loggerindo · 10 months
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Monitoring Cuaca Dengan Weather Station . Cuaca dipengaruhi oleh faktor-faktor seperti radiasi matahari, sirkulasi atmosfer, interaksi laut dan daratan, serta faktor-faktor lainnya.
Sebagai contoh, jika udara hangat bertemu dengan udara dingin, itu bisa menyebabkan terbentuknya awan dan hujan.
Informasi cuaca sangat penting dalam kehidupan sehari-hari karena mempengaruhi banyak aspek, termasuk transportasi, pertanian, kegiatan luar ruangan, dan keputusan lainnya.
Untuk memberikan gambaran yang lebih akurat tentang cuaca di masa depan, meteorolog menggunakan data dari berbagai sumber, termasuk pengamatan langsung, satelit, dan model matematika yang memodelkan perilaku atmosfer.
Maka dari itu diperlukan instrumen monitoring cuaca untuk melakukan pemantauan cuaca, salah satunya ialah dengan menggunakan Weather Station.
Weather Station atau Stasiun cuaca adalah lokasi atau sistem yang dilengkapi dengan berbagai instrumen dan perangkat untuk mengukur dan merekam parameter atmosfer seperti suhu, kelembaban, tekanan udara, kecepatan dan arah angin, serta curah hujan.
Data yang dikumpulkan dari stasiun cuaca digunakan untuk pemantauan dan pemahaman kondisi cuaca di lokasi tersebut. . Baca selengkapnya di : https://www.loggerindo.com/monitoring-cuaca-dengan-weather-station-475 . . Ingin tau lebih lanjut? atau ingin bertanya? Silahkan hubungi kami melalui : -Whatsapp : 0812 1248 2471 (Mr. Alfin) / 0878 7867 0721 (Mr. Arya) -Email : [email protected] / [email protected] -Website : loggerindo.co.id / loggerindo.com
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tomihara-design · 3 months
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trucenz · 1 year
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elizabethrobertajones · 2 months
Now how on EARTH do I dress to match this thing's vibe?
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goodwilltemptation · 10 months
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If you haven't gotten them yet: 💝 and 💥
💝 what is a fic that got a different response than you were expecting?
Huh! At first this question seemed difficult and then as I thought about it more, I realized there's really one fic that stands out for multiple reasons: Farore's Day on Windvane Lane
So, I was worried about how people might expect different things out of the story versus what I wanted it to be. I was worried that readers would not be interested in a story with a chaoticSingleMom!Zelda having a meet cute with Link, lol And I was worried that readers wouldn't like some of Zelda's choices, like how she chose to have a baby on her own through a sperm donor? I was bracing myself for negative comments about this, but actually those kinds of comments never came! And all of the feedback I did receive about Zelda and her choices was overwhelmingly positive 🥹💖
In this fic, both Zelda and Link are huge nerds in their own ways and they do a lot of nerdy flirting. Link is a meteorologist and Zelda is a chemistry/alchemy nerd. She spends part of a chapter going on a tangent about how carbon and silicon behave differently despite each having 4 electrons in their outer electron rings. An unexpected thing that happened was that I got an in-depth comment on that chapter confirming that, yes, in fact, carbon and silicon do behave really differently and here are some effects of that different behavior. That comment came out of nowhere and I absolutely loved it 🤓 ⚛️
Zelda and Link ended up being so flirty and cute in the story that towards the end of writing the fic, I decided, "Screw it, I want them to spend the night together." Is that unrealistic? Oh yeah. But would it be romantic and cute? Oh hell yes. So they ended up having a "Beedleflix and chill" 😂 I was kind of worried that I'd get some disbelieving comments about this, but once again folks were into it and the feedback was fun and positive 🥰
💥 find your least kudos'd fic - say something wonderful about it.
