#willa destiny
Maya Sundaresh was a Venusian researcher and member of the Ishtar Collective, as well as a founding member of the Future War Cult. She Uploaded 227 copies of herself to the Vex Network and founded Neomuna.
Doctor Wilhelmina "Willa" Bray was the eldest daughter of Clovis Bray II and Sylvie, and the sister of Alton, Elsie, and Anastasia. She worked for the Clovis Bray corporation as a scientist and executive, having oversight on projects involving SIVA. She was a pioneer in encoding solid matter, which gave way to the invention of the Engram.
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flowers-of-io · 1 year
20, Exo Stranger and Praedyth?
The prompt was something like “I’m with you” if I remember correctly? It’s been so long. But you know what they say about everything that has ever happened still happening now, etc.
TW: unreality. Read on Ao3
Elsie’s hands hurt from tearing through the thicket in places where vines have cut into the artificial padding of her palms. The landscape has fused into a blur of sharp-edged leaves and tangled branches, dark-green and featureless save for the occasional boulder she notices only when her boot catches on it, or a sliver of sky peeking through the canopy. Praedyth is beside her, the only indication of it being his shallow breath and the rustle of disrupted greenery. They have been walking for hours. There is a rhythm to it—sort of a trance, really, her feet hitting the ground and hands tearing through the verdant curtain, Praedyth’s exhale, a branch catching on her cloak, left foot out, hand pushing the vines away, right foot out, Praedyth’s inhale, hand reaching for the vines. If she stopped moving, Elsie thinks, her legs might just give way under her.
They do stop, eventually, at the bank of a radiolarian river running through the dark undergrowth like a sizzling white ribbon. Praedyth all but collapses onto the grass, sighing with relief, and there is an odd, lightheaded sensation when Elsie lowers herself to sit down beside him and falters. She closes her eyes to chase the dizziness away.
When she opens them, she sees movement on the other bank.
For a moment she isn’t sure what she is looking at, and strains to discern the shapes out of the dark-green blur—two silhouettes, smaller and rounder than Vex frames, gesticulating as they walk along the riverbank, their features shifting like vision-spots until they emerge from the shadows and Elsie can see them clearly. She is on her feet before she even realises she has moved.
Alton and Willa are standing there, across the river, just far enough she cannot quite hear their conversation but sees the expressions on their faces. Her sister’s full lips are spread in a cheeky smile, eyes twinkling wryly as she shoots down Alton’s arguments, and he gestures in that sharp, pointed manner of his, a crease indicating deep concentration marking his forehead. They look like they’ve just sauntered out for a smoke, blazers pulled over lab coats, a laser pointer attached to Willa’s breast pocket she goes on to unclip and fiddle with as she talks. Light reflects off the silver tips of Alton’s bolo tie, the same one Elsie gifted to him on the tenth anniversary of his writing debut, with a green agate geode that reminded her of a strange, alien eye.
For a moment, just as long as it takes to reach out her arms and lunge forward, she forgets.
Something grabs the fabric of her hood and pulls, painfully hard, and her vision spins as she is suddenly jerked back—radiolarian river, opposite bank, sky, Praedyth's face as she swirls around with the momentum and almost loses her footing.
“It's not real!” His hands grip her shoulders as if he were about to shake the words into her. They come to her muffled, almost driven out by the hum in her ears.
She screams back, “Everything here is real!”
“This isn’t something you wanna tell yourself to stay sane.”
She struggles against his grasp, finally breaking away and doubling up, knees hitting the soft earth. The world spins again. Her eyes flick back to the opposite bank and there is nothing there—no Willa or Alton, just the edge of the simulation billowing.
Praedyth’s voice comes distant, as if through a wall, “Elsie?”
She bunches up grass in her fists. A needle-sharp feeling of bereavement pierces her when she realises her fingers have no nails to feel the soil under.
“I’m fine,” she musters up and raises her head to look at him, trying to maintain focus on his face; but he is still staring at her with that same expression of concern.
“Elsie, can you hear me?”
“I’m fine,” she repeats—did the words make it through her mouth before, or maybe she just thought they did? She realises his arm has been circling her back only when he removes it.
Her head is pounding as if she’d been hit, a pulse almost like a heartbeat, and Elsie presses both palms to her eyes to rub away the spots clouding her vision. She is still doubled up and on her knees, face close enough to the river’s surface she can feel the cool, prickling sensation of arc coursing through radiolaria.
She should know better. She’s spent lifetimes within simulations, battled thousands of Vex mind tricks. She should be immune to it.
Slowly, she lifts herself up into a sitting position and looks around. They’re still in the clearing. False sunlight seeps through the canopy in diagonal misty beams. In front of her, the radiolarian river sizzles, and to her left Praedyth is kneeling and watching her with concern. She stares at his face, focusing so hard it becomes a nonsensical amalgamation of disconnected features—eyes and nostrils and chapped lips, a chin and a forehead.
What if he’s not real either?
She knows it’s paranoia, the Garden getting to her head, but she cannot curb the spike of fear that makes her stomach coil. She must look mad, because the way Praedyth reaches out towards her is like one would reach out to a wounded cat, carefully and maintaining eye contact—but he slowly puts his hand on hers and lets her squeeze it. It is warm and fleshy under her fingertips. Firm. Real.
“I’m here,” he says. “We’re both here. I’m with you.”
Her fans stutter, but she nods. They sit like this for a minute more, reality rippling and settling around them.
Then Elsie stands up on wobbly legs and reaches for her sword, her arm trembling only a little.
“We should move.”
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thefirstknife · 1 year
I'm gonna be 100% real with you in that this is an entirely earnest question and not meant to be me throwing shade or being obtuse in any way.
Osiris is Jewish? I missed this in lore somewhere probably?
Yep! In the opening cutscene to Curse of Osiris, Osiris briefly curses in a non-English language when trying to arrange the cubes. The language spoken is Hebrew! This is due to his voice actor, Oded Fehr, who is Jewish and from Israel and naturally speaks Hebrew. Here's my other post about it!
If it had been just his VA being Jewish, we could speculate about it, but Osiris speaking Hebrew is canon due to this cutscene; they let Oded say this and also kept the line in. This makes him Egyptian Jewish and canonically speaking at least three languages: English, Hebrew (cutscene) and Arabic (the word "sagira" is Arabic for "little one"). Here's also a link to the old Curse of Osiris reveal stream where the devs said that "really early on we made a commitment, we wanted to make sure he was Middle Eastern and he's actually even voiced by Oded Fehr." This shows that his heritage and little details surrounding him are very much relevant.
