#wing surfing gear
kitelineonline · 1 year
Riding the Wind: Your Guide to Epic Wing Surfing Gear
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Will you plunge and feel the exhilaration of flying across the water? With its thrilling combination of windsurfing, kitesurfing, and stand-up paddleboarding, wing surfing has quickly become a popular water activity.
However, without the proper wing surfing gear, it will be impossible to master the waves and harness the wind's strength. Everything you need to know about the thrilling world of wing surfing equipment, from wings to boards and everything in between, is right here.
Flaunting The Powerful Wing
The wing is the central component of any wing surfing experience. It's like a kite meets a sail: it catches the wind and helps you go forward. These cleverly crafted wings are available in various sizes to accommodate riders of varying experience and preferences.
Beginners benefit from more stability and reduced difficulty in controlling larger wing sizes. When you're ready for more of a challenge, you can move up to smaller, more responsive wings.
Check for long-lasting materials and reinforced leading edges in the wings, and don't overlook the importance of cool, high-visibility colours. Strong wings are also an important part of your wing foiling gear kit.
Harnessing the Power: The Board
Finding the appropriate board is a major step toward becoming a proficient wing surfer. Foil boards and inflatable SUP (stand-up paddle) boards are the most common. The hydrofoil at the base of a foil board makes for a more comfortable and swifter ride.
They are trickier to master but offer fantastic payoffs for those who put in the time and effort. On the other hand, inflatable SUP boards are great for newcomers because of their stability and convenience.
They come in various sizes and forms so that you may pick the best option. To resist the abuse of wing surfing, you need to look for boards with reinforced stitching and sturdy materials. These amazing wing surfing gear can improve your fun experience.
Staying Connected: Leashes and Safety Gear
Safety is paramount in any water sport, and wing surfing is no exception. A leash is crucial because it prevents your board from floating away if you were to fall off. When wing surfing, it's important to have a leash built to withstand the rigours of the sport.
Wearing a personal flotation device (PFD) is also a good idea, especially when out on the open water. PFDs, which range from waist packs to vests, are designed to keep you safe on the water.
Accessories for Optimal Efficiency
You may improve your wing surfing experience by investing in some additional accessories. Adding foot straps can improve your board's strength by increasing control and stability. Extended sessions can be more bearable with a waist-mounted harness.
It disperses the wing's pull across your body. Your wing and board will serve you well and last longer if you inflate them properly. For accurate inflation, seek pumps with comfortable handles and pressure readings.
Wing surfing is more than just a pastime; it's an exhilarating experience that allows you to soar through the air like an aquatic aircraft by harnessing the power of the wind. Proper wing surfing gear opens up a world of thrills, challenges, and unending enjoyment.
Each component of your wing surfing setup, from the wing itself to the board and accessories you use, is crucial on your way to becoming a pro. Get geared up, lean into the breeze, and prepare for a once-in-a-lifetime adventure on the water!
Original Source: https://www.kite-line.com/blog/post/riding-the-wind-your-guide-to-epic-wing-surfing-gear
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adrenaline-alley · 2 months
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piratefishmama · 1 year
Angel | Steddie Oneshot
Eddie Munson never believed that he’d go to Heaven. Sure he’d been raised in a catholic household, his uncle was religious, he’d been raised to give thanks for the food they ate, to pray before bed that should he not wake, his soul the lord take an all that jazz.
Wouldn’t believe it to look at him, to hear the songs he sang, the music he played. Wouldn’t believe how he’d been raised if one were to go by covers instead of contents.
But despite his upbringing in the very catholic Munson Trailer of Forest Hills Trailer Park, he never believed he’d go to heaven. Something about queers and submitting to sin and blah blah blah it’d been a long-ass time since his last confession, but Uncle Wayne stopped reminding him a few years back, so he had an excuse to keep ‘forgetting’ to do it.
Turns out, one did not need to go to confession to make it to heaven!
Angels would just. Turn up, apparently.
Maybe he’d done something good that he wasn’t aware of, he did go to that Make A Wish thing a few weeks back, DM’d a whole one shot for the kids, he’d spent hours there, a whole dang day just… hanging out with sick kids.
Maybe that was it. Maybe that was what brought this heavenly creature to his side.
To cut a long story short, he was on stage one minute, belting out the lyrics from the final verse of the last song in their set ‘Into the Underdark’, Jeff was slipping into the ending guitar solo, Eddie was gearing up for an end of gig crowd surf and the next.
The next he was looking into a bright, blinding light that kept moving between his eyes.
He’d always been told not to go to the light. If you see it? Don’t go to it, going to it would make whatever trip you were going on a one way ticket, there was no going back when you reached that light. Just hang back, wait for the resuscitation, it’d happen, someone would breathe life back into you, or whack you with enough voltage to get that heart kickin again, just don’t go into that light.
That light was way too close to his eyes, and he couldn’t swat it away. His arms felt tied down. Rude.
And then the light was gone, had he reached it? Was that it? One way ticket stub punched, sorry Earth, Munson out. “Mr Munson? Can you hear me?” Oh what heavenly chorus, the light had momentarily blinded him but shit… when his sight came back, at least enough to make out the vague shape of a very square jaw, of angular features, of warm hazel eyes, and a luscious head of hair surrounded by a halo of brilliant white light.
Angel. He had an audience with an Angel. It could only be an Angel. Neat.
He’d enjoy the ‘I Told You So’ he got from his uncle whenever the old goat made it up there he hoped it wouldn’t be soon though, he’d prefer a longer wait than a short one, thanks.
“Mnn… I hear you big boy, are you sure I’m in the right place though? I’ve been told Heaven wouldn’t want me” it sounded smooth in his head, but he was pretty sure he slurred half the words.
How could he have a slurred voice in Heaven? That didn’t seem fair.
Oh he’d forgive the slurred speech bit if the angel kept making that wonderful music with his vocal chords, that little giggle of a laugh, so bubbly and sweet, yep. Somehow he’d weaselled his way into Heaven. Suck it soccer moms. “Well, at least you can summon the strength to be charming.”
He was charming? An angel thought he was charming? Hell yeah, he’d rock this heaven shit, he already had an in with the big, winged boys!
“I can summon the strength for other stuff too, worship ain’t ever really been my thing but, baby I think I can learn for a literal Angel” he’d subject himself to an afterlife on his knees gladly if it meant he’d have his hands curled around this creature’s thighs, his mouth on—
“Oh wow…” Eddie couldn’t really see it properly thanks to the lovely blinding spots in his eyes that was no doubt his eyes adjusting to heavenly light, but he was sure his angel was blushing, he sounded a little breathless. Good. “You’re uh… wow”
Eddie hadn’t had much charm before becoming world famous but, he’d gained a little experience. Women and men alike throwing themselves at him, knowing he wasn’t all that fussed, babes were babes. All genders welcome to hop on and take a ride. He knew it was mostly the fame, he was still the same nerd he’d been back in high school, but… if fame got him laid then fame got him laid.
At the very least it gave him the experience to flirt with one of Gods pretty little birds. Maybe even score if the reaction he got was any indication.
So much for lust being a punishable sin, huzzah.
Steve was having a day. Okay no, Steve was having a whole week. The only upside to his overtime riddled ass, was that Robin had been on the majority of his shifts with him, so they could at least talk in the ambulance while they roamed the streets waiting for chaos to drop.
Monday, it’d been a seven car pileup on the highway, a few lost limbs, no fatalities but one hell of a close call on two accounts.
Tuesday, it’d been a tumble at a care home resulting in a popped hip and some heavy flirting from a few old ladies. Poor Robin suffering it from a few old men trying to shoot a shot they didn’t have.
Wednesday it’d been crisis after crisis resulting in him not finishing his shift until six hours after he was meant to finish his shift.
Thursday he had one blessed night off, thankfully his on-call status hadn’t dragged him in, and he got a decent six hour nap in.
Friday, another car wreck, he didn’t want to think about that one.
And now Saturday.
Dispatch sent them to the sold out arena, some idiot had leapt off the stage likely for a crowd surf, his foot tangled in an amp chord, it reduced his air time dramatically and he brained himself on one of the guard rails.
Excellent. At least he wasn’t dead.
Which given how easily one could wind up six feet under from such a whack to the head, he was lucky.
They parked by the side exit, shuffled in by security, and right through into the arena. The patient hadn’t been moved as per dispatchers instructions to the person who’d called. No moving the idiot until the professionals arrived and determined it safe.
Cameras, flashing lights, big beefy security guards standing in front of them blocking the majority of what was happening from view, there was… quite a bit of blood there. It didn’t look pretty in that lighting. “The crowd’s too much, let’s get him to the ambulance.” Robin’s patience didn’t exist when it came to large crowds.
Too many people. Plus she’d been on shift five hours longer than he had.
“Alright, you two, c’mere” Steve singled out two of the big security guys “we’re gonna need you to help us get him onto the gurney, we’ll look him over in the back of the ambulance.” There were no broken bones, nothing stopping them from moving him just enough to get him to the ambulance unscathed.
And then, somewhere between writing out paperwork, checking vitals, and Robin googling who this guy was, said guy… woke up.
Steve, being closer, was quick to check responsiveness, pupils reacted well to light although a concussion did look likely, they’d cleaned up the blood and found the cause to be a cut just above his left eyebrow that’d probably make a kickass scar and oh.