So I've scrolled through my works and the one with with the least kudos is Perceptions. This make sense: it's only one chapter and I've abandoned it. My original plan for this one was that it was supposed to be a multi-chapter that'd follow Zelda and Link as they grew up pre-Calamity and explore Zelda's changing perceptions of Link.
Zelda is little, ~5yo. It's her first time meeting Link, who's been summoned to the castle to demonstrate his sword fighting ability. I just went and reread a portion where Link and Zelda are sent out into a courtyard to play: Zelda is a bit anxious that she doesn't know how to play with another child, Link is worried he did something wrong and that's why their parents need to have "a talk." Rereading it now, it's decent! I think I did a good job of writing in a child's voice. And, gosh, I forgot I'd written this in 1st person POV!
Frankly... a lot of what I'd hoped to accomplish with this fic, I did it better in "Before and After," so that's why this one has been abandoned.
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science-lings · 2 years
what’s some of your favorite loz/Lu fics of all time? :)
Most of my favorite LU fics are here
but what you guys may not know is that I'm also a big fan of botw and modern au Zelink fics, however, take heed, most of these get a little spicy
Like Real People Do by ScarlettStorm: one of the best post-botw fics out there, lots of pining, I absolutely adore how Link's experience with Gender is portrayed, how he and Zelda are both treated as equally traumatized, as sometimes it feels like there's always one troubled one and one caregiver and I can get that for shorter fics but this one is long and beautifully balanced in that aspect. It also gets real horny at the end and in my opinion, it's very tasteful.
Alone With You by @deiliamedlini: honestly this author has a bunch of bangers, I'm waiting for their pirate au to finish so I can binge it all and I reread their Zelink oneshot collection all the time, this one is their modern high school au where Link is kind of a bad boy who is secretly Fucked Up, and Zelda is a popular girl and surprise surprise, they both get along really well. Normally I hate anything that reminds me of high school but this is the only exception. I love how previous characters are included, like how Link knows ASL bc he's friends with Pipit who is deaf and how Revali is a bitch and I still want to strangle him. Also big sister Aryll is a treasure and this fic does such a good job portraying Link's mental struggles and PTSD and how Zelda is being neglected and I'm also a big fan of the overarching plot of medical issues and trauma.
The Calamity of Link's Cargo Shorts by @zeldaseyebrows: I don't understand how someone can make smut so funny and so focused on Zelda's own self-hatred. Seriously though, there's a lot to love with this fic and I adore Zelda's pov. Sometimes you have to have sex before opening up emotionally and that's okay. Also, it's a modern au too, I just realized how many of these are modern aus.
Strangers in the Night by @zeldaelmo: Another modern au, this time Zelda has a kid from a ons with Link and he doesn't know about it for a bit, I just love Link being a dad and how they both work for a museum and there's just something about the courtroom scene that makes me want to reread it over and over again. Sometimes it's hit or miss with family ocs but Tetra is my favorite zelink child ever. All the fics on this list are ones I reread a lot but this one is the one I'm currently rereading bc it's been a few months lol. I love the domestic but also a little dysfunctional vibes, it's definitely not the normal romcom type of thing but I think I like this more.
K.K. Love Song by @airplanned: Again, modern au, pandemic edition. This one in particular has a certain unexplainable soft vibe, like there's some long-distance, Animal Crossing online romance and idk why I like it so much, I guess I was one of the suckers that got pulled in by new horizons when it came out so there's some strange kind of covid nostalgia and it's nice to see how a functional government would deal with the pandemic. Also, Link's grandma is a treasure and there's something sweet about crown princess Zelda meeting some guy on animal crossing and accidentally making him a public figure by dating him. Honestly, this author has a lot of great fics that I reread a lot lmao.
Farore's Day and Windvane Lane by Jenseits_der_Sterne: modern thanksgiving au, Zelda is a quirky scientist single mom and Link is her neighbor. I love Link being a nerd and Zelda being a bit of a disaster. Like she accidentally almost blows up her kitchen and he's just looking on with heart-eyes, after helping her put out the fires of course.
tbh, I'm probably not the best person to go for fic recs as I just find a few really good ones and then reread them till the end of time and rely on other people to recommend me things to read lmao, I hope this was at least a little helpful anyway.
