#will x daisuke motomiya
redthreadoffate · 6 months
the gift of communication
happy holidays to you, dear @citrus-cactus. i was your secret santa and i am very sorry this is so late. i was supposed to post this after one more check once i arrived but my parents told me that there was no need to bring my laptop, so here i am posting it using my ipad and i hope it still looks okay!
anyways, backstory aside, i do hope you enjoy this little thing i wrote! and i'm really sorry if this isn't what you had in mind. i had to re-watch some hurricane touchdown scenes to get wallace's character as good as i could, i would've watched the movie if i had the time so i super apologize if this isn't to your liking. i had a lot of fun writing it and i would really love to know your thoughts if you get the chance to give them :)
just a few notes in case you want to run ; editing mistakes here or there [there better not be…] // timeline is more on adventure 02 in between the ending and epilogue // this is not set in the same world as my other fics due to inspiration reasons // i will post this on ao3 soon // i tried my best to give the digimon feel and i think I achieved it, so…
…without further ado, i present to you this little fic. enjoy! have a merry christmas and a happy new year! 🥰
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the gift of communication | main characters ; wallace, terriermon, lopmon, daisuke motomiya | pairings ; slight wallace x daisuke (if you squint), mentioned takeru x hikari, mentioned taichi x sora, mentioned yamato x mimi | genre ; friendship | word count ; 3,598 | rating ; g
Terriermon and Lopmon were enjoying the company of their fellow digimons. They told each other stories, laughed, and even played a little. At some point, they fell asleep next to each other after consuming most of the food and drinks that Miyako had brought for them for the day. Terriermon had his head rested against Chibimon who was snoring softly while Lopmon was a few inches away from them.
The Chosen Children were gathered around in a circle, sans Ken who had told them that he would be late but promised to come as soon as he could. He mentioned something about helping his mom with some gift-giving in an orphanage.
“So, Wallace,” Daisuke started, his head turned to him. “Since when did you like coming here to Japan?” It made him suspicious as he remembered that Wallace had kissed Hikari once. He kissed her cheek, and Miyako’s as well, but it was still a kiss. “Are you here for anyone in particular?” But Daisuke also knew he was in denial about the fact that Hikari and Takeru had had some sort of unspoken romantic feelings for one another. “I heard there are more women in New York.” 
Wallace shrugged, simply ignoring Daisuke’s obvious accusations. “It’s a nice place to be in during the holidays. The spirit of Christmas is really taken seriously. Back in New York, people tend to be busy and get caught up with one another.”
“Looks like New York isn’t as cool as people say it is,” Iori said. “I’ve always thought it was a white Christmas there.”
Wallace nodded. “It sounds nice and it looks nice when you see it on tv and the movies but it isn’t spectacular or anything.”
“Nothing for you is ever spectacular,” Daisuke muttered. This made Hikari nudge him without much force and in turn made Takeru chuckle. “Either way, I’m glad you're here, Wallace. It’s been a while and I actually do miss you.”
Wallace’s eyes widened and his eyebrows raised. “You miss me?” he echoed. For him, that was a first for someone. “You. Miss me? You?”
“Am I not allowed to?” Daisuke raised an eyebrow.
Wallace smirked.
Daisuke narrowed his eyes. “Don’t push it.”
Miyako laughed. “Don’t mind him, Daisuke. It’s just Wallace being Wallace.”
“You don’t know much about me,” the American-raised boy defended. It was an absolute surprise to hear that from someone he had not had much interaction with in a while. “How could you say that?”
“We know enough,” Takeru spoke. “Like how you consider us as your friends. After all, you accepted our invitation to this gathering.”
Wallace did not reply. His mind was wondering how this group of friends suddenly thought that they were somehow close. It was not as if he did not like the group, he liked them a lot, especially after they helped him with Kokomon. But he needed to figure out how to handle this.
Hikari smiled at him. “Onee-san is throwing a surprise birthday party for Sora-san the day after tomorrow. You should go, it’d be really fun. We’ll be there, and I’m sure Terriermon and Lopmon would enjoy the company of being with more of their friends.”
