he makes a very crucial decision. One that doesn’t turn out entirely as expected.
Warnings: Strong language, blood/gore, etc. 
There was one thing about laying in a bed of his own blood with the barrel of a gun aimed between his eyes and that was that it brought Five’s world crashing into an entirely new perspective. He could reflect without any of the responsibility of getting up and trying again, no other motives or expectations of saving the world or dragging his siblings off their asses and hoping that they would get their acts together when he needed them to. The last two times, they hadn’t, and looking around the barn, he didn’t expect a third either. 
Nevermind his sibling’s ability to keep a timed schedule, or bother to even do the simplest of tasks if it meant their lives or the rest of the world simultaneously hung in the balance on one very uneven scale. No, there was always a bigger priority that took precedence and damn Five for even bothering to try. His entire lifetime and two apocalypses still wasn’t enough to undo the utter shit that his life had become. 
But he could think about the past and how much he fucked up in his life, how he could have been better, or what the future may have held for him and what he would do if there was somehow a way that he could turn back the clock and make entirely different choices.
Blinking to the end of the world, joining the Commission, stopping an apocalypse twice in the span of a couple of weeks and finding his place back with his family in time to save them only to turn out that he hadn’t. Oddly enough, despite Five having the ability to manipulate time, he seemed to be the only one that never had enough of it.
His head fell to the side, cheek pressed into the solid woodwork of the barn to look at the crumpled bodies of his younger siblings.
All pallid skin and eyes wide open with disbelief. His family was dead--had died--going on the third time now and proving no easier to deal with than the last. Their wide eyes and full irises, the blood that soaked through the barn’s flooring and puddling beneath them in a gory mess, their stench assaulting his nose. 
No matter how many times he had seen it in the last few weeks, it hit just as hard as it had the first time. Five’s expression twisted, and he coughed, his body shuddering with every forceful gasp, pulling air into his lungs that wouldn’t come.
A part of him strongly contemplated doing nothing while he laid on the ground with his life in someone else’s hands. It would have been easier, he knew, to let everything go and give up fighting this long and arduous cycle; maybe finally get the night’s rest that he had been missing out on since his time jump to the end of the world. 
He’d be dead, but that was a minor hiccup in the grand scheme of things. 
If his reality wasn’t still blurring into focus, if the pain keeping him awake wasn’t so fucking obvious, he may very well have. It occurred to him then, casting a look beyond the blurred edges framing his vision, that he wasn’t making the decision just for himself.
In the very back of his mind where he had a tendency to shove all things that would either piss him off or send him over the edge, he could hear the condescending laughter of the Handler, his father’s infamous I told you so pounding against the inside of his skull when he’d advised him against jumping through time in the first place. 
Maybe if he hadn’t, then things could’ve changed. Maybe he could have helped them or saved Vanya from herself. 
Then again, maybe thinking that he would ever have an ounce of free will made him just as much of an idiot as the rest of them. Maybe it was all destined to happen, and none of it had ever meant anything.
That didn’t mean that Five wouldn’t try. 
Trembling fingers curled into loose fists. It hurt, the strain of even the smallest twitch sent a sharp stabbing sensation through every single muscle, splitting through his skull and down through his abdomen until he was gasping. It dulled his senses, the blurring fringes of his vision moving in, spreading, threatening to pull him into the dark and take him. It laughed at his efforts, willing him to finally give up. 
Several decades spent alone at the end of the world, years spent with the Commission, two apocalypses in the span of a few weeks was enough. 
Nonetheless, Five was still the more stubborn bastard.
Seconds. That was all he needed. Not hours, or even minutes, but all he needed was a few seconds and the willpower to not punch each and every one of his siblings for the hell they unknowingly put him through to keep them alive. 
In his hands, the light expanded. Five felt himself being yanked upward by an invisible force. It felt as simple as time grabbing his hand, leading him past a flurry of rewinding images, bodies lurching upward, blood stains levitating from the woodwork, bullets returning to their weapons, wounds closing, a sense of rejuvenation, of life. 
Newfound energy, a deep intake of breath and there was no pain. Only relief. Just a few seconds, a few agonizingly long seconds… 
His body moved in slow motion toward the door, the single most subtle inkling of hope igniting in his chest--a feeling that he hadn’t experienced in a long time. A part of him had almost forgotten if complete idiocy wasn’t the cause of ruining many of his easily salvageable problems.
That hope, like so many others, was quickly snuffed out in service to an alternative outcome.
Just as everything moved back into its original position, Five was thrown off his feet, everything reverting back in one rapid blur--too quick for him to keep up with. The sharp pain returned, wounds reopening themselves as the bullet pierced him again.
He cried out.
The bit of breath that he had managed to grab was snatched from his lungs, the blurred fringes swirling in, and when his back hit the ground below him, he came to the realization that he should’ve made his peace with God before trying this. Every single muscle was tight and shuddering into panicked gasps, and then it all released, leaving him panting and looking up at a familiar tiled ceiling. Weakly, he turned his head sideways only to find six other curious pairs of eyes looking at him, bewildered.
“Five?” Something was wrong. He was looking straight into the face of Luther, much shorter and thinner framed Luther standing next to an equally younger and dumbfounded Allison. 
“Five?! Oh, my God! Where have you been?” Slowly, his head rotated to catch Klaus and Ben on the other side. All young. All kids. 
“Forget that! What happened to you?” Ben piped up, shoving his other brother out of the way to close the distance between them--Klaus shouting a protest in response. 
Five moved first, much faster, swinging his legs over the table to drop to the floor. His hands flew up as they rounded on him, palms out and retreating as he took them in, scanned every single face, listened to every single high pitched prepubescent tone of voice. It was them. Alive and well and completely unaware of what hell he’d been through the last few weeks. 
How far had he gone back?
They hesitated in approaching him now, his continuous retreat leaving little room to embrace him and welcome him home with the open arms that he knew they wanted. This was not happening… This couldn’t have been happening! His chest heaved with every bated breath, his brows drawn into a scowl, retreating until he couldn’t back up anymore. His spine met the wall, almost shrinking underneath their prying gazes, all wide eyed and full of concern. 
“Five, are you okay?” Allison was the first to brave the distance. She persisted, and he retreated, his shoulder scraping against the corner as he moved sideways to the other end of the kitchen. The heels of his shoes scuffed against the tile floor, pivoting backwards. His hand braced against the wall with another quick sweep of their faces. 
“Stop!” He snapped. “All of you!” Sweat beaded his forehead, soaking through his uniform. The pain that hit him so suddenly felt very reminiscent of when he’d been shot at the barn, stumbling with a sudden limp. It knocked the breath out of him; electricity shot up the very center of his chest. He clutched it. His breathing, ragged and heavy, was the finishing touches before he buckled forward. 
When he pried his fingers away from his abdomen, there was a fresh burst of blood, scarlet coating the tips. He’d gone back, but his wounds were still there. “No,” he mumbled. His free hand raked through his hair. “No, no, no, no… shit, fuck, goddammit…” The amount of expletives that left his lips were surprising even for him, squeezing his eyes shut as he processed. 
He’d done a number wrong somewhere. A dent in his equation. He could fix this. 
“Five-” Luther said more tentatively. 
“Shut up.” Five shushed him. He waved dismissively, turning his back. He wracked his brain, flipped it around, molded it over and the only conclusion feasible was that he was the one that had messed up this time. 
He’d go so far as to say again, but considering that everyone was still breathing, he could give himself a pat on the back.
They’d grow. Eventually.
His hand gripped the counter for support. All at once, several pairs of footsteps moved toward him, but he held his hand up, inhaled deep through his nose and shuddered an exhale. 
They may have been intact, but he wasn’t.
“How long have I been gone?” Five asked, straightening stiffly. He turned to face them, catching their concerned expressions in the very center of his vision. It felt judgemental, prying for an answer that he didn’t have. 
Now they know how he felt. He cocked his eyebrows. “A few weeks, a few months? Years?” He prompted when no one answered. 
“Uh, just--just a couple weeks.” Allison answered. “We thought that you got lost, or died or…” 
“Where is Dad?” He went on, gripping the edge of the counter to help guide himself along. “Is he here?”
“He’s out on a trip. Said he’d be back in a couple days. What are you….?” Luther moved to help him, but Five warded him back. He held up his hands. “I’m just trying to-”
“I don’t need your help.”
“Are you okay?”
“Look, the only thing that’s obvious besides your kindergarten crush on Allison is that you’re incompetent. I have gotten this far by myself, and I do not need any of you to tell me what I should be doing, got it?” He had hit a little too close to home. He could see it in their faces, the obvious embarrassment in Luther’s eyes, that and an obvious confusion.
“Who is Allison?”
Five’s lips parted to respond, one more shuddering breath escaping him before his eyes rolled into the back of his head as everything suddenly went black.
Five’s eyes slowly opened to find the familiar darkness of his bedroom. The mattress felt soft underneath him, turning his head to find the equations sketched into the wall. On the bed stand to his left lay a plate with a cup of milk and a peanut butter and banana sandwich, and to the left sat Vanya, looking at him with wide curious eyes and clear worry.
Welcome home.
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fandomscombine · 4 years
The Hargreeves Kerfuffle Part 2: Family Reunion
The Hargreeves Kerfuffle Part 2: Family Reunion
The Hargreeves siblings x Hargreeves!Reader (Familial Relationship)
BG: The Reader is Number Eight. It follows how you fit into the structure of Season 1 and the family dynamic of the siblings.
This part follows the collapse of The Umbrella Academy during their youth and having the family back together after years apart for the very first time.
I have mashed up the information and some events from both the comics and the tv series. So a heads up for readers who haven’t read the comics, it was hinted in S2 but in the very beginning of the comics, it’s canon that Reginald is indeed an Alien.
The series will consist of 10 parts. Where the reader would have a focused interaction with each sibling. (Eg. After this part, it would be Luther x Reader, then Diego x Reader and so on! –Yes Ben is included)
WC: 4786 (never had I written so much for one part before!)
Contains: Angst. Death- Reginald and Ben (so not exactly a spoiler, but while writing Ben’s scene had my eyes water a bit.) Crap childhood and the Hargreeves being a mess.
A/N: You guys are literally the best! Reading your replies and comments about how much you enjoyed part 1 and are looking forward to the rest of the series, really warms my heart!
READ: [PART 1]  [PART 3]  [PART 4]
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March 21, 2019.  
Never had you thought that you would be back here, looking up the gates of The Umbrella Academy, 13 years later.
There was and still is so much pain associated with this building, this entity, this identity of The Umbrella Academy. That you hadn’t seen it coming- well not exactly completely blind to it. Sir Reginald Hargreeves’ upbringing of children-your siblings, your childhood- had always been shit but you had never come close to imaging it to be as emotionally and mentally damaging as it did.
Children at aged 7 finding out they had powers was great. To a kid, it was a dream come true to be a real-life superhero. It all started out as fun and games but soon, training started to be competitions to outshine your siblings-your competitors whist being told to work together at the same time. It was quite a hard concept to grasp as a young kid, but in order to get any attention and praise from a distant father, a kid would do anything.
By the age of 9, the superhero team of ‘The Umbrella Academy’ was officially announced to the world. The group consisted of the 7 Hargreeves children, publicly known as: Spaceboy, The Kraken, The Rumor, The Séance, The Boy, The Horror, and Foresight.
An 8th child with seemingly no superpower, had been secretly tucked away, hidden from the world and too, distanced away from her own siblings. It was though Vanya Hargreeves didn’t exist.
You did try your best to spend time with Vanya and keep the Sunday sister bonding time with her, but with all your training and missions, combined with all her violin lessons and some other private lessons she often go on with in long periods of time - though she wouldn’t mention what they were- there was absolutely no time to be in each other’s presence, so soon you along with the rest of your siblings slip away from Vanya.
At age 10 was a big year for the Hargreeves siblings, they had kind of successfully protected the city of Paris from the chaos of the Eiffel Tower being a spaceship- yes it did flew away but at least the people were saved- The mission became world wide news and soon every move they made caught the public’s eye. With this led to more intense training and additional etiquette workshops to better the group’s public image.
Reginald being a helicopter parent took a toll on the children, who had coped in their own ways. Luther taking the role of ‘leader’ to heart, Diego with his never ending hero complex, Allison using her power to get whatever she wanted, Klaus fell into the world of drugs and alcohol, Five-the rebel who thinks he’s smarter than everyone even dad, Ben into the world of video games, Vanya became ever more quiet and more to herself, and you-a yes person to dad who calls you his most valuable asset that has ever crossed his path, never wanting to let him down.
Things really started to get out of hand at the ripe old age of 13. Breakfast had been a mess, Five had a massive argument with dad and stormed out of the house. You ran after him, caught his coat just as he passed the gate- the very gate you are standing in front of now.
‘WHAT?’ He turned, looking angrier as ever.
‘Please don’t leave.’ You place your hand on his shoulder- damn when did he become taller than you? ‘You both can talk this out. Rationalized things out’ You pleaded.
He shook your hand away. ‘Talk? REALLY Y/N? You think good old dad would dare listen to someone younger than him? TO HIS OWN CHILDREN?’ He snorted. ‘You are daft y/n. I thought you were smarter than this-‘ Five sighed. ‘But a guess you are too much of a daddy’s girl to see things clearly.’
‘I know you didn’t mean that’ You stammered, not letting the tears fall. ‘that’s just your anger talking.’
‘oh but I do mean it. Now if you’d excuse me, I have to get going to prove dad wrong.’
Five makes a step forward but you blocked his way
As you fell to the ground, you see him blip away.
That was the last time anyone had seen Number Five and his final words still haunts you to this day.
‘get out of the way y/n! i don’t want to see your face anymore.’
To make matters worst from having a sibling disappear and to never come back was to have another sibling lose his life.
The media was quick to publish the news. It was all the tabloid and news outlets seem to care about. The headline would vary but all in all still carry the same heart-breaking news. Be it from ‘The Horror dies in mission.’ , ‘The Umbrella Academy loses the life of another of its members.’ to ‘RIP to teen superhero Ben Hargreeves aka The Horror.’
Oh Ben, dear Ben. Why must he be taken away? You thought. Why?
The mission was meticulously planned and prepared for. You were sure to have extracted all the information on what was to go down and what the villains’ moves were from your vision.
You had memorized that every aspect of that dream- you had 2 weeks to prepare. Everyone was supposed to be safe, but why wasn’t Ben?
Why didn’t reality play out as to what you foresaw? You had never slipped up before. Why had the one time you did cost you the life of your beloved brother? Why?
While sobbing your eyes out onto Ben’s grave, a memory of what seemed so long ago came rushing back.
>>‘I’m sorry y/n.’ He said leaning on your door frame.
‘Ben!’ You exclaimed. ‘I’m so glad you’re back up and running!’
Ben was caught off guard. ‘You—You’re not mad at me?’
‘Why would I be mad at you?’ You questioned, genuinely confused at your brother’s words.
‘Cause, Cause I almost got you killed. I am a monster.’
You sat up straight at those words, your ribs hurt a bit at the sudden movement, but you didn’t care. Your brother was blaming himself for something he couldn’t have controlled.
Ben jumped from your sudden outburst.
You motioned for him to come closer.
‘Ben…’ looking into his eyes. ‘Ben you are no monster.’
‘uuh uh I’m not done’ You held his hand in yours. ‘You are no monster what happened then was an accident, nobody knew, heck nobody expected powers to just show up. It was beyond anyone’s control. It took us by surprise.’
His shoulders relaxed.
‘It wasn’t your fault. I don’t blame you for what happened.’
He gave you a bone crushing hug. ‘Thank you y/n. You don’t know how guilty I was feeling.’ Voice muffled by your shoulder, which is now wet with his tears. ‘I kept thinking about the pain I caused you and I wasn’t allowed to leave my room even when I begged dad to see you and say sorry. y/n’
‘Shhh shhh’ Rubbing his back. ‘It’s alright Ben. What’s important is that we’re all here now. Alive, Safe and sound.’. <<
‘I’m sorry Ben…’ You choked out.
‘I’m so sorry Benny…’ Wiping his gravestone of your tears. ‘I—I got you killed. I am a monster. I am THE monster.’ You hiccupped. ‘It is MY job to keep everyone same, to do the reconnaissance, to ensure that everyone in the frontline is safe. It is my power to foresee what could go wrong, to avoid disastrous mistakes. And….and I failed, Ben. I failed. I failed you, dad, The Umbrella Academy.’
‘I miss you Ben so much…’ You lie down with an arm across the lawn. Picturing that is was him you’re hugging, that he is really there.’ more than your annoyingly sweet ass could ever believe. I wish you were here Ben, safe and sound. And if you could hear me Ben, I wish you could forgive me.’
Your eyes slowly fall shut from the emotional guilt you’re feeling but a warm breeze passes through like a warm embrace lightening the heavy burden within.
A soft whisper of reassurance and familiar words brings you to peaceful rest.
‘I forgive you y/n. It wasn’t your fault. I don’t blame you for what happened.’
You stirred from your sleep as you felt yourself lifted from the ground.
‘Careful Diego! You might wake her up.’ You hear Klaus say.
All this trauma, stress and was just too much to handle by minors and as quickly as all your powers came, the same goes for the people who left.
Klaus was the first to leave the academy at age 16, who choose to be self-checked at a rehab centre, stating that that was a way healthier environment then this shithole that was ‘home’.  Who could blame him? Especially when you yourself were planning to leave.
As much as you wanted to get up and leave in the dead of night, you can’t. You don’t have the heart to leave your remaining siblings behind. No, not in this environment. If you were to leave, you wanted them to go with you, to at least know they would have a good life ahead.
Under Reginald’s watchful eye, it would take time to sort the plan out, but it would be worth it.
And you know just the person to talk to.
‘Heyya Diego.’
‘You’re up to something y/n/n and I don’t want to be in any part of it.’ He says without glancing your way. ‘Not after the pineapple incident.’ Diego’s eyes finally landing on you.
Rolling your eyes, you chuckled. ‘Oh come on Diegs! That was years ago! It was just a childish prank—’
Diego gives you the finger.
‘-Oi! It is not MY fault what Luther did to you; besides you were supposed to take the EAST stairwell, NOT the West.’ You say matter of factly, shaking your head. ‘Ughh no, we are getting out of topic. Diego, I need your help and you have to promise not to tell anyone-’
‘You’re devising a getaway plan, aren’t you?’
Your brows scrunched together. ‘How’d you—’
‘I’m not blind y/n, I recognised the look of someone who too is planning to escape.’
You raise a brow. ‘Too?’
‘Yes, Too.’ Diego edges closer to you. ‘Now, why don’t we save the trouble of potentially ruining each other’s individual schemes and join forces. Team up. More brainpower. And whatnot. Deal?’ Offering his pinky out.
You ignored the outstretched gesture. ‘What happened to being a lone wolf huh?  I thought that was your thing now?’ You countered.
‘Like a said y/n, the more brainpower, the higher the success.’ He explained. ‘Say, we do manage to get out or perhaps just leave, like Klaus. Where would we go? Where would you? Hmm?’
‘I… I…’ You honestly don’t know.
‘Exactly. That’s why we team up and once we’re out of here. We stick together for a while till we get back on our feet and figure out what we want then go our separate ways.’
You nod, digesting his words. It seems like a solid plan with ample flexibility before deciding on what to do with your life after. But….
‘…On one condition. It would not only you and me. We’ll try to get to convince the others to come along too.’
‘What?! y/n no, that’s too many people on the plan-‘
‘More brainpower, higher the success. Your words Diego. Not mine.’ You retaliated. ‘Besides, we can’t just leave everyone here. It’s miserable here. They’re family Diego.’
‘Fine we’ll tell Luther and Allison.’
‘Everyone, Diego.’ You stared him down. ‘And that includes Vanya. No buts.’
‘Ugh.Fine.’ He points a finger towards your face. ‘We tell Luther, Allison AND Vanya. But I swear y/n if anyone of them rats us out or backs out of the plan. We leave them behind. No pity if they choose to stay in this shithole of a house. They are old enough to make their own decision and to face the consequences.’ He leans back to the bed’s headboard. ‘That’s my final offer. Deal?’
‘Deal.’ You interlock your fingers, sealing the pinky promise.
It was easy to get Vanya on board, as she was the child that received the crappiest treatment from dad. Allison was hesitant at first but after convincing her the real world had so much more to give compared to that of the imaginary perfect bubble she created for herself here in the academy with the use of her power, she was on board.
Luther that ever loyal ‘leader’ of the academy would never dare cross dad, the idea wouldn’t have even crossed his mind. Diego had failed to make him see reason and so have you. Luther only came around to be a part of the escape because Allison had agreed to it.