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joculine · 1 year
Teens have started a new digital video trend called "windvaning." This seemingly innocuous prank involves perching on raised platforms with arms outstretched and index fingers pointed. The nose and left arm are in in line with one another and pivot to with the direction of any active windflow. Loose and long clothing is preferred as it can help novices quickly determine which way to point.
NOBODY told me that this was the new rage for online influencers, which made my walk home very scary. Call me old-fashioned, but I find the whole practice very unnerving, even if it does get you a lot of "clicks" online.
There was a pretty big gust of wind and I think I saw one of them get knocked down, but when I went over to help them up I just found a metal effigy of a rooster wrapped up in a blanket.
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aikoiya · 1 year
LoZ - Hyrule Sports
Central Hyrule = Horseback riding/racing (like, equestrian), competitive fishing, swordfighting, & archery.
Kakariko = Kunai throwing & kenjutsu tournaments.
Lurelin = Windsailing, competitive fishing, & spear fishing.
Hateno = Rodeo, curling, & shinty.
Mabe = Rodeo, baking competitions.
Ordon = Rodeo, baking competitions, sumo wrestling, step dance, caber toss, hurling, & boxing.
Goponga = Competitive fishing.
Deya = Competitive fishing.
Tabantha Village = Hatchet throwing, long-distance running.
Koholina Archipelago (Koholint Domain; Eventide Island, Windfall Island, Outset Island, Gale Island, Greatfish Island, Dragon Roost Island, ect) = Surfing, windsailing, competitive fishing, spear fishing, canoeing, Ulu Maika (gamestone bowling), & Haka (war dance/chant). This along with both Zora & Rito sports as well, both of which are listed below.
Ordon & Mabe have an annual baking competition & the role of host alternates each year. It's mainly between them, but anyone from anywhere can join.
Hyrule Castle Town also hosts an annual week-long food festival in the summer.
Mabe hosts the Hyrule Fair in Windvane Meadow every year where the typical county fair competitions take place.
Hateno also hosts a Rodeo at the end of summer in Olvi Plain, south of Nirvata Lake. Ranchers from Hateno, Mabe, Ordon, & even Ealiyah enter, but anyone is free to come & watch. The events include horseback riding/racing, saddle bronc, bareback, bull riding, steer wrestling, tie-down roping, team roping, barrel racing, breakaway roping, goat tying, & more.
Zora = Competitive high diving, swim racing, & underwater polo.
Gorons = Sumo wrestling, roller racing, rock throw, & gut check (sort of like king of the mountain).
Rito = Archery competitions, flight racing, tvpishuk towa (basketball), ishtaboli (stickball), lou towa (corkball), & mahli towa (air ball; think AtLA).
Gerudo = Sandseal surfing, dancing, & horseback archery. (Though, that last sport has been lost since the flood, along with the knowledge of breeding & training Gerudàn Horses.)
- Highlands = Snowboarding, javelin throwing, & rodeo.
Zonai = Skydiving, wing racing, & Pak-a-tok (the Mayan ball game that's a mix of basketball & soccer).
A lot of Rito & Faron residents tend to naturally gravitate towards games & sports that revolve around cooperation, consensus, compromise & teamwork, which are all pillars of these communities.
LoZ Cultural Masterlist
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nigrit · 7 months
Maximilian Robespierre, Deputy. ‘Incorruptible’. Mountain’s Highly Confidential WhatsApp Group
Wow. What a week, guys! Did you see my speech on virtue and terror the other day. Four pages in the Moniteur, three in the Revolutions de Paris and a special pullout in the Jacobin Club bulletin with a questionnaire ‘how virtuous are you?’ and a special souvenir print. By David. Of me!