“I’ll think about it,” he replied, still a little lost in thought. This invitation to her future sister-in-law’s surprise birthday party was, for him, a big step. He had not known much about them, yet they were thinking highly of him here.
What went into his head when he called Daisuke Motomiya yesterday to tell him that he was in the country, visiting for the holiday and seeing the sights with his mom.
He had called his home’s telephone, which made him feel anxious because he was not so sure what to say if it had been someone else who would answer. Luckily, it was Daisuke who took the call right away.
Was it because he was indebted? Because they helped him get Kokomon back? He did not think so, it could be more than that.
Just then, the door of Daisuke’s room opened and Ken appeared with Wormmom beside him. “I’m sorry for being late,” he said, bowing.
“Ken!” Miyako grinned. “The food’s almost gone, help yourself to what’s left, Wormmon.”
Ken chuckled nervously. “I’m sorry, Wormmon. I’m sure there’s still some good food somewhere there.”
“Of course! I always choose the best of the best,” Miyako said proudly.
Wallace watched as Ken walked from the door and sat down in between Miyako and Iori. They had briefed him of the former Digimon Kaiser. He felt the anger boil inside him as they told him the story, how could someone do that to digimons?
But they had assured him that Ken had changed and was very much on their side. He was a little skeptical, and truth be told he still was, but he told himself to watch out for Ken before he could make his final judgment.
“Hello,” Ken greeted. “You must be Wallace.”
He nodded. “Yeah. And you’re Ken, right? Ken Ichijouji?”
Ken nodded. “It’s a pleasure to meet you,” he said, raising his hand.
Wallace blinked a few times before shaking his hand. “And it’s great to finally meet you.”
“Ken!” Wormmom called him. “This is Terriermon and Lopmon!”
The group all turned back. Ken had a smile on his face. “I hope Wormmon treats you well.”
Everyone laughed.
Iori said, “Try the new chocolate drink, Wormmon. I told Armadimon to hide one for you.”
“Here it is!” Armadimon held up the box.
“Thank you, Iori and Armadimon,” Wormmon said happily as he began to consume the drink.
Wallace watched as they looked at the worm-like digimon drink. Despite what had happened before, they welcomed Ken with open arms. It might take a while but he hoped he would fully forgive Ken and replace the thought of the poor digimons with happier faces. It sounded easier in thought but perhaps interacting with him more will be good for them both.
“This is so good, Miyako!” Wormmon exclaimed. He then dug into some snacks. “It's a good thing I didn’t eat before coming here.”
Wallace laughed. “That’s true, the food you brought really did make me feel full.”
Miyako grinned again. “I told you all! Wallace does like Japanese food.”
“Then I’m sure you’ll like the food that will be prepared for the party,” Hikari stated, smiling. “Please come.”
“I’ll think about it,” he repeated. But to be honest, he was very keen on going. “I’ll have to ask Terriermon and Lopmon first,” he added. “And my mom, of course.”
“Yes!” Terriermon and Lopmon shouted at the same time.
Hikari giggled. “I hope your mom says yes, Wallace.”
‘I hope so, too,’ he thought. He smiled at them. “Yeah, let’s see.” 
On the way back to the hotel, Wallace carried Lopmon as Terriermon sat on his favorite spot, Wallace’s head. Wallace had not spoken to either of them as they walked. This did not go unnoticed by his digimon partners.
Both Terriermon and Lopmon were looking at their human partner, then they would look at each other, then back at Wallace, and then make eye contact again, and the cycle repeated a few more times before both sighed.
“What’s got you thinking?” Lopmon asked, looking up at his partner. He touched his cheek and patted it a few times. “You’ve been quiet since we left Daisuke’s house.” He tilted his head. “Don’t tell me you didn’t have fun, Wallace. I know you did, everyone could see it.”
Wallace sighed and looked down at the brown digimon. “I’m just wondering about the party they invited me to. Invited us to.”