It took almost 6 months. The time has come. You all had saved up enough money to rent a loft apartment downtown and pooled enough to last at least 3 months on your own.
At 1:00 am.  All the remaining 5 Hargreeves are to ready with their backpacks to sneak out in groups, boys and girls, and meet at the rendezvous point, Giddy’s Doughnuts. There, a van would be available for them to drive to the apartment.
The boys were to go first, as to let Diego deactivate the security features of the house while Luther stands guard.
It was only supposed to take 15 minutes tops, it was 20 minutes past now. Something was wrong.
Deciding as a team to check up on the boys, you, Allison and Vanya head down to the foyer.
Upon arrival, you see Luther with his hands covering Diego’s face, Diego who seem limp as a log.
‘Luther what’s going on?’ Allison’s voice rang out beside you.
‘I’m sorry….’ He looks down unto the unconscious Diego in his arms. ‘I just… I just couldn’t.’
‘Number Eight! How could you! How could all of you! Three! Seven!’
The room seemed to turn colder by the sound of the voice. You turn and see Sir Reginald Hargreeves.
‘YOU ARE ALL A DISGRACE.’ Reginald spitted.
‘But dad!’ Luther pleaded. ‘I was the one who informed you about their plan!’
‘That’s right NO MORE dad!’ Shouted Allison. She glances at dad then at Luther. A frown etched her face as she commanded. ‘I heard a rumor that you couldn’t move your legs.’
The effect was immediate. The lower half of Reginald and Luther stayed still as a rock while they tried their best to break free. But alas, Allison had the upper hand. ‘I heard a rumor you let us go freely.’ At once, both men calmed down.
And to add insult to injury. Allison focused on Reginald and rumoured ‘And you would leave Diego Hargreeves, Klaus Hargreeves, Vanya Hargreeves, Y/n Hargreeves and Allison Hargreeves alone.’
Luther’s betrayal felt like a stab in the back.
Moving on and creating a new life from the ground up for oneself was hard but having your siblings with you had definitely made it easier.
It took a while to get the hang of things, being 4 young adults with nothing. You missed Mom and Pogo, but you knew that they, like Luther would stick with Dad.
Vanya was the first to take up stack, she provided the finance to pay rent and groceries with the salary she would get from her violin performances at the local theatre. Soon Allison would also chip in from the money she received from her acting gigs.
Diego showed interest into joining the police academy while you wanted to get away from the lifestyle as much as possible, opted to move across the country and pursue tertiary education-because that was what normal 18-year-old do right? For once you want to be ordinary and what better way than experience what student life is all about.
Though there is one teensy detail that was hindering your application. You were home-schooled by your robot mom. There weren’t report cards or grades that any university would accept. Even if there were, you wouldn’t want to go back to that dreadful house.
 Both not wanting to lose your newfound passion, you and Diego had an enormous favour to ask.
‘NO not a chance!’ Allison crossed her arms.  ‘It’s unethical!’
‘Yes we know-‘ you replied.
‘But it’s the only way.’ Diego reasoned. ‘It’s not fair for y/n and I to not be able to follow our dreams and to finally FINALLY move on with our lives, Ally. While you and Vanya get to live out yours.’
You nodded along. ‘We ask you just this one thing and we’re out of your hair.’
Allison looked between you two as if to decided whether it would be worth it. ‘Fine, just this once.’  She sighs. ’And this doesn’t get out kapeesh?’ pointing her finger.
‘I’m gonna miss you so much!’ Vanya admitted.
You pulled both your sisters into a hug. ‘I’m miss you gals more!’
Allison wipes her tears away. ‘Don’t forget us okay? Remember we’re only a text away.’
‘Tell Diego that I’m gonna miss kicking his butt when he come back from his officer training, ye?’
Over the years you hadn’t lost touch with your family. It’s been a while since you’ve all together physically, but you do video chat every once and a while and you have a general tab on each of your siblings. Vanya is currently the 3rd chair violin at her orchestra, Diego had channelled his inner batman and believe to be a vigilante keeping the streets and public safe.
As for Klaus, Diego had told you that he hasn’t managed to keep off his ~happy place~ and had seen him in and out of nightclubs.
Allison….Well who wouldn’t know about what she’s up to. A-list celebrity with numerous critically acclaimed movies to her name, one half of Hollywood’s hottest couple and amazing role model for mothers. Ahh Claire that sweet angel, who says that you’re her favourite aunt, that smile of hers melts your heart.
The last you’ve seen of Luther is when his journey to the moon has been televised a couple of years ago. There’s been no news since.
 The rattling of the gate brings you back to the present.
‘AH yes, Miss.y/n. He has been expecting you.’
‘Pogo!’ You exclaimed, wrapping him in a hug.
‘So I’m not to late then? Where’s mom?’
‘Grace is with Sir Reginald, my dear.’ Pogo leads you up the stairs.
Looking around, everything is as pristine as usual. ‘I see that nothing’s change’ You noted.
‘Yes, well I was asked to keep it as it always was.’
He opens the door to Reginald’s quarters. There on the bed was dad, looking sickly pale but still alive unlike to what you had seen in your vision.
Beside him wiping away the sweat on his forehead was mom. ‘Oh, my dear y/n I’m glad you could join us.’ She says as if years hadn’t gone by without your presence.
You reach the foot of the bed. ‘Dad…’ you begin.
But Reginald cuts you off. ‘Number Eight. Glad to see that logical and curious side of yours overrides that irrational emotive side.’ His voice weak yet still holds its signature condescending tone. ‘It is your disposition to the voice of reason and mysteries of the unknown that led you here, despite your supposed hatred towards me-‘
‘There’s no grey area, I do hate you.’
He waved his hand to dismiss your interruption.
‘As I was saying, it is of this reason- your control over the impulsiveness that is apparent to all of your siblings who lack control- is why you are my favourite.’
You scoffed.
‘It is true, my dear y/n.’
‘Oh please. You only see me as a “valuable asset”. Remember?’
Reginald nods. ‘I do, but I believe the exact words were “You would do great things Number Eight. To see into the future is a valuable asset to have indeed”. Thus, implying that your ability is the asset not you.’
‘Sure, just rub it in don’t you.’ Rolling your eyes.
‘I hope that you do too remember that also in my own words that you were and still are “the cleverest of the bunch”.’
‘So why am I here, you’re clearly not dead.’ You looked at him again.  You’ve never seen your dad so fragile ever. ‘….yet. So there must be something to do with that. Perhaps find your killer?’
On the bedside table, you took note of the cup of tea and medication. Your brain is in super speed, running through ideas on what could have cause him to be so sickly.
‘It could be your meds…..’ You look up. ‘Mom who else has access to Dad’s medication?’
‘Just us dear, Pogo and I.’
‘Number Eight there is no killer. I am dying because of old age, it is quite normal for-‘
‘NO No but the mortality rate is 350 years for the species of—’
‘Ah!’ Reginald’s face showed of surprise which slowly turned into cunningest. ‘so, you know then’ He chuckled.
‘Since when?’ He asked genuinely curious.
‘When we first showed signs of powers, some of your notes were written in a language I did not recognised.’ You recalled. ‘So, I did some digging, it took a while but when I found about the secret safe under this very bed and what it contained. Everything became clearer.’
‘Very good. Y/n. Nobody knew about the safe expect myself.’ He looked over at Pogo. ‘Did you know of it?’
‘No, Sir.’ Pogo admitted. ‘Not until now.’
‘Very well indeed. You knew all this time, yet you didn’t say anything. Why?’
‘Because it didn’t matter.’ You shrugged. ‘The only thing that matter in this household was our powers.’
‘Did the others-‘
‘No, they didn’t know. I hadn’t told a soul. It is not my secret to share.’
‘And soon it will be yours.’
‘Number Eight, it is without a doubt my time here is limited. Perhaps as little as an hour.’
Never had you seen someone talk about their death like this. You shiver at the thought.
‘By the fact that you are here now and had seen a vision of me dead means that the block I had place on you to prevent you peering into events regarding me is failing. Failing as my health is.’
You want to be angry. How dare he supress your power. But you stand still as a rock by his confession. ‘why?’ A soft whisper was all you could muster. ‘why?’
‘Because I had to keep my real identity a secret. To prevent you from exposing me.’ He coughed. ‘But turns out, you hadn’t need to use your powers to know that, as what you’ve told me.’ He looked at you with watering eyes. ‘You found that all on your own, yet you did not disclose anything.’ He reached out for your hand to which you accept. ‘For which I am delighted that at least I can say that I have one child, a daughter to be proud of.’
A daughter to be proud of.
You would like to think that you are strong and independent. And those are true. But that small child that all that wanted was to experience a parent’s love and affection. That emotional support of that small child which you thought you had successfully tucked away came clawing its way back to the surface.
‘y/n’ You had almost missed it, wiping away your tears, you leaned closer.
‘Listen carefully….’ Your dad’s chest was barely moving. It was a struggle for him to get the following words out. ‘The end is near, get the others ……and save…..the…..tttiiiimmm’
You never head what came next. Sir Reginald Hargreeves is dead.
Under the setting sun, Reginald looked at peace.
A half moon shines brightly above the house. It had been 3 days and 7 Hours since it happened.
Exhaustion is starting to catch up with you but there is still so much to do.
News channels had broadcasted the breaking news of your father’s death.
You had personally called your siblings to deliver the news, they are to arrive tomorrow for the funeral at noon.  
Luther who had been expecting to relay dad his daily report status on the space radio, cussed at you in anger-those were the first words you heard in 12 years- calmed down and said that he will be there in 3 days, in time for the funeral.
‘Sweetie, I brought you some tea.’
‘Thanks mom.’ You take a sip. ‘Hey mom did you think you’re gonna be alright now that you know…. That dad is gone?’
She runs her fingers to your hair. ‘I’m gonna be fine dear, I am stronger than you know.’
You smile at her. You just can’t help but to think what’s gonna happen to her now that your dad is gone. Pushing that thought away-like she said, I am stronger than you know.
 ‘Now, why don’t we get you to bed.’ She cuts you off before you can say a word. ‘Uh uh. You have done so much already. You need rest especially with the funeral in 9 hours. Pogo and I can handle the remaining task.’
‘Thanks again mom.’
She tucks you into bed. ‘Good night y/n/n. Sweet Dreams.’ She kisses the top of your head. ‘I love you.’
‘I love you too mom.’ As she leaves your room, you realised that you didn’t want to be alone. ‘Mom…’ You called out, almost childlike.
‘Yes dear.’ Grace makes her way back in.
‘Well you stay with me? Sing to me until I fall asleep?’
‘Ofcourse dear.’ She smiles, pulling up a chair beside your bed.
The lull of your mother’s voice sends you to sleep with the memories of the childhood before power. When everything was simple. When there was love in this household.
You awoke to sounds of screams and flashes of blue light. You hurry to your window, it shows the courtyard, a ball of blue chaos small black figures.
You pull on your jacket and ran downstairs, the clock in the foyer shows 11:37am. Crap you overslept! But that means…..that the figures you saw were your siblings. There are early….that’s new.
You arrived in the courtyard just as you see Klaus throws a fire extinguisher at the blue light.
‘What are you doing?!’ Shouted Luther.
‘What is that gonna do?’ Allison questioned.
‘I don’t know!!’ Klaus turned around ‘Do you have a better idea?—Oh hey y/n! Nice to see you!’ He ran over and gave you a tight hug. ‘What a family reunion ehh?’
Before you could reply, the ball of blue gave out a crackle of electricity.
‘Everyone get behind me!’ Luther pushes in front of everyone.
‘Yeah! Get behind us.’ Diego chimed in, pushing Vanya closer to you.
Vanya ignores Diego, trying to get a better look herself. ‘It looks like something is coming through!’
The ball of light exploded, the sudden burst of energy was blinding that you had to cover your eyes.
Then nothing, total darkness.
THUD. You heard Vanya scream.
The blue chaos had expelled something….someone.
Luther was the first to speak. ‘Who’s there?’
‘Show yourself!’ said Diego.
As a collective group, you walked towards the mystery person.
Your eyes go wide with shock. No it can’t be, it’s impossible. You must be seeing things.
‘Does anyone else see little Number Five, or is that just me?’ wondered Klaus.
Klaus looked around and saw that everyone showed that same face of disbelief. Pleased to know that it wasn’t the drugs, he snickered. ‘Now THIS! THIS IS WHAT I CALL A FAMILY REUNION.’
Little Five who didn’t seem to have aged a day since you last saw him,
It’s been years but seeing him looking like he did back when you last saw him, you recall the last words he had shouted at you.
‘get out of the way y/n! i don’t want to see your face anymore.’
Five looks down at himself drowned in tattered oversize clothes, wining. ‘SHIT!’
Something is wrong, something is very wrong and you know it.
No way was this all a coincidence for your father to warn you about some impending doom and have Five to reappear 17 years later. It must be related somehow…What’s next you thought……For Ben to come back to life too?
READ: [PART 1]  [PART 3]  [PART 4]
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tickle-bugs · 4 years
Rumor Has It
Summary: In the process of rediscovering her powers, Allison gets a tad carried away. Thankfully, her siblings are there to keep her in check.
Okay this is so self-indulgent but I’ve been wanting to write a fic about Allison’s powers for forever and I never got around to it. Don’t think too hard about the timeline on this one, I was going to end it with the dinner and then I realized I didn’t want to. Also, Lila is here because I love her. 
Allison could confidently say she was the most patient of the Hargreeves siblings. With the boys, there was no contest—they were all volatile loose cannons with something to prove—and even Ben had fallen prey to the excess testosterone. Years of following Klaus around had brought back out Ben’s snarky side, which he had all-but-smothered in his younger years. A wise person would argue Vanya was patient, and their argument would have merit, but Vanya wasn’t so much patient as she was used to being forcibly subdued. She was kind and sweet, but she would never wait for anything again. She simply acted now. Allison could appreciate the sentiment, but that wasn’t how she operated—no matter how badly she wanted to. 
She was always the moderator—the only one who could reign in six other unruly supers without losing a limb. So, when Reginald invited the seven of them to dinner, she had to call upon every ounce of her patience to keep from strangling one or all of them. 
“I still say we kill him.” Diego stabbed a mango in the fruit bowl and pulled it towards himself. He started carefully peeling the skin, leaving the shavings in a little pile next to his plate. 
“That solves nothing.” Allison sighed.
“It saves the president. I’d call that solving something.” Diego didn’t look up at her, but the aggressive way he sliced a huge chunk of skin off of the mango almost felt personal. 
“I agree with Diego. I think it’d be fun.” Lila pulled Diego’s arm towards her so she could take a bite of the mango. He glared at her and she tweaked his nose, taking another large bite just to piss him off. 
“See?” Diego gestured at Lila.
“No one is killing Dad. Let’s hear what he has to say, then we can figure out a plan.” Allison folded her hands on the table, relieved when everyone else seemed to be in agreement.  Klaus handed her a tiki cup and she took a grateful sip. It’d been a while since she’d had a good piña colada.
“Why? This whole thing could be over so quickly!” 
“Yes, it could, but it won’t be.” She gave him one of her patented fake smiles, taking a pointed sip of her colada. 
“Why? Because you’re in charge? Because you’ve got this under control?” Diego scoffed. He offered Lila a piece of his mango before she could steal another bite. 
“Oh boy, here we go.” Luther muttered.
“Do you want a drink? No? Well, I do. I’m gonna go get a drink.” Klaus stood and stumbled over to the bar, taking his second margarita of the night with him. 
“What is that supposed to mean?” She crossed her arms.
“What authority do you really have, Allison?”
“I would say her powers are a pretty good authority. Plus, Allison’s a good leader.” Vanya piped up, smiling softly at her. Allison gave her hand a quick squeeze.
“Team Zero has no leaders. That’s the whole point.” 
“Kinda hard to be Team Zero when you still want to be number one.” Five took an apple from the fruit bowl and took an innocent bite. Diego pushed his chair out, knife in hand, twirling it between his fingers.
“Diego, sit down! Now.” Allison didn’t stand. She wouldn’t sink to his level. Or, rise, rather.
“Make me.” Diego fixed Allison with a withering stare, but it paled in comparison to the one she gave him. In fact, she relished in the way he shivered when he met her eyes. Good. He should remember his place.
“Diego-” Luther tried, but one glare shut him down.
“Shut up. Allison, you want me to sit and behave? Make me.”
“Come on. Don’t do this,” Vanya whispered, trying to grab Diego’s knife hand. He simply flicked the knife behind his back and into his other hand. For a moment, it looked like Vanya’s pleading eyes would work, but Five chuckled and sealed the deal.
“Dinner and a show! Predictable as always.” Five folded his hands beneath his chin and stole a generous sip of Vanya’s cocktail.
“Shut up, twerp!” Diego pointed at him with the knife.
“Or else what? You’ll stab me?” Five was grinning now, goading Diego on purpose. 
“Five!” Allison growled, and he rolled his eyes, falling quiet. At least he knew not to test her.
“Keep talking. Let’s find out.” Diego flipped the knife once, then twice, and each time it stayed in the air just a little too long. 
“I’ve got ten bucks on Diego,” Lila said, kicking her feet up on the table. She took the liberty of finishing his mango for him, peeling away little bits of skin with her messy nails.
“Guys, stop it!” Vanya latched onto Diego’s arm, trying to force him down into his seat. He pulled away and she ended up jabbing his side. He flinched and glared at her, but did not budge. Allison’s lips quirked into a momentary smile.
“Allison,” Vanya said quietly, gesturing at the brewing fight. Allison rolled her eyes and threw up her hands. 
“Okay! Just remember you asked for this!” Allison smirked, and the room suddenly felt a bit colder. She could feel everyone’s attention on her, but she had Diego’s eyes, and that was all she needed.
“I heard a rumor that you started tickling yourself.” Allison’s voice echoed through the room, the sound waves capturing her brother. Just before his eyes turned white, she could see the look of minute panic, that look of ‘oh shit’ that he always made before being put in his place. Allison smiled, curled her tongue against her teeth, and dropped the winning blow.
“Coochie coo, Diego.” She couldn’t help the giggle that bubbled out on the end of her sentence. Diego’s hands raised towards his body as if they didn’t belong to him, fingers wiggling in that way that had always ruined him as a kid—slow, methodical, and teasing. Both hands dug into his sides, just below his ribs, and he yelped, quickly consumed by his own high-pitched laughter. The sight was strange—90% of Diego was squirming up a storm trying to escape himself, but his arms and hands kept him pinned exactly where Allison wanted him.
“How does that work?” Lila laughed, unable to hide her snickers when Diego squealed. She fluttered her fingers over his neck and was delighted to find that he couldn’t fight back—what with his hands being so busy, and all.
“Her power shuts off the sense of self-awareness in the brain, I think. You can’t tickle yourself normally because the laughter is a panic response. Your brain knows it’s you, so you can’t make yourself laugh, unless you’re ridiculously ticklish, or something. Allison’s power is making Diego’s brain think his hands aren’t his, even though he knows they are. It’s really interesting, actually.” Vanya beamed, unable to resist poking him in the ribs a few times. He threw his head back in his chair and somehow found it in himself to giggle louder when his rumored hands found a home underneath his arms, drawing unbearable shapes and driving him up the wall. Everyone, excluding Diego, turned to stare at Vanya.
“What? I like science.” She shrugged.
“It is...creative, I’ll say.” Five crossed his arms, then uncrossed them, as if he didn’t trust his own hands.
“Yeah, I haven’t heard him laugh like that since we were kids. He still sounds like a kettle.” Klaus chuckled.
“Shut up, Klaus!” Diego squeaked out, tossing his head side to side. He puffed his cheeks out, trying to rein in his laughter, but it only lasted until his left hand hit that spot just above his top rib that made him fully cackle.
“Aww, this is cute.” Lila ruffled his hair, knowing full well she wouldn’t have gotten away with it had Diego not been testing the range of his vocal chords. Lila shot Allison a look she couldn’t quite read—something akin to a thoughtful expression, as if she was taking a mental note—and smiled. 
“Diego? I think your legs could use some attention.” Allison watched with delight as Diego’s hands dove for his thighs. One hand started squeezing while the other wiggled up and down, and the rate at which he plummeted into desperate belly laughter was almost alarming. He twisted off of the chair and onto the floor, eyes screwed shut.
“Allison, stohop!” Diego squealed, absolutely hysterical. Jesus Christ, no one had ever been this ruthless with him before. Her powers were hitting spots he didn’t even know he had, and each fresh discovery sent him into a wave of overwhelming, giggly panic. Every time he tried to take command of his hands, something blocked him, like the wires in his brain weren’t quite connected. 