A lot of Destiny storytelling about heritage is told through names and languages as little details to pick up on. For example, Elsie Bray is very much heavily implied to be Muslim. Back with Beyond Light lore, we got a lot of details about the Bray family, including Sylvie Bray, the mother of Elsie, Willa and Alton. She was shown speaking English and French (+ a single Italian word), and Elsie was shown replying to her using French and the specifically Muslim term "inshallah" which is Arabic. This is repeated in Lightfall's Collector's Edition in Elsie's booklet, showing that Elsie followed the same faith as her mother, or at least honored it:
"Oh daughter," Mom squeezes me tight "You can't make them love you, inshallah. You have to let go."— The horror consumed her as easily as the Stasis. She felt like a frightened child cast loose in the wind. Alone. Every assertion of control met by a temper tantrum in the face of a hurricane…. "Inshallah." She half-remembered her mother's words, and let go.
Words hadn't saved her, or her mother's faith.
Adding this mostly to show how details about names and languages are used to tell us information without having to spell it out directly, but rather to add to the storytelling. This means that these details about Osiris aren't just random, or at least their outcome isn't, now that it's been allowed to become canon through one of the most important cutscenes.
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bee-a-garbage-shipper · 9 months
Game Of Thrones Fanfiction List
Bequeathed from Pale Estates By Author376
In a Westeros where Soulmates are bound and Marked by the Gods to bind Houses together and pay blood debts, Lyarra Snow and Oberyn Martell are about to get a shock…
Winter Thorns of Highgarden (FF | AO3) By Madrigal_in_training (FF | AO3)
The knight's supposed to save the princess from the dragon but here, the princess is a dragon, the knight is a bookish lord, and the greatest threat is either the old lady in the blue wimple or the honorable warden with the Ice sword. Because no one thought a second Stark girl would be kidnapped for marriage or that the sensible Willas Tyrell would be the one to kidnap her.
Incandescent (FF | AO3) By Madrigal_in_training (FF | AO3)
In a moment of grief-stricken madness, Catelyn Stark attempts to murder her husband’s bastard. Yet her entire worldview shatters when Lyarra Snow refuses to burn. Fem!Jon, Lyarra x Robb
A Golden Age By margotdavid (FF | AO3)
At her father's request, Alysanne calls the banners and marches south. For what reason, she is not sure, but as she meets the lions on the field, Alysanne finds that she was more fire in her blood than she though. Tywin Lannister is seeing his house crumble to the ground because of his daughter. Worse, a wild girl just defeated his army. But when the face of Rhaella Targaryen appears in front of him, he makes a gamble that might just save his legacy.
A Song of Vengeance (AWOIAF | GOT | AO3) By IWantColouredRain (FF | AO3)
15 years ago, the Targaryens were forced into exile by the rebel alliance of the West-Stormlands-Vale-Riverlands... and Dorne. To ensure the loyalty of the hostile North, Aly Stark was wed to King Robert's closest friend, Oberyn Martell. Now, after 15 years, the wolves and dragons' pieces are in place, and they will have revenge. (Role Reversal.) Martell Centric. Hiatus
A Song of Marked Souls (AWOIAF | GOT | AO3) By IWantColouredRain (FF | AO3)
In a world where magic remains strong and the Old Gods keep active in the lives of their followers, Alyssa Snow and Oberyn Martell bear Marks that, according to the ancient gods that lurk in the weir woods, destine them for greatness. (Fem!Jon Snow. Not for Tully fans. OOC!Characters)
Princess of Wolves, Prince of Snakes (AWOIAF | GOT | AO3) By IWantColouredRain (FF | AO3)
After the Lions' coup, Aegon VI flees with his wife, mother, uncle and cousins in search of allies and safety in order to regain his throne. But there is only one place to go: The Winterlands, the only part of Westeros to remain independent of the Iron Throne. Hiatus until summer
The Star of the North (AWOIAF | GOT | AO3) By IWantColouredRain (FF | AO3)
Just when Lady Alarra Stark feels she has no escape other than death, she finds another option in the form of a Dornish viper and his elegant paramour.
There and Back Again (FF | AO3) By Naerys Blackfyre (FF | AO3)
After the events of season 8, Jon of House Targaryen is sent back in time to fulfill his destiny as the prince that was promised. Jonsa, Gendyra, RhaeLya, Anti-Dany, Dany fans beware. AU! NOT ANYTHING LIKE CANON!
Father of Dragons (FF | AO3) By Naerys Blackfyre (FF | AO3)
"How did you know of this chest Sam?" Jon's eyebrows were drawn together in a frown. "Hummm…oh uh well Maester Aemon told me to give this chest to you when he died. He said that you would most likely be in need of them." Sam answers with a shrug. Jon stared at Sam with a frown painted on this face. What could Maester Aemon possibly wanted to give him? Jonsa, Gendrya, Braime, RhaeEliaLya, Anti-Dany
Lost Girl By prussianblues
She leaves the Seven Kingdoms a bastard and returns a queen.
Or, Joanna Snow is in King’s Landing when Cersei seizes the city, and Varys sneaks her out to meet her brother. A meddling Magister later, she meets Daenerys as well.
A story told in drabbles.
To Go Forward By togo
Jon Snow wakes up in Winterfell, two years in the past. He struggles with his knowledge of the upcoming wars, the mystery of his mother's forgotten letters, and the prophecy of the Prince That Was Promised. How much time does he have until the Others invade Westeros?
A Second Time Around By ratclanqueen
"I know this is hard for you to understand but we have already lived this life once. The Gods are blessing us. I saw this before the Night King broke through the Wall. We have been reborn into our bodies before Jon Arryn's murder with our memories and knowledge of what could possibly lie ahead," Bran told them.
When all of House Stark wake up one morning with their deaths being their clearest memories, the wheel begins to turn. The game has a new player in the form of Sansa Stark, the Red Wolf of Winterfell and the Queen in the North before her death, who is determined to see her family grow old and happy in Winterfell and the Iron Throne melted to a puddle of metal at her feet.
Dragons of Red, Dragons of White By NightDrake
After the Duel on the Trident, there are ramifications that none could foresee. In the world built afterwards, dragons once again rule and roam Westeros, among them the son of a northern beauty and the king. Prince Jon and his kin, Stark and Targaryen alike, face new challenges from both without and within. Whatever the future holds, the Seven Kingdoms will learn that, whether in a coat of red or a coat of white, a dragon still has claws.