Without the blood. Oh. Oh he was pretty. Pretty plump lips, long lashes, deep brown eyes, faint freckles across his nose. All that hair. He was pretty.
“Mr Munson? Can you hear me?” He’d asked, while shining that little torch into those pretty brown eyes, left to right to check the responsiveness. And then he spoke and Steve— well. Robin was eyeballing him judgementally pretty damn hard given how fast his face flamed red.
Her head in her hands, her fingers plugged into her ears as Munson rattled off promises of worship and good lord— Steve didn’t know what to say, what to do, what does one do when a hot yet slightly delirious rockstar offers to worship your ‘angelic body’?
What does one do with that?
One awkwardly stutters through thanks while bright red and toasty until they can part with the guy at the ER wishing he’d met him under better circumstances cause it’d been a long ass time since anyone even touched him let alone worshipped him but accepting that he’d probably never see the guy again, so it didn’t really matter.
Until a few days later when the official Corroded Coffin account slid into his DM’s on Instagram, apologised profusely, and requested very sweetly to make it up to him with dinner the next time he was free.
Signed Eddie. With a little angel emoji. How on earth could he say no to that?
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billycorn · 19 days
Patchwork: Chapter 1 - Return
Read the prologue and description here!
This is the story of how Jasper died, at least, I thought it was, he did too. When Grovyle explained that their time was coming to an end, the Rufflet's thoughts turned to his Buizel partner, Buia. She wouldn't have to steal his blanket anymore, it would be her's outright. She'd be able to buy whatever she wanted without his nagging. She could take the missions she wanted and go when she pleased. Soon, this would all be done, and she would be free. Of course, that would've been the case a lot sooner, had she not pulled him from the surf. Honestly, things would've been much simpler if she had just left him. Sadder? Maybe. But definitely simpler.
Everything since then, joining the guild, hunting Grovyle, escaping the dark future, it had all been so messy. Worst of all, was what came after, watching her face as she realised. At least, she didn’t know how unbothered Jasper was. That would’ve broken her heart, and he wasn’t sure he could take that.
They had succeeded at Temporal Tower, barely, and Buia had walked from the battlefield, Jasper's wing slung over her shoulder as he leaned against her. His feet dragged and he mumbled, only half-conscious after a nasty blow to the head, blood trickling from the wound.
Buia continued to stagger forward, but when the weight disappeared from her shoulders, she stumbled and fell. Pulling herself up, she dusted herself off, turned around and-
The Rufflet smiled weakly, his laboured breathing sending his feathers rippling and shimmers of light bouncing from his body. An ethereal glow spattered, bright against the dark clouds surrounding the path to the Rainbow Stoneship.
With a groan, Jasper shuffled backwards to lean against a rock. "Buia, I gotta go."
"What?" Describing the ache in her voice was something I cannot do justice, so I simply ask you to imagine, and then know it was worse still. "Wh-what do you mean?"
"I'm from the future. Now that we've changed the future..."
The gears turned slowly in Buia's head, her thoughts as sluggish as her tired muscles. "No? No! This can't be. There's gotta be a way for you stay! There has to be. There has to-"
"Buia!" His voice cut sharp and clear through her panic. "It's okay. It's okay."
Tears stinging at her eyes, she whispered, "why didn't you tell me?"
"Just found out." Jasper grunted and waved a wing dismissively. "Besides, wouldn't have made a difference. We did what we had to."
Moving closer, Buia dropped to her knees and stared at him. Her expression held so much pain, anger, guilt, it was a strange look on her; Jasper couldn't hold her gaze.
"It's not fair."
"It is what it is," he replied, shuffling and moving a small stone out from behind him. It clattered to the ground, and he leaned back again, sighing in satisfaction.
Buia couldn't find the words, she just sat and watched, as the glow of his body grew brighter, and the light in his eyes fell dimmer.
Shaking his head, Jasper swallowed past the lump in his throat. "You don't have to stay. Everyone's waiting for you."
"They're waiting for both of us."
Jasper laughed at that, but didn't respond, simply closing his eyes. A moment later, they snapped open again as he felt a familiar weight press into his side, but looking down, Buia wasn't nestled in his feathers, but in the crook of his arm.
Scoffing, he looked himself over, finding he was human once more, and the light had begun leaping from his body in great golden orbs. He pulled Buia onto his chest, holding her tight and running his fingers through her fur, finding it grimy with dirt and dried blood.
"I'm not ready," whispered Buia.
Jasper couldn't help but scoff. "Just imagine it, you can have a bigger bed. Have the room to yourself. You can burn all our cash at Spinda's."
"The drinks there are free."
"No, they're not. I always paid, and didn't tell you."
Buia peeled her head from his chest to look at him, her brows furrowed. "Why?"
"I don't know."
Buia sighed and shook her head. "You're so weird. Ugly, too."
"Pot calling kettle black," he replied, cocking an eyebrow.
Buia smirked, and despite the tears, and her dirty coat, fallen shoulders and droopy tails, he couldn't deny, she wasn't ugly; not in the slightest.
"You're right. You're adorable."
Buia threw her arms around his neck and squeezed, as if, if she held him tight enough, he wouldn't ever leave. If that was true, she would've stayed there, she would never have let go, but then the ground gave way under her and her arms pulled tight across her chest. Jasper was gone, and it was all she could do to hold herself, and cry.
See? The whole thing was terribly sad. Wouldn't it have been better if it didn't happen at all? The one watching silently from the shadows wasn't so sure. If he could have just one more chance, he'd do things differently. Yet, he knew it couldn't be, so he cursed his luck and waited to die.
It felt like a mere moment, but it was months later when he awoke, gasping for breath and reaching for the sky. He hissed as the light burned his eyes. Wait, light?
Clutching at his head, he rose slowly into the air, peering about. He was alive? How? That shouldn't be possible. Yet, as the sun warmed his tired body and he felt the breeze on his face, he couldn't deny. He was alive, which meant somewhere out there...
Jasper's eyes fluttered open and he groaned as the glimmering sunset staked its claim upon the ocean, and upon him. The fading light would be back for him soon.
Glancing about, Jasper found himself on the beach outside treasure town, the sand catching in his feathers. He stood slowly, and shook himself out, feeling grit fly free. The salty ocean breeze greeted him like an old friend, and the ocean's crashing waves were a serenade, welcoming him home.
For a moment, Jasper closed his eyes and breathed it all in. What happened? Was he really back?
He sighed peacefully and opened his eyes. There, standing waist deep in the water was his partner. Buia's eyes were wide, and she trembled, just like the last time they saw each other.
"Jay!" The cry ripped from her throat, and she bounded from the waves, crashing into him and sending him sprawling in the sand.
"Agh, Buia, do you-" Her shrieking wails cut through his complaint. Rolling his eyes, he settled his wings around her, and whispered, "it's okay, it's okay."
Eventually, Buia managed to pry herself off Jasper, holding him at arm’s length. "How, how are you? I don't understand."
Jasper shrugged. "Beats me."
"Is this real? Are you back for good?"
"Again, beats me."
Stepping back, Buia paced across the shore, mumbling to herself between deep breaths. After a minute, she spun on her heel, putting her back to him. She glanced over her shoulder, a massive grin spilling across her face. She was so bright, Jasper almost thought the sun had come back up.
"To the guild!" She yelled.
Jasper scoffed and leapt into the air, landing on her shoulders. Buia raised her arms for Jasper to slide his talons carefully over and under her armpits. Then, with several mighty flaps of his wings, they slowly rose into the air. Buia whooped delightedly as Jasper took off, soaring over the path back into town. His shadow climbed the steps to the guild, startling Bidoof, who was on his way out, but upon seeing Jasper, he yelled, running back towards the guild.
Jasper circled the guild's facade once, before flying out over the cliff. He dove sharply, spinning and suddenly levelling out. He dropped Buia from his talons, closed his wings, and shot through the window into the Guild's bottom second floor. With a burst from her aqua jet, Buia followed suit, flying like an arrow through the window to land beside Jasper with a flourish.
For a moment, the guild was still and silent, an exceedingly rare occurrence. Croagunk's cheeks puffed, Chimecho falling from where she floated beside him. Diglett and Dugtrio froze, their eyes blinking slowly. Loudred's massive jaw hit the floor and Corphish's claws hung open. Sunflora made unintelligible noises. Chatot and Wigglytuff watched with startled expressions.
Dropping down the ladder, Bidoof stumbled into the room and yelled, "Jasper's back!"
Everyone moved at once and Jasper saw his life flash before his eyes. He'd already died once, but this was much scarier. Everyone's shapes were a blur of colour as they mobbed him. He leapt backwards with a squawk, but Buia caught him, thwarting his escape.
After that, the Guild was filled with laughter and warmth which rivaled that night on the shore of Fogbound Lake. The pantry was raided, though the apprentices were careful to leave a stock of perfect apples. Drinks were poured and the guild crew partied late into the night. Everyone only dragged themselves to bed when Buia collapsed at the dining table, a happy smile on her dopey face. After a day like today, she couldn't help but be exhausted.
Jasper rolled his eyes and thanked Loudred for carrying her to bed. The Speaker Pokemon waved it off and offered a cheery, "good night!!"