“Nope! Not until you apologize for being an asshole. And agree to be nice.” 
“I can’t—noho!” He arched his back and drummed his heels on the floor. Watching his own hands wreak havoc on his worst spot set off all kinds of butterflies in his stomach. His hands kept digging in infuriating patterns, completely overwhelming his nervous system with tickly sparks. 
“Sure you can! It’s very easy.” Allison winked at him and he growled, but it dissolved very quickly into giggles.
“You’re all a bunch of children,” Five sighed.
“Five, why don’t you join him?” Allison asked sweetly, stirring her drink with the straw. Five’s look of confusion melted into a brief flicker of white eyes, and soon his cackles mingled with Diego’s rich laughter. He hit the floor much quicker than his brother, but that might’ve had something to do with his borrowed hands flying straight for his knees. Five squealed and kicked his legs, rolling around on the ground as he tried and failed to escape.
Watching Five and Diego writhe, so tangled in their laughter that they couldn’t threaten her if they wanted to, her heart skipped a few beats. Sure, the power was going to her head a bit, but it’s not like her brothers didn’t have it coming.  She was doing a public service. Speaking of public service, Diego was starting to turn an interesting color.
“If I let you go, are you going to be nice tonight? I will embarrass you in front of dad, I don’t even care.”
“Y-Yes! Lemme goho!” 
“Fine.” She waved a hand and Diego went limp. He lifted his hands to his face to muffle the last few giggles trickling from his lips. With some difficulty, he pulled himself to his feet, stumbling back into his chair with an arm wrapped around his torso. Sparing Diego brought a softness in Allison, and she smiled at Five.
“You can let your knees go. I always liked your giggles more anyway.” He disappeared in a flash of blue and reappeared behind her, arms outstretched and ready to strangle, but Allison sighed. He was so...predictable. A creature of unfortunate habit.
“I heard a rumor that you tickled your ribs silly.” 
“Noho!” He hit the ground in seconds, tripping over his own feet as he went. 
“Really?” She turned and arched a brow at him. 
“I hate yohou!”
“You’re lucky I didn’t mention your hands.” She scoffed, then flinched when Five shrieked. One of his hands started going to town on the other, scratching so gently that Allison almost couldn’t believe how loud he was. He squirmed so violently that she was sure he’d’ve punched her if she’d been close enough.
“Oopsie.” She grimaced, biting her lip. 
“Allison, hey.” Vanya smiled, obviously amused, but tilted her head towards the elevator. The up arrow was glowing red and, yeah, it was probably, regrettably, time to stop. 
“You can stop, Five,” She murmured, and he wheezed, scrubbing his palms against his jacket to erase sensation. The feeling of the fibers sliding against his palms sent him into another flurry of giggles as he clenched his fists.
Some cruel, playful itch at the back of Allison’s mind had been thoroughly scratched—so much so that when Diego still took a jab at her for not using her powers, she made him punch himself instead of embarrassing him.
She liked using her powers. The force with which they held her was sometimes scary, but for harmless instances like this? It was what she had been missing growing up. Everyone else got to mess around with their powers, but she was never really allowed to. Being the responsible and patient one meant being the buzzkill in her siblings’ eyes, and buzzkills didn’t often get roped into the intense, multi-floor, super-tickle-fights that had dominated what few happy memories that the Hargreeves had as children.
She started slow with reintroducing her powers, not wanting to overwhelm or scare anyone. She was still trying to get past the look on Patrick’s face when he’d caught her rumouring Claire. Allison knew her siblings would never look at her like that—in fact, they were the only people who ever wanted her to use her powers. She started with simple things: convincing Five to get some rest after refusing to sleep, ending an argument between Luther and Diego that was quickly spiraling out of control—even on Klaus, who would not stop fighting with Ben during the night. That last one wasn’t truly necessary, but the walls were thin and their rooms shared an unfortunate border.
“What color are you thinking?” Klaus dumped his armful of nail polish bottles onto her bed, just barely catching a few before they clattered to the floor. 
“Yellow?” She gingerly picked one from the pile. 
“I love it.” He beamed and took a seat in front of her, unscrewing the cap. The brightness and warmth of the polish made her smile. It was the color of her favorite dress from the decade they’d left behind—the dress that Raymond had always loved. Klaus took her foot and laid it on his leg, sticking his tongue out to concentrate.
Someone softly cleared their throat and the two of them looked up to see Vanya hovering in the doorway. Allison smiled and waved her in, and she plopped on the ground next to Klaus. Vanya leaned over to watch Klaus work.
“You like the color?” Allison asked. Things between them were still fragile. 
“It’s lovely. Sissy’s favorite, actually.” Vanya smiled softly, fiddling with her shirt sleeves a bit, and Allison knew things were okay, for the time being. 
Three pairs of stomping footsteps echoed down the hall and Allison looked up, catching her brothers lingering in the doorway, though seemingly not on purpose. Luther and Five had cornered a brooding Diego who looked like he was a few seconds away from impaling one or both of them. 
“Diego, quit being such a grouch.” Luther shoved his shoulder lightly.
“Don’t tell me what to do.” Diego grumbled, arms crossed.
C’mon man, it’s been days. No one likes when you sulk around. Just lighten up a little.”
“Don’t tell me what to do.” Diego held a knife up to Luther’s throat.
“Five, a little help here?”
“Oh, I don’t care.” Five stuck his hands in his pockets and smiled.
“Diego. Dude.” Luther shook Diego’s shoulder again and he growled, grabbing Luther’s meaty hand and wrenching it backwards.
“I heard a rumor that Luther and Five tickled you until you admit defeat,” Allison piped up, giggling at the look of absolute betrayal on Diego’s face. Five cackled of his own volition, happy as a clam to have a reason to torment his brother.
“Allison, no!” He bolted, Five and Luther hot on his heels.
“Have fun!” She called after them.
“That was mean.” Klaus chided, wiggling his fingers over her sole. She squeaked and tried to pull away, but his grip was tight on her ankle.
“Klaus! I’m gonna mess up the polish!” She whined around a giggle, hiding her face in her hands.
“No you won’t. Just stay still.” Klaus chuckled, continuing to apply the polish with one hand. With the other, he kept scratching gently 
“Yeah, Allison, just stay still.” Vanya took hold of Allison’s ankle and fluttered along her arch, taking note of which spots made her curl in on herself and paying them extra attention. 
It was then that Allison decided they were no longer exempt from her wrath. Everyone was fair game now. Though, maybe she could show them a little mercy, since they definitely could be a lot meaner.
They only stopped once they made her squeal—Klaus scratched his nail repeatedly over her big toe until she nearly fell on the floor—and even after, they wouldn't stop teasing her about the noise she’d made. She filed away her large-scale revenge plan and settled for tickling them both once Klaus had finished her nails. 
There was a lesson in quitting while you’re ahead, but, pinned to the couch and screaming, Allison was starting to think it had gone over her head.
It had started with Lila throwing a movie night—her way of apologizing for, well, everything without having to say the words. Lila had set up a sort of nest situation with pillows and blankets, allowing the siblings to choose their seats freely. Allison and Vanya snuggled on one end of the couch while Luther claimed the other, and the rest of them piled on one another in front of the couch. Lila laid with her head in Diego’s lap, and Klaus and Five were cozy next to them. They hadn’t existed this way in years. It would’ve been nice, had the tension not been so thick.
All of them were almost afraid to relax, as if they’d all simultaneously remembered how long it’d been since they’d properly been together as a family. Five looked like he would explode if anyone touched him, Diego was far too occupied with his box of Thin Mints, and Klaus’s knee was shaking far too much not to be distracting to everyone present. 
A smile tugged at her lips. If any situation called for an intervention, it was this one. Possibly even more than her previous abuses of power. 
“They need to lighten up, don’t you think?” Allison murmured, stealing a pretzel from the bag Vanya was holding.
“They are a bit..tense.” Vanya chuckled. Allison took the pretzels and set them safely aside before gesturing for her to lean close.
“I heard a rumor that you started messing with Klaus,” Allison whispered, munching on another pretzel. Vanya fixed her with a ‘really?’ face and she shrugged in apology. Vanya started nudging Klaus with her foot, waiting just long enough between gentle shoves that it was annoying. After about the eighth time, Klaus whirled around and grabbed Vanya’s ankle, skittering his fingers up her leg.
“Vanya!” He gasped in mock offense, spidering his nails in random circles. Vanya simply slid down the couch cushion like a pile of jello, the fight already drained from her body. Allison had been hoping for a more explosive reaction, but this would do as a start. She leaned forward and put a hand on Diego’s shoulder. 
“I heard a rumor that you started a proper tickle fight.” She finished the command with a quick flutter at the back of his neck. Diego snatched her hand and yanked her forwards, using the change in momentum to grab her foot and go to town. She snorted and shoved at the back of his head, anything to get him to let go.
“Not with me! Nevermind, I heard a rumor you stole Five’s marshmallows.” She shoved him off of her and grinned when he immediately lunged for them. In that moment, Five was indistinguishable from a feral racoon as he dove for the treats. Lila managed to roll out of the way just before she was crushed.
“Give them back!” He screeched, reaching for the bag just out of his grip. Diego took advantage of his long arms and stretched as far away as possible.
“Nah, I don’t think so.” Diego dropped a marshmallow into his mouth, making direct eye contact as he chewed and swallowed. Five trembled with rage.
“You’re dead.” He pounced onto Diego who yelped before dissolving into frantic giggles, arms flailing about as he tried to dislodge Five. He squirmed right into Klaus, who took hold of his legs and dug in wherever he could reach. Vanya made a game of poking Diego’s stomach as many times as possible while dodging his hands. She could see the moment where her rumor dissolved, the four of them effortlessly carrying on the playfulness without aid.
Allison snuck a glance at Luther. He was still crushed into his corner of the couch, looking unbelievably uncomfortable but at least amused at the struggle going on beneath him. He deserved to smile as much as them.
“I heard a rumor-”
“That you were wildly ticklish, all over,” Lila said from behind her, and holy shit, when did she get there? Lila poked her side and a bright giggle bubbled out from her lips before she could stop it. Dread and anticipation tangled in her stomach. She’d never been that sensitive there before.
Uh oh.
“Lila, we can talk about this.” Allison raised her hands in surrender as Lila vaulted over the couch, straddling her before she could escape.
“That’s the problem, Allison. You’re still talking, not laughing.” Lila kneaded her thumbs into the sides of Allison’s stomach and she squealed, trying her damndest to grab the offending hands. 
This was uncharted territory for her. She was used to teasy hands grabbing her neck or for roughhousing to turn into a mad grab for her feet. She knew exactly what it would feel like every time. This was technically the same, but radically different. Her body just didn’t know what to do. It was like being tickled for the first time ever, before her body knew what was going on. Every single part of her was sending up flares of tickly panic as she squirmed underneath Lila.
When someone—Klaus, judging by the cold shock of a few rings—grabbed hold of her feet, it dawned on her how what she’d put Diego through might’ve been a little mean.
“Lehet goho!” 
“Hey, Allison? I think your legs could use some attention,” Diego said in an annoying mockery of her voice, but she was far too indisposed to reprimand him for it.
“I-” She started to plead, but verbal communication flew out the window entirely when Vanya started tickling lightly under her chin and down the column of her throat. It was so gentle and clearly loving, but the contrast between Vanya and the fiends going to town on the rest of her body only doubled her desperation to get away.
Diego hooked his fingers behind Allison’s knee and she nearly launched Lila across the room with how hard she thrashed. Her nervous system whited out for a minute as she squealed louder, doing everything she could to wrench her feet from Klaus’s grasp so she could kick Diego in the face.
“No! Stohop!” Great, she was snorting now. 
“Uh-oh! Bad spot?” Klaus drawled, scribbling over her feet. Lila wormed her fingers into the crevices of Allison’s ribs, making sure to pinch and prod every so often, just to draw out little squeaks and hiccups. Diego found a spot on the side of her thigh where if he wiggled his fingers, Allison’s giggles would turn wheezy, and he was having far too much fun with it.
“Ihit tihickles!”
“Does it? Are you sure?” Lila vibrated a claw into Allison’s stomach and she threw her head back into the couch with a loud cackle. That was definitely new. Vanya giggled somewhere above her, dragging her fingers over the shells of her ears.
“Yes, oh my god-” She clamped her elbows to her sides when Lila tried to sneak her hands under her arms. Her brain sent out about fifty warning signals, essentially begging her not to let this happen, and while she had no clue where the knowledge had come from, she wasn’t about to question it.
“Alright, I’m sorry!” She tried to curl around Lila’s hands but that only made things worse.
“Damn straight.” Diego scoffed, (surprisingly) the first to let her go. After a few other quick pokes, the others released her, watching as she heaved in sweet oxygen. Every inch of her body was fizzling as she came down from her laughter. She covered her face, hiding her recovery, until two very mean hands darted into her exposed armpits. Allison bucked up hard, loud and bright laughter overcoming her as she thrashed on the couch. A few seconds felt like hours, and when Lila finally did stop, Allison wheezed before mustering the energy to glare.
“Sorry! I just wanted to see what would happen.” She smiled, sheepish, but not at all apologetic.
“I hope I didn’t ruin movie night,” Allison murmured, looking up and around at her siblings. 
“Au contraire! I think you made movie night. Everyone, grab your snacks. I want to see this kid fuck up some robbers.” Klaus started the movie without waiting for the others, earning groans of annoyance and panicked scrambling as everyone tried to find their seats. Lila stayed on the couch, pulling Allison’s legs across her lap, while Vanya adjusted so Allison’s head would be more comfy. Klaus laid across Diego’s back and Five propped his legs on top of them, popping marshmallows in his mouth like popcorn. 
A success, if ever there was one.
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Moral Support | Diego Hargreeves x Reader (Oneshot)
Prompt: Hurt/Comfort
Fandom: The Umbrella Academy
Words: 1572
Warning: TUA Season 2 Ep 6 Spoilers
Diego told you to wait in the car, but of course you weren’t going to listen and he knew that. He had even rolled his eyes when you said you will, followed by the slam of the car door. You waited until they were all inside before you made your way in. You knew what floor it was, so you could just simply use the stairs and your abilities to catch up.
As you walked into the grand lobby, you looked up and smirked. Or you could just fly up. You closed your eyes and concentrated, your long coat turning into wings and as you opened your eyes, they were black like an eagle’s. With a bend of the knees you jumped up with your arms wide open, feeling yourself fly past the floors until you reached your destination. You landed on the railing and made your way to the elevator.
You were planning a grand entrance, but as the metal doors opened, a strong stench flooded the corridor. You shrunk back and cough, making way for the others to flee the confinement.
“Happy that you came?” Diego teased.
“Shut up,” you muttered, shoving his shoulder.
“Come on, let's go. And let me do all the talking, alright,” Five said, walking ahead towards the Tiki Lounge. “And, (Y/n), this is a family matter-”
“I’ll stay out of it for as much as possible,” you said, raising your hands, “No problem, old man.”
“Thank you,” he said, fixing his jacket, “Though I highly doubt that you’ll follow through, at least you're the sensible one. I know you won’t say anything without reason.”
“Whoa,” Luther said defensively.
The others debated who should talk first and how to go about facing their father while you stood to the side, sitting yourself next to Diego. You sighed when Diego chucked the conch that Vanya suggested to use across the room, already getting a bad feeling about this meeting.
“You tried,” you told Vanya, “And I think it would have worked with an even tempered group.”
With the slam of the doors, the group fell silent, watching a younger Reginald Hargreeves stride over towards the head of the table with a book in hand. They all took their seats, an uneasiness washing over them. It had been years since they’ve faced their abusive father, so you couldn’t blame them. Yet, this version of their father doesn’t even know the trauma that he had brought to them in the future.
You kept your promise so far and stayed silent, listening in to their discussion. That is, until Hargreeves wanted them to prove their powers. For a while, you thought you could get away with it by sitting back, but he turned to you.
“And you?” he asked.
“Thankfully, I’m not one of your adopted children,” you said, sipping on your pina colada.
“Then why are you here at this important meeting?” he demanded, staring you down condescendingly. “You have no business here.”
“Moral support?”
Hargreeves scoffed and was about to retort when Diego snapped. He leaned forward. “Look, we know that you’re involved in the plot to assassinate the president,” he started.
You sighed, shaking your head. You told him that Hargreeves being there didn’t mean that he conspired JFK’s assassination. Correlation does not prove causation, but Diego was dead set sure that his dear old dad was up to no good.
“You were recently hospitalized, isn’t that correct?” Hargreeves said. Diego shook his head, knowing where he was going with this. “You still seem to be suffering with delusions of grandeur and acute paranoia.”
“Am I?” Diego took out the photo taken from the Frankel Footage and pointed at it. “Explain this. That’s you. That’s two days from now on the grassy knoll at the exact same spot that the president is gonna get shot.”
Hargreeves took the photo and eyed Diego critically. “Well… I suppose you solved it, then. You single handedly unearthed my nefarious plot. Is that what you want to hear?”
You grabbed Diego's arm, urging him to sit back down, but he shrugged you off. You looked towards his siblings for help, but they were as silent as you were, watching the scene unfold. There was no need for your powers for the extra boost in your senses to tell that Hargreeves was getting to him. Hearing him continuing to criticize Diego might also be getting to the others as well, even Vanya, who was lowering her head.
As the insults kept hitting, the cold hard truths in the form of knives stabbing Diego over and over in the wounds that hadn’t quite healed, he slowly slunk down in his seat. This time, you gripped his arm and he let you as he shook.
“-A man in over his head!” Hargreeves concluded.
“Y-y-you’re w-w-wro-ng,” Diego managed to reply.
You knew Diego had been cut deep when he started stuttering again.“Okay! Time for my role as moral support,” you said, setting down your drink. “Listen, Reggie. Diego is someone who wants to save people and save the world because he’s a kind and compassionate person that wants to do good, not because he’s a calculative soldier following orders from a man who shows more affection to his experimental ape than his own adopted human children. The fact that the apocalypse could have been prevented had you been a goddamn father for them says a lot about you and what you think you’re achieving, so I suggest you hold off your tactless psychological analysis, that is clearly not going to give you any positive results, to yourself and listen to them for once. Thank you.”
“(Y/n),” Five said, reaching over to grab your shoulder.
He pointed up at lights hanging over the table. Small black dots were falling down and landing on the table, crawling towards Hargreeves. Black widows. Your tongue tapped your incisors, confirming that fangs had grown. You looked around at the table, no one but Five and Diego meeting your eyes. You took a deep breath, feeling the fangs retreat along with the small spiders.
It was Diego’s turn to pull you down and you let him. He squeezed your arm in a sign of gratitude. You nodded, then looked back at Five. Once he knew you were calm, he pushed the discussion forward about the upcoming Doomsday.
Hargreeves was condescending as ever, acting as if it wasn’t his problem to deal with. Klaus began to act weird and you closed your eyes, switching them to cat eyes. Although cats can’t see ghosts as clearly as Klaus, they have an awareness of where they are. Ben was here.
You rushed over as Klaus collapsed, managing to let out a faint confirmation that Ben was trying to possess him. After Luther’s outburst, showing Hargreeves what he had done to him, Hargreeves simply dismissed him and walked around you as you heaved Klaus up. He eyed you curiously before continuing forward, requesting to speak to Five in private.
“Come on, big guy,” you said, “Help me?”
Luther stood there, dumbfounded, before snapping out of it, picking up Klaus with ease and dragging him all the way to the elevator. He propped him against the back wall and the others piled in, Diego being the last one and the nearest of the door.
“Congratulations,” Allison said to Luther.
“For what?”
“I think that was the first time ever that you stood up to dad,” she said, sounding impressed and Luther hadn’t realized about that until now.
“Are you okay?” Vanya asked Diego.
He was silent for a moment, looking at you, then glancing at the others over his shoulders. “So much for having my back in there,” he muttered, “Team Zero, my ass. At least (Y/n) said something, and they haven’t even met the guy before.”
“Dee, I’m pretty sure the only reason I could say anything, that I was the only one that could say anything, was because I never met him before,” you said, defending the others. “It’s not completely their fault. I wasn’t the one that had to grow up with his toxic bullshit, okay? You guys did. I give you guys credit for even coming all the way here in the first place to face him.”
“Well, you gave us too much credit,” he said, walking out as soon as the doors opened.
You muttered your farewells to the others before rushing after Diego. You stopped him outside by the curb, grabbing his arm. He whipped around and pointed a finger at you in warning.