Danton: No one reads the JCC anymore since the nutters took over
Camille: I keep a pile by the privy. Looroll’s so expensive these days!
Shade of Jean-Paul: You stole all my best lines. Even your nickname is mine
All: WTF! How did you get on here?
Shade: I am everywhere. I am the eye of the people!
Bertrand: Quick, everyone. Block him! Now!
Shade: you seem to forget, I am the moderator. And I have the password
Bertrand: Moderate! You! Moderate? Ha!
Shade: and you call yourself a writer?! Fucking windvane!
Max: damn! Just ignore him guys. Now as I was saying….
Louis-Antoine: but he can still be useful. You know, the people kind of worship him now
Max: but I want them to worship me! Why won’t they worship me?
All: sniggering
Camille: because you’re not dead?
George: because you’re killing them?
Max: that’s not fair
Camille: would you prefer it in Latin?
Max: et tu Camillus?
Bertrand: (clears throat) c’mon public safety people, we’re getting off the point. So Max, I got your speech translated into English. Found an excellent expat with impeccable credentials, Ms Helen Maria Williams. We’re going to print it up on English type and smuggle it over the Channel to freak them all out and show what a nice guy you really are.
Max: merci BB
Shade: (interrupting) I denounce…
All: blocked!
Shade: … you can all take your worthless block and shove it up your collective arse. I denounce Barere and Ms Williams
Camille: For god’s sake Jean-Paul, get a grip
George: I do not know this individual
Max: me either
Bertrand: is that even proper grammar?
Max: it is now!
George: right, I’m bored. Got to see a man about a property
Camille: can I come?
George: no, no, and always, no! And yes my friends, I shall in future be terrorising my new wife by asking her, ‘are you feeling virtuous tonight?’ You should try it Max, might loosen you up a bit
Camille: he should be so lucky! I feel a song coming on. Red, the sound of ages past, blue the colour of my hair, white the…
All: no!
#Jean-Paul Marat #Maximilien Robespierre #Bertrand Barere #Camille Desmoulins #Georges Danton #Louis-Antoine Saint-Just #whatsapp satire #French Revolution #Max just needed a big slap #and a hug from time to time #The Mountain #Committee of Public Safety #Jacobin japes
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jeannereames · 2 years
Hello Ms. Reames,
I really enjoyed your two novels!
I have a question about Alexander's era that's driving me crazy. I keep encountering scenes in novels where someone will see "Meet me in three hours," or "You're late" or "half an hour later..." I understand that clocks technically existed, in the form of sun dials or clepsydra, but also that measurement of time was not standardized until waaaay later, when railroads began posting schedules. Further, sun dials only work when it's daytime and sunny, and clepsydrae are not easily portable (nor is one person's standardized or synched to another person's). An hourglass can only measure an amount of time that passes for one person, but if you aren't carrying it around, how are people saying things like, "Meet me back here in three hours?" I have this comical mental image of people RACING back home to set the water clock so they can make their meetings, but I know that's not accurate. Even things like "midnight..." How do they even know when it's midnight? What would have been the normal means of tracking hours and minutes in Alexander's time? Thank you.
Thank you, on the novels! A while back, I did a post on chronology in the ancient world, which may interest you (if you’ve not already read it). From your question, it may be too basic, but it covers a lot of aspects of ancient time-keeping, not just division of the day, and other readers may want to peruse it.
Use of terms like “hour” in fiction about the ancient world bother me very little, but use of “minutes” (much less “seconds”) drives me batty. I was careful to use “moments” or even “breaths” to indicate very short time frames in Dancing with the Lion.
I think you may have somewhat underestimated (or at least overly complicated) their ability to tell time. The Roman army regularly used “hours” for the watches. And of course, the Greeks recognized the Horae, or the Hours, as goddesses. The Tower of Winds in Athens had sundials, a water clock, and windvanes. It’s first century BCE. And water clocks became increasingly common from the Hellenistic era on. We find references to the third hour, or the ninth hour, etc., commonly in ancient texts. They certainly knew midnight, and midday.