Jasper cringed, turning warily, but upon seeing Buia had slept through it, he relaxed. Settling on his bed, he sat up for some time, preening his feathers and watching the moon slip by overhead. He really was back. What now? Eventually, he pushed the question from his mind and slept.
Come morning, the sun streamed through their window, warming Buia's coat. With a happy mewl, she stretched, smacked her lips and scratched at her chest. It had been a nice dream, if only it had lasted longer.
Then, seeing Jasper's sleeping form, she felt something heavy dislodge in her chest, leaving a gaping wound in it's place, but she knew what to fill it with.
Smiling, Buia crept onto Jasper's bed and lay beside him, curling her tails around his back. "I'm glad you're home."
That's how it started, with love so bright it was blinding; with enough hope to fill the hole in the world. So, why couldn't Jasper see it? Why couldn't he feel it? Laying there, Buia pressed against his side and the sun warm on his feathers, Jasper couldn’t help but feel this was somehow wrong. Was it right that he was still here?
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sylvia-songbird · 1 year
~Escapism~ (a q!Philza & q!Mumza fic)
I haven't posted anything like this on tumblr before, and it's been ten years since I posted any fics at all...enjoy! (this may also be a part 1 to something longer...depends on how much time I can devote to writing it)
(for extra oomph listen to either Echo in the Wind from the Minecraft 1.20 Soundtrack or Escapism from Steven Universe while reading)
On the first night Philza spent in the birdhouse, he couldn’t help but stay awake. The Federation had taken other members before, but he knew that he couldn’t fall victim to the same fate as Quackity, Forever, or any other person they've kidnapped before. As long as he stayed awake, they couldn’t hurt him. As long as he was conscious, they wouldn’t force medicine down his gullet. As long as he didn’t shut his eyes, he could hold onto some kind of hope that someone would be able to find him.
As long as he was awake, his actions would haunt him. He never thought that he could be fooled so easily because his missing eggs - his children - were used against him as punishment for wanting answers, as any parent would want. He had made sure not to leave any clues behind that would suggest his disappearance. Most of his belongings were neatly put away in a secured chest locked away in his basement, where no one could access them. Who would ever figure out that the wise crow that lives in the wall is gone?
Here’s the thing about sleep - it doesn’t matter who or what you are. Whether egg or bird, human or hybrid…all succumb to sleep at some point. So it shouldn’t have been a surprise that even Philza, the famed Angel of Death for all of his vigilance, would drift asleep in his cage. 
The dreams bring a reprieve…at first. 
~~~~~ He’s with Chayanne and Tallulah, gearing up to fly off of the wall to do some exploring on the island. They glide until they reach the coast, piling into the speedboat to glide along the waters under a starry night sky. They dock at the beach, not far from a desert village. A familiar terrifying scene plays out, with his children’s last breaths in his arms under the stars, a familiar Nightmare. This time, he doesn’t wake up immediately. As the life leaves his children, Philza bleeds out on that beach, the Nightmare still on the hunt for any innocent souls that cross its path as his vision fades. 
When Philza opens his eyes again, he’s back at the birdhouse. A familiar, automated laugh echoes through the space, as the other birds huddle together in the rafters. The face of Cucurucho appears in front of him, threatening to seal him away again. Philza screams, trying to reach for that stitched-together bear to get answers, to get anything out of him. Swinging a punch at its face, his fist passes through mist. 
It’s taunting him with visions of Chayanne and Tallulah, seeing them run from something inside of the maze Phil and the others found just a few days ago. A slash of a weapon, and their corpses fall to the ground. He runs to catch their bodies, but they shatter on the ground like glass statues…like fragile eggs in need of protection. The pieces cut up his hands, golden ichor and maroon bleeding down his clenched fists. As fear and anger fill his veins, a flash of white erases the entire scene in front of him. 
~~~~~ Before Philza is the Void. Or at least, what appears to be the Void in all but name. He knows the Void well, remembering its sting and endless darkness from before he had earned his wings. He knows how it feels to glide in the space between the bottom of the world and the Void, surfing past death’s grasp from one piece of bedrock to the next. There are no galaxies in the Void, no asteroids, no luminescence that would help guide his way home. 
Here there are glimmering stars and traces of auroras that shine around him like the midnight sky. Except these auroras stay in similar places, flickering in the wind like gossamer. When Philza looks up, he sees the nebulous vision of a Goddess, reaching out towards him. There is something familiar about that sad smile upon her face, but he just can’t place it. 
“My angel…what have they done to you?”
Philza wakes up in a corner of the birdhouse, Chayanne’s floaty and Tallulah’s beanie somehow in his grasp. He vividly remembers the nightmares from his sleep, but what happened at the end? Who was that woman? Was her dress actually made from the auroras and nebulas that fill the midnight sky?
Her words to him have melted away as the sun burns through the morning fog.
Philza has boundless amounts of time to wonder about these things, but the anger he feels towards The Federation and the fear of his family being in danger spurs him to try to find a way out of this cage, leaving those thoughts about the nebulous woman behind.
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indefenseofkara · 1 year
MWII Operator headcanons: Specgru edition
Hello! I think the multi-player operators deserve more love, so here are some headcanons for the base Spegru team. This doesn’t included people who were in the campaign because there’s plenty of stuff about them already. The pictures are just screenshots of my game, lol.
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Jesus “Chuy” Ordaz
(the COD blog post I’m getting some of these full names from says his first name is Manuel, but his bio says Jesus?)
has terrible handwriting
but as my poetry instructor once said, “the worse the handwriting, the better the work”
and he does write poetry
been through a lot, but still a romantic at heart
really great with kids
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Gustavo “Gus” Rodriguez
you could not pay this man to shave his mustache
once he grew that mustache, he knew he could never go back
looks like a literal baby when shaved clean, like people will start asking "who let that preteen in here?"
really proud of his career and the fact that he gets to work with Special Forces since he’s not military (because technically there was no military for him to join)
will not bring up surfing, but has a bunch of cool surfing videos ready to go at a moment's notice. you know, just in case
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Zhiqiang “Zimo” Wong
precious bean, i love him
cinnamon roll but serious
doesn't mean he can't be brutal, he is a soldier
kind of intense overall, which intimidates some people
really cherishes platonic relationships
movie buff who might smack you if you say you don’t watch foreign films because you don’t like reading subtitles
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Kleópatros “Kleo” Gavras
(fuck, I accidentally deleted my notes on her. :( I’m sorry Kleo, I have to wing it!)
likes to dress up. will put on a whole fit and makeup just to hang around the house every once and a while
it's a nice contrast to her usual military get up
good at every sport
also very good a chess
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Nila “Nova” Brown
really great eyesight
misses flying, tbh. jumps at the chance to do some piloting for a mission
seriously considered becoming an astronaut
worked with Kortac briefly, but changed to Specgru as soon as her initial contract was up
(that one’s a deep dive for anyone who remembers that she was a Kortac operator during the beta)
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Sobiesław “Gromsko” Kościuszko
Polish pride (idk, everyone I know who is Polish or has Polish heritage is very proud of that)
plays some quirky instrument like the accordion or keytar or hurdy-gurdy
uses reading glasses
knits. while wearing the reading glasses. looks like a literal grandmother
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Enzo “Reyes”
will never admit it as a proud Canadian, but he doesn't like hockey
a Swiftie
flirts with everyone
pansexual, so no one is safe
(that's a joke)
(I'm not trying to do the "bi/pan people are sluts" thing)
(I just think this man is attractive and charismatic)
(and wants to share that with the world)
(blame the Valentine's day skin)
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Tse “Luna” Míngzhū
really amicable
will actually hit you up after saying "we should hang out some time!"
loves attending sporting events and cheers very loudly
it's not mentioned in her bio, but she grew up in Virginia, near Washington DC, so 9/11 probably had a big impact on her and her career choice
(pulling on my own experience for that one)
(not job experience, but growing up in DC suburbs when 9/11 happened experience)
lots of frustration with generic military gear because it's all way too big on her
Thanks for reading! My Kortac headcanon post can be found here.