“Diego, he’s an asshole. That’s a massive understatement,” you said, “but all those things he said does not change all that you’ve accomplished on your own. You survived with the cards that you were dealt with. You saved people.” Diego shook his head, turning to walk away but you held firm. “You saved me, remember?”
“Thought you said that you had that situation handled,” he said, his cheekiness slowly getting back.
“I’m not afraid anymore to admit that I needed a little help back then,” you said, “I’m always here if you need to talk, Dee.”
Diego sighed, closing his eyes and pressed his forehead against yours. “I know.”
He opened his eyes and saw a familiar figure moving in the parking lot. Just like that, he was off. And, like always, you made sure he didn’t go and get himself killed.
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yeah-klave · 3 years
The Sexual Awakening of David Joseph Katz - Chapter 8
Link to Chapter 1 || Link to Chapter 2 || Link to Chapter 3 || Link to Chapter 4 || Link to Chapter 5  ||  Link to Chapter 6 ||  Link to Chapter 7
Series summary:  A multi-chapter journey of self-discovery and sexual awakening.
Chapter summary: Dave tries something new.
Genre: Developing relationship, smut. (18+ only, please)
A/N: This is set in a nothing-too-bad-happens modern AU. The characters are all in their early twenties (I’m picturing adult!actor versions of them and Dave as a (younger) Cody Ray Thompson). The siblings are all still living at home, relatively happily, and Dave, Lila, Sissy and Carl are friends who hang out with them at the Academy.
Word length: 5.2k
Disclaimer: I don’t own any of The Umbrella Academy characters or settings.
It was the weekend. Klaus and Dave had spent the day hanging out with Diego, Ben and Luther.
They’d driven out of the city to a hiking trail and explored for a bit, then set themselves up on a rickety jetty to do some fishing in a nearby lake.
Ben had rolled his eyes at Diego and Luther’s competitive sniping, but all three had ended up blaming Klaus for scaring away all the fish after he got board of sitting quietly and decided to dip his toes in the water and attempt to splash the serious look of concentration off Dave’s face. He succeeded.
Nobody ended up catching any fish.
In the afternoon, they returned to the Academy to chill and – at Dave’s insistence – have a Star Wars movie marathon.
At one point, Five wandered through the living room. He paused to roll his eyes fondly at the slouching heap of limbs they had become, before heading off in the direction of the bar. They heard clinking, them a few moments later he wandered back out, distractedly muttering something about quantum mechanics and clutching a Margarita topped with a little blue cocktail umbrella.
At some point during the second movie, Ben extracted himself and wandered off to a quiet nook to do a little reading and, shortly afterwards, Luther left to go pick up Allison from the mall, where she’d been shopping with some girlfriends.
Bored again from too much sitting, Klaus had come up with a game that involved passing random objects between them without letting them touch the floor, using only their feet.
With the movie still playing in the background, they’d been passing Dave’s balled-up hoodie between them for a solid twenty minutes when Diego’s phone pinged and he missed the pass from Klaus, letting the hoodie fall to the floor.
“Dude!” Klaus exclaimed, hands raised.
Diego shrugged and checked his phone.
“It’s Lila inviting me over,” he said. “Her roommate’s out of town.”
“Booty call,” Klaus grinned, winking at Diego and conspiratorially nudging Dave with his elbow. “Sounds like you’re in there, bro.”
Diego grimaced back. “More like, she’s bored of being on her own without anyone to tease, so she’s calling sparring partners to her.”
“If that really was the case,” Dave said, “and all she wanted was an argument, she’d just text Carl.”
“Ha! True!” Klaus barked a laugh. “He’d definitely take the bait. He’s been in such a pissy mood recently.” Klaus made a lewd gesture, “I don’t think he’s getting any from Sissy.”
“I don’t think you can blame Sissy for Carl’s foul mood,” Dave added sagely.
“Definitely not!” Klaus said, “it’s not her fault her boyfriend’s a prick.”
“To be fair,” Diego cut in, “she’s been pretty busy recently with that volunteering group she and Vanya signed up for. You know, the one with the music therapy for autistic kids.”
Klaus and Dave shared a glance and Dave had to duck his head quickly to hide his smile.
“Yeah,” Klaus said slowly, “Sissy and Vanya have been busy with the… volunteering. Recently, in particular, they’ve both got very… busy. Together.”
Engrossed in his phone, Diego didn’t notice the knowing grin that passed between Klaus and Dave.
“Maybe I shouldn’t go,” Diego mused, “maybe it gives her too much power. Coming when she calls, I mean. I don’t want her to get the wrong idea.”
“Don’t you mean get the right idea?” Klaus smirked.
“Shut up,” Diego scowled, “I’m not her lap dog.”
Klaus caught Dave’s gaze and rolled his eyes. “Honestly, these Straights,” he said with a mock exasperated sigh, “they have such complicated relationships.” He turned to Diego and levelled him a challenging look. “Seriously, brother mine, you need to let that girl peg the toxic masculinity right out of you. You might have a clearer perspective on the whole thing after you’ve let her fuck you ‘till your true bratty bottom personality starts showing. I bet you’d find it quite liberating to let her watch you shake apart while your ankles are in the air and your knees are up by your ears.”
Diego let out a strangled choking sound.
“But if you’re too much of a sissy to let a woman top you,” Klaus added, “I’d highly recommend levelling up and finding a nice guy to fuck you instead. Tits are nice and all that – but you just can’t beat a big, hard dick. So go find yourself one of them. Just not the one attached to him,” Klaus winked at Dave, “because that one’s spoken for.”
Dave grinned fondly, rolling his eyes.
“I don’t even know where to start with that,” Diego said with a grimace.
“Well,” Dave said evenly, “personally, I’d recommend starting with a bit of dry humping. Then, when you finally get your hands around it, you can start working it properly. Maybe fondle the balls a bit.”
“Dave!” Diego said shocked. “That’s… you… don’t say things like that.” He looked between Klaus and Dave, scandalised. “He’s having a bad effect on you, Dave.”
“He’s had an effect alright,” Dave said, catching Klaus’ eye, “a big, prominent, pointed effect.”
“Seriously, dude,” Diego grimaced, “I don’t want to hear this.”
“Oh, quit whining,” Klaus chuckled. “We all know you ship us hard.”
“So hard,” Dave added.
“So, very, very hard.” Klaus giggled. “As hard as we make each other.”
“Oh, dear god!” Diego cringed, covering his ears with his hands. “Mental images! Forcing their way into my brain. Cannot un-think!”
Klaus and Dave both laughed.
“Well, on that note, I’m off.” Diego patted himself down checking for his keys and started towards the door. “I’d rather be at Lila’s beck and call than listen to anymore of this. You reprobates stay safe now. And for God’s sake, don’t cum on anything, please!”
“Don’t worry,” Klaus called after him. “We swallow.”
“La-la-la! NOT LISTENING!” Diego called back, hands over his ears again as he left, the front door to the Academy clicking shut behind him.
Klaus caught Dave’s eye and Dave raised an eyebrow and asked simply, “So, shall we?”
And Klaus barked a laugh. “Hell, yes!” he said, pulling Dave to his feet.
They ran upstairs and stumbled down the corridor to Klaus’ room, laughing and kissing and fumbling, hands pulling off clothes and blindly knocking into furniture in their haste.
“Diego’s really going to appreciate the trail of discarded clothing leading to your room,” Dave smiled, glancing over Klaus’ shoulder.
“Don’t care,” Klaus breathed, his lips pressing kisses along Dave’s jaw. “To be honest, Grace will probably pick it all up before he sees anyway.” Dave’s eyes widened in panic, but Klaus took the lobe of Dave’s ear into his mouth and sucked, and Dave’s mind blanked. He shivered and Klaus grinned, grazing his teeth along the flesh.
The door to Klaus’ room was barely shut behind them before Klaus was sinking to his knees in front of Dave, hands scrambling to unbuckle his pants.
Dave rested his head back against the door and allowed Klaus to pull his pants and boxers down, but before Dave had chance to step out of them, Klaus was leaning forwards eagerly and taking Dave into his mouth.
Dave groaned, long and low, both his hands going to Klaus’ head, fingers carding through the unruly curls, fingernails raking slowly and seductively along the scalp. He then tugged gently, in just the way he knew Klaus loved and Klaus hummed in delight. The vibrations sent a wave of pleasure through Dave and he sighed out Klaus’ name. Klaus hummed again, then started sucking and bobbing his head in earnest, his hands steadying Dave’s hips.
Dave closed his eyes and let the feelings overtake him. Klaus was setting a delicious rhythm, with just the right level of suction. His mouth was hot and wet and perfect. Dave could feel Klaus breathe out as he relaxed his throat and took Dave down deeper.
“Oh, Klaus…” Dave moaned, gently tugging on his hair again. “That’s so good.”
Klaus hummed again and, fighting the impulse to gag, took him down ever further.
“Oh, yes!” Dave sighed. “Oh Klaus, your mouth feels so good.” His brain fuzzy, the praises spilled off his lips, “Yes, oh you’re so good at that. It feels amazing. You feel amazing. You’re amazing.” Dave could feel the pressure building, the knot tightening. Klaus kept bobbing and sucking. “Oh yes, there, like that. Klaus! Oh yes, yes.”
 Dave twitched his hips slightly and Klaus gave an almost imperceptible nod and squeezed his fingers, signalling that Dave could thrust forwards. Dave let out a strangled little sound and – ever so gently – started fucking Klaus’ mouth. Klaus moaned, his pupil’s blown and his chin wet.
Dave let out a low grunt and concentrated on the feeling of the tiny thrusts of his hips – the raw, decadent pleasure of pushing his cock into his partner’s willing mouth. The slightly strangled moans coming from Klaus were needy and wanton and desperate. The act felt so… base. So… primal. To Dave, it felt… unimaginably good.
Dave savoured the feeling, storing it away to be examined and replayed at another time, another place.
Klaus squeezed Dave’s hips again and then took him all the way down into his throat, swallowed, then hummed. And Dave felt the vibrations rumble through him in a heady wave. His fingers twitched and his hips bucked involuntarily.
Klaus chocked. Just a little. “Sorry, sorry,” Dave said, contrite. He only felt slightly guilty for the sudden rush that had surged through him at the sight and sound of Klaus choking on his cock.
Klaus hummed in response, picking up the pace of his bobbing, cheeks hollowed and his tongue working the underside. His thumb ran soothingly over Dave’s hipbone and even in his state of fuggy pleasure, Dave knew it was a sign of reassurance.
Half out of his mind with pleasure, Dave looked down and took in the sight of Klaus; cheeks hollowed, his lips stretched wide around Dave’s cock, the gentle sway of his wild curls as he bobbed his head. His eyelashes were dark fans over eyelids heavy from desire. Dave felt a proprietary surge of pleasure as he noticed the beginnings of dark streaks on the pale, delicate skin under Klaus’ bottom lashes, where the slight wetness around his eyes had caused his eyeliner to run.
Dave gave another low groan. He could feel himself tensing, his pleasure cresting. “Klaus!” he managed to grunt.
 Klaus pulled back and off with a wet pop, a line of saliva still connecting them. He began fisting Dave’s length. He opened his mouth wide, stuck out his tongue and rested Dave’s tip on the wet, pink muscle. He looked up: open and willing and eager. Ready to be claimed, though Dave.
Eyelids heavy and eyes dark with lust, Klaus gazed up at Dave through his lashes. And, staring down into Klaus’ eyes, Dave’s pleasure crested and his orgasm crashed over him like a tidal surge. He came undone, pulsing and releasing, thick creamy ropes of cum landing over Klaus’ tongue and his lips and his chin and his cheek. Klaus closed his eyes and took it, hand still working Dave’s shaft, helping him ride out his high. And Dave just kept cumming, all over his boyfriend’s face and tongue and a bit in his hair. And it felt so dirty, but also so brilliant. And his brain thrummed: mine, mine, mine…
Dave’s cock gave a final weak pulse and Klaus licked the small trickle of cum off the tip.
Dave looked down and blushed at the sight of Klaus on his knees before him, his cheeks flushed, chin wet, face splattered with cum and his hair sticking up wildly from where Dave had been gripping the dark curls.
“Oh, Klaus” he whispered reverently. And Klaus smiled and gently kissed the tip of Dave’s cock one last time before getting to his feet.
Dave’s thumb came up to Klaus’ bottom lip and smeared a spot of cum across the skin. Klaus’ tongue came out to taste it, but Dave leaned forwards quickly and caught Klaus’ lips in a kiss, tasting himself on Klaus’ skin and in the slow slide of their lips and tongues.
“So, I guess we didn’t do what Diego asked after all,” Dave smiled.
“Pretty sure he meant the sofas, or in the kitchen or something,” Klaus grinned. “I don’t think it counts if the thing you’re cumming on is me.” Dave groaned again. Then reached blindly, grabbed his discarded tee and lightly wiped the mess off Klaus’ face. Then he brought their faces close until the tips of their noses were touching and brushed them together in an Eskimo kiss.
Dave stepped forwards, trying to walk Klaus back to the bed but, forgetting about his pants still pooled around his ankles, he almost overbalanced. Klaus laughed and held his arms steady while Dave toed off his boots and socks and stepped out of his jeans. Klaus’ pants had been abandoned somewhere on the trip from the living room to Klaus’ bedroom.
Dave gently placed his hands on Klaus’ immaculate chest and walked him back to the bed, softly pushing him down onto his back. Klaus shuffled backwards, laying his head on the pillow. He was toned and sun-golden and glorious, his erection a prominent bulge tenting his underwear. He’s gorgeous, Dave thought. Completely gorgeous and all mine. And a thrill ran through him.
Dave got onto the bed and pulled Klaus’ underwear off. And then Klaus was spread out before him: standing big and stiff and proud. A meal Dave wanted to both devour all at once… and also savour for the rest of his life.
Dave crawled over Klaus, propping himself up on his forearms so he could bring their lips together again. Klaus sighed and ran one hand down Dave’s spine, resting the other on his backside and squeezing.
“Ass man,” Dave breathed into Klaus’ mouth.
“Bite me,” Klaus smiled back, and Dave caught his bottom lip between his teeth and nipped lightly. Klaus groaned and pushed his hips up against Dave.
Dave grinned and rolled them over. He slotted his leg between Klaus’, presenting his thigh for Klaus to ride. Klaus propped himself up on his arms and pushed his hips down, grinding his erection into Dave’s deliciously solid thigh. He breathed out a sigh and leaned down to continue their kiss, his hips pressing forwards rhythmically. Dave pushed his tongue into Klaus’ mouth and let the kiss get dirty, his hands kneading Klaus’ ass cheeks as Klaus humped his leg. The room was filled with the sound of Klaus panting and grunting and the dull thunk of the headboard against the wall as Klaus increased the pace and vigour of his rutting.
“Look at you,” Dave breathed, eyeing Klaus’ slack mouth and flushed cheeks, “just look at you. So beautiful.”
“Dave,” Klaus gritted out.
“Oh, is there something you need, sweetheart?” Dave teased.
“Yes,” Klaus panted, a little frustrated and desperate to get off.
Dave raised an eyebrow but made no other attempt to move.
“Oh,” Klaus whined, “Dav-uh!”
Dave grinned wickedly, “Maybe you should ask nicely?”
Klaus’ eyes went wide. For a heart stopping moment, Dave thought he might have gone too far, might have misread the vibe, might have killed the moment.
But then Klaus flushed, blinking rapidly, and whispered, “Dave, please.” Dave squeezed his ass cheeks again and Klaus whined and clamped his thighs around Dave’s leg, grinding his erection down harder. “Please,” he repeated in a small, broken voice, “please do something to get me off.” He brought his lips to Dave’s ear, so close Dave could feel his lips moving, and murmured, “please, Mr Katz…”
Dave swallowed hard. A rush of adrenaline, and also something else – something deeper and more primal – ran through him. He could feel the soft, warm weight of his partner, writhing and rutting against him. Needy and desperate. Needy, for him. Dave was suddenly overwhelmed by an instinctive, primal urge to give and please and protect and provide. Mine, Dave thought again. He’s mine.
Dave hooked his leg around Klaus’ and flipped them over. He pressed one final searing kiss to Klaus’ lips and then worked his way down Klaus’ body, trailing kisses down his neck and chest, his tongue flicking over the hardened nub of a nipple. He teasingly kissed his way down the faint trail of dark hairs that started just below his navel and ended at the base of Klaus’ cock.
Dave could feel Klaus breathing deeply, his chest rising and falling in anticipation. But rather than turning his attention to Klaus’ erection. Dave dipped his head lower, and pressed kisses and teasing licks into the delicate skin surrounding Klaus’ cock. He pressed his nose against Klaus’ balls, nuzzling them slightly, then opened his mouth and sucked as much as he could into his mouth, applying delicious pressure and working the skin with his tongue. Klaus whined above him. Dave repeated the action, then moved onto the other.
“Dave,” Klaus panted. “Dave, please.”
A thought started buzzing in Dave’s brain. It felt electric – live and shocking.
Without quite realising he’d done it, Dave made a decision. He felt wired and alive and empowered.
Dave smiled and rose onto his knees. His hands went to Klaus’ hips. “Roll over,” he said gently.
“What?” Klaus’ head came up, eyes slightly unfocussed.
“Come on,” Dave repeated quietly, “roll over.”
“Dave? What’re you…” Klaus looked confused.
“I want to try something,” Dave smiled. He felt a shy, nervous flutter in his stomach, but he swallowed, caught Klaus’ eye and gave a confident little nod.
Klaus held his gaze a moment, eyes wide, but then he obliged, rolling onto his front. Dave encouraged him to spread his legs and lift onto his knees and elbows. Dave sat back for a second and just took in the sight before him: his boyfriend bent over on his bed, flushed and hard and slightly bewildered, but presenting himself so beautifully for Dave. Dave licked his lips and smiled. He was going to enjoy this.
Klaus’ head hung between his arms and he craned around to look at Dave admiring him and – despite all his previous experience – he still felt a small spike of self-conscious embarrassment. He shifted and started to get up, “Dave, what’s… what’re you doing…?”
“Shhh,” Dave reassured, his hand rubbing soothing circles into Klaus’ lower back and encouraging him back down. “It’s okay. Just relax. I’ve got this. I’ve got you.”
Klaus narrowed his eyes slightly but relaxed back down.
Dave positioned himself between Klaus’ legs and ran his hands over Klaus’ ass cheeks, endearingly pale against the tan of the rest of his skin. He gave the right one a quick pat and squeeze. Lowering his head slowly, he pressed a gentle kiss into the soft, fleshy centre of each cheek. Then, using his thumbs, he spread the cheeks apart, finally revealing Klaus’ pink, furled hole.
“Dave…?” He heard Klaus choke out.
Dave blew a soft stream of warm air onto Klaus’ little rosebud and watched as it clenched slightly.
Then, leaning forwards, he brought his face in close and slowly licked across Klaus’ tight hole.
“Fuck!” He heard Klaus exclaim.
Dave smiled and, tongue soft and wet and wide, he repeated the action.
“Oh, Dave! Oh, fuck!” Klaus panted again.
Dave pointed his tongue and flicked it up and down, and left to right, brushing it quickly over the delicate skin. Dave could feel Klaus’ hole fluttering under his tongue.
“Dave! Oh god, yes, oh yes!” Klaus panted. He shifted his hips and repositioned his arm to take his weight. He brought the other hand down to his cock, which was hanging thick and heavy and neglected between his legs. But before he could take hold of it, however, Dave caught his wrist and stopped him.
“Not yet,” he said. And his face was still so close to Klaus’ most private area that Klaus could feel the huff of air against his wet skin when Dave spoke.
Klaus shivered and groaned, but brought his elbow back down to the bed, resigning himself to the sweet torture.
Dave reapplied his tongue to Klaus’ hole and soon Klaus was panting and sighing and pushing back against him, needy whines and breathy little gasps escaping his throat.
Dave switched up the movement of his tongue from strong licks and fast little flicks, and instead covered Klaus’ hole with his lips and then sucked lightly.
Klaus groaned under him, pushing back, his legs trembling. “Oh, fuuuuuck!” he whimpered.
Dave gave the furled hole another slow lick, then pointed his tongue and – ever so slowly – pushed it against Klaus’ entrance. Klaus’ breath hitched. At first Klaus’ muscles resisted. But then, as Dave wiggled his tongue slightly, he felt the tight ring of muscles begin to relax, allowing him to push his tongue in slightly. Dave pressed his tongue forwards in tight circular motions, then slowly pulled back and pressed in again, fucking Klaus’ hole with the tip of his tongue.