Manners and Misunderstandings By mostlyclouds
The Stark sisters have travelled all the way to London to begin their first season, leaving behind the familiar world of Winterfell Hall and a disappointed Jon Stark- with whom the eldest Miss Stark has been convinced to break off a connection. In London they join family friends the Baratheons and the fashionable young Tyrells in a world of romance and balls.
Meanwhile Gendry Waters has been plucked out of the life he knew to become his ailing father's heir, Robb, Theon and later Rickon embark on military careers in the Napoleonic wars, and their aunt Lysa makes a foolish marriage.
When tragedy hits the family, they must come together, learning how manners may hide monsters and the best people are often those misunderstood by society.
The Conquest By DolorousEdditor
An AU of grand scale inspired by a prompt by Oblongata.
Three hundred years after Aegon the Conqueror built a new empire on the ashes of the Valyrian Freehold the known world is a place of war. The Targaryen Empire is pressed by enemies, the Seven Kingdoms war amongst themselves and forces contrive to pull them all apart.
Amidst all this are a prince and princess who fear themselves ruined by the horrors they've endured. Together they might be the hope their people are looking for. More importantly, they might be the dream both abandoned long ago.
A Caged Songbird By bikadoo
“I will be a silent, and dutiful wife,” Sansa spits. “I will be their pretty little songbird, and wear their ugly crown, and sit on their painful throne. I shall give him a babe, and my love, and I will wait until he thinks that he has won. And then I shall take his life."
Shae goes still. "You ... you plan to kill the King?"
"No," Sansa says. "I plan to kill my husband."
A Knight's Watch By DolorousEdditor
Jon Snow is forbidden to take the black by his father. Instead he sent to squire for a famous knight, beginning a long arduous journey that causes him to cross paths with characters he never would have. Along the way he learns truths long hidden and discovers love in the most unlikely of places.
All of this in the shadow of the War of Five Kings and the coming of the Others.
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angelvings · 3 months
under     the      cut      you'll      find      my      new      test muses which consists of athletes      and      their      associates  that i would absolutely love some threads for !    feel free to give      this      a      heart      if      you'd      like      to      write      with any      of them      and      i'll      im      you      about      which      one      /      s      ♡
sloane wei : 28 / natasha liu bordizzo . emotionally      unavailable      trainer      who      lives      and      breathes      tennis      .      a      hard      ass      all      about      the      prize      ,      with      the      mentality      that      being      number      two      is      the      same      as      being      last      .      would      not      be      getting      away      with      her      behavior      had      she not been making the best players in the world .
willa ainsworth      :      25      /      haley      lu      richardson  .   overworked      social      media      strategist      with      the      expertise      of      making      a      scandal      die      down      .      so      focused      on      other      people's      lives      she      has      become      a      background      character      in      her      own      by      completely      forgetting      to      live      out      her      life      .
kaden      cruz :      23      /      froy      gutierrez  . up      and      coming      tennis      player      starting      to      gain      serious      fame      from      his      success      .      too      good      and      pure      at      heart      for      the      ruthless      and      toxic      world      he's      become a      part      of      .      is      honestly      just      there      to      play      some      good      tennis      .    
paris      woods      :      24      /      madelyn cline    . slightly      messy      world      famous      tennis      player      a      little      too      into      the      party      scene      after      being      sheltered      from      that      life      from      a      very      young      age      by      her      sports      obsessed      parents      determined      to      make      her      successful      .      will      show      up      to      a game      hungover      and      still      win      in some cute little outfit .
scott woods : 27 / evan roderick . paris'      more      well behaved      older      brother      .      plays      the      role      as      a      worried      sibling     who      has      already      experienced      the      life      paris      is      aiming      for      and      the      dangers      of      it .      still      plays      tennis      on      a      professional      level      but      tries      to      stay      more      out      of      the      public      eye      and      the      press      than      before      .
santino " santi " blanco : 27 / adam dimarco . former      international      tennis      player      retired      after      a      knee      injury      ,      now      a      sports      brand      ambassador      and      public      spokesperson      .      terrified      of      commitment      so      he’ll      sleep      around      with      random      hookups      every      night      instead      .
whitney kennedy : 26 / ryan destiny . personal      assistant      but      somehow      also      everyone's      boss      at      the      same      time      .      keeps      everyone      in      check      and      out      of      trouble      (      as      much      as      possible      at      least      )      .      exudes      big      mom      energy      .
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storiesfabled · 2 months
updated muse list
under the cut you will find the most up-to-date muse list.
evan buckley
maddie buckley
charlotte buckley-diaz // rowan blanchard // buck & eddie daughter
eddie diaz
athena grant
may grant
howard han
tommy kinard
bobby nash
harper nash // er registrar // ashley benson // bobby & marcy daughter
jonah nash // firefighter // tyler blackburn // ray & margaret son
raymund nash // principal // d.w. moffett // bobby’s brother
russell nash // lawyer // jack coleman // bobby’s brother
matthew ransone // police officer // casey deidrick // lou’s son
josh russo
ashlynn wilson // college student // victoria justice // henrietta & karen daughter
henrietta wilson
karen wilson
911: lone star
nancy gillian
trevor parks
arianna reyes // maiara walsh // tk & carlos daughter
carlos reyes
gabriel reyes
gabriella ryder // troian bellisario // judd & grace daughter
grace ryder
jackson ryder // football coach & pe teacher // eric stonestreet // judd’s brother
judd ryder
weston ryder // oil tycoon // jeffrey dean morgan // judd’s brother
aubrey strand // madison davenport // owen & npc daughter
owen strand
tk strand
victoria strand // liana liberato // owen & npc daughter
paul strickland
billy tyson
billy tyson jr. // firefighter // steven r. mcqueen // billy & npc son
destinie tyson // nursing student // phoebe tonkin // billy & npc daughter
chicago fire
tricia boden // aisha dee // wallace & donna daughter
wallace boden
sylvie brett
matt casey
gabriella dawson
christopher hermann
stella kidd
patrick mcholland // hunter parrish // mouch & trudy son
rachel mcholland // anna kendrick // mouch & trudy daughter
randall ‘mouch’ mcholland
peter mills
kelly severide
leslie shay
allison shay-severide // zoe levin // kelly & leslie daughter
brian ‘otis’ zvonecek
chicago med
anna charles
daniel charles
will halstead
maggie lockwood
connor rhodes
chicago pd
kevin atwater
antonio dawson
eva dawson
hannah halstead // willa holland // jay & erin daughter
jay halstead
erin lindsay
trudy platt
adam ruzek
savannah ruzek // dianna agron // adam & kim daughter
emmaline voight // shay mitchell // adopted by hank
Hank voight
Madeline voight // police officer // charisma carpenter // hank & trudy daughter
Criminal minds
Penelope garcia
Aaron hotchner
Alexandra hotchner // ssa bau // alona tal // aaron & haley daughter
Jennifer jareau
Emily prentiss
Derek morgan
Brynnlee reid-morgan // aisha dee // derek & spencer daughter
David rossi
Rylee rossi // hayden panettiere // david & erin daughter
Ann ewing
Bobby ewing
Christopher ewing
John ross ewing
Olivia ewing // britt robertson // bobby & ann daughter
Bryan jones // history professor // colin donnell
fire country
Bode Donovan
Sharon Leone
Vince Leone
Gabriella Perez
Manny Perez
Grey’s anatomy
Teddy altman
Jackson avery
Miranda bailey
Tuck bailey-jones
Stephanie edwards
Lexie grey
Meredith grey
Zola grey-shepherd
Alex karev
Chloe montgomery-shepherd // er nurse // madelaine petsch
Arizona robbins
Mark sloan
Sofia sloan-torres
Callie torres
Robert chase
Lisa cuddy
Gregory house
Veronica house // hailee steinfeld // greg & lisa daughter
Anthony dinozzo jr.