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batmanshole · 1 year
my favourite emojis
thumbs up. salute. bomb. tulip. strawberry. sobbing. two red exclamation marks. red exclamation mark and question mark. woozy. dizzy. hand cupping. hand pointing. eye. female firefighter. female farmer. female construction worker. pregnant man. woman in wheelchair. woman in power chair. woman with probing cane. puppy face. duck. duckling. snail. ant. bee. jellyfish. whale. seal. sheep. guide dog. wing. dove. clover. four leaf clover. sprout. mushroom. lotus. bouquet. hyacinth. hibiscus. cherry blossom. rock. sunflower. coral. sparkle. star. rain. rain and thunder. snowflake. gust of wind. onion. garlic. bagel. ginger. cherries. peach. green apple. red apple. pear. lemon. orange. mango. blueberry. carrot. corn. broccoli. bok choy. potato. bread. sweet potato. baguette. pretzel. pancakes. hotdog. hamburger. sandwich. fortune cookie. rice. dango. sorbet. flan. lolipop. tea. honey. bubble tea. hockey. roller skate. fishing. woman surfing. fencing. paint palette. woman juggling. trumpet. saxophone. violin. chess pawn. guitar. headphones. probing cane. wheelchair. power chair. crutch. suspended train car. tram. trolley. train. train at station. airplane. airplane taking off. airplane landing. different airplane. ship anchor. moai head. map. roller coaster. park fountain. pink hospital. keyboard. phone with arrow. CD. DVD. minidisc. floppy disk. VHS tape. camera with flash. dial. antique clock. hourglass. hourglass with falling sand. old tv. plug. candle. lightbulb. ID card. ladder. pickaxe. saw. nut and bolt. gear. hammer. box propped up by stick. magnet. water gun. knife. axe. sword. dynamite. cigarette. gravestone. hole. bandaid. telescope. pill. broom. plunger. picnic basket. bath with bubbles. razor. toothbrush. lotion. soap. person in bath. toilet paper. toilet. sponge. bucket. key. skeleton key. bed with person in it. bed. chair. door. teddy bear. present. balloon. box. tag. scroll. document. document bent. file folder. open file folder. clipboard. office trash can. rolled up newspaper. filing cabinet. newspaper. composition notebook. plain notebook. red volume 1 notebook. green volume 2 notebook. blue volume 3 notebook. orange volume 4 notebook. stack of books. open book. triangular ruler. pin. pen. fountain pen right. fountain pen left. pencil. crayon. closed lock. pink heart. red heart. orange heart. yellow heart. green heart. cyan heart. blue heart. purple heart. grey heart. white heart. brown heart. black heart. sparkling pink heart. pink heart with arrow. pink heart with bow. double pink hearts. swirling pink hearts. glowing pink heart. vibrating pink heart. broken heart. radiation warning. libra. big red X. big red O. crossed out circle. question mark. exclamation point. warning sign. trident. fleur de lis. accessibility sign. canadian flag. brazillian flag. pirate flag. ok sign. cool sign. music notes. on arrow. top arrow. TM sign. crossed out bell. thought bubble. yelling bubble. speech bubble. spade. club. heart. diamond. gay pride. trans pride.
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innytoes · 10 months
Another combo: Surfers and Angels
Reggie loves going surfing in the early mornings. The beach is nearly empty, the waves are all for him, and sometimes he'll spot some cool wildlife. Or someone walking a cute dog.
He's just paddling out again after a wicked wave when something falls, no, plummets down from the sky. Something human-looking. He paddles out further, mind racing. Maybe someone whose parachute didn't open? He's heard stories about people trying to smuggle themselves onto airplanes via the landing gear. Maybe a paraglider who got unclipped?
He is not expecting to find a beautiful girl to pop up, her wet curls clinging to her skin. Or, more importantly, her beautiful feathery wings spread out in the water.
"Oh come on!" she shouted at the sky. "I was only trying to get a closer look at what he was doing!"
Queue the adventures of Reggie and Angel Julie as she figures, either she's a fallen angel now and she should learn to be human, or her Mom will pick her up when she realises Julie is missing. Yes angels have moms, no her mom isn't God, don't be silly, God is her great-great-hundredfold-great grandma.
This includes meeting the band, experiencing Pizza for the first time ever, and of course lots of music. And Reggie teaching her how to surf. And falling in love. And maybe Julie gets to stay and live a human life until she and Reggie are ready To Go.
And maybe when they finally pass on, Julie is met by her mother with crossed arms and tapping foot, while her dad is like: Oh good you're Reggie, my new recruit.
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sunny-fox · 2 years
I think I've been reading too much SAGAU fics recently -
Now I keep thinking of
Reverse Isekai! AOT x Pixie AU
For those who don't know yet - Pixie AU was something I thought of a few moths ago (I think) but in SAGAU version. Now it's in RI! AOT version
First of all, it's VERY different from SAGAU
In SAGAU they all know who you are but in RI! AOT all they know is that they're in a completely different environment and weird things (wings) have sprouted from their backs
They'll most likely appear as a whole crowd in your home / maybe you'll find them wandering outdoors - at parks, in forests - by chance (which is less likely)
Both sides are probably going to freak out the first time you see each other. You because oh my goodness what are these figures doing in my home?? Them because oh my goodness is that a titan??
The Levi Squad will probably launch themselves at you immediately (They still use their ODM gear because they don't know how to fly yet). Drawing their blades and trying to slice through your nape
You're dodging and protecting your nape, backing against walls and shelves and trying to figure out what's going on
Eventually their gear run out of gas and they're free falling to the ground. They would've hurt themselves badly or even died if you haven't caught them in your palms
After they calmed down, they sit on a table with the others and converse with you to know the general situation
Apparently they had been isekai'd in their sleep, they're still confused, they're worried about the unknown dangers in this world, and they desperately need help right now
Apparently you aren't a titan, they're now pixies, you have no idea how to get them back to their world, but you're willing to help them
First things first you made them a meal because they were starving (Sasha absolutely loves the food). While they eat, you're busy arranging stuff in your house to clear out a space to make some temporary beds for them.
The first night they slept on extra pillows on your table with handkerchiefs as blankets. If you stayed up late gaming / surfing the Internet / completing work etc, Hange will probably watch you silently / marvel at all the different things in this world.
Will probably write a few more parts for this?
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mikerickson · 1 year
Post-NOLA trip recap in bullet list format:
United switched our departure gate to a completely different terminal while we were working our way through TSA, which made for a fun last-minute dash.
We rented a car for the first time and the sole employee in the parking garage at 1 AM was like, “just pick whatever car you want and you can go, they all have keys inside them”. Suspiciously convenient, and I did very much feel like I was just stealing a nice car, but apparently that’s by design.
Speaking of, apparently new cars don’t have a physical stick to shift gears, but you just push a button now? I felt like a caveman in a spaceship trying to figure it out at first. I already miss that car though.
En route to the high school graduation we went down there for, we were channel surfing the local radio stations and came across one of those National Emergency System broadcasts warning of 70 mph gusts of wind, hail, lighting, etc. basically right on top of us and we hit it about a mile later. I’m talking about just a wall of rain that reduced visibility to maybe one car length away. But somehow we made it on time.
Experienced my first crawfish boil (somehow in the nine years I’ve been going down there we never caught the right season for it). Very tasty seasoning and everyone had their own preferred, very different methods for cracking the shells open. I only stabbed the shit out of my thumbs twice.
Had a KFC chicken wing for the first time in years. I’ve been vegetarian for like 6 years now, but more flexible on vacation out of necessity. It was just as gross and oily as I remember, so I don’t think I’m about to start relapsing anytime soon.
Eavesdropped on a rather unfortunate conversation in a diner that seemed to be blaming slavery on the Native Americans because if they hadn’t died of smallpox, “we wouldn’t have needed to take people from Africa” (?!?!?)
Visited the New Orleans Museum of Art for the first time, which is deceptively large and varied on the inside. In retrospect, I probably shouldn’t have been surprised that French artists were over-represented however.
Visited six local bookstores and bought 13 books, which made for a fun last-minute tetris game fitting them all into our carry-on bags. Andrew only bought one book, but it was the largest physically, so it evens out in my eyes.
Landed back in Newark around 1 AM and got to play “where is my car?” in the long-term parking lot for half an hour.
Got the dogs super hyper when we came home in the middle of the night.
Forgot to take any pictures, as per usual.