“Oh, fuuuuucck me!” Klaus wailed. “Fuck, Dave! Yes! Oh, fuck I need to cum!”
Dave could feel Klaus trembling under his hands, the erratic twitch of his hips, the desperate, broken edge to his voice.
“Please, Dave,” Klaus pleaded. “Please, please…”
And Dave, his face still buried in Klaus’ ass, finally reached around and gripped Klaus’ leaking erection and started pumping.
And Klaus keened. He was caught between thrusting his painfully hard cock forward into Dave’s fist and pressing back into the delicious wet flicks of Dave’s tongue against his quivering hole. He was so desperately, painfully hard; the desire to cum so strong. And the feeling of Dave finally touching his rock-hard cock was toe-curlingly amazing. And Dave’s tongue, pressing and licking and sucking him – there – was beyond amazing. And for Klaus, time seemed to be caught in one delicious, shining moment of wet, hot, hard, fast, urgent, pleasure, clenching, tensing… and then he was cumming. Hard.
Thick creamy ropes spurted onto the bed and over Dave’s fist and Dave could feel Klaus’ hole twitching and clenching under his tongue as his muscles spasmed in waves. And Klaus was moaning Dave’s name wildly… then breathlessly… then a little brokenly as his trembling legs gave way and he finally collapsed forwards onto the bed.
Dave moved up the bed and lay down on his side next to him. Carefully, he ran his fingers through Klaus’ hair, studying his face, his closed eyes, his blissed-out expression.
Klaus opened his eyes blearily and looked at Dave.
“Dave,” he whispered hoarsely. Dave smiled.
“Dave,” Klaus tried again, “That was just so… thank you. Just, wow! Like really. Wow. It was just… so…” he screwed up his face, trying to find the right words and failing, ending instead on just a low grunt of consonants. “Nngggh,” he finished.
Dave smiled, eyes fond and affectionate. “Well, if I’ve rendered you speechless, I guess it must have been okay,” he teased lightly. Klaus blinked. Dave brought his lips down and tenderly kissed Klaus’ forehead and whispered, “I’m glad you thought so. It felt pretty incredible to do it for you too.” Klaus hummed and his eyes drifted closed.
“Hey,” Dave squeezed his shoulder. “You should have a quick shower before you sleep.”
“Don’t wanna,” Klaus mumbled. “Tired and comfy and no energy.”
“Come on, up you get.” Dave encouraged. “You’re sticky and sweaty and smell like sex. You’re laying in the wet spot and you’ve got cum in your hair. Shower, now.”
Klaus groaned and with great effort pulled himself up and moved towards the bathroom.
“Aren’t you coming?” Klaus asked in a small voice.
“You get in, I’ll be there in a sec,” Dave said. Klaus nodded and padded off.
Dave quickly stripped the bed and put on clean sheets from the cupboard where Grace kept the fresh linen. He bundled the dirty ones up and stuffed then in the laundry basket. He then went into the bathroom to join Klaus.
When they were showered and dry, Klaus in a pair of fluorescent briefs and Dave wearing clean boxers and a soft old tee from the stash of clothes he’d started leaving at the Academy, they crawled into bed. Klaus cuddled up to him and rested his head on Dave’s chest.
“Good call,” Klaus admitted, running his hands over the crisp sheets.
Dave hummed in response. Klaus closed his eyes, listening to the rumble of it against his ear.
“So, power kink, huh?” Klaus smiled into Dave’s chest.
“I guess so,” Dave replied. “Believe me, it took me by surprise a bit too.”
“It was good,” Klaus said. “Different. It looked good on you.” Klaus paused, then added, “I like the idea that we can switch stuff up like that sometimes.”
“Me too,” Dave found himself agreeing.
“You know,” Klaus said tentatively, “we could go further too.”
Dave traced the rim of Klaus’ ear with a fingertip.
“Yeah,” Dave said, feeling bold in the gathering darkness of the room. “Give and take, assertive and submissive, top and bottom… there’s so much we can try together. And that’s just power stuff. Then there’s… well, everything else as well.” He felt Klaus hum his agreement into the skin over his heart.
“You know,” Klaus said after a pause, “when we talked about this the other day, I thought we were going to start with some light fingering. But I guess I shouldn’t have underestimated you, Mr Katz. You just dived straight in tongue first.”
“Is that a bad thing?” Dave asked a little worriedly.
“Fuck no!” Klaus exclaimed. “I just didn’t think we’d start with rimming. I mean it’s not really the natural place to start.”
“Isn’t it?” Dave frowned. “To me, it kind of just felt right in the moment.”
“I’m glad you did,” Klaus insisted, “it was mind-blowing.”
Dave grimaced. “Promise you’re not teasing my technique?” He asked. “It’s the first thing I’ve done to you before you’ve done it to me first. I didn’t have any previous experience to work from.”
There was silence and Dave frowned and shifted to look down at Klaus’ face. He was surprised to find Klaus’ cheeks pink and his ears a little red.
“Klaus?” he asked, worried.
“You weren’t bad.” Klaus said quickly. “It’s not that. It’s just that, for once, I don’t really have anything to compare to either.” His eyes widened. “Not that I usually compare you with other people,” he said quickly. “I don’t do that. Just, with this, I don’t have a point of reference. So, all I can say is you blew my mind.”
Dave took a moment to process and then asked the obvious question. “Are you saying none of the people you’ve been with before have done that for you?”
“Um… yeah,” Klaus blushed – actually blushed – “yeah, I guess I am.”
Dave swallowed. “Because they didn’t want to? Or because you didn’t want them to?” He swallowed again. “Did I… I hope I didn’t… Klaus, did you want me to do that just now?”
Klaus shifted to press his face into the hollow of Dave’s neck, his nose nuzzling the base of his throat. “Dave,” he said seriously, “I wanted it. I wanted you to.” He paused. “Before now… nobody ever offered. It wasn’t particularly something that was on my radar. I was just happy for them to fuck me. Just that was okay. I didn’t feel like I was missing out or anything. But then you just… did that for me. Because you wanted to. I’ve never been with anyone who put me first like that before.”
Dave’s heart clenched and his chest felt tight. He wrapped his arms around Klaus’ small frame and buried his nose into the curls on the top of his head.
“Klaus” he murmured, “Klaus…”
“It’s okay,” he heard Klaus sigh into his neck, “you don’t need to say anything.”
Dave swallowed the lump in his throat and tightened his arms around Klaus. The warm weight of words that didn’t need to be said just yet, lying like a blanket over them as they held each other in the gathering darkness.
Finally, Dave broke the silence, “I don’t know whether I should be a little bit offended, you know? About not being complicated, I mean.” He grinned.
“What?” Klaus frowned, opening his eyes.
“That thing you said to Diego earlier, about his dynamic with Lila being complicated.”
“Oh,” Klaus settled back down. “That.” He paused then added. “You might play the deep, strong, silent type sometimes, Dave, but you’re not complicated. I mean, not complicated complicated.” Dave ran his fingers soothingly up and down Klaus’ arm. “It’s not like do you confusing things that I can’t work out. You’re easy.”
Dave laughed.
“I don’t mean easy.” Klaus corrected himself. “I mean…”
“I know what you mean,” Dave cut in. He pressed a kiss to the top of Klaus’ head. “You might be a chaotic, eccentric oddball at times, but to me, you’re easy, too.” Klaus huffed a small laugh against Dave’s chest.
“I love that we always seem to be on the same page about stuff,” Klaus said into the quiet stillness of the room.
“Yeah,” Dave agreed. “We click. Always have. And I suppose we trust each other too, so that helps.”
Klaus blinked and swallowed hard.
“We do click, don’t we?” His voice was small.
“Yes,” Dave said earnestly.
“This really is something special, isn’t it?” Klaus said, just as quietly. He wants confirmation, Dave thought. Despite all the bravado, he’s actually a little vulnerable and insecure and wants confirmation.
“Yes,” Dave said, giving him exactly what he needed. “For me, right from the very first moment, this just felt right.”
“For me too,” Klaus admitted softly.
Klaus rolled over and settled on his side, pulling Dave flush behind him; the big spoon to Klaus’ little spoon. Dave’s knees tucked into the crook of Klaus’ legs, his arm coming over, fingers interlacing and hands curled close to Klaus’ chest. Dave’s groin pressed against Klaus’ backside, but in this moment, Dave felt nothing more than tenderness and affection. He pressed a kiss to the back of Klaus’ neck, the spot right between his shoulders, and shifted slightly, snuggling them even closer.
“After everything,” Klaus mumbled into the pillow, voice drowsy and muffled slightly. “After all this time, and everything we’ve been through to get here.” He paused, let out a breath and then carried on. “It’s hard to believe that this is how it could be from now on.”
Dave thought back to how he used to feel about his relationship with Klaus – like his life had turned into a series of moments as precious… and delicate… and fragile as champagne flutes on a tray in the wind. He wondered when he had stopped feeling like the tiniest wrong move or misstep could bring his happiness crashing down in a shower of irreparable shards of shattered crystal.
“Believe it,” Dave replied, and Klaus sighed and relaxed further into his arms. Dave shut his eyes and held him close, his heart beating a rhythm against Klaus’ back: this, just this, just this, just this, just this…
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What a Time to be Alive - Diego Hargreeves x reader Season I
Chapter 5- Number Five
Summary: You finally found Five, drunk, but you found him. Patch is dead. And now you and Diego are on the hunt for the masked killers with assistance from Klaus.
Masterlist - where all the other chapters are⚔️
Tagged: @sambucky8 @white-wolf-buckaroo @2cuteforyourlies @la-vie-en-amour1 @fandomoverlord221 @thatfandombitcch @alonewolfsblog @starrrybarnes @winterboobear11
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You burst through your apartment door with a new rage overthrowing your recent grief, Diego’s right on your tail, trying to catch up with you the best he can. Your strides are fast as you march hastily through the small room, heading straight for Five. “You boy scout looking fuck. Do you have any idea what you’ve just caused?” You growl launching yourself at him with fists in the air, without warning Luther catches you before you can really tear into Five. “No! Let me go you fucking monkey boy, get your hands off of me!” You yell at him, as he lifts you up off the ground, “I can do this as long as it takes you to calm down.” Says Luther calmly. You continue to struggle in his strong grasp, seriously contemplating if you’ve lost it enough to bite him before Diego sets a hand on your tense shoulder. Further stopping you before you can find a way to break free by injuring Luther, “Y/N, please.”
You make a lowly animistic sound, like that of a beaten circus tiger, as you stop struggling, “Fine.” Luther then sets you down.
“Now, wanna tell us what you’re talkin’ about?”
You glare at Five, still upset from finding Eudora dead in that motel room. You were gonna have lunch with her on Friday and then explain why Diego’s been so persistent about the shootings. You hadn’t had a chance to talk with her yet. And now you never will.
“Your brother’s been pretty busy since he got back. He was in the middle of that shootout at Giddy’s, and then at Gimble Brothers, after those masked psychos attacked the Academy, looking for him.” You snap, staring daggers at Five.
He barely moves a muscle, “None of which is any of your concern.” He mutters calmly, way to damn calmly for you.
You scowl at him in annoyance, “It is now you little shit. They just killed my friend.” You vent back, stepping in closer, Diego has to grab your arm from tearing into the tiny 58 year old man in front of you.
“Who are they Five?” Questions Luther, breaking the tense atmosphere.
“And where the hell are they from?” Adds Diego, hand still firmly grasping your arm.
Five gives you all a tired look, “They work for my formal employer at the commission. A woman called the Handler. She sent them...to stop me. Then as soon as Y/N and Diego’s friend got in their way, well, fair game.” Five shrugs, so this is just business is business to him.
“Well they’re my fair game now. And I’ll make sure of it that they pay in blood.” You sneer, turning around and walking briskly towards the door, Diego hot on your tail.
“That would be a mistake Diego, for you to let her go.....They’ve killed people far more dangerous then you think.” Calls Five, you stop by the railing to look back at him.
 “I’d like to see them try and kill me then....the next time I see them will be when I drive my dagger into their throats.” You growl with malice, turning away from them to walk out the door.
Luther looks to Diego and then back at Five with a stunned face, “I don’t care what she does. She just better not miss.” Says Five with a sigh, as Diego nods while making towards the open door.
You get into the passenger seat as Diego takes the steering wheel, he turns the car on, turning to look at you, “Are you okay?” He whispers gently. You stare vacantly out the side window, “No. Just drive.” You mumble sadly, you’re trying to be strong but one of your only friends has just been killed violently by two masked psychopaths. It’s a bit difficult if you’re being honest, but you’re too numb with silent fury to cry at the moment.
He nods in understanding, putting the car into drive and taking off.
You stand silently in Diego’s doorway at the Umbrella Academy, he pulls out a metal briefcase from under his bed, and opens it up. It’s his old knife case, he then puts his remaining free knifes that are hiding on him in the case. He quickly shuts it and locks it up, leaving it on the floor to stand up and walk over to you. “Do you have anything you need to get before we head out?” He says while holding the sides of your arms. You look up at him, “I am all that I need.” You whisper valiantly, meaning absolutely every word, underlying so much more behind that small sentence.
Your mind flashes back to your younger days when you were fighting alongside with the Umbrella Academy, you had wanted so badly to prove that you belonged among them. Your mindset solely focused on accomplishing the mission successfully, hoping that Reginald would be satisfied with your hard work. Through your attempts, you may have went a little overboard, losing control at times, lashing out furiously on the enemy. You turned into something incredibly dangerous, but at the time all you saw was a warrior, a hero, a vital piece of the Umbrella Academy that could not be held back. You were so lost in your own success and the satisfaction of Sir Reginald that you didn’t notice when the Umbrella Academy was starting to become afraid of you. It was the most lonely and darkest couple weeks of your life that you’d ever felt, and you couldn’t fully understand why they wouldn’t want to play with you. It started on a mission, you’d just discovered that whenever you were completely in full rage mode, your eyes would turn the color of molten lava, a deep orange, perhaps your body’s way of showing off the raging fire within you, or so you’d tell yourself. Quite opposite of your original eye color. You’d never realized it before until Allison pointed it out after an intense mission once. To keep a long story short, you killed a bunch of terrorists who were about to kill your friends. You tore into them wildly, your eyes practically glowing embers. You were breathing heavily and covered in other people’s blood by the time you were done. For a week they wouldn’t even look at you, it took longer for Ben to come around. And you absolutely hated yourself for it. Of course Reginald was ecstatic, mentioning your achievement at dinner one night, of how you unlocked a hidden power within yourself and that the others should strive to do the same. The rest of them fumed in jealousy, deciding to ignore you for awhile as payback, since they couldn’t hurt you physically. And they were to scared about what you could have done back at them. You felt like a caged lioness, a powerful and deadly creature, being taunted and stared at from afar by snotty children who are safe and content behind the thick glass.
But life goes on, and you’ve sacrificed yourself for them a couple hundred times since then, more then they’ll ever be able to repay. With time they began to understand you better, and amazingly to your great surprise Diego, out of all people, had a ginormous crush on you. Which led to even more wonderful things you’re scared little 13 year old self could never have even dreamed of. You got older, stopping caring about Reginald’s approval, and moved on with your life. Things got much better after that.
Your wandering mind comes back to reality when Diego kisses your forehead, he understands your somber silence, choosing to comfort you in the best way he possibly can. He releases you, turning to pick up his silver briefcase as you take a step out the door. Waiting a brief moment for your vigilante lover to catch up with you.
As you walk down the stairs and across the messy carpet past the damaged fallen chandelier. You notice Klaus who’s standing by the broken crushed table, he looks a bit lost and out of it. Oddly enough it’s not from any alcohol consumption or other substances. At least that you can smell, he’s clean.
“What happened here?” Klaus asks curiously, you look over to him with a casual shrug.
“Long story.” You add, not really wanting to get into details right now.
“You look like shit.” Diego tells him dryly.
“Why, thank you. Hey, where are you two going?” Wonders Klaus, watching the two of you head for the door. “Nope.” Snaps Diego quickly, Klaus’ face falls at his denied request.
“I’m not giving you a ride.” Grumbles Diego, who’s stopped walking to look at Klaus. 
“Oh, come on, man. You know I can’t drive.” He whines, moving in closer to Diego. You stand with your arms crossed by the fallen chandelier, patiently watching the brotherly interaction between the two of them, who’re directly in front of you.
Diego shakes his head, “I don’t c..” You suddenly cut him off, “Go get your shit. We’ll be in the car.” Klaus’ face breaks out into a grateful smile, he laughs lightly before patting Diego on the chest, turning to get his things. “Okay, great. I’ll just get my things. Two minutes.” He says happily, rushing past you with a grin to get whatever it is that Klaus needs.
Diego turns around to give you a what-the-hell kinda look, you casually shrug, “He said two minutes.....and he looks like he could use some friendly interaction.” Diego just sighs, nodding in agreement, “Yeah alright...but only because you’ll be with me.” He replies, before turning towards the door.
You smack his bum as you scoot past him, “It’ll be fun, just like old times.” You quip while Diego shakes his head in amusement, following you out the door.
You’re comfortably sprawled out in the backseat, feeling the dull roll of the car moving speedily down the road, while you listen to the hum of the engine. Diego drives, as Klaus drinks from a wine bottle, looking dismally out the window. “You okay?” Diego says after a quiet couple minutes, not getting anything from Klaus, who takes another swig. “Wow. This is a first. My brother Klaus is silent. How bout’ that Y/N.” Diego glances at Klaus again, “Last time you were this quiet, we were 12. Ran down the stairs wearing Grace’s heels, tripped over, and broke your jaw. How long was it wired shut again?” He wonders.
“Eight weeks.” Whispers Klaus tiredly, still staring out the window.
“Eight glorious weeks of bliss.” Smiles Diego, you sit up sticking your head between the two of them. “And I missed out on it all, damn.” You mutter, trying to mentally visualize the whole scenario. Klaus suddenly lifts his head up, “Hey, just....just drop me off here.” Diego nods, you look across the street at the building in mind, Lakeshore VFW, but that’s where the veterans go? None of you have ever been in the army, at least that you know of.
Diego pulls into the small parking lot, Klaus jumping out as soon as he stops, now you’re very confused. “You sure you’re all good, Klaus?” You call after him, he ignores you as he nervously walks up to the door, opening it and walking inside. You look over to Diego who’s equally as puzzled, he turns around about to start the car again. When you instantly reach your hand out to touch his shoulder, “Wait, I’m gonna go in and see what’s up with Klaus.” Diego stops, turning his neck to look at you, “I guess I better go in too. Not that you couldn’t handle yourself Y/N...I mean Klaus probably needs me an...” 
“Diego.” You deadpan, shutting him up instantly. He takes the keys out of the ignition, as you open up your door, Diego doing the same. The two of you then start walking towards the entrance, clueless as to why Klaus would have wanted to stop here.
You walk in, finding him moping around some old WWll photographs, you sigh, beginning to walk over to Klaus, Diego right behind you. Throwing a hand on Klaus’ shoulder you unintentionally startle him, “Just go away, please.” He asks you, while rubbing his eyes. You let go of his shoulder, half-sitting yourself against the pool table, Diego steps up next to him, “Not until you talk to us.”
“Is that a threat? You threatening me?” He mutters, annoyed that you two won’t leave him alone. Suddenly a random guy to your left walks up to the three of you, “Guys. This bar? It’s for vets only.” He states, urging you all to leave.
“I am a vet.” Says Klaus, by the way he announces it, you can sense he’s not lying. But how would he have been a vet. Something wrong definitely happened in that whole day he was missing.
The veteran chuckles, not believing him in the slightest, “Really? Where’d you serve?” He says amused, glancing back at his friends. “None of your business.” Snaps Klaus defensively. The grumpy vet starts to lose his humor, and apparently his temper too. His face falling, “You got balls comin’ in here, pretendin’ you’re one of us.” You glance at Diego, who gives you a what-is-even-happening, look. Klaus turns around, “Oh, I have every right to be here, just like you. Asshole.” He says growling the last word. Shit. The large and pissed off vet takes a step closer, you step in front of Klaus, raising your hands up to stop him, “Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Easy now, soldier. All right? My friend here has had one too many.” You look to his friends beginning to gather around behind him, then back to him, “Let’s just call it a day, all go our own way. No harm done.” You tell him, doing your best to reason with him and get out of here without a brawl. “Sure thing.” He says bluntly, but you’re unconvinced. “Thank you.” You answer anyway, trying to move things along, you turn to Klaus and Diego, “Let’s go..” “As long as you apologize.” Interrupts the vet, Klaus looks back at the photographs giggling to himself. You give Diego a defeated look, as you turn around to face the vet again. “Fine. I’m sorry. He’s sorry. We’re all sorry. So...are we good?” You tell him, restraining a sour tone the best you can physically muster. He looks at you, pointing to Klaus, “I wanna hear him say it.”