Tobias fornell
Hannah gibbs // haley ramm // jethro & jenny daughter
Leroy jethro gibbs
Timothy mcgee
Jenny shepard
Private practice
Cooper freedman
Addison montgomery
Jasmine montgomery-reilly // dove cameron // addison & jake daughter 
Jake reilly
Station 19
Travis montgomery
Theo ruiz
Ben warren
Zoey warren // college student // amber riley // ben & miranda daughter
Annabelle buckley-moore // hunter // josephine langsford // evan buckley & jess daughter
Bobby singer
Rufus turner
Dean winchester
Johanna winchester // danielle campbell // dean & castiel daughter
John winchester
Sam winchester
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transmutationisms · 1 year
What do you think each of the kids are fundamentally motivated by? Obviously they’re all motivated by their father’s approval but Kendall & Shiv (for example) display an actual drive for power Roman lacks. Roman is in turn motivated by familial belonging & affection that Kendall is somewhat motivated by but not really. Not sure what Connor is motivated by but he seems like a (relatively) chill guy.
that's so funny. i think connor is fucking insane. the thing about connor is like, yeah he knows logan thinks he's a loser and would never in a million years give him the company, so he doesn't even bother trying for it, but in every other possible way he has 0 chill and legiterally sees himself as some kind of be-toga'd greek warrior wielding an ak and a boar-hunting spear in one hand and napoleon's beef-jerkied cock in the other. he lives on a ranch in the american west because he thought he could manifest destiny his way into logan's heart but then he named it after a piece of napoleonica because he doesn't understand political signifiers and also no one comes to visit him so he has to be boy besties with his loser ass fertiliser neighbour and wheedle willa into keeping him company. his political platform is antisemitism and believing that cum and money are the same thing, which is why he needs to preserve both and use them only in an appropriately productive manner, except he has no kids and literally throws away millions on a terrible play to continue buying willa's attention even though he thinks theatre is like, culturally degenerate. he's literally running for president because daddy wouldn't hand him an empire and he thinks he can take the reins of a different one, and also he's doing that with a shitlib dc think-tanker he offered the state department to when he was supposed to be ass kissing for waystar. at any given moment he's like 5 seconds from going beast mode and he also can't bear to euthanise a dying dog and his father decided he had no value as a kid and now he financially contracts his girlfriend but has to pretend she's anything other than a courtesan. by the way he used to have a ponytail and drop acid in the desert, he owns 30,000 acres of wilderness, and he would rather see his dead dad cryogenically frozen and techno-futuristically resurrected than buried wearing a kilt.
sorry i thought too hard about connor roy and entered a fugue state. anyway, to be reductive, kendall wants to become logan, but more well-liked. the heir with the flair. shiv wants to become logan, but morally superior. what if a good person ran waystar. roman wants to be loved by logan, and uses the business as a means to that end. you and me up in a little pod above the city, fucking startups and shitting on pension funds. connor wants to be noticed by logan but it's too late for that so he'll settle for prowling around his empty apartment talking to his ghost. i don't need love it's like a superpower.
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allamericansbitch · 1 year
Tumblr media
Hi everyone! Here’s the newest addition to my Creator Shoutout Series ( april 16  - april 23)! For info about the series, I explained it in the first post here, but generally, it’s to show appreciate to editors and their creations that i love from the past week. To track this series or look at previous shoutouts, please check out the tag on my blog *creatorshoutouts. Have a great week everyone!
the last of us: joel miller gifset by @skyshipper
succession: kendall and stewy gifset by @stewy-hosseini
the last of us: joel and ellie gifset by @laufeysons
succession: stewy in 4x04 gifset by @shesnake
taylor swift: tied together with a smile graphic by @beachsread
anya taylor joy: birthday gifset by @userdanewhitman
the last of us: ellie and joel gifset by @schemingkaz
daisy jones & the six: daisy and billy gifset by @greatcometcas
succession: willa in 4x04 gifset by @ladyhawke
abbott elementary: jacob hill gifset by @bellamysgriffin
the last of us: joel miller gifset by @arthurpendragonns
stranger things: destiny choice chance gifset by @kitconnor
the last of us: joel saving ellie gifset by @rogerhealey
taylor swift: you’re on your own kid gifset by @loversmore
paramore: hard times anniversary gifset by @paramores
the last of us: joel & his daughters gifset by @tomshiddles
taylor swift: eras tour headers by @lavenderhazes
boygenius: me & my dog / letter to an old poet graphic by @cruellesummer​
the last of us: ellie swearing by @trashcora
taylor swift: rain lyrics through the years gifset by @mrperfectlyfinetv
knives out gifset by @kitherondale
yellowjackets + art parallels edit by @everythingeverywhereallatonce
taylor swift: midnight rain graphic by @piecesintoplaces
succession: roman roy gifset by @rasputinaillyanna​
barry: 4x01 4x02 gifset by @lousolversons
taylor swift: lyric parallel edit by @thisisustrying
yellowjackets: most new jersey gifset by @natscatorccio
taylor swift: you’re on your own kid graphic by @gofightwin
yellowjackets: 2x05 gifset by @thesoldiersminute
taylor swift: debut redesign edit by @mrperfectlyfinetv
assorted musicians + flower symbolisms gifset by @antoniosvivaldi
taylor swift: the roaring twenties gifset by @cametotheshowinsd
stranger things: text posts gifset by @lamberts
heartstopper: nick nelson gifset by @birthdaysentiment
taylor swift: anti-hero graphic by @anervousmirrorball
nope (2022) gifset by @nickoffermen
yellowjackets: natalie in 2x05 gifset by @loveexpelrevolt
taylor swift: closure headers by @your-closure
parks and recreation: ben and leslie gifset by @trueloveistreacherous
taylor swift: eras tour - florida night 1 gifset by @newromantics
the last of us: horror/apocalypse tropes gifset by @dadjoelmiller
stranger things: hawkins video gifset by @bitchsteve
taylor swift: eras tour outfit graphic by @amycurtismarchs
stranger things: mike wheeler in episode 7 gifset by @bylrndgm
taylor swift: reputation redesign edit by @newromantics-tv
succession: you first gifset by @arthurpendragonns​
halsey: hopeless fountain kingdom gifset by @comeinwiththerain
taylor swift: tim mcgraw gifset by @wespers
the last of us: art parallels gifset by @fkevin073​
heartstopper: season 1 gifset by @thatwasthenightthingschanged
taylor swift: wonderland graphic by @h-f-k​
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Black Character Tournament: Right Side!