They watched the sky much more than we do.
While sure, a cloudy day—or night—might make that difficult, it was far from impossible. And that area rarely experienced extended periods of cloud cover anyway.
So, while it’s anachronistic for a book set in antiquity to talk about “minutes,” it’s not anachronistic to say something like, “Meet me in the gymnasion at the 8th hour,” which means, “Let’s meet at 3 o’clock, pm.” Or even “Let’s meet in three hours.”
But this time reference is also somewhat approximate. The 8th hour would assume give-or-take 10-15 minutes. Punctuality is a clock-world notion. Even today, Greeks and “on time” are passing acquaintances. I had no trouble adjusting to Mediterranean time as it’s not that different from NDN time. LOL
Ergo, having somebody reference “hours” in a novel about the ancient world isn’t anachronistic. But having them reference minutes, seconds, or assuming an exactitude of punctuality absolutely is!
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loggerindo · 11 months
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Manfaat Sensor Kecepatan Angin Dalam Bidang Agrikultur . Angin adalah gerakan udara yang disebabkan oleh perbedaan suhu, tekanan, dan kelembaban di atmosfer bumi
Monitoring angin penting karena angin adalah elemen atmosfer yang memiliki dampak besar pada berbagai aspek kehidupan manusia, lingkungan, dan industri.
Terutama dalam bidang agrikultur seperti pertanian, perkebunan, dll. yang berhubungan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan pangan manusia
Untuk monitoring angin sendiri salah satunya ialah dengan cara memantau kecepatan angin itu sendiri. Kecepatan angin adalah besaran fisika yang mengukur seberapa cepat udara bergerak di suatu lokasi.
Memantau kecepatan angin dapat memberikan manfaat yang diantaranya ialah : Membantu Keamanan dan Keselamatan dalam sektor transportasi udara dan laut, peningkatan produktivitas energi, manajemen lingkungan, dan membantu perencanaan serta pengambilan keputusan yang lebih baik di berbagai sektor . Baca selengkapnya di : https://loggerindo.com/manfaat-sensor-kecepatan-angin-dalam-bidang-agrikultur-472 . . Ingin tau lebih lanjut? atau ingin bertanya? Silahkan hubungi kami melalui : -Whatsapp : 0819 4401 4959 (Mr. Arya) / 0812 1248 2471 (Mr. Alfin) -Email : [email protected] / [email protected] -Website : loggerindo.co.id / loggerindo.com
#sensorkecepatanangin #windvane #anemometer #cupanemometer #kecepatanangin #datalogger #dataloggerangin #sensor #sensorangin #detektor #instrument #loggerindo #taharica
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sam-glade · 1 year
Happy Worldbuilding Wednesday! Does your WIP have any large cities in it? If so, what are they like?
Hi Jeb, Happy WBW!
Which city should I pick... Redguard! Map for reference.
It's the central hub of the plot of The Prince's Shadow (Days of Dusk book 2), and where the Central Command of the Army is located, and where a good portion of Swords are stationed.
The city is in the very middle of the Five Princedoms, sprawling over the Otterly River. On the west bank, there are uniform redbrick barracks, divided into a sector for each division - you'll recognise them by their symbols incorporated into the iron-wrought gates and windvanes. Each one also has a belltower that would ring in alarm.
To the edges, stadiums and training fields pop up like mushrooms after the rain. You'll see Swords drilling there - not in uniform ranks, but far apart, so that their powers don't affect bystanders.
Let's take a walk down the Chestnut Promenade, which bisects it East to West, a wide street lined with ancient chestnut trees on both sides. Their rows separate pavements from the heavy traffic of horses and carriages down its middle.
The complex occupied by the Central Command is at the heart of the military district. It's the oldest part of the city, though the newer barracks imitated its style.