“Hey, man. I’m just trying to..” “No, no. He’s right Y/N. He‘s right. He’s right.” Interrupts Klaus, turning around to face the angry vet and his buddies. “I’d like to apologize...that you...are depriving some village of their idiot!” Growls Klaus, this not sitting very well with the vet. He swings at Klaus but misses when Klaus swiftly ducks, standing up again to head butt the guy. The guy staggers back, his buddy throwing a fist up to catch Klaus across the head. But before he has a chance Diego rushes in, deflecting the punch and kneeing the guy in the stomach. “Seriously.” You groan at all of them. Klaus running past you to jump on the back of another random guy who’s ready to fight.
You roll your eyes, men. Deciding enough is enough you spring into action, it only takes you about 10 seconds before they’re all groaning in pain on the ground, dazed as to how you just took them all out so fast. You stand near the exit, adjusting your jacket. “Let’s go. Right fucking now.” You snarl at Diego and Klaus, who instantly get up off the floor, making a beeline for the door.
You’re sitting in the backseat of Diego’s car, him at the steering wheel and Klaus in the passenger seat. Your little trio parked across the street from Giddy’s Donuts. “You got a big mouth, you know that?” States Diego, referring to Klaus’ jabs at that old grumpy vet. “Oh, wow. What a truly shocking revelation, Diego.” Mumbles Klaus unamused, as he goes to open up a bag of pills. “Everything’s a big joke to you, right? Would you stop it?” Diego yells, grabbing the pill bag out of Klaus’ hands. “Why are you putting this shit in your body?” Interrogates Diego, not being able to understand why his brother always does this over and over again.
Klaus blows a raspberry into the air, in frustrated defeat. “Check this out Hmm?” Says Diego as he lifts up his black sweater, where he then pats his toned stomach. “My body is a temple. All that shit you do, it’s just weakness.”He states. You lean up closer in between the two of them.
 “That’s so inspirational.” You add sarcastically, earning a small snort form Klaus.
 “Well weakness feels so good.” Klaus then reaches his hand up to take a pill, Diego reacting fast as he smacks it out of his hand.
 “What’s going on with you? Huh?”
“Don’t hit me asshole!” Yells Klaus, you just sit back and watch the show, Diego leaning in closer as he jabs a finger at him, “Don’t tell me everything is all right, because I saw you in there. You were crying like a baby!” Explains Diego loudly, you covering your ears a bit at his explosion. “Because I lost someone.” Barks Klaus, who looks down at his hands, sighing sadly, “I lost someone. The only...The only person I ever truly loved more then myself.” You sit up again, looking between the two of them. Diego looks out the front window with a puzzled look on his face, not expecting that answer. Klaus just gives you a sad smile, “Cheers.” He says, popping a colorful pill in his mouth.
“Well you’re luckier then most. At least you can still see them...when they....yeah.” You whisper quietly, thinking about your parents and Patch. You lean back into the backseat, turning your head left to look out the window. Diego turns his neck to look at you, about to say something before he catches sight of Hazel through the back window, who’s breaking into a car. “That’s our guy.” You sit up, turning around to see for yourself, “Huh. No shit.”
“Hey, I know that guy.” Adds Klaus, watching Hazel through the side mirror. “How could you possibly know that...” Begins Diego.
 “He and a really angry lady tortured me. I barely got out with my life.” Explains Klaus, revealing a heavy part that you missed. You furrow your brows frowning, “Cha-Cha.” You mutter quietly to yourself. These psychos are dead. Diego abruptly starts the engine, pulling out to follow Hazel to wherever he’s going next. And so the hunt begins.
The three of you sit in the car, outside of the crappy motel that Hazel unknowingly lead you to. Klaus is sipping on his bottle of wine, while Diego scans the area, you watching the motel windows closely. You suddenly spot movement coming from the blinds of one on the upper floor, on closer inspection it’s a woman, looking incredibly familiar, that must be Cha-Cha. “Bingo.”
 Diego looks up, catching a flash of her hand, as the curtains conceal the rest of her. You get out of the car and wait for Diego as he takes out a knife, Klaus just looking at you two bored, “You know killing these people is not gonna make you feel any better, Y/N.” Adds Klaus. You stop for a second to think about why you’re doing this. Diego’s here to avenge a friend, but you’ve kinda been leading the charge this whole time. After all, you were closer friends with Patch then Diego was, and you also know that these fuckers have murdered countless other innocents. They must die, and you’re the best person to do it.
You lean down by the window to look at Klaus, “They killed my friend and countless other innocent people, kill one save a thousand.” You growl, standing back up at the sound of a door opening. You look up, watching as Hazel walks out the door and down the hallway, out of sight. You quickly follow, leaving Diego and Klaus to argue about something from behind you.
Turning a corner, you silently walk up the metal steps to the second floor, Diego practically materializing behind you, daggers out and ready to fight. You both reach the top, but before any of you have time to move Klaus walks up, “So, what exactly is the plan here, you two lovers in crime...fighting?” Muses Klaus, making it to the top steps. “I told you to wait in the car.” Grumbles Diego who gives you a look, “Yeah, but you also told me that licking a nine-volt battery would give me pubes.” You raise an eyebrow at Diego, “We were eight.” Klaus just looks up at Diego giving a shrug as he takes a couple steps. Diego grabs is arm, stopping him quickly as he pulls him down the steps, you’re watching this half annoyed and half holding in laughter. Diego then races back up the stairs, giving you a confident nod as he turns towards the blue motel door. Giving it a hard kick, the door swings open, revealing nothing on the inside but a tv blaring loudly with some western cowboy movie on. “Very subtle.” You quip, slightly irked at how less then clever his surprise ambush was. You turn to the right, looking down at the parking lot as you unexpectedly hear the scratching of tires on pavement. What the hell?
You move towards the railing as a blue car comes speeding into view, with Hazel and Cha-Cha in their familiar get up of Halloween masks and guns. That are now shooting deadly bullets at you and Diego, oh shit Diego. Without warning a bullet rips into your right upper shoulder where your arm and torso meet. A second slicing just below your bellybutton. Diego grabs at you, hauling you backwards as another bullets clips him in the forearm. To your great surprise, Klaus pulls the both of you back even further, evidently helping the two of you avoid getting shot again.
“Oh, man. See? Used to think I was an idiot?” Sasses Klaus at a panting Diego.
 “I still think you’re an idiot.” He claps back, holding onto his left arm, where the bullet went through.
 You on the other hand are leaning against the staircase railing, sucking in pained breaths as you slowly feel the bullets getting pushes out of you. The flesh beginning to fuse back together once again, Diego and Klaus finally look over to you. “Y/N, you alright?” Wonders Klaus. You glare up at him still grimacing in pain, “No.” You wheeze, shutting your eyes tight, as both bullets are being forced out of you by the rapid healing process, ultimately at long last they drop to the floor, making a ringing sound as they hit the metal staircase. You stand up straight once again, your eyes going wide in realization, “They’re getting away!” You blurt out, racing down the steps, Diego and Klaus hot on your heels. When the three of you make it back to Diego’s car, you notice how the front tire is completely flat. You all groan in frustration, now what? “Was this all part of your master plan?” Doubts Klaus, miffed that no one has a ride now. “Shut up.” Snaps Diego, looking around for something that could assist in the matter.
You look up to the sky, putting your hands on your hips, “Fucking fuck.” You whine loudly to the sky or birds or whoever would listen, snapping your head back down, your eyes land on the large ice cream truck. Parked ever so sweetly and conveniently in front of you. With a new idea fresh in your mind you walk past Diego and Klaus, stopping in front of the white and cutely designed truck. “I found our ride.”
They turn to look at you, Klaus smiling in excitement as Diego’s face falls. “I’ll drive.” Blurts out an ecstatic Klaus.
Sticking your head out the window you catch the scent of Hazel and Cha-Cha, they smell of gun powder, fast food, and death. So it wasn’t exactly that difficult to get on their trail. Gosh I’m just like a frickin bloodhound, you think. You sit on the right side while Klaus drives, Diego slumped in the middle seat, putting pressure on his wound. Why you let Klaus drive? You’re pretty sure you have some bullet fragments still stuck in your shoulder, no you definitely do. Why else would it still feel sore, damn you’re gonna have to take those out later.
Now that you look at your surroundings, there’s nothing but trees and farm fields. Plus Luther and Five, standing next to a parked car on the road, while Hazel and Cha-Cha point guns at you from further down the road. Shit. You hold on tight as Klaus manically laughs while plowing into the two assassins. Everything happens so fast and the next second you’re jostled again when the ice cream truck rams right into their getaway car. You smack your head off the window, cracking the glass, as Diego gets shoved into the dashboard. “Fuck.” You seethe through clenched teeth, bringing your hand up to touch the spot on your head. No blood is felt to your great relief and now the pain is gone, unlike Diego who’s clutching his injured arm in pain.
You hear Klaus yelling for you two to get out, not wanting to wait for Diego’s slow ass to make it out of the truck. You kick your door open, breaking the lock in the process, oh well. Not dwelling on the matter, you book it to the other side where Luther and Klaus are holding up Diego as they start running for Luther’s car, without a second thought you follow them, not caring enough to bother with either Hazel or Cha-Cha. You’ll get your chance, the safety of your family is way more important at the moment.
You run around to the passenger side of Luther’s car, Klaus and Diego taking the back, as Luther gets into the drivers seat, hitting the gas and flooring it.
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isabellitah · 4 years
Hi! May I request a headcanon with the reader (number eight) and the siblings, where the reader is like super caring to all of them? Thank you! 💕
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Title : babie hen
Pairing : none
Warning : a few cuss words and this is long ok
Request : Hi! May I request a headcanon with the reader (number eight) and the siblings, where the reader is like super caring to all of them? Thank you! 💕
Note : Hiii 🤍 i hope this is to your liking hehe
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i made a wholeass scenario before i reread the request and noticed the word hEADCANON SO IM V SORRY THAT THIS WAS DELAYED I-
Number Eight-
ah yes, the sweetest babie in the whole world, as mentioned by Klaus at some point in their lives
said babie is also their mother hen- well, aside from Allison that is
Luther Hargreeves
eightie always makes sure that Luther never overworks himself
and when he does, your always there for him
making sure he’s hydrated
feeding him lil snacks so that he isn’t starving
i bet you sliced off the crusts of the sandwich bc we all know Luther can be a big babie too hmph
and you’re just overall being there for him, supporting him like any sister would do for their older brother
but when he tries to over overwork himself, which is rare as it only happens when he’s anxious about something, you bet your ass you trapped him in a water sphere and nyoomed him to his room and onto his bed- basically forcing him to rest gorl he’s wet he has to shower before napping but ok-
now that that big babie is in his room, time to check on big babie number two-
Diego Hargreeves
Diego- the lil menace currently chasing Klaus with knives for who knows what reason
you weren’t even gonna ask
it’s nothing new
but anway-
you called them for snacks thus ending their “game of tag”
game of tag my ass-
more like pin the dagger on Klaus
while eating the sandwiches you made them, you noticed a lil bit of jam on the corner of Diego’s mouth
the moment Klaus ran off after eating his sandwich, and Diego stood up to follow him, you took a napkin, licked it a bit, and wiped the jam off of Diego’s face
lil murderous babie blushed and whined at you to stop
you kept wiping at his skin as though the jam was still there just to play with him
anyway, after you stopped, he quickly left to - maybe - go find Klaus
before he left though, he turned to you, wrapped his arms around you, mumbled a quick “thank you eightie” and ran off
keeping in mind where your three siblings are, you decided to go find Allison
Allison Hargreeves
surprisingly, you find both Allison panicking in her room
apparently Luther asked her out and she doesn’t know what to wear, how to style her hair, how to do her make-up, should she wear ma-
she was freaking out bc she never thought Luther would gather his wits and actually ask her out !!!
she wasn’t prepared ok
and u forced Luther to sleep i- reminder to wake him up later
maybe he tried to over overwork himself bc he’s nervous about their date oop
you immediately entered the room and shut the door behind you
first date, so it should be a good experience ok
keeping this in mind, you calmly told her to sit down on her bed and take sips of from the glass of water beside her bed
going through her closet and picking out a casual outfit was easy- Allison has great taste so it wasn’t a challenge at all
clothes and shoes done, and Allison is now calm
you gently lead her to her vanity and slowly started doing a half-up half-down hairdo
for her makeup, you went with a natural makeup- neutral eyeshadow, mascara, a bit of blush, and red lipstick
dress on, heels on, hair done, makeup done, sister immaculate
you were done
simple yet elegant- was how she looked
standing behind the seated woman known as your sister, you slightly teared up- you don’t know why exactly but you-
you felt like a proud mom aww
Allison hugged you and thank you profusely
“Don’t you dare ruin my masterpiece,” you threatened with a wink
you were rewarded with a giggle and a smile
dismissing yourself while she went ahead and took selfies,
you immediately went to go look for Luther i-
after waking him up, it wasn’t hard to stop his whining and convince him to start moving,
you just had to remind him of his date with Allison
and poof
mans was gone
nah not really- he just went to go change
now that you think about it- how’s Klaus?
with that thought in mind, you went out of Luther’s room in search of your high brother
Klaus Hargreeves
you found him in the wine cellar
of course
“Klaus, what’re you doing here?”
“Eightie! Fancy seeing you here 🤍 how are you? I haven’t seen you since you fed me that sandwich- great sandwich by the way; the filling was mwah chef’s kiss,”
he said smiling while holding onto vodka 🤍
you internally rolled your eyes and grabbing his wrist, led him upstairs and into his room
you sat down on his bed with your back comfortably resting on his headrest
he just stood their looking resigned
he knew what was about to happen
you do this at least once a week
secretly he was happy though
these weekly talks always made him feel light by the end of the conversation
anyway, he laid down with his head onto your lap
the moment you started combing your hand through his hair, he spilled everything that bothered him
how his power still scared him- seeing the dead anywhere and everywhere
some trying to talk to him
some just creepily staring at him
and some- some trying to harm him
and that he sometimes felt useless or like a nobody in the family
how he felt like such a disappointment
you listened to everything - even to the ones he never said out loud - calmly and patiently
and when he was done, you slowly started refuting everything he said with various memories
his powers once helped you both help a lost soul find his way back home
he always tries to lighten the mood whenever the tension in the room gets high
he’s always there for all of you, offering his love, whenever and wherever
he sets back his problems in order to help you all solve your problems first
the more memories you recall, the better Klaus felt about himself
and that’s what mattered
Five, Ben, and Vanya Hargreeves
after staying to talk with Klaus for a bit longer, you excused yourself after he claimed to be taking a nap
walking around, you hear faint rustling from inside the study room
walking in, you see Five, Ben, and Vanya in various positions by the couch
Five was sitting on the floor, back pressed against couch
Ben was leaning against the arm of the couch with his legs on top of Vanya’s
and Vanya was sitting cross legged on the couch
all three were listening to Ben read a poem
a poem possibly written by him considering the book he was reading was journal
you were about to excuse yourself to give them their privacy when Ben called you over and invited you
looking at your other two siblings and receiving a nod, you thanked them and sat on the floor beside Five who then leaned his head onto the top of your head- yes, you were short
Ben continued reading the poem and you were right- it was poem
a poem that seemed to be about his feelings
you were saddened by how he felt when you were younger but hearing how he feels now boosted your mood- especially when you heard that your siblings were a big factor on why he felt happy and motivated nowadays
hearing a faint grumble beside you, you tapped Five’s thigh to get his head off you so that you can get up
after some grumbling and whining from the man-child, you got up and said you’ll be right back
you left after kissing their cheeks, earning a smile and a blush from Ben, a smile from Vanya, and a pout from Five who still didn’t want you to leave
you pinched his cheek for good measure before running off giggling
arriving at the kitchen, you were surprised - but not really - to see Five there
apparently he went into the kitchen “to help you carry things”
sure- he just wanted to see what you’d make
and so you made them all sandwiches and trimmed the sides off of course which earned youa pleased hum from your ever so helpful brother
his sandwich, after his persistence, had two extra marshmallows
after making their sandwiches you convinced him to head on first with them
and once he left, you went on to make tea for yourself, juice for both Ben and Vanya, and your special brew for Five
once entering the room, the tray of drinks was immediately snatched from you and popped onto the table with Five wearing a cat got the canary grin, “ahh the only person in the world who knows how to make a proper blend- aside from me of course.”
you rolled your eyes and thanked him for his rare compliment on your coffee making skills
Ben and Vanya thanked you for the snacks and you beamed at them and kissed their cheeks as a reply
which led to Five asking you where his kiss was
knowing you’ll get nowhere arguing with him, you kissed his cheek while he was in the middle of ranting of why he deserves a kiss too
which led to his rant being cut off and him spluttering while slowly turning red
which led to you, Vanya, and Ben laughing which resulted in Five slowly smiling and joining your laughter as well
and that’s how you spent your afternoon- the four youngest siblings bonding- talking and laughing about anything and everything under the sun until you ran out of topics and just laid in comfortable silence to the point where you all fell asleep
and that’s how the eldest four siblings found you-
Allison placed a blanket over all of you before leaving with Luther to go on their date
Diego took the trays, plates, and cups you used for your snacks and brought them downstairs before leaving to gomeet with Detective Patch
and Klaus- Klaus laid down next to you so you were in between him and Five and feel asleep almost immediately
the first sleep he’s had in years that didn’t contain nightmares- and of course it was because you were there
you were always there for him- for all of them, really
you never shyed away from showing affection
and you never failed to show your love and care for them
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serendipitous-posts · 4 years
There’s this sheet of ice right? Hundreds and hundreds of meters thick, strong and sturdy and stretching for miles. And then one day, humans appeared on the ice, building cities and roads. They conquered and explored and evolved, creating new things, new ideas, always, always searching, until one day, they nodded, satisfied, because they had finally explored every square inch of their world. 
“weren’t you scared?” The children ask them, eyes wide “of demons?” and the adults will tell them, bright and brave and bold that they scanned and double and triple checked, and that there were no demons or monsters, there never had been “they’re just stories” they soothe their young ones, before ushering them off to bed
They all share stories and laugh at how naive they had been back then, believing in things like monsters and demons and devils when the only thing they had to fear on their travels were wild animals, mother nature and their fellow man
The ice is thick, so thick you can’t see to the other side, can’t see the water underneath. Can’t see the creatures that swim beneath it. Nobody knows how deep it is. It doesn’t even occur to anybody that there may be something beneath the ice, waiting
Ben tells this story sometimes, when his siblings or a reporter ask him about the Horror. Above the ice he explains, is their world, earth and everything in it, and below the ice is it’s world.
They never really get it, but he never really expects them to
Here’s the thing you have to understand about the Horror: it’s not just tentacles that come out of Ben’s stomach, it had it’s own body and it is huge. If it were to try and force it’s way out of Ben’s stomach, he would be ripped in half
(in another universe, a funeral is held)
In this universe, Ben is brought up to believe that the Horror is bad, is evil is wrong but it wasn’t always this way
When he was a kid, the Horror was his Belly Friend- someone who would tickle him and he would stroke it and feed it scraps. It was kind of like having your own personal best friend inside of you
His father, sensing his son was having Positive Thoughts, decided to devote the rest of his life to Stopping That
Ben & the Horror are symbiotic- they’re supposed to work together and care for each other. But that’s not what happened
The two are connected to each other, always and forever. They can feel eachothers emotions and even, when they were younger, thoughts
The Horror cannot speak, at least not human, but that’s okay because Ben understood him anyways.