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adding a post break to make this more rebloggable
Clawdeen Wolf | Monster High vs Tiffany Quilkin | Paper Girls
Miles Morales | Spiderman/Spiderman: Into the Spiderverse vs Kilik Rung | Soul Eater
Djembe | Roleslaying With Roman vs Undine Wells | Sleepless Domain
Benjamin Sisko | Star Trek Deep Space Nine vs Barbie "Brooklyn" Roberts | Barbie dolls, tv, and movies
Geordi LaForge | Star Trek: The Next Generation vs Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles | Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Troy Barnes | Community vs Jesper Fahey | Six of Crows
Shuri | Black Panther (Marvel) vs Zoë Alleyne Washburne | Firefly
Hazel Levesque | Heroes of Olympus vs Orange Blossom | Strawberry Shortcake
Louis de Pointe du Lac | Interview with the Vampire 2022 vs Usopp | One Piece
Tiana | The Princess and the Frog vs Allison Hargreaves | The Umbrella Academy
April O'Neal | Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles vs Adelaide Wilson and/or Red | Us
Victor Stone/Cyborg | DC vs Ikora Rey | Destiny 2
Grace Monroe | Infinity Train vs Beckett Mariner | Star Trek: Lower Decks
Alec Hardison | Leverage vs Ekko | Arcane
Starr Carter | The Hate U Give vs Rachel Reid | The Wilds
Janine Teagues | Abbott Elementary vs Farah Black | Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency
Barbara Howard | Abbott Elementary vs Xenk Yendar | Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves
Amber Bennett | Invincible vs Jade Claymore | Willow (2022)
Pete Repeat | BoJack Horseman vs Ana Spanakopita | BoJack Horseman
Perun | Xenoblade Chronicles vs Tracey Gordon | Chewing Gum
Cleveland "Book" Booker | Star Trek Discovery vs Jon | Less Is Morgue
Lionel Toussaint | Glass Onion vs Demoman! | Team Fortress Two
Erik "Killmonger" Stevens/N'Jadaka | Black Panther vs Claudia | Interview with the Vampire 2022
Annaliese Keating | How to Get Away with Murder vs Olivia | Pokemon
Violet Hart | Murdoch Mysteries vs Rya | Birthright
Craig | Craig of the Creek vs Susie Carmichael | Rugrats
Rue | Hunger Games vs Spider | Anansi Boys
Bismuth | Steven Universe vs Marceline Abadeer | Adventure Time
King Harrow | The Dragon Prince vs Camille Saroyan | Bones
Zachary Ezra Rawlins | The Starless Sea vs Willa | Skyward
Helena Bertinelli / Huntress | Birds of Prey vs Clyde Langer | The Sarah Jane Adventures
Frances Barrison / Shriek) | Venom: Let There Be Carnage vs Spike | The Irregulars
Rosemary Harper | The Wayfarers / A Long Way to a Small Angry Planet vs Georgiana Lambe | Sanditon
Lonnie | She-Ra & the Princesses of Power vs Erica Sinclair | Stranger Things
Patroclus | Hades (video game) vs Uma | Descendants (Disney)
Sig | Jak & Daxter vs Sheva Alomar | Resident Evil 5
Meadow | Entergalactic vs Marrow Amin | RWBY
John Stewart | DC vs Gwendolyn | Saga
Keesha Franklin | Magic School Bus vs Dionysus | Hades (video game)
Charles Milton Porter | Bioshock vs Kelsey | NCIS
Mat Sella | Dream Daddy vs Yutaka Babayaro Inomata | Re-Main
Lucretia | The Adventure Zone: Balance vs Blanca Evangelista | Pose
Max | Black Sails vs Darui | Naruto
The Tumblr Icon | Tumblr vs Knuckles the Echidna | Sonic the Hedgehog
Bonnie | The End of the Fucking World vs Dionne Davenport | Clueless
Jane McKeene | Dread Nation vs Grover | Percy Jackson
Roland A. Round | Valor Academy vs Yoruichi Shihoin | Bleach
Mina | Lou ! (French comic and TV series) vs Tyrone Johnson / Cloak | Cloak and Dagger
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ladyimaginarium · 1 year
listing introjects' fcs 4 the sake of my& sanity
clementine maria jasmine cree ( twdg ) - ashley moore (primary), nyané lebajoa, amandla stenberg (secondary)
louis lacroix ( twdg ) - marcus sivyer
violet collmore ( twdg ) - phoebe bridgers
james dae young ( twdg ) - choi yeonjun
aasim acharya ( twdg ) - jeenu mahadevan
ava adebowale ( twdg ) - lashana lynch ( primary ); lupita nyong'o ( secondary )
harry potter ( potterverse ) - suraj sharma
hermione granger ( potterverse ) - logan browning
blaise zabini ( potterverse ) - rome flynn (tentative)
pansy parkinson ( potterverse ) - song hye kyo
haneul eun ha / luna lovegood ( potterverse ) - jung jinsoul
ginny weasley ( potterverse ) - luca hollestelle
sirius black ( potterverse ) - avan jogia
dutch ( black lagoon ) - mike colter
okajima rokuro / rock ( black lagoon ) - arata mackenyu
rebecca lee / revy ( black lagoon ) - jessica henwick
benjamin issacs / benny ( black lagoon ) - evan peters
edith blackwater / eda ( black lagoon ) - kristen stewart ( primary ); maya hawke ( secondary )
janet bhai ( black lagoon ) - mandip gill
lyanna stark ( asoiaf ) - adelaide kane
jon snow ( asoiaf ) - timothee chalamet ( primary ); kit harington ( secondary )
daenerys targaryen ( asoiaf ) - anya taylor joy ( primary ); freya allan, emilia clarke ( secondary )
asha greyjoy ( asoiaf ) - marina moschen
ashara dayne ( asoiaf ) - simone ashley, kate mgrath ( formerly; may consider dropping )
arianne martell ( asoiaf ) - deepika padukone