“What about it?” Terriermon questioned. “You want to go, don’t you? I saw the way you smiled, you seem excited about it.”
“I do,” he admitted. “I do want to go and it does seem pretty exciting.” But as they left the Motomiya residence, he had a sudden reflection about the other Chosen Children. “But what about the others? I don’t know much about them, they don’t know much about me. I’ll feel left out.” He was never really scared of being alone, but he found this situation different. Maybe because they all had something in common. “I don’t think it’d be fun if that was the case.”
Terriermon and Lopmon looked at each other.
“We’re sure Daisuke won’t leave you alone,” Terriermon said. “And neither will the others.”
“You can’t be sure,” Wallace said.
“Sure we’re sure,” Lopmon said. “They like you, Wallace. They won’t let you feel left out. I’m sure they’ll even introduce you to the others.”
Wallace bit his bottom lip. “I’ll ask Mom if we can go. It won’t be until the day after tomorrow, I don’t think it’ll be too sudden.”
“And besides, your mom will be happy you have friends here,” Lopmon added and Terriermon nodded in agreement.
That made Wallace smile. “Yeah, I think she will be.”
“Cheer up, Wallace.” Terriermon smiled. “I’m sure everyone will be glad if you go.”
He nodded. “Let’s go ask Mom then.”
Both Terriermon and Lopmon grinned. “Yay!” they exclaimed.
“You two do seem so excited about this,” Wallace said, chuckling.
“We want to see you happy,” Lopmon told him. “And we’re glad that you have friends here.”
Wallace smiled and nodded. Then, it dawned on him that in a few days, before Christmas day, he would have to leave the country and head back to New York. He had not told them this—they had not asked—but he would have to soon and it made him feel sad knowing that he would leave them behind. “Just when things were brightening up,” he murmured.
“What was that?” the two digimons asked in unison. “What did you say?”
Wallace shook his head. “It’s not something I want to talk about right now, and I don’t want to think about it yet either. Let’s just enjoy the rest of our stay here while we can. Japan is a nice place, let’s not ruin the vacation. Okay?”
The two digimons looked at each other for a few seconds before nodding as they shifted their eyes to Wallace. “Okay.”
As Wallace and the twins expected, his mother was very happy that he had made friends. “I didn’t expect this,” she admitted.
“They’re the same friends I told you about before,” he said. “I…missed them.”
“Is that why you wanted to come here for the holiday?”
Wallace nodded slowly.
His mother grinned. “I’m glad you’re finally letting yourself out there.” Then she tilted her head. “But how did you find them?”
“I asked for help from Mimi-san,” he answered. “You remember her.”
“Oh yes, that pretty girl you met back home.” She smiled.
“She’s in a relationship,” he immediately said, knowing where that smile was headed.
She giggled. “Alright then. When is the party again?”
“The day after tomorrow,” he replied. “A lot of people will be there. My friends and their older brothers and their friends as well. And Terriermon and Lopmon’s friends, too.”
“My, isn’t that a big party,” his mother said. “And you don’t know the others?” Wallace shook his head. “You won’t feel out of place?” Again, he shook his head. “You won’t be in the corner alone?” He let out a soft chuckle before shaking his head once more. He was suddenly so sure, surprisingly, that he would not be left alone by the group. Terriermon and Lopmon really do have an effect on him. “But you’ll have fun, won’t you?”
“I will,” he assured. “I know I will.” He knew very well that he would have a lot of fun. ‘I know I will,’ he repeated in his head. ‘I know I will.’
“That’s good. That’s all I needed to hear.” His mom grinned. “So what’s the theme? What will you wear? We’ll need to make a good impression on them. I know how you can be, Wallace.”
He rolled his eyes. “It’s like you have no faith in me.” His mother frowned. “I don’t know much. I’ll call Daisuke and ask for more information.”
“Okay. But remember to just tell me if you need anything. Anything at all.”
“Yes, Mom.” He smiled.”You’re just as excited as Terriermon and Lopmon.”