(little number six grows up learning languages no human should speak, words that could rupture organs and tear through flesh)
(it makes his father nervous so he puts a stop to it)
They can only communicate to eachother when they want to, and overtime, Ben starts tuning it out, shutting it out
Luther wants to impress his father, Allison wants to be famous, Diego wants to be free, Klaus wants his powers gone, Five wants to know, Vanya wants acknowledgement outside of her powers
Ben? Ben just wants to be good
He reads books on heroes and villians and takes their ideas and black and white thinking and places it in his world-the real world
He tries to do what the pure, idealistic heroes do- he makes himself available to every member of the household, he puts them first, always. He never, ever ever tries to get angry
Someone suggests that whenever he gets mad, it’s not him it’s the Horror, and he leaps at that idea, because he can’t be angry, Good People are supposed to forgive, to let go
(Klaus and Five and Vanya always look sad when he says that. Well, Five looks constipated but close enough)
Whenever he feels hurt or angry or too agitated he just locks those emotions away and shoves them at the Horror to deal with
And as he’s shut out more and more by his family, he tries to compartmentalise all his hurt feelings, by repressing them, by blaming the Horror
Remember when Klaus resurected Ben and he was able to summon the Horror? Yeah there’s a reason for that. It isn’t part of Ben’s body. It’s part of Ben’s soul. It is Ben. They’re two halves of one whole
And here’s what dear ol’ dad never quite figures out; The Horror gets more unstable the more unstable Ben is yes, but the two are supposed to be one. It’s not just Ben’s feelings towards everyone else that makes it so shaky, it’s Ben’s feelings towards it. Because, like it or not, the Horror is a part of Ben. They are two creatures sharing one body. One soul. They are supposed to be co-existing peacefully, but Ben’s self-hatred is messing things up
So, yeah, Five comes back with a warning about the apocalypse. Ben, worried for the whole fate of humanity thing, forgets to take his pills (i haven’t decided if Harolds in it, but i am planning to make ben a famous author working under a penname so maybe they could meet through that? i dunno)
Five is worried about Ben. His last memories of his family, the first three had been distant, yes, but not like this. And Klaus and Vanya were acting like it as well.
(Luther may or may not think Ben killed dad in this)
But that worry pales in comparison to Ben himself. He doesn’t. . . seem right. He’s too blank, too expressionless too calm about certain things
(his ben had been shy and anxious and snarky and sarcastic . . what happened?)
Hell, maybe Ben didn’t actually forget to take his medication? Maybe Five figured out his dad was dulling his baby brothers emotions and took the bottle away, not knowing it was stopping his powers
You bet your ass that Klaus was pissed when he found out about the pills though, and that Ben kept it from him
That’s actually a big thing here- the others find out Ben had been taking pills to supress powers for years and kept it from them. Klaus and Allison are pissed, because they would have wanted them at some point 
And even though they don’t really know it, they have been conditioned to blame Ben for their troubles for their problems. Allison probably thinks that if she had the medication she never would have rumoured Claire, and the divorce never would have happened. Klaus is obvious. The others are all hurt that he has lied to them for years now
The problem with having everyone you know dehumanising someone, is that you start to believe that that person isn’t actually a human being. It happens in families that don’t have kids with actual eldritch abominations living in their stomach, you can bet it happens here
Sometimes, they all lie awake and remember that none of them are natural, and when you know that is it such a weird thought to have that maybe one of your brothers is maybe less natural than the others
(after a while, even ben starts to believe it)
Five tries to break it up because jesus what is wrong with you people
And Ben has been off his medication for his while at this point- not too long, a handful of hours but the Horror has been caged for years now, and it wakes up and it roars
Ben has to leave the house before he does something rash and Five reads his siblings the riot act before heading out on his own once more to try and fix the mess that is the future, leaving Ben alone again
But the anger is growing now, bouncing between the two halves, like a feedback loop, growing stronger each time. Ben breaks down in tears as the Horror howls under his skin, because the man that did this to them is dead, and they can never get revenge for all the shit he put them through
Except  . . he’s not the only one who hurt him. He thinks of his siblings, shutting him out and mocking him and hating him. Revenge? The Horror thinks, the first time since they were six in age and not just name that he has been able to hear their voice
Ben should say no, should explain that they are supposed to be good and that he loves them except . . 
He is so, so tired of trying to be good. So tired of this runaround, of trying to please his siblings, of being pushed around for no reason other than their dad told them to
He can taste his own rage, finally after all these years, bottled up from years of abuse and neglect, exploding outwards in a violent explosion
Ben and Horror are two halves, but they’ve never really come together, been whole before. But now  . . 
The two become one. They are not Ben. They are not Horror. 
They are hungry and sad and hurt and scared and angry
So very, very angry
There we go! I always liked the idea of Ben and the Horror, in a desperate act, fusing and becoming one creature. I have no idea what Horror!Ben would look like btw. He wouldn’t look human at least- I like to imagine the Horror is roughly the size of a skyscraper and looks like a cross between a squid and snake and cthulhu. They’re still the same size as Ben, obviously, but they look sort of demonic. Probably have scales and stuff
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hphmmatthewluther · 3 years
Matthew Luther and the Riddle of Easter
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7th April, 1985:
It was a Sunday, and everyone at Hogwarts was either busy enjoying themselves or furiously studying for their exams. Well, almost everyone. For in the West wing of the Castle, up in Ravenclaw Tower, there was one person still in their bed. He wasn’t asleep, but he didn’t exactly want to get out of bed. Matthew Luther didn’t really feel like there was much of a point. If he did, he would either get dozens of looks for being Jacob Luther’s brother, or be pestered by the Slytherins again. As far as he was concerned, it was best to avoid all of that. For the past three years, it appeared that God had been playing an awfully long-winded joke on him. So there he laid, trying not to think about anything, forcing himself to go back to sleep.
Suddenly, there was a noise. A loud, piercing screech. It sounded like a cat of some kind. It was probably Mrs Norris, Matthew thought, covering his ears with the pillow. If he hadn’t, he would have heard several tiny footsteps moving towards the dormitory door, followed by a click. He finally noticed when the door swung open, filling the room with light.
“Gah!” Matthew exclaimed, squinting to see that the only thing in the doorway was a cat. It wasn’t Mrs Norris, that was for sure. This one had large, green eyes and ginger hair, and it didn’t hiss at a moments’ notice. It walked up to the bed, and started to mew at the first-year.
“...Oh, what? What is it?” Matthew asked, pushing himself over to see the cat. It looked at him, right at him, before glancing up at his desk. On it was Matthew’s wand, books, and his silver bracelet. In a flash, the ginger cat jumped up and swiped it, scampering out of the room with the bracelet in its mouth.
“H-Hey!” yelled Matthew, quickly forcing the duvet off of him, grabbing his wand and heading off after the cat. He followed it down the stairs and into the Ravenclaw Common Room, and into the many bookshelves that made up Ravenclaw Tower. The cat headed deep into the tower, until it came to a stop several minutes later near an alcove with several blue lanterns and cushions. It sat down on one of these cushions, keeping the bracelet under its claws. Slowly, Matthew approached the animal, now exhausted thanks to having chased it down here.
“There’s got to be a better way to do this...” he said to himself, moving closer. And then it hit him. He was going about this all wrong. I always am, he thought, stopping in his tracks. Cautiously, he moved his hand forward, not towards the bracelet, but to the cat’s head. It hesitated for a moment, sniffing the hand, before allowing Matthew to stroke its head, moving its claws away from the silver. He didn’t grab it instantly, and instead sat down on one of the cushions, continually stroking the cat. Eventually, it moved onto his lap, and Matthew finally grabbed his bracelet and put it on. He gave a sigh of relief as he felt the cold metal touch his skin.
“Ah, you’re not so bad.” he admitted, as he started to give the cat chinny rubs. It purred loudly in his lap. “I wonder who you belong to.”
“He belongs to nobody.” came a woman’s voice. Matthew snapped his head up, and the cat remained still in its lap. In front of them was a silvery figure in a resplendent dress, with long brown hair going past the shoulders. She had the tiniest of smiles on her face. Matthew gasped.
“It’s you...” he began, “The Ghost of Ravenclaw Tower...Helena Ravenclaw.” he said, remembering Chester informing him that she didn’t like the name “The Grey Lady”. And honestly, who would?
“I am glad that you solved my riddle. It’s a favourite of those eager to find a suitor who has both intelligence and kindness, and faith in their soul.” Helena explained, “Take good care of it.”
Matthew’s eyes widened. “You- You’re giving me a cat? W-What? W-Why?” he stammered, looking down at the cat’s green eyes.
“I felt that you require a companion that is immune to human inventions such as rumour, or scandal.” Helena said, gliding closer to the window. “Things that you know too well.”
Matthew nodded. “You can say that again.” The cat got off of his lap and pounced up to the windowsill. The Ravenclaw got up and moved towards it too, to see whatever it was that had caught their attention. From here, they could see a great deal of Hogwarts, including the Clocktower Courtyard. There, he could make out a large crowd of people surrounding two people. One of them was a nervous-looking Gryffindor, and the other was a wild-haired Slytherin.
“Ben and Merula!” Matthew exclaimed, “Oh no...”
“Ah, yes. I believe the Snyde girl has been one of the most eager to find the Cursed Vaults.” Helena observed. “Besides you, of course. I must ask, is this why you have shut yourself here?”
Matthew’s expression soured even more so. The cat nuzzled his shoulder. “That’s..that’s not it. It’s just...well, it’s Easter.”
“Indeed it is.” confirmed Helena, looking down at the boy.
“Well, it’s just...we don’t have an owl, so my Dad can’t send me anything, so that sucks...” Matthew explained, “But more than that...it’ll be the first time I’ve missed it. Every year, we’d go to church and they’d give us all a little chocolate egg, and we got to do colouring activities while the main service happened. I know I’m twelve now, but...it was nice seeing everyone there, you know? I just...that was how it happened every year. I miss that.”
Helena nodded. “You miss your old life. Now I must ask you something that may cause you offence.” she announced. “How does staying up here solve any of that?”
Matthew stared, open-mouthed. “Wh- well, I...I...you stay up here all the time, don’t you?!” he reminded her, suddenly very annoyed. He knew that staying up here wasn’t helping, but hearing it from somebody else was just...well, it felt awful. It then occurred to him what he had just said. “I...I’m sorry, I should go, I-”
“No. I understand.” Helena reassured him. 
“I...” Matthew began, “It’s no excuse, but...I just...I know it's wrong. But I can’t bring myself to change anything. When I was younger I’d always had Jacob to help me with that...we’d always get the same Easter chocolate, too. He’d tell me when to stop so I could space it out over the holidays, you know, to make it last. He was brilliant. I guess if I had the chocolate now, I’d eat it all in one go and feel awful about it later...I...I guess I just miss him. He was brilliant, and...I can’t stand his name being tarnished.” As he let everything out, he found himself stroking the cat again. It turned onto its back and let Matthew rub its belly. Helena watched for a moment, before sighing.
“Matthew Luther, in case you had not noticed, I am dead. But more than that, I am a ghost. I refused to let go of this world, as I did not have the faith to move on. Thus, I am trapped here, unable to truly feel the pull of the world around me...unable to enact change. You are not dead. You are alive. You can enact change.”
Matthew digested this, taking a long sigh. “You’re right. Of course you are. It’s just...so damn hard sometimes.”
“As all things worth doing are.” Helena said, “Now, best hurry. It looks like Mr Copper has been struck by the Jelly-Legs Jinx.”
“Right!” said Matthew, picking up his wand again and heading towards the door of Ravenclaw Tower, the cat following behind. “Honestly, I think I lost God’s lottery, and then there’s Ben-”
“Matthew!” cried Helena, gliding forward.
“Um...yes?” he asked. The ghost pointed at him.
“You are still wearing your pyjamas.” 
Matthew blushed. “Right, sorry, gah!” he exclaimed, heading up to the boy’s dormitory. A few minutes later he emerged, now with proper clothes on. He looked down at the cat by his feet.
“I guess you need a name.” he realised. “How about...Danny?”
Danny mewed quietly, scratching his head against Matthew’s leg.
“Great.” He said, before turning to the Grey Lady. “I...thank you. You know, I think you’re slightly wrong. You said you couldn’t change things, and now here I am, off to duel half of Slytherin.”
Helena’s smile grew ever-so-slightly. “Well...take care of that cat. It’s been in my care for a few years now, it deserves someone like you.”
“I will. I promise.” he said. Before he left, however, he turned back. “Um, Helena?”
“Yes, Matthew?”
“Do wizards...do they believe in God?”
Helena paused, then nodded. “Some do. They believe that he gave us our magic for a purpose, and...that we are destined to act as Guardian Angels for the masses.”
Matthew nodded in return. “Yeah, cool, um...see you around, Helena! Thank you for the cat! Oh, and Happy Easter!” he yelled, before dashing out of Ravenclaw Tower.
When Matthew got to the courtyard, the crowd had almost doubled. Rowan was standing nearby.
“Where were you? The Slytherins have been, well they’ve been-”
“I know.” Matthew said, scowling. He pushed his way to the front of the crowd. The group of Slytherins were hurling insult after insult at Ben, who had next-to-no chance of defending himself. Matthew sighed, and pointed his wand at Ben’s wiggling legs.
“Unjellify!” he yelled, causing them to straighten out. Ben immediately backed away, Rowan moving forward to check if he was okay. “Wait, the counter-curse is just ‘Unjellify’? That’s it?!” Merula asked, her eyebrow raised.
“Trust me, I was surprised too.” Matthew said, chuckling. “Alright then, guys, you’ve had your fun, so-”
“Oh shut up, halfbreed.” sneered Preston Crawford, another Slytherin who Matthew found to be worse than Merula. “You’ve made an enemy today, you know that?”
“Mm, and I haven’t even had breakfast yet.” Matthew said, looking up at the clock tower. “Hm. Half eleven. Guess I’ll have to settle for brunch.”
“You’re going nowhere, Luther.” Merula declared, stepping forward. “I doubt you could ever best me.”
“Is that so?” Matthew asked. “How about this, then: If I win, you can’t lay a finger on Ben Copper ever again.”
Merula snorted. “And if I win, you will never search for the Cursed Vaults ever again.”
“Fine by me.” Matthew said, genuinely smiling. “By all means, you first.”
“Flipendo!” she screamed. Matthew took it head-on. He heard a gasp from the crowd as he skidded to a halt. Matthew looked down to see Danny by his feet. Ben was nearby.
“Matthew...you really don’t have to do this...really, I..” he stammered, but Matthew just smiled, and gestured to his cat.
“Take care of my cat while I do this, will you? Thanks a bunch. Expelliarmus!” he yelled, knocking Merula’s wand right out of her hand.
“Ooh...you little...” she muttered, scowling at the cheering crowd. “You can’t do this! You can’t stop me from showing that mudblood who’s boss! I’m the Most Powerful Witch at Hogwarts, and-”
“Umm...Merula...” Matthew began, pointing behind her.
“No, I’m not done! How’d you master that spell already?! It’s not fair! Nobody can be better than me! I can do what I want, when I want! I run this school, I-”
“Merula...” Matthew tried again.
“For Merlin’s sake, what?!”
“Ahem.” said Professor Snape. Merula looked behind her and gulped. Preston and his cronies quickly scattered.
“P-Professor Snape!” she said, quickly.
“I suspect this is your fault, Luther. Are you aware of Hogwarts policy on unauthorised duelling?”
Matthew felt his stomach curl up, and it wasn’t because he’d missed breakfast.
“Sir,” piped up Rowan, “Merula hit him first, he-”
“Enough, Khanna. Is this true, Miss Snyde?” Snape asked. Merula looked as though she was going to deny it, but Danny had walked over and started moving in and out of her legs. She looked down at the cat, then up at Snape, and nodded.
“Very well. You will report to me in the West Towers to discuss this transgression.” He declared, both him and Flitwick departing. A silence hung in the air.
“Blimey, I am starving.” said Matthew, clutching his stomach. “I wonder if they do cat food...Not for me of course,” he added, looking at Merula’s bewildered expression.
“Luther...I’m getting to the Vaults first. And you won’t stop me.”
“I look forward to trying.” he said, before heading into the castle with Rowan, moving towards the Great Hall.
“See? Told you she wasn’t that bad.” he was saying as they came to Ravenclaw table.
“Matthew, she tried to jinx you.” Rowan reminded him. “I mean, I certainly didn’t expect her to tell the truth, but do you really think she’ll keep her promise to stop bullying Ben?”
“I suppose we’ll find out.” 
Suddenly, there was a loud hooting as several owls flew into the Hall. One of them flew low down and dropped a large box in front of Matthew. Attached to it was a note.
Hey Matt,
Happy Easter. I don’t know if they celebrate it over there, but I convinced your mother to let me send these to you with her owl.
Keep it up, 
Love, Dad.
Matthew smiled and opened the box. It was filled with several large chocolate eggs, and a singular smaller one, too.
“Wh-what is all this?” Merula asked, having just appeared in the Great Hall.
“I think...” said Matthew, “It’s God’s way of saying, ‘Sorry, mate.’ Why, do you want some?”
Merula scowled, then walked over to the Slytherin table. Matthew just grinned.
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jjdoggies-fanfics · 4 years
Day 1: Memories
Link to Ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/27320533
Fiveya Week 2020 is upon us!! @fivevanya
Title: I Will Rise And Stand My Ground
Where the hell was she?
One minutes she’s driving with Sissy and Harlan, then she’s being questioned, interrogated, and drugged by the FBI, then she was getting shocked half to death, and now she’s here.
Wherever here is.
The building. House. Something told her she was in a house. Her house? No. It was too big to be her house. Did she have a house? Vanya couldn’t remember having a house, but something smaller.
Her head hurt.
She was in a room, a very small room. With barely enough space for a bed and a dresser. Who could live like this? Was this, did this used to be her room?
Vanya walked out of the small bedroom, and as she walked into the hallway there was a flash of blue light in the corner of her eye. Didn’t one of her brothers do that? The younger one. With the uniform. Five! When she tried to find him, expecting to see Five near where the blue light had come from, and turned up nothing.
Her eyes must’ve just been playing tricks on her. 
Or perhaps Five had seen her, and left. He must be mad at her. She’s very late for the meeting he’d wanted her for, the way for their family to leave Dallas, and go home. He should be angry at her. Vanya forced herself to push away the thoughts of her siblings, of Five, and she walked through the hall until her feet lead her to some stairs.
And as she approached them, she could hear something downstairs, it sounded like someone talking. But, she couldn’t recognize the voice. Her foot barely touched the first step of the stairs before there was another flash of blue. Two this time, in quick succession. And when Vanya looked around again, hoping to see the source, to see Five, to see anyone, her search, again, turned up nothing.
Once again, shaking her head, as if that would be enough to deter anymore thoughts of her siblings, or of Five, Vanya resumed her decent down the stairs. As she reached the bottom of the rather large staircase, with no further signs of flashes of blue light, Vanya instead wondered into what must’ve been their dining room, following the sounds of talking. The voice still unrecognizable to her.
“Number Seven,” that voice, she knew, Reginald Hargreeves, their adoptive father, “you’re late. Take your seat.” She’d barely crossed the threshold into the room with her father, mother, and siblings, and she was already feeling inadequate, despised, and out of place, in her own home. Vanya, who evidently was also called Number Seven, swiftly and silently moved into the only empty chair at the rather large table meant for eight.
As she settled into her seat, their mother placed a plate with a yellowed brain on it in front of her. Vanya’s eyes flicked up from the brain on her plate to look at the others’ plates, only to find similar brains on theirs. Their father told them, commanded them, to eat as if they were dogs and not people. And while Vanya looked on in confusion, the rest of her siblings dug into their brains, undeterred from the disgusting ‘meal’ and ate without a word.
Again, Reginald hissed out, “Number Seven, eat your dinner.” In an instant Vanya felt the weight of eight pairs of eyes set on her. Reginald, Mom, Luther, Diego, Allison, Klaus, Five, and Ben? (Why was Ben an adult now? He should still be a kid) They were all watching her, waiting for her to do as she was told. But, she didn’t want to.
“I’m not hungry.” Vanya said, pushing the plate in front of her away. For a moment, she thought she wouldn’t have to eat the brain, her siblings would stop staring at her, Reginald would stop glaring at her. 
“Eat your dinner Number Seven.” Reginald ordered.
Vanya looked between her six siblings, hoping for one to be understanding, on her side. Instead Luther, Diego, and Allison looked annoyed. Klaus and, who she believed to be, Ben seemed to be looking at her with pity and worry. And Five, the one she’d felt closest and safest with, he just looked angry.
That’s not right.
The look on Five’s face, and it being directed at her, it felt wrong. He hadn’t been that angry with her when she’d argued with him, the many, many times, or when she ignored him and his wishes returning to the farm.
All of, most of, the looks on her siblings faces felt wrong. At first, Vanya felt like she deserved their annoyance, pity, and anger, as if her mere presence was enough to upset her siblings. But as she looked between the looks, Vanya grew annoyed herself, something deep inside her yelling that she didn’t deserve their anger or pity or annoyance. It screamed that she should be able to exist in a room with her siblings without them hating her mere presence. It screeched inside her that she deserve to be treated like a person, rather than the dirt on their shoes.
Where had this anger come from?