obara sand ( asoiaf ) - cynthia addai robinson
nymeria sand ( asoiaf ) - shanina shaik
tyene sand ( asoiaf ) - stephanie rose bertram ( primary ); gigi hadid ( secondary )
sarella sand ( asoiaf ) - adut akech ( primary; tentative); duckie thot ( secondary ), tracy ifeachor ( tertiary )
melisandre of asshai ( asoiaf ) - dilraba dilmurat
nymeria of ny sar ( asoiaf ) - aishwarya rai
visenya targaryen ( asoiaf ) - katheryn winnick
myrcella baratheon ( asoiaf ) - holliday grainger
val the wildling / of the free folk ( asoiaf ) - alyssa sutherland
willas tyrell ( asoiaf ) - peter mooney
garlan tyrell ( asoiaf ) - ben lamb
hua mulan ( disneyverse laced w/ historical source ) - zhang xinyu / viann zhang
tiana brown ( disneyverse laced with history ) - kiki layne
katniss everdeen ( the hunger games ) - kawennahere devery jacobs
worick arcangelo ( gangsta ) - austin butler ( tentative ); alex pettyfer ( tentative )
nicolas brown ( gangsta ) - chella man
alexandria benedetto ( gangsta ) - normani kordei
emilio benedetto ( gangsta ) - aubrey joseph (primary), rome flynn
constance raveau ( gangsta ) - shailene woodley ( tentative )
erica abaddonato ( gangsta ) - nastya zhidkova ( primary ); jennifer lawrence ( usually faceless if i& can help it )
delico abaddonato ( gangsta ) - lucky blue smith
svetlana morozova nikolaeva ( gangsta ) - tati gabrielle ( primary ); ryan destiny ( secondary )
bernardo corsica ( gangsta ) - ross lynch ( tentative )
nimes ( gangsta ) - dominique jackson
sherry christiano amodio ( gangsta ) - sydney sweeney ( tentative )
loretta christiano amodio ( gangsta ) - willow shields
georgiana corsica ( gangsta ) - loey lane
evelyn ( gangsta ) - sab quesada
sidney ( gangsta ) - cartia mallan
also, below are neither our& introjects or rp muses but we& may use in edits:
sebastian cree ( twdg oc; clementine's younger half brother ) - d'pharaoh woon-a-tai
ivan glaziev ( gangsta ) - adrien brody
galahad woehor ( gangsta ) - zae france
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joslincox · 4 months
Middle School: Biology Immune Soundtrack
Genres: Hip Hop • R&B • Alternative Rock
Track Listing:
Air Force Ones - St. Lunatics
Let Me Blow Your Mind - Eve ft. Gwen Stefani
The Hell Song - Sum 41
What If - Aaliyah
Foolish - Ashanti
Ruff Ryders Anthem - DMX
Hot In Herre - Nelly
Lose Yourself - Eminem
Jenny From The Block - Jennifer Lopez
Caramel - City High ft. Eve
Full Moon - Brandy
Work It - Missy Elliott
Still Fly - Big Tymers
Sk8ter Boi - Avril Lavigne
The Anthem - Good Charlotte
Grow Up - Simple Plan
All The Small Things - Blink-182
Uh-Huh - B2K
Good Times - Styles P
All I Have - LL Cool J ft. Jennifer Lopez
It's The Weekend - Lil J ft. Kandi
No Scrubs - TLC
Po' Folks - Nappy Roots
Stingy - Ginuwine
Too Hood - Monica
Still Dre - Dr. Dre
Ooh, Ooh - Willa Ford
Where The Party At - Jagged Edge
Stay The Night - IMX
Call Me - Tweet
Welcome to Atlanta - Jermaine Dupri
Addictive - Truth Hurts
Thug Lovin' - Ja Rule ft. Bobby Brown
I Wanna Know - Joe
Playas Gon' Play - 3LW
U Got It Bad - Usher
Braid My Hair - Mario
Wait A Minute - Ray J ft. Lil Kim
Just In Case - Nivea
I Heard It All Before - Sunshine Anderson
2 Way - Lil Romeo
Gangsta's Paradise - Coolio
Steelo - 702 ft. Missy Elliott
I Do - Blaque ft. Lisa "Left-Eye" Lopes
All I Need - Aaliyah
I'm A Thug - Trick Daddy
What's My Age Again - Blink-182
Basket Case - Green Day
Flavor Of The Weak - American Hi-Fi
Still Waiting - Sum 41
Party Hard - Andrew W.K
Turn It Out - De La Soul ft. Elizabeth "Yummy" Bingham
Makin' Good Love - Avant
You Know That I Love You - Dontell Jones
7 Days - Craig David
Why Did You Have to Be - Debelah Morgan
Why Don't We Fall In Love - Amerie
I Should Be... - Dru Hill
Mesmerize - Ja Rule ft. Ashanti
Solo Star - Solange
Fabulous - Jaheim
Punk Rock 101 - Bowling For Soup
Fome Is Dape - Little T and One Track Mike
It Wasn't Me - Shaggy
Bounce With Me - Lil Bow Wow ft. Xscape
Bootylicious - Destiny's Child
Unpretty - TLC
Bad Boy For Life - Diddy
Who's That Girl - Eve
Welcome to Paradise - Green Day
Come On, Come On - Smash Mouth
Bounce - System Of a Down
Ms. Jackson - Outkast
Open - Brandy
We Need a Resolution - Aaliyah
Lapdance - N.E.R.D
Hey Ma - Cam'ron
Case Of The Ex (What'cha Gonna Do) - Mýa
Break Ya Neck - Busta Rhymes
Area Codes - Ludacris
Take It To Da House - Trick Daddy
Here We Go Again - Nappy Roots
Without Me - Eminem
Watch Me Do My Thing - IMX
Key To My Heart - Craig David
Summer In The City - St. Lunatics
2nd Best - Cherise ft. Dino
Cool Daddy Cool - Kid Rock ft. Joe C
Who's There - Smash Mouth
Perfect - Simple Plan
Girl All The Bad Guys Want - Bowling For Soup
One Step Closer - Linkin Park
Smells Like Teen Spirit - Nirvana
Toxicity - System Of a Down
Pull Over - Trina
In Da Wind - Trick Daddy
What Would You Do - City High
Rider Like Me - Ezekiel Lewis
U Don't Got To Call - Usher
Don't Mess With My Man - Nivea ft. Jagged Edge
Dilemma - Nelly ft. Kelly Rowland
Big Ball - Drama
Freaks Come Out At Night - Uncle Kracker
Back That Azz Up - Juvenile
What About Us - Brandy
Satellite - P.O.D