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annieandro · 2 months
Cassie Kitchen and The Computer Friends Attacks 01
Omega Ruby's Attacks: Fire Blast, Ember, Will-O-Wisp, Fire Spin, Sunny Day, Flamethrower, Blue Flare and Fire Punch
Alpha Sapphire's Attacks: Surf, Bubble Beam, Waterfall, Hydro Pump, Water Gun, Dive, Water Pulse, Crabhammer and Whirlpool
Tedgar Emerald's Attacks: Vine Whip, Razor Leaf, Absorb, Petal Dance, Magical Leaf, Stun Spore, Wood Hammer, Spore and Needle Arm
Mr.Skips's Attacks: Thunder Shock, Electroweb, Spark, Thunderbolt, Electro Ball, Thunder Punch, Nuzzle, Thunder Fang and Wild Charge
Charlotte's Attacks: Attract, Double Team, Strength, Cut, Protect, Sing, Tickle, Headbutt and Tackle
Princess Lullaby's Attacks: Moonblast, Flower Shield, Baby-Doll Eyes, Moonlight, Charm, Draining Kiss, Play Rough, Geomancy and Sweet Kiss
Princess Mistletoe's Attacks: Ice Beam, Mist, Icy Wind, Avalanche, Icicle Crash, Blizzard, Aurora Beam and Hail
Scaredy Circuit's Attacks: Bite, Thief, Crunch, Beat Up, Payback, Snatch, Taunt, Feint Attack and Punishment
Creative Crafty's Attacks: Rest, Teleport, Gravity, Lunar Dance, Heart Swap, Psywave, Zen Headbutt, Psybeam and Hypnosis
Prince Sleeper's Attacks: Dragon Claw, Dragon Rage, Twister, Dragon Breath, Dragon Tail, Spacial Rend, Roar of Time, Outrage and Dual Chop
Queen Sissy's Attacks: Nightmare, Shadow Sneak, Trick-or-Treat, Shadow Ball, Lick, Phantom Force, Confuse Ray, Hex and Curse
King Bobber's Attacks: Head Smash, Rock Slide, Stone Edge, Smack Down, Rollout, Rock Tomb, Power Gem, Sandstorm and Rock Blast
Vanilla Berry's Attacks: Infestation, X-Scissor, Pin Missile, Spider Web, Leech Life, Fury Cutter, Bug Bite, Steamroller and Twineedle
Dr.Meteor's Attacks: Rock Smash, Karate Chop, Sky Uppercut, Revenge, Brick Break, Circle Throw, Dynamic Punch, Triple Kick and Wake-Up Slap
Detective Cluey's Attacks: Iron Tail, Metal Claw, King's Shield, Bullet Punch, Mirror Shot, Gyro Ball, Iron Defense, Gear Grind and Steel Wing
Alphabetty's Attacks: Bonemerang, Dig, Mud Sport, Drill Run, Bulldoze, Sand Attack, Earthquake, Bone Club and Spikes
County Cruncher's Attacks: Poison Jab, Belch, Poison Tail, Venoshock, Poison Powder, Clear Smog, Poison Sting, Toxic and Acid
Captain Puka's Attacks: Fly, Peck, Sky Attack, Wing Attack, Hurricane, Roost, Brave Bird, Drill Peck and Tailwind
Honeycomb's Attacks: Munmunmoon, Magical Moon, Blue Stream, Mind Travel and Icicle WindJolty's Attacks: Wild Act, Twilight Barrage, Wild Bazooka, Twilight Dance, Cork Impact and Bounce Grenade
Sugarcube's Attacks: Kurukuru Tackle, Medical Command, Double Attack, Cosmic Punch, Weightless Hand, Secret Technique Spinning Top, Big Challenge and Comet Beam
Xuna's Attacks: Violet Claw, Secret Technique: Carbon Copy, Shadow Stitching, Revolutionary Fleury, Twilight Dance, Frenzy Serenade, Defeat Soten Boisterous Dance, Momo Glider and Purple Dance
Tree Sap's Attacks: Frost Strike and Biting Ice
Edgie's Attacks: Hurricane Slasher and Moon Ripper
Irvigo's Attacks: Water Strike and Spinning Torrent
Betabit and Betabyte's Attacks: Nevermore and Black Magic
Zip and Zap's Attacks: Sprinkling Needle and Typhoon Cannon
Ruley's Attacks: Oracle Aura and Wind WhipHoneyhive's Attacks: Earth Stomp and Light Charge
Farlitos's Attacks: Vile Spray and Snot Acid
Nurse Firefly's Attacks: Scorning Wrath, Windless Calm and Fountain Of Youth
Gumpy's Attacks: Ruby Flame and Pyro Claw
Voltie's Attacks: Corruption Slash, Devouring Swarm and Stragulation
Yolunda's Attacks: Viral Infection, Scream Annilhilation and Void Of Suffering
Wiggle's Attacks: Claw Tremor and Terra Shaker
Voltage's Attacks: Spark Ripper and Electric Field
Lumberjill's Attacks: Spirit Siphon and Mystic Tremor
Bitter's Attacks: Beauty Hammer and Mirror Charger
Byter's Attacks: Aurora Light and Borealis Stream
Sparkle's Attacks: Fire Fang and Heat Wave
Mr.Trips's Attacks: Pepper Breath, Blue Blaster, Spiral Twister, Super Shocker, Poison Ivy, Marching Fishes, Boom Bubble and Lightning Paw
Shiny's Attacks: Frosty Fang and Crystal Ring
Umbybrella's Attacks: Paws Of Fury and Double Wing Punch
Scarla's Attacks: Vee Headbutt, Pororo Breeze and Rock Crackin
Crookedstar's Attacks: Pincone Attack, Bubble Blow and Gold Rush
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billycorn · 2 months
A ficlet of an explorer's au in which H&P lose at Temporal Tower. (Fair warning, angst ahead!)
An explosion rocked Temporal Tower, throwing Buizel from her feet, and through the dust and flashes of lightning, she glimpsed Jasper taking flight, narrowly avoiding the Dragon Pulse which chased him across the sky, cleaving the clouds.
Turning sharply, the Rufflet dropped like a stone, singeing his feathers on the laser beam. He took a deep breath and roared, but it was barely a squeak in the face of the Legend. Still, Jasper's body flared with a red light, his Bulk Up sending more power through his tiny body and allowing him to fly that little bit faster. At the last second, he flipped, striking out with his tiny talons, but his Close Combat simply bounced off Dialga's tough armour and the dragon spun, swatting him from the sky with a blow of its mighty tail.
Buia dove, catching Jasper before his battered body could crack against the stones. She pulled him close to her chest, and her eyes flitted about. Purple lightning split the sky and the stone tiles of Temporal Spire cracked and raced away on torrents of wind. Dialga roared and staggered, falling to it's knees as an orange light pulsed in it's diamond core before rippling outwards across its scales.
Her eyes widening, Buia's gaze desperately flicked past Dialga, to the altar. That was it, they didn't need to defeat Dialga, if she could just get the Time Gears in place, they could still save everyone!
Dialga roared once more, an outcry of pain and suffering, and a thunderbolt fell from the sky, striking the altar, obliterating it entirely. Her face falling, Buia clutched her partner tighter and Jasper coughed.
He smiled weakly, the expression a painful contrast to his scattered feathers and bloodied plumage. "Buia, the sky is falling."
To Buia's horror, the sky was indeed falling. The space over temporal tower cracked and shattered like glass, a powerful energy wave bursting through the splinter, and with it, Dialga's eyes began to burn red. The Legend glared at the ruined pair before it and drew in a mighty breath, a ball of blue energy forming at it's mouth.
Her gaze falling to Jasper, she brushed debris from his plumage and smiled. "I'm really sorry, J."
Jasper's brows furrowed and he looked strangely at his partner. A tear slipped down her cheek and she nodded.
"I'm sorry I ate your dinner that time. Sorry for telling Loudred that it was you who stole his power band. Sorry for setting you on fire." The tears came thick and fast now and Buia ran a hand over his cheek. As the wind grew and the noise reached a fever pitch, Buia's words were lost to the wind, and Jasper didn't catch this last part; a shame really, it was rather important.
"But I'm not sorry for pulling you from the surf. I would do it all over again. Thank you for everything, my irreplaceable partner."
Dialga's energy peaked and it released it's Roar of Time, the attack tearing free the last remnants of Temporal Tower's foundations. The tower collapsed and as the attack reached them, Buia pulled Jasper close, burying her head in his feather's. Thankfully, that was the last thing she felt, the attack was too quick, too powerful, for the pain to set in, only the warmth of Jasper's feathers remained, that and... silence.
Slowly, Buia raised her head, her eyes struggling to open against the grime and dust which caked her once soft coat. The world around her was cloaked in darkness, rocks hung frozen in midair and the clouds overhead didn't move.
Patting herself all over, Buia glanced about in disbelief. "Are we alive?"
"Unfortunately," groaned Jasper.
He rolled from her lap, onto the cold grass and stood slowly, stretching his wings experimentally and giving a few test flaps. He stood on one leg, tucking the other into the dirt ridden feathers of his lower body.
"Where are we?" Buia breathed, standing and spinning in a slow circle.
Glancing at an odd-looking rock, Jasper's head cocked and he took the skies, his flight shaky at first. From above, he could see the darkness stretched on forever, the horizon lost in murk. Below, the earth was pock-marked with scorches, immortalised for all time. One particularly large burned patch rested beneath Buia's feet. Ironic that they'd awaken here, almost as if this, where it all began to fall apart, were made timeless simply to taunt them.
Flying down to land, Jasper ruffled his feathers and plucked some of the dead ones free. "We're in Amp Plains."
Buia planted her hands on her hips. "Are you sure?"
"Certain, and what's more, this is the Dark Future."
Buia groaned, her head falling. "I was worried you'd say that."
His head tilting, Jasper looked at her, the unspoken question thick in the air.
Buia just shrugged. "It feels different here."
Surprisingly, she was right. Apart from the obvious lack of sunshine, the Dark Future held several differences from the past, including the atmosphere. The Dark Future felt heavy, imposing, as if an invisible hand were reaching from the shadows, it's grip slowly tightening around your throat and squeezing the air from your lungs.
Jasper couldn't believe the past would feel this intense so soon after the planet's paralysis, though he didn't have any evidence to support that. With time frozen, was it possible for the Dark Future to get, well, darker? It certainly felt like it had last time they were here, though it's possible that was the stress playing on Jasper's nerves. Agh, thinking about it was useless, he'd simply have to find evidence as to whether this was the past or the future, then he could...
Buia arrived at the conclusion a second later. Wringing her hands, she took a deep breath and glanced at her partner. "So, what now?"
Jasper laughed, slow and quiet at first, but it quickly rose, becoming an uproarious chortle, drifting across the wasteland. "What now? Buia, we failed! There's nothing left to do!"
Her face falling, Buia flicked her tails around and ran a paw soothingly over them. "So, we'll try again."
"If this is the future, Celebi must be here. She can send us back, and we'll try again."
"It won't make a difference, don't you get that?! Dialga is too powerful. We are too weak. We are not enough."
Buia's fur bristled and she clenched her fist, her apprehension quickly being replaced by something with much more fire. "Then we'll find Grovyle, too!"