“Vanya,” Five said, there was a crack in his glare, he’d softened for a moment, looking more like the Five she knew. But the crack sealed back up in an instant, and he glared at her again as he continued, “why don’t you ever listen?” What? “It’s all your fault Vanya.” Stop it Five. “You’re just ordinary, and insignificant.” No.
“You’re lying.” Vanya hissed, keeping her gaze firmly on the table in front of her. The glint of the knife near her right hand pulling her attention.
The silverware in Five’s hands clattered to the table. Everyone else utterly still. “I’m a liar, Vanya?” Five asked.
Vanya told him, keeping her eyes on the knife rather than Five’s face, “I didn’t say you were a liar Five. I said you were lying. There’s a difference.” There something annoyingly familiar about the knife. Something nagging in her mind about the knife, the table, Five, and an argument.
There was a flash of something, a memory? Five stabbing the table with a knife, and he was arguing with…. with…. who Five had been arguing with was lost to her. But he hadn’t been looking at her.
“Would you stop it Vanya?” Allison was yelling at her now, looking more annoyed than she had before, “Some of us are trying to eat our dinner without making a spectacle out of it.” When Vanya pulled her eyes from her knife to her sister, she then noticed the table’s center piece garland and pineapple? (When had that gotten there?) had been floating a foot off the table. And came down with a clatter.
Once it dropped, Allison’s attention, along with everyone else’s including Five’s, returned to their brains. And that annoyed Vanya more than anything.
It felt like anger filled her every being. She doesn’t deserve to be ignored or berated all the time by her own family. Rather than try to push down her anger like she at first wanted to, rather she felt herself minisculely shake in her fury. The air around her shook. Then spread to the table, then the room, the house, the world. There were several voices yelling at her, about her, ordering her around, ordering her to stop. They were swimming and fighting each other on the way to her ears. It was too much. Too loud. And it kept building, and building, and building, until it exploded.
The pineapple that had appeared on the table exploded like it had at the last family dinner Vanya had been to with the Hargreeves. And everything silenced for a moment. That is until Vanya’s eyes looked back to Allison, who’s throat was cut and bleeding out. Allison with Vanya in a cabin, strong winds blowing around them, Allison nearly rumoring Vanya, Vanya slashing with her bow to top her sister, Allison bleeding out, Vanya getting dragged out by….. by….. by Leonard. Vanya practically tumbled out of her chair, clattering to the floor in shock. 
“Number Seven!” Reginald hissed, standing from his chair while her siblings sat in their chairs watching her again, “You will stop this insolent behavior immediately and follow orders! You will sit in your chair, silently, eat your dinner, and take your medication as instructed.” Vanya ignored their father and stayed on the floor, curling into a ball, holding her head.
Her head was hurting again. Worse now. Her eyes were screwed shut.
The floodgates were opening.
Memories began trickling in one by one, rainy days reading with Five and Ben, Klaus braiding her hair with shaking hands (only when Allison was busy), then a stream of other memories, recent memories, Reginald’s funeral, Five falling from the sky, waking up locked away in the cage in the basement, and in an instant a rush of memories, from her birth, somehow, to their fucked up childhood, and into an extraordinarily lonely adulthood.
“Vanya?” A voice, another one she could recognize, but it’s been a long time since she’d heard it, “Vanya, can you hear me?” it sounded a lot like, “It’s Ben, your brother.” Ben.
When Vanya opened her eyes, she was alone. The table was fixed, reset. The room was cleaned of her mess. The brains were gone. “Ben?” Vanya called into the emptiness, sincerely hoping she hadn’t completely lost it and her mind was playing tricks on her, “Ben?”
She wondered back towards the stairs, hoping for some sign of her possibly-alive-now dead brother. A silhouette standing in front of the large windows, “Ben?”
“Vanya!” The silhouette, Ben, said, before practically running down the stairs and crashing into Vanya with a hug. Without a second thought Vanya hugged her brother back. After a few minutes of hugging, Ben pulled away, taking a hold of Vanya’s shoulders as he asked, “Are you okay?” 
She gave him a quick nod and asked, “How do we get out of here?” Vanya looked around the foyer, hoping to find some new exit sign, and finding nothing. When she looked back at Ben, he was slowly becoming covered in blue, with a sad smile on his face, “What’s happening Ben?”
“It’s okay.” Ben told her, “I came to help you after all. Everything’s okay.”
“How, how can you say that? It’s, it’s not okay! Ben!” Vanya cried, “There, there has to be a way that, that, that we can both leave.”
Ben tried, again, to convince her that it was okay, “Vanya, it’s okay. This is how it’s supposed to happen.”
(If Vanya had been paying attention to Ben, rather than scrunching her eyes closed again and trying to force herself and Ben out of whatever hellscape she’d gotten them stuck in, she would’ve seen that the blue flecks of light coming off Ben, had reversed their course. Ben was no longer dying for a second time, but rather, coming back to life.)
Vanya gasped back into the real world, still bound to the chair in the FBI’s interrogation room. The bonds on her wrists and ankles had been undone, somehow, and she ripped the helmet they’d shoved onto her head off, before pushing out of her chair and finding Diego, Allison, and Klaus at the end of the hallway. Once she made sure they were okay, and they made sure she was okay, the four of them walked out of the FBI building together, intending to meet back at Elliot’s with Luther and Five. But before they did, there was a figure waiting for them just outside the building.
“Ben?” Diego asked, while Allison, Klaus, and Vanya each had surprised looks on their faces, but for somewhat different reasons. Allison was the first to launch herself into a hug with Ben, Klaus joining next, and Diego shortly after, while Vanya watched from a bit away. For the second Vanya stopped paying attention (Thoughts not thinking about what Klaus had wondered about Five before. They weren’t!) someone’s hand pulled her into their little group hug. After another long hug, none of them wanting to pull away first, they wandered back to their base, and when Luther and Five saw Ben, alive, there was another group hug of the seven Hargreeves siblings.
Five, who’d returned with his fixed equation for time travel, had them stand in a circle, Luther, Allison, Vanya, Five, Diego, Ben, and Klaus, and built a ring of blue power around them, opening a wormhole type of portal, and when they crossed through the other side, together, they were home.
They were home, whole, and safe again.
Then they met The Sparrow Academy.
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hargreeveslftv · 4 years
The Occult: DOOMSDAY | an umbrella academy series
chapter three | word count: 3,142
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CHAPTER THREE | midnight reflections and attitude infections  ( song | make it wit chu (remix) - queens of the stone age ) 
"Well," Melanie says tiredly, putting her plate in the sink as Klaus digs into a pile of waffles on his plate, a separate plate resting beside him with a drizzle of honey over the two now cold waffles that sat in front of an empty chair, "I think I'm gonna go hit the hay. It's been way too long of a day." 
Klaus nods with a laugh, stuffing another fork full into his mouth before speaking. 
"True shit. I'll get the lights and turn everything off, you probably need the sleep more than I do." Klaus giggles to himself, making Melanie smile. 
"I doubt that. Thank you though." She kisses the top of his head, leaving him with a pat on the shoulder before walking down the hallway. 
"Night, boys." She calls, walking through her bedroom door and closing it most of the way, leaving the latch undone and enough room to push it open in case Ben wanted to read some of the books sitting in her room. 
Ben, who watched her with worried eyes beside Klaus as the man poured more syrup on his waffles. 
"I'm worried about her." Ben speaks, resting back against the table in front of the cold plate of food. 
"When are you not worried about her?" Klaus asks with a frown on his face. 
Ben rolls his eyes, partially because his brother is right, partially because he knew he wasn't going to be listened to. 
"She was worried about you. I didn't have to be with her to know that. You can't keep taking advantage of the fact she's the only person who cares about you." 
Klaus looks down at his plate in silence, frowning at the food as he takes another fork full. 
"I don't take advantage of her, Benny-boy."
"You don't bother calling her to tell her where you are when you go missing for a month but then don't hesitate to come back to the room she gave you just to make sure you have a safe place." 
"Okay!" Klaus fires back, cutlery skidding across the table, "I'm a shitty person and I should have called her and brought you to see her sooner. I'm sorry I got in the way of your weird, supernatural romance." 
"You know it's about more than that." Ben argues, not acknowledging the last part of his sentence and making Klaus sigh. 
"Okay, okay. I screwed up and I need to do better next time. Just… give me a break for a couple hours." He asks, near pleading with his brother. 
"Fine. I'll see you in the morning." Ben agrees tiredly, pushing himself up from the table. 
"Actually," Klaus interjects, making Ben groan as he throws his head back and turns around. "I wanna get going before Mellie wakes up. Get out of her hair for the day, come back after she's had some time to rest." 
"Whatever. But we're leaving a note." He says with a roll of his eyes, walking down the hallway and lightly pushing open Melanie's bedroom door. 
The orange striped sweater Klaus gave her lays across the arm of her desk chair, Melanie laying in her bed in one of the worn band shirts she'd had for years instead. 
Ben walked carefully around where her boots were carelessly dropped on the floor, and avoided the small towers of books laid around the end of her bed, not wanting to disturb her knowing she needed all the rest she could get. 
As he laid down on the bed beside her, his weight didn't make the mattress dip at all, the pillows not even noticing he was there as he finally let out a deep breath. 
Still, Melanie could sense him beside her, the cold air in the room an obvious sign of his presence. 
Knowing he was there, Melanie rolled over to face him, moving closer to the middle of the bed and pulling the blankets up under her chin to counteract the coldness. 
"Don't go disappearing on me again, please." She says quietly, barely above a whisper. 
Even if she'd opened her eyes, she wouldn't be able to see the sad look on Ben's face, knowing he couldn't make that promise to her. 
Instead, as he heard the lights click off and Klaus's bedroom door shut, he settled for pressing a small kiss to Melanie’s hand that rested on her pillow, the smallest smile gracing her face as she drifted off into much needed sleep. 
When they were younger, they would lay in the same position nearly every night they could for hours before falling asleep, though obviously in much more cramped quarters. There wasn’t a night when Melanie wouldn’t sneak into Ben’s room, or vice versa, after Reginald turned off the night monitors so they could talk about books, their missions, their plans for once they left the academy. 
It started as in-jokes between the two, laughing about how they would run away and find real, boring jobs. They joked about renting an apartment together, and filling it with plants since the only living thing in the academy were the people inside it.
It was what they did to escape their realities, the one that told them to put themselves in danger every day with not even a thank you at the end of it for their efforts. Which is why later on, the late night jokes turned into actual plans, ones that would see them carrying what little they had out of the academy the night of their 18th birthdays and not stepping foot back inside.
It was what best friends did, right?
And that’s what they were, ever since that day in mid November, when the New York snow was already falling and made the small ten year old girl in the backseat of her Grandmother’s car shiver in her coat.
She hadn’t talked for over a month at that point, and wouldn’t for another two until Five’s antics managed to draw a laugh out of her one Sunday afternoon.
She didn’t know what was happening that day, how could she? She was a child. She didn’t understand the cheque placed inside an envelope handed to her Grandmother, or the suitcase packed with all of her possessions, and no one bothered to explain it to her either.
All she knew was the cold eyes of the man with the monocle had replaced the ones of the Grandmother who hadn’t even had her for a week.
She was frightened, as any child would be. Especially when she stood in front of the seven other children dressed exactly alike, the intimidating man’s hand on her shoulder as she was introduced to the children.
“Children, this is your new sister, Number Eight. She shall be entering training with you, and taking residence in the house. As her legal guardian, I expect you to treat her as you treat each other. Understood?” 
There was nothing Melanie wanted more than to curl up in a ball at the stares of the children, to tell them her name wasn’t Eight, it was Melanie, her name being the only gift from her father she had left.
As she was introduced to each child, all Melanie could do was nod at their welcomes, following the tall, blond boy, Number One, she thinks, as he carried her suitcase to the plain and near empty bedroom down the green hallway. 
She was left alone for a couple hours, Number One telling her that his name was Luther, and to make sure that she was dressed in her new uniform and down stairs when the dinner bell rang.
After changing into the outfit she was told, Melanie sat on her bed, and she cried. 
Images of Alice in Wonderland drowning in her tears came to her mind as she laid on the bed, face first into her pillow and smothering the sound as best as she could. It was a miracle at all that she managed to hear the incredibly gentle, quiet knocks against her door a small while later. 
At first, Melanie panicked, thinking she had lost track of time and the dinner bell had already rung, but after wiping away her tears on her new white buttoned shirt sleeve, letting her hair fall into her face, she opened the door to see one of the boys from before, the one equally as quiet as she had been.
Melanie sniffled as she opened the door wider, the boy she struggled to remember as Number Six standing in the doorway with a book in his hands, and a soft smile on his face.
“Hi, I’m Ben, but Dad calls me Number Six. My room is next to yours, and I just wanted to come see if you were okay?” He asks quietly.
Little did he know, but it was the first time someone had been kind to Melanie in a very long time.
Melanie went to speak, before stopping herself, bolting away from the door and tearing through her open suitcase still sitting on her bed. Ben was confused, worried he had already scared the obviously already scared girl, but calmed down slightly as he saw her reappear, pen furiously moving across the page of her notebook before she turned it around for him to see.
“I’m Melanie. I’m okay.”
“Oh, I get it.” He smiles, understanding that she wasn’t scared of him, she just couldn’t speak. “Well, Melanie, I thought you might like this. It’s one of my favorites, so I thought maybe you would like it too. I thought it would be a nice welcome present to help you feel more comfortable.”
He carefully handed her the book he was holding onto, revealing it as Alice’s Adventures In Wonderland. Melanie’s eyes lit up as she read the cover, a smile coming to her face for what felt like the first time in forever.
Melanie took the book with careful hands, staring at it with wonder before looking back up to him.
“Thank you.” She mouthed, before an idea sparks inside her head, and she grabs his wrist, pulling him into her room behind her.
Ben wasn’t expecting the sudden movement, but followed easily anyway, stopping in the middle of her room as she let go of his wrist, putting the book he gave her down beside her pillow, along with her notebook and pen, before digging back into her suitcase, rummaging through for a moment before finding exactly what she was looking for.
With a smile on her face, Melanie handed Ben the book from her suitcase, “The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe” written across the top of the cover.
Ben took the book from her, holding it as she turned to pick up her pen and notebook, scribbling quickly before turning it to him again.
“For you.”
“Oh,” Ben says in surprise, “you don’t have to-”
Melanie tapped on the notebook, a look on her face and the tapping of her finger against the page insisting he took the book.
“I… thank you, Melanie.” He smiled gratefully. 
She nodded happily, before another thought crossed her mind, and she scribbled her words down on the notebook yet again.
“I promise all witches aren’t bad, though”
Melanie is awoken the next morning with a startled gasp, shooting up in bed and throwing herself across it until she lands on the floor, scrambling over to her grimoire and slamming it open, her eyes burning as she fumbles for a pen to write down the incantation she heard in her dreams. 
Not every morning was like this for her, the messages from her dreams often being nothing more than a bunch of symbolism and flashbacks. Other times, though, they were actually useful. 
Times like last night, when the visions came in loud and clear. 
If she didn't know any better, Melanie would swear it was just a dream. Everything she saw, it looked older, changed from what she knew as normal. 
The underside of her hair, purple since she was eighteen, was a light pink, her face appearing fuller, more lively. Klaus, who was helping her with the spell in the vision, appeared more lively as well, his eyes popping and hair shaggy as always, but longer and closer to his shoulders than his scalp.
Everyone looked different, but it wasn't an unwelcome change. 
But the one thing that really hit Melanie, was the person in front of her as she sat around the beam of light in the center of the academy foyer, with Klaus on one side, Diego on the other, and Vanya, Allison, Five and Luther opposite her. 
Melanie scribbled down the words as quickly as she could, knowing with a seed of dread in her stomach that the ending of the incantation wasn't shown to her in full, but hoped that it would come to her eventually as the vision decided she was ready to see it. 
With excitement buzzing through her veins, Melanie shot up from the floor, pulling her heavy grimoire with her as she ripped her bedroom door open, running through the hall and pushing Klaus's door open with a shove, her momentum dying on impact as she sees his bed empty. 
Disappointment washes over her, as she walks back through her apartment in search of any sign of him. Noticing something on the table, Melanie stops beside it, dropping her grimoire down and picking up the post it note. 
"Grabbing some things from academy. Back later!" 
Melanie sighs, putting the note back on the table and falling into the seat closest to her with a sigh. 
One breakfast burrito later, Melanie waltzes through the doors of the academy, takeaway coffee in hand and grimoire hanging off her arm in a gaudy tote bag acquired from the thrift shop a few doors up from her work. 
Melanie walks into the living room, Luther reading a stack of papers on the couch looking up at her as she enters. 
Ignoring him completely, still bitter about the statue the day before, Melanie sits her sunglasses on top of her head, walking around the bar and looking behind couches for wherever her brother might be hiding. 
"Lost something?" Luther asks, raising his eyebrows as he gets no reply. 
"Nice, silent treatment. Real mature Melanie." He scoffs, quickly looking like he retracts his statement as she turns to face him. 
"If I wanted your help, I'd ask. But if I did that, it would be to help find the marbles I'd finally lost." 
After being met with silence herself, and not spotting Klaus anywhere in the room, Melanie abandons the search of the ground level, walking up stairs and sipping her coffee along the way. 
Melanie silently nods a hello to Allison as she passes her, angrily jabbing a number into the phone after she passes, making Melanie raise her eyebrows as she knocks on Klaus's door. 
"Klaus? You here?" She calls, groaning after a few moments as she gets no reply. 
Opening the door, she sees yet another empty room of Klaus's, frowning as she sees nothing different from yesterday when she sat on his bed while he rummaged through his clothes. 
She searches the room for a moment, looking over the scribbles on the walls, not all that different from the pages upon pages of scribbled notes in her grimoire.
She sighs as she sees small empty bags sitting on his bedside table, knowing Klaus probably didn't even know where he was himself. 
After stepping back from the table with her hopes up for finding Klaus and Ben today, Melanie hears a conversation happening down the hall. Abandoning the search of Klaus's room, Melanie frowns suspiciously as she walks out, watching as Allison speaks to Vanya in an obviously condescending tone down the stairs. 
"You're an adult now Vanya, you don't get to blame your problems on anyone but yourself." She says, Vanya looking at the ground in front of her as Allison turns to walk away up the stairs. 
"Oh, that's rich." Melanie says. 
"Excuse me?" Allison says, stopping in her tracks and turning to look at Melanie, who walked along the hallway, stopping at the phone hanging on the wall. 
"What, we're all crawling with childhood trauma and you don't think that has an impact on who you are just a few years later? Are you for real or did you rumor your own memories outta your head?" She asks, head cocked to the side and hostility matching that of the woman in front of her. 
"Last I checked, I don't owe you anything." Allison squints, storming away in a cloud of expensive perfume and anger. 
"You do actually, if the divorce happens within three years of the wedding, the guests get their gifts back." Melanie calls after her, "I want my crock pot!" 
Turning around with a sigh, she sees Vanya still standing in her spot rooted to the floor. 
"Have you seen Klaus?" Melanie asks her sweetly, instantly shifting gears from the aggressive stance she held before. 
"Oh, uh, no, sorry." Vanya apologises, Melanie giving her a soft shrug in return. 
"No worries, I just wanted to try something with him and Ben but they skipped out on me again. Left a note that they'd be here but hey, is what it is." 
Vanya laughed lightly, looking over her shoulder, almost worried she'd get scolded for expressing joy in the house. 
"Well, I hope you find him."
"Yeah, me too." She says sadly, looking down at her shoes before glancing back up to her sister, "hey, we should go get coffee sometime, catch up." 
Vanya looks startled at the offer, but agrees with a short nod. 
"Yeah, that sounds good." 
Melanie nods again, giving Vanya a smile before heading downstairs, bypassing the already checked living room to go to the basement, not seeing anyone there and sighing heavily. 
"Slippery little shits." She mumbles to herself, walking through the room and flopping down onto one of the couches, bouncing for a moment before coming to a stop. 
As long as she had been best friends with Klaus, he had been the one Melanie told her visions to before absolutely anyone else. 
Sharing his own brand of clairvoyance, he was the only person in the world that she knew could understand her, which after a rocky first ten years and even rockier twenty afterwards, meant a whole lot more than normal to both her and Klaus. 
If her and Five were closer, maybe she would seek him out to tell him instead, given he was the only one to actually experience the future, not just see it. 
But after being close to him for the, in retrospect, short time they had around each other, Melanie knew there was something going on with him well above her level of comprehension right now. 
Instead, she let her head lull back onto the headrest, letting out a heavy sigh of frustration and closing her eyes. 
chapter four coming monday, sep 21st 
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