“We’re just very happy for you, Wallace.” His mother leaned to kiss his forehead. “My sweet boy, I’m really happy for you.”
“Thanks, Mom.”
When she straightened her body, she added, “I would very much like to meet your friends one day. Maybe invite them after the party. Perhaps the next day or the day after that?”
Wallace nodded. “Yeah, I’ll ask them. Will you be cooking?” He had always loved his mom’s cooking and was very proud of how others liked them as well.
“Of course, I need to make a good impression on them, too.”
They both laughed.
The day of the party had arrived and Wallace was quite nervous about it. He had kept himself composed and ready for the event the past day but he did not think about what would happen as he was on the way to the Takenouchi residence.
“Aren’t you excited?” Terriermon asked cheerily.
“I am!” Lopmon answered. “What about you, Wallace?”
Wallace put on a smile. “I am. I am excited. But I’m a little nervous, but I guess that’s a normal thing to feel when you’re about to meet a bunch of new people.”
Lopmon nodded. “Don’t worry, you’ve got us. We can leave anytime you want.”
“Thanks, guys.”
They continued to walk and then finally arrived at the condominium. As they entered, having made sure that Terriermon and Lopmon had returned to playing as stuffed animals, he walked to the receptionist and informed them that he was there for the surprise party in the apartment of the Takenouchis.
Just as the receptionist gave him the floor and room number, an unfamiliar voice called his name. “Wallace?”
He turned around and recognized the man in front of him. “Koushiro.”
The redhead smiled at him, his digimon partner in his arms. “That’s me.” He walked closer to Wallace and stopped just a few inches away from him. “Takeru-kun said you would come.”
“I was a little hesitant,” he lied, not wanting to sound too eager. “But I thought it would be fun to make new friends and, you know, hang out with them.”
“I’m glad you think so. I’m sure Taichi-san and the others would love to meet you. Mimi-chan is here already. I know you two are acquainted with one another.”
“Yes,” he said. “We met in New York one time, she recognized my partners.”
Koushiro nodded. “This is Tentomon.” Then he paused. “Let’s get going,” he said as he looked around the lobby. There were not many people but they still had to be careful.
The two, with their partners, rode the elevator going up. Wallace was getting a little more nervous now. He got a warm welcome from Koushiro, yes, but what about the others?
‘What’s got you hot and bothered by this, Wallace?’ he questioned himself. ‘This shouldn’t keep you on your toes.’
“They’re really nice,” Koushiro said, as if reading his mind. “My friends are really nice. You don’t have to worry about them. Not even Yamato-san can ruin your mood.”
“What do you mean?”
Koushiro smiled. “He’s been a handful before, but he’s become very mellow over the past few years. He smiles a lot more, too, ever since he started dating Mimi-chan.”
Wallace looked at him.
“I didn’t read your mind, if that’s what you’re thinking,” Koushiro added with a soft chuckle. “I just saw it in your body language.”
Wallace raised his eyebrows. He was always so calm, not once had he shown people his true thoughts and feelings. How did Koushiro know about this?
“I was like you before, back when I was young. Even before I met Taichi-san and the others. I hid myself behind my laptop, not once showing emotions. But when I started hanging out with them…it felt good, it felt nice. I felt like I belonged. That’s how great they are.” Koushiro looked at him. “Chosen Child or not, they’re nothing to be afraid of.”
Wallace grinned. “Thank you.”
They reached their floor and they quickly walked to the apartment. Not everyone was there yet but when Daisuke saw that Wallace had arrived, he grinned and walked over to him. “You came! You’re here!” 
Terriermon and Lopmon grinned as well. “Are the others here, too?” Terriermon asked.
“Of course,” Daisuke answered. “They’re at the back.”
Terriermon and Lopmon leaped from Wallace’s arms and ran down the hallway.
“They’re excited,” Koushiro said as he let Tentomon fly away. “I’ll catch up with you guys later.”