Formal Invite - Ray J ft. Pharrell Williams
Jump - Kriss Kross
It's Tricky - Run DMC
Intergalactic - Beastie Boys
Waterfalls - TLC
More Than a Woman - Aaliyah
Son Of a Gun - Janet Jackson
Knock Yourself Out - Jadakiss
You Rock My World - Michael Jackson
Can't Deny It - Fabulous
Move Bitch - Ludacris
Love Me or Leave Me - Ms. Toi
I’m Real - Jennifer Lopez ft. Ja Rule
Fallin' - Alicia Keys
Video - India.Arie
How You Remind Me - Nickelback
Private Eye - Alkaline Trio
The Rock Show - Blink-182
Fat Lip - Sum 41
The Middle - Jimmy Eat World
She Is Beautiful - Andrew W.K
Complicated - Avril Lavigne
Take It Off - The Donnas
I'm Just a Kid - Simple Plan
Swing, Swing - The All-American Rejects
The Real Slim Shady - Eminem
Country Grammar (Hot Shit) - Nelly
The Next Episode - Dr. Dre ft. Snoop Dogg
Get Ur Freak On - Missy Elliott
It's All About Me - Mýa
The Boy Is Mine - Brandy and Monica
Fill Me In - Craig David
Independent Women - Destiny's Child
Don't Think I'm Not - Kandi
Opps (Oh My) - Tweet
No More Drama - Mary J. Blige
Love Don't Cost a Thing - Jennifer Lopez
Island in the Sun - Weezer
Rollout (My Business) - Ludacris
No More (Baby I'ma Do Right) - 3LW
As If - Blaque
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marcmarcmomarc · 5 months
Kingdom Hearts IV predictions
Quadratum/Destiny Islands
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Destiny Islands
With her training with Aqua complete, Kairi becomes the leader of a team consisting of Riku, Terra, Aqua, Ventus, Roxas, Xion, Lea, Naminé, Hayner, Pence, Olette, and Chirithy.
While Donald and Goofy revisit the old worlds, Sora visits all of the new ones.
Starring the voices of:
Tony Anselmo as Donald Duck
Kathryn Beaumont as Kairi’s Grandma
Jeff Bennett as Merlin
Susanne Blakeslee as Maleficent
Dave Boat as Aeleus
Ashley Boettcher as Olette
Corey Burton as Dale, Yen Sid, & Ansem the Wise
Ray Chase as Master of Masters
Tristian Chase as Pence
Vincent Corazza as Ienzo
Jim Cummings as Pete
Madison Davenport as Nameless Star
Jason Dohring as Terra
Robin Atkin Downes as Luxord
Bill Farmer as Goofy Goof & Pluto
David Dayan Fisher as Dilan
Quinton Flynn as Lea
David Gallagher as Riku
Zachary Gordon as Hayner
Willa Holland as Aqua
Bret Iwan as King Mickey Mouse
Michael Johnston as Ephemer
Lindsay Jones as Strelitzia
Tress MacNeille as Chip & Daisy Duck
Meaghan J. Martin as Naminé
Jesse McCartney as Ventus & Roxas
Isabela Merced as Foreteller Ava
Matt Mercer as Foreteller Ira
Lara Jill Miller as Chirithy
Bobby Moynihan as Louis
Joe Ochman as Jiminy Cricket
Ryan O’Donohue as Demyx
Haley Joel Osment as Sora
Derek Stephen Prince as Even
Danny Pudi as Huey
Kevin Quinn as Foreteller Gula
Enn Reitel as Scrooge McDuck
Kaitlyn Robrock as Queen Minnie Mouse
Ben Schwartz as Dewey
Kath Soucie as Sora’s Mother
Dylan Sprouce as Yozora
Karissa Lee Staples as Foreteller Invi
Alyson Stoner as Kairi & Xion
James Patrick Stuart as Luxu
Kirk Thornton as Isa
Travis Willingham as Foreteller Aced
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revenanthq · 6 months
may i get some mwf fcs please?
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Hi   I   went   all   out   and   listed   some   fc's   that   you   might   like.   But   don't   feel   limited   to   just   those   fc's   Im   sure   there's   plenty   of   amazing   ones   that   I   forgot   !
Alexandra   Shipp,   Halle   Bailey,   kim   bo-ra,   Chienna   Filomeno,   Olivia   Holt,   Luca   Hollestelle,   Natalia   Dyer,   Sadie   Soverall,   Sydney   Sweeney,   Lola   Tung,   Fiona   Palomo,   Dove   Cameron,   Hunter   Schafer,   Zendaya   Coleman,   Havana   Rose   Liu,   Zion   Moreno,   Chase   Sui   Wonders,   Grace   Van   Patten,   Miray   Daner,   Afra   Saraçoğlu,   Mimi   Keene, Nicole   Kidman,   Ali   Wong,   Issa   Rae,   Dichen   Lachman,   Michelle   Yeoh,   Tessa   Thompson,   Jessica   Chastain,   Lucy   Hale,   Margot   Robbie,   Song   Ha-yoon,   Brenda   Asnicar,   Emilia   Clarke,   Ryan   Destiny,   Medalion   Rahimi,   Willa   Fitzgerald,   Phoebe   Tonkin,   Adelaide   Kane,   Kerry   Washington,   Ayça   Ayşin   Turan,   Aslı   Sümen,  Halston   Sage, Samantha   Logan, Aleyna   Ozgecen, Grace   Van Dien, Cemre   Baysel, Camilla   Morrone, Savannah   Lee   Smith, Derya   Pinar   Ak
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miniaturetalecrown · 1 year
Erzsébet Héderváry || HWS Hungary
Character Playlist | 27 songs | 1 hr, 30 mins
Confident - Demi Lovato,
Cinderella - Tata Young,
She’s a Lady - Forever The Sickest Kids,
Fight Like A Girl - Zolita,
Woman Like Me - Little Mix and Nicki Minaj,
Girl All The Bad Guys Want - Bowling For Soup,
These Boots Are Made For Walkin’ -Jessica Simpson,
Savage - Megan Thee Stallion,
Girls Just Wanna Have Fun - Miley Cyrus,
Dangerous Woman - Ariana Grande,
Salute - Little Mix,
Don’t Call Me Angel - Ariana Grande, Miley Cyrus and Lana Del Rey,
Independent Women, Pt. 1 - Destiny's Child,
How to Be a Heartbreaker - Marina and the Diamonds,
That Don’t Impress Me Much - Shania Twain,
Titanium - David Guetta and Sia.