His face setting like stone, Jasper's voice turned to ice. "We don't even know if he's alive."
"He wouldn't lose to Dusknoir," scoffed Buia.
"We did." Jasper stared hard at his partner, and felt something in his chest ice over. "We lost to Team Skull at Apple Woods. We lost to Grovyle at Quicksand Cave and Crystal Crossing. We lost to Dusknoir when he grabbed us, and if not for Grovyle, Dusknoir would've beaten us twice more." Jasper pointed fervently at the scorch mark under Buia's feet. "If not for Dusknoir we would've lost here, too! Buia, we are not enough."
Jasper saw it, he saw the words click over in Buia's mind, and circle dangerously, and he saw her spirit break. It happened so fast, the sag in her shoulders, and the thud of her tails in the dirt as they slipped from her paws. It was like all the fight, all the life, was taken from her; taken by her partner.
Her head down, Buia turned and began trudging away, her tails dragging in the dirt.
Jasper threw his wings up in disbelief. "Where are you going?"
Pausing, Buia glanced over her shoulder. "Home. I'm... tired."
That, Jasper could understand. He fell into step behind Buia, wordlessly following her home. Unable to keep from reminiscing on the last time they left Amp Plains, Jasper wondered what Buia was thinking about. Probably nothing, she was never one to think to hard about things. That thought almost made him smile, almost.
Eventually, the pair arrived at the Crossroads to Treasure Town. Buia glanced down the path to the beach, then towards Town. The ocean used to carry music from Spinda's, and lively chatter from the marketplace, this silence wasn't right.
Dragging her feet, Buia marched up the stairs to the Guild, blanching upon seeing the fallen totem poles and the destroyed Wigglytuff facade. The whole thing had been replaced by an ugly wooden structure, except for a hole which had been hastily covered with a blue tarp, making it look like an icy eye, gazing out over the lifeless world. An iron gate barred the entrance and Buia gazed distantly at the grate.
Back then, she had been all too ready to jump on that grate, ready to find out what she was made of. Now, all she felt was a roaring anxiousness. Would anyone answer? If they did, would it be their fellow guildmates or strangers?
Sucking a breath in, she wrapped her arms tight around her chest and stepped onto the grate. For the longest time, there was no answer, so Buia called, "Diglett, are you there?"
The silence stretched on, finally being broken by the sound of someone crawling, followed by a muffled argument. Buia was about to call down again when the gate slid open and an Azumarill stepped out.
"Team Typhoon," Azumarill said fondly. "I never thought I'd see you again."
Jasper's eyes narrowed and he hopped closer. "Do we know you?"
Azumarill scoffed, and he nodded. "You did once. You saved me from Drowzee."
"Azurill?" Exclaimed Jasper, his voice peaking.
"Let's talk inside. It's not safe out here." Azumarill waved them in and promptly jumped down the ladder.
Buia followed him, unable to see the once cheerful boy in the solemn Pokemon before her. She slid down the ladder, only briefly stopping at the first floor. She couldn't bare to turn around and really see it, she was certain it would be just another knife to her heart.
The guild's second floor was tidy, but it felt quiet and empty. Several torches filled the room with a meagre light and struggled to fight the cold which seeped through the stones. Croagunk's cauldron was stone cold, waiting for it's master's return; unfortunately, it would be waiting an eternity. In the centre of the room, Azumarill waited beside a Dugtrio.
Buia's head tilted as she eyed the Dugtrio. "Diglett?"
Smiling sadly, Dugtrio said, "Hi, Buia."
When Jasper landed next to her with a light ruffle of his feathers, Buia didn't so much as glance at him. It was all she could do to clutch at her chest and whisper, "what happened?"
Dugtrio and Azumarill shared a look, and eventually Azumarill sighed. "We waited for you, but you never came home. When time froze, we assumed you were gone. The guild got an influx of requests, and they tried to help as many people as possible but..."
As Azumarill trailed off, Dugtrio took over. "Things just kept getting worse. More and more Pokemon were losing themselves. We lost Chatot first. The Guildmaster wasn't the same after that. Loudred, Sunflora, Corphish, Croagunk and Chimecho, one by one they... Pretty soon, it was just Bidoof, Dad, Marill, Azurill, and me."
Her heart catching in her throat, Buia's eyes widened. "Where are they?"
Azumarill took a deep breath and hardened his face. "Dugtrio went out to find food and never came back. Bidoof and Marill went after him. We haven't seen any of them since."
Buia shook her head. "That can't be right. Marill wouldn't just leave you behind, he wouldn't-" Her lips trembling, Buia froze mid-sentence as Jasper's words hit her all over again. They really had failed, and it was put on full display for the world to see.
Jasper, the one who spent years fighting for a sunrise he'd never see, and Buia, the one chosen by the relic fragment, were nothing more than dreamers who never stood a chance. Beautiful little fools, that is all a child should be, so these two, still so young, why had that been taken from them and made timeless?
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maguro13-2 · 2 months
Shattered Hero Rekindled ~ Origins of the Ink Demon : Episode Maka Pt.3 ~
*Earlier before Eggman's disappearance*
[Carnival by Fumie Kumatani]
Nozomi : Wow...It feels good to be slim and active! Being an enthusiast has never been this really refreshing! It feels good to get myself alive! Even without wings, I can still fly!
*Phone ringing*
Nozomi : Hmm? Oh, I got call from my friend. I wonder she's up to?
Nozomi : Yello'! Hey, Miyata-san! Yeah, I just got back from pratice in my hometown of Honolulu, Hawaii. Yeah, It was really fun back there, surfing was my passion. I thought of this before, but the only problem is that I am only 9 years old, but aged progressed into the body of a 17-year college graduate. Not the best size that I had in mine, eh?
"Nozomi Kaminashi : "Extreme Sports Enthusiast"
Nozomi : Well, I could really dig it if you know what I mean. but when it comes to the body of a kid. I'm always into extreme sports, cause I'm an extreme sports enthusiast, normal and extreme sports are my only thing in the competition! Like I do skateboarding, do some rock climbing on the mountains, wave riding, and of course, the best part of an Extreme sports enthusiast! Skateboarding!
Sayaka Miyata via phone : No way! I ain't going out for fun! But I do know that this Robotnik fella is giving out hoverboards called extreme gear. But are you saying you wanted to be called Hip Whip Girl, that is not even a real sport. The real sport over here is swimming.
Nozomi Kaminashi : What? Keijo is real, Nozomi, the government established it!
Sayaka Miyata : Since when, the dawn of the 21st century?
Nozomi via phone : Something like that.
Sayaka Miyata : Yeah, cause it was my day when they discovered that Peace invented Keijo, invented from Smash.
"SAYAKA MIYATA : Martial Arts Champion"
Sayaka Miyata : Anyways, I'm on way to see you grabbing on that extreme gear. Head to the shop, immediately. I got a surprise for you.
*scene slides*
Nozomi Kaminashi : This is my first Extreme Gear? You thought of this with no hesitation and with all do respects? I never thought of this before. When did you think of having like this to own an extreme gear like that?
Sayaka Miyata : Well, I did say that this is only a prototype for the occasion. It runs on air and it has the ability to fly.
Nozomi Kaminashi : Oh, I see! This would really test out the Extreme Gear prototype. Let's see if this works.
*Gets on her Extreme Gear*
Nozomi Kaminashi : Alright, here goes!
[Sonic Speed Riders by Rublebee & Tomonori Sawada]
Sayaka Miyata : Ready, Nozomi?
Nozomi Kaminashi : Ready when you are!
*Nozomi and Sayaka dashes off with the music timing*
Nozomi : (excitied) WOOHOOOO! YEAH-HAAAAAA!!! YAHOOO!!!
Sayaka : EXTREME-O!
Nozomi : Wow! Sayaka Miyata! This experience on hoverboards is amazing! I can't wait this to tell others how great riding Extreme Gear is!
Sayaka Miyata : I heard the news about the girl being released. Didn't you hear?
Nozomi : What about the news?
Sayaka : They say that Grim the Hedgehog, the Mobian Death God of Mobius, decided to release Maka Albarn earlier before, now they're saying that she has finally cleared her name.
Nozomi : Now that figures. So a former middle school student is being released from the castle?
Sayaka : True!
Nozomi : Whatever you say, Saya! But I will show you my true speed when it comes to flying in the sky!
*Jumps over the vehicle*
Nozomi : Awesome!
Sayaka : No fair, I'm gonna beat you towards it!
Nozomi : You first, Miyata-san! There's no way that no one's gonna slow me down! Last one to the finish line is a rotten--
Ethan : Hey, Look out!
Nozomi : WOAAAAH!!!
Nozomi : AAAAH!!!
Ethan : AUGH!
Nozomi : Ow! Ow! Ow! My leg!
Ethan : Ugh! That really smarts!
Sayaka : Nozomi! Nozomi are you alright!
Nozomi : I'm fine! But my leg! it's injured! Oh...Darn it! Why didn't I pay attention crossing road.
Ethan : You really think so. It's really bad doesn't.
Mirei : Excuse me, you two. It seems that both of your legs have been injured.
Nozomi : Yeah, no problem at all. If only that it works all the time, there's gotta be some healing magic.
Mirei : Here allow me to help you.