Wallace gave him a nod while Daisuke’s eyes followed Koushiro’s steps. When he was in the kitchen, Daisuke grabbed Wallace’s wrist and dragged him to the living room. “You have to meet Taichi-san!”
Wallace’s heartbeat raced. He was about to meet the highly talked about Taichi Yagami.
They stopped in front of a young man whom Wallace knew all too well just basing it on pictures. “Taichi-san!” Daisuke greeted. Taichi looked back and gave Daisuke a questioning look before looking at Wallace. “Taichi-san, this is Wallace.”
“Oh, so you’re the Wallace Hikari-chan talked about.” He raised his hand and said, “Taichi.”
“It’s so great to finally meet you.”
Meanwhile, in the background, they ignored Daisuke’s question about Hikari talking about Wallace to her older brother.
“Sora will be here soon, I suggest you find a place to hide. Daisuke can lead you around. I’ll get to know you more later, alright?”
Wallace nodded. “Okay.”
Daisuke narrowed his eyes. “Hikari-chan talks about you.”
Wallace could not help but laugh. “Let’s find a place now. As Taichi said, Sora will be here soon.”
The surprise party was a success. Sora arrived with her mom and was shocked to see her friends surrounding her and shouting “happy birthday”.
Sora’s eyes teared up but she was smiling from ear to ear. “And I wonder who came up with the idea,” she said, giggling.
Taichi went up to her and intertwined his fingers with hers. “Take a wild guess.”
She giggled some more and gave her fiancé a kiss and everyone clapped. Then, Sora went over to hug and thank everyone in the room, including Wallace.
“It’s very nice to meet you,” she said when she stopped over to hug and thank him. “I’ve heard good things about you.”
For some reason, that made Wallace’s cheek turn pink. “I hope so.”
Sora smiled.
The party was still in full swing—that is, everyone was chatting with each other and the food and drinks needed refilling—when Wallace headed over to the balcony for some fresh air. He was just overwhelmed with how friendly the others were, how they welcomed him with open arms, and how comfortable he was with them. He hated that he would be leaving soon.
He has instructed Terriermon and Lopmon to play with the other digimons as he wanted to be alone for a while. The twin digimons seemed to have sensed it as they did not object to the request.
Just then, someone stood beside him, holding up two drinks, and offering one to him. Wallace did not bother to look up as he took the cup, he was actually thirsty but was not yet ready to go back inside. “Thank you.”
“If you just want to stay silent that’s fine with me, but let me stay here with you for a bit.”
Wallace nodded. “The party’s a success.” He looked back at the gathering behind him and then back to the horizon. “Taichi really loves her.”
“He does,” Daisuke said. “They’re in love.”
“How are you and Hikari?”
Daisuke sighed. “I’ll give up soon enough. She and Takeru have a lot of stuff going on, going around each and all. They have a history. They have the present. And,” he paused. Wallace could see how heartbroken Daisuke was about this. “And they have a future.”
Wallace pursed his lips. “There’s someone else out for you, I promise.” He placed a hand on Daisuke’s shoulder and rubbed it. “I know it.”
Daisuke smiled. “Thanks, Wallace. You’re a good friend, you know that?” He raised his hand and rubbed Wallace’s shoulder. “I know Mimi-san is missing a lot.”
Wallace shook his head. “Why does everyone think I’m into Mimi?”
“Uh, because it’s obvious? The way you keep looking at her? The way Yamato-san looks as if he’s about to start a fight soon.”
Wallace felt like he was shrinking. “I didn’t notice.”
Daisuke laughed. “Anyway.” He regained his composure. “I don’t want to ask but it’s bound to happen. When are you leaving?”
“Three days from now,” he answered, his head bowed down. “I don’t wanna leave,” he admitted. “I’m…having a good time.”
Daisuke nodded. “Yeah, I know you are.”
They stayed quiet until Daisuke ended it by asking, “What do you want for Christmas?”
Wallace cocked his head to the side. “What?”
“What do you want for Christmas?” Daisuke repeated. “You’re leaving three days before Christmas Day and I want to give you something before we part ways.”