Then, the road will take us to the Gateway Isle, and to the north side of the road, you'll see a ring of ten gateway arches next to a smaller buildings with engineers on duty. This is the main hub for gateway travel, a luxury available only to people Gifted by Fate, and in reality only to Army personnel.
On the other side of the river, sprawl the civilian quarters, the heart of which is the city hall. While nominally the First Princedom's capital is the City of Light, further to the West, Prince Atterius the White Dragon, Anthea's predecessor, has moved all the proceedings here for convenience.
The civilian quarters are not uniform at all, with houses plastered in bright colours that can just about stand up to the soot and smoke that is deposited by them from burning coal for heating and gas for lighting.
This part of the city grew more organically, and you can spend ages exploring it, discovering pretty little squares carved out of the corners of the housing blocks, parks of varying sizes, tea houses, and such.
The buildings get less grand as we proceed further East - they turn smaller, less decorated, offering cheaper accommodation. There, at the eastern edge of the city, the first steam-powered factory is under construction, which promises innovation in the textile industry.
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sdog1blog · 2 years
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FLEKKERØY, a Colin Archer, Norwegian Pilot Cutter.
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FLEKKERØY is named for the southern Norwegian island from which she originally operated. She’s shown here in 1940 in an image taken from the deck of a Swedish freighter.
FLEKKERØY is a double-ended pilot cutter built in 1936 in Høllen, Norway. Her keel, stem, and sternpost are of white oak. Her 5″ (sided) frame futtocks are of Norwegian pine, which makes each double-sawn frame 10″ wide; they are spaced about 20″ on center. The planking is 2″ white oak fastened with trunnels measuring 1¼" in diameter. The trunnels have conical heads, go all the way through the frames, and are split and wedged on the inside. The deckbeams are of roughly 6″ × 6″ pine and rest on 3″ × 8″ sheer clamps, also of pine. The deck planking is 2″ pine. The deckhouse, stanchions, covering boards, and caprail are of white oak.
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The boat measures 40′8″ on deck, and is about 57' overall if you count the spars. Her beam is 15′2″ and draft is 6'. Her volume is 17.04 GRT, and she displaces 55,000 lbs. She is rigged as a gaff cutter with a mast measuring 53′ from the waterline, and a retractable bowsprit. Her sail area of 1,345 sq ft is divided into four sails: a mainsail of 610 sq ft, a staysail of 245 sq ft, a jib of 335 sq ft, and a topsail 155 sq ft. We also have two smaller jibs and one bigger one.
For no-wind conditions, she is equipped with a British Leyland 113-hp six-cylinder diesel engine, with a 4:1 PRM gearbox and a 32″ Variprop feathering propeller. She has no outside ballast, so ballast consists of 9,000 lbs of lead ingots placed in the bilges. The rudder is of white oak and is hung outside on the sternpost and steered with a tiller. She has a Windpilot servo-pendulum windvane selfsteering system. The anchor windlass is a manual two-speed double-action Simpson-Lawrence with 300′ of ½″ chain and an 88-lb Rocna anchor as the main bower. There are no other winches onboard.
For heat we have a Kabola diesel pot burner of 4.6W, and a Webasto diesel cabin heater of 5kW.
Lighting consists of a mix of kerosene and electric lamps. Cooking is done on an Eno propane stove with two burners and an oven. The Kabola also has a cooking top. We have a cooler with electric refrigeration, but when the water is cold, the bilges work just as well. The tankage is 135 gallons of fuel and the same amount of fresh water. Communications are made via mail (the one with stamps), VHF radio, HF radio, and the occasional WiFi connection.
via Woodenboat Magazine
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usafphantom2 · 2 years
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Really cool Windvane.
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unfoldingnarratives · 3 months
You who travel with the wind, what weather vane shall direct your course? #Gibran #windvane #direction #madrid #cityscape #sky #aventurasdeamigos
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