*Mirei uses Resta to heal both their legs*
[Mirei's Theme by Fumie Kumatani]
Sayaka : Woah. Check you, Nozomi. She just healed your arm with...TP! That's TP from PSO!
Nozomi : TP...from PSO?
Mirei : There, feeling all better now?
*Ethan and Nozomi*
Nozomi : Yeah, all good. Thanks for saving our lives.
Ethan : Yeah, no problem. Huh?
Nozomi : Wha-?
Nozomi & Ethan : Hey you! What are you doing here!? Hey, have I seen you before?
Nozomi : Well, no siree. I haven't seen you in my life.
Ethan : Neither do I.
Nozomi : Sorry for all that bit in a pickle, but we got the same hoverboards as you do.
Ethan : Same here.
Mirei : Well now...I must get going. Today is the ceremony. You two be safe from now on.
Nozomi : We'll do, ma'am.
*Mirei enters back her transport*
Ethan : So...That was nice of her.
Nozomi : Yeah, too nice of her.
Miyata : Sorry, that we run into accident, but she did saved your lif tho, it's like she was using magic to heal one injury at a time. That elf girl is really...
Ethan : A newman.
Miyata : Like how did you know?
Ethan : I've seen her before you even knew that she is the divine maiden?
Nozomi : That elf girl so-called a newman...is the Divine Maiden?
Ethan : Mirei Mikuna, the Divine Maiden's name. So, youngster. We haven't introduced to our selves.
Nozomi : Ummm, R-Right! I'm Nozomi, Nozomi Kaminashi and this one over here is my friend, Sayaka Miyata. And you are...
Ethan : Ethan...My name is Ethan Waber.
"Ethan Waber : Main Player Character of PSU".
Ethan : It's cool for a girl like you that you would be an enthusiast. I bet Mr. Sonic would be pleasing you to meet him at the race.
[Making Character by Fumie Kumatani]
Nozomi : Hmm? Mr. Sonic? The legendary blue blur himself. I've know him a lot of since I was a kid, he's a video game icon in the gaming industry. He's a mascot of that multinational company called SEGA right?
Ethan : Correct. But the important fact is, I'm new to his developer, Sonic Team.
Nozomi : You mean...you and that elf-girl named Mirei are new to Sonic Team?
Ethan : Yep.
Sayaka : Well, I guess that figures. So, great to be true. I'm on way to see the Blue Blur.
Nozomi : And thanks for noticing that I was going to get hurt. I should've looked ways before running down the road. I won't make the same mistakes. Don't forget, the girl named Maka Albarn just got back to the real world city of San Francisco,
Sayaka : Actually, she was brought back here in the city.
Ethan : Good to hear!
Ethan : Hm? It's my sister, Lumia! She must've worried about the ceremony! Thanks, Nozomi. But I gotta get to Sonic Team, I have an orientation with Yuji Naka. Tell, Mr. Sonic that he'll greet you at the race! Later! *grabs his hoverboard and hops on aboard*
*Boost off*
Ethan : WOOHOO!
Nozomi Kaminashi : Where were we? Oh yeah!
Sayaka Miyata : Let's go meet Mr. Sonic!
Sonic : Yo, guys!
Tails : Ah! There you are, Sonic.
Knuckles : You're all fired up.
Sonic : I heard that the officials called. They're saying that Eggman's robotic copy of me is about to bail out of jail. Ever since Shadow ended the Black Arms invasion and meeting Blaze during the Rush, it's so hard that I am finding out my co-creator Yuji Naka is leaving the building, I mean the company.
Tails : That's really a sad honor, I hope there are more games for Yuji Naka like that in the future.
[Eggman Again by Kenichi Tokoi]
Eggman : Greetings, citizens of Real World AU.
All : Eggman!
Eggman : Ladies and Gentlemen, thank you all for coming to this special announcement, I, Dr. Ivo Robotnik, head of Eggman Industries or Robotnik Corp has given you all your very own personal Extreme Gear, made with the finest technology built for transportation and of course, sporting!
Nozomi : So this is Dr. Ivo Robotnik.
Sayaka : I wonder what this man has to offer us before?
Eggman : Since you all participating of using the Extreme Gear from the shop, I've decided that I am hosting a tournament that is about racing on extreme gear. Not just a race, but a special race to see who's the fastest!
Sonic & Nozomi : YOU DON'T SAY!?!
Eggman : This tournament that I'd like to call it, the EX World Grand Prix! The tournament consists of five racing locations such as Metal City, Splash Canyon, Egg Factory, Green Cave, and even the desert...Sand Ruins! And these races are no-holds-barred!
Nozomi : Sand Ruins. Where did he heard that place before?
Eggman : And with all particpants are in the race, the entry fee will cost the amount of one Chaos Emerald, and the winner will receive their prize that takes it all! So...Let's see who are among those that dares to meet this challenge?
*sigining off*
Nozomi : Looks like the mustache offered us to be at the racing tournament, I wonder what's he up to now these days.
Sayaka : Your guess is good as mine. I would take it all in.
*signing back on*
Eggman : And there's more, before I forget anyone of seeing this race, I'll present to the current contestants that are already in the race. These players, they're hot as they look. The best racers that I could find.
Nozomi : Who are the racers?
Sonic : Current races*
*screen showing the Babylon Rogues*
Sonic : Hey, that's...
Nozomi : The guy who took all those emeralds from Angel Island...
Sayaka : Or probably that he got it from the special stages.
Nozomi : So that's how we will win the EX World Grand Prix, I've finally understand of what my research can do for the Sand Ruins that has an island underneath the ground for years! As a matter of results, I'll take that challenge!
Sonic : Let's do this!
Sonic & Nozomi : Let's try to Keep up!
*meanwhile at prison*
Metal Sonic : (voiced by Rob Paulsen) I can't even eat this kind of SLOP!
Metal Sonic : After three years of my loss in my Neo Metal Upgrade, that stupid incident led to me to rot here in prison, a 10 year sentence in the joint made me a F***ING P*SSY! I can't even stand being here in this kind of place, making me the only machine that wanted to be rotten in prison in three years!
*bars banging*
Prison Guard : Hey! Shut up in there will ya!?
Oh If I ever see those meddlesome beings again, I hope the Chaotix never knew about my intentions and I failed to surpass any villain that I have desired since it turned into a giant mechanical dragon. Oh, the Irony. I'll just be in this God-forsaken place even what it means to be a jailer for my crimes against humanity.
Dr.Eggman (Nega in disguise) : What are you doing here, robot?
Metal Sonic : Huh? What the he-Robotnik is that you? What are you doing here in a place of imprisonment like this?
Dr.Eggman (Nega in Disguise) : Why don't ask him for himself, Metal 3.0
Metal Sonic : Metal 3.0? What does that even--Wait a minute, you're not robotnik! Who are you!?
Dr.Eggman (Nega in Disguise) : Why...? I am...Eggman Nega!
Metal Sonic : What do they even call you like that?
Eggman Nega : Hello? Eggman Nega, mad scientist from Sol Dimension, but I'm actually a brilliant scientist from the future!
Metal Sonic : WHAT!?! But...But you were defeated in the Exception Zone! How can you be alive!? Unless, you survived.
[Echo Night - Beyond Ost : Track 12]
*memory shows Sonic and Blaze defeating the Egg Salamander*
*scene changes back to Metal Sonic*
Metal Sonic : I heard when you attempting on destroying's Sonic World with the usage and linkage of the Chaos and Sol Emeralds!
*Metal Sonic gasping*
Metal Sonic : You tried to take both of their worlds, you tried to destroy them with the fabric of space and time! You're a mad man! Ever since the Black Arms Invasion, both you and Eggman had to make sacrificial deals on whether you conquer the world or destroy it within from the inside. You crazy son of a--I'M GOING TO KILL YOU FOR WHAT YOU'VE DID TO THE PEOPLE OF THIS WORLD!
Eggman Nega : Silence!
Metal Sonic : Ngh! *clenching fists+growls*
Eggman Nega : Let's make a deal, I am going to turn everyone on Mobius into collectical prisons called Cards.
Metal Sonic : You make me sick, you know that? Just watch your back. *sits down for a moment+folding his arms*
*Siren wailing*
Metal Sonic : Huh? What was that noise?
[The Grow Strained Moment by Michiru Yamane]
Metal Sonic : What!? Everyone in the facility might be dead, I gotta get out of here, now! I just can't waste time in this hell hole!
*DBZ SFX : Explosion*
Metal Sonic : I gotta warn Eggman and the others! *flies off*
Eggman Nega : Metal 3.0., keep that blue copycat busy!
Metal Sonic : There's no way Eggman Nega would want to turn our world upside after his failed attempt during the Black Arms Invasion. What will the fate of our world when he turns this entire planet into a card or someone's world be the galaxy itself? I have to make sure, that everything will be in order.