Wallace was silent. Then, he took out his phone and handed it over to the man in front of him. “Can you give me your email?”
“My email?” Daisuke echoed.
“Yeah,” Wallace nodded, “I’d really like it if we talked some more. Even when I’m back in the US, I want to be able to communicate with you guys properly.”
Daisuke grinned. “You read my mind.”
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slutpoppers · 5 days
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Remastered evolution sequence for Paildramon!!!
81 notes · View notes
emzycore · 10 months
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When the autism hits
203 notes · View notes
froggie-bolt · 1 year
Daiken vibes from the Digimon manga
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136 notes · View notes
taichi-x-koushiro · 3 months
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Digimon Adventure 02 ~ Japanese Version ~ vs. Ken Arc {End} + Taichi Yagami & Koushiro{u} Izumi + 02 Chosen Children + 02 Timeline
"Child prodigy Ichijouji Ken-kun, who had been missing since May, was found at {their} home just moments ago."
"There are no details as to why {they} who had been missing for three months was discovered in {their} own home."
"...They all did great." - Koushiro, gently & softly, with a smile
Gifs by @izzyizumi / koushirouizumi, {Do Not Re-post} {Do Not Remove Caption} {Do Not Re-produce Without My Permission!} (Please Ask to Use)
Image usage rules under the 'read more'!
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{usage may be allowed IF PERMISSION IS ASKED TO USE.}
{Please also LIKE this post if you are wanting to use!} {Once you have “Liked”, feel free to contact me to ask for permission!} {However, read my about & FAQ pages first. Please DO NOT use / ask if you match anything in my “Do Not Interact” section.} {I MAY POLITELY DECLINE USAGE REGARDLESS. Please do not take it personally!} {if you are unsure if you can use you can SEND ME AN ASK} {I will check your blog; if you do not match anything on my “DNI”; [CHECK THE FAQ FOR MY DNI SECTION/S] you will likely/may pass the check and can use!} {However please note my ENTIRE FAQ sections on such} {It is possible I may not grant permission for other reasons} [i.e.: You post a lot of something I have blacklisted]
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PLEASE ALSO NOTE: {My headcanons for the characters of this series VARY} {for this set particularly; I headcanon most as M-spec/Multi-gender attracted*} {this post/my icons ARE NOT for people who cannot respect this fact or M-spec people / M-spec headcanons / MF relationships, Queer identities, etc. in general!}
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ahiddenpath · 5 months
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This is all the art I shared in 2023! There are a few really cute ones in here, but I remember I had the most fun drawing Ningyomon (the mermaid). I like my human Palmon design a lot, too. And of course the Sorato art for the party!! I love Sora's dress and hair.
Digimon fics that these artworks are from: Puits d'Amour, Tri Integrity Lens
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uniarycode · 1 month
Digimon Adventure Cross Over Couples
In order to try and get myself to write more, an idea I've been trying to get myself to do over a year and to try and stretch my horizions.
little Oneshot fics focusing on the adventure cast paired with member of another Digimon anime.
Rebagel for sample size if you please
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beginningobserver · 1 month
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大ルイ Paradise 💜💙
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uzunotegaki · 6 months
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A gift artwork of Daisuke and Hikari (02TB version) to my friend in X/Twitter as her birthday present (btw she used to like DaiHika as her favorite couple).
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reliablejoukido · 7 months
"(Don't) stop flirting" - a Daiken oneshot by zuzsenpai
Summary: Ken couldn’t get those words out of his head. He didn’t want to do anything about it… but Daisuke had other plans.
Rating: Mature; Tags: romance, brief sexual content, friends to lovers
MAJOR spoilers for "Digimon Adventure 02: The Beginning"
I caught a Daiken bug after seeing “The Beginning” as I’m sure many of us did. Here’s a little treat. 