Complicated - Avril Lavigne,
No Scrubs - TLC,
Shout Out to My Ex - Little Mix,
So What - P!NK,
Before He Cheats - Carrie Underwood,
Better Than Revenge - Taylor Swift,
Sexy Naughty Bitchy - Tata Young,
I Wanna Be Bad - Willa Ford,
Can’t Hold Us Down - Christina Aguilera and Lil' Kim,
Cool Rider - Michelle Pfeiffer,
Bitch - Meredith Brooks.
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aspiengale · 1 year
It's only an au, I am just writing, I just wanted to include my idea somewhere
Sorry for mistakes, english is not my first language
"What's your name, lover?" - Finral x Vanessa short
It's before time Vanessa got locked on a cage trying to discover Magic that can control destiny.
Vanessa always wanted to get out of Witch Forest. She was kinda bored of making new dolls with her magic, she wanted to try something new. But she didn't wanted to do anything connected to magic.
Witch Queen told her that she's not allowed to leave the forest, her home. But the only thing Vanessa wanted at that time was to just get out of there.
"Hey, did you heard about that market in Clover Kingdom?" Vanessa heard it one time. "Wanna check it out?"
Vanessa made her decision at that time. She was going out with those witches. No mather how hard it was. She just got to try it. And beacuse of that decision she created something different from dolls. She got a new idea.
A costume. Magic costume that could completly hide her and get her out of this place. Even if only for a day, for a few minutes. She just wanted to get out.
In his early childhood Finral was really shy. His parents was always shouting at him for his pathetic magic so he just decided to stop talking. If everything he said was wrong, why does he have to talk at all? Maybe it's the best to remain silent.
No one cared about what he liked and didn't liked, at some point even he didn't cared about it. But there was one thing that boy started to like and didn't wanted to let it go. The thing he enjoyed.
He started to keep a herbal. At first he keepp there leafs, pieces of grass, but then started to put there some flowers. He thought that even after so much days in his herbal every plant was still beatiful. Maybe not from outside but from inside.
That day Finral was walking around the city carring his herbal with himself, looking for new things to put in it. He was very excited to put new things in there.
"Hey, kiddo" He heared while looking at one flower in front of flower shop.
Finral looked up to see a nice looking man with dark hair and blue eyes dressed in green apron. He was smiling. Finral didn't remembered last person who smiled at him.
"You like these flowers?" Man asked poiting at pink rose the boy was looking at.
Young Vaude only nooded. He really liked pink rose, how it looked.
"You're not much of a talker, are you, kiddo?" Man asked with laugh. "How about this, I'll give you one flower for free. What do you think?"
Finral wanted to respond so bad. But again, he only nooded. Man smilled again and then picked one of the flower and gave it to a boy. But Finral didn't pick it, he only opened herbal on new, blank page.
"A herbal?" Man asked "I thought you want to give this flower to some girl..."
Boy blushed and hid behind herbal. Then, he shaked his head. Man sighed.
"Maybe it's a good idea" he said "You can put the flower in herbal. It'll be still pretty, even if years willa pass and only you will see it beauty"
Boy nooded quickly with happiness. Man entered a flower shop for a while and came back with tape and a pair od scissors. He helped boy to put a flower in a herbal.
Finral thanked him quickly with a smile and then walked away. He was so happy that another flower joined his collection.
He didn't come far and heared someone crying. That was a girl. Finral looked around to see girl with pink hair wearing a white dress with a touch of gold pattern. Girl was crying like she lost something or someone.
It was true. Vanessa was lost. Getting out of Witch Forest was easy but walking around in unknown city was way harder. She lost a way and didn't knew what to do.
Vanessa spotted boy who looked at her. She whipped a tear giving him sign that she noticed him. Finral blushed right away holding his herbal tight. He didn't knew what to do either.
But then he came up with a idea. He opened herbal on a page with pink rose and pulled it out. Then he wrote something on the other side of page. He closed herbal. For a while he stayed in one place not moving.
"I-" he tried to say as he got closer but finally didn't.
He gave her the page with flower. Pink rose perfectly suiting her look. Vanessa touched page gently and finally grab it from boy looking at it closely. Flower was beatiful.
"Th-Thank you..." She started.
"Finral! Why are you here?! You should be practicing your spatial magic, not walking around this damn city!"
Someone grabbed boy arm pulling him away from girl. He was so surprised by this move that he nearly dopped his herbal. Finral grabbed notebook at perfect time and then looked at the person who pulled him from Vanessa. That was his father, Ledior Vaude.
"Come on, Finral"
Ledior pulled his hand harder forcing boy to move and walk with him. Vanessa could only look at it. She was still holding page from a herbal. But she wanted to know the name of boy who gave it to her.
She looked carefully at page and discovered a writing on the other side.
"You're beatiful. Please, don't cry"
Vanessa only smilled to this massage. At that time she felt motivated to find a way back home. And maybe in future find a person who gave this page to her.
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gcldcnhour-a · 2 years
this is a plotting call!! 
like this and i will come to you! under the cut are some plots/muses i would really really like to write - so if you’re interested in any of this like this or message me. i write here & discord
anything based on a lizzy mcalpine song 
this song (the giver by sarah kinsley)
shy/quiet/domestic things
accidental family! 
more platonic/familial things! 
harry potter plots 
anything with some angst please
dark academia based 
tate (nico hiraga) 
sage (willa holland) 
my hp muses 
lux (keke palmer)
adra (fah yoongwaree) 
onyx (ashton sanders) 
abraham (yahya abdul-manteen II)
huxley (anya taylor-joy)
levi (austin abrams)
sawyer (david habour)
deonie (ryan destiny)
ronnie (jenna ortega)
baby (madelyn cline)
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