Eggman Nega : *chuckles* This is quite the entertaining of watching this world suffer from it's ashes. Or perhaps, I will use the power of the stars to watch burn this world into chaos or even...wake up the Ifrit by myself. *sinister laugh*
~ Level 2 : Meeting New Faces ~
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scoutandvioletfan · 3 months
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Omega Ruby's Attacks: Fire Blast, Ember, Will-O-Wisp, Fire Spin, Sunny Day, Flamethrower, Blue Flare and Fire Punch
Alpha Sapphire's Attacks: Surf, Bubble Beam, Waterfall, Hydro Pump, Water Gun, Dive, Water Pulse, Crabhammer and Whirlpool
Tedgar Emerald's Attacks: Vine Whip, Razor Leaf, Absorb, Petal Dance, Magical Leaf, Stun Spore, Wood Hammer, Spore and Needle Arm
Mr.Skips's Attacks: Thunder Shock, Electroweb, Spark, Thunderbolt, Electro Ball, Thunder Punch, Nuzzle, Thunder Fang and Wild Charge
Charlotte's Attacks: Attract, Double Team, Strength, Cut, Protect, Sing, Tickle, Headbutt and Tackle
Princess Lullaby's Attacks: Moonblast, Flower Shield, Baby-Doll Eyes, Moonlight, Charm, Draining Kiss, Play Rough, Geomancy and Sweet Kiss
Princess Mistletoe's Attacks: Ice Beam, Mist, Icy Wind, Avalanche, Icicle Crash, Blizzard, Aurora Beam and Hail
Scaredy Circuit's Attacks: Bite, Thief, Crunch, Beat Up, Payback, Snatch, Taunt, Feint Attack and Punishment
Creative Crafty's Attacks: Rest, Teleport, Gravity, Lunar Dance, Heart Swap, Psywave, Zen Headbutt, Psybeam and Hypnosis
Prince Sleeper's Attacks: Dragon Claw, Dragon Rage, Twister, Dragon Breath, Dragon Tail, Spacial Rend, Roar of Time, Outrage and Dual Chop
Queen Sissy's Attacks: Nightmare, Shadow Sneak, Trick-or-Treat, Shadow Ball, Lick, Phantom Force, Confuse Ray, Hex and Curse
King Bobber's Attacks: Head Smash, Rock Slide, Stone Edge, Smack Down, Rollout, Rock Tomb, Power Gem, Sandstorm and Rock Blast
Vanilla Berry's Attacks: Infestation, X-Scissor, Pin Missile, Spider Web, Leech Life, Fury Cutter, Bug Bite, Steamroller and Twineedle
Dr.Meteor's Attacks: Rock Smash, Karate Chop, Sky Uppercut, Revenge, Brick Break, Circle Throw, Dynamic Punch, Triple Kick and Wake-Up Slap
Detective Cluey's Attacks: Iron Tail, Metal Claw, King's Shield, Bullet Punch, Mirror Shot, Gyro Ball, Iron Defense, Gear Grind and Steel Wing
Alphabetty's Attacks: Bonemerang, Dig, Mud Sport, Drill Run, Bulldoze, Sand Attack, Earthquake, Bone Club and Spikes
County Cruncher's Attacks: Poison Jab, Belch, Poison Tail, Venoshock, Poison Powder, Clear Smog, Poison Sting, Toxic and Acid
Captain Puka's Attacks: Fly, Peck, Sky Attack, Wing Attack, Hurricane, Roost, Brave Bird, Drill Peck and Tailwind
Honeycomb's Attacks: Munmunmoon, Magical Moon, Blue Stream, Mind Travel and Icicle Wind
Jolty's Attacks: Wild Act, Twilight Barrage, Wild Bazooka, Twilight Dance, Cork Impact and Bounce Grenade
Sugarcube's Attacks: Kurukuru Tackle, Medical Command, Double Attack, Cosmic Punch, Weightless Hand, Secret Technique Spinning Top, Big Challenge and Comet Beam
Xuna's Attacks: Violet Claw, Secret Technique: Carbon Copy, Shadow Stitching, Revolutionary Fleury, Twilight Dance, Frenzy Serenade, Defeat Soten Boisterous Dance, Momo Glider and Purple Dance
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jetflygeek · 6 months
How do you control an electric surfboard?
To control the speed and direction of the electric surfboard, riders use a handheld wireless controller. This controller is equipped with buttons or a throttle lever that allows the surfer to adjust the speed of the motor. By pressing the throttle or adjusting the buttons, the rider can increase or decrease the power output of the motor, resulting in faster or slower speeds.
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When the rider activates the motor, it transfers its rotational energy to a propeller or impeller located at the rear of the board. This propeller, which is submerged in the water, generates a powerful thrust that propels the board forward. The greater the power output from the motor, the more forceful the thrust, and the faster the board will travel.
The electric surfboard's design incorporates several key features to ensure stability and maneuverability in the water. The board itself is typically constructed from lightweight and durable materials such as carbon fiber or fiberglass. This allows the board to remain buoyant while offering strength and stability during the ride.
To enhance stability and control, electric surfboards often feature fins or hydrofoils. Fins are located at the bottom of the board and provide stability by reducing side-to-side wobbling. Hydrofoils, on the other hand, are wing-like structures mounted underneath the board. They work by lifting the board out of the water as speed increases, reducing drag and improving efficiency.
The rechargeable battery used in electric surfboards is a crucial component that determines the ride time and range of the board. Lithium-ion batteries are commonly used due to their high energy density and lightweight characteristics. The battery is typically charged using a standard electrical outlet or a specialized charger.
The ride time of an electric surfboard can vary depending on factors such as the rider's weight, speed, and battery capacity. On average, electric surfboards can provide a ride time of 30 minutes to over an hour on a single charge. Some high-end models may even offer interchangeable batteries, allowing riders to extend their ride time by quickly swapping out depleted batteries with fully charged ones.
Safety is a paramount concern when using electric surfboards. Electric Surfboard Manufacturers incorporate safety features such as magnetic kill switches, which automatically shut off the motor in case of a fall or loss of control. Additionally, riders are encouraged to wear appropriate safety gear, such as helmets and life vests, to protect themselves while enjoying the sport.
In conclusion, electric surfboards revolutionize the way we experience surfing by combining the power of electric motors with the excitement of riding waves. By harnessing the energy of a rechargeable battery and utilizing a propeller or impeller, these boards provide surfers with a thrilling and exhilarating ride. Whether you're a beginner or a seasoned surfer, an electric surfboard offers a unique and electrifying experience on the water.
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kitelineonline · 7 months
Ride the Waves: Explore Wing Surf Boards for Sale at Kite-Line!
Are you ready to take your water adventures to the next level? Look no further than Kite-Line for an exciting array of wing surfboards for sale! Whether you're a seasoned water sports enthusiast or a beginner looking to dive into the world of wing foiling wings for sale, we've got you covered with top-notch gear to fuel your passion for riding the waves.
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Unleash Your Potential with Wing Surf Boards
Wing surfing has taken the water sports community by storm, offering a thrilling blend of kiteboarding, windsurfing, and surfing. With a wing surf board, you can harness the power of the wind to glide effortlessly across the water, performing exhilarating maneuvers and carving through waves like never before.
At Kite-Line, we understand the importance of quality equipment when it comes to maximizing your performance on the water. That's why we offer a curated selection of wing surf boards for sale from leading brands renowned for their durability, performance, and innovation. Whether you prefer a compact and agile board for high-speed rides or a stable and maneuverable option for mastering new tricks, we have the perfect board to suit your style and skill level.
Discover Your Perfect Wing Foiling Wings
No wing surfing experience is complete without the right set of wings to propel you across the water with precision and control. At Kite-Line, we offer a diverse range of wings for sale, designed to cater to riders of all ages and abilities. From beginner-friendly wings with ample stability and low-end power to high-performance options engineered for advanced maneuvers and aerial tricks, we have everything you need to elevate your wing foiling game.
Our collection of wing foiling wings boasts cutting-edge designs and innovative features aimed at enhancing your overall experience on the water. Whether you're seeking increased lift, improved stability, or enhanced control, our wings deliver unparalleled performance to help you push the boundaries of what's possible in wing surfing.
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Why Choose Kite-Line for Your Wing Surfing Needs?
When it comes to purchasing wing surf boards and wings, you deserve nothing but the best. At Kite-Line, we take pride in offering a premium selection of gear backed by our commitment to customer satisfaction and quality assurance. Here's why you should choose us for all your wing surfing needs:
Expert Guidance: Our team of water sports enthusiasts is dedicated to helping you find the perfect gear to suit your needs and preferences. Whether you're a seasoned pro or a first-time rider, we're here to provide expert guidance and support every step of the way.
Top Brands: We partner with leading brands in the water sports industry to bring you the latest innovations and highest quality gear on the market. With brands like Kite-line, you can trust that you're investing in gear that's built to perform.
Unrivaled Selection: Our extensive collection of wing surf boards and wings ensures that you'll find exactly what you're looking for, no matter your riding style or skill level. Plus, with new arrivals and exclusive deals regularly added to our inventory, there's always something exciting to discover at Kite-Line.
Customer Satisfaction: Your satisfaction is our top priority. That's why we go above and beyond to provide exceptional service, fast shipping, and hassle-free returns to ensure that you have a positive shopping experience with us.
Start Your Wing Surfing Adventure Today!
Ready to embark on your wing surfing journey? Explore our selection of wing surf boards for sale and wing foiling wings to find the perfect gear to fuel your passion for riding the waves. Whether you're seeking thrills, mastering new skills, or simply enjoying the freedom of gliding across the water, Kite-Line has everything you need to make your wing surfing dreams a reality. Shop now and experience the excitement of wing surfing like never before!
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