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grandramian · 2 months
Digimon favorite couple
Adventure and 02
Taichi x Koushirou
Taichi x Takeru
Yamato x Joe
Takeru x Daisuke
Henry x Takato
Ryo x Kazu
Takuya x Tomoki
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sluggybasson107 · 7 months
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[Image Description: A digital drawing of Daisuke and Michael kissing on a sofa. Daisuke is on the bottom, holding onto Michael's sleeve and back. Michael's above him so his arms are placed around Daisuke to hold him up. Daisuke is wearing a dark red shirt with a brown sweater. He also has light grey jeans and a brown belt. Michael's wearing a green blouse and black jeans, along with silver bracelets and a brown belt with a gold buckle. The couch is cream colored and the wall is grey. A white boarder of the sofa and characters separates them with the grey wall. End Image Description.]
Happy (late) Birthday @reliablejoukido!!
I rushed to make this as fast as I could the moment I heard it was your birthday. I hope you had a great bday and that you enjoy this gift of Daisuke and adult!Michael from your fic 🥰
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Fandom Shipping Polls - Daisuke Motomiya Shipping Analysis (Poll I + Poll II)
As pointed out in the main post, every single Chosen Child will get their individual analysis post to check on the status of the current popularity of their ships. With that out of the way, let’s take a look at Daisuke, shall we!  
The overall results / spreadsheet
Disclaimer: As the “Someone from 01/02″ and “Others” options from poll 1 and the “Someone from 01/02″ option from poll 2 have been excluded from the final analysis due to redundancy reasons and all results were culminated in another “final count”, the results will not be 1:1 to what the polls look like:
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Overall votes: 132 (approx. 110 in sum after the exclusion), the main poll got 93 votes, the secondary poll got 39 votes.
The “Others” choice in the main poll received 3% (approx. 3 votes) and 0% (0 votes) in the secondary poll. The comments/tags did not specify any preferences here (aside from characters that were already part of the main choices).
Ship Analysis
1st place: It should come to nobody’s surprise that Ken (52%) singlehandedly swept this poll without facing any kind of serious competition at any time of the voting. Daiken is one of the most popular mlm Digimon ships on the planet - and for good reasons, as their anime portrayal provides for some very intense and intriguing mutual character development. Not only do they start off as “enemies” (with one of the parties unknowingly holding lots of the admiration for the other), but them turning into friends - and Jogress partners - is one of the most significant development fuels for both of them; nurturing each other’s (self) confidence while growing closer, developing great fondness, attachment and protectiveness for each other as they get more and more comfortable with themselves and in the other’s presence. It’s an endearing framing with a lot of heart, and with the additional anticipation of more news on the 02 movie, it’s really no surprise to see them being as prevalent and beloved in fandom as they are at the moment.
2nd place: With a huge gap to 1st place, Takeru (11%) takes his seat on 2nd place. As mentioned in Takeru’s own analysis, this makes a lot of sense; their popularity here may be explained by the idea that Daisuke is supposed to be a foil to Takeru in a similar way Taichi is to Yamato - even though their dynamic as so called “rivals” does not play out in the same way at all. Despite the occasional bickering, it’s portrayed to be more lighthearted, especially on Takeru’s behalf, who likes to tease Daisuke, making for a mutually challenging, yet very playful  - and most importantly: more soft - dynamic.
3rd place: Daisuke is the second character after Mimi who had SEVERAL people competing for third place, resulting in a three-way-tie between Miyako, Hikari and Wallace, with each of them snatching 8% of the votes. And again, taking a very close look at canon, all of these choices make sense; Miyako proves to be companion Daisukes has a teasing and competitive, yet supportive and familiar relationship with; Hikari is portrayed as someone Daisuke heavily crushes on at first and tries to compete with Takeru to get her attention and affection over, but once that quietly mellows out, they prove to have a soft, mutually trusting bond; last but not least, Wallace is a movie-only character with a flirty, teasing attitude towards Daisuke while also making him want to fight for his sake and sad backstory.
Honorary mentions: As the majority of votes has been distributed among the choices mentioned above, there isn’t much left to be mentioned - yet characters that got more than 1 vote include Taichi (3%), Koushiro (3%), Sora (2%) and Michael (2%).
“The 1 vote squad”: This spot is reserved for Iori, Yamato, Mimi and Jou (1% each).
“0 votes go to…”: Interestingly, Daisuke is the only character in whose poll EVER SINGLE main character received at least one vote.
Annotations: N/A
What did the other polls say?
Daisuke won Ken’s poll (61%) with one of the biggest margins and also came in second Takeru’s poll (18%), thus mirroring his own results to a high degree. 
However, he doesn’t appear in the top 3 rankings for the other characters and actually has a tendency to come in fourth a lot, namely in Hikari’s (9%), Miyako’s (15%), Iori’s (9%), Taichi’s (10%) and Yamato’s (7%) polls.
Thus, for the majority of the rest, he was merely a niche choice, such as Sora (3%), Koushiro (2%) and Jou (1%).
Mimi is the only character in whose poll he did not get a single vote - she herself had received 1 vote in his though.
Notable additions / comments / thoughts
Daisuke’s polls stand out for the fact that he received the fourth most votes overall (after Taichi, Ken and Takeru) - which is quite ironic if you consider that he also appears to be the KING of getting fourth place, thus missing the podium for third place 5 times overall.
These facts aside, he is, as mentioned, the only character whose polls had every of the other 11 Chosen Children get represented by at least 1 vote. It shall not be overlooked that the sample size is still comparably low of course. Thus, I really hope to reach a wider audience if I choose to repeat the polls once the fandom is not as quiet as it is right now. However, the idea that Daisuke has enough followers that every possible combination had at least 1 fan is very interesting. 
Seeing Daiken sweep the entire voting overall is really no surprise, as they appear to have a very passionate group of followers, artists and writers alike, not only on tumblr, but on various internet spaces - regardless of country, even after all this time. This may or may not be assigned to the growing anticipation of the 02 movie as well as for a general demand of more 02 related content after the Adventure 01 cast received a lot of exposure in the past years. Overall, for the reasons mentioned above (and beyond, thanks to their portrayal), Daiken has always been going strong, despite never having been canonized.
The comments in the tags have only referred to the already mentioned choices. The “Others” option did not receive any further votes in the second poll, indicating that all the most viable choices have been covered by poll 1 and 2. Usually, the option is reserved for OC ships, for when people prefer to not ship a character at all or when they’re considered asexual (which will definitely be a future option to include as well!). 
Other Analysis Posts
Taichi Yagami Shipping Analysis
Yamato Ishida Shipping Analysis
Sora Takenouchi Shipping Analysis
Koushiro Izumi Shipping Analysis
Mimi Tachikawa Shipping Analysis
Jou Kido Shipping Analysis
Takeru Takaishi Shipping Analysis
Hikari Yagami Shipping Analysis
Ken Ichijouji Shipping Analysis
Miyako Inoue Shipping Analysis
Iori Hida Shipping Analysis
Meiko Mochizuki Shipping Analysis
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adventurexheart · 1 year
Taiora 🤝 Daikari
Both ships having the male character love the female character so much but not ending up with them in the end ☹️💔
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froggie-bolt · 1 year
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Taichi: “Get back here! You better shut up Daisuke, or so help me—!”
Daisuke: “oh cmon, I wouldn’t tease you if you’d just tell him! Aren’t you the original holder of the crest of courage!?”
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Digimon doodles haha
Mostly just Taichi and Koushiro
So like, that cake at the end of Our war game right? I like the idea that Taichi’s mom is bad at cooking from the Digimon movie haha. Again, Taichi told him so.
The jerseys in the second one aren’t green for any reason I just thought it was the best colour. A soccer game between to OG chosen children and the 02 chosen children :) but Daisuke has been teasing Taichi about something…👀
I feel like if ANY of the chosen children would say “I will pay for your therapy” it would be koushiro. All of them need therapy holy crap
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the-tea-table · 2 years
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missing them